AUCTIONEER KILMALLOCKMART IHFA STAFF Denis A Barrett Pedigree Sales & Auctions, Laurelcrest House, Airport Rd, Cork. PSRA Number: 004784
Tel: 021-2455310
GVM Group, Central Office, Kilmallock, Co. Limerick
Tel: (063) 98050
John Kirby 086 1702040
Paul Boal 086 3838648
3, 7, 14, 16
5 6, 8, 9, 12 10, 17 11, 13 15 18
John Curtin - Rosstemple. Athlacca, Kilmallock, Co. Limerick
John O’Callaghan - Farnivane, Bandon, Co. Cork
Henry O’Keeffe - Knockilla, Freemount, Charleville, Co. Cork
Rickey Barrett - The Elms, Adamstown, Ballinhassig, Co. Cork
James Kelly - Philipstown Farm, Ballymakenny Road, Drogheda, Co. Louth
Maurice Harty - Ballylongane, Ballyheigue, Tralee, Co. Kerry
Padraic Greenan - Crosshugh, Monaghan, Co. Monaghan
Martin Kennedy - Bridestown, Kildinan, Co. Cork
John Porter - Lusticle, Carrigans, Lifford, Co. Donegal
Pre-registration is essential
The auction will be live streamed online. You must pre-register for online bidding via MartEye Denis Barrett. Please register early.
All accounts to be settled in full and are due immediately at the close of the sale and should be made at the auctioneer’s office on site.
*** Please note all payments must be made payable to Kilmallock Livestock Mart ***
If Payment for any animal or item purchased is offered by cheque, the title or own ership of said items shall remain with the vendor and shall not pass to the purchaser until such cheque has been cleared and paid by their bank.
Pre-sale viewing
You will find exceptional breeding with bulls to match. All animals available for viewing in the mart prior to the show and sale from 10am.
EXHIBITORS TO HAVE BULLS PREPARED FOR VIEWING FOR 10 AM. IHFA acknowledges ICBF and milk recording organisations for providing data. Latest data as supplied at date of printing. While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the material published no responsibility will be assumed for the validity or accuracy of any statement, error or omission.
DATES FOR YOUR DIARY Spring/Summer 2025 IHFA AGM/Club Conference
Four Seasons Hotel, Monaghan, Co.Monaghan
IHFA Open Day
Greenlea Holsteins, Crosshugh, Co. Monaghan, H18 CK79
FBD National YMA Finals
Kilkenny Mart, Cillin Hill, Kilkenny, Co. Kilkenny
At IHFA we are dedicated to assisting our members in developing their herd, improving their genetics and maximising their farm profits.
We can help with advertising of sales, promotion of herds and much more - please reach out to the office for more information
Check out the IHFA website, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram for a range of the posts and information we can share
We hope everyone had a very successful Spring calving season and best of luck for the 2025 breeding season ahead.
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Lot 1: Rosstemple
Star Red
Owner Breeder Sire
John Curtin. Rosstemple, Athlacca, Kilmallock Co Limerick
John Curtin. Rosstemple, Athlacca, Kilmallock Co Limerick
Youri (FR5722) €189 by Jerudo (JUX) Sire Verified (SNP)
Rosstemple Kodac Elaine P Red VG 85
IE241348831653 (1653) €189
Topspeed Kodak (S1519) by
G Dam Tiger-Lily Ladd P-Red-Et (TGL) by
Rosstemple Ladd Eileen P Rc EX 91 3E
3rd Dam by Jerudo (JUX)
4th Dam
5th Dam
6th Dam
5 lactation average 9248kgs @ 5.01% Fat and 3.78% Protein
3rd Dam of Lot 2 - Mountfarna Telemark Neva EX91 4E 7 lactation average 11,231kgs @ 4.63% Fat and 3.63% Protein
101 tonnes of milk in 7 lactations
G Dam of Lot 2 - Mountfarna Neva VG88
CI Fertility Traits -4.9(days) 3.9(%)
Calving Traits
Owner Breeder Sire
John O'Callaghan. Farnivane, Bandon, Co Cork
John O'Callaghan. Farnivane, Bandon, Co Cork
Sandy-Valley Challenger-Et (FR9724) €168 by Endco Superhero-Et (FR4314) Sire Verified (SNP)
Mountfarna Toronto Neva 433 VG 85 372217624821433 (433) €212
De-Su Toronto 13212-Et (FR4403) by Dam Verified (SNP)
Mountfarna Alex Neva VG 88 372217624811242 (242)
G Dam Cogent Peak Alex VG 86 (FR2330) by
Mountfarna Telemark Neva EX 91 4E
3rd Dam by Telemark (TZK)
4th Dam by O-Bee Manfred Justice Et Tv Tl EX 94 (OJI)
Mountfarna Oman Neva GP 82 IE141558260684 (6)
Calving Traits Gestation
Overall Type Traits
Owner Breeder Sire
Henry O'Keeffe. Knockilla, Freemount, Charleville Co Cork
Henry O'Keeffe. Knockilla, Freemount, Charleville Co Cork
Mylawn Fintan (FR2420) €177 by Delta Trading (ZTG) Sire Verified (SNP)
Dam Radney Levi 5 (YRY) by Dam Verified (SNP)
Radney Yry Deborah 1490 EX 90 IE151289141490 (1490) €189
G Dam
Radney Mcl Deborah 2 EX 91 4E IE151289111042
3rd Dam by Arenberg Frans 233 (AFS)
Radney Afs Deborah EX 90 3E IE151289190836 (836)
4th Dam by Ruud 22 (RUU)
Radney Ruu Deborah VG 88 IE151289130558 (558)
5th Dam by Galtee Merci ET (GMI)
Radney Merci Deborah 3 GP 84 IE151289190423
6th Dam
Radney Star Deborah VG 87
G Dam of Lot 4: Mountfarna Bann Ruth EX92 3E
78 tonnes produced to date.
• 4 generations of EX cows behind him
• LOW calving difficulty
• Fertility tested by XL Vets Dam : M Aladdin Ruth 346 EX90: calving interval 369 days
9397kg @ 4.50% Fat, 3.60% Protein, 4 lactation avg.
G Dam : M Bann Ruth EX92 3E: calving interval 364 days
11102kgs @ 3.99% Fat, 3.58% Protein, 7 lactation avg.
3rd Dam : M. Eight Ruth EX92 5E: 82 tonnes lifetime
11715kgs @ 4.12% Fat, 3.58% Protein, 7 lactation avg.
4th Dam : M. Crew Ruth EX93 4E: 90 tonnes lifetime
11336kgs @ 4.31% Fat, 3.47% Protein, 8 lactation avg.
Fertility Traits -3.5(days) 1.5(%)
Owner Breeder Sire
John O'Callaghan. Farnivane, Bandon, Co Cork
John O'Callaghan. Farnivane, Bandon, Co Cork
(FR7923) €241 by Abs Jeronimo-P-Et (FR4689) Sire Verified (SNP)
Dam (Ig) Evergreen Aladdin (FR4091) by Dam Verified (SNP)
Mountfarna Aladdin Ruth 346 EX 90 372217624861346 (346) €119
G Dam Locker-Lane Rw Banning (S2189) by
Mountfarna Bann Ruth EX 92 3E IE141558211141
3rd Dam by Crockett-Acres Eight-Et EX 95 (CGH)
Mountfarna Eight Ruth EX 92 4E IE141558250923
Provides An Independent, Unbiased Analysis Of Cow Conformation
SYSTEMS CONFORMATION increases cow value
CONFORMATION improves herd quality
CONFORMATION enhances breeding & marketing decisions
Calving Traits Gestation
Type Traits
Owner Breeder
Rickey Barrett. The Elms, Adamstown, Ballinhassig Co Cork
Rickey Barrett. The Elms, Adamstown, Ballinhassig Co Cork
Ballyelly Global ET EX 90 (372219965852529) €146 by Nacash (S3493) Sire Verified (SNP)
Dam Leagh Super Boy ET (IE191181781028) by Dam Verified (SNP)
Laurelelm Super-Boy Josie VG 88 372223187142902 (2902) €142
G Dam
Laurelelm Shottel Josie EX 90 IE141648361441 (1441)
Laurelelm Shotstar (IE141648341002) by
3rd Dam by Laurelmore
Laurelelm Per Josie EX 91 4E IE141652841767 (1767)
4th Dam
Dam of Lot 6: Monamore Veras Pepper EX92
Owner Breeder Sire
James Kelly. Philipstown Farm, Ballymakenny Road, Drogheda Co Louth
James Kelly. Philipstown Farm, Ballymakenny Road, Drogheda Co Louth
Sandy-Valley R Conway-Et (FR7608) €171 by S-S-I Pr Renegade-Et (FR6406) Sire Verified (SNP)
Monamore Veras Pepper EX 92 2E 372213285577169 (7169) €210
Delaberge Pepper VG 86 (S2049) by
G Dam
Monamore Peskys Vera EX 92 2E IE261006945201
Welcome Armitage Pesky-Et (S1579) by
3rd Dam by Heihoeve Delta Spencer (HVA)
Monamore Vera 180 VG 87 IE261006924481 (4481)
4th Dam by Emerald-Acr-Sa T-Derek-Et (ETD)
Monamore Vera 166 GP 80 IE261006943782 (3782)
5th Dam by Ramos (RXO)
Monamore Ramos Vera GP 80 IE261006963090
6th Dam
Monamore Emerson Vera VG 87 RI10121632 (0953) by Ricecrest Emerson ET EX 95 (S213)
The Dam and G Dam of this bull are our ideal cows we have dreamt of breeding for 40 years. Classified EX91 the dam averages over 4% Protein. Calved her 4th Sept 2024 she is projected for 1046 KG solids from 10,600 litres. Conways are now calving in the herd and they look the business.
CI Fertility Traits
Calving Traits
Type Traits
Owner Breeder Sire
Henry O'Keeffe. Knockilla, Freemount, Charleville Co Cork
Henry O'Keeffe. Knockilla, Freemount, Charleville Co Cork
Sire Verified (SNP)
Glenaboy Special One (FR7767) €262 by Hillsdale Mo Salah (FR5704)
Dam Ramos (RXO) by Dam Verified (SNP)
Radney Rxo Bella EX 92 5E IE151289151021 (1021) €188
G Dam
Radney Dut Bella 2 EX 90 IE151289150832 (832)
(DUT) by
3rd Dam by Barrowvale Torello 20 (BWV)
Radney Bwv Bella 2 VG 88 IE151289130418 (418)
Radney Jostar Bella VG 86 RI09475939 (988)
4th Dam by Jostar VG (JOS)
Thursday 10th July 5th Dam by Brynhyfryd Cascade (BFC)
National IHFA Open Day Radney Cascade Bella 2 0108089806 (G006)
6th Dam
Radney Seal Bella 0107786506 by Barold Rock Seal VG (BRL)
Greenlea Holsteins, Crosshugh, Co Monaghan The Value of Pedigree Enhanced Performance Milk recording data shows that Pedigree cows consistently out perform non pedigree stock.
Pedigree vs Non Pedigree
Milk Recording Data between 2018-2022
Pedigree = +60kgs solids per cow
Pedigree = +€254 Milk Value per cow
Pedigree = Reduced SCC (-7.2 difference)
Pedigree = +85.8 Days Lifespan
Become an IHFA Member. Scan the QR Code to register your interest and one of our friendly team will call you back!
Owner Breeder Sire
James Kelly. Philipstown Farm, Ballymakenny Road, Drogheda Co Louth
James Kelly. Philipstown Farm, Ballymakenny Road, Drogheda Co Louth
Westcoast Midmarch (FR8697) €152 by Claynook Zasberilla (S3608) Sire Verified (SNP)
Dam Verified (SNP)
Dam (Ig) Ballagh Prince Spice (FR2235) by
Monamore Spicy Evon EX 92 4E IE261006965979 (5979) €224
Monamore Shottles Evon EX 93 5E IE261006912385 G Dam Picston Shottle EX
(PNH) by
3rd Dam by Horst Harry (HOZ)
Monamore Harrys Evon VG 89 IE261006971772
4th Dam
5th Dam by Curries-M Holiday-Et
Lemrac Holiday Evon EX 90 2E RI08885041 (782)
Lemrac Starbuck
Owner Breeder Sire
James Kelly. Philipstown Farm, Ballymakenny Road, Drogheda Co Louth
James Kelly. Philipstown Farm, Ballymakenny Road, Drogheda Co Louth
Sire Verified (SNP)
S-S-I Pr Renegade-Et (FR6406) €167 by Jaltaoak (BQF006208148075)
Monamore Fifi 31 VG 87 IE261006955581 (5581) €131
Monamore Tavern (IE261006913945) by
G Dam
Monamore Nft Fifi EX 90 2E IE261006914547 (4547)
Coolnasoon Fairgalt 2 (NFT) by
3rd Dam by Gibor (GIO)
Monamore Gibors Fifi VG 85 IE261006963504 (3504)
Monamore Editors Fifi VG
4th Dam by Monamore Editor
Fertility Traits
Calving Traits
Type Traits
Owner Breeder Sire
-2.5(days) 1.9(%)
Udder Feet/Legs
Maurice Harty. Ballylongane, Ballyheigue, Tralee Co Kerry
Maurice Harty. Ballylongane, Ballyheigue, Tralee Co Kerry
Stantons Adorable EX 93 (FR9731) €175 by Cogent Supershot (S2130) Sire Verified (SNP)
Ballylongane Pietje 43 VG 87 372218751341968 (1968) €171
Walnutlawn Sidekick VG 85 (FR4419) by
G Dam Dansire Shottle Sol (XDO) by
Ballylongane Pietje 26 GP 82 372218751331694 (1694)
3rd Dam by Mascol ET (MCL)
Ballylongane Pietje EX 91 6E IE191224810763 (763)
4th Dam
Leagh Jeff Piet Je ET EX
Q G Pietje 324 EX 90 NL353613074
5th Dam by Mccloe Pond Trent (TNT)
6th Dam
Q G Pietje 316 NL242144331 by Frankenhof Lucky Leo (CNP00777133097)
Calving Traits Gestation
Udder Feet/Legs Overall Type Traits
Owner Breeder Sire
Padraic Greenan. Crosshugh, Monaghan, Co Monaghan
Padraic Greenan. Crosshugh, Monaghan, Co Monaghan
Sire Verified (SNP)
Co-Op Bosside Massey-Et (S1383) €95 by Mascol ET (MCL)
Dam Gortcreen Sebastain (FR2314) by Dam Verified (SNP)
Greenlea Sebastain Carla VG 89 372216530521164 (1164) €230
G Dam Catlane Chad (CZZ) by
Greenlea Chad Carla VG 85 372216530590940 (940)
3rd Dam by Deangate Quentin (DQI)
Carrickshock Carla 15 VG 86 IE211238191780 (1780)
4th Dam by Catlane Marker (CKX)
Carrickshock Ckx Carla 749 VG 85 IE211238180749
5th Dam
Carrickshock Carla 491
by Dovea Falko 2 (FKA)
6th Dam
Carla JPA085819
Fertility Traits
-7.8(days) 2.9(%)
Calving Traits Gestation
Owner Breeder Sire
James Kelly. Philipstown Farm, Ballymakenny Road, Drogheda Co Louth
James Kelly. Philipstown Farm, Ballymakenny Road, Drogheda Co Louth
(Ig)Tankardsrock Teak (FR7929) €345 by (Ig) Ballintosig Ring O (OTS) Sire Verified (SNP)
Monamore Evon 105 VG 88 372213285597105 (7105) €248 Dam Westcoast Perseus VG 87 (FR4187) by Dam Verified (SNP)
Monamore Spicy Evon EX 92 4E IE261006965979 G Dam (Ig) Ballagh Prince Spice (FR2235) by
3rd Dam by Picston Shottle EX 96 (PNH)
Monamore Shottles Evon EX 93 5E IE261006912385
Monamore Harrys Evon VG 89 IE261006971772
4th Dam by Horst Harry (HOZ)
5th Dam by Holim Boudewijn (HMB)
Monamore Evon 3 EX 90 RI09966538 (9801)
6th Dam
CI Fertility Traits .9(days) .5(%)
Calving Traits Gestation Risk of dairy heifer calving
Owner Breeder Sire
Padraic Greenan. Crosshugh, Monaghan, Co Monaghan
Padraic Greenan. Crosshugh, Monaghan, Co Monaghan
Sire Verified (SNP)
Croteau Lesperron Unix EX 96 (S3163) €88 by Amighetti Numero Uno Tv Tl Ty EX 90 (S1233)
Dam Verified (SNP)
Greenlea Mg Rhapsody EX 96 4E IE291641890741 (741) €25
Mr Moviestar Mardi Gras-Et (S2032) by
G Dam Braedale Goldwyn GP 84 (GWY) by
Peak Golden Rhapsody ET EX 92 UK163146600643
Peak Shottle Rhapsody Pi EX 90 01000010974528 3rd Dam by Picston Shottle EX 96 (PNH)
4th Dam by Comestar Stormatic EX 90 (MIC)
Almond Sm Rhapsody Pi ET EX 90 UK584742200212
Calving Traits
Owner Breeder Sire
Henry O'Keeffe. Knockilla, Freemount, Charleville Co Cork
Henry O'Keeffe. Knockilla, Freemount, Charleville Co Cork
Sire Verified (SNP)
Velder Starmaker (FR5581) €273 by Stantons Adorable EX 93 (FR9731)
Dam (Ig) Goldenfield Raphael ET (FR2028) by Dam Verified (SNP)
Radney Raphael Bella EX 90 372216166391521 (1521) €245
Radney Yry Bella EX 90 3E IE151289151327 (1327) G Dam Radney Levi
3rd Dam by Ramos (RXO)
Radney Rxo Bella EX 92 5E IE151289151021 (1021)
4th Dam by Desmunt (DUT)
Radney Dut Bella 2 EX 90 IE151289150832 (832)
5th Dam by Barrowvale Torello 20 (BWV)
Radney Bwv Bella 2 VG 88 IE151289130418 (418)
Radney Jostar Bella VG 86 RI09475939 (988)
2 EX90 5E
G Dam of Lot 15Gleanrea Vouster Candy
Gold & Diamond Award Winner, Did 10 lactations doing 95842 kgs of milk with Protein up to 3.71%
Owner Breeder Sire
Martin Kennedy. Bridestown, Kildinan, Co Cork
Martin Kennedy. Bridestown, Kildinan, Co Cork
Sire Verified (SNP)
Dam Verified (SNP)
Glenrea Mogul Candy 2687 VG 87 372219366292687 (2687) €215
G Dam
Glenrea Vouster Candy 2 EX 90 5E
Mountfield Ssi Dcy Mogul-Et EX 93 (S1345) by
3rd Dam by Oisin Ids 615 (IE151153790615)
Glenrea Oisin Candy 2 VG 88 IE151601611102 (1102)
4th Dam by Liskilla Lyselle Bounty
Glenrea Bounty Candy 2 GP 83 IE151601670720
5th Dam
6th Dam
Owner Breeder Sire
Henry O'Keeffe. Knockilla, Freemount, Charleville Co Cork Henry O'Keeffe. Knockilla, Freemount, Charleville Co Cork
Velder Starmaker (FR5581) €273 by Stantons Adorable EX 93 (FR9731) Sire Verified (SNP)
Dam Verified (SNP)
Radney Yamaska Odetta 1835 VG 86 372216166391835 (1835) €261
Westcoast Yamaska VG 86 (FR4368) by
Radney Ronaldo Odetta 2 ET VG 85 G Dam (Ig) Olcastletown Ronaldo (FR2298) by
3rd Dam by Qg
Radney Qur Odetta EX 93 9E IE151289150592 (592)
4th Dam
Radney Mars Odetta
5th Dam
Radney Seal Odetta EX 90 3E 0107796265 (R006)
Fertility Traits -2.1(days) 2.3(%)
Calving Traits Gestation
Type Traits
Owner Breeder
Maurice Harty. Ballylongane, Ballyheigue, Tralee Co Kerry
Maurice Harty. Ballylongane, Ballyheigue, Tralee Co Kerry
Siemers Rengd Parfect-Et (FR7965) €123 by S-S-I Pr Renegade-Et (FR6406) Sire Verified (SNP)
Dam Verified (SNP)
Dam (Ig) Goldenfield Raphael ET (FR2028) by
Ballylongane Claire 10 EX 91 2E 372218751371590 (1590) €172
G Dam Ocean Beatrix Pim (IE191227271305) by
Ballylongane Claire 7 IE191224881388 (1388)
3rd Dam by Ballylongane Radon (IE191224840980)
Ballylongane Claire 5 VG 86 IE191224811191 (1191)
4th Dam by O-Bee Manfred Justice Et Tv Tl EX 94 (OJI)
Ballylongane Oman Claire ET EX 91 6E
6th Dam
2.5(days) .2(%)
Calving Traits Gestation Risk of dairy heifer calving diff Heifer cdiff (%) Cow cdiff (%) -1.69(days)
Owner Breeder Sire
John A Porter. Lusticle, Carrigans, Lifford Co Donegal
John A Porter. Lusticle, Carrigans, Lifford Co Donegal
Farnear Delta-Lambda-Et (S3549) €100 by Mr Mogul Delta 1427-Et (DQV000072128216) Sire Verified (SNP)
Dam Mr Chassity Gold Chip-Et EX 94 (CYG) by
Hendercroft Gold Chip Gooey EX 93 CAN12436925 €-141
G Dam Wilcoxview Jasper-Et VG 85 (S555) by
Hendercroft Jasper Bazooka EX 90 CAN11126365
3rd Dam by Comestar Lheros EX 97 (CMX)
Hendercroft Lheros Gumball EX 96 CAN8704241
4th Dam by Silky Gibson ET EX (SYG)
Hendercroft Gibson Gum VG 87 CAN9208974
5th Dam by
Hendercroft S F A Candy VG 88 CAN6571875
6th Dam
Dam of Lot 18 - Hendercroft Goldchip Gooey
Lot 18 - Foyleview Goldchip Gooey ET