MSH, IT’S NOT JUST FOR TANNING An interview with Thierry Hertoghe, M.D. by Phil Micans, MS, PharmB The following is a discussion between Thierry Hertoghe (TH) and Phil Micans (PM)
PM: “I agree, in fact we shall mention your books and your webinar programs at the end of this interview.
PM: “Dr. Hertoghe, I do appreciate you taking time from your always busy schedule to talk with us today about MSH2.”
Today I’d like to talk about MSH2, which I shall begin by describing it as a ‘strange’ hormone, by which I mean it does seem quite distinct. For example, I saw graphs Join a brand new training program with and it of its quantity vs. age relationship, TH: “Always a great pleasure Phil.” looked like a can flat linebe to me. Am I wrong, ready-to-use information that easily or is this another hormone that declines implemented in your consultation. PM: Many of our readers will already with age?” be aware that you are one of the TH: “MSH2, or to give its full name world’s leading hormone experts and a melanocyte stimulating hormone type passionate devote of preventative and 2, also called melanotan 2 is in fact, a regenerative medicine.”
TH: “Yes, indeed Phil, I travel the world lecturing about these subjects, although recently this has been more webinar-based, and I have written many books. I say books, but many of them are reference guides, very practical and beyond theory.”
synthetic derivative of MSH, the natural hormone in our body. MSH itself is not accessible as it is short-lived, too short action for use in medicine. MSH2 has more prolonged and effective beneficial effects. Checking if the levels of MSH decline with age is a difficult task as MSH is secreted
Dr Thierry Hertoghe is a Belgium-based physician who has gained international reputation as an expert in hormone therapies. His expertise has grown to be particularly effective in treating difficult conditions often due to unsuspected hormone deficiencies and imbalances. Among these conditions are chronic fatigue and burnout syndromes, and treatmentresistant depressive and anxiety disorders. Also, difficult-to-treat physical disorders of brain, heart, gastrointestinal system, and joints, are part of his interests and success. His books in the field of hormone and nutritional therapies are accepted as classics by physicians. He is he president of the International hormone society (more than 3000 physicians) and the World society of anti-aging medicine (over 7,000 physicians throughout the world). He has recently set up an Evidence-based hormone therapy training program for physicians and health professionals through live webinars and prerecorded videos, with indepth practical information, including how to prevent and treat with success in COVID19 infections. 10