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Hello good people! We’re glad we could make it to create this masterpiece! In this special edition, we’ll look deeper into IAAS Worlds’ Biggest Event : The 59th IAAS World Congress and IAAS LC IPB’s international event : The 1st IYSCA 2016. Thank you Mba Feni for providing us the article for the magazine. The design is inspired by this year’s Olympic in Rio. Hope these background and contents will please your thirst of information and have some eyegasm! Enjoy the rest of the magazine. Stay awesome!

Editor Mundus


59th IAAS World Congress from media partners

International Association of Students in Agricultural and Related Sciences (IAAS) 59th World Congress will be held at Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB - Bogor Agricultural university) on 23-30 July 2016. The theme of the International Congress will be “Plan Your Future�, the serial program then will be continued to carried out at Padjadjaran University (Unpad), Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), University of Diponegoro (UNDIP), and will be terminated at University of Brawijaya (UB) on 13 August 2016. The International Association of students in Agricultural and related Sciences (IAAS) is an international non-profit and non-governmental student society headquartered in Leuven, Belgium. Its committees are spread in universities in over 40 countries worldwide This event is the largest IAAS Annual Work Program. In the 2016, Indonesia was given the honor to host the 59th

IAAS World Congress, that includes its the General Assembly Meeting; Industry, Farm, and Cultural Visit; Village Concept Project; Excursion and City Tours; and the International Symposium on Creative Agriculture (IYSCA). One of the serial program of the 59th IAAS World Congress which will be opened for public in IPB will be IYSCA. It is will be the international competition for students of both Indonesia and abroad to channelize their ideas to promote the Indonesian agriculture. The theme of the current IYSCA

is “Creative Agriculture” with subthemes “Creative Applied Agriculture, Creative Agribusiness and Creative Agricultural Education and Social Project. Speakers to be invited for the IYSCA scientific meeting among others will be Lucie Wassink (Counsellor of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Embassy of the Netherlands), Thom Wright (Agricultural Attaache of USDA), Helianti Hilman (Founder of Javara Indigenous Indonesia), Bruce Blakeman (Vice-President of Corporate Affairs of Cargill Asia Pacific), Dr. Lala M. Kolopaking (faculty member of IPB) and Ron Hartman (Director of IFAD Indonesia). IYSCA will be held on 27 July 2016, at the Auditorium of Andi Hakim Nasution of Institut Pertanian Bogor. Online registration for IYSCA member is opened up to 27 June 2016. Further detail on IAAS World Congress and IYSCA is accessible through IAAS IPB official website at www.iaasipb.org. (Wied)

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Broadcasted On July 8th 2016, IAAS LC IPB appeared on one of MetroTV’s afternoon show, Metro Plus Siang, to promote The 59th IAAS World Congress and IAAS itself. The Deputy Local Director of IAAS LC IPB, Wishya C. Riana and Prilliani Madina was the representatives chosen to guest on the national television broadcast. The session started with the playing of the World Congress’ trailer and continued to an interview with our representatives. Wishya explained how IAAS is the biggest students’ agricultural organization that has more than 40 countries as its member. She also explained when IAAS was first established here in Indonesia. IAAS exist in order to facilitate the ideas of students in finding a solution in the agriculture field. She then explained about one of our projects, the Village Concept Project, and how it helps local farmers to solve their problems. Finishing the overview of IAAS as a whole,

the show continued with its spotlight on the 59th IAAS World Congress. It was Prilli’s turn to describe the theme of this year’s IAAS world congress, “Plant Your Future”. She explained that this theme shows our focus: how to prepare the agricultural sector to last until far in the future. Quoting her words, “We have to prepare the agricultural sector from now, so that we can make this sector advantageous in the future.” Then, they went on to discuss IYSCA (International Youth Symposium on Creative Agriculture), one of the most important event in the IAAS World Congress. Wiysha explained the purpose of this event, which is to sought and develop brilliant young minds not just from IAAS, but also from everywhere, to present their solution and ideas on solving the agricultural issues. Prilli also voiced out our intentions in holding this event, which is to show and make people understand that agriculture is composed of many components and not just ‘farming’ on the field. The show went on, still spotlighting IY-

IAAS ongress

d on metro tv SCA, this time discussing about the people behind this event. In IAAS LC IPB, the committee is made up of 59 people, while in Indonesia, up to 300! A total of six speakers, each experts in their own field on the agricultural sector will be present to share their knowledge in IYSCA. Prilli then explained about other great events taking place in the world congress, besides IYSCA. There will be industrial visits, city tour, and excursions for participants of the congress to show them the culture of Indonesia, particularly the Sundanese culture, here in Bogor. As the show started coming to an end, Wiysha talked about the challenges that lay for IAAS, “Our hope is that, back to the “Plant Your Future” theme, instead of acting ‘now’, we change the mindsets of the youth participating in our event. We want to show them that agriculture can be fun, agriculture is not just about farming on the field, but it is something that we can act on to be the building block of Indonesia.” Following her strong

statement, the session for IAAS ended. We hoped this event has enabled us to reach out to young minds and opened a new window of understanding about what IAAS is. To see the broadcast, click here: http://video.metrotvnews.com/metro-plus/zNA83qwK-world-congressiaas-2016


First Destination City of The 59th IAAS World Congress IAAS World Congress is the largest annual internal event of IAAS World. In 2016, Indonesia received the honor to become the host country of the 59th IAAS World Congress with “Plant Your Future” as its theme. The 59th IAAS World Congress first destination was Bogor Agricultural University (IPB) on July 23rd 2016 until July 30th 2016. After Bogor, the delegates will continue their trip to Bandung (UNPAD), Semarang (UNDIP), Yogyakarta (UGM) and Malang (UB). The series of event that will be held for one week in IPB includes Opening Ceremony, General Assembly, Farm and Organization Visit, Excursion and City Tours and the International Symposium on Creative Agriculture (IYSCA).

OPENING CEREMONY (JULY 23, 2016) Opening Ceremony was held on Saturday, July 23rd 2016 in Auditorium Common Class Room (CCR), IPB Dramaga Campus. This event was attended by 69 participants from 39 countries consist of IAAS World Congress delegates as well as international students that take course in IPB. Opening Ceremony began with a flag parade and inaugurated by representative of IPB chairman, Dr. Ir. Anas Miftah Fauzi, M. Eng as Vice Chairman of Research and Cooperation IPB. The event continued with Studium Generale which was presented by two speakers, namely representative of Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Ir. Noer Adi Wardojo, M.Sc (Head of Standardization Environment and Forestry) with the topic “Achieving Sustainable Food Consumption and

Production” and Prof. Dr. Ir. Made Astawan, MS (Chairman of the Forum Tempe Indonesa) with the topic “Tempe as Indonesian Local Food which Applied Sustainable Food Consumption and Production.” Furthermore, the delegates toured around IPB Drama Campus using electric cars and followed by a photo session in front of the Rectorate Building, Andi Hakim Nasution. In the evening, the delegates were specifically invited by the Mayor of Bogor, Dr. H. Bima Arya in Welcoming Dinner at Bogor City Hall. Bogor Mayor permitted all audiences to taste the unique culinary of Bogor such as Soto Mie and Toge Goreng. He also explained Bogor City profiles that include history, culture and culinary of Bogor and also one of the outstanding achievements of Bogor this year as the Most Lovable City in the World to set aside 40 cities from 14 countries, organized by WWF. The event continued with a symbolic welcome by embedded pins of Kujang on the delegates’ suits. The event ended with a photo session with “We Love Bogor” pose.

EXCURSION & CITY TOUR (JULY 24, 2016) Excursion and city tour was held on the second day of the 59th IAAS World Congress in Bogor. This event includes excursion to Bogor Botanical Garden and shop and dine in Botani Square. The delegates of IAAS World Congress participated in workshops about application of tissue culture on orchid breeding by an explanation from the

representative of Laboratorium Kultur Jaringan (Tissue Culture Lab) of Bogor Botanical Garden, Mrs. Rahayu Eka Della Marta, M.Si. She explained the profile of tropical plants, especially orchids, cultivation process for orchid and non-orchid, orchid propagation process, the results of laboratory research and acclimatization for orchids. The delegates were given the opportunity to perform tissue culture and acclimatization for orchids. They also invited to go around and relax at Bogor Botanical Garden. The delegates were treated by beautiful view with unique tropic plants located around them. The event was followed by games that give cohesiveness and tighten the bonds between the delegates.

GENERAL ASSEMBLY Then on July 25-26 and July 29, General Assembly I, II & III were held at the Auditorium Nasution Abdul Muis, Faculty of Agricultural Technology IPB. General Assembly is an internal activity regarding country membership in IAAS World, insight of IAAS World Congress 2017 by IAAS Mexico, Exchange Program IAAS, management IAAS period from 2016 to 2017, and hopes and ideas for IAAS 2020.

THe 1st IYSCA 2016 On July 27, IAAS IPB held the International Youth Symposium on Creative Agriculture (IYSCA). IYSCA is a scientific paper competition for students aged 18-30 years as a platform to discuss and share their ideas towards the significance of the agricultural and related sciences interaction. With “Creative Agriculture” as the main theme, IYSCA 2016 had three sub-themes: “Creative Applied Agriculture”, “Creative Agribusiness”, and “Creative Agricultural Education and Social Project.” The symposium was held at Andi Hakim Nasution Auditorium, IPB Dramaga, Bogor. The selected papers will be registered and published in ISSN online. The participants also received merchan-

dise, proceeding, free meal, seminar kit, and internationally recognized certificate by joining this event. The reward for the competition are $150 USD rewards for the best paper and $100 USD for best presenter of each sub-theme.

The event started at 08.30 AM with welcoming speech from Prof. Dr. Ir. C. Hanny Wijaya, M.Agr as advisor of IAAS LC IPB, Mrs. Ida Manik as representative of Bogor district, Mr. Usmar Hariman as the Vice Mayor of Bogor, and Dr. Ibnul Qayyim as Secretary of the University. Next agenda was music performance from Akar Bambu, a band who shares moral values in their music. They presented 3 songs that represent the earth, civil society, and heaven. The event continued with talkshows in accordance with IYSCA sub-themes. The first talkshow was about “Creative Applied Agriculture” with Lucie Wassink – Counsellor for Agriculture at Netherlands Embassy and Thom Wright – Agricultural Attaché at USDA as the speakers. The second talkshow was about “Creative Agribusiness” with Dean Merrilees – Minister Counsellor of Agriculture of Australia and Muhammad Suprapto – Operation Director of JAVARA Indigenous Indonesia. The last talkshow was about “Creative Agricultural Education and Social Project” with Sarah Hessel – Programme Officer of IFAD in the Asia and Pacific Division and Bruce Blakeman – Vice President for Corporate Affairs of Cargill Asia Pacific. Aside from talkshow, there was also mini expo at the basement of Andi Hakim Nasution Auditorium as an exhibition place for product and innovation from IPB students. The expo participants include Ecofunopoly, Ecodoe, Bite Back and Agrisocio. After the break, the event continued to presentations of IYSCA paper competition. There were 19 groups who apply; 9 groups for “Creative Applied Agriculture”, 6 groups for “Creative Agribusiness”, and 4 groups for “Creative Agricultural Education and Social Project.” The judges are Gatot Widodo, S.Pd, M.Pd (Subtheme 1) and Ir. Melani A. Sunito, M.Sc (Sub-themes 2 and 3). Both of them are IPB lecturers.

The event continued to IYSCA Gala Dinner at Thoyib Auditorium on 7 PM. Keefe Gazali as WOCO IPB Project Officer and Prof. Dr. Ir. Yonny Koesmaryono, MS as IPB Rector Representative did the opening speech for it. The Gala Dinner was livened up by art performance from Agria Swara, Gentra Kaheman, SWU Dance, traditional costume fashion show, magic trick show, and singing performance from the delegates. The Gala Dinner was closed by IYSCA awarding. The winner for Best Presenter are Hanum Aprilia (Creative Applied Agriculture), Masayoshi Yamada (Creative Agribusiness), and M. Harris Zamaluddin (Creative Agricultural Education and Social Project sub-theme). The winner for Best Paper are Imma Culata Titis Winiati, Pristy Suciadi, and Sheila Lestari (Creative Applied Agriculture); Juli Purnomo, Suwarto, and Mohammad Harisudin (Creative Agribusiness); and Ai Nurlaelasari R., Iis Sa’diyah, Adinda A., and Agri Triya (Creative Agricultural Education and Social Project).

FARM AND ORGANIZATION VISIT On July 28th 2016, the WOCO delegates did Industrial Visit (I-Visit) to Sabisa Farm and the ASEAN Secretariat. First, they visited Sabisa Farm, dragon fruit farm that is located in Sindang Barang. Delegates were welcomed by Mrs. Iis and received some explanations about Sabisa Farm. After being briefed by Mrs. Iis, the delegates were divided into 6 groups. There are 6 posts, three posts were inside and outside around the greenhouse areas and 3 more posts are in the fields of dragon fruit. The delegates were actively asking questions related to greenhouse and dragon fruit. Later during the day, World Congress delegates, organizers and mentors of Sabisa Farm had lunch together.

Next visit, the ASEAN Secretariat is located in South Jakarta. The delegates were welcomed by Mrs. Margareth as Public Relation Staff and Dr. Pham Quang Minh as Assistant Director. Mr. Minh later gave an explanation of the policy of ASEAN economic community (AEC) in Bougenville Conference Room. Not only gave the explanation, Mr. Minh also answers the questions from delegates regarding matters which are discussed. The event followed by a group photo session at the executive lobby ASEAN Secretariat. After a visit to the ASEAN Secretariat, the delegates had free session to shop and dine at Senayan City mall.

you do it.

contains. “We have the chance to truly set the world on a different sustainable path leaving no one behind,” Assistant-Secretary-General for Policy Coordination and Inter-Agency Affairs, Thomas Gass, today told the press in New York. The annual Sustainable Development Goals Report is an opportunity “to review where the world stands at the start of this collective journey,” Mr. Gass added.

First progress report on Sustainable Development Agenda aims to leave no one behind 20 July - The first ever progress report on the new global development agenda provides the most upto-date statistics on poverty, hunger, education and sanitation, among others, so that the world can address urgent global challenges over the next 15 years. Officially launched by Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon at the ministerial meeting of the UN High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF) on Wednesday, the report was detailed today to highlight its most important asset – the global data it

He then listed a number of figures – about 800 million people around the world live in extreme poverty and hunger, 5.9 million children die before they reach the age of five, 59 million of primary school age are out of school, 2.4 billion people still lack improved sanitation facilities, one in two children under the age of five lack birth certificates. These statistics are at the core of the progress report which is the baseline for evaluation and follow-up of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the 17 SDGs. “It is crucial to build a global data ecosystem replete with quality reliable and timely data,” said Mr. Gass, speaking alongside

Francesca Perucci, Chief of the Statistical Services Branch. The global data is part of the 169 targets which will guide the plan of action for people, planet and prosperity from this year through 2030. The Indicators were developed by experts representing 28 national statistical systems through an “open, inclusive and transparent process,” Mr. Gass said. While the 17 Goals were universally accepted and approved by all 193 Member States last year, the indicators still have to be adopted by the UN’s Economic and Social Council and the General Assembly. “The idea is that every country would provide the data – all the goals and all the targets are valid for all the countries,” Mr. Gass underscored in today’s press conference. This week’s report is the first progress report since the launch of the SDGs. Progress reports are expected every year for the next 14 years and will be presented to the High-level Political Forum, which is the UN’s central platform for the follow-up and review of the SDGs. During his speech yesterday, Mr. Ban said he would convene an event on 21 September for countries to deposit their instruments of ratification on the Paris Agreement on climate change, an accord that was adopted in December last year and will enter into force when 55 countries ratify, and 55 per cent of global greenhouse gas emissions are accounted for. In April, 178 countries signed the Paris Agreement at the UN Headquarters, and 19 countries have so far ratified. But these 19 countries accounted for less than 1 per

cent of greenhouse gas emissions. Mr. Ban encouraged at least 40 countries who committed that they will ratify this Paris Agreement before the end of this year, including the United States, China, Australia, Indonesia, Mexico, and Argentina. He noted that a key feature of this year’s Forum is the voluntary national reviews, a mechanism that allows Governments to voluntarily present what they and their societies are doing to implement the 2030 Agenda. This year, 22 countries will share their experiences. “Ensuring progress in achieving the SDGs will be greatly enhanced by making sure that lessons are shared and best practices are replicated,” he explained, calling on Member States to intensify efforts at follow-up and review through a participatory process, with the full engagement of the business sector and civil society.

if we don’t do something now who else will do all of it?

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