Hypnosis Haven Weekly Digest
Therapeutic Imagery 301 An overview on Therapeutic Imagery and how it can help.
by Susana Padilla on July 2016
What Can I Expect From Guided Therapeutic Imagery? “There are winds of destiny that blow when we least expect them. Sometimes they gust with the fury of a hurricane, sometimes they barely fan one’s cheek. But the winds cannot be denied, bringing as they often do a future that is impossible to ignore.”
― Nicholas Sparks
When we arrive to the inevitable future, we may need some assistance in getting through or over something, we may need help in moving forward, or learn how to gain inner strength to reach goals. For many of those life experiences, there is Therapeutic Imagery. Therapeutic Imagery can help to uncover within the mind discoveries of what is already within each individual. It can provide the catalyst for clients to design and venture into life with confidence, knowing that what they have overcome will no longer have the hold on them and what comes unexpectedly can be met with a calm response of deep inner strength.
The Therapeutic Imagery Series is designed to help clients throughout some of the challenging, unexpected or troubling moments that may come to happen in life. It is also a great tool of discovery for clients who are ready for ‘the next step in life’. Whether planning a new career and in need of confidence , creative boosts , or overcoming a fear of dentists or needles, to relaxation and weight management , Guided Therapeutic Imagery can help with it. It is designed to help clients who believe hypnosis will not work with them or for them.
Therapeutic Imagery Journeys use a language tailored to the individual whose own subconscious mind connects deeply to its own personal imagery and symbols. Sometimes, during therapy, a ‘block’ whether it is known or unknown, may arise. There are specific journeys that will help shift from a stuck state of mind, it helps to overcome negativity and go straight to the heart of the matter. These journeys can help to unlock doors and assist in finding inner strength to overcome the process. The powerful symbols that arise are always profound and specific to the individual. Guided Therapeutic Imagery journeys experienced in a series are great for building Resilience , Confident Independence , Decision Making , Going Forward , Overcoming Negativity.
Then there are the really significant changes and challenges in life. Sometimes waiting for a test result can be life altering. Learning to cope with a diagnosis , adapting to unexpected life changes, from career loss, pain, divorce, to loss of a loved one, life can bring us things we may not have been prepared to handle. And even expected changes, like “Empty Nest” , retirement or a promotion , can leave some feeling they are ‘off’. When the impacts of life take long to get over or to learn how to remain Centered , Focused and Aware during these times, Therapeutic Imagery can offer the experience of Relief , Reinforcing Wellness , and a forward direction
For those who align with the Creative Consciousness and resonate with the Universal Oneness, there are journeys designed to open new doors , new empowering beliefs and habits are adapted, as well as the ability to move forward with a sense of new possibilities . Some of the benefits of the experience are an Inner Strengthening , Rebuilding from Within , Connecting with Life , and Self-Ownership. There are so many different journeys of discovery that will uncover and empower clients. The best thing to do is to come in with the true desire to apply the realizations and begin the process of attaining goals , relief , comfort or whatever it is that is desired.
Contact me if you have any questions about Therapeutic Imagery. I look forward to your questions and appointments.
Susana Padilla
Why does Guided Therapeutic Imagery work? Why would I see a C.Ht.? by Susana Padilla on July 2016
When is the best time to come in for a Guided Therapeutic Imagery Session? When can I expect to see changes or results? by Susana Padilla on July 2016
Where can I go to experience a Guided Therapeutic Imagery session? by Susana Padilla on July 2016
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