Sven Prause GEZOLAN AG, CH – 6252 Dagmersellen,
Whether in school, at the playground, during dinner at a restaurant or while the adults go shopping – it is important in all of these everyday situations to offer children urban activating spaces where they can run and play. The necessary safety is ensured by the new FLEXPERIENCE fall protection system from GEZOLAN. FLEXPERIENCE provides a suitable floor covering that enhances high-quality activating spaces while also providing a guarantee for safety. The novelty of this two-layer fall protection system is concealed in the base layer. Foamed EPDM granules are used in the base layer, which were specially developed for this particular application and are manufactured based on the exclusive “Swiss cheese principle”. Similar to Swiss cheese, this unique technology ensures small air inclusions in the granules that lead to a very soft, cushioning surface. FLEXPERIENCE systems fulfil all required standards and are proven to be safe with respect to environmental and human compatibility. FLEXPERIENCE is expertly installed by specially qualified licensed partners. That means competence from production through to installation and handover. Three projects that are as individual as FLEXPERIENCE itself demonstrate how it is possible to design safe and carefree urban activating spaces: The ‘Mall of Switzerland’ in Ebikon boasts the largest children play area (1,500 m²) of any shopping centre in Switzerland. Thanks to FLEXPERIENCE, the area has become a place where children can be active, have fun and play safely. The use of a total of six colours resulted in a colourful and multifarious indoor play world that encourages the children to be active while the adults go shopping. 74
In Germany, a FLEXPERIENCE fall protection surface was installed in the Steinfurt branch of a restaurant chain that rolls out the “red carpet” – a blend of the colours red and bright red – for the restaurant’s young guests. In combination with the play and slide tower, children can romp about safely and carefree on the 25 m² fall protection surface whenever the family dines at the restaurant. In this way, the calories are converted directly back into energy. “School as a living space” was the motto of the school ground expansion in Würenlingen, Switzerland. This idea also applies to the thoroughly urban design of the play area and the fall protection surface. The use of medium grey EPDM granules allows the play area to blend in perfectly with the overall ensemble of the redesigned school grounds. Due to the varying fall heights on the 76 m² fall protection area, different FLEXPERIENCE systems were installed. In addition to visual harmony, this also guarantees safe and carefree play at heights of up to three metres. Complemented by extraordinary metal playground equipment, the result is a safe and futuristic urban activating space. Safe activating spaces wherever they are important for children – no problem with FLEXPERIENCE!
sb 4/2021