THE WORLD HAS REOPENED , and many will agree with me that things are back to being busier than we can imagine. Attending the re-opening conferences of our affiliated national and regional organizations throughout the year has been energizing, and sets the stage for our own longawaited reunion at ICOMS 2023 in Vancouver on June 8-11.
ICOMS will feature four days of scientific program, featuring plenary sessions as well as specialized master classes. Vancouver is an amazing city to explore with a legendary array of world cuisines and convenient outdoor excursions. Register as soon as possible to get the early registration discount, and make sure to reserve ahead for the social events and the Saturday gala
While the return to live events is set to be incredible, the upcoming IAOMS/ EACMFS NextGen Online conference on April 25-27 is slated to bring world class education in a convenient virtual format. Each association will be providing elite speakers across the three-day event, as well as opportunities for NextGen practitioners to get experience in publishing research and academic presentation.
Throughout the year, you can look forward to educational webinars and new episodes of our IAOMS podcast. Be sure to follow IAOMS on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, or Instagram for extra details on our programs and upcoming events.
We would also like to proudly announce that IAOMS headquarters has added a new position to our team as we welcome Manny Perez as our Development Director. This role is devoted to the growth and engagement of IAOMS and the IAOMS Foundation. ■
Deepak Krishnan
Assistant Editors
Noor Al Saadi
Lilis Iskandar
Graphic Designer
María Montesinos
Executive Committee 2022-2023
Board of Directors
Alejandro Martinez, President
Gabriele Millesi, Past President
Sanjiv Nair, Vice President
Rui Fernandes, Vice President-Elect
Brett Ferguson, Treasurer
Larry Nissen, IAOMS Foundation Chair
Mitchell Dvorak, Executive Director
Nardy Casap
Alfred Lau
Fred Rozema
Regional Representatives
Imad Elimairi, Africa
Tetsu Takahaski, Asia
Nick Kalavrezos, Europe
Victor Meneses Rivadeneira, Latin America
Ian Ross, North America
Jocelyn Shand, Oceania
Nabil Samman, Editor-in-Chief, IJOMS
Committee Chairs
G.E. Ghali, Education
Alfred Lau, NextGen
Henry Garcia, NextGen
Sean Edwards, Research
Paul Sambrook, IBCSOMS Representative
Ed Dore, chairman of the local organising committee 25th ICOMS-2023, Vancouver
HOW GREAT IT IS TO SEE each other again as we returned to traveling late last year! It was a true joy to attend the annual sessions of so many of our regional associations, to see my colleagues after our time apart as the world endured the pandemic. My role as president of the IAOMS has been a gift for it has given me the chance to know you all and see the specialty across the world. This organization has always been about bringing us together, and to welcome and support those entering the specialty.
On the note of bringing us together, there is no more diverse or comprehensive gathering for OMFS than ICOMS. I encourage you to register as soon as possible for ICOMS 2023 in Vancouver because I know firsthand the excitement, education, and fellowship that every attendee takes home with them. We have gathered some of the finest speakers in the world on every topic our specialty touches. I am very glad I get to have a seat near the front! Our social events are going to be the highlight of my year, you will not be disappointed. Our Scientific Committee has created an incredible conference, but it is we the attendees that make ICOMS a truly unique Conference.
As you make your travel arrangements, reach out to your colleagues to plan your flights and hotels together. Ask a Trainee or NextGen Surgeon if they have attended ICOMS before and tell them how it impacted your career when you first attended.
Thank you all for the care you give to your patients, the support you give to your colleagues, and for the experience you contribute to the IAOMS. You are the reason that make me proud to be an IAOMS member, and you make this organization stronger with your expertise and passion. I look forward to seeing you in Vancouver. ■
Alejandro Martinez IAOMS PRESIDENT 2022-2023THE TEACHING of medicine and surgery has occurred in all millennia and all civilizations
architecture from the world over with a spin on how it might change over the years. How would operation theaters and hospitals of the future look like? As donated, stiff, formalin-soaked corpses and adapt the world of modern imaging technology into our operating rooms, and exchange our model trimmers for 3D printers, medical architecture has been
This was not an easy topic to tackle. We sought input from IAOMS members from all over the world to help us find unique medical architecture. As with most issues of Face to Face, I am sure we will find out after publishing that we completely missed out on something spectacular, somewhere out there. This is an inherent flaw of amateur reporting for this publication. Mea culpa! The error of omission seems to be our curse as an editorial team!
Finally, as OMS trainees have started resorting to open access artificial intelligence platforms such as ChatGPT for scholarly article searches and completing their thesis without an ounce of plagiarism or typographical errors, I took the liberty to ask an AI program to write my post-issue editorial piece -” Afterthought”.
I asked this AI program to give me a mini thesis on the future of surgical education. It gave me a few succinct and possibly very accurate paragraphs on what it found on the world wide web in my writing style. Make sure you check it out! The future it turns out is both promising and scary at the same time. ■
Deepak Krishnan EDITOR IN CHIEFAs the technology is evolving fast, we may have to be open minded to give up “classical classrooms” for virtual ones through augmented reality or virtual reality classrooms.
The best additive to every operation theatre would be installing and implementing 3-dimensional virtual surgery that simulates the exact operating conditions in real-time.
Future classrooms: 3D models and Holograms for more detailed review of anatomy, and teaching methods will have more emphasis on problem-based learning.
Operating Theatre: Robotics surgery and virtual surgical planning with more emphasis on minimal invasive surgery will be the future hallmark of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery.
A future classroom may be just a VR headset that allows anyone from anywhere on the globe to join any lecture hall overseas, in any language with immediate translation, from his own living room.
The IAOMS/EACFMS NextGen Online Conference will provide a dynamic three-day program with live presentations followed by question and answer opportunities. Each day will include a variety of sessions presented by master surgeons from across the specialty as well as the next generation of young OMF surgeons. Participants will have the opportunity to participate in two hours of educational content per day throughout the duration of the conference.
Participants will receive 2 CPD points per each day of the conference.
Tuesday, April 25 Dental Implants
Wednesday, April 26 Oncology-Management of the Neck for Oral Cancer
Thursday, April 27
Minimally Invasive Aesthetic Cranio-maxillofacial Surgery
More details and speaker information coming soon.
More details and speaker information are coming soon.
Visit www.iaoms.org/education/nextgen2023/ to register today.
THE UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL OF CARACAS is an exceptional example of modernist architecture, which is an architectural movement based upon innovative technologies of construction. It follows the idea that form should follow function with an embrace of minimalism.
The University hospital was completed in 1954 and opened in 1956. The principle creator was Carlos Raúl Villanueva Astoul, who is a Venezuelan modernist architect. While the initial plan was to create a symmetrical large twelve-story mass, Villanueva decided to change it into four parallel strips, divided into terraces and separated by gardens. The exterior has a smooth finish with a beautiful polychrome designed by Mateo Manaure, who is a Venezuelan modern artist, mostly known for creating the largest glass mural in the world. ■
RIGSHOSPITALET is considered the largest public and teaching hospital in Copenhagen, Denmark. It was founded in 1757 and initially named as "Kongelig Frederiks Hospital" after King Frederick V. In 1910 the hospital was renamed and moved to its present location. The main creator of the project was Martin Borch, who was a Danish architect. He designed the new hospital in the form of central garden surrounded by ten low buildings. In 1970, while keeping some parts of the older buildings, most of the structure was replaced again by the present high-rise building designed by Jørgen Stærmose, who was also a Danish architect. Interestingly, the name "RIGSHOSPITALET" literally means "the kingdom", although the hospital buildings were modified and replaced multiple times throughout the years, nonetheless the name related to the king survived. ■
THE IRMANDADE DA SANTA CASA DE MISERICÓRDIA was officially considered as a cultural heritage in 2010 for its architectonic complex that was modified repeatedly through the past seven hundred years. The history of this beautiful hospital goes back to the end of the 16th century, when it was first initiated as a place to relief suffering caused by illness through the work of the Portuguese priests accompanying the expeditions. The location and structure of the hospital was changed throughout the years to finally conquere its current place in São Paulo in 1884, when the magnificent building was concluded. The hospital was conceived and built using neo-Gothic architecture through the skillful hands of the engineer Luiz Pucci and was expanded further with the help of Giulio Micheli, who was an Italian architect. Both working under the famous Brazilian architect office Ramos de Azevedo. ■
UNIVERSITY COLLEGE HOSPITAL assisted in restructuring the whole system of medical education and medical teaching in the United Kingdom. In 1828, the College in Gower Street was built with a small Dispensary in connection with the medical classes of the University. Nonetheless, as the place soon proved inadequate for its purpose, the college raised funds and assigned the architect Alfred Ainger to initiate a hospital. The hospital's foundation stone was laid in 1833, however the name was changed several times until 1851 where it was called and remained as the University College Hospital. Thereafter the hospital was enlarged several times, by other architects like Alfred Waterhouse who mainly built a large extension of several wings and Paul Waterhouse who designed the medical school joined with the hospital many years later. Today, university college hospital is one of the major teaching hospitals and also a major centre for medical and biomedical research. ■
AKERSHUS UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL was officially opened in 1961 and it was expanded in 1978. Then it was turned into a teaching hospital in 2001. Soon after a decision to construct a new hospital was made and the job was assigned to C.F Møller, which is Danish architects firm. In 2008, the new hospital was opened with its beautiful glass facades designed to emphasize clarity in experientially rich surroundings. The new hospital design set new standards for hospital architecture in Norway and was considered to be the most modern in Europe at that time. The designers also focused on including special art projects alongside the building. The art collection currently includes twelve major works, which were created to brighten and beautify their unique space. ■
is one of Europe's largest hospitals. It was originally a gunpowder factory, which was converted into a hospice in 1656 by Cardinal Jules Mazarin. In 1660, Libéral Bryuant, a famous French architect, was assigned for rehabilitation and conversion of the hospice into a hospital. In 1675 Bruand finished the construction of the hospital's chapel, one of his masterpieces. It was designed on the model of a Greek cross with four central chapels and a central octagonal cupola, which is illuminated by painted windows in circular arcs. In addition, the front main entrance of the hospital is the place of a beautiful large bronze monument of Philippe Pinel, who was a French physician and precursor of psychiatry, he was also chief physician of the hospital from 1795 to his death in 1826. Today the Pitié-Salpêtrière is a general teaching hospital. ■
SHANGHAI NINTH PEOPLE'S HOSPITAL, formerly called the Bethel Hospital, was established in 1920. It was sponsored by The Bethel Mission in Shanghai, which was an independent missionary institution established by Shi Meiyu (also known as Mary Stone), Phebe Stone, and Jennie Hughes. Shi Meiyu was a Chinese physcian, she obtained her medical degree from the University of Michigan in 1896. After which she returned to China and practiced medicine at the Danforth Memorial Hospital. However, as she was unsatisfied by the foreign control on the hospital, she decided to establish the Bethel Mission in Shanghai in 1920. The mission included the establishment of primary and secondary schools, a hospital, a nursing school, an orphanage and a Bible School. Today the Ninth people's hospital is a well-developed medical institute and a teaching hospital affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong university medical college. ■
THE FIRST AFFILIATED HOSPITAL of Zhengzhou University is a public university hospital located in Zhengzhou, China. It was originally founded in 1928 in Kaifeng as the First Affiliated Hospital of National Henan University. In 1958, it was relocated to Zhengzhou and renamed as the First Affiliated Hospital of Henan Medical College. In 2000 the Zhengzhou University was restructured by the merger of three universities, which are; Zhengzhou University, Henan Medical University, and Zhengzhou University of Technology. After which the hospital was renamed to its current name. Today the affiliated hospital of Zhengzhou university claims itself as the largest hospital in the world. ■
By Windmemories - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0.• Read Face to Face, written for and by members.
• Learn with IJOMS, one of the world’s leading OMF journals with the highest impact factor of all OMF publications; read Face to Face, written for and by members
• Learn with IJOMS, one of the world’s leading OMF journals with the highest impact factor of all OMF publications.
• Enhance patient care through webinars, online conferences and other e-learning courses*
• Enhance patient care through webinars, online conferences and other e-learning courses*.
• Prepare for the International Board for the Certification of Specialization of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (IBCSOMS) with the IAOMS Review Course.
• Prepare for the International Board for the Certification of Specialization of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (IBCSOMS) with the IAOMS Review Course
• Support the next generation through the IAOMS Foundation Fellowship and Scholarship opportunities
• Support the next generation through the IAOMS Foundation Fellowship and Scholarship opportunities.
• Experience events for all OMF surgeons, ranging from trainee to experienced surgeons: ICOMS, the IAOMS’ biennial signature educational and networking conference and “The Next Level Forum;” International Symposia, and regional conferences*.
• Experience events for all OMF surgeons, ranging from trainee to experienced surgeons: ICOMS, the IAOMS’ biennial signature educational and networking conference and “The Next Level Forum;” International Symposia, and regional conferences*
• Expand your knowledge; access innovative best-in-class training
• Expand your knowledge; access innovative best-in-class training.
• Connect with peers throughout the world
• Connect with peers throughout the world.
• Grow among the next generation of oral and maxillofacial surgeons through our NextGen programmatic initiatives; network with your colleagues through our online community
• Grow among the next generation of oral and maxillofacial surgeons through our NextGen programmatic initiatives; network with your colleagues through our online community.
Gabriele Millesi and Julio Acero
IN THIS SPECIAL SERIES OF THE IAOMS PODCAST CELEBRATING THE 60th ANNIVERSARY OF IAOMS, we explore the history of the organization through the stories of our Past Presidents as they reflect on how the specialization and the needs of the world have traveled to today. Each episode is a different era of change and advancement for the specialty and its practitioners, with personal reflections on what IAOMS has become and the sincere responsibility its leadership carries. Dr. G.E. Ghali moderates each episode and encourages listeners to dive into these firsthand accounts of IAOMS history.
Alexis Olsson and Larry Nissen
John Williams, Kishore Nayak, Nabil Samman, Alejandro Martinez
AS IAOMS Foundation Chair and IAOMS member, I am looking forward to seeing all in person at ICOMS in Vancouver this June. ICOMS 2023 promises an excellent scientific program featuring speakers from around the globe along with opportunities to network and visit with colleagues and friends all while enjoying Vancouver, one of the most beautiful cities in the world, and at a great time of the year.
I’d like to personally invite ICOMS attendees to the Foundation Luncheon on Friday, June 9. This year’s speaker, Alexis Guimond, a competitive downhill skier who overcame cerebral palsy to become a two-time medalist in the Paralympic Games, will share his inspiring story. All proceeds from the luncheon will benefit the IAOMS Foundation, providing support for patient care, education and research for our specialty.
The pandemic caused us to pause all of our in-person educational programs , and we look forward to accepting applications for select fellowship and scholarship programs early this year. The official announcement was sent out in early January. Recipients of these training opportunities continue to use the knowledge and skills they’ve gained to improve patient lives and educate others throughout the duration of their careers.
Finally, I’d like to thank our IAOMS Foundation donors and supporters. We ended 2022 with strong donor support and my personal thanks goes out to our donors for giving back to our specialty. A special thank you to our corporate sponsor, KLS Martin, for their continued support as our Emerald Partner, our longtime supporters Elsevier, the OMS Foundation and the Osteo Science Foundation. We also thank our Regional and National Partners for their support of education and growth for OMF surgeons around the world.
I look forward to seeing you all in Vancouver.
Larry W. Nissen IAOMS Foundation ChairmanTHANK YOU for the opportunity to serve IAOMS as the chief editor of Face to Face, the IAOMS newsmagazine.
The newsmagazine continues to serve as the “human touch” of the organization.
Over the last year, following the editorial transition, we have implemented some changes for the publication while maintaining all that makes it a treat to our members.
Face to Face has evolved into a visual production –more pictures and embedded videos, podcasts and fewer articles to read.
It now bears a “virtual coffee table book” appearance, a “People Magazine” like publication – the idea is to capture the attention of surgeons all over the world with pictorials rather than verbose content.
Over the last year, themes reflected upon…
The content reflected global themes of the organization; introduced new topics and people of interest to the membership and continues to serve as a herald for IAOMS.
Assistant editors
Lilis Iskandar
Surgical Trainee – Jakarta, Indonesia
Noor Jabbar
OMS Sr. Specialist – Sultante of Oman
Creative Director
Maria Montesinos, Spain
Xander Sobecki
Manager-Marketing and Communications, HQ liaison
3 issues per annum
Summer, Winter, Spring
2021 production cost was lower than 2020 – only 3 editions of the news magazine
March 2022
Reads: 1205
Average Read: 5:37
Device: Desktop 41%, Phone 59%
Top Countries: USA (254), Mexico (87), India (64)
August 2022
Reads: 1069
Average read: 5:24
Devices: Desktop 37%, 63%
Top Countries: USA (161), India (97), Australia (77)
Last six issues: Average reads: 1685
Average time: Five Minutes, 8 Seconds
Respectfully submitted Deepak Krishnan DDS, FACS
THE TECH WORLD and geek world are both buzz with the advent of ChatGPT and other AI interfaces that are smarter, better version of your search engines. A real thinking computer algorithm that can now do your homework and aggregate information from
millions on websites in a quick second and provide intelligent answers to life’s random questions. So, I decided to ask ChatGPT a couple of questions. Below are the afterthoughts that it provided to my questions about the surgical education of the future.
The surgical education of the future is likely to be more integrated with technology and more focused on simulation and hands-on training. Here are a few potential developments in the field:
1. Increased use of virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR): VR and AR can provide an immersive and interactive learning experience, allowing students to practice procedures in a controlled and safe environment before they perform them on real patients.
2. Greater emphasis on simulation: Simulation-based training will play a larger role in surgical education, allowing students to practice complex procedures and refine their skills in a controlled environment. This will also help to reduce the risk of complications in actual surgical procedures.
3. Integration of artificial intelligence (AI): AI-powered tools can help to provide real-time feedback to students during simulations, allowing them to identify areas for improvement and track their progress over time.
4. Personalized education: With the rise of big data and machine learning, students will be able to receive personalized education based on their strengths and weaknesses, allowing them to focus on areas that need improvement and optimize their learning experience.
5. Collaborative learning: Collaborative learning will become more common, allowing students to learn from each other and from experienced surgeons through online forums, video conferencing, and other digital tools.
Overall, the surgical education of the future will be more technologydriven, more interactive, and more personalized, helping to prepare the next generation of surgeons for the challenges of the modern healthcare landscape. ■