Student insight group

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Message from the editors

About us: We are Future Proof Comms, four students studying Digital Technologies for Marke=ng. Our focus is to cri=que the traffic building techniques in the emerging role of marke=ng applica=ons in the digital marke=ng mix.

Role and :

Ian: -­‐ Chairman -­‐ CEO Sairish: -­‐  Head of PR, Data capture and site improvement analy=cs Eddie: -­‐  Data base management and data collec=on. Project management and opera=ons Robert: -­‐  Head of website op=miza=on, Marke=ng including strategic email marke=ng -­‐  Year 1 Year 2??

Ian Adams 21028547

Sairish Chechi 21111456

Eddie Ekanem 21129535

Robert Damasdi 21111715

1. unique web domain name hTp:// £3.49 /year Go Daddy offers everything you need to make a name for yourself on the Web, from domain names and website builders to complete eCommerce solu=ons. We've earned our place as the world's #1 ICANN-­‐ accredited domain registrar by delivering world-­‐class products at compe==ve prices and suppor=ng them with industry-­‐best service, delivered 24/7/365. We're proud to serve our customers from loca=ons around the world, including Arizona, Iowa, California, Colorado, Washington, D.C., India, Singapore, and The Netherlands. The domain is simple and easy to pick up, it is also the name of the business so it will work easier on Google's search algorithm. Other websites we could purchase is the ‘.com’ ‘’ ‘net’ because it will be part of an academic establishment. Above is a range of extensions we could use and prices. The plan also comes with free -­‐ EMAIL FORWARDING This is when emails can be set up for example If anyone emails to this it will be forwarded to another email like With this email setup we can also send emails from this address. Within larger business they will use this to filter out to more people, I could be all the management when a client emails. The go daddy app. Lets the group quickly manage domains and email accounts on the go.

2. Produce web-­‐design visuals The websites design will follow a simple model Website design = Func=on + Content + Form + organiza=on + interac=on The websites goal; •  High quality content •  Ease of use •  Quick download •  Updated frequently


• A product to clients


• Provide students marke=ng opportuni=es • Client with rich data


• Professional tone of voice


• Blog to provide our opinions and views of industries


• Save students and clients =me and money


• Providing a unique service

Rela=onship management •  Customer acquisi=on This will be done with the tone of the website, this will include content the way the business works. This will convert visitors into customers of the business. •  Customer reten=on This will be done with the access to informa=on, like the blog for up-­‐to-­‐date and also the calendar with up in coming dates for the student focus groups. •  Customer extension This customer extension will have to be reviewed depending on client demand. Or when the company is reviewing consumer behaviors on a product for the second or third =me.

Home page

2a. wire-­‐frame plans to illustrate proposed navigation and information architecture Home page Menu

Company name / logo

Content Footer (copy right and privacy)

Naviga=on The Website is following A simlpe design with the at the top of the page. This white space Is extended when adding content to each page.

Ease of use = Structure + Naviga=on + Page layout + Interac=on The site structure will follow a ‘shallow’ to make sure the visitor can find the informa=on Within three clicks quickly. Also most pages can be accessed from the other in a mess structure Blue prints With the website site the team wishes to make the website Flow easily. Home

Meet the team


Client What we do


Contact Careers



Student portal

Hub 1

Hub 2…

2b.workable website design including copy, branding, images etc Copy

Each page will have its on type of copy (content) rela=ve to the type of stakeholder reading it. Home page – This can be used a no=ce board if needed. What we do – The copy on this page will be most important when establishing the the companies Products and services. On this page, it will explain how the company works and who is suppor=ng The business. Meet the team – The copy for this will be the management of the team in the form of Linkedin Portals so stakeholders can see the team members experience. Also an easy way to connect and Network that will be key to the business success. Client portal – The copy will be limited because of the lack of business, but at first it will be client photos but in the long run have case studies of pervious works and quotes. The tone of the website will be simple, but the tone will be professional tone. Contact – this will include simple contact informa=on but also a form for people to email the team If students are applying they will be asked to add their students ID to check if they are students for clearing. Student portal -­‐ The copy on this site will have a tone suitbale for a student, telling the process we go through and how they can apply. Events – The copy on this page will simply be a calander of up and coming research =mes and the Criteria for the research like ‘you will need an iPhone with XX app on’ Blog – This blog will have a range of content, like videos, text, pictures suppor=ng the views and Op=ons of the team on par=al technological Careers – Contact informa=on and micro job descrip=on

Branding Incorpora=ng the simple marke=ng mix to evaluate the brand Product -­‐ The service we will provide the student with access to marke=ng opportuni=es But at the same =me provide rich primary research on the ‘insight’ of students views and opinions On products and service. Another Product would be the access to internships and jobs a the end of the =me at university. This can be used a career gateway. Price – Price will be a aTrac=ve to the client as we are a cheaper alterna=ve sources People – This will be key as we are students and how network of friends within this hard to reach audience is handled and contacted is key. The people within team will be key as they will Drive for results. Promo.on – This will be key when encouraging students to join, so costs incen=ves or free sample as seen from our primary research. Way of winning prizes on the par=cular areas, for example Spo=fy may give us free subscrip=on that the students could win. Physical evidence – This will be the evidence of being associated with the universi=es, agencies and clients. Seen on the client page with the case studies.

2c. Consider suitable technology options Squarespace is a paid service but provides the following •  Completely customizable templates •  Shop/e-­‐commerce capabili=es •  Easy design shaping tools ‘Layoutengine’ •  Gallery crea=on •  Blogging support •  Templates fully compa=ble with mobile. •  Connect with other services like social media, import sync And publish •  Choose types of contributors (employees with par=caluir Website edi=ng rights) •  Inbuilt sta=cs insight sorware •  Manage site on the go with mobile/tablet app for edi=ng •  Cloud hos=ng •  Custom free domains

Price Standard ($8/MO) -­‐  Unlimited pages -­‐  Unlimited bandwidth -­‐  Unlimited storage -­‐  Unlimited contributors -­‐  Mobile website -­‐  (free) custom domain -­‐  24/7 support -­‐  Advanced Form builder -­‐  Google apps & Mailchimp sync -­‐  Publish to Facebook pages

2c. Consider suitable technology options 2

Sqaurespace has built in technology support with services like Mailchimp, that lets use choose which list we wish to use, so that data can be collected and organised easily For example this is the generic newsleTer subscrip=on box found on all the pages at the boTom right of the page.

When people have subcribed their informa=on can be accessed on the mailchimp website or app, and then campaigns can be set up. Arer this data can be collected to see success rate and reviewed for improvements.

Contributors to the page, can be set different permissions to allow them to edit par=cular depending on their role of the business.

2d. Create appropriate branding and graphic design for the site

The branding will be simple, professional, clear but also have Links back to Bucks New University. ‘Student insight’ is clear what the business carries out. The colours used will be a range of Blue, white and black. These colours and the name will be the brands iden=ty.


The background is a picture of the Bucks New universi=es new Gateway building that anyone That has visited the university Will recognized. This picture can be used in our Emails, business cards, reports for An brand iden=ty.

NewsleTers Will use the same theme to let people access informa=on from the site quick and easy

g. Create plans and concepts that demonstrate the viability of the project through its lifecycle The overall mission statement of the business. The Student insight group is set up and ran by the students for the students. It is ran so that students can have the chance to apply their skills and knowledge from academic study in a professional and real life applica=on to further define their skills. The work produced is in-­‐depth and real world, everything detail and process is handled just as in the marke=ng industry. The level of deeper insight is the main aim, to really understand the student market to give to the clients the best data for their research. Our connec=ons within a hard to reach demographic is our unique selling point, but how we work with this demographic is the real selling point. The team is a well immersed within these communi=es for example, music, sports, digital… covering a wide range of types of students that will use or know par=cular brands services on an different mediums.

Business concept development and objec=ves Year 1 – Concept The first will be about awareness and understanding of the product on offer by the group. The sponsorships and partnerships will define the success of the business. The reason why is that they will define how much =me is dedicated to the business, how many clients the group will get, the support of communica=ons channels these partnerships have and use for the team. The first year is about survival, this will be due to the uptake by both clients and students. If the group Cleary shows the befits for both sides, this knowledge will gain repeat customers. Objec.ves •  Gain awareness within the student community – 85% of marke=ng students know of what we do and how we work. 25% students at the university know the name. •  Gain awareness within the partner agencies – what we do and what we can offer. •  Build a student data base – 200+ students within 6 months and 500 students within the first 12 months •  Carry out at least 1-­‐3 plus Focus groups each month

g.2 Create plans and concepts that demonstrate the viability of the project through its lifecycle Year 2 – Concept The second year is about developing more contacts and the next round of students. The data from the first year can be used again to compare results if we have the same clients or same industry studies. The data will be key in this year because each start of the year will be a review of the products and services we have on offer. A refresh of the board of directors will have to be established, this may include beTer prac=ce. This year will be the last year for the students that started the project, this would mean they will have to employee new members of the team to carry on the process. New younger students predominantly need to study a marke=ng related course to build contacts. Objec.ves •  To retain and Gain awareness within the student community – 90% of marke=ng students know of what we do and how we work. 35% students at the university know the name. •  Gain more awareness within the partner agencies -­‐ Add an extra 2 agencies within the WPP holding group. (dependant on workload =me) •  Build a student data base – 200+ students within 6 months and 500 students within the first 12 months (dependant on how many students leave in their third year) •  Carry out at least 2-­‐4 plus Focus groups each month (dependant on workload at =me) Year 3 – Concept The third year is dependant on how the previous years has been, this will be the year when we have proven the success of the service and now branching out to local universi=es that would want to join this scheme Objec.ves •  To retain and Gain awareness within the student community – 95%-­‐100% of marke=ng students know of what we do and how we work. 45% students at the university know the name. •  Gain more awareness within the partner agencies -­‐ Add an extra 2 (now 5) agencies within the WPP holding group. •  Build a student data base – 900 students within the first 12 months (dependant on how many students leave in their third year) •  Carry out at least 5-­‐10 plus Focus groups each month (dependant on workload at =me)

3.a Demonstrate how the website will be optimized for target audience engagement Website op=misa=on is a vital aspect of modern business so we will take =me to make our website as effec=vely op=mised as possible. Increasing our websites visibility and online presence on search engines will help drive more traffic to the website. It is important that we keep our website up to date because content is key to keeping our website high in search rankings. The site will be op=mised for our target audience by: •  • Ensuring we have a mobile op=mized website: this is important because more people are using mobile as a means of accessing the internet. We will ensure our mobile website is easy to use, easy to navigate and allows users to get what they want quickly. Students predominantly use their mobile to do research and check events so it is important we provide the relevant informa=on on the mobile website that captures the students aTen=on. •  • Links to social sites; this is also important because we will ensure that there are clear links to both our Facebook and twiTer pages on our website so that users can then like and follow our company, keeping up to date with our latest ac=vi=es. This will be key to adver=sing to students as social media is a popular method. Students are key drivers of social sites, ensuring we no=fy them of upcoming events through Facebook and TwiTer is an essen=al method of contact. •  • HTML and Meta Tags are key to keeping our website visible through search engines. By developing our search engine op=misa=on we will ensure that our website is visible to clients who search for specific queries. We will ensure we define our key words, find out the current ranking of those key words and then put the keywords in the right places. •  • As both clients and students will view our website it is vital to ensure that the website provides them relevant informa=on. We will have a separate webpage for prospec=ve clients, with a more formal professional look and another separate webpage that will be for students. The importance of data capture for op.misa.on Website op=misa=on is made more effec=ve if you know who views your site, what pages they view, what informa=on they like and what they click on. This is important because through knowing our audience, we can then effec=vely tailor our website for them. Enabling it to become a far more effec=ve personalised webpage. “Google Analy=cs not only lets you measure sales and conversions, but also gives you fresh insights into how visitors use your site, how they arrived on your site, and how you can keep them coming back (GoogleAnaly=cs, 2012).” With the use of Google Analy=cs we will be able to see who views our page. It will enable us to track valuable data for both our website and our mobile site. With the data we collect and collaborate we can then make relevant changes to increase the effec=veness of our site. For example if Google Analy=cs shows students mainly view our mobile website, we would take relevant steps to further improve and promote our mobile site and use it as the main means to target adver=sing at students.

3b. Develop a marketing plan that connects the site to the web and your different audience segments Refer back to sec=on on data capture. This sec=on looks at how we will target our different audiences and through what adver=sing medium we will use. It also discusses the purpose of adver=sing to each audience. Audience




Social media (facebook, TwiTer etc), mobile, emails to student unions, text.


Direct one to one mail, networking referral, LinkedIN, trade bodies.

For adver=sing, to build word of mouth, get students talking to other students about who we are, what we do and how they can get involved etc. To build trade and increase clientele. As a new business it is vital we get our business out there and let poten=al clients know what we do and why they should pick us over compe=tors.

Direct one to one email, networking, LinkedIn

To build trust, build posi=ve rela=onships and partnerships. All in all it is to let universi=es know about our business so that they could then directly adver=se our services to their students, crea=ng more word of mouth.

We will use most forms of adver=sing to promote our product and service, we will integrate these promo=onal methods to increase the effec=veness of our marke=ng campaigns.

3. c.Develop concepts and strategy for email marketing Email is an effec=ve means to communicate regularly with clients and build rela=onships. Email is most commonly used as a prospect conversion and customer reten=on tool and we will use it in the same way. We will use email as a means to further promote and build an integrated marke=ng campaign. As a new business we feel email is an opportunity to quickly build rela=onships and make relevant contact with interested par=es. The benefits of email -­‐-­‐Rela.vely low cost of fulfilment: Email send outs will be cheap, easily able to use sorware like mailchimp to create effec=ve email layouts to display relevant informa=on. There will be virtually no cost from sending out emails to prospec=ve clients/students. -­‐-­‐Direct response medium encourages immediate ac.on: We will send out emails to students with a link to our website saying why they should work with us. With promo=onal messages and click through links that will lead to direct response. An example would be if a ques=onnaire needs to be filled in by a certain =me we would send out reminders to students that it requires urgent ac=on. -­‐-­‐Faster campaign deployment: digital media and sorware will enable us to make emails fast with relevant images, text, colour etc. Inpu{ng the company logo and branding will further promote the company. It is essen=al our emails look good because both students and companies get emails all the =me, it is important to stand out. -­‐-­‐Ease of personalisa.on: It is easy and cheap to personalise and edit emails through digital. We would make an email more personalised by addressing a client by their name or men=on clients we have worked with before. This would aid in building a beTer rela=onship and make us sound more professional and also trustworthy. -­‐-­‐Op.ons for It will be easy for us as a new company to test the effec=veness of our e-­‐marke=ng. -­‐-­‐Integra.on: Integra=ng emails with other forms of instant messaging or web personalisa=on helps reinforce the campaign. We would integrate our emails by having click through links to our own website so that recipients can find more informa=on about the company. We may have an opt-­‐in feature where some students give out their mobile number, and through this we would send them monthly/weekly texts about the latest events. E-­‐ Strategy As a new business star=ng up it is important to gain informa=on about poten=al clients and customers. By having a well-­‐kept database of customer and client informa=on we will then be able to target and market to both through email. The more informa=on we gain about our consumers the more personalised and effec=ve the email send outs will be. The website will have a signup form for poten=al clients which will ask for personal details including their email address. We will also ask for the occupa=on of the individual so that we can then break down the databases up into students and business clients etc. By doing this we can then target students with the latest upcoming events and also target businesses. This will then send newsleTers and informa=on etc. As we will be expec=ng more students to sign up to our agency, we will have a large database of informa=on, name, address, email etc. Poten=al clients and businesses will be dealt with more on a corporate level with one-­‐to-­‐one emails.We will use sorware such as mailchimp to create email templates using our crea=ve skills to make well designed emails. •  We will have to ensure our emails are: •  • Crea=ve-­‐ The email must look good and stand out to draw the aTen=on of the consumer as they receive numerous other emails daily. •  • Relevance-­‐ It should offer some sort of relevance in what it is offering to the recipient. •  • Incen=ve-­‐ The email should have some kind of reason behind it, i.e. offer the customer a discount or savings. •

•  •

• Targe=ng and Timing-­‐ The email should be targeted to certain consumers with a specific incen=ve, with relevance to them and the crea=ve aspect should draw them in to the email. Timing relates to the =me of the day, day of the week, point in the month to which the email is sent. • Integra=on-­‐ An integrated email should comply with other marke=ng campaigns, it should reinforce the brand message and brand image. • Copy-­‐ This relates to the crea=ve aspect; covers how it is wriTen, the structure and style of the email with relevant hyperlinks.

3. c. Develop concepts and strategy for email marke=ng

MailChimp is aNewsleTer email service that is free up to 2000 subscribers and 12,000 email. it lets you do the following. •  Build lists, we will use this depending on the type of student we need. This service also lets use make custom forms that we can use to sign people up. Forms also have Facebook integra=on to get the students on bored quick and easy. If on the go, also spor=ng iPad/iPhone apps to sign people up. •  Create templates for campaigns. Complete customiza=on with HTML code edi=ng if needed. Easy to use drag and drop features. •  Sending campaign func=ons. Divide the lists into group for maximum effect, this could be interests, sexs, year groups, study.. Also features like sharing to social media for more coverage. •  Tracking results inbuilt sorware. Free repor=ng on who's opening, clicking and coming back for more. Also tracking is compa=ble with iPhones and android devices. Tweet Trends gives us insight into our subscribers’ ac=vity on TwiTer, and our Google Analy=cs integra=on gives us advanced stats on how the campaigns affect traffic to our website.

3d. Illustrate suitable advertising and search marketing campaigns + e. Illustrate appropriate social media campaigns E-­‐ (con.nued) Email marke=ng will be used to target both clients, and universi=es. Group email send outs will be used to target large numbers of students. We will create more personalised emails to specific clients. The language used to communicate with clients will be on a more one-­‐to-­‐one corporate manner. We will track the success of our email campaigns by how many clinks, how many views and responses etc. Corporate emails to will be tracked through the responses we get and what they are saying, whether they would like to engage with our services etc. Through seeing what emails are most effec=ve in gaining views and responses, we will find out what made it successful and then u=lise those elements for further emails. IMC-­‐ Integrated Communica.ons This is the idea of how we will link one form of adver=sing/promo=on with another. We will use different media and methods; social media, e-­‐marke=ng, online promo=on etc. to form integrated marke=ng campaigns. Using all our promo=onal tools available to increase the effec=veness of the campaign. It is vital that as a business on a small budget we spend wisely and an effec=ve integrated marke=ng campaign will provide the most useful tool. We will integrate our promo=onal tools in certain ways. One way we will do this is by having links to our social media pages on our website, broadening our communica=on messages to clients, students and universi=es etc. Other ways would include having posters put around universi=es, and on them posters having a barcode scanner which enables users to scan it and get a link straight to the website. Social Media: Facebook, Twi`er and LinkedIn Social media will be the predominant tool to build word of mouth and generate successful integrated campaigns. It will enable us to communicate with a wide range of people, quickly and cost effec=vely. We would set up both a Facebook, TwiTer and LinkedIn page to communicate with different audiences. Facebook and TwiTer will enable us to build a following of students. LinkedIn will enable us to communicate and network with other businesses and major business people. The language and tone of our communica=onal methods will vary dependant on the social media tool we use. As social media sites Facebook and TwiTer are used frequently by students we will use different phrases, build a more community based form of communica=on. With our LinkedIn profile, we will use more formal and professional means of communica=on, simply because we will have to network with other businesses. We will search for Universi=es Facebook pages, society pages, courses pages etc. to get our company name out there. Le{ng as many students know about us, liking our page and finding out relevant informa=on. It will be easy to track the success of our social media campaigns simply by; how many likes we get on a post, how many likes we get on our page, how many followers and retweets etc.

3d. Illustrate suitable advertising and search marketing campaigns + e. Illustrate appropriate social media campaigns Instant Text Messaging Instant text messaging will be used through an opt in process. At the signup page of our websites, students can have the op=on to provide their mobile phone number. We will then send group texts to those students, reminding them of the latest events ques=onnaires and focus groups. Texts will be used as a reminder service to influence students to complete ques=onnaires by certain deadlines. To track the success of this service, we will see the percentage of people who offer their phone number. Leaflets/posters A more tradi=onal means of adver=sing. We will use this to adver=se upcoming events at universi=es. We would have posters put around the university on billboards etc to let students know about our company and what we do. The posters would have both our TwiTer and Facebook page to further promote the brand. The use of posters would hopefully broaden our marke=ng communica=ons and build traffic to our website and social media pages. It will be hard to track the immediate success of leaflets and posters, but by seeing how many people turn up to events, how many people engage with us at these events, we can determine how effec=ve our posters where. We could also track our Google analy=cs at these =mes to see if the posters have had some sort of effect on website views for our mobile and desktop site.

3f. Illustrate the role of epr in your plan and examples of online pr activity •  Electric PR is focused on energizing our ‘’ agency. Online PR will boost our social media presence through the development of the content on the site. The way this will be done is by us establishing our agencies presence across several social media pla}orms. •  Also, by building content with the clients that are clearly iden=fied, it will boost the frequency and the research of our communica=ons. We have to focus very carefully on brand monitoring, engagement and quick response.

•  “The communica-on channel was uni-­‐direc-onal. The ins-tu-ons communicated and the audiences consumed the informa-on. Even when the communica-on was considered a two-­‐way process, the ins-tu-ons had the resources to send informa-on to audiences through a very wide pipeline, while the audiences had only a minuscule pipeline for communica-ng back to the ins-tu-ons.” eMarke=ng eXcellence: Third Edi=on.

•  All ac=vity that will be taking place, such as exhibi=ons or open events will be distributed through different PR channels. The following are the different types of media types that as we prepare to approach the media with our message, these are the three basic avenues: •  Print: this includes newspapers and magazines. In this case, a sec=on within the Bucks New University newsleTer about the agency. The purpose and scope of our agency will determine whether we want to develop rela=onships with local or na=onally published journalists. •  Online: the best way to use the online channel to develop media rela=ons is through press releases. There are many press releases our agency could use which will charge on different rates, however there are some free services that can be used. By this being done, our agency will stand a beTer chance of being picked up in the search engine Google or even a well-­‐known blog. This is a good way to get the website out there, can also be helpful for SEO. •  •  The role that EPR that will play in our plan and some examples are the following: •  Student Insight Group agency is going to get in contact with the Chartered Ins=tute Marke=ng (CIM), which will result in them wri=ng ar=cles on what we do and our mission. Also this ins=tu=on will offer free press for the agency which will spread the word of our existence. •  Also, another example can be that newsleTers can be distributed to stakeholders. This keeps them within the loop of what is going on within the agency. In order to get the agencies name out there, aTending marke=ng trade fairs will increase networking and more contacts. •  Finally, another example that can be illustrated within PR ac=vity is to get in contact with marke=ng channels at Bucks University which will adver=se the agency for free. •  Direct response marke=ng will be another type of marke=ng that will be used in order to generate an immediate response from customers. This is where each customer’s responses and purchases can be measured. The reason for this strategy being different from other marke=ng approaches is because there are no intermediaries such as retailers in between buyer and seller, or in this case the service. This marke=ng is done through a wide variety of media such as mail, print adver=sing, telemarke=ng and the internet. Within social media, this may be ques=oned or a problem that stakeholders are finding.

•  (3f2. Illustrate the role of e-­‐PR in your plan and examples of online PR ac.vity)

• a PR Plan: •  The public rela=ons plan is the basis for your public rela=ons program. Public rela=ons plans can either be company-­‐wide (improving the iden=ty of a company) or they may focus on a specific product line, product or service. The following is a brief template to what our agencies PR plan would look like: •  Aims and objec.ves: This will help us evaluate the success of our services and our PR objec=ves should be linked into our opera=onal objec=ves and organisa=on’s priori=es. •  We should also look at the objec=ves of PR, which are the following: •  Building product awareness: this is when introducing a new product or service or even re-­‐launching an exis=ng product, where marketers can use a PR element that generates the customers aTen=on and awareness through special events and media placements. • interest: this is where stories in the media can help to en=ce a targeted audience to increase the appeal factor of the product/service. •  Providing informa.on: PR can be used to provide customers with more in depth informa=on about products and services. This can be done through ar=cles, newsleTers and websites. PR delivers the same informa=on to customers that help the customer understand the product or service. • demand: this is a posi=ve ar=cle in a newsleTer, newspaper or men=oned on the internet. •  Reinforcing the brand: it is so important for companies and brands to build a good imagine as this helps the company to build its business and also can help the company in a =me of crisis also. The public rela=ons func=on is also involved with brand reinforcement. This is done by maintaining a posi=ve rela=onship with key audiences. •  Within the beginning months of Student Insight group, the plan of PR will support all ac=vi=es that will take place. A way of this may be holding an event every year to review the performance as a business. This will involve calling upon a range of stakeholders and shareholders.

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•  In order to implement our PR strategies the first step to take would be to determine the target. By doing this, we will make a list of all publica=ons in the target market area. This will mostly be like newspapers, such as weekly newspapers, daily newspapers, regional business journals, free about-­‐town adver=sing fliers and chamber of commerce newsleTers. •  Arer this, the next step to take would be to develop a database of contacts from day one. As we are a star=ng up agency, it is important to take note of every form of contact. By this, we can determine where our news or announcements would best fit. This is the implementa=on of a PR strategy that has to be done properly in order to determine what PR story we want to communicate. •  With the results the agency receives, if we cannot measure the effec=veness of what we are doing then the agency should not be doing it. Results are to be analysed through analy=cs and sta=s=cal results to see what’s going good or bad. The Student Insight Group needs evalua=on mechanisms to make sure how well we are doing on a regular basis. If there is a par=cular ac=vity that is doing well then more resources need to put into it, whereas if we are not ge{ng the return we want then we might not want to carry out the ac=vity again.

3g. Show how data will be captured and utilised for site development, business and marketing purposes •  Our agency will capture data in many ways such as the data from students, from the clients and also the data on the product service. The way this will be implemented is from database marke=ng. •  • Data from the students •  • Data from the clients •  • Data on product service •  Database marke=ng is a form of direct marke=ng that uses databases of customers or poten=al customers to generate personalised communica=ons. This will be done to promote the agency for marke=ng purposes. •  “Database marke=ng is at the heart of e-­‐CRM and it is said that the driving force underlying modern CRM systems is the customer data”. •  It enhances our ability to understand customers and enquirers, their needs, names, interests and a lot more. This result in our agency ge{ng closer to them and finding out crucial informa=on some companies lack in. •

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It helps achieve the dynamic dialogue of permission marke=ng which: Answers ques=ons oren automa=cally and, ideally personally. Remembers and recognises each customer by their name and need. Collects informa=on and builds a beTer profile, par=cularly of those life=me customers. Delivers communica=on, relevant and value adding. There is a dis=nc=on between direct and database marke=ng stems primarily from the aTen=on paid to the analysis of the data. There are two main types of marke=ng databases; Consumer databases Business Databases

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•  Student Insight Group agency will be using both consumer and business databases as both of the informa=on is vital in the agency. As the main aim of our agency is to target students and conduct primary research on them such as focus groups, ques=onnaires ect, this informa=on will be stored in the database. Also, the data from poten=al and exis=ng businesses will be stored too. •  •  Business marke=ng databases are oren much more advanced in the informa=on that they can provide. The main reason for this is because business databases are not restricted by the same privacy laws as consumer databases.

•  The data that will be received from the agency will be on students and the data will improve on the following: •  Site – by crea=ng a survey on our website will be used to make improvements on weak factors of the site. This will keep visitors on the site and by having feedback, we are aware of what needs to be changed and whether the purpose of the site is correct or not. •  Business processes – online services and their process of produc=on are not as visible since much of the processes operate in systems unseen by the customer. The process is the system, in which way things work such as form filling, shopping baskets, follow-­‐up emails and the interac=ons on websites. It is on this part of the process and its outputs that customer will judge service. Our agency will need to know how to op=mize these processes as 80% of poten=al buyers exit before they make their purchase on a site. This shows that ordering on that par=cular site may have been too complicated or confusing, or the system just does not work smoothly. • purpose – our agency needs to understand what customer in each segment needs and then to provide the service to meet their needs. This can always be improved on by marke=ng ac=vi=es that inform customers about the service which persuades them to interact. This can be done through AIDA, customer recommenda=on and market segments. If each of the purposes is being met, then the analysis and feedback of all points can improve on the agencies performance.

Demonstrate how you will utilise analytics to improve site success and future development •

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Analy=cs is the discovery and communica=on of meaningful paTerns in data. Our agency will use this as it’s especially valuable in areas which with recorded informa=on, analy=cs relies on the simultaneous applica=on of sta=s=cs, computer programming and opera=ons research to quan=fy performance. Analy=cs oren favours data visualiza=on to communicate insight. The use of analy=cs will measure the amount of visitors that visit our agencies website. Sta=s=cs and graphs will be produced, so therefore it is clear how oren clients are visitors and how strong their engagement is. For a star=ng up agency, it is important to study the user behaviour on our website. Web analy=cs but in this case we will be using Google Analy=cs, enables us to seek a beTer understanding of what people are really doing on our website and whether they are doing what we intended them to do when we built the website. As the Student Insight Group agency has taken the =me and expense to build and maintain the website, we need to take the =me out to find out what impact our website is having. This is where web analy=cs comes into hand to see whether businesses objec=ves/ goals are being met. The Student Insight Group agency website can be defined under two broad different purposes, which are the following: Informa.on We will use the website at minimum for informa=onal purposes. It will provide the opportunity to spread the word of the agency and what it is doing. In this situa=on, our agencies web analy=cs will be able to inform whether or not the audience is finding out our agency, the total number of people coming to the website, where they are coming from and how long they are staying for. Delivery of services Our agency will want to understand the extent that our services are being used and if the service is content delivery, such as with how many visitors are coming to different pages. We also may have content in the form of a download, such as student data that is protected. Again, this content we would want to be tracked of the number of downloads and the percentage of people downloaded out of the total number of visitors. Also another way of improving the site success will be crea=ng a survey on the website to find out if the users like the website and any feedback they wish to give back. This is a good way of u=lising feedback given as it is just withdrawing feedback out of the ques=onnaire.

•  Google Analy.cs, how to improve the site? •

• Bounce Rate – this is the amount of =me people spend looking at the website before they move on to another site. By using Google Analy=cs, this allows us to create a report and see what bounce rate each individual page has. The way to understand it is that if the bounce rate is too high then we need to take a closer look to what content is on that page, whether it is relevant or unaTrac=ve. The page needs to be changed around and depending on the changes; this will have an effect on the bounce rate again. • Exit Pages – these are the pages to where the audience is leaving the page from. It is important to find out where the user has decided to leave the page from so you are able to draw them back by changing the content on the page. Whether the page delivers the content that the audience is looking for needs to be considered, or whether the content on the page is too long or short. By keeping an eye on this and bounce rates will ensure that pages are at their most effec=ve state possible.

Content – In page analysis – this report demonstrates a live view of the page so we able to monitor where the audience is clicking and what pages they are going on. This will help us to determine how the audience is diges=ng the website upon viewing it. We need to know whether they understand as we expected and whether they like what they see. Arer this is done, it is clear to see what pages lack content as it will be clear to see what pages are the most likely for visitors to leave the site. However, a downside to this is users are able to turn off our ability to watch where they click which will make reports less accurate and also real-­‐=me stats can take up to a few hours to receive.

•  Site Speed Overview – This report shows how long the sites pages are taking to load. If the site is slow, then the site will automa=cally lose visitors. Also, site speed is now become a ranking factor for Google Search, which means lower loading pages will rank lower in the search results.

•  Audience engagement – this report will show the viewer’s dura=on of their visit and page depth. Google Analy=cs enables you to gather informa=on on how many pages your visitors are looking at. Features such as crea=ng a content banner is a good way in engaging visitors on the page, which is easily accomplished by images sliders that are linked to posts.

References •  E-­‐marke=ng, Excellence, Dave Chaffey (2013) •  (Google Analy=cs, 2012 •

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