Village Concept Project Profile 2018

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PROFIL 2017-2018


WHAT’S VCP? Village Concept Project is a social project initiated by IAAS Indonesia which aimed at improving the living standard of rural communities in terms of these sectors :





“Not just trying to give the best of the simplest, but through vcp, we learn the best, from the simplest” Ghazi Ashfahani Shafa Hermawan (Local Comitte Director of IAAS LC IPB)

“VCP for me is a place for youth to grow together with society and make better village” Dedi Iskandar (Coordinator of Science and Technology Department

“VCP for me is a place where people with sincerity gather to help and cooperate with villagers to build partner village welfare” Yusril Ramadhan (Coordinator of Project Department)

The village of Tapos 01 is the new VCP IAAS LC IPB formerly of Cikarawang Village. Tapos Village is located in District Tenjolaya, Bogor Regency, West Java Province. The majority of Tapos 01 villagers work as farmers in small areas. Commodities of food crops developed are rice, cassava, sweet potatoes, corn. In addition, farmers also cultivate horticultural crops such as long beans, cucumbers, and others. Currently, Tapos 01 village farmers do not have farmer groups so the nearest focus of IAAS LC IPB development with village communities is the formation of farmer groups.Team VCP IAAS LC IPB teach students of Elementary School in the village of Tapos. The subject matter is themed environment that is packed in a fun game for students. Aims to make branding to be better known by IAAS members and the wider community.

IAAS Activity in VCP

IAAS LC IPB has a dedicated team focused on developing IAAS LC IPBsupported villages called VCP team, under the Project VCP team department working together with the Project to develop Tapos 01 Village. So far enough activities have been done in Desa Tapos 01, including IAAS on Action as a series of The 9th IAAS Olympic, Bazaar groceries, Celebration 17 August which is also a series of the Olympic event, Agriranger which is teaching students of Madrasah Ibtidaiyah students in Tapos Village, and which recently held is Gymnastics Morning which was initiated by the VCP team with the aim of selfapproach to the Tapos 01 village community. As we know, Desa Tapos 01 is a newly built IAAS LC IPB village and is a transition from Cikarawang Village that has been fostered for ďŹ ve years. IAAS LC IPB is still conducting explorations and approaches to Desa Tapos 01 so no products have been produced yet. As a form of introducing Desa Tapos 01, the VCP team made a video about the Village Tapos 01 as a branding and to be better known by IAAS members and the wider community.


Mutello is a product of VCP Desa Cikarawang. After patenting the recipe, VCP team of IAAS LC IPB focuses on Mutello's marketing department while pioneering the development of Tapos 01 Village as a new VCP. “Muffins from sweet potatoes. It has a unique taste and a delicious texture on the tongue. Evidence of successful development of Cikarawang Village community by IAAS LC IPB "


“VCP is feeling all the feelings of our brother in another village where you can give your hand with heart in it” Elvira Pramestidhiya (Local Comitee Director IAAS LC Brawijaya University)

“VCP is a program that seeks the contribution and role of students to go participate in village development in education, environment and entrepreneurship” Nafiis Syihab (Coordinator of Science and Technology Department )

“VCP is where students can learn to serve the community and practice their knowledge” Alfarizky Arynugroho (Cooordinator of Project Department )

Taji Village, Jabung Sub-district, Malang Regency. consists of 2 hamlets, when we ďŹ rst enter the village spurs or under the hamlet krajan while umbutlegi hamlet must along the existing road next to SD Taji 1. This village is located at an altitude of 1200 mdpl located on the slopes of Mount Bromo, so the cool air can be felt when we enter the village of Taji. When entering the village of Taji will be greeted by views of the moor that stretches throughout the village, the plants that dominate the agricultural land of sweet potato and cassava. Taji village is a producer of tubers and vegetables because most of its inhabitants work as farmers. In the dry season of this village most of the people grow corn and carrots.

IAAS Activity in VCP

The VCP education team has been developing science for children in the spurs village. Activities that has been done with the children in the village spurs in cooperation with friends from Tanoto Faoundation and help from UG FKG colleagues to socialize toothbrush and check tooth for elementary students Taji 2 At the end of the activity is done free dental examination for students of Taji 2 Elementary School.

Activities that have been done by the environmental team is to install street lighting in Taji village and conduct a dialogue with farmers and responsible citizens at the tourist spot in Taji village that is coban siuk. Based on the dialogue that the environmental team do farmers in the village of Taji is problematic on pepper plants residents who are always attacked by a disease that is difďŹ cult in completion whereas for other plants thrive in the land of citizens. From the farmer's complaints, the environmental team held agricultural extension on 3 June 2018 which was delivered directly by Mr. Hagus Tarno, a lecturer from the Faculty of Agriculture Universitas Brawijaya. In this event carried out agricultural extension and open with the villagers Taji.

Product VCP

“Taji coffee-based coffee bean from the village spurs in mixed with milk can be enjoyed directly or mixed with bread. This product is without preservatives and can last up to 2 weeks at room temperature. Coffee Coal The taji village is under development by the Entrepreneur VCP LC UB team. It has been marketed through campus exhibitions or off-campus”.


“VCP is a place to apply our field of science by contributing directly with the people” Wilhelmina Sudjono (Local Comitee Director of IAAS LC Gadjah Mada University)

“VCP is not just a work program with the aim of community service, but through VCP we also learn many things, such as cooperation and direct application of the knowledge we learn in the classroom” Bagus Kresna (Coordinator of Science and Technology Department)

“VCP is a great tool to learn and grow together, giving many reasons to continue to proceed. If being great is good, would not it be great with the village much better? “ Tia Ristiana Dewi (Coordinator of Project Department)

Kulwaru Village is a village that is striving to get the title of Organic Village. This village is located in Wates District of Kulon Progo Regency, Special Province of Yogyakarta. 70% of the total area of the village is agricultural area. Kulwaru Village also has potential in the field of animal husbandry. One of the activities that has been developed in Kulwaru Village is the use of communal shed's waste. This farm is appropriate to support agricultural sustainability in terms of provision of organic fertilizer. In addition, Kulwaru Village also has the potential of freshwater fish cultivation, two of the activities that has been developed are the fish gardens and individual fish ponds.

IAAS Activity in VCP IAAS Discussion with Farmer's Group of Kulwaru and Competition Assist This activity was conducted to bridge IAAS members with the members of Kulwaru Farmer's Group. The members shared their thought regarding agricultural issues and topic with the farmers in Kulwaru. It was also becoming the opportunity of IAAS members to develop closer relationship with the Kulwaru farmers. IAAS also assisted in administration and other things related to the Kulwaru enrollment on the Best Village Competition in Regency and Province level. IAAS Goes to School This event was held at SD Kulwaru Kulon. Activities undertaken are training the utilization of waste as a container media vegetable planting and reforestation of school yard for drug cultivation. Corn Processing Training This activity aims to develop one of the agricultural produce in Kulwaru Village, that is corn. This activity is conducted with PKK ladies and has started since 2017. It is still in development and the recipe is still updated and improved. Hopefully this product can be developed as the Icon of Kulwaru Village.

Product VCP

Kulwaru village has a communal cages which utilized Kulwaru villagers to keep the cows.

The enclosure is maintained by communal

farmers group in the village. The dung has produced by cow is not thrown it away but utilized as organic fertilizer. This fertilizer was sold to farmers in the village as well as farmers outside the city, for example from Wonosobo and Purworejo, other cities. This fertilizer prices range from approximately Rp. 15,000.-per sack.


“During this VCP become a place of learning and a complete gathering because in addition to learning about the game can also be close to the community” Faridawati Junjung Nindhiani (Local Comitee Director of IAAS LC Lambung Mangkurat University) “VCP the bestplace to learn, share and give. A Place where all members of IAAS care and share knowledge. So, when you're the least knowledgeable it would be better if divided to others” Munawarah (Coordinator of Science and Technology Department)

“VCP is a complete learning place because in addition to exchange ideas about agriculture, we can also mix with the community” Muhammad Irpan (Coordinator of Project Department)

Village Concept Project (VCP) IAAS LC ULM is located in the Al-Ichwan Complex of Jalan Cahaya RT.006 RW.003 Kelurahan Guntung Paikat, Banjarbaru. VCP that has the concept of Urban Farming Community by utilizing empty land and home yard to grow vegetables and medicinal plants. The main commodity is the Dayak onion. The activities in this complex are accompanied by IAAS activities here, such as the cultivation of onion dayak, KRPL treatment and activities together with the residents such as working to clean up the complex environment.

IAAS Activity in VCP Work Bakti with Citizens Kerja Bakti is an activity of residents of the Al ichwan complex on weekends. the purpose of holding community service is to clean the complex environment and establish friendships with other residents. Dayak Onion Tea Making Training The Dayak bawak tea making training was conducted with Al-Ichwan Complex Society. The training includes the processing of raw materials, packaging, and making variants. Urban Farming Community Utilizing empty land and home yard to grow vegetables and medicinal plants with urban farming concepts, including for onion dayak cultivation


"Unique tea made from the Dayak onions typical of Borneo. Packed in such a way as a tea bag for easy consumption. Has a high antioxidant content and efficacious treat flu and stomach ache. Suitable for young people who want to live healthy “ Fund of this product is Rp 9.100/bag and the sold price is 10.000/bag.



“VCP, is the student platform to serve without leaving campus “ Triana Kusuma Astuti (Local Comitee Director of IAAS LC Unversity of Diponegoro)

“An honor to be part VCP IAAS Indonesia because it can see more deeply about the dedication and sense of caring” Naila Na'ma Sultana (Coordinator of Science and Technology Department)

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Gemawang Village is the ďŹ rst vocational village in Indonesia on the border between Magelang and Temanggung districts, precisely in the District of Jambu, Ambarawa, Semarang Regency. Gemawang Village topography is hilly slopes and peaks with a height of approximately 680 meters above sea level to make the atmosphere cool Gemawang Village with a temperature range of 20-25 ° C. Gemawang village has an area of about 786 ha consisting of 28 ha of rice ďŹ elds; 575 hectares of gardens, the majority of which are coffee and rubber plantations, 54 ha of community forests, residential houses and buildings covering 104 ha and the rest are roads and rivers.

IAAS Activity in VCP Training Chocopeds By the end of 2016, chocoped undergoes the development of a composition change into chocolate with ginger jelly contents. During the period of 2016-2017 chocoped kepersusan has sold 1776 pcs. Entering the beginning of 2018, chocopeds which is a VCP product that is in the village of Gemawang, began to experience a shift from previously produced by member heas LC UNDIP into the hands of mother gamelan. Counseling The activities of IAAS LC UNDIP in VCP one of them is the extension activity of Biogas installation. Biogas counseling itself was also conducted at VCP which was held at the residence of Chairman of Farmer Group (Kapoktan) Mr. Rochmat in Karangsari hamlet. BBG Learning Together Gemawangi (BBG) is an activity of IAAS LC UNDIP conducted in Gemawang Village in Madrasah Ibtidaiyah

Negeri (MIN) (

Mosleem Elementary Shool) Jambu, Semarang Regency. BBG is an activity undertaken by the IAAS LC UNDIP in order to carry out the State's goal of improving the nation's intelligence. Activities undertaken in BBG are teaching about hydroponics, as well as other skills such as handicrafts and English proďŹ ciency.


"The shape of a small ginger jelly that spreads throughout the chocolate causes a spicy flavor that is given evenly ginger so that every bite produces an unrivaled warmth. Chocolate used also varies the dark chocolate and milk “ Price Rp 5.000,00/box


“In VCP you will get plenty of valuable experience for example being a friend to the community and exploring the potential of a village. Are you sure you will not join VCP?” Rahadian Nur Prathama (Local Comitee Director of IAAS LC Padjajaran University) “Village Concept Project is not just about social project.It's more than that, a beautiful and heartful project, deeper than the deepest love, higer than the higest respect, and bigger than just about helping with the greatest material. VCP is all about learning, sharing and caring.VCP gives a wonderful experience in my life” Nabila Nur Amalina (Coordinator of Science and Technology)

“This is a social project that would help you to grow as a good young. You'll see the impact of this program after you'' Muhammad Lutfi Alby (Coordinator of Project Department)

The village of Genteng is located in Sukasari Subdistrict, Sumedang Regency and directly adjacent to Bandung Regency. Genteng Village is located at an altitude of 1000 mdpl and has a large area, covering the hills at the foot of Mount Manglayang east and north. The village temperature is 22 ° C. Genteng Village has an area of about 1,371 ha consisting of 134 ha of paddy fields; 1,132 ha of non-paddy farmland; The remaining 105 ha are residential and public facilities buildings. The agricultural sector in Genteng Village is dominated by fields planted with various types of vegetables. This is related to the condition of the land at altitude with cool air temperature. Various types of vegetables produced by agricultural land in addition to paddy produced rice fields. The commodities cultivated by the people of Genteng Village are rice, chili, tomato, corn, cabbage and eggplant.

IAAS Activity in VCP Citrong Citrong is a product of VCP Desa Genteng, originated from the results of the activities conducted by IAAS LC Unpad which then given to KWT Mentari in the hope of improving the economy of the villagers of Genteng Village in its process KWT Mentari still accompanied in the production and sales stages. Counseling The activities of IAAS LC Unpad in VCP one of them is the extension activity on agriculture. Various counseling conducted by IAAS LC Unpad, one of which is the counseling about safety in using pesticides and the formation of vegetable pesticides. Counseling of vegetable pesticides is done in one of the houses and ďŹ lled by one of the lecturers from the Faculty of Agriculture Unpad. Agros Agroschooling (Agros) is an activity of IAAS LC Unpad conducted in elementary school (SD) Negeri Genteng, Sumedang regency. Agros is held to provide students with an understanding and science of the environment.


“Nutrition fact becomes product quality assurance. There are 3 variants of new flavors, namely spicy sweet, spicy lemon, and cheese. Results of development and masterpiece of IAAS LC Unpad with women farming group( Kelompok Wanita Tani (KWT)) Mentari Genteng Village “ Sold price of Citrong is Rp 15.000,00/200 gr.


“VCP is an attempt to renew the understanding or science, as well as ways of developing the social scope of society in the time period, whether in the field of agriculture or related complex, education, tourism, and entrepreneur oriented to the local community built comittee” Indriani Damayanti (Local Comitee Directur of IAAS LC Mataram University)

“We and vcp like bees and nests.We build, maintain and defend.That way the benefits will be harvested” Fathin Siyhab (Coordinator of Science and Tecnology)

“The essence of community service is when we're able to go directly into it, able to contribute toughts and energy with all our heart” Zamzami (Coordinator of Project Department)

Bengkaung Village is one of the villages in Batulayar sub-district, West Lombok regency. Bengkaung Village consists of seven hamlets namely Dusun Bengkaung Lauk, Dusun Bengkaung Tengak, Dusun Bengkaung Daye, Dusun Seraya, Dusun Bunian, Dusun Pelolat, Dusun Bunut Boyot. The number of villagers Bengkaung about 4,085 people with livelihood as farmers, honey farmers traders and farm workers. The area of Bengkaung village is 522.02 Ha which is dominated by forest area and some rice ďŹ elds, dominant crops such as Enau, Banana, tubers, coconut and some vegetable crops. Potential agricultural products in the village bengkaung very good when processed as derived products. Around the year 2016, IAAS LC UNRAM began to try to pioneer the products that have the potential to be developed in the Village Bengkaung. Currently, there are two products that become excellent products of the village community Bengkaung, namely trigona honey and sugar ant or palm sugar.

IAAS Activity in VCP Trigona Honey Farming Training Trigona honey is a honey derived from trigona bee (Trigona spp.) Is rich in kasiat good for health and medicine. The training includes the way of trigona bee cultivation and trigona honey harvest. Palm Sugar Making Training In the field of agriculture itself VCP IAAS LC UNRAM has conducted internal training to farmers in making products of sugar ants by crystallizing palm sugar first then mixed with sugar. Teaching at SDN 3 Bengkaung In the field of education IAAS LC UNRAM has conducted teaching activities at VCP, namely in SDN 3 Bengkaung. In the teaching concept we focus on two subjects, namely Indonesian (Read for Kids) and English (Learning Fun).

Product VCP

Generated by trigona bee (Trigona spp.) And contains vitamin C that serves as antibiotics, antitoxins, and antioxidants. Available in 140 ml pack. Sugar ant originating from sap is a natural sweetener that can be used as an alternative sweetener. Can prevent atulence, colds, u, and cough. Price Rp 60.000/bottle : one bottle = 140 ml


“A place where love and happiness were made, memories were created , friends and family were bounded” Mira Aprilliani (Local Comitee Director of IAAS LC UNS)

“For me, VCP is a place where family begins and love never ends” Mutiara Annisa (Coordinator of Science and Technology Department)

Don't just sit and watch a good thing happened, you have to be a part of the goodness. Serve the village and the people, improve our social sensitivity towards the environment. Don't be afraid to move, don't be afraid to try, don't be afraid to innovate as long as it is positive and beneficial to society. There is always a way to be useful for many people Keep your spirit and carry on Devi Intan Savitri (Coordinator of Project Department)

Kemuning village is located in Ngargoyoso District, Karanganyar Regency, Central Java. Kemuning village is at the foot of Mount Lawu. These conditions make the land in the village become fertile and suitable for agriculture. Agricultural commodities produced in Kemuning village are guava, durian, tea, mushroom, rubber, vegetable, ginger and sweet potato. There are many tourist attractions around Kemuning Village that have potential as tourist destinations such as Sukuh Temple, Parang Ijo Waterfall, Jumog Waterfall, paragliding and Kemuning Tea Garden. Kemuning village also has a distinctive product that can be used as souvenirs such as Kemuning tea with various avor, various processed chips, traditional herbal medicine as well as processed purple yams.

IAAS Activity in VCP IAAS Challenge It is an activity which aims to introduce new member with VCP IAAS LC UNS, which is Kemuning Village. This activity is done for 2 days. Participants held a meeting with youth and some umkm in Kemuning village.

Sharing and Teaching (Sharetea) Sharetea includes extension and teaching activities. Counseling is aimed at Kelompok Wanita Tani (KWT) and aims to develop community processed products. One successful product developed is a fruit beetle. Sharetea also teaches the students at SD Negeri Kemuning.

Tribute to Earth (TTE) Tribute to earth is an environmental action carried out annually by IAAS LC UNS. In this year the activities carried out are clean village work done with the residents. In addition, TTE is also procuring waste bins and counseling on "organic and inorganic waste management".


“Mine cakes combined with fruit choices. Results of the fruit of the Women's Farmers Group Kemuning Village with IAAS LC UNS. Suitable to accompany your friend's day as a healthy snack and by typical Kemuning village "


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