i-am magazine September/October 2015 CELEBRATIONS

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lasting marriages: REACHING THE

GOLDEN ANNIVERSARY learn to let go and ENJOY the MOMENT the wonders of wine: EVERYTHING you need to know ABOUT WINES CELEBRATING

the small stuff


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TABLE of CONTENTS | celebrations 2015 • • •

What ’s Inside nurture 9

30 23

Learn to Let Go and Enjoy the Moment A great reminder for those of us who get so wrapped up in the details of creating a memorable occasion for our loved ones that we forget to enjoy the moment at hand.

inspire 12

A Mission of Hope Josh and Debs Walker have devoted their lives to helping the homeless — a mission that brought them a surprise blessing they never expected.

achieve 15

Celebrating the Small Stuff Regularly taking pride in what we accomplish and acknowledging the small victories helps us reach our ultimate goals.

16 Saving for Your Big Day Tips to help you plan financially for a future special occasion, whether it’s a wedding, new baby, home purchase, a child entering college, or some other large expense.

19 Exploring Craniosacral Therapy This holistic treatment may offer big benefits for pain and stress management.

35 42

35 Beyond Back Pain: Chiropractors Treat So Much More! Does proper alignment equal pain relief? More people than ever say it does. Find out what you need to know.

38 From Dream to Reality i•am magazine proudly shines a spotlight on a few local women who have bravely set out to accomplish their dreams of becoming successful entrepreneurs.

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indulge 23

create & innovate

The Wonders of Wine If you have unanswered questions about wine, this round-up of practical advice is for you!

Yummy Recipes You’ll Want to Try There’s nothing like making and baking delicious treats for a special occasion. We have chosen a few we love to share with you.


giving back

The Art of Etiquette Whether you are a hostess or a guest, practicing proper etiquette says a lot about you, and it sets a good example for others.

Dr. Pamela Schlembach This caring physician and gifted radiation oncologist at M. D. Anderson’s facility in The Woodlands dreamed of becoming a doctor early on, but faced a winding road before reaching her goal.


28 Make It to Your 50th Anniversary...Together Help your marriage go the distance by practicing these good relationship habits.

29 Embracing “Empty Next Syndrome” Whether your kids are off to college or kindergarten, the transition can be an opportunity or you to reinvent and redefine yourself.



experience 42

Sweet Harmony Woodlands a cappella group sings their way to success.

“celebrate the happiness that friends are always giving, make every day a holiday and celebrate just living.” ~ Sydney Smith

Welcome to i•am magazine

magazine Suzanne Hirayama Founder & Publisher Editor In Chief Creative Director Patricia Ostholm Dianne C. Witter Copy Editors CONTRIBUTING WRITERS

Dr. Sherry Durrett Anjali Gadre Catherine Law GiGi Lewis Dawn Mitchell Patricia Ostholm Michelle Schurman Nina Shadi Dr. Kate Walker Dianne C. Witter CONTACT

6700 Woodlands Pkwy., Ste. 230-281 The Woodlands, TX 77382 EDITORIAL INQUIRIES

info@i-ammagazine.com ADVERTISING INQUIRIES

adsales@i-ammagazine.com i•am magazine is a bi-monthly publication of Yama Media, LLC and is distributed, complimentarily, to residents within The Woodlands, TX. If you are not within our distribution area but would like to have i•am magazine delivered to you, subscriptions are available for $18.00 (six issues annually). To subscribe, send a money order for $18 payable to Yama Media, LLC, along with your full name and mailing address to Yama Media, LLC; 6700 Woodlands Pkwy., Ste. 230-281, The Woodlands, TX 77382. Please allow up to 8 weeks for delivery of first issue. Estimated readership: 200,000+. ©2015 Yama Media, LLC. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without the Publisher’s consent is strictly prohibited. The opinions expressed herein are exclusively those of the writers and do not necessarily reflect the positions or views of the Publisher. The publication of any advertisement or advertorial in this issue does not constitute an endorsement of the advertiser’s products or services by this publication.

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ur mission for i•am magazine is to enhance and celebrate the incredible lives of women through a beautiful “better living” publication that serves as a prominent source of advice, knowledge and inspiration.

Within each issue you will find numerous articles pertaining to health and wellness, fitness and activities, personal finances, travel, personal spirituality and more. Each of the issues are devoted to a theme. We began the year with WELLNESS (Jan/Feb), which was the perfect time to set your goals for the year and chart a course for a healthier and happier 2015. We then followed with the WOMEN’S issue in March/April, which coincided with National Women’s History Month, a celebration of women’s contributions to history, culture and society. This thought-provoking issue reflected on who we are and what we want as women. It aimed to inspire, motivate and educate on so many topics important to women. Our May/June issue is the ever-popular FAMILY & HOME issue. We highlighted various topics including organizing your life

spaces, healthy eating for all ages, enhancing family relationships, and more. DISTINCTIONS (July/Aug) was the theme of our fourth issue. Here, we focused on unique services, inspirational life experiences, and creative products for the home. It doesn’t get more distinctive than that! CELEBRATIONS are the focus of our fifth issue (Sept/Oct), whether it’s a formal special occasion or a less formal social gathering. This issue is loaded with helpful planning tips and recommendations to make your celebration a stress-free success. And last but not least, we close the year with our HOLIDAYS issue (Nov/Dec), where we’ll share creative ways to show your love or personalize your home for the holidays and show you how to make healthier holiday treats or find innovative gift ideas. We’ll also provide inspiration to honor family traditions or create new ones, advice in dealing with the loss of a loved one, and ideas to get into the spirit of the season. We hope you’re enjoying an amazing year of better living with i•am! And remember, this magazine is for you – an intelligent, amazing, modern woman!


Two of the most powerful words; for what you put after them shapes your reality. ~ Unknown

I A M T H E I N T E L L I G E N T, A M A Z I N G , M O D E R N W O M A N


from the publisher

| celebrations 2015 • • •

i am



his is the time of the year that excites me the most...the weather begins to cool off and many celebrations are right around the corner! Starting with the fun of Halloween, then on to Thanksgiving and closing with Christmas/Hanukkah/Kwanza and the New Year, we have so many wonderful opportunities to celebrate with friends, family, and neighbors. In preparation for this exciting time of the year, we have devoted this issue to celebrations of all kinds.

“the more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate.” ~ Oprah Winfrey

We begin with a very appropriate article, “Learn to Let Go and Enjoy the Moment.” It’s a great reminder for those of us who tend to get wrapped up in the little details of creating a memorable occasion for our loved ones, and in the process, we don’t fully enjoy the moment at hand (opposite page). With big holidays approaching, we encourage our readers to “Celebrate the Small Stuff,” which includes taking pride in what we accomplish on a regular basis and acknowledging the small victories that help us reach our ultimate goals (pg. 15). In “Saving For Your Big Day” we offer tips to help you plan, financially, for a future special occasion, whether it’s a wedding, new baby, home purchase, a child entering college, or some other large expense that requires planning ahead (pg. 16). With “formal” occasions coming up sooner rather than later, we also included Q&A advice on etiquette (pg. 20). Whether you are a hostess or a guest, practicing proper etiquette says a lot about you, and it sets a good example

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for others. In future issues, we’ll highlight more etiquette questions. Since wine often accompanies celebratory events, our feature article, “The Wonders of Wine,” answers baffling questions you may have about selecting wine, navigating a wine list, pairing food and wine, hosting at home, and much more (pg. 23). One life event definitely worth celebrating is a 50th wedding anniversary! Here, we offer tips on how to “Make it to Your 50th Anniversary... Together” (pg. 28). Lastly, any celebration becomes extra special with dessert! We feature a few scrumptious recipes that you might want to serve at your next get-together (pg. 30). In close, we hope the next time you need a product or service, you will think of the advertisers featured in i•am magazine first. The production and distribution of our magazine is funded solely by advertising dollars, and we could not bring you this valuable resource without the support of these local businesses. Wishing you a great start to this exciting time of year, and hoping you celebrate and savor special moments with family and friends,

Suzanne Suzanne Hirayama Publisher


• • • enjoy the moment |


Learn to let go and enjoy the moment “life is what happens while you’re busy making other plans.” ~ John Lennon story | Nina Shadi


s women, we often take on many roles. We’re the glue that holds the family together. We’re the personal assistant to everyone in the home, the carpool driver, the dance coach, the ear to hear about a rough day, the storyteller, the maid, the chef, the party planner, the organizer, and so much more. We try to “do it all” every day. We’re the multi-taskers, and researcher supports that women tend to do this much more naturally and easily than men do. We’re like superheroes in a way, ready to take on every task, project, and responsibility. It’s who we are, who we are expected to be, and whether we are aware of it or not, we take pride in hearing from others, “How do you do

it and make it look easy?” But could there be consequences to this never ending planning, entertaining, caring for, and multitasking? This time of year often creates increased stress for women. Kids are back in school, the holidays are just around the corner, and we inevitably spend the next few months stressing over every last detail ahead. Maybe it’s not the holidays you’re planning for. Maybe it’s a wedding, a birthday party, a baby on the way, or a family vacation. Whatever it is, when we get caught up in the preparation and the tasks to be completed, we often become oblivious that the world is passing us by. As Dieter F. Utchdorf put it, “So often we become so focused on the finish line that we fail to enjoy the journey.” PERFECTION IS OVERRATED We want everything to be perfect, but in pursuit of that, we may fail to stop and

experience what is. Going through life always planning and preparing for the next big thing deprives us, and those around us, of fully experiencing the beauty of the journey and of the present moment. When we put pressure on ourselves to create lavish, over the top celebrations, or to cross off every item on a long to-do list, we become stressed, overwhelmed, and self-critical. All of these emotions make today much less enjoyable. In times of high stress our moods are more volatile, we’re more likely to snap, leading to feelings of guilt and regret. These feelings are detrimental to our wellbeing and make our journey in life riddled with unpleasant memories rather than joyous ones. The increased cortisol levels during times of stress also triggers




nurture |

enjoy the moment • • •

a number of physiological responses that can Secondly, being present each moment unfolds in front of you…the emotions you’ll lead to an impaired immune system, decreased is just as important as on that big day. Planning experience, the hugs you’ll have and the laughs brain functioning, and energy for anything takes time and you’ll share. levels going haywire, making consideration, but take care The present moment is your reality; the it physically harder to manage always focusing to keep everything in peronly place you can be. Why spend it removed day to day tasks. spective. Be mindful that it is in your mind, wishing for more, planning for on the next big But the biggest detritoday you are living; tomorthe next moment, and missing good things thing deprives ment of this approach is that row is never a guarantee. At along the way? When you do so, you’re robus of fully we are not mindfully present the end of the day, you want bing yourself of experiencing your life. You’re in our lives. We’re just going, to be able to say, “What I did robbing those around you of your presence. If experiencing living in the preparation and today was worth it.” you’re living in the future, you’ll never know the beauty of the in an idea of the future we As you go through what you’re missing today. have yet to experience. But it’s your day, stop to ask yourself This moment is all any of us truly have. journey and the right here, right now that if you’re being fully present If you’re not here, then where are you? the present really counts. in the given moment. At moment — At this point you’re your child’s soccer game, TIPS FOR LIVING MINDFULLY probably thinking, how am I are you making a list of • Think about how you want to feel during the essentially, supposed to plan for anything everything else you need to planning process, rather than what you want if I have to be mindfully pres- it deprives us of get done, or are you watching the end result to look like. ent all the time? Some things experiencing our the game and cheering when • Practice asking yourself if you’re being fully require planning, careful your child makes a goal? Will present in the given moment three times real lives. thought and consideration. the effort you’re putting into every day for a week. After a week, consider How will I have a dinner planning the perfect details how this exercise has changed your ability to party without planning for the dinner party? of a future event add significance to the day, be present each day. The answer is simple, albeit not easy at first. and to your present moment, or will it only • Take time for yourself while planning to enadd to your stress in the coming week? Every sure you don’t get burned out. Your well CREATE JOY day of the journey matters just as much as what being is more important than any event you INSTEAD OF EXCELLENCE you’re planning for, so make each day count. could plan or goal you could achieve. When you begin the planning process, think about how you want to feel when the THE BEST LAID PLANS… • Put each task into perspective. What will add day of celebration comes, rather than what As women, we need to work at letting go to your life and those around you? What will you want it to look like. Times of celebration of what we think should be, or we wish would only add stress and doesn’t truly matter in are meant to bring us closer to the people we be, and live in the moment of what is. In the the big picture? love. So when you start planning, think about end, the present journey is where you experience • Spend one minute each day simply observing the memories you want to create, not the life. Everything else is either your past, or in your everything around you. Hear the sound of decorations, the table arrangements, the color imagination. This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t the wind, the sound of leaves brushing today, scheme, the food you will serve, what so-andstrive to build a life and have experiences that birds chirping, or cars driving. What did you so will think, or if it will be “good enough.” fulfill your dreams. It means no matter how hard notice that was there all along, but you never Think about the people you can’t wait to see, you try, your reality may not unfold the way you realized it? the laughs you’ll have, the relationships you’ll thought it would, so don’t make your happiness nurture, the sound of all of the kids playing contingent on achieving perfection. • Consider if there are aspects of planning together, the pictures you’ll take, and what it Do things ever go according to plan? I you can share with a friend. This gives you feels like to have your loved ones in one room. would argue never. There’s always a hiccup that an opportunity to reduce your stress level, After all, the beauty and meaning in was unforeseen - and that’s OK; in fact, some while sharing time with those you love. life comes from experiences that bring joy, of our best stories come from plans gone awry! • Remember, the here and now is your only realhappiness, and connection. Think back to Instead of trying to anticipate every possible ity, everything else exists only in our minds. some of your best memories. Do you think of problem, plan for enjoying the experience that those that were with you, and how you felt at that moment, or do you think back to what your wore, how the table was set, and what food was served? It’s easy to get caught up in “life is a great and wondrous mystery, the details, but what matters is the big picture. Studies show our memories are stronger when and the only thing we know that we have for sure we are fully present. How will you capture each is what is right here right now. don’t miss it.” memory today, tomorrow, and on that big day, if you’re not fully present to take it all in? ~Leo Buscaglia

Nina Shadi holds a BA in Psychology, MS in Mental Health Counseling and is a Licensed Professional Counselor currently working as a therapist with families and children in Minnesota. Nina is also the author and creator of With an Open Heart, a blog dedicated to creating moving content related to psychology, well-being, self-awareness, mindfulness, purposeful living, personal growth, transformation and more. For more information about Nina or With an Open Heart, please visit www.withanopenheart.org.

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| young hope ministries • • •

A Mission of Hope Josh and Debs Walker have devoted their lives to helping the homeless — a mission that brought them a surprise blessing they never expected. story | Catherine Law


met Debs Walker at a fellowship hosted by a dear friend at her home here in The Woodlands. Debs told us about her journey helping inner city homeless and low income people in Houston and it was such an amazing, heartfelt story, I was moved to write about her and her husband’s selflessness and courage in giving hope and love to those who have nothing. Debs and Josh Walker met in secondary school in Dublin, Ireland when they were 13. Josh grew up in a family of American missionaries and they moved to Ireland when he was 11. Josh graduated with a Masters degree in computer engineering and Debs earned a teaching degree. They got married while in college. FOLLOWING THEIR PASSION Debs had a passion for working with teenagers in Ireland since she was 15. When she and Josh married, they knew their mission was to work with and serve young people and teenagers. They worked with local youth in Dublin, Ireland for 11 years.. The Walkers hit a road block in their ministry when she developed severe postpartum depression after the birth of their third child. They took a break from youth work and spent some time to heal in Michigan. Debs healed shortly after the move and it was during their time away that God spoke to them about making a more permanent move to Houston. The move was difficult as they had no home, no friends, three young children and eight suitcases. They continued to put their trust in God, knowing that he would reveal their purpose. Shortly after they moved, the International Director of Operations for a large missions organization approached the Walkers to develop a mentoring program in which they would train teenagers and college students from around the world to be involved in blessing their communities. Josh and Debs are also the writers and speakers at international youth discipleship conferences around the world called Teenstreet. They recently returned from Germany where they welcomed almost 5,000 young people from 26 countries for a week of worship and teaching. During this week they also shared their hearts for the homeless and needy and encouraged the teenagers to be involved i•am 12 www.i-ammagazine.com

in their countries for change and community development . In Houston they founded and direct Young Hope. Young Hope works alongside other ministries to bring light and hope to places where things From left to right: Josh, Elysia, Sophie, Debs, Isaia h, and Jack Walker look most hopeless. The goal is to help people at risk realize and use all of the gifts and passions that they were created to use up to talk. (Check out Isaiah’s Story at www. and move out of the desperate situations they togetherforadoption.org/?p=8964.) are living in. They invite international college students to join them for internships for 3 THE DIFFICULT TRUTH months at a time here in Houston. Isaiah’s story is a happy one, but in reality only some babies and children find a A SURPRISE BLESSING loving family to adopt them and provide them Meanwhile, Josh and Debs continue to with a brighter future. The biggest goal for work to bring God’s goodness to the homeless the Walker family now is to help people in on Houston’s inner city streets. Every week they Houston to understand the need in this city meet prisoners being released and offer clothes and around the world. and practical help. They work in homeless The Walkers noted, “The people here in communities and low income neighborhoods Houston have such incredible hearts and want with families living with HIV and AIDS. Every to see a difference in the city. This program Wednesday night, Young Hope partners with helps guide anyone who wants to be involved other organizations at an event open to anyone in community development and bringing in need, providing food, prayer and fellowship God’s Kingdom and goodness by showing to attendees. The Walkers are determined to them lots of opportunities to get involved in show those who want help that it is possible to serving and blessing the people in need in the break the downward cycle of poverty. city.” They want to continue to express God’s “Normally on a Wednesday night, this love to those who have never known this kind parking lot has about 200 people from the of love, as well as mentor a new generation to streets,” says Debs. “They’re homeless, they’re do the same. gangbangers, they’re prostitutes, they’re drug For those who want to find out how to addicts.” The group provides a worship service, help the Walker’s ministries, please email them a speaker, and a meal for attendees, as well as at Debswalker@gmail.com or go to Young some general health care, clothing, formula and Hope’s website, www.young-hope.com. other necessities. It was here, in 2005, that they found “I know what it is to be 3.5 month old Isaiah, the son of a homeless woman who knew she could not take care of in need, and I know what him properly herself. He was very ill and poorly it is to have plenty. I have taken care of. The Walkers took him in, nursed learned the secret of being him back to health, and – at the birth mother’s content in any and every request – they eventually adopted him. situation, whether well fed “Isaiah’s birth mother grew up on the streets of Houston,” explains Debs. “She was or hungry, whether a street kid who never got rescued.” Isaiah, on living in plenty or in want. the other hand, was destined for a very different I can do all this through fate. Today, Isaiah is a thriving, happy child and him who gives me strength.” the Walkers are proud to call him their son.

“Isaiah has been the most amazing blessing to our family,” says Debs. “For me, when I look at Isaiah, I see God’s heart for humanity.” Josh tries to talk about how much Isaiah has meant to their family, but is overcome with emotion and too choked

~ Phil 4:12-13 Catherine Law lives in The Woodlands, Texas, with her husband of nine years, two children and their dogs. Her hobbies include singing and writing Christian songs, playing the piano, and traveling with family.

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• • • celebrating your accomplishments |


Celebrating the “Small Stuff”

You’re pretty amazing! And you should celebrate that. story | Dawn Mitchell


he made the call. It was tough, but she did it. Although Mary desperately wanted to go back to college, she was waiting until her youngest child made it to fifth grade. That was two years ago. All this time, she had been paralyzed with fear about her skills, her age, and her abilities. She was comfortable hiding behind the kids on “Someday Isle.” However, today was different. She made the call to the school admissions office and set up the appointment with the counselor. She is now one step closer to earning her degree in social work. In one moment, Mary made the decision to shift from being comfortable and safe to being courageous and bold. It is a baby step…and it is cause for celebration! Have you ever taken a step that scared you, moved you out of your comfort zone a little, or even made you feel slightly embarrassed as you moved toward manifesting a dream? You may not yet realize it, but your “baby step” exposes the beginning of a huge growth spurt. Taking that first small step means: • You moved past your fears. • You ignored the voice in your head saying, “You can’t do it! Run away now!!!” • You jumped into the unfamiliar/ uncomfortable and you’re still standing. • You moved from perceiving yourself as weak and feeble to strong and powerful in the moment. • You allowed your mindset to shift and for new possibilities to emerge.

“The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” ~ Lao Tzu

CELEBRATING YOUR JOURNEY’S MILE which will help you begin to attract even more MARKERS celebratory moments into your life. Do “baby steps” really deserve that much credit? They most certainly do! Taking GIVE YOURSELF A TREAT the time to celebrate small victories is really I don’t know any woman who doesn’t about acknowledging the inner shift and love fresh flowers, chocolate, or a massage! demonstrated power in the present moment. Instead of waiting for someone else to It is the accumulation of these moments (or acknowledge you, why not send yourself a small steps) that create massive change over special treat or token of love? time. Celebration is not only appropriate, but necessary on PLAY! If we re-define every level. What is it that makes celebration as As women, the your heart sing? What makes “nurturer” within us is often you giggle like you’re back in “pausing to be more comfortable celebrating high school? Having dinner grateful,” we can others while putting view celebration as with friends, painting, riding ourselves last. Many of us your bike, or going to an a sacred practice quickly recognize growth, amusement park? What to help combat progress, or the achievements makes you feel a little giddy? of our family, friends, and burnout, stimulate Yes, go do that! colleagues, but when it comes momentum, and to taking a moment to reflect CONNECT WITH help us maintain on our own progress, we tend NATURE a spiritually to shrug it off or minimize Taking time to walk balanced lifestyle. its importance. Perhaps if along a nature trail, sit by we re-define celebration as the water, or just relax on “pausing to be grateful,” it would be easier to your outdoor patio has a unique way of soothing acknowledge the baby steps on our journey. the soul. In the moment, the remembrance that With this new definition in mind, we can view there is a divine order in place, which affects celebration as a sacred practice to help combat all living things, provides a deep level of peace. burnout, stimulate faith and momentum, and You’ll notice that even the birds are celebrating help us maintain a spiritually balanced lifestyle. with you, too! Although large gatherings complete with music, balloons, streamers, and cake are SHARE YOUR VICTORY WITH A fun, we don’t always have to have the typical LOVING SUPPORTER party atmosphere in order for our practice to Which of your friends, family members, be effective. Here are just a few ways you can or colleagues provide you with positive and learn to “celebrate” the small stuff: loving support? Who will give you a big hug and a great dose of encouragement? Who can help KEEP A JOURNAL you hold the vision of your ultimate goal and As a coach, I recommend that my always point toward your greatness? Share your clients keep a gratitude journal. I have “baby step” with this person. personally kept one for over a decade now and it has changed my life. I suggest writing five Remember, acknowledging your things daily that you are grateful for in the progress is important. Pause and reflect on just morning or evening in complete sentences. how far you have come on your journey. You (e.g. I am grateful for my loving family.) By will see that you are still standing, still strong, pausing to reflect and give thanks in this way, and worth the loving celebration! you acknowledge and celebrate the blessings Now it’s your turn. What will your all around you. It is a very powerful exercise, baby step be?

Dawn Mitchell is a writer, speaker, and entrepreneur with a passion for inspiring professionals in need of spiritual support with work related challenges. As founder of The Corporate Couch, her vision is to give companies the tools, resources, and information needed to create an empowered global workforce. Connect with her at www.TheCorporateCouch.com.





| saving for big life events • • •

Saving for Your Big Day Put it in Writing. Your goal from Step 3, and other important facts, figures and timelines should be in writing. When you commit a plan to writing, it helps you focus on the goal, notice possible errors or omissions in your strategy, and it helps you stay organized as you implement the plan.

story | Patricia Ostholm, CFP®


hether the big day you’re saving for is a wedding, a home purchase, sending your child to college, or some other financial event, the odds that things turn out as you expect go up dramatically when you plan ahead. But while everyone knows this simple truth, financial planning is all too often attempted too late – when there are fewer options and more compromises to be made. Sometimes the problem lies in getting started; but it’s not necessarily a result of procrastination. I’ve found that the real culprit is usually a lack of knowing how to plan, rather than a lack of motivation to plan. And the good news: Most people who are motivated to pursue a major financial goal will have already tackled the first two or three planning steps without even realizing it. STEP 1: EXPLORE OPTIONS Since your big day is important and involves a lot of money, chances are good that you have begun checking out the options. Brides-to-be may have dog-eared bridal magazines, parents may have visited the websites of potential colleges for their children, and middle-aged couples may know where they would like to retire and the retirement lifestyle they want. This part of planning is fun, so it’s easy to get started! STEP 2: RESEARCH COSTS AND FUNDING SOURCES With the Internet, this step can also be relatively easy to do yourself. If you’re planning to buy a home, websites can help you estimate the true cost of home ownership or help you determine how large of a mortgage you can safely afford. And you can find information on mortgage options and special government programs, as well. If, instead of a home, you’re looking to fund college, you might research “529 Plans,” as well as financial aid and scholarship opportunities. STEP 3: SET A FINANCIAL GOAL With research in hand, you’re ready to set a realistic financial goal aimed at achieving your desired result within your timeframe. Of course, the longer the savings timeframe, the more flexibility you’ll have. So, if your daughter is 15 and you want a wedding fund by 25, you’ll have more funding options (just be sure to account for future price inflation when determining how much to save). If, instead, you i•am 16 www.i-ammagazine.com

Save in an Appropriate Account. Savings with a shorter timeline shouldn’t be put in an account that fluctuates in value. If your child is already in high school, save college money in a bank savings account (note: never save in a checking account because you might accidentally spend it!). For a trip-of-a-lifetime more than five years out, you may want to invest for some growth. For retirement goals, consider tax-deferred investments such as a 401(k) plan or an IRA account.

want to start a business two years from now, your financial goal may rely more on bank loans than a systematic savings plan. So, steps 1-2-3 are pretty straightforward. And congratulations – you are more than half-way through! But now comes another point where many people get stuck. Here’s a few tips to keep the momentum going: STEP 4: SELECT A SAVINGS STRATEGY & IMPLEMENT In this crucial step, you’re determining a savings strategy to reach your financial goal and you’re putting that plan into action. Sometimes this is easy, but other times the best solution may not be apparent. In these cases, hire someone with the expertise to help you make a better decision. But, if you feel you can manage on your own, consider these suggestions:

Automate Savings. Life is busy. Put savings on auto-pilot so you save as planned, on schedule, and are more likely to reach your goal. Investment accounts can be linked to a bank account to make systematic deposits. You may also link a checking and savings account. Also, try to save as frequently as your cash flow allows. Saving monthly is a popular choice. STEP 5: MANAGE & MONITOR PROGRESS Just because you’re saving on auto-pilot doesn’t necessarily mean your plan is on track. If savings is invested, manage it appropriately. And whether or not the funds are invested, it’s smart to periodically monitor progress toward your goal. If you find you’re off track, don’t get discouraged; just focus on getting back on course. And don’t be afraid to make changes if needed. Also, if you’re invested for long-term growth, be sure to dial down your investment risk as you get closer to the end of your timeline. Don’t risk a large loss shortly before you need the money.

“do not save what is left after spending, spend what is left after saving.” ~ Warren Buffet

Patricia Ostholm, CFP®, is a personal financial advisor, a teacher of financial education, and a freelance financial writer.

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still remember the day Sara came to my office. She was in her late 20s and was suffering from several health issues. She was so deconditioned that she used to be in and out of the hospital quite often. She was in severe pain but could not tolerate any pressure on her skin. Since craniosacral therapy (CST) is very gentle, it was perfect for Sara. After just two sessions, she called me sounding very happy and excited. She had noticed that her pain had reduced significantly and she felt very relaxed – a feeling she hadn’t experienced in years! She was most surprised by the fact that, after six years of having no menstrual cycle due to taking high doses of medication, her normal periods returned. Her gynecologist was very happy. For a woman, regular periods are a sign of balance and harmony in the body. WHAT IS CRANIOSACRAL THERAPY (CST)? CST is a hands-on treatment that has its roots in osteopathy, an ancient art of bone-setting. Dr. John Upledger, an osteopath, developed this technique in late 70s and described his own experiences and how he developed his technique in his book “Your Inner Physician and You.” When I first read that book I was fascinated by his approach toward healing and wellness, which was completely different than what I studied in school for physical therapy. I decided to learn more about this therapy. Since 2004 I have treated numerous clients using this technique and seen astounding results. The philosophy behind CST is that it helps restore equilibrium in the body. We as therapists do not heal your body, your body heals on its own. Then what is the role of CST

in your healing, you may ask? Let me explain with an example. If you get a cut, your body can heal it. It is expected - we don’t get surprised or shocked when the body repairs itself. But if that cut gets infected, we need to put an antibiotic on it. Does that antibiotic heal the cut? No. It is still your body that is doing all the healing. The antibiotic is just killing the bacteria and helping along the way. CST works in similar ways. It guides your “inner physician” so your body can restore itself to health. CST is based on the principle of holistic health. Our body holds the blueprint for vibrant health and giving it a warm nurturing space can create the conditions to restore well-being. We can treat many health conditions when we treat the whole person and not just the part that is hurting or affected. In a session, the therapist places her hands very gently on client’s body at various locations to balance the craniosacral system. The craniosacral system includes brain, spinal cord and their protective membranes. Just as our cardiovascular system has a rhythm we can measure, our craniosacral system also has a rhythm. We are trained to palpate that rhythm and bring it into equilibrium if we detect any imbalance.

GENTLE ENOUGH FOR CHILDREN CST is so gentle it can be done even on infants. I have experienced these benefits with my own daughter. She suffered from numerous ear infections in her first year of her life and was on high doses of antibiotics that were making her miserable. When I was discussing this with my teacher, she suggested that I perform CST on her. She taught me some techniques that would help drain the fluid from her ears. Within a week we noticed remarkable improvement. Even her pediatrician could not believe it. Since then she has never taken another antibiotic for an ear infection. SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH Several studies have shown the benefits of CST, some of which are documented at www.upledger.com. Researchers in the University of Almeria in Spain found that a 20-week CST program significantly reduced symptoms in the patients with fibromyalgia. In another study at the University of North Carolina, researchers found that CST helped reduce migraine headaches. There are numerous research studies that document benefits of CST for people with chronic pain, depression, anxiety, ADHD, ADD, autism, asthma, MS, women’s health issues and many more.

Anjali Gadre, LMT, is a licensed physical therapist specializing in integrative therapies (massage therapy/myofacial release/ craniosacral therapy), yoga and meditation for the benefit of those suffering from chronic pain. She sees patients at her private practice, Inner Bliss Yoga and Wellness Studio, in The Woodlands. www.InnerBlissStudio.com





| etiquette • • •

the art




tiquette seems to be a thing of the past these days — which is unfortunate. What kind of example are we setting for our children? What impression are we portraying of ourselves to others? Whether in business or at social functions, many seem unaware of the faux paus they have just done. We hope to turn around some of the common blunders and uncertainties into more positive outcomes with our Q&A with GiGi Lewis, Director of Club Etiquette. If you have an etiquette question, please email it to i-am magazine at info@i-ammagazine.com. Write “etiquette” in the subject line and include your name in the body. We just might feature your question in an upcoming issue!

Q: I run into someone that looks familiar but I can’t quite place their face. They start talking with me as if they know me well. I am embarrassed to let on that I can’t remember who they are. What should I do? A: If they didn’t call you by name, reintroduce yourself by using your first and last name. They may have forgotten your name too. You can tell a friend that you are with your dilemma, and have them quickly introduce themselves to the person in front of you. You can introduce your friend, “This is my friend, Susie Hartman.” Then smile and say nothing, pause, and the other person will usually say the name to the person you know. GiGi’s Awkbuster: If all else fails, fess up. It happens to us all. Laugh it off, and continue confidently with your conversation.

GQ: I have been invited to dinner at a friend’s house, and this has become a regular event. Is it always necessary to bring a host/hostess gift? And if so, what type of gift is appropriate? A: It is rarely required to bring a hostess gift. It is usually a choice. For every day gifts, a bottle of wine, flowers, or a bag of their favorite coffee or tea, are traditional hostess gifts.

GiGi’s Awkbuster: Don’t bring an addition to the meal unless it was requested by the host/hostess. Q: Hand written notes/cards seem to be a thing of the past. Is it still more appropriate to write and mail a thank you note or is it ok to just send an email? A: In this age of quick messaging, it is very tempting to just email or text a thank you. In most cases it is appropriate to do that, followed with a handwritten note. With that said, nothing takes the place of a handwritten mailed note. If you have ever received one, you understand exactly what I mean. GiGi’s Awkbuster: Send your handwritten thank you note within a week of the gesture or gift that you want to thank someone for. Be sure to mention the gift and how you plan to use it, or how it has enriched your life. Q: I am planning my child’s birthday party and do not want to invite all 25 kids in the class, as this gets too expensive and out of hand. What is the best way to handle this without offending anyone? A: The best way is twofold: Give a heads up to the invited families that this is a limited group, and that you don’t want to hurt other friend’s feelings. Hopefully, the moms are savvy enough to get the social cue to consider others when speaking about the party. You might provide the invitation list. Also, coach your child to be private in speaking with others about the party. If an uninvited guest asks your child whey they are not invited, have them prepared with an answer with role-playing answers at home prior. Example: “I heard you are having a birthday party this weekend. Am I invited?” Answer—“I would love to have invited you, but my parents would not allow me to invite all my friends.” GiGi’s Awkbuster: Take time out with your child to discuss cause and effect situations that they may not see coming.

GiGi Lewis, founder of Club Etiquette, is an educator, lecturer and active community volunteer. She teaches etiquette, personal development and Cotillion at over 20 Houston locations. For more information, visit www.clubetiquette.com.

i•am 20 www.i-ammagazine.com

Q: I am planning my child’s birthday party and want to keep the guest list to just my child’s friends and not the friends’ siblings. Yet, I have had a few parents ask if it’s ok to bring little Johnny or little Suzie. How do I handle this? Tell them that unfortunately, it is limited to friends only. GiGi’s Awkbuster: Reasonable boundaries are nothing to be embarrassed about. Q: My child has been invited to a party but the invitation does not say if family/siblings are welcomed. Is it ok to ask? The etiquette rule is whoever’s name is on the invitation is who is invited. It is considered rude to ask. GiGi’s Awkbuster: On a mailed invitation, only the names on the envelope are the ones invited to the event. Q: I am out to dinner with a group of friends and acquaintances. I am on a budget so I take care in ordering something small and inexpensive. When the bill comes the host tells the waiter to divide the bill equally among all the guests, but this means I’ll end up paying more than I had anticipated since everyone else ordered more expensive meals and wine/liquor. What should I do? This is a common complaint. Arrange with the server privately to have your own bill separated no matter what, before the meal begins. GiGi’s Awkbuster: Remember that is reasonable to expect to pay for only your bill. Make an agreement before the meal, or try the above.

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Let our readers know about you in this special feature section. You won’t want to be left out! Space is limited. Reservation deadline is November 15th. Contact i•am magazine at info@i-ammagazine.com to receive reservation information.

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• • • wine |


The Wonders of Wine Ever wonder why wine is so popular? And what’s with all the swirling and sniffing? Are you lost on a long wine list? And do you stress over the right wine for a holiday meal or to bring to a party? If you have unanswered wonders about wine, this roundup of practical advice is for you!

story | Patricia Ostholm


o what’s the big deal about wine?” Non-wine-drinkers may wonder how a beverage long associated with wealth and fine dining has become popular in mainstream America. And they may question whether it is worth all the “fuss.” The truth is, wine is no longer just for special occasions and you don’t need to be a connoisseur or spend big bucks to enjoy wine. Need more reasons to give wine a try? Here are five: WINE MAKES GOOD FOOD TASTE EVEN BETTER. The right food and wine pairings are like a match made in heaven. Try cabernet sauvignon with a steak and chardonnay with shrimp or scallops, and you’ll taste the difference. There’s good reason why Italians drink chianti with their pizza! WINE INDULGES THE SENSES. All the swirling and sniffing isn’t just for show: swirling gets oxygen into the wine, which releases the wine’s aromas. And smelling the aromas before you take a sip expands and deepens the brain’s perception of flavor. Hence, swirling and sniffing maximizes taste. WINE IS A UNIQUE PERSONAL EXPERIENCE. With wine’s multi-layered scents and variations between each individual’s sense of smell and taste palate, the perceived flavors of a wine are a little different for everyone. So there’s no right or wrong way to describe the taste of a particular wine (although it can be fun to debate it among friends!). WINE ENCOURAGES SOCIALIZATION AND A SLOWER PACE. Wine glasses are made for sipping, not gulping, and between sips, you can have a nice conversation – or you can chill out just swirling and smelling your wine! WINE MAY HELP MAINTAIN HEALTH. Various scientific studies have concluded that wine (consumed in moderation) may help protect certain parts of the body, including the heart, brain, colon and endocrine system. What’s considered moderate for women? Experts say you can enjoy one 5-ounce glass per day – cheers! continued on next page... www.i-ammagazine.com




| wine • • •

Navigating a Wine List Depending on the restaurant, wine menus are often organized by: the overall grape category (white or red); specific grape variety (i.e., cabernet sauvignon); or by the country or wine region (i.e., Loire Valley, France). If you’re daunted by a lengthy list of sub-categories, here’s a quick way to whittle down your choices:


Before even looking at the wine list, decide if you’d like a white or red wine to enjoy with your entrée (let’s say white, for example).


Now look at the wine list and focus on the grape variety you prefer (let’s say chardonnay). Likely, there will be several choices for a particular grape variety.


Next, consider the price of each of your narrowed-down choices. Some will cost more, some less. The price is affected by a number of factors, including the age (vintage) of the wine, the country and region where the wine was produced, and the judged quality of the wine.


Once you’ve isolated wines that fit your price point, consider the style of wine you prefer. Know that different countries may grow the same grape, but each country’s terrain, climate and wine-making style is different, so wines will taste a bit different. For example, chardonnay may come from France, California, Australia, Chile, New Zealand or South Africa. If you’re unfamiliar with the style differences, the restaurant’s sommelier or wine steward can help you decide which wine best matches your personal taste.

10 Tips for Dining Out Try by the Glass. Trying a new wine can be fun and ordering by the glass is a great way to do that. Also, choose wine by the glass to pair different wines with different courses. White Before Red. If you plan to drink both white and red wine, try to drink the white first. If reversed, a light-bodied white may seem less flavorful after tasting a full-bodied red. Wine Follows Food. If you love a particular wine, feel free to drink it with any meal – wine and food-pairing is not required. But if you’re feeling adventurous, choose your entrée first, then choose a wine that compliments your meal (see Food-Friendly Pairings side bar). You may be pleasantly surprised! Summon the Sommelier. Don’t be shy about asking for advice from the sommelier or wine steward. They can help in recommending a wine variety that will compliment your meal – and your personal tastes. White with Spice. For most spicy meals (such as Thai, Cajun or Mexican), think white wine. The acidity in white wine and the colder temperature helps to mitigate the heat. For barbecue spices however, red wine can work well. Choose a “Bridge” Bottle. When selecting a bottle for the table, consider wine preferences first, and if possible, choose a wine that compliments everyone’s entrée. To bridge the

i•am 24 www.i-ammagazine.com

gap between seafood and white meat, consider riesling (white); between seafood and red meat, consider pinot noir (red). When all else Fails, Order by the Glass. This is a great option if sharing a bottle won’t work. But you’ll often get cost savings if you share a bottle (assume each bottle serves about 5 glasses). Don’t Overpay. Most casual wine-drinkers can’t tell much difference between an averagepriced wine and a more expensive wine. So there’s no need to pay more if you don’t have discerning tastes. Generally, bottles priced slightly more than the least expensive choices are a very good value. House wines are also a good choice for the budget-minded. Send Back Corked Wine. When your bottle is opened, check that the wine is not “corked,” meaning the cork was not entirely air-tight. You’ll know a corked wine by the unpleasant smell, reminiscent of a dank, moldy basement or and old wet rag. Corked wine is rare (about 5% of bottles) but send it back if you get one. Note that synthetic corks cannot become corked. Try a Wine Bar. For a great wine-tasting experience, visit a wine bar. Their staff may be more knowledgeable about wine, and wine flights are a wonderful way to sample different types of wine.

• • • wine |

Celebrate with These Go-to Wines! Wine is no longer just for fine dining, but it’s still the go-to choice for celebrations of all kinds. DATE NIGHT: Pinot noir. Why? Both men and women typically love this wine. And red wine just seems more romantic! 21ST BIRTHDAY: Riesling. Why? It’s a sweeter white wine, which is usually the preference of new wine-drinkers. And rieslings typically have lower alcohol content. WEDDING: Sauvignon blanc, merlot, plus champagne for the toast. Why? You’ll need more than one style of wine for a wedding. And these three are among the most popular, plus they blend with a variety of food. Of course, it’s your event, so feel free to choose the wines you like best! SPECIAL ANNIVERSARY: A well-aged wine (most likely red) with a vintage the same year you married. Why? Because it makes a very special occasion even more special and sentimental! (Note: for long marriages, prepare for sticker-shock.) GIRLS NIGHT OUT: Wine tasting. Why? Because it’s fun! You can either attend a wine-tasting event or create your own by ordering a wine flight at a wine bar. Be adventurous and try wine varieties you are unfamiliar with – perhaps whites such as Albarino from Spain or Gewurztraminer from Germany; and reds such as Barbera from Italy or Grenache from the Rhone region of France. BFF BRUNCH: Prosecco. Why? It’s a sparkling wine so it’s a great choice when you’re eating a wide variety of foods and you don’t want the wine to interfere with the cuisine. And a little bubbly served in a flute glass is always festive! THANKSGIVING REUNION: Riesling or chardonnay for white; beaujolais or pinot noir for red. Why? All of these choices go very well with turkey and traditional Thanksgiving fixings. And when you’re hosting a big crowd, having one red and one white wine provides options. If you had to pick just one wine, go with a sparkling wine. HOLIDAY COCKTAIL PARTY: Pinot grigio or sauvignon blanc. Why? Cocktail parties feature a variety of hors d’oeuvres, which match with crisp, light-bodied white wines such as these. And unless you’re an expert at balancing a plate of food and a glass of wine while mingling, white wine is a safer choice in the event of a spill. TAIL-GATE PARTY: Rosé. Why? It’s served quite cold so it’s refreshing for outdoor occasions, and it tastes perfect with tailgate fare, such as barbecue, burgers, sausage, chicken wings and potato salad. WINE AS A GIFT: Chardonnay or cabernet sauvignon. Why? These are still the two most popular wine choices in America. If you’re not sure of your hostess’ wine tastes, go with chardonnay. continued on next page...

Local Words On Wine

by BRIX Wine Cellars Nita Miller, Co-Owner Q: What’s the most popular “new” wine variety your customers are ordering? A: Rosés. Over the years, we have seen them grow in popularity. Our featured French rosé flight is a definite must during the Houston summer months. Q: What wine variety would you recommend for someone new to wine? A: Malbec is a red wine that is easy to enjoy, with good structure and fruit. For white, I’d suggest chardonnay, moscato or riesling, depending on personal tastes. Chardonnay is heavier on the palate, but it’s an excellent choice with food and there are unoaked choices if that’s what you prefer. Q: What’s your favorite foodwine pairing on your menu? A: I have two: BRIX burger paired with Saunter “Swagger” cabernet sauvignon, and seafood gumbo paired with Beaux Freres pinot noir. Q: For those who have never been to a wine bar, what’s it like? A: Comfortable! We’ve created an​​environment where guests have the opportunity to learn about wine from our knowledgeable staff without feeling intimidated. And as wine interests grow, we hope to be that warm and friendly place where people can relax, dine and enjoy wine, again and again. Situated on the beautiful Piazza Fontana in the Vintage Park Shopping Center in Northwest Houston, BRIX features over 2,500 bottles of wine, representing more than 400 different wine labels, stored in a climate-controlled wine vault. Along with their extensive award-winning wine list and warm atmosphere, they offer an exquisite selection of delectable dishes prepared by their talented chefs. www.brixwinecellars.com


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Wine Glass Writer

www.wineglasswriters.com $9.95 and up for a trio set Say goodbye to abandoned wine glasses and forgotten wine charms. The Wine Gass Writer is a non-toxic, temporary glass marker that can be used to identify wine glasses from one another. Washes off effortlessly with a soapy sponge, yet won’t smudge off. Available in a variety of colors. Makes a great gift, better than wine charms, perfect for wine tastings (write notes directly on your glass!), label your glazed ceramics to label cheeses, hors d’oeuvres, desserts and more, or have fun decorating glasses or mirrors.

Savino Wine Saver Carafe

www.savinowine.com $49.95 Unlike any other wine preservation solution, Savino does not try to control the environment of an opened bottle of wine. Instead, it creates a new, beautiful environment designed to preserve and serve wine. The float creates a physical barrier between oxygen and your wine while still allowing you to pour from the device. Keeps wine fresh for up to one week.





| wine • • •

Texas Wine Trivia • Franciscan missionaries in the Texas Hill Country established the first vineyard in North America circa 1659 – about 100 years before California had vineyards. • Texas now has over 350 bonded and commercial wineries, with an economic impact to the state of 1.88 billion. Texas is ranked fifth in the nation in wine production. (source: Texas Wine and Grape Growers Association).

Food-Friendly Wine Pairings White wines typically pair well with appetizers, salads, seafood, poultry, and most desserts. Red wines pair well with red meat, hearty pasta sauces, anything barbecued or grilled, and chocolate desserts.

Food-Friendly “Safe” Bets: WHITES: Sauvignon Blanc Chardonnay (lightly oaked or un-oaked) Riesling (dry or semi-dry) Pinot Gris REDS: Pinot Noir Beaujolais (Cru, not Nouveau) Rosé (dry) Merlot Cabernet Sauvignon

Food-Friendly “Bold” Bets: WHITES: Albarino from Galicia, Spain Viognier from the Rhone Valley, France Gewurztraminer from Germany or France REDS: Tempranillo from Rioja, Spain Syrah from the Rhone Valley, France Sangiovese (Chianti Classico) from Tuscany, Italy Zinfaldel from California Malbec from Argentina Nebbiolo (Borolo) from Piedmont, Italy

i•am 26 www.i-ammagazine.com

• Texas grows approximately 25 different grape varieties, including well-known red grapes such as merlot and cabernet sauvignon, and lesserknown but popular white grapes such as muscat blanc. Some of the wine varieties that hold promise for the future include pinot grigio, sangiovese and syrah. (source: Texas Wine and Grape Growers Association). • Texas Hill Country Wineries were named among the “10 Best Wine Travel Destinations” for 2014 by Wine Enthusiast magazine. Harvest time (August to September) is an interesting time to visit. For more information, go to www. texaswinetrail.com • There are numerous wine bars and wine shops in the Houston-Woodlands area. Many offer regular wine-tasting events. In June, check out the events during “Wine and Food Week,” held annually right here in the Woodlands.

10 Tips for Hosting at Home SIMPLIFY. For most dinner parties, offering one type of white and red wine is sufficient. You can serve each wine with a different course, but have extra bottles open so guests can drink whichever wine they like best. COMPLEMENT. Ideally, one of your two wines should complement the flavors of your main course. The staff at a wine shop can help you choose an appropriate wine or you can check out food-wine pairing websites (also see our FoodFriendly Pairings side bar). WHEN IN DOUBT, GO SWEETER. If you’re not sure of your guests’ tastes, choose a sweeter wine over a drier wine (i.e., choose pinot noir over cabernet sauvignon or riesling over pinot grigio). Drier wines have more tannins and less residual sugar (although they can still be fruity), so they are more of an acquired taste. REFLECT YOUR TASTES. It’s your event, so select wine varieties you like – and specific brands that you have tasted before. DON’T OVERSPEND. Many good bottles of wine can be had in the $15-$25 range at your local grocer or wine shop. For large parties, a wine shop may offer a discount for buying by the case (12 bottles). DON’T BE CAUGHT SHORT. Assume each bottle of wine serves about 5 glasses and each guest drinks about 2 ½ glasses. Also, keep extra bottles on hand in case a wine is corked, you have more guests than expected or your guests like one wine more than the other. OFFER OTHER OPTIONS. Have a festive non-alcoholic option for those who choose not to drink alcohol. Also, serve water alongside wine. It helps hydrate the body and rinse the palate between courses. SERVE AT OPTIMAL TEMPERATURES. To optimize a wine’s flavors and scents, serve sparkling and rosé wines at around 40 degrees; whites slightly warmer at 50 to 60; and reds between 60 and 70 degrees. Ideally, store whites in the refrigerator, then warm up on the counter and move to a chilled wine cooler. Keep reds at room temperature, then cool in the freezer for 15 minutes or more until you reach the proper serving temperature. SERVE IN THE RIGHT GLASS. Wine glasses are shaped so you can swirl, which brings out the wine’s aromas. Red wine glasses have a bigger bowl than whites because reds tend to have bolder aromas. Ideally, if you’re serving both white and red, choose an appropriate glass for each. But it’s perfectly fine to simplify by using a “red wine glass” for both. DON’T OVERFILL. Red wine glasses should be filled about 1/3 full to allow for swirling. Fill white wine glasses half-way because swirling is less of an issue and the glasses are usually much smaller. Go ¾ full for sparkling wine.

Patricia Ostholm’s passion for writing grew from her first career in marketing and communications. Today, she writes in her spare time, with a focus on women’s interests and issues. She and her husband, Chuck, live in Florida – but they visit family in The Woodlands as often as they can!

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a happy marriage • • •

Make It to Your 50th Anniversary...Together! Help your marriage go the distance by practicing these good relationship habits.

story | Dr. Kate Walker


ou’ve seen the images on television. There is a 50th anniversary party. The couple, wrinkled with age, is dancing together with eyes fixed lovingly on one another. When the commercial breaks and you head to the kitchen to get a snack, you see your partner leaning over the sink cramming a slice of pizza into his mouth and you think “How are we even going to make it 25 years?” Believe it or not there are some concrete behaviors that can lead to marriage longevity. The most important one is, don’t get divorced. This article isn’t about how to keep driving into the same driveway every night, though. This article is about how to practice good habits that will help you enjoy staying married to your partner for 50 years and beyond. There is solid data in the realm of marriage research and I’ve picked out a few things you can change today that will help your marriage go the distance. FIGHT FAIR One of the most reliable predictors of divorce or break-ups is contempt. Contempt is a mixture of disgust and below-the-belt verbiage delivered in a confusing way (picture saying “Really?” with your eyebrows scrunched together and your mouth in a half-smile). When delivered in an argument, contempt leaves the receiver feeling shame, confusion and anger. John Gottman, a premier marriage researcher, identified contempt as one of the “Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse” that are deadly for couples (watch a great You Tube video from the Gottman Institute here https://www. youtube.com/watch?v=1o30Ps-_8is). In fact, Gottman could predict a couple’s likelihood of divorce with 85% – 94% accuracy just by counting the number of contempt interactions between them. THE CYCLE OF LIFE Contempt isn’t the only relationship killer, so is a lack of awareness of the relationship

life cycle. The most difficult time in a marriage life cycle is the time following the exit or launching of the last child. Couples in my practice are often shocked by this. For years they dreamed about the day they could travel unencumbered by teen angst and food spills in the backseat. They pictured their home as this kid-free zone where they could rekindle the romance and increase the frequency of intimate encounters. The reality? Couples who spend 20 to 30 years focused on building a career and raising kids sometimes neglect the marriage. When the last child leaves the home, instead of falling into one another’s arms, they are more like, “and who are you again?” Couples aware of this cycle can be proactive and set aside time for date nights, develop common hobbies, and cultivate groups of couple friends. THE CARE AND FEEDING OF A MARRIAGE RELATIONSHIP By now you are starting to get the picture that marriage takes work and intention. Many of us who were raised in ‘old school’ households where we did not witness the intentionality of our parents might be surprised, or even disappointed by this. We think, “It’s not supposed to take work. If marriage has become this hard, then it must be over.”

To help partners understand this particular kind of work, I ask them to picture a relationship with a plant, a goldfish, a dog, and a human. Plant relationships only need your attention a couple of days a week (and if that’s too much work, you can buy a cactus). Goldfish relationships require a bit more work because you must feed it a couple of times a week and clean the bowl. Dog relationships are more intense because they require daily work: food, training, and entertaining. If you decide to marry (or create) a human, this person is going to need time, attention, physical touch, and words of affirmation every day. This doesn’t make them ‘needy,’ this makes them normal. If that feels like too much work, get a goldfish instead. Making it to 50 years of marriage is going to require more work than raising a puppy or a goldfish, but it promises to be a lot more fun and satisfying. Be mindful of your life stage, be proactive about maintaining your relationship, and eliminate destructive arguing patterns. If you believe your marriage is too far gone, then get help. Once you decide to invest in your marriage, you can do more than just keep driving in to the same driveway every night; sign up for dance lessons for that anniversary party!

Kate Walker, PhD, is a marriage and family therapist and licensed professional counselor in The Woodlands, Texas. In her practice, Achievebalance.org, she specializes in couples and families struggling with difficult issues. She is also president of the Texas Association of Counselor Education and Supervision and teaches the next generation of family therapists as Clinical Director of Field Experience at U of H Victoria, as an adjunct professor at SHSU, and as the owner of Ann’s Place, a non-profit counseling practice and training center.

i•am 28 www.i-ammagazine.com

• • • changes in family dynamics |


Embracing “Empty Next Syndrome” Whether your kids are off to college or kindergarten, the transition can be an opportunity for you to reinvent and redefine yourself. story | Dianne C. Witter


hen my friend Kari’s oldest son went off to college, she didn’t realize what a major life event it would turn out to be for her - after all, she still had two more teens at home. Grief hit her by surprise on the threehour drive back to Houston, and she cried the whole way home. At one point, she asked her younger son to pass her more tissues from the back seat. He said, “Mom, you’ve used them all. Here, I think you need this beach towel.” Kari was what we have since jokingly come to refer to as Beach Towel Sad. Whether it’s your oldest or youngest, whether it’s college or kindergarten, the fact is that these joyful transitions in our children’s lives carry with them a certain degree of loss for us. Loss, and instinctive protectiveness, the vestigial tail of motherhood. While other people see a jaunty grade schooler or an adventurous college freshman, moms also see the baby and toddler he doesn’t even remember being. Sending your child off to school feels like sending your toddler to play in traffic, and every mother’s instinct you have braces against it. Because these are such happy milestones, sometimes we’re not even aware of our parallel grief until it sucker punches us unexpectedly. I did fine for about two weeks after dropping my son at college. Then one day I opened the trunk of my car and saw several unfamiliar, rumpled bedsheets and the remains of craft store vines. As I puzzled over this, I flashed back to the weekend at college and the evening I had Taylor drop me at my hotel and drive my car back to his dorm. Suddenly, the picture came into focus, and the bottom dropped out for me. My BABY went to a TOGA party! My bald headed, chubby cheeked, mama’s boy baby went to a toga party. Sure, he had been all arms and legs and hair and attitude for some time, but this was the arrow that hit its mark. That baby boy who needed me for his very survival and happiness was long gone and never coming back. How did I not already know that? And without him, who was I and what was my purpose?

SO, WHAT’S NEXT? Having identified myself as Taylor’s Mom for so long, I was suddenly a free-floating Person in the World. That’s when I realized that this time in every parent’s life shouldn’t be called Empty Nest syndrome, it should be Empty Next syndrome, because - after soaking a large beach towel with tears, the question becomes: What’s next? If you have a child going off to school this year - whether you’re a stay-at-home mom whose last child is entering school or the parent of a college freshman - expect to feel somewhat unmoored by your changing role. Soak a beach towel or two…and then dry your eyes and start having some fun with Empty Next syndrome! Ask yourself, “What IS next?” This transition offers new freedom to redefine your life. You may want to ramp up your career, write a blog, volunteer for a cause you’re passionate about, rekindle old friendships (or your love life), go back to school, or do more traveling. What have you always wanted to do but never had the time or energy? Now’s the time to follow your dream! Parenthood is a series of beautiful losses. If our children have taught us anything, it’s that as one stage morphs into another, we gain as much as we lose. I’ll always miss the precocious, creative four-year-old with the unbelievable vocabulary and the hilariously insightful questions, just like I miss the fiercely independent adolescent honing his considerable social skills and razor-sharp sense of humor. (Note: I don’t much miss the slacker high school senior; just sayin’.) But I wouldn’t trade the handsome, responsible, thoughtful adult … peer… he’s become for anything in the world. The question now is, who will you become?

ABOVE: Taylor, first day of kindergarten; AT LEFT: Taylor, first day of college

parenthood is a series of beautiful losses. Dianne Witter is a freelance writer based in Houston. Her bald headed, chubby cheeked baby, Taylor Hutsler, just graduated from Texas State University.




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Pumpkin Cranberry Cookies Makes about 1 dozen cookies Preheat oven to 350˚F INGREDIENTS 1-1/2 cups flour 1/2 teaspoon baking soda 1 teaspoon cinnamon 1/4 teaspoon fresh ground nutmeg 1/4 teaspoon ginger 1/2 teaspoon salt 3/4 cup dried cranberries 3 tablespoons unsalted butter, softened 3/4 cup white sugar 1 cup brown sugar 1 egg 1 teaspoon vanilla 1/2 cup pumpkin puree GLAZE: 1 cup powdered sugar 2 tablespoons orange juice (no pulp) INSTRUCTIONS

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In a large bowl, combine the flour, baking soda, cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger, salt and cranberries. Whisk until combined. In the bowl of a stand mixer, cream the butter and both types of sugar on high speed until well combined. Add the egg, vanilla and pumpkin puree mix until well combined. Turn the mixer on low and add the flour until just incorporated. On a baking sheet sprayed with cooking spray, drop about 2 tablespoons of the batter at a time, evenly spaced. Bake for 15-18 minutes or until the edges start to turn golden brown and the cookies are cooked through. Allow to cool. TO MAKE THE GLAZE, add the powdered sugar and orange juice to a bowl and mix well with a fork until combined. Spoon onto the top of the cooled cookies. Recipe and photo by Jackie Dodd, www.domesticfits.com

• • • yummy recipes |

create & innovate

Simply Divine Chocolate Souffle Makes 4 servings Preheat oven to 400˚F INGREDIENTS 2 teaspoons butter, softened 1/2 cup granulated sugar plus extra for ramakins 8 oz. semisweet chocolate, finely chopped 4 large egg whites 3 large egg yolks 1/4 cup Grand Marnier liquor Powdered sugar to sprinkle on top INSTRUCTIONS Butter the interiors of 4 medium-sized ramakins, then sprinkle each with 1 teaspoon of sugar to coat entire interior. In a double boiler, or a metal bowl set over a pot of simmering water, melt the chocolate, whisking occasionally. Then remove from heat. Whisk the egg yolks into the chocolate one at a time, followed by the Grand Marnier, and then whisk in 1/4 cup sugar. In a seperate bowl, whisk the egg whites with 1/4 cup of the sugar until stiff and glossy. Fold the egg whites into the chocolate batter and blend until smooth. Pour the batter into the prepared ramakins and place on a baking sheet to make it easier to manage in and out of the oven. Bake until they are puffed and somewhat firm, abpproximately 20 to 25 minutes. While souffles are baking, prepare the chocolate sauce at right.

GRAND MARNIER CHOCOLATE SAUCE INGREDIENTS 1 cup heavy cream 1 tablespoon butter 1/4 cup Grand marnier 4 oz. semisweet chocolate, finely chopped INSTRUCTIONS In a small saucepan, heat the cream and butter over medium heat. Add in the Grand Marnier, then whisk and bring to a boil. Remove from heat and whisk in the chocolate until it’s fully incorporated. TO SERVE Sift powdered sugar on top of souffles. Then, either serve the chocolate in a small dish along side for dipping, remove souffle from ramakin and drizzle with chocolate, or place souffle on top of a pool of chocolate sauce on a plate. May also be served with a small scoop of vanilla bean ice cream and/or berries. Enjoy! recipe adapted from www.foodtv.com




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• • • yummy recipes |

Softbatch Cinnamon Chocolate Chunk Cookies Makes approximately 3-1/2 dozen cookies Preheat oven to 375˚F INGREDIENTS 2 cups all-purpose flour 1 tablespoons ground cinnamon 1 teaspoon baking soda 3/4 teaspoon kosher salt 1/2 cup unsalted butter, softened 1/2 cup spreadable regular cream cheese 1-1/4 cup granulated sugar 1 cup light brown sugar 2 large eggs 2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract 12 oz. semi-sweet chocolate chunks 1 cup chopped walnuts

create & innovate

INSTRUCTIONS Mix flour, cinnamon (or allspice), baking soda, and salt. Set aside. In a large mixing bowl, beat butter and sugars until light and fluffy. Add in the eggs and vanilla. Mix well. Gradually beat in the flour mixture on low speed until well incorporated. Stir in the chocolate chunks and walnuts, then refrigerate batter for at least 1 hour. Drop by rounded tablespoons onto a baking sheet lined with parchment paper or a Silpat® non-stick baking mat. Space approximately 2 inches apart (though they shouldn’t spread much at all since they were refrigerated). Sprinkle a little bit of kosher salt on top of each cookie. Bake for approximately 10 minutes or until lightly golden brown. Cool on baking sheet for a few minutes before transferring to wire racks for cooling. Serve with a tall glass of milk and enjoy!




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• • • chiropractic care |

Beyond Back Pain: Chiropractors Treat So Much More!


Does proper alignment equal pain relief? More people than ever say it does. Here’s what you need to know. story | Dr. Sherry Durrett


lmost everyone knows someone who’s been to a chiropractor for back pain, but that’s just a small part of what chiropractors do. Chiropractic is the largest holistic, natural, drug-free healthcare system in the world. The profession is more than 120 years old and this year alone, more than 27 million Americans will seek chiropractic care. Even so, many Americans don’t know much about the profession. Doctors of chiropractic (D.C.s) – often considered complementary or alternative medicine practitioners – are primary care doctors who focus on good health through proper nutrition, exercise, and other lifestyle factors. The philosophy behind chiropractic care is that when the spine and other musculature is properly aligned, the body will be able to heal itself. Research has shown that chiropractic treatment compares favorably to other back pain treatments, including prescription medication, over the counter medications, massage, yoga, pilates and physical therapy. That’s why it’s so well known as a treatment for back and neck pain, either alone or in conjunction with conventional medicine. In fact, in a Consumer Reports survey of more than 45,000 people, chiropractic treatment ranked above all other back pain remedies (July, 2011). But this is just a small piece of what chiropractors do. Doctors of chiropractic not only treat pain caused by soft tissue, nerve, and musculoskeletal problems such as sciatica and joint pain, but may also treat headaches, fibromyalgia, allergies, insomnia, digestive problems, sinus issues, ADD/ADHD, immune system challenges and many more. THE BODY’S COMMUNICATION SUPER HIGHWAY Think of the spinal cord as the body’s information super highway. Signals from our brains travel down the spinal cord to the network of nerves that span out from there. These signals must be allowed to flow freely without any interruption. When nerves emerging from the spinal cord are compromised or irritated in some way – known as a “subluxation” – it can cause pain, lack of function, and an overall decrease in the person’s quality of life. These misalignments - often of the bones and cushioning discs in the spine - interrupt the body’s natural communication system and have a domino effect on many other bodily functions. Chiropractors perform manipulations intended to remove these misalignments, allowing the body to perform as it was meant to. If an existing subluxation or misalignment remains untreated, the spine and surrounding features such as discs can begin to degenerate as time goes by. This degeneration becomes more difficult to reverse over time, www.i-ammagazine.com



achieve |

chiropractic care • • •

Chiropractic Specialties: Acupuncture – A family of procedures that stimulate points on the body using a variety of techniques. Diagnostic Imaging (Radiology) – The interpretation of X-rays, CT scans, and MRIs (magnetic resonance imaging) to assess the condition and location of bones and tissue inside the body. General Practice – This type of chiropractor is like an internal medicine, family practice, or pediatric physician who can oversee a patient’s overall health. Chiropractors refer patients to medical doctors or other specialists for conditions they are unable to help. Neurology – This specialty is concerned with the brain, spinal cord, & nerves. Nutrition – All chiropractors are knowledgeable about nutrition and its effects on health, but this subspecialist has completed additional education and certification. Occupational Health – This specialty focuses on the design, implementation, and evaluation of programs that maintain and enhance employee health, improve safety, and increase productivity. Orthopedics – Orthopedic chiropractors focus on the prevention and correction of disorders and conditions of the bones and associated muscles, joints, and ligaments. Pediatrics – Chiropractic care is safe and effective for newborns and older children. Physiological Therapeutics & Rehabilitation – Whether the body has been damaged from a sports injury, a stroke, or a motor vehicle accident, these specialists can help with returning it to optimal function. Sports – Proper body mechanics, strategies to increase athletic performance, and help with injuries are an important part of this specialty’s practice.

as the surrounding muscles, nerves and bones start to accommodate these changes by compensating in other areas. The longer this goes on, the more problems you may develop and the longer it takes the body to respond to care. If you’ve ever been in a car accident, carried a child on your hip, played a sport, fallen down or just bumped into something too hard, it’s very possible that you are not functioning at your best due to a misalignment. In addition to the many potential structural causes for misalignment, it can also be caused by chemical reasons. For instance, if you smoke or drink excessively or even just have a poor diet, the chemical imbalances in your body can eventually cause underlying conditions and disease to appear. It is no surprise that back pain is the #1 reason people give for visiting chiropractors, but evidence-based research has also shown chiropractic treatment to be effective in other areas, such as treating musculoskeletal pain (neck and shoulder), improving athletic performance, and alleviating headaches. There is also some evidence that chiropractic care has a beneficial effect on the immune system and in controlling high blood pressure. BEYOND BACK PAIN — WHAT CARE CAN CHIROPRACTORS PROVIDE? Though best known for back pain, chiropractors are also qualified to provide primary care and wellness treatments, an alternative more and more people are choosing over conventional medicine today. Chiropractic care is reimbursed by many private insurance companies as well as government health care programs, including Medicare and workers’ compensation. The education and training chiropractors receive is very similar to that of conventional medical doctors (M.D.s) and osteopathic physicians (D.O.). One of the main things that sets a chiropractor apart from an M.D. or D.O. is that chiropractors do not use medications or surgery. In chiropractic medicine, prescription drugs and over-thecounter medications are considered band-aids that suppress symptoms for awhile rather than correcting the real problem at its source. Chiropractors use a number of different techniques in treating patients, including heat, cold, ultrasound, infrared light, water, traction, spinal decompression, nutritional supplements and rehabilitative exercises, in addition to manipulations or adjustments of the spine. Chiropractic treatment can be used

“hands-on treatment such as chiropractic... dominated the lists of helpful alternative treatments for discomfort from conditions such as back pain, neck pain, and osteoarthritis.” ~ Consumer Reports survey of 45,000+ readers, Juy 2011

alone or in conjunction with conventional medicine. More and more often one will find chiropractors in practice with or working in consultation with conventional practitioners specializing in neurosurgery, orthopedics, physical medicine, rehabilitation, and wellness. Today, chiropractic is recognized by most mainstream medical groups, including the World Health Organization and the National Institutes of Health (NIH). The NIH’s Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine has funded research on chiropractic care, and currently the Department of Defense is funding the largest-ever chiropractic study to date. The study is looking at the impact of chiropractic treatment in several different areas: back pain; strength, balance, and injury prevention; and smoking cessation in the military. The study is also looking into whether chiropractic treatment can affect reflexes and reaction times for special operations forces. Chiropractors provide a patientcentered, whole person approach to health care marked by greater interaction and better doctor-patient communication. Recent research in medical journals has documented consistently higher patient satisfaction ratings with chiropractors than with traditional doctors. Perhaps it’s time you or your family consider consulting a doctor of chiropractic for your health and wellness needs.

References: – Nyiendo et al (2000), Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics – Hoving et al (2002), Annals of Internal Medicine – Consumer Reports Health Ratings Center. Relief for your aching back: What worked for our readers. March 2013. – American Chiropractic Association Key Facts About the Chiropractic Profession, www.acatoday.org

Sherry Durrett, D.C., D.Ph.C.S., L.C.P., has been a practicing chiropractor since 1984. Her specialties include chiropractic, applied kinesiology, acupuncture, energy medicine, nutrition, and a wide range of alternative medicine and complimentary approaches to traditional treatments for many different health related problems. She sees patients at her private practice, Durrett Chiropractic & Natural Healthcare Clinic, serving Spring, The Woodlands, Humble, and North Houston.

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| from dream to reality: female entrepreneurs • • •

i•am magazine proudly shines a spotlight on a few local women who have bravely set out to accomplish their dreams of becoming successful entrepreneurs. They have shared a few words of wisdom for others who may be contemplating entrepreneurship. We congratulate these women and wish them much success!

Denise French used her knowledge as a financial services professional of 19 years and her personal experience of going through a divorce to establish DIVORCE STRATEGIES GROUP. Denise helps those going through a divorce mitigate cost, fear and worry, as much as possible, during the divorce process. Her goal is to help you have a financially and emotionally strong experience during this difficult life transition. 24900 Pitkin Rd., Suite 105, The Woodlands 281-292-9555 • www.DivorceStrategiesGroup.com

“Save money for this. You will need income and you will need capital to invest in your business. Have a plan, write it down and review it often. Find a coach or mentor – even if you have to pay for one. Be strategic in how you market and most of all, do something you love. If you love it, you stick with it and eventually profit from it, in more ways than financially.” ~Denise French

“I dream of a world without divorce. However, that is not likely to happen in this lifetime. So, I dream of people changing the way they get divorced – especially with young children. If your marriage is not working out, then split up, but don’t do it in a way that will hurt your kids. Long, drawn out legal battles are likely going to hurt your kids. There is an easier, less painful way to do this, and that is where we can help. I dream of being a source for people in The Woodlands and surrounding areas to go to for a smarter, easier, more cost-effective divorce process.” ~Denise French

“I am very spiritual and believe there is a master plan for everything. Every day I open my eyes I feel I am ahead of the game – ups and downs just happen, I accept them good or bad, do my best to do what I need to do, and move on.” ~Vikki LeBeau

Vikki LeBeau had been trying to lose weight, unsuccessfully, for years, in part due to a thyroid issue. When she stumbled upon Ideal Protein® and it immediately worked for her, she wanted to share her success and help change the lives of others struggling with their weight. She opened TEXAS LAST DIET and has been successfully helping men and women drop the excess weight through the Ideal Protein Protocol. It’s Vikki’s passion and enthusiasm that helps to keep her clients on track and gain success in their weight loss goals. 26107 IH-45 N, Suite 3, The Woodlands 936-230-4419 • www.TexasLastDiet.com

“My dream? That Texas Last Diet/Ideal Protein helps enough people lose weight to get Houston off the “Top 10 list” as one of the fattest cities in the country! ” ~Vikki LeBeau

Molly England founded BLUEBONNET BABIES, a virtual hub for pregnancy, birth, baby, breast feeding and parenting needs. Bluebonnet Babies also offers the Bradley Method® Natural Childbirth education classes here in The Woodlands. The Bradley Method® provides practical, evidence based techniques and information to prepare for giving birth naturally. In addition to natural childbirth classes, Bluebonnet Babies website and blog empower families across the globe as they navigate pregnancy to parenthood. For more information, contact Molly at 281-895-1263 or molly.england@bluebonnetbabies.com or visit Bluebonnet Babies online at www.bluebonnetbabies.com

“Every tentative moment and leap of faith is an opportunity to achieve something. When those moments fall flat, I learn from my mistakes and try again.” ~Molly England

“I dream that one day all pregnant women and new families will know their options and feel well educated and empowered to navigate pregnancy and parenthood.” ~Molly England i•am 38 www.i-ammagazine.com

• • • from dream to reality: female entrepreneurs |

“The best way that I have found to deal with the ups and downs in business is to know that they are going to happen. During the ups of business, enjoy it! During the ups make sure that you don’t become complacent. Make notes of the actions you took to get to this point and build a support system to have in place during the tough times. During the downs of your business, don’t panic – these are the times that make you stronger. This is also the time to look back at the notes you took when things were going well. Get back to the basics and stay true to who and what you and your business are.” ~Dr. Kristina Behnke


Dr. Kristina Behnke, in partnership with her husband, Dr. Zachary Behnke, and business partner, Dr. Sean Beukelman, have opened PEAK POTENTIAL FAMILY CHIROPRACTIC. Dr. Krissy, the nickname she goes by, got first-hand personal experience when she first started receiving chiropractic care in the 6th grade. Upon job-shadowing her chiropractor in high school, her love for the profession blossomed. 2219 Sawdust Rd., #604, The Woodlands 281-719-5004 • www.TheWoodlandsChiro.com “My dream is to see our office continue to grow and multiply, allowing us to help as many people as possible. As a profession, I want to see chiropractic care continue to grow and gain acceptance as treatment of more than just back and neck pain.” ~Dr. Kristina Behnke

Dr. Kendra McMullin, PharmD and her business partner, Dr. Timothy Schroeder, MS, MBA, PharmD, have opened BLUEJAY PHARMACY. Their goal is to offer a more comprehensive, natural, and personalized approach to medicine and health care, with particular interests in pain relief, anti-aging and skin care, veterinary compounding and wellness services, including bio identical hormone replacement therapy. Kendra knew, as early as her senior year of high school, that she wanted to become a pharmacist. Her passion for pharmacy comes from improving health, finding ways to make therapeutic regimens more effective and reducing the number of medications a person needs to take. Compounding pharmacy challenges pharmacists to find more holistic solutions for patients whose needs are not met with commercial products and who seek medications that target the spot where needed rather than administer drugs to the whole body. 8344Spring Cypress Rd., Suite A, Spring • 281-251-0904 • www.BluejayPharmacy.com

“Don’t try to do it on your own. As women, we have so many responsibilities in the home and community. No one can do it all. Say yes to those who ask to help you and simplify as much as you can.” ~Dr. Kendra McMullin

“I hope to empower people to find good health for as long as possible, not just chase the cascade of symptoms of aging with prescription drugs. I hope to bless the lives that our business employs with meaningful work and a fun environment where we all enjoy being together.” ~Dr. Kendra McMullin

“I believe it is important for us to allow time out for ourselves. Time to do something that you enjoy. Sometimes, that means saying no to something else. For me personally, that means spending time with family and friends, but I also enjoy taking solitary walks, reading and finding other ways to nurture my spirit.” ~Kristin Martinez

Out of her own life experiences, Kristin Martinez developed and established SARAI’S MIRROR. Growing up, she had many positive influences, yet spent most of her life not realizing her own worth. It wasn’t until much later in life that she had a shift in mindset, discovering her identity and learning to accept herself. This transformation instilled a desire to help other women break free of the negative mindset most of us have about ourselves. Through Sarai’s Mirror, Kristin offers speaking engagements, group workshops and individual sessions. 832-794-8110 • www.saraismirror.com “My dream is that women can learn to accept themselves, which in turn will foster better community among one another. As women, we’re competitive with each other, many times pointing out flaws or making excuses for someone else’s good fortune. We need to encourage each other and truly celebrate our own uniqeness.” ~Kristin Martinez




giving back

| an i•am woman • • •

Dr. Pamela Schlembach This caring physician and gifted radiation oncologist at M. D. Anderson’s facility in The Woodlands dreamed of becoming a doctor early on, but faced a winding road before reaching her goal. story | Suzanne Hirayama


n meeting with Dr. Pamela Schlembach for the first time, I already knew that she was someone pretty important to The Woodlands community. After all, she was a radiation oncologist with M. D. Anderson Cancer Center – The Woodlands, treating women going through breast cancer and saving lives. She came highly regarded by a few women who had first-hand experience working with Dr. Schlembach and they all had the same outpouring of affection and admiration for this woman. I knew I had to meet her! But what amazed me was to learn the depths of her personal journey and how she became the woman she is today. Some might say it had to be divine intervention. VEERING OFF-COURSE It all began in her early 20s, when her pre-med advisor discouraged her from persuing the medical degree she desired, being told that “her kind” would not do well in this profession. This was the early 80’s when it was uncommon for women to persue a medical career. Lacking confidence after being told she was not good enough, she abandoned her dream and decided to persue hospital administration instead. It wasn’t until years later, while working alongside staff and physicians at The Medical College of Ohio in Toledo, that she began to receive the much-needed encouragement from her peers to pursue a medical career. They saw she had the personality and disposition for this kind career, and her gift was being lost in administration work. That encouragement, along with an older, more mature attitude and confidence in herself, led her to finally take that leap of faith and apply to med school. By now she was 31, married, with a 6-month-old daughter. And though this might seem unorthodox for most, with her husband’s support, she began to dream of a new future as the doctor she was always meant to be. But what confirmed in her mind that this was indeed her destiny was a letter that had arrived in the mail. This letter, which she now has framed

i•am 40 www.i-ammagazine.com

and calls “the promise of things to come,” was addressed to Dr. Schlembach (though she was not a doctor at this time). It was from her former university where she had initially begun to pursue pre-med. This was her sign—she was meant to become a doctor! So she applied to med school, where she was accepted and began her studies. Now, by this time, she was pregnant with her second child and juggling life at home with her husband and young daughter. But once again, a road block was thrown in her path when her son was born with a hole in his heart. Fortunately, the university was very flexible in allowing Dr. Schlembach to stretch out her studies over three years rather than two, allowing her the time she needed to be with her son when he needed extra care. FOCUSING ON HER GIFTS Her end goal was to become a radiologist. But fate stepped in once more when she was encouraged by her advisor to go into a clinical practice because of her natural ability to care for and empathize with people. After a discussion, her advisor suggested she combine her love of science and radiation with the love of caring for others, and become a radiation oncologist. Following graduation, she now focused on where to attend her residency. She assumed she would go back to Ohio, where she had lived. Instead of accepting this answer, her advisor asked her, “Where would you want to go if you could go anywhere?” and her answer was, “M. D. Anderson, the best cancer center in the country!” But she knew they looked for candidates from ivy league schools and didn’t think she would get in. Nonetheless, her advisor encouraged her to apply—what did she have to lose? M. D. Anderson has a very prestigious radiation oncology residency program and was only accepting 17 applications in the entire country. Seemingly against all odds, Dr. Schlembach was one of the 17 selected to interview, and became one of only

three candidates chosen for the program. Upon completing her residency, she again figured she would head back to Ohio to practice medicine. But once again, she was destined for something much bigger. Unbeknownst to Dr. Schlembach, the physicians she worked under in the M. D. Anderson residency program had been keeping their eye on her. They saw great potential in her and liked the fact that she was older and more mature than the other candidates. When asked by her superior at M. D. Anderson where she would want to work if she could choose anywhere in the world, her answer was, “at M. D. Anderson, but in The Woodlands.” At the time, there was no M. D. Anderson in The Woodlands. But, as timing seemed to always be on her side, it turned out that the hospital was planning to open a satellite location in The Woodlands to offer people access to radiation services closer to home. Dr. Schlembach was hired with the promise that she would head up a new radiation facility in The Woodlands. In March, 2004, Dr. Schlembach helped to open The Woodlands facility. And by February of the following year, it was already at full capacity. An expansion project began to include added specialties, not just radiation. CHANGING WOMEN’S LIVES Fast forward to today. Dr. Schlembach runs the radiation oncology department at M. D. Anderson – The Woodlands, is a member of numerous philanthropic organizations, is cowriting a book that will offer support to women going through breast cancer, speaks at educational engagements for women, and is head of the Breast Friends organization, a support group for breast cancer survivors.

• • • an i-am woman | Against all odds, Schlembach became the physician she had always dreamed of being. And she has been changing women’s lives by offering the support and encouragement they need when going through their difficult radiation treatment. Ironically, the first advisor who discouraged her from pursuing pre-med died years ago of cancer. Maybe his life could have been saved by Dr. Schlembach or someone like her had he chosen to encourage, rather than discourage, her and other women from becoming what they were meant to be. Q: You had many obstacles in your way during your long journey to fulfill your dream of becoming a doctor. How did you know you were heading in the right direction? A: Things did get tough, and honestly there were a few times I questioned my decision. But in my heart, I just could not envision myself doing anything else professionally. I had a persistent and strong desire to help people as a medical doctor. I believe my faith played a big part in keeping me peaceful and focused as I continued on year after year. Q: What advice would you give to another woman who has a dream of becoming a doctor but was unsure if it could become a reality? A: It is certainly doable, but you really have to want this! It requires hard work, the training takes a long time, it’s very stressful and the expense is enormous. Formulate a plan and find ways to become more organized. Make sure you have a good support structure inside and outside of the profession. Consider finding a mentor to help you navigate your career decisions. Surround yourself with “16 x 20” thinking folks and avoid the “3 x 5” crowd who will tell you why you can’t accomplish your goals. Q: What drives you to continue to do what you do for your patients and the women in this community? A: I really love what I do. It is fulfilling to work towards eliminating cancer and provide state of the art compassionate care with a great team. I consider myself fortunate to be working with some of the best people in the field of oncology. My philosophy for caring for my patients is the Golden Rule; treat others the way you would want to be treated. The extra activities outside the clinic for women provide a fun and meaningful face-to-face interaction in a more casual setting. I like to encourage women to affirm and support each other. We really do need each other. Because knowledge is both powerful and motivational, I enjoy providing quality educational meetings for both women and men in the community.

Q: What accomplishments are you most proud of? A: In spite of all the setbacks and a late start in life to become a physician, I was able to graduate with honors, complete my residency at a world renowned cancer center, while maintaining a healthy home life with my husband and children. Q: In your mind, what does the future look like for Dr. Schlembach? A: My family and I frequently joke that I will never retire. I hope they are right! I plan to continue my role as an oncologist, educate the community, facilitate Breast Friends support groups, fulfill administrative responsibilities, finish a new book to help breast cancer patients, meet Robin Roberts, and continue to strive to stay grateful, fit and healthy. Q: What advice or words of encouragement would you most like to share with a woman who has received a breast cancer diagnosis? A: Take a deep breath and do not make any decisions without thinking things through. Surround yourself with the best team of doctors available, get medical information from reliable sources, and receive love and support from friends and family. Try to be encouraged by the fact that many women are living a normal life after this diagnosis than ever before.

giving back

Breast Friends Offers Support to Breast Cancer Survivors Breast Friends Suport Group, sponsored by The American Cancer Society, is for women of all ages with a diagnosis of breast cancer. The group meets in The Woodlands the second Wednesday of each month, 7:00 – 8:30pm. They meet at 17198 St. Luke’s Way, Lakeside Conference Rooms 1–4, The Woodlands, TX 77384. This group of ladies of all ages and all stages of breast cancer has been in existence for more than 14 years. Some have just been diagnosed, while others are 15-year survivors. Dr. Schlembach has been facilitator of the group since 2009 and, while she was first reluctant to take on another commitment, Breast Friends has become something very inspiring in her life. Meetings include group discussions and educational speakers. For more information, contact L. Brandt at 281-362-1550.

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experience |

the woodlands show chorus • • •

Sweet Harmony

Woodlands a cappella group sings their way to success

story | Michelle Schurmann


nyone in tune with today’s music scene already knows a cappella music is making a comeback. But did you know The Woodlands is home to an award-winning all-female a cappella group? If the movie Pitch Perfect or the reality TV show Sing It On pops into your head, you’re hitting the right note. A cappella refers to singing without instrumentation; voices create all of the percussive elements and tones to create a melodious four-part harmony. The Woodlands Show Chorus is a 70-member organization, and chapter member of Sweet Adelines International, that started in 2012. Every Monday night you will find them wearing purple and rehearsing at the Grace Crossing Church in Conroe. “We’re really serious about it and we really work at it,” says Diane Skipwith, who’s been singing a cappella for almost 30 years with groups in Florida, Houston and now The Woodlands. At this rehearsal, a coach from Dallas has been brought in to help the women with their choreography – there are actions, movements and even certain facial expressions that accompany each song. “Physical movement frees up the voice, so when you’re relaxed and using your body… you sing better,” says chorus director Betty Clipman, an internationally renowned director, vocal coach and musical educator. Clipman is affectionately known as the Queen of Harmony. In three short years, she has led the Chorus to two regional titles and a 14th place finish at the Sweet Adelines International competition. i•am 42 www.i-ammagazine.com

“It’s kind of unheard of. We’re setting a precedent. Usually it takes many years to build up to that caliber of singing,” says Pat Fenton, who sings barbershop, along with her 45-yearold daughter. “I knew she would be a Sweet Adeline from hearing it in the womb!” Claudia Lasiter says she was “mesmerized” when she first discovered a cappella just a few years ago. “I had finally found my people,” she jokes, adding that the two-hour drive from Lufkin every week is a small price to pay for the joy she gets out of singing. “I am addicted…I just can’t get enough of it!” “Their enthusiasm is so contagious,” says Whitney Hough of The Woodlands Pavilion. “They don’t just stand there and sing, their faces light up. They really connect with their audience,” she says, referring to the group’s annual performances at the Pavilion’s Star Spangled Salute. LOOKING FOR A FEW GOOD WOMEN If harmonizing piques your interest, there’s good news: The Woodlands Show Chorus is looking for about 30 new members, which will allow them to volunteer their talents at more local events and performances. Surprisingly, most members are not classically trained singers. Some don’t know how to read music, but simply use their ear to hit the right pitch. As long as you can carry a tune, the Woodlands Show Chorus is interested in having women come out and audition – anytime. “We teach and train. The purpose of Sweet Adelines is education. That’s what we do here. Somebody comes in and they love to

sing, we work with them,” says Clipman. Her goal for the Chorus is to help women achieve “musical excellence,” and have a whole lot of fun along the way. “Music is good for the soul,” says Clipman. “(Too often) we give up the things that allow us to leave the real world and play,” she says. “And that is so important because I think it makes a woman healthier emotionally, physically and in every way.” The Chorus is currently preparing for its second international competition in Las Vegas in 2016. For more information about The Woodlands Show Chorus please visit their site at www.thewoodlandsshowchorus.org.

Michelle Schurman is an award-winning journalist and freelance writer based in The Woodlands. She is a mother of three who enjoys writing about health, nutrition, parenting, relationships and lifestyle topics.

UPCOMING EVENTS: Last Singer Standing Sept. 26th from 1:30-4 pm. An “open” singing contest at the Dosey Doe Music Cafe on FM 1488. Prizes will be awarded.

A Show Chorus Affair Sept. 28th at 6:30 pm. An Open House at Grace Crossing Church in Conroe. Visit us to listen, sing, and learn more about our chorus. Open to the public.

Sh-boom! It’s A Cappella! Young Women in Harmony workshop Oct. 24th at First Methodist Christ Church

Holiday Show November 21st at 2pm and 7pm

at the Nancy Bock Auditorium at McCullough Junior High School. To purchase tickets email us at: tickets@thewoodlandsshowchorus.org. The public is welcome to attend rehearsals every Monday from 7-10 pm at Grace Crossing Church in Conroe.

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