Issue 6: Winter 05

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REDUCING T H E BODY'S BURDENS surviving on a poisoned planet plus

energy generating formulas for dermatitis & skin aging

Winter 2005 $9.95 USA £4.95 UK €7.95 Europe


Dr Garry Gordon speaks out about chelation

special offer free idebenone when you buy our new chelation range see

welcome Optimum health can be viewed as a pyramid, the base of good health and longevity lies in a foundation of genetics, lifestyle, exercise and nutrition. Further up the scale, w e know that vitamins, minerals, hormones and s o m e drugs can play an important role in maintaining optimal performance and health. In this magazine we focus on issues that relate to the base of the pyramid, such as the avoidance and removal of toxins, particularly heavy metals (this may fall between the areas of lifestyle & genetics and vitamins & minerals). Toxins burden the body, disrupt cell communication, lead to hormonal disarray, and can go on to trigger disorders ranging from fatigue to Alzheimer's disease.

Hormones & precursors

Neurotransmitters Precursors

Vitamins i Minerals

Lifestyle & Genetics

Chelation (the removal of heavy metals) is something that everyone should be aware of. In todays modern world, it is virtually impossible to completely avoid them, so the adoption of a program designed to reduce them is a priority.

The optimal health pyramid

T h e whole issue of the Optimal Health Pyramid is vast and cannot be covered in one issue; therefore we will be covering each section of the Pyramid in greater detail in forthcoming issues.

in this issue

In the meantime I hope you find our first instalment both interesting and enlightening and offers you some solutions on how to live more healthily on this poisoned planet!

Phil M i c a n s Editor-in-chief

Declaration T h e Anti-Aging Magazine focuses on the latest international nutritional, hormonal and drug therapies in use now that show promise in combating the signs of aging. These signs include the physical, mental and internal changes consisting of the diseases and disorders that include cancer, arthritis and senile dementia etc. However, the main focus is upon prevention of such aging diseases and disorders for the "healthyaging" individual. Copyright IAS 2004. All copyrights are acknowledged. Whilst every effort has been made to ensure accuracy, no responsibility can be accepted for inaccuracies, howsoever caused. No liability can be accepted for illustrations, photographs, artwork or advertising materials while in transmission or with the publisher or their agents. All information is correct at time of going to print. Not for public broadcast or copy without written permission from IAS Ltd. Terms and conditions may change without notice.

Dr. Jonathan Wright has treated thousands of patients with bio-identical hormones. Here, Dr. Wright discusses the correct dosages and procedures for estrogens and progesterone for women who want the natural alternative to regular HRT.

Dr. John lonescu's research continues to demonstrate remarkable results. This article looks at toxins and their role in skin disorders such as psoriasis and eczema, highlighting that improving energy systems can enhance skin condition dramatically. Dr. Walter Pierpaoli is a world authority on Melatonin. Using his great understanding of this unique molecule, and its varied roles in the aging life-cycle clock he discuses Melatonin and its role in longevity in this article.

Disclaimer: The information is offered under the IAS terms and conditions and is for educational purposes only and should not replace the advice of your personal physician.


International Antiaging Magazine is published quarterly and distributed in the USA by SPP, PO Box 437, Emigsville, PA. Application to mail at periodicals mailing rates is pending at Manchester, PA. Postmaster: send address changes to International Antiaging, c/o PO Box 437, Emigsville, PA 17318-0437


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V o l u m e 5 Issue 3 Winter 2004



4 "The everyday functions of breathing, eating, drinking and bathing is sufficient to accumulate toxins..."

contributors Garry T. Gordon, MD, DO, MD (H) Dr Gordon received his DO in 1958, an honorary MD degree in 1962 and completed Radiology in 1964. Today, Dr. Gordon is on the Board of Homeopathic Medical Examiners, co-founder of the American College for Advancement in Medicine, President of the International College of Advanced Longevity and a Board Member of the International Oxidative Medicine Association. As a worldrenowned expert in chelation therapy, Dr. Gordon is behind many publications, including The Chelation Answer. He is advisor to the American Board of Chelation Therapy, and examiner for all chelation physicians, being responsible for Peer Reviewed Chelation Therapy.

John lonescu, Ph.D. John lonescu is one of Europe's leading dermatologist researchers. From his 300 bed clinic at Neukirchen in Germany, he has been establishing groundbreaking work into the causes and progression of numerous skin diseases. His work has lead him to develop a comprehensive diagnostic system to enable genetic indentification of metabolic failures, which can then result in individualized detox and antiaging therapies. With this, he is proving that all skin disorders are the results of aging, toxins and allergies.

Phil Micans, PharmB Phil Micans PharmB, has degrees in Food and Vitamin Technology and Pharmacology and after reading Pearson and Shaw's book- Life Extension in 1986 has been actively involved in anti-aging medicine. Chairman to the International Anti-Aging Conference and co-writer of the New Millennium Guide to Anti-Aging Medicine. He also maintains the position of Vice President and Director of Research and Development at International Antiaging Systems.

Walter Pierpaoli, M.D. Walter Pierpaoli M.D. is a pioneering research physician who introduced the concept of melatonin supplements to the world through his best selling book, The Melatonin Miracle. Dr. Pierpaoli graduated in Medicine and Surgery at the University of Milano, Italy in 1960. Since then Dr. Pierpaoli has held numerous key positions and today is Director of the Jean Choay Institute for Biomedical Research in Riva San Vitale Switzerland and President of the Ijterbion Foundation for Biomedical Research in Zurich, Switzerland. His continuing work, enthusiasm and commitment to the field of anti-aging medicine are highly laudable.

Jonathan Wright, M.D. Jonathan Wright M.D. is Medical Director of the Tahoma Clinic in Kent, Washington, where he has a full-time family practice. Working in natural medicines since 1973, Dr. Wright is a distinguished pioneer in nutrition and vitamin therapy. He is a recognised sex hormone expert and has authored and co-authored numerous ground-breaking publications, including, Natural Hormone Replacement Therapies for Women and Natural Hormone Replacement Therapies for Men, as well as the Nutritional Therapy and Guide to Healing with Nutrition.

Listed alphabetically by surname


ORDERING +44 (0)208 I 8 I 6106

by Phil Micans, PharmB


O R D E R I N G w<

"taking a hot 10 minute shower is equivalent to absorbing the "toxic" contents of that water, (i.e. the chlorine, lead, cadmium and fluoride etc), and is proportional to drinking 8 glasses of the same water!"

significant number of research studies, both past and present illustrate the degree to which our environment is being polluted by all kinds of toxic chemicals. Through industrialization, agribusiness (this word was purposely used- instead of agriculture, to emphasise the intensive methods of food production), the burning of fossil fuels, (primarily to produce electric) and other "modern life" processes, our land, air and water have been contaminated to some extent. Absorbing these toxins into our bodies, does not require handling "dangerous" chemicals in the way that a scientist, an engineer, a mechanic, a farmer or even a gardener may. The every day functions of breathing, eating, drinking and bathing is sufficient to accumulate toxins. Let us look at some "everyday" examples:

Contamination sources 1. A recent study suggested that taking a hot 10 minute shower is equivalent to absorbing the "toxic" contents of that water, (i.e. the chlorine, lead, cadmium and fluoride etc), and is proportional to drinking 8 glasses of the same water! (1) If you think you are avoiding tap water "content" by buying bottled mineral water, think again... Clearly, once inside a hot bathroom, the skin pores open and toxins are readily passed into the bloodstream. Additionally, breathing the steam into the lungs is another fast route to absorption. 2. Research suggests that traces of commonly used drugs can now also be found in tap water, including Viagra and Prozac. (3) You may have heard that as only 2-3% of the world's water is fresh, it has all been drunk at least twice before! Sanitation systems simply do not effectively eliminate such materials. In Germany, a random examination of tap water sampled from different towns across the country showed that they were all contaminated with progesterones found in the female contraceptive pill. (4) 3. Modern farming, packaging and some industrial processes contribute to phytoestrogens being released into the ecosystem, (particularly through the use of pesticides, plastics and contraceptives). Known as endocrine disrupters, they are suspected of causing problems for FAX

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humans and wildlife. For instance, cases have been reported offish, frogs and alligators changing sex as a result of exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals in polluted aquatic environments. (7) What is the impact of the gradual but long-term accumulation of these powerful hormones upon humans? Given the fairly recent information highlighting the cancer causing factors of particular estrogens, (and the need for balanced ratios between themselves and testosterone), we can see why there is such a prevalence of prostate conditions in men. They may also be related to the increasing prevalence of breast and cervical cancers. [Ed.- Dr. Jonathan Wright discussed the issues of estrogen imbalances and cancer in the August 2000 issue of the Antiaging Bulletin. This article can be viewed at:] 4. In many countries, compulsory fluoridation of the water is now becoming commonplace, not to mention the regular addition of other chemicals such as chlorine! We could undoubtedly have an entire article dedicated to the misinformation about fluoride being protective to teeth and "safe," however, we haven't the space to do that here today. In my opinion, there are too many negative issues concerning Sodium Fluoride and thus it should be avoided. For further reading on the subject, a recommended book by Dr. John Yiamouyisnnis is titled; Fluoride, The Aging Factor, [Ed - visit the IAS library at:] A recent study into the dangers associated with fluoride show that it significantly inhibits DNA synthesis repair enzymes. Dr. Wolfgang Klein and co-workers at the Seibersdorf Research Center in Austria reported that as little as 1 part per million of fluoride inhibits DNA repair enzyme activity by 50%. Since fluoride inhibits DNA repair enzyme activity, it could be expected to precipitate an increase in genetic or chromosome damage. This has indeed occurred in numerous animal studies where fluoride in water, even at the concentration of 1 part per million, has caused chromosome damage (2). 5. Modern dental practices also leave a lot to be desired. Being British, I am acutely aware that this country still uses silvermercury containing amalgams. Other

wi European countries (particularly Scandinavia), have banned its use, (unless a waiver has been signed requesting one). Each individual "silver" mercury amalgam in the mouth, is estimated to release 10 meg of mercury per day. (6) For further information on this subject, the interested reader is directed to; 6. Many contaminants are ultimately dumped into the sea. Accordingly, fish stocks from most parts of the world are now found to contain mercury in their tissues, (particularly Tuna, Shark and Swordfish). Studies from the Mediterranean have shown that methylated mercury has been found in nearly 100% of examined fish, at levels between 0.11 mg per kg and 1.85 mg per kg. Also, in 63.6% of cases, the methyl mercurycontent offish exceeded the maximum mercury level stipulated by the EuropeanCommission at 1 mg per kg. (8) Many toxicologists agree that there is no real safe level of mercury, so it's a simple equation, if you eat fish, you are consuming mercury. Naturally there are other toxins found in fish such as PCB's and dioxins, and traces of arsenic and cadmium are particularly prominent in shell fish such as crabs, lobsters, oysters and clams etc. (14) To give some idea of the problem, a survey of Hong Kong high school students (9) found that as many as 10% ate enough fish to greatly exceed the safety limits for mercury exposure. The report found that the students' diets gave them a mercury exposure of 6.41 meg per kg of body weight a week, which is 4 times more than the UN recommended maximum of 1.6 meg per kg bodyweight per week. (10) 7. Landfill sites can leach various kinds of toxins, and although this area is perhaps the most tightly controlled, there are still many concerns. For example, the levels of lead in everyday items are much higher than most people think. For example, a CRT tube (found inside a television or computer monitor), contains on average 1.8 kg of lead. A study by the US Environmental Protection Agency, (12) tested various everyday items for lead leachate, and in each case the results exceeded the level of 5mg per litre, which is considered to be hazardous. Even the European Union has legislated that by 2006 no lead solder may be used in electronic devices, due to landfill leachate concerns. (13)

8. Despite many countries abandoning the use of leaded petrol for automobiles, lead and other heavy metal levels are still high. Why? Primarily because to make electricity, fossil fuels such as coal and oil are burnt and by-products, such as lead and cadmium, are deposited into the atmosphere, the ground and in water. Evaluations of bones from the 16th century, indicate that modern man has as much as 1000 times more lead than preindustrialized human beings. (11/20) How? These toxins and heavy metals find their way easily into the air, water and food chain. You need only breathe, drink and/or eat (plants or animals) to start your contamination and accumulation of these body burdens. 9. Of course we cannot overlook the contributions of the motor vehicle to pollution. Apart from lead, numerous other toxins are omitted from burning fuel and wearing tires. Amongst the most common are cadmium, carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons. Contrary to popular opinion cars fitted with catalytic converters still omit toxic fumes, only to a lesser degree. It is worth noting that catalytic converters are only functional when "up to temperature" and that on the first part of a journey, or on a short journey, they are completely ineffective. (5)

These facts and figures may be very interesting by themselves, but what are the consequences of accumulating these various toxins, and what "burdens" do they place upon our optimal health? Let us focus on some of the key toxins in question:

Lead Lead interferes with haemoglobin synthesis and is believed to make red blood cells "brittle." (15) Furthermore, increasing lead levels correlate with the age-related decrease in renal function, and even low-level environmental lead exposure may accelerate progressive renal insufficiency. (16/17) Results from research conducted at Cornell University indicate that lead/blood levels even far below 10 meg per decilitre, (the current US Federal minimum threshold for defining elevated lead levels in children), affects both mental development and I.Q. (21) Lead is also known to displace minerals within the body, particularly calcium. In severe cases "lead lines" can actually be visible on X-Rays where it has replaced calcium. (14) In general, lead toxicity can cause memory loss, attention and learning disabilities, muscle pains, nausea, headaches, depression, immune system suppression, dizziness, lethargy, abdominal pains, high blood pressure and in more severe cases anaemia, multiple sclerosis and kidney failure. (22) Additional common sources of lead can include bone meal, ceramics, cosmetics, newsprint, putty and hair coloring. (30)

Mercury Mercury is one of the most toxic heavy metals, and is noted for causing rapid brain neuron degeneration. [Ed - If you are interested, with QuickTime 4.0 you can see how mercury causes neural degradation in a video presentation by the University of Calgary at;]. Mercury contamination can lead to restlessness, profuse sweating, tremors, swollen extremities, lethargy, anxiety, depression, insomnia and brain fog. Indeed, these symptoms can often present themselves as vague/ unrelated and multiple in their origin. Meanwhile, mercury has been cited as the main culprit in the so-called Gulf War Syndrome, where hundreds of troops experienced these types of symptoms after being injected with a cocktail of vaccines. These vaccines used thimerosal, an ethyl mercury-based compound that was present because of its preservative qualities. (24) Mercury has also been closely linked with senile dementia, particularly 6


Alzheimer's disease. Remember the saying "Mad as a Hatter?" Back in the 18th and 19th Centuries, Hatters used mercury in the steaming process to shape headwear. As a result, they breathed in the heavy vapor and many of them went senile! My dentist tells me that his profession is now in one of the highest risk factors for Alzheimer's disease...perhaps because they are regularly removing silver mercury amalgams and breathing in the drilled-out vapour. The latest research shows that Apolipoprotein E (Apo-E) genotyping may be a potential biomarker for mercury neurotoxicity, (and indeed personal susceptibility to other heavy metal neurotoxicity). Moreover, Apo-E is a major risk factor for neurodegenerative conditions, including Alzheimer's disease. So the door could be open to understanding how chronic low-level mercury levels can, over long periods of time lead to diseases such as Alzheimer's. (25) Additional common sources of mercury can include adhesives, fabric softeners, laxatives, pigments and wood preservatives. (30)

Arsenic Signs of severe arsenic intoxication include dark spots on skin, bleeding sores, nail rot and gangrene. Arsenic may also lead to cancers of the lung, bladder and kidney, as well as blood vessel diseases. (23) Apart from shell fish, arsenic can be found in soil, and minute quantities may also be contained in fruits and vegetables that have been sprayed with pesticides. Furthermore, arsenic is used in the formation of pressure treated woods, accordingly carpenters are exposed when sawing etc. Arsenic may also be used in glass manufacture, weed killers, wallpaper and detergents. (30)

Cadmium Ingested cadmium is mainly deposited in the kidneys and the prostate gland. High blood levels of this metal can cause acute renal failure, "hardening" of the arteries (arteriosclerosis), along with high blood pressure. (23) Perhaps the greatest cadmium exposure is caused by cigarettes. The "average" cigarette contains about 1.4 meg of cadmium with 30 percent entering the lungs and the remaining 70 percent entering the atmosphere. Perhaps it's no surprise considering the propensity for cadmium to congregate in the prostate gland that male smokers are at a much higher risk of developing prostate cancer than their non-smoking counterparts. (14/27) Symptoms of cadmium toxicity include O R D E R I N G

fatigue, hypertension, emphysema, yellowing of teeth, pains in back, legs and sternum, rheumatism and prostate cancer. (27) Other cadmium sources can include bleached flour, pottery, dental prosthetics, nickel-cadmium batteries, paints, solvents, rubber carpet backing, organ meats, plastics, rice and fertilizers. (30)

Iron Whilst most supplement manufacturers add iron to their multi-vitamins, it is so prevalent in day-to-day activity that, in the majority of cases it is rarely required as an additional supplement. (20) What should be better known is that iron overloads contribute to a number of health problems. For example, iron is a pro-oxidant as well as a "nutrient" for invading microbial and neoplastic cells. (20) Excessive iron in specific tissues and cells can promote development of infection, neoplasia, cardiomyopathy, arthropathy, and various endocrine and possibly even neurodegenerative disorders. (18) Furthermore, there is evidence that excessive body stores of iron correlate with the increased risk of cancer. (19)

Aluminium Despite aluminium being one of the most prevalent mineral's in the Earth, it would appear that our bodies have not developed a use for it. However, there are now more than 30 published articles that link excess levels of Aluminium in the brain to premature senility and loss of memory. (27) Aluminium toxicity can present the symptoms of aching muscles, rickets, osteoporosis, senile dementia (particularly Alzheimer's disease), hepatic dysfunction, gastric distress, Gl tract inflammation, flatulence, belching, and in children, hyperactivity. (27) Typical "everyday" sources of aluminium contamination include cooking utensils (including cutlery and pots and pans), baking powder (contains aluminium sulfate), antacids, deodorants and antiperspirants, cans and other food/ drink packaging containers, coal burning, milk products (from milking equipment), pesticides and food additives, to name but a few! (30) So now let us discover some of the key factors involved in reducing these heavy metal burdens:

EDTA EDTA or Ethylene diamine tetraacetic acid was invented in Germany in the mid 1930's as a substitute for citric acid and is FAX

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a synthetic amino acid related to vinegar. It is a potent and multi-chemical chelator. This means that it binds minerals to itself, in this case holding them tightly, then leaving the body with the mineral, primarily through the urine. Due to the structure of the molecule, it seems appropriate to consider it as a biologically active detoxifier. EDTA is one of, if not the prime chelator used today. It has a very strong affinity for removing lead. In fact a report by the Los Alamos Research Laboratory showed that oral EDTA excreted 5 to 10 times more lead out of children than placebo. EDTA has also been shown to remove iron, cadmium, aluminium and even mercury, along with other metals, such as nickel. (20) Usually EDTA is used in i.v. form at physicians' offices, but the work of Dr. Garry Gordon has shown that EDTA is efficacious when taken orally. He has over 507 published references to the fact that oral EDTA is safe and effective at his Gordon Research Institute website. (20) Dr. Gordon points out in his lectures that chelation is an ongoing continuous process, particularly when chelating bones can take on average 7 years or more to accomplish. Under such circumstances, i.v. chelation is simply not practical for such continuous long-term use. [Ed.- EDTA is now available in capsules as Essential Daily Defense ® (which is also contained in the sachets of Beyond Chelation Improved ®). EDTA is also available as "bath salts" in Beyond Clean ® and uniquely in chewing gum form as EZ Defense ® gum]. One caveat is that EDTA will bind and remove other minerals from the body, thus it is highly prudent to ensure that multivitamins/ minerals are also taken along with EDTA. (20) [Ed.- This is accomplished if you use Beyond Chelation Improved ® as this product contains a full spectrum of nutrition and oils etc]. However, it is clear that with continuous use in tens of thousands of patients, (many of whom have used EDTA for years), that EDTA is a safe therapy. Accordingly, more-and-more individuals and health professionals consider EDTA to be a long term "lifestyle" supplement. Obviously, dosages of any chelating substance, including EDTA are based upon need. However, in the case of low-level intoxication for an otherwise healthy person, a daily oral dose of 400 mg to 800 mg is fairly typical. (20)

Succinic acid (DMSA) Succinic acid or DMSA (Dimercptosuccinic acid) is noted as being one of the most potent chelators of both mercury (20) and cadmium. In fact, one study highlighted Succinic acid as being

garlic cart chelate heavy metals, particularly lead and mercury and has been shown to increase the fetal excretion of mercury by as much as 400%"

the most effective in leaving minimal residual levels of cadmium in the liver and the kidneys of animals. (28) In addition, Succinic acid also shows reasonable affinity for chelating lead and arsenic. (20) As one of the most potent chelators, oral Succinic acid is often utilised prior to an i.v. chelation therapy, but unless required for acute cases, is rarely used on a permanent basis. In the chat-groups on Dr. Gordon's website, (20) he himself states that he uses a product called Heavy Detox ® at 1-3 capsules nightly, (each capsule containing 65mg of Succinic acid) one month on, one month off.

Garlic The main "active" ingredient in garlic is allicin, which is the substance that gives garlic its distinctive smell. One recent aspect of allicin is that it is a very powerful anti-biotic, and along with oregano appears to be a "rare" herb, in that it doesn't allow anything to grow on it! To give one example of how potent it has proven to be, researchers from the University of East London used allicin in capsule and cream form to successfully treat even the most antibiotic-resistant strains of infections, such as MRSA. (26) It is also known that garlic can chelate 7

heavy metals, particularly lead and mercury and has been shown to increase the fetal excretion of mercury by as much as 400%. It also helps to protect blood cells against high levels of lead. (27) Providing the source of organic garlic is high in allicin content, a typical daily protective dose is in the region of 800 mg to 1600 mg. (20)

Therefore, the full benefits of vitamin C assisting the body in recovering from many serious problems are now achievable with 5 to 20 grams per day, when taken orally! For the first time, high ascorbate blood levels are being noted with orally ingested vitamin C, which previously was only achievable with injections. (20)



Selenium is a trace element that binds to mercury and effectively deactivates it. It is also a potent antioxidant and helps the body to assimilate and use vitamin E. (27) Furthermore, selenium helps to prevent protein mis-synthesis. Gerontologist Alex Comfort, in a 1970 paper, described the effects of Selenium; "like protecting a record by lubricating the needle to reduce scratching, that would otherwise render it unplayable." Selenium has shown itself to protect against hardening of arteries and is often used in "alternative" cancer therapies. (27) Typical daily dosages- to chelate mercury, are considered to be in the region of 100 meg to 300 meg. (20)

There are a number of other substances that have been proven to have varying degrees of affinity to chelate various metals. Briefly, these include Malic acid for aluminium and iron. DL-Methionine for lead and mercury, DMPS (Dimethylpropanyl sulfate) and Alphalipoic acid for mercury and L-carnosine for copper. (30)

Vitamin C Vitamin C holds the honor of probably having more published studies conducted on it than any other substance. Certainly it is clear from the work of scientists such as the late, great Linus Pauling, that vitamin C has the widest possible roles and uses within the body. Yet, it is the one vitamin that the body cannot store and adequate supplies are needed from the diet every day. In his excellent book; "Vitamin C, infectious diseases and toxins," (29) Dr. Thomas Levy highlights the studies that have shown vitamin C to have numerous chelation abilities in humans, including reduction of carbon monoxide, pesticides, arsenic, cadmium, chromium, chlorine, aluminium and fluoride. To work at its best, vitamin C doses should be taken as regularly as possible. For example, dosages of 1 to 3 grams three or four times daily. The problem has always been that larger doses of vitamin C when taken orally are problematic for some people, as they can cause diarrhoea and stomach cramps. Vitamin C injections are of limited use and they are neither convenient or cost effective for the majority of people. Recently, a unique version of vitamin C, containing L-ascorbate crystals with FASM, (Fully Attached Sodium Molecule) and buffered at a non-acidic, neutral pH has been produced. The brand name is Beyond C ® and it eliminates, (or greatly reduces) the usual intestinal distress that can occur in some persons taking large doses of vitamin C. 8

"all results can be improved by removing toxins and hence reducing the body's burdens"


Conclusion As is so often the case, and as Dr. Gordon has highlighted in his extensive research, the best approach is multi-faceted. In other words, a combination of different ingredients will work on multiple levels, and is preferable to massive doses of a single item. (20) There is much more to the body's burdens, and indeed the chelation substances mentioned above can do much more than just help to remove the heavy metals in question. In particular, their effects upon removing calcium/ reducing arthrosclerosis and "thinning" blood, or the research that shows they have significantly increased the longevity of animals. But those are subjects for future articles, when we will elaborate on the additional health benefits of a chelating/ detoxing program. Common sense should tell us that no matter what we are into for our health, or how deeply we are into it; whether the methods be lifestyle, diet, exercise, nutrition, hormone replacement, drugs, stem cells or any combination thereof, all results can be improved by removing toxins and hence reducing the body's burdens. We all do what we can to avoid toxins, but ultimately, none of us can completely avoid coming into contact with them. As heavy metals accumulate and deposit themselves in our membranes and bones, it behoves those of us who are interested in and motivated by our own self preservation, to do what we can through chelation to reduce these burdens. I believe that this kind of detox program should be widely prescribed in Antiaging Medicine.

developed by the world expert in chelation, Garry Gordon, M.D. [Ed.- please see interview with Dr. Gordon in this issue], I take 1 complete sachet of Beyond Chelation Improved © e a c h morning, 1 teaspoon of Beyond C ® 2 or 3 times a day, use a scoop of Beyond Clean ® in my bath, chew an E-Z Defence ® gum after major meals and occasionally ingest a capsule of Heavy Detox ®. To reduce estrogen levels, I use 1 or 2 capsules of DIM and I3C containing Pro-Brassica ® daily. I admit that I use a good number of additional products most days (for various reasons). As a researcher, I can't escape wanting to try different products and protocols, especially when I recognise my own symptoms in the text! But as I have been using Dr. Gordon's products mentioned above for the past 3 months, I have noticed a number of beneficial effects. I definitely feel that I have more physical energy (and people have commented to me on that), I'm sleeping better (which for me means less) and I've noticed that I can reduce the dosages of some of the specialist products I use, (such as Hydergine) and still maintain their effects. I even see that I am losing weight more easily. Are my cells responding and operating at a better/ more efficient level because I am chelating my toxins? I certainly like to think so! References

On a personal note

To read all the clinical references cited in this article please go to:

For me, my core chelation/detox program relies mostly upon a range of products /extract/bodyburdens.htm



9 risk factors predict most heart attacks

A major study was reported recently at the European Society of Cardiology in Munich, Germany. It matched 15,152 people suffering from their first myocardial infarction (Ml), to healthy people of the same age and sex, in an effort to spot differences in lifestyle that could predict potential heart attacks. The interesting results were as follows: • The leading factor that was most different between the healthy group and

the patients who had suffered a heart attack was raised lipid levels, in particu l a r t h e ratio of Apolipoprotein B to Apolipoprotein A1. Individuals with the highest ratios had 4-times the risk of an Ml. • Smoking was the second most important factor, with smokers having 3-times the risk of an Ml compared to non-smokers. • Diabetes also imposed a near 3-time risk of Ml. • Hypertension increased risk by 2.5 times. • Abdominal obesity and stress doubled Ml risk. • Other risk factors included low daily consumption of vegetables/ fruit, taking little regular exercise and excessive alcohol intake. The individual risk factors were also found to be multiplicative, so that a person suffering from ail of the above, is 100 times more likely to have a heart attack, as opposed to someone with none of the above! Professor Salim Yusuf from McMaster


University in Ontario, Canada stated; "The vast majority of heart attacks- nearly 90%can be predicted by these nine easily measurable factors."

Weekly fluconazole effective for thrush According to a recent US study reported in the New England Journal of Medicine (2004:351:876), recurrent vaginal candidiasis can be effectively managed using weekly doses of fluconazole. A total of 387 women, who were affected regularly by thrush, received either 150 mg of fluconazole a week, or a placebo. They were observed over 6-months and it was noted that the active treatment reduced the frequency of symptoms by 90%. Furthermore, at 6-months 128 of 141 patients receiving fluconazole remained free of any clinical recurrence, compared to just 51 of 142 patients receiving placebo.

the ultimate anti-oxidant Idebenone has been widely used to protect aging individuals from a wide variety of complaints, and it is one of the most potent anti-oxidants known, (400 times greater than vitamin E). It also acts as a cerebral stimulant and increases brain energy levels. Idebenone is a special variant of CoQ10, it has all the cardiovascular qualities of CoQ10, but it protects against oxidation to a far greater degree than CoQ10. • Idebenone protects under hypoxic conditions, a situation where CoQ10 can have the opposite effect. • Idebenone (unlike CoQ10) has been shown to increase Nerve Growth Factor, thereby showing it to have cognitive enhancement abilities. • Idebenone is a superb anti-oxidant for protecting the all important mitochondria, by both "mopping up" free radical activity and protecting the unique mitochondrial DNA. • In fact when organs are "harvested" for transplant to another patient, very often it is Idebenone that is used to protect it from damage. It is our belief that using Idebenone along with Beyond Chelation Improved (the optimal health dietary supplement program) and Beyond C (high potency enhanced vitamin C) will provide an unbeatable anti-oxidant regime.

BHRT not HRT for women By Jonathan Wright, M.D.

Jonathan Wright. M.D., is a world hormones, particularly in what'sl hormones, or natural hormones. world's most prescribed treatments, and often referred to as hormone replacement therapy or HRT. Although it is hard to believe, the majority of the estrogens (and progesterones) that are prescribed around the world today are actually derived from animals, particularly horses. Dr. Wright has pointed out these facts in his best selling book, "Natural hormone replacement therapy, don't let your doctor give you horse urine!" Accordingly, Dr. Wright has coined the phrase Bio-identical Hormone Replacement Therapy differentiate the new approach to hormone replacement opposed to the old (and still existing) methods. This ai examines some of the ideas,; dosages and me the use of BHRT for women. 10




"To stay healthy, observe and follow nature." Physicians and master healers have made this statement for literally thousands of years, in many languages and variations. It remains as true today. None of us has to be a rocket scientist; we simply have to mimic nature. For this reason, some question the basic concept of Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) during or after menopause, rightly pointing out that hormones naturally decline with age, although relatively abruptly at menopause for women. So how can it be "natural" to replace hormones at a time of life when they're naturally not there? The answer to this criticism is conditioned by the circumstances of the late 20th and the early 21st centuries, definitely not a "state of nature" time for the human race. To stay as "natural" as possible, we must work on it. In our era, being natural doesn't happen naturally!

So if a woman at menopause: • Had a mother who ate only whole, natural food with a full complement of nutrients during her pregnancies. > Had (herself) no in-utero exposures to chlorination, fluoridation, pesticides, herbicides, artificial colors, flavors or other artificial chemicals, or any artificially generated electromagnetic fields. > Was born without exposure to anesthetics. • Was nursed until at least one year of age with no other food intake until at least 10 to 12 months of age.

Fortunately, there are some women who, despite not having been able to live a perfectly natural lifestyle, are able to live into their 90's in good health, having used no hormone replacement. However, if you're not in the "all-natural" category or have one or more risk factors noted above, or wish to use hormone replacement for anti-aging purposes, then it's obviously best to use hormone replacement that duplicates what was naturally there before menopause.

The average woman's estrogen production is 90-7-3 In healthy, normally-cycling women under age 40 taking no medications, recent research at Meridian Valley Laboratories, (for whom I consult) has shown that 90% of serum, (the "clear" fraction of the bloodstream) estrogens are estriol, 7% are estradiol and 3% are estrone. (Of course these are "average" percentages- but the individual variations were not found to be wide). Noting that estrone is pro-carcinogenic (as is estradiol; estriol is generally considered to be anti-carcinogenic), some natural medicine practitioners recommend the use of a combination of estradiol and estriol only. (It's not clear why no one has yet recommended eliminating estradiol and using a combination of estrone and estriol only, since estradiol is likely to be more pro-carcinogenic than estrone). Following the "observe and follow nature" principle stated at the outset, my recommendation is still to use all three estrogens in their naturally occurring proportions. (Certainly if science can prove incontrovertibly that nature has been wrong, all along, I'll change my opinion!)

Estrogen timing > Grew up on that same whole, natural food diet, without any of the exposures noted above. > Got lots of sunshine and exercise while growing up. • Continued with the same diet, exercise, sunshine exposure, and none of the un-natural exposures noted above throughout the rest of her life. • And in addition, if that same woman has no family history of osteoporosis, heart attack or arteriosclerosis, Alzheimer's disease or senile dementia. Then she very likely doesn't need to think about hormone replacement therapy at the menopause! FAX

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It's also best to duplicate nature's timing of those hormones. Remember, the hormones are not just sent from the ovaries on this schedule, they are also received by specific "hormone receptors" on the same schedule. Although this fact may seem obvious and perhaps not worth mentioning, it's quite important to pay attention to the post menopause if we are using hormone replacement therapy. (For example, animal studies show that estriol is almost always anti-carcinogenic, except when it's given in very high doses, or when it's given every day without any pauses). If the hormone receptors have been conditioned for a woman's entire menstrual years to receive hormones of a specific type on a specific schedule, it's more likely that some sort of malfunction will occur, if either the type of hormone or the timing is persistently altered. In addition to types of hormones and their

"In our era, being natural doesn't happen naturally!" timing, correct quantities are equally important. On this point, there's a bit of a debate among natural medicine practitioners. Following another basic principle of "prescribe the least amount necessary to do the job," the majority of natural medicine practitioners currently recommend sufficient hormones to provide protection against osteoporosis, heart and blood vessel problems, senile dementia and Alzheimer's disease, but not enough to produce a monthly menstrual period. (These amounts usually result in "lownormal" serum or urine hormone levels). Most women prefer this approach, generally agreeing, (when asked) that they'd rather not have menstrual periods until age 96 or so. However, a few practitioners recommend larger quantities, enough to produce monthly menstrual bleeding. These practitioners argue that it's probably better to "flush" the uterus on a regular basis. One particular study, (Moyer DL, de Lignieres B, Driguez P, Pez JP. Prevention of endometrial hyperplasia by progesterone during long-term estradiol replacement: influence of bleeding pattern and secretory changes. Fertil Steril. 1993 May;59(5):992-7), set out to answer that question regarding bleedings for postmenopausal women seeking treatment for menopause. Perhaps unsurprisingly, they discovered that high doses of estrogen and progesterone lead to more frequent bleedings than lower doses. However, the study did conclude that there did not seem to be any additional benefits from large doses, plus noted that relatively low doses of progesterone do help to reduce the risk of bleeding.

Estrogen dosing I've prescribed true estrogen replacement during and after the menopause since 1982 using an older formula of 80% estriol, 10% estradiol, 10% estrone. Over the years, a 2.5mg total quantity of that formulation worked best for hundreds of women. Using the formula derived from the latest research (the "90-7-3" percentages noted previously), I'd presently recommend (for technical reasons) a somewhat higher starting quantity of total estrogens, 3.5mg daily, used on days 1 through 25 of each month, and not used on days 25 through 30 of each month. (Certainly, not all months are 30 long, and the majority of women did not have exactly 30-day menstrual cycles. One woman with whom I work takes her hormones according to 11


"my recommendation is still to use all three estrogens in their naturally ocurring proportions"



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Days of the menstrual cycle The various stages of estrogen and progesterone during the menstrual cycle the lunar calendar, which has 28-day months. However, most women find it simpler and more practical to work with the "regular" calendar. (See graph above) The last five days, one is allowing the estrogen receptors to "rest" as they have been accustomed to do.

Progesterone As explained in previous articles, progesterone is an important addition when undertaking estrogen therapy, and the late John Lee, M.D., highlighted many of the progesterone issues with his work and publications. A reasonable quantity of progesterone is 25mg to 30mg, used starting on days 10 to 15 and taken through day 25. The starting date is varied according to the timing of each woman's ovulation when she was cycling. If this timing isn't known, a starting date from day 10 to 15 is arbitrarily chosen. Once again, the last five days with no progesterone allow the progesterone receptors to have their accustomed "rest."

DHEA Since many women metabolize DHEA, (another valuable hormone to replace after ages 40 to 50) into testosterone, I usually delay considering testosterone replacement until tests are done to see if a woman's testosterone levels are raised by her supplemental DHEA. If they're not, a reasonable quantity of testosterone is 0.5mg daily, taken (and not taken) on the same days as the estrogens. DHEA is an adrenal hormone, secreted every day by our adrenal glands. Therefore, when replacing it, an every day schedule is also recommended. For women, 15mg daily is generally a reasonable quantity. Follow-up testing shows a need for up to 30mg for a minority of women. It's been my 12

observation that DHEA replacement therapy is essential to maintaining optimal immune function and reducing somewhat the risk of cancer. Testosterone replacement, either directly or metabolized from DHEA, is essential in enabling women to maintain good muscle mass, even when "elderly".

Conclusions Summarizing hormone timing in graphic form: A very few women need to increase estrogen quantities towards the 5mg to 10mg range to control hot flashes, irritability, insomnia and other symptoms of the menopause. These quantities are not as "scary" as they seem; 5mg of natural Estrogen combinations are roughly equivalent to 0.9mg to 1,25mg of horse urine estrogen such as Premarin速. If bleeding occurs with ANY starting quantity, the amount should be cut back. But if bleeding persists it is important to consult a doctor. Usually no problem is found, but rarely a pre-cancerous or even cancerous condition may exist. Paradoxically, too much of the estrogens can cause bleeding, but for some women, too little can cause bleeding too! (It can be confusing for doctors too...especially us male doctors!) All in all, it's best to check in with your doctor again for advice on what to do if bleeding happens while taking natural estrogens...unless of course you and your doctor are following the "enough hormones to have periods every month, indefinitely" theory. A small minority of women (5% or less), who start natural estrogens find that even the largest quantities don't relieve symptoms. Nearly all of these women have previously taken horse urine estrogen (Premarin速), or another synthetic form of estrogen and/or progesterone (such as Provera速). These "hormones" that are not identical-tonatural, somehow interfere with the ability


of some women's bodies to use the identical-to-natural hormones. For symptom relief, a few women "retreat" to using horse hormones orsynthetics again, unfortunately raising their risk of adverse effects in the process. Fortunately, most women in this situation can re-establish their bodies' ability to use identical-tonatural hormones by working with their doctors to improve liver function. Nearly all of these women are excessively metabolizing estrogens, a condition technically termed "hyperexcretion". Estrogen hyperexcretion can be corrected with physiologic quantities of cobalt, but this question is best left to a practitioner skilled and knowledgeable in BHRT. Fortunately, the overwhelming majority of women are able to use natural hormones from the outset without these complications. Please remember that no hormone replacement, horse-urine, synthetic, or natural is entirely risk-free, although identical-to-natural hormones are less likely to cause problems. When taking estrogens, there is an extremely small risk of depression and blood clots. To help cut down on even these extremely small risks, it's wisest to include B-complex vitamins, (the amounts found in a good "megavitamin multiple" are usually sufficient), vitamin E (400 IU of mixed tocopherols), a source of omega-3 fatty acids such as cod-liver oil or flax oil (1 tablespoon daily), and iodine (one or two kelp tablets daily). [Ed.- An excellent nutritional base for daily use is Beyond Chelation Improved, which contains all the above factors and more besides]. The types and quantities of supplements here are recommendations I make in routine circumstances. Your circumstances may vary, so please ensure you check with your own health care advisor. As always, when working with a subject as complicated as replacement hormones, it's best to work with a physician skilled and knowledgeable in their use. It's the intention of this article (and my hope) to provide a little further detail on the practicalities of natural hormone replacement for women.

References Adapted from "Natural Triple Estrogen and Progesterone for Women" by Jonathan Wright, M.D. To view other articles written by Dr. Wright, along with all clinical references, please go to: O R D E R I N G

Niacin offers protection against Alzheimer's Disease

Smokers die 10-years earlier than non-smokers

Fitness not fatness predicts heart disease!

Niacin (vitamin B3), may protect against Alzheimer's Disease (AD) and age related cognitive decline. According to the Journal of Neurology and Neurosurgical Psychiatry (2004;75:1093-99), after adjustments for age, gender, race, education and the ApoE gene, researchers found that those with the lowest intake of niacin, (an average of 12.6 mg/day) were 80% more likely to be diagnosed with AD than those whose intake was nearly double at 22.4 mg/day. The research was based on 3700 people aged 65 and older, and a group of 815 patients were monitored over a 3-year period. It was suggested by the researchers that Niacin may protect against AD because of its role in DNA synthesis, repair and neural signalling, as well as its antioxidant role in brain cells. [Ed.- Note that Xanthinol Nicotinate is the most potent form of Niacin currently available).

Cigarette smokers are likely to die, on average, 10-years before their nonsmoking counterparts. These findings are the result of a 50-year study on mortality and smoking, based on 34,000 males born between 1900 and 1930. The study also highlights that even stopping smoking after many years produces substantial health benefits, for example, smokers who stopped at ages 30, 40, 50 or 60 years, respectively gained around, 10, 9, 6 or 3 years of extra life expectancy. The authors, Sir Richard Doll, and Sir Richard Peto of the Radcliffe Infirmary, Oxford, England also noted the concerning trend of worldwide smoking patterns, whereby 30% of young adults have become smokers. They concluded that unless there is widespread cessation, it is estimated that there will be 1 Billion deaths attributable this century to smoking.

Another interesting study this period reported in JAMA (2004:292:1179-87), suggests that fitness is a better predictor of heart disease than fat levels, at least in women. The US research of 900 women suggested that body mass index and fat distribution were not so associated with the risk of cardiovascular disease, but rather it was their level of fitness that had more relevance! But, meantime another JAMA study (2004:292:1188-94), of 38,000 healthy women did suggest that body mass index predicted the development of diabetes better than physical activity! So this study at least did underscore the importance of body fat levels as a marker for determining the appearance of diabetes.


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Premature skin aging is strongly related to an impaired cellular energetic metabolism. This leads in turn to reduced DNA and wound repair capacity, followed by skin atrophy with low replication rate in all skin layers. On the other hand, inflammatory and proliferating skin conditions like acne and psoriasis are associated with decreased cyclic nucleotides, like cAMP in blood and epidermal cells. (1) With the knowledge of these facts, the correction of the cellular energetic metabolism, by means of energy generating compounds is a prerequisite for successful integrative treatment. Research conducted at the Spezialklinik in Neukirchen, Germany, has led to a new skin formulation, known as Energy 速 cream. It was originally used for clinical conditions like psoriasis, acne, seborrhoic eczema and burns. Psoriasis is a well-known inflammatory skin disease associated with erythema, development of scales, vesicles and an accelerated growth of the epidermis. Besides the genetic disposition, additional provocations include: Chemical or physical skin irritations, skin injuries, surgical interventions Negative climate changes, (damp and cold weather, sunburn) Long-term intake of drugs, (for example, beta-blockers, lithium salts, penicillin, sulfonamides, anti-malaria-drugs etc) Bacterial or mycotic infections of the skin, lungs or intestinal tract, as superantigen triggers Cytokine disbalance related to changes in the humoral and cellular immune function Consumption of specific foods and food supplements, increasing the skin irritation by IgE-mediated or p s e u d o a l l e l e reactions Toxins like pesticides, fertilizers, wood preservatives, solvents, cosmetic ingredients or heavy metals from dental alloys, triggering the keratocyte proliferation via activated Tlymphocytes An impaired energetic metabolism associated with low concentrations of energy rich compounds (ATP) and cyclic nucleotides (cAMP), related to the increased epidermal proliferation rate Adisbalanced purine, protein and polyunsaturated fat metabolism A decreased antitoxic function of liver and blood cells Neurohormonal disturbances expressed by significant variations of catecholamines and suppression of P-adrenoreceptors Significantly increased free radical levels in whole blood and deviations of the plasma and serum redox potentials Negative psychogenic factors like conflict situations, examination anxiety, loss of job, accidents, operations, divorce, death of relatives etc All of the above can be responsible for the outbreak of psoriasis. (2) German doctors noticed in the late 80's that psoriatic skin lesions significantly responded to supplementation with energy generating compounds like ATP, ADP, 14



AMP as well as coenzymes of the energetic metabolism like nicotinamide, NAD and NADP. As the Energy ® cream with its pure biologicalingredients, boosts the cell activity and stimulates the energy metabolism by its ATP precursors (nicotinamide and AMP), it has proven to be very useful in the therapeutic and post-therapeutic skin care of psoriasis patients, by eliminating erythem and normalizing the cell replication rate. (3) Another study was undertaken involving with 20 psoriasis patients in the Dermatology Clinic of the Bucharest Military Hospital. The research suggested that Energy ® cream is effective in the maintenance therapy of psoriasis, especially following phototherapy, when xerodermia and pruritus appeared. (4) Inflammatory acne skin conditions are also characterized by a decreased local cellular immune response and low epidermal ATP-levels. In a previous study, 42 acne patients, (19 with slight and 23 with medium forms) used Energy ® cream for 30 days applied twice daily, (morning and evening, after cleaning the face with cold water). During the treatment patients were advised to avoid spices, food prepared in hot oil, alcohol and smoking. Before being used on face and neck, the irritative and allergic tolerance of the Energy ® cream was first tested on the forearm skin and was well accepted by all patients. All 19 patients with slight forms of acne reported a significant decrease in the number of comedones and papulo-pustulas. In the 23 cases with medium forms of acne, the results were evaluated as being favourable, and a definite suppression of sebum secretion was registered. In 8 out of 42 patients, a biological peeling was noticed, which disappeared after 12 to 14 days of treatment. All patients showed a decrease of the skin erythem and inflammation around the acne pustules after 3 weeks of administration. The scar avoidance and the skin smoothing effect of the cream was also greatly appreciated. (5) When using the Energy ® cream, scientists at the Spezialklinik Neukirchen, also noticed that successfully treated psoriatic areas of the scalp and forehead skin, demonstrated a significant improvement in skin structure and wrinkles. 33 different test formulations were required to improve the original psoriatic cream to a market conforming cosmetic mixture for rapid skin regeneration with prominent anti-aging effects. We know today, that the intrinsic (genetically determined) and the extrinsic (UV- and toxic exposure mediated), aging processes are overlapped and strongly related to an increased generation of free radicals, (activated oxygen species) in the skin. This leads in turn to accelerated collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid degradation, associated with decreased water retention, diminished antioxidant capacity, disrupted cellular structures, low energetic metabolism, sagging and wrinkled skin. Biomarkers of intrinsic skin aging include hyaluronic acid depolymerisation, the reduced melanogenesis and estrogen dependent collagen synthesis, the lowered ATP generation and wound repair capabilities, the impaired antioxidant FAX

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defence and increased lipofuscin generation, (age spots). In accord with the identified aging biomarkers, specific therapies to minimize the intrinsic and the extrinsic skin aging processes were proposed. Besides "classic approaches" for intrinsic aging including topical hyaluronate, estrogens and vitamin C substitution, new interventions addressing the low energetic metabolism and melanin synthesis, (such as energy creams with ATP precursors etc.), were required. (6) With its optimal combination of essential oils and amino acids, having a restorative effect on cell structures, as well as natural moisturizing and energetic factors with their smoothing and activating effect, the Energy ® cream is absorbed immediately into the skin, and does not leave a greasy feeling when applied. It protects the skin and activates the cells with its micro-molecular components and energy generating ingredients. Of special interest is the melanin promoting effect of phenylalanine, which leads to a rapid tanning process, with solar protection. The hypoallergenic cream is free of preservatives, colors and fragrances and therefore suitable for sensitive or allergic skin. The result is healthy, fresh looking skin. In this respect, the Energy ® cream is a unique skin care product, which clearly reduces daily skin problems induced by:

After three weeks of regular use, the skin takes on a fresher, healthier look, impurities are eliminated and wrinkles are diminishing

increases the microcirculation of the skin surface, the production of melanin and stimulates the energy metabolism by its ATP-precursors. Energy ® cream has an outstanding restorative, stabilizing and skin smoothing effect. It calms irritated skin which is prone to inflamm tion, and improves the restoration of the epidermis with its soft peeling effect. Used twice a day, it eliminates impure spots, comedones and oily acne skin, offering a natural moisture and velvety softness. The multiple indications for this special product therefore recommend it as a "universal aid" cream, as many German, Swiss and Asian patients have already reported. impressive results with Energy cream:

The aging process Environmental pollutants Lack of moisture Stress Nicotine Alcohol Imbalanced nutrition Insufficient sleep and exercise Long exposure to the sun or to cold Energy ® cream is therefore recommended: For women and men of all ages and all skin types As an ideal beauty product for sensitive, flaky, dry, fatty or acned skin For all over permanent care (face, neck, throat and hands) For damaged skin, e.g. burns, cuts etc., (it accelerates the wound repair process) For immediate itching relief after mosquito bites After sports, bathing and after sun exposure For protection against pollution and cold As a man's after-shave For long term post therapy skin care in chronic dermatological conditions as eczema, psoriasis or acne When applied, the energy transfer reaction is registered as a warm sensation associated with a rosy, shiny skin colour. This is not an allergic or incompatibility reaction and subsides after 20-30 minutes. After three weeks of regular use, the skin takes on a fresher, healthier look, impurities are eliminated and wrinkles are diminishing. Energy ® cream, with its pure biological ingredients, boosts the cell activity and the growth of young cells. It

To view full clinical references for this article please go to: 15


Antiaging Magazine discusses , & with Dr. Garry Gordon

Ti Garry Gordon MD, DO, MD (H), Dr Gordon received his DO in 1958, an honorary MD degree in 1962 and completed Radiology in 1964. He was also, for many years, Medical Director of Mineral Lab. Today, Dr. Gordon is on the Board of Homeopathic Medical Examiners, co-founder of the American College for Advancement in Medicine, President of the International College of Advanced Longevity and a Board Member of the International Oxidative Medicine Association. As a world-renowned expert in chelation therapy, Dr. Gordon is behind many publications, including The Chelation Answer. He is advisor to the American Board of Chelation Therapy, and examiner for all chelation physicians, being responsible for Peer Reviewed Chelation Therapy in Arizona.

AAM: Dr. Gordon, thank you for speaking to us today about the need for chelation in our modern world; and for offering to give a little background about yourself, your credentials, and why you are described as the father of chelation. Dr. Gordon: I am considered by many to be the father of chelation therapy. This is because I wasted thirty years of my life with extremely poor health and had disabling angina by age 29, forcing me to close my medical practice and go into radiology because I was too sick to stand. I had by that time, studied at the Chicago College of Osteopathy and received my D.O. degree. Then in 1964,1 studied radiology for a year at Mt. Zion Hospital in San Francisco. After one year at Mt. Zion, I became totally disillusioned with mainstream medicine's ability to deal with heart disease. They were at that time doing a surgery called Vineburg procedure, and this was absolutely leading to the death of a tremendously high percentage of patients, all of whom had the same symptoms I had. I was not ready to die! Furthermore, the benefits of the operation were later proven to be entirely non-existent. Therefore, I have spent my formative years studying chelation in great depth, because after approximately the 8th intravenous feeding of this remarkable compound called EDTA, I was suddenly able to leap over tall buildings in a single bound.' I knew immediately this was a therapy that deserved a lot of attention. There was no remaining possibility to patent anything, so it had to be studied by physicians. Therefore, I

Interview by Phil Micans 16



took it on myself to bring some of my close

better with the COO groups; namely, the carboxyl

colleagues together, and we formed what is now

groups. This is why in the Essential Daily Defense

called; The American College for Advancement in

® oral chelation, we have both SH groups coming

Medicine. I have trained thousands of physicians

from garlic, and we have special affinity to

around the world and collectively, it is now

excessive levels of iron and/or aluminum with

£ £ taking a chelating agent such as EDTA and garlic, and even Vitamin C, as well as Malic acid, etc, on a daily basis is going to have documentable benefits on slowing our aging process J J

estimated that these physicians have treated over

Malic Acid, while we are using the EDTA to get at

10,000,000 patients successfully, with no deaths

the lead and for its beneficial induction of

directly attributable to the therapy. In subsequent

heparin-like activity from the sulfated polysaccha-

years, I received an Honorary M.D. degree in the

ride coming from the red algae, which is also a

State of California from what is now called the

component in this oral chelator called Essential

oral chelating agents are also some of the

University of California at Irvine. Later, I moved to

Daily Defense ®. This is the business chelation

strongest antioxidants known to man. In fact, this

Arizona because of the tremendous medical

end of the oral chelation that I have spent the last

is why governments approved the addition of

freedom offered there and having been interested

17 years researching, improving and working on.

these agents like EDTA to our food supply. This is

in all forms of alternative therapy for over thirty years, I was pleased to obtain my homeopathic medical license in Arizona. I have subsequently been invited to serve on the Board of Homeopathic Medicine in Arizona and I am now starting my 3rd term having successfully concluded two 3-year terms in that capacity. I have served during those years as Chairman of the Peer Review Committee for Chelation Therapy in Arizona. I think the reason I am called the father of chelation is because, since chelation had such a profoundly beneficial effect on my own health, I wanted to find out how it worked. Furthermore, since we have helped approximately 10 million patients who have followed the protocol that I initially wrote and subsequently adopted by what is now ACAM, I have had to remain abreast of all developments in the area of metal binding in medicine. Many of the benefits of chelation are because it eliminates the burden of toxic heavy metals- which are proven to be excessively present in every human we test on earth today. As a result of this new understanding, we have now changed the name of the Board that I initially formed to train and certify physicians wishing to specialize in this exciting and very helpful new field of medicine. The American Board of Chelation Therapy has now become; The American Board of Clinical Metal Toxicology.

Can you explain for us, the principles behind chelation? Dr. Gordon: "We now recognize there are

components of toxic metals - such as lead, mercury, arsenic, cadmium, antimony, tin, etc. - in virtually every illness. Even patients whose illnesses are believed to be primarily genetic, will nonetheless be improved when we lower their total body burden of toxic metals- metals that are elevated in our bones and tissues because of excessive pollution on earth. The principle behind chelation is simply that of binding metals- the word chelation came from the Greek word 'chele' which means claw, as in a lobster claw. The idea being that when the chelating or metal binding agent is introduced into the body, it would have a particular attraction or affinity to those toxic metals that otherwise may remain trapped in your body for years and possibly most of your life. The principle then, is that an exchange of electrons occurs between the electrons in the outer orbit of the metal binding agent and the electrons in the target metal to be removed. No one chelating agent can remove all toxic metals from our body. There are different chelating agents that may have better affinity for mercury; i.e., those that contain SH groups. The lead chelators seem to do


O R D E R I N G +44 (0)208 I 8 I 6106

I suppose the obvious next question would be- is chelation only a matter for those who have been poisoned by heavy metals?

because by the gentle binding of transition and other metals, we are preventing their normal catalytic action on free radicals. In other words, we all have free radical activity going on in our

Doctors are most comfortable using chelation for

body at all times, but the free metals make those

patients who have clearly documented increased

free radical reactions markedly accelerated. Thus,

body burden of heavy metals. Technically, my

taking a chelating agent such as EDTA and garlic,

research has been corroborated now by the; New

and even Vitamin C, as well as Malic acid, etc, on

England Journal of Medicine which concluded in

a daily basis is going to have documentable

May of 2003, based on research on I.Q. in

benefits on slowing our aging process. Further-

children, that there is no safe level of lead.

more, by lowering inflammation, we are going to

Because the average bone today carries nearly

have less neurodegenerative diseases such as

1,000 times more lead than any bones in any

Alzheimer's and Parkinson's, et cetera.

dump site. For example, all the mercury in the

I think most realise that the modern world exposes us to the effects of industrialization, freeway smog, pollution of air and water. Is there one specific heavy metal that stands out as being a major contributor to poor health?

mother's body from an excessive number of

We now know that all of these toxic metals have

people on earth a short four hundred years ago, it is my professional opinion that people would have improved health if they received chelation therapy regularly, even while they are en-utero. Why en-utero? Because unfortunately, rapidly growing tissues are seen by the body as a waste basket or

fillings in her teeth, to the consumption of fish she might eat, would be attracted to the foetus, and yet we all need fish, or children would have an essential fatty acid deficiency unless they were taking Omega 3 supplements. We must realize that at all ages, everyone will have improved levels of health, if we do something about keeping our body's burden of these toxic metals lower, despite the continued contribution from our water, food, and air. It is now recognized by Archives of Internal Medicine, an official journal of the AMA, in 2002 in an article entitled; All Cause Morbidity that mortality is lowered by lowering blood lead. This is the key then to anyone interested in the anti-aging implications of chelating or metal agents. They have done our research for us. They state 'morbidity and mortality is going to be lower, the lower you can keep your blood lead levels throughout your entire lifetime.' Thus, en-utero is a good time to start chelation and never stop it until you take your last breath. The reason I say this is because the moment you stop chelating, the heavy level of lead in the dust, air, food, and water will be greater than what you require in your bones and tissues. Therefore, you need to be excreting and removing more of the toxic metals than are coming into your body. Since longevity is increasing, it becomes extremely important to understand that chelation is necessary for those of us who want to be alive at 80 or 90, especially if we want to retain our mental faculties. There is so much research now, documenting that inflammation is a part of all of the neurodegenerative diseases, cancer, and heart disease. Most people have no appreciation of the fact that the

synergistic effects that become exponential in their toxicity. In other words, some research indicates that lead can make mercury, under certain circumstances, 100 times more toxic to our body. Therefore, when people are concerned about rare metal toxicity issues, I always explain to them they can never go wrong taking the simple oral chelation product called Essential Daily Defense ®. By getting rid of the lead, mercury, and elevated levels of cadmium, as well as antimony, tin, arsenic, etc, that these chelating agents can help deal with, all toxicity from all metals is greatly reduced. What is so important to realize about chelation is the fact that your bones are gradually replaced. If you're a child, it may take 7 years to totally replace all of the nutrients that have lead to the production of your bone, and if you're older, it could take 15 years or more. This means that if your doctor only treats you for a month or two and you feel remarkably improved, your memory has come back, your energy level is up, and your angina is gone, he should never stop treating you! This is because the bones are turning over so slowly that they will have only reduced maybe a couple percentage of their total lead content which is, I repeat, an average of 1,000 times higher in every human being we have tested from any part of the planet. This means that the high level of lead is what is contributing to your death when you have an accident and are in the hospital unable to move. If you cannot move, bones tend to go into negative balance and release the lead, as they do in women going through the 'change-of- life.' This is now recognized to be a major contributor to the 17

lead is having an adverse affect on how healthy we are, how much enegy we have, how long we live, and what illness is that we finally succumb to

tissues, than non-smokers. However, it is

salads because there is so much lead in their soil.

impossible to appreciate or believe that we put so

Selenium is in all cases a major protector and we

many tons of mercury into the air each year

have increased the level to 300 micrograms if you

because of the burning of coal for power. All

take the full six a day of the Beyond Any Multiple

things in the ocean are loaded and plankton is

® [Ed.- Contained in the Beyond Chelation

eaten by smaller fish which are, in turn, eaten by

Improved ®]. For a short time, patients who have

bigger fish until finally we get to the disaster story

known health problems can benefit from

of tuna that is now so unhealthy to eat, that we

significantly higher levels, if their selenium intake

have to warn pregnant mothers never to touch it.

is monitored by a knowledgeable physician, so

What is surprising is that the Environmental

that once the body's stores of selenium are at an

through the change-of-life. It is lead. It is also this

Protection Agency in the United States actually

optimal level, you don't go into selenium excess

same lead that is responsible for these so-called

reported that 600,000 newborn children each

or toxicity. The Dimethyl Succinic Acid is an

patients dying after an injury from what they call

year, when blood-tested, show elevated levels of

amazing program and we have added Glucurolac-

septic shock, infection, or pneumonia. After all,

mercury when they are born. This is setting the

tone for its assistance to our detoxification. We

few people will admit that while in the hospital

stage for the epidemic of neuro behavioral

really like and insist on having several forms of

unable to move, the lead in a patient's bones is

problems we're seeing in these children. In

selenium in our protection programs; all of which

being released into his/her systemic circulation

America, 1 out of 4 children has some neurologi-

are contained in our product called Heavy Detox

and going into the tissues, including the immune

cal or psychological diagnosis from

system which is no longer able to handle

obsessive/compulsive behavior, to depression, to

is not possible for Essential Daily Defense ® [Ed.note this is also contained in Beyond Chelation

increasing blood pressure in women going

We all have so much heavy metal today that it

infections. These patients are assumed to have

increased aggression, to learning disorders, or

died because of an infection when, in fact, if they

ADD/ADHD. I have concluded that it is too late for

Improved ®] to get all of us into the optimal state

had been on long-term chelation therapy, they

any of the ecological movements to really save

we should be in without adults taking 1 capsule

could have sustained an extended period of

us. We have already polluted our nest. Therefore,

per 50 pounds of body weight for one month, then

immobilization of a week or a month, without the

I have focused on saving my patients and the

1 capsule per 75 to one 100 pounds of body

danger of the doctor not recognizing, that toxic

patients of the doctors with whom I work and train.

weight for an additional month, and then 1

dangerous levels of lead, could start poisoning

For that reason, we entirely support everyone

capsule for two-to-three months per one 150

your kidneys, brain, heart and blood vessels at

seeking out a doctor knowledgeable in clinical

pounds. So Heavy Detox ® provides selenocyste-

any time bones are not staying in positive

metal toxicology. The average person tested in

ine, a very unique form of selenium with a high

balance. We know that all the tissues of the body

America who receives the provocative test of a 5

affinity to mercury; whereas the Beyond Any

are showing too much lead; in fact, to do a

to 10 minute injection of the same EDTA that we

Multiple ® has the two forms of selenium,

lead-free experiment is more expensive than it is

have in the oral tablets, will see an increase of

selenium amino acid complex and selenium

to do a germ-free experiment. This is because a

excretion in their urine averaging 147 times more

selenite. However, because we are so toxic, I

single flake of dead skin which is the major cause

lead than was seen before we gave them the

recommend that my patients, looking for a real

of dust in your house, is so loaded with lead, it

chelating agent. Children with nothing but the oral

change in their overall energy and health, take

would wreck any lead free type of experiment that

program will see a 5 to 10 fold increase above

Alpha Lipoic Acid, 100 to 200 milligrams once or

we might wish to do. Therefore, since our body is

baseline. It is these increases in what we call

twice a day and the value of this is enhanced by

always loaded with lead, it is our job to recognize

'provoked' specimens of urine, which means we

having 70 micrograms of Seleno Methione, as

that lead is having an adverse affect on how

have helped the body remove some of its burden

well as some Silymarin to support liver during

healthy we are, how much energy we have, how

of toxic metals by adding an oral or intravenous

detoxification. The ALA is particularly important for

long we live, and what the illness is that we finally

chelating or metal binding agent, so that the body

patients having a history of liver problems or

succumb to. That is the total morbidity and

is finally able to get rid of some of these toxic

diabetic issues.

mortality that the archives in Internal Medicine in

metals. It is these provoked specimens that permit

2002 addressed. What is interesting and not

doctors to become more knowledgeable about the

widely appreciated, however, is that we do know a

extent of your individual degree of toxicity. Suffice

lot of research is going on about growth hormone.

to say, without doing any tests, we have yet to find

This is because the pituitary is a unique tissue in

a person who we have ever checked, who had

our body that happens to concentrate a great deal

anything like ideal levels of blood or urine lead,

We often receive questions regarding the validity

of lead and other toxic metals in it. Therefore, we

mercury, cadmium, et cetera. All of us fail these

of oral chelation. For that reason, I have put 500

are losing the ability of our pituitary to make and

tests when they are correctly and accurately done

references on my website to show that

release our own growth hormone. Therefore,

by reputable and reliable laboratories specializing

mainstream industrial physicians throughout the

individuals who have been lucky enough to be on

in this complex and expensive laboratory

world from every country have published, for

adequate, broad-spectrum metal-binding agents,

procedure; expensive for the laboratory in that

almost 40 plus years now, the favorable results in

There are hundreds of physicians the world over who are offering chelation by intravenous therapy, but is i.v. the only way of administering chelation?

such as Essential Daily Defense ® that will deal

good equipment can cost $500,000 and

every single case. There has been nothing but

with lead, mercury, cadmium, arsenic, etc, will

laboratories specializing in this need several of

positive documentation with, again I repeat, over

have better levels of growth hormone on testing,

these devices.

than people who have not been treated.

I understand though, that lead is only one factor, and that cadmium, mercury, aluminium and arsenic are all additional toxins that accumulate from everyday exposure to air, food and water etc. Would you like to comment on these types of heavy metals and others?

500 individual references. Any doctors stating that they don't believe in oral, may have a vested

So the $64,000 question is how can we help to remove these toxins from our system?

respect need, and send my patients who can afford it to receive the benefits of parenterally

We all need to be on garlic, we all need 4 molecules of a vinegar called Tetra Acidic Acidwhich is the end two initials of the EDTA, that is Ethylene Diamine Tetra Acidic Acid. Garlic is an incredible agent and we all need to be on a high-quality organic garlic because, after all, since

When we talk about other heavy metals, it is really

garlic is such a chelator, but you cannot use it

sad to realize that most smokers' pets die of

from most garden locations on the planet-

cancer. This is because the cigarette is a major

because we are all today finding too much lead in

contributor to increased cadmium levels and

our soil. In fact, even Italy is afraid that their

smokers have four times more cadmium in their

balsamic vinegar is not going to be safe to use on


interest in trying to provide their services. I


£ f

In America, 1 out of 4 children has some neurological or psychological diagnosis from obsessive/compulsive behavior, to depression, to increased aggression, to learning disorders, or ADD/ADHD




administered agents because it is true, oral is not

of hope for many patients who may have been ill

going to work as fast. But, since it is a lifetime

for many years. The foundation to everything that

problem, it isn't essential for every patient to work

I do for every patient, is to acknowledge that we

fast unless they are already in trouble. In such

need a good multiple vitamin/mineral for every

cases, working fast is important and, combining

man, woman, and child; but, unless you are

both therapies becomes very beneficial when

specifically known to have iron deficiency, or are

patients already have significant cardiovascular

regularly having menstrual periods, I do not put

disease or early neurological impairment, etc.

iron in the product. So, the Beyond Chelation

Your range of nutritional products called Longevity Plus, have a strong accent on chelation. Can you tell us something about them, and how important quality was to your protocols?

We often receive questions regarding the validity of oral chelation. For that reason, I have put 500 references on my website

Improved ® is the foundation upon which I build all of my programs for health improvement and life extension. Once a patient is on this simple packet of nine differing pills, (which for an average 160 pound person is taken morning and night), the next issue will be what else can we provably add

I have practiced now since I graduated in 1958,

to the program that is going to have a clear-cut

for approximately 46 years. I became involved in

benefit that the patient will feel and see? That is

chelated minerals in 1965 and have made

why Beyond C ® becomes the next item that we

chelation a major interest of mine since that time.

utilize for virtually every one of my patients.

Because I was the Director of one of the largest

However, Beyond C ® is not simply a product that

laboratories in the world doing trace element

contains Vitamin C. This is a comprehensive

studies on blood, urine and hair, I soon

product to deal with the end result of the toxic

recognized that doctors needed reliable products

metals we have been addressing. Defective

they could use that would improve the deficien-

metabolism in our body is a particular thing called

cies of nutrients that we found in the patients we

methylation. When we have defective methylation,

tested in my offices in Tokyo, Amsterdam, Boston

we cannot adequately repair our body tissues.

and San Francisco, and the data collected from

But, with the Vitamin C we first had to solve the

thousands of patients tested around the world, as

problem of making high doses of Vitamin C

well as thousands of my own patients. To be

tolerable without causing gastrointestinal upset,

honest, when I first designed these products, it

gas or diarrhea, for those who wish to emulate the

was to maintain my own health, having already

suggestion of Dr. Linus Pauling and take 16 to 20

wasted almost 30 years of my life with ill health!

grams every day (i.e. four-to-five teaspoons daily).

So I designed these products to be sure that I

In addition to getting a well-tolerated 'C' that

could enjoy a high level of health and be a beacon

would maintain high levels in our blood for a long

time to give us protection against injuries, toxicity and infections, it also has to deal with the next result of our chronic heavy metal and toxic environment that we live in; i.e., defective methylation. This means that this product also has in it; Trimethyl Glycine and Methyl Sulfanomethane. In an effort to make all of this work even better, we have introduced Ribose into the Beyond C ® in a patented form known as 'EnRGy' and the results have been spectacular because the Ribose makes it convenient for patients to have incredible increases in energy, as well as enhanced efficiency of intracellular nutrient delivery. Everyone athlete knows something about Ribose, but we now know that it dramatically improve hearts; in fact, so much so, that congestive heart failure patients lucky enough to be given Ribose have a fraction of the rehospitalization rate of patients not receiving Ribose. We have in Beyond C ® the Ribose and also Bioperine, (which comes from Errovetic Medicine). It is also called Piperine am Longum and the important thing about it, is that it enhances nutrient uptake and this is what it is

w\W \


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all about.

them, so I have many of my patients electively

We also have people taking this powerful, multiple

treat themselves. After all, we worm our dogs and

called Beyond Any Multiple ® that's part of the

horses, and most people are aware that we live in

foundation of my health promoting program called

a timeframe, in which most of us will have

Beyond Chelation Improved ®, but we all need to

parasites at various times in our lifetime. So it is

get the maximum utilization of these nutrients.

smart to utilize Artemisinin. We are very pleased

The real magic that causes people within days to

to be able to provide this because it is in short

say they feel better and have far more energy, is

supply, and yet the only answer for thousands of

not just because I've put everything into these

people with malaria around the world. Artemisinin

supplements including Resveratrol, Tocotrienols,

has the ability, (having once been called

Lipoic Acid, Beta Glucan, and Vitamin K2, indeed

Wormwood), to help our bodies irradicate certain

substances never before seen in a multiple, but because of the oral chelation called Essential Daily Defense,

together with three of the

Beyond Any Multiple ® and one capsule of Phosphatidyl Serine with Ginkgo Biloba. All of these are contained within the convenient and simple-to-use, Beyond Chelation Improved ®. In short, quality, strength and synergy are very important factors in my product range. I worry about the sources of the raw materials, and check ingredients for pollutants. At the end of the day, my reputation rides on the back of the results that people can achieve with the formulas, so they have to be the best available.

parasites that are unhealthy for our intestine. Additionally, dramatic research is being done at Harvard and University of Washington Medical School, which demonstrates its ability to treat most forms of cancer, from breast and lung cancer to prostate cancer, etc. Since all of us know about the benefits of Omega 3 (which is also contained in the Beyond Chelation Improved ®) it should also be taken. Personally, I've never heard of a fatal heart attack or stroke, in anyone taking the nine Beyond Chelation Improved ® pills morning and night. If we're going to live long and well, then we need

What do you recommend as a core chelation program for the average person?

to be concerned about the probability that we

Everyone starts on the Beyond Chelation

therefore, lowering cancer probability, we could

Improved ® (BCI) but since it's like giving you jet

further improve our intestinal health and at the

fuel when you've been running on kerosene, I

same time reap the benefit of a very well studied

could develop cancer over our lifetime. In addition to taking Beyond C ® which is very beneficial in lowering the level of toxins in our tissues and,

£ £ In short, quality, strength and synergy are very important factors in my product range. I worry about the sources of the raw materials, and check ingredients for pollutants. At the end of the day, my reputation rides on the back of the results that people can achieve with the formulas, so they have to be the best available. JJ

don't recommend people start with full doses.

and exciting anti-cancer remedy - to lower our

Instead, take half the sachet of BCI in the morning

total body burden of cancer cells.

pharmaceutical extraction process, because

and the other half by three in the afternoon. For

I recommend taking Artemisinin regularly, at 100

nothing on the earth today is free of dioxins,

some people, taking all of it at bedtime may

mg. per 20 pounds of body weight in divided

PCBs, mercury, etc. We have concluded that

increase energy making it a little difficult to sleep

doses morning and night; i.e., a 200 pound patient

even the water in your shower is not safe, so we

would be taking 10 capsules in total, 5 capsules in

now have all of our patients when possible, if they

initially, until the body becomes accustomed to running on the fuel it should have been having. The same regime can be followed with Beyond C ®. Start with half full-dose morning and night. Beyond Clean doesn't have to be used every single day initially, but you will eventually feel so much better, you will want to add a full measure full to your bath. It is perfectly fine to have more than one person in the home share this bath, since it will be the softest water and it will not lose its ability to continue cleaning more than one person in the home.

It seems logical to assume that any anti-aging program be it based on nutrition, hormones, drugs or a combination thereof, will be aided by eliminating and constantly reducing the environmental toxins from our bodies. In other words, removing toxins enables our cells to communicate more effectively and efficiently. Are there any other specific items you'd like to mention? We all worry about parasites, and we can all have

i C congestive heart failure patients lucky enough to be given Ribose have a fraction of the rehospitalization rate of patients not receiving Ribose 20

the morning and 5 at night. As many people are

have a bathtub, add Beyond Clean ®. This way,

afraid of infections, we have a special infection

we can eliminate any concerns you have about

program that is based on the unique form of garlic

toxic metals that might be in your municipal water

that works better than virtually any known

supply, and at the same time helping to lower the

anti-viral or anti-bacterial, while at the same time

level of toxic metals in your skin, which is your

supporting your own immune system so that you

major organ of excretion. The wonderful side

can handle infections far more efficiently yourself.

effect is that skin seems to age much more slowly

This unique product, known as lmmuni-T3 ® also

and, in fact, those who have been doing it daily for

has the ability to get rid of small problems in the

6 months to a 1 year tell us that many of the age

intestinal track such as Giardia and Blastocystis.

spots they were seeing on their skin are fading

The dose for this would be one capsule per 25

and clearly being reduced, which is wonderful

pounds of body weight and that can be taken in

because as you get older, it is very nice to not

divided doses, a 200 pound person taking 8 pills

have older skin!

four-to-six months, depending on the need to

It would appear that chelation is something everyone should be conscious of and applying to their daily routine in order to achieve optimal health.

improve your overall bowel health. For those


patients who have compromised immunity and

This is obviously a complex subject with many implications for health, and yet completely overlooked by mainstream medicine.

would take 4 in the morning and 4 at night. Both of those programs can be taken concurrently; i.e., the Artemisinin and the lmmuni-T3 and they can be taken for periods of two weeks every

already have issues with recurring infections, or even have had a history of cancer or have it now, the long-term administration of lmmuni-T3, again 1 capsule per 25 pounds of body weight for a

It is, but the studies are mounting everyday, and

treatment level, with a maintenance dose being 1

even the very well respected Journals are slowly

capsule per 35 to 50 of body weight in divided

but surely coming around to publishing informa-

doses and this may be taken continuously year-in,

tion pertinent to chelation. I publish all such


references at my website:

We know you cannot grow the garlic for our

products near a freeway. Similarly, we get our

life work being acknowledged.

It's good to see one's

Dr. Gordon, thank you very much for your time. •

Omega 3 from clean fish in remote parts of the world, although we still have to put it through a



Send your questions, letters & comments to: Editor, Antiaging Magazine, IAS House, Les Autelets, Sark, GY9 OSF, Great Britain or via e-mail:

L E T T E R OF T H E M O N T H I used Can-C for 4-months with amazing results. My vision in my left eye improved from 20/40 to 20/25, and upon renewal of my driving license, the eye glass restriction was eliminated. With less glare and near perfect vision I now drive in the evenings and early morning without glasses, much as I did in my youth 30 years ago! Since birth, my right eye could only identify the big "E" on the eye chart. After 4 months of Can-C treatment, I can now read the third line on the eye chart! Truly amazing to be nearly blind in my right eye for 60-years and now regain some sight! Dr. Richard Lippman, Emerging Health Technologies, Honolulu, Hawaii. Dear Dr. Lippman, thank you very much for this most encouraging testimonial. Normally, we don't repeat testimonials in the magazine, (although people can always find them at the website), but we were so impressed by yours that we felt we had to repeat it here. We have received a great deal of encouraging reports about the continuing efficacy of Can-C ? eye-drops, although it is true to say that it hasn't worked for everyone who has tried it, (but then- what product does?) Most people don't understand why they haven't yet heard about this breakthrough in their own local media, or why the drops aren't already approved in their own country. The facts are that it takes many years for medical products to become registered and approved and then publicised etc. Take for example Prozac ? , it was designed and patented in 1977, but it wasn't officially introduced to the world marketplace until 10-years later in 1987, even then it didn't make the cover of Time Magazine until 1990! At the end of the day, this is the forte of IAS, because we highlight the latest international research and then offer the same products as soon as possible. Just remember you heard it here first!

Do you have any plans to introduce the slow release version of Metformin known as XR? We are fully aware that Metformin has very recently become available in a slow release version, and that for some folks this may improve the overall effects by sustaining the dose over a longer period of time. We hope to make it available as soon as we can, please watch this space. Phil Micans, PharmB

Phil Micans, PharmB Is there any indication of when the new weight loss drug- Rimonabant, manufactured by Sanofi-Aventis, will become available? As one of the most publicized and eagerly awaited new drugs in recent times, Rimonabant is likely to be branded as Acomplia ?. Essentially it has a unique new action, because Rimonabant blocks a protein in brain cells that allows cannabis, (yes- the active ingredient in marijuana), to work. It also blocks the body's own versions of cannabis, the so-called endocannabinoids. As Marijuana is supposed to increase appetite, this drug was developed to blocks the action of cannabis, so it seems logical that it should suppress appetite. To date, trials indicate that Rimonabant can reduce waist lines, lower fat levels, and even suppress the desire to smoke or drink, although not perhaps to any vast degree as the media frenzy suggests. Sanofi are expected to apply for approval early in 2005, it is anticipated that it will be 5-10 months after acceptance that it would be commercially available, my guess is sometime between summer and fall of 2005. When it becomes available- we shall stock it. Phil Micans, PharmB

I have been using Modafinil now for some months and I can honestly say I don't know how I coped without it. My work life is extremely hectic and I need to be alert when attending my various meetings or seeing clients. Modafinil definitely does the trick! There has been a lot of press concerning Modafinil recently with many success stories. But one thing concerns me though, should my company ask me to take a drug test will I test positive?

Phil Micans, PharmB We have not heard of any standard FAX O R D E R I N G +44 (0)208 I 8 I 6106

drug tests, currently in use that would test positive for the use of Modafinil. Whilst it is true that Modafinil is a "stimulant," it is in a totally unique class of drugs (called Eugeroics) and works in a completely different mode to the "primitive" amphetamines etc. It is of course always a good idea to list the substances you are taking (drug or nutritional) on the drug test form, so that they can be aware that you are using supplements for legitimate purposes etc.

I have always enjoyed getting information from you, and find it exciting to be offered choices that are not confined to borders, but that I can choose from a global perspective to serve my particular health needs. However, I must tell you that I consider myself a "natural" person, and as such I like to only use products such as nutrition, vitamins and herbs etc. I appreciate that IAS offers many of these, along with drugs and hormones, but I find it confusing to sometimes one from another. Can you help me? It's a pleasure to help, and we understand and appreciate your views. I would just like to say that whilst a molecule may appear in nature, it doesn't mean to say that it is natural to the body! Often pharmaceutical extracts of plants/ herbs etc., can provide the precise molecule that the body is looking for, at the end of the day, there is nothing more natural to the body than a bio-identical hormone. As a pharmacologist, the definition of a "drug" is a substance with a proven use, that can make it "natural" or "alien." Still, I understand your predicament in comprehending which products are which. We have recently opened a website at: which only deals in vitamins, herbs, aminoacids etc., so I do hope that is of use to you. Phil Micans, PharmB

W R I T E & WIN! If your letter is published you will recieve a copy of 'Millenium Guide to Antiaging Medicine' worth $29.95 absolutley free! We will try and reply to all letters we recieve and answer as many of questions as possible. 21

delays aging


My mother-in-law; Emmy Hugly, lives near Lucerne in Switzerland. She is 94 years-old, perfectly healthy, Parkinson-free for the last 15 years, and she has no intention of giving up! Her story is narrated briefly in my book; "The melatonin miracle" and also in my recent book published in Italy; "An average of 120-years and beyond". She goes shopping every day, and when we celebrate her birthdays, she loves dancing and playing the piano. I visit her from time to time, and make a record of her health and behavior with a videocamera. She loves welcoming visitors and journalists into her home, and they are all enthusiastically received! She prepares them excellent tea and serves it with no shaking hands, but that wasn't the case 20 years ago, when she had severe and rapidly worsening Parkinson's disease. Emmy is undoubtedly the longest melatonin-taking person in the world. She started in her early 80th year, after I told her about my experiments with aging mice and how the administration of nocturnal melatonin in the drinking water produced remarkable rejuvenation. It resulted in delayed aging and consequently, prolonged their lives. She asked me to give her the "pills" and she religiously followed my prescription. Of course, she is now taking TI-MEIatonin with zinc and selenium, every night.

By Walter Pierpaoli, M.D. ONLINE

The lesson we can learn from Emmy is one that I keep repeating at various conferences: the reversal of aging can be observed in 2-3-year living mice, but in order to see what happens in humans we must wait! Luckily for her, Emmy did not want to wait for a permit from the "regulatory bodies" in Switzerland to start taking melatonin; she wanted to live longer and Parkinson-free! According to the basic principles described by the great American anthropologist; Ashley Montagu in his famous book, "Growing young", Emmy is the living emblematic example of a neotenic (maintaining youth) person, born young and staying young until death. The opposite of typical necrophilic personalities of the depressed and negative are those who are born old are permanently old and age until the "liberation" of death. Now I am pleased to see that many people O R D E R I N G

follow Emmy's virtuous path, regaining their vitality every day, month and year.

Aging is simply a neuroendocrine program in the brain! The maintenance of hypothalamicpituitary-pineal directed hormonal cyclicity, (day-night, lunar, seasonal) and its constant synchronization with the variability of planetary laws, is the essential basis of health and life. Every instant of our daily lives is imprinted by solar and lunar cyclicity, from fertilization of the egg until the last breath of life. Life on our planet is shaped and inextricably associated with planetary and solar cyclicity. It is no wonder that its progressive deterioration, which is clearly represented by our growth, maturity, fertility and finally aging and death, is governed by extremely strong and genetically determined rules. This aspect is amply represented by the demonstration that the hormones which regulate fertility and reproduction are the same that control immunity. However, the dominance of the system gives priority to fertility and reproduction, in so far as nature has allowed a species to survive. Apparently, the logic of this fact encounters the illogical opposition of many doctors and scientists! It is a riddle to me, not my demonstration of a central life and death clock in the pineal, but the absence of any experiment from those who criticize my work! It is a fact, that any kind of criticism bears no fundament unless it is founded on the repetition of a "doubtful" scientific work with the identical methods, and on its publication in a reviewed journal. Did anybody replicate my experiments with melatonin and pineal grafting before they criticized me? No! This question must be addressed in-particular, to those scientists who, without any justification whatsoever, spread injury and false news by hiding behind the safety curtain of "prestigious journals." Their behavior must be condemned and made public, because their irresponsible and irrational attacks have produced an awful lot of damage to millions of persons around the world.


O R D E R I N G +44 (0)208 181 6106

" Every instant of our daily lives is imprinted by solar and lunar cyclicity, from fertilization of the egg until the last breath of life" Why Does Melatonin Prolong Life? Melatonin prevents aging-related diseases, delays aging, and automatically prolongs life by simply impeding and postponing the progressive central, hypothalamic alteration of feedback hormonal regulation, as described beautifully by Professor Vladimir Dilman. It does so, not directly, but rather smartly, by maintaining youthful pineal function. In fact, night administration of melatonin prevents the aging pineal gland from producing it. This regular night order "does not only work" on the pineal to protect the "central hormonal director," but induces a recovery of its regulatory capacity to modulate hormonal cyclicity, to the extent that the pineal gland recovers its youth. This is most significantly demonstrated by my experiments, in which a young pineal gland grafted into a much older recipient induces very significant life prolongation. Although the grafted pineal is unable to produce melatonin by itself, it is the pineal itself that is the central "lifeclock". The aging pineal loses its

ability to produce a night peak of melatonin, thus being a clear signal of its own aging. We have now shown beyond any doubt that melatonin simply maintains the capacity of the young pineal to control cyclic release of all hormones, and it does this by maintaining and preventing pineal aging. Not only is the pineal our central "life clock", it also actively induces our aging in the course of its life, aging and death "program". Clearly, genetically and evolutionary originated mechanisms in the pineal gland modulate the course of our life, and also generate the signals at the end of our life program. This is shown in the experiments we reported in a recent work. The basic mechanisms for our aging must be sought in our pineal gland and in its links to the entire neuroendocrine network. We age because our "pineal network" is "programmed" to deteriorate and therefore we must use exogenous night melatonin in order to maintain its integrity, and thus prevent the typical course of the aging syndrome inside the pineal gland. Only natural melatonin can protect the pineal gland from programmed aging!

Pineal protection with melatonin means prevention of all diseases, including cancer! As extravagant as it may appear, the re-synchronization of pineal-directed central neuroendocrine, (hormonal) cyclicity and its maintenance with nocturnal melatonin starting early in life, will inevitably maintain youthful conditions and avoid emergence of number of diseases. Even under the stressful conditions of modern life and the impact of many environmental "aggressors" on our body's integrity, melatonin will protect our "surveillance system," namely the vast array of cells and factors in the body which constantly survey and adapt our body to the needs of the situation. The immune system is under total control of hormones, and the hormones are under the total control of the "pineal network." How is it possible to conceive the emergence of diseases under a condition of perfect immunological balance? This does not mean that melatonin is a panacea for all diseases, although it can help prevent them. In the event diseases have occurred, we can set up a very 23

powerful emergency resistance system based on a series of immunopotentiating agents apt at "resetting the central clock," hence making it suitable to delay and even arrest the course of the disease, be it a neurodegenerative disease, (such as Parkinson, multiple sclerosis etc.), a cardiovascular diseases or even cancer. This holistic concept of medicine has now found its biological evidence.

My view of melatonin and its intrinsic nature After consideration and long meditation on the possible mechanisms of melatonin and its role in nature, I matured the conviction that melatonin possesses many levels of activities, which have been acquired in the course of evolution. As the great scientist Sir Peter Medawar used to say: "It is not molecules which evolved, but simply the use to which they are put." This means to me that melatonin, together with other molecules I am now identifying, certainly possesses some effects of minor value, such as an antioxidant, or via receptor-mediated activity in the brain, but as melatonin is a very

ancient molecule in the evolution of life on our planet, its true nature is totally unknown and goes beyond our knowledge. It goes back to the origin of life and how light and darkness created the "life clock." Melatonin, thanks to its cyclical structure, to the presence of an acetyl and methyl group, must possess a mysterious bioenergetic potential, which we are totally unable to perceive and understand. It is really a clue to the Creation! Therefore, it is no wonder that its role and effects cannot be dissected by a number of "specialists," but only unified by a global biologist. Perhaps the next Stromboli Conference on Aging and Cancer (Ed.- June 5-11, 2005), is a suitable place to unveil this new dimension of life and death, in order that we can better adapt to the destiny of mortal mammals. After all, achieving very old age without disease is our ultimate goal.

The ultimate defiance and my bet on the future What is going to happen? I bet that only a limited number of individuals

N Energy cream has an outstanding restorative, stabilizing and skin smotthing effect. It calms irritated skin prone to inflammation, and improves the epidermis with its soft peeling effect. It eliminates impure spots, comedones and oily acne skin, leaving a natural moisture and velvety softness.

will be aware of the simple "melatonin message," because the complication of nature and not its logical interpretation is the current fashion. Unfortunately, the gap between those who understand, and the stubborn opponents, widens every day. Let us wait and see. We are far ahead - "beyond melatonin", in so far as melatonin has succeeded in lighting our brain, has enabled us to escape the traps of "modern medicine." At the same time, the use of melatonin to protect our pineals and prolong a diseasefree life, allows us more time to understand, and apply to the severely ill, the blessing of our new innovative medicine. This can be achieved by making use of those molecules emerging from the brain "swamp" which, like melatonin, still maintain the healing power conferred to them by nature. They are not drugs, they are life itself! But that is a story for another day. • To read the complete article with all clinical references, please go to: extract/melatoninprolongs.htm


a natural triple estrogen cream T h e world's most perfectly b a l a n c e d n a t u r a l HRT

This hypoallergenic cream is free of preservatives, colors and fragrances, so is suitable for sensitive or allergic skin. Energy cream is a unique skin care product which results in healthy, fresh looking skin.

formulated from the research o f t h e w o r l d renowned hormone

WmzmK To order Energy cream go to page 35 of this magazine.

Jonathan Wright .M.D. available from.IAS

Or visit 24

replacement expert „ ONLINE


Anti-depression is a phrase recognised by everyone, and everyone at sometime in their life comes into contact with anti-depressants. But all too often "mainstream" medicine looks for a simplistic approach, knowing that often the brain chemical serotonin is lacking, and so drugs such as Prozac are prescribed, which for many people is highly effective. But there are many other reasons why people may be depressed, and these can include other neurotransmitter imbalances, brain energy itself (a lack of oxygen, glucose uptake or blood circulation), and even a lack of specific hormones. There are a number of different approaches for this condition and we offer some of the class leading products below.

Milnacipran - brand name Ixel is being heralded as 'miraculous treatment' in the fight against Fibromyalgia and Lupus. It is believed that the combination of Milnacipran's norepinephrine and serotonin enhancement action has pain-killing and mood lightening and calming effects. Therefore, Milnacipran is also a wonderful new weapon in the fight against both depression and pain.

As the precursor to Serotonin, 5HTP has many similar uses compared to LTryptophan, such as the assistance of sleep and alleviation of age related mental depression, as well as alcohol withdrawal.

60 x 50mg capsules from $13.45

Item Code: 0327

GH3Pro is a generic Gerovital-H3. It improves cell metabolism, concentration and vitality, alleviates joint stiffness, enhances well-being and acts as an anti-depressant. It is even known to boost skin and hair condition.

60 x 100mg tablets from $17.95

L-Tryptophan is an essential aminoacid and its uses include alleviating depression, alcohol withdrawal and aiding weight loss. This product is the German pharmaceutical grade L-Tryptophan.

50 x 500mg capsules from $26.95

Reboxetine - brand name Davedax is the equivalent of Edronax. It is a new and unique anti-depressant that works by allowing the brain to have more of the stimulatory brain chemical norepinephrine (a neurotransmitter, the deficiency of which is believed to be one of the causes of depression).

the original supplement

Item code: 0360

I ]

\ L-Tryptophan

Item Code: 0204

SAMe - brand name Samyr has been described as the day-time alertness hormone, having a major role in the production of the universal energy life molecule, ATP. Furthermore, SAMe is the third most concentrated chemical in the liver, so it has been widely used to correct liver disorders such as cirrhosis and even hepatitis. It is also an excellent anti-depressant.

20 x 400mg tablets from $35.95 FAX O R D E R I N G +44 (0)208 I 8 I 6106

56 x 25mg capsules from $44.95

Item Code: 0231

60 x 4mg tablets from $62.95

Stablon is a drug that actively fights depression by increasing the brain's uptake of serotonin. This anti-depressant is particularly effective as it does not normally cause drowsiness or interfere with the libido.



m W


Item Code: 0294

d> Davedax N06AX18 , u Reboxetina metansulfonato

Item Code: 0318

STABLON 12,5mg §

30 x 12.5mg tablets from $31.45

Item Code: 0372

The thyroid gland is an endocrine gland, located in the neck, that is involved with temperature regulation and many other vital roles, including the immune system, supplements are also known to improve sleep patterns for many people. Thyroid is also known to assist some people in well being and positive outlook.


100 x 60mg tablets from $31.45




$ R . S . J Labs

Item Code: 0323 25



GoodI sound Jmj n nutrition forms the base of any optimal heal' nd is the position to build from, adding additional specialist produ ey be specialised nutrition, hormones or drugs, and collectively • ive the overall health and strength of the individual. We choose our? products redients, as well as the synergistic carefully, ensuring that quality and soi be efficacious In other properties of the formula are balanced products thaijiur families words, we are so confident of them, these rely upon.

Anti-Aging Directory Endozym Med is a clinically proven, natural systemic enzyme supplement that eases joint discomfort while also promoting better blood circulation. An exclusively plant-based it is the next generation of scientifically corroborated systemic enzymes to promote smoother blood flow and ease age-related joint discomfort and swelling. Contains Nattokinase, Bromelain, Papain, Rutin and White Willow Bark.

Beyond C contains the purest form of L-ascorbic acid, but it is much more than "just" vitamin C. A unique bonding called FASM, enables high dosages to be used without side effects such as stomach upset. Furthermore, the addition of Ribose and MSM ensures that energy levels are boosted and intracellular delivery of nutrients are improved. Item code: 0350

200g powder $39.95

Item code: 0354

Beyond GHS is a proprietary combination of the most powerful Growth Hormone (GH) Secretagogues known, plus a cutting-edge herbal complex designed to maximize IGF-1 output and anabolic effect. Made from completely natural ingredients, this special growth hormone release supplement is a combination of natural compounds, amino acids and herbs to improve both GH and testosterone output. Item code: 0353

Item code: 0351 26

75 tablets $79.95

240 tablets $68.95 Immuni-T3 provides 12 active ingredients to enhance immune system functioning. It is the world's most comprehensive immune support product, with strong transfer factor levels, ad includes mushroom extracts, oil of oregano, Aloe Vera, Astragalus, liquorice root, zinc and a unique supernatant from cultures of Bifidus based on the Ayurvedic natural antibiotic concept of NEEM.

Item Code: 0358

60 capsules $62.95 Maca is a powerful adaptogen, which means to say it is a plant substance capable of balancing and normalizing many of the body's systems. Thus Maca has been used to reduce stress, harmonize vitality, and enhance resistance to disease. Used by South American Indians for thousands of years, they considered Maca to be a sacred plant because of the diversity of its benefits.

As the foundation nutritional product in our range, BCI contains 3 Beyond Vitamin tablets each containing 36 nutrients, including vitamin K2 and resveratrol (rarely seen in multiples). 3 additional Chelation capsules, Essential Daily Defense are also included (please see same for details). Plus there is an Omega 3 capsule, along with a Primrose oil capsule containing Omega 6, 9 and GLA. Finally a capsule of gingko biloba and phosphatidylserine is included for brain health. All these capsules are contained within a sachet, so that all is ready to be taken without fuss first thing in the morning with breakfast. Designed by Dr. Garry Gordon, we are impressed by the quality, synergy and convenience of this product and recommend it for everyone.

Item Code: 0359

30 Sachets (9 Capsules in each) $52.95

Item Code: 0325


180 x 500mg capsules $24.95 Poly-MVA' unique combination of minerals, vitamins and amino-acids supports cellular energy production and replace key nutrients, (particularly those that may be depleted during chemotherapy and radiation). With its unique addition of palladium, it is designed to provide energy for the body's systems by changing the electrical potential of cells and increasing the charge density of DNA within the cell.



4oz liquid bottle $129.95 O R D E R I N G


Chelation & Detox Chelation is the removal of heavy metals from the body, necessary because the accumulation of heavy metals such as lead, mercury, aluminium, arsenic and cadmium etc., can cause a wide range of differing disorders- from fatigue to Alzheimer's disease, all dependant upon where the accumulation has taken place and its severity. Many people now consider Chelation, and other forms of detoxification, (to reduce "parasites" and reduce the body's burdens) as a cornerstone for optimal health and antiaging medicine.

EDD is Dr. Garry Gordon's premier oral chelation capsule, containing a mix of potent chelating agents to eradicate the widest possible cross-section of heavy metals including lead, mercury and cadmium etc. EDD contains Allicin, EDTA, Malic acid, Methione and 10 other synergistic ingredients and is a core chelation product.

Artemisinin is also known as Wormwood, and it has been used for thousands of years as a worm treatment, but it also is a potent eradicator of "flukes" and other parasites, including yeasts that infest the body. Artemisinin is also used in "alternative" cancer treatments and malaria.

90 x 100mg capsules $49.95 Beyond C contains the purest form of L-ascorbic acid, but it is much more than "just" vitamin C. A unique bonding called FASM, enables high dosages to be used without side effects such as stomach upset. Furthermore, the addition of Ribose and MSM ensures that energy levels are boosted and intracellular delivery of nutrients are improved. 200g powder $39.95

Item code: 0349

Beyond C


i 1*1>" « ft

fcCMS !n>b Bit. Mtub




Item code: 0350

Now for the first time healthy bathing is possible! Beyond Clean contains EDTA bath salts that bind to the metals in your house water, and also help to bind to metals in your skin. The outcome is that bath water is softened and the skin is chelated of heavy metals, slowing skin aging. Simply add a scoop to your next bath. 20oz powder $39.95 L-Carnosine is noted for its broad spectrum of antiaging benefits, including being a potent inhibitor of glycation, a process whereby proteins become impaired, because they cross link in the presence of oxygen and glucose. However, what it not so well known is that L-Camosine is a potent chelator of copper. 60 x 50mg capsules from $14.95 FAX O R D E R I N G +44 ( 0 ) 2 0 8 I 8 I


100 capsules $24.95

t wnlial I>»il\ ro J IKfinw

Item code: 0355

Another unique product formulated by world chelation expert, Dr. Garry Gordon. This pleasant orange tasting chewing gum contains EDTA to specifically help remove heavy metals from the mouth. Chew after meals and discard once the flavor has gone, knowing that you are removing mercury and other metals from your gums. 100 tablets $24.95

Item Code: 0356

This product has been designed for those with more serious heavy metal issues, in particular mercury contamination. Containing Succinic acid, Glucuronolactone and 2 differing forms of selenium, Heavy Detox is the strongest oral form of chelation on the market. 1 to 3 capsules can be taken at night time.

Item code: 0352

f S


Item code: 0027

45 capsules $48.95 Containing high strengths of both forms of the proven estrogen reducing agents, DIM (di-indolylmethane) and I3C (indole3-carbinol), 60 mg and 200 mg per capsule respectively, Pro-Brassica increases the eradication of estrogens. Necessary, because estrogens have now leaked into and become prevalent in our everyday lives. 60 x 260mg capsules from $31.45

Item Code: 0357



Profound-Products CO

P^B, wes/tt

Item Code: 0338 27

Anti-Aging D i r e c t o r y Mini™

Desmopressin, (brand name Minirin), was formerly known as Vasopressin. It is a peptide that is believed to deposit memories into the hippocampus as they are learnt. As such, used as a nasal spray it is very fast acting to improve memory imprinting and short term memory, in some countries it is even used to treat amnesia. Desmopressin is seen as an ideal agent for conferences and lectures etc

m m

Aminoguanidine helps prevent some proteins from cross-linking. It is therefore an exciting new weapon in the fight against aging. It has the potential to slow the aging process by protecting the proteins that make up our bodies, and is therefore especially good for alleviating the symptoms associated with diabetes.

Item code: 0303

Pro found-Products con


Item code: 0171

L—J Centrophenoxine

Item code: 0243


100 x 75mg tablets from $26.95 Carnosine - brand name L-Carnosine is a powerful anti-oxidant, Carnosine not only flushes toxins out of the body, and it also boosts the immune system so that we are better equipped for fighting off disease. Carnosine also helps improve the function of the heart, protects against radiation damage and exerts anti-cancer effects.

60 x 50mg capsules from $14.95 Centrophenoxine (formerly known as Lucidril) increases the brain's use of glucose and improves brain energy levels. It also removes a potassium build up in the brain, heart, lung and skin cells, and is vital for the efficient communication of a cell to transfer potassium and sodium across its membranes. Centrophenoxine has shown an ability to remove liver spots.

60 x 250mg capsules from $26.95


Deprenyl liquid - brand name Selepryl protects and enhances mental function, mood and even libido by increasing brain levels of the focus and drive neurotransmitter- dopamine.

Item code: 0239 28

300mg bottle $65.00

Item code: 0229

2.5ml nasal spray from $23.35 Hydergine - Brand name Hydergina enhances mental abilities by improving and stabilizing oxygen supply to the brain. Hydergine is also known to improve mitochondrial condition, which as the energy producing cells throughout the body has a wide antiaging benefitThis pharmaceutical grade Hydergine is made by Novartis, the company formerly known as Sandoz.

Hydergina* 4,5 Compnmdios QMnxrgMMMT 'KA iB 4,5 mg

Item code: 0032

30 x 4.5mg tablets from $20.65

GH3Pro is a generic Gerovital-H3. It improves cell metabolism, concentration and vitality, alleviates joint stiffness, enhances well-being and acts as an anti-depressant. It is even known to boost skin and hair condition.

the original antiaging supplement

Item code: 0360



•OOammJ* A r •lOTCmrwuf,"

Item code: 0209 ONLINE

60 x 10Omg tablets from $17.95 Melatonin - brand name Tl-Melatonin is directly involved with sleep regulation, so the supplement's use in the treatment of age-related sleep disorders, jet lag or shift work is impressive. There is also some evidence that melatonin boosts immune system function, lowers cholesterol in people with high levels, and may be useful in treating or preventing cancer by assiting in the rebalance of hormones.

60 x 3mg tablets from $13.45 O R D E R I N G


Memory & Cognition


^OWIMl, saints

Who are we without our minds? You may be body beautiful, but stimulating conversation and interesting anecdotes are the result of a sharp mind and good mental abilities, and it is these facilities that make us interesting individuals and give us our personalities. There are many facets to memory and cognition, and through the unique range of products that IAS has supplied over the years, and the scientific, professional articles we have published, (all based on clinical evidence) has made this range our consistent best sellers. There are a number of different approaches for this condition and we offer some of the class leading products below.


Centrophenoxine (formerly known as Lucidril) increases the brain's use of glucose and improves brain energy levels. It also removes a potassium build up in the brain, heart, lung and skin cells, and is vital for the efficient communication of a cell to transfer potassium and sodium across its membranes. Centrophenoxine improves the speed of memory recall. 60 x 250mg capsules from $26.95


Item code: 0243

Hydergine - brand name Hydergina enhances mental abilities by improving and stabilizing oxygen supply to the brain. This pharmaceutical grade Hydergine is made by Novartis, the company formerly known as Sandoz.

40ml liquid bottle from $11.65 Aniracetam - brand name Ampamet is the first Nootropic analogue developed from Piracetam. It is virtually non-toxic and has beneficial effects in the treatment of memory loss, age related memory decline and lack of concentration. Aniracetam can improve memory recall, reaction, and detail.

20 x 750mg tablets from $44.95


Item code: 0031

^mpamet 750


I 400mg liquid $149.95 FAX O R D E R I N G +44 (0)208 I 8 I 6106


Item code: 0006 tV

Galantamine - brand name Reminyl is available in liquid form and used as a front line treatment for Alzheimer's disease. Galantamine stimulates nicotine receptors and also improves levels of Acetylcholine.


aniracetam r«.iiatAU\ \ MfMWSI MUMIV Fmotrorivte Ki, \u Scfte Sjaii. 1 • F*rn/c MltaubVUft

500mg liquid $179.95 Piracetam - brand name Nootropil is made by UCB and is the world's best selling so-called smart drug. It helps with learning and appears to be a substance capable of extending the intellectual functions of man, even individuals already gifted with high intelligence and good memory.


cnmpres* Bto-rivcslite

Memantine - brand name Ebixa is a novel new drug that is showing a lot of promise in the battle against Alzheimer's disease, and is now available in liquid form. Some studies indicate that Ebixa could be effective for Parkinson's disease, while others suggest that Ebixa and NMDA receptors may have a role in alcoholism and that Ebixa could act as an anti-craving drug for alcohol.

« "19/ml



Item code: 0319

60 x 800mg tablets from $19.75



Item code: 0320

Nootropil Noob| 800



Vinpocetine brand name Intelectol, improves brain blood flow its unique quality is that it only affects areas that need to be improved. Intelectol has been shown to help improve hearing (particularly tinnitus), eyesight, and even to alleviate the problems involved with menopause.

50 x 5mg tablets from $13.45



| r

Item code: 0205

Pregnenolone supplements can help to improve energy levels and combat chronic fatigue, and is also particularly helpful against the swelling and inflammation associated with arthritis, having been used to treat arthritis since the 1940's. Other benefits of the Pregnenolone supplement include stress reduction. Pregnenolone is the most potent memory enhancing sterone. 50 x 100mg capsules from $17.95


Pregnenolone th» building Mock

Item code: 0335




A w

Item code: 0091 29


Attention, Vigilance & Concentration Otherwise known as ADD or ADHD, this problem can often be the route of issues that are often incorrectly described as memory problems. After all, if you are not concentrating at the time of learning new material, how can you remember it with clarity later? This issue of learning new material for recall later is called memory imprinting. There are a number of different approaches for this condition and we offer some of the class leading products below.

S S S ^ ^ B H J -

Anti-Aging Directory


Item code: 0243

Nootropil' Noob<




Item code: 0205

Centrophenoxine (formerly known as Lucidril) increases the brain's use of glucose and improves brain energy levels. It also removes a potassium build up in the brain, heart, lung and skin cells, and is vital for the efficient communication of a cell to transfer potassium and sodium across its membranes. Centrophenoxine improves concentration.

60 x 250mg capsules from $26.95 Piracetam - brand name Nootropil is made by UCB and is the world's best selling so-called smart drug. It helps with learning and appears to be a substance capable of extending the intellectual functions of man, even individuals already gifted with high intelligence and good memory.

60 x 800mg tablets from $19.75

Modafinil is a remarkable, unique drug because it offers stimulation without affecting sleep. It provides 'good arousal'. We carry two brands of Modafinil, ProVigil and Modiodal although both products are identical and are licensed by the same pharmaceutical company.

Item Code: 0044


Item code: 0052 30

30 x 100mg tablets $149.95

Desmopressin, (brand name Minirin), was formerly known as Vasopressin. It is a peptide that is believed to deposit memories into the hippocampus as they are learnt. As such, used as a nasal spray it is very fast acting to improve memory imprinting and short term memory, in some countries it is even used to treat amnesia. Desmopressin is seen as an ideal agent for conferences and lectures etc

Minirin D / DV tf P

5* ES)

Item Code: 0229

j^pf)! Se/epry/

2.5ml nasal spray from $23.35

Deprenyl liquid - brand name Selepryl protects and enhances mental function, mood and even libido by increasing brain levels of the focus and drive neurotransmitter- dopamine.

Item code: 0239

300mg bottle from $65.00

This special creation is Niacin and GABA bonded that acts as a mild stimulant, yet lowers aggression. It not only has a tranquilizing effect without a sedative effect, but also has an element of stimulatory action.

Po f-Found-Produc' Picam/foKi

Item Code: 0184

60 x 50mg tablets from $26.95

Adrafinil - brand name Olmifon is the world's first stimulant and antidepressant that enhances mental clarity, alertness and awareness without impeding our normal sleeping patterns or making us anxious and agitated.

40 x 300mg tablets $31.45 ONLINE


Stress & Anxiety The plague of the 21st Century, stress can ail to often be a regular part of modern life, plus sometimes we are not aware that we are under stress as we go about our everyday lives in built up cities. But then when we retreat to a quiet, carefree place, like on vacation, then we realise how much pressure we are always under. Our ancestors did not have to cope with such "constant" stress, for them the issues were much more "on or off'. Today stress and anxiety can lead to permanently high levels of the "dark hormone" Cortisol with its resulting damaging effects. There are a number of different approaches for this condition and we offer some of the class leading products below.

This supplement 5HTP is the precursor to serotonin and has many similar uses compared to L-Tryptophan, such as the assistance of sleep and alleviation of age related mental depression, as well as alcohol withdrawal. 5HTP can help to placcate agitated people.

60 x 50mg capsules from $13.45

Gamalate B6 is a supplement that combines four natural ingredients which together act to calm and placate anxious, fretful or stressed individuals, and stabilize their moods. It contains GABA, B6, Magnesium and GABOB (the nearest legal molecile to GH3).

60 x 250mg tablets from $8.95

Gerovital-H3 improves cell metabolism, concentration and vitality, alleviates joint stiffness, enhances well-being and acts as an anti-depressant. It is even known to boost skin and hair condition.

60 x 100mg tablets from $17.50

L-Tryptophan's uses include alleviating depression, alcohol withdrawal and aiding weight loss. (This product is German pharmaceutical grade LTryptophan). L-Tryptophan has a calming effect.

Item code: 0327


Gamalate b.



Item code: 0027

the o r i g i n a l antiaging supplement

Item code: 0360

50 x 500mg capsules from $26.95 Pregnenolone supplements can help to improve energy levels and combat chronic fatigue, and is also particularly helpful against the swelling and inflammation associated with arthritis, having been used to treat arthritis since the 1940's. Other benefits of the Pregnenolone supplement include stress reduction. Pregnenolone is the most potent memory enhancing sterone. 50 x 100mg capsules from $17.95

Picamilone is a supplement that is Niacin and GABA bonded. It acts as a mild stimulant, yet lowers aggression. It not only has a tranquilizing effect without a sedative effect, but also has an element of stimulatory action.

60 x 50mg tablets from $26.95

The thyroid gland is an endocrine gland, located in the neck, that is involved with temperature regulation and many other vital roles, including the immune system. Thyroid is also known to assist some people in the control of stress and anxiety


Item code: 0204

6SS3 Pregnenolone

Item Code: 0335


Piccmltoi <«t

Item Code: 0184



1 4 MAIM (31.4 «M| 100


•SiR.S.J Labi

100 x 30mg tablets from $26.95 FAX

O R D E R I N G +44 (0)208 I 8 I 6106

Item Code: 0324

IAS Product Order Guide


Product 5HTP (Oxitriptan)

I H f l H f l H f l H H i

60 x 50mg capsules #

4-Pack discount

Pack Price $14.95


Item Code 0327

Acarbose (Glucobay)

30 x 100mg tablets E l





50 x SOOmg capsules




Adrafinil (Olmifon)

40 x 300mg tablets E l



100 x 75mg tablets*




0052 0303






30 x 420mg capsules E l


Aniracetam (Ampamet)

20 x 750mg tablets E l



28 x 1 Omg tablets E l



28 x 1 mg tablets E l


01 1 1


90 x 100mg capsules


Benfotiamine (Milgamma Mono)

30 x 50mg tablets


Beyond C

200g powder



Beyond Chelation Improved

30 sachets



Beyond Clean

20oz powder



Beyond GHS

75 tablets




30ml 640mg bottle



021 1


16 x 1 mg tablets E l




Bromocriptine (Parlodel)

30 x 2.5mg tablets E l




Can-C (N-acetylcarnosine eye-drops)

5 x 2ml vials




Carnosine (L-carnosine)

60 x 50mg capsules




Carnosine (Topical Beta Alistine)

30ml serum bottle



60 x 250mg capsules #


Cialis (Tadalafil)

4 x 20mg tablets E l


Ciproxin (Ciprofloxacin)

6 x 500mg tablets E l




Conjunctisan A Eye-drops

20 x 0.5ml vial #




Conjunctisan B Eye-drops

20 x 0.5ml vial #




NeySkin C o Q 10

50ml tube cream




Deprenyl (Selepryl)

12ml / 300mg liquid bottle E l *


50 x 5mg tablets E K *




Dercos (Aminexil / Topical)

200ml shampoo bottle




Dercos (Topical / Aminexil)

18 x 1.5% ampoules




Desmopressin (Minirin)

2.5ml nasal spray E l




90 x 25mg capsules E K »




60 x 25mg capsules E K *




50 x 50mg capsules E l *




DHEA (Sublingual / Pro-Cell)

14ml liquid bottle E l •




DIM (Pro-Brassica) Estrogen Blocker

60 x 260mg capsules





8 x 1 OOmg capsules E l




Dutasteride (Avodart)

30 x 0.5mg capsules E l




Efexor (Venlafaxine)

28 x 37.5mg tablets E l



Endozym Med

240 tablets




50ml cream bottle




50ml cream bottle



Essential Daily Defense

100 capsules



Estrogen Blocker (Pro-Balance)

60ml cream bottle



Estrogen Natural (Esnatri)

50ml jar cream E l


EZ Defense Detox Gum

100 tablets


Femara (Letrozole)

14 x 2.5 mg tablets E l


Fluconazole (Loitin/Diflucan)

7 x 50mg tablets E l


Fosamax (Alendronate)

1 4 x 1 Omg tablets E l



Galantamine (Reminyl)

56 x 4mg tablets E ]



Galantamine (Reminyl)

100ml 400mg liquid bottle E l


Gamalate B6

60 x 250mg tablets




(ATP & N A D H Sublingual)


MHHHHNHHHHHHMflHBM DHEA (Micronized) DHEA (Micronized)

El • #



0349 10%


0199 10%

0243 0296




0025 0356 0313



0319 0027

Products marked with this symbol can not be shipped to the EU. Products marked with this symbol are restricted in certain countries. Please see website tor full details. Products marked with this symbol can not be shipped to the UK.



IAS Product Order Guide




Pack Price

SPECIAL OFFER 4-Pack discount

| Item Code

Gerovital-H3 (Injectable)

10 x 5ml ampoules E l


GH3 Pro (Generic Gerovital-H3)

60 x 100mg tablets


Heavy Detox

45 capsules


Human G r o w t h Hormone (Saizen Injectable)

1 x 4IU ampoule E K »




Hydergine (Novartis)

40ml 40mg liquid bottle ED




Hydergine (Novartis)

30 x 4.5mg tablets E l





60 x 30mg capsules





60 capsules


Inderal (Propranolol)

30 x 40mg tablets E l





50 x 500mg capsules E l





100 x 1 OOmg tablets E l •





10 x 3g ampoules E l




Laetrile (Vitamin B17/ Vita-B 17)

15ml bottle cream E K »




Longevity Maca

(80 x 500mg capsules


Manerix (Moclamine)

30 x 150mg tablets E l


Melatonin (PraevoSkin)

100ml cream bottle E l


Melatonin (Tl-Melatonin)

60 x 3mg tablets


Memantine (Ebixa)

50ml 5OOmg liquid bottle E l



Memantine (Ebixa)

50 x 1 Omg tablets E l



Metformin (Metforal)

50 x 5OOmg tablets E l




Milnacipran (Ixel)

56 x 25mg capsules E l




MinSaw-A (Topical)

125ml liquid bottle


Modafinil (Modiodal / Provigil)

30 x lOOmg tablets EJ«>


NeyDent (Toothpaste)

50ml cream tube



01 18


40 x 0.5ml capsules




NeyGeront (Injectable)

5 x 2ml ampoules E l




Nicergoline (Sermion)

45 x 5mg capsules E l



Nizoral (Ketoconazole)

120ml 2 % shampoo bottle



Norvasc (Amlodipine)

28 x 5mg tablets E l


Paxil (Seroxat)

14 x 20mg tablets E l





30 x 250mg sachets E l




Phenytoin (Epanutin / Dilantin)

28 x 25mg capsules E l




Phenytoin (Epanutin / Dilantin)

100 x 1 OOmg capsules E l





60 x 50mg tablets




Piracetam liquid (Nootropil)

100ml 20g bottle E ]




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60 x 800mg tablets E l




40 x 1200mg tablets E l




Piracetam (Nootropil)



0361 10%

0360 0357


0359 10%





0259 0044

<•• 0049



4oz. liquid bottle


Pregnenolone (Micronized)

90 x 25mg capsules E l

$1 1.95




Pregnenolone (Micronized)

50 x 1 OOmg capsules E l




Progesterone Natural (Transmist)

1 oz spray bottle E l




Proscar (Finasteride)

15 x 5mg tablets E l




Prozac (Fluoxetine)

14 x 20mg capsules E l




Pyritinol (Cerbon)

60 x 1 OOmg tablets E l




Reboxetine (Davedax/ Edronax)

60 x 4mg tablets E l




Resveratrol (Cell-Stat)

60 x 5mg capsules




Retin-A Cream (Retin A)

20g 0.050% tube E l




Retin-A Cream (Retirides)

30g 0.100% tube E l




Rulid (Roxithromycine)

12 x I50mg tablets E l




SAMe (Samyr)

20 x 400mg tablets




SAMe (Injectable / Samyr)

5 x 400mg ampoules E l




Silver Protein (Cream)

1 oz. cream bottle




Silver Protein (Gel)

1 oz. gel bottle




Silver Protein (Mouth Spray)

1 oz. spray bottle




Silver Protein (Nasal Spray)

1 oz. drops bottle





ORDERING +44 (0)208 181 6106


IAS Product Order Guide Quantity


Pack Price

1 SPECIAL OFFER 1 4-Pack discount

Item Code

Silver Protein (Oral)

4 oz. liquid bottle





50 x 1 OOmg tablets E l




Solaris (Sun Blocker)

150ml cream bottle


Stablon (Tianeptine)

30 x 12.5mg tablets 13


Testosterone Prohormone (T-Boost)

30ml mouth spray E K *



Testosterone Prohormone (Pro-Performance)

60ml cream bottle E K *



Testosterone Prohormone (Pro-Revitalize)

60ml cream bottle E K *



Testosterone Prohormone (Pro-Vigor)

60ml cream bottle E l *


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16 x 250mg tablets E ]


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10 x 2ml ampoules E ]


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100 x 240mg capsules




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100 x 30mg tablets E ]




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100 x 60mg tablets E ]




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50 x 20mcg tablets E l




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50 x 1 OOmcg tablets E ]





30 x 250mg tablets #




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4 x 1 OOmg tablets E l




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50 x 5mg tablets #




Xanthinol Nicotinate (Complamin)

50 x 150mg tablets #




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100 x 5mg tablets E K *


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20 x 1 Omg tablets E l




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10 x 40mg tablets E l












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0346 10%

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