issue 2: Fall 04

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IS i ^ M ^ It's not just the weather that's changing! IAS is also undergoing a metamorphosis, as we alter our look and our appeal. IAS is developing into the multi-faceted company we envisaged, when we first set out on the longevity path nearly 15-years ago. Although IAS as an entity will remain unchanged, in future we will offer four distinct areas of anti-aging and longevity which will encompass antiaging medicine, antiaging nutrition, antiaging diagnostics and even antiaging education. What this means to our customers is a much wider choice of products and services, all under one roof.


However, one thing will remain unchanged- quality. We remain intent on pursuing pharmaceutical standards and bringing to you, whenever possible, the exact product that obtained the beneficial results reported in the original clinical trials. As the saying goes; "the devil is in the detail," which is why we pay close attention to it. It has always been IAS' policy to study and follow the very latest scientific research and seek out the products to suit.

Volume 5 Issue 2 Fall 2 0 0 4 Editor-in-chief Phil Micans Graphic Designer Nick James Staff Writers Chris Jameson Sonya Hardcastle Editorial Enquiries Jim Skinner










You can find some of that research and the products here in this magazine, (and much more at our website). What's more, if you turn to page 34 you will also get free shipping on your next order.

Published by International Antiaging Systems Ltd, IAS House Les Autelets, Sark GY9 OSF Great Britain

In the meantime, whatever decisions you arrive at, I hope you enjoy the magazine and trust that you will contact us again soon.

Telephone +44 (0) 2 0 8 1 8 1 6105

Phil Micans,

Facsimile +44 (0) 2 0 8 1 8 1 6106


Editor in Chief


Copyright IAS 2 0 0 4 .

The Anti-Aging Magazine focuses on the latest international nutritional, hormonal and drug therapies in use now t h a t show promise in combating the signs of aging. These signs include the physical, mental and internal changes consisting of the diseases and disorders t h a t include cancer, arthritis and senile dementia etc. However, the main focus is upon prevention of such aging diseases and disorders for the "healthy-aging" individual.

All copyright's are acknowledged. Whilst every effort has been made to ensure accuracy, no responsibility can be accepted for innacuracies, howsoever caused. No liability can be accepted for illustrations, photographs, artwork or advertising materials while in transmission or with the publisher or their agents. All information is correct at time of going to print. Not for public broadcast or copy without written permission from IAS Ltd. Terms and conditions may change without notice.

Disclaimer: The information is offered under the IAS terms and conditions and is for educational purposes only and should not replace the advice of your personal physician. International Antiaging Magazine is published quarterly and distributed in the USA by SPP, PO Box 4 3 7 , Emigsville, PA. Application to mail at periodicals mailing rates is pending at Manchester, PA. Postmaster: send address changes to International Antiaging, c / o PO Box 4 3 7 , Emigsville, PA 17318-0437


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W e l c o m e to t h e A n t i a g i n g


C O N T R I B U T O R S Rick Cohen, M.D., is a leading authority in the treatment of male hormonal imbalance. Based on his indepth clinical experience and research. Dr. Cohen founded MedLean in 1998 in an effort to promote the progressive use of dietary supplements, natural hormone and hormone precursors to promote optimum male health and performance. His degrees are from Duke and Hahenmann Medical University.

4 How to increase your testosterone levels Start your own testosterone enhancing plan today with our "eight simple steps to fitness" guide

10 How old are you really? Should Biological Age Measurement be the cornerstone of your antiaging regime?

14 T h e world's most potent antioxidant

Learn about Idebenone - the ultimate CoQIO

IN EVERY ISSUE 2 20 22 32

Editor's Introduction R e a d e r s Letters Product Guide A-Z Product Listing

HOW TO ORDER PRODUCTS Pg 34 FAX O R D E R I N G +44 (0)208 181 6106

Phil Micans, PharmB, has degrees in Food and Vitamin Technology and Pharmacology and after reading Pearson and Shaw's bookLife Extension in 1986 has been actively involved in anti-aging medicine. Chairman to the International Anti-Aging Conference and co-writer of the New Millennium Guide to Anti-Aging Medicine. He also maintains the position of Vice President and Director of Research and Development at International Antiaging Systems. Karen Kauffman, MS, C C N , Phi Beta Kappa has a degree in Human Nutrition and is a certified member of the International and American Association of Certified Nutritionalists (IAACN). She maintained a clinical practice at the Complimentary Health Centre at U-Mass Memorial Healthcare in Worcester Massachusetts and currently maintains a private practice. Karen is also a member of the board of trustees of the Lupis Foundation of New England. v Robert Mason, Ph.D.. was schooled in information technology and realized the potential for research in the (then) coming information revolution. Family health concerns and a knowledge of international research taught him many "lessons." The result was an organization conducting global database research. Dr. Mason believes that aging is a disease and will be curable. Dr. Mason relies entirely on scientific/ clinical information at his disposal to form an opinion, as such he "tellsit-like-it-is!" Ward Dean, M.D., has been actively engaged in Gerontology research for over 25-years and has published more than 50 articles and reviews in professional journals. He is the author of Biological Aging Measurement, the Smart Drug series of books and co-author with Professor Vladimir Dilman, of the acclaimed Neuroendocrine Theory of Aging and Degenerative Disease. Currently, Dr. Dean is the Medical Director for Vitamin Research Products in Carson City, Nevada, the Medical Director of InnerAge, and is also Medical Doctor to the Watson Health Center, Milton in Florida. James South MA, is a renowned biochemist who is highly respected for his incredible knowledge of brain chemistry and nutrition. With over 30-years of experience with smart-drugs and nutrients he is a true expert. I le is also the author of numerous articles and reviews and can often be heard on radio talk-shows. Furthermore he has been responsible for many of the leading nutritional formulations in the United Slates. 3

SIMPLE STEPS T O FITNESS How increasing your testosterone could be the key to a better life By Dr Rick Cohen

estosterone is one of life's key hormones, present in women as well as men (although at about 1/10 of the amount) does far more than just determine the sex of an unborn child. Some of the key roles in which testosterone is involved include, libido enhancement, drive, focus, attention, well being, and of course, improving muscle mass and body definition. Whatever your goals are, unless you follow a multi-faceted strategy such as in the one outlined below, you will not achieve the full benefits of a testosterone enhancing program. These include eliminating, or at least significantly reducing the factors that reduce hormone levels, improving your diet, modifying your exercise program, reducing stress and restoring nutritional status. By doing so you can dramatically improve your hormonal balance and more importantly, the way you look, feel and perform. It is human nature to take the path of least resistance, so many people in search of a quick, simple fix may place undue reliance on one aspect of a program whether it be supplementation, diet or exercise. For example, they may take supplements designed to increase testosterone levels but train incorrectly; or perhaps eat a high carbohydrate diet, not get enough sleep and wonder why they aren't getting the full benefits from the supplements! These could be the most important 8-steps you take for over-all health and achieving your personal fitness goals. Step 1: Adopt a testosterone enhancing diet. You are what you eat. If you want to keep a high testosterone level, it is extremely important to follow these dietary rules. 1. Eat a diet rich in vegetables with an adequate supply of both protein and ONLINE

healthy fats. Especially eat green leafy vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, kale, swiss chard, brussel sprouts and cabbage. These vegetables contain phytochemicals which are essential for healthy hormone production and estrogen metabolism. 2. Limit excessive carbohydrate intake, especially simple sugars and starches, (breads, cereals, pasta and potatoes). High carbohydrate intake can create a rapid rise in blood sugar, creating excess levels of insulin and Cortisol, two hormones that work against testosterone and diminish its production. 3. Make sure you eat enough protein. In Latin, the word protein, means "above all else." Without adequate protein you will not provide your muscles with the essential amino acids for growth, repair and maximum function. 4. Forget low fat! It's a little known fact that testosterone, (and all other hormones) are actually made from cholesterol. When fats become deficient in the diet, testosterone levels decline. This doesn't mean, of course, that a man's diet should be a fat free-for-all! There are both good and bad fats. Fats to be avoided include the trans-fats such as those found in margarine and other processed foods. The essential fats such as those found in cold-water fish, walnuts, pumpkin seeds and flaxseed are a dietary necessity and should be eaten on a regular daily basis. These fats are essential for normal testosterone production, when dietary fats are deficient, testosterone production is inhibited. 5. Eat one or two hardboiled eggs daily. Not only are small amounts of dietary cholesterol important for formulating testosterone, eggs provide fatty acids necessary for optimal hormonal production. 6. Eat five smaller, (instead of three larger) well balanced meals each day. Smaller, more frequent meals will help O R D E R I N G

maintain steady blood sugars and eliminate unnecessary stress hormone release. Don't wait until you are famished to eat! To insure getting five balanced meals daily, it is very useful to use meal replacements such as grain bars and power drinks if you are always "on the run." Step 2: Incorporate physical activity into your daily life. Train harder for shorter periods of time, as both the lack of physical activity and excessive physical activity (over training) will result in decreased levels of testosterone and high levels of testosterone are needed to insure muscle growth and repair. Exercise effects testosterone directly by stimulating the pituitary gland and the testes. It probably also raises levels by slowing down the normal breakdown of testosterone. The duration, intensity and frequency of exercise will determine the circulating levels of testosterone. Testosterone levels increase most with short intense bursts of activity, (like those used for strength training). They decrease with prolonged "endurance" activities, such as longdistance running, swimming or cycling. During endurance training testosterone is needed to maintain muscle, but frequent extended training doesn't allow for repair and recovery of testosterone and tissue damage occurs. Studies show that exercise will elevate testosterone for about 45 minutes. But after an hour, the effects become negative and levels begin to tumble. Once they're down, they can stay down for as much as six days! To maximize your testosterone response to exercise, avoid over-training. Strength train no more than 45 minutes three to four times a week. Avoid aerobic exercise, (other than a brief warm up) during strength training sessions. If you feel like you want to exercise or train FAX

O R D E R I N G +44 (0)208 181 6106

more, split sessions are recommended. Periodize your workouts. This means changing them frequently by cycling them throughout the year. Step 3: Take high-quality vitamin and mineral supplements. To insure adequate nutrients for the body to produce testosterone and its more potent cousin dihydrotestosterone (DHT), supplement your diet with the following vitamins, minerals and nutrients. 1. Vitamin A 25,000 IU daily, (but not more than 10,000 IU if you are pregnant). 2. Vitamin E 400 IU daily, (to reduce free radical stress on the pituitary gland use an extra 400 IU prior to a work-out). 3. Vitamin C 2 grams, (increase to 4 to 6 grams if estrogen levels are high. To reduce post-workout increases in the stress hormone Cortisol, take an extra 3 grams prior to a workout). 4. Vitamin B Complex 100 mg. 5. Zinc 50 mg. 6. Boron 3 mg. 7. Selenium 200 meg. 8. Essential Fats 2 tablespoons. 9. Good multi vitamin formulation. 10. Good multi mineral formulation. Step 4: Adopt a testosteroneenhancing lifestyle. 1. Lose body fat and increase lean muscle mass. Fat cells, especially in the abdominal region produce the aromatase enzyme which converts testosterone into estrogen. 2. Reduce alcohol intake. Excessive drinking can increase estrogen levels inhibiting your body's ability to produce testosterone. Reduce or eliminate alcohol consumption to enable your liver to better remove excess estrogens. 3. Where possible, eliminate all medications that affect liver function and testos terone conversion. They include NSAIDs, Ibuprofen, Acetaminophen, Aspirin, the

"Statin" class of cholesterol lowering drugs, some heart and blood pressure medications and some anti-depressants. Consult with your physician and ask if they can be eliminated for a six month period of time, so you can determine their effect on your hormonal levels. Since many of these "lifestyle" medications may actually be treating the symptoms of testosterone deficiency, after a time you may find that you no longer need them. [Ed.- there is an excellent book called "the drug induced nutrient depletion handbook" written by Dr. Ross Pelton. It details which nutrients and hormones are affected by particular drugs. It can be purchased via the IAS library at] 4. Try to get 8 hours of sleep nightly. Don't underestimate the power of a "good night's sleep." Studies have shown that most people are chronically sleep deprived. Nothing can take the place of adequate rest and if you are sleep deprived, your testosterone status will suffer. If you are unable to obtain this number of hours of rest regularly, consider an occasional "power nap." 5. Get at least one hour of exposure to sunlight daily, especially during winter. Testosterone rises and falls with the seasons, and sunlight is essential for the natural yearly rhythm in the body. Sunlight is necessary for optimum brain function and as a result, for maximum testosterone production. 6. Increase your stress resistance. There is a strong interrelationship between mental outlook and physical well-being, and it is largely mediated by hormones. While the right kind of stress can be very beneficial hormonally, the wrong kind can be devastating. Emotional stress can be a frequent cause of decreased testosterone levels. Chronic stress not only interferes with testosterone function, muscle building and strength, it causes premature


aging and contributes to the onset of cardiovascular disease. 7. Stress proof your life. First, set your goals and determine your priorities. Then create and follow a step-by-step plan to achieve them. Focus on what's really important in your life and don't let the "small stuff' get in the way. Step 5: Utilize the latest science based hormone balancing formulas. For those interested in enhancing testosterone production, use: 1. ProRevitalize (a topical phytoandrogen formula for men). 2ml in the morning and at bedtime applied to the scrotal tissues and/or back, inner thighs, arms, abdomen and calves. Rotate the body sites daily and continue use for one month, then decrease the dose to five days weekly. To avoid tolerance to the cream, it is a good idea to discontinue therapy one week out of every six. This product contains 90mg androstenediol, 45mg norandrostenediol, 20mg DHEA, 5mg pregnenolone and 5mg progesterone per 2ml, and also includes the estrogen reducing agents at 120mg/ per 2ml, of Passiflora Coerulea, Diindolylmethane and Urtica Dioca. 2. ProVigor (a topical phytoandrogen formula for women). The application and timing/ advice is the same as for ProRevitalize (as above), but ProVigor delivers a different formula of androstenediol and norandrostenediol, 50mg and 50mg per 2ml respectively. When using ProVigor as directed, the risk of virilization is minimal, but please be advised that you should still monitor for signs of the reversible affects of secondary male characteristics, (such as voice deepening, or hair on the face etc.). Should such side effects occur, reduce or stop (temporarily or otherwise), the dosing as necessary. 3. ProBoost (a rapidly acting, testosterone supporting sublingual spray for men and women). Use four to five sprays into the mouth 45-minutes prior to physical or sexual performance. (Each spray provide 2mg of androstenediol and 1mg of androstenedione). To further enhance athletic performance, lean muscle and fat loss, ProPerformance cream can be used during heavy training cycles at 2ml daily, in conjunction with ProRevitalize daily (for women remember to alternatively use ProVigor in place of ProRevitalize) and ProBoost daily. ProPerformance contains norandrostenediol and norandrostenedione, 90mg and 60mg per 2ml respectively. Further information on all of these testosterone prohormone products is available at: 6

To further reduce excess levels of estrogen use: 1. ProBalance, a topical cream at 2ml to 4ml daily placed onto the skin such as behind knees, underarms or inner thighs. This contains higher dosages of Passiflora Coerulea, Di-indolylmethane and Urtica Dioca, (400mg per 2ml), to further help prevent the conversation of testosterone to estradiol and to enhance the detoxification of estrogens from the body, as well as enhance free testosterone levels. 2. ProBrassica, an oral capsule containing a unique mixture of I3C and DIM, to be taken as an oral supplement to further the eradication of estrogens, particularly estradiol. Oral combinations of I3C and DIM have been proven to be effective in clinical trials to help treat hormone related cancer conditions such as breast, cervical and prostate cancers. Dosages are 1 or 2 capsules (260mg) twice daily. 3. Zinc monomethionine, 100 mg a night for 1-month, 50 mg at night for 2-months. [Ed. Note that the IAS melatonin TlMEIatonin contains 50mg zinc in each tablet, along with 50 meg selenium and 3mg of melatonin and is therefore highly suitable to take 1 tablet before bed], 4. Soy protein isoflavone concentrates 50 mg daily. Isoflavones (phytoestrogens) compete with estradiol on cell receptor sites and stimulate the liver to remove estrogens from the blood. 5. Saw Palmetto, (320 mg daily) also known as Sereno Repens. Further information on estrogen blockers/ detoxifiers is available at: Further additional advice for some persons:

testosterone to DHT. There is also now a more potent DHT blocker available called Dutasteride (Avodart), dosages of it can be considered to be 0.5 mg to 1 mg daily. For further information see: For those who are "serious" about blocking the affects of aromatase, (which converts testosterone to estrogen in men and vice-versa in women), or for those who are not seeing sufficient effects from their program, then the new drugs of Anastrozole (Arimidex) at 1mg per week or Letrozle (Femara) at 1,25mg to 2.5mg per week can be considered, (if under the advice of a physician). For further information see: Cautions Any person subject to drug test monitoring should be aware that use of these products may cause you to test positive for anabolic steroid use. Men with any pre-existing hormonal dependant cancers, (i.e. prostate, breast etc.), should avoid the use of testosterone increasing products, unless under the guidance of a physician. Any man over fifty years old should have a Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) and prostate exam performed to rule out the presence of microscopic cancer. While restoring free testosterone to healthy physiological levels (25 to 40 pg/mL) does not cause prostate cancer, it can induce existing prostate cancer cells to proliferate faster.

To improve symptoms of prostate problems, or if you are over 50 with a family history of prostate disease, use supplements containing saw palmetto, di-indolylmethane, pygeum, Uritca Dioca and other prostate protecting nutrients, (ProBalance and ProBrassica would be very beneficial). While restoration of testosterone can restore sexual function, in many men additional support is necessary. The use of supplements containing high levels of the amino acid arginine, helps to stimulate the release of nitric oxide, which is necessary for healthy erection. To help restore the muscles necessary for proper erection, it is recommended that kegal exercise is practiced for a few minutes daily. To protect against male pattern baldness use the medication, Finasteride (Proscar or Propecia) 1 mg to 2.5mg daily to block the conversion of ONLINE


Step 6: What to expect. While restoring testosterone levels will certainly improve your over-all health and well-being, it will not turn you into the world's best lover or a muscle bound behemoth! Nor will it cause your hair to fall out or cause you to get prostate cancer. Over 75% of the people following this testosterone enhancing program feel, look and perform better. For some people, the effects have been nothing short of miraculous. Some of the most commonly reported benefits of the products include: • Improved athletic performance. • Decreased workout recovery time, less joint pain, stiffness and muscle soreness. • Increased muscle mass and decreased body fat. • Increased libido and sexual function. • Feeling calmer, less stressed and more positive about life. Step 7: Monitor therapy every two months by evaluating your hormones.

Use a saliva based test kit such as AndroCheck. It is important to monitor hormone levels to fine tune your program and to make sure that not too much testosterone is being converted into estradiol (estrogen). AndroCheck can inexpensively currently evaluate and monitor for changes in androstenedione, Cortisol, DHEA, DHT, estradiol, estrone, progesterone and testosterone. [Ed.- Further details about AndroCheck, the hormone/saliva test kit, can be seen at:] Step 8: Start your testosterone enhancing plan today. If after three months on the above program, you have failed to achieve the desired results, we would refer you to a physician for more comprehensive diagnosis and treatment. Remember, if at any time you would like more individual guidance and comprehensive medical care, please contact us and we can refer you to a physician who will consult with you.

DERCOS hair growth and density Dercos has been clinically shown to stop perifollicullar fibrosis (a cause of hair loss). In a year long study of 350 men and women, those w h o applied Dercos to their scalps for eight weeks had significantly more hair regrowth and density than those using a placebo. Dercos has been recently made available over the counter in parts of Europe. Unsurprisingly it has become a huge selling product. Dercos could be the weapon you've been searching for in your fight against hair loss. Dercos is avaible from IAS in 2 formats as either a shampoo or a topical ampoule.To place an order, please turn to the product directory or visit our website.

References DERCOS Adapted from "8-simple steps to men's optimum fitness by Rick Cohen, M.D. To see the original complete article with clinical references, please go to:

FAX O R D E R I N G +44 (0)208 181 6106



The Cataract Cure - by Marios Kyriazis, M.D.

remarkable work of Dr. Mark Babizayev and his colleagues at the Helmholtz Eye Institute in Moscow, but it also details the often overlooked but nonetheless important research about quality and formulation to achieve efficacy and safety. "The Cataract Cure" will be available from IAS in November, and is expected to be available for purchase via Amazon and other leading publishers from towards the end of 2004. Marios Kyriazis, M.D. is one of the few antiaging physician's in the UK. As a research biologist, he has also spent a considerable amount of time studying the science behind carnosine.

Deprenyl (Selegiline) can slow Parkinson's disease safely British Medical Journal, August 14, 2004.

"The Cataract Cure," a new book by Dr. Marios Kyriazis, M.D. introduces the development of the recent Russian breakthrough for senile cataract- an eye-drop containing a special version of carnosine called N-acetylcarnosine. In this, his latest book, Dr. Kyriazis introduces the reader to the background of cataract, the current senile cataract treatments on offer, the research behind n-acetylcarnosine, and results from studies on patients using these eye-drops. Whilst also discussing other substances that have been clinically shown to slow and halt the cataract process, it focuses on these unique eye-drops, and how they have been proven to reverse the signs of senile cataract and improve the vision of those with this extremely common aging eye disorder. "The Cataract Cure" will give you answers to all the commonly asked questions about using Can-C eye-drops, and how they could help you avoid surgery and preserve your eye-sight. We welcome this important publication, not only because it highlights the


In patients with early Parkinson's disease, selegiline and other drugs in a class called monoamine oxidase type B inhibitors are cheap and effective treatments that reduce disability and the need for levodopa, researcher's report in the British Medical Journal. Their study findings also show that the drugs are not associated with increased mortality, as had been reported in an earlier study. To further examine the risks and benefits of these drugs, University of Birmingham researcher Professor Keith Wheatley and colleagues conducted a review of 17 trials involving a total of 3525 patients with early Parkinson's disease. Their analysis showed no significant differences in mortality between patients on monoamine oxidase type B inhibitors and patients taking an inactive pill (placebo). The researchers did find that patients given the drugs had better total scores, motor scores, and activities of daily living scores on a Parkinson's disease rating scale at 3 months, compared with placebo subjects. Treated patients were also less likely to need extra levodopa or to develop motor fluctuations. "Our review provides no evidence that mortality is increased by selegiline and suggests that this inexpensive drug could be one of the most clinically effective and cost-effective treatments available for early Parkinson's disease," the authors


write. The evidence for other drugs in the class is more limited, they add. The report of increased mortality, which came from a UK study in 1995, was probably a chance finding, the investigators suggest. Further large-scale trials comparing monoamine oxidase type B inhibitors with other active agents are urgently needed, the UK investigators conclude. For more information about Selegiline (also known as Deprenyl) visit:

Diet rich in Omega-3s can keep Alzheimer's at bay A diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids, found in fish such as salmon and sardines and in fish-oil capsules, can help keep Alzheimer's disease at bay, a new Canadian study suggests. The research, which was done on mice, provides the strongest evidence so far that a deficiency in a specific dietary component can have a direct impact on the risk of developing the devastating disease. "If you have a diet that is poor in omega-3s, that will accelerate the process of Alzheimer's, especially if you're genetically predisposed," said Fridiric Calon, a molecular endocrinology researcher at the Laval University Medical Center in Quebec City. A number of studies have suggested that people who eat a diet rich in fish are less likely to develop Alzheimer's and heart disease. Although the mechanism was unclear, the hunch was that it was due to omega-3s. Omega-3 fatty acids have become so popular with health-conscious consumers that food manufacturers are adding them to products such as eggs and milk. The eggs are produced by feeding chickens a special diet of flaxseed, which is rich in omega-3. The milk is enriched with flaxseed oil. The new Alzheimer's research, published in the medical journal Neuron, shows that one type of omega-3, called docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), seems to keep synapses healthy. Synapses are the chemical connections between brain cells that enable memory and learning.


The findings were serendipitous. Researchers were working with mice specially bred to develop an Alzheimer'slike disease but noticed the animals were not developing the expected neurological damage. The researchers realized the diet the mice were being fed — soy and fish — was chock-full of omega-3s. So they started a new study, feeding one group of mice the soy and fish diet and a second group a diet of safflower oil devoid of omega-3 fatty acids. After five months, they dissected the rodents' brains. "We found high amounts of synaptic damage in the brains of the Alzheimer's-diseased mice that ate the DHA-depleted diet," said study co-author Sally Frautschy, an associate professor of neurology at the University of California at Los Angeles. The mice fed a diet poor in omega-3s also did poorly in memory tests, further evidence of brain damage. Calon said that while the research

does not provide the final answer, he believes that increasing the intake of omega-3s, and DHA in particular, likely offers some protection against Alzheimer's.

Politicians are considering preventative medicine! Will future working populations be expected to pay 70, 80, even 90% in taxes to support the health care system? Will people not be able to "retire" at 65, but have to work onto much older ages? Will these systems simply collapse allowing millions of people to have uncomfortable and disagreeable lives? Or will preventative medicine, the logical choice be adopted to help curb the impending cash-crunch crisis? These ideas really do have to be thought through now, which is why The

Conservative Party in the UK has formed a new discussion group called; "Tories for Older Peoples" or TOPS. It is chaired by Stella Kyriazis, prospective Tory MP for Telford in England and wife of Dr. Marios Kyriazis' Simon Burns MP, the Shadow Minister for Health in the UK is its president, and is also patronised by Michael Howard QC, MP, the leader of the Conservative Party. The first of the TOPS meetings was recently held in Westminster, London and a number of different speakers were invited to speak. One of the 4 panel members included Phil Micans, Editor of the Antiaging Magazine and Vice President of the IAS Group, who made sure that everyone was fully aware of the aging statistics and the relevance of anti-aging medicine as an emerging preventative health care technology for the 21st century. If anyone is interested in contacting the TOPS group, or attending future meetings, full details can be obtained at: www. topgroup. org. uk

Remember w e only sell the best Piracetam available! We believe that our Piracetam- branded Nootropil is the best quality Piracetam in a market now saturated with inferior copies. The beneficial effects of a quality Piracetam on age related memory decline and lack of concentration are long established. It has become the essential 'smart drug' and is central to thousands of people's age management regimes. If you want the best quality for your body & mind at a reasonable price insist on Nootropil.

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One of the persisting and difficult questions in preventative medicine is

Knowing your

patient, that the products and protocols they are using are keeping them healthy for longer?

iological ag

In a diseased patient, progress can be seen by slowing and hopefully reversing the disease in question. Certainly the diseased patient is in a position to more accurately reveal if they "feel better," as well as if they "look better." But a healthy and fit person, by definition, struggles to define the small differences in the way they look and feel. Many of the supplements and protocols that healthy people undertake after reading about something from a reliable source, or being told of its benefit by a health professional, are done so on the basis of faith. As a result, many blindly follow a given regimen. Until recently, nearly all the tools that were available to the "anti-aging clinic" were disease markers. Indicators of whether this-or-that problem may occur in the future. But if anti-aging medicine is really about avoiding disease, then the earliest possible detection is essential. By this rule, even disease markers may be too late. The answers to these problems may lie in the development of what is known as "biological age measurement," or "biomarkers" for short.


Biomarkers are measurable changes that take place in us all as we age. They cover a wide variety of measurements. Some are simple, such as the changes in eye-sight, hand grip strength or the thinning of skin. Others are more complex, such as measuring lung capacity and force or blood work to see the changes in various hormone levels. Literally hundreds of measurements have been taken from thousands of patients over many years by professionals from all over the world. This data collection has been undertaken by the one man clinic, the University, right up to Government sponsored research programs. This data has been used to form graphs and from these graphs it is possible to extrapolate the "biological" average for the "chronological" age. Put simply it allows us to work out a true "biological age" rather than the crude ever increasing chronological age.

Why is a biological age important? Firstly consider what has already been stated. A biological age can determine how quickly you are aging, and it can also highlight the specific areas of your body that are aging faster than others (at least faster than the average for your age group). Armed with this information you can pinpoint your aging problems and seek to incorporate preventative action into your daily routine, whether that is changes to lifestyle, exercise regimes or by use of acupuncture, nutrition, drugs, hormones and stem cell therapies.



Undertaking another biological age assessment at a later date would then allow you and your physician to know what was working for you and what wasn't. Targeting specific problem areas would save you time, money and allow you to enjoy the longest possible maximum health span. The ultimate goal of a biological age programme would be to avoid the appearance of disease markers. It is estimated that between 75-90% of health care costs are consumed by degenerative diseases (which by definition are the disorders of getting older). None of us wants to experience disease and it would seem that an

T h e d e v e l o p m e n t of I n n e r - A g e To date, actual biological age measurement has been a rather "hit-or-miss" affair. The biological age "packages" previously available to measure biological age, have only concentrated on the physiological measurements, and didn't incorporate the biochemical changes, which meant that many of the most important markers were not measured. Another major problem with these systems was the limitation of data the results were based on. Many of the packages operated on as little as 2000 patients data and because the data was not pooled it did nothing to improve the scope and accuracy of the field. Efforts were made by a select group of visionary doctors to collate this data into a more comprehensive study of Biomarkers. Dr Ward Dean's seminal work "Biological Age Measurement" provided the bench mark for all subsequent studies. Other prominent publications have included "Physical Dimensions of Aging" by Dr. Waneen Spiriduso and the "Practical Handbook of Human Biologic Age Determination" by Dr. Arthur Balin. [Ed - These and many other books can be found at the IAS website under library:

These ground-breaking publications drew down on the published clinical data from medical Journals, proving that there are biomarkers that can be used to estimate the specific and perhaps even the overall biological age of a patient. These works coupled with the advancement in technology led a group of Professionals to believe that for the first time it would be possible to develop a comprehensive biological age measurement system. After three years of extensive research, a system that could be assimilated effectively into a normal clinical environment was unveiled. Inner-Age is an internet based program that incorporates over 500,000 patient's data, comparing up to 150 physiological and biochemical levels from published clinical results. The software then generates a report which includes easy to understand colour graphics. These patented visualizations literally show which areas of the body are aging well and which areas are aging badly. (Figure 1). FAX ORDERING +44 (0)208 I8I 6106


Figure 1- The results of an Inner-Age test on patients. Each measurement is shown in a color and grouped into the relevant area. Reds indicate where the patient is biologically older, with the dark reds being the biologically oldest, up to 10+ years older. Yellow/ orange areas te those biomarkers that are very similar to chronological age, and green areas indicate biomarkers that are biologically younger, again the darker green colors indicating where the patient is 10- years younger. Such technology enables the physician to evaluate large amounts of data quickly, and also enables the patient to understand why they are changing eir daily regimes and lifestyle, to benefit their long term optimal health. With regular testing it would be possible to determine the changes that have taken place, with the goal of course being to have all the measurements turning "green," -to literally be biologically younger wherever possible! Because the system is internet based, not only did it automatically share data, but it could also be easily updated with the latest published information, and anyone logging on can then always benefit from the very latest data. Also being made up of a series of easy, pain free tests that take less than 2 hours to perform, it could be incorporated into any practice anywhere in the world. The critics of anti-aging medicine have always complained that not enough is done at anti-aging clinics to assess the patient and monitor their progress. Now everything has changed, with the ability of Inner-Age to "measure-treat-measure" and demonstrably show the effectiveness of protocols and products upon the aging of the patient. The world renowned anti-aging physician Dr. Garry Gordon realised the potential of inner-age when he commented;

"The realization of Inner-Age is a giant leap forward in the establishment of anti-aging medicine as a clinical science. I believe that this system will become the foundation of anti-aging clinics everywhere." In a future article, we will follow a patient through an Inner-Age exam and see what is involved in this comprehensive test, and how their biological age compares to their chronological age. If you would like a list of the anti-aging clinics that currently offer Inner-Age or more information please visit the Inner-age website:



Ward Dean's book is widely regarded as the definiative work on age measurement to date. Dr. Dean w a s closely involved in the development of Inner-Age and is currently head of the Inner-Age scientific Board. A must for anyone seriously interested in age measurement. $69.95

Dr. Arthur Balin's book features contributions from leading investiga tors in the field and makes it easier for readers to distinguish between diseases that accompany the aging process and the intrinsic aging process itself. $50.0i

Dimensions of Aging

Another excellent source of biomarker information, to see the types of changes that take place in aging. Dr. Dean has said publicly that he may not have written Biological Aging Measurement had he been aware of this excellent study written by Waneen Spirduso.

This is part 2 of a feature, in which Nutritionist Karen Kaufmann MS, keeps us informed other progress, and how she has been using 'unapproved" products and "approved" products in an "off-label' way to help control and treat her condition. In particular Karen informs us about her experiences with the latest drug development of Milnacipran.

When I wrote "The Next Wonder Drug" article for the Summer 2004 Antiaging Magazine, I had been taking Milnacipran, (brand name Ixel) for about 2 weeks. As I sit at my desk today, the sky is bright blue, the air is clear, and there is a hint of the crispness that portends another beautiful fall season in New England. So this seems like a perfect opportunity to share my personal experience with Milnacipran and a number of other smart drugs that help me maintain an excellent quality life, in spite of the health challenges I face. I suffer from a debilitating chronic illness called Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE). SLE is a chronic disorder of the immune system that causes inflammation in various parts of the body. For most people lupus is mild, affecting only a few body organs; for others, it may cause serious and even life threatening problems. The body's immune system normally makes proteins called antibodies that protect the body against viruses, bacteria, and other foreign materials. These foreign materials are called antigens. In an immune disorder like lupus, the immune system loses the ability to distinguish between foreign substances (antigens) and its own cells and tissues. The immune system then makes antibodies directed against 'self.' These antibodies, called autoantibodies, react with the 'self antigens to form immune complexes. These immune complexes build up in various tissues and cause inflammation, injury to tissues, and pain. These immune complexes can deposit in the joints, connective tissue, or any organ such as the heart, the lungs, the kidneys, the liver, and the brain. It can also cause all sorts of blood disorders including thrombocytopenia, (a low platelet count), hemolytic anemia, or a hypercoaguable state where the person is in danger of forming arterial or venous blood clots. No two people with lupus have the exact same symptoms, but almost universally, people with lupus suffer from joint pain in numerous joints at the same time and an indescribable fatigue. In my case the illness is also affecting my central nervous system. The American College of Rheumatology (ACR) in 1999 came up with a list of 19 criteria that could be present when lupus involves the brain. I am going to list some of them here so that you get a sense of just how diverse and complex this disease is. INE


Acute Confusional State

Milnacipran, I have been able to cut

Anxiety Disorder Asceptic Meningitis Autonomic Disorder Cerebrovascular Disease Cognitive Dysfunction Demyelinating Syndrome Headache Mononeuropathy


Mood disorders Movement disorders Cranial neuropathy Psychosis Seizures Transverse myelitis So you see, the challenge can be as simple as a headache or as serious as psychosis. I experience cognitive dysfunction (which I call brain fog), cluster migraines, and as mentioned in my previous article, atypical trigeminal neuralgia. During my last flare I faced a new challenge- serious depression. Many people would say of course you would become depressed. You are in tremendous pain and have unbearable fatigue, but in this case the depression was caused by the disease process itself. How lupus causes all these different things remains a mystery and there are probably a number of different things happening at once. Perhaps because lupus affects women to men in an 8:1 ration, perhaps because the disease is so complex; very little is actually known about the cause or the pathogenesis of the disease. In 30 years there has not been a drug developed specifically to treat lupus. Medical therapies are grounded in symptomatic relief, and often the medication is worse than the disease itself. Doctors prescribe nonsteroidal antiinflammatories at the outset, but most patients wind up having to take strong immunosuppressive agents such as prednisone or chemotherapy drugs. I never considered that an option. I have been focused on maintaining my quality of life with lifestyle changes (diet and exercise), nutritional supplements (sometimes taken to offset the side-effects of the medications I must take), and taking the best smart drugs (nootropics) available. I do this, so if and when medical science finds a reasonable treatment for this disease, I will still have some brain cells left to take advantage of it! And I must say, in the 14 years I have dealt with this chronic illness I have done very well. I want to let you know how I got here. FAX

After 20 plus weeks on the

O R D E R I N G +44 (0)208 181 6106

my pain medication in half, and the depression is in remission so I can once again take pleasure in the little things. I found Milnacipran extremely easy to tolerate, (which is a little strange for me, because I have experienced numerous adverse drug reactions with many medications my physicians have prescribed). It was eight or nine years ago when I first discovered IAS and began a program to protect my gray matter. One of the first nootropics I incorporated into my health regiment, (which already included CoQ10 and Idebenone), was Piracetam. I am no expert at these things so I can only refer you to the extensive article James South, MA wrote on subject; PiracetamThe original Nootropic. [Ed.- That article can be read in the Summer 2004 Antiaging Magazine or at:] At that time my symptoms were fairly benign but I knew my brain was under assault and I wanted to do everything that seemed rational to protect my neurons. In designing a program for yourself, you always want to consider the risk/benefit ratio. Could the possible side effects outweigh the potential benefit? In the case of Piracetam, the side effect profile was excellent, so that is where I began. The Piracetam broke the ice for me and as I was in for a penny, why not go in for the pound? The next smart drug I added was Pyritinol. Again, I am no expert, so the best resource I can refer you to is James South's article on the subject; PyritinolThe Antioxidant, Immune-Enhancing, Anti-Rheumatoid Arthritis Nootropic. [Ed.That article can be read at:] The most compelling reason for me to take this drug was the fact that pyritinol is extremely beneficial to people who are recovering from cerebral trauma and strokes. One of the possible causes of cognitive dysfunction in people with SLE is they may be experiencing tiny and numerous transient ischemic attacks (TIAs). In the case of lupus and the brain, there is so much speculation because MRIs are not sensitive enough to be helpful, and we don't routinely do a brain biopsy to see what sort of damage is occurring. Despite my best efforts to keep myself well through diet, exercise, nutritional supplements and smart drugs; I was still plagued by bouts of unbelievable fatigue. If you have never suffered from chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, Lyme disease or another debilitating

systemic illness, it is difficult to understand the kind of fatigue I am talking about. This is a whole body fatigue, "fatigued to the bone", and a fatigue that does not resolve with sleep. One of the smart drugs that went a long way toward giving me life back is Modafinil. Again, I will refer you to lAS's website for more detailed information. [Ed.- Modafinil articles can be seen at: .htm] Modafinil was a drug originally developed for narcolepsy (sleeping in the daytime). It definitely increases wakefulness and alertness for me, without making me feel 'wired' and without interfering with my sleep. Many doctors will prescribe Ritalin for their patients who experience the type of fatigue I am reporting. However, Ritalin is an amphetamine and does not fare well on my risk/benefit ratio. Whereas, Modafinil not only increases my energy level, it truly helps dissipate my 'brain fog'. The last smart drug in my personal portfolio is Memantine. Again, for more detailed technical information on Memantine, go to lAS's website. [Ed.- Information available at:] Memantine was originally approved for Alzheimer's disease and it is an NMDA receptor antagonist. There is a rheumatologist in the New York area who has been researching lupus and the brain for many years. She now postulates that some of the cognitive dysfunction in SLE is being caused by immune complexes binding to the NR2 receptor. It is exactly this receptor that Memantine protects. In addition, the NMDA receptors are definitely involved in some types of neuropathic pain conditions. Neuropathic pain is the most difficult pain to treat successfully. Unpublished studies did demonstrate Memantine was helpful in alleviating certain types of neuropathic pain such as post herpetic neuralgia, facial pain, and pelvic pain. Adding Memantine did help me achieve better pain control, but even if it did not, the research that it can protect certain neurons under fire in my case is quite compelling. As I stated in my previous article, I believe that if it wasn't for the access I have to these ground breaking medications I wouldn't be alive today. I hope I haven't bored you with my personal saga. It is my deepest wish that others can benefit from the many things I have learned as I continue this journey toward optimal health. Milnacipran is available from IAS and can be ordered online or from the product directory at the back of this magazine. 13


When the coenzyme (the active part of a vitamin) CoQ10 was first discovered to have heart, blood and energy improvement factors, it soon became apparent that it was going to be an important and popular supplement. CoQ10 is now available from most health food stores and is consumed by millions of people on a regular basis. What few people realize though, is that there is also a special synthetic variant of CoQ10 available called Idebenone. It has all the qualities and benefits of CoQ10, but with an even greater range and depth of protection. Idebenone protects the mitochondria (the precious energy producing cells) and has even been shown to have brain enhancing qualities.

yourself with the world's most potent anti-oxidant

Idebenone is the "ultimate" CoQ10 MITOCHONDRIA, OXYGEN & ENERGY PRODUCTION There are literally thousands of mitochondria in every cell of our body. Their primary role is to produce ATP (adenosine triphosphate) which is the body's raw form of energy, ATP is the energy behind life it literally powers our every activity. In the process of producing ATP, the mitochondria utilize oxygen and CoQ10 in a process called the electron transport chain or ETC. Unfortunately, oxygen can also be a potent generator of damaging free radicals. Most of the oxygen we breathe is used inside the ETC to produce ATP and as a result of the amount of oxygen used inside the mitochondria, a lot of free-radical damage occurs. Free radicals have to be mopped up by free radical scavengers. If left unchecked, free radical damage inside the mitochondria leads to its malfunction and eventual cessation. As cells cannot borrow energy from one another ultimately the organ the mitochondria provide for becomes damaged. This damage can lead to organ failure and possibly even death. Under normal circumstances CoQ10 provides protection and free radical scavenging but this changes under the condition of ischemia or poor blood flow. Reduced blood flow can take place during a mild heart attack, stroke, trauma or shock, or in general aging related blood supply problems such as the thinning of the blood, the hardening of arteries and reduction in the heart's pumping capabilities. In these circumstances oxygen levels drop and this causes CoQ10 to oxidize itself, effectively turning it into another free radical! In more extreme conditions a large presence of free radicals can cease ATP production and create a life threatening condition.



This is one key-area where Idebenorie has been shown to be much more effective than CoQ10. Under the same low oxygen conditions that cause CoQ10 to become oxidized, Idebenone still prevents free radical damage and continues maintaining relatively normal ATP production. Idebenone should be the supplement of choice for anyone concerned with stroke, heart conditions, shock, trauma and mitochondrial failure conditions. It is also for this reason that Idebenone is recognized as extremely beneficial for athletes and those who like to push their body's performance capabilities. SLOWING AGING The mitochondria are key life-preserving cells but as we've seen their vast use of oxygen exposes them to free radicals. Over a lifetime they become ever more damaged and increasingly inefficient. The mitochondria most at risk from aging/free radical damage are those in the heart, brain and skeletal muscles. A key aspect of current anti-aging thinking is the desire to slow down and prevent damage from occurring to mitochondrial function. According to the latest research Idebenone is one of the most effective drugs currently available capable of doing this.

diagnosing and treating a disease early when action appears to be most effective, perhaps effective enough even to prevent it from becoming a major problem. COMPARING COQIO & IDEBENONE Although Idebenone and CoQ10 share a common origin, there are a number of crucial proven clinical differences between them: • Idebenone is much more potent than CoQ10 in its anti-oxidant abilities. Studies indicate that Idebenone is 30-100 times more effective than vitamin E or vinpocetine as a free radical quencher. • Idebenone protects under low oxygen (hypoxic) conditions and remains an anti-oxidant. A situation where CoQ10 can become the reverse and act as a pro-oxidant. • Unlike CoQ10 Idebenone has been shown to increase Nerve Growth Factor and enhance cholinergic activity showing it to have cognitive enhancing abilities particularly useful in the treatment of dementias.

Idebenone is proven to be a superb anti-oxidant for protecting the all important mitochondria by both mopping up free radical activity and safe guarding the unique mitochondrial DNA. Idebenone is such an efficient and potent anti-oxidant that when organs are taken for transplant, Idebenone is very often used to protect them from damage. CoQ10 was one of the most significant discoveries of recent years and has become incredibly well known thanks largely to its inclusion in many beauty products. It has also become a highly demanded supplement in its own right. Idebenone with its even broader range of uses and its greater effectiveness deserves to make a similar impact on the world. • Adapted from "Idebenone; a drug with a myriad of antiaging benefits" by Robert Mason Ph.D. To read the original complete article along with all clinical references dosages and contraindications please visit: If you wish to purchase Idebenone, please turn to the product directory at the end of this magazine.

DEMENTIA, MEMORY & COGNITION As a result of successful animal studies Idebenone is being used in the treatment of senile dementias particularly Alzheimer's disease. In a German clinical study 90mg of Idebenone was administered daily to Alzheimer disease patients. After 6months the patients exhibited a statistically significant improvement. Treatment with Idebenone was found to be specifically effective on the memory, attention and orientation of the patients. Perhaps most importantly of all Idebenone slowed down the natural progression of Alzheimer's disease. The study concluded with this emphatic comment from its author

"Our results demonstrate the efficacy and safety of Idebenone in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease." As with most nootropics, clinical trials indicate that patients with mild dementia seem more likely to respond than those with greater functional decline. Once again underlining the importance of

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NUTRITIONAL THERAPY FOR C A N C E R Poly-MVA is a unique new formulated combination of minerals, vitamins and amino-acids (hence MVA), designed to support cellular energy production and promote health by replacing certain nutrients that may be depleted during chemotherapy and radiation. To date Poly-MVA has been shown to •

Provide nutritional support to those concerned about cancer.

Promote overall health by replenishing nutrients that may be depleted during chemotherapy and radiation treatments.

This incredible and unique product is available from IAS. For further details or to place an order please visit www. antiaging-systems. com or turn to the product directory at the back of this magazine.





Ward Dean. M.D. is one of the most prominent anti-aging physicians in the world

today. Apart from his groundbreaking work with Professor Vladimir Dilman, in forming the; "Neuroendocrine Theory of Aging and Degenerative Disease" he is also a world renowned expert in Biological Aging Measurement and has published what is widely considered to be the definative work on the subject. Dr. Dean is the Medical Director for Vitamin Research Products in Carson City, Nevada, the Medical Director of Inner-Age, and is also Medical Doctor to the Watson Health Center, Milton in Florida.

AAM: Dr. Dean, thank you for taking the time to discuss the Neuroendocrine Theory of Aging and the biguanide drug Metformin. Dr. Dean: as you know, since the early '90s, I've been recommending Metformin as the most effective anti-aging drug there is. I think it still holds that distinction. In fact, the


Life Extension

recently made that same claim on the

cover of their magazine.

You were kind enough in Spring 2000 to provide the IAS Anti-Aging Bulletin with an an article about Metformin outlining its success in assisting weight loss. For the benefit of our readers, would you please explain the purpose of Metformin, at least from the 'official approved-use' perspective?

Antiaging Magazine speaks to about the substance he describes as Interview by Phil Micans

Sure... Metformin or Glucophage速 is approved for diabetes. Specifically, Type II 'maturity onset' diabetes. Metformin has an action mechanism that is completely different from the older antidiabetic drugs, like the sulfonylureas The sulfonylureas act to stimulate the release of insulin from the pancreas. The problem is, Type II diabetics are insulin resistant, and already have too much insulin. So although the sulfonylureas lower blood sugar by elevating insulin levels, they actually make the condition worse by causing further insulin resistance. Metformin acts by restoring insulin receptor sensitivity, not only in the muscles, but also in the hypothalamus, the central regulator in the brain. Although Metformin was originally approved for Type II diabetics only, I've routinely used it on my Type I, 'insulin dependant' diabetics. Despite Type I diabetics producing insufficient quantities of insulin, they, like the Type II diabetics, are insulin resistant. Consequently, I recommend that Type I diabetics



use Metformin along with their insulin. This way,

These are also insulin receptor sensitizing drugs

they can get away with less insulin, and the

which can enhance the glucose-lowering efficacy

Metformin greatly reduces the wild swings in

of Metformin by up to about 30%.

blood sugar that most insulin dependant diabetics

You wrote an interesting article about Acarbose in the Fall 2000 IAS AntiAging Bulletin, discussing how it blocks the update of starches, as well as its ability to enhance weight loss. Off hand, are you aware of any patients who have experienced the benefits of this type of therapy and approach?

suffer from. In addition, Metformin is widely recognized as the drug of choice for the polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). It works equally well for any woman with ovarian cysts.

So how does the act of restoring insulin receptor sensitivity aid in the control of aging? As we age, we are all becoming diabetic, and some of us are just more diabetic than others. I

Metformin is a real life-changing drug for many

consider Metformin to be a metabolic rejuvena-

people. In addition to being one of the most

tor.' It actually restores the individual's capacity to

effective weight loss drugs there is, it has the

metabolise carbohydrates. In addition to

effect of making people feel better. The three

normalizing blood sugar and insulin, it lowers

things I keep hearing over and over from my

Cortisol, helps to normalize blood pressure, lowers

patients on Metformin are: 'I feel better: I've got

cholesterol and triglycerides, stimulates the

more energy; and I've lost my carbohydrate

release of growth hormone, and enhances the


immune system.

diarrhoea. I've found, however, that almost

This whole area of anti-aging treatment is clearly very effective. We know of course that the accumulation of Advanced Glycated End products, or AGEs, is much greater in diabetics compared to non-diabetics, and that diabetes has often been viewed as a form of accelerated aging. I suspect that even more focus will be placed on what Dr. Raven called Syndrome X, what is your view Dr. Dean?

everyone can build up a tolerance to it. I suggest

Professor Vladimir Dilman is the originator of the

that my patients start with a low dose, as little as

Neuroendocrine Theory of Aging. Dilman

Overall Metformin looks like a rather remarkable substance, beneficial for weight control, lowering cholesterol ratios and possibly even extending life span. What potential side effects and contraindications have you noted with your patients? The only side effect I have witnessed in about 10% of my patients is stomach upset and

one, or even a half tablet per day for a week or

preceded Reaven by more than ten years, and his

two, and then gradually increase the dose as they

concepts went far beyond Reaven's. Syndrome X

develop a tolerance. There is a theoretical

is a pattern of hyperinsulinemia, hypertension,

problem of lactic acidosis in patients with impaired

and coronary artery disease. Dilman, however,

kidney function, but in practice, I have never seen

described the metabolic pattern of aging,' which

this, despite monitoring thousands of patients on

not only includes the elements of 'Syndrome X,'

Metformin. Nevertheless, I believe that anyone

but also incorporates other metabolic changes as

with impaired kidney function should take

well, which are a part of all the other chronic

Metformin only under the care of a physician, and

degenerative diseases. The lynchpin in all of

should have their blood levels of lactic acid

these conditions, is hyperinsulinemia, and the loss

checked periodically.

of hormone receptor sensitivity. I updated

What dosages do you normally prescribe?

crine Theory of Aging and Degenerative Disease'

I routinely recommend 1500 mg per day and can recommend as much as 2,000 mg per day, however I don't see much benefit in increasing the dose beyond that level. If a patient is not able to tolerate high does without gastric upset, I suggest they take whatever dose they can tolerate.

Are there any additional substances that can be used synergistically along with Metformin? Metformin has been shown to impair the absorption of vitamin B12, so it is probably prudent to make sure that you're taking plenty of B12.1 don't have to tell my patients that, of course, as they're usually already taking plenty of vitamins. Metformin has also been shown to raise homocysteine, so extra folic acid and Vitamin B6 should also be taken. If homocysteine levels are elevated, I recommend adding Anhydrous Betain (Trimethylglycine) in a dose of about 6-9 grams per day. If a patient is diabetic, or a starch junkie, the starch blocker Acarbose (Glucobay®) can also be used. If the patient is a diabetic, I would

I agree. I think everyone over 35 should be taking Metformin.

We welcome your input Dr. Dean and keep up the good work. My pleasure.

Alzheimers disease is the most common form of dementia (a brain disorder that seriously affects a person's ability to carry out daily activities) among older people. It involves the parts of the brain that control thought, memory and language. IAS supply class-leading medications - which are now even better!

^ it)

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Dilman's work in our 1992 book, T h e Neuroendo[Ed.- unfortunately, out of print], and in a series of articles for the Vitamin Research Newsletter, all of which are available in the anti-aging section on my website Hyperinsulinemia is involved in Syndrome X and the Metabolic Pattern of Aging. Since Metformin normalizes insulin, blood sugar, and a number of other age-related parameters, it really is a true anti-aging, life extending drug.

I've seen your website, and it is really quite interesting, especially some of the pages that are unrelated to health and life extension, and I often recommend your site to others. Perhaps I can say in closing that we would be keen to hear from any clients out there using Metformin as to what their experiences have been, and to keep us informed of their progress. Given the fact that Metformin is readily available and inexpensive, this is an anti-aging medicine that most can afford.

Memantine and Galantamine can now be supplied in a new liquid format - helping to make administration and dosage selection easier for you. For further information on these new products go to: Or turn to the product directory on Page 32 of this magazine.

add Actos® or Avandia® to the Metformin. FAX O R D E R I N G +44 (0)208 I 8 I 6106


Oentrophenoxine is one of the world's oldest nootropics (a Greek word meaning "acting on the mind"). It is a compound of two natural bio-chemicals called DMAE and PCPA. DMAE occurs naturally in some foods, especially fish, and is also a naturally occurring metabolite of choline. PCPA is a synthetic version of plant growth hormones. Centrophenoxine has been used successfully to treat a wide variety of human diseases including neurological disorders. Clinical trials in geriatric patients with such symptoms as confusion, and extreme weakness and disturbances of memory and intellectual concentration, revealed marked improvement after several weeks of treatment. Clinical studies in European literature have reported a significant improvement in geriatric patients, of such symptoms as fatigue, irritability, confusional states, and loss of memory. To date, these human clinical trials have demonstrated that Centrophenoxine is an effective nootropic or life enhancing drug rather than a life extension drug. However, there are tantalizing hints from the Centrophenoxine experimental literature that do suggest it may well be a life extension drug. 18

Life Extension Studies

The membrane hypothesis of aging

In 1971, Dr. Richard Hochschild published results of a study showing that Centrophenoxine lengthened the lifespan of fruit flies. The mean life span of the Centrophenoxine group was 39% longer than controls. Dr. Hochschild next experimented with mice. He found that Centrophenoxine increased their median survival time, on average by 29.5%. Professor Imre Zs.-Nagy tested the effects of BCE-001, (an experimental drug variant of Centrophenoxine), on the lifespan of rats. The untreated controls had a median life span of 23.6 months, typical for this strain, while the treated animals had a median life span of 29 months, representing a 23% increase. These experiments provide some evidence and reason to believe that Centrophenoxine has the potential to extend life. Yet human Centrophenoxine life extension trials have never been done, and may never happen! Fortunately, there has been a great deal of biochemical and experimental research into Centrophenoxine's mode of action. The results of this research may explain why it could be viewed as a successful life extension drug for humans.

In simple terms, Centrophenoxine contains an active ingredient, DMAE, that works as a specific hydroxyl free-radical scavenger. Professor Zs.-Nagy points out that the main damaging factor for all biological components including proteins are hydroxyl free radicals. These are continuously produced in cells as a result of the interaction between superoxide radicals (SOR) and hydrogen peroxide (H202). Unfortunately, while there are cellular enzymatic defences against SOR and H202, there are no enzymatic defences against hydroxyl radicals. Professor Zs.-Nagy remarks that high potassium and water permeability, and low sodium permeability, are key prerequisites for cell function. Over the course of a lifetime, chronic damage to cell membranes cause decreased levels of potassium and water permeability. This results in the gradual accumulation of potassium inside cells, and an accompanying loss of water:"... there is a continuous relative dehydration of the living system during its whole life span." Professor Zs.-Nagy and his colleagues found that about 80% of the weight of intracellular water in the brain cells of one



month old rats, decreases to 72-73% by

confirmed. However, it is much more than

age 32 months, while the dry mass

"just" DMAE, for when Centrophenoxine

intracellular content increases from 20%

enters various cells, it is hydrolyzed (or

to 27-28%, a 40% relative increase. When Professor Zs.-Nagy treated old rats with Centrophenoxine for 2 months, their brain and liver total and messenger

broken down) into DMAE and PCPA which is then incorporated into the cell membrane. Professor Zs.-Nagy compared the

RNA synthesis levels returned to the

molecular weights of membrane proteins

levels of young rats. This constitutes a

from 2, 12, and 24-month-old rats. "The

literal complete regeneration of at least

molecular weight distribution of the rats

the first part of gene expression in the old,

was age dependent, with a clear shift

Centrophenoxine treated rats, making

towards higher molecular weights in the

possible much more effective membrane

adult and old rats. Centrophenoxine


treatment for 2 months reversed this phenomenon in the old animals: the high

Specific antioxidants

molecular weight fractions decreased and the lower ones increased in the treated

Since the "vicious circle of aging" starts


with hydroxyl radical damage to the cell

Centrophenoxine + H 2 0 :

membrane, one solution would be to

Centrophenoxine restores water & ion

intersperse a hydroxyl radical scavenger


throughout the cell membrane. The chief

a simple longevity program The human body is about 70% water,

non-enzymatic hydroxyl radical scavenger

Fulop and colleagues used a double-

although this figure is generally lower in

is ascorbate (Vitamin C). Yet ascorbate is

blind, placebo-controlled trial of Centro-

the elderly. Gradual lifelong intracellular

water-soluble, occurring in the watery

phenoxine with 50 demented elderly

dehydration impairs the biochemistry of

compartments such as blood, extra

adults. After just 8-weeks of Centro-

life, which occurs in the watery medium of

cellular fluid and cytoplasm. Cell mem-

phenoxine treatment, the intracellular

the cells. John Watterson, in a classic

branes are composed of lipids, proteins,

water content increased by 3.38% in men,

1988 review on; "The role of water in cell

and glycoproteins. Tocopherol (Vitamin E)

and by 3.92% in women, with virtually no

architecture," provides evidence that

is the chief membrane anti-oxidant,

change in the placebo group. As Profes-

water clusters help make up the sub

interspersed among the membrane lipids.

sor Zs.-Nagy pointed out, "If the

cellular architecture of the cell, and that

Unfortunately, Tocopherol does not

cytoplasm becomes rehydrated by only

water is not just a background medium in

quench hydroxyl radicals.

2%, the potassium concentration of the

which biochemical reactions occur.

DMAE is the active ingredient of Centrophenoxine, and the hydroxyl radical scavenging ability of DMAE is well

cellular water will be about 20% lower than that of untreated old controls."

In conclusion, it is evident from the literature that Centrophenoxine has the ability to repair cell membranes by facilitating the rehydration of the intracellular mass. Therefore, a regime including 500 mg - 1000 mg Centrophenoxine, plus 2-3 litres of water daily, may turn out to be a simple, but effective life extension combination.


References Adapted from "Centrophenoxine: A true life extension drug?" by James South MA. To read the original complete article along with all clinical references, please go to: ension.htm Professor Zs.-Nagy's discussion about the hypothesis of aging can also be viewed on


O R D E R I N G +44 (0)208 I 8 I 6106


currently charge for the magazine, all we ask is that you purchase something from us at least once every year to remain on our priority mailing list!

S e n d your questions, letters & c o m m e n t s to: Editor, Antiaging Magazine, IAS House, Les Autelets, Sark, G Y 9 OSF, Great Britain or via e-mail:

Ronald Carlos, Customer Support Manager


I've been very pleased with the hair regrowth effects of the MinSaw-A, but I do have a dry scalp now which can lead to dandruff, any suggestions?

I have read that Aminoguanidine is an extract of goat's rue. Is your product a drug originating from the herb, or is it just the herbal extract? IAS has always had a policy of only stocking the brands and extracts of products that were used in the original clinical trials, and then ensuring they are of pharmaceutical quality. Wherever possible, we have normally stocked the original brand that was used in the clinical trial, even though in many cases they are a few dollars more expensive. Why have we done this? Well, unfortunately all too often the "devil is in the detail," and just because a product appears to have the same ingredients, it doesn't necessarily mean it will be as effective as the original etc. Our Aminoguanidine is the hydrochloride version. It is the drug originating from the herb, and mimics the exact same molecule used in the clinical trials. I am always disappointed with companies who "cash in" on the publicity of the trials by offering an inferior product that does not, or is not exactly the same as that used in the clinical trials that they are always so keen to report on. Purity, composition, formula and presentation can all play a role in the efficacy and safety of any product, which is why I recommend that people try the original brand first before giving up, saying that product X didn't work for them! Some good examples of this are Can-C eyedrops, Nootropil (piracetam) tablets, Melatonin (TI-MEIatonin) tablets and indeed our own Aminoguanidine. All of them are often imitated, but never equaled! Phil Micans, PharmB Can Milnacipran be taken with other anti-depressants, in particularWellbutrin? Milnacipran is currently available under the brand of Ixel and is being heralded as a breakthrough. It is approved as an anti-depressant, and it has the unique


ability to raise noradrenaline and serotonin at a ratio of 3:1 (compare that to Effexor, which raises the same by 1:30). However, recent clinical trials are focusing on its ability to improve chronic fatigue and pain conditions for fibromyalgia and lupus. Indeed, in the Antiaging Magazine, we have been following the regime of nutritionist Karen Kaufmann who has been using Milnacipran to control her lupus/ pain flares. It is noted that Milnacipran contraindicates with MAO inhibitors (including A and B), and may conflict with other enhancers of noradrenaline and serotonin, (such as Wellbutrin which is a mild enhancer of the two). Although it is far less likely to contraindicate than other MAO inhibiting drugs, It would be highly advisable to be weaned slowly off one, whilst building up slowly with Milnacipran. This is common practice with most antidepressants and clearly is best practiced under the guidance of a physician. Phil Micans, PharmB I am really happy to have just obtained the new Antiaging Magazine as I used to enjoy receiving the previous Antiaging Bulletins. I do hope I will keep receiving this publication. Keep up the good work! Thank you for your comments, we are delighted to have received a favorable response from all kinds of readers about the new magazine. We hope to be able to mail out the magazines at least once every 3 months, although our goal is to increase this to once every 2-months. Unlike other organizations, we don't


MinSaw-A contains one of the strongest topical applications of Minoxidil, with 7% in solution. Uniquely it also contains two other ingredients that are synergistic, and further improve blood supply to the scalp to stimulate hair growth; those being retinolic acid and saw palmetto. This product also contains ethanol, and it is noted that both the retinolic acid and the ethanol can have drying effects which could lead to dandruff. If you want to reduce these effects there are three things you can do; (1) reduce the amount of MinSaw-A you apply each day. (2) Use a good conditioner regularly and (3) incorporate the use of an anti-dandruff shampoo into your routine. Phil Micans, PharmB You have written that Metformin and Phenytoin are useful as insulin sensitizers. Which is best for this purpose? And how about potential side effects? Can these be taken safely with meals during days that Growth Hormone is being injected? Comparative studies have not been done. At the low doses of Phenytoin (trade names include Dilantin速 or Epanutin速) that we recommend, side effects are generally non-existent. (It is clinically known that 200-300mg Phenytoin daily can significantly improve the Cholesterol /HDL ratio). I have used Phenytoin and Metformin together for years and have recommended this regimen to many patients, as well. Phenytoin and Metformin can be taken with meals or on an empty stomach. Unlike other oral anti-diabetic agents, these substances do not cause hypoglycemia-in fact; they are helpful for those with hypoglycemia, as better use is made of the available glucose. Also, there is no problem taking them in conjunction with Growth Hormone. Ward Dean, M.D O R D E R I N G

I am fifty years old and I've been using 1 drop of liquid deprenyl a day as prevention against Parkinson's Disease, (as it runs in the family). Would you recommend any other products I could take to run alongside the deprenyl to maximize my protection? Thank you for this interesting question. As you probably know, we here at IAS are of the firm belief that prevention is better than cure, and that in nearly every clinical trial, the earlier one starts to "treat" a condition, the better the outcome. As some neurologists have stated; "if we all live long enough, we would all become senile" it becomes apparent that brain antiaging is of the utmost importance. Parkinsons is caused by the decline of dopamine, and Deprenyl is an effective product to improve dopamine levels. It does this by inhibiting an enzyme (MAO-B) that breaks down dopamine, and according to Professor Jozeph Knoll of Debrechen University in Hungary, (a world expert in Deprenyl), it is a very effective enhancer, helping to maintain healthy brain cells, (particularly in the dopamine producing neuron area of the brain called the substantia nigra). As a result, Deprenyl enhances brain levels of both dopamine and PEA. As you have reached the age of 50, it may be advisable to increase the Deprenyl dosage to at least 2 or 3 drops (that's 2mg or 3mg) a day, but to take occasional breaks- (for example, none for 1 week a month, or alternatively none at weekends). Additional synergistic agents can include, Centrophenoxine 250mg once or twice a day. Centrophenoxine primarily increases Acetylcholine levels, but it also acts to improve cell to cell communication by removing a toxin called lipofuscin. Lipofuscin levels increase with age and are much more prevalent in the brains of those with dementia. In "real" terms Centrophenoxine increases the speed of memory recall. Hydergine, at 1.25mg two to four times a day is known to increase dendrite communication, improve (by stabilizing) brain oxygen levels (hence brain energy) and also enhance mitochondrial condition, all of which can stimulate brain condition. Pregnenolone is also noted as the most potent hormone involved in memory and cognition, and you may be able to use just 25mg to 50mg daily. Remember that "good blood" (i.e. thin) is important for vascular condition, and FAX

O R D E R I N G +44 (0)208 I 8 I 6106

supplements such as Vinpocetine, Ginko Biloba and Resveratrol are well accomplished in this regard. Lastly, let us not forget that everything is built upon the foundation of lifestyle and basic nutrition. Avoid processed foods, avoid and chelate heavy metals, (particularly lead, Mercury and Aluminium), exercise regularly (both physical and mental programs) and encourage a optimistic mental outlook. With specific reference to nutrition, I could suggest phosphatidylserine 100mg to 200mg daily, and a plethora of B-vitamins, in particular folic acid, B3, B6 and B12. Phil Micans, PharmB Could you inform me whether you will be stocking any larger sizes of HGH in the future? Human Growth Hormone or HGH has been made available in injectable form by IAS for many years, and we have carried the brand names of Humatrope and Saizen. Usually we have stocked the 4IU version (equivilant to 1.33mg), as this represents about a week's dose for the "average" person. However, we are aware that some people would like "larger" vials because their dose is higher, or because other members in the household are also using it etc. To this end, we are investigating the possibility of carrying the brand of Serostim, which comes in vials of 18IU (6mg) and we shall keep all interested parties informed if this occurs. Phil Micans, PharmB

I've been using the Can-C drops for 2 months now and I'm experiencing some good results, in particular reduced glare- (my night driving is much improved), improved color perception and I'm also reading a line lower on the eye test poster. But still after 2 months of usage the drops sting temporarily upon administration, can you explain why this happens? We are very pleased to hear that your vision continues to improve. Can-C eye-drops are designed to have the "normal" Ph eye balance of 6.3 to 6.5 However, we find that in some people, (about 1 in 50 and more often in the elderly), that the individual's eye Ph is outside this generally accepted "normal" range. This fact probably explains why some people experience a mild stinging effect. But in the majority of cases, most people can continue use Can-C eye-drops with only a minor irritation, and with continued use this side effect often lessens. Only in very rare cases is the stinging too irritating, and then the advice is to stop use. The only other problem we have come across, (which is very rare), is an allergy to the product. In this extremely rare case (we only know of 2 to date in total), we do not recommend use. To test for this, it may be possible to place some drops onto the back of the hand for a few days and see if there is any rash or swelling. If there is, then you may be allergic to one of the chemicals in the vial and therefore use is not recommended at all. For the vast majority of people, the benefits of Can-C far outweigh the minor and rare side effects. Phil Micans, PharmB

WRITE & WIN! If your letter is published you will recieve a copy of 'Millenium Guide to Antiaging Medicine' worth $29.95 absolutley free! W e will try and reply to all letters we recieve and answer as many of questions as possible. A selection of some of the most interesting questions and answers we've recieved from the old format Bulletin are available to view at: 21

Physical Energy Improvement All of us from time to time flag behind. However, when we know we are well rested and "ready for action" and still find ourselves behind our counterparts and "out of breath," it can be concerning. Sometimes these issues can be laid at the door of hormones, but as there is a need for the body to be able to be drawing down on energy constantly, if supplies are lacking or if methylation (the conversion of one chemical into another in the body) is imbalanced, then these issues can manifest the lack of energy that we all need to go about our daily business. There is also the objective of making the most of the exercise we do, to achieve the best possible results. There are a number of different approaches for this condition and we offer some of the class leading products below.

Anti-Aging Directory

fccetyt-LCarmtin* MWfyftMtoctMmhM

Item code: 0329


: ;

Item code: 0211

50 x 500mg capsules from $22.50


Item Code: 0330

Bio-Pro is a sublingual spray (under the tongue) containing ATP and NADH. Both these naturally occurring substances are used for the creation of energy throughout the entire body. NADH (a derivative of B3) is used in the creation of ATP and ATP=energy. ATP levels decline as we age, and replenishment improves energy levels.

640mg bottle from $31.25 SAMe (or S-Adenosyl-L-Methionine), is a natural chemical that is involved in methyl-donor conversion. SAMe has diverse uses, it is widely used in varied chemical processes throughout the body and has a major role in the production of the universal energy molecule - ATP. clinical evidence point to SAMe as a potent anti-depressant, with its energy enhancing affects has made it one of the most popular "serious" supplements.

Item code: 0231

This DHEA supplement can not only help to fight against certain health problems such as HIV, cancer, and senile dementia, but it can also combat aging and stress. Some DHEA converts to testosterone, which may explain improved energy levels and mood that some experience.

The use of Acetyl-L-Carnitine is recommended in order to help prevent agerelated cognitive decline, depression, and Alzheimer's disease. It is also known to improve mitochondrial condition and therefore assist in all energy conditions.

20 x 400mg from $33.50

60 x 25mg capsules from $9.00 Brand name T-Boost/ProBoost. This product can enhance sexual, mental and physical performance, due to the enhancement of both androstenediol and androstenedione, two very short-acting but energizing testosterone precursors. It also alleviates the age-related testosterone decline.

Item Code: 0341

900mg bottle from $21.25

The thyroid gland is an endocrine gland, located in the neck, that is involved with temperature regulation and many other vital roles, including the immune system. Thyroid is effective for many individuals to enhance energy levels and improve outlook.


-SjR.S.J Labi

Item Code: 0323


100 x 60mg tablets from $31.25


Sleep Regular good sleep is so important and yet overlooked by so many people. Deep sleep is a process by which our neurons repair themselves and gather the resources they need for another active day. Everyone knows that when sleep is deprived, a person goes "downhill" rapidly. Yet with aging we all lose the ability to sleep well, so enhancement of quality sleep is essential as we get older. Conversely, there can also be too much sleep, or inopportune moments when sleep is not required (i.e. during the day- a condition known as narcolepsy). There are a number of different approaches for these problems and we offer some of the class leading products below.


m Melatonin - brand name Tl-Melatonin is directly involved with sleep regulation, so the supplement's use in the treatment of age-related sleep disorders, jet lag or shift work is impressive. There is also some evidence that melatonin boosts immune system function, lowers cholesterol in people with high levels, and may be useful in treating or preventing cancer. 60 x 3mg tablets from $12.50

Tl-MElai \t* ORIGINAL FORMULA BN j CfrMwotWBMs*! v •

Item code: 0209

Adrafinil - brand name Olmifon is the world's first stimulant and antidepressant that enhances mental clarity, alertness and awareness without impeding our normal sleeping patterns or making us anxious and agitated.

5HTP is the precursor to serotonin and has many similar uses compared to L-Tryptophan, such as the assistance of sleep and alleviation of age related mental depression, as well as alcohol withdrawal.

60 x 50mg capsules from $11.25

Item code: 0327

L-Tryptophan is an essential aminoacid and its uses include alleviating depression, alcohol withdrawal and aiding weight loss. This product is the German pharmaceutical grade L-Tryptophan.


50 x 500mg capsules from $27.50

Item code: 0204

Modafinil is a remarkable, unique drug because it offers stimulation without affecting sleep. It provides 'good arousal'. We carry two brands of Modafinil, ProVigil and Modiodal although both products are identical and are licensed by the same pharmaceutical company.




C l m i f b n

30 x 100mg tablets from $137.50

Item Code: 0044

The thyroid gland is an endocrine gland, located in the neck, that is involved with temperature regulation and many other vital roles, including the immune system. Thyroid supplements are also known to improve sleep patterns for many people.


-i R.S.J Labs

40 x 300mg tablets from $27.50 FAX

O R D E R I N G +44 (0)208 I 8 I 6106

Item code: 0052

100 x 60mg tablets from $31.25

Item Code: 0323 23

One of our most vital senses, eyesight is another important aging problem, because clearly for the majority of people vision deteriorates as we age. All too often, it declines so slowly that we hardly notice the loss of color perception, the increase in glare at night, or the lack of focus and clarity. Then one day, almost like a shock, one remembers how it was not to struggle to read anything! Yet the decline in eyesight can be fought against! Procedures exist today to slow down this atrophy and even reverse the conditions of cataract, glaucoma etc. There are a number of different approaches for this condition and we offer some of the class leading products below.

5 < 2ml vWÂť lubricant aye^fopt

Can-C - These NEW Russian eye-drops are a major breakthrough in the prevention and treatment of senile cataract. They also help the aging eye to recover by improving its clarity, glare sensitivity, color perception and overall vision. Recommended use over a 3-month period minimum.

Item code: 0222

10ml 1% liquid From $34.50


Carnosine - brand name L-Carnosine is a powerful anti-oxidant, Carnosine not only flushes toxins out of the body, and it also boosts the immune system so that we are better equipped for fighting off disease. Carnosine also helps improve the function of the heart, protects against radiation damage and exerts anti-cancer effects.

Item code: 0171

60 x 50mg capsules From $12.50

Conjunctisan" A kugantropten

Item code: 0013


Item code: 0014 24

A llNTELECTOL' A 1 awwmMrMTRECT.lf |


y J ass,

•A 0 r.



Item Code: 0091

Vinpocetine brand name Intelectol, improves brain blood flow its unique quality is that it only affects areas that need to be improved. Intelectol has been shown to help improve hearing (particularly tinnitus), eyesight, and even to alleviate the problems involved with menopause.

50 x 5mg tablets From $12.50

Conjunctisan-A stimulates the spontaneous natural healing process and normalization of eye function and has been proven to be effective in the treatment of cataract, with a 67% improvement rate. It also treats other degenerative eye complaints such as environmental agitation, general eye aging and eye strain.

20 x 0.5ml Vial From $27.50 Conjunctisan-B differs from Conjunctisan-A in that it is indicated for use in the treatment of eye allergies and especially for those who suffer from contact lens problems and agitation. It may also help protect against radiation damage caused by long exposure to computer screens.

20 x 0.5ml Vial From $27.50 ONLINE O R D E R I N G

Sugar Control (Diabetes) The loss of the regulation of glucose and insulin occurs more and more as we age. We don't need to be diagnosed with diabetes to know that the older we become the more "diabetic" we behave. This is self evident by the fact that tests for diabetes are based on the patients age. The loss of the body's ability to regulate this vital source of energy has been extrapolated in the Neuroendocrine Theory of Aging and also in Syndrome X. Controlling sugar spikes, means controlling energy, controlling diet, controlling mood and controlling body composition. Diabetics are known to age much faster than their equivilant non-diabetic counterparts and have much higher levels of glycated proteins, it is clear that sugar control has many antiaging benefits. There are a number of different approaches for this condition and we offer some of the class leading products below.

Benfotiamine is a unique synthetic variant of vitamin B1 and it was recently reported by Michael Brownlee, M.D., as showing much promise in preventing nerve and blood-vessel damage in diabetics. Dr. Brownlee has commented; It's a huge breakthrough. We believe that Benfotiamine may also have important implications for aging, because often there are considerable changes in insulin and glucose tolerance.


Acarbose (also known as Glucobay速) is a drug that is used in the treatment of diabetes. It helps control blood sugar levels by slowing down the digestion of carbohydrates (simple and complex starches/ sugars) from the diet. Consequently it reduces the abnormally high blood sugar levels that occur after each meal. Acarbose can aid weight loss as apart of a diet plan.

50 x 100mg tablets From $25.00




Item code: 0328

Aminoguanidine helps prevent some proteins from cross-linking. It is therefore an exciting new weapon in the fight against aging. It has the potential to slow the aging process by protecting the proteins that make up our bodies, and is therefore especially good for alleviating the symptoms associated with diabetes.

100 x 75mg tablets From $27.50

Item code: 0303

Carnosine can help prevent glycosylation the cross linking of proteins (and DNA molecules) caused by sugar aldehydes reacting with the amino acids on the protein molecule and creating Advance Glycosylation End-products (AGE's). Such anti-glycosylation may be beneficial for diabetes, cataracts, neuropathy, kidney failure and skin conditions, as well as "general" anti-aging properties.

60 x 50mg capsules From $12.50

Item code: 0171

Metformin - brand name Metforal is used by diabetics to increase the body's receptor sensitivity to insulin. This is important for anti-aging, because we all lose insulin sensitivity with age, particularly past the age of forty. Metformin is also known to lower cholesterol levels and to reduce the risk of blood clotting.

50 x 500mg tablets From $12.50 FAX

ORDERING +44 (0)208 I 8 I 6106

Item code: 0042

Attention, Vigilance & Concentration Otherwise known as ADD or ADHD, this problem can often be the route of issues that are often incorrectly described as memory problems. After all, if you are not concentrating at the time of learning new material, how can you remember it with clarity later? This issue of learning new material for recall later is called memory imprinting. There are a number of different approaches for this condition and we offer some of the class leading products below.

Anti-Aging Directory Centrophenoxine (formerly known as Lucidril) increases the brain's use of glucose and improves brain energy levels. It also removes a potassium build up in the brain, heart, lung and skin cells, and is vital for the efficient communication of a cell to transfer potassium and sodium across its membranes. Centrophenoxine improves concentration.


Item code: 0243

Nootropil Nofej 800 r




Item code: 0205

60 x 250mg capsules from $27.50 Piracetam - brand name Nootropil is made by UCB and is the world's best selling so-called smart drug. It helps with learning and appears to be a substance capable of extending the intellectual functions of man, even individuals already gifted with high intelligence and good memory.

60 x 800mg tablets from $17.50

Modafinil is a remarkable, unique drug because it offers stimulation without affecting sleep. It provides 'good arousal'. We carry two brands of Modafinil, ProVigil and Modiodal although both products are identical and are licensed by the same pharmaceutical company.

Item Code: 0044

30 x 100mg tablets from $137.50


Adrafinil - brand name Olmifon is the world's first stimulant and antidepressant that enhances mental clarity, alertness and awareness without impeding our normal sleeping patterns or making us anxious and agitated.

Item code: 0052

40 x 300mg tablets from $27.50


Desmopressin, (brand name Minirin), was formerly known as Vasopressin. It is a peptide that is believed to deposit memories into the hippocampus as they are learnt. As such, used as a nasal spray it is very fast acting to improve memory imprinting and short term memory, in some countries it is even used to treat amnesia. Desmopressin is seen as an ideal agent for conferences and lectures etc

Item Code: 0229



2.5ml nasal spray from $22.50

Deprenyl liquid - brand name Selepryl protects and enhances mental function, mood and even libido by increasing brain levels of the focus and drive neurotransmitter- dopamine.

Item code: 0239


Item Code: 0184


300mg bottle from $65.00

This special creation is Niacin and GABA bonded that acts as a mild stimulant, yet lowers aggression. It not only has a tranquilizing effect without a sedative effect, but also has an element of stimulatory action.

60 x 50mg tablets from $27.50


Stress & Anxiety t

The plague of the 21st Century, stress can all to often be a regular part of modern life, plus sometimes we are not aware that we are under stress as we go about our everyday lives in built up cities. But then when we retreat to a quiet, carefree place, like on vacation, then we realise how much pressure we are always under. Our ancestors did not have to cope with such "constant" stress, for them the issues were much more "on or off'. Today stress and anxiety can lead to permanently high levels of the "dark hormone" Cortisol with its resulting damaging effects. There are a number of different approaches for this condition and we offer some of the class leading products below.

This supplement 5HTP is the precursor to serotonin and has many similar uses compared to L-Tryptophan, such as the assistance of sleep and alleviation of age related mental depression, as well as alcohol withdrawal. 5HTP can help to placcate agitated people.

L-Tryptophan's uses include alleviating depression, alcohol withdrawal and aiding weight loss. (This product is German pharmaceutical grade LTryptophan). L-Tryptophan has a calming effect.

60 x 50mg capsules from $11.25

Gamalate B6 is a supplement that combines four natural ingredients which together act to calm and placate anxious, fretful or stressed individuals, and stabilize their moods. It contains GABA, B6, Magnesium and GABOB (the nearest legal molecile to GH3).

60 x 250mg tablets from $9.00

Item code: 0327

Gamalate B„ 1

,i I



Item code: 0027

Pregnenolone supplements can help to improve energy levels and combat chronic fatigue, and is also particularly helpful against the swelling and inflammation associated with arthritis, having been used to treat arthritis since the 1940's. Other benefits of the Pregnenolone supplement include stress reduction. Pregnenolone is the most potent memory enhancing sterone. 50 x 100mg capsules from $17.50

Picamilone is a supplement that is Niacin and GABA bonded. It acts as a mild stimulant, yet lowers aggression. It not only has a tranquilizing effect without a sedative effect, but also has an element of stimulatory action.

Gerovital-H3 improves cell metabolism, concentration and vitality, alleviates joint stiffness, enhances well-being and acts as an anti-depressant. It is even known to boost skin and hair condition.

60 x 100mg from $17.50

50 x 500mg capsules from $27.50

Item code: 0360

60 x 50mg tablets from $27.50

The thyroid gland is an endocrine gland, located in the neck, that is involved with temperature regulation and many other vital roles, including the immune system. Thyroid is also known to assist some people in the control of stress and anxiety


Item code: 0204

&2&1 IT




the building Mock of hormones

Item Code: 0335



Item Code: 0184

U T U R E - T H R O I D " MT-1 WfflOÂŽ. u s e fTAKCIJ 11 MAIM I J1.4


100 T A B L E T !

f R.S.J Labi

100 x 30mg tablets $27.50 FAX

O R D E R I N G + 4 4 ( 0 ) 2 0 8 181 6 1 0 6

Item Code: 0324 27

Antiaging & Longevity Of course many products and protocols can be described as antiaging, and a few can even point to their longevity (life extension) properties (at least in animals). Our category here focuses upon products that have been scientifically proven to readjust key parameters that are often at the core of pro-aging (if left unchecked). In other words, they have benefits to slow and reverse particular signs of age and its degeneration on a broad and general level in the body. There are a number of different approaches for this condition and we offer some of the class leading products below.




Anti-Aging Directory


Item code: 0303


Item code: 0171

Aminoguanidine helps prevent some proteins from cross-linking. It is therefore an exciting new weapon in the fight against aging. It has the potential to slow the aging process by protecting the proteins that make up our bodies, and is therefore especially good for alleviating the symptoms associated with diabetes.

100 x 75mg tablets from $27.50

4,5 mg

3Cc >h*<t>"


Item code: 0360

300mg bottle from $65.00



ByteCoJunxofltB i NM*l TTw IMatonn i liradi^ia^ KkMlfll /"TV ifim f " ) ' l_i •

30 x 4.5mg tablets from $19.50

GH3Pro is a generic Gerovital-H3. It improves cell metabolism, concentration and vitality, alleviates joint stiffness, enhances well-being and acts as an anti-depressant. It is even known to boost skin and hair condition.

n-MEB Deprenyl liquid - brand name Selepryl protects and enhances mental function, mood and even libido by increasing brain levels of the focus and drive neurotransmitter- dopamine.

2.5ml nasal spray from $22.50 Hydergine - Brand name Hydergina enhances mental abilities by improving and stabilizing oxygen supply to the brain. Hydergine is also known to improve mitochondrial condition, which as the energy producing cells throughout the body has a wide antiaging benefitThis pharmaceutical grade Hydergine is made by Novartis, the company formerly known as Sandoz.

Item code: 0032

60 x 250mg capsules from $27.50


Item code: 0229

60 x 50mg capsules from $12.50

Item code: 0243

Item code: 0239


Hydergma" 4,5 Compm ri nos


jyrf Selepryl

Desmopressin, (brand name Minirin), was formerly known as Vasopressin. It is a peptide that is believed to deposit memories into the hippocampus as they are learnt. As such, used as a nasal spray it is very fast acting to improve memory imprinting and short term memory, in some countries it is even used to treat amnesia. Desmopressin is seen as an ideal agent for conferences and lectures etc


Carnosine - brand name L-Carnosine is a powerful anti-oxidant, Carnosine not only flushes toxins out of the body, and it also boosts the immune system so that we are better equipped for fighting off disease. Carnosine also helps improve the function of the heart, protects against radiation damage and exerts anti-cancer effects.

Centrophenoxine (formerly known as Lucidril) increases the brain's use of glucose and improves brain energy levels. It also removes a potassium build up in the brain, heart, lung and skin cells, and is vital for the efficient communication of a cell to transfer potassium and sodium across its membranes. Centrophenoxine has shown an ability to remove liver spots.


Minirin O / DV if P H01BA02


Item code: 0209 ONLINE

60 x 100mg from $17.50 Melatonin - brand name Tl-Melatonin is directly involved with sleep regulation, so the supplement's use in the treatment of age-related sleep disorders, jet lag or shift work is impressive. There is also some evidence that melatonin boosts immune system function, lowers cholesterol in people with high levels, and may be useful in treating or preventing cancer by assiting in the rebalance of hormones. 60 x 3mg tablets from $12.50 O R D E R I N G


Memory & Cognition Who are we without our minds? You may be body beautiful, but stimulating conversation and interesting anecdotes are the result of a sharp mind and good mental abilities, and it is these facilities that make us interesting individuals and give us our personalities. There are many facets to memory and cognition, and through the unique range of products that IAS has supplied over the years, and the scientific, professional articles we have published, (all based on clinical evidence) has made this range our consistent best sellers. There are a number of different approaches for this condition and we offer some of the class leading products below.

Centrophenoxine (formerly known as Lucidril) increases the brain's use of glucose and improves brain energy levels. It also removes a potassium build up in the brain, heart, lung and skin cells, and is vital for the efficient communication of a cell to transfer potassium and sodium across its membranes. Centrophenoxine improves the speed of memory recall.

60 x 250mg capsules from $27.50

Hydergine - brand name Hydergina enhances mental abilities by improving and stabilizing oxygen supply to the brain. This pharmaceutical grade Hydergine is made by Novartis, the company formerly known as Sandoz.

40ml liquid bottle from $9.50 Aniracetam - brand name Ampamet is the first Nootropic analogue developed from Piracetam. It is virtually non-toxic and has beneficial effects in the treatment of memory loss, age related memory decline and lack of concentration. Aniracetam can improve memory recall, reaction, and detail.

20 x 750mg tablets from $39.50


" * J


Item code: 0243


Item code: 0031

Ampamet 750 t^wSS-ri.ftlf

Galantamine - brand name Reminyl is available in liquid form and used as a front line treatment for Alzheimer's disease. Galantamine stimulates nicotine receptors and also improves levels of Acetylcholine.

400mg Liquid from $140.00 FAX O R D E R I N G +44 (0)208 I 8 I 6106




Item code: 0006 « I®

500mg Liquid from $170.00 Piracetam - brand name Nootropil is made by UCB and is the world's best selling so-called smart drug. It helps with learning and appears to be a substance capable of extending the intellectual functions of man, even individuals already gifted with high intelligence and good memory.


Slcoovrev* film-nvmiic TJ0 my

Memantine - brand name Ebixa is a novel new drug that is showing a lot of promise in the battle against Alzheimer's disease, and is now available in liquid form. Some studies indicate that Ebixa could be effective for Parkinson's disease, while others suggest that Ebixa and NMDA receptors may have a role in alcoholism and that Ebixa could act as an anti-craving drug for alcohol.

f Renwiyl •frojM


f '"

l Item code: 0319

60 x 800mg tablets from $17.50



Item code: 0320

Nootropil' Noortool 800



LHJi Item code: 0205

Pregnenolone supplements can help to improve energy levels and combat chronic fatigue, and is also particularly helpful against the swelling and inflammation associated with arthritis, having been used to treat arthritis since the 1940's. Other benefits of the Pregnenolone supplement include stress reduction. Pregnenolone is the most potent memory enhancing sterone.

50 x 100mg capsules from $17.50 Vinpocetine brand name Intelectol, improves brain blood flow its unique quality is that it only affects areas that need to be improved. Intelectol has been shown to help improve hearing (particularly tinnitus), eyesight, and even to alleviate the problems involved with menopause.

50 x 5mg tablets from $12.50


Pregnenolone Um building block

Item code: 0335




Item code: 0091 29

I I.

Alzheimer's Disease AD is more common than most people imagine, often affecting about 1 in 5 of those over 65 and even 1 in 2 over 80 years of age. The progression of any senile dementia starts far earlier than most people think, and it is the goal of antiaging de ledicine to try to avoid such conditions by offering very mild treatment for such conditions well before the disease itself is diagnosed. We know that AD is caused cc by a loss of acetylcholine in the brain, the reasons for this decline have been blamed on long term nutritional deficiency, the progression of amyloid plaques and the build up of toxins (in particular heavy metals such as aluminium/ mercury etc). There are a number of different approaches for this condition and we offer some of the class leading products below.



Item Code: 0035


Reminyl 4 mg comprimklos 56 comprmdes recuMrtM * ÂŤ "S

Item Code: 0316

50 x 5mg tablets from $39.50

Item Code: 0260


Item Code: 0211

Item Code: 0347

Galantamine - brand name Reminyl is a supplement that is now used as a front line treatment for Alzheimer's disease.

56 x 4mg tablets from $119.50

Hydergina' 4,5 Compnmtios

50 x 10mg tablets from $149.50

Item Code: 0032

Nootropil No^ 800


i -

60 x 30mg tablets from $22.50

Hydergine - Brand name Hydergina enhances mental abilities by improving and stabilizing oxygen supply to the brain. This pharmaceutical grade Hydergine is made by Novartis, the company formerly known as Sandoz.

4,5 mg

Memantine - brand name Ebixa is a novel new drug that is showing a lot of promise in the battle against Alzheimer's disease. Some studies indicate that Ebixa could be effective for Parkinson's disease, while others suggest that Ebixa and NMDA receptors may have a role in alcoholism and that Ebixa could act as an anti-craving drug for alcohol.



Idebenone is a stimulant that increases brain energy levels. It also has protection qualities for the heart and is a powerful antioxidant. Furthermore, Idebenone can enhance the brain levels of serotonin, which can help to lessen depression and sleeping problems.

Deprenyl tablets - brand name Jumex protects and enhances mental function, mood and even libido by increasing brain levels of the focus and drive neurotransmitter- dopamine.


Item Code: 0205

Bio-Pro is a sublingual spray (under the tongue) containing ATP and NADH. Both these naturally occurring substances are used for the creation of energy throughout the entire body. NADH (a derivative of B3) is used in the creation of ATP and ATP=energy. ATP levels decline as we age.


640mg bottle from $31.25

Item Code: 0329

30 x 4.5mg tablets from $19.50 Piracetam - brand name Nootropil is made by UCB and is the worlds best selling so-called smart drug. It helps with learning and appears to be a substance capable of extending the intellectual functions of man, even individuals already gifted with high intelligence and good memory.

60 x 800mg tablets from $17.50

The use of Acetyl-L-Carnitine is recommended in order to help prevent agerelated cognitive decline, depression, and Alzheimer's disease. It is also known to improve mitochondrial condition and therefore assist in all energy conditions.

50 x 500mg capsules from $22.50


Anti-depression is a phrase recognised by everyone, and everyone at sometime in their life comes into contact with anti-depressants. But all too often "mainstream medicine looks for a simplistic approach, knowing that often the brain chemical serotonin is lacking, and so drugs such as Prozac are prescribed, which for many people is highly effective. But there are many other reasons why people may be depressed, and these can include other neurotransmitter imbalances, brain energy itself (a lack of oxygen, glucose uptake or blood circulation), and even a lack of specific hormones. There are a number of different approaches for this condition and we offer some of the class leading products below.

Milnacipran - brand name Ixel is being heralded as 'miraculous treatment' in the fight against Fibromyalgia and Lupus. It is believed that the combination of Milnacipran's norepinephrine and serotonin enhancement action has pain-killing and mood lightening and calming effects. Therefore, Milnacipran is also a wonderful new weapon in the fight against both depression and pain.

As the precursor to Serotonin, 5HTP has many similar uses compared to LTryptophan, such as the assistance of sleep and alleviation of age related mental depression, as well as alcohol withdrawal.

60 x 50mg capsules from $11.25

Item Code: 0327

Reboxetine - brand name Davedax is the equivalent of Edronax. It is a new and unique anti-depressant that works by allowing the brain to have more of the stimulatory brain chemical norepinephrine (a neurotransmitter, the deficiency of which is believed to be one of the causes of depression).

GH3Pro is a generic Gerovital-H3. It improves cell metabolism, concentration and vitality, alleviates joint stiffness, enhances well-being and acts as an anti-depressant. It is even known to boost skin and hair condition.

60 x 100mg from $17.50

L-Tryptophan is an essential aminoacid and its uses include alleviating depression, alcohol withdrawal and aiding weight loss. This product is the German pharmaceutical grade L-Tryptophan.

50 x 500mg capsules from $27.50

Item code: 0360

60 x 4mg tablets from $55.00


Stablon is a drug that actively fights depression by increasing the brain's uptake of serotonin. This anti-depressant is particularly effective as it does not normally cause drowsiness or interfere with the libido.

Item Code: 0204

60 x 12.5mg tablets from $39.50

SAMe - brand name Samyr has been described as the day-time alertness hormone, having a major role in the production of the universal energy life molecule, ATP. Furthermore, SAMe is the third most concentrated chemical in the liver, so it has been widely used to correct liver disorders such as cirrhosis and even hepatitis. It is also an excellent anti-depressant.

20 x 400mg tablets from $33.50 FAX ORDERING +44 (0)208 181 6106

56 x 25mg capsules from $46.25

The thyroid gland is an endocrine gland, located in the neck, that is involved with temperature regulation and many other vital roles, including the immune system, supplements are also known to improve sleep patterns for many people. Thyroid is also known to assist some people in well being and positive outlook.

Item Code: 0231

100 x 60mg tablets from $31.25

•• f



Item Code: 0294

<D Davedax N06AX18 „ , Reboxetina metansultonato w eament— * "fl

Item Code: 0318


Item Code: 0169


Item Code: 0323 3I



Single Pack Price

4-Pack Price

Item C o d e

5HTP (Oxitriptan)

60 x 50mg capsules E l


$1 1.25


Acarbose (Glucobay)

50 x 1 OOmg tablets E l




Adrafinil (Olmifon)

40 x 3OOmg tablets 13





30 x 420mg capsules E l




Aniracetam (Ampamet)

20 x 750mg tablets E l




Arimidex (Anastrozole)

28 x 1 mg tablets E l



01 1 1


16 x 1 mg tablets E l




Bromocriptine (Parlodel)

30 x 2.5mg tablets E l




Cialis (Tadafil)

4 x 20mg tablets E l




Ciproxin (Ciprofloxacin)

6 x 500mg tablets S




Conjunctisan A Eye-drops

20 x 0.5ml vial




Conjunctisan B Eye-drops

20 x 0.5ml vial




Deprenyl (Selepryl)

12ml / 3OOmg liquid bottle E l *




Deprenyl (Jumex)

50 x 5mg tablets E l *



Desmopressin (Minirin)

2.5ml nasal spray E]



0035 0229


8 x 1 OOmg capsules [ 3




Dutasteride (Avodart)

30 x 0.5mg capsules E l




Efexor (Venlafaxine)

28 x 37.5mg tablets E l




Femara (Letrozole)

14 x 2.5mg tablets E l




Fluconazole (Loitin/Diflucan)

7 x 50mg tablets E l




Fosamax (Alendronate)

1 4 x 1 Omg tablets E l




Galantamine (Reminyl)

56 x 4mg tablets E l


$1 19.50


Galantamine (Reminyl)

100ml 400mg liquid bottle E l




Gerovital-H3 (Injectable)

TEMPORARILY O U T OF STOCK - Check website for c u r r e n t availability

Hydergine (Novartis)

40ml 40mg liquid bottle E l

$1 1.95



Hydergine (Novartis)

30 x 4.5mg tablets E l




Ixense (Uprima / Sublingual)

2 x 3mg tablets E l




Laetrile (Vitamin B17/ Vita-B 17)

15ml bottle cream E l *





100 x 1 OOmg tablets E l *





10 x 3g ampoules





50 x 500mg capsules E l




Memantine (Ebixa)

50ml 500mg liquid bottle E l




Memantine (Ebixa)

50 x 1 Omg tablets E l




Metformin (Metforal)

50 x 5OOmg tablets E l




Milnacipran (Ixel)

56 x 25mg capsules E l




Modafinil (Modiodal / Provigil)

30 x 1 OOmg tablets EK«




NeyGeront (Injectable)

5 x 2ml ampoules E l




Nicergoline (Sermion)

45 x 5mg capsules E l




Nizoral (Ketoconazole)

120ml 2 % shampoo bottle




Norvasc (Amlodipine)

28 x 5mg tablets H




Paxil (Seroxat)

14 x 20mg tablets E l





30 x 250mg sachets E l




Phenytoin (Epanutin / Dilantin)

28 x 25mg capsules E]




Phenytoin (Epanutin / Dilantin)

100 x 1 OOmg capsules E l

$1 1.95



Piracetam liquid (Nootropil)

100ml 20.0G bottle E l




Piracetam (Nootropil)

60 x 800mg tablets E l




Piracetam (Nootropil)

40 x 1200mg tablets E)



Propranolol (Inderal)

30 x 40mg tablets E l



0051 0034

Proscar (Finisteride)

15 x 5mg tablets E l




Prozac (Fluoxetine) Pyritinol (Cerbon)

TEMPORARILY O U T OF STOCK - Check website for c u r r e n t availability 0167 60 x 1 OOmg tablets S $15.00 $17.95

Reboxetine (Davedax/ Edronax)

60 x 4mg tablets E]




Rulid (Roxithromycine)

12x150mg tablets E l





Products marked with this symbol are not shipped to the EU.

Products marked with this symbol are restricted in certain countries, please see website for details.





Single Pack Price


4-Pack Price

Item Code

SAMe (Injectable / Samyr)

5 x 400mg ampoules E I




SAMe (Samyr)

20 x 400mg tablets




Sinemet CR

50 x 1 OOmg tablets [ 3




Stablon (Tianeptine)

T E M P O R A R I L Y O U T OF S T O C K - Check website for c u r r e n t availability

Tetracycline (Ambramicina)

16 x 250mg tablets E I





30 x 250mg tablets




Viagra (Sildenafil)

4 x 1 OOmg tablets E I




Vinpocetine (Intelectol)

50 x 5mg tablets




Xanthinol Nicotinate (Complamin)

50 x 150mg tablets




Yohimbine (Yocoral)

100 x 5mg tablets E K *




Zirtec (Reactine)

20 x 1 Omg tablets E l




Z o c o r (Simvastain)

10 x 40mg tablets ®





Single Pack Price

4 - P a c k Price


Item Code 0210

D H E A (7-keto)

90 x 25mg capsules E K »



D H E A (Micronized)

60 x 25mg capsules E K «




D H E A (Micronized)

50 x 50mg capsules E3-C*




D H E A (Sublingual / Pro-Cell)

14ml liquid bottle 13 •




Esnatri (Estrogen Natural)

50ml jar cream E l




Melatonin (Tl-Melatonin)

60 x 3mg tablets




Melatonin (PraevoSkin)

100ml cream bottle




Pregnenolone (Micronized)

90 x 25mg capsules


$1 1.25


Pregnenolone (Micronized)

50 x 1 OOmg capsules E ]




Pro-Boost (Testosterone Prohormone)

30ml mouth spray E K »




Progesterone Natural (Topical)

30ml spray bottle E ]




Pro-Performance (Testosterone Prohormone)

60ml cream bottle U K *




Pro-Revitalize (Testosterone Prohormone)

60ml cream bottle E K »





Pro-Vigor (Testosterone Prohormone)

60ml cream bottle E K «




Saizen (Serono H G H / Injectable)

1 x 4IU ampoule E l *




Thymus (Injectable/ Thym-Uvocal)

10 x 2ml ampoules E l




Thymus (Oral/ Thym-Uvocal)

100 x 240mg capsules




Thyroid Natural (Half Grain)

100 x 30mg tablets E l




Thyroid Natural (One Grain)

100 x 60mg tablets E ]


$3 1.25


Thyroid T3 (Synthetic / Titre)

50 x 20mcg tablets E ]




Thyroid T 4 (Synthetic / Eutirox)

50 x lOOmcg tablets E ]





Single Pack Price

4-Pack Price

50 x 500mg capsules




100 x 75 mg tablets





90 x 1 OOmg capsules




Benfotiamin (Milgamma Mono)

30 x 50mg tablets




Beyond C

200g Powder




Beyond Chelation Improved

30 sachets




Beyond Clean

20oz Powder




Beyond GHS

75 Tablets





30ml 640mg bottle




Can-C (N-acetylcarnosine eye-drops)

5 x 2ml vials




Carnosine (L-carnosine)

60 x 50mg capsules




Carnosine (Topical Beta Alistine)

T E M P O R A R I L Y O U T O F S T O C K - C h e c k w e b s i t e f o r c u r r e n t availability

IAS NUTRITION Acetyl-L-Carnitine Aminoguanidine

(ATP & N A D H Sublingual)

Item Code

Carnosine (Topical Beta Alistine)

30ml serum bottle





60 x 250mg capsules




Dercos (Topical / Aminexil)

18 x 1.5% ampoules




FAX ORDERING +44 (0)208 181 6106



IAS N U T R I T I O N Dercos (Aminexil / Topical)

200ml shampoo bottle

Endozym Med

240 tablets


100 capsules

E Z Defense Detox Gum

100 Tablets

GH3 Pro (Generic Gerovital-H3)

60 x 1 OOmg Tablets

Gamalate B6

Heavy Detox

MinSaw-A (Topical) NeyGeront Picamilone

Pro-Balance (Estrogen Blocker)

Pro-Brassica (Estrogen Blocker) Resveratrol (Cell-Stat)

Retin-A Cream (Retin A) Retin-A Cream (Retirides) Silver Protein (Cream) Silver Protein (Mouth Spray) Silver Protein (Nasal Spray) Solaris (Sun Blocker)



















0355 0027 0357 0358

50ml cream tube







50ml tube cream




4oz. liquid bottle


$45.95 $29.95

60ml cream bottle 60 x 5mg capsules 20g 0.050% tube 0

30g 0.100% tube H

1 oz. spray bottle 1 oz. drops bottle 150ml cream bottle



0339 0338






0295 0074

















4 oz. liquid bottle





1 oz. gel bottle




60 x 260mg capsules

1 oz. cream bottle

Silver Protein (Gel)



60 x 50mg tablets


0017 0354


40 x 0.5ml capsules

NeySkin CoQIO


180 x SOOmg capsules 125ml liquid bottle

NeyDent (Toothpaste)



60 Capsules

Longevity Maca

Silver Protein (Oral)

60 x 250mg tablets

60 x 30mg capsules




45 Capsules


Item Code


50ml cream bottle

Essential Daily Defense

4-Pack Price

Single Pack Price





SPEND OVER $ 1 5 0 AND GET $ 1 5 OFF (=FREE SHIPPING) N o t e : T h i s o f f e r applies to orders received on or b e f o r e N o v e m b e r 20th, 2 0 0 4 , and only on orders with a m i n i m u m value of S150 ( e x c l u d i n g shipping a n d handling). O f f e r valid on o n e order per household. N o t valid with any other special offers or discounts. For further information and enquiries contact the c u s t o m e r support team on the n u m b e r s detailed below. N o r m a l terms and conditions apply.


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We accept any US Dollar check that is cashed at a US bank or US post office. We do not accept personal checks.

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