Author and photos ISP GmbH, DE – 48167 Münster,
One of the most important sports equipment is the sports floor. All athletes are in contact with it and usually have different requirements in terms of performance, safety, or appearance. But how does the operator manage to meet all requirements and needs? The ISP Institute for Sports Facility Testing (Institut für Sportstättenprüfung) from Münster, Germany is now the first independent institution to offer a „full service“ for sports floor consulting. The ISP employees advise cities, municipalities and clubs on the renovation or new planning of sports floors, from the inventory analysis to advice on the creation of a line directory, the holistic construction supervision to the final acceptance. The right choice The life cycle of a sports hall floor raises different questions. The first step is the selection of a suitable sports floor system, which, in addition to the diverse sports-functional aspects, must also take non-sports use and external conditions into account. There is no such thing as a system that meets all requirements equally. School sports halls differ significantly in their usage concept from large event halls, which must also be reflected in the choice of the right sports floor system. In addition to high loads at events, sports and protective functional properties must be always fulfilled. 62
The tender Once the basic choice has been made, you must choose between different providers. Some systems look similar at first glance but can differ in crucial details. In any case, the provider must be able to prove the suitability in accordance with the applicable rules of technology by means of a test report. In Germany, DIN V 18032-2, among other things, regulates the requirements that a sports floor must meet. In the case of a renovation, the removal of the old sports floor must also be put out to tender, and separate disposal must be observed. Where it starts The most exciting phase is the construction phase. The construction of a sports floor requires great craftsmanship and the highest precision. A sprung floor system, for example, sb 2/2022