In this issue:
Dr. Bill Lawrence reverses patients’ biological age!

Dr. Ward Dean answers your questions
Dr. Jonathan Wright details niacinamide
Spotlight on innovative products
Suzanne Somers
“The Aging Matters™ magazine is spectacular, very readable and chock full of the latest and greatest. It’s the magazine I wait for and anticipate.”
Thierry Hertoghe, M.D.“IAS have a history of making throughout the world crucial, but difficult to access medications available to patients. IAS is one of the pioneering societies in antiaging medicine that has helped this new medical speciality move forward.”
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Declaration: The IAS Aging Matters™ magazine is intended for IAS private club members (and therefore is not intended for the public). It focuses on the latest international nutritional, hormonal and drug therapies to help combat the signs of aging. These signs include the physical, mental, and internal changes consisting of the diseases and disorders such as cancer, arthritis, and senile dementias etc. However, the focus is upon the prevention of such aging diseases and disorders for the ‘healthy-aging’ individual.
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Summer is upon many of us and that lifts the mood and gets us out and about more, with an opportunity to experience new things etc. And here in this issue of Aging Matters™ we have three doctors presenting various aspects of their expertise, all for us to learn from and take advantage of.
Our lead story is an interview with Atlanta based Dr. Bill Lawrence. Some may recall his interview in V3, issue 1, 2019 when he talked about how he had started to trial the peptide bioregulators in his American patients, essentially following the original Soviet trials, to see if those outcomes could be replicated.
Well, those results are now in, and here in this issue we talk about what happened in his 39-patients over 3-years and what they did etc. It’s exciting news to hear that telomeres were extended and DNA methylation improved. And by the way, if anyone wants to meet Dr. Lawrence in person, then he will be lecturing at the Profound Health Summit in England this September, along with other luminaries, (please see the back cover for further details).
Our own Medical Director, Dr. Ward Dean answers some of your questions. Here, Dr. Dean is advising people on their possible needs and with different topics, there might be something there for you, your family, or friends to be aware of.
We are also delighted to be joined by the eminent physician, Dr. Jonathan V. Wright. Those who know him via his excellent books, newsletter, or on-stage lectures etc., will know of his passion for all things natural.

Here is no exception, with a deep dive into the many fascinating benefits of the B vitamin niacinamide. To be honest, what I love about Dr. Wright’s approach is that he really delves back into the published research, even to the 40s/ 50s and 60s, finding stuff that appears to have been forgotten about and yet still has relevance. In fact, it makes me want to write a piece about how AI can help us learn what we’ve already discovered! Watch out for that in a future issue. Remember, we always welcome any constructive comments or suggestions. Please use the email shown on this page.
Phil Micans, MS, PharmB Editor, Aging Matters™ Magazine Ward Dean, M.D. Medical Director, IAS Group
The oil-wealthy country of Saudi Arabia fears its population is ageing at an accelerated rate. Affluent lifestyles with rich diets and too little exercise have led to an increase in obesity and other health issues proven to increase the risk of premature ageing. The Saudi Royal family have started a non-profit organisation which intends to invest $1 billion annually into research and drug testing to slow down ageing at a rate not achieved before.
Whilst there has been no official announcement of the in-depth details surrounding this impressive investment into anti-ageing, it is known that the diabetic drug metformin could be at the forefront of testing. In the past, very successful tech billionaires have taken on similar projects with the same goal but not with the same budget. On average
the US has spent $325 million annually on their

mission to postpone ageing dramatically. Whilst studies and testing have resulted in some impressive age postponing methods, Saudi Arabia looks like they have the money and manpower to potentially go that one step further.

The Hevolution Foundation

The Saudi Arabia Royal family have started the non-profit anti-ageing visionary

Hevolution Foundation, was allowed to build the foundation on what he explains as a laser-like focus on dramatically improving a condition that affects every human on the planet - ageing. The organization will fund basic grants for new scientific research and much-needed large human studies but also support the testing of patent expired or never commercialized drugs.
organisation the Hevolution Foundation. They believe every human has the right to live a longer, healthier life and support worldclass geroscience globally. The foundation is bringing together the best experts from around the world to solve humanity’s most pressing challengeunhealthy ageing.
Hevolution are working with longevity scientists to find a way to delay the onset of disease - giving ageing a better future.
One of the first major tests of any drug to postpone ageing in humans was Metformin but the study languished with lack of funding. However, Hevolution has part-funded a new trial called TAME (Targeting Ageing with Metformin). A researcher at the Albert Einstein School of Medicine in New York told an audience in London that the foundation had agreed to fund onethird of the costs. Once the agreement is finalised, it would be an endorsement of what’s called the
“geroscience hypothesis”, the still unproven idea that some drugs, by changing the ageing process inside cells, could delay the onset of many diseases including cancer and Alzheimer’s disease. It has been proposed that the trial would include 3000 elderly people, half would be given a placebo and the other half
the diabetes drug Metformin. The hope is to reveal that taking the inexpensive drug Metformin, would delay the onset of diseases as a person ages, increasing a person’s health and life span.
A great positive for using Metformin for anti-ageing in testing is the fact that metformin has been used as a diabetes drug since the 1960s and there have only ever been mild side effects.
Saudi Arabia’s annual $1 billion boost to anti-ageing research will give experts the knowledge they need to hopefully reverse the problem of premature ageing and disease

It’s that time of year when most people reveal their pale, pasty winter legs to the world but it’s important for them to remember that their legs are no exception to the rule when it comes to skin cancer and the sun’s harmful ultraviolet rays.
Many people risk the possibility of developing skin cancer for the sake of vanity, is it worth it?
This summer, holidaymakers will flock to warmer climates hoping to develop a glowing, golden tan. On hot summer
but are tempted to leave their lower limbs exposed. Is that you?
If you’ve over worshipped the sun and experienced sizzling sunburnt thighs, knees, ankles and feet you most probably have also
outermost skin layer. The 2 main causes are overexposure to UV (ultraviolet) rays from the sun and the use of tanning beds.
as well as raising awareness of melanoma, the 5th most common cancer in the UK. The charity’s goal is to encourage everyone to be sun-safe and encourages
days, during the midday sun, wise people go into the shade to reduce their exposure. A lot of people understand the risk of sun tanning and skin cancer so they limit the time their face and upper body bake in the glorious sunshine

suffered from prickly heat and tight, sore, peeling skin which isn’t pleasant. It has most probably left you hiding indoors taking cool showers and applying aftersun products that don’t appear to do a lot most of the time. Not only are you causing yourself a lot of discomfort, but you are also putting yourself at high risk of developing skin cancer for the sake of vanity.
Skin cancer, treatment and know your skin…
Skin cancer is the growth and mutation of abnormal cells in the epidermis – the

The most common skin cancer is Melanoma which forms mainly on the face or trunk of affected men and in women it often develops in the lower legs. There are many characteristics – a large brownish spot with darker freckles, moles that change in colour, size, texture or that bleeds. A painful lesion that itches or burns. Small lesions with an irregular border and portions that appear red, pink, white, blue or blue/black. There can also be dark lesions on the palms, soles of the feet, fingertips or toes.
Two other well-known skin cancers are Basal cell carcinoma which forms in sun-exposed areas of the body, such as the neck or face. There are 3 different characteristics – a pearly or waxy bump, flat fleshcoloured or brown scar-like lesion or bleeding or scabbing that returns. Another is Squamous cell carcinoma which forms in sun-exposed
areas of the body such as the face, ears and hands and is more prevalent in people with dark skin. There are 2 different characteristics – firm red nodules or flat lesions with a scaly crusted surface.
Less common forms include Kaposi sarcoma, Merkel cell carcinoma and Sebaceous gland carcinoma.
There are standard types of treatment for skin cancer including:
► 1. Simple excision where the tumour and some of the normal tissue around it, is cut from the skin.

► 2. Mohs micrographic surgery where the tumour is cut from the skin in thin layers, and those layers continue to be removed until no more cancer cells are seen.
► 3. Shave excision where the abnormal area is shaved off the surface of the skin with a small blade.

► 4. Cryosurgery where a treatment that uses an instrument to freeze and cdestroy abnormal tissue, such as carcinoma in situ.
The month of May is Melanoma awareness month a good reminder of the deadly disease. 86% of cases of melanoma are preventable but increasing numbers of people are being diagnosed with melanoma skin cancer. There are now more than 16,000 new cases each year in the UK. Melanoma
Focus is a national charity dedicated to providing help and support to Melanoma patients and professionals
anyone who has noticed changes in their skin to contact their GP. Many moles or lesions do not end up being anything serious but early diagnosis is important. Susanna Daniels, CEO of Melanoma Focus understands the benefits of exposing ourselves to the sun and she explains,
“We’re not telling people they shouldn’t enjoy their summer but, if you’re going to be exposed to the sun, then it’s crucial that you protect your skin from a young age.”

► 1. Avoid the midday sun –the sun’s rays are strongest between 10 am and 4 pm. It’s worth noting that you absorb UV radiation all year round, clouds offer little protection – even in the winter months. Avoiding the midday sun reduces the risk of sunburn or suntans that cause skin damage and increases the risk of developing skin cancer.
► 2. Wear suntan lotion all year round but be aware, that sunscreens don’t filter out all harmful rays,
especially the radiation that can lead to melanoma. Use at least an SPF 30 even on cloudy days. Apply generously and repeat every two hours or more often if you are swimming or sweating. Include

clothing and a broadbrimmed hat or baseball cap. Don’t forget those all-important sunglasses. Did you know you can get sunburn on your retina in the eye? Make sure you choose sunglasses that block UV radiation – UVA and UVB rays.
► 4. Avoid tanning beds –the lights used in tanning beds emit UV rays and can increase your risk of skin cancer.
taking and your reaction to the sun.
► 6. Check your skin regularly and report changes to your doctor. Examine your skin often for new skin growths or changes in existing moles, freckles, bumps and birthmarks. Look over the whole body, not just the obvious places.

Curaderm (BEC5®) – The world’s first anti-Cancer skin cream

BEC5® cream, also known as Curaderm, is an effective, convenient and non-invasive treatment for non-melanoma skin cancer.
and it is obtained from plant sources. It works with amino acids in the skin causing a chemical reaction.
protection for your lips, tips of the ears, feet and backs of the hands and necks.
► 3. Wear protective clothing, cover your skin with dark, tightly woven
BEC5® Curaderm A truly amazing skin cream


BEC5® Curaderm 20ml
► 5. Sun-sensitizing medications – some over the counter or prescription drugs, including antibiotics, can make your skin more sensitive to sunlight. Ask your doctor or pharmacist about whatever you are

Curaderm (BEC5®) cream is particularly potent when used to treat basal-cell carcinomas (BCC) and squamous cell carcinomas (SCC), although it is also effective on benign tumours such as sun spots, age spots, Keratoses and Keratocanthmoas.
Find out more: www. antiaging-systems.com
3. Tanning towelsContain a neat, self-tanning formula which functions in conjunction with the proteins and amino acids in the skin to produce a healthy glow. The towels last for a couple of days so you can reapply them to darken the tan.
For further details visit: www.antiaging-systems.com
Use this ‘Know your skin’ guide from Melanoma Focus which will help you check your skin and nails for skin cancer. In the guide, they recommend you do the check once a month and explain how you can self check by using a mirror or taking photos or having a skin buddy! They supply a template for you to record dimensions of any areas of concern.
86%ofmelanomacasesarepreventable Forinformationonraremelanomassuchasuvealmelanomaormucosalmelanoma,pleaseseeour websiteandadditionalliterature.

There are safe options to achieve lovely tanned looking legs. Tanning formulas have dramatically changed over the last few years. They are sold in the form of foams, creams, serums, mists or gels.

1. Tanning products -
Investing in some selftanning products can give you a natural tanned or darker pair of legs. Sunless tanning products are a convenient shortcut to tanning without risk.
2. Spray tanning -

Often referred to as fake tanning or UV-tilled tanning is another artificial way of getting a golden glow on your lower limbs. A technician uses an airbrush to spray the entire body. The biologically active compound in the spray is DHA (Dihydroxyacetone)
It’s important to consider your skin type when choosing tanning products, it’s not a matter of one brand suits all. For pale skin opt for a red-based product with DHA levels of 2-5%. For olive skin opt for green base products and for black skin opt for a product with DHA levels of 18%. You should use different products for your body and face. Your face is more sensitive and fake tan products contain humectant and anti-ageing ingredients such as hyaluronic acid.
risk of skin cancer by taking some simple steps.
An interview with Dr. Bill Lawrence

PM: Bill, I'm so excited to chat with you again and learn how the participants have performed in your studies.
BL: Thanks, Phil. I am happy to provide an update.
PM: Before we get into that, I recommend that people read our original interview, (outlined above) but would you mind doing a quick recap? In other words, what made you do this study in the first place?
BL: As I mentioned in the previous interview, my primary motivation was selfpreservation. Unfortunately, all the males in my family experience premature death, commonly in their fifties and early sixties, including my father at age sixty-four. I am now seventy-six. I was thirtyseven when my father died and based on family history, I had already lived more than half my probable lifespan. At that time, I was a tax and estate planning attorney and an entrepreneur building medical buildings, shopping centers, etc. Around that time, a wealthy eighty-year-
old estate planning client in poor health told me he would give up his entire wealth if he could have just ten more years of healthy life. That was one of those life-changing moments as I realized my priorities needed to change. So, I sold everything, returned to graduate school, and became a biogerontology researcher. Somewhere along the way, I had an epiphany. Most of us, especially those north of sixty, feel time has accelerated or, as people often say, “it’s flying by." We start our week on Monday, and suddenly it is Friday, or it's February, and next thing we know, we're carving the Thanksgiving turkey. The epiphany was I could not slow time down, but it may be possible to add more time. I can add a decade, even much more, to my life by reversing biological age. At the end of this interview, I will mention the ‘Bridge’ strategy, which, as a scientist, I believe will allow me to add another thirty or more years to my life.
Russian clinical studies with peptide bioregulators
Ed.- Three years ago, I had the pleasure to interview Dr. Bill Lawrence in a piece entitled 'forever young.' It appeared in issue 33 (1) of the 2019 Aging Matters™ magazine. At that time, Dr. Lawrence had begun the 3-year journey to apply peptide bioregulators (PB) to 39-patients. Today, it's 3-years later, so we get to find out what happened! Note: PM is me, and BL is Dr. Lawrence.
BL: My first exposure to Peptide Bioregulators came in 2013 when I discovered a published longevity study by Professor Vladimir Khavinson, Director of the St. Petersburg Institute of Bioregulation and Gerontology. The study was summarized in our interview that was published in the 2019 Aging Matters™ magazine. The twelve-year study reported a dramatic reduction in all-cause mortality in an elderly control group using Dr. Khavinson's peptides, principally the pineal gland and thymus. However, it was extraordinary that the significant mortality reduction was achieved using only two peptides, which were only used during the first three years! I later understood the peptides accomplished this by cellular rejuvenation or reprogramming.
PM: At that time, the three principal PBs in use were the
pineal, the thymus, and the blood vessels. Did you just use them, or others too?
BL: Today, there are twentyone natural food-based peptides, otherwise known as Cytomaxes®. We use all of these in our studies. The expanded number of peptides will produce even more significant longevity and health span benefits than the original trials. Subsequently, I met with Professor Khavinson, became affiliated with the St. Petersburg Institute, and we agreed to an American study to confirm the peptides were an effective cellular rejuvenation intervention. While there are many claims for products and substances for cellular rejuvenation. I am unaware of any intervention other than Peptide Bioregulators, with human clinical study proof of cellular regeneration. One exception might be stem cell therapy, especially VSEL [Ed.Very Small Embryonic Like Stem Cells]. The rejuvenation or regeneration of human stem and other cells results in tissue, organ, and system regeneration, i.e., endocrine, central nervous, respiratory, lymphatic, etc. When organ/ system regeneration occurs, the result is enhanced longevity and health span, and a true biological age reversal.
PM: Those Soviet studies were truly remarkable; their size and time-period is unheard of in the west.
Peptide clinical study overview
BL: Indeed and of course human longevity or longitudinal studies require decades to complete. Our studies use the reversal of biological age biomarkers as a proxy for longevity intervention. Biological age is an estimator that predicts a person's health and present life expectancy. On the other hand, chronological age is simply the time that elapses since birth. Aging in humans is a complex and multi-stage process. Therefore, it is impossible to compress biological age into a single test or number. While there are many ways to estimate biological age, most biogerontologists would agree that improvement in telomere and DNA methylation (DNA/m) biomarkers represent two of the more accurate biological age markers available now. Evidence of biological age reversal would be the modification of biological age markers. Telomerase activation results in telomere restoration, allowing increased cellular replication. Cell replication is a primary determinant supporting extended lifespan. Numerous published studies confirm that longer telomeres are associated with longevity and enhanced health.
Modification of age-related methylation measured by the Horvath Epigenetic Clock is believed to be a primary longevity and organ regeneration intervention.
PM: Just a reminder for folks to get more background information by reading our V3 issue 33 (1), 2019 article in Aging Matters™ available online at: www.aging-matters. com to download. Also, more specific information is available from several interviews with Dr. Lawrence on YouTube by searching ‘Bill Lawrence Peptides.’ But let’s just take a step back for a moment to ask:
What are peptides?
BL: These peptide bioregulators are shortchain amino acids derived from food. Specifically, these peptides are chains of 2 to 4 amino acids sourced from food molecules derived from young calves with small molecular weights. As a result, they activate stem cell function and penetrate cell membranes and nuclear membranes for epigenetic regulation of gene expression and activation of the telomerase enzyme. Russian and European clinical peptide studies prove that these peptides can significantly increase human longevity and reduce allcause mortality. The result is enhanced life and health span, defined as the number of years without significant age-related disease and organ degeneration. Professor Khavinson has been quoted: "Peptide Bioregulators regenerate organs impaired by aging, disease, and trauma. The peptides developed at the St. Petersburg Institute

of Bioregulation and Gerontology constitute a proven biological reprogramming technology, rejuvenating cells to revitalize tissue/ organs and entire bodies, ultimately decreasing vulnerability to age-related degeneration and prolonging human life." The peptides were initially developed on behalf of and used by the Soviet Union Military, Cosmonaut space program, and their Olympic athletes.
The studies
was, do longer telomeres extend and enhance longevity and health span? Several thousand published studies have now confirmed the answer is yes. There is a consensus among gerontology scientists, supported by numerous studies, that one of the most critical aging causes in humans is the progressive shortening of telomeres, especially in human stem cells, because of cell replication. Humans age because their stem cells age. Peptides activate an enzyme, Telomerase, which maintains and lengthen telomeres in stem cells. This results in better stem cell function/ cellular rejuvenation and slower organ and organism aging. Numerous clinical studies confirm people with longer telomeres experience extended and healthier lives. For additional telomere background information, I recommend the ‘Telomerase Revolution’ book by Dr. Michael Fossel.
Telomere age
been lengthened after a peptide protocol, equivalent to a fifty-year-old. This becomes their reduced telomere age. Success is adding telomeres to the end of the chromosome via peptide-induced telomerase activation, allowing more cell replication, and reported as a reduction in telomeres age.
PM: And how have your patients performed in this regard?
BL: At the end of three years, over sixty TAP participants had an average telomere age reversal (lengthening) equivalent to approximately twenty-two years. On average, participants experience a telomere lengthening of about seven years for each year in the study.
PM: Wow! Are there any goals/ aims?
Epigenetic Methylation Study (EMS)
BL: We commenced two separate peptide studies. The goal of both studies is to determine if and to what extent peptides can reverse and improve two essential biomarkers of biological aging, telomeres, and DNA/m. The telomere study, Telomerase Activation Protocol (TAP), started in 2017. Prior published studies had proven these peptides could lengthen telomeres. The remaining question
PM: So, when it comes to biological age, how is it reversed by lengthening telomeres?

BL: Well, if a person's baseline telomere measurement reports telomeres equivalent to a seventy-year-old, this is their baseline telomere ‘age,’ which will be older or younger than their chronological age. If older, we refer to this as accelerated telomere aging. Let’s assume that their telomeres have
BL: For a participant over sixty, the telomere goal is to reset their telomeres equivalent to a 30- to 40-year-old. This was proof the peptides could reverse this biomarker of biological aging. The telomere study is now entering its fifth year. Today, there are over one hundred participants, either active or after achieving their telomere goals, on a minimal maintenance program. At seventy-six, my telomere length range is between those of a 35- to 45-year-old.
PM: And why was it necessary/ important to also study DNA methylation?
BL: The second peptide study commenced in early 2020 to determine if peptides can reverse Epigenetic Age (DNA/m). Methylation is one of the essential chemical processes that our bodies use to ensure our genes work correctly. Some scientists describe methylation as the ‘Windows operating system for the body.’ As we age, especially in older humans, or those with unhealthy lifestyles, diet, toxic environments, chronic stress, etc., there are changes to our DNA caused by methylation. Some refer to this as ‘methylation rust’ or agerelated ‘toxic’ methylation. Eventually, human aging and the epigenetic influences result in methylation found at specific DNA sites, turning off certain protective genes and turning on genes that promote aging. The body is a complex organism with various ‘gears and switches’ that must function correctly to operate optimally. Think of methylation as the mechanism that allows the gears to turn and biological switches to be turned on and off for a host of systems in the body. Unfortunately, as humans age, methylation levels increase (chemical methyl tags) and cause the gears and switches (DNA) to malfunction. Different lifestyle and behavioral factors such as diet, sleep, exercise, smoking, and drinking alcohol can also affect the composition and location of the chemical groups that bind to our
DNA. Environmental factors such as stress, trauma, or even neighborhoods or zip codes may also impact. Early life adversity, chronic stress, childhood health, personality, intelligence, and less measurable but vital puzzle pieces such as social connectedness, isolation, and a sense of purpose throughout our lives affect methylation. Early adversities accelerate epigenetic aging long after they occur, in proportion to the total number of such experience.
Dr. Steven Horvath, a professor and biostatistician scientist at UCLA, discovered hundreds of age-related DNA sites (CpG Islands) where methylation changes could be observed, affecting DNA and age-related genes. Additional research revealed that a DNA biological age (EpiAge®) could be calculated based on methylation status.

Dr. Horvath created the ‘Horvath Epigenetic Clock’ to measure epigenetic methylation status and report an Epigenetic age compared to chronological age. The Horvath Clock is considered one of the current most accurate assessments of biological age as a potential predictor of future mortality.
Epigenetic age reporting
BL: : Several commercial labs can analyze methylation and determine an epigenetic biological age from that information. This is reported as Epigenetic Age/ EpiAge® or, as one lab prefers, TruAge®. Like telomere
reporting, comparing baseline EpiAge® and post peptide protocol EpiAge® is evidence that peptides can modify and reverse this aspect of biological aging. These testing technologies confirm peptides are effective cellular rejuvenation interventions. Our EMS clinical study goes beyond a resetting of EpiAge®. It also determines a participant's all-cause mortality risk. Dr. Horvath's research discovered if a person has an EpiAge® ‘age’ eight or more years greater than their chronological age, their all-cause mortality risk is 100% greater than their same-age peers, (figure 1). Conversely, if a person's EpiAge® age is seven years less than their chronological age, their risk of death is reduced by 50% compared to their peers, (figure 2). Dr. Horvath acknowledges that the ‘Horvath Clock’ accurately measures biological versus chronological age. His frustration is not being aware of any effective intervention to modify the ‘toxic’ or age-promoting
methylation. Preliminary two-year results for the EMS clinical study suggest Peptide Bioregulators can reduce agerelated ‘toxic’ methylation levels resulting in a reversal of the Horvath Clock and a significant reduction of all-cause mortality. The EMS study goal is to use the peptides to reduce all-cause mortality risk as measured by the Horvath Epigenetic Clock.
The tentative results are very positive with our first eightythree participants.
PM: What are you typically finding with your study participants?
BL: On average, a new EMS participant will often be 2 to 4 years ‘older’ than their chronological age. According to Dr. Horvath's research,
this represents a 25% to 50% increase in all-cause mortality risk. After two years on a peptide protocol, the average participant reduced their EpiAge® by about five years. That may not seem significant compared to decades of telomere age reduction but quantifying the two biomarkers is not comparable. A positive outcome with telomere peptide interventions (lengthened telomeres) is reported as a ‘telomere age’ versus chronological age. This is based on telomere length (base pair) measurement. As telomeres lengthen from the average seventy-year-old to those found in a forty-yearold, it reflects a reduction in telomere biological age. Epigenetic age is reported similarly but is far more complex than telomere assessment as it involves the entire body (systems and organs), methylation, and gene analysis. First, an epigenetic baseline ‘age’ is assessed and compared to chronological age. Post peptide intervention after testing then reports a reduced epigenetic biological age. Both types of biological age reporting are helpful but primarily serve to confirm progress in reducing biological age markers. Therefore, both these age biomarkers reported a biological age as a number. However, Dr. Horvath discovered that epigenetic age is also linked to mortality risk. Therefore, this EpiAge® is essential to assess all-cause mortality risk rather than
simply evaluating biological age. In the EMS study, we focus primarily on the difference between EpiAge® and chronological age because it relates to mortality risk. We refer to this as the ‘gap.’ Unlike telomere age assessment (telomere versus chronological age), success is determined by increasing the positive gap between present chronological age and EpiAge®.
PM: What is important about this gap?
BL: Well, if a new participant has an EpiAge® two years older than their chronological age, they have an increased risk of all-cause mortality of 25% compared to their same-age peers. We refer to this higher risk as a two-year negative gap. Conversely, if the participant's EpiAge® is two years less than their chronological age, this is referred to as a two-year positive gap. The initial goal is to reduce their EpiAge® to their chronological age. This reverses an increased mortality risk to neutral (same risk as their peers) or a neutral gap. The next stage is to create a positive gap. If the peptide protocol reduces their EpiAge® an additional four years less than their chronological age, we define this as a four-year positive gap. At four years less than chronological age, the all-cause mortality risk is now about 30% less than the participant's peers. Our goal is to achieve a sevenyear positive gap. Then their all-cause mortality risk is
50% less than their peers. On a personal note, my most recent EpiAge® test reports show that I have a positive gap of ten years. This represents a potential all-cause mortality risk that’s 70% less than my peers of the same chronological age.
PM: Impressive, how do these results compare with other antiaging methodologies?
BL: I am unaware of any other medical or health intervention, technology, pharmaceutical, nutraceutical, or substance, confirmed with scientific evidence that can reduce all-cause mortality by even a small percentage.
Clinical study procedure
PM: So, what is the typical procedure for a patient?
BL: We perform baseline telomere and EpiAge® testing with each study participant. The results reveal their telomere and EpiAge® compared to their chronological age. Based on that data and any health issues they want to address; we design a peptide protocol unique to each person. This generally is 5-7 different peptides per month (thymus, pineal, heart, brain, kidney, etc.) Then, over a year, we rotate through all the twenty-one peptides. The dosage is two capsules per day for ten days each month and then off the specific peptide for twenty days. This cycling or pulsing
avoids organ reliance on the peptides. Instead, the goal is cellular rejuvenation, tissue enhancement, and organ regeneration such that the specific organ is restored and functioning independently. The peptide program is typically three to four years and then onto maintenance if desired. This is vastly different than conventional Western medicine, where a patient is likely to remain on medication for their entire life.
PM: And what were some of the initial reactions? i.e., were there any kind of differences noted?
BL: Yes, there were significant improvements in their telomeres with lengthened telomeres and in their Epigenetic Age- with a reduction in all-cause mortality risk biomarkers. In addition, both studies report improved energy, sleep, skin, and cognitive and physical function. While not intended for medical treatment, participants' blood tests highlighted significant improvements in various organ functionality markers, such as the kidney and liver, etc.
Clinical study results
PM: Very nice, and on average how well do most people perform?
BL: Over 90% of the telomere participants reach their telomere goal in 2 to 3 years. Furthermore, the average participant over three years reduces their telomere age
by twenty-two ‘years.’ We are just now reaching the twoyear mark in the Epigenetic study. Interim results reflect a high percentage of participants who have reversed their EpiAge® on average by approximately five years. This typically shifts them from the increased risk to the decreased mortality risk group. We believe that in another couple of years, these participants will have reached their optimal goal of seven years less than chronological age and achieved a mortality risk of fifty percent less than their peers.
PM: How many persons are in these studies today?
BL: Over one hundred and twenty people, primarily physicians and other health providers, are now participating in the two studies. There are ninety active participants in the testing and full peptide protocol. The remaining have met their goals, and everyone in this group has chosen to stay on a minimal maintenance peptide program. Three people have left the studies due to geographic moves to other countries. Four people have left the program due to financial stress caused by Covid government mandates.
Adverse effects
PM: Were there any side effects or other issues?
BL: The peptides are sourced from young calves and are classified as food
supplements; they have been used in Russia for over forty years on hundreds of thousands of people with no adverse effects.
PM: And as your trial continued- I might add all during the tough time of CV19 lockdowns- did anything else appear or change?
BL: Yes, participants exposed to the spike protein from the Covid virus and the ‘vaccines’ are experiencing accelerated

The bridge
PM: What do you see as the next big step to extreme longevity?
BL: I’d like to take a moment to explain my longevity strategy for living well beyond one hundred years. I call this the Bridge. It is based on employing antiaging therapeutics now available and those soon available as the bridge between now and the immediate future. The idea is that one must
There are dozens of wellfunded biotech companies attempting cellular reprogramming to treat age-associated diseases and potentially rejuvenate tissues and organs. Billions have been spent and invested using the following and developing interventions using Quantum Computers, artificial intelligence. CRISPR (genome sequencing), gene sequencing and therapy, stem cells and exosomes, replacement organs by 3D printing, robotics, nanotechnology, microrobots, etc. Most of these will be available in the next decade. The key is to
stay as healthy as possible and remain on the forefront of longevity interventions to take advantage of these technologies as they become available. Peptide Bioregulators are the only intervention presently available I am aware of that causes cellular rejuvenation or reprogramming. Therefore, Peptide Bioregulators are essential and the key for crossing the longevity bridge.

PM: And finally, in a short statement, what would you say has been accomplished in this 3-year PB trial?
BL: We've reversed these patients' biological age, reprogrammed, or regenerated their organs and systems via cellular rejuvenation, and significantly reduced their all-cause mortality risk.
PM: This is quite remarkable, and yet currently, it's hardly known even in the longevity field. Hopefully, that will change very soon, and we will certainly want to revisit this subject. Thank you, Bill, for your time, efforts, and dedication to making this happen.
BL: My pleasure Phil.
cellular aging. This is caused by impairment of the cellular DNA Repair Mechanism. About 8% of the participants in the two studies reported Covid virus infection and/ or vaccine injections. All of them have experienced accelerated aging caused by the spike proteins. We are addressing this situation with a DNA Repair Mechanism protocol consisting of peptides, nutraceuticals, and spike protein interventions.
create the highest degree of physical, mental, and emotional health possible today. Then maintain that level over the next ten years (crossing the bridge). Sometime in the next decade, when one arrives at the other side of the bridge, the most common causes of death and disability will have been resolved. Heart disease, diabetes, dementia, cancer, etc., will have cures or become chronic, manageable conditions.
Metformin, which had been available in Europe since the 1950s, was not approved for sale in the U.S. until the late 1990s.

I have read a lot in your articles about metformin, and it seems to me to be very universal, having benefits for diabetes, weight loss, immunity, PCOS/ fertility and even cancer.
May I ask, why are its effects so broad? Is there a related factor between all these disorders?

I do appreciate all your knowledge.
Mrs. R.M., England
► Dear Mrs., R.M.
Yes, there is a related factor that is shared by all the disorders you cited - it’s called the aging process.
I first learned about Metformin in 1981, when I read a book by a Russian physician/ scientist named Vladimir Dilman. 1 Dilman explained that Metformin was an antidiabetic drug that had several unique properties. He explained his belief that Metformin’s metabolic effects were due to a single mechanism—that of inhibiting fatty acid oxidation.
As a world-renowned expert in anti-aging and longevity science, Dr. Dean is recognised for his pioneering work with nutritional and pharmacological approaches to delay aging and ameliorate age related diseases. Dr. Dean served as a member of the Gerontological Society of America, the American Geriatrics Society, the Association of Military Surgeons of the U.S., the American Physiological Society, and an Associate Fellow, Aerospace Medical Association and was also the first vice president of A4M.

inhibition of mitochondrial complex I in the electron transport chain (ETC) which resulted in the reduction of endogenous production of Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS—i.e., free radicals), and action as an activator of adenosine monophosphate kinase (AMPK) which results in the production of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the universal energy molecule.
inhibits mTOR, modulates oxidative stress, and removes senescent cells. These processes, together, (3, bottom) affect inflammation, cellular survival, stress defence, autophagy, and protein synthesis, which are all major biological outcomes associated with aging/ longevity.
He believed that diabetes resulted from impaired glucose tolerance, insulin resistance with secondary hyperinsulinemia, and enhanced gluconeogenesis by the liver - and he demonstrated that Metformin was able to reverse all these metabolic changes. He performed studies which showed that Metformin treatment increased the sensitivity of insulin receptors and that it also restored receptor sensitivity to all the body’s hormones - including those in the hypothalamus. In essence, Metformin seemed to be a “whole-body
metabolic rejuvenator.”
Dilman was an anti-aging pioneer, who stated that “Metformin was the drug of choice for prevention of premature development of diseases of aging.” At that time, Dilman was a “voice in the wilderness”, as the only antidiabetic biguanide that had been available in the U.S. was phenformin, but it had been taken off the market in 1978 due to excess deaths caused by lactic acidosis. And
hypercholesterolemia, and atherosclerosis, and reduce the incidence of many cancers and other diseases of aging, the mechanisms causing these effects were not clearly identified, and they are still under investigation.

Several of Metformin’s “anti-aging mechanisms” were determined to be the
In 2012, Dr. Nir Barzilai, of the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York, clarified and enhanced metformin’s mechanisms, as illustrated in Fig. 1, 2, 3 As can be seen in the schematic, outside the cell (1, top) Metformin affects the receptor for cytokines, insulin, IGF-1, and adiponectin, all of which are activated with aging, and when modulated, are associated with longevity. Within the cell (2, middle) Metformin inhibits the inflammatory pathway, activates AMPK,
In 2013, an international research team proposed nine cellular and molecular Hallmarks of Aging that are generally considered to contribute to the aging process. namely: (1) Genomic Instability; (2) Epigenetic Alterations; (3) Loss of Proteostsis; (4) Deregulated Nutrient Sensing; (5) Mitochondrial Dysfunction; (6) Cellular Senescence; (7) Stem Cell Exhaustion; (8) Altered Intercellular Communication; and (9) Telomere Attrition. The impact this article had on the gerontological research community can be seen by the overwhelming response of scientists in the field by

2018-527; 2019-622; 2020812; 2021-980; 2022-381 (so far)—Total-4245).
their proliferation of favorable citations, the number of which has increased every year since the article was published (Fig. 2). 4
Even Dr. Barzilai and his colleagues responded favorably to the Hallmarks article, by proposing how Metformin attenuates the Hallmarks of Aging to varying degrees. They demonstrated how Metformin directly targets four of the hallmarks (inner circle—Genomic Instability, Deregulated Nutrient Sensing, Loss of Proteostasis, and Altered Intracellular Communication) via its action on AMPK, SIRT1, mTORC1, IIS pathways, protection against macromolecular damage,
improved autophagy response, and reduced inflammation. The hallmarks in the outer circle (stem cell exhaustion, cellular senescence, mitochondrial dysfunction, epigenetic alteration, and telomere attrition) are secondary targets, due to their attenuation being mediated by Metformin’s role on a primary target. 5
Professor Dilman’s contributions to anti-aging medicine are profound. In addition to being an
early proponent of the life-extending benefits of Metformin, members of his team such as Vladimir Anisimov and Vladimir Khavinson continue his research with Metformin and the anti-aging polypeptides of which Dilman was an early proponent and investigator.
I hope this somewhat technical answer responds to your question,
Respectfully, Ward Dean, MD
1. Dilman V. The Law of Deviation of Homeostasis and the Diseases of Aging, 1981, John Wright PSG, Inc. Boston.
2. Barzilai N, Huffman DM, Muzumdar RH, and Bartke A. The Critical Role of Metabolic Pathways in Aging. Diabetes 61 1315-1322, 2012.
3. Barzilai N, Crandall JP, Kritchevsky SB, and Espeland MA. Metformin as a Tool to Target Aging. Cell Metabolism 23, 1060-1065.
4. Lopez-Otin C, Blasco MA, Partridge L, Serrano M, and Kroemer G (2013). The Hallmarks of Aging. Cell 153(6): 1194-1217. [PubMed: 23746838].
5. Kukarni AS, Gubbi S, Barzilai N. Benefits of Metformin in Attenuating the Hallmarks of Aging. Cell Metab. 2020, July 07, doi.10.1016/j. cmet,2020.04.001.
DEAR DR. DEAN, I would like to tell you about my issue and that I have been using liquid deprenyl on and off now, (more on than off) for 8 years at a dose of 2 or 3 mg daily. As a 78-yearold man I notice and like its effects. I feel more focused and mentally energised and have an arousal to my libido. Recently, I have developed a prostate issue of frequent urination, (particularly at night) and a slightly enlarged prostate- which naturally I do not want to get worse.
Please feel free to guide me on this and tell me if deprenyl is contraindicated.
With the greatest of respect.
Mr. H.M., Spain.
If you’ve read my articles about Deprenyl in previous issues of Aging Matters™, you’re well-aware of its antiaging, cognitive-enhancing effects. (1, 2) Deprenyl has few, if any, adverse effects, and I strongly doubt that it is adversely affecting your prostate.
It sounds like you have benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), which occurs in a high percentage of men as they get older. The standard medical treatment is to use 5-alpha reductase inhibitors like finasteride (Proscar®), which block the conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone (DHT); alpha-receptor blockers like tamsulosin (Flo-Max®); and/or phosphodiesterase inhibitors (PDE-Is) like sildenafil (Viagra®). Some men respond better to one of the medications than
palmetto extract (Seronoa repens, 320 mg/day); Pygeum Africanum (100-200 mg/day) (4); Stinging nettles (1200 mg/ day) (5); and Beta sistosterol (60-195 mg/day). (6)
I hope those suggestions will do you as much good as the Deprenyl did.
Ward Dean, MDothers; often a combination works best.
A recent meta-analysis reviewed seven studies that compared regimens of combinations of tamsulosin and various PDE-Is. The authors concluded that for men with lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) due to BPH, the optimum regimen was daily tamsulosin (0.4 mg/day) plus sildenafil 25-50 mg 4 days per week. (3)
In addition to standard medical therapy (or instead of, as chosen by many men), there are likewise several over-the-counter substances that help to shrink the prostate and relieve urinary symptoms. These include saw

1. Dean, W. Deprenyl and Alzheimer’s Disease update. Aging Matters, No. 3, 2016, 24-27
2. Dean W, Deprenyl--an aphrodisiac & life extension agent. Aging Matters, Vol 3 No. 1, 2019, 11-17.
3. Ma C, Zhang J, Cai Z, Xiong H, and Li H. Defining the efficacy and safety of Phosphodiesterase Type 5 Inhibitors with Tamsulosin for the treatment of lower urinary tract symptoms secondary to benign prostatic hyperplasia with or without erectile dysfunction. BioMed Research International, 2020, Article ID 1419520, 8 pages.
4. Stamatiou K, Magri V, Samara E, Perletti G. Serenoa repens and Pygeum Africanum in the treatment of BPH. Hellenic Urology, Vol 31, Issue 3, 2019, 33-40.
5. Ghorbanibirgani A, Khalili A, Zamani L. The efficacy of stinging nettle (Urtica dioica) in patients with Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia: A randomized double-blind study in 100 patients. Iranian Red Crescent Medical Journal, Vol 13, No. 1, 2013, 9-10.
6. Wilt TJ, Ishani A, MacDonald R, Stark G, Mulrow CD, Lau J. Beta sitosterols for benign prostatic hyperplasia (Review). Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2011, 1-20.
I am about to start on a regular program of piracetam at 800 mg three times a day. After reading your books and online pieces I thought this was a good place to start. My goal is to improve my awareness and creativity. My financial job is quite demanding, and I notice that I am not as ‘mentally bright’ as I was 10-years ago, (I am now 46) and I would like to stay ‘on top of my game’. So, can I ask you, is my dosage good and should I be considering anything else that is safe and effective in combination?
In gratitude.
Mr. W.V., Switzerland
idea - and may enable you to benefit from lower doses of each.
For example, Hydergine® (HyPro™) is a cerebral vasodilator, which improves blood flow to the brain, and with long-term use increases the growth of dendrites (neural connections) in the brain.

Modafinil (ModaPro™) and/or Adrafinil
► Dear W.V.,
2,400 mg of Piracetam is a good starting dose to evaluate your tolerance (although adverse effects are

very rare), but I usually recommend a higher dose. Most of the clinical studies of Piracetam used 4,800 mg—and many used even higher doses, ranging up to 12 gm (12,000 mg) per day!
Combining Piracetam with other cognitive enhancers that act by different mechanisms is a good
(AdraPro™) increase receptor sensitivity of a variety of cerebral neurotransmitters, and act as increasers of wakefulness and alertness. This class of medications is approved for those who

suffer from “shift work sleep disorder,” but helps “wake up the brains” of the rest of us, without causing the adverse effects of stimulants like amphetamines.
For those who do not suffer from Parkinson’s or Alzheimer’s Disease, low doses (1-2 mg/day) of Selegeline (Deprenyl/ DepPro™) reduce the levels of
Monoamine Oxidase B which tend to rise with age, enhancing cognitive performance, increasing libido, alleviating depression (and generally improving mood), and may increase the likelihood of living longer!
Centrophenoxine (Lucidril®, CentroPro™) acts as a mild cerebral stimulant and cell membrane stabilizer, that

was developed by Prof. Imre Zs.-Nagy as a cognitiveenhancing anti-aging drug. The recommended dosage is 500 mg once or twice/day.

Over-the-counter supplements which may enhance cognitive performance include

Buy 3+ $25.00 each
phosphatidylserine 300 mg/ day, Acetyl-L-Carnitine 500 mg three times/day, and Ginkgo biloba.
Please let us know of your results,
Respectfully, Ward Dean, MD
® 60x 2.25 mg capsules
By Dr. Jonathan WrightNiacinamide and niacin are both B vitamins and our bodies aren’t designed to make vitamins, however, niacinamide can be made by the body!
Of course, they are found in foods and all the ‘health food stores’ - so we can buy them as part of our efforts to stay healthy for as long as we can! So, what’s this about our own bodies making niacinamide, one of the B vitamins? When vitamins were first discovered many years ago, niacinamide and niacin were two vitamins very clearly identified as not being made inside the human body, but they were identified as essential to human health

and longevity. However, there have been changes published since then: For example, Professor Gregory Oxenkrug at Tufts University Medical Center in Boston, wrote in a book titled; Tryptophan Metabolism: Implications for Biological Processes Health and Disease that the amino acid tryptophan- if digested and absorbed well, (which is more likely before age 50 and less likely after that age ) can be metabolized with the help of pyridoxal-5-phosphate,
About the author
Since 1976, Jonathan Wright, M.D., has written about the latest natural healing discoveries in his books, newsletter, and magazine articles, as well as teaching his techniques at yearly medical conferences. The medical director of Tahoma Clinic in Washington State, he is a well-known researcher, author, and speaker on natural approaches to disease and wellness.
Ed.- Jonathan Wright, M.D., has kindly allowed the reprint of this article from his excellent newsletter called Green Medicine.

(the ‘active’ form of vitamin B6) into niacinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD), which also helps ‘power’ any cell in the body which needs more energy by making more ATP (adenosine triphosphate), the human bodies’ so-called ‘energy molecule.’
Professor Oxenkrug also wrote that; “aging, obesity, depression, Parkinson’s disease and Schizophrenia” and treatment with antipsychotic drugs are “highly associated with insulin resistance (IR) and type-2 diabetes mellitus (T2D).” If you, or any member of your family has had type-2 diabetes, then you (unfortunately) are much less likely to internally synthesize niacinamide from tryptophan, even if digestion and assimilation of nutrients appears to be functioning well!
Note: Chapter 7 of this same book is titled; Diabetes and Tryptophan Metabolism (written by Ugur Unluturk and Tomis Erbas).
Dementia prevention with niacinamide

Dementia is among the greatest risks to those of us who cannot, or no longer can internally synthesize niacinamide. Researchers at the University of California in Irvine genetically engineered experimental animals to develop dementia identical to human Alzheimer’s. How could the researchers detect signs of early Alzheimer’s in experimental animals? When these experimental animals could no longer run the maze to find their food, the researchers biopsied their brains and (no surprise) they identified beta-amyloid, tau protein and neurofibrillary tangles, all early signs of Alzheimer’s dementia in both humans and animals.
The animals were then given
If you have this family tendency towards type2 diabetes, it’s not only important to take your total of 3 grams of niacinamide, (1 gram thrice daily) to lessen your ‘down-the-road’ chances of diabetes, but it’s also very important to check with your physician about any signs of prediabetes type-2, you may not know about.
Self-testing for prediabetes and gestational diabetes

relatively large quantities of niacinamide- equivalent to 3 grams per day in humans. It took a little time, but the experimental animals all regained the ability to run the maze and find food. At the next brain biopsy, most of the (literal) garbage mentioned before, that accumulates in Alzheimer’s disease, had very significantly diminished. This is extremely important if you or an older family member have had type-2 diabetes, as humans with that genetic heritage CANNOT internally synthesize niacinamide at all, according to Professor Oxenkrug.
One of the potential ways to self-test is with a 24-hour urine collection test. Nearly everyone knows that this is one of the best ways to test for ‘BHRT’ (bio-identical hormone replacement therapy), but not everyone knows that this test can be used for early detection of type-2 diabetes using the category ‘metabolic disorders’ (which is just a polite way to say on-the-road to type-2 diabetes).
If one is indeed on-the-road to type-2 diabetes, what appears in the metabolic disorders part of the 24hour urine test are very often xanthurenic acid and kynurenic acid.
● Xanthurenic acid (XA) is a tryptophan metabolite and is high in serum (and urine) gestational diabetes.
Xanthurenic acid binds to insulin, impeding its action.
● Vitamin B6 (most effective as P5P also termed pyridoxal-5-phosphate) lowers xanthurenic acid.

● In two 1970s research studies, 86% and 100% of women with gestational diabetes normalized their blood sugar in two weeks.
● Gestational diabetes increases autism risk for the unborn child; vitamin B6 eliminates that extra risk.
favorite natural food store or compounding pharmacy, or other on-line source will equip you to eliminate gestational diabetes almost every time! And of course, speak with your physician skilled and knowledgeable in Nature’s approach to health care.
gestational diabetes is not type-2 or even type-1 diabetes mellitus.

No, I’m not kidding! If you’re a pregnant woman who never had any sort of diabetes before you became pregnant and then developed high blood sugar only after becoming pregnant, (gestational diabetes), you can safely eliminate it all by yourself within two to three weeks. You might have the remedy at home already! If not, a trip to your
Of course, if you’re a man, you’ll never have this problem. However, your wife, sister, or daughter might, so keep this information in mind in case it’s ever needed. One of many reasons gestational diabetes should be eliminated as rapidly as possible was discovered recently and published in the Journal of the American Medical Association just last year. What is this reason? Autism! Here’s what the researchers wrote, “…. exposure to maternal gestational diabetes mellitus diagnosed by 26 weeks’ gestation was associated with risk of autism spectrum disorder in offspring.” (3) Yes, that’s extra risk for the child of developing autism! But even though in gestational diabetes blood and urine sugar is higher than normal,
To make this point clear to everyone, gestational diabetes should be renamed diabetes mellitus xanthurenica to clearly identify its cause: excess serum xanthurenic acid. When this re-naming occurs, even conventional medicine might quit treating gestational diabetes with a ‘diabetic diet’ and insulin and treat the cause! Here’s what ‘WebMD’ says is the cause of gestational diabetes (4): “During pregnancy, the placenta… releases hormones that help your baby grow. Some of these make it harder for your body to make or use insulin. This is called insulin resistance…to keep your blood sugar levels steady, your pancreas must make… as much as three times more [insulin] than usual. If it can’t make enough extra insulin, your blood sugar will rise, and you’ll get gestational
diabetes.” And here’s what the American Diabetes Association tells women (5): “Treatment for gestational diabetes always includes special meal plans and scheduled physical activity. It may also include daily blood glucose testing and insulin injections.”
Let’s send a note to WebMD and the ADA: “Read the medical research!” What causes gestational diabetes was well researched between the 1940s and 1975, when a report (6) summarized the earlier research and then explained that gestational diabetes is caused by excessive amounts of xanthurenic acid, usually present in blood in very low levels. All this xanthurenic acid combines with insulin molecules and blocks its activity. The ‘xanthurenic acid-insulin complex’ can’t activate insulin receptors nearly as well as insulin alone does, and blood sugar rises.
Type-2 diabetes, type-1 diabetes and gestational diabetes
Back to the causes of diabetes mellitus type-2 and type-1. In type-2 the cause is overproduction of insulin in response to carbohydrates (and dairy). As a prior issue of Green Medicine explained, overproduced, chronically high insulin causes insulin resistance, which in turn leads to even more insulin secretion to overcome that resistance, which leads to even more insulin secretion. This back and forth upward trending
interplay (more insulin, more resistance, even more insulin, even more resistance, and so on) goes on and on, (unless carbs and dairy are significantly restricted) until the insulin resistance is so strong it can’t be completely overcome, no matter how much insulin there may be. Blood sugar then goes too high, and it’s diagnosed as type-2 diabetes.

This known cause of type2 diabetes is very different than the cause of diabetes mellitus xanthurenica! The cause of type-1 diabetes is much simpler. For a variety of reasons, the insulinproducing cells (islet cells) become weak and die. When that happens, insulin levels go lower and lower, until there’s very little insulin, or even none, that’s type-1 diabetes. Again, a very different cause from diabetes mellitus xanthurenica. But doesn’t everyone’s body chemistry make xanthurenic acid? (After all, it’s a metabolite of tryptophan). Indeed, 100% of us have this body chemistry. So why don’t we all have gestational diabetes
even if we’re not pregnant? The reason is that levels of xanthurenic acid are relatively low in most of us, (unless we’re deficient in a certain B-vitamin named pyridoxal-5phosphate or P5P) so there’s not very much xanthurenic acid-insulin complex formed. What’s different during pregnancy? Among other things, it’s a combination of ‘genetic’ causes and those really-high-estrogen levels that women’s bodies make when pregnant. But why does all that extra estrogen cause only a minority of women’s bodies to make lots more xanthurenic acid and develop gestational diabetes, when most women’s bodies
don’t do that? That’s the genetic part.
Women who develop gestational diabetes have ‘weakness’ in the enzymes that metabolize tryptophan into serotonin and melatonin, but no weakness in the enzymes that metabolize tryptophan into xanthurenic acid. Without the pregnancy levels of estrogen ‘putting pressure’ on these weak enzymes, they can perform as they do in most women metabolizing tryptophan much less into xanthurenic acid and much more into many other molecules we’ve all heard about, including serotonin and melatonin.
With the high pregnancy levels of estrogen, the weak enzymes falter, and metabolize much more tryptophan than usual into xanthurenic acid, and related molecules. If there’s much more xanthurenic acid, there’s much more ‘insulinxanthurenic acid complex’ formed, and impairment of insulin activity.
a woman can’t stop being pregnant (for many months, anyway), and she can’t change her genetics, so she can’t really rid herself of gestational diabetes, returning to normal blood
enzymes that metabolize tryptophan into serotonin and melatonin is vitamin B6. Next, the results that women with gestational diabetes achieved by taking extra vitamin B6 to strengthen their genetically weak enzymes.
With enough insulin impaired, gestational diabetes is the result. But

sugar levels, (while reducing her baby’s risk of autism, too) within two to three weeks, can she? Yes, she can! To
In 1975, fourteen pregnant women were diagnosed with gestational diabetes by the standard glucose tolerance test. All the women took vitamin B6 (as pyridoxine), 100 milligrams daily for two weeks, after which repeat testing found that twelve of the fourteen (86%) no longer had the problem! (7) In 1977, different researchers reported almost identical results in the same length of time for thirteen women.

understand how, a refresher about what many of us learned in high school and college chemistry about how enzymes change one molecule into another. The ‘key’ is that enzymes never work alone. They’re always aided by co-factors, which are almost always ‘essential’ (necessary to life) vitamins and minerals.
Without those co-factors, the enzymes can’t function, and ultimately, we die. That’s why they’re defined as ‘essential!’
Weak enzyme function can frequently be strengthened by adding in more co-factors

A key co-factor for the

(8) All took
vitamin B6 (as pyridoxine), 100 milligrams daily.

Glucose tolerance tests were done before and after. All fourteen women (100%) had ‘statistically significant’ improvements in their glucose tolerance tests. The researchers wrote: “…. low vitamin B6 levels appear to alter metabolic pathways

which result in a lowering of the biologic activity of endogenous insulin.”
In English: vitamin B6 strengthened specific weak enzymes so that less xanthurenic acid was available to ‘complex’ with insulin, blocking its activity. Better blood sugar control was regained. The 1975 and 1977 research was done more than two decades after several groups of researchers (9,10,11,12) had confirmed in the early 1950s that vitamin B6 returned levels of xanthurenic acid to normal.
For the technically inclined, all the 1950s research and much more was reviewed in a 1960 publication titled: The Effect of Vitamin Supplementation on the Urinary Excretion of Tryptophan Metabolites by Pregnant Women (13). This last publication confirmed that pyridoxine lowers xanthurenic acid.
And a last fact: Textbooks of laboratory medicine in the 1940s told us that higher than usual xanthurenic acid in urine is a diagnostic for vitamin B6 deficiency! It’s 2022, yet despite all this fifty- to eighty-year-old basic science and clinical research demonstrating the cause and cure of gestational diabetes,

it’s still rarely being applied! But you—yes that’s you, if you want to prevent gestational diabetes or cure yourself of it- can apply this extensive science, safely prevent, or cure gestational diabetes yourself, and at the same time reduce your child’s risk of autism! To eliminate Gestational Diabetes use Pyridoxal Phosphate and not Pyridoxine! Don’t use the ‘pyridoxine’ form of vitamin B6. That’s the ‘inactive’ form of vitamin B6, which does not ‘activate’ the receptors for this vitamin. Most- but not all- humans can activate pyridoxine, but we have no way, (without testing) to know if you are in the pyridoxine activating group, or not. (It’s

quite possible that the 14% whose gestational diabetes didn’t disappear in the 1975 research summarized above were ‘poor activators’ of pyridoxine). To make sure the pyridoxine does its job it’s best to use the active form, i.e., pyridoxal-5-phosphate (or P5P), fortunately its available nearly everywhere supplements are sold, usually in a 50-milligram size. Don’t stop using your pregnancy multiple vitamin-mineral as it contains the rest of the B-complex vitamins which back up the pyridoxal-5phosphate. Check with Your Natural Medicine doctor if you have any doubts at all about doing this!
Towards the anticipated delivery date
your child normally. This physician will also be able to tell you about botanicals used for centuries by to improve lactation should they be needed.

partially a surgical procedure which (fortunately) uses one’s own stem cells instead of unnatural treatment material and is of course considerably more costly.
Niacinamide for the prevention and treatment of osteoarthritis, glaucoma, and energizing every cell in our bodies
Decades ago, William Kaufman M.D., published a book titled; The Common Form of Joint Dysfunction, which was all about the successful elimination of

formula provides the most comprehensive free radial protection at every level and is supported with additional agents to aid hormonal balance and detoxification. It is only required at one capsule per day. For further details
Vitamin B6 in both forms can inhibit the production of prolactin (14), the hormone necessary for normal lactation and nursing. Work with a physician skilled and knowledgeable in natural and nutritional medicine to help you determine, (possibly while checking your own blood sugar) a P5P ‘tapering schedule’ so you can nurse

joint pain in all but four of three hundred fifty-four osteoarthritis sufferers.

All but four had complete elimination of all joint pain by taking a total of 3 grams of niacinamide daily. It took nearly a month to notice much pain relief at all; after four months, nearly everyone’s osteoarthritis pain was eliminated, and did not return if the niacinamide was continued. In the last few years ‘stem cell therapy’ for osteoarthritis has become the preferred treatment by many surgeons, but of course it’s
How does the niacinamide do this? Very likely by promoting the formation of ATP (adenosine triphosphate) a major ‘energy molecule’ in every cell in our bodies. Since all our joint cartilage cells ‘take much more beating’ than most cells do every day, it’s very likely that the ‘re-energization’ of cartilage cells is more important to good joint cartilage cell maintenance than it is to many other cells in our bodies. Since reading Dr. Kaufman’s book decades ago, I have had no need to refer anyone for joint replacement surgery, as everyone has reported, (as noted above) disappearance of all osteoarthritis pain within the four months specified by Dr. Kaufman.
Niacinamide protects against glaucoma
A title from a recent research publication: Nicotinamide (which is the same molecule as niacinamide but contains no nicotine) provides neuroprotection in glaucoma by protecting against

mitochondrial and metabolic dysfunction. How does it do that? As noted repeatedly (sorry about that) by causing the formation of ATP (adenosine triphosphate, the energy molecule needed by every cell in our bodies, in this case in our eyeball cells, which (as many, many cells do) need maximum possible energy production.
Niacinamide extends longevity
Greater longevity might be expected with any natural molecular substance that promotes production of ATP energy in every cell in our bodies. Bit of a surprise: A Harvard ProfessorDavid Sinclair-somehow managed to patent niacinamide, (even though it’s been present
Investigations into the use of Metformin as a barrier from Covid-19 have resulted in some experts believing that if a person has been taking Metformin for some time before contracting the virus it can reduce the likelihood of death.

What scientific evidence is there? A report in the Journey of Medical Virology concluded that the literature surrounding potential therapeutic targets for Covid-19 is continuously evolving as understanding the pathogenesis and viral cycle of SARSCoV-2 improves.
They explained that there is growing evidence for the role of mTOR pathway in cellular response to SARS-CoV-2.
in Nature for as long as Nature has existed). The patent was even assigned to Harvard University. Here is the patent title and a few details: “Methods and Compositions for extending the lifespan and increasing the stress resistance of Cells and Organisms.”
Inventors: David A. Sinclair, West Roxbury

Massachusetts Kevin J. Bitterman, Boston, Massachusetts Assignee: President and fellows of Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Scientists from around the world will continue studying the viral life cycle of Covid-19 and its mutations. The experts will develop new therapies and repurpose existing drugs such as Metformin. Through their intense and rapid testing and highspeed discoveries the scientists will hopefully have the ability to prevent the next pandemic before it starts.
For more information about Metformin head over to our website: www.antiaging-systems.com

It should be apparent to all how important niacinamide is to optimal potential good health and longevity, particularly as we all get older. And it’s important to all of us at all ages if we’re hoping for maximal possible ATP energy in our brains, eyes, hearts, and anywhere else in our bodies. Remember, it’s very, very likely our bodies make less and less niacinamide as we age.

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Disclaimer: All educational information is provided under the IAS terms and conditions (which may change without notice) and does not replace the advice of your physician. Restrictions may apply in some countries.
Having a dog in your life is a wonderful thing, they can bring so much joy. Keep your eye out for eye problems and with early diagnosis and good pet care you can enjoy the company of your four-legged neal_neovascularization
Yes, it’s possible to take too much niacinamide! I really like working with engineers with their health concerns, as engineers are very meticulous. Over three decades ago, I told an engineer suffering from osteoarthritis about Dr. Kaufman’s work, advised him to follow Dr. Kaufman’s recommendation about taking one gram of niacinamide thrice daily. He asked if Dr. Kaufman ever reported adverse or overdose effects; I told him that Dr. Kaufman told us that ‘low-grade nausea’ was and is an indicator of too much niacinamide for that person. Didn’t see him again for several months when he came in about another health concern, but first reported that his joint pain had been completely gone for several months. However, after three weeks he started having a little ‘low-grade’ nausea, so he decided to continue since his pain was much less. However, he also reported that the low-grade nausea got a bit worse and cause him to “barf into the toilet” twice before he cut the dose back to a total of 2500 milligrams a day, which was not associated with any nausea, so he decided to stay at that quantity, particularly as he reported his overall energy levels
were much improved from what they were before he first started the niacinamide. He has continued the lower quantity with no other problems; the osteoarthritis pain remains gone.
Can-C™ K9 has been designed for aging dog’s eyes
Other functions
In 1979, an article titled; Nicotinamide is a brain constituent with benzodiazepine like actions was published (15) by the pharmaceutical research department of F. HoffmanLa Roche & Company, Ltd.
‘Benzodiazepines’ is the fancy pharmaceutical company word for the patented medicines Librium®, Valium®, and other tranquilizers. Of course, being pharmaceutical company employees, they “got it exactly backward.”
Since niacinamide has been present in humans and animals for as long as humans and animals have been on planet Earth, a more accurate title would have bee; Benzodiazepines are patented artificial molecules
with niacinamide-mimetic activity. Mimetic (meaning mimicking, but not exactly duplicating) is the most accurate description for the activity of these un-natural molecules.
As soon as this 1979 article was published, any physician who really is striving for the best health effects, (with of course minimal if any adverse effects) should have switched all their Librium®, Valium® or other un-natural patent medicine medication treatments to Nature’s original molecular substancenicotinamide!
Even in 2022, these un-natural patent medications are still recommended by some physicians instead of Nature’s molecule, niacinamide.
Remember, too much niacinamide for any one person results in low-grade nausea which always means having to cut back the dose to the 24-hour total that does not cause any nausea.
Conclusion; niacinamide and aging

As you’ve likely assumed already, the older we are, the more we need to take the maximum daily 24-hour quantity of niacinamide so we can energize our bodies as much we can every day, without causing lowgrade nausea. Of course, some (but not all) of us can make enough niacinamide in our own bodies when we’re younger, but as we grow older, we’re likely to internally synthesize less

NMN to improve NAD levels

Dr David Sinclair has pointed out from his research that improving NAD levels has a significant effect upon health and well being, suggesting that it can help merge healthspan to lifespan.
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1. Springer International Publishing Switzerland. 2015.
2. Van Zant F, et al. Normal Range of Acidity from Youth to Old Age. Archives of Internal Medicine 1932;49(3):345.
3. Xiang A, et al. Association of Maternal Diabetes with Autism in Offspring. JAMA 2015;313(14):14251434.
4. https://www.webmd.com/diabetes/gestational diabetes-guide/ what-causes-gestational diabetes #1

5. https://www.diabetes.org/diabetes/gestationaldiabetes/ how-to-treat-gestational-diabetes

and less niacinamide with time; I have seen reports of zero, and near zero in ‘older’ individuals. But no, I am not going to write that niacinamide is a ‘longevity’ molecule, (there’s so-far no research reporting that) but it is an energizing molecule at all ages, particularly as we all get older.
6. Kotake Y, Ueda T, et al. The Physiological Significance of the Xanthurenic Acid-Insulin Complex. J Biochem. 1975;77:685-687.
7. Bennink HJ, Schreurs WH. Improvement of oral glucose tolerance in gestational diabetes by pyridoxine. Br Med J. 1975 Jul 5;3(5974):13-5.
8. Spellacy WN, Buhi WC, Birk SA. Vitamin B6 treatment of gestational diabetes mellitus: Studies of blood glucose and plasma insulin. Am J Ob Gyn 1977;127(6):599-602.
9. Sprince H, Lowy RS, et al. Studies on the urinary excretion of “xanthurenic acid” during normal and abnormal pregnancy: A survey of the excretion of “xanthurenic acid”
in normal nonpregnant, normal pregnant, pre-eclamptic, and eclamptic women. Am J Obstet Gyn. 1951;62:84.
10. Vandelli, I. The use of vitamin B. (pyridoxine) for suppressing the elimination of xanthurenic acid in pregnant and non-pregnant women following the oral intake of a measured quantity of tryptophan. Acta vitamin. (Milano) 1951;5:55.
11. Wachstein M, Gudaitis A. Disturbance of vitamin B6 metabolism in pregnancy. II. The influence of various amounts of pyridoxine hydrochloride upon the abnormal tryptophane load test in pregnant women. J Lab Clin Med. 1953;42:98.
12. Wachstein M, Lobel S. Abnormal tryptophan metabolites in human pregnancy and their relation to deranged vitamin B, metabolism. Proc Soc Exp Biol (N.Y.) 1954;86:624.
13. Brown RR, Thornton MJ, Price JM. The Effect of Vitamin Supplementation on the Urinary Excretion of Tryptophan Metabolites by Pregnant Women. J Clin Invest. 1961.
14. Ren S-G, Melmed S. Pyridoxal Phosphate Inhibits Pituitary Cell Proliferation and Hormone Secretion. Endocrinology. 2006;147(8):39363942.
15. Mohler H, Polc, Cumin, et al. Nicotinamide is a brain constituent with benzodiazepine like actions. Nature. Vol 278. 5 April 1979.
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ACF228® - the ultimate free radical scavenger
What is in it?
Each capsule provides all the following:
Ingredients Quantity
N-acetylcysteine 100 mg
L-methione 100 mg
Di-indole-methane 83 mg
L-carnosine 83 mg
Deodorised garlic 50 mg
Trans resveratrol 17 mg
Vitamin B6 17 mg
NDGA 3 mg
Potassium iodide 3 mg
Iodine 2.5 mg
Methylfolate 800 mcg
Chromium picolinate 120 mcg
Selenium 100 mcg
Vitamin B12 10 mcg
Catalase 0.025 mg
Where does it come from?
► This unique and natural ‘antioxidant complete formula’ was the best combination found to quench free radicals,
even the most dangerous ones which include the superoxide and hydroxy radicals.
► It was 228th experiment conducted in-vivo (on humans) by Dr. Richard Lippman, (hence why it is called ACF228®).

What is it used for?
► Antiaging (free radical theory of aging).
► Antioxidant (free radical scavenger).
How is it used?
► Designed for simplicity as a one a day multi-protective formula.
Where can I learn more about it?
► ‘Free radicals in aging’ by Richard Lippman, Ph.D. Aging Matters™ magazine V3 I37, 2021.
BEC5® Curaderm - a truly amazing skin cream

What is in it?
Solasodine 0.005%.
Where does it come from?
► It is extracted from the ‘Devil’s Apple’ (a relation of eggplant).
What is it used for?
► BCC (basal cell carcinomas).
► Keratosis (sunspots).
► SCC (squamous cell carcinomas).
How is it used?
► It is applied twice daily onto clean, dry skin and then covered with a
► ‘Free radicals and the four lines of defence’ by Richard Lippman, Ph.D. Aging Matters™ magazine, issue 4, 2014.
► ‘Stay 40’ by Richard Lippman, Ph.D. Outskirts Press, 2008.
► Videos on the IAS You Tube channel, (see the media page for details).
What is in it?
N-acetylcarnosine 1% plus lubricants glycerine and carboxymethylcellulose sodium.
Where does it come from?
► Carnosine is naturally found in the human body and can be found in dark green leaves and chicken meat.
► The eyedrops are made to cGMP standards.

What is it used for?
► Cataracts (particularly the senile type).
► Contact lens discomfort.
► Diabetes mellitus complications.
► Dry eyes.
► Glaucoma.
How is it used?
► It is applied twice daily onto the effected eye.
Can-C™ Eye-drops - a breakthrough for cataract

► Is proven clinically effective for humans and dogs.
► A typical treatment period for humans is 5-6 months.
► Note: There is improved synergy when taken along with the specially designed Can-C™ capsules.
Where can I learn more about it?
► ‘Eyesight saviors’ by Marios
Kyriazis, M.D. Profound Health Publishing, 2018.
► ‘Maintain your vision’ by Leslie Farer. Aging Matters™ magazine, Issue 6, 2015.
► ‘Can-C™ eye-drops 10-years on’ by Marios Kyriazis, M.D. Aging Matters™ magazine Issue 4, 2012.
► Videos on the IAS You Tube channel, (see the media page for details).
CentroPro™ - A brain neuroenergizer

► Typical end-to-end treatment times are 6-12 weeks.
► Note: It is important to use antiseptic cream daily during the healing process.
Where can I learn more about it?
► Curaderm BEC5® natural non-invasive medication for skin cancers’ by Dr. Bill E. Cham. Curaderm Global Publishing, 2015.
► ‘BEC5® the skin cancer cure’ by Bill Edward Cham, Ph.D. Aging Matters™ magazine, No.1, 2013.
► Videos on the IAS You Tube channel, (see the media page for details).
What is in it?
► Centrophenoxine, (also known as meclofenoxate).
► It is a nootropic agent, (aka a smart drug) available in 250 mg capsules.
Where does it come from?
► It is a combination of two DMAE molecules, (which is commonly found in oily fish).
► The supplement is synthetically produced.
What is it used for?
► Alertness.
► Alzheimer’s.
► Antiaging, (membrane theory of aging).
► Dementia.
► Memory/ recall speed improvement.
► Toxin reduction, (lipofuscin and plagues).
How is it used?
► Typically, two 250 mg capsules are taken daily.
► Note: Athletes be aware it can produce a positive doping result.
Where can I learn more about it?
► ‘Centrophenoxine for memory and aging’ by Professor Imre Zs. Nagy. Aging Matters™ magazine, issue 3, 2014.
► ‘Centrophenoxine, a
true-life extension drug’ by James South MA, International Antiaging Magazine, No.2, 2004.
► ‘Smart drugs and nutrients’ by Ward Dean, M.D. Smart Publications, 1991.
► Videos on the IAS You Tube channel, (see the media page for details).
DepPro™ - For focus, concentration, and libido

What is in it?
► Deprenyl, (otherwise known as selegiline HCL).
► Available in liquid form (1 drop = 1.15 mg) and 5 mg tablets.
Where does it come from?
► It is a synthetically produced agent.
► It enhances dopamine levels by acting upon MAO-b. (Dopamine is manufactured in the brain from two natural amino acids: tyrosine and phenylalanine).
► Professor Joseph Knoll also suggested that it raises PEA levels and improves catecholamine sensitivity.
What is it used for?
► Alzheimer’s disease.
► Concentration/ focus.
► Dementia.
► Libido (in men).
► Life extension.
► Parkinson’s disease.
How is it used?
► Parkinson’s disease doses can often be 5 mg to 10 mg daily, even up to 20 mg.
► Antiaging doses are much lower. This depends upon need and age, but adults often settle at around 1 mg to 3 mg a day, or 5 mg once or twice a week.

(It is beneficial to take occasional breaks from use if not suffering with a dementia, such as a weekend off, or a week a month off).
► Note: Some drug test exams may produce a false-positive result.
Where can I learn more about it?
► ‘An antiaging, life extending aphrodisiac’ by Ward Dean, MD. Aging
Esnatri™ - Natural topical tri-estrogen cream for women.

What is in it?
► A combination of three bioidentical estrogens; estriol (90%), estradiol (7%) and estrone (3%).
► Specially formulated by Jonathan Wright, MD, to mimic his research that shows that the ‘average’ healthy woman produces these estrogens at those percentages.
Where does it come from?
► Estrogens can be produced in fat tissue, the liver, the adrenal glands, and the ovaries.
► The cream is synthetically produced to a bioidentical standard.
Matters™ magazine, issue 1, 2019.
► ‘Deprenyl and Alzheimer’s disease’ by Ward Dean, MD. Aging Matters™ magazine, issue 2, 2017.
► ‘How selegiline (deprenyl) slows brain aging’ by Professor Joseph Knoll. Bentham, 2012.
► ‘The brain and its-self’ by Professor Joseph Knoll. Springer, 2005.
► ‘Smart drugs and nutrients’ by Ward Dean, MD. Smart Publications, 1996.
► Videos on the IAS You Tube channel, (see the media page for details).
What is in it?
Growth hormone releasing peptide type-II, in 1 mg sublingual tablets.
Where does it come from?
► Synthetically produced from foodstuffs.
What is it used for?
► Antiaging.
► Body shaping, (lose fat but gain muscle).
► Physical strength enhancement.
► Sarcopenia.
How is it used?
► Two tablets are taken in
GHRP2Pro™ - An oral alternative to GH injections

the morning on an empty stomach.
► As they are sublingual lozenges, they are placed under the tongue to dissolve.
Where can I learn more about it?
► ‘Growth hormone releasing peptides’ by Richard Walker, M.D. Aging Matters™ magazine V3 Issue 36, 2020.
► ‘The story of GHRH and GHRPs’ by Richard Walker, M.D. Aging Matters™ magazine, Issue 3, 2014.
► ‘GHRP performance’ by Phil Micans, MA. Aging Matters™ magazine, issue 3, 2013.
► Videos on the IAS You Tube channel, (see the media page for details).
What is it used for?
► Menopause (female).
► PMT (premenstrual tension).
► Skincare.
► Well-being.
How is it used?
► It is often applied topically to a hairless area, such as under breasts, behind knees or inside elbows.
► Doses will be determined by a physician, but typically for women they can be a total dose of 2 mg applied daily from day 1 to day 25.
► Day 1 is determined by the day that is, (or would have been) the first day of the menstrual cycle.
Where can I learn more about it?
► ‘Getting the most out of BHRT’ by Jonathan Wright, MD. Aging Matters™ magazine, issue 1, 2014.

► ‘Stay young & sexy with bioidentical hormone replacement therapy’ by Jonathan Wright, MD. Smart Publications, 2009.
► Videos on the IAS You Tube channel, (see the media page for details).

MetPro™ - Activating AMPK and restoring insulin receptor sensitivity.

What is in it?
► Metformin HCL in 500 mg scored tablets.

Where does it come from?
► Synthetically produced from guanidine compounds such as goat’s rue or the French lilac.
What is it used for?
► Antiaging, (neuroendocrine theory of aging).
► Cancer.
► Diabetes type-II.
► Insulin resistance.
► Lowers LDL (bad cholesterol).
► Obesity (weight loss).
► PCOS (polycystic ovarian
syndrome). ► Syndrome X.
How is it used?
► Doses vary, an antiaging dose might be 500 mg daily, treatment of diabetes might be 1000 mg to 2000 mg or sometimes more daily.
► Note: As metformin is known to inhibit B12, it is prudent to take a vitamin B12 supplement concurrently.
Where can I learn more about it?
► ‘Shielding against AGE’ by Ward Dean, M.D. Aging Matters™ magazine, issue 1, 2018.
MZS™ - Not melatonin’s are created equal

What is in it?
► Each tablet contains 3 mg of melatonin, plus 8.7 mg zinc and 50 mcg of selenium, all within a unique 4-hour time release tablet produced to pharmaceutical quality (>99.5%).
Where does it come from?
► Melatonin is a natural hormone usually excreted by the pineal gland. The supplement is extracted from coffee beans to a bioidentical standard.
► Zinc and selenium are minerals.
What is it used for?
► Age related macular degeneration (ARMD).

► Antiaging, (rotational theory of aging).
► Antioxidant.
► Cancer.
► Circadian rhythm improvement.
► Hormonal cyclicity regularity.
► Immunity.
► Jetlag.
► Sleep enhancement.
How is it used?
► The tablet should be taken between 9pm and 11pm for maximum effectiveness.
It is not necessary to go to bed straightaway.
► Note: To maximise your own production of melatonin make sure you sleep in a dark room. Evidence also exists that more sunshine in the day

► ‘AMPK the metabolic signaller’ by Marios Kyriazis, M.D. Aging Matters™ magazine, issue 6, 2016.
► Dr. Dean’s favorite antiaging medicine’ by Ward Dean, MD. Aging Matters™ magazine, issue 4, 2013.
Nature’s Marvels™ - The epigenetic gene switches within food.
is beneficial and avoid late/ or excessive caffeine intake.
Where can I learn more about it?
► ‘Melatonin stops cancer’ by Will Block. Aging Matters™ magazine, issue 35, 2020.
► ‘Reversing ARMD with melatonin’ by Phil Micans, MA. Aging Matters™ magazine, issue 2, 2019.
► ‘The rotational theory of aging’ by Professor Walter Pierpaoli. Aging Matters™ magazine, issue 1, 2014.
► ‘The use of high dose melatonin in medicine’ by Professor Jesus Tresguerres. Aging Matters™ magazine, issue 3, 2016.
► Videos on the IAS You Tube channel, (see the media page for details).

What is in it?
► They contain different combinations of short chain peptides (between 2 and 4) at 10 mg per capsule. They currently represent 21 glands and tissues as listed:
► Adrenal (Glandokort®)
► Bladder (Chitomur®)
► Blood vessels (Ventfort®)
► Bone-marrow (Bonomarlot®)
► Brain (CNS/ Cerluten®)
► Cartilage (Sigumir®)
► Heart (Chelohart®)
► Kidney (Pielotax®)
► Liver (Svetinorm®)

► Lungs (Taxorest®)
► Muscle (Gotratix®)
► Ovaries (Zhenoluten®)
► Pancreas (Suprefort®)
► Parathyroid (Bonothyrk®)

► Pineal (Endoluten®)
► Prostate (Libidon®)
► Retina (Visoluten®)
► Stomach (Stamakort®)
► Testes (Testoluten®) Thymus (Vladonix®)
► Thyroid (Thyreogen®)
Where does it come from?
► All of them are extracted from food (bovine origin).
What is it used for?
► Adjustment/ improvement of the targeted gland or tissue, all by way of signalling via our own genes for the target to regulate itself better.
► Antiaging, (peptides in the epigenetic control of ageing).
How is it used?
► Start at 2-capsules a day for 30-days.
► Then reduce to 2-capsules a day for 10-days each month.
► As condition improves, the dose can drop to a maintenance of 2-capsules a day for 10-days every 3-months.
Where can I learn more about it?
► ‘Peptide bioregulators in sports and space’ by Professor Vladimir Khavinson. Aging Matters™ magazine, issue 36, 2020.
► ‘Forever young’ an interview with Dr. Bill Lawrence. Aging Matters™ magazine, issue 1, 2019.
► ‘The peptide bioregulator revolution’ by Marios Kyriazis, M.D. Profound Health Publishing, 2018.
► ‘Peptides in the epigenetic control of ageing’ by Professor Vladimir Khavinson. Profound Health Publishing, 2017.
► ‘The peptide human lifeextension trial’ by Leslie Farer. Aging Matters™ magazine, issue 4, 2016.
► ‘The power behind the pineal peptide bioregulator’ by Leslie Farer. Aging Matters™ magazine, issue 3, 2015.
► ‘The Russian peptide bioregulator revolution’ by Phil Micans, MA. Aging Matters™ magazine, issue 2, 2013.
► Videos on the IAS You Tube channel, (see the media page for details

OxyPro™ - Longevity, passion, and sex

What is in it?
► Oxytocin at 5 mg per sublingual lozenge.
Where does it come from?
► It is a hormone produced naturally in the pituitary gland.
► The product is manufactured synthetically to a bioidentical standard.
What is it used for?
► Ejaculate (men).
► Fibromyalgia.
► Relationships (bonding).
► Relaxation (calming).
► Sex (heightened orgasm, particularly for women).
► Sociopathy.
How is it used?
► Usually just 5 mg taken on an empty stomach 15-30 minutes before sex.
► Other treatments may require more daily applications, see Dr. Thierry Hertoghe’s oxytocin book for precise details.
► The sublingual lozenges must be allowed to be dissolved under the tongue.
Where can I learn more about it?
► ‘The Atlas of Endocrinology V2’ by Thierry Hertoghe, MD. International Medical Books, 2019.
► ‘Passion, sex, and lifespan’ by Thierry Hertoghe, MD. Aging
Can-C eye-drops

PiraPro™ - The original nootropic, (aka smart drug)

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Matters™ magazine, issue 5, 2015.
► ‘Hormone handbook V2’ by Thierry Hertoghe, MD. International Medical Books, 2014.
► ‘Passion, sex, and longevity- the oxytocin adventure’ by Thierry Hertoghe, MD. International Medical Books, 2010.
► Videos on the IAS You Tube channel, (see the media page for details).
What is in it?
► Piracetam 800 mg per scored tablet.
Where does it come from?
► A synthetically produced agent derived from GABA.

What is it used for?
► Alzheimer’s.
► Awareness/ consciousness.
► Dementia.
► Memory and cognition.
What is in it?
► Bioidentical progesterone at a 5% strength.
Where does it come from?
► Progesterone is made in the ovaries, the adrenals and in the placenta.
► The cream is synthetically produced to bioidentical standards.
What is it used for?
► Accompanying an estrogen treatment for women.
► Menopause (female).
► Osteoporosis (female).
How is it used?
► Applied topically, (often to a hairless area, such as under breasts, behind

► Motivation (idea creation).
► Travel/ altitude sickness.
How is it used?
► A typical dose is 1600 mg once or twice daily.
Where can I learn more about it?
► ‘Smart drugs and nutrients’ by Ward Dean, MD. Aging Matters™ magazine, issue 4, 2012.
► ‘Smart drugs and nutrients’
by Ward Dean, MD. Smart Publications, 1991.
► Videos on the IAS You Tube channel, (see the media page for details).

ProgestPro™ - Natural topical progesterone cream for women.

knees or inside elbows), the dose is determined by a physician. A typical quantity of progesterone for women is 25 mg to 30 mg, used starting on days 10 to 15 and taken through day 25.
► The starting date is varied according to the timing of each woman’s ovulation when she was cycling.
► If this timing is not known, a starting date is from day 10 to 15 is arbitrarily chosen.
Where can I learn more about it?
► ‘Not all progesterone’s are created equal’ by Dr. Nyjon Eccles. Aging Matters™ magazine, issue 37, 2021.
► ‘Getting the most out of BHRT’ by Jonathan Wright, MD. Aging Matters™ magazine, issue 1, 2014.
► ‘Stay young & sexy with bioidentical hormone replacement therapy’ by Jonathan Wright, MD. Smart Publications, 2009. Videos on the IAS You Tube channel, (see the media page for details).Videos on the IAS You Tube channel, (see the media page for details).

Thyroids - Supporting the hypothyroid epidemic

What is in it?
► The natural versions (of porcine origin) contain T3 and T4, but also the ‘forgotten’ thyroids of T1 and T2. These are also known as desiccated thyroids.
► A wide range of tablets in different doses are available.

► T3Pro™ contains synthetic T3, otherwise known as triiodothyronine.
Where does it come from?
► The thyroid hormones are produced in the thyroid gland, which is stimulated by the release of TSH from the pituitary, which in turn is stimulated by the release of TRH from the hypothalamus.
► The natural versions are obtained from porcine thyroids.
► The synthetic T3 is manufactured to bioidentical standards.
What is it used for?
► Fatigue.
► Hypothyroidism.
► Sleep disorders.

► Temperature control.

► Weight loss.
► Well-being.
How is it used?
► Doses depend upon the individual patient’s need and will vary depending on whether a synthetic is being used, or a natural thyroid.
► Note: A conversion table to compare the natural and synthetic versions is provided here

Where can I learn more about it?
► The hypothyroid epidemic’ by Rick Wilkinson, MD. Aging Matters™ magazine, issue 4, 2014.
► ‘How to improve your thyroid and your adrenals’ by Richard Lippman, Ph.D. Aging Matters™ magazine, issue 2, 2012.
► ‘Hypothyroidism, the unsuspected illness’ by Dr. Broda Barnes. Harper Books, 1976.
Melatonin, a key ingredient of MZS ™ is commonly used to treat age related sleep disorders, and has abilities that go far beyond simply its sleep inducing properties. It is vital to protect our hormonal system, regulate immunity and repair our body’s cells.

MZS ™ is the only melatonin supplement to follow nature’s own night peak.

Youth Gems® - The topical peptide bioregulators for modern skincare

What is in it?
► Each version contains 4 synthetic peptide bioregulators, specifically: blood vessels, cartilage, thymus and the pineal.

► In addition, there are numerous other beneficial natural agents such as ginseng, olive oil, raisin oil, argon oil, soya oil, jojoba oil, hyaluronate, green tea extract, cocoa, almond, vitamin E and chamomile extract.
Where does it come from?
► They are a combination of 4 synthetically produced peptide bioregulators and natural oils and agents, (as

► Available in a day cream, a body milk, and a face serum.
What is it used for?
► Anti-inflammatory to reduce puffiness.
► Antioxidant to prevent infection, skin damage and faster wound healing.
► Enhances the blood microcirculation to create a fresh, glowing appearance.
► Increases protein synthesis to aid the skin’s repair processes and reduce dry, dead skin.
► Regulates metabolic pathways to normalize lipid peroxidation for a cleaner, smoother uniformity to the

skin’s surface via enhanced moisturization.
► Strengthens collagen to improve skin elasticity and tone.
How is it used?
► Apply sparingly to the skin once a day.
► The day cream is designed for the face and neck.
► The body milk is designed for the arms, hands, and legs etc.
► The serum is the intensive treatment for fine lines and wrinkles.

Antiaging Systems
www.antiaging-systems.com is your comprehensive resource for information about all the leading commercially available antiaging, preventative, and regenerative products available today.
Visit www.antiaging-systems.com and find articles, videos, audio-files, all referenced with a guide of where to obtain your needs. Currently the site covers topics related to all the following products:
► Atlas of Endocrinology
V2 by Thierry Hertoghe, MD
► Passion, Sex & Oxytocin by Thierry Hertoghe, MD
► Peptides in the Control of Ageing by Prof. Khavinson
► Testosterone Therapy for Real Gentlemen by Dr. Hertoghe
► Bio-Clip™ CUFF
► Eyesight Saviors by Marios Kyriazis, MD
► Patient Hormone Handbook by Thierry Hertoghe, MD
► Physician Hormone Handbook V2 by Thierry Hertoghe, MD
► Natural Skin Cancer Treatments by Bill Cham, PhD
► Peptide Bioregulator Revolution by Dr. Kyriazis
► Reversing Physical Aging V1 by Thierry Hertoghe, MD
PEPTIDE BIOREGULATORS (bovine source, includes Nature’s Marvels™)
► Adrenal (Glandokort®)
► Bladder (Chitomur®)
► Blood Vessels (Ventfort®)
► Bone Marrow (Bonomarlot®)
► Cartilage (Sigumir®)
► CNS/ Brain (Cerluten®)
► Heart (Chelohart®)
► Kidney (Pielotax®)
► Liver (Svetinorm®)
► Lungs (Taxorest®)
► Muscle (Gotratix®)
► Ovaries (Zhenoluten®)
► Pancreas (Suprefort®)
► Parathyroid (Bonothyrk®)
► Pineal (Endoluten®)
► Prostate (Libidon®)
► Retina (Visoluten®)
► Stomach (Stamakort®)
► Testes (Testoluten®)

► Thymus (Vladonix®)
► Thyroid (Thyreogen®)
PEPTIDE BIOREGULATORS (synthetic source, includes sublingual’s)
► Blood Vessels (Vesugen®)
► Cartilage (Сartalax®)
► Adrafinil (AdraPro™)
► Centrophenoxine (CentroPro™)
► CNS/ Brain (Pinealon®)
► Liver (Ovagen®)
► Lungs (Chonluten®)
► Thymus (Crystagen®)
► Foodsafe®
GHRPs (growth hormone releasing peptides)
► GHRP2 (GHRP2Pro™)
► Aldosterone (AldoPro™)
► Desmopressin (Minurin®)
► Estrogens (Esnatri™)
► HCG (HCGPro™)
► Hydrocortisone (HydrocortPro™)
► ACF228®
► BloodSugarPro™
► Boluoke® (lumbrokinase)
► BoostPro™
► Can-C™ Plus
► DIMPro™
► Sermorelin (SermPro™)
► 4MU (4MUPro™)
► Aminoguanidine (AminoPro™)
► Dasatinib (DasaPro™)

► Deprenyl (DepPro™)
► Hydergine® (HyPro™)
► Modafinil (ModaPro™)
► Picamilone (PicPro™)
► Piracetam (PiraPro™)
► Melatonin (MelaMaxPro™)
► Melatonin (MZS™)
► MSH2 (MSH2Pro™)
► Oxytocin (OxyPro™)
► Pregnenolone (PregPro™)
► Thyroids (natural, T3)
► TRH (Abaris™)
► Progesterone (ProgestPro™)
► Vasopressin (VasoPro™)
► BEC5® Curaderm cream
► Can-C™ eye-drops
► GH3Pro™ (Gerovital-H3®)
► Ivermectin (IvermectinPro™)
► Metformin (MetPro™)
► Naltrexone (NalPro™)
► Rapamycin (RapaPro™)
► Sildenafil (SildenafilPro™)
► Tadalafil (TadalafilPro™)
► DiscomfortReliefPro™ (PEA)
► EnergyPro™ (COQ10+++)
► LacticPro™
► LongevityPro
► NitricPro™
► SpermidinePro™
► StressPro™
► Symprove®
► TA65®
► TestoXLR8Pro™™
► VigorPro™
► ViralPro™
► JointPro™ cream (peptide)
► RetinPro™ (0.05% tretinoin)
► Youth Gems® (peptide creams) For
► OraltidePro™ peptide mouthwash