i-am magazine march/april 2016 WOMEN issue

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is the road to SUCCESS PAVED with FAILURE? the CANCER that WHISPERS BOND & CONNECT mother/daughter getaways first impressions SHOW UP LOOKING SHARP

volume 2 | issue 2 MARCH~APRIL 2016 • WOMEN

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TABLE of CONTENTS | women 2016 • • •

What ’s Inside 14 17

protect 8

The Cancer That Whispers Ovarian cancer symptoms are often ignored or misdiagnosed. Learn what to look for.

10 Making Cancer Last Season A highlight of the upcoming event for The Couture for the Cause of Montgomery County, benefitting The American Cancer Society, and the personal story of its Honorary Chair, Theresa Romer.

12 Achieving Balance Learn tips on how to release your inner goddess and reclaim harmony in your life.

14 Time for a Cosmetic Clean Up? Learn the dirty details of what’s in your personal care products and what you can do to protect yourself.

inspire 17

The Road to Success is Paved with Failure Are you willing to risk failure to reach for the brass ring?


24 26

Who’s Who: Women in Business Special feature highlight: These women share their story of passion for what they do.

connect 24

The Journey to Motherhood A well-thought out labor and delivery plan is one of the greatest gifts an expectant mom can give herself.

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26 A Get-Away for the Girls Discover sensational mother/daughter trip destinations that will help you bond and stay connected.

achieve 31

Show Up Looking Sharp You only get one chance to make a great first impression. Here are tips to help you put your best foot forward.

support 32

Calendar of Events A listing of local charitable events that support great causes.

“she believed she could, so she did.� ~ Unknown

“you did not wake up today to be mediocre.” ~ Unknown

magazine Suzanne Hirayama Founder & Publisher Editor In Chief Creative Director Patricia Ostholm Dianne C. Witter Copy Editors CONTRIBUTING WRITERS

Anjali Gadre Patricia Ostholm Michelle Schurman Courtney Weidner Dianne C. Witter CONTACT

6700 Woodlands Pkwy., Ste. 230-281 The Woodlands, TX 77382 EDITORIAL INQUIRIES

info@i-ammagazine.com ADVERTISING INQUIRIES

adsales@i-ammagazine.com i•am magazine is a bi-monthly publication of Yama Media, LLC and is distributed, complimentarily, to residents in select routes within The Woodlands, TX and surrounding areas. If you are not within our distribution zone but would like to have i•am magazine delivered to you, subscriptions are available for $18.00 (six issues annually). To subscribe, send a money order for $18 payable to Yama Media, LLC, along with your full name and mailing address to Yama Media, LLC; 6700 Woodlands Pkwy., Ste. 230-281, The Woodlands, TX 77382. Please allow up to 8 weeks for delivery of first issue. Estimated readership: 200,000+. ©2016 Yama Media, LLC. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without the Publisher’s consent is strictly prohibited. The opinions expressed herein are exclusively those of the writers and do not necessarily reflect the positions or views of the Publisher. The publication of any advertisement or advertorial in this issue does not constitute an endorsement by this publication of the advertiser’s products or services.

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recently came across this quote:

“GIRLS COMPETE. WOMEN EMPOWER. We can choose to compete or choose to empower. We can either be a community or a competition. Another woman’s beauty is not the absence of your own. Their success is not your failure, their strength is not your weakness. We rise by lifting others. True women empower. Girls compete.” – Unknown

What a powerful statement! This issue of i-am magazine is dedicated to the women in our community — all the amazing things that we are and all the amazing things we can become. My goal for this issue is simple but important: to encourage and help empower all the women around me in all that they do. Whether you choose to become an entrepreneur, raise a family, forge a career in the corporate world, or do something else that has meaning for you, my hope is that you do it with confidence and passion and that we build each other up with encouragement. We begin this issue with a frightening topic that has become personal to so many women, but one where women have come together to give others the extraordinary strength to endure. Of course, we’re talking about cancer (pg. 8 and pg. 10). Most of us know someone who is battling or has battled this devastating disease, and i-am magazine is honored to partner with and support The American Cancer Society’s event: Couture for the Cause of Montgomery County, a local event to raise awareness and funding for cancer research and prevention. We also touch upon toxins that

may be in the everyday products we apply to our skin, many linked to cancer or other health issues (pg. 14). One of my favorites from this issue is an inspirational article about the rocky road to success (pg. 17). It’s a wonderful reminder that many successful women, including Oprah and J.K. Rowling, failed again and again before becoming the women we know them as today. Take heart in knowing that failure is often a necessary step to success if we can learn from our mistakes and move on. Appropriately, I followed this story with our first ever “Who’s Who: Women in Business,” a special spotlight section (pg. 21), where we feature a few local women entrepreneurs and the passion that drives their business. For those women becoming a mother — by far the most incredible “job” of all — our feature highlighting the importance of a prepared birthing plan and the importance of the baby’s first touch (pg. 24) will help make the transition smooth and more memorable. And for mothers who already have a teenage girl, turn to page 26 for some “mother/daughter” vacation ideas that can be a great way to connect and bond. Finally, we have added a new, special section listing a calendar of events for local charitable organizations. This is a great way to give back and support great causes that have a positive effect on our community (and even the world at large). I hope you will thoroughly enjoy this Women’s issue of i-am, and that you’ll join me in encouraging all the amazing women around us to reach their full potential!

Suzanne Suzanne Hirayama Publisher

I A M T H E I N T E L L I G E N T, A M A Z I N G , M O D E R N W O M A N


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ovarian cancer • • •


The Cancer that

Ovarian cancer symptoms are often ignored or misdiagnosed story | Michelle Schurman


t’s sometimes called the cancer that whispers because the symptoms can be so vague and mimic other conditions. They’re the sorts of nagging symptoms that many women will ignore and doctors can easily misdiagnose. Ovarian cancer occurs in 1 out of 73 women. Though it’s not nearly as common as breast cancer, it is far more deadly, with a 5-year survival rate of only 45% compared to 77% for breast cancer. That is due in large part to lack of awareness of the disease and the lack of effective early screening techniques. “Part of the problem with ovarian cancer is that [by the time they are diagnosed],75% of women have advanced stage ovarian cancer, and it’s already spread to multiple areas. Then it’s hard to treat and achieve a cure,” says Dr. Anil Sood, a gynecological oncologist at MD Anderson Cancer Center. Throughout our lives, ovaries play an important role in a woman’s reproductive health. They release the hormones estrogen and progestin, and by releasing an egg every month, give us the ability to have children. But, as we age, our ovaries can also become a site where cancer develops. It’s important to note the term “ovarian cancer” also refers to tumors that start in the fallopian tube (about 40% of cases) or the peritoneum, the lining that covers the pelvis and the abdomen. AN ACCIDENTAL DIAGNOSIS Stephanie Parke is not your typical ovarian cancer patient. At 41, she was a healthy and busy mother of three juggling family life and a successful career as a Woodlands dentist. For weeks, she’d been feeling bloated and thought she was suffering from some minor gastrointestinal issues, but it was blood in her stool that caught the attention of her obgyn. She was sent for a colonoscopy to test for colon cancer. Doctors found a tumor that had started in the wall of her uterus and had grown so big it was blocking her colon, causing bleeding. At such a young age (average age of diagnosis is 63) and with no family history of ovarian or breast cancer, the news took Stephanie and her husband, a physician, by surprise: She had advanced stage 4 ovarian cancer. i•am 8 www.i-ammagazine.com

“Thank God I had colon involvement or else I may not have been diagnosed,” says Parke. She had surgery to remove the cancerous tissue, and because her cancer was so advanced, she received an aggressive chemotherapy regimen – chemo every week for 18 weeks at MD Anderson. “I don’t know why this happened to me and I don’t know why I’m still alive, because if you read the statistics I shouldn’t be. But, I have a very strong faith and I have a lot of people praying for me and I feel like maybe I’m here to spread the word about ovarian cancer.” Parke wants women to become familiar with the symptoms of ovarian cancer and pay attention to signs like bloating and feeling full, even after a light meal. She warns women not to ignore any kind of pelvic or abdominal pain, nausea, diarrhea, constipation, frequent urination or abnormal vaginal bleeding. If any one of these symptoms seems unusual for you, or lasts for more than two to three weeks, she feels women should be proactive and see their doctor.

tive result. That’s why researchers continue to look for new ways to test for ovarian cancer. “There is a tremendous amount of promising research going on, but it’s in the very early stages,” says Dr. Sood. “Research is looking at tests that can indicate ovarian cancer by detecting nucleic acids or exosomes in the blood. We’re also looking at identifying breath-based bio-markers and at doing vaginal swabs where you can look at DNA as a potential screening. ADVANCES IN TREATMENT MD Anderson has chosen breast and ovarian cancer as part of its Moon Shots Program, an unprecedented effort to rapidly convert scientific discoveries into practical and life-saving treatments. As part of this program, doctors have been working to figure out who would be best served with upfront surgery versus chemotherapy, and what can be done to lengthen the time between remission and recurrence. Parke is currently enrolled in a clinical trial to test an ovarian cancer vaccine. It stimulates the immune system to fight folate-binding protein, a molecule that is present on many ovarian and breast cancers. In Parke’s case, the hope is that the vaccine will prevent recurrence, but she can’t help but dream of a day when her daughters could be offered a preventative ovarian cancer vaccine, similar to the HPV vaccine against cervical cancer.

THE QUEST FOR A SCREENING TEST Being aware of these changes in your body and knowing your family history is especially important since there is no effective early screening test for ovarian cancer. Breast exams and mammograms have been very successful at identifying early cases of breast cancer. And pelvic exams and the pap test have resulted in plummeting rates of cervical cancer. So it’s frustrating to many that a good test for early detection of ovarian cancer has so far eluded researchers. KNOW YOUR GENETIC HISTORY Early screening can make all the dif Researchers at MD Anderson are also ference. When ovarian cancer is caught early, the survival rate is over 90%. Unfortunately, most women are diagnosed when the cancer is advanced and the survival rate is only about 25%. The most promising tool right now is called the CA-125 blood test, which measures a protein in the blood produced by ovarian cancer cells. This event celebrates ovarian cancer However, it’s not fool proof. Some forms of ovarian patients and survivors while raising cancer don’t produce enough funds for ovarian cancer research. CA-125 to be detected, and some non-cancerous diseases of the ovaries also produce CA125, giving the test a false posiRegister at www.sprintforlife.com

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• • • ovarian cancer | Ovarian cancer occurs in 1 out of 73 women. While it’s not nearly as common as breast cancer, it is far more deadly, with a 5-year survival rate of only 45% compared to 77% for breast cancer.

honing in on the strong genetic link between breast and ovarian cancer. Some women carry a genetic mutation in BRCA1 and BRCA2, also known as the breast and ovarian susceptibility genes. Having this gene puts them at an 87% increased risk of breast cancer and a 50% increased risk of ovarian cancer. The well-documented case of Hollywood actress Angelina Jolie is a clear example of how patients can now use this information to make informed decisions about their future health. Jolie has a strong family history of ovarian and breast cancer, and after testing positive for the BRCA mutation, she decided to remove both breasts and ovaries. “At MD Anderson, we offer genetic testing to all women diagnosed with ovarian or breast cancer,” says Dr. Sood. “If you can offer preventive services to at risk families, what if you could eliminate cancers in these families or reduce it by more than 80%? You would have an enormous impact on this disease,” he adds. Testing all women for BRCA 1 and 2 doesn’t make sense since it occurs in a relatively small portion of the general population, but it is known to be much more common in women of Ashkenazi Jewish descent. If you have ovarian or breast cancer in your family, you should talk to your doctor about genetic testing. REDUCING YOUR RISK According to Dr. Sood, preventing ovarian cancer starts with the same advice you would hear for preventing all cancers – visit your doctor for annual exams and talk about any symptoms you may be having. Be sure to eat a healthy diet and stay physically active. But there are some other, less obvious,

things that tend to influence ovarian cancer risk: • Women who started menstruating at a young age are more likely to get ovarian cancer. • Women who took hormone replacement therapy (HRT) tend to have more aggressive forms of ovarian cancer. • Taking the birth control pill for at least 5 years is known to lower the risk of ovarian cancer by 40-50%. • Tubal ligation, commonly referred to as ‘getting your tubes tied,” also seems to have a protective effect, potentially by cutting off the blood supply to fallopian tubes, where 40% of ovarian cancers may start • Removing fallopian tubes during a hyster- ectomy, but leaving ovaries intact, may reduce cancer risk and help maintain ovar- ian function, which offers natural protection against cardiovascular disease and osteoporosis ROAD TO RECOVERY These days, Stephanie Parke looks and feels great. She is gradually getting her energy back, but acknowledges that chemotherapy took a toll on her body and even her memory. She says “chemo brain” is very real. She’s back at work seeing patients, and is thankful to have every day with her husband and three children. She lives with the knowledge that the recurrence rate for her disease is 75%, but through the power of prayer and by surrounding herself with loved ones and other ovarian cancer survivors, she’s hopeful she can once again beat the statistics. “I’ve never been in the lower 75% of anything in my life, so I hope I’m in the top 25% and it never comes back.”


The Statistics Ovarian cancer is diagnosed annually in nearly a quarter of a million women globally, and is responsible for 140,000 deaths each year. Statistics show that just 45% of women with ovarian cancer are likely to survive for five years compared to up to 89% of women with breast cancer.

5 Key Facts

1. All women are at risk of ovarian cancer 2. Awareness of the early warning signs of the disease could save lives 3. Diagnosis at an early stage vastly improves a woman’s chance of survival 4. Ovarian cancer is often diagnosed at a late stage. 5. Many women mistakenly believe the cervical smear test (Pap test) will detect ovarian cancer.


Symptoms of ovarian cancer can often be confused with other less serious conditions such as gastrointestinal disorders. Symptoms include: • Increased abdominal size / persistent bloating (not bloating that comes and goes) • Difficulty eating/feeling full quickly • Abdominal or pelvic pain • Needing to pass urine more urgently or more frequently

Risk factors

It is important to talk to your doctor to determine what your own personal risk may be. If you have a family history of breast or ovarian cancer as described above, you may wish to seek genetic counseling.

Genetic Testing

Genetic testing will indicate whether you have a change in your gene structure in either the BRCA1 or BRCA2 genes, which may make you more susceptible to breast or ovarian cancer.

Prevention & Diagnosis

There is currently no reliable screening test for ovarian cancer. Stephanie Parke (center, with her husband and three children) was a healthy, active mom and dentist in The Woodlands when she was diagnosed with stage 4 ovarian cancer, almost by accident. Now she wants to educate others about early detection.

Michelle Schurman is a Woodlands-based freelance writer. She dedicates this article to her mom, who is currently battling and winning her own personal war against ovarian cancer.

If you have signs and symptoms of ovarian cancer, your doctor should perform, or refer you for, a: • Complete pelvic exam • Transvaginal or pelvic ultrasound • CA-125 blood test source: www.ovariancancerday.org




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American Cancer Society • • •

Making Cancer Last Season story | Couture for the Cause of Montgomery County



et’s just rub baby oil on and bake in the sun!” Sharing her personal journey, self-proclaimed sun worshiper Theresa Roemer of The Woodlands, describes how, in their youth, she and her friends would spend hours beneath the hot summer sun to achieve a beautiful, brown glow. She further explains that, “It was certainly a different time back then. We didn’t know what we know now.” In June of 2015, Theresa was diagnosed with melanoma skin cancer, the less common but more serious of skin cancers, according to the American Cancer Society. She said, “I was dumbfounded. This can’t happen to me,” a thought many people experience when faced with a cancer diagnosis. Her treatment included surgery that required doctors to remove a large 3x6 inch area of tissue. Soon after the surgery, testing showed she is now a “Cancer Survivor,” a label that will follow her for the rest of her life. Theresa attributes the cancer survivor label to regular health check-ups and preventative care. Luckily, her doctors were able to catch the disease before it spread into other areas of her body. However, Theresa’s doctor has assured her that she is now at even greater risk and will need to avoid the sun, always wear sunscreen and cover herself as much as possible. In honor of National Cancer Prevention Month, Theresa is telling her story hoping it will remind people that cancer doesn’t discriminate, and that a cancer diagnosis can happen to anyone at anytime. Her experience has

taught her that early detection is key to survival and that melanoma skin cancer can be prevented by limiting exposure to UV rays from the sun. Although our genes influence our risk of cancer, most of the difference in cancer risk between people is due to factors that are not inherited. Avoiding tobacco products, staying at a healthy weight, staying active throughout life, and eating a healthy diet may greatly reduce a person’s lifetime risk of developing or dying from cancer. These same behaviors are also linked with a lower risk of developing heart disease and diabetes. For cancer information, statistics, and health tips, visit the American Cancer Society’s website, cancer.org. As this year’s Honorary Chair for the American Cancer Society’s Couture for the Cause of Montgomery County charity gala on May 7th at Carlton Woods Country Club, Theresa invites you to join her for an evening of high fashion, Italian fare, and entertaining fundraising. Proceeds raised on behalf of Couture for the Cause of Montgomery County will go directly to the American Cancer Society

Theresa Roemer is an entrepreneur, philanthropist, fashion designer, author, and community leader dedicated to giving her time and support to causes that are important to her and her family.

to continue the fight against cancer through research, prevention and awareness. What we know now is better than what we knew then, but doesn’t compare to what we’ve yet to discover. Thanks to the research and commitment from the American Cancer Society, together we can make cancer last season. (#makecancerlastseason)

For more information about Couture for the Cause of Montgomery County, visit CoutureMontgomery.org.

Photos from the recent American Cancer Society’s Couture for the Cause of Montgomery County Kickoff Party, celebrating the upcoming gala on the evening of Saturday, May 7th at Carlton Woods Country Club.

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Achieving Balance

Release Your Inner Goddess and Reclaim Harmony story | Anjali Gadre, LMT


o you remember how you felt when you were little and more carefree? You would dance around, sing songs and smile for no reason. Happiness was easy to find in little things like running around in the park, staring at stars on cool, summer nights, or taking yourself higher on the swings. Life was pure and simple. What happens to that joyful inner child as we get older? At some point, the stress of adult life takes us further and further away from the joyous little girl that was within us. As we get older, our interaction with society increases and we form an opinion about ourselves based on these interactions. Our parents, teachers and friends influence our thought patterns and we begin to solidify our beliefs of ourselves. When you don’t get selected for the singing part, you tell yourself you are not a good singer, and eventually you stop humming and singing in the shower. A mean girl makes fun of your hair or glasses and you start withdrawing from others, trying to become invisible. These trivial incidences are significant from a child’s point of view and can form the foundations of negative belief systems we carry into adulthood. LOSING TOUCH WITH JOY As we grow, many women learn that making others happy can help us feel fulfilled. We spend our time looking for external validation by doing things to help others, to please them, or impress them. Over time, stress creeps in and begins to mount. If we don’t address it, it can escalate into full blown health problems. Soon we can’t sleep at night because we’re worried about finances or aging parents. Sure, sleep medication can help you sleep, but it won’t free your mind from the stress that comes from worrying too much. Chocolate and wine may help you unwind after a stressful day but they won’t make the situation go away. When your blood sugar is out of control, medication may help bring it down but it won’t heal the emotional pain that causes you to reach for donuts and cookies in the first place. So what does this mean? Are we doomed to a life of stress and poor health if we continue to live in this society? Do we have to retire and move to the Himalayas to find peace and tranquility in this world? No. Not at all. You don’t have to live this way.

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It’s time to embrace our femininity and release the inner goddess - the happy, joyous, unencumbered inner goddess you knew as a child but lost touch with over the years. BALANCING THE YIN AND YANG IN YOUR WORLD We live in extraordinary times. Today’s world demands that we embody masculine characteristics like power, aggressiveness and vigor to get ahead in the game, which creates conflict with our feminine qualities. Being kind, nurturing, beautiful and delicate can be considered weaknesses. Naturally women are considered “yin” (feminine energy) versus the “yang” (masculine energy). Chinese philosophy teaches that a world in harmony is one with a natural balance of yin and yang. If your life is out of balance, it may be time to go in search of some goddess-inspired yin! To follow are five simple ideas to help you unleash your inner goddess and live a more harmonious and empowered life! (For more indepth information on these ideas, consult some of the blogs and books published by Jordan Gray and Christine Northup, M.D.)

allow the abundance to flow through us! • INDULGE YOUR SENSES: Recharge your feminine energy by enjoying this world through different senses. Indulge your palate by eating the foods that nourish your soul, indulge your sense of touch by feeling soft fabric. Go to the farmer’s market and take in the smells and sights of delicious food around you. Lose yourself in a favorite melody. • GET CREATIVE: Write a poem, paint a picture or create anything that you love! Feminine energy is creative energy. Let it flow through you without judgment or expectations.

To learn more about how to find your inner goddess, attend the free Lunch and Learn at Inner Bliss Yoga and Wellness Studio, March 12th from 11:30am to 2:00pm. To register call (832) 610-5564, email anjali@innerblissstudio.com or visit www.innerblissstudio.com/events.

• GET MOVING: Feminine energy is moving, flowing, and constantly shifting energy like water. Oceans and rivers represent this energy beautifully. So if you feel physically stagnant and stuck, get your body moving. Go for a walk in the park, do yoga, swim in the pool, or dance to your favorite music! • JOIN A GODDESS CIRCLE: Spend time with other positive and spiritual women who elevate your mood and lift your spirits. Something amazing happens when you connect with other women who are on the same path as you. Spending intentional time with them recharges your feminine energy in a big way! • PRIORITIZE RECEIVING: Feminine energy is the receptive energy that opens and flourishes. You can receive it by getting a massage, or a pedicure or have someone else make you a meal or take care of your needs. Don’t say “no” the next time a friend offers to help you with your kids. When our heart opens, we

Anjali Gadre, LMT, is a licensed massage therapist with a background as a physical therapist specializing in integrative therapies (massage therapy/myofacial release/craniosacral therapy), yoga and meditation for the benefit of those suffering from chronic pain. She sees patients at her private practice, Inner Bliss Yoga and Wellness Studio, in The Woodlands. www.InnerBlissStudio.com

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toxins in everyday products • • •

Time for a Cosmetics Clean Up? Learn the dirty details of what’s in our personal care products and what you can do to protect yourself.

story | Michelle Schurman


t’s an industry based on beauty, but when you look at what’s really in the products we use on our skin, face and hair, the facts are not always pretty. And many of us aren’t really looking at the ingredients in these products, assuming if they’re for sale to the public, they must be safe to use, right? Not necessarily. According to the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics, there is very little regulation of the cosmetics industry in the United States. The cosmetics portion of the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetics Act is weak and hasn’t been updated since 1938. On average, a woman uses at least 12 personal care products a day; twice as many as do men. We’re talking about products such as anti-aging skin cream, cosmetics, nail polish, fragrance, toothpaste, shampoo and deodorant. As it turns out, many of these have questionable ingredients that could be linked to a variety of adverse health effects. MORE REGULATION NEEDED “The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) oversees the safety of personal care products in the U.S., but lacks the basic

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authority needed to ensure that products are actually safe,” says Ena Do, director of marketing for the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics. “Major loopholes allow the industry to put virtually any chemical into cosmetics with no pre-market safety assessment, no monitoring of health effects and lax labeling requirements.” Under current U.S. law, companies are allowed to use generalized words such as “fragrance” as a catch-all for dozens of chemical components. Many companies will claim this generalization is necessary to protect the trade secrets of their products. As consumers, “We have to take it upon ourselves to figure out what’s good for us and what’s not and unfortunately, the FDA is not really looking out for our best interests,” says Dr. Sakina Davis, a doctor specializing in functional medicine at The Woodlands Wellness and Cosmetic Center. KNOW THE UNLUCKY 7 When you look at all of the ingredients in your favorite products, you may feel overwhelmed by the long list of hard to pronounce chemicals. To help consumers better evaluate self-care products, The Campaign for Safe Cosmetics has developed the “Unlucky 7” – a list of commonly found, potentially harmful

ingredients that consumers may want to avoid. To be fair, most of the studies of toxicity in these ingredients have been performed on animals and at much higher doses than you would find in most personal care products, so no one is really sure of the true effects of these chemicals in humans. But, Dr. Davis and other environmental health experts believe cumulative low doses of these chemicals may have an overall damaging effect, especially in vulnerable populations such as a developing fetus, small infants and young girls. Scan your products for the following ingredients from the Unlucky 7: 1. FORMALDEHYDE AND FORMALDEHYDE-RELEASING PRESERVATIVES – found in shampoos, liquid baby soaps, nail polish and hair gel. On the label, look for formaldehyde, quaternium-15, DMDM hydantoin. It’s considered a known human carcinogen by the International Agency for Research on Cancer. 2. TRICLOSAN – an antimicrobial agent found in antibacterial soap, detergents and toothpaste. Look for Triclosan (TSC) and triclocarban (TCC) Studies have shown this agent is an

• • • toxins in everyday products | endocrine disruptor, meaning it can affect thyroid function by decreasing thyroid hormone and enhancing the expression of androgen and estrogen-sensitive genes. 3. “FRAGRANCE” – this catchall phrase is used to describe a number of chemical compounds found in sunscreen, make up, facial cream, serums, exfoliating scrub and perfume. Look for the words fragrance, perfume, parfum, essential oil blend and aroma. Some of these compounds, such as BHA/BHT (butylated hydroxyanisole), have been linked to cancer, reproductive toxicity, allergies and sensitivities. 4. ETHANOLAMINE COMPOUNDS – According to the Environmental Working Group, this is a buffering agent, or acid, used to maintain the pH of certain products. Look for these words on the label: triethanolamine, diethanolamine, DEA, TEA, cocamide. It is classified as having moderate health concerns, including allergies and immunotoxicity. 5. 1,4-DIOXANE – this is found in products that create suds such as shampoo, toothpaste, liquid soap and bubble bath. It is not listed on the ingredient label because it forms when two or more chemicals are mixed together. On the label, it may appear as sodium laureth sulfate, or PEG compounds. Health concerns include cancer, organ system toxicity and skin irritation. 6. LEAD AND OTHER HEAVY METALS (ARSENIC, MERCURY AND ALUMINUM) – found in lip products, whitening toothpaste, eyeliner, nail color, foundation and hair dyes. Lead is banned for use in cosmetics in the European Union, Japan and Canada. It is restricted in the U.S. Health concerns include cancer, developmental and reproductive toxicity. 7. UV FILTERS – Homosalate is widely used in sunscreens and skin care product that contain SPF. Look for homosalata, homomenthyl salicylate, HMS, HS; 3,3,5 on the label. This is another endocrine disruptor, which can affect the estrogen system, and may increase the growth of estrogen sensitive breast cancer cells. The way products are marketed can also be deceiving, making our jobs as consumers even more difficult. Creams and lotions that are labeled with the words natural, organic and hypoallergenic may still contain amounts of synthetic chemicals and petrochemicals. Even those certified as “organic” can contain as little as 10% organic ingredients. BUYER BEWARE Of course, coming into contact with some amount of these ingredients is probably


inevitable and unlikely to be dangerous in organicgoddess.com), where she dishes about small amounts, but this list can help you limit how these products really work. your exposure. And you might want to be especially wary of these ingredients in products GETTING STARTED for adolescents or if you are pregnant. Cleaning out all of your products all at “Hormones are changing when you’re once may not be feasible, so Dr. Davis recomyoung and a lot of these chemicals are hormends doing it one at a time. mone disruptors,” says Dr. Davis. “They can “I tell my clients as you’re nearing the definitely affect the changing hormones of a end of your toothpaste, think twice about the pre-pubescent girl and that could put them at next toothpaste you’re going to buy. Got to risk for later disease.” EWG.com and see where your brand of tooth The Environmenpaste is on the list and find tal Working Group is an one that you’re going to creams and lotions be able to use that is a lot environmental organization that specializes in cleaner,” says Dr. Davis. labeled with the research and advocacy Darla Hodges words natural, regarding toxic chemicals. started cleaning out her organic and It has conducted studies make-up cabinet when she that show the chemicals found out she had Celiac hypoallergenic listed above, and many disease. With Dr. Davis’ may still contain others, are detected in the help, she was able to find amounts of blood and urine samples of products that were free of synthetic U.S. adults and children. gluten and questionable They’ve even been found chemicals. chemicals and in umbilical cord blood “I’ve taken out petrochemicals. and breast milk, showing all the products with that exposure can be passed questionable chemicals, so from a mother to unborn child and infants. there’s nothing lurking in my products,” says The EWG says further study is needed Hodges. “I am a whole lot more cautious and to determine the effects of accumulation of aware about what I consume and what I put on chemicals in the body, and is lobbying for my skin,” she says. Hodges uses the Sanavi skin chemical safety standards to be revisited to care line, which was developed by Dr. Davis carefully consider the health effects of longand is available at Woodlands Wellness. term, low-dose exposure. It advocates the Precautionary PrinCHANGE IS HAPPENING ciple – rather than wait for conclusive studies, In response to calls for cleaner prodregulators and manufacturers should err on ucts, Johnson and Johnson and Avon recently the side of caution and remove these chemicals announced they are removing Triclosan from from personal care products. their antibacterial products. Other companies, however, have been slower to change. NEW APPS HELP YOU SHOP SMART L’Oreal came under fire last fall after test Thanks to technology, it just got a lot ing conducted by the Campaign for Safe Cosmeteasier to figure out what’s in your products. ics found PTFE – a chemical found in Teflon – in A new app, called Think Dirty, allows a number of its anti-aging and eye formulations. you to scan the barcodes of products while Many retailers are also joining a moveyou’re shopping. Within seconds, it will give ment for cleaner products with Whole Foods you a rating from 1-10, with one being clean leading the way. CVS, Target and Walgreen’s have and 10 being the dirtiest. all instituted comprehensive cosmetic safety poli I used Think Dirty on a recent shopcies to screen the labels and brands they carry. ping trip, and was surprised to find that three For the first time in 77 years, cosmetic of my favorite products were rated a seven, regulations are up for review. Two female one was a nine and one was a 10! The only senators from California and Maine introduced problem with the app is that not all products the Personal Care Products Safety Act of 2015. have been reviewed and rated yet. If you support this bill and increased regula The Skin Deep database, found on the tion of the cosmetics industry, you can contact Environmental Working Group website (www. Texas Senator Ted Cruz through an online ewg.org), is another great resource for checking petition available in the “Take Action” section the ingredients in your products and finding of the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics website. out how specific brands and companies rate on (www.safecosmetics.org). the cleanliness scale. Some women may question the price Michelle Schurman is an award-winning journalist and and effectiveness of organic make-up. Beauty freelance writer based in The Woodlands. She is a mother blogger and breast cancer survivor Danielle of three, who enjoys writing about health, nutrition, parenting, relationships and lifestyle topics. Messina writes a great beauty blog (www.glam-




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• • • women entrepreneurs |


story | Dianne Witter


he was 22, African American, and brand new to the business of broadcast journalism when she arrived in Baltimore. She was an unknown with kind of an odd name, but she had talent in spades and had landed a plumb co-anchor position on a local news station. Full of the optimism of youth and an indomitable drive, Oprah Winfrey was poised and ready to make her mark on the world of journalism. Except she didn’t. Seven months into her new position, she was publicly and embarrassingly demoted from co-anchor to a much lower profile position, doing the morning “cut ins.” Whether it was due to politics or personalities or ratings is forgotten in history.

“think like a queen. a queen is not afraid to fail. failure is another steppingstone to greatness.” ~ Oprah Winfrey But Oprah is not forgotten – far from it. For many, experiencing failure at their first job out of college might lead them to set their sights a little lower or give up altogether and head back to their hometown. Even then, she knew success wasn’t something granted by other people; she knew that her success would be forged from her own passion and talent, as well as by how she weathered the inevitable set backs along the way. It was that knowledge and that drive that led her from that first career failure to

The Road to Success is Paved with Failure www.i-ammagazine.com




| women entrepreneurs • • •

becoming the undisputed queen of the daytime talk show and one of the most famous and successful women in the world. In fact, success is rarely an orderly procession from Point A to Point B; the more successful someone is, the more likely they are to have racked up their share of failures along the way. The very qualities successful people tend to possess, such as being risk takers, bold decision makers, and out of the box thinkers, are those that aren’t beaten down by experiencing some failure along the way.

“Do the one thing you think you cannot do. fail at it. try again. do better the second time. the only people who never tumble are those who never mount the high wire. this is your moment. own it.” ~ Oprah Winfrey

WHAT TRAITS DO SUCCESSFUL WOMEN SHARE? New research helps illuminate what Oprah and so many other successful women have demonstrated. A recent study by the talent management firm Caliper suggests that one of the key attributes of high-performing women is something called “stress tolerance” – a healthy resilience to anxiety. Think of it as the ability to perform comfortably and effectively in a high-pressure environment. The study highlighted six personality traits that seem to be associated with higher career success in women. Those traits, defined by Caliper’s organizational psychologist Thomas E. Schoenfelder, Ph.D. are: ASSERTIVENESS: Being straightforward in your communication style AGGRESSIVENESS: Bringing in a constructive, emotional element to move projects forward. (The term is often used negatively toward women, but constructive aggression is key to business success.) EMPATHY: Being able to understand and relate to the feelings of others i•am 18 www.i-ammagazine.com

EGO-STRENGTH: Being resilient and able to overcome challenges STRESS TOLERANCE: Being comfortable in high-stress environments ENERGY: Bringing vitality and enthusiasm to your work Where women tend to be selfdefeating, according to Schoenfelder, is when they believe negative stereotypes about female leaders. Women whose styles tend to be more accommodating or conflict avoidant, who follow rules instead of challenging the status quo, or who deal badly with stress, are those who tend not to reach the top positions. As the saying goes, “Well-behaved women rarely make history.” FAIL MORE AND FAIL BETTER Another study, commissioned by Time and Real Simple magazines to help determine why so few leadership seats in business are filled by women, turned up an interesting point. Women didn’t have less confidence than men in the workplace, but they were much more risk averse. Men, it seemed, were more likely to revel in the adrenaline rush of risking failure to reach success. And, perhaps, to view their inevitable failures along the way a little more kindly. Innovation, of course, is key to success, whether in the boardroom or for an entrepreneur. And key to innovation is making mistakes. And rebounding. And making better mistakes. We can all take a lesson from the invention of Post-it notes. Do you know what that brilliant, semi-sticky substance that makes our offices and homes run smoothly was originally? Failed glue. A scientist at 3M was attempting to develop a super strong adhesive when he accidentally created the “low tack,” pressuresensitive adhesive strong enough to cling to objects, but loose enough to remove and reuse. And in doing so, changed the world. Given the Time survey results, it probably isn’t too much of a generalization to say that women don’t like to be wrong. We’re not comfortable with it, and we work hard to avoid it. Perhaps we feel we’re under more scrutiny to prove ourselves, and to us that means avoiding failure at all costs. But if these surveys are correct, maybe what women need more than the right answers is a willingness to risk really wrong answers. To fail, and learn from it; then fail better and learn more. And in the end, to lead from it. Call it a willingness to make bad glue. Success is just a couple of wrong turns away – and one of those “wrong” turns may turn out to be the best turn you ever made.

Dianne Witter is a freelance writing living in Houston.

Failure Didn’t Stop These Awesome Women! Oprah is far from the only highly successful woman whose road to success was paved with a few failures. Take inspiration from these icons: VERA WANG If you don’t remember Vera Wang from the 1968 U.S. Olympic Figure Skating team, that’s understandable – though she was a competitive and driven athlete in her youth, Wang failed to make the Olympic team. Afterward, Wang dusted herself off and set her sights on a job as an assistant at Vogue magazine. Much to the delight of the fashion world and brides everywhere, Wang rose to fame as the iconic designer she is today. J.K. ROWLING Many of us have heard that J.K. Rowling began writing the now classic, best-selling Harry Potter series when she was a single mom struggling to make ends meet. But did you know that the first book was rejected by 12 publishing houses? At the 13th, Bloomsbury, legend has it that the book was accepted for publication in large part due to the insistence of the chairman’s eight-year-old daughter. The series went on to enjoy phenomenal world-wide success in book and film. LUCILLE BALL It’s hard to imagine, but that wacky, funny red-headed actress who made generations laugh wasn’t always as revered. Her first movies were box-office failures and she became dubbed “Queen of the B movies.” Then Ball went on to star in the highly successful television show, “I Love Lucy.” Ball became the first woman to run a major television studio, Desilu Productions, and paved the way for many more women in the industry. ARIANNA HUFFINGTON The founder of one of the world’s most successful media companies, The Huffington Post Media Group, admits that being willing to fail was a key to her success. In a 2013 interview with CNN, she said, “I was absolutely fine taking risks. I mean, my second book was rejected by 36 publishers.” Huffington has now written 13 books, in addition to being one of the most powerful businesswomen in the world. LADY GAGA Internationally famous pop icon Lady Gaga experienced a major set-back early in her recording career. She was signed by a major recording label and then dropped after only three months. The singer went on to produce such hits as “Born this Way,” which sold over a million copies its first week and spawned a huge world-wide tour. Her popularity is showing no signs of waning.

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on women in business

Karen Logan

Owner of WoodlandsMommy.com

~ Anne Sweeney

i-am magazine serves as a platform for local women entrepreneurs. These women have followed their dream of entrepreneurialship and we wish them much success throughout their business endeavor. We invite you to read and learn about these women and why they are passionate about what they do.


“define success on your own terms; achieve it by your own rules; and build a life you’re proud to live.”

For the past 10 years, Karen Logan’s mission has been to enrich the daily lives of moms and families in The Woodlands and surrounding areas. A homeschooling mother of four girls, Logan is Owner and Editor-in-Chief of WoodlandsMommy.com, The Woodlands’ premier online resource for moms. For a decade, the website has provided moms with an essential “down home” connection to the community, its events, and other local families. To The Woodlands area, Logan has introduced mommy mixer events, a WoodlandsMommy Savings Card, Mommy & Me Playdates, a printed Big Book of Parties, a self-published children’s book, and, for the past 3 years, a Homeschool Family Expo that serves the needs of Houston-area homeschooling families. Logan conceptualized WoodlandsMommy.com in 2006, when she made her decision to retire from corporate America and become an athome mom to her then one-year-old. “The ‘business’ of the company developed quite by accident,” says Logan. “I was learning to navigate the daily Woodlands scene, and I thought I’d start helping other moms do the same.” What began as a platform for publishing community events and spotlighting local moms soon evolved into an online mega resource fully integrated within The Woodlands Community. The Woodlands website features fingertip access to local news, events, coupons, planning tools, and more. “We hear from our readers every day, and oftentimes we see them too, as we periodically host real time events to connect with our readers in person,” Logan says. “Moms love us because we’re credible and unpretentious, and we help enrich their daily lives. We’re active on all popular social media platforms, and we even have an iPhone app that makes connecting to our invaluable Events Calendar a breeze.” One of Logan’s favorite aspect of her job as Editor-in-Chief is being able to provide inexpensive, effective advertising to small businesses in The Woodlands. A native Houstonian, Logan has resided in The Woodlands area for 11 years. “I’ve seen businesses come and go – quickly,” she asserts. “When new family-friendly businesses arrive on the scene, I make it my goal to help them succeed. I don’t like to see good businesses in our community close their doors, because it affects me and my family, personally.” Logan loves being a wife and mom, coming up with new business ideas, taking family road trips, and sewing.

www.WoodlandsMommy.com 832-443-7291 • info@WoodlandsMommy.com 24230 Kuykendahl Rd., Suite 310-200, Tomball, TX 77375




on women in business


Lucille Hutton

Co-Owner of We Clean 4 You For almost 60 years, I have been taking care of patients/clients. As a former dental consultant, I trained staff, put systems in place and taught staff how to take good care of patients. When I started We Clean 4 You two years ago with my husband, Jeff, that same attention to customer satisfaction is what set our business apart. My #1 focus is ensuring that the maids are paid well for their services as they adhere to the high standards we have put in place. It is through their dedication and hard work that we achieve satisfied clients. My commitment to customer service is a model in today’s fast-paced world: “The answer is always yes, and here’s how we do it.” The growth of our business, now with 18 ladies ready to serve you, has allowed We Clean 4 You to give back to the community. Through our affiliation with Cleaning for a Reason, we are proud to offer free cleanings for women undergoing cancer treatment and we choose to give back through various other charitable organizations as well.

www.WeClean4You.com 888-572-MAID (6243) • lucille@weclean4you.com

Owner/Operator, Fire ANT Marketing & Advertising During my senior year of high school at age 17, I gave birth to one of life’s biggest blessings, my daughter A’talia Nicole. Being young I knew I had so many odds against me. The statistics were so negative for teen mothers like myself. Despite my circumstances, I did not allow society’s opinion to become my reality. Five years after graduating high school, I completed college. After working for great companies, I knew I wanted more for my life so I gradually started seeking to find my purpose. At age 26, I decided to take all my savings and invest in myself. I started a company called Fire ANT Marketing and Advertising, LLC. Shortly after launching my business and becoming well known locally, people began to see something in me I never truly discovered myself. A voice! I began speaking at local schools and events, something I never in my life imagined doing. I learned that I had a unique story to tell and that boys, girls, men and women all over needed to hear it. I could never stress enough to anyone, go after your dreams and never stop. Remember what you think on a daily basis will become your reality. So think and stay positive and I’ll look forward to meeting you at the top!

www.FireAntMarketingAndAdvertising.com 936-228-9295 • ashley@FireAntMarketingAndAdvertising.com

Renee Devine

Janice Marsh

My goal is to help women discover how capable they are. As an RN for 18 years, I helped patients recover from surgeries, diseases and other physical injuries. Self-esteem, self-worth and other life crises can leave deeper scars. Particularly as women, we become so focused on others we may be inclined to put our needs aside. Today’s woman, however, has learned much about work/life balance and realized that in order for her to care for others, she must nourish her body, mind and soul. I really enjoy helping women of all ages discover options—options for healthy skin-care, options for how they want to look for special events or everyday life and options for creating or supplementing household income. Call me. We’ll explore your needs and options whether it’s a product, a facial or a listening ear. With MARY KAY, it really is all about “Enriching Women’s LivesTM”.

My passion for independently-owned and -operated businesses began when my dad opened his own gas station in 1967. Went to college at Stephen F. Austin (Axe ‘em Jacks!) in Nacogdoches. Majored in Journalism/English and was editor of The Pine Log campus newspaper. My first job was with the Henderson Daily News as writer/photographer and we even covered Friday night football! Married, moved to Fayetteville, AR; worked for a major AR ad agency 2 yrs. We were sent to Houston in 1985. I worked for a large downtown law firm and then opened my own freelance writing agency. Returned to corporate communications and supervised marketing and customer service departments for 13 yrs. If you want to grow your business, create your own unique brand or discuss your overall marketing strategy, call J. Marsh Communications. STAND OUT in the marketplace and give back to the communities in which you operate!

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Divorce strategies and services are offered independently through Divorce Strategies Group, LLC and Denise French and are not provided through Voya Financial Advisors, Inc. Neither Voya Financial Advisors nor its representatives offer tax or legal advice. Please consult your tax and legal advisors regarding your individual situation. Neither Divorce Strategies Group, or any speaker, is affiliated with Voya Financial Advisors, Inc.

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a mother’s first touch • • •

The Journey to Motherhood “childbirth is not only about making babies; it is about making mothers, too — strong, competent, capable mothers who trust themselves and know their inner strength.” ~ Barbara Katz Rothman, PhD

story | Courtney Friedman


iving birth to a child is one of the most beautiful and intimate experiences in life. New mothers are often surprised by immediate rush of love, joy and thankfulness they feel with the first touch. But childbirth can also be messy, loud, painful, and overwhelming to the mom-to-be. As a labor and delivery nurse in The Woodlands, I wanted to do more to help expectant moms prepare for one of the biggest events of their lives, and from there, 3 Little Mudpies was born. Whether this pregnancy was a welcome surprise, a long-planned event or completely

i•am 24 www.i-ammagazine.com

unexpected, how you embrace and plan for a little ones’ pending arrival will define your birthing experience. That can include everything from making decisions about your preferences regarding your labor and delivery to your baby’s well-being and care at birth, to how to prepare for your postpartum recovery. Sometimes even the best-made birthing plans have to change quickly when labor is in full swing due to unforeseen circumstances. Even then, having thought through many of the contingencies beforehand allows a woman to make well-informed choices during labor. I believe a well-thought out labor and

delivery plan is one of the greatest gifts an expectant mom can give herself. It’s as essential to preparing for your baby as furnishing a nursery or choosing a pediatrician. I’ve found that my clients – especially first-time moms – feel more comfortable and competent in the journey having an experienced “travel guide” at hand. EXPERIENCING THAT FIRST TOUCH Out of all the anticipated experiences we plan for during pregnancy, that first touch between mom and baby is not generally one that people think of beforehand. Most mothers’ prenatal concerns include natural labor versus

• • • a mother’s first touch |


the new-born infant intuitively seeks its mother and the mother’s touch instantly becomes the new lifeline. an epidural, vaginal birth versus a cesarean section, ease and ability of breastfeeding, and simply being a good mother. In my childbirth education classes, I ask each mom their greatest fear about pregnancy and birth. I often find that what new moms need most is to simply feel confident and not afraid in her first newborn experience. I love teaching about newborn touch, skin-to-skin contact and the “Golden Hour” – that one-hour of uninterrupted bonding and nurturing between mother and baby. It is amazing to see the transformation between mom and baby that occurs right in front of you. Before birth, babies live in a dark, warm womb and are constantly soothed by the movements and sounds of their mother. It really is one of the most beautiful concepts of nature. Everything baby needs is delivered to them through their mother, making their womb life in perfect sync with their growth and development. As birth occurs your precious baby is confronted with bright lights, a cold room, gravity, loud sounds and too much space. The infant intuitively seeks its mother and, while life inside the womb has been the baby’s lifeline, the mother’s touch instantly becomes the new lifeline. When the baby is reconnected with the mother’s body in skin-to-skin contact, the newborn’s initial stress is replaced with warmth, touch, the thumping, familiar sound of mom’s heartbeat, and the smell of her skin, removing the infant’s initial stress. Newborns often do not cry, or immediately stop crying, when placed on their mother’s chest after deliver, causing concern and questions from parents. This newborn calm shows the baby is simply reconnecting and adapting to his new environment. The first of the five senses developed in the infant is touch. Shouldn’t it be that the newborn’s first touch comes directly from its mother in an undisturbed setting? Touch is the initial language between mother and child. For mothers in the immediate postpartum period, touch builds her confidence in caring for her baby by decreasing her anxiety and increasing bonding outside of pregnancy. Initial skin-to-skin contact increases the success of breastfeeding by allowing the baby to naturally root towards the breast, and

may be a contributing factor to how long your baby will breastfeed. For the baby, initial skin contact helps her learn to regulate her body temperature, stabilizes her breathing and heart rate, and helps to control baby’s blood sugar. It is always amazing and somewhat surprising to me how many mothers – first time and experienced – aren’t aware of the importance of skin-to-skin contact.

“i believe a well-thought out labor and delivery plan is one of the greatest gifts an expectant mom can give herself.” When I meet moms for the first time during labor I always ask three questions: Did you take childbirth education classes? When would you like to begin breastfeeding? Do you plan for immediate skin-to-skin contact? The typical answers go something like: “No, I just assumed you’d tell me what I need to do,” “I’d like to try to breastfeed when everyone has seen the baby – maybe after a few hours,” and “You’re going to clean the baby before I hold her, right?” It’s so much better to have the opportunity to educate them on these issues in advance, so they’re prepared for how they want to handle the issues that come up. TAKE PRIDE IN YOUR JOURNEY There are two pieces of advice I can offer during pregnancy. First, plan for your birth. Educate yourself and your partner. No two births are the same and each labor and birthing experience is unique. What happened with your prior pregnancy, with your mother’s, sister’s or girlfriend’s pregnancies will not happen to you. I advise you to use caution against letting what others say become an expectation of what will happen. The truth is, we have no idea what our individual experience will be like, but we can be in control of how we educate

ourselves and plan for our birthing experience. Second, stop being so hard on yourself! Pregnancy is hard. Labor is hard. C-sections are hard. Bringing a new baby home is very hard. As moms, we need support and love and an open forum to share the challenges of motherhood. As women we need to support one another in our various parenting styles and choices, rather than competing with each other. Cultivating kindness toward others, and ourselves, is the foundation for strong, healthy birthing and parenting. Pregnancy, childbirth, and becoming a parent are all about change and transition. Your body transitions through pregnancy. Through childbirth it rapidly transitions to welcome your baby. Your newborn will transform rapidly from the moment of birth to the days following birth and throughout the months and years of childhood. Your family is transforming. You are learning how to bring kindness to yourself and your spouse while coping with being a new parent, and this learning curve is critical. I’ve had the great joy and privilege of witnessing many births and experiencing labor with some pretty incredible women. I’ve seen moms who are terrified of the pain, terrified of the ultimate responsibility of caring for a helpless newborn. I have witnessed moms pull strength from some unknown place, deep within them, to meet their new baby and help him thrive. One of the most important things to remember is to never apologize or feel bad for your choices during childbirth, as long as those choices have the end goal of a healthy baby and healthy mama. Own your experience and take pride in your own journey. By sharing your story, you help to empower other women. Make your birth experience the right experience for you. If you want an epidural the moment you walk into the hospital – that’s your choice. If you want to labor naturally and hope to deliver without pain medicine – that’s your choice, too. If you can’t wait to return to work for a sense of normalcy or you decide that staying home is best for you and your family, both are decisions only you can make. As a mom, strive to become equally strong and soft. Much of parenthood is improvisation, but with a base of planning, education and preparation, you can improvise with wisdom!

Courtney Friedman, BSN, RN, is the owner and founder of 3 Little Mudpies, an organization that helps moms prepare for childbirth and new infant care. She is a labor & delivery nurse who advocates for women’s health and teaches childbirth education and lactation classes in The Woodlands. She is currently completing her Master’s in Nursing, Nurse Midwifery & Women’s Health Nurse Practitioner through Georgetown University and resides in The Woodlands with her husband and three boys. You can contact her at Courtney@3littlemudpies.com or for more information visit www.3littlemudpies.com.





| mother & daughter bonding excursions • • •

A Get-Away for the Girls Sensational Mother/Daughter Trip Destinations

i•am 26 www.i-ammagazine.com

• • • mother & daughter bonding excursions |


story | Patricia Ostholm


he special getaway trip is not just for couples anymore. Some savvy mothers have adopted the concept of an exclusive trip to deepen relationships with their teenage daughter – and many found the experience valuable and enjoyable for both parent and child. The key to creating a successful trip is to choose a destination with activities that appeal to both of you. Destinations that don’t require a car to get around are also preferred. Another tip is to pre-plan or pre-book some of the activities, so you can begin enjoying your time together as soon as you arrive. For that quality one-on-one time, it’s very important to stick to the one parent to one child ratio. If you have more than one teenage daughter, just schedule separate (and preferably different) trips. One more word of advice from those who have done this before: leave your expectations at home and let your daughter take the lead on what to see and do each day. Who knows – you might have more fun than you imagined! On the following pages, we’ve profiled six sensational cities for mother-daughter trips lasting three to four days, air travel time included. For travel arrangements or more trip ideas, contact your local travel agent. May your mother-daughter getaway bring you closer together, and create fond memories to last a lifetime!


Socialite teens may be especially drawn to the excitement and glamour of the Los Angeles area. For starters, there’s Hollywood, with its star-studded Walk of Fame, and nearby and you can window-shop along the worldfamous Rodeo Drive. To really get around easy, try Starline Tours’ hop-on, hop-off tourist

Rodeo Drive, Beverly Hills, CA where more than 100 world-reknowed boutiques are located.

bus, which not only covers Hollywood and downtown LA sights, but also takes you to posh Beverly Hills and to the and iconic pier in Santa Monica, with its beautiful solar-powered Ferris wheel. For celebrity seekers, book Starline’s drive-by tour of notable mansions, which include the current homes of Katy Perry, Bruno Mars, and Sandra Bullock. Movie buffs can also visit Universal Studios Hollywood amusement park (although you’d need a whole day), and TV sitcom fans can pre-purchase studio audience tickets of a taping (especially if you visit in the fall when most tapings occur.) No trip to LA is complete without hitting the beach, and probably the most popular beach for people-watching is Venice Beach. Enjoy the many street vendors and performers along the action-packed boardwalk, or relax and watch the world go by at a beachside juice bar. And if your daughter is into skateboarding, head to the outdoor skate park to see some amazing talent on display. Last but not least, don’t miss Muscle Beach, where body-builders workout and the original Gold’s Gym (where Arnold Swarzenegger was a member) still stands.


For older teens – and particularly those who favor the hipster mentality – Portland could be just the ticket. It’s a very walk-able city with lots of great coffee shops, a wide variety of one-of-a-kind eateries, an iconic downtown bookstore with more than 1.5 million new and used books, and in the summer months, the city is brimming with numerous street fairs, festivals and outdoor concerts.

WHEN TO GO: Spring and fall are less crowded than summer. WHERE TO STAY: For beach-lovers, consider Santa Monica; otherwise, Hollywood or West Hollywood (along the Sunset Strip) are most convenient. A street musician at the annual Hawthorn Street Fair in Portland, OR. Hollywood Walk of Fame




mother & daughter

Portland is also known for its many public parks and the miles upon miles of public bike paths, so bike tours are a great option. The city also boasts renowned gardens, including the International Rose Test Garden (which features more than 10,000 hybrid roses) and the awe-inspiring Lan Su Chinese Garden, which was built in the style of the Ming Dynasty. To truly experience the counter-culture, hipster side of Portland, check out the underground art scene, take a food cart tour, or peruse the vintage and indie dress shops (if you find something you like, note that Portland is salestax-free!). And whatever you do, don’t miss the infamous Voodoo Doughnuts, where you can sample unusual creations topped with bacon, Oreo cookies and other interesting ingredients. WHEN TO GO: If you like dry, sunny weather, choose summer. But check festival calendars before you pick a date (some festivals may not be suitable for teens). WHERE TO STAY: Downtown is most convenient, but there is good public transport throughout the city.


For a taste of the Deep South, look no further than the charming town of Charleston! This small city on South Carolina’s eastern shore is a nice blend of history, art galleries, and culture, with loads of southern hospitality. Founded in 1670, Charleston has taken care to preserve much of its original character, including its cobblestone streets and its many historic homes, some dating from before the Civil War. The War itself began right here, at Fort Sumter, which overlooks Charleston Harbor. Today the town is perfect for strolling, and there are many walking tours to choose from. Tours of Antebellum mansions and i•am 28 www.i-ammagazine.com

Playing with dolphins at Dolphin Cay, Atlantis Resort. Photo Credit: Nassau Paradise Island Promotion Board

gardens is one popular choice, as are tours of out at the pool or shop for the prettiest Bahathe city’s culinary delights. Teens may especially mian dress or the most colorful tote. Finish the enjoy an evening ghost day on horseback along the and graveyard tour – or a beach or hop a sunset sail a word of pirate tour (the area was with lively entertainment. advice from once a hotbed for pirates, For day two, try your those who have including the infamous hand at sport fishing or Blackbeard). You can also take Scuba lessons. Experidone it before: take in Charleston’s natural enced divers can also swim leave your surroundings by booking with sharks (no kidding)! expectations a kayak or boat tour, or Adrenaline junkies can add renting a standup paddlea powerboat adventure to at home and board. The South Carolina their itinerary, or splashlet your Aquarium is also right in down at the Atlantis water daughter take town. park. What about day One absolute must three? How about a delecthe lead on in this picturesque city is a table Bahamian food tour what to see and horse-drawn carriage tour. or swim with the stingrays do each day. And while you’re admiring this time? Whatever you the many beautiful, pastel do, you’re in for some fun facades, don’t forget that Charleston’s culture in this tropical island playground! is not only rooted in its architecture, but also in its food. Shrimp and grits, low country boil, WHEN TO GO: April, May & June have and she-crab soup are a few classic favorites to ideal weather. Avoid hurricane season. try in its many excellent restaurants. WHERE TO STAY: Atlantis. It’s an expanWHEN TO GO: Spring or fall for the most sive resort with lots of amenities, a variety of comfortable weather. Spring also has blooming restaurants, and even a night club for teens age magnolia trees. 17 and under. WHERE TO STAY: In the historic district. A historic inn or Bed & Breakfast is lovely, but if you want separate beds, choose a hotel.


Water babies and sun lovers alike will find their perfect mom and daughter getaway at Paradise Island in the Bahamas. Nassau/Paradise Island can be reached from Houston in as little as three hours (depending on the season) and the island offers a lot to do in one compact location. Start your day together with an amazing coral reef snorkeling tour – or swim with the dolphins at a private lagoon. Later, hang

Photo Credit: Nassau Paradise Island Promotion Board

connect |

• • • mother & daughter bonding excursions | WHEN TO GO: April through October. WHERE TO STAY: Either in or near Asheville city center, or stay closer to Biltmore. You’ll need a car anyway.


Walled Garden in the Spring. Photo Credit: The Biltmore Company


What do you get at the crossroads of the majestic Blue Ridge Mountains and the elegant Biltmore Estate? The delightful, familyfriendly town of Asheville! Asheville, with a cozy population of 87,000, is nestled in the mountains and is just ten minutes away from one of the most impressive Renaissance-style chateaus, this side of France. More than 120 years old, Biltmore is the largest privately-owned home in the United States, and both the home and expansive grounds are magnificent to visit (plan a full day). The estate’s 75 acres of formal gardens are particularly spectacular during the “Biltmore Blooms Festival of Flowers” (March 19 to May 26). Orchids bloom first, followed by daffodils, tulips, and azaleas. The 8,000-acre preserve also offers a variety of active outdoor activities, including hiking, mountain biking, and horseback riding. For a more leisurely jaunt, float down a 7-mile stretch of the French Broad River on a tube, raft or kayak. Back in downtown Asheville, there are plenty of shops for teens to check out, a thriving arts district, and great places for lunch or dinner. And if you visit on a Saturday night in July or August, enjoy the free outdoor entertainment at “Shindig on the Green.” Summer also brings a variety of festivals. North of Asheville, you can also enjoy the many views, vistas and waterfalls of the Blue Ridge Parkway. To the south, Sliding Rock near Brevard is an exhilarating natural waterfall that both kids and adults can slide down.

Teens drawn to the arts will fall in love with Manhattan in a New York minute! Whether your daughter’s interest is performing arts, fine arts, commercial arts or culinary arts, there is no better place to immerse one’s artistic senses than in the city that never sleeps. Broadway is the ultimate destination for those lured to the stage. Choose from plays and ballet performances to musical concerts and comedy shows. But play it safe by purchasing tickets in advance for top shows (such as “Wicked”). To get into a great restaurant for a pre-show dinner, reserve your table well in advance. For some interesting interactive theater, hop aboard The Ride, a touring motor coach with stadium seating. The show on wheels features onboard stand-up comedians and a cast of street performers you’ll enjoy from your window seat. Fine art lovers will want to spend lots of time at “The Met,” with its massive collection of Egyptian, Greek, Roman, African, and Ameri-


can art. Also, MoMA’s modern art should also not be missed, and the architecturally interesting Guggenheim Museum features art from the likes of Picasso, Manet and Chagall. The art of fashion is on display at the Fashion Institute of Technology’s museum. An exhibition on “Fairy Tale Fashion” runs through April 16th and “Denim: Fashion’s Frontier” runs through May 7th. After quenching your arts appetite, indulge in New York’s melting pot of ethnic cuisine options. Try something new if your teen is adventurous; if not, there’s always New York pizza! WHEN TO GO: Fall weather is great, and you may get good deals on Broadway tickets. May is usually quite nice, as well. Others thrill to the sights and sounds of Manhattan during the winter holidays. WHERE TO STAY: Hotels in Manhattan are quite expensive anytime you go. But this is a special trip, right?

Patricia Ostholm’s passion for writing grew from her first career in marketing and communications. Today, she writes in her spare time, with a focus on women’s interests and issues. She and her husband, Chuck, live in Florida – but they visit family in The Woodlands as often as they can!

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• • • first impressions |


Show Up Looking Sharp You only get one chance to make a great first impression. story | Stacy Harris


ne of the best, fastest and most effective ways to build your business is through networking. Many companies now actually require their salespeople and marketing specialists to join one or more networking groups. Why? Because nothing beats meeting someone face to face and connecting with them on a human level. An instant business connection can be made in a brief person-to-person conversation. What most people don’t realize is that your networking success doesn’t just depend on showing up; a big part of it depends on how you show up. Studies show that, when we meet someone new, they tend to “size us up” in the first seven to 30 seconds of meeting them, and this initial impression is one that tends to stay in our minds. Make sure your appearance supports the professional image you want to project.

someone, often the only thing you have to go on is physical appearance. If you want to be taken seriously, look the part and act the part. If that’s not reason enough to make a good first impression, consider this: Statistics show that dressing professionally not only affects how others perceive you, but it may also affect how much they will pay you! Looking sharp not only makes you appear more competent and effective, it can boost your productivity as well, maintains time management expert Craig Jarrow. Here are a few benefits of projecting a professional image:

if you want to be taken seriously, look the part and act the part.

• IT BUILDS CREDIBILITY — Looking professional doesn’t mean having a wardrobe full of designer labels, it simply means taking care to look sharp in all situations and dressing appropriately for the job. You should look like you do what you say you do, and that is especially important if you are the owner or the “face” of your company.

As an image consultant, I work with people and corporations to help them improve their overall image and the impression they make when meeting potential clients. The way you dress is not only a direct reflection of how you feel about yourself, but it also shapes the way others will perceive you. A low cut blouse or too-short skirt says “Look at my physical assets instead of my face.” A wrinkled shirt says, “I didn’t really take the time to look my best today.” And hair hastily secured in a messy ponytail says. “I was lazy today and just didn’t care.” You wouldn’t saying these things out loud, but that is the visual message you are conveying when people meet you for the first time. GOOD IMPRESSIONS BOOST YOUR BOTTOM LINE Think about it, when you first meet

• IT SHOWS ORGANIZATION — Dressing professionally signals that you have your act together and are organized. If your clothes are clean, pressed, and professional, it shows that you went the extra mile to look your best.

• IT IS A CONFIDENCE BUILDER — When you feel good about your appearance, you feel good about yourself. When you know you look your best, you look at the world through different lenses. And let’s face it ladies, when we are having a good hair day, all is right with the world! Taking pride in your appearance is not being superficial; how you dress is a sign that you value yourself and you want others to take you seriously. Here is my challenge to you, if you have gotten a little lazy about how you show up, make it a goal to step up your game for one week, and see what happens. You will be amazed at how you hold your head higher, connect with more people and get more done!

Stacy Harris is a 20 year sales and public speaking veteran, and an image and sales coach. Having started her career as a retail specialist she now owns her image consulting company, IMPRESSIONS by Stacy Harris. Stacy works with business owners and sales professionals who want to improve their personal image and presentations, learn how to network effectively, speak with more confidence, and close more sales. For more information, visit www.impressionsbystacyharris.com.





| charity calendar of events • • •

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Take part in one or more of these upcoming charitable events...

March 4, 2016 • 7-9 pm Pregnancy Assistance Center North (PACN) Spring Banquet at Woodlands Marriott Hotel www.pacncommunity.org | 936-441-7755

March 4, 2016 • 7-9 pm Five Who Share Spring Luncheon

Hosted by Interfaith of The Woodlands For tickets: www.woodlandsinterfaith.org | 281-367-1230

March 5, 2016 • 6:30 pm Carlton Woods Chef Showcase at The Club at Carlton Woods

Benefitting Meals on Wheels Montgomery www.mowmc.org | 832-993-1604

March 12, 2016 • 9 am Dirty Girl 5K Mud Run

At the Bel-Ray Action Sports Park in Conroe Proceeds benefit Bright Pink Register online at www.godirtygirl.com

March 20, 2016 • 5 pm 18th Annual Wine Dinner and Auction

in support of the performing and fine arts community. Hosted by the Cynthia Woods Mitchell Pavilion www.woodlandscenter.org | 281-210-1105

March 31 – April 2, 2016 Book Sale 2016

Hosted by the South Montgomery County Friends of the Library at the South County Community Center, 2235 Lake Robbins Drive. Funds raised will support educational programs at both locations.

April 1, 2016 Giving Goes Glam Fashion Show

Advertise your business here to nearly 47,000 households in and around The Woodlands,

starting at just $295. That’s less than a penny per household!

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April 2, 2016 CrawPHish Festival at Town Green Park

Pulmonary Hypertension (PH) Association Visit www.woodlandscrawfish.com for tickets.

April 7, 2016 • 5 pm Let’s Roll Scholarship Fundraiser

info@i-ammagazine.com | 512-739-0596 magazine

i•am 32 www.i-ammagazine.com

Interfaith of The Woodlands visit www.woodlandsinterfaith.org for tickets.

Hosted by the Montgomery County Association of Business Women Foundation at Volkswagen of The Woodlands. www.mcabw.org.

• • • charity calendar of events |


April 11, 2016 7th Annual HOPE on the Green We LOVE irresistible

Beyond Batten Disease Research Foundation — smiling skin products. From The Will Herndon Fund. The Woodlands Country Club care to colorful cosmetics, Palmer Course. www.beyondbatten.org. Mary Kay offers products women love, and I can help April 15, 2016 • 6 pm – 12you amfind your new favorites!

We LOVE irresistible products. FromRelay smiling skin for Life me American Cancer Society care to colorful cosmetics, Contact discovervisit more. At College Park High School. To get to involved, Maryhttp://www.relayforlife.org/thewoodlandstx Kay offers products women love, and I can help April 16, 2016 Tailsnew and Trails Benefit 2016 you find your favorites! At Rob Fleming Park, supporting Happy Trails Rescue. 512-579-1229

Contact me to discover Aprilmore. 16, 2016 • 6:30 – 9:30 pm

Around the World in 180 Minutes, 8th Annual Wine Tasting

Benefitting Bridgewood Farms. Takes place at Main Street America. Tickets available through www.bridgewoodfarms.org.

April 23, 2016 • 6:30 pm Habitat for Humanity Gala

At the Woodlands Waterway Marriott Hotel 936-441-4663 | www.hfhmctx.org

April 29, 2016 Ladies Night Out Carnaval

Hosted by Montgomery County Youth Services At The Woodlands Resort and Conference Center Proceeds from this fundraiser are turned into programs that help strengthen families. www.mcys.org

May 6, 2016 Vegas Night Fundraiser for Children’s Safe Harbor At the Woodlands Waterway Marriott Hotel and Convention Center www.childrenssafeharbor.org | 936-756-4644

Saturday, May 7, 2016 18th Annual Sprint for Life 5K Run/Walk Benefitting ovarian cancer research Register at www.sprintforlife.com

Saturday, May 7, 2016 • 7pm – 11pm Couture for the Cause

At The Club at Carlton Woods Benefitting the American Cancer Society www.CoutureMontgomery.org For charity events that support a non-profit, serving to support the health and wellness of the community, please email event information to info@i-ammagazine.com for consideration in an upcoming calendar. We will make every effort to include all charitable events, space allowing.

We LOVE irresistible products. From smiling skin care to colorful cosmetics, Mary Kay offers products women love, and I can help you find your new favorites!

We LOVE irresistible Contact me to discover more. products. From smiling skin care to colorful cosmetics, Renee Devine Independent Beauty Consultant Mary Kay offers products women love, and I can help you find your new 832-704-3877 favorites! grdevine@sbcglobal.net

Contact me www.marykay.com/rdevine3 to discover more.Enriching Women’s LivesTM

i-am magazine’s

Wednesday, January 27 th, 2016 at Crescent Moon Wine Bar Photography by Chelsea Williams Photography

One Y e a r

Thank you to everyone who came out and celebrated our first year anniversary with us! It was a memorable night, spent wth good food and great friends.

celebr at ion

Through your generous support, we were able to donate much needed items including food, baby care essentials, pillows, gas cards and cash donations to The Montgomery County Women’s Center.


Here’s to another fantastic year!

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