2023 Imapact Report - Green Korea United

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“First to Arrive at the Scene and the Last to Leave”

Green Korea United(GKU)

“First to Arrive at the Scene and the Last to Leave”

This impact report was created to introduce the social changes and impacts made by social innovative organizations supported by the Impact Ground project of Brian Impact.

Issuing Company Date of Issue

Publisher Brian Impact Foundation April 2024 Park Seung-gi

Email Website contact@brianimpact.org brianimpact.org

Planning & Production Korea Social Impact Valuation Co., Ltd.

Impact Ground,

a ground for Innovative Organizations that create valuable Social Change

Brian Impact Foundation is a public cooperation established with the declaration of donation by Kakao founder Beom-soo Kim.

We operate various support programs to ensure that technology can help people create a better world, to ensure that no one feels alienated left in a rapidly changing world, and to solve social problems that companies cannot solve, especially in the field of science and technology.

Impact Ground supports a Sustainable Social Impact Ecosystem by supporting Innovative Organizations that fundamentally solve social problems.

Our goal is to create foundation where Innovators and Organizations working to create a better world can take root in a healthy manner.

Green Korea United(GKU) IMPACT REPORT

Table of Contents

01 Introduction to the Impact Report

㨷 Introduction to the Impact Report

Green Korea United(GKU) addresses environmental issues in the areas of 'Wildlife, Ecosystem Conservation, Living Environment, Energy Transition, Climate Crisis, Peace&Ecology.' This report summarizes the major achievements in these areas and introduces the impact core driving forces that made these successes possible. The achievements of Green Korea United(GKU) included in the report are based on the following key principles and were measured and evaluated in collaboration with the impact measurement specialist organization, KSVA(Korea Social Impact Valuation).

✓ Measured impact from 1994 to 2023

We have analyzed and included the achievements from the start of each environmental agenda to 2023.

✓ Derived the impact model based on stakeholders

We categorized the key stakeholders into 'government, business, citizens, and environment' and organized the achievements accordingly.

✓ Analysis of the core driving forces behind the achievements

We analyzed the impact driving forces that enabled changes in government, business, citizens, and the environment.

✓ Utilized quantitative and qualitative methods

Based on the achievements, we applied both quantitative methods, using figures and percentages, and qualitative methods, utilizing surveys and interviews.

02 Introduction to Green Korea United(GKU)

㨷 Social Issues to be solved

㨷 Four Core Principles

㨷 Environment Agenda

Green Korea United(GKU), founded in 1991 and now in its 34th year, is an environmental organization dedicated to protecting nature in our country. With nine regional organizations centered major metropolitan municipalities and four specialized institutions, it preserves major ecological corridors such as Baekdudaegan Mountain Range and the DMZ, and protects wildlife and their habitats. The organization monitors sites that accelerate the climate crisis and envisions a world where energy is righteous, a planet without waste, practice of a lifestyle in harmony with nature and a society where nature and humans coexist harmoniously.’ Green Korea United(GKU) actively seeks solutions by directly engaging in areas where life suffers and remains present until the very end.

㨷 Social Issues to be solved

✓ Proposing the Rights of Nature

Green Korea United(GKU) advocates for the ‘rights of nature,’ which means that nature and the countless wild animals and plants living there have the right to exist as they are. We stand on the side of the wild, actively working in areas where life is suffering. We directly engage in and consistently monitor critical natural areas, creating protection strategies.

✓ Solving Various Environmental Issues Surrounding Our Lives

To ensure our natural resources are not exploited for private gain but rather recognized as public goods, we call for the strengthening of the ‘polluter pays principle’ within legal frameworks and the rational improvement of the environmental impact assessment system.

✓ Transformation of Life with Citizens

At the heart of Green Korea United(GKU)’s activities is the transformation of lives. We help everyday citizens participate directly in environmental protection and propose ways to live in harmony with nature. We also support and stand in solidarity with those who are suffering from environmental issues.

㨷 Four Core Principles

Green Korea United(GKU), together with citizens, engages in activities in ecological, life, and environmental conflict areas to realize the principles of ‘Respect for Life, Eco-Circulation Society, Non-violent Peace, Green Autonomy.’

Respect for Life

• We respect the value and rights of all living beings.

• We strive to conserve forest ecosystems, river ecosystems, marine ecosystems, and enhance biodiversity.

• We oppose genetic manipulation and the use of harmful chemicals that disrupt ecosystems and threaten bioethics, and we work to protect life safety and ecosystem order.

Building Eco-Circulation Society

• We strive to overcome the distorted economic system centered on mass production and mass consumption to create an Eco-Circulation Society.

• We reflect on our lives and establish a lifestyle where simplicity and smallness are beautiful through restrained consumption.

• We respect the rights of future generations to be free from the climate crisis and work to prevent it.

• We aim to correct the misguided energy system based on nuclear power and fossil fuels, and pursue a righteous transition to renewable energy.

Achieving Non-violent Peace

• We reject all forms of violence and discrimination.

• We do our utmost to end wars, eliminate weapons of mass destruction, stop the arms race and the military-industrial complex that threaten peace.

• We actively strive for the peaceful reunification of the Korean Peninsula, where all life can coexist.

• We work to prevent discrimination based on age, gender, wealth, physical condition, sexual identity and orientation, and origin, and strive to uphold the rights of the socially vulnerable.

Achieving Green Autonomy

• We strive for participatory democracy, autonomy, and decentralization.

• We work to prevent human rights violations caused by environmental issues and to realize citizens' environmental rights.

• We endeavor to build ecological villages, ecological cities, and green communities that cooperate and coexist.

• We align with social movements both domestically and internationally for the advancement of the green movement.

㨷 Environmental Agenda

✓ Environmental Agenda

Green Korea United(GKU) engages in a wide range of activities that transcend the boundaries of life in forests and trees, skies and seas, water and tidal flats, and urban areas. At the forefront of addressing environmental issues in our country, we have been diligently working with a singular focus on bequeathing a healthy natural environment to future generations. We handle an extensive array of 19 environmental agendas across six fields. To create life foundation where nature and humans, as well as humans among themselves, coexist, we will continue to work closely and persistently in ecological sites for the longest time.

Prioritizing principles of conservation and protection, and minimizing harm to nature, is the only path for the coexistence of nature and humans.

Ecosystem Conservation Peace & Ecology Energy Transition
Protection of captive bears and mountain goats, wildlife movement rights
4 Major Rivers Project, Gariwangsan, Baekdudaegan, Seoraksan, reckless new airport development, and marine problems
DMZ, Military Base
Renewable Energy, nuclear and coal phase-out
High mountain Conifer, respond to climate crisis
Waste, plastic, green living
The Earth's ecosystems are interconnected. When one species disappears, the species that depend on it are also at risk.
Peace and ecology must go hand in hand, moving forward together.
The movement to change lives and habitats saves us and the earth.
The Earth's climate is beyond a state of "change" and is now in a state of "crisis." We must face this crisis and act now.
The first action to prevent the climate crisis is energy transition.

Crisis Response

Activities Protection of High Mountain Coniferous Trees

Reduction of Waste and Plastic

Guarantee of Wildlife Movement Rights

Investigation of Four Major Rivers Project, Protection of Gariwangsan (Mountain)

Protection of Musk Deer 2009 Protection of Seoraksan (Mountain)

Renewable Energy Transition Activities

Protection of Captive Bears

Environmental Protection of Military Bases and the DMZ Protection of Baekdudaegan Mountain Range and Marine Ecosystems

Protection of Mountain Goats

03 Impact Measurement

㨷 Impact Creation Process

㨷 Impact Highlights

㨷 Quantitative Impact by Environment Agendas

㨷 Impact Creation Process

Green Korea United(GKU) impacts ‘government, corporations, citizens, and the environment’ to promote a lifestyle in harmony with nature. The essence of Green Korea United(GKU)’s activities is to drive permanent change by influencing government policies and improving laws and regulations. To achieve this, we bring issues to public attention with voices from the field and develop problem-solving strategies aimed at sustainable solutions.


Law Amendments


• Law Enactment

System Improvements

Practicing a lifestyle in harmony with nature

• National Assembly debates and countermeasure meetings

• Form and participate governance

Propose issue related inquiries and opinions

• Lobby activity

Proposing law


• Administrative litigation

• Response to media and parliamentary inspections

Policy monitoring

• Research for foundation of policy

Campaign,forum,requesting information disclosure, meetings,signing,etc.

Activity (Environmental Agenda)

• Changes in Corporate Practices

• Send inquiries

• Press conference and media reports

• Publish promotional contents

• Publish issue reports

Seminar,debate,campaign, etc.

Training citizen scientists

• Citizen participation and fundraising

• Citizen survey,perception survey

Create promotional contents

• Campaign targeting citizens

• Create and publish reports and guidebooks

• Signing and fundraising campaign

Operation of education workshop

• Debate,workshop,forum, seminar,conference,meetings, etc.

• Save captive bears

• Mountain goat protection Waste and plastic reduction

Field monitoring

• Field survey based on expert consultation

Impact Highlights

※ Period: Cumulative data from the start of each agenda to 2023

Corporations Law Amendments cases 5

Training Citizen Scientists people 4,770+

2023 One-time Donation Amount billion KRW 1.17

2023 Regular Donation Amount billion KRW 1.25 Law Enactment cases 7 System Improvements cases 63 Changes in Corporate Custom cases 3+

Citizen Participation people 310,585+

Media Reponse 1) responses 68+ Policy Response 2) responses 19+ Litigation responses 56+ Research Activity 3) responses 161+ Research Activity 3) responses 2+ Policy Response 2) responses 182,578+

Media Response 1) responses 98,261+ Participants in Perception Confirmation and Improvement 4) million people 2.68+

2023 One-time Donation Amount people 17,673

Fields of Impact




2023 Regular Donation Amount people 8,642 Shared and Disseminated Content 5) contents 45,682+

Having an Impact


1) Pressreleases(includingcoverage),pressconferences,mediareports,mediacontributions,etc.

2) Formationandparticipationingovernance,sendinginquiriesandopinions,respondingtoparliamentary inspections,proposingbills,requestinginformationdisclosure,participatingindebates,meetings,forums,etc.

3) Publishingissuereports,conductingpolicyresearchforlawenactmentandimprovement,organizing seminars,workshops,forums,conferences,etc.

4) Citizenscienceprograms,surveys,lectures,conferences,education,signaturecampaigns,rallies,protests,joint advertisements,andothercampaignsandcitizenparticipationprograms,etc.

5) Publishingplannedpromotionalcontent,reports,guidebooks,leaflets,publications,etc.

㨷 Quantitative Impact by Environmental Agenda

※ Period: Cumulative data from the start of projects to 2023

✓ Wildlife

To protect the habitats of plants and animals, we have been actively involved in the protection of captive bears, mountain goats, and musk deer, as well as ensuring the movement rights of wildlife for a long time.

What is the representative project that embodies the identity of Green Korea United(GKU)? In a survey* asking about the representative project that comes to mind when thinking of ‘Green Korea United(GKU),' approximately 34.4% of respondents answered 'wildlife.' Notably, a high percentage specifically mentioned 'captive bear protection' as a single issue.

* Survey conducted among Green Korea United(GKU) members (2024.03.12-20, with 255 participants)

"When I think of Green Korea United(GKU), mountains and wildlife are the first things that come to mind."

(2024.2 From a part of interview of stakeholder)

"It would be great to work with citizens on activities like rewilding and returning empty spaces to nature."

Changes in Environment

Saved captive bears (first time) bears 4

Installation of Roadkill signs case 1

Protected area for mountain goats ha 10,284

Wangpicheon Ecological and Landscape Conservation Area Reduction in bird collision %90+

Comparison of Before and After Glass Noise Barrier Mitigation Measures on National Route 649

Field monitoring cases195+

Field survey based on expert consultation cases36+

Noise barrier mitigation measures cases10+ impact

Installation of unmanned camera cameras139+

• Strengthening penalties for illegal breeding

• Passing the amendment to the Wildlife Protection Act to prohibit bear farmin

• Passage of the amendment to the 'Act on the Protection and Management of Wildlife' in the National Assembly plenary session

Enactment of the Special Act on Captive Bears* Enactment of the Wildlife Protection Act


Prohibition of breeding captive bears and establishment of bear protection facilities

• Adoption of the resolution to ban bear farming for bile extraction (Motion 025) at the 2012 World Conservation Congress (WCC)

• Enhanced inspections of wildlife management centers

• Establishment of a mountain goat rescue and treatment center

• Installation of roadkill warning banners and signs on National Route 36

Media Response cases910+

Policy Response cases116+

Litigation case 1

Research Activity cases 11

• Enforcement of the decree on 'Performance and Installation Standards for Noise Barriers under the Noise and Vibration Control Act' (April 2021)

• Enactment of bird collision prevention ordinances in 45 municipalities

• Establishment of 'Guidelines for Roadkill Investigation and Management'

Host campaigns and conferences cases

Sharing and disseminating promotional contents cases

✓ Ecosystem Conservation

Policies focused on utilization and development have left our forests and rivers scarred. These scars, in turn, affect us who depend on nature. Green Korea United(GKU) is at the forefront of ecosystem conservation, solving issues related to the Four Major Rivers Project, Mt. Gariwangsan, Baekdudaegan Mountain Range, Seoraksan, reckless new airport development, and marine problems.

• Government organization restructuring in the environmental sector


• Baekdudaegan Protection Act

• Framework Act on Water Management

System Improvements cases 3

• Launch of the investigation and assessment team for natural restoration

• Announcement of the roadmap for sustainable water management policies

• Production of the Baekdudaegan ecological map, inclusion in textbooks, and publication of the environmental exploration report

✓ Peace&Ecology

Green Korea United(GKU) envisions a unified Korean Peninsula. We reject all forms of violence and discrimination and seek solutions to the environmental issues left by war. Peace and ecology must go hand in hand, moving forward together.

Changes in Government

• Victory in the noise damage lawsuit against Gunsan US Air Force Base (2006)

• Supreme Court ruling against the non-disclosure of US military environmental information (2009)

✓ Energy Transition

The world is now strongly demanding a transition from the carbon civilization. Nuclear phase-out and coal phase-out, transitioning to energy from a righteous perspective, are the foremost actions in overcoming the climate crisis.

Changes in Government

Media Response cases

• Enactment of the act on the promotion of the development, use, and diffusion of new and renewable energy

• Amendment of the Renewable Energy Certificate (REC) Weighting System

✓ Climate Crisis

Green Korea United(GKU) examines ecosystems that are most sensitive to climate change and highlights the climate crisis issues emerging in our daily lives, advocating for more proactive transitions.

Changes in Government

Adoption of resolution case 1

• Enactment of the framework act on carbon neutrality and green growth

• Establishment and operation of the carbon neutrality committee

• Adoption of resolution urging emergency response to the climate crisis


From the moment we wake up to the moment we go to sleep, everything we breathe, wear, and eat is related to environmental issues. To solve the environmental problems that occur closest to our daily lives, we tackle issues related to waste and plastic, fine dust, and harmful chemicals.

Changes in Corporate Custom

Changes in Corporate Custom cases 3 impact

Implementation of the "opt-out of disposable cutlery" option in delivery apps

• Expansion of reusable container services for delivered food

• Expansion of collection programs for empty cosmetic containers

Changes in Government

Law Amendments cases 2

• Implementation of the disposable cup deposit system

• Improvement of the Repackaging Prohibition Act

System Improvements cases 3 impact

• Introduction of reusable containers for delivery services

• Partial revision of the standards for labeling packaging materials and structures (indicating difficulty of recycling)

• Improvement of the separation and disposal labeling design (indicating material and disposal method)

Changes in Citizen

Fundraised amount KRW 22,973,100+

Media Responses cases34+

Inquiries and opinion letters to corporations cases 8

Meetings cases 2

Meeting on delivery plastic waste, and recycling cosmetic containers

Media Response cases2,360+

Policy Response cases 245+

Litigation case 1 (Request for public interest audit)

Research Activity cases 4

Host campaigns, conferences cases82+

Shared and Disseminated Contents contents 91+

Citizen Participation people 69,387+ impact

Fundraising Participation people 24,340+

04 Impact Core Driving Force

㨷 Impact Core Driving Force

㨷 [Driving Force 1] Momentum of dynamic and dedicated activists

㨷 [Driving Force 2] Do Wild, field presence

㨷 [Driving Force 3] Deep appeal and undeniable sincerity

㨷 [Driving Force 4] The reason for existence and continuity, responsibility

㨷 Impact Core Driving Force

✓ Derivation Process

The detailed records from the field have transformed into legislation and policies, creating visible changes. What are the driving forces that have enabled Green Korea United(GKU) to work tirelessly on the ground for such a long time? To identify the core strengths and competencies of Green Korea United(GKU), we conducted in-depth interviews with both internal and external stakeholders. By structuring the unique aspects consistently mentioned by these stakeholders, we analyzed the impact driving forces of Green Korea United(GKU).

Stakeholder Interview

Conduct in-depth interviews with activists, members, and partner organizations to identify the key differentiators and strengths of Green Korea United (GKU).

Utilize a comprehensive approach, including group and individual interviews, as well as face-to-face, remote, and written interviews, to gather a wide range of opinions.

Analysis and categorization of common keywords

Analyze the interview to identify common themes and keywords, then assess the key strengths.

Analysis and identification of impact driving forces <Interview Structure>

• Attitude towards agendas

Methods of handling agendas

• Agenda selection

Education and learning Performance management

Internal cooperation and communication System

Structuring and analyzing the process of impact driving forces into "strength factors, prerequisites, systems, and mechanisms.”

Deriving a framework for impact driving forces to visualize the intangible organizational culture.

Interview Overview

• Subjects

• Capabilities and dedication of activists

Organization culture

• Green Pilgrimage

• Strength Stability

Main Projects

Member Participation

Cooperation with members

Support motivation Perception of Green Korea United(GKU)

Efforts to Activate Citizen Participation Solidarity Transition


6 Activists Nature Ecology team, Green Society team, Climate Energy team, PR team

2 Members 9th and 10th year Regular Donor

3 Solidarity and collaborative organizations Public Institutions, Corporations, Environmental organizations

• Interview contents

Activist Goal setting methods, operational methods, human resources and network, securing supporters and establishing a support base

Member Donation motivation, member participation, strengths and distinction, activities and projects

Solidarity and collaborative organizations

Collaborative projects, collaboration methods and roles, strengths and distinctions

• Method: (Remote) in-person and written proceedings

• Period: 2024.2.7 2.27 (21 days)

Changes Created by Green Korea United(GKU)

Green Korea United(GKU) is an organization where the capabilities and commitment of its activists drive impactful outcomes. The momentum of the activists, their field presence based on ecological sensitivity, their sincerity in addressing environmental issues, and their responsibility to see their assigned agendas through to the end are the forces behind Green Korea United(GKU)’s ability to create meaningful change. The preconditions for creating an activist-centered organizational culture include the psychological safety felt among peers, shared values and principles among activists, and the various trust relationships formed within the organization. The organizational culture, built and nurtured over decades, is a strength and a distinctive feature of Green Korea United(GKU). This culture is institutionalized and passed on to future activists, ensuring its continuity.

Capabilities and commitment derived from an activist-centered organizational culture.

Activists physically visit environmental issue areas to document and secure objective data.

Demonstrated through their approach to work, interactions with people, and handling of agendas.

A persistent and tenacious commitment to solving environmental problems.

Activists feel safe to take risks and expose their vulnerabilities in front of their peers.

Values like ‘integrity in actions’ that are not formally defined but shared among activists.

Various trust relationships within the organization, such as mutual trust between colleagues.

A bottom-up structure where any activist can become a leader, enabling proactive participation and decision-making.

Practices like the 'Green Pilgrimage' for building empathy and ecological sensitivity, the 'Activists' Council' for protecting labor rights, and weekly and monthly meetings maintained by Green Korea United(GKU) over a long period.

Diverse and unrestricted interactions facilitated by informal titles and a lack of formal boundaries.

Finding solutions in the field where issues arise ‘field presence’, utilizing data-driven 'objectivity' with various investigative techniques such as unmanned cameras and GIS, and striving for 'completeness' through legal and institutional improvements.

㨷 [Driving Force 1] The Momentum of Dynamic and Dedicated Activists

For the past 34 years, there has not been a site untouched by the footsteps of Green Korea United(GKU) activists. The activist-centered momentum, which considers field data and local residents, is both strength and a unique feature of Green Korea United(GKU). This is commonly cited by activists, members, and partner organizations as the organization’s greatest capability. The autonomy, expertise, and dedication of the activists are fundamental forces and key factors that provide a green impact on our society.

I believe that the autonomy, responsibility, and expertise of the activists have been positively and significantly manifested throughout the entire process, from identifying issues to taking responsibility for creating change, leading to the organization's achievements to date.

Intensive Deliberation for Positive Change, Discovering Living Environment Agendas

"How can we grow further? What changes are needed to improve from here?" Activists continuously contemplate and engage in intense discussions for a better future. Instead of telling someone else what is needed, the activists go directly to the field themselves. When they identify an issue they believe in, they persuade their fellow activists to gain empathy, agreement, and support, working together to solve the problem.

One challenge was the lack of direct interaction with citizens, as our efforts to solve environmental issues often take us to natural settings like mountains and seas. To address this, we identified issues in the "Living Environment" domain that we could excel in and that would allow us to engage more frequently with the public. This process not only makes Green Korea United(GKU) more dynamic but also reinforces the belief and confidence that the autonomy and drive of activists can create projects and lead societal change.

While working, we realized that Green Korea United(GKU) lacked activities that directly connected with citizens. By persuading fellow activists, we introduced the Living Environment agenda, which eventually became well-established. This ability to adapt and implement new initiatives is one of Green Korea United(GKU)'s greatest strengths.

Green Korea United(GKU) Activist
Green Korea United(GKU) Activist

Keyword #Intuition and capabilities of activist #Autonomy #Expertise #Dedication

A Place Where Everyone Becomes a Leader, Activist-Driven Decision Making

The process of gathering information and evaluating alternatives to solve various issues is conducted horizontally. Decisions are not made by a single individual but are systematized to ensure that the thoughts of activists and the voices from the field are well reflected. This decision-making structure plays a crucial role in creating an activist-centered organizational culture and supports activists in making decisions autonomously in the field.

Support and Encouragement Through Financial Contributions

What do many members think about the 'momentum of activists,' identified as strength of Green Korea United(GKU) through in-depth interviews? In a survey* asking members about their roles, more than half, 63%, identified themselves as 'financial supporters.' This result suggests that Green Korea United(GKU) is an environmental organization where members tend to prefer that activists actively solve issues on their behalf, rather than participating directly. It shows that many members wish to support and encourage activists through financial contributions, hoping they will find and implement better solutions to ecological and environmental problems.


You participate financially in Green Korea United(GKU)'s activities through regular membership fees. Besides being a 'financial supporter,' please select all the roles you think you fulfill.

Instead of simply boosting already popular campaigns, I feel that we identify and build up issues recognized as real problems on the ground. At the center of these activities are the activists.

Long-term Supporting Member

㨷 [Driving Force 2] Do Wild, Field Presence

Green Korea United(GKU) activists work directly in environmental fields, documenting and collecting data to raise awareness of environmental issues. They remain on-site until these issues are addressed and safeguarded for future generations. This emphasis on field presence enhances the agility of our movement. The specificity and focus on environmental issues, based on fieldwork, are among Green Korea United(GKU)’s greatest strengths.

The focus and dedication in activities such as the mountain goat protection campaign to safeguard habitats of endangered species, the captive bear protection campaign against gallbladder extraction, and the campaign to prevent wild birds from colliding with transparent glass walls highlight our commitment to protecting vulnerable lives. This level of concentration and effort is a strength that other organizations find difficult to match.

So Do Not Disappear, Wildlife Monitoring

The field is both the beginning and end of Green Korea United(GKU)'s activities. What we see, hear, and capture in the field forms the foundation of our work. To protect wildlife, such as captive bears, mountain goats, and their movement rights, we actively patrol these areas, adding objectivity and expertise through techniques like unmanned cameras and GIS. By collaborating with relevant agencies, we share accumulated data and seek solutions together, contributing to positive societal change.

Green Korea United(GKU) has utilized decades of accumulated data on mountain goats to analyze their habitats and develop conservation strategies.


Passionate Solidarity with Local Communities

As a national organization, Green Korea United(GKU) responds closely and concretely to environmental issues arising in local areas through its regional branches. By conducting pilgrimages to ecologically sensitive sites and areas with pressing environmental issues, we strengthen our field presence and seek joint solutions with local residents. Partner organizations, who observe Green Korea United(GKU)’s activities up close, often remark that the most impressive aspect is our solidarity with the local community. When necessary, dedicated activists reside in the area to listen to the residents and work together towards sustainable change.

The Uljin region in Gyeongbuk is a primary monitoring site for Green Korea United(GKU) and has opened new horizons for the coexistence of ecosystems and local residents. In 2007, while planning the basic framework for the Uljin Geumgang Pine Forest Trail, we considered ways to prevent the exclusion of local residents and to ensure that the forest trail could benefit the local economy. Consequently, we proposed a community-participatory forest trail. Green Korea United(GKU) continues to strive for the construction of ecological villages, ecological cities, and green communities that cooperate and coexist harmoniously.

I have often felt that your solidarity with local residents is incredibly passionate, and beyond that, you also engage in very close solidarity with other regions.

Solidarity and collaborative

Green Pilgrimage: A Path to Fully Communicate with Nature

Every spring since 1998, Green Korea United(GKU) activists pause their regular work to embark on a ten-day Green Pilgrimage. They walk through areas affected by pressing environmental issues, such as the damaged area by transmission towers in Gangwon Province, the Saemangeum tidal flats, U.S. military bases, the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ), Baekdudaegan Mountain Range, the Nakdong River, and the planned sites of the Four Major Rivers Project. By walking these places, they witness and experience the issues firsthand, bringing attention to these environmental concerns. The Green Pilgrimage serves as a reminder of Green Korea United(GKU)'s emphasis on "field presence" and "ecological sensitivity." It rejuvenates the fading ecological sensitivity by connecting with pristine natural environments inaccessible by car. Even activists who seldom visit the field due to their responsibilities in organizational operations and management take this time to immerse themselves in nature and witness the field situations directly. This experience is crucial for fostering empathy, strengthening bonds, and reinforcing their commitment to environmental protection.

The Green Pilgrimage has played a crucial role in shaping the identity of Green Korea United(GKU).

Green Korea United(GKU) Activist

㨷 [Driving Force 3] Deep Appeal and Undeniable Sincerity

We firmly believe that sincere actions can create positive ripples in society. Throughout Green Korea United(GKU)’s 34-year history, we have witnessed society progress in a better direction. Rather than focusing on superficial or a few institutional changes, we strive to change the fundamental values and perceptions of society members. Both internal and external stakeholders of Green Korea United(GKU) highlight our sincere attitude as a key factor in achieving meaningful results.

As a Green Korea United(GKU) activist, I have often heard that we respond with a sincere approach, moving forward with resilience.

Achieving a Righteous Transition Through Strategic Framework Design

In the process of overcoming the climate change crisis and transitioning to a safer society, issues of inequality arise as some individuals bear the costs. To navigate these conflicts righteously, Green Korea United(GKU) considers ways for various stakeholders—local residents, workers, civil society, and farmers—to live together harmoniously. As mediators of stakeholder interests, we approach our role with caution, solving the essence of issues to guide society towards maturity.

Some argue that installing a cable car on Seoraksan is necessary to ensure cultural access rights for people with disabilities and those with limited mobility. However, Green Korea United(GKU) emphasizes the importance of first securing the 'right to mobility.' In response to those who advocate for the rapid elimination of coal-fired power plants to achieve a carbon-neutral society, we appeal for solutions that protect the jobs of vulnerable workers, promoting coexistence and solidarity. This is the vision of a righteous transition that Green Korea United(GKU) strives for.

Installation of cable car on Seoraksan

Ensuring cultural access rights for people with disabilities and those with limited mobility through cable car installation

Prioritizing the mobility rights of transportation-disa dvantaged people in our society

Elimination of coal-fired power plants

Unconditional closure of coal-fired power plants to reduce carbon emissions

Expansion of green job discussions for the safe job transition of energy workers

Green Korea United(GKU) Activist
Righteous Frame
Righteous Frame

Keyword #Integrity #Sincere #Righteous Transition #Collaboration And Solidarity

Members' Trust in Our Approach to Environmental Issues

When we asked Green Korea United(GKU) members* why they regularly support us, we found a significant 24% of responses pointed to our "approach and attitude towards environmental issues," along with the “ interest in environmental issues themselves and support for the role of civic organizations.” This indicates that members support not just because we are a large organization, but because they believe in our principled approach and direction.

*SurveyofGreenUnionmembers (2024.3.12~3.20,255peopleparticipated)

Please select the two most important reasons for regularly supporting Green Korea United(GKU) in order of priority.

※ Applied accumulated weight

Interest in the environmental issues addressed by Green Korea United(GKU)

The way Green Korea United(GKU) approaches and handles environmental issues

Support for the role of monitoring and checking as a civic organization

Because it is one of the largest and most influential environmental organizations in the country

Transparent disclosure of donation usage Other

Living with Integrity Is Not Especially Difficult

The values and principles shared by Green Korea United(GKU) activists are evident in their approach to work, interactions with people, and their role in solidarity. Both the activists and long-term supporting members believe that our "integrity" is a robust way that has enabled us to protect nature for such a long time. We believe that taking slow and steady steps, even if it takes longer, is the fastest way to achieve our goals.

If I were to summarize Green Korea United(GKU)’s strength in one keyword, it would be "integrity."

Green Korea United(GKU) Activist

㨷 [Driving Force 4] The Reason for Existence and Continuity, Responsibility

Protecting the earth’s environment is challenging to measure quantitatively and achieving desired changes in a short time is difficult. Green Korea United(GKU)’s stamina and perseverance manifest in our relentless and persistent efforts to solve issues, defining our impact by the sheer duration of our steadfastness. We will continue to act as we always have, bearing the responsibility and role we are meant to carry.

One of Green Korea United(GKU)’s strengths and distinctions is tenacity and persistence. When planning and evaluating projects, we often ask ourselves, "If Green Korea United(GKU) doesn't do this, who will?"


#Persistent #Tenacious #Responsibility And Role #Continuity

The Strength to Protect the Environment to the End, Persistence

We asked members what they consider to be Green Korea United(GKU)’s greatest strength*. The highest response rate, at 29.3%, identified our "persistence in addressing specific environmental issues over a long period" as our key strength. Many members have observed and appreciated our unwavering and persistent efforts to protect ecological crisis sites. Additionally, "expertise on environmental agendas" was cited by 20.5%, and "data and information collection based on fieldwork" by 19.2%, aligning with the strengths identified in interviews with internal and external stakeholders. With the principles and actions we have upheld so far, we will continue to quietly advance toward a world where we live in harmony with nature.


Please select the three elements you consider to be 'strengths of Green Korea United(GKU)' in order of priority Q.

※ Applied accumulated weight

[Continuity] persistence in addressing specific environmental issues over a long period

[Expertise] Expertise on environmental agendas

[Field Presence] Data and information collection based on fieldwork

[Popularity] High visibility through promotion and communication

[Speed] Rapid response to new environmental issues

[Civic Engagement] Active citizen participation and communication

[Scalability] Scalability: Social impact of activity agendas

05 Future Vision

㨷 Future Vision

✓ Implementing and Normalizing the Polluter Pays Principle in Law!

The Polluter Pays Principle must be firmly established in law and become common sense at the center of environmental issues such as the polluted U.S. military bases returned to South Korea, severely damaged biodiversity, and local residents affected by various forms of reckless development. The core of this effort is the Environmental Impact Assessment(EIA) system. The Polluter Pays Principle needs to be concretely detailed, including penalties that enforce the responsibility for restoring damaged ecosystems, which should be strengthened in favor of the damaged environment rather than the polluters. Green Korea United(GKU) will use comprehensive data, case studies, and experience to connect local and policy contexts to improve the EIA system.

✓ Discovering and Informing the Public About Neglected Environmental Issues!

We need to identify and inform citizens about neglected environmental issues, much like a “broken window” that remains unattended. Citizens must be made aware of the potential negative environmental consequences of immediate convenience or indifference. By gathering sufficient case studies on issues like the greenbelt, wildlife protection areas, ecological landscape conservation areas, and migratory bird protection areas, we can educate the public on how small damages can lead to broader environmental damage. Green Korea United(GKU) aims to integrate the management of fragmented and individual protected areas, such as terrestrial, wetland, and marine regions, into a cohesive system.

✓ Changing Public Perception to Ensure Nature is treated as a Public Good!

In the era of the climate crisis, our natural environment must be adequately respected as a public good. Relevant laws, such as the Natural Parks Act and the Cultural Heritage Protection Act, should fully incorporate the meaning and function of public goods to prevent unilateral benefits. Citizen consensus is crucial for this effort, necessitating extensive campaigns and the corresponding resources. Even privately owned forests, which are not as apparent as natural assets like wind, sun, rivers, or seas, retain their significance as public goods. Green Korea United(GKU) will elevate the status of our natural environment as a public good through publications, conferences, online and offline promotions, and policy discussions. We aim to spread the recognition that nature is not only a personal or regional asset but also a legacy for future generations and humanity as a whole.

Appendix : Interview

Interview: Innovators make a difference

While measuring impact, we reviewed various materials such as websites, annual reports, social media, and newsletters to understand the operations, organization management, and achievements of social innovation organizations. However, the most meaningful insights came from the voices of innovators creating change both inside and outside these organizations. In this impact report, we share the thoughts on impact and the behind the scenes stories of the innovators we met while planning this report.

Behind ‘The Impact Report’

Interviewee : Jung Gyuseok, Secretary-General of Green Korea United(GKU)


The project to create an impact report for social innovation organizations participating in Impact Ground has concluded. What were your thoughts when you first heard that Green Korea United(GKU)'s impact would be measured?



Many of the tasks undertaken by environmental organizations are difficult to quantify in terms of immediate results. Just because a law or system has been improved doesn’t mean the effects are instantly visible. I was curious about the criteria and methods that would be used to measure our impact. Additionally, I had high expectations that the process, experience, and results of impact measurement would greatly aid in planning Green Korea United(GKU)’s future activities.

We also spent a lot of time pondering the best way to showcase Green Korea United(GKU)'s achievements. Ultimately, we realized that the mere act of sustaining our movement over the past 34 years is an achievement in itself. We then focused on identifying the core impact drivers behind Green Korea United(GKU)'s efforts. Thanks to the well-organized quantitative summaries, we were able to complete the measurement task successfully. What did you gain from the impact measurement process?


It served as an opportunity to truly ‘organize’ what Green Korea United(GKU) has done. It was valuable to verify how we have been working towards our goals and the methods we have used to achieve results. Additionally, it helped us establish the relationship between our activities and their impact. We gained clear benchmarks for planning.


During the process of organizing the results and creating the framework, it was meaningful for us to confirm the positive impact Green Korea United(GKU) has had on our society. What do you think is the biggest driving force and strength behind creating these impacts?


This project reaffirmed that our ‘activist-centered movement’ is Green Korea United(GKU)'s greatest strength and distinctive feature. An activist-centered environmental movement turns the environmental field into an ‘activist's field,’ distinct from that of an expert group. It allows for the initiation of various imaginative ideas and plans from the field without being tied to any single theory or concept. I believe that the primary force behind Green Korea United(GKU)'s ability to generate diverse impacts up to now has been our activists.

Through the Impact Ground initiative, Green Korea United(GKU) has published an impact report summarizing its achievements to date. Defining and structuring Green Korea United(GKU)'s impact, as well as measuring and analyzing the extent of change, has been an invaluable experience that will become a significant asset for the organization. We hope that this report will serve as a stepping stone for Green Korea United(GKU) to create and expand its impact, ultimately fostering more profound and substantial outcomes in the future.

Root of innovative organizations, Impact Ground

Donation and Organization Information

“With your support, Green Korea United(GKU) can protect the nature of our country, staying closest to the side of life.”

Address Phone

Email Website 15, Seongbuk-ro 19-gil, Seongbuk-gu, Seoul +82-2-747-8500 greenkorea@greenkorea.org greenkorea.org



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