Fact Sheet: ICCC

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FACTSHEET September 2012

ABOUT ICCC • ICCC is a platform of network that reaches scientist communities, international organizations, Indonesian ministries, and academics to encourage robust science-policy linkages in support of actions to deal with issues on climate change in Indonesia. • In 2010, President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono and President Obama have agreed on the cooperation between the Governments of Indonesia and the United States within the framework of ‘US-Indonesia Comprehensive Partnership’. The two countries set a ‘Plan of Action’, which includes six working groups in the fields of education, defense and security, energy, social democracy and society, trade and investment as well as climate and environment. One of the activities proposed by President Yudhoyono and President Obama, is the formation of climate change study center in Indonesia, which were then followed up under the climate and environment. • Series of coordination meeting facilitated by both Kemenko Kesra and DNPI in developing ICCC’s institutional and program framework have been stated by Menko Kesra and DNPI’s Chairman in the DNPI Coordination Meeting, which was chaired directly by the President in September 30, 2011. • Letter of Intent (LoI) of cooperation between DNPI and USFS has been signed on October 11, 2011. Currently, ICCC conducts its activities under the coordination with DNPI and with financial support from USFS. The possibility for the ICCC legal status establishment is being explored. • DNPI has received statement of interests from potential partners to support program implementations and ICCC sustainability. • ICCC contains three elements: Secretariat to support ICCC operational activities, Steering Committee for directions and strategies of ICCC, and four research clusters. The four research clusters are Peatland & Peatland Mapping; Climate Resilience; Low Emission Development Strategies (LEDS); and Measurement Reporting & Verification (MRV) for climate programs in Indonesia. The Peatland and Peatland Mapping as well as Climate Resilience Cluster has been active in implementing their activities since May 2012. • To support the communication function and dissemination of study results and information, also for interaction of ICCC network member, the ICCC portal has been developed, which can be accessed at www.iccc-network.net

LINKING SCIENCE TO POLICY Gedung Kementerian BUMN 18th Floor Jalan Medan Merdeka Selatan No.13 JAKARTA 10110 Tel.+6221-3511400 Fax.+6221-3511403 www.iccc-network.net


To act as a forum to encourage robust science-policy linkages in support of policies and actions to deal with issues on climate change in Indonesia through bilateral and multilateral cooperation.


To promote effective actions in dealing with climate change problems based on robust science and empowered by cutting edge information and communication technology to communicate climate change problems and solutions.

Peatland & Peatland Mapping Cluster Development

Support for “One Map” Initiative

• Technical meeting in developing Peatland & Peatland Mapping Cluster. • Developing Policy Brief on Peatland definition. • Establishing spatial and non-spatial database of Peatland Cluster including peatland metadata/research catalog. • Conducting workshop on Peatland Mapping Methodology Standard in coordination with representatives of Ministries in Indonesia, National and International Research Organization, and science communities.

Cluster Climate Resilience Development • Climate Resilience Cluster has identified three sectors as focus areas: agriculture, urban and coastal management, also different aspects related to risk management. • Climate Resilience Cluster has conducted a workshop on Climate Resilience in Agriculture. This meeting aims at reviewing the appropriate scientific approach to support food security in accordance with climate resilience problems.

• DNPI through ICCC activities has been active role in developing “One Map”, an initiative facilitated by UKP4 and USFS (US Forrest Service) to develop national mapping platform that includes many institutions, such as LAPAN, Ministry of Forestry, Ministry of Agriculture, and Geographic Information Agency (BIG).

Concepts Development and Communication Strategy • Developing and disseminating information on ICCC through ICCC portal, various forums, events, visibility products, social media and mass media.

Indonesia Climate Change Center Portal • Developing ICCC portal as source of information about issues and study results published by ICCC. This portal contains static data, such as institutional related data, and dynamic such as regularly updated articles. This portal serves as program database for each cluster and interactive visual functions that is reachable by everyone, everywhere. The portal also accommodates discussions between stakeholders, experts and wider public.

Follow Up Action for May to December 2012 Institutional LEDS & MRV Clusters Development • LEDS Cluster will be used as the strategic framework to formulate policies, real actions, programs and work plans to increase economic growth and to develop environmental management in achieving developmental goals. • MRV Cluster development is to support other programs that has already been running and also to prepare scientific analysis to support policies and real actions in establishing MRV system.

Programs • Developing ICCC work plan for two year period within the DNPI-USFS cooperation. • Launching of Indonesia Climate Change Center at the US - Indonesia Comprehensive Partnerhsip meeting. • Conducting assessment on the existing Peatland and Climate Resilience policies, programs, and mapping in Indonesia, which are related to emission reduction program. • Developing Policy Brief on Peatland Delineation and Mapping Methodology • Developing an integrated portal using Mash Up concept that covers statistic data, presentation, and information as well as dynamic visualization through info graphic.

Long-term Program Development and ICCC Sustainability • Establishing communication with potential partners from other countries and organizations to encourage donor participation in ICCC programs. • Establishing ICCC legal status to ensure ICCC sustainability. • Establishing a Steering Committee for ICCC, and at once disseminating information on ICCC’s establishment.

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