Attitudes To Advertising PART 2 task ppt - CW1 – Advertising strategy

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Kit Kat by @IanMaritnAdams

To do Take a brand • Use TGI and other sources to look at issues arising from lectures • Devise a strategic communications plan for the plan with communications and business objectives • Set out what is earned, bought, owned media • Set out where the campaign is ‘advertising’ in the classic sense and why it used • Where it is ‘content’ and what this content it used for. • Define the role of ‘advertising’ vs content • How does it integrate and meet the objectives

Issues arising from today With convergence, it takes out the middle men in the process, Media agencies to buy PR outfits and pull them in-house to help with the integrated models (what if Nestle did this?) Consumption of media away from traditional to online apart from TV (this comes to the content experience) Future of Creative work – artists or artisans? Given the emergence of media trading desks and real time planning, how will creatives ‘create’? How will media people plan ? Brand in an Age of Transparency - is it hard for a chocolate bar? social media platforms are on emotional platforms. Social media like Facebook twitter, do they really drive ROI, they control their own data. There needs to a clear brand message, because up the good chain the CEO has to be able to defend the.. JWT has handled Kit Kat’s advertising since the brand was created, and devised its famous strapline in 1957.

Business objectives Strategic communications plan ● ● ●

Drive sales of all Kit Kat brands Drive front of mind thinking thought when choosing a chocolate bar To drive ‘real’ consumer engagement to stimulate long term awareness

Market Sizes Historic Retail Value RSP £ million (euromonitor 2014)

Earned, Bought, Owned media

Online banner

Where the campaign is ‘advertising’ in the classic sense and why it used KITKAT is well established as the brand that champions the break and the latest advert brings a smile back to the breaks of busy, modern Britain. The TV ad launches the integrated campaign that will be further supported through online activities throughout 2014. Jon Lambert, Group Marketing Director, Nestlé UK & Ireland, commented “We wanted KITKAT to return to screens with a humorous campaign; reminding everyone not only of the importance of a smile in a break but that KITKAT is the chocolate bar to provide that.”

Content and how its used

Role of ‘advertising’ vs content Awareness vs engagement

Integrate and meet the objectives Suggestions â—?

Place all messages and content with more context â—? Have a brand personality â—? Fresh thinking - new flavours

Introducing alternative chocolate flavours can be a means of engaging with young chocolate consumers considering their above average interest in exciting flavours. (Mintel 2013)

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