When supplements work better together

When supplements work better together
“The Aging Matters™ magazine is spectacular, very readable and chock full of the latest and greatest. It’s the magazine I wait for and anticipate.”
Thierry Hertoghe, M.D.“IAS have a history of making throughout the world crucial, but difficult to access medications available to patients. IAS is one of the pioneering societies in antiaging medicine that has helped this new medical speciality move forward.”
Jonathan V. Wright M.D.“Every adult has the right to take care of his or her own personal health as he or she chooses. In the 21st century this universal human right has been nearly obliterated by an ocean of nanny state regulations and deliberate suppression of information by bureaucracies, with hidden and not-so hidden agendas.
International Antiaging Systems is a beacon of useful health care information and a literal island of freedom of health care product choice in our otherwise unfree health care world.”
Frank Shallenberger M.D.“The tools that are available today to treat the aging process are truly amazing. Thanks to IAS the field of antiaging medicine has expanded to the point that feeling and functioning 10-20 years younger is easily achievable. Their information and product services are regularly used by my patients.”
Walter Pierpaoli, M.D.“I have known IAS for many years’ and they are a qualified group who provide for me, my family and my patients. Their skill and professional capacity have liberated me from all sorts of problems concerning the search for guaranteed and often rare supplements, or anything which is available but problematic to find. Their service goes far beyond duty and helps in many ways to maintain optimal health.”
Aubrey de Grey PH.D“IAS has shown great vision and leadership as an organization focused mainly on the provision of contemporary medical interventions against aging, and in also supporting the SENS Foundation efforts to hasten the development of much more powerful future interventions.”
Nicholas Perricone M.D.“IAS is an outstanding resource for the finest, most up-todate news and information on healthy aging. They also offer products of the highest integrity and efficacy. In fact, IAS is the world’s greatest source, (often the only source) for the most cutting-edge and advanced nutrients to ensure optimum health span and maximum life span.”
Declaration: The IAS Aging Matters™ magazine is intended for IAS private club members (and therefore is not intended for the public). It focuses on the latest international nutritional, hormonal and drug therapies to help combat the signs of aging. These signs include the physical, mental, and internal changes consisting of the diseases and disorders such as cancer, arthritis, and senile dementias etc. However, the focus is upon the prevention of such aging diseases and disorders for the ‘healthy-aging’ individual.
Copyright 2023: All copyrights are acknowledged. Whilst every effort has been made to ensure accuracy, no responsibility can be accepted for illustrations, photographs, artwork, or advertising materials while in transmission or with the publisher or their agents.
Disclaimer: All educational information is offered strictly under IAS terms and conditions. This information does not replace the advice of your physician and restrictions may apply in some countries. The opinions expressed by the writers may not be those of IAS, nor the magazine. Terms and conditions are subject to change without notice.
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We’ve decided to highlight energy on the cover, after all we can’t achieve anything without it. It reminds me somewhat of aircraft travel, when they tell us; “in case of emergency put on your oxygen mask first before helping others.” It’s just making the point that if we are not capable, then how can we do anything?
So, here’s a nice article by Will Block into the source of cell energy, and methods to support the essential production of ATP, (the universal energy molecule).
Plus, this issue sees the inaugural submission by Dr. Ross Pelton. We are delighted to have the natural pharmacist update us on rapamycin and its role in mTOR and as a modulator, one that may have a direct impact upon our aging. Rapamycin is getting a lot of serious attention in longevity medicine, so it’s good to keep abreast of the fastchanging developments that are taking place and Dr. Ross is, via this article and his recent book about rapamycin, helping us to do just that. Meanwhile, we report again on ivermectin; naturally we felt duty-bound to highlight its clinical applications during the recent pandemic that occurred in V3 issue 38, 2021 and in V3 issue 39, 2021.
I can’t help but feel that ivermectin should be in our first aid cabinets. But this time we have different news regarding ivermectin, that is its role in breast cancer. It makes me wonder just how many more varied diseases will this anti-viral benefit?
Finally, Dr. Rob Verkerk, (one of the speakers at the Profound Health Summit that took place in England in October 2022) has written about his experiences there.
Some of you will be aware that Dr. Rob Verkerk heads the Alliance for Natural Health (ANH), it’s one of the major groups that fights for the rights to access healthy foods and supplements in Europe and the USA. Here, he eloquently describes the meeting, and of learning from Professor Khavinson and others about the deep impact that peptide bioregulators could have on the long-term health of humanity.
At the same time, we make our first announcement regarding another Profound Health Summit taking place at Luton Hoo, England. At the end of the day, I think we all understand that awareness via education is half the battle.
Phil Micans, MS, PharmB
Editor, Aging Matters™ Magazine
Ward Dean, M.D.
Director,IAS Group
Imagine an efficient delivery service that delivers vital components to the right place at the right time. We are not talking about a shopping delivery; we are talking about a transport system that works effectively to achieve better absorption of active nutrients needed by the human body. Liposomal technology is nutrient transportation at its best, a delivery system making sure essential vitamins and minerals are more bioavailable than when taking capsules or tablets.
blood, your body can’t retain them, and they end up in the toilet.
Absorbing and retaining important antioxidants and nutrients can become a challenge for the human body. Liposomal technology can play a large part in overcoming that challenge, it’s a game changer. It’s a new generation superior absorption delivery service allowing nutrients to penetrate the intestinal
microscopic bubble-type particles that can be filled with nutrients and delivered to essential areas of the body efficiently. Liposomes deliver therapeutic agents such as vitamins and minerals through the bloodstream directly to the cells in the body. It’s like a postal special delivery service.
Nutrients carry antioxidants that can help us win our internal battle.
it the best resources and allowing you the chance to live a long and healthy life. Getting antioxidants into your body and keeping them there to fight another day can be done through the supplement LiposomePro™.
LiposomePro ™ liquids are making nutrients more bioavailable. The liquids are an efficient way to help the body absorb the goodness it needs to prevent or fight disease. LiposomesPro™ Liquid comes in 4 different formulas and different flavours.
LiposomePro™ Liquid Glutathione
Liquid Quercetin even more valuable. Quercetin is an anti-inflammatory, it reduces swelling, and reduces the risk of arthritis or bladder infections. It can help to control blood sugar levels, aid cardiovascular health, and reduce the risk of heart disease. LiposomePro ™ Liquid Quercetin comes in the flavour of ginger.
LiposomePro ™ Liquid
Vitamin C
stream. Vitamin C benefits include helping to reduce oxidative stress, improves skin health, enhances brain health & improves cardiovascular health.
Some capsules or tablets travel through the body so quickly that vital powerful potent substances don’t stay in the bloodstream long enough to be effective. In some cases, there isn’t enough time for essential nutrients to be absorbed into the
wall unaffected by gastric juices, oxygen, or enzymes. All of which can sometimes degrade nutrients obtained through food or capsules and tablets.
Liposomes are like taxi cabs taking a journey into your bloodstream, they are
During our existence, a war is being fought within our bodies. Antioxidants battle against the enemy –free radicals. Free radicals are molecule species that want to cause cell damage. Their behaviour produces progressive adverse changes which accumulate and can manifest in disease or other health issues. Antioxidants are stable molecules that donate an electron to rampaging free radicals and neutralise neutralize them, reducing them reducing their capacity to cause damage. It’s a battlefield and you need to arm your body, giving
Glutathione is one of the most powerful antioxidants, it’s a master detoxifier produced by the liver, and as we age, our body’s natural level dips. Glutathione is made up of amino acids, glycine, cysteine and glutamic acid. Its job is to shuttle toxins out of the body, assist in cell regeneration, fight fatigue, increase energy levels and stimulate fat burning. LiposomePro ™ Liquid Glutathione comes in the flavours of green apple or lemon.
LiposomePro™ Liquid
Quercetin is another powerful antioxidant, it’s a plant flavanol from the flavonoid group of polyp heads. The body isn’t naturally efficient at absorbing Quercetin which makes LiposomePro ™
Vitamin C isn’t stored by the body to maintain sufficient levels of vitamin c it needs to be consumed by either food or supplements. Its more beneficial to take liposomal vitamin C in comparison to tablets because of increased absorption there is less degradation by stomach acid and better uptake into the blood
Eating a healthy diet rich in goodness filled with vitamins, minerals, proteins, and carbohydrates, for example, is highly recommended. It helps your body function at its best, but if you want to enhance that and assure precious antioxidants are delivered unchanged into your bloodstream, taking a supplement like LipsomePro™ is ideal.
The latest liquid liposomal supplements
Liposomal technology delivers a higher percentage of the bioactive supplement into the body.
LiposomePro™ are currently available for astaxanthin, C, D3, glutathione, quercetin and zinc.
Price from for 250ml $24.99
Walking more helps to prevent cardiovascular disease. Dr Amanda Paluch, a physical activity epidemiologist, states people who walk 6000 and 9000 steps a day will experience reduction in CVD risk. The study showed that for every 1000 steps added there was incremental reduction in CVD risk. The daily recommended steps are 10,000 but it is important to set attainable goals that are personal to you. Try to ease yourself into achieving more steps each week.
What are the benefits of upping your step count?
• Strengthening your heart, walking helps the heart muscle to become more efficient and keep blood pressure under control this also pumps oxygen rich blood to your lungs this allows blood to flow more effectively.
• Improve brain function, By Improving blood flow to the brain this reduces inflammation and lowers stress hormone which helps with brain cognition.
• Strengthen your heart, increasing steps increases stroke volume which is how much blood pumps per beat. A larger stroke volume is a sign of greater aerobic capacity, and this is the best predictor of mortality and disease risk.
mood, may only be temporary it proves activity can deliver relief.
Dr Yu Ming Ni, a cardiologist at the Medical Centre in fountain Valley, states, “steps alone should not be used to gauge how much exercise is enough”. Exercise should be intentional and daily with moderate intensity. He also gives advice to take the stairs over the elevator and to walk instead of driving if necessary.
leads to more CVD deaths than risk factors including obesity, physical inactivity, and an imbalance of cholesterol levels.
The study found that for every 1000 steps added, there was a reduction in cardiovascular disease risk. Researchers suggest that people hoping
to work on lowering their risk of CVD, should consider setting themselves achievable goals – make it a personal challenge to up your daily steps to get fitter and to feel better in yourself.
Have you heard of the Natures Marvels ™ Heart Bioregulator?
It helps to regulate the heart and combat heart related conditions such as coronary artery disease, hypertension, hypertonia, myocarditis, atrial fibrillation, and heart failure. It can also help with stress and may be used in combination
with other bioregulators including, the Blood Vessel Bioregulator and the Liver Bioregulator.
For more information scan this QR code
4.2% of younger adults had subsequent CVD events as opposed to 9.5% of older adults however its essential younger adults still exercise for their cardiovascular health. Being physically active benefits many of the precursors of CVD eg high blood pressure, obesity and type 2 diabetes.
• Boosts mood, Neurotransmitters are released when exercise takes place which makes us calmer and more energetic. This also helps us sleep better which also enhances mood.
• Decreases anxiety and depression, a ten-minute walk can decrease a depressed
Dr Ni encourages older adults to get a step tracker device, they are very cheap and easy to obtain. Health insurance companies often provide them. Some smartphones already have step trackers built in so recommends checking your phone. Step trackers can monitor and inspire to reach your goals.
CVD is the leading cause of death globally it also raises blood pressure, blood glucose and cholesterol levels. Studies have shown that HBP accounts for 25% of coronary heart disease and 36% of strokes. Smoking
Many people are aware of two popular dietary supplements, namely CoQ10 and PQQ, and their role in supporting mitochondrial and heart health.
But did you know that when PQQ (Pyrroloquinoline quinone) and CoQ10 (Coenzyme Q10) are taken together, the end results of their anti-aging benefits, along with vital organ protection are even better than when taking either supplement alone?
CoQ10 has vitamin-like properties which function as
prevent chronic heart failure by regulating mitochondrial function.2 PQQ is good to take if you are subject to blood clots.
Liver support
And there’s more!
• Perhaps the most unique and unexpected benefit of PQQ is its use for cosmetic and skincare applications.4 It rejuvenates skin cells and rebuilds healthy tissue for thicker skin and fewer wrinkles.
antioxidant. Although the factors responsible for the anti-fibrotic action of CoQ10 have yet to be fully clarified, its antioxidant and antiinflammatory functions are thought to be major contributors to its clinical efficacy in the treatment of this age-related disorder. Studies have shown that:
2 + 2 = 5
This is an example where the sum is more than the whole of its parts--in other words, the action of synergy. Think of it as something like:So, let’s firstly look at each one in turn.
PQQ is a nootropic supplement that supports memory, provides cerebral energy, protects the brain, and aids mitochondria by increasing their numbers.
Among its wide range of improvements, PQQ is commonly used for the health
of your brain, heart, and liver. Specifically, studies have shown that PQQ can provide:
Neurological support
• PQQ enhances cognitive function and improves shortterm memory. 1 It can help the brain to prevent memory loss and neurodegenerative disorders. With its ability to restore damaged brain and nerve cells, it also promotes recovery in cases of stroke and cerebral infarction.
• PQQ improves blood circulation and cardiac function, supports energy production in the heart and provides powerful antioxidant production. Studies indicate that PQQ can also promote recovery from heart attacks and can reduce infarct size. Moreover, PQQ can
• PQQ aids fat metabolism in the liver and converts those fats into greater energy output. Clinical results show it may also reverse acute and chronic liver injury, including damage from fatty liver disease.
• In addition to supporting your vital organs, PQQ augments and sustains higher levels of natural energy production.3 By stimulating your body’s energy production at the cellular level, PQQ serves as an excellent energy supplement for a broad range of uses. It is especially ideal as a sports and fitness supplement for athletes seeking more pure and natural alternatives to boost their performance.
• PQQ can be effective as an anti-aging preventative, not just for your brain, heart, and liver, but also as a cosmetic anti-aging treatment for your skin. In short, PQQ is an emerging superstar supplement with a variety of benefits to revitalize your mind and body.
• CoQ10 can positively influence age-affected cellular metabolism and combats signs of aging starting at the cellular level. Therefore, topical application of CoQ10 is beneficial for human skin as it rapidly improves mitochondrial function in skin.
• CoQ10 can reduce hydroperoxide levels and increase activity of alpha-tocopherol (vitamin E), coenzyme Q, and catalase; and increase mitochondrial function.
• CoQ10 improves the recovery of the myocardium after stress if used for pretreatment prior to stress.
CoQ10 improves the speed and efficiency of the mitochondria, while PQQ assists by promoting the replication and growth of mitochondria. Together, they help the body produce more energy faster. There are some other examples of this kind of synergy.
There are other naturally occurring substances that work well together. For example, R-Lipoic acid (ALA) and L-acetyl-carnitine (LAC) deliver a powerful one-two punch, just as PQQ and CoQ10 do.
• ALA and LAC offer promising preventive
supplementation when used together. They diminish ChemotherapyInduced Peripheral Neuropathy, a typical side effect related to time of administration and dose of anticancer agents. 5
• Study 6 in the references shows increased PDC (pyruvate dehydrogenase complex) activity, thus providing a possible mechanism for the glucose(and lactate-) lowering effect of R-lipoic acid in diabetic subjects.
• Formulations containing antioxidant vitamins, R-alpha lipoic acid, and docosahexaenoic acid (an omega-3 fatty acid found in cold-water, fatty fish, such as salmon), administered for six consecutive months, counteracted oxidative stress. It did this by further stabilizing the morphological/ functional parameters of both the ocular surface and glaucoma, without
presenting adverse effects or intolerances.
• Although motor symptoms respond to dopamine replacement therapies, the underlying disease process remains. A recent review details some features of progressive molecular pathology and proposes deployment of a combination of nutrients: R-lipoic acid, acetyl-l-carnitine, ubiquinol, melatonin (or receptor agonists) and vitamin D3, with the collective potential to slow progression of these attributes. These agents can therefore be helpful in the management of Parkinson’s disease.
• The motor deficits which characterize the sporadic form of Parkinson’s disease arise from agerelated loss of a subset of dopamine neurons in the substantia nigra.
Note: R-Lipoic acid is synthesized in the human body and is contained in foods in a form covalently associated with lysine. Its dose in dietary supplements significantly exceeds the amount in the diet.
Many dietary supplements contain racemic niacin, also known as nicotinic acid or vitamin B3. It’s one of the eight B-complex watersoluble vitamins used by the human body to turn food into energy.6 Vitamins are organic micronutrients that are essential for the growth and development of the
human body, and niacin is a vitamin essential for energy metabolism.
B3 comes in different forms, and each form has various uses/ benefits. [Ed.- for a report on niacinamide see Aging Matters™ V3 issue 41 in an article written by Jonathan Wright, MD]. Niacin is found in food sources such as fish, meat, eggs, milk, yeast, nuts, green vegetables, beans, and
cereal grains. But given that you need a lot of it, it is best to supplement with grams per day.
• Niacin is a B-group vitamin that plays a major role in
metabolic reactions in the body. It helps in the functioning of the digestive system, skin, and nervous system.
• Niacin is a very important supplement in treating cholesterol problem s, particularly people with elevated triglycerides and low HDL. In fact, it’s one of the best supplements that can raise your HDL levels. Although it comes in many forms, and each form has various uses as well, it should be noted that only the fastacting, nicotinic acid form (that causes vasodilation and flushing) will beneficially affect the lipid profile. Niacin is found in food sources such as fish, meat, eggs, milk, yeast, nuts, green vegetables, beans, and cereal grains.
Other specific hydrosoluble vitamins
Folate (methylfolate), vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin), vitamin B6 (pyridoxine), and vitamin B3 (niacin or niacinamide) are water-soluble vitamins; they belonging to a group of organic substances that are required by humans in small amounts to prevent disorders of metabolism.
Folate (B9) is needed to form healthy cells, especially red blood cells. Methylfolate, the active form of folic acid, plays a role in converting homocysteine into methionine (a relatively harmless amino acid). If methylfolate is lacking due to the formation of methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR), this enzyme breaks down the amino acid homocysteine.7 When created through mutation it develops an inability to convert folic acid to methylfolate, and thus
homocysteine can build up to dangerous levels.
Vitamin B12
Vitamin B12 serves a wide range of functions in the body. Some of the most important functions of B12 are to support healthy blood and nerve cells; this multi-utilized nutrient is also involved in DNA synthesis and conversion of food into energy.
The body stores 1,000 to 2,000 times as much vitamin B12 as you’d typically eat in a day, so the symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency can take years to appear. If you have a vitamin B12 deficiency, you may feel tired or weak. These are symptoms of megaloblastic anemia, which is a hallmark of vitamin B12 deficiency. You might also have pale skin, heart palpitations, loss of appetite, weight loss, and infertility. Your hands and feet might become numb or tingly, a sign of nerve problems. Other symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency include problems with balance, depression,
the mouth or tongue.
[Ed.- note there are medicines that deplete vitamins. For example, metformin impairs the absorption of B12—so if you are taking Metformin, be sure to take extra B12.]
Altogether, PQQ, CoQ10, ALA, LAC, and the water-soluble vitamins are important if you want to tamp down many anti-aging detriments. Use them and your world will be a better place.
1 Itoh Y, Hine K, Miura HK, et al. Effect of the antioxidant supplement quinone disodium salt (BioPQQ™) on cognitive functions. Adv Exp Med Biol. 2016;876:319-25.
2 Xuan X, Chen C, Lu WJ, et al. Pyrroloquinoline quinone can prevent chronic heart failure by regulating mitochondrial function. Cardiovasc Diagn Ther. 2020 Jun; 10(3): 453–69.
3 Jonscher KR, Chowanadisai W, Rucker RB. Pyrroloquinoline-quinone is more than an antioxidant: A Vitamin-like accessory factor important in health and disease prevention. Biomolecules. 2021 Sep 30;11(10):1441.
4 Hoang HT, Moon JY, Lee YC. Natural antioxidants from plant extracts in skincare cosmetics: Recent Applications, Challenges and Perspectives. Cosmetics 2021, 8, 106.
5 Dinicola S, Fuso A, Cucina A, et al. Natural products — alpha-lipoic acid and acetyl-L-carnitine — in the treatment of chemotherapyinduced peripheral neuropathy. Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci. 2018 Jul;22(14):4739-54.
6 Korotchkina LG, Sidhu S, Patel MS. R-lipoic acid inhibits mammalian pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase Free Radic Res. 2004 Oct;38(10): 1083-92.
7 Vidmar Golja M, Šmid A, Karas Kuželički N, et al. Folate insufficiency due to MTHFR deficiency is bypassed by 5-methyltetrahydrofolate. J Clin Med. 2020;9(9):2836. Published 2020 Sep 2. doi:10.3390/jcm9092836.
confusion, dementia, poor memory, and soreness of
The second half of life should be a time to enjoy our accumulated wisdom, our professional skills, and the aging process.
However, during the second half of life, the process of biological aging accelerates. Unfortunately, many people experience a significant loss of mobility and functionality along with a steady increase in pain and suffering due to the progression of agerelated disease.
Biological and chronological aging do not necessarily happen at the same rate. However, many people don’t realize that today we have a great deal of personal control over our health and our aging process. My new book titled; Rapamycin, mTOR, Autophagy & Treating mTOR Syndrome I present a revolutionary breakthrough in our ability to slow down biological aging and extend healthspan.
Two important themes have emerged from the research into rapamycin’s mechanisms of action.
Is the story of rapamycin and its ability to delay the onset of age-related diseases, which results in increases in healthspan and lifespan.
Is the story of mTOR and autophagy, a fundamental process in cells that regulates metabolism, health, and the aging process. This discovery is ushering in a revolution in the science of life extension.
Ross Pelton, R.Ph., Ph.D., CCN is a pharmacist, a Certified Clinical Nutritionist (CCN) and has a Ph.D. in psychology.
In October 1999, Ross was named one of the Top-50 Most Influential Pharmacists in America by American Druggist magazine for his work in natural medicine. Known as the ‘Natural Pharmacist’ his personal website is www.naturalpharmacist. net Ross has written twelve books. His most recent book is Rapamycin, mTOR, Autophagy & Treating mTOR Syndrome.
Rapamycin is the most successful life extension drug that has ever been discovered. Rapamycin treatment has increased lifespan from 25-60% in most species it has been tested on. 1 When rapamycin was given to 20-month (elderly) mice, females lived 14% longer and males lived 9% longer.2 This is equal to an increase of approximately 7 years in human lifespan. These are exciting results because they suggest that rapamycin started late in life may also improve health and extend lifespan in elderly humans.
Rapamycin was discovered in soil samples taken during a scientific expedition to Easter Island in 1964. The purpose of the expedition was to search for compounds that might have antifungal and/ or antibiotic properties. One of the soil samples from that expedition contained a strain of bacteria that produced a compound that scientists named rapamycin. The name rapamycin was chosen because Rapa Nui is the name the indigenous people called their island.
Although, rapamycin exhibited strong antifungal properties, efforts to develop it as an antifungal drug were discontinued when it was discovered to have potent immunosuppressive activity. Rapamycin’s ability to suppress the immune system resulted in it gaining FDA approval in September 1999
as a drug to prevent organ rejection in patients who had received a kidney transplant.3 Since 1999, rapamycin has been taken safely by millions of people.
Several scientists independently discovered different aspects of rapamycin’s mechanism of action.4 When rapamycin crosses cellular membranes and enters cells, it binds with and inhibits the function of an intracellular protein. In 1994, David Sabatini succeeded in isolating and identifying this protein, which is now referred to as the mechanistic target of rapamycin (mTOR).5
utilize the available nutrients to build new proteins, enzymes, and other cellular components. When nutrients are available, mTOR activates cellular anabolic (building) processes of growth and proliferation. The discovery of mTOR has resulted in new understanding of cellular metabolism, health, and the aging process. Now, 25 years after its discovery, over 11,000 papers have been published on mTOR.
mTOR regulates a signaling pathway that is activated when nutrients are available to cells. When nutrients are available, mTOR initiates signals that activate cellular metabolism, telling cells to
In 2016, Japanese scientist Yoshinori Ohsumi was awarded the Nobel Prize in physiology and medicine for discovering the cellular mechanism named autophagy. 6 The term
autophagy comes from the Greek words ‘phagy’ meaning to eat, and auto which means self. Autophagy is a process within all cells that counterbalances mTOR’s activities. When mTOR is not activated, autophagy is switched on.
Autophagy is the process by which damaged proteins, enzymes, and other older cellular components are selectively broken down for reuse or elimination. Terms that describe autophagy’s function include cellular renewal, revitalization, recycling, and detoxification.
Currently PubMed contains over 30,000 citations with the term autophagy in the title, which is an indication autophagy’s scientific importance.
The mTOR/ Autophagy Ratio
Humans have existed on earth for 2-3 million years.
Throughout 99.9% of mankind’s history, people had to hunt or forage for their food every day. Our huntergather ancestors did not eat 3 meals a day and their bodies were well-adapted to periods of not eating. In fact, our biochemistry developed the ability to store fat, which is a triumph that enabled our ancestors to survive during times when food was scarce.
However, the following relatively recent innovations played a major role in changing how much people eat, and how often people eat: a) advances in agriculture & farming, b) the advent of refrigeration and the invention of household refrigerators, and c) advances in food processing and packaging. These innovations have made food easily available all the time.
mTOR Syndrome
Breakfast is not normal. Throughout most of mankind’s evolution, people did not eat breakfast. The idea of eating breakfast started with the industrial revolution in the 1600s, when large numbers of people moved off the land and began
modern humans spend about 16 hours per day consuming and digesting food, compared to our ancient ancestors who often ate only once per day and spent about 4 hours digesting their food. This results in the constant overexpression of mTOR and a severe deficiency in the activation of autophagy.
The overexpression of mTOR (mTOR Syndrome) and the corresponding under expression of autophagy is increasingly being recognized as a fundamental mechanism underlying the onset of some of our most common agerelated diseases. 7
daily food/caloric intake in a shorter period, which allows more time for the activation of autophagy.
living in cities and working in factories. Most of us grew up being told that “breakfast is the most important meal of the day.” This is just a marketing slogan created in 1944 by John Kellogg to sell more Kellogg’s Corn Flakes cereal!
When cells are constantly receiving mTOR’s growth signals, they eventually become stressed and various cellular components become damaged because autophagy’s recycling, rejuvenation, detoxification, and renewal processes are not being activated.
The most important method to correct the out-of-balance mTOR/autophagy ratio that exists in most people, is intermittent fasting or timerestricted eating. These programs don’t limit what you eat or how much you eat, they limit WHEN you eat. The goal is to consume all your
There are numerous ways to accomplish intermittent fasting or timerestricted eating. The 16:8 protocol is the most popular regime where food is consumed within an 8-hour period (noon to 8 PM). This leaves 16 hours without food intake, which allows autophagy to be activated. However, many people probably don’t have the discipline for intermittent fasting.
Because food is easily available 24/7 these days, modern humans spend far more time consuming and digesting food compared to our ancient ancestors. Many people have breakfast, lunch, dinner, between-meal snacks, dessert, and evening cocktails. Consequently,
Dr David Sinclair has pointed out from his research that improving NAD levels has a significant effect upon health and well being, suggesting that it can help merge healthspan to lifespan.
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I call this imbalance mTOR Syndrome.
When rapamycin is ingested, it enters cells and binds to mTOR receptors, which inhibits mTOR signaling. Taking rapamycin daily suppresses the immune system, which is NOT the goal. However, when rapamycin is taken once weekly, it partially inhibits mTOR, which allows autophagy to be activated.
The health benefits of taking rapamycin once weekly were documented in a study titled mTOR inhibition improves immune function in the elderly, which was conducted by Joan Mannick, M.D. In this human clinical trial, people who took 5 mg of rapamycin once weekly gained a significant boost in their immune system (complete details of the study are reviewed in my book).8
Long-lived animals are known to have genes in common that negatively and positively affect lifespan.
Dr. Vera Gorbunova, who is Co-Director of the Rochester Aging Research
Center, examined rapamycin and 9 other prominent life extension therapies in mice and assessed how each intervention affected the genes associated with maximum lifespan.
Rapamycin wins!
Dr. Gorbunova’s study revealed that rapamycin had the greatest effect on promoting the activity of genes that have a positive effect on maximum lifespan and rapamycin also had the greatest effect in reducing the activity of genes that have a negative effect on maximum lifespan. This study confirms that rapamycin is a drug that is ushering in a revolution in the ability to increase lifespan and healthspan.
My book also discusses how to monitor rapamycin therapy, what side effects to be aware of, suggestions on how to get your physician to write a rapamycin prescription for you, links to key scientific studies, podcasts and interview with rapamycin scientists, a chapter on metformin, and
1. Selvarani R, et al. Effect of rapamycin on aging and age-related diseases-past and future. GeroScience. 2021 Jun;43(3):1135-1158.
2. Harrison DE, at el. Rapamycin fed late in life extends lifespan in genetically heterogeneous mice. Nature. 8 Jul 2009;460: 392-395.
3. https://www.accessdata.fda.gov/drugsatfda_docs/nda/99/21083A_Rapamune_appltr.pdf
4. A long and winding sTORy. Nat Cell Biol. 2017 Oct 1;19 (1131). https://www.nature.com/articles/ncb3624
5. Sabatini D, et al RAFT1: a mammalian protein that binds to FKBP12 in a rapamycin-dependent fashion and is homologous to yeast TORS. Cell. 1994 Jul 15;78(1):35-43.
6. Press Release: 2016 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. https://www.nobelprize.org/prizes/medicine/2016/press-release/
7. Klionsky D, et al. Autophagy in major diseases. EMBO J. 2021 Oct 1;40(19):e108863.
8. Mannick J, et al. mTOR inhibition improves immune function in the elderly. Sci Transl Med. 2014 Dec 24;6(268):268ra179. Gorbunova V. From long-lived animal species to human interventions. Healthy Longevity webinar and personal communication with Dr. Gorbunova.
a review of non-prescription mTOR inhibitors.
If you read my book, I hope you will write and post a review as lots of little comments make a big difference. I think rapamycin can significantly improve the health of most people alive today, except individuals who are already on life support or in hospice.
Originally discovered in the soils of Easter Island, rapamycin has become the Di-rigor mTOR inhibitor, (since it stands for Mammalian Target Of Rapamycin).
This process and its resultant activation of autophagy is gaining much interest in
Also, after reading Rapamycin, mTOR, Autophagy & Treating mTOR Syndrome, please encourage your family and friends to read it.
Cancer is a disease where cells in a specific part of the body grow and reproduce uncontrollably.
These cells invade and destroy surrounding healthy tissue, including organs. Cancer typically begins in one part of the body before spreading to other parts. In 2022, cancer is the second leading cause of death in the world!
breast cancer is the most common cancer found in women in the US and it is the most common cancer overall in the UK.
earlier detection, a better understanding of the disease, and a new personalized approach to treatment.1
Nevertheless, ivermectin has recently been characterized as a potential anticancer agent due to observed antitumor effects. Breast cancer is so common a cancer among women, its successful treatment remains a clinical challenge.
From Cold to Hot
receptors—and T-regulatory cells (Tregs). This results in an enhanced Treg:Teff ratio. Higher levels of vitamin D may induce many different anti-inflammatory functions including increasing the number and/or function of Tregs. Myeloid-derived suppressor cells and regulatory Treg cells are major components of the immune suppressive tumour microenvironment. Enhanced ratios are myeloidderived suppressor cells and regulatory Treg cells. They are major components of the immune system.
Statistical modeling confirmed bona fide synergistic activity in both the adjuvant and metastatic settings. Ivermectin has dual immunomodulatory and ICD-inducing effects in breast cancer, converting cold tumors to hot, thus representing a rational mechanistic partner with checkpoint blockade.
Ivermectin Fights the Drug-Resistant Cancers
And breast cancer is a cancer fostered in the cells of breast tissue. It is the most common cancer among women
However, the molecular mechanisms involved remain poorly understood. While breast cancer can occur in men as well as women, it’s far more common in women. In recent years, breast cancer awareness and research funding has helped created advances in the diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer. This work has increased breast cancer survival; the number of associated deaths has been steadily declining. This is
An Essential Medicine, Extremely Safe
Ivermectin is a well-known medicine that is approved as an antiparasitic by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). It is widely used in lowand middle-income countries to treat worm infections. It is also used for the treatment of scabies and lice, and thus ivermectin is one of the WHO’s Essential Medicines. With total doses of ivermectin distributed to one-third of the present world population, at the usual doses (0.2–0.4 mg/ kg) ivermectin is considered extremely safe for use in humans. In addition to its antiparasitic activity, it has been noted to have antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties, leading to an increasing list of therapeutic indications.2
Ivermectin converts ‘cold’ tumors to ‘hot’ ones and synergizes with immune checkpoint blockade for treatment of breast cancer. In a recent paper, scientists show that treatment with ivermectin induces immunogenic cancer cell death (ICD) and causes robust T-cell infiltration into breast tumors.3
As an allosteric modulator of the ATP/P2X4/P2X7 axis, which operates in both cancer and immune cells, ivermectin also selectively targets immunosuppressive populations including myeloid cells—a subgroup of leukocytes, which circulate through the blood and lymphatic system and are rapidly recruited to sites of tissue damage and infection via various chemokine
While neither agent alone showed efficacy in-vivo, combination therapy with ivermectin and checkpoint inhibitor antibodies that achieved synergy in limiting tumor growth and promoted complete responses. Also, this can lead to immunity against contralateral re-challenge with demonstrated antitumor immune responses.
Going beyond primary tumors, this combination achieved significant reduction in relapse after neoadjuvant and adjuvant treatment, and potential cures in metastatic disease.
In another paper, findings demonstrate that ivermectin significantly enhances the anticancer efficacy of chemotherapeutic drugs to tumor cells, especially in drug-resistant cells. Thus, ivermectin could potentially be used in combination with chemotherapeutic agents to treat cancers and the drugresistant cancers.
The bioavailability of ivermectin is modulated by lipid-based formulations and membrane efflux transporters such as Breast Cancer Resistance Protein and P-glycoprotein (BCRP and P-gp). In this paper, scientists investigated the effect of oleic acid on the uptake of ivermectin in-vitro
using Caco-2 cells* and invivo in the intestines of wildtype mice. Complex micelles with oleic acid induced a significant increase in the uptake of the drug in a timedependent manner with no involvement of cholesterol in the mechanism. In-vivo results showed a significant increase in the concentration of plasma and intestinal mucosa ivermectin in mice receiving oleic acid-based drug formulation.
They also examined the expression of the drug efflux transporter, BCRP and P-gp in Caco-2 cells and found a significant decrease in their level in the presence of 5 mM oleic acid. Treatment of mice with a oleic acidbased formulation showed a significant decrease in the activity of P-gp in the intestinal mucosa. This study highlighted the effect of
oleic acid in decreasing the expression and the activity of P-gp-mediated ivermectin efflux and in limiting the drug absorption by increasing its uptake and bioavailability in Caco-2 cells and in the intestine, respectively.
The aim of the above study was to demonstrate that ivermectin preferentially inhibited cancer stem like cells (CSC) in breast cancer cells and downregulated the expression of “stemness” genes. Computational searching of DrugBank, a database of approved drugs, was performed using the principles of two dimensional
similarity searching; the chemical structure of salinomycin** was used as a query. Growth inhibition of the breast cancer cell line MDA MB 231 by ivermectin was investigated in the total cell population, in cell spheroids and in sorted cells that expressed cluster of differentiation (CD)44+/CD24 .
CD24 ) and cells growing in spheroids) compared with the total cell population. The opposite pattern was observed with paclitaxel treatment. Ivermectin exposure reduced the expression of nanog, oct 4 and sox 2 at the mRNA and protein levels. Ivermectin preferentially inhibited the CSC subpopulation
in the MDA MB 231 cells and downregulated the expression of genes involved in the maintenance of pluripotency and self renewal.
Most breast cancers originate in the ductal epithelium and are referred to as invasive ductal carcinoma. In this study, its authors reported on the clinical procedures adopted to diagnose myiasis in association with infiltrating metastatic breast carcinoma in a female patient. A 41-years-old woman came to the Federal Hospital of Andaraí complaining of intense itching, warmth, redness and hardening of the
The effects of ivermectin treatment on the expression of pluripotency and self renewal transcription factors, such as homeobox protein nanog (nanog), octamer binding protein 4 (oct 4) and SRY box 2 (sox 2), were evaluated by reverse transcription quantitative polymerase chain reaction and western blotting. Ivermectin exhibited a similarity value of 0.78 in reference to salinomycin. Ivermectin demonstrated an inhibitory effect upon the growth of MDA MB 231 cells in the range of 0.2 8 µM. Ivermectin preferentially inhibits the viability of CSC enriched populations (CD44+/
Ivermectin 100x 3 mg tablets
Note: US$ prices are subject to shipping and handling (and additional taxes where appropriate).
Disclaimer: All educational information is provided under the IAS terms and conditions (which may change without notice) and does not replace the advice of your physician. Restrictions may apply in some countries.
breast, which had acquired the appearance of an orange peel. A lesion in the left breast was cavitated, dimpled, had fetid odor, and had fibrotic and infected air nodules filled with exudate and Dipteran larvae. The tissue was cleaned and 33 larvae were extracted. The patient was hospitalized and received ivermectin.
Eighteen of the larvae extracted from the patient were placed in 70% alcohol, and twelve were placed in a container with sterile wood shavings under controlled conditions until they metamorphosed into adults. The taxonomic identification of the flies revealed that the culprit was Cochliomyia hominivorax. A histopathological exam conducted three months earlier had revealed infiltrating ductal carcinoma. Two months after the myiasis*** treatment, the breast tissue had healed. The patient had waited ten days from the onset of the myiasis to seek treatment, and that delay interfered
negatively in the prognosis of both the neoplasm and the myiasis. This study is relevant to public health in view of the strong social impact of myiasis.
Successful Treatment Remains a Clinical Challenge
However, the molecular mechanisms involved remain poorly understood. Here, the researchers report a role for ivermectin in breast cancer suppression by activating cytostatic autophagy both in vitro and in vivo. Mechanistically, ivermectininduced autophagy in breast cancer cells is associated with decreased P21-activated kinase 1 (PAK1) expression via the ubiquitination-mediated degradation pathway.
The inhibition of PAK1 decreases the phosphorylation level of Akt, resulting in the blockade of the Akt/mTOR signaling pathway. In breast cancer xenografts, the ivermectininduced cytostatic autophagy leads to suppression of tumor growth. Together the results provide a molecular basis for the use of ivermectin
ivermectin is a potential option for the treatment of breast cancer.
Ivermectin has also recently been demonstrated to exhibit potent anticancer activity against colon cancer, ovarian cancer, melanoma, and leukemia. Again, the molecular mechanism underlying this anticancer effect remains inadequately understood. Researchers recently found that ivermectin markedly inhibits the growth of breast cancer cells by stimulating cytostatic macroautophagy/autophagy in vitro and in vivo.
Despite significant advances in the treatment of breast cancer, triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) remains the most difficult subtype to treat. As the name implies, triple-negative breast cancer cells lack three key proteins— receptors for both estrogen and progesterone hormones, and the protein human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2)—which are targets for many effective breast cancer drugs today.
With that in mind, a team of scientists wanted to uncover new therapeutic combinations that could treat TNBC and provide more treatment options to these patients.
Immune checkpoint inhibitor (ICI) therapy has emerged
as a revolutionary approach that harnesses a patient’s own immune system to treat cancer. However, checkpoint inhibitors as single agents are only effective in a subset of patients and cancer types. They’ve had little impact in breast cancer.
by T-cells—often termed ‘hot’ tumors. In contrast, ‘cold’ tumors have little to no T-cell infiltration and generally do not respond to ICI therapy.3 As such, there is considerable need to identify drugs capable of priming breast tumors (turning cold tumors hot) to synergize with checkpoint blockade.
Ivermectin inhibits the AKTMTOR signaling pathway by promoting ubiquitinationmediated degradation of PAK1 (p21 [RAC1] activated kinase 1), leading to increased autophagic flux. Together, the work of the scientists unravels the molecular mechanism underpinning ivermectin-induced cytostatic autophagy in breast cancer, and characterizes ivermectin as a potential therapeutic option for breast cancer treatment.
Recent studies suggest that efficacy of checkpoint inhibitors is primarily limited to cancers already infiltrated
A recently described phenomenon, termed immunogenic cell death (ICD), is a form of cell death that stimulates the host immune system. The researchers reasoned that an agent that induces ICD of cancer cells without suppressing immune function would be ideal for combination with ICI therapy.
IVERMECTIN - REVERSES BREAST CANCER! IVERMECTIN - REVERSES BREAST CANCER!other parasitic infections, promotes ICD in breast cancer cells. Among other findings was evidence that ivermectin modulates the P2X4/P2X7 purinergic**** pathway, suggesting that ivermectin may further harness the tumors' intrinsic high extracellular levels of ATP for anti-cancer activity.
These promising in-vitro results prompted the researchers to move forward to in-vivo studies using a common animal model of TNBC. In this model, breast tumors are cold, indicating little or no infiltration of T-cells. Ivermectin treatment leads to robust T-cell infiltration turning cold tumors into hot tumors with cancer cells showing markers of ICD in vivo.
The ability to turn TNBC tumors from cold to hot suggested that ivermectin could synergize with ICI therapy (such as with antiPD-1 monoclonal antibodies).
Immune checkpoint inhibitors block the PD-1 protein, which acts as a brake on T-cells, thus helping the immune system do what it is designed to do:
eradicate cancer.
Findings on this novel therapeutic combination, published recently in Nature Partner Journals
Breast Cancer, offers the first time a research team has demonstrated that checkpoint inhibitors can be used to successfully treat breast cancer—when combined with ivermectin, an inexpensive, existing safe drug.
In these studies, 40-60 percent of animals treated with the ivermectin plus antiPD1 antibody combination completely eradicated their tumors. They were able to fight off the cancer again after it was reintroduced.
immunomodulatory) in cancer, ivermectin may also potentiate the antitumor activity of other FDA-approved ICIs. Once again, ivermectin is safe and inexpensive, making it attainable for everyone including cancer patients in developing countries.
These preclinical findings suggest that the combination of ivermectin and anti-PD1 antibody merits clinical testing in breast cancer patients. They are now planning to test optimal dosing levels for a potential first-in-human clinical trial. Interestingly, in the last year, ivermectin has also demonstrated efficacy against COVID-19, and it is being tested in dozens of clinical trials to both prevent and treat the virus.
Using two solid tumor cell lines and one hematologic tumor cell line—which are resistant to the chemotherapeutic drugs vincristine and adriamycin respectively in xenograft mice models, including the solid tumor model in nude mice— researchers investigated the reversal effect of ivermectin on the resistance in-vitro and in-vivo.
Their results indicated that ivermectin at its very low dose, which did not induce obvious cytotoxicity, drastically reversed the resistance of the tumor cells to the chemotherapeutic drugs both in-vitro and in-vivo. Mechanistically, ivermectin reversed the resistance mainly by reducing the expression of P-gp via inhibiting the epidermal growth factor receptor
(EGFR), not by directly inhibiting P-gp activity. Ivermectin bound with the extracellular domain of EGFR inhibited the activation of EGFR and its downstream signaling cascade ERK/ Akt/NFof the transcriptional factor NFthe reduced P-gp transcription.
These findings demonstrated that ivermectin significantly enhanced
the anti-cancer efficacy of chemotherapeutic drugs to tumor cells, especially in the drug-resistant cells. Thus, ivermectin could potentially be used in combination with chemotherapeutic agents to treat cancers and in particular, the drug-resistant
Either drug alone has almost zero effect, but together they have a powerful synergistic effect.
The team then tested the combination across a spectrum of clinically relevant settings. They found that the therapeutic combination also worked in neoadjuvant models (before surgery) and adjuvant models (after surgery). Most importantly, the combination worked against metastatic breast cancer, potentially curing 50 percent of animals.
Based on its novel dual mechanisms of action (anti-cancer and
The discovery and development of novel drugs that are capable of overcoming drug resistance in tumor cells are
1. Feng Y, Spezia M, Huang S, et al. Breast cancer development and progression: Risk factors, cancer stem cells, signaling pathways, genomics, and molecular pathogenesis. Genes Dis. 2018 Jun; 5(2):77–106.
2. Bryant A, Lawrie TA, Dowswell T, et al. Ivermectin for prevention and treatment of COVID-19 infection: A systematic review, meta-analysis, and trial sequential analysis to inform clinical guidelines. Am J Ther. 2021 Jul-Aug; 28(4): e434–e60.
3. Draganov D, Han Z, Rana A, et al. Ivermectin converts cold tumors hot and synergizes with immune checkpoint blockade for treatment of breast cancer NPJ Breast Cancer. 2021 Mar 2;7(1):22.
4. Tang M, Hu X, Wang Y, et al. Ivermectin, a potential anticancer drug derived from an antiparasitic drug. Pharmacol Res. 2021 Jan; 163:105207.
5. Houshaymi B, Nasreddine N, Kedees M, et al. Oleic acid increases uptake and decreases the P-gp-mediated efflux of the veterinary anthelmintic ivermectin. Drug Res (Stuttg). 2019; 69(03):173–80.
* The human epithelial cell line Caco-2 has been widely used as a model of the intestinal epithelial barrier. The Caco-2 cell line is originally derived from a colon carcinoma.
6. Dominguez-Gomez G, Chavez-Blanco A, Medina-Franco JL, et al. Ivermectin as an inhibitor of cancer stem like cells. Mol Med Rep. 2018 Feb;17(2):3397–403.
** Salinomycin may be considered as a promising novel anti-cancer agent despite its largely unknown mechanism of action.
7. Rodrigues FT, Klemig LR, Cardozo MRP, et al. Myiasis associated with an invasive ductal carcinoma of the left breast: case study. Rev Inst Med Trop Sao Paulo. 2017 Jun 1;59:e35.
*** Myiasis is the infection of a fly larva (maggot) in human tissue.
urgently needed clinically. Researchers sought to explore whether ivermectin could overcome the resistance of cancer cells to other therapeutic drugs.
8. Dou Q, Chen HN, Wang K, et al. Ivermectin induces cytostatic autophagy by blocking the PAK1/Akt Axis in breast cancer. Cancer Res. 2016 Aug 1;76(15):4457–69
9. Wang K, Gao W, Dou Q, et al. Ivermectin induces PAK1-mediated cytostatic autophagy in breast cancer. Autophagy. 2016 Dec;12(12):2498–99.
10. Lee PP. Use of the anti-parasitic drug ivermectin to treat breast cancer. Oncology Times. 2021 May;43(9):10.
**** Purinergic signaling is a form of extracellular signaling mediated by purine nucleotides and nucleosides such as adenosine and ATP. It involves the activation of purinergic receptors in the cell and/or in nearby cells, thereby regulating cellular functions.
11. Jiang L, Wang P Sun YJ, et al. Ivermectin reverses the drug resistance in cancer cells through EGFR/ERK/Akt/NF-κB pathway. J Exp Clin Cancer. 2019 Jun 18;38(1):265.
It’s the two drugs working together that is the magic.
How would you like to turn back your biological clock a few years – or even a decade or more? I don’t just mean so you might look better on the outside, as that can, after all, be just cosmetic.
Robert Verkerk PhD is an internationally acclaimed scientist with over 35 years-experience in sustainability, specifically in the fields of agriculture, food production and healthcare. He has Masters and Doctorate degrees from Imperial College London, where he continued his research for a further 7 years as a postdoctoral research fellow. In 2002 he founded the Alliance for Natural Health International (ANH-Intl), an independent non-profit organisation that promotes natural, sustainable, and bio-compatible approaches to healthcare—using the tools of ‘good science’ and ‘good law’.
spin-off that Aubrey de Grey may have been linked to?
dissemination in the world – Big Pharma itself.
Are they the ultimate anti-aging elixir?
I’m talking here about the genuine reversal of ageing that affects the inside of your body as well, from your brain to your big toes. Reducing the risk of degenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s, heart disease and cancer. Feeling like you’re bounding with energy as you might have been years or even decades ago. In fact, reversing ageing so comprehensively that you can confirm your clock- reversing feat via one of the most robust markers
of ageing and disease risk – your telomere length. For those who aren’t familiar, telomeres are the caps made up of repetitive nucleotide sequences at the ends of chromosomes that play a key role in complete chromosome replication and their length is a strong predictor of potential life span.
Is this just science fiction, or is it something we’re still waiting to hear about from some Californian biotech
As it happens, neither is the case. It can be done, and it is being done by those in the know. Sadly, what many of us who’ve been studying this area for some time might regard as the most powerful approach to biological age reversal currently known on the planet, is barely known outside limited groups of anti-ageing specialists. The approach works directly against Big Pharma’s model that benefits from a world awash with lots of sick people who take its drugs on the recommendation of doctors who consider they have, courtesy of their education and licensing boards, few other options. Remarkably, the scientific achievements in the form of biological age reversal I’m talking about have happened without any support from the biggest economic powerhouse in research and media
So it was fascinating to be invited to speak at the Profound Health Summit at the Luton Hoo (UK) and meet with and learn more about the incredible progress that’s been made over the last 45-years by Prof Vladimir Khavinson and his team at the Institute of Bioregulation and Gerontology, St Peterburg, Russia. It was both an honor and a privilege to be asked to speak at the Summit on the same stage, in my case mapping the global regulatory threats and opportunities for different classes of health product, including peptide regulators..
Vladimir Khavinson and the key role of peptide bioregulators
Prof Khavinson’s credentials
Nobel Prize.
are impressive and include the publication of over 700 peer reviewed papers. His curriculum vitae can be found
(https://khavinson.info/ curriculum-vitae). At the heart of his approach is the recognition that some of the most powerful bioregulators within humans (and other animals) are very small molecules comprised of a small number of bonded amino acids, referred to as small or short peptides.
This remarkable and important finding emerged from research carried out over 50-years ago in the Soviet Union, when Vladimir Khavinson was only in his 20s, that was heavily funded by the Soviet government. One of the main goals of the research was to find ways of overcoming eye and ear injuries suffered by military personnel, and the starting point of the research was apparently some of the original work by Ivan Pavlov on regulatory peptides. Pavlov is of course better known for his work on dogs, digestion, and the conditioned response for which he was awarded a
While the bioregulatory role of small peptides has been known for over 100 years, there have been ongoing discoveries on their significance, including more recently the work of Aaron Ciechanover, Avram Hershko and Irwin Rose who were awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 2004 for their discovery that the polypeptide ubiquitin was critical to the cell cycle, with ubiquitin-marked cells being consigned to cellular ‘waste bins’ (proteasomes).
But it was Vladimir Khavinson’s work that exposed the even more critical role of small peptides, in protein biosynthesis and gene expression.
And a Nobel Prize, disappointingly, has yet to be awarded.
What Khavinson’s research team found was that these small peptides can bind between prised-open DNA strands that are freed from histones prior to transcription (Fig. 2), leading to the control of gene expression and protein biosynthesis.
treatments with peptide bioregulators (as injectables, oral supplements and cosmeceuticals).
The work that has led to commercialization of peptide bioregulators started in earnest in the late 1970s with the investigation of responses in mice following administration of peptide preparations isolated from thymus and pineal glands, the thymus being the source of peptides first found to reverse age-related declines in immune responses during the mid-1970s.
humans and animals can not only halt the age-related deterioration of multiple functions, but it can also even reverse them with clear evidence that healthy lifespan can be increased accordingly.
The work of Prof Khavinson’s group over the last 45-years spans everything from theoretical work to cell culture studies,
animal experiments, clinical trials, and the development of medical centres and clinics that specialize in providing
The work has culminated in showing that peptide bioregulators play a key role in preserving the normal, homeostatic function of younger, healthy humans and other animals, and that the decline of these functions with age is strongly linked to declining production of these small bioregulatory peptides within the body and this is, in turn, strongly linked to premature ageing and age- associated pathology.
In terms of the application of this knowledge, it has also been shown that administering specific peptide bioregulators to
As far as I am aware, there is not a single other top-level researcher and associated research group which has made major contributions to basic science, in this case discovering the fundamental role of small peptides in bioregulation and gene expression, that have gone on to develop a suite of products and protocols that both treat and prevent almost every common degenerative disease.
Not only that, the emerging evidence from many thousands of people already treated, some of which are currently participants in trials, is that treatment using these food supplements for healthy populations enables them to extend their lives significantly and maintain good health at the same time.
Prof Khavinson recognizes the extreme importance of getting this knowledge outside Russia. And it’s for this reason he has been collaborating with Dr Bill Lawrence, a lawyer, turned entrepreneur, turned longevity researcher and expert who has been administrator for two major clinical trials on peptides
in the USA.
I was fortunate enough to meet Bill this weekend and those of us present were privy to some of the remarkable interim results, including how the peptides are reversing biological age, as measured by Dr Steve Horvath’s epigenetic clock. You can learn more about Dr Bill Lawrence’s collaboration with Prof Khavinson in these 2021
products, known as peptide bioregulators currently available, as injectable pharmaceuticals, food supplements and cosmeceuticals. Some are manufactured in Russia, others in Italy and Portugal.
For many people, the food supplement forms will be of greatest benefit – and interim results from the clinical trials that are underway, one of
• www.natniddam.com/podcast/bioregulator-peptidesincrease-health-span-lengthen-telomeres-turn-backthe-clock-with-dr-bill-lawrence-phd
• www.natniddam.com/podcast/episode-46-dr-billlawrence-reversing-aging-part-2-bioregulatorpeptides-effect-on-dna-methylation-clinical-trial
interviews with nutritionist Nat Niddam:
There are over 21 commercial
which is some 5-years in, the other some 3-years in, all under the administration of Bill Lawrence, and they are showing that they have immense power not only in
Peptide extracts that have been found to contribute to functional correction to specific systems are listed below:
Peptide extract organ/tissue Site of primary
Brain extract
Thymus gland extract
Pineal gland extract
Thyroid gland extract
Vessels extract
Pancreas extract
Cartilage extract
Liver extract
Liver extract
Kidney extract
Testis extract
Ovary extract
Urinary bladder extract
Retinal extract
Being organised for May 25/26, 2024
Utilising stem cells, peptides, hormones and nutrition for longevity medicine.
Meet world experts in the field of preventative and regenerative therapies, learn from them about how to optimize your health and assist in slowing, halting and reversing numerous degenerative issues.
Correction of brain and central nervous system functions
Correction of immune system functions
Correction of endocrine system functions
Correction of cardiovascular system functions
Correction of pancreatic function
Correction of function of joints and spine
Correction of liver and digestive system functions
Register your interest and see more at the website.
For more information visit profound-health-summit.com or email emma@profound-health-summit.com
We welcome individuals, health professionals and business owners www.profound-health-summit.com
Correction or urogenital system functions
Adrenal extract
Correction of visual functions
Correction of adrenal function and improvement in stress response
Information gathered from Peptide Bioregulator Report (2007), www.gerontology.ru/cytomaxs (http://www. gerontology.ru/cytomaxs) website, and UK Antiaging Peptides website (https://antiaging-peptides.com/ natures-marvels/)
The full range of commercially-available natural peptide bioregulators (including synthetic versions for vegetarians and vegans) can be found at the Institute of Bioregulators and Gerontology website (https://www.gerontology.ru/ cytomaxs).
halting biological age, but also reversing it.
For my part, I was honored be invited by Phil Micans to the conference. It was an extraordinary privilege to share some meaningful time, as well as the speakers’ stage, with Profs Khavinson and Svetlana Trofimova, the latter being responsible for the clinical work at the medical centre in the St Petersburg institute.
Having heard Aubrey de Grey say more than once
that science had yet to turn up any product that could successfully reverse ageing, I was pleased to find myself sitting within 2 meters of Aubrey during Prof Khavinson’s main lecture, watching him take detailed notes. Aubrey was the guest speaker at the gala dinner, and it was clear he recognised the importance of the findings of Prof Khavinson’s team, which clearly had not yet landed in the biotech-based world of anti-ageing research.
Described by scientists as "Nature's gene switches"
Finally, and more personally, I would like to express my
Melatonin, a key ingredient of MZS ™ is commonly used to treat age related sleep disorders, and has abilities that go far beyond simply its sleep inducing properties. It is vital to protect our hormonal system, regulate immunity and repair our body’s cells.
MZS ™ is the only melatonin supplement to follow nature’s own night peak.
What is in it?
Each capsule provides all the following:
Ingredients Quantity
N-acetylcysteine 100 mg
L-methione 100 mg
Di-indole-methane 83 mg
L-carnosine 83 mg
Deodorised garlic 50 mg
Trans resveratrol 17 mg
Vitamin B6 17 mg
NDGA 3 mg
Potassium iodide 3 mg
Iodine 2.5 mg
Methylfolate 800 mcg
Chromium picolinate 120 mcg
Selenium 100 mcg
Vitamin B12 10 mcg
Catalase 0.025 mg
Where does it come from?
► This unique and natural ‘antioxidant complete formula’ was the best combination found to quench free radicals,
even the most dangerous ones which include the superoxide and hydroxy radicals.
► It was 228th experiment conducted in-vivo (on humans) by Dr. Richard Lippman, (hence why it is called ACF228®).
What is it used for?
► Antiaging (free radical theory of aging).
► Antioxidant (free radical scavenger).
How is it used?
► Designed for simplicity as a one a day multi-protective formula.
Where can I learn more about it?
► ‘Free radicals in aging’ by Richard Lippman, Ph.D. Aging Matters™ magazine V3 I37, 2021.
BEC5® Curaderm - a truly amazing skin cream
What is in it?
Solasodine 0.005%.
Where does it come from?
► It is extracted from the ‘Devil’s Apple’ (a relation of eggplant).
What is it used for?
► BCC (basal cell carcinomas).
► Keratosis (sunspots).
► SCC (squamous cell carcinomas).
How is it used?
► It is applied twice daily onto clean, dry skin and then covered with a
► ‘Free radicals and the four lines of defence’ by Richard Lippman, Ph.D. Aging Matters™ magazine, issue 4, 2014.
► ‘Stay 40’ by Richard Lippman, Ph.D. Outskirts Press, 2008.
► Videos on the IAS You Tube channel, (see the media page for details).
What is in it?
N-acetylcarnosine 1% plus lubricants glycerine and carboxymethylcellulose sodium.
Where does it come from?
► Carnosine is naturally found in the human body and can be found in dark green leaves and chicken meat.
► The eyedrops are made to cGMP standards.
What is it used for?
► Cataracts (particularly the senile type).
► Contact lens discomfort.
► Diabetes mellitus complications.
► Dry eyes.
► Glaucoma.
How is it used?
► It is applied twice daily onto the effected eye.
► Is proven clinically effective for humans and dogs.
► A typical treatment period for humans is 5-6 months.
► Note: There is improved synergy when taken along with the specially designed Can-C™ capsules.
Where can I learn more about it?
► ‘Eyesight saviors’ by Marios
Kyriazis, M.D. Profound Health Publishing, 2018.
► ‘Maintain your vision’ by Leslie Farer. Aging Matters™ magazine, Issue 6, 2015.
► ‘Can-C™ eye-drops 10-years on’ by Marios Kyriazis, M.D. Aging Matters™ magazine Issue 4, 2012.
► Videos on the IAS You Tube channel, (see the media page for details).
► Typical end-to-end treatment times are 6-12 weeks.
► Note: It is important to use antiseptic cream daily during the healing process.
Where can I learn more about it?
► Curaderm BEC5® natural non-invasive medication for skin cancers’ by Dr. Bill E. Cham. Curaderm Global Publishing, 2015.
► ‘BEC5® the skin cancer cure’ by Bill Edward Cham, Ph.D. Aging Matters™ magazine, No.1, 2013.
► Videos on the IAS You Tube channel, (see the media page for details).
What is in it?
► Centrophenoxine, (also known as meclofenoxate).
► It is a nootropic agent, (aka a smart drug) available in 250 mg capsules.
Where does it come from?
► It is a combination of two DMAE molecules, (which is commonly found in oily fish).
► The supplement is synthetically produced.
What is it used for?
► Alertness.
► Alzheimer’s.
► Antiaging, (membrane theory of aging).
► Dementia.
► Memory/ recall speed improvement.
► Toxin reduction, (lipofuscin and plagues).
How is it used?
► Typically, two 250 mg capsules are taken daily.
► Note: Athletes be aware it can produce a positive doping result.
Where can I learn more about it?
► ‘Centrophenoxine for memory and aging’ by Professor Imre Zs. Nagy. Aging Matters™ magazine, issue 3, 2014.
► ‘Centrophenoxine, a
true-life extension drug’ by James South MA, International Antiaging Magazine, No.2, 2004.
► ‘Smart drugs and nutrients’ by Ward Dean, M.D. Smart Publications, 1991.
► Videos on the IAS You Tube channel, (see the media page for details).
What is in it?
► Deprenyl, (otherwise known as selegiline HCL).
► Available in liquid form (1 drop = 1.15 mg) and 5 mg tablets.
Where does it come from?
► It is a synthetically produced agent.
► It enhances dopamine levels by acting upon MAO-b. (Dopamine is manufactured in the brain from two natural amino acids: tyrosine and phenylalanine).
► Professor Joseph Knoll also suggested that it raises PEA levels and improves catecholamine sensitivity.
What is it used for?
► Alzheimer’s disease.
► Concentration/ focus.
► Dementia.
► Libido (in men).
► Life extension.
► Parkinson’s disease.
How is it used?
► Parkinson’s disease doses can often be 5 mg to 10 mg daily, even up to 20 mg.
► Antiaging doses are much lower. This depends upon need and age, but adults often settle at around 1 mg to 3 mg a day, or 5 mg once or twice a week.
(It is beneficial to take occasional breaks from use if not suffering with a dementia, such as a weekend off, or a week a month off).
► Note: Some drug test exams may produce a false-positive result.
Where can I learn more about it?
► ‘An antiaging, life extending aphrodisiac’ by Ward Dean, MD. Aging
Esnatri™ - Natural topical tri-estrogen cream for women.
What is in it?
► A combination of three bioidentical estrogens; estriol (90%), estradiol (7%) and estrone (3%).
► Specially formulated by Jonathan Wright, MD, to mimic his research that shows that the ‘average’ healthy woman produces these estrogens at those percentages.
Where does it come from?
► Estrogens can be produced in fat tissue, the liver, the adrenal glands, and the ovaries.
► The cream is synthetically produced to a bioidentical standard.
Matters™ magazine, issue 1, 2019.
► ‘Deprenyl and Alzheimer’s disease’ by Ward Dean, MD. Aging Matters™ magazine, issue 2, 2017.
► ‘How selegiline (deprenyl) slows brain aging’ by Professor Joseph Knoll. Bentham, 2012.
► ‘The brain and its-self’ by Professor Joseph Knoll. Springer, 2005.
► ‘Smart drugs and nutrients’ by Ward Dean, MD. Smart Publications, 1996.
► Videos on the IAS You Tube channel, (see the media page for details).
What is in it?
Growth hormone releasing peptide type-II, in 1 mg sublingual tablets.
Where does it come from?
► Synthetically produced from foodstuffs.
What is it used for?
► Antiaging.
► Body shaping, (lose fat but gain muscle).
► Physical strength enhancement.
► Sarcopenia.
How is it used?
► Two tablets are taken in
the morning on an empty stomach.
► As they are sublingual lozenges, they are placed under the tongue to dissolve.
Where can I learn more about it?
► ‘Growth hormone releasing peptides’ by Richard Walker, M.D. Aging Matters™ magazine V3 Issue 36, 2020.
► ‘The story of GHRH and GHRPs’ by Richard Walker, M.D. Aging Matters™ magazine, Issue 3, 2014.
► ‘GHRP performance’ by Phil Micans, MA. Aging Matters™ magazine, issue 3, 2013.
► Videos on the IAS You Tube channel, (see the media page for details).
What is it used for?
► Menopause (female).
► PMT (premenstrual tension).
► Skincare.
► Well-being.
How is it used?
► It is often applied topically to a hairless area, such as under breasts, behind knees or inside elbows.
► Doses will be determined by a physician, but typically for women they can be a total dose of 2 mg applied daily from day 1 to day 25.
► Day 1 is determined by the day that is, (or would have been) the first day of the menstrual cycle.
Where can I learn more about it?
► ‘Getting the most out of BHRT’ by Jonathan Wright, MD. Aging Matters™ magazine, issue 1, 2014.
► ‘Stay young & sexy with bioidentical hormone replacement therapy’ by Jonathan Wright, MD. Smart Publications, 2009.
► Videos on the IAS You Tube channel, (see the media page for details).
RetinPro™ contains tretinoin at 0.05% in rosemary oil, all within an airless tube that dispenses 0.75ml with each pump. For
What is in it?
► Metformin HCL in 500 mg scored tablets.
Where does it come from?
► Synthetically produced from guanidine compounds such as goat’s rue or the French lilac.
What is it used for?
► Antiaging, (neuroendocrine theory of aging).
► Cancer.
► Diabetes type-II.
► Insulin resistance.
► Lowers LDL (bad cholesterol).
► Obesity (weight loss).
► PCOS (polycystic ovarian
► Syndrome X.
How is it used?
► Doses vary, an antiaging dose might be 500 mg daily, treatment of diabetes might be 1000 mg to 2000 mg or sometimes more daily.
► Note: As metformin is known to inhibit B12, it is prudent to take a vitamin B12 supplement concurrently.
Where can I learn more about it?
► ‘Shielding against AGE’ by Ward Dean, M.D. Aging Matters™ magazine, issue 1, 2018.
What is in it?
► Each tablet contains 3 mg of melatonin, plus 8.7 mg zinc and 50 mcg of selenium, all within a unique 4-hour time release tablet produced to pharmaceutical quality (>99.5%).
Where does it come from?
► Melatonin is a natural hormone usually excreted by the pineal gland. The supplement is extracted from coffee beans to a bioidentical standard.
► Zinc and selenium are minerals.
What is it used for?
► Age related macular degeneration (ARMD).
► Antiaging, (rotational theory of aging).
► Antioxidant.
► Cancer.
► Circadian rhythm improvement.
► Hormonal cyclicity regularity.
► Immunity.
► Jetlag.
► Sleep enhancement.
How is it used?
► The tablet should be taken between 9pm and 11pm for maximum effectiveness.
It is not necessary to go to bed straightaway.
► Note: To maximise your own production of melatonin make sure you sleep in a dark room. Evidence also exists that more sunshine in the day
► ‘AMPK the metabolic signaller’ by Marios Kyriazis, M.D. Aging Matters™ magazine, issue 6, 2016.
► Dr. Dean’s favorite antiaging medicine’ by Ward Dean, MD. Aging Matters™ magazine, issue 4, 2013.
Nature’s Marvels™ - The epigenetic gene switches within food.
is beneficial and avoid late/ or excessive caffeine intake.
Where can I learn more about it?
► ‘Melatonin stops cancer’ by Will Block. Aging Matters™ magazine, issue 35, 2020.
► ‘Reversing ARMD with melatonin’ by Phil Micans, MA. Aging Matters™ magazine, issue 2, 2019.
► ‘The rotational theory of aging’ by Professor Walter Pierpaoli. Aging Matters™ magazine, issue 1, 2014.
► ‘The use of high dose melatonin in medicine’ by Professor Jesus Tresguerres. Aging Matters™ magazine, issue 3, 2016.
► Videos on the IAS You Tube channel, (see the media page for details).
What is in it?
► They contain different combinations of short chain peptides (between 2 and 4) at 10 mg per capsule. They currently represent 21 glands and tissues as listed:
► Adrenal (Glandokort®)
► Bladder (Chitomur®)
► Blood vessels (Ventfort®)
► Bone-marrow (Bonomarlot®)
► Brain (CNS/ Cerluten®)
► Cartilage (Sigumir®)
► Heart (Chelohart®)
► Kidney (Pielotax®)
► Liver (Svetinorm®)
► Lungs (Taxorest®)
► Muscle (Gotratix®)
► Ovaries (Zhenoluten®)
► Pancreas (Suprefort®)
► Parathyroid (Bonothyrk®)
► Pineal (Endoluten®)
► Prostate (Libidon®)
► Retina (Visoluten®)
► Stomach (Stamakort®)
► Testes (Testoluten®) Thymus (Vladonix®)
► Thyroid (Thyreogen®)
Where does it come from?
► All of them are extracted from food (bovine origin).
What is it used for?
► Adjustment/ improvement of the targeted gland or tissue, all by way of signalling via our own genes for the target to regulate itself better.
► Antiaging, (peptides in the epigenetic control of ageing).
How is it used?
► Start at 2-capsules a day for 30-days.
► Then reduce to 2-capsules a day for 10-days each month.
► As condition improves, the dose can drop to a maintenance of 2-capsules a day for 10-days every 3-months.
Where can I learn more about it?
► ‘Peptide bioregulators in sports and space’ by Professor Vladimir Khavinson. Aging Matters™ magazine, issue 36, 2020.
► ‘Forever young’ an interview with Dr. Bill Lawrence. Aging Matters™ magazine, issue 1, 2019.
► ‘The peptide bioregulator revolution’ by Marios Kyriazis, M.D. Profound Health Publishing, 2018.
► ‘Peptides in the epigenetic control of ageing’ by Professor Vladimir Khavinson. Profound Health Publishing, 2017.
► ‘The peptide human lifeextension trial’ by Leslie Farer. Aging Matters™ magazine, issue 4, 2016.
► ‘The power behind the pineal peptide bioregulator’ by Leslie Farer. Aging Matters™ magazine, issue 3, 2015.
► ‘The Russian peptide bioregulator revolution’ by Phil Micans, MA. Aging Matters™ magazine, issue 2, 2013.
► Videos on the IAS You Tube channel, (see the media page for details
What is in it?
► Oxytocin at 5 mg per sublingual lozenge.
Where does it come from?
► It is a hormone produced naturally in the pituitary gland.
► The product is manufactured synthetically to a bioidentical standard.
What is it used for?
► Ejaculate (men).
► Fibromyalgia.
► Relationships (bonding).
► Relaxation (calming).
► Sex (heightened orgasm, particularly for women).
► Sociopathy.
How is it used?
► Usually just 5 mg taken on an empty stomach 15-30 minutes before sex.
► Other treatments may require more daily applications, see Dr. Thierry Hertoghe’s oxytocin book for precise details.
► The sublingual lozenges must be allowed to be dissolved under the tongue.
Where can I learn more about it?
► ‘The Atlas of Endocrinology V2’ by Thierry Hertoghe, MD. International Medical Books, 2019.
► ‘Passion, sex, and lifespan’ by Thierry Hertoghe, MD. Aging
Matters™ magazine, issue 5, 2015.
► ‘Hormone handbook V2’ by Thierry Hertoghe, MD. International Medical Books, 2014.
► ‘Passion, sex, and longevity- the oxytocin adventure’ by Thierry Hertoghe, MD. International Medical Books, 2010.
► Videos on the IAS You Tube channel, (see the media page for details).
What is in it?
► Piracetam 800 mg per scored tablet.
Where does it come from?
► A synthetically produced agent derived from GABA.
What is it used for?
► Alzheimer’s.
► Awareness/ consciousness.
► Dementia.
► Memory and cognition.
What is in it?
► Bioidentical progesterone at a 5% strength.
Where does it come from?
► Progesterone is made in the ovaries, the adrenals and in the placenta.
► The cream is synthetically produced to bioidentical standards.
What is it used for?
► Accompanying an estrogen treatment for women.
► Menopause (female).
► Osteoporosis (female).
How is it used?
► Applied topically, (often to a hairless area, such as under breasts, behind
► Motivation (idea creation).
► Travel/ altitude sickness.
How is it used?
► A typical dose is 1600 mg once or twice daily.
Where can I learn more about it?
► ‘Smart drugs and nutrients’ by Ward Dean, MD. Aging Matters™ magazine, issue 4, 2012.
► ‘Smart drugs and nutrients’
by Ward Dean, MD. Smart Publications, 1991.
► Videos on the IAS You Tube channel, (see the media page for details).
ProgestPro™ - Natural topical progesterone cream for women.
knees or inside elbows), the dose is determined by a physician. A typical quantity of progesterone for women is 25 mg to 30 mg, used starting on days 10 to 15 and taken through day 25.
► The starting date is varied according to the timing of each woman’s ovulation when she was cycling.
► If this timing is not known, a starting date is from day 10 to 15 is arbitrarily chosen.
Where can I learn more about it?
► ‘Not all progesterone’s are created equal’ by Dr. Nyjon Eccles. Aging Matters™ magazine, issue 37, 2021.
► ‘Getting the most out of BHRT’ by Jonathan Wright, MD. Aging Matters™ magazine, issue 1, 2014.
► ‘Stay young & sexy with bioidentical hormone replacement therapy’ by Jonathan Wright, MD. Smart Publications, 2009. Videos on the IAS You Tube channel, (see the media page for details).Videos on the IAS You Tube channel, (see the media page for details).
What is in it?
► The natural versions (of porcine origin) contain T3 and T4, but also the ‘forgotten’ thyroids of T1 and T2. These are also known as desiccated thyroids.
► A wide range of tablets in different doses are available.
► T3Pro™ contains synthetic T3, otherwise known as triiodothyronine.
Where does it come from?
► The thyroid hormones are produced in the thyroid gland, which is stimulated by the release of TSH from the pituitary, which in turn is stimulated by the release of TRH from the hypothalamus.
► The natural versions are obtained from porcine thyroids.
► The synthetic T3 is manufactured to bioidentical standards.
What is it used for?
► Fatigue.
► Hypothyroidism.
► Sleep disorders.
► Temperature control.
► Weight loss.
► Well-being.
How is it used?
► Doses depend upon the individual patient’s need and will vary depending on whether a synthetic is being used, or a natural thyroid.
► Note: A conversion table to compare the natural and synthetic versions is provided here
Where can I learn more about it?
► The hypothyroid epidemic’ by Rick Wilkinson, MD. Aging Matters™ magazine, issue 4, 2014.
► ‘How to improve your thyroid and your adrenals’ by Richard Lippman, Ph.D. Aging Matters™ magazine, issue 2, 2012.
► ‘Hypothyroidism, the unsuspected illness’ by Dr. Broda Barnes. Harper Books, 1976.
Spermidine is a natural extract from wheat germ that has been shown to have numerous benefits including improved skin, hair, nails, and sleep with more besides.
What is in it?
► Each version contains 4 synthetic peptide bioregulators, specifically: blood vessels, cartilage, thymus and the pineal.
► In addition, there are numerous other beneficial natural agents such as ginseng, olive oil, raisin oil, argon oil, soya oil, jojoba oil, hyaluronate, green tea extract, cocoa, almond, vitamin E and chamomile extract.
Where does it come from?
► They are a combination of 4 synthetically produced peptide bioregulators and natural oils and agents, (as
► Available in a day cream, a body milk, and a face serum.
What is it used for?
► Anti-inflammatory to reduce puffiness.
► Antioxidant to prevent infection, skin damage and faster wound healing.
► Enhances the blood microcirculation to create a fresh, glowing appearance.
► Increases protein synthesis to aid the skin’s repair processes and reduce dry, dead skin.
► Regulates metabolic pathways to normalize lipid peroxidation for a cleaner, smoother uniformity to the
skin’s surface via enhanced moisturization.
► Strengthens collagen to improve skin elasticity and tone.
How is it used?
► Apply sparingly to the skin once a day.
► The day cream is designed for the face and neck.
► The body milk is designed for the arms, hands, and legs etc.
► The serum is the intensive treatment for fine lines and wrinkles.
www.antiaging-systems.com com is your comprehensive resource for information about all the leading commercially available antiaging, preventative, and regenerative products available today.
Visit www.antiaging-systems.com and find articles, videos, audio-files, all referenced with a guide of where to obtain your needs. Currently the site covers topics related to all the following products:
► Atlas of Endocrinology V2 by Thierry Hertoghe, MD
► Passion, Sex & Oxytocin by Thierry Hertoghe, MD
► Peptides in the Control of Ageing by Prof. Khavinson
► Testosterone Therapy for Real Gentlemen by Dr. Hertoghe
► Eyesight Saviors by Marios Kyriazis, MD
► Patient Hormone Handbook by Thierry Hertoghe, MD
► Physician Hormone Handbook V2 by Thierry Hertoghe, MD
► GHRP2 (GHRP2Pro™)
► Aldosterone (AldoPro™)
► HCG (HCGPro™)
► Melatonin (MelaMaxPro™)
► Pregnenolone (PregPro™)
► Progesterone (ProgestPro™)
► Sermorelin (SermPro™)
► Natural Skin Cancer Treatments by Bill Cham, PhD
► Peptide Bioregulator Revolution by Dr. Kyriazis
► Reversing Physical Aging V1 by Thierry Hertoghe, MD
► Adrenal (Glandokort®)
► Bone Marrow (Bonomarlot®)
► Heart (Chelohart®)
► Lungs (Taxorest®)
► Pancreas (Suprefort®)
► Prostate (Libidon®)
► Testes (Testoluten®)
► Bladder (Chitomur®)
► Cartilage (Sigumir®)
► Kidney (Pielotax®)
► Muscle (Gotratix®)
► Parathyroid (Bonothyrk®)
► Retina (Visoluten®)
► Thymus (Vladonix®)
PEPTIDE BIOREGULATORS (synthetic source)
► Blood Vessels (Vesugen®)
► Epitalon®
► Lungs (Chonluten®)
Smarts (Nootropics)
► Centrophenoxine (CentroPro™)
► Modafinil (ModaPro™)
► Cartilage (Сartalax®)
► Epithalamin (Epitide®)
► Nemorex® (thymus x2)
► Blood Vessels (Ventfort®)
► CNS/ Brain (Cerluten®)
► Liver (Svetinorm®)
► Ovaries (Zhenoluten®)
► Pineal (Endoluten®)
► Stomach (Stamakort®)
► Thyroid (Thyreogen®)
► Hydrocortisone (HydrocortPro™)
► MSH2 (MSH2Pro™)
► Thyroids (natural & T3)
► Vasopressin (VasoPro™)
► Glutathione
► Vitamin D3 + K2
► ACF228®
► BoostPro™
► NAC (NACPro™)
► SpermidinePurePro™
► Symprove®
► Estrogens (Esnatri™)
► Melatonin (MZS™)
► Oxytocin (OxyPro™)
► TRH (Abaris™)
► 4MU (4MUPro™)
► Ivermectin (IvermectinPro™)
► Rapamycin (RapaPro™)
► Deprenyl (DepPro™)
► Picamilone (PicPro™)
► CNS/ Brain (Pinealon®)
► Liver (Ovagen®)
► Thymus (Crystagen®)
► Hydergine® (HyPro™)
► Piracetam (PiraPro™)
► Quercetin
► Vitamin C + Zinc
► BEC5® Curaderm cream
► OraltidePro™ peptide mouthwash
► Aminoguanidine (AminoPro™)
► Forxiga® (Dapagliflozin)
► Metformin (MetPro™)
► Sildenafil (SildenafilPro™)
► Dasatinib (DasaPro™)
► GH3Pro™ (Gerovital-H3®)
► Naltrexone (NalPro™)
► Tadalafil (TadalafilPro™)
► BloodSugarPro™
► Can-C™ Plus
► EnergyPro™ (COQ10+++)
► NMN (NMNBio®)
► StemGevity®
► TA65®
► Boluoke® (lumbrokinase)
► DiscomfortReliefPro™ (PEA)
► LongevityPro™
► NitricPro™
► StressPro™ (GABA +++)
► ViralPro™ (mushrooms + BHT)
► Can-C™ eye-drops
► RetinPro™ (0.05% tretinoin)
► JointPro™ cream (peptide)
► Youth Gems® (peptide creams) For more information visit: