i-am magazine January/February 2016 WELLNESS issue

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TOO BUSY TO SLEEP? resolve to make time


YOUR LOVE LANGUAGE? THE CAMINO de SANTIAGO~ a journey for mind, body and spirit leaving a LEGACY of LOVE

volume 2 | issue 1 JANUARY~FEBRUARY 2016 • WELLNESS

Ben e

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TABLE of CONTENTS | wellness 2016 • • •

What ’s Inside nurture 8

12 20

What is Your Love Language? Understanding the five love languages can change your relationships.

11 Forever Young...Without Surgery Have you discovered microcurrent facial sculpting yet?

12 Take Another Look at Your Child’s Vision Standard eye tests in schools often omit some important measures.

protect 15

Leaving A Legacy of Love Workshop offers a loving way to help families get their affairs in order.

16 Divorce Mistakes That Affect Financial Health Tips for making good decisions during a difficult time

18 Making $ense of New Legislation How the Budget Act of 2015 may affect your retirement strategy




While You Were Sleeping When we cheat the clock, we cheat ourselves in important ways.

25 20 EASY Ways to Improve Your Health NOW! Try these small New Year’s resolutions you can really keep.

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giving back

Feeding Mind, Body and Soul Finding spiritual peace in a troubled world

Be the Cure The cure for someone’s blood cancer may be coursing through your veins right now.



experience 29

The Camino de Santiago This ancient pilgrimage trail is a journey for mind, body and spirit

“ask yourself if what you’re doing today will get you closer to where you want to be tomorrow.” ~ Unknown

“nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.” ~ Maria Robinson

magazine Suzanne Hirayama Founder & Publisher Editor In Chief Creative Director Patricia Ostholm Dianne C. Witter Copy Editors CONTRIBUTING WRITERS

Denise French Catherine Law Patricia Ostholm Michelle Schurman Nina Shadi Tonya Simmons Becky Williams-LeBlanc Dianne C. Witter CONTACT

6700 Woodlands Pkwy., Ste. 230-281 The Woodlands, TX 77382 EDITORIAL INQUIRIES

info@i-ammagazine.com ADVERTISING INQUIRIES

adsales@i-ammagazine.com i•am magazine is a bi-monthly publication of Yama Media, LLC and is distributed, complimentarily, to residents in select routes within The Woodlands, TX and surrounding areas. If you are not within our distribution zone but would like to have i•am magazine delivered to you, subscriptions are available for $18.00 (six issues annually). To subscribe, send a money order for $18 payable to Yama Media, LLC, along with your full name and mailing address to Yama Media, LLC; 6700 Woodlands Pkwy., Ste. 230-281, The Woodlands, TX 77382. Please allow up to 8 weeks for delivery of first issue. Estimated readership: 200,000+. ©2016 Yama Media, LLC. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without the Publisher’s consent is strictly prohibited. The opinions expressed herein are exclusively those of the writers and do not necessarily reflect the positions or views of the Publisher. The publication of any advertisement or advertorial in this issue does not constitute an endorsement by this publication of the advertiser’s products or services.

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ow! Our first year with i-am magazine was an incredible one. We are so excited to be celebrating our first anniversary with great success and so much support and encouragement from the community. In 2015, I set out on a mission to create a women’s publication for our community that was unlike any other. I wanted to create something for all the intelligent and amazing modern women who are mothers, daughters, sisters and grandmothers right here in The Woodlands area. And I wanted the magazine to be a conduit for celebrating their incredible lives and promoting better living for themselves and their families. Looking back, I am so pleased with what i-am magazine has become. It is now a trusted source of advice, knowledge and inspiration for women of all ages. And we all know that what benefits women, benefits the entire community. Women tend to be the CEOs of their family, making many of the important decisions that dictate the health and wellness of individuals, as well as the health of our local economy. So, while i-am is written specifically for women, the positive effects can be felt by everyone, regardless of gender, and whether your running a family, a business, or both. Of course, i-am would not be the quality magazine that it is without the generosity of so many amazing local women who openly and willingly contributed their knowledge and shared their personal experiences so that other women could benefit. Many of our writers are professionals in the practice of medicine, health, wellness or finance, and others are thought leaders in areas such as social services, family management, and spirituality. Together, these talented ladies helped educate and encourage so many other women – including me – in how to lead a better life.

I am equally grateful for the numerous local businesses that have supported i-am magazine. Without their advertising dollars, i-am would not have been possible. The production and distribution of i-am is funded solely through advertising, so, dear reader, if you value this magazine as a resource, please let our advertisers know that when you patronize their business. And if you would like a handy list of those businesses who have supported our cause, just turn to the back cover where we have recognized each one. Lastly, thank you to everyone who has been a reader of i-am magazine in our inaugural year! If you enjoy our magazine so much that you can’t wait for the next one to arrive, please visit us online for more tips and advice, and to share your own thoughts and ideas with us. We’d love to hear from you! Hopefully, many more of you will be hearing from us this year, as well. Our plan is to broaden our distribution to more households, spilling outisde of The Woodlands into surrounding areas of Spring, Magnolia and east of I-45. We have added several communities within these areas already. And I am proud to say that we mail to more households than any other Woodlands publication — over 46,600, while maintaining comparable advertising rates to the other local publications! And the goal is to continue to increase those numbers! Wishing you a great start to the new year filled with much love, laughter, good health and continued success.

Suzanne Suzanne Hirayama Publisher

I A M T H E I N T E L L I G E N T, A M A Z I N G , M O D E R N W O M A N


nurture |

the 5 love languages • • •

What is Your Love Language? Understanding the five “love languages” can change your relationships. story | Nina Shadi, MS, LPC


ove is the universal language of humans. From an early age, we show and receive love from the people in our lives. The love we receive (or lack thereof ) and how it is expressed, helps shape us into the people we become as adults. People who grow up without love and security often grow up to have serious mental health, behavioral, interpersonal, and/or personality issues. Love truly is one of the most important aspects of a healthy, happy life. Although we know love is critical, we don’t always know how to express it in a way that our partner perceives as loving. We, ourselves, don’t always know what makes us feel most loved. In essence, love is a language that we must learn how to speak and understand. Expressing and receiving love is a form of communication. We all respond to different forms of communication differently. What works for some may not work for others. After years of hearing couples say that they didn’t feel their partner loved them, Dr. Gary Chapman realized that it was often the way people expressed themselves to each other that made them feel unloved. In his book, The 5 Love Languages, Chapman describes easy ways to breakdown how we each can communicate love to one another in a language that can be easily understood. He identifies five primary ways of expressing love: Words of Affirmation, Quality Time, Gift Giving, Acts of Service, and Physical Touch. He then goes into detail on how we can learn to speak each fluently. “It’s a very simple idea, but when you apply it, it really does change the climate between two people,” Chapman writes. Each person tends to favor one or two languages more than the others, and some may even lean heavily towards only one language and relate very little with the others. Very often, when partners find themselves in conflict, it can be due to the fact that they are speaking completely different love languages and may not interpret their partners communication as love. Each love language has its value in a relationship and understanding each is important to becoming fluent in the communication of love.

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“all of us blossom when we feel loved and wither when we do not feel loved.” ~Dr. Gary Chapman WORDS OF AFFIRMATION The person that gravitates most strongly towards words of affirmation finds hearing encouraging words and compliments from those they love to have the greatest meaning. Hearing, “I love you” or “I appreciate you for all that you do,” can mean the world to them. In contrast, hearing criticism and insults can leave them feeling angry, hurt, undervalued, unappreciated and unloved. For this person, verbal (or written) words of affirmation from loved ones are the most meaningful demonstrations of love. QUALITY TIME For some people, nothing shows them love more than quality time with loved ones. This can be going out and doing a fun activity together, taking a vacation or having a quiet dinner. What is most important is that the time truly does include quality time, not just quantity. That is, even if the activity is watching T.V., doing chores, or other tasks, partners are fully present with one another. “Distractions, postponed activities, or the failure to listen can be especially hurtful,” states Chapman. “Whether its spending uninterrupted time in deep conversation or doing activities together, you deepen your connection with others through sharing time.” GIFT GIVING This love language is often mistaken as simply being materialistic, but it is not. “Gifts” don’t have to be expensive or something bought with money. Rather a simple gift that shows another person you’ve been thinking about them

is what makes them feel loved. It’s the effort, the thoughtfulness, and the gesture itself that makes them feel deeply loved and cared for. Perhaps you remembered that your wife loved these special candies as a girl, and one day you find them in a specialty candy store and get them for her. It’s not just the gift, it’s that you remembered the story, and took the time to get them for her that really counts. Forgetting a birthday or anniversary, or giving a thoughtless gift, can make this type of person feel neglected and unloved. Gifts to them are symbols of thoughtfulness, love and affection. ACTS OF SERVICE Acts of service are typically the little things you can do to help ease your partner’s burden of responsibility. For instance, if your spouse is overwhelmed on an especially busy week, offering to pick the kids up from school, do the grocery shopping, cook dinner, or draw them a bath are all ways in which you can make them feel loved. Asking them, “What can I do to help?” or “Let me do that for you,” are also ways you can express this love language to them. For people who score high in this love language, broken commitments, lack of follow through, or making more work for them tells them that their feelings don’t matter. On the flip side, when others do things for them out of pure love, not obligation, they feel loved, valued and appreciated. For these people, “Actions speak louder than words,” as the saying goes. PHYSICAL TOUCH A person whose primary love language is physical touch loves to feel physically close to those they love. This person loves to give and receives hugs, will enjoy holding hands, making love, will gently pat you on the back or may touch your arm while communicating. Further, they will feel loved when others express the same type of appropriate physical touch with them as well. For them, touching communicates feelings of warmth, love, and safety. In contrast, a lack of physical touch from their partner or loved ones, being pushed away when they lean in for a hug, or being rejected for sex can leave them feeling unloved and unsafe.

• • • the 5 love languages |

WHY ARE THE LOVE LANGUAGES IMPORTANT? You may be wondering, why is this important? I don’t have problems communicating with my partner. Or, you may feel you already know how to give and receive love. But the love languages aren’t just important in romantic relationships, they’re important to all relationship, because they allow us to understand the people in our lives on a deeper level. Knowing how someone best receives love allows you to actively show him or her without having to guess or make assumptions. Perhaps more importantly, you’ll have an increased awareness as to what type of actions (i.e. languages) someone won’t recognize as love. We’ve all been in a situation where we did or said something intended to make someone else feel happy, only to feel badly later when the gesture wasn’t appreciated or acknowledged. This causes us to feel disappointed

or resentful, all because we assumed our love language would make someone else feel the same way. When we can understand the different ways of expressing love, both romantically and otherwise, the door for open communication and deeper emotional connections widens. If you’re in a relationship, understanding your partner’s love language can enhance how you communicate and interact with each other; it may even heal a relationship that was headed toward separation, resentment, and withdrawal. Communication is the cornerstone of any healthy relationship. Whether it is between parent and child, two friends, or romantic partners, effective communication in all of its forms is what allows us to feel those authentic connection that blossom into unconditional love. REFLECTION To discover what your love language


is, and to learn more about The 5 Love Languages, visit Dr. Gary Chapman’s web site, www.5lovelanguages.com. After taking the quiz to determine your own love language, reflect on the following questions: • What were your love languages? Were you surprised at the results? • If you’re in a relationship, have your partner complete the quiz. How does your partner rank? Are your languages similar or different? • What past experiences or family values may have shaped a preference for one language over another? • How can people express love to you better now that you know your love language? • Are there languages that you may have a hard time expressing yourself? Why might this be the case? • How might some of your relationships (not just romantic ones) be impacted by your awareness of love languages?

“love is the fundamental building block of all human relationships. it will greatly impact our values and morals. love is the important ingredient in one’s search for meaning.” ~Dr. Gary Chapman

Nina Shadi, MS, LPC, holds a BA in Psychology, MS in Mental Health Counseling and is a Licensed Professional Counselor currently working as a therapist with families and children in Minnesota. Nina is also the author and creator of With an Open Heart, a blog dedicated to creating moving content related to psychology, well-being, self-awareness, mindfulness, purposeful living, personal growth, transformation and more. For more information about Nina or With an Open Heart, please visit www.withanopenheart.org.




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• • • fighting the signs of aging |


Forever Young…Without Surgery Have you discovered microcurrent facial sculpting yet? story | Tonya Simmons


ost women agree that keeping their skin as toned and youthful looking as possible is an important goal, though many are uncomfortable with the idea of a surgical facelift. A new, non-surgical option is gaining popularity with women of every age. It’s called microcurrent facial conturing, and it’s a non-surgical treatment with no dangerous side effects or complications. Best of all, this treatment requires no recovery or down time. The procedure uses low-level electrical currents to stimulate the body’s skin repair chemicals to help firm skin tone and elasticity. With regular use, many people can achieve benefits similar to traditional facelift without ever going under the knife. HOW IT WORKS As we age, our muscles become accustomed to certain expressions and movements and tend to get “stuck” in those positions over time, creating wrinkles. Other muscles in the face are hardly used and begin to atrophy, which leads to sagging due to a loss of definition. Microcurrent facial sculpting provides firming and toning of the skin without the use of surgery or needles. The treatment uses low levels of electricity applied externally; the current mirrors the body’s own natural electrical signals and triggers chemical reactions at a cellular level. This process promotes the production of natural collagen and elastin, provides circulatory benefits, and reeducates the muscles of the face. This in-office treatment can decrease the signs of aging by reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, improving muscle tone, and lifting the eyebrows and jowl area, while leaving the skin smoother, softer, and revitalized. It works gently to encourage natural regenerative processes by improving blood and lymph circulation; it can also help clear up or reduce acne; and can assist with product absorption that results in firmer, healthier skin. With the use of two small hand held probes, more than 30 muscles in the face are physically and gently manipulated to perform muscle reeducation by lengthening or shortening

This non-surgical “facelift” uses low-level electrical currents to stimulate the body’s natural chemicals to firm skin tone and elasticity. specific muscles. This is considered a passive form of exercise but helps stimulate motor nerves that help in achieving the new contour of the face. Each treatment time can vary from 30 to 90 minutes, depending on the overall goals of the client. The treatment is painless, although a few clients report a slight tingling of the skin during the treatment with no discomfort. This treatment is not recommended for women that are pregnant as well as clients with cardiac pacemakers, epilepsy, metal implants, thrombosis, phlebitis, skin sensitivity/irritation, or cancer. A SERIES OF TREATMENTS A standard series of treatments usually includes 10 to 12 sessions in a 5 to 6 week period, followed by treatments once-a-month to maintain desired results. The effects are cumulative, but clients usually see some difference right away. It is important to receive a complete series of microcurrent treatments to reach optimal results. Each time a treatment is performed, the facial contouring is maintained better and

longer. The effectiveness of the treatments vary, and are dependent on factors such as age, skin condition, skin care regimen, diet, tobacco use, alcohol use, exercise, and overall lifestyle. Clients that see the best results go through a series of treatments followed by regular maintenance to maintain the effects. If needed, a full series of treatments can be repeated every few years. Microcurrent treatments have more than happy clients to back them up—clinical studies support the benefits. According to The International Dermal Institute (www.dermalinstitute.com), studies have demonstrated that after a series of microcurrent sessions, collagen and elastin production increases and blood circulation improves. Studies also showed that the treatments trigger the body’s production of amino acids and adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which encourage cell repair and production. According to the website of Jeremy E. Kaslow, MD, clients should be aware that results are gradual. Some people notice a difference after the first treatment; others may notice it after three or four treatments. The effect is cumulative, becoming more pronounced after each treatment. However, if not treated with regular maintenance sessions, the muscles may return to their former configuration. IS MICROCURRENT SCULPTING FOR YOU? At my office, Innove Esthetics in Conroe, my clients have been very satisfied with their microcurrent facial sculpting results and they are maintaining the regimen of maintenance treatments with no issues or problems. Results have varied depending on age, lifestyle, skin type and care. Clients who work outside, smoke or have an excess of alcoholic beverages on a regular basis have more challenging skin tone issues. These type of clients require more specific serums and skin care regimens to achieve the results they desire. Microcurrent facial contouring is an increasingly popular alternative to a traditional face lift, and may offer similar results. It may be used by people of any age—whether you are older and want to restore that youthful appearance or are young and want to forestall signs of aging.

Reference: “ATP and Cellular Ageing” by David Suzuki, www.​ bodyclinic.​com.​au/​docs/​ATP%20an­d%20Cellular%20Ageing.​pdf

Tonya Simmons is a certified and licensed esthetician in the state of Texas. After 16 years as a registered respiratory therapist, she decided to use her knowledge to help people enhance and improve their skin with professional, science driven products and services that also include cosmetics and supplements. A native of Conroe Texas, she established Innova Esthetics in her home town to serve Montgomery County and surrounding areas. To learn more, visit www. InnovaEsthetics.com.





| education • • •

Take Another Look at Your Child’s Vision

Standard eye tests in schools often omit some important measures. story | Becky Williams-LeBlanc


s your child’s learning experience going well? If not, eyesight may be the issue, even if your child tested 20/20 vision on the inschool eye exams. 20/20 vision isn’t necessarily an assurance that your child is seeing correctly. Schools have put many services into place that they feel will help our children to be successful. One such service most schools provide is a basic eye exam to check our children’s vision. Of course this is a very important and valuable service. But it is not complete. As parents, we are not necessarily aware of the shortfalls of the eye tests, so it leads us to believe that our children’s vision is fine when in reality there could be significant problems. School eye exams only check for “far point” vision, which is how well the child sees things on the board and at a distance. Yet, our

children are reading and writing at “near point,” which is up close. At near point, the eyes are performing a totally different task. Your child may see 20/20 at far point and yet be out of focus at near point. The eye acuity test in which your child reads letters from a chart at 10 feet with one eye and then the other just tests to be sure each eye can see at far point, for example, seeing the board. It doesn’t test for a child’s ability to focus close up, nor whether the two eyes are focusing together - both of which are necessary for reading and writing. Some children have issues with near point and some have issues with far point and for some children both eyes are 20/20 but are not working together. So, if your child is not performing to potential, it may be time to visit an eye doctor and take a closer “look.” The following red flags may especially mean it’s time to have a complete eye exam.

• Has very poor handwriting • Loses his place when reading • Uses a finger to point at words when reading • Skips words in sentences • Says words that are not on the page • Does not copy the information from the board correctly • Gets headaches often • Complains that reading and writing are just too hard Of course, some of these things might also be tip offs to certain learning disabilities, but make sure to get a clear picture of what’s going on with your child’s eyesight first. Many children have 20/20 vision, yet they are not able to see what is on the paper correctly. When you call an optometrist ask specifically if they will check for your child’s visual processing as well as focusing. If the optometrist will not spend the extra time to check for this essential element of visual function, then you may want to try calling another optometrist.

Becky Williams-LeBlanc holds a Bachelor of Science Degree with depths in English, History, Human Resource Management and Religious Studies; and an Associate Degree in Marketing. She owns and runs Kaleyedoscoptics, A Visual Approach to Learning, where she works as a Specialized Tutor, focusing on Visual/ Physical Coordination. She helps children with ADD, ADHD, dyslexia, dysgraphia, Down syndrome as well as other issues which interfere with academic success. Becky’s passion is working with anyone who would like to improve their academic performance, which she has done for over 28 years. She has certifications as Level One Instructor for Brain Gym, Writing Road to Reading and Operation Mainstream. If you would like to learn more about Becky and Kaleyedoscoptics, A Visual Approach to Learning, please visit www.kaleyedoscoptics.com

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WHO’s WHO in health & wellness

The Woodlands Yoga Studio

• 2016 •

Creekside Park Family & Cosmetic Dentistry

Dr. Christopher Anton, DDS and Dr. Angela Anton, DDS

The Woodlands Yoga Studio has been serving the Spring and Conroe areas since 2004. We offer some of the best Hatha Yoga to the community taught by some of the highest trained instructors available. We are dedicated to supporting people of all ages and from all walks of life. We do this with love, compassion and a sense of humor and with respect for what each individual can accomplish through their yoga practice. We offer all levels of yoga from Beginners to Intermediate and Advanced. We also offer specialized classes in Vinyasa Flow, Slow Flow, Yin Yoga, Gentle Yoga, Senior Yoga, Breast Cancer Survivor Yoga, Prenatal Yoga and Kids Yoga. Visit our schedule and class descriptions located on our website to find the day and time that is perfect for you. Along with our regular Yoga classes, we also offer a great class called Core Balance designed to strengthen your core, improve your balance and release tight fascia tissue. This class is taught by a chiropractic doctor and former All American diver, Dr. Lauren LeRoy Sporrer. Please visit our website often to find information regarding our daily class schedule, special events, teachers, tuition rates, directions, and more! If you have any questions, call our business office and we would be happy to help you. 936-271-1485

When asked what they would hope to find in their ideal dental office, most people would probably list two things near the top — easy, comfortable dental treatment and a warm, welcoming environment that makes them feel at home. Husband and wife dentists Dr. Christopher Anton and Dr. Angela Anton have spent several years cultivating their vision for Creekside Park Family & Cosmetic Dentistry, and the results speak for themselves. Everyone who visits the practice is treated with state-of-the-art dental equipment and procedures, ensuring that they receive only the absolute best that dentistry has to offer. However, if you ask patients what impressed them most about their experience, they would undoubtedly tell you how absolutely stunning the office is and more importantly how friendly and welcoming the people are. As residents of Creekside Park themselves, the doctors have made it their mission to create a warm, soothing environment where everyone feels right at home. Patients are always greeted with a smile, and the practice offers comforting amenities that you will notice from the minute you arrive. Complimentary coffee and beverages are available, and visitors can lounge in either of two gorgeous seating areas — both with plush seating options as well as their own separate televisions. There are also a pair of gaming stations to keep the kids entertained. Once escorted to the treatment area, patients enjoy beautiful views of Creekside Park Village Green as well as warm, soft blankets and overhead televisions tuned to their favorite program. The entire dental team at Creekside Park Family & Cosmetic Dentistry consistently strives to make each and every person feel well taken care of throughout their visit. Both doctors treat all areas of general and cosmetic dentistry for adults and children, and patients can also have their teeth straightened with Invisalign. In creating this beautiful practice, the doctors have truly struck the perfect combination of patient comfort and clinical excellence. Creekside Park Family & Cosmetic Dentistry is here to treat you and your family, neighbors and friends for years to come.

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• • • getting your affairs in order |


Leaving a Legacy of Love

Workshops offer a simple and loving way to help families get their affairs in order story | Michelle Schurman


ou would think that after 25 years of marriage, a couple knows everything there is to know about one another. But when Carla Schwille’s stepmother passed away unexpectedly, her father was left scrambling to find documents and make decisions. He even discovered property he didn’t realize his wife had owned. “She was younger than he was, and they never thought she would die first. So, he had to make decisions based on conversations they’d had or how well he thought he knew her and her wishes,” says Schwille. Shortly after his wife’s death, Schwille’s dad experienced health problems of his own and that’s when he realized his affairs weren’t in order either. THUS, MY LEGACY OF LOVE WAS BORN That’s when Woodlands-based Schwille decided to develop the concept into something other people could use to gather their important documents. For the next year, she continued adding to and refining the binder and creating an online workshop to accompany it. Now, she offers the well-designed portfolio to clients along with her My Legacy of Love online workshop. She also provides a free 12-step guide to preparing for the future. You can get your copy at www.MyLegacyOfLove.com. “The biggest problem is that people know they need to get their affairs in order, but they don’t really know what that means,” says Schwille. “So, in my workshop I teach clients all the items they need to pull together and provide them with a beautiful portfolio to store it all in one place.” Of course, a copy of your will and life insurance policy top the list. But there are a number of other things to think about too. For example, what should happen to your pet if you die? Do you have anything in storage; if so, where do you keep the key? Do you have funeral instructions? What about organ donation? What are your monthly bills and account numbers? Would you know where to find all of these things in the event that your loved one passed away?

“...people know they need to get their affairs in order, but they don’t really know what that means. i teach clients all the items they need to pull together and provide them with a beautiful portfolio to store it all in one place.” If a couple does the workshop together, which is recommended, each does their own book. The online program is set up to go at your own pace with step-by-step instructions. It includes follow-ups to help keep you on course and suggest new ideas to add to your portfolio. Clients also have access to a private Facebook group and receive annual reminders to review and update your portfolio. Some women get very creative and enjoy adding some scrapbooking elements – assembling photos, favorite recipes and a family

tree for future generations. While men tend to keep things more clean cut and simple. And, according to Schwille, that’s the beauty of it – it’s your chance to document your own personalized Legacy of Love for future generations. Schwille also has a partnership with Legal Shield, a low-cost legal service that provides clients with an attorney-prepared will and living will document, if you don’t already have them. As for Schwille’s dad, he is well prepared for the future and takes great comfort in knowing that his family won’t be left asking questions. “He now has everything completely and totally documented…right down to serial numbers!” she chuckles. You can find out more about My Legacy of Love at www.MyLegacyOfLove.com. Or, you can attend a workshop in person. Carla Schwille will be leading a My Legacy of Love class at the Woodlands campus of Lone Star College on February 16th from 10am-12 pm. Her class is part of the Academy of Lifelong Learning (A.L.L.) program, Course #1685. See Schwille’s website for information on attending.

Michelle Schurman is an award-winning journalist and freelance writer based in The Woodlands. She is a mother of three, who enjoys writing about health, nutrition, parenting, relationships and lifestyle topics.

Purchasing your My Legacy of Love binder and online program, you will receive a high quality, professsional binder, as shown at left. Then, through guidance from the online workshop, you customize and decorate your binder, adding personal momentos and important documentation, as shown above. Each binder becomes a personal keepsake portfolio for those you love.

PERSONALIZING YOUR LEGACY During the workshop, clients design their own personal My Legacy of Love portfolio. www.i-ammagazine.com



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preventing financial mistakes during divorce • • •

Divorce Mistakes That Affect Financial Health story | Denise French, CRPC, CDFA


ivorce is not a single event, it’s a journey that lasts years before and after the divorce decree is signed. However, financial decisions made during the actual divorce are final. Unfortunately, it’s easy to make mistakes as emotions can run high in the negotiating room. Below are three common financial mistakes to look for during your divorce before you sign the final papers. 1. NOT UNDERSTANDING THE TAX RAMIFICATIONS OF SPOUSAL SUPPORT VERSUS CHILD SUPPORT WORDING IN YOUR DECREE. We have a client who sought us out for tax help after her divorce. Her spouse had written all funds he was giving her for a period of 5 years to restart her life (after being a house wife for 30 years) as spousal support. That’s normal. However, he also wrote health coverage reimbursements to her as spousal support, funds for the children’s extracurricular activities as spousal support and funds he was paying her as reimbursement for some marital assets as spousal support in their decree which she signed and the court approved. She did not understand that all payments listed as “spousal support” in her decree were taxable to her (and tax deductible to him). This client did not hire an attorney to review the decree her spouse had created, and her financial advisor did not un-

derstand all the ramifications of this wording. As a result, all funds listed as spousal support in her decree will be taxable at her marginal tax rate and tax deductible to her ex-spouse. 2. YOU DON’T KNOW WHERE THE ASSETS ARE, OR YOU LACK AN UNDERSTANDING OF THE HOUSEHOLD FINANCES. In order to properly divide a marital estate, one must obviously know what is in the marital estate. This seems simple right? Not always. In order to gain a better understanding of what you have to divide, the first step is simply asking your spouse to allow you more involvement in the family finances. It’s also a good idea to look over all the accounts to get a better understanding of your marital assets and debts. If that’s not possible, a forensic analyst may be necessary. A forensic analyst can go through each account – 401k’s, bank accounts, credit card bills, tax records, business records, and all other household accounts to analyze what the marital estate is. The forensic person can also “trace” the assets – looking for marital assets that have been removed from the marital estate and put into extended family names, trust accounts, or large sums that may have been spent on non-marital items (such as a long-term affair). It’s like hiring a detective for your finances.

3. I JUST WANT OUT! LEAVING THE MARRIAGE WITHOUT ASKING FOR ENOUGH ASSETS TO HELP YOU HAVE A STRONG BASE TO START OVER. We have clients who seek our services post-divorce only to realize they gave up much more than necessary in their divorce. Many people will agree to give up more than is necessary for the sake of “not fighting” or not wanting to hurt the children. Other people feel they cannot handle the emotional strife of the fight – so they just leave empty handed. Now that it’s over – unfortunately, those decisions cannot be undone. We have one client who gave up his entire 401k during the marriage to pay for the adoption of 3 children. During divorce proceedings that followed several years later, he refused to ask for any of his spouse’s 401k – an asset he certainly had a right to. He not only had to pay child support, he lost all retirement assets. As he started over and sought to remarry in his 40’s, he had very little to bring financially to his new wife. Divorce – especially with children - is not the time to be spiteful and hateful. It is, however, a time to remember that everything you do today has a long-range impact. It’s important to hire a financial consultant to assist you during divorce. Divorce is not a single event, it’s a journey.

Divorce Strategies Group, LLC is not affiliated with Voya Financial Advisors, Inc.

Denise French, CRPC, CDFA, is a 19 year veteran financial services professional and a Certified Divorce Financial Analyst. Mrs. French has also personally gone through the struggles of a divorce and, therefore, is better able to understand the needs and concerns of her clients. Mrs. French focuses on estate planning strategies including blended family estates, pension evaluations, debt elimination strategies, and budget planning and maintenance. To learn more about Mrs. French and her company, Divorce Strategies Group, LLC visit www.DivorceStrategiesGroup.com.

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wise woman’s guide to divorce

A Woman Only, Informative Day for Those Getting or Contemplating a Divorce

January 16, 2016 10:00am – 3:00pm

You will walk away with information to help you make well informed decisions regarding your divorce –

Hyatt Place – The Woodlands 1909 Research Forest Drive Bruce Buskirk

Attorney at Law Buskirk & Associates, P.C. Bruce is a 23 year experienced trial attorney & experienced mediator. He has provided legal counsel to over 3,000 divorcing clients in his career.

1. Legally – tips and tools to help you with your legal proceedings 2. Financially – areas of concern in divorce & mistakes to avoid 3. Emotionally – tools to help you cope during and after divorce 4. Stability – options available for your future banking and mortgage needs Denise French

Divorce Financial Analyst Divorce Strategies Group, LLC Denise is a 19 year experienced financial professional. She is a Certified Divorce Financial Analyst and helps her clients work towards preserving their assets, estates and wealth.

A life transitions therapist and a banker will also be available. The therapist can help you and your kids cope through the transitions during and after divorce while the banker can offer banking and mortgage options.

$125 registration fee which includes lunch and an afternoon coffee bar/snack. Early bird fee before January 12th is only $99. Your privacy and confidentiality will be respected. Seating is limited. RSVP today! To register please call Denise French at 281-292-9555 or email at Denise@DivorceStrategiesGroup.com For more information please visit www.DivorceStrategiesGroup.com 24130778_0116

Divorce strategies and services are offered independently through Divorce Strategies Group, LLC and Denise French and are not provided through Voya Financial Advisors, Inc. Neither Voya Financial Advisors nor its representatives offer tax or legal advice. Please consult your tax and legal advisors regarding your individual situation. Neither Divorce Strategies Group, Buskirk & Associates nor the guest banker are affiliated with Voya Financial Advisors, Inc.

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retirement • • •

Making $ense of New Legislation How the Budget Act of 2015 may affect your retirement strategy story | Denise French, CRPC, CDFA


n November 2, President Obama signed into law the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2015, legislation that raises the federal debt limit and establishes the framework for a two-year budget deal. The legislation, needed to avoid an impending default on U.S. debt, also contains other provisions that will affect many Americans. For example, the bill eliminates two claiming strategies for Social Security retirement benefits that some married couples have previously been able to use to increase their benefits. On the plus side, it also includes a provision to prevent a significant increase in Medicare Part B premiums for some. It’s important to note that the primary Social Security structure and benefits remain the same under this new legislation. The legislation only eliminates two “unintended loopholes” in Social Security regulations that both parties in Congress agreed to eliminate to help address Social Security deficits. People nearing retirement age who had planned to use certain claiming strategies are the most affected; it applies to people who reach age 62 on or after January 1, 2016. If you reached age 62 before that date, you have until May 1 of this year to file and be grandfathered in under the previous provisions. THE “FILE AND SUSPEND” STRATEGY You may have heard of a Social Security claiming strategy used by many married couples, commonly referred to as “file and suspend” – it has received quite a bit of attention over the last several years. Aimed at maximizing a couple’s total Social Security benefit, the strategy involves one spouse filing for retirement benefits upon reaching full retirement age and immediately requesting those benefits be suspended. This has allowed eligible spouses to begin receiving spousal Social Security benefits while the spouse who filed continues to work and accrue credit toward retirement income. The file-and-suspend strategy has been most commonly used when one spouse has much lower lifetime earnings, and thus will receive a higher retirement benefit based on their spouse’s earnings record rather than on their own. Under the new legislation, beginning in 2016, neither person will receive benefits

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during the suspension period when a “file and suspend” claim is filed. This provision applies to new file-and-suspend claims; those currently using this strategy will be grandfathered in. And remember: If you became age 62 on or before Dec. 31, 2015, you can still use the old claiming strategy if you file before May 1 of this year. After that grace period, the new provisions will apply to all retirees. THE “DEEMED FILING EXTENSION” STRATEGY A second claiming strategy eliminated by this legislation involves the deemed filing rule. Under the new legislation, spouses will still be able to choose to file for the larger of two Social Security benefits – their own, based on their own earning history, or their spousal benefit, based on their spouse’s income, but they can’t switch between benefits. Previously, someone who reached full retirement age could apply for and begin receiving spousal benefits while delaying applying for benefits based on their own (usually higher) earnings record, in order to earn additional delayed retirement credits. Under the new legislation, when you apply for either spousal or your own Social Security benefits, you are assumed to be filing for both and are granted

whichever is larger. As with file and suspend, this change affects people who reach age 62 after calendar year 2015. If you reached age 62 on or before December 31, 2015, you will still be able to file request spousal benefits when you reach full retirement age and later switch to your own, delayed benefits if you choose. MEDICARE PART B Some good news: Because there will be no automatic increase in monthly Social Security benefits for 2016, most Social Security recipients will not see an increase in their Medicare Part B premiums, either. A “hold harmless” provision in the Social Security Act protects about 70 percent of beneficiaries from increases in Medicare Part B premiums when there is no Social Security cost-of-living increase (the standard premium is currently $104.90). Unfortunately, for the roughly 30 percent of Medicare beneficiaries who are not protected by this provision, premiums had been scheduled to increase by as much as 52 percent. Those not protected include higher income beneficiaries who are subject to income-adjusted Part B premiums, low-income beneficiaries

• • • retirement | whose Part B premiums are paid by Medicaid, people who are enrolled in Medicare but not yet receiving Social Security benefits, and new Medicare or Social Security enrollees. To prevent such a high increase on this group of people, the legislation sets a new 2016 Part B premium of $120 for certain beneficiariesnot protected by the “hold harmless” provision. These beneficiaries will pay an additional $3 in monthly Part B premiums until the shortfall is made up. Those paying higher income-adjusted Part B premiums will paymore. If there is no Social Security cost-of-living adjustment again in 2017, the provision will also apply that year. OTHER PROVISIONS The legislation includes several other provisions worth noting, including: • Changes affecting single-employer Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC) premiums, and modification of the rules relating to the use of mortality tables. • Repeal of the requirement established by

If you became age 62 on or before Dec. 31, 2015, you can still use the old claiming strategy if you file before May 1 of this year. After that grace period, the new provisions will apply to all retirees.


the Affordable Care Act for employers with more than 200 employees to automatically enroll new full-time equivalent employees into a qualifying health plan, and to automatically continue enrollment of cur rent employees. • Modification of partnership audit rules, and clarification of the rules governing recognition of family partnership owner ship interests. • Changes to improve the financial health of the Social Security disability program, including a temporary reallocation of a por tion of the payroll tax rate. Social security regulations are complex, and even more so with the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2015. If you’re nearing retirement age and want to learn the best ways to maximize your Social Security income, talk with a financial planner who is knowledgeable Social Security and other financial issues retirees face.

Divorce Strategies Group, LLC is not affiliated with Voya Financial Advisors, Inc.

Denise French, CRPC, CDFA, is a Chartered Retirement Planning Counselor & Certified Divorce Financial Analyst with nearly 2 decades of experience helping clients create income plans for their retirement years. Mrs. French focuses on estate planning strategies and retirement income planning. She is founder & owner of Wealth Strategies Group which focuses primarily on retirement income planning. To learn more about Mrs. French and her company, Wealth Strategies Group, visit www.DeniseFrench.com.

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| the effects of a poor night’s sleep • • •

While You Were Sleeping… You need different amounts of sleep depending on your age. Here are the recommended totals: Babies: 16 hours 3 – 12: 10 hours 13 – 18: 10 hours 19 – 55: 8 hours Over 65: 6 hours

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• • • the effects of a poor night’s sleep |


While we snooze, our body actively restores and repairs itself. And when we cheat the clock, we cheat ourselves in important ways. story | Dianne Witter


n our hurry up, do-it-all society, being busy is a badge of honor. Who among us doesn’t multi-task through a daunting to-do list each day, building careers, managing our homes, raising children? Between soccer practice and monthly reports and laundry and errands, it’s no wonder we fall into bed at night exhausted, with too few hours for rest before we have to get up and do it all again. And all too often, we hit the bed only to lie awake, our minds racing through what has to be done tomorrow or simply rehashing the stresses of the day. In fact, less than half of us get the appropriate amount of sleep. Women in particular tend to consistently cheat ourselves of sleep; the recommended seven to eight hours for adults seems like an unattainable luxury with the lives we’re juggling. What’s more, it’s not just the amount of sleep that’s important, it’s the quality of that sleep that counts in terms of our health and well being. WHAT’S THE BIG DEAL ABOUT SLEEP? We tend to think of sleep as passive; as a time when we’re “doing nothing,” which feels like wasting time when there are so many things we need to accomplish. But nothing could be further from the truth. While we’re snoozing peacefully, our bodies are actually very active – repairing tissues, promoting muscle growth and synthesizing proteins that allow our body to restore itself from the wear and tear of every day life. In children and teens, sleep supports their quickly growing and changing bodies, which is why they need more hours of sleep than adults. In addition, sleep helps our brains work properly. While we’re at rest, our brains are busy storing information and forming new pathways. When the process is abbreviated, it can affect everything from decision making, memory, impulsivity, attention, reaction time, and more. We’ve all known the craving for caffeine to jump-start a sleep deprived brain, or the grogginess in an afternoon meeting, but there are many more less obvious, long-term effects of chronically getting too-little sleep. Imagine the financial repercussions if you

were frequently overdrawing funds from your bank account – it would quickly spell disaster for your budget. Sleep, too, is a precious – if underrated – commodity, and when we consistently “overdraw” from our sleep bank, we set ourselves up for problems. Scientists have found that even modest sleep deprivation can alter hormone levels and have an effect on a number of different health issues.

“all kinds of problems can arise from disorders that disrupt rem sleep — fatigue, weight gain, hypertension, low testosterone, insulin resistance, night time urination and more.” ~ Joe Taylor, Sleep Specialists of The Woodlands

We’ve all heard the joke, “Oh, I’ll sleep when I’m dead,” but here’s some sobering news: Ironically, treating a good night’s sleep as a luxury rather than a necessity may actually shorten your lifespan. The costs of cheating ourselves of sleep go beyond under-eye circles and groggy mornings; they add up silently over time like overage fees at the bank, contributing to the development of numerous serious health problems like obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease. (It’s worth bearing in mind that sleep deprivation is used as a form of torture for prisoners for a reason.) According to the Division of Sleep Medicine at Harvard Medical School, studies have found that reducing sleep by just a couple hours a night can contribute to serious, longterm health effects such as: • Obesity—Sleep helps control the balance of hormones that affect weight gain. In one study, those who regularly slept less

than six hours a night were much more likely to be overweight than those who slept an average of eight hours a night. • Diabetes—People who reported sleep ing fewer than five hours per night were found to have a greatly increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Alternatively, studies have also shown that improved sleep can have a positively effect on blood sugar. • Cardiovascular disease and hyperten sion—One study showed that even slightly reduced sleep (six to seven hours per night) significantly increased the risk of coronary artery calcification, which can lead to heart disease and death. • Immune function—Abbreviated sleep affects your immune system’s ability to resist infection and keep you healthy. One study showed that, when exposed to a cold-causing virus, people who averaged less than seven hours of sleep a night were about three times more likely to develop symptoms of a cold than were their fully rested counterparts. SO WHAT IS “A GOOD NIGHT’S SLEEP”? How much sleep is enough? Experts say that adults need between seven and nine hours of shut eye each night for optimal functioning, but studies show less than half of us consistently get that much sleep. Often we try to “catch up” on lost sleep on the weekend, but this approach further disrupts sleep cycles and can make the problem worse. A good night’s sleep is made up of both quality and quantity. Optimal sleep takes place in 90-minute cycles of REM sleep (Rapid Eye Movement) and slow-wave sleep. When these cycles are interrupted, the body doesn’t get the full restorative effects of sleep. That’s why experts recommend a regular bedtime, going to bed and getting up about the same time every day, to keep your body’s natural rhythms in sync. Arranging your schedule and your habits to ensure a full night’s sleep consistently is the first step toward a well-rested body and mind, but unfortunately it’s not the only hurdle you may face. Even while we think we’re sleeping, many people have sleep disorders that interrupt their sleep cycles and lessen the www.i-ammagazine.com




| the effects of a poor night’s sleep • • •

Tips for Improving Your Sleep •

GO TO BED AND WAKE UP AT THE SAME TIME EVERY DAY. For children, have a set bedtime and a bedtime routine. Don’t use the child’s bedroom for timeouts or punishment.

TRY TO KEEP THE SAME SLEEP SCHEDULE ON WEEKNIGHTS AND WEEKENDS. Limit the difference to no more than about an hour. Staying up late and sleeping in late on weekends can disrupt your body clock’s sleep–wake rhythm.

USE THE HOUR BEFORE BED FOR QUIET TIME. Avoid strenuous exercise and bright artificial light, such as from a TV or computer screen. The light may signal the brain that it’s time to be awake.

AVOID HEAVY AND/OR LARGE MEALS WITHIN A COUPLE HOURS OF BEDTIME. (Having a light snack is okay.) Also, avoid alcoholic drinks before bed.

AVOID NICOTINE (for example, cigarettes) AND CAFFEINE (including caffeinated soda, coffee, tea, and chocolate). Nicotine and caffeine are stimulants, and both substances can interfere with sleep. The effects of caffeine can last as long as 8 hours. So, a cup of coffee in the late afternoon can make it hard for you to fall asleep at night.


If you need one, A BRIEF NAP DURING THE DAY MAY PROVIDE A BOOST IN ALERTNESS AND PERFORMANCE, but adults should nap for no more than 20 minutes.

- from the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute

beneficial effects of their sleep. The most common sleep disorder is sleep apnea, explains Joe Taylor, CRT, RPSGT, RST, Clinical Administrator at Sleep Specialists of The Woodlands. “Sleep disorders are surprisingly common; probably 70 to 80 percent of the people who have them are undiagnosed,” he said. “Usually when people come in for evaluation, it’s because a spouse or partner insisted because of their snoring or gaps in breathing or restless leg syndrome.” People with untreated sleep apnea stop breathing repeatedly while they’re asleep, sometimes even hundreds of times. This deprives the body of the flow of oxygen. When the body works harder for oxygen, it increases the workload on your heart and interfers with hormone release at the right stage of sleep. “All kinds of problems can arise from disorders that disrupt REM sleep – fatigue, weight gain, hypertension, low testosterone, insulin resistance, night time urination,” Taylor explained. “Some of our patients see a marked change in the quality of their lives when they start treatment. “The important thing to know is that snoring is not normal,” he stressed. “Not everyone who snores has sleep apnea, but it’s a red flag that is worth mentioning to your doctor.” Treatment for sleep apnea is usually

Epworth Sleepiness Scale The Epworth Sleepiness Scale is a fairly standard initial assessment to determine if you might have a sleep disorder that merits further diagnostic exploration, such as an overnight sleep study. Try this quick assessment to see how you rate! If you have a score of 10 or higher, discuss with your doctor whether a sleep study may be appropriate for you.

0 – No chance of dozing 1 – Slight chance of dozing 2 – moderate chance of dozing 3 – high chance of dozing

Sitting and reading Watching television Sitting inactive in a seminar, theater or meeting As a passenger in a car for one hour Lying down to rest in the afternoon While having a relaxed conversation Sitting quietly after lunch without alcohol In a car while stopped for a few minutes in traffic Total Points (Max/24)

i•am 22 www.i-ammagazine.com

involves wearing a continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machine (or a similar model) while sleeping. The air pressure keeps the airway open and oxygen flowing, allowing deep, restorative sleep to take place. Being overweight is a double-edged sword in sleep disorders. “A body mass index over 30 is a red flag because the additional weight can contribute to sleep apnea,” explained Taylor. “And if your sleep cycles are interrupted, that can affect insulin resistance and cause carbohydrate cravings, further exacerbating the weight problem.” According to HeartStrong Sleep Centers in the Woodlands, if you have any of the following symptoms you may want to talk with you doctor about whether you’re a candidate for a sleep study: • Loud snoring • Daytime sleepiness • Overweight • Difficulty waking up • Difficulty going to sleep • Frequent nightime urination • Stop breathing during sleep • Nasal obstruction/deviated septum • Gastroesophageal refulx or GERD • Large neck • Male over 40

Calling All Women in Business Make your reservation now to be featured in i •am Sleep is so critical to our health that you can actually die from sleep deprivation before food deprivation. It takes 2 weeks to starve, but just 10 days without sleep can kill you. Sleep apnea is the most common type of sleep disorders, but there are a number of others. According to The Woodlands Neurology and Sleep center’s website (www.woodlandsneuro. com) some examples include: • Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome • Narcolepsy • Restless legs syndrome • Parasomnias (REM behavioral disorder, sleepwalking, etc) • Insomnia • Circadian rhythm disorders (advance sleep phase syndrome, delayed sleep phase syndrome) • Idiopathic central nervous system hyper somnia DESPERATELY SEEKING SLEEP With all these potential problems, it’s a wonder anyone ever gets a good night’s sleep! To increase your odds of reaping the health and alertness good sleep can bring, consider the factors affecting your sleep. For starters, make sleep a priority and arrange your schedule accordingly. Just giving yourself permission to get the sleep you need (and to say “no” to nonessentials that keep you too busy) can make a big difference. Work at having the kids in bed and quiet in time for you to have some time to de-stress before bed. Make your bedroom a relaxing, calming place, and dispense with electronic devices at least 30 minutes before bed. You might do some calming stretches or meditation before turning in, or whatever relaxes you. See the sidebar, “Tips for Improving Your Sleep,” for more ideas on how to keep insomnia at bay. If making your own bedtime a priority seems selfish, remember, you can’t pour from an empty cup. With a fresh mind and rested body, you’ll be much more effective at accomplishing that daunting to-do list. (A side note. If you have an infant in the house…none of this applies to you. Just do the best you can and know that they grow fast and you will sleep again one day!) Sweet dreams!

Dianne Witter is a freelance writer in Houston who’d love just one really good night’s sleep.

magaz ine’s

WHO’s WHO women in business • 2016 •

in i•am magazine’s Women issue (March/April 2016). Let our readers know about you and your business in this special feature section. You won’t want to be left out! Space is limited. Reservation deadline is January 10th. Contact i•am magazine at info@i-ammagazine.com to receive reservation information.

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SarahCare Gives Seniors Daytime Options New “daycare” facility offers socialization for seniors and respite for caregivers story | Michelle Schurman


attie Tabor is a warm and loving 83-year-old who enjoys short walks, solving the Rubix cube and mingling with her friends. So, when her daughter heads off to work everyday, she looks forward to spending the day at SarahCare Adult Day Care Center in The Woodlands, instead of at home alone. “At our age, you need to keep your mind active,” she says, while doing a puzzle with her friend. SarahCare is a medically supervised day care center that just opened in the Woodlands; the franchise has been operating successfully in Kingwood for the last ten years. SarahCare has proven to beneficial for both the seniors who attend and the family caregivers they live with. “Caregivers are often under additional stress, sometimes making them even more prone to disease or illness than the people they are caring for, so SarahCare is a win-win,” says Lisa Suarez co-owner Lisa Suarez. “It’s both for the family that’s taking care of them and it’s for the individual.” SarahCare provides safe, fun and socially engaging activities for aging parents or senior loved ones five days a week from 7 am to 6 pm. There are structured optional activities, with a dietitian-approved breakfast, lunch and afternoon snack served daily. The 6,000 square foot facility offers a lounge, dining room, craft room, men’s den, showers, rest area, outdoor patio, laundry facilities and private lockers. Some days, participants will go for walks and occasionally, there are field trips to baseball games, movies and restaurants. Every morning, the center’s Activity Director offers a light exercise class of movement and stretching. “Our goal is for them to be active. Sometimes, 80-90% of the effort comes from us, but it’s for their self-esteem. Nursing homes don’t encourage that; that’s the difference,” says Suarez. SarahCare offers a loving environment, warm and patient staff and the opportunity to mix and i•am 24 www.i-ammagazine.com

mingle with people their own age. Tabor’s niece (and one of her caretakers), Denise Wilkes, has noticed the difference in her aunt since coming to SarahCare. “It really brought back a light (in her) and filled the void of sitting at home, feeling empty and lonely.” The family had worried how she would fare when her husband of 62 years passed away. For their family, having Tabor at SarahCare for three days a week has been the perfect solution. “They are very caring, they’ve given her tremendous attention and affection and there needs to be more of these places, because the need is going to be great,” says Wilkes. She points out that seniors are living longer, and it’s often adult children, with families of their own, who are doing the care giving. A COST EFFECTIVE OPTION At $75 per day, SarahCare is the most affordable option that still allows seniors to live at home, but offers supervised care during the day. Statistics show this type of adult daycare costs less than in-home assistive care, assisted living or a nursing home. Because SarahCare is an approved provider under the Veteran’s Administration program, some VA beneficiaries qualify for financial assistance. MONTHLY COST OF CARE SarahCare= $1,575 ($75 x 21 days) Assisted Living= $3,990 ($133 x 30 days) In Home Care= $3,570 ($170 x 21 days) Nursing Home=$6,600 ($220 x 30 days) After spending time at SarahCare, many caregivers immediately notice their loved one experiences a shift in attitude and well being. “When they go home at night they’re happier and they sleep well because they’re busy during the day,” says Suarez. Participants range in age, and must be evaluated by the Executive Director before being accepted into the program. A typical SarahCare client may suffer from memory impairment, stroke, Parkinson’s, chronic disease, isolation or depression.

Mattie Tabor

“it really brought back a light (in her) and filled the void of sitting at home, feeling empty and lonely.” ~ Denise Wilkes

“We are a health care provider because we have a registered nurse on staff…we can take care of any medical needs they may have and administer medications, check blood pressure and blood sugar,” says Suarez. SarahCare sends quarterly reports to client’s physicians to keep them updated on progress, and document any changes they’ve noticed. The care, activities and programs at SarahCare are focused on what participants can do, not what they can’t do. Staff is trained in delivering care with love and dignity. To learn more about SarahCare Adult Day Care Centers, or to schedule a visit to the center, visit www.sarahcare.com.

THE WOODLANDS 157 Nursery Rd., The Woodlands, TX 77380 281-419-3600 www.sarahcare.com/woodlands KINGWOOD 23972 Hwy. 59N, Kingwood, TX 77339 281-361-7000 www.sarahcare.com/kingwood

Michelle Schurman is an award-winning journalist and freelance writer based in The Woodlands. She is a mother of three, who enjoys writing about health, nutrition, parenting, relationships and lifestyle topics.

• • • 20 steps to better health |

20 EASY Ways to Improve Your Health NOW!


story | Patricia Ostholm Happy New Year! Need a health resolution you can stick to all year long? Try one or more of these 20 easy ways to improve your health now! These seemingly small habits (in no particular order) are simple to implement, but they can make a big impact on your long-term health.

1. GO TO BED AND GET UP AT THE SAME TIME EVERY DAY – including on weekends. Studies have shown that an inconsistent schedule disrupts the quality of sleep cycles.

2. STRETCH DAILY. This is particularly important if you have a sedentary job, since it increases blood flow and relieves tension. Check out WebMD for 12 stretching exercises you can do at your desk throughout the day. Bonus: stretching gives your brain a break!

3. PRACTICE DEEP BREATHING. You can do this at work or home to lower stress and blood pressure, while increasing energy. Just inhale and exhale through your nose for 5 seconds each and repeat at least 5 times. Learn the technique at LiveStrong.com.

4. SHOP MOSTLY THE PERIMETER OF THE GROCERY STORE (except for the bakery). Most whole foods are found along the store’s perimeter.

5. SCHEDULE A WELL-CHECK APPOINTMENT WITH YOUR DOCTOR. Bonus: the annual check-up is now deductible-free and co-pay free, due to the Affordable Care Act.

6. FLOSS DAILY AND USE AN ELECTRIC TOOTHBRUSH. Bonus: heart health has been linked to dental health, so what’s good for your teeth and gums is also good for your heart!

7. TURN OFF THE TV OR COMPUTER AN HOUR BEFORE BEDTIME. Winding down with calming activities such as light reading, cozying up to your pet, or taking a bath, help you fall asleep faster.

8. IF YOU JOIN A GYM, HIRE A TRAINER. Trainers create an exercise program customized to you that will help reduce injury and boost results. It will be money well spent.

11. INSPECT THE SOLES/TREAD ON YOUR SHOES AT LEAST ONCE A YEAR and replace worn-out shoes. And make sure your shoes have appropriate arch support. Trust me, you don’t want plantar fasciitis!

12. GET A PET – it can be a real stress-reliever. Bonus: if you get a dog, you’ll also get more exercise, and if you shop the shelter, you’ll be saving a pooch, too.

9. EAT LESS RED MEAT (and avoid processed meat) to reduce your cancer risk. For a savory substitute, try sautéed mushrooms or spinach, grilled veggies, or black beans. Or eat more chicken or salmon. Bonus: less red meat is also good for the environment.

10. DRINK MORE WATER by putting a full glass on your desk every morning, and refilling the glass at lunchtime and again in mid-afternoon. Bonus: water is filling so if you’re trying to lose weight, it can help you eat less.

13. DON’T TEXT AND DRIVE – this can literally save your life and the lives of others! Talk or text only with hands-free devices and limit your talk time while driving. Bonus: if you have kids, you’ll be setting a good example.

14. TAKE THE STAIRS WHENEVER POSSIBLE. Aerobic exercise is good for the heart and office dwellers also benefit from stimulating blood flow. And if you can walk at lunchtime, bring your sneakers.

15. SNACKS ON WHOLE FOODS. Instead of hitting the vending machine, eat an apple, banana, carrot sticks, nuts or a hard-boiled egg. These are easy to bring to work and are both filling and nutritious.

16. EAT AT THE TABLE – and not in front of the TV or computer! Studies show people overeat and eat less healthy if we eat on the go or our minds are elsewhere. Bonus: if your senses (sight smell and taste) are focused on your food, you’ll enjoy your meal more.

17. LIMIT YOUR TIME CATCHING UP ON “THE NEWS.” Most of the news reported today is bad news. And bad news increases stress. Bonus: during rush-hour traffic, switch to music which may put you in a good mood.

18. MAKE “FAMILY TIME” A PRIORITY. Busy and conflicting schedules make this more challenging, but try to set aside at least one day per week for the whole family to have fun and interact. Play a board game or video game, or just talk or listen to music. It’s the togetherness that counts!

19. SMILE AND LAUGH MORE. Giving someone a smile (and receiving a smile in return) helps reduce stress and improves your immune system. So does laughing – so enjoy a comedy or a good joke.

20. HUG YOUR FRIENDS AND LOVED ONES OFTEN. Already do that? Try holding the hug for 10 seconds – it’s amazing how much better it feels! Bonus: National Hug Day is January 21, so what better time to up the hugs than now?




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• • • mind, body and soul |


Feeding Mind, Body and Soul Finding spiritual peace in a troubled world


SEEKING DIVINE WISDOM The key to achieving happiness in a troubled world really is simple. First, we have to be in the correct frame of mind to be able to make correct, centered decisions. Wisdom comes in all sorts of forms, you can read books, you can search on the Internet, but true wisdom comes through a spiritual connection to God. As humans, we make a lot of mistakes, but our lives improve when we seek deeper, spiritual wisdom. When we “Let go and let God,” as the saying goes, we begin to see real differences in our lives. I went to college, I love reading all different types of books, I’ve done a lot to “educate” myself, but the truth is, my greatest wisdom comes from being open to the deeper understanding of what God is telling me do.

is in making life choices based on spiritual

story | Catherine Law e look at the news today and there is terror, war and suffering around the world. Within our families, we may be struggling financially or going through a bad divorce or loss of a spouse. Regardless of the circumstance, we all feel pain and suffering in life. These conflicts come from our mind and affect our body, causing sleep loss, anxiety and health problems. When “the world is too much with us,” it can cripple our soul, and we can fall into hopelessness. Humans, by nature, seek understanding, compassion, love and approval from others. When this doesn’t bring fulfillment or success, we may go into deep sadness, hurt, depression, anger and condemnation. But the truth is simple. Peace doesn’t come when all the problems go away – problems are a given in the world. Peace and happiness come when we look to our own deep-rooted spirituality for guidance through good times and bad. As the Bible tells us, “Fear not, for God is always with you.” As humans, we were given minds to think and make choices; we were given our bodies to embrace, feel and touch; and most importantly, we were given souls to connect us to deeper emotions and a more complex understanding of our purpose. We need all three of these to feel complete as spiritual beings.

the key to true happiness

Through his words from the Bible and through prayer, I was able to seek out the truth, the knowledge to know what is right and wrong for me. The key to true happiness is in making life choices based on spiritual wisdom. Whatever your race, nationality or religion, whether you even consider yourself “religious” or not, try tapping into the divine current I believe runs through everyone of us. Just open your mind by asking God to grant you the wisdom you need. Or simply be still, and listen. He answers. When you are sad or lonely or hurt, open your heart and mind to “the peace of God that passes all understanding” and it will help makes all unclear things become clear.

wisdom. “be strong and courageous. do not be frightened and do not be dismayed, for the lord your god is with you wherever you go.” ~ Joshua 1:9 ESV

NURTURING BODY AND SOUL In addition to centering our mind, we also need to take care of our earthly bodies. We tend to take our bodies for granted. The body is an amazing work of artistry, and we are called to treat it with care. What we put into our mouth or on our skin or how we act affects our body. Again we need to determine what is right and wrong for us and without knowledge, that is very hard to determine. We are spiritual beings, but we need to protect and care for our earthly bodies. Lastly for our soul, we must feed our soul with spirit of God. Only then you can find happiness. By living a spiritual life, we can live “in the world, but not of it.” War and poverty and negative influences may be all around us; difficult decisions and dilemmas abound; but if we feed our soul daily with spiritual wisdom, we can bring grace and peace to our daily lives and decisions. Ultimately it is quite simple, if you open your mind for wisdom and clarity from the grace of God and act accordingly, your soul will never be empty and you will have a blessed life.

Catherine Law lives in The Woodlands, Texas, with her husband of nine years, two children and their dogs. Her hobbies include singing and writing Christian songs, playing the piano, and traveling with family.




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• • • the camino de santiago |


The Camino de Santiago:

This ancient pilgrimage trail is a journey for mind, body and spirit story | Patricia Ostholm


always knew my mom was adventurous and strong-willed. She has traveled all over the world, and throughout her life, she hasn’t let challenges stop her from achieving her goals. But I never would have dreamed that she (and my Dad) would hike 225 miles across northern Spain – just in time to celebrate my mom’s 71st birthday. After all, she’s never considered herself athletic, and this was the first time she had ever back-packed! Needless to say, I am enormously proud of my parents’ accomplishment. But they are in good company with perhaps millions of other people who have walked the ancient Christian pilgrimage trail known as the Camino de Santiago (or “The Way of St. James”). Legend has it that the apostle, St. James, was buried in the northwestern Spanish town of Santiago de Compostela. And since at least the 9th century, pilgrims from all over Europe and beyond have

made the trek from their homes to this sacred place. Today, the Camino (which is a UNESCO World Heritage Site) attracts people from all walks of life and from as far away as Australia and America. And just as Martin Sheen’s character in the 2010 movie “The Way” found out, people initially hike the trail for a variety of personal reasons, some religious or spiritual and some not. But talk to anyone who has walked to Santiago – even if they’ve only walked the last 62 miles – and they will surely tell you it was a life-changing experience, if not a spiritual one. “My experience on the Camino was so positive that I have resolved to hike it again,” said my mom, Graciela. “I really enjoyed the camaraderie of walking with people of all ages, backgrounds and nationalities. And staying at albergues (dormitory-style hostels) provided an opportunity to really get to know other pilgrims. “Despite all the bad news on TV these days,” she said, “it’s comforting to know there are many people from around the world who

share the same values as you and me.” My husband, Chuck, and I were introduced to the Camino on a trip with my parents in September 2013. It was the first time for all of us, and we walked more than 60 miles from Pamplona to Logrono in four days. Although we covered only about one-eighth of the 500-mile route, we got a good taste of the Camino (and my parents came back the following spring to continue where we left off). On that first trip, the four of us hiked up to mountain vistas, through farmland and vineyards, and across expansive plains where you could see for miles. We crossed old stone bridges, walked on remnants of an ancient Roman Road, and spied the hill-top silhouettes of crumbling structures from long ago. We walked through many sleepy little villages in the middle of nowhere, and through larger towns with a lively main square (perfect for enjoying a glass of Sangria or Rioja wine with freshly-made tapas!). Of course, we saw numerous historic churches and impressive cathedrals, and often at night





| the camino de santiago • • •

Graciela and Dick

we heard the church bells toll the hour. And the local people we met were wonderful. I will never forget one morning as Chuck and I were heading out of town, we came upon a nun who was quite elderly. As soon as she saw me with my backpack and scallop shell (the pilgrimage symbol), her face lit up and she began speaking very excitedly in Spanish. Although I don’t speak her language, her message to me was clear: she was excited about our pilgrimage and was giving us her blessing. CROSSING THE PYRENEES MOUNTAINS While the Camino is beautiful in so many ways, it is still challenging no matter what your age. Many of those who have hiked the 500-mile route, which takes at least 4 to 5 weeks, say the journey has three distinct phases. The first phase is physical, in part because the trek starts with a challenging crossing over the Pyrenees mountains, but also because walking

Chuck Ostholm

i•am 30 www.i-ammagazine.com

for days on end is often new to modern-day pilgrims. Thirty-six-year-old Hape Kerkeling, author of the international best-selling book “I’m Off, Then: Losing and Finding Myself on the Camino de Santiago” chronicled his many physical challenges with both dead-serious honesty and a sense of humor. In one passage, when he recounts his first day on the hike, he says: “I sit down on a rock at the side of the road in the pouring rain… A glance to my right tells me that I will not make the steep ascent, since my waddling pace suggests that the peak is probably hours away. A glance to my left reveals that I won’t be any more likely to handle the approximately three-hour descent. This qualifies as a bona fide emergency, entitling me to a granola bar and a cigarette.” Later that same day, he confides: “The pain in my knee is getting unbearable, and I’m close to tears! My clever little guidebook reassures me that every pilgrim will cry at least once along the way. But not on my first day!

…And then – miracle of miracles – just when I’m about to burst into tears, I see the monastery walls of Roncesvalles.” Fortunately for Hape and countless others, the body eventually settles in to the physical challenge of hiking the Camino. (Unfortunately for me, I didn’t, due to hiking boots that were inexplicably too small; I later learned to buy boots a half-size larger to account for feet swelling). But just when the physical aspects of the Camino seem to get better, here comes the second phase, which many say is more mentally challenging. This is the part where villages are few and far between, the land is more barren with little shade, and the trail can get downright monotonous. At this point, some may begin to wonder if they are capable of making it to the end or they may lose the desire to keep going. My dad, Dick, briefly experienced this lack of desire and almost quit. He was frustrated

• • • the camino de santiago |


“sometimes, you find yourself in the middle of nowhere, and sometimes, in the middle of nowhere, you find yourself.” ~Unknown

by the relentless wind, his aching knees, and the long road still ahead. “I really liked that the Camino got me away from my routine – no need to log on to the computer and no worries about what the stock or bond market is doing,” he said. “But walking in the wind for hours and hours really got to me.” THE FINAL PHASE Luckily, once a hiker musters the mental toughness to endure, the third phase often brings a welcome sense of peace and clarity. You might call this the spiritual phase of the journey. The Camino is now like an old friend, and many say this becomes a time for soul-searching and self-reflection, which often leads to positive changes in one’s life. Interestingly, the landscape during this final part of the journey has also changed: there are green hills and forests, babbling brooks and bucolic pastures with sheep, goats and cows. It’s as if the land has become

re-nourished and refreshed. And then, at long last, pilgrims arrive at their destination: the beautiful cathedral in Santiago de Compostela. Here, at the pilgrims’ mass, emotions run high, and the physical and mental challenges of getting to this sacred place seems all worthwhile. “The mass was so emotional for me,” my mom recounted. “It was amazing to see all the people who hiked the Camino at the same time I did – and the church was so full it was standing-room only.” Another highlight for my parents was receiving their “compostela” – an official certificate declaring the named individual completed at least the last 100 kilometers (62 miles) under their own power. In that year, my parents were among 237,000 pilgrims who received that distinctive honor. “It was a tremendous feeling to know you accomplished what you set out to do,” my mom said. My dad agreed and added: “But you

shouldn’t feel like a failure if you don’t reach your goal. Even hiking just a few days is worthwhile.” Chuck and I couldn’t agree with him more. We will definitely return some day when we have time to hike all the way to Santiago. And when we do, we’ll bring our partially stamped “pilgrim’s passport” to pick up where we left off. And we’ll always remember my parents’ sage advice: hike at your own pace – it’s not a race; your age doesn’t matter (they met pilgrims in their mid-80s); and my mom’s personal motto, “you never know what you can accomplish until you get started!” Buen Camino! Patricia Ostholm’s passion for writing grew from her first career in marketing and communications. Today, she writes in her spare time, with a focus on women’s interests and issues. She and her husband, Chuck, live in Florida – but they visit family in The Woodlands as often as they can!

Patricia Ostholm





| the camino de santiago • • •

Planning a Trip

Make a new year’s resolution to hike the Camino de Santiago! Here are some helpful tips: WHEN TO GO: June through mid-October, but know that July and August can be quite hot. To arrive in Santiago on St. James Day (July 25th), plan accordingly.

Camino Traditions CAMINO GREETING & FAREWELL: You don’t need to be fluent in Spanish, but you must learn one important phrase: “Buen Camino!” This is used as both a greeting and farewell. Locals and pilgrims alike repeat this greeting as pilgrims head out on the trail and when they pass each other. And, it makes you feel a part of the Camino community. SCALLOP SHELL: For centuries, this shell has been the symbol of the Camino. There are various myths of the origin, all related to St. James’ body arriving in Santiago by ship. It has also been said that the shell’s grooves represent the various routes pilgrims travel. Historically, the shell may have been used to drink water and eat small rations of food. Today, the shell symbol points the way along the route, and pilgrims carry a scallop shell on their person or backpack. GOURD: This fruit is also a Camino symbol with a long history. In medieval times, the gourd would be eaten and the hollowed-out cavity used to carry water. Some people today carry a replica gourd. PILGRIM’S PASSPORT: Traditionally, pilgrims carried a credential from their home church to gain admittance to Christian refugees on the way to Santiago and to receive their compostela certificate. Today, the passport provides verification that the individual has walked at least the last 100 kilometers (which is 62 miles). Passports are stamped upon departure from each night’s accommodation and churches provide a special stamp, as well. PILGRIM’S MASS IN SANTIAGO: A pilgrim’s ultimate goal is to reach the cathedral in Santiago and attend the pilgrim’s mass at noon. And on Feast Days, a centuries-old tradition of using an incense burner continues. The supersized burner (known as a Botafumeiro) swings overhead from a pulley – and by all accounts, it is a sight to see.

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WHERE TO START: The most popular route is the French route, which starts in the small French town of St. Jean Pied de Port. If you don’t want to hike over the Pyrenees, you can start in Pamplona, like we did. To do just the last 100 km, start in the town of Sarria, and allow five full days to reach Santiago. WHAT TO BRING: Backpack: with rain fly (REI has a good selection and I have found the staff to be knowledgeable). Hiking Poles & Water Bottle: note hiking poles must fly in checked luggage only. The water bottle can be refilled at public water fountains along the way. You can also use a bladder. Hiking Footwear: if you’re only walking the last 100 km, trail-running shoes are fine. But if you’re hiking the mountainous areas, hiking shoes or boots are recommended. Waterproof is also recommended, but less important in July and August. Be sure to break-in new footwear well before your trip! Other Footwear: sandals let your feet breathe after a long day hiking. Safety Equipment: small medical kit (including blister plasters, pain reliever, bandages); also a headlamp is useful at night. Foul Weather Gear: waterproof rain jacket (it can rain any month but July, August and September have the least rain). In June or the fall, a wind-breaker and a fleece is also handy. Sun/Heat Protection: Sun hat, sunscreen, sunglasses and cooling bandana. Hiking Clothing: quick-dry underwear, hiking socks, and clothing (shirts, shorts and long pants) that you can wash in a sink. Other Odds & Ends: Camino guidebook or phone app (be sure your phone is compatible for use in Europe); ATM card to get cash (many places don’t accept debit or credit cards); and a camera or phone camera! For Albergue (Hostel) Stays: silk liner for sleeping, ear plugs, sleeping mask, quick-dry bath towel, and shower flip-flops. A Word of Advice: Pack light – your feet will thank you! Ideally, your loaded backpack should not be more than 10% of your body weight. COST: The trip can be very budget-friendly if you stay at albergues (hostels) and eat the “pilgrims menu.” My parents found clean and comfortable hostels that charged as little as 5 Euros per person. If you prefer private accommodations with more amenities, hotels can be had for a reasonable cost compared to U.S. prices. TOUR COMPANIES: If you want daily luggage transfers and hotel reservations, there are many companies that will arrange that. On our first trip, we used Follow the Camino (www. followthecamino.com ), based in Ireland, and had a good experience. On my parents’ second trip, all their belongings were carried in their backpacks and they arranged their own accommodations. FITNESS TRAINING: For an optimal experience on the trail, I recommend fitness training well in advance of your trip. If you don’t exercise regularly, consult your doctor before starting a fitness program. INTERESTING READING/RESOURCES: Guidebook: “Camino de Santiago from St. Jean Pied de Port to Santiago de Compostela,” by John Brierley. Documentary Film: “Camino de Santiago Documentary: a Journey of the Mind,” by Drew Robinson, an adventure hiking and travel blogger from California: www.trailtopeak.com (the Camino is on the Treks tab). Best-selling Book: “I’m Off, Then: Losing and Finding Myself on the Camino de Santiago,” by Hape Kerkeling.

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give back

| bone marrow donation • • •

Be the Cure

The cure for someone’s blood cancer may be coursing through your veins right now. story | Dianne Witter


f you could cure cancer, would you do it? In fact, the power to cure someone’s leukemia or serious blood disorder may be coursing through your veins right now. You may be the rare genetic match someone is combing through bone marrow registry data bases to find—will you be there? All it takes is a cheek swab.

WHAT IS BONE MARROW, ANYWAY? Fifteen years ago, when I was hemorrhaging in the Emergency Room from an as-yet unknown cause while my frightened 9-year-old son sat with family in the waiting room, I – like most people – had little concept of what a blood cancer was or how bone marrow worked. It was months before I fully understood the seriousness of how my life changed that day. This brief primer will help clear up some of the mystery of bone marrow failure. The production of all blood cells in the body takes place in our bone marrow, the soft tissue within our bones. The marrow produces blood stem cells, from which the different types of blood cells develop: red blood cells, which carry oxygen throughout the body; white blood cells, which regulate the immune system and protect the body from infection; and platelets, which control the blood’s ability to clot. In serious blood disorders and blood cancers, the bone marrow loses its ability to produce healthy, functioning blood cells. It may flood the system with deformed or malignant cells, crowding out the healthy cells, or it may lose the ability to replenish cells regularly. People with bone marrow disorders may need i•am 34 www.i-ammagazine.com

regular blood transfusions, they’re more likely to contract serious infections, and they may be at risk of internal bleeding or of serious blood loss from minor problems such as nosebleeds. Depending on the severity of bone marrow failure, some people can live fairly normal lives for a number of years; for others, survival can be a matter of months. WHERE YOU COME IN Some blood cancers and disorders can be treated with different types of chemotherapy or experimental treatments in hopes of remission. When bone marrow failure is severe, often the only possibility for cure is with a bone marrow transplant. Unlike organ donations, bone marrow donation requires a very close genetic match. Siblings have a one in four chance of being a match. (You may remember Good Morning America host Robin Roberts, who had myelodysplastic syndrome, undergoing a bone marrow transplant from her sister several years ago.) According to Be the Match, the nation’s largest bone marrow registry, 70 percent of patients are unable to find a donor match among relatives; their best hope becomes a search of the national bone marrow donor registries. The odds of finding a compatible unrelated donor are about 1 in 20,000, so the more people listed in the registries, the better. Members of ethnic groups and mixed races tend to have a harder time finding a match because they’re not as well represented in the registries, so people of a variety of ethnicities are especially needed. Signing up for the registry is a simple process, either through a community donor drive or online (check out www.BeTheMatch. com for information). You only donate bone marrow if you are selected as the best genetic match for someone; Be The Match estimates that about 1 in 540 people who join the registry are selected for donation. Donating bone marrow is a fairly simple process today. In the majority of transplants, stem cells can be harvested from the person’s bloodstream in an outpatient procedure called apheresis – blood is taken out of one arm, similar to the blood donation process. It is then cycled through a machine that extracts stem cells, then the blood is returned to the body through the other arm. Recovery time is minimal. Healthy bone marrow quickly forms more new stem cells to replace those that are donated.

“i can’t offer my bone marrow for the sake of someone else’s young son. Will you?” Stem cells from umbilical cords are also a good source for marrow donation, and may pose less of a threat of rejection by the body. Expectant parents should consider donating their baby’s umbilical cord to a cord blood bank. Talk with your doctor, or request information from Be The Match. AS FOR ME… I didn’t bleed out in that emergency room years ago; I received the first of many, many blood transfusions that kept me alive while I battled severe bone marrow failure and a very short life expectancy for the next seven years. A bone marrow transplant was always a possibility, and I would have had to take my chances with the registry lottery. Fortunately for me, a new drug came on the market at just the right time, and I very gradually went into the remission I’ve been in for the past 8 years. That scared 9-year-old son from the waiting room is now an adult, and I got be there while he grew up. Gratitude is not a big enough word to express how that feels. I can’t offer my bone marrow for the sake of someone else’s young son. Will you?

Dianne Witter is a freelance writer in an unlikely long-term remission from myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS), a form of leukemia. She is pictured above with her now 24-yearold son, Taylor Hutsler, on a recent trip to California to celebrate his college graduation – a day neither of them thought she’d get to see.

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