IMC plan - CW2 - WEVE - Brand strategy

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Joined up mobile

Integrated Marketing Communications Plan - MG602 - CW2 - Greg Dooley




Contents Executive Summary

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Introduction Page 3 Brand Assessment

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Situation Analysis Page 4 Brand Assessment Page 5 Current communication

Page 7

Objectives Page 8 Brand Story Page 9 IMC Plan Page 10 Measurement of IMC plan

Page 13

Conclusion Page 14 References Page 14 Appendix Page 17

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Future of commerce Executive

Summary According to Insight Marketing (2012) the purpose of an integrated marketing communications strategy is to create a cohesive identity for your business (your brand image) and a positioning that customers will recognize and relate to in any context. In this report, an integrated communications strategy will be devised for mobile commerce based on the organisation WEVE, who are a joint venture between EE, Telefonica (O2) and Vodafone, the three biggest mobile network providers in the UK. The strategy will be devised by conducting a situation analysis of the mobile commerce market and the opportunities and threats it presents. A brand assessment of WEVE has also been devised to give the reader a granular view of the newly formed organisation and how existing branding theory relates to the brand. This report will also set out the objectives that the integrated marketing communications strategy will aim to meet and how the strategy could be measured if it is executed.

Introduction The aim of this report is to develop an integrated marketing communications strategy for WEVE, by analysing it’s position in the m-commerce market through a brand assessment with the application of branding models including Edelman’s loyalty loop (2010). Undertaking a situation analysis will look at the current marketing communications mix used by WEVE and the issues that have arisen from the m-commerce market. Aspects

of this integrated marketing communications (IMC) strategy will include building brand awareness, enhancing the brand experience and increasing customer loyalty. The report will identify how the strategy will be implemented across a number of mediums and how it could be measured. According to Goldman Sachs, the global estimated worth of e-commerce in 2013 was $638 billion (the Atlantic, 2014). In comparison with e-commerce, but growing at an exponential rate, is m-commerce which Goldman Sachs believes by 2018 will be worth approximately $626 billion worldwide (the Atlantic, 2014). Mobile based commerce has tripled in the past three years and is expected to continue to grow by around $20 to $30 million, peaking in 2018 with 47.6% of consumers using m-commerce as their primary form of purchase (the Atlantic, 2014).Smart phones and tablets have become technological extensions of the consumer’s life (Belk, 2013) and by the end of 2014 the number of mobile-connected devices will exceed the number of people on earth. M-commerce is expected to become a of key importance, if not the primary transactional platform. Furthermore, Gibu

Thomas, Walmart’s senior vice president of mobile and digital has stated that 50% of all their online visits were through mobile devices (the Atlantic, 2014), which suggests that consumers are increasingly itinerant and that m-commerce could have an impact on the high street, but a positive impact nonetheless through mobile technologies. Retailers have a virtually untapped opportunity to drive first-time business, increase repeat business, build loyalty, and increase cart size (Singh & Knutson, 2013). With the m-commerce market expected to worth such a vast amount of money by 2018, many organisations are looking to migrate into the m-commerce market including Apple, with their passbook offering launched with iOS 7 (Mobile Commerce Press, 2014). Feldwick (2014) suggests that brands start with an image, and that the meaning and values of this image are created by the brand’s stakeholders, which in this case are the three mobile network operators - EE, Telefonica and Vodafone (Feldwick, 2014). The values of Vodafone for example are about being trustworthy and simple to communicate with (Vodafone, 2014) which will feed into the values of WEVE.

“M-commerce which Goldman Sachs believes by 2018 will be worth approximately $626 billion worldwide” (the Atlantic, 2014).

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Figure 1:

WEVE’s adaptation of the loyalty loop.

Source: WEVE, 2014

Key figures Situation Analysis The mobile commerce market is still developing and yet a number of well-established digital companies such as Google, PayPal and Apple are developing their own methods of mobile payment to compete with the likes of WEVE and Zapp (Yahoo, 2014). Google have been working on a similar service to WEVE, whilst Apple, who have 600 million Apple ID accounts connected to a bank account provides them with a large amount of transactional data and possible touch points for consumers, more than both PayPal and Amazon (Business Insider, 2014). Furthermore, Apple have developed the iBeacon, which will be used to emit Bluetooth to send Apple iPhone users promotional offers and with 200 million worldwide iPhone users, the iBeacon will be its own advertising platform (Business Insider, 2014). However, with the market becoming highly competitive, there may be a number of issues that arise from the new technology, See Appendix 2. Privacy and data protection is a key issue with m-commerce, due to the fact that consumers have to enter their personal details into an application to make a transaction, such as Paypal (Social Marketing Forum, 2013). With Google and Blackberry

experiencing data breaches over the past year (BBC, 2014), consumers have a reason to be sceptical with their use of m-commerce. Furthermore, consumers have expressed their concern about how targeted messaging via m-commerce will impact on their mobile experience (Social Marketing Forum, 2013).

“200 million worldwide iPhone users, the iBeacon will be its own advertising platform” (Business Insider, 2014) The mobile device has traditionally been based around consumer’s for personalised experience and therefore, targeted messaging may disrupt their personal use of their mobile device, but has the potential to enrich their consumer experience. Therefore, it will be key for those involved in m-commerce to communicate with consumers and partners to convey a consistent message of trust and respect. WEVE have begun to convey their message and use a number of communication methods to interact with

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their customers and partners. WEVE’s current communication strategy is targeted at the B2B audience as WEVE is a new company within an emerging market. To accomplish the company’s goal of becoming a dominant m-commerce platform, it is building relations with the likes of MasterCard and Tesco so that bricks and mortar stores are prepared for m-commerce and are compatible with the operations of WEVE (Giagon, 2014).

Brand Assessment WEVE is a joint venture between the UK’s three largest mobile network operators (MNOs) EE, Telefonica UK (O2) and Vodafone UK. Between them, they represent over 80% of UK mobile customers, a user base unmatched by any single handset vendor or technology company (WEVE, 2014). The joint venture was set up in 2012 to develop the mobile marketing services and wallet services in the UK. WEVE are largely reliant on their data to produce research into their effectiveness and their consumer’s habits and according to Insight Director of WEVE James Hanscomb (2013), the company already possesses 22 million permission records based around MNOs users and their consumption habits. WEVE offers numerous products to its clients in the form of mobile marketing services, such as WeSend nevertheless, there are some products still in the development stages. The company’s mobile

“Possesses 22 million permission records based” marketing services were promoted by their clients need for better targeting of their consumers through mobile devices

and to gain greater engagement (WEVE, 2014). WEVE’s mobile marketing offerings include target messaging, video messaging, location based messaging and performance messaging (WEVE, 2014). For WEVE’s B2B target audience client benefits, according to WEVE (2014) are intelligent, personalised mobile campaigns. Exemplary of WEVE’s mobile marketing services was their campaign in association with Virgin EMI records to launch the new Avicii single ‘Wake Me Up’. The campaign was aimed at 16-34 year olds- the heavy users of mobile devices with regards to time spent on the devices and sent MMS’s at 8am to act as

to make mobile payments, WEVE have announced a partnership with Mastercard (Gigaom, 2014). According to WEVE CEO David Sear around 300,000 points of sale in the country can already accept contactless card payments including McDonalds and Costa, so this will largely be a matter of making those machines see suitably-equipped phones as cards (Gigaom, 2014). The unique aspect of WEVE compared to other m-commerce providers such as Zapp is that the technology enables transactions through mobile devices using Near Field Communication (NFC) enabled SIM cards

300,000 points of sale in the country can already accept contactless card payments

an alarm clock and inside the message was a link through to the track on iTunes (WEVE, 2014). The campaign resulted in a 9.7% Click Through Rate (CTR) and was the first time a campaign of its kind had been rolled out. The other WEVE product currently in development is their mobile wallet, for contactless transaction which will provide loyalty incentives through Proxama’s pouch. This development will be used to target WEVE’s B2C audiences. The wallet is yet to be launched with beta test beginning in late 2013 (Hanscomb, 2013). ‘Wallet’, which is expected to launch in September 2014, will function as WEVE’s payments platform and will offer a mixture of payment methods, initially including QR codes and barcodes. In the future, WEVE will move towards relying on NFC technology, through handsets and SIM cards (Mobile Marketing Magazine, 2013).To accelerate the readiness of stores

rather than having the technology built into a mobile device (Gigaom, 2014). Zapp, unlike WEVE, uses the existing mobile banking applications on a consumer’s phones rather than working with MNOs. However, there is a limit to the use of WEVE as the NFC technology is not accessible through Apple devices which account for 44.4% of all smart phones worldwide (Telegraph, 2014). Nevertheless, Apple have recently announced their intention to become involved in NFC with their iBeacon.

6 | B ra n d S t ra t e g y - C W 2 - W E V E Figure 2 Application of Kapferer’s Brand Prism to WEVE Constructed Source Physical


WEVE logo created out of Marbles


Multi coloured logo and web design


Integration with mobile networks



Culture Relationship

Mobile Technology

M- Commerce

Integrating networks

Mobile phone providers (Joint O2, Vodaphone

Brand Quote ‘changing the way that brands engage

and EE •

consumers through their phones’ •

Music providers (Example Avicii’s ‘wake me up’

‘Unparalleled consumer reach and insight, combined with the unrivalled ability to constantly push the boundaries of this exciting marketplace’

Reflected customer


An easy way to save time and make things easier for consumers

Creator of loyalty programmes Making payments safer and easier for consumers

‘Transfer their card-based data into their mobile wallets’

Want an integrated approach to save time and money

easy for businesses

Purchase good quickly and safely

Be unique with full integration

Pushing the boundaries with M-commerce


Our business strategy (Eldeman’s 2010) Loyalty Loop can be used to explain how WEVE customers go through the stages of consumption see figure 3.

These services which WEVE offer are provided to external stakeholders to use the digital channels for advertisements specific to consumers using the platforms previously stated.

When a consumer is considering a purchase the initial consideraAccording to Eldeman (2010) the internet has upended tion set expands with new input, for example friend’s advice and how consumers engage with brands. “It is transforming the engagement with stores. Further research conducted into the economics of marketing and making obsolete many of the loyalty loop suggests that in previous years marketers believed functions, traditional strategies and structures” (Eldeman, that consumers would systematically start with a large variety 2012). WEVE are not only pursuing with the digital age, they of brands and methodically whittled down their choices until are implementing strategies to integrate its B2B clients with they purchased. After purchase marketers also stated that a consumer’s relationship “It is transforming the economics of marketing and with the brand focused on its product or service (Edelman, 2010). making obsolete many of the functions, traditional In relation to WEVEs model seen in Figure 1 strategies and structures” (Eldeman, 2012). the brand has integrated a loyalty approach for both its B2C and B2B consumers. For B2C this can be gained whilst using their ‘Wallet’, which in turn consumers using a digital presence ensuring loyalty within creates a community base for the loyalty members. Moreover, the brand which they are promoting. When it comes to the research into WEVEs current platforms suggest that the second B2C target audiences and the Loyalty Loop process WEVE are target market of B2B can also be analysed in the Loyalty Loop. also ensuring that with their products involve coupons and WEVEs B2B audience implement WEVEs integrated communicaother ways to create brand loyalty within their follower base. tions to provide advertisement straight to mobile technology.

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Figure 3 Eldeman’s (2010) Consumer Decision Journey

This adapted version of Kapferers brand prism can be defined by six parameters as seen in figure 2 personality, culture and self-image are part of the internal identity of the brand which are what WEVE look at internally. Physical, relationship and reflected customer are part of the external identity which is what the consumer sees. WEVE’s internal presence in relations to Figure 2 indicates that the integrated approach which the company portray provides insight for many of its integrated brands. The innovative idea to integrate different aspects of digital communications has adapted the use of digital and m-commerce is being used to help and support other brands in their promotion and advertising. This can be supported by how WEVE have integrated many

“Push the boundaries with M-commerce” (WEVE,2014) aspects of mobile technology and the joining of mobile providers. The culture of WEVE is relatively new as they state that they are currently “changing the way brands and consumers communicate through m-commerce” (WEVE, 2014). Furthermore, the internal self- image of the brand can be portrayed looking at how WEVE incorporate the loyalty programmes and the online

mobile users who have opted into mobile marketing via their mobile contacts with Vodafone, EE and O2 (Chapman, 2013). Furthermore, the organisation uses public speaking to interact and communicate with the target audiences. Using the company CEO’s and other management within the brand it will determine a feel of community and authority with what the company has to say (Smith, 2009).

payment safety to ensure full customer satisfaction for their brand. WEVE look to be unique through technology suggest they look to “push the boundaries with M-commerce” (WEVE,2014). WEVE’s external identity as stated above can also be dissected into the physical relationship and reflected customer. In relations to the physical aspect and the way WEVE portray their image becomes apparent that their use of multi coloured marbles and light bulbs touches again on their innovative structure and full integration. The brands Logo and web design indicates that the brand is trying to show their new style within the m-commerce sector for this upcoming digital age. WEVEs external relationship with its consumers indicates that they have incorporated three of the major mobile phone providers ensure that the majority of consumers are being targeted. WEVE have also shown ties with the proms incorporating free music downloads to smart phone users which attended the event. Furthermore, research suggests that its B2C consumers see the brand as an easier way to purchase and the integrated approach is there to save time and money.


Partnerships are playing a fundamental role , ensuring that the hardware is embedded across the UK. The big partners are MasterCard and Proxama as these are well respected within the UK and some global markets. These companies act as communicators for the brand through their media channels further adding awareness and loyalty towards the WEVE brand building trust. Clients themselves act like partnerships such as EAT, a chain of cafes are alpha testing the service with a small group and are stimulating interest (Chapman, 2014). Another deal has been signed between Proxama Argos to accept NFC technology further placing the service in eyes of consumers. (MACLEOD, 2014) Digital channels are being utilised to engage with the industry for example twitter re-tweeting partners tweets relating to WEVE’s proposition. There are some responding to consumer queries but this could be improved. The social media platforms also interact with the range of events they visit stimulating interest and providing followers with content. The website is currently being used as a B2B communications tool, giving basic information on the core products and services on offer. The site also explains company’s future direction for prospective clients; this is complemented by case studies.

communication WEVE’s current PR communications

strategy, WeSend is one of WEVE’s costeffective ways of reaching large mobile audiences by placing a message directly to the consumer’s handheld devices (WEVE, 2013). Brands running campaigns on WEVE could potentially reach 22 million

“WEVE could potentially reach 22 million mobile users”

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Setting the right goals Objectives

The definition of a brand has altered throughout the past fifty years, with the American Marketing Association defining a brand in 1960 as “A name, term, sign, symbol or design, or a combination of them, intended to identify the goods or services of one seller or group of sellers and to differentiate them those of competitors” (de Chernatony and Dall’Olmo Riley, 1998, p.419). In contrast Kapferer (2012) defines a brand as “a name that symbolises a long-term engagement, crusade or commitment to a unique set of values, embedded into products, services and behaviours, which make the organisation, person or product stand apart or stand out” (Kapferer, 2012, p.18). Furthermore, Urde (2009) states a brand orientation approach is taking an inside-out perspective. Moreover, this is further supported by Berger and Luckman (1966) who indicate that brand Identity “once crystallised, is maintained, modified, or even reshaped by social relations” Berger and Luckman (1966: 194). Rossiter and Percy (1987) describe

brand awareness as being essential for the communications process to occur as it preceded all other steps in the process. Without brand awareness occurring, no other communication effects can occur (Rossiter and Percy, 1987). In relation to the communications objectives and the IMC plan, Macdonald and Sharp (1996) state that brand awareness should be an important goal of the marketing communication efforts of an organisation as it has a number of important functions (Macdonald and Sharp, 1996). When it comes to consumer loyalty there seems to be a battle between attitudinal and behavioural approaches. These two aspects of brand loyalty can be defined as, behavioural brand loyalty is often considered to be synonymous with repeat purchase behaviour (Chaudhuri and Holbrook, 2001). However, authentic brand loyalty goes beyond repetitive purchasing behaviour and implies a true commitment to a specific brand (Back and Parks, 2003). Kimberly Pendergrass of Udemy states (2013) that brand objectives should be set out using SMART objectives,

which become a crucial part of any marketing communications plan. SMART objectives should be specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and time bound. In this instance, WEVE are still in an early stage of their development as a fully-fledged m-commerce platform, which means that their brand communication objectives are not clearly set out. Therefore, the following aims and objectives have been set out to further brand awareness, create an engaging experience and to build resilient, long term .In turn to create brand loyalty between client and consumer. 1. To improve the experience of the consumer by complimenting their everyday consumption and their shopper experience, whilst providing our users with a safe and uncomplicated product. 2. To give the consumer a product that will reward their loyalty and heavy usage by awarding them with discounts on their preferred products and services. 3. To create heightened brand awareness by providing our partners the latest innovation in consumer targeting and by being accessible to our consumer’s through their touch points.

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Brand Story

disrupting their consumer experience. (Escalas, 2004, p.168) argues that a brand has to have a meaningful narrative in order to create enhancing self-brand connections (SBC). The connection can be emotional or appealing and is vital for a brand as it strengthens it’s relationship with the consumer.

The brand story is used both for an organisation to articulate both its position, mission and vision as well as the layer that connects the consumer touch points with the organization (Chapin, 2012). It is vital for a brand story to convey a consistent message, whilst sharing that story WEVE are creating an identity and giving themselves with the target audience in a proficient manner (Chapin, a personality the consumer can relate to, Aaker (1997, 2012). WEVE’s current brand story has not been developed p.342) describes how a consumer can use the personality fully amongst consumer audiences , however, with their of a brand to express his or herself. B2B audiences, the focus has been on offering clients a fully integrated mobile experience for businesses and their customers, based Routed in truth and deliver on what on five interrelated components – media, incentives, loyalty, transactions and data it promises to its customers/partners analytics (WEVE, 2014). WEVE in this sense are creating a narrative that will become consistent and state their intent. This relates to Luca Massimiliano Visconti’s theory of a brand having an authentic narrative, which means the brand needs to be routed in truth and deliver on what it promises to its customers/partners (Visconti, 2010, p.231). With regards to the B2C and the wallet that has not been launched as of yet, it will be about resonating with the consumer and complementing their lives, without

(Visconti, 2010, p.231) With regards to the IMC strategy being devised for the purpose of WEVE, it will be crucial to create a personality that will make the brand specific to that consumers needs and how they would want to use WEVE as a brand. Personalisation will be key to the strategy and therefore a brand personality of WEVE being whatever the consumer wants it to be in terms of their consumption habits; will form the basis of the strategy.

1 0 | B ra n d S t ra t e g y - C W 2 - W E V E Figure 3 IMC plan

Launch campaign IMC plan

tions of non-commission-paying media i.e. all forms of promotion other than advertising that doesn’t follow the same commission rules that agencies are paid for media. (Pickton and Broderick, 2001, p. 91). Furthermore, there is through-the-line - Marketing communications that span both above and below-the-line activities (Pickton and Broderick, 2001, p. 91)

A marketing communications campaign can be defined as the “integration of all promotional marketing communications activities into a programme designed to achieve interrelated goals” (Pickton and Broderick, 2001, p. 325). This integrated model is suitable for WEVE as it has limited existing marketing messages in the public domain. Other strengths are the opportunity to see as the consistent WEVE’s current marketing communications have no above message across different channels. For WEVE an IMC plan the line or through the line communications as most of can develop a strong platform for creative work to reinforce the communication is focused towards B2B stakeholders the core message in a number of different experiences; and clients. The current channels of communications are including in-store , social media, and websites. Consistency below the line in the form of public relations, direct mail, may result in operational efficiency and cost saving for sponsorship of events, social media presents, owned WEVE (Pickton and Broderick, 2001, p. 68). An integrated content such as websites. campaign across all channels is chosen to ensure WEVE’s marketing has consistent messaging across every touchpoint. Integration of all promotional The IMC strategy will use both above-theline communications(that is, promotions that make sure of commission-paying mass media - television, press, cinema, radio and posters (Pickton and Broderick, 2001, p. 90) and below-the-line communica-

marketing communications activities into a programme designed to achieve interrelated goals” (Pickton and Broderick, 2001, p. 325)

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The following campaign is to build awareness of the product and service over a period of time in a controlled environment. As seen from Appendix 8 and Figure 3. The plan is during the launch period of WEVE’s pouch and wallet service. The starting stages of the plan is below the line communications as it will consist of one-to-one or small groups of stakeholders, this for example would be direct mail and internal forums. When the testing stages have been done, launch will include above-and-through the line communications to reach a wider audience through traditional mediums like TV advertising and print. Also to complement the launch with through the line communication such as targeted messages through social media platforms. Each mediums provides different attributes to drive the consumer in the right direction. Effective IMC plans require both internal and external communications as ‘traditionally organisations worked in separate communication functions but now it has become essential to align departments in order to approach stakeholder profitably’ (Dienel, 2006, p. 25) WEVE’s internal communications are necessary to build common understanding and provide a clear direction for the company. An element of this is content planning as content can come for any of the business. Content is a must-have, its

imperative that the business creates content on an ongoing basis. (Lieb, 2011, p. xvii) This content will then be used through the other communication channels. The corporate website is a central hub for stakeholders, it will be informative for consumers of the wallet service after launch, but also a place for partners and clients to gain further information on the product offering, for example case studies on existing campaigns . The website includes a blog for updates and news for WEVE,

example tesco, Mastercard, EE and others consumers can relate to and if they see interactions with WeVe they will in turn build trust towards WeVe. this can be done in a number of forms, as simple as a retweet or a mention at events to build associations. The plan has set out to add forums to one of the channels of communications because it gives the user of the WeVe service a place to communicate in a controlled environment. this might be anything from addressing issues with the service but share vouchers and experiences within a community.

Essential to align departments in order to approach stakeholder profitably’ (Dienel, 2006 p. 25) this content is also pushed out to Google plus and Linkedin to keep followers updated. The blogs content offers graphical information with infographics for followers. During the launch of WEVE Wallet this could become a place to find out facts and figures on users of the service. External communications with stakeholders like clients and partners to integrate content plans, during the launch campaign can add further brand associations for clients. For

The Alpha and Beta stages of develo pment will use this channel to further improve the product.

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service. WEVE may wish to send out starter packs with the payment technology to train staff and promote the service. This may give detail on how to represent the WEVE wallet logo on marketing material and instore devices, with the mention ‘WEVE wallet accepted here.’ The app stores like Apple’s app store act as a communication tool. The campaign may wish to seek a feature on the app store and apple homepage where users find products. This might be in the form of ‘Staff pick of the week’ This will then be

reviewed by the app community and stimulate further interest in related magazines and blogs.

Using WEVE’s extensive database direct email marketing and targeted text messaging will be used to target specific segments for the early stages in development. Segmenting users that are ‘early adopters’ of technology, use e-vouchers or m-commerce to ensure high convergence. Targeting this segment will potentially encourage brand engagement and long term advance. Encouraging further uptake within social groups with self promotion enabling, Alpha and Beta testers to invite others during the testing stages. This might be through sharing to other emails or mobile numbers. This will be interesting to see how people share services like WEVE wallet for insight. In-store material like posters, staff knowledge of the service will help consumers understand the wallet

Paid and organic press through public relations channels will be used to gain awareness within the different media, advertising, PR, marketing and others industries to stimulate interest around launch. To support the success of communications like TV advertising Adweek and campaign would be used. Utilizing paid search will ensure users that searching for products and services around m-commerce, vouchers, coupons will be directed to the WEVE wallet instead of consumers. This would then be supported by SEO improvements to digtial owned media like the website. Banner advertising after launch offers another experience for the user. Google advertising for example offer interesting integration of content on Google plus, this will

drive consumers to social channels. Youtube can be used to support other activities but also be a place for consumers that need help using the service, explaining and ensuring security concerns that may have come to light in the forums. The video sharing site can be a place for the TV advertisement and other content. Launch events will be a good way to showcase the next development within WEVE’s chapter. This can be an opportunity for PR content. WEVE may also like to invite some of the client and testers of the product to enjoy the experience with the community adding and showing these values.

After launch we wish to suggest a partnership with a shopping centre like Westfields to exhibit the service through pop up stores (as seen in Appendix 1). The reason for this is that many users will not be persuaded through other communications as they may wish to try it hands on, let someone explain the benefits to ‘just another thing to do’ The shopping centre places context to the WEVE wallet as consumers will be able to use it straight away. Further to this, to display offers in real-time on billboard’s for viewers in shopping centres when people connect through NFC or iBeacon (LE). (As seen in appendix 1). Out-of-home advertising would be used to extend harder to reach audiences that wouldn’t be accessible through other channels. The strategy with this medium is for high volume reach areas of high density like high streets, commuting locations. Radio follows the same suit but stations and shows that relate to shopping and commuting times of day like ‘rush hour’. Also weekends around traveling times to shopping locations.

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Ensuring effectiveness Measurement of IMC plan WEVE offers post-campaign insight and analysis, including bespoke 3G and 4G data behavioural information - so marketers could potentially tell whether a user visited their site after seeing an ad, even if it was not a direct click-through (Marketing Week, 2014). Sean O’Connell, WEVE director of product development, told Marketing Week (2014) “Measurement is a big problem for brands in mobile as a lot of insight is optimised for clicks but that’s a proxy measure, especially in areas like games.” O’Connell continues that “The insight we offer back is verified so we can say these are the people that

through transactions that consumers have undertaken and also by looking at 3G and 4G behavioural data, as consumers use the application to access vouchers and other features. This call to action will be measurable for brand partners, as they can see if their brand is effective through m-commerce. According to O’Connell, “currently there are not any robust measurement for when a user moves from an app-based to a web-based experience on a phone, because there aren’t cookies on mobile in the same based as there are on computers” (Campaign, 2014). As WEVE is a mobile based organisation and the wallet will be an application, measuring the click

Measurement is a big problem for brands in mobile (Marketing Week, 2014) actually engaged with your ad and then we can break that down and you can see if someone was more likely to go in store.” Regarding the wallet, it will be possible to measure its use

through rate (CTR) of consumers will be incremental. Since it launched in March 2013 WEVE has sent 95 million text messages ads for more than 500 brands (Campaign, 2014) and by

measuring the CTR of the content, WEVE can measure their effectiveness. With regards to the IMC strategy in this report, the promotion of the wallet via targeted messages and display advertisements will allow WEVE to gauge how effective this platform is for engagement with consumers and measuring CTR will identify the possible strong touch points. As m-commerce is in the development stages, no meaningful research has been conducted into its worth and effectiveness. Therefore, a longitudinal study may reveal the true worth of this commerce platform. Neil Carson defines a longitudinal study as “a correlational research study that involves repeated observations of the same variables over long periods of time” (2006, p.361). If alpha users were tracked along a time period where m-commerce becomes more accessible in bricks and mortar stores, then WEVE could see if their wallet product was the primary m-commerce platform as it becomes a more mainstream payment method. When signing up for WEVE’s wallet service, personal data like email addresses and names are to be cross referenced to existing data sets to build a better understanding

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for which mediums the audiences are exposed to. This can be for example granular data like the sites they visit but also transactional data to better segment and define them. In addition, another example of this, if a tracked link from an out-of-home billboard was used by a user this would then be added to that user as an attribute.

Conclusion WEVE currently has data on 22 million people, out of the total 65 million customers with O2, Vodafone and EE (Campaign, 2014). However, the issue for them is not that they are only reaching a third of their possible customer base, but it is about creating meaningful contextual content that engages their current opted in consumers. Furthermore, it is crucial for them to get their B2B and B2C to create a fluid brand experience across a number of media channels. The IMC strategy that has been devised

looks will be rolled out on a wide variety of mediums that will each have touch points for the selected target audience. Furthermore, the strategy looks to use mediums that offer large scale to reach target audiences, both new and developed technologies. With regards to the wallet platform, the IMC plan will drive awareness through contextualised messages that is highly targeted and will promote the personalisation of the wallet. The aim of the plan is not to make a hard sell of the wallet, but to provide consumers with a clear understanding of how WEVE can enrich their consumption, through loyalty and a more precise brand experience. With the rapid growth of m-commerce it is clear that WEVE have the possibility to take control of this developing sector, both through mobile applications and through revolutionising the shopper experience both online and in bricks and mortar stores.

Joined up mobile

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Appendix 1:


Appendix 2 Strengths


Set up as a joint venture by EE, O2 and Vodafone, this will give stability for the business, it has access to 80% of British consumers via their phones Access to the largest audiences with access to the joint partners. ‘large scale opted­in consumer base (20 million and rising)’ (Weve. com, 2013) We’ve has access to 80% of British consumers via their phones. (Garside, 2014) Usefulness of the channel to marketers may be set to dramatically increase. (Chapman, 2013) This with the rise of ‘4 in 10 people use mobile banking every day’ (@Weveuk, 2014) Reputable client base Avicii, Decca, Odeon, Emeli Sande, Post Office, Pot Noodle, Lynx, Kleenex, Land Rover, Jaguar, Ford Kuga, Tesco and Black & Decker. MasterCard positioning of master pass within international Territories. (, 2013)

May have conflict of interest from the different mobile networks. Are they just changing the form factor of the card? Consumer uptake, is the new systems in place secure enough for wide use. M­commerce wallet market is still fragmented with a range of services that are available from a number of companies and all have their own process and technology used to make transfers. (Hern, 2014) This has lead to consumers looking for different experiences.



Develop a platform for deveolping mobile marketing and wallet services in the UK To produce a form of standardisation for the technology without duplication. To sell in­sight of consumers to clients, then produce more effective marketing opportunities. Geo­targeted ads and vouchers with payment and loyalty schemes for now. NFC integration Paying in instalments good start with a large deposit.

Consumers attitude to mobile advertising Competition: PayPal, Zapp (has already partnered with HSBC, First Direct, Nationwide, Santander and Metro Bank) Google wallet, Amazon payments and maybe Apple “iBeacon” technology for short­distance communications could create a fearsome competitor. It might be missing a trick where Google and others are playing a longer game with touch payments via NFC. (KNOWLES, 2012) Other forms of currencies that do not go through EMV standards for example Bitcoin. Could this lead to lack of a full picture of the UK consumers for Weves clients, as this consumer data will not be collected. ay/20/ contactless­payments­consumer­affairs­network/partner­zo ne­infosecurity/rfid­contactless­payment­security­network/partner­zone­info security/ rfid­contactless­payment­securit

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Appendix 3 James Hanscomb - quotes Use insight to report campaign analytics Develop a new display advertising service Operators provides rich data - this depends on end users Hand set information traffic information Call data, location information like realtime information Trigger location message campaign history, what campaigns have been sent to who, did it work? about building attributes of data There is billions of rows of data click through analysis, this along side some qualitative to find out the how effective the campaign was. This is done through a smaller sample with a follow up message. WEVE doesn’t send any data out of the business out of the building clients can choose attitudes to the data, but no one including ourselves see the personal information because its all given User id numbers

Appendix 4

and hashed. Because of the service is more personal, we have to be careful on what we can do with the data. We are at the stage in our evolution when we are starting to understand our data and where the gaps are. Like can we add goedemographic data who are on pay as you go. cameo call credit geodemographic We overlay We know what type of phone and the features - to help contextual 22 million of permissioned records Longterm - beyond media to payment and loyalty - so from this will be transactional data, more specific client owned data. This will also open up to build things for clients schemes Payments (take a while longer) WEVE loyalty is a container for other loyalty schemes, this will enable them on the moblie.

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Appendix 5 Point

Implications on WEVE


The Digital Millennium Copyright Act (1998) is a Federal copyright law that was meant to curb Internet piracy of digital media. The bill passed in the U.S. Senate by unanimous decision on October 12, 1998 and was signed into law by President Bill Clinton seventeen days later. The act outlines the laws against online privacy and the theft of data and goods that can be sold by the licensed organisation (, 2014)

For WEVE, it is essential to follow this act as it sets out the guidelines for an organisation that practices in m-commerce. Furthermore, the act will protect WEVE from hackers and any other technological infringements.

Economical (2014) said during the second quarter of 2013, m-commerce dollars totalled $4.7 billion or 8.6% of the overall e-commerce sales. Between the second and third quarters of this year m-commerce grew 24%, compared to 16% in e-commerce overall.

With m-commerce being a relatively new technology, to already account for 8.6% of all online commerce, WEVE as early entrants could capitalise on this early success.


Twitter may be preparing to jump into the mobile commerce game. According to leaked documents obtained by the UK Telegraph, the social network may soon make it possible for its 232 million users to purchase products directly from their mobile devices. The documents suggest that the service would be called Twitter Commerce, but there are not indications when this service would be made available for certain. Moreover, the leaked documents cannot necessarily be considered accurate and they could be nothing more than simple rumours (Mobile Commerce Press, 2013).

With the high level of reach that social media has, it will be a highly effective platform for m-commerce. If WEVE could forge a partnership with a social platform would push their services to gain more exposure and could in turn produce a further number of third party relations for WEVE to improve their services and reach.


Mastercard will create the UK’s first comprehensive contactless payments platform backed by the major mobile telecoms groups in an attempt to simplify the fragmented m commerce market. To allow users to use their mobile phones to pay for goods and services, they would have to replace their SIM cards with one that has the technology embedded on it and will also allow users to swipe their phones to pay without internet connection or even battery life (Financial times, 2014).

The joint venture between Mastercard and WEVE will give the project some leverage as Mastercard will have all the necessary data for consumer interaction with payments and how they use their mobile phone to pay for goods. Furthermore, the new m-commerce enabled SIM card will revolutionise how consumers pay for their goods

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Weather can have an adverse affect on consumer buyer behaviour, in particular rain, snow and extreme temperatures have been identified as factors that can make shopping less attractive and thereby, negatively affect retail sales and bricks and mortar store traffic. For example, when temperatures fall products like ice lollies and sun screen see their sales fall, but the sales of wellies and oats will increase. The weather is a strong predictor of consumer behaviour (Weather Source, 2013).

As WEVE offers their mobile wallet as a product, it will affect their usage as consumers tend to go shopping less when the weather is adverse. However, the other product that WEVE offer is their mobile marketing and therefore as shoppers take their spending online rather than going to bricks and mortar stores, there could be a strong performance from this WEVE product.


Innovations in mobile commerce could intrude on consumer privacy and risk the disclosure of information that could harm consumers. Government regulators such as the FTC and the European Commission as well as consumers are worried about this. Consumer concerns and government regulation could impede the development of mobile commerce innovations that would benefit consumers by making it easier for them to shop and get better deals (Pymnts, 2013).

Privacy of consumer data is and has been a key factor when it has come to the implication of m-commerce and contactless payment. For WEVE the key issue to look at how the new SIM cards that allow contactless payment will be secure and consumers will feel safe using them over the traditional SIM they are used to. Consumers will have to be reassured before they use this technology.

Appendix 6

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Appendix 7

Appendix 7


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