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Hello good people! We’re back with.. uhm... sort of sca Halloween! These design are made by me, Kevin, and about something we require everyday: FOOD. We hop articles will open your mind and fulfill your thirst of inform more talking and ready your coffee. Psttt, don’t w











ary design because we have a holiday on this month : Amira. This month’s contents are about IAAS Events and pe this combination of spooky designs and inspirational mation. Let’s have some eyegasm together, shall we? No worry, there wont be any scary stuff in this edition ;).

Most love, Mundus













unleash th

of our l

Fruits contain micronutrient which are vitamins and m and physical retardation, weakened immune syste world must face nowadays is to get people to hee FAO encourages farmers to follow good agricultu velop a general framework for food production s sustainable. 2. So, it is a challenge for Indonesia’s farmer but it is also an opportunity to produce more fruit-so that we can unleash potential of local fruits. However, how much do we 3. now about our beloved local fruit? Here are extraordinary fruits from Indonesia: 1. Durian : durian is widely revered as the “King of Fruits� in Indonesia. The special is about the flesh that emits a distinctive odor which can be described as strong and penetrat ing, appreciable from far while its husk is insect.

Salak (Snake Fruit) : the red dish-brown scaly skin of this fruit make it become known as snake fruit. Commonly, people will know it to help cure diarrhea. Kedondong (Golden Apple): when unripe, the fruit is hard and sour with olive green skin, grad ually transforming into a golden yellow as it matures. It has edible skin but tough often discarded. Surprisingly, one kedondong has an average of 57 calories and 85% vitamin C needed in a 2,000 calorie diet.

he potential

local fruits

minerals that important from preventing birth defect, mental ems, blindness, and even death. The challenge that the ed a simple message line “Eat more fruits and vegetable”. ural practices, and is working with different partners to desystems that are both economically and environmentally 4.

Duku (Lansium parasiticum) : This kind of fruit marked as a provin cial flower of South Sumatra. When consume post ripen the fruit will leav ing a bitter sweet after taste.


Rose Apple / Water Apple: Don’t mislead with the name. Com monly we will know at as “jambu air” in Indonesia.


Cempedak Fruit: it is also called ugly cousin of jackfruit. This fruit have a rich vitamin A, dietary fiber, vitamin C, and many more.


Rambutan :Rambutan or mostly known with hairy fruit is very deli cious and cheap.

8. Mangosteen. This fruit has been used in numerous anti-cancer studies, with positive results, it can slow the growth of cancerous col orectal tumors. After we know 8 extraordinary fruit from Indonesia, then we must proud to our local fruit. Be a wise generation! Love our local farmers!

Stay up to date: with IAAS Video Challenge

Hello, folks! What are you up to? Do not get stress with your homework, exam or college! We have some amazing videos presented by our candidate members IOP 24 for their 2nd Challenge. Just click this link, and get informed about current issues related to agriculture!


Verticulture Do you have any idea about verticulture? Verticulture or vertical agriculture is in which plants are planted vertically on madmade structures. Then, it doesn’t require large area. Do you want to know more about it? Just click this link: http://bit.ly/verticulture


Food diversification: Cassava Cassava can be modified into variety of food such as donuts, brownies, cassava with cheese and rainbow cassava. Since Indonesia is the biggest producer of cassava in the world, why we must stay import rice from another country? Let’s move to cassava and click this link to know more about it! http://bit.ly/FoodDiversificationCassava


Plant guava with tambulampot What is Tambulapot? Tambulapot is one of simplest method for planting fruit using media called pot. By eating fruit from tambulapot, we don’t need to the quality for the fruit that we eat. We also do not worry with chemical substance or bacteria like when we buy it in the market, as we produce it by ourself. Do you want to know how? Let’s check this link! http://bit.ly/tambulapot


Morning tea for free Teabags are really good for tree and used teabags also known as organic fertilizer that contains minerals, vitamins, and microbes that make tree grows better. Watch the campaign at http://bit.ly/morningtreefortree


Water efficiency Water is the most important aspect to all living things. However, is the quality of water in the past still the same? Can we make sure that our generation gain enough water? Check the video at


Food Hyegiene Have you ever wonder the security of your food? It is important to make sure that every food that we eat is good, one of the way is by checking its hyegiene. Check it out! bit.ly/Food_Hygiene



Food diversification: Potato Potato has just 110 calories and is absolutely fat, sodium and cholesterol free, making them downright undeniable for any diet. Curious? Check this out to find more! http://bit.ly/FoodDiversificationPotato



What is e-waste? E-waste is produced from unused electronic devices. It is dangerous to environment because the waste ,such as charger, contains toxic materials like Chlorine (Cl) and Lead (Pb). As it contains toxic materials, we can’t throw it freely .Curious aren’t you? Check it out! bit.ly/WhatIsE-Waste


Plastic use Plastic is very useful to everyday life but one plastic bag can take 1,000 years to degrade. First thing that we can do to save our earth is by purchasing reusable bag and keep even more plastic out of the landfill. Click this link to know more! http://bit.ly/Plastic_Use


Energy use Sometime we really don’t care how much we spend on electricity. The thing that is true is to be a wise user. We need to think for next generation. watch to find out more! http://bit.ly/Energy_Use


Food diversification: Potato Pollutin happens when pollutants contaminate the natural surroundings it may lead to health risk even more to death of the animals, plants and people. Click the link to find out! bit.ly/Polution

Food Hyegiene The usage of paper is high either in school or office. Minimalize the use of paper by re-using your used paper. You don’t want to chop-chop another poor tree, do you? Watch the campaign at bit.ly/Paper_Use

Pulses the

future food

Everywhere, we will hear that people talk about the future sustainable food. Pulses are the food of the future. They are the future of better nutrition and the future of improved health. Pulses are good for people because they are a low fat, high fiber source of protein that is full of vitamins and minerals. Moreover, they have a low carbon footprint and enrich the soil. Where does pulse grow? The pulses can we find around the world. On the record, the most important pulse’s importer are Argentina, France, Ethiopia, and Turkey, while the biggest producers in 2015 are India, Canada, Myanmar, China, Nigeria, Brazil, Australia, USA, Russia, and Tanzania. Why pulses?

- Pulses are a low carbon footprint food - Pulses are a water efficient source of pro tein - Pulses enrich the soil where they are grown - Pulses provide important nutrients and are recommended as part of a healthy diet - Pulses are an excellent source of dietary fibre and other complex carbohydrates

IAAS Events The 8th IAAS Olympic! Encouraging Local Agricultural Products

On Saturday and Sunday, October 15 & 16 2016 an event called IAAS On Training and IAAS On Action has been organized by Science and Technology Departement of IAAS LC IPB. IAAS On Training is part of The 8th IAAS Olympic. In order to achieve Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) number twelve ‘Sustainable on Food Production and Consumption’ ,this year The 8th IAAS Olympic theme is “Encouraging Local Agricultural Products in order to Ensure Sustainable Consumtion and Production pattern : Caisim Cultivation at Cinangneng Village”.

The first event was held on the 15th October 2016. IAAS On Training was held at RK B1C1, Faculty of Agriculture. The event was opened by speech from Puja Rifqi Novtiar as Project Officer then Linda E. H. As representative from Executive Committee IAAS LC IPB,. Last but not least, speech from Mr. Azwar from Indonesian Center for Biodiversity and Biotechnology (ICBB). The training started by presentation and explaination from Mr. Azwar as speaker. He told us about Indonesia’s agriculture condition these days and how to sow the seed. He gave us plenty of facts about agriculture and opened our eyes and mind wider than before. In the end of presentation, there was Q&A section. Suprisingly,there were a lot of audience who pay attention and eager to ask. After that, Varissa from IOP 23 gave her performance by singing “My Heart Will Go On ” from Celine Dion.

Office, we started our activity by pray and speech from Widia Cahyani as Project Officer then speech from Ayida Martas Sulfa as Local Committee Director, also speech from Mr. Nanda as Secretary of Cinangneng Village.

We continued our activity to training activity on how to sow the seed. All of audiences moved to Auditorium Toyib’s yard to practice. Audiences divided into 8 groups, each groups gathered in circle and already got soil and polybags on it. First, we need to put soil on polybag around half polybag. Second, make a hole (not too deep) by your finger. Then, put the seed into the hole and cover it again with soil. After all we finished, we washed our hand and went straight back to RK B1C1 to close the event. The next day, Sunday 16th October 2016, IAAS on Action was held in Cinangneng Village, Tenjolaya, Bogor. All the volunteer and IAAS members gathered in front of Student Center Building at 6 AM. We went to Cinangneng village together by public transportation. As we arrived in Cinangneng Village

All participants divided into 4 big groups as they went to 4 different location of cultivation. Some of the participant got the chance to sow the seed and also cultivate. All the seed we cultivate are provided by Indonesian Center for Biodiversity and Biotechnology (ICBB) as our partner in this event. While cultivating, we also got the chance to talk with the farmers. They shared their experience and story about being a farmer especially in Cinangneng village.

After finished cultivating caisim seed, we went back to Cinangneng Village Office and gathered in Village Office’s Hall. There were sharing session and

Forum Group Discussion (FGD) with ICBB and farmers. In the sharing session, there were a lot of question that asked by the participants such as, are the farmers have a plan to grow their business and how they do traditional cultivation, etc. Continue to Forum Group Discussion (FGD) , the partcipants divided into 4 groups and make a circle to discuss 4 questions. The questions are, how is agriculture condition in Cinangneng Village, how is the pest and the solution, where and how the marketing, and the last is how the institutional of Cinangneng Village. All the groups presenting their result. Each groups came with differents answers although there were some same answers. All the answers are good and could be feedback for Cinangneng.

At the end of event, Mr. Azwar from ICBB and Mr. Nanda from Cinangneng Village gave their closing speech, hoping that Cinangneng would be better after this program. After the event closed, all the participants had their lunch together and took a photo before heading back to campus. All in all, The 8th IAAS Olympic was an interesting event but there were things that had to be evaluated and noted such as preparation, publication, and communication between the committee. Our hope from this activity was all participants more aware in agriculture and could apply SDG’s point number twelve ‘Sustainable on Food Production and Consumption’. Hope the next IAAS Olympic would be even better, see you in the next IAAS Olympic!

science b


food lost a Have you wondered how long the process your food come to your plate? About 24 percent of all calories produced for human consumption are lost. Based on Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) estimates that 32 percent of all food produced in the world was lost or wasted in 2009. This estimation is based on weight. One out of every four food calories intended for people is not ultimately consumed by them. The rule for all of must be no people think that if they are rich, then they can buy many food even it is no need to do that. We can look at our friends in some part of Africa who are still struggling very hard to gain a spoon of food. They are having malnutrition in which they are still categorized hungry,

and waste because they do not get nutrition that they should get each day. Moreover, the rice that come to our plate everyday need long process. IAAS Indonesia has a program named Snapfood. This program is one of the way to respect farmer as we are taking the picture of our food before and after, of course after we finish all of our food in a plate. Then, by joining this program, we are triggered to have sympathy for our friend who are still under starvation.


are angel of polinations

Plants can be pollinated by human and nature, first by the wind and second by the animals. But, don’t you know that honey bees are the most important one? We often hear the word pollination of a flower or a plant. It is actually the transfer of pollen grains, the male sex cells of a flower, from the anther where they are produced to the receptive surface, or stigma, of the female organ of a flower. Since the honey bee is the most important insect that transfers pollen between flowers and between plants, the word “pollination” is often used to describe the service of providing bees to pollinate crop plants. Pavan Sukhdev, The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity, United Nations report October 2010: “Not a single bee has ever sent you an invoice. And that is part of the problem - because most of what comes to us from nature is free, because it is not invoiced, because it is not priced, because it is not traded in markets, we tend to ignore it.”

So, what are the characteristics that support honey bees become good pollinators? They have hairy bodies trap pollen and carry it between flowers. The bees require large quantities of nectar and pollen to rear their young, and they visit flowers regularly in large numbers to obtain these foods. In doing so, they concentrate on one species of plant at a time and serve as good pollinators for this reason. Moreover, their body size make them able to pollinate flowers of many different shapes and sizes. The pollination potential of the bees is increased because they can be managed to develop high populations. The number of colonies can also be increased as needed and the colonies can be moved to the most desirable location for pollination purposes. Honey bees are most active at temperatures between 16 0C and 41 0C. Winds above 15 miles per hour reduce their activity and stop it completely at about 25 miles per hour. When conditions for flight are not ideal, honey bees work close to their colonies. Although they may fly as far as 5 miles in search of food, they usually go no farther than 1 to 1-1/2 miles in good weather. In unfavorable weather, bees may visit only those plants nearest the hive. They also tend to work closer to the hive in areas where there are large numbers of attractive plants in bloom.

halloween scary foods

Does it have to be scary? Halloween is a horror moment that is celebrated once a year, full of joy, thrill, tricks, and treats. People wears scary stuffs and asks for candies and chocolates door to door. But did you know that, other than that, people make an ordinary food and transform them to something not ordinary and scary. Curious about how they looks like? Here we got few of them from pinterest. Hope you find some inspiration from this foods!

fruit monster

finger cake

brain cupcake

mad scientist jel-o syringe

Proper handwashing may save the lives of 800 children a day worldwide

UNICEF 14 October – On the eve of Global Handwashing Day, the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) has reported that more than 300,000 children under the age of five died last year due to diarrhoeal infections linked to a lack of safe drinking water and sanitation – a rate of 800 per day that could have been prevented by proper handwashing. In a news release, Sanjay

Wijesekera, UNICEF’s global head of water, sanitation and hygiene said: “Every year, 1.4 million children are dying from largely preventable diseases like pneumonia and diarrhoea,” numbers, he says, that “could be greatly reduced by working with children and families to adopt a very straightforward solution – handwashing.” Handwashing with soap before meals and after toilet use has been shown to reduce diarrhoeal infections by 40 per cent, said UNICEF. Moreover, handwashing not only reduces the rate of infection, but also keeps children in school, as are not staying home due to illness. Mr. Wijesekera calls it “a frontline preventive measure.” Since the Hurricane Matthew made landfall in Haiti on 4 October, a poor water and

sanitation infrastructure have given • Globally, approximately one in five people rise to acute diarrhoea and suspected wash their hands after using the toilet cholera cases. The UNICEF Representa- • Each year, 1.7 million children die before tive in Haiti, Marc Vincent referred to the age of 5 because of diarrhoea and it as “everyone’s worst nightmare. Less pneumonia. than two weeks after the hurricane, • Children who wash their hands with soap cholera may be spreading in areas where after going to the toilet and before eat it previously barely existed and diaring reduce their risk of contracting diar rhoea is preying on already vulnerable rhoea by more than 40 percent, and children. Immediate action is essential – • Acute respiratory infections like pneu children’s health is at risk.” monia are the leading cause of death in children under the age of 5. UNICEF offers the following facts about the importance of handwashing: • 1 gram of faeces contains 100 billion bacteria.

the most beau tiful and tasty form of love is food! I-FLASH TEAM

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