IAAS Indonesia Annual Report 2020

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ANNUAL REPORT 2020 by Communication Team of IAAS Indonesia 20/21 IAAS Indonesia | 1

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CONTENTS Greetings 5

Greetings from National Director

IAAS Indonesia Profile 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 15

Glance of IAAS IAAS Indonesia Control Council National Committee 2020-2021 National Committee 2020-2021 Vision and Mission National Committee 2020-2021 VCP Products IAAS Merchandise Our Partners in 2020

Project/Activities Annual 17 19 20 22 26 29

National Congress National Strategic Meeting Exchange Program National (Expronas) Youth Agricareture (YACT) IAAS Summit IAAS Indonesia Anniversary

Development 30 32 34 35 36

Partnership Academy Finance Class Online Training PublicIAAS English Week Website 101 Class

Collaboration 37 38

SnapfoodIAAS (in collaborate with Campaign, Rethink, and IYOIN) WEBINAR: Small Act for Reduce Food Waste (in collaboration with Campaign in Happiness Festival) IAAS Indonesia | 3

39 40 41 42 43

IAAS Care X #GiveForFood (in collaboration with Student Catalyze) #SNAPFOODin PEDULI PANGAN (in collaboration with Peduli Pangan Desa Kota and Campaign) WEBINAR: The Role of Food Sustainable in Supporting SDGs (in collaboration with WWF Indonesia) WEBINAR PEDULI PANGAN: Peduli Pangan: World Food Day – Get to Know Local and Traditional Food (in collaboration with Peduli Pangan Desa Kota) WEBINAR #YukStudyAbroad (in collaboration with Schooters)

Routine 44 49

Agritalk IAAS Talks

Others/New 50 51 52 53 55

IAAS Care Vol 1 dan 2 WEBINAR: Strategy to Fulfill Food Supply in New Normal Conditions IAAS Alumni Gathering National Workshop – Agriphoria ExproBox

Publication 56 57 58 60 62 63

IAAS Opportunities (In collaboration with Kalibrr) Local Committee Events and Updates PublicIAAS #YouMustKnow Snapfood Campaign (In collaboration with Kamu Harus Tahu!) Padi Magazine

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Greeting from National Director Dear FamilIAAS Indonesia, I shall deliver my greetings in warm. Last year is something, isn't it? Some would say, 2020 brings tons of challenges. Others say 2020 has been rough or even not will be missed. But I would prefer to say, 2020 brings us here. Yes, this exact moment, all of our achievements, the challenge that we passed, countless new knowledge we learn over those courses, new things that we discovered, or even how amazing our capability of adapting into this "new normal" In this challenging yet wonderful year, IAAS Indonesia also discovered new things. We have three more members joined us from IAAS LC Unud, LC Unej, and LC UMY. Gathering with alumni w[s never so fun with video conferences! It’s your loss if you mist it�. Oh, and yes, so many courses and webinars with different topics come from our bo[rd. Not to mention the coll[bor[tions we’ve m[de with p[rtners from this whole ye[r. Well, [t le[st you’ve he[rd Agriphori[, right? If you h[ven’t, don’t forget to check our highlights to prepare you for the next event! Last but not least, there are always rainbows after the rain. Embrace the rain that gives the plants a chance to live, even though sometimes the rain gives us a surprise by healing the planet with its way. Because there are always rainbows who heal us, give us the strength to stand and rise again. H[ppy new ye[r, F[ms! Let’s w[lk together through the new journey [he[d!

Best regards,

Brigita E K Shidartha National Director IAAS Indonesia 2020/2021

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Glance of IAAS IAAS (International Association of Students in Agricultural and Related Sciences) is the biggest student organization in the field of agriculture and related sciences worldwide. IAAS was founded in 1957 and started with only 8 member countries. It grew a lot to the organization it is nowadays with over 50 member countries and about 10.000 students as members.

IAAS gathers students studying, majoring or researching in agriculture and related areas like environmental sciences, forestry, food science, landscape architecture and more. IAAS committees are spread in universities in over 50 countries worldwide. The principal aim of IAAS is to promote the exchange of knowledge, information and ideas among students, and to improve the mutual understanding between countries and cultures. To do this it organizes activities like seminars, working camps, international meetings, exchange weeks, an international exchange program, and small-scale development projects.

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IAAS Indonesia IAAS Indonesia was founded in Bogor on 29 Desember 1991 and passed at the 35th World Congress 1992 in Belgium. Our focuses are on agriculture, agricultural youth development, rur[l community empowerment, [nd strives to m[ke Agriculture ‚Sexy‛ in the eyes of young generation in Indonesia by creating projects, exchange program, and creative campaigns. We are the branch of IAAS World in Asia Pasific Region with the largest number of member in the World. We have more than 1200 active members in Indonesia located in 11 Local Committees all over Indonesia, that is:


Institut Pertanian Bogor in Bogor (1992) Universitas Padjajaran in Bandung(1994) Universitas Brawijaya in Malang (1994) Universitas Diponegoro in Semarang (2007) Universitas Sebelas Maret in Solo (2008) Universitas Mataram in Mataram (2010)


Universitas Gajah Mada in Yogyakarta (2010) Universitas Lambung Mangkurat in Banjarmasin (2014) Universitas Jember in Jember (2018) Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (2018) Universitas Udayana in Bali (2018)

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Control Council National Committee 2020-2021

Coordinator Control Council National Committee M Alawy Syaiful A

Control Council National Committee

Control Council National Committee

Mohamad Triaji

Maria Jacklyn BPP

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National Committee 2020-2021

National Director Brigita EK Shidarta

Vice Director of Finance

Vice Director of Project and Science

Vice Director of Partnership

Novi Arni Nurmades

Hanna Bella SS

Putu Kana Narayan

Vice Director of Exchange

Vice Director of Communication

Drinancahya Dunya

Hanik Muzdalifah IAAS Indonesia | 9

Vision and Mission (National Committee 2020-2021)

Vision Promote equity and acceleration by synergize LC contribution to chance performance and people development

Mission ● ● ● ● ● ●

Boost STD and Project Department performance through embed values, fueling purpose, and strategic project. Building Sustainable Partnership by making Dynamic Collaborations with a partner using IAAS Indonesia Entity To make Exchange Program IAAS Indonesia efficient in system, impactful on society, and good at teamwork St[bilizing IAAS Indonesi[’s Fin[nce to support N[tion[l, LCs progr[ms [nd Members. Create a good communication and relations of IAAS Indonesia with optimizing owned resources Increasing HR quality by ongoing guidance and measured by-directional performance

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VCP (Village Concept Project) Products 1.

Citrong – Cheesestick Terong LC UNPAD –Genteng Village Cheesestick terong (Citrong) is a snack that is added eggplant, as a local commodity of Genteng village, has 4 mild variants (Original, Chilli diamisan, Jeruk dicabean and Dikejuan). Citrong is stably selling more than 60 pcs every month. Socmed: @citrongstick (IG)


Chocopeds LC UNDIP – Gemawang Village Chocoped is a chocolate filled with ginger jelly as a flavor enhancer. Socmed: @chocoped (IG)


Cogan – Cookies Ganyong LC UB – Taji Village COGAN or Cookies Ganyong is a cookie made from canna tuber which is a product processed by PKK women in Taji Village and IAAS LC UB. COGAN has two flavors: original and chocolate. Both of them have a distinctive taste, that is delicious, crunchy, and rich in health benefits. Socmed: @cogan_taji (IG)


Kita VCO LC UNUD – Pangsan Village Kita VCO (Sarining bumi) is a vegetable oil produced from fresh coconut flesh. Socmed: @kitavcobali (IG)


Kumbang Buah LC UNS – Kemuning Village Kumbang buah is a kue tambang made from various kinds of original fruit from Kemuning village, It has 6 flavors: pineapple, dragon fruit, guava, strawberry, durian, and rainbow (mix). Socmed: @kumbangbuah (IG)


Sobar LC UNEJ – Sumber Jambe Village Sobar is cardamom herbal coffee, the result of cooperation between IAAS LC Unej and the Santuso Forest Farmer Group II I A A S I n d o n e s i a | 11


Mutello LC IPB – Cikarawang Village Metello is a collaboration between Poktan Mandiri Jaya, KWT Melati, and IAAS LC IPB. This product is packaged in mugging made from sweet potato flour which is the main commodity of Cikarawang village. Socmed: @tenjoo_ (IG)


Tenjo (COMING SOON) LC IPB – Tapos Village Tenjo is a ready-to-drink herbal product in bottles and instant herbal medicine ready to be brewed in sachets. Socmed: @tenjoo_ (IG)


Madu Trigona LC UNRAM – Bengkaung Village Madu Trigona is the original honey from the trigona bee which is cultivated in the village of Bengkaung


Gula Semut “Brown Sugar” LC UNRAM – Bengkaung Village Gul[ Semut ‚Brown Sug[r‛ is sugar made from palm tree juice which resembles an ant's house on the ground.


Bee Pollen Juice LC UNRAM – Bengkaung Village Bee Pollen Juice is a juice made from bee bread of Trigona sp.bee


Kismis Beliwuh (COMING SOON) LC ULM – Ulin Kandangan Village Kismis beliwuh is starfruit that has been dried. This star fruit is widely available in the yard, especially in Ulin Kandangan village, Hulu Selatan Regency, South Kalimantan


Pupuk Organik (COMING SOON) LC UGM – Kulwaru Village Organic fertilizer that collaborates directly with farmer group of Kulwaru Village. I A A S I n d o n e s i a | 12

IAAS Merchandise IAAS Merch is one of VDFinance program, who has purpose to sell a product from all LCs in IAAS Indonesia, can increase the income and also being a tool for branding IAAS Indonesia brand. This year the progr[m’s running from August to September, coll[bor[ting with 11 p[rtner and can reach 70++ buyer with 180++ merch can sell in one batch. Here is the product you can buy in this year:







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NATIONAL CONGRESS As some of you may know, National Congress is the highest authority in policymaking in IAAS Indonesia. Representatives from each local committee come together to attend this event to discuss the future plan of IAAS Indonesia. This year, IAAS Indonesia held National Congress XXV, hosted by IAAS LC Unpad on January 25th – 28th 2020 at Salis Hotel in Bandung.

On the first day of National Congress, we started off with Market Hunter Competition [nd VCP (Vill[ge Concept Project) Exhibition. The go[l w[s to comp[re VCP’s product from e[ch Local Committee. On the 26th January, we held a general assembly in which it performance reporting from c[ndid[te members, recit[tion of [ccount[bility sheets from 2017’s N[tion[l Committees, Control Councils of N[tion[l Committee’s surveill[nce reporting, [nd the c[ndid[cy of 2020’s N[tion[l Committees. On the 26th J[nu[ry, the gener[l [ssembly continued with announcement of 2020s elected National Committees as well as Control Councils of National Committees, discussion [bout IAAS’s big events [s well [s RENSTRA, followed by h[ving a farewell party. On the last day, we had an excursion that was an excursion to Taman Hutan Raya.

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Newly Elected National Committees and Control Council National Committee Newly elected National Committees of IAAS Indonesia 2020-2021: 1.

Brigita E K Sidharta from IAAS LC UGM as National Director


Novi Arni Nurmades from IAAS LC UNPAD as Vice Director of Finance


Hanna Bella S S from IAAS LC UNPAD as Vice Director of Project and Science


Putu Kana Narayan from IAAS LC IPB as Vice Director of Partnership


Hanik Muzdalifah from IAAS LC UNS as Vice Director of Communication


Drinancahya Dunya from IAAS LC UNS as Vice Director of Exchange

We also have newly elected Control Council National Committee of IAAS Indonesia 2020-2021: 1. Mohamad Triaji from IAAS LC UNS, 2. Maria Jacklyn B P Patty from IAAS LC IPB 3. M Alawy Syaiful Anam from IAAS LC UB

Congratulation to our new full member of IAAS Indonesia: 1. Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta 2. Universitas Udayana, and 3. Universitas Jember

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IAAS Indonesia held an NSM (National Strategic Meeting) which was attended by the delegation from 11 Local Committees, IAAS Indonesia, IAAS Asia-Pacific, and IAAS World. NSM was hosted by IAAS LC Undip and it was held from 8 AM until 5 PM WIB on Google Meets. It began with opening and then presented about OKR by National Committee. After that, the present[tion w[s continued [bout work pl[n from IAAS Indonesi[’s N[tion[l Director, Vice Director of Finance, Vice Director of Project and Science, Vice Director of Exchange, Vice Director of Communication, and also Vice Director of Partnership. NSM was more lively with games. After games, It was continued with work plan presentation from Regional Director of IAAS Asia Pacific also by President and Vice President Communication of IAAS World. This year, NSM was held with online meeting because of COVID-19, the situation which made it impossible to hold meetings directly. Hope that everything will be as usual again.

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Expronas (Exchange Program National) is a program that gives an opportunity to hone knowledge, experience about agriculture, and related knowledge through apprenticeship and voluntary programs. IAAS Indonesia gives opportunities to an internship in 36 Hosting Place in 10 City (11 Local Committee) with 3 categories: 1. Archimedes:








management, engineering, and etc. 2. Ceres: Agricultural apprenticeship program that gives experience and knowledge on land or on farmland 3. Libertas: Apprenticeship program to volunteer in IAAS partner villages or the Village Concept Project (VCP) For information about hosting place in each city, can be watched in our youtube channel: Yogyakarta by IAAS LC UGM

: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x9maXjF42ik

Yogyakarta by IAAS LC UMY

: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_vo2Es45V7Y

Bogor by IAAS LC IPB

: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ISgb33wK0eg

Banjarmasin by IAAS LC ULM : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k2EsVgTA9do Semarang by IAAS LC Undip

: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vYllKfr4gmM I A A S I n d o n e s i a | 20

Jember by IAAS LC Unej

: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qcvkKdln2CE

Bandung by IAAS LC Unpad

: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=47-qbRzl0WQ

Mataram by IAAS LC Unram

: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MmBG2GjMD-U&t=83s

Malang by IAAS LC UB

: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qXs3qWs4GOI

Surakarta by IAAS LC UNS

: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cfyn2UWt1IY

Bali by IAAS LC Unud

: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PdhX7YD1FgM

This year, expronas can’t be implemented because of the pandemic. This pandemic made new normal regulations and any other that m[de expron[s couldn’t be done, For more info about expronas -> iaas.or.id/expronas/

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Youth Agricareture or YACT is a social project initiated by IAAS Indonesia and aims to increase youth awareness of agriculture. YACT has been held since 2016. This year (2020), YACT collaborated with IAAS Summit, National Workshop, and Graphic Design Competition on an event c[lled ‘Agriphori[’. YACT raised the theme "Good Farm Good Food" which was carried out simultaneously by 11 Local Committees of IAAS Indonesia. Because of the pandemic, Youth Agricareture was held online which is webinar series, social campaign, and snapfarm challenge as an activity. For more info about Youth Agricareture -> iaas.or.id/yact/


Webinar series was held in October in 11 Local Committees of IAAS Indonesia. These webinars were held on 30 October 2020 – 1 November 2020 and accessed via virtual meetings. The speakers came from various sources who are experts in their fields and attended by more than 2000 participants from various universities in Indonesia. Through this series of webinars, we hoped that it could increase knowledge, experience, and raise awareness for young generation to play the role in sustainable agriculture for healthy living. The webinars were series in 11 different topics, there are: 

Memulai Bisnis Pertanian Ramah Lingkungan by IAAS LC Unud on 23 October 2020

Utilization of Household Waste for Better Agriculture and Sustainable Food by IAAS LC Undip on 24 October 2020

Microgreens: A New Breakthrough in Urban Farming System by IAAS LC Unpad on 24 October 2020 I A A S I n d o n e s i a | 22

Strategi Bisnis Pertanian di Masa Pandemi by IAAS LC ULM on 25 October 2020

Eco-Friendly Agriculture Through Vertical Herbs Garden at Home by IAAS LC UNS on 25 October 2020

Pl[net[ri[n Diet: ‚How to Feed Growing Popul[tion Without Destroying The Pl[net‛ by IAAS LC UB on 27 October 2020

Understanding Agro Entrepreneurship for The Bright Future of Indonesian Agriculture by IAAS LC IPB on 30 October 2020

Permaculture Principle in Action for Growing Healthy Food by IAAS LC UMY on 31 October 2020

Organic Farming as An Alternative for Sustainable Agriculture by IAAS LC UGM on 31 October 2020

Adding Value of Agricultural Product by Processing by IAAS LC Unram on 01 November 2020

Aquaponik: Budidaya Cerdas Menghasilkan Pangan Berkualitas by IAAS LC Unej on 01 November 2020

SOCIAL CAMPAIGN IAAS Indonesia had held Social Campaign on 30th October and 1st November. This social campaign attended by 11 local committee members with more than 100 Instagram accounts uploaded

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On 30 October 2020, IAAS Indonesia held Social campaign #1. This campaign carried out through social media which contained explanations about Good Farm Good Food for sustainable agriculture to support healthy food production. Healthy life began with what is food that we eat. The food that contains healthy materials (good food) was from a good farm. We had to apply good farm good food from ourself because good farm good food can make not only ourself healthy but also sustainable agriculture too.

On 1 November, IAAS Indonesia held social campaign #2. It was campaign videos about agricultural situation in Indonesia and efforts to improve it through Good Farm Good Food. We definitely want clean and healthy food. Clean here in the sense that it is free from chemical residues. Chemicals in agricultural management are very important because their benefits will affect our health. Healthy food we can call #GoodFood, comes from #GoodFarm. Good agricultural management will make agriculture sustainable for our future. This campaign invited us to start from ourselves by doing environmentally friendly agriculture in our homes. Check the video on IAAS Indonesia Youtube Challenge -> https://youtu.be/In4CwD_jryU

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SNAPFARM CHALLENGE Sn[pf[rm Ch[llenge is one of YACT’s [ctivity which invited the [udience to f[rm in their respective home. This challenge was held on 16 October – 8 November 2020 and the winner was announced on 28 November 2020. We had 3 winners and opened for free. Participant uploaded their own photo of farming activities on their Instagram with an interesting caption.

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IAAS SUMMIT "Responding to the challenges of a pandemic by continuing to work and innovating towards the realization of sustainable agriculture by increasing community empowerment"

This year, IAAS Summit was held online with the concept of an international webinar which was attended by around 500 participants from various countries. This event was held on October 28, 2020, online using the zoom and youtube platforms. The 2020 IAAS Summit presents the theme of ‚Community Empowerment through Sust[in[ble Agriculture‛ in terms of business prospects, and what solutions can be presented in the midst of a pandemic. IAAS Summit presented speakers from major agencies including Wayan Tambun as the National Program for FAO Indonesia, Gusniar Nurdin as UNDP Project Associate for the SDG Academy Indonesia, Helianti Hilman as Founder and Chief creative and community officer from JAVARA (PT. Kampung Kearifan Indonesia) and Deeng Sanyoto, Head of partnership and social impact from TaniHub. There was a special welcome from IAAS Indonesia CoFounder, Ina Nasution. She conveyed how proud she was too young people who are interested in community empowerment and sustainable agriculture because the fearless breath of young people can be a catalyst to create sexy agriculture in world.

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Then proceed with a presentation from Wayan Tambun. She conveyed about the state of food and agriculture during this pandemic, followed by important things to realize sustainable food availability and suggestions for surviving in a crisis, in which the contents are about how society, one of which is how community empowerment such as MSMEs can contribute to resilience. The next material was from Gusniar Nurdin, he conveyed the real situation of the influence of the pandemic in the achievement of SDGs around the world and the fact that so far the achievement of the SDGs in Indonesia, which in fact still has to try harder to make it happen, also explained what strategies can be built to respond to the pandemic situation. How can community empowerment increase the achievement of SDGs through sustainable agriculture, then how can sociopreneurs contribute to developing the country's economy.

A talk show session was also held with special speakers, Helianti Hilman and Deeng Sanyoto, moderated by Irvan Herviansyah. They raised many interesting topics, from their respective experiences, especially how can sustainable agriculture produce economically and how it can help people to fight during this pandemic. Helianti Hilman explained the beginnings of building JAVARA and its foundation. She also told that finding the breath of community empowerment was actually what was empowered by the community. Then, sometimes many people when they want to start empowering society forget or don't give the opportunity that

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society has power, society is smarter and we need to position ourselves as equal to the society we want to empower. Deeng Sanyoto explains how TaniHub regulates agricultural supplies and delivers them to consumers. It is very necessary for this field to arrange the best distribution strategy, build education at the farmer level and the general public, as well as maintain the quality of agricultural products. On the other hand, it is very necessary to think about how to increase market demand, so that supply can increase, and not oversupply so that market prices do not fall. The conclusion is that all contributions, especially in empowering communities and sustainable agriculture, really need collaboration and partnerships with many parties to expand knowledge and opportunities. Building and maintaining trust is also the key to sustainability and sustainability. Continue to innovate and be creative as a way to answer every challenge. The talk show session was closed with a question and answer session, which was very enthusiastically welcomed by the participants.

An agenda that is no less interesting is the partnership awarding which aims to appreciate the more than 330 partners who have collaborated and collaborated with IAAS Indonesia and IAAS LC in the past year, followed by the Village Concept Project (VCP) Documentary they have. by each LC to better introduce it to the international community. Watch the record of this event on: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-W-6H8Kg-GM

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IAAS Anniversary is an event to commemorate anniversary of IAAS Indonesia. In 2020, IAAS Indonesia was celebrate our 29th anniversary. To enliven, IAAS Indonesia held a challenge, inviting FamilIAAS to share their stories at IAAS Indonesia through IAAStories Challenge. IAAStories Challenge was held from 22 -28 December 2020. The winners of the challenge was selected by raffle and announced on the day of IAAS Indonesia’s Annivers[ry in December 27, 2020. D-day, IAAS Indonesia also presented Instagram filter effects. There are 3 types of Instagram filters and this activity got enough attention and enthusiasm from FamilIAAS.

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In the middle of June, IAAS Indonesia held the first Partnership Academy, titled ‚Bring the New Norm[l of P[rtnership" to improve our member’s knowledge [bout P[rtnership, such [s the role of partnership, tools for approaching partners, how to do pivot on the partnership, partnership strategy. ⠀

This event was held via Google Meet in three

sessions with different topics. The first session was held on 13th June with the topic ‚M[ximizing the Imp[ct of P[rtnership‛ by our M[rket [nd P[rtnership [t Tr[velok[, Edward Colind. We did a workshop made an analysis to compare 2 social media account of the startup. The second session was held on 20th June by Muhammad Rizqullah (National Head of Public Relation of AIESEC Indonesia 2019-2020) who shared an interesting presentation about ‚Cre[ting Coll[bor[tion Using Digit[l P[rtnership‛. Our l[st session







Management Lead at TaniFund) on 27th June. He brought an amazing presentation ‚Building Cre[tive Coll[bor[tion to F[ce Up the New Norm[l‛ [nd sh[red [ lot of information about the Startup Partnership Strategy. In this session, we did a workshop with study case that analyst the goals, most prospective partner, why it is important, partner segment and identification.

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Rewatch the record of this insightful class on: Partnership Academy #1

: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tlhKf26pRdk

Partnership Academy #2

: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GQx7FpIvu2g&t=1s

Partnership Academy #3

: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FxkhWHr-fQ4&t=1s

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FINANCE CLASS Finance Class was one of Finance IAAS Indonesia event. It was held on July 12nd, 19th and 26th 2020 via Google Meet. In this event we discuss how finance works at Finance 101, basic things about the secretary, how to survive and thrive funding in the new normal era's And how to develop our VCP product by using business analysis methods with the workshop. Also, we do the #FinanceChallenge every week using local language like 'euy' from west java, 'tenan' from java and 'gati' from Lombok for that challenge.

On 12nd July 2020, IAAS Indonesia was held Finance Class Vol 1 with 2 sessions. Firstclass was from Fathimah Farhan (Finance Executive of Sayurbox) as a speaker. This class was held at 1 -3 PM with 120+ participants. This session talked about Finance 101 for organizations and startups. The second session was presented by Tri Wahyu Melani (Employer Branding Intern and Researcher). We talked about secretary 101 for an organization based on the experience of the speaker.

On 17th July 2020, we continued Fin[nce Cl[ss Vol 2 with the theme ‚ How to Survive and Thrive Finding in The New Normal Er[‛ with Gil[ng F[chrez[ SE., MBA (Director od M[dien[ Virtual CFO) as a speaker. It was attended by 80+ participants from finance and secretary of IAAS Indonesi[’s Loc[l Committee. And the l[st cl[ss w[s held on 26th July 2020. We t[lked [bout ‚How to Develop VCP Product by Using Bussiness An[lysis Methods‛ with M[qbul[tin Nuha (Business Development Manager at The Local Enablers) in Finance Class Vol 3. We also did

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a workshop about the strategy to expose our VCP product. This session was attended by 100+ participants from our LCs. Re-watch the record of this insightful class on: Finance Class Vol 1

: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5K7L-ViFi7A&t=2471s

Finance Class Vol 2

: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_XJlRUoAZQk

Finance Class Vol 3

: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9DZKBvAK7f8&t=3s

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ONLINE TRAINING PUBLICIAAS On July 19th 2020, PublicIAAS (Project and Sciences IAAS Indonesia) held an online tr[ining n[med ‚Level Up Your Skill in Writing Article‛. The event w[s [ttended by [round 130 members of IAAS from each Local Committee in Indonesia. It was held from 10.00-12.00 WIB via Google Meet.⠀ The event began with an opening by Reni Apriliana as a moderator regarding the background





continued with the presentation session by our guest speaker, Slamet Fauzi. The presentation about various things that must know when writing an article. He also provided tips on writing articles with interesting ideas to all participants.⠀ ⠀

The program continued with a discussion and training session. In the training session,

participants wrote 1 sample opening article on "Agriculture Innovation in Post-Pandemic COVID19 and also received a review for the lucky ones! What was a fun session!⠀This event aims to be a learning forum for IAAS members, especially in writing. It is hoped that IAAS members will be able to write interesting and good articles in the future.

Re-watch this insightful training on https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RBy3u9bnPcE&t=3s

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ENGLISH WEEK "One language sets you in a corridor for life. Two languages open every door along the way." Frank Smith

Language is our capital to drive around the world. We would like to invite you to join English Week. English Week is an English training event which was held for one full week. This training was held that collaborated with IAAS Training Center (ITC). 'Productivity' was our main theme and there were 6 subthemes that was delivered by ITC, those are: 19th

: How to be a good learner


: Productive Meetings


: Public Speaking


: Prioritization


: Habit development


: Public Performance

English Week was held on 19 - 24 September 2020 via Zoom Meeting and it was participated by IAAS Indonesi[’s members.

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In the last September, IAAS Indonesia's Website Officer Team held Website 101 Class for website officer of our Local Committees (LCs). The purpose of this class was to diminish of human resource gap between LCs, especially on operation websites in each LC. And it expected that after attending the online sharing can establishment of a website for each LC and they have resources that can operate their website as well. This class was attended by 3 people from each LC and was held via Zoom in two sessions, with different topics as well. First session, was held on 26th September 2020. We learned and discussed websites from scratch, which was an introduction to sections and website tools, customized menu, and how to used Elementor on the home page. This material was presented by Luthfi Fachrudin (Website officer of IAAS Indonesia). The second session was held on 3rd October 2020. We learned and discussed customized content on the page, how to use Elementor and Muffin for the creation of the page. This material was presented by Firman Tristadika (Website officer of IAAS Indonesia). After online class, we opened a LINE group to make it easier for discussions to be held at any time. And this LINE group becomes a place for coordination and communication between website officer from each LC and IAAS Indonesia.

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SNAPFOODIAAS SnapfoodIAAS is one of our action campaigns about minimizing amount of food waste by taking a picture of our food before and after we finished it. Then, we share it on our social media to tell people that we finished our food. There were two events of Snapfood Competition IAAS Indonesia x Campaign on Happiness Festival and SNAPFOOD RAMADHAN CHALLENGE (in collaborating with Rethink and IYOIN).

Collaborate with Campaign on Happiness Festival This competition was held on 10-18 April 2020 with merchandise and emoney for the winners.

Collaborate Challenge with Rethink and IYOIN We did a second movement with snapfood challenge in Ramadhan. It was held on 16-22 May 2020 with merchandise from Rethink as the prize for the winners. IAAS Indonesia also collaborated with IYOIN as a media partner.

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WEBINAR “Small Act for Reduce Food Waste� (in collaboration with Campaign in Happiness Festival) On April 18, 2020, IAAS Indonesia organized the "Small Act For Reduce Food Waste" activity which was attended by 82 people. This event is a series of activities for Happiness 2020: Happy Indonesia Sustainable. Small Act For Reduce Food Waste is a Webinar held from 10.00 WIB - 12.00 WIB using Zoom media.

This event begins with an explanation of the Challenge Online Community Festival which is supported by campaign.com. Furthermore, a presentation from Brigita Sidharta as the National Director of IAAS Indonesia discussed the issue of food waste and also the impact caused by these problems. The presentation also explained small steps to reduce food waste, for example, the #SnapFood campaign which allows someone to take pictures of food that is used up and not left over. Furthermore, a presentation from Muhammad Alifandi Tranggono as the Chief Business Development Officer of Gifood discussed the problem of food waste and the role of Gifood as a platform to reduce food waste and help underprivileged people who need food. In this activity, there was a very interactive question-and-answer session from the participants, as evidenced by the many questions asked of the speakers. This event is expected to build public awareness about the problem of food waste and also invite people to take small steps in reducing food waste. Re-watch this insightful webinar on https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g_cU5YNkess&t=34s

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IAAS Care X #GiveForFood (in collaboration with Student Catalyze)

While the number of initiatives and actions of goodwill by the community continues to grow amidst the Corona outbreak, it now comes down to the youth generation of Indonesia to take action in battling the pandemic that places older age groups (60+ of age) at serious risk, a significant percentage of which have limited access to the resources they need to sustain. With that in mind, IAAS Indonesia decided to join StudentsCatalyst, together with AIESEC in Indonesia and other notable youth organizations, in #GiveforGood, a fundraising campaign throughout the month of April in which your support for us to raise IDR 50,000,000 can impact 250+ lives of the older age group in Panti Werdha Berea and Panti Sosial Tresna Werdha Budi Mulia 1. Your act of kindness will be donated in the form of masks, hand sanitizers, food supplies, and disinfectant sprays, basically resources they need during these uncertain times. A simple set of actions from you is enough. Watch the video campaign of this movement on https://www.instagram.com/tv/B_KS4GQDduS/?igshid=1kc1tduyujntz

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#SNAPFOODin PEDULI PANGAN (in collaboration with Peduli Pangan Desa Kota and Campaign) Peduli Pangan Desa Kota Action came to ensure that people who are in vulnerable conditions can continue to get an adequate supply of nutrition in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. Currently, Peduli Pangan team had succeeded in distributing more than 8,000 portions of food from 4 different kitchens in Jakarta and it will continue until 160,000 portions have been distributed. Not everyone could go to the field to help. Therefore, We invited everyone to support this movement from home through the progr[m ‚Actions to Fix Indonesi['s Food Supply Crisis in the #ForChange Campaign application. The simple action could be followed with download Campaign App and accept the action of #PeduliPangan movement. There were 5 actions incorporated in #PeduliPangan: 1. Your Shopping List, Let You Shop As You Need! by @tanipanen_id 2. Adapt Your New Habit! by @foodsustainesia 3. Sufficient Food Portion! by @iaas_indonesia 4. Finish Your Food! by @ ujungdisini.id, and 5. Support Food Care! By @pedulipangandotcom By completing this action, each account that finished it would contribute IDR 20,000 to increase food security in Indonesia. Watch the video







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WEBINAR “The Role of Food Sustainable in Supporting SDGs” (in collaboration with WWF Indonesia) IAAS Indonesia held a webinar as participating event of A Better World Prize organized by the #ForChange Campaign and supported by Yayasan Dunia Lebih Baik. This webinar had theme ‚The Role of Food Sust[in[ble in Supporting SDGs‛ and it was collaborated with WWF. This webinar was held on 27th September 2020 at 10.00-12.00 WIB via Zoom Meeting. We had 2 speakers and more thank 200 participants. They are Christina Eghenter (Governance and Social Development Leader at WWF Indonesia) and Brigita Sidharta (National Director IAAS Indonesia). In this webinar,









And, here is video from community and organizations who are members of the A Better World Festival https://www.instagram.com/p/CFePoeljoxX/?igshid=6l5fnk8ethf4

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WEBINAR PEDULI PANGAN “Peduli Pangan: World Food Day – Get to Know Local and Traditional Food” (in collaboration with Peduli Pangan Desa Kota) On October 16, it is celebrated as World Food Day, so Kounitas Peduli Pangan together with IAAS Indonesia created a Webinar in World Food Day 2020 with the theme "Get to Know Local and Traditional Food". This time the Peduli Pangan Series discussed local foods in Indonesia, food security in Indonesia, and how society can help maintain food security during a pandemic. We had Diana Nurrahimah as moderator and 3 speakers. The speakers were Dede Rina (Coordinator Volunteer of Peduli Pangan Desa Kota), Brigita Sidharta (National Director of IAAS Indonesia), and there was a special cooking session with Raihan Dhira (Chef). This event was held on Friday, 16 October 2020, 14.00-16.00 WIB through the Zoom meeting. Peduli Pangan Series supported by :

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WEBINAR #YukStudyAbroad “Getting Your Study Aboard Opportunities� (in collaboration with Schooters) On 28th November 2020, IAAS Indonesia in collaboration with Schooters held a webinar with the theme "Getting your study aboard opportunities". It was held on zoom meeting with general participants and members of IAAS Indonesia, as well as directly inviting participants who have registered for expronas. We had special speaker, Dr. Radyum Ikono (CEO Scooters). He shared matters related to study abroad, starting from the benefits of study abroad, scholarship and exchange information, exchange programs, sharing of study abroad stages, tips and tricks for getting scholarships, sharing study life abroad, programs that owned schooters who can help prepare the study aboard.

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AGRITALK Agritalk is activity was presented by IAAS Indonesia that raises issues or other interesting matters for discussion. This discussion is online-based, conducted through Line Square (bit.ly/Agritalk) which is attended by IAAS members. This activity is carried out every month and was hosted by Local Committees from IAAS Indonesia with different themes. The discussion was conducted in English. Before the discussion, each local committee that was the host made an article, so the participants already had an idea of what to discuss. Agritalk was held from April – Desember 2020.

Agritalk in April The first Agritalk was hosted by Rudi Irvanto (IAAS LC Undip) with theme ‚Agricultur[l [s An Altern[tive for Unrenew[ble Fuels‛ on Frid[y, 24th April 2020 at 19.30 WIB. We discussed how impactful biofuels are and this discussion was to broaden insight about biofuels.






environmental concern has promoted to look over the biofuel as an alternative fuel source. But a complete substitution of petroleum-derived fuels by biofuel is impossible from the production capacity and engine compatibility point of view. Yet, marginal replacement of diesel by biofuel can prolong the depletion of petroleum resources and abate the radical climate change caused by automotive pollutants. Access the video of Press Release Agritalk in April on https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2w_h_bLhh0U

Agritalk in May Agritalk in May was hosted by Sahru Setiawan (IAAS LC UB) with theme ‚Why Doesn Sust[in[ble Agriculture Rem[in [ Ch[llenge?‛ on Frid[y, 22th M[y 2020 at 22.00 WIB. We discussed how to overcome several challenges to apply sustainability principal in agriculture and knowledge about a current challenge in sustainable agriculture through this session. The ultimate I A A S I n d o n e s i a | 44

goal of farming is not the growing of crops, but the cultivation and perfection of human beings. Article

: http://iaas.or.id/why-does-sustainable-agriculture-remain-a-challenge/

Video Press Release

: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oPXTNNU3nWY&t=4s

Agritalk in June In June, Agritalk was hosted by Hasabah Nurul UB (IAAS LC Unp[d) with theme ‚Org[nic F[rming: C[n It be Sust[in[ble [nd Feed the World?‛ on Frid[y, 17th June 2020 at 19.30 WIB. Organic farming is an agricultural system wherein conducting farming activities, synthetic chemicals are not used but the use of organic materials. It is considered much better for the environment. But the question is, "can organic farming being sustainable and feed the world?". We discussed how organic farming can feed the world and exchange insights. Article : http://iaas.or.id/agritalk-organic-farming-can-it-be-sustainable-and-feed-the-world/ Video Press Release

: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iL7qM0qy76A

Agritalk in July In July,

Agritalk was

hosted by IAAS Indonesia with theme ‚Youth’s Role on Rur[l Agricultur[l Development‛ on Thursday, 30th July 2020. This Agritak




others because it was held as a webinar The event started at 10.00 WIB until 12.00 WIB. Participants gathered online via Google Meet. The topic was delivered by Diah Widuretno (Mbak Diah) as a speaker who is actively involved in community development program, which is Sekolah Pagesangan. The first session was a presentation by a speaker about youth and rural areas. There is a lot of reasons why the majority of young people prefer urban life to rural life. Those reasons can

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be concluded as rural areas could not make them financially reassured. But, we should not feel discouraged because rural areas also need us-young people. We need to know who we are, who and what we are going to face, how to deal with it, how to put ourselves in places. Mbak Diah also shares her experience with Sekolah Pagesangan. Same as another Agritalk series, there was both discussion and challenge in the end.

Agritalk in August In August, Agritalk was hosted by Ahmad Fathullah A (IAAS LC UGM) with theme ‚An integr[ted mech[nism for inclusive future [griculture‛ on Frid[y, 21st August 2020 at 19.30 WIB. The human population is increasing day by day. Meanwhile, the land area for agriculture is decreased, and there are other factors that obstruct the agricultural system. The discussion was held because of those conditions. We discussed are capable of meeting the needs of a global population that is projected to reach more than nine billion in the mid-century. Article : http://iaas.or.id/an-integrated-mechanism-for-inclusive-future-agriculture/ Video Press Release

: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SYrJcLUVabI

Agritalk in September In September, Agritalk was hosted by Firdaus (IAAS LC ULM) with theme ‚Fun to Farm, Exciting to Tour with Agrotourism‛ on Frid[y, 25th September 2020 at 19.30 WIB. Agrotourism is tourism that involves any agriculturally based operation or activity that brings visitors to a farm or ranch. We discussed where can we find and what are the benefits. Article : http://iaas.or.id/fun-to-tour-and-fun-to-farm-withagrotourism/ Video Press Release

: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L1PEMQJq2N8

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Agritalk in October In October, Agritalk was hosted by IAAS LC IPB with







Technologies to R[ise the Interest of Millenni[ls‛ on Frid[y, 16th October 2020 at 19.30 WIB. Agritalk October Edition was held via Instagram Live with Ari Gunawan as a founder of KerabaTani and Mutia Suha Agitha as moderator. Rewatch this insightful discussion on our Instagram TV: https://www.instagram.com/tv/CGaAUMbp4jZ/?igshid=w 238uhe71dir Article



agricultural-systems-to-raise-the-interest-of-millenials/ Video Press Release

: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ux56U3wWf4Y

Agritalk in November In November, Agritalk was hosted by Firdaus (IAAS LC UNS) with theme ‚C[n Vertic[l Farming Be the Answer to Sust[in[ble Agriculture?‛ on Frid[y, 26th November 2020 at 19.30 WIB. Vertical farming is one of the solutions to achieve sustainable agriculture. In this edition, we discussed exactly is the meaning of "vertical farming. Article :


answer-to-sustainable-agriculture/ Video Press Release



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Agritalk in Desember In Desember, Agritalk was hosted by Hastari Anggirnawati (IAAS LC UMY) with theme ‚Future Agriculture Maintenance by Emerging Collective Data and Automation System to Face Up The Climate Ch[nge‛. It w[s held on Frid[y, 18th Desember 2020 at 19.30 WIB. In the future, agriculture maintenance use by Personal Food Computer (PFC), We sdiscessed what is PFC and why they choose that. Video Press Release



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IAAS Talk is an event organized by IAAS Indonesia by inviting internal and external speakers from the IAAS for the general public. IAAS Talk is a discussion to express views as well as get knowledge related to the relevant issues that have been determined so that conclusions c[n be dr[wn l[ter. This is [ showc[se for the spe[kers in presenting ‚well-formed ide[s‛ with [ certain duration or a panel discussion. It raised themes or issues that are currently trendy or being related to students and or agriculture. It was held LIVE on IAAS Indonesi[ [nd LC’s Instagram every month with 11 LCs and a different theme. There are: 1. IAAS LC Undip : ‚Indonesi[’s Food Security

During The Covid-19 Pandemic‛ on

09.05.2020\ 2. IAAS LC UNS

: ‚Get to know more about IAAS LC UNS and How is it being uns student while Covid-19?‛ on 30.05.2020


: ‚Str[tegi us[h[ j[mur p[d[ m[s[ p[ndemic‛ on 20.06.2020

4. IAAS LC Unud : ‚How to Overcome Insecurities in Org[niz[tion‛ on 10.06.2020 5. IAAS LC UB

: ‚How Org[niz[tion Cope with COVID-17‛ on 01.08.2020

6. IAAS LC UGM : ‚M[ximize Your life by minim[list lifestyle‛ on 22.08.2020 7. IAAS LC Unpad : ‚Import[nce of communic[tion in org[niz[tion‛ on 13.07.2020 8. IAAS LC Unram : ‚Stress – Why does It H[ppen [nd How to M[n[ge It?‛ on 04.10.2020 9. IAAS LC Unej

: ‚M[ximizing spices [nd herb consumption during p[ndemic‛ on 24.10.2020

10. IAAS LC UMY : ‚Zero W[ste Grocery store should be everywhere‛ on 14.11.2020 11. IAAS LC IPB

: ‚How to Contribute to Soci[ty during the p[ndemic‛ on 05.12.2020

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IAAS CARE The Covid-19 pandemic that is currently happening has provided us with many lessons, one of which is caring for the people affected by Covid-19. IAAS Indonesia through the IAAS Care program shows proof of our concern for the people affected. In IAAS CARE Vol 1, IAAS Indonesia collected a donation of Rp1.348.500. The money has been distributed to several parties on the Kitabisa.com platform as well as direct action by LC IPB through the #Do Something for Donation program and LC Unud through a program called IAAS Great. We would like to express our deepest gratitude to the members, alumni, and partners of the 11 LCs who have participated, shared, and served.

IAAS Indonesia through the IAAS CARE Vol. II is focused on social activities contained in several Local Committees of IAAS Indonesia in the form of donations. Amount of donations collected in Vol. II was Rp501.000. The money has been distributed to the Deputy Local Directors of each LC, with the following details: 1. IAAS LC UB: ICOF (IAAS Camp On Field) - Penanggung jawab: Nilna Majda ⠀ 2. IAAS LC UNPAD: #SerbuCinanjung (Sepuluh Ribu Untuk Cinanjung) - Penanghung jawab: Jessica Olivia 3. IAAS LC UNEJ: Proyek IAAS - Penanggung jawab: Sandi Ragil ⠀ Deep gratitude to the members, alumni, and partners of the 11 LCs who have participated and shared.⠀

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WEBINAR Strategy to Fulfill Food Supply in New Normal Conditions On April 13th 2020, IAAS Indonesia was held a Webin[r event with the theme ‚Str[tegy to Fulfill Food Supply in New Norm[l Conditions‛ which w[s [ttended by [round 60 people [nd is held from 10.00 – 12.00 WIB via Google Meet. This event began with an explanation about the impact of the current pandemic conditions by Aliya Syahira as moderator. Then, presentation

continued session.

with The



presentation from Graha Abadi Pasyaman




Kementrian Pertanian RI presented about the impact of this pandemic on food security in Indonesia and provide strategies that can be done to overcome that problem from many sides, such as government, farmers, and youths with productive age. The



from Herry Nugraha as Co-Founder & Chief Growth Officer Etanee.id that presented about the impact of the pandemic on food supply and demand in the market, tell some strategies based on digital and technology and also the application of collaboration between companies who also use the concept of design thinking. At this moment, there was a discussion session between participants and speakers that was very interactive as evidenced by many questions that asked speakers. The hope is this event will be able to inform participants about the strategies that can be taken to overcome food security problems in new normal conditions. Thank you to all those who supported this event. Re-watch the webinar on https://youtu.be/j9WnhEU9Ses I A A S I n d o n e s i a | 51



IAAS Alumni Gathering was held on October 10th, 2020. This event aims to strengthen the relationship between IAAS LC Indonesia Alumni and current IAAS LC Indonesia members, as well to present the NC 2020/2021 progress report that has been carried out until now. This event takes place from 13.00 – 16.00 WIB. It’s [ pl[tform for IAAS Indonesi[ [lumni to nost[lgic when they become IAAS members and it was attended by FamilIAAS from first batch of IAAS Indonesi[’s committee to the present. It began with an opening by MC and greetings from National Director. Then, it was continued with National Committee report and progress. After that, we had a breakout room to make close conversations with each other and it was managed by each Local Committee. After that, we played games to make the atmosphere more fun.

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National Workshop - Agriphoria 24 October 2020, IAAS Indonesia through Agriphoria 2020 held an IAAS National Workshop as part of a series of Agriphoria events. This National Workshop had the theme "Sociopreneurship on Agro-Products Towards a New Normal for Rural Communities". This event was opened by MC Karen Hapuk Agnes Roger, and greetings from Brigita Sidharta. The next agenda was an explanation of the holding of this National Workshop. Each participant had a background in the form of community and community empowerment programs that is Village Community Project (VCP). The purpose of this workshop is to help map the problems that arise by the VCP and it was hoped that after attending this workshop, they can find solutions to existing problems. Therefore, the agenda for the National Workshop presented by two panelists, each of whom discussed Value-Based Supply Chains (VBSC) and Social Business Model Canvas (SBMC).

The discussion on Value-Based Supply Chains (VBSC) was delivered by Endang Rahman Hakim from TaniHub. He explained this theme directly on the application made directly by the TaniHub Group. After presenting the material, a question and answer session was opened for participants. The second session was material from Yuyun Qomari P from PLUS who presented Social Business Model Canvas (BMC) material. SBMC is a suggestion in building a business because it has clear visuals and it solves problems. This session was very detailed about how to determine each element and the implementation of an example of implementation in one of the social enterprises managed by the Social Business Platform (PLUS). At the end of the presentation, we had question and answer session.

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After the question and answer session, we continued with workshop session which was the direct practice of SBMC for partner villages (VCP). This session took place in the break out room and google jamboard. After completing workshop, a presentation session was held by the participants and reviewed by the panelists. The three best LCs during the National Workshop were IAAS LC University of Padjajaran with Citrong products, then Udayana University with VCO products, and Gadjah Mada University with organic fertilizer products.







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Expro Box was going to talk about expro opportunities in Asia Pacific, Europe, and America. This activity was live on Instagram and talked with our special speakers which is the Regional Exchange Coordinator from each IAAS Regional. It was held at 10 AM GMT +7 on 9-12 December. Rewatch this insightful this discussion on:  

IAAS Asia Pacific : https://www.instagram.com/tv/CIkC9oOg46U/ IAAS Europe : https://www.instagram.com/tv/CIssnWzgegD/ IAAS America : https://www.instagram.com/tv/CImkoSmAHEr/

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IAAS Opportunities (in collaboration with Kalibrr)

It is as its name, IAAS Opportunities is a kind of content that gives opportunities to audiences. We have the information category for this content, there are information about seminar, competition, scholarship, internship, and job recruitment. All of IAAS Opportunities can be









https://www.instagram.com/explore/tags/iaasopportunities/ For job recruitment information, IAAS Indonesia collaborates with

as a

partner who gives information about job recruitment. It c[n be [ccessed on IAAS Indonesi[’s website at http://iaas.or.id/alumni-center/.

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LC Events and LC Updates

LC Events and LC Update is a kind of content that gives updated information from Local Committee to IAAS Indonesi[’s [udiences. LC Event is content th[t gives inform[tion [bout upcoming events from LCs in IAAS Indonesia. An event that was posted has category, there is an event that opens to the public. In addition, LC Updates is content that gives information about activity updates in LCs. All of LC Events and LC Updates can be accessed on Instagram with search hashtag #LCEvents and #LCUpdates. LC Updates also can be accessed on IAAS Indonesi[’s website [t http://iaas.or.id/?s=lcupdate

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PublicIAAS is a kind of content conduct and facilitates the dissemination of agriculture and related sciences. It is posted every month in several information channels. We always posted it on Instagram and LinkedIn as graphic information. There are contents that we had uploaded in 2020: April

: Do You Know That COVID-19 Had a Positive Impact in Agriculture?

https://www.instagram.com/p/B_cN6ZhDlvX/ May

: Chili – the King of Hot and Spicy Sensation, Which Useful During The 19th COVID Pandemic

https://www.instagram.com/p/CAw4kzZjSOX/ June

: Do You Know? Pineapple Skin Can be Made into Soap

https://www.instagram.com/p/CB0Ssd7jmLw/ July

: Sappan Wood – Spice with Myriad of Advantage

https://www.instagram.com/p/CDTqiudDU2x/ August

: Commemor[ting Indonesi[’s Independence D[y Amid The COVID-19 Pandemic

https://www.instagram.com/p/CD8ymyWjDvE/ September

: Microgreens – Little One Highly Nutrition

https://www.instagram.com/p/CFrgtmED9k2/ October

: Encomotion – Smart Irrigation System

https://www.instagram.com/p/CGudB6ojOqK/ November

:Porang Cultivation Heaven for Balinese Farmers

https://www.instagram.com/p/CILN91ZDaHT/ I A A S I n d o n e s i a | 58


: Mushrooms – Delicious Food with Plentiful Benefits During The Pandemic

https://www.instagram.com/p/CJVc030jegE/ We also posted PublicIAAS as article on our website. It was writen from each Local Committee. There are contents that we had uploaded in 2020: June

: Bagaimanakah Pemanfaatan Pekarangan Rumah di Masa Pandemik COVID-19?

by Dea Amelia Saputri (IAAS LC IPB) http://iaas.or.id/bagaimanakah-pemanfaatan-pekarangan-rumah-di-masa-pandemik-covid-19/ August

: An Integrated Mechanism for Inclusive Future Agriculture by Ahmad Fathullah

Afidaputra (IAAS LC UGM) http://iaas.or.id/an-integrated-mechanism-for-inclusive-future-agriculture/ September

: Indonesia Rindu Petani Muda by Aisyatur Rosyidah (IAAS LC Unej)

http://iaas.or.id/indonesia-rindu-petani-muda/ October

: Mengen[l ‚Person[l Food Computer (PFC): Inov[si Pert[ni[n M[s[ Dep[n‛ by

Worodiyanti Tri hapsari (IAAS LC UMY) http://iaas.or.id/mengenal-personal-food-computer-pfc-inovasi-pertanian-masa-depan/ November

: Agroferestry: Hubungan Komensalisme Antara Manusia Dengan Alam by Syahrul

Efendi Sudarsono (IAAS LC Unram) http://iaas.or.id/mengenal-personal-food-computer-pfc-inovasi-pertanian-masa-depan-2/

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IAAS Indonesia has a content edition called #YouMustKnow. This edition contains information about the benefits of a thing/object that can increase readers' knowledge. One of the #YouMustKnow that has been created is the Spice Edition which can be accessed on Twitter @IAAS_Indonesia (https://twitter.com/IAAS_Indonesia). It was uploaded every Monday, twice a month. We've posted the various types of spices and their benefits. Types of spices that have been published are: kunyit, cengkih, jahe, temulawak, lada, lengkuas, jintan hitam, ketumbar, kemiri, kayu manis, serai, pala, kapulaga, buga lawang, asam jawa, kluwak, kencur, temu kunci, kemukus, vanili, andaliman, thyme, wijen, kayu secang, annatto, ajwain, mahlab, oregano, kemangi, salam, lempuyang, rami, kelabat, allspice, aframomum melegueta, bawang merah, bawang putih, cabai, lada hitam, rosemari, dan alsafoetida. You can get the information on: Kunyit Cengkih Jahe Temulawak Lada Lengkuas Jintan Hitam Ketumbar Kemiri Kayu Manis Serai Pala Kapulaga

: : : : : : : : : : : : :

https://twitter.com/IAAS_Indonesia/status/1241959303071715328 https://twitter.com/IAAS_Indonesia/status/1244489940324347909 https://twitter.com/IAAS_Indonesia/status/1247072290119938050 https://twitter.com/IAAS_Indonesia/status/1249654105926062085 https://twitter.com/IAAS_Indonesia/status/1252471908089511941 https://twitter.com/IAAS_Indonesia/status/1254933703895117824 https://twitter.com/IAAS_Indonesia/status/1257174261506076672 https://twitter.com/IAAS_Indonesia/status/1259702287431163909 https://twitter.com/IAAS_Indonesia/status/1262342529464152065 https://twitter.com/IAAS_Indonesia/status/1264788271315337217 https://twitter.com/IAAS_Indonesia/status/1267328520964866050 https://twitter.com/IAAS_Indonesia/status/1269905337823330306 https://twitter.com/IAAS_Indonesia/status/1272431678930051072 I A A S I n d o n e s i a | 60

Bunga lawang Asam Jawa Kluwak Kencur Temu Kunci Kemukus Vanili Andaliman Thyme Wijen Kayu Secang Annatto Ajwain Mahlab Oregani Kemangi Salam Lempuyang Rami Kelabat Allspice Aframomum melegueta Bawang merah Bawang putih Cabai Lada Hitam Rosemari Asafoetida Sesawi Paprika

: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :

https://twitter.com/IAAS_Indonesia/status/1274944960542863360 https://twitter.com/IAAS_Indonesia/status/1277484769681436674 https://twitter.com/IAAS_Indonesia/status/1280054422781849600 https://twitter.com/IAAS_Indonesia/status/1282589869085089792 https://twitter.com/IAAS_Indonesia/status/1285165602391244800 https://twitter.com/IAAS_Indonesia/status/1287692902181683200 https://twitter.com/IAAS_Indonesia/status/1290161579695017984 https://twitter.com/IAAS_Indonesia/status/1292686941532508160 https://twitter.com/IAAS_Indonesia/status/1295243370512564224 https://twitter.com/IAAS_Indonesia/status/1297764402423201793 https://twitter.com/IAAS_Indonesia/status/1300299001540087813 https://twitter.com/IAAS_Indonesia/status/1302924875577786369 https://twitter.com/IAAS_Indonesia/status/1305436379950718978 https://twitter.com/IAAS_Indonesia/status/1308005740175478784 https://twitter.com/IAAS_Indonesia/status/1310571154503995392 https://twitter.com/IAAS_Indonesia/status/1312978925018988545 https://twitter.com/IAAS_Indonesia/status/1315521050419982336 https://twitter.com/IAAS_Indonesia/status/1318100212032753664 https://twitter.com/IAAS_Indonesia/status/1320566279057465345 https://twitter.com/IAAS_Indonesia/status/1323224924480102402 https://twitter.com/IAAS_Indonesia/status/1325759288044789762

: https://twitter.com/IAAS_Indonesia/status/1328277837602689025 : : : : : : : :

https://twitter.com/IAAS_Indonesia/status/1330828184271548418 https://twitter.com/IAAS_Indonesia/status/1333371072612159488 https://twitter.com/IAAS_Indonesia/status/1335814459986604032 https://twitter.com/IAAS_Indonesia/status/1338324654285451265 https://twitter.com/IAAS_Indonesia/status/1343419091197915136 https://twitter.com/IAAS_Indonesia/status/1346063460166078466 https://twitter.com/IAAS_Indonesia/status/1348597072128208912 https://twitter.com/IAAS_Indonesia/status/1351130405861265411

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SNAPFOOD CAMPAIGN (in collaboration with Kamu Harus Tahu!)

IAAS Indonesia had collaborated with Kamu Harus Tahu! For creating a campaign video for Snapfood or to minimize food waste. This video explains why we have to eat in moderation and the effects of wasting food. You can watch this insightful campaign video on https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wRfNnPp2snM

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IAAS Indonesia released PadiMagz – Pertanian Berkelanjutan (Sustainable Agriculture) Edition. The goal of sustainable agriculture is to meet the needs of today's society without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Sustainable agriculture integrates three main goals - environmental health, economic profitability and social equity. Here, IAAS Indonesia brings a wealth of knowledge about sustainable agriculture which can be accessed at bit.ly/PadiMagzPertanianBerkelanjutan

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Articles inside

Padi Magazine

page 63

Snapfood Campaign (In collaboration with Kamu Harus Tahu

page 62

IAAS Opportunities (In collaboration with Kalibrr

page 56

Local Committee Events and Updates

page 57


pages 58-59

National Workshop Agriphoria

pages 53-54


page 55

IAAS Alumni Gathering

page 52

WEBINAR: Strategy to Fulfill Food Supply in New Normal Conditions

page 51

IAAS Care Vol 1 dan 2

page 50


pages 44-49

Indonesia WEBINAR PEDULI PANGAN: Peduli Pangan: World Food Day Get to Know Local and

page 42

Traditional Food in collaboration with Peduli Pangan Desa Kota WEBINAR #YukStudyAbroad in collaboration with Schooters

page 43

IAAS Care X #GiveForFood (in collaboration with Student Catalyze

page 39

Campaign WEBINAR The Role of Food Sustainable in Supporting SDGs in collaboration with WWF

page 41

SNAPFOODin PEDULI PANGAN (in collaboration with Peduli Pangan Desa Kota and

page 40

WEBINAR Small Act for Reduce Food Waste in collaboration with Campaign in

page 38

SnapfoodIAAS (in collaborate with Campaign, Rethink, and IYOIN

page 37

English Week

page 35

Website 101 Class

page 36

Online Training PublicIAAS

page 34

Partnership Academy

pages 30-31

Finance Class

pages 32-33

Youth Agricareture (YACT

pages 22-25

IAAS Indonesia Anniversary

page 29

IAAS Summit

pages 26-28

Exchange Program National (Expronas

pages 20-21

National Congress

pages 17-18

National Strategic Meeting

page 19

Greetings from National Director

page 5

IAAS Indonesia

page 7

IAAS Merchandise

pages 13-14

Vision and Mission National Committee 2020 2021

page 10

Glance of IAAS

page 6

I A A S I n d o n e s i a

page 3
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