Aging Matters 1, 2016 - Special 25th Anniversary Issue

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Special 25th Anniversary Edition US $8.00/ EU €6.00/ GB £5.00 where sold

The in-house magazine for the International Antiaging Society Private Members Club



• Discover precision in health • Preparing for Preventative & Regenerative therapies • Articles, interviews & opinions from the world’s leading antiaging physicians


Dr. Aubrey De Grey “IAS has shown great vision and

Garry Gordon, MD, DO, MD (H)

Jonathan Wright, M.D.

“I am a 77 year old Physician

“Every adult has the right to take

Nicholas Perricone, M.D. “IAS is an outstanding resource

leadership, as an organisation

who has practiced medicine

care of his or her own personal

for the finest, most up-to-

focused mainly on the

for nearly half a century.

health as he or she chooses.

date news and information

provision of contemporary

My antiaging research has

In the 20th and 21st centuries,

on healthy aging. They also

medical interventions against

permitted me to overcome

this universal human right

offer products of the highest

aging, and in also supporting

serious health problems.

has been nearly obliterated

integrity and efficacy. In fact,

the SENS Foundation’s efforts

Everyone can do this, but it

by an ocean of nanny-state

IAS is the world’s greatest

to hasten the development of

requires specialized knowledge

regulation and deliberate

source (often the only source)

much more powerful future

and the highest quality

suppression of information by

for the most cutting edge and


products. IAS is a vital link in

bureaucracies, with hidden

advanced nutrients to ensure

my antiaging program because

and not-so-hidden agendas.

optimum health span and maximum life span.”

they continually provide both

International Antiaging

accurate information AND the

Systems is a beacon of useful

high quality products we all

health care information and

require, if we are to achieve

a literal island of freedom of

our maximum intended

health care product choice in

useful lifespan.”

our otherwise un-free health care world.”

Thierry Hertoghe, M.D.

“IAS is one of the pioneering societies in antiaging medicine...” Thierry Hertoghe, M.D.

“IAS has a history of making throughout the world crucial, but difficultly accessible medications available to patients. IAS is one of the pioneering societies in antiaging medicine that has

See all professional and public testimonials at:

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helped this new medical specialty move forward.”


The IAS Generation Welcome to a very special edition of the Aging Matters™ magazine which celebrates 25-years of achievements. It’s difficult to believe that this amount of time has gone by, but it’s a fact that the IAS Group was established in May 1991. Prior to that date, we were involved with database research. Patients and physicians would engage us to look for different therapies and protocols that were being used internationally for X, Y or Z problem, (remember this was pre-internet, so nothing was as easy then as it is now!) When we reported back that there was something new/ different in use in Sweden, or Russia, or Japan, or wherever it was, then we were often asked if we could help obtain those referenced substances. Few people were aware of their personal importation rights, (many still aren’t!) but everyone understood that the process would be complicated. Who to contact firstthe Embassy, the lawyer, the manufacturer, the doctor? One thing was for sure, it was going to take a considerable amount of time. So in 1991 we decided that IAS should make life easier. Our idea was to stock the ‘hard to obtain’ and make the whole process as easy as possible for physicians and their patients; to enable people to get easier access to the world’s latest commercially available products. I have to admit that in the 80s I didn’t think it possible that the Professor and Doctor names I read in those research papers, Journals and books would later on become

people I knew on a first-name basis, with their personal phone numbers logged on my cell phone. It has certainly been a joy to meet with the mavericks of medicine; they are by nature bright people who think ‘outside the box.’ They share a joy of life and also believe in the freedom of choice, with a libertarian streak being a common denominator.

Potted history IAS’s first big antiaging exhibition was at the December 1995 A4M conference in Las Vegas. As a Brit, it was my first experience of the cowboys and cowgirls, (the rodeo takes place at the same time). I remember buying my first pair of cowboy boots and I said to myself that if I was ever back in Vegas I’d buy another pair. Fourteen pairs of boots later I knew I had to stop buying them! It had just become a reminder that we’ve been to so many antiaging meetings; in fact- to that particular one we’ve been nearly every year. At that time, we were aware that Europe was lagging behind the USA in having antiaging conventions for health professionals. So, IAS was an integral part of creating and organising Europe’s first three antiaging congresses between 2000 and 2003. They took place in Monte Carlo and I admit we went ‘over the top’ to impress; for example, attendees were helicoptered from the airport to the conference hotel! Believe me, even 15-years on I still meet people who talk about those meetings fondly. Today, you can meet IAS at numerous events around the world, in Europe, in the USA, the middle and Far East and in the UK,

where IAS helps to advise and coordinate the London Antiageing (note the British spelling with an ‘e’) Conference each October. Check out the calendar on the IAS website to find out more. Our goal has always been and still remains, to obtain the best scientific research regarding health and aging and then to act upon it in a practical manner. That’s why whenever you read one of our articles you will note the references. We will tell you who is writing the piece and whose opinion is being quoted etc. It’s also why IAS supports and sponsors many leading groups around the world who are leading research into aging and health and freedom of choice. Groups include SENS, the Interbion Foundation and the Alliance of Natural Health etc. Thus, whenever you purchase anything from IAS, you will naturally receive top-quality products and great customer service and in addition, you are also helping to further the industry through our sponsorship and it’s all achieved with competitive pricing.

Changing times Times change and so has the demand and it’s not all been ‘plain sailing’ there has been a lot of hard work. There are still many challenges to be faced and obstacles to be overcome. Vested interests and dogma are dressed up in many different guises, but when the Chairman of Novartis stood on a public stage, (Basel, Switzerland September 2014) and announced that aging is at the core of degenerative diseases and that it needs to be focused upon as a speciality- then it’s obvious that a corner has been turned. • Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 • e-mail:


The IAS Group

about healthy aging, thus we continue to adapt our information to focus on So why do patients and health professionals preventative and regenerative therapies. keep on utilising the services of IAS? Well, After all, if we can delay, slow, prevent or of course they want to seek out ‘unique’ even reverse aging, then by consequence products and also unusual formats, (i.e. an the same is true of degenerative diseases. intranasal rather than a tablet, or a cream Therein lies the definition of the ‘anti’ in rather than an injection etc.) It can also be ‘antiaging medicine’ – we are against its about different doses too. It’s the reason physical and mental degeneration. why IAS stocks more than 250 product lines. This is, Ladies and Gentlemen, the future Today your order is handled via a modern of healthcare. It is well-known that call center, where our trained and the populations of most countries are courteous staff will assist you as much getting older. It is also clear that orthodox as they can. Through our network of medicine, (as it stands today) is incapable nutritionists, pharmacists, naturopath and of addressing these formidable problems. medical doctors we are able to give insights Orthodox medicine is, in essence, too blunt and suggestions that orthodox medicine an instrument and it is too costly, (both just doesn’t cater for. in monetary and social terms) to keep Plus, as of 2015 IAS has distribution depots ‘managing’ diseases rather than addressing in Hong Kong and the UK. IAS drop ships them at the core and preventing them, (or thousands of high-quality products weekly for that matter curing them!) from these different jurisdictions, thus Today there is a new statement in meeting with the regulatory challenges circulation; that is ‘precision health’ and we and adhering to the personal importation like its connotations, since it encompasses schemes of dozens of countries. the goals of targeting one’s weak points, to Over the years I’ve had people tell me ensure that the future does not have any how remarkable IAS is and that they can’t debilitating disorders within it. understand why other organizations don’t Come and join us do what we do. My answer is two-fold; one- we live and breathe it and two- we Life is for living and surely we all want to keep adapting to the ever changing enjoy and maximize our productive years? environment. Fundamentally, IAS is in this To maximise not only our lifespan, but for the long haul and I’d like to think that fundamentally our healthspans, for we all after 25-years of continuous, uninterrupted know that health is the most important service that it proves we know what we are thing we have, without it everything else doing! falls quickly by the wayside. Our hope is that we can be part of your The world keeps turning trusted resource, to keep you up-to-date on Our personal interest has always been

age and health-related developments and to ensure that you and your family have access to the finest products that the world has to offer. There are many other exciting developments planned that will occur in 2016 and beyond; so please make sure that you stay in touch with the IAS Group by subscribing to the 6x year, Aging Matters™ magazine and our weekly e-Bulletin or reviewing our websites regularly. I believe that when you join our society that you will quickly discover why our tag line is ‘tomorrow’s treatments today™.’ Meanwhile, here’s to the next 25-yearsCheers!

Phil M Phil Micans, MS, PharmB Editor, Aging Matters™ Magazine VP, IAS Group

Ward Dean, M.D. Medical Director

TIMELINE OF IA S INNOVATION S You may be interested to see in which year IAS introduced some of its innovative products: • Piracetam • Liquid deprenyl • Hydergine® • Melatonin • SAMe • Centrophenoxine • Adrafinil • Bio-identical estrogens • Aminoguanidine • Vasopressin • Can-C™ eye-drops • Memantine • Natural thyroid’s (like Armour®) 4

since 1991 since 1992 since 1993 since 1994 since 1995 since 1996 since 1997 since 1998 since 1999 since 2000 since 2001 since 2002 since 2003

• Milnacipran • ACF228® • 1st Line™ • Solasdines cream • Aldosterone • Oxytocin • Sermorelin • TA65® • TRH sublingual • Peptide Bioregulators • GHRPs • Oxaloacetate • IGF-1 • Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 • e-mail:

since 2004 since 2005 since 2006 since 2007 since 2008 since 2009 since 2010 since 2011 since 2012 since 2013 since 2014 since 2015 from 2016




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Nice comments from nice people

WELCOME Phil says thanks for finding the time

THE RUSSIAN PEPTIDE REVOLUTION Professor Khavinson’s research



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HYPOTHYROIDISM - AN UNDERDIAGNOSED EPIDEMIC Dr. Rick Wilkinson details the hows and whys

THE ROTATIONAL THEORY OF AGING An interview with Dr. Walter Pierpaoli


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DR . WARD DEAN TALKS SMART-DRUGS Cognition and memory are paramount


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Copyright 2015: All copyrights are acknowledged. Whilst every effort has been made to ensure accuracy, no responsibility can be accepted for illustrations, photographs, artwork or advertising materials while in transmission or with the publisher or their agents.


Disclaimer: All educational information is offered under IAS terms and conditions. This information does not replace the advice of your physician and restrictions may apply in some countries. The opinions expressed by the writers may not be those of IAS or the magazine. All prices shown are in US Dollars and are for reference purposes only and they do not include taxes (where applicable), nor do they include shipping & handling fees. Prices, conditions and terms are subject to change without notice.

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• Professional: We work alongside the leaders in the field and we review the latest research to ensure that everything is up-to-date. After all, if we are informed then so are you.

Declaration: The IAS Aging Matters™ magazine is intended for IAS private club members (and therefore is not intended for the public). It focuses on the latest international nutritional, hormonal and drug therapies to help combat the signs of aging. These signs include the physical, mental and internal changes consisting of the diseases and disorders such as cancer, arthritis and senile dementias etc. However, the main focus is upon the prevention of such aging diseases and disorders for the ‘healthy-aging’ individual.

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• Brands: We carry original brands - i.e. the same ones used by top health professionals.

RESOU RCE GU IDES We hope you will keep your copies of the Aging Matters™ magazine. In its rear section are useful cross-reference listings. Naturally, the website is an even greater information resource. Below are descriptions of those references and where precisely you can find them online. • Articles o Search by author o Search by title • Aging Matters™ magazine o Get a free year’s subscription • Books (publications) o We review and rate them and connect you directly to Amazon

• Cross references o Chemicals o Formats o Disorders • Labels (leaflets) o What’s in each product? • Meetings (conferences) o Where to go to learn more in person // Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 // e-mail:


A former military secret I apologise if I appear to be ‘filling out’ this article, but as you will see some background is required to explain all- for whilst this type of peptide technology is new and totally unique to us, it has in fact been quietly and indeed secretly ‘tested’ on many thousands of individuals over decades. How come, you may ask? The answer is because this Russian peptide technology was founded during the Cold War years- to help protect elements of the then Soviet forces. That’s not entirely unusual, in the course of my pharmacological career I’ve come across other former ‘military’ secrets; for example, modafinil (Provigil®) was developed for the French Foreign Legion. Often these ‘military releases’ are seen as breakthroughs when they finally arrive on the commercial marketplace- although I must say that it always makes me wonder what the military are using now?

The new Russian peptide revolution By Phil Micans, MS, PharmB I was in Geneva at the Swiss antiaging congress in 2010 when I first heard Professor Vladimir Khavinson discuss this new peptide technology. As I began to try and comprehend the enormous consequences of his lecture, I will admit that at first I was apprehensive and found myself asking questions; was it too good to be true? Why hadn’t we heard anything like it before? So, as often in life, it seemed best to ‘sit on the fence’ and ‘wait and see.’ Then at the Belgian antiaging conference in Brussels in 2011, I got to listen to Professor Khavinson lecture about the peptides again, and this time I also had the pleasure of his company on a oneto-on-one basis for a couple of hours. He gave me a lot of materials which I began to work my way through. The genesis of Professor Vladimir exactly what this was all about began to Khavinson sink into my grey matter; furthermore it was reinforced when I meet him and his partner, Professor Svetlana Trofimova at yet another antiaging conference, this time in Istanbul, Turkey early in 2012. At that time, I took the opportunity to invite him to lecture at the London antiageing (English spelling!) conference in September 2012, after which I knew that I had to obtain this technologyand to put down succinctly in writing exactly why it could be so important, and that’s what I’m doing now! 6

Professor Khavinson is currently the President of the International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics (IAGG) for Europe, a very senior position, and of course he also holds several Presidencies of Universities and research foundations within Russia, but in the 1980’s he was a Colonel in the Russian Army medical corps. It was then that he and his team were approached by Kremlin officials to find ‘answers’ for their troops; to ‘protect’ them against a wide range of new weapons and problems that they faced in modern warfare. Weapons such an American battlefield lazer that would blind anyone who saw it; how could they recover the soldiers’ eyesight after such an exposure? Another problem was how Russian submariners’ could be protected whilst they were located on the bottom of the ocean for months at a timesitting nearby radioactive nuclear reactors! These and other types of problems were given to Professor Khavinson and his team to solve and at the time he had the massive resources of the Soviet military machine behind him! Actually, Professor Khavinson personally told me that he feels much of their research would be virtually impossible today since it would require a great amount of difficult to obtain and expensive materials; but during the time of the Soviet Union virtually anything he required for this military purpose was made available to him. So let us not dwell on exactly how their research twisted and turned, but rather what they discovered about peptides and the properties they have to protect us and benefit our health. Let us move onto what the Institute of Bioregulation and Gerontology in St. Petersburg are now referring to as Peptide Bioregulators.

Peptide Bioregulators It’s a given fact that nutrition is one of the most important factors affecting human development. The components of nutrition are transformed into the structural development of cells to support metabolism, physical and intellectual activity and to ensure health and longevity. Of course, nutritional disturbances always entail negative consequences. The role of peptides in terms of being ‘active’ upon different organ systems was shown many years ago by I.P. Pavlov who // Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 // e-mail:

won the Nobel Prize in 1904 for the physiology of digestion. It’s understood that humans, through food, obtain proteins, which are split under the influence of gastric enzymes into small peptides and aminoacids, which in turn help to regulate the functions of different body functions and systems. But now, Professor Khavinson and his team have discovered that ‘bioregulation’ through peptide therapy is possible. It is a new approach to prevent age related diseases and restore disordered body functions. The Russians developed a method to isolate small peptides, which consist of three bound aminoacids, from animal tissues. They found that the efficacy of these small peptides is high and that they can exert their effect at minimal doses. Fundamentally, these small peptides, (that are isolated from individual organs and glands etc.), reveal activity by manifesting the stimulation of protein synthesis of those specific tissues. So, for example, the peptide taken from the testes reinvigorates a ‘biological reserve’ of the testes when administered; the Russian work refers to the application of these Peptide Bioregulators as ‘geroprotectors.’ These specific small peptides interlock with their specific section of DNA and activate the gene. This is a highly specific reaction. For example- enhancement/ improvement of testes, adrenal glands, eye retina or prostate, (or from wherever the original peptide was obtained) has been seen.

Figure Four: The role of peptides in the cycle of DNA, RNA and protein biosynthesis. It can be clearly seen in figure four, that these Peptide Bioregulators can act directly upon DNA to activate gene processes.

Overview The detail of the Russian research with Peptide Bioregulators is described in the following schematic: There is complementary interaction between small peptides and DNA, it causes Chromatin decondensation, which in turn creates Changes in gene conformation and expression which leads to Synthesis of tissue specific proteins, causing Cellular proliferation and differentiation and finally ends in the

Figure One: (Left) a sequence of nucleotide pairs in the DNA double helix. Figure Two: (Right) the complimentary interaction of a Peptide Bioregulator onto this same DNA double helix.

Regulation of biochemical and physiological processes

Beneficial effects There are quite a lot of individual Peptide Regulators to report on, and given the limited space available to me (with this first introduction to them in the Aging Matters™ magazine); it means this will have to be brief. But naturally, we hope to be uploading much more to the IAS website soon and of course saying more in future issues.

Figure Three: The same reaction shown from a different viewpoint- the interlocking/ stimulation of the peptide bioregulator onto a DNA groove.

Figure five shows a patient born in 1972 who has diabetes mellitus type II, proliferate diabetic retinopathy and pseudophakia. She was observed over 5 years and undertook just 11 courses of Peptide Bioregulator treatment, (each one // Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 // e-mail:


equal to 10-days). Her visual acuity was 0.4 on admission and was 0.85 on discharge with a significant widening of vision, (as can be seen by the healthy green areas of vision), overall her normal vision across the retina improved from 51.3% to 93.7%.

any side effects. Studies of the animals morphological and biochemical indices, including the status of their internal organs, cardiovascular, respiratory, liver and kidney functions have not revealed any pathologic alterations- even at these extreme doses.

Dosages Dosing is also quite remarkable; since the Peptide Bioregulators stimulate protein synthesis and therefore by consequence activate a ‘biological reserve.’ Hence, the gland/ organ that the specific peptide provides for seems to be ‘kick started’ into doing more, like when it was younger and then this ‘reinvigorated’ process appears to continue for some considerable time, long after the last capsule is consumed. Figure Five: A field of vision test, left upon entry to the program with a 51.3% normal vision and right after treatment with Peptide Bioregulators, now with a normal vision of 93.7%

For example, the generally healthy person who wants protect/ enhance a particular aspect need only take 2 capsules a day for 10-days and then repeat the course 6 months later! That would be an impossible task to perform with say a hormone, whereby treatment would need to be continued almost daily to maintain that hormone level. But of course, these peptides are not hormones per-se, rather they are instructing the particular hormone’s gland to ‘get to work!’ Of course some persons, (depending on their need), will of course want to repeat the 20-capsule regime more often than every 6-months; perhaps every 3-months or perhaps up to every month if deemed absolutely necessary, but there certainly doesn’t appear to be a need to take the 2-capsules every day.

Figure Six: A field of vision test, upon admission (left) with a normal vision of 8.5% and after treatment with Peptide Bioregulators (right) with a normal vision of 29.6% The patient shown in figure six was born in 1936 and has pigment retinal degeneration, low myopia and pseudophakia. The black areas show no vision capability and therefore the patient was near blind at the start of the study. However, over a course of 7-years the patient received 12 courses of Peptide Bioregulator therapy, (each course being a period of 10-days). Afterward there was a significant widening of vision and considerably improved ERG indices. I think this case is quite remarkable considering how serious and debilitating the condition was to start with. Clearly Peptide Bioregulators can have highly significant benefits for eyesight conditions, especially those related to retinal disorders.

Safety Sanitary chemical tests for toxic elements and heavy metals have confirmed their complete absence from both the raw materials and from within the final Peptide Bioregulator products. In addition, acute toxicity trials that gave single dosages 5000 times greater than the normal therapeutic doses have not triggered any serious reactions. Furthermore, long term administration of doses between 100 to 1000 times the regular therapeutic doses has not reported 8

Side effects and contraindications Most remarkably of all- with thousands of patient data of individuals having taken these Peptide Bioregulators for years, there have been no reported side-effects and there are no known contraindications. But I would be remiss as a pharmacist, if I didn’t say that given the action of the Peptide Bioregulators that any persons taking medications that may ‘interfere’ with lipid levels, or individuals taking hormonal supplements, should monitor their blood/ urine levels closely, to ensure that changes are not going beyond what you expect. For example, I expect that those on hormone replacement therapy may have to lower their doses in line with the specific Peptide Bioregulator that is being taken concurrently.

Russian food supplements The Russian group have rightly protected their peptide bioregulators technology with worldwide patents- they’ve even copyrighted their remarkable 3D PowerPoint® slides! Note, that the peptide range is presently derived from a Danish bovine source and prepared to pharmaceutical standards. The entire range is currently registered and sold on the Russian market as food supplements. // Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 // e-mail:

The Peptide Bioregulators currently available from IAS are as follows: 1. Peptide Bioregulator for the testes, called Testoluten® 2. Peptide Bioregulator for the prostate, called Libidon® 3. Peptide Bioregulator for the eyes, called Visoluten® 4. Peptide Bioregulator for the adrenal glands, called Glandokort® IAS hopes to be adding more of the Peptide Bioregulator range in the near future, obviously it is our intention to report on them often, as and when we have news to tell- so please stay tuned to the website: and the Aging Matters™ magazine for more details.

college that food must contain ‘hidden’ DNA messages; maybe these peptides are that missing link? So where does this currently available technology take us? Might it take us into a whole new realm of personalised biological ‘control’ with long-term health and longevity advantages? As usual, only time will tell, but we do know that this type of new approach/ understanding doesn’t come along very often, sometimes not even in a person’s lifetime. So I am excited to know about it, intrigued to have access to it, and want to see where it leads us. We truly are on the cusp of a new Russian revolution, although this time no shots will be fired and it could benefit everyone!

References 1. Khavinson, V.K., Peptidergic regulation of aging, Humanistica, 2009 2. Khavinson V.K., Neroev V.V., Tromimova S.V., Osokina Yu. Unique method for restoration of retinal functions in case of different diseases. Gerontological Society of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2011 3. Khavinson, V.K. Cytogens, biologically active food supplements, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, 2007 4. Khavinson, V.K., Solov Y.A., Zhilinskii D.V., Shataeva L.K., Vanyushin B.F. Epigenetic aspects of peptide mediated regulation of aging. Advances in Gerontology, 2012, vol 2, no 4, 277-286 5. ‘Live to 100 says Russian physician’ by Lisa Karpova, www. 6. Khavinson VKh, Bondarev IE, Butyugov AA, Smirnova TD. Peptide promotes overcoming of the division limit in human somatic cell. Bull Exp Biol Med. 2004 May; 137(5):503-6.

Conclusion There’s no doubt that much of the top-talk at the antiaging meetings today, by those ‘in the know,’ is focused on peptides. And it’s not just about these Russian peptides, (for which a great many are still yet to discover them, or for that matter even understand them), but other peptides such as TRH, which is a tripeptide researched by Dr. Walter Pierpaoli, (featured in issue 2 of the 2012 Aging Matters™ magazine), or sermorelin, which has been researched by Dr. Richard Walker, (featured in issue 1 of the 2012 Aging Matters™ magazine). I am going to make a bold statement and suggest my theory- that these peptides may be a missing active health ‘component’ from food. As we know, food is made up of fiber, vitamins, minerals, proteins, fats etc., but these peptides can be found in our diet and because of their nano size they appear to easily pass through the stomach wall, avoiding stomach acid degradation, (which otherwise destroys so much of the proteins in food). Now, Professor Khavinson’s published research shows us that once these small peptides pass into the bloodstream they invigorate specific gene activation; they do so by interlocking with a particular section of DNA, and as such, they may by themselves be considered to be highly individual ‘gene switches.’ It’s been my belief ever since leaving nutritional

7. St. Petersburg Institute of bioregulation and gerontology, north-west branch of the Russian academy of medical sciences. 8. “I think that the small peptides are the best for healthy ageing.” An interview with Vladimir Khavinson. Biogerontology, February 3, 2013 [Epub ahead of print] 9. Khavinson VKh, Linkova NS, Polyakova VO, Kheifets OV, Tarnovskaya SI, Kvetnoy IM. Peptides tissue-specifically stimulate cell differentiation during their aging. Bull Exp Biol Med. 2012 May; 153(1):148-51. 10. Khavinson VKh, Anisimov VN. Peptide regulation of aging: 35-year research experience. Bull Exp Biol Med. 2009 Jul; 148(1):94-8. // Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 // e-mail:


(this is a fairly common issue, often undiagnosable using only conventional testing). Your intestines might not have the energy to function and you experience constipation--or paradoxically, you might have diarrhea. It’s well known that low thyroid causes hardening of the arteries (atherosclerosis) which leads to heart attacks and strokes. We’ll explore this further later in the article. In addition to the above, low thyroid is a common cause of many symptoms including high cholesterol levels, premenstrual syndrome, post-partum (after having a baby) depression, weight gain, depression, cold extremities, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, high levels of homocysteine (a natural material in the blood, but large amounts can be dangerous), high blood pressure, and diabetes. Do you happen to know anyone with any of those problems? Of course, we all do. And there is a crowd of people out there with these types of problems.

Can you trust the accuracy of the routine thyroid tests?

The epidemic of low thyroid diseases By Rick Wilkinson, M.D. The function of every cell in the body depends on the presence of an adequate amount of thyroid hormones in order to do the work it is supposed to do. Brain cells need thyroid hormones to think. Muscle cells need thyroid hormones to move. Therefore, what happens when a person’s thyroid is not working as well as it should? When inadequate amounts of thyroid hormones are able to enter into each cell to perform its normal work, what does a person experience? There is this magnificent little molecule called T3 (one of several thyroid hormones), that is absolutely necessary for the cells of the body to produce energy. You eat food and you breathe in oxygen--but if you don’t have adequate T3, the food and the oxygen won’t be able to do much. T3 is involved in the process of mating food and oxygen (what you eat and what you breathe) in order to make energy for muscles, nerves, and other cells so that they are able to do what they are supposed to do. Imagine that your muscles don’t have enough thyroid hormone. What are you going to experience? The muscles might feel tired and weak. And they might hurt. If your brain is deficient in thyroid hormones, it might seem as though your brain isn’t working. As some of my patients describe it, “My brain feels like it’s in a fog”. It’s hard to think. Your joints might swell and hurt if thyroid hormones are not getting into the cells where the hormones can do their work. Your ovaries may not work properly and you can’t get pregnant 10

A low thyroid status can cause the problems listed above. But many people with those problems have been told that their thyroid is normal. Is it always true that their thyroid is, in fact, “normal?” A question we should ask is this: Might a lot of those symptoms or diseases be caused primarily or in part by low thyroid status but missed due to conventional testing and diagnostic methods? What is particularly interesting is that many of these problems will tend to improve or disappear when there is appropriate thyroid treatment. Because there are so many people with fatigue, menstrual disorders, high cholesterol, depression, diabetes and such that are able to enjoy a much higher level of function with appropriately prescribed thyroid therapy, many doctors are recognizing that we are facing an epidemic of hypothyroidism (low thyroid status) that is not adequately diagnosed by using only blood tests during a medical workup. These physicians are beginning to realize that the currently popular method of testing for thyroid status is inadequate, and often falsely leads doctors to believe that their patients have sufficient thyroid hormones when, in fact, they do not. When we understand 1) what the thyroid hormones do, and 2) what it looks like when the thyroid system is not working properly, we are better able to accurately determine thyroid status than by looking only at a laboratory test or two. We’ll try to explain this so that it isn’t too confusing. But first let’s consider the potential benefits of having a thyroid status that is slightly on the higher side of normal rather than slightly on the lower side of midrange.

Was Mona Lisa hyperthyroid? Allow me to quote a Nobel Prize winner, Harvard cardiologist Dr. Bernard Lown, addressing this issue in a tangential way. Dr. Lown deeply admired his chief mentor, Dr. Samuel // Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 // e-mail:

Levine, and wrote about him in a wonderful book, The Art of Healing. His affection for this brilliant doctor brightens the paragraphs and pages in which he eulogizes this wise gentleman. After Dr. Levine retired, he began seeing Dr. Lown as his personal cardiologist. Through the roles of student and doctor, Dr. Lown learned a great deal about Dr. Levine. Perhaps the most interesting observation regarding Dr. Levine, in the current context, is the following: “Dr. Levine was impressed with the brightness and quickness of hyperthyroid (too much thyroid) patients. He admired them intensely, and believed that the condition protected them against coronary artery disease. I later learned, when he became my patient, that he had taken three grains of thyroid daily (that is, Armour® thyroid or equivalent) for more than thirty years. He maintained that those with increased thyroid function had bright, sparkling eyes and appeared to be interesting people, because personality is conveyed largely through the eyes. Levine suggested that the universal fascination with the Mona Lisa stems from her being hyperthyroid. He insisted that a slight stare makes viewers believe that she is focusing on them and is the basis for the attention this painting has received over the centuries.” Dr. Levine is here talking about people with a slight excess of thyroid by current standards, not severely hyperthyroid people. Because he would rather be slightly hyperthyroid than slightly hypothyroid (low thyroid), Dr. Levine took a rather generous dose of natural, desiccated thyroid for many years. Whether the good doctor was correct in his appraisal of Mona Lisa, we’ll never know. But in regard to other issues, Dr. Levine is increasingly being shown to be correct. Namely, the benefit of thyroid for the cardiovascular system, the use of natural, desiccated thyroid, and the value of dosing a patient toward the upper end of the acceptable range rather the low end. It may help to know what is meant by natural, desiccated thyroid. In the marketplace, it is often known as Armour® thyroid, Nature® throid or ERFA®.

Poor lifestyle and hypothyroid symptoms In light of this information, how do you take action if you think that you might have low thyroid function? A couple of cautions you should consider before concluding that you must have hypothyroidism. First, diet is terribly important. Putting on weight while drinking Frappuccino’s in the morning and a few pints in the evening is not likely a thyroid problem. Second, if you’re tired but you’re working three jobs, sleeping 4-5 hours each night, and getting no exercise, I doubt that your fatigue is primarily a thyroid issue. Lifestyle choices are hugely important for feeling good and having plenty of energy. If you really want to feel good, pay attention to your food choices, sleep habits, exercise and other important lifestyle issues. But if you are treating your body well, feeding it well, and

you’re still feeling poorly, thyroid legitimately might be an important factor in your getting well.

The TSH test: measuring the voice of the pituitary This is where some of the challenge for the consumer (you) comes in. If you’re concerned, legitimately, about some of these thyroid related issues, how do you know if you need thyroid? Without getting very technical, there are a few basic definitions that you need to have a handle on in order to understand what your lab work means and how to discuss your situation with your doctor. The most frequent way that doctors evaluate thyroid status is to have blood drawn in which the thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) is checked. You especially need to understand the significance of the TSH. The pituitary is a small gland situated in the forward part of the head a bit behind and between the back ends of the eyes. It’s the boss of the thyroid. The pituitary tells the thyroid what to do. The pituitary continuously samples the blood for one of the thyroid hormones and if the thyroid is not doing its job, the pituitary says, “Get to work.” At first it suggests the need for improved efficiency on the job with a very soft voice (TSH is not elevated). But if there is an inadequate response on the part of the thyroid, the pituitary raises its voice bit by bit until it can be shouting and even screaming at the thyroid to get off its duff and start producing thyroid hormones, (elevated TSH). The current definition of low thyroid primarily has to do with how loudly the pituitary is talking to the thyroid. As long as the pituitary’s voice is not too high, it is assumed that the thyroid is doing its job. After all, the pituitary, which monitors and bosses the thyroid, is happy, or so the current medical thinking goes. If the pituitary is raising its voice (elevated TSH), then the thyroid must not be producing adequate thyroid hormones. A person with a pituitary having to shout (elevated TSH) at the thyroid, is by current popular definition hypothyroid. The TSH is the measure of the how loudly the pituitary is speaking or shouting. The conventional definition for low thyroid function (hypothyroidism) is a TSH over about 5.00. So if you go to the doctor and your TSH is 5.20 you might be told that your thyroid is a bit low and you need to begin thyroid therapy. On the other hand, your TSH might be 4.80. In which case your doctor might say your thyroid is normal and you don’t need any thyroid.

Typically unrecognized limitations in using the TSH test There are several problems with this definition. First and foremost has to do with the clinical picture of what is happening with you. Do you have any signs or symptoms of low thyroid? If you do have symptoms/signs that are suspicious for low thyroid, then a TSH of 4.80 or even a lot lower might be consistent with low thyroid. As one example, suppose that the pituitary is “hoarse” or has “laryngitis”. It can’t raise its voice even if it wants to. It might // Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 // e-mail:


be trying to scream but only getting out a gentle whisper. In which case, a low thyroid would be consistent with a low TSH (contrary to the usual picture). So we either have to test for “pituitary laryngitis” (which can be done) or pay close attention to the signs and symptoms of the person. Often a woman will have a damaged pituitary following childbirth in which it becomes unable to raise its voice (Sheehan’s syndrome). These women are often misdiagnosed as depressed or malingerers when, in reality, they are hypothyroid with low TSH. Treat them with thyroid as they should be treated and all becomes well. This is one of the challenges of an overly-simplistic diagnostic approach. Another reason that total reliance on TSH levels is inappropriate is that TSH levels can vary substantially during the day. There can easily be a 200% or more variance during the day in a given individual. On the desk in front of me are the 24-hour measurements of two patients where the TSH was drawn every few minutes. With one patient the 24-hour low was about 0.30 and the high was about 2.00. The other showed a low of about 1.00 and a high during the 24 hours of approximately 5.00. A TSH of 1.00 is considered good, but a TSH of 5.00 would often be considered high, indicating low thyroid status. So which is the TSH to use? Another legitimate and argued question is: At what level is the TSH too high? As mentioned above, most labs use a number in the vicinity of 5.00. The American Society of Clinical Endocrinologists suggests that when treating low thyroid problems the TSH should be kept below 3.00. If a TSH above 3.00 is not best for a patient being treated, it’s reasonable to ask if a TSH of 5.00 might not be too high for an untreated person. The experts in designing tests to evaluate human health are members of the National Academy of Clinical Biochemistry. They have recently noted the following: • Over 95% of healthy people with optimal thyroid function have a TSH that is less than 2.50. • Patients with a TSH above 2.50 may be in the early stages of thyroid failure. • When treating a patient, the TSH optimally should not be above 2.00. It is also important to measure the actual amount of thyroid hormones present in the blood. There are two main hormones. One is called T4, as it is the thyroid hormone with four iodine atoms attached to it. The other is T3, because it has three iodine atoms attached. T3 is some three to ten times as active as T4. If T4 or T3 are low, (or even low end of normal range) the thyroid system may not be functioning optimally. One other thing; if you have an inflammation of the thyroid gland (thyroiditis or Hashimoto’s thyroiditis) you can have normal levels of TSH, T4 and T3, but the whole thyroid system might not be working right. Often we find that people with thyroiditis feel much better when treated with thyroid hormones. Thus we see that measuring only TSH levels is inadequate 12

to optimally evaluate the thyroid status. We believe that a thorough initial evaluation should include TSH, thyroid antibodies (to check for thyroiditis), free T3 and free T4 (the active or available forms of T3 and T4) and possibly reverse T3.

A better way to diagnose low thyroid Ultimately, the most important factor in making a diagnosis is the knowledge and awareness of the physician. A physician aware of the importance of optimal thyroid function is going to consider at least the following factors: 1. Your blood work. 2. Your history including important symptoms you are experiencing. 3. An endocrinologically oriented physical examination. 4. Your temperatures (thyroid maintains body heat). For a variety of reasons that we will not discuss in any detail here, every blood test may be perfectly normal and a person might still need thyroid hormone supplementation. That’s the reason for the four-point approach to evaluation. If we return to the thinking of the previously-referenced Dr. Samuel Levine, you’ll appreciate what I mean. Dr. Lown says the following about his mentor: “He recognized… that ‘medicine is the science of uncertainty, the art of probability.’ He believed that the bulk of relevant information could be obtained from a properly gathered history and meticulously executed physical examination. He taught that a battery of tests must not replace a mind willing to think… “He hinted that frequent reliance on a so-called workup, engaging the heavy medical artillery of the day, such as X-ray or cardiac fluoroscopy, electrocardiography, phonocardiography, blood work and urine analysis, is testimony to a lack of clinical skill…” My own mentor on the subject of thyroid evaluation and treatment was Broda Barnes, M.D., Ph.D. Dr. Barnes was direct in his thoughts regarding the evaluation and treatment of patients. He said, with great vigor; “Always treat the patient, not numbers on paper.” By this he meant that many doctors are too busy to listen to the patient and to do the requisite exam, or they were ignorant of what the signs and symptoms of low thyroid truly were. Thus, hypothyroidism was, to them, only what the numbers on paper would report. If a patient’s TSH was 4.80, in these doctors’ minds the patient was normal. If the TSH was 5.20, the patient was hypothyroid. For Dr. Barnes, that was not being a good physician.

A brief review to clarify 1. TSH is the generally accepted method of diagnosing thyroid status. A high TSH is thought to always indicate low thyroid status. A low TSH is usually interpreted as too much thyroid. And a normal TSH is considered indicative of normal thyroid function. 2. There is now a large body of data that shows us that this interpretation of TSH is only legitimate in some cases. People who are depressed may have standard laboratory tests all showing normal. But they are often shown to be hypothyroid when more advanced testing is done. People with inflammatory diseases such as some forms of arthritis // Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 // e-mail:

will often have normal standard lab reports--but when more accurate testing is done they are shown to be low in thyroid. Ditto, when one is dieting (calorie restriction). Ditto with chronic fatigue syndrome. Ditto with diabetes and fibromyalgia and obesity and others.

A student of Billroth, von Eilsberg, did further research demonstrating that the removal of the thyroid gland from sheep and goats led to systemic atherosclerosis.

3. The best way to diagnose thyroid status is to use a combination of:

Professors Pick and Pineless, also of Vienna, removed the thyroid glands of sheep and goats, but provided the animals with thyroid replacement similar to Armour® thyroid. These animals did not develop atherosclerosis.

a. A variety of blood tests, not just TSH, or TSH and free T4.

American Research

b. A thorough history taken by someone who understands nuances of hypothyroid manifestations.

Dr. Hurxthal of the Lahey Clinic in Boston reported on observations in their clinic. They would remove the thyroid gland of patients who were hyperthyroid (too much thyroid). Dr. Hurxthal noted that these patients would often have cholesterol levels that were quite low prior to the surgery. But after the surgery, if too much thyroid tissue were removed rendering the patient hypothyroid, they would often develop high levels of cholesterol.

c. An endocrinologically oriented physical exam. d. Basal body temperatures or other methods of evaluating metabolic status.

Dr. Ord in London A correct diagnosis of thyroid status may be critically important. Let’s use the example of atherosclerotic heart disease (heart attacks). In the mid-1870s, virtually nothing was known about the function of the thyroid. One of the classic presentations in the history of thyroid research was given by Dr. William Ord. He described a patient who had been a healthy and industrious woman at the age of 49. She gradually became cold, experiencing shivering spells. Her mental faculties and memory decreased. Her movements became slow and awkward--it required two hours for her to dress herself. She would fall asleep unless she was moving. She died at age 60. On autopsy it was discovered that her thyroid gland was entirely destroyed by fibrous tissue. The pathologist described the vascular system like this: “…the arteries were everywhere thickened, the larger ones atheromatous.” In other words, she had extensive atherosclerotic (hardening of the arteries) disease of all larger arteries. Dr. Ord was convinced that there was a connection between the destruction of the thyroid gland and the symptoms she had, including the damage to the arteries. A commission was chartered to explore the function of the thyroid gland. Over the following years, a reasonably clear picture of the role of the thyroid was obtained. What is clear and generally accepted is that low thyroid function causes or contributes to hardening of the arteries.

Professor Billroth of Vienna This gentleman is one of the most famous surgeons of history. Very large goiters (enlarged thyroid glands) used to be relatively common. Cosmetically, they were disturbing. The good professor developed a safe and effective method of removing thyroid glands. However, with no thyroid gland remaining, the people became severely hypothyroid and would die of myxedema, a technical term for the swelling associated with very low thyroid function. An Austrian law mandated that everyone dying in hospital be autopsied. It was discovered that all of these patients dying of low thyroid because their thyroids had been removed had generalized, severe hardening of the arteries throughout the body.

The relationship between thyroid status and high cholesterol levels was so significant that Hurxthal suggested that serum cholesterol might be considered as a diagnostic measure for thyroid function. He even suggested that elevated cholesterol might be an indication for thyroid therapy if another cause for the hypercholesterolemia could not be found. Professor William Kountz, Washington University of St Louis, published in 1951 Thyroid Function and Its Possible role in Vascular Degeneration. He reports on a study of patients with low body temperatures and many with elevated cholesterol. The first group was businessmen with an average age of 55. This group had little evidence of hardening of the arteries and the men were patients in his private practice. A second group were outpatients at the University Clinic. These men averaged age 61. Many already had evidence of some hardening of the arteries. Each group was divided into two. One of the subgroups received thyroid treatment. The other subgroup did not receive thyroid. All groups were followed for five years and monitored for heart attacks and strokes. • Group one: There were no deaths in those treated with thyroid. In the untreated group, 15% had a fatal heart attack or stroke. • Group two: There was 3% mortality in the treated group and 19% mortality in the untreated group. Over six times as many men died in the untreated group. Dr. Barnes went to Graz, Austria every year for fifteen years and spent at least one month studying the autopsy records accumulated over some 200 years. As mentioned above, every hospital death required autopsy. The conclusion of a huge amount of work and research is this: Low thyroid people are subject to increased risk of infection and poorer ability to fight the infection. Prior to the advent of antibiotics these people would routinely die of infections prior to dying of heart attacks. The records show that those dying of infections had extensive hardening of the arteries. After


antibiotics became available, these people would be treated allowing them to live long enough for heart attacks to kill them.

‘Normal’ vs. optimal Recent research indicates that just having normal thyroid function based on TSH levels is not necessarily optimal. The increased risk of atherosclerosis in borderline hypothyroidism extends into the normal range. In other words, having a high normal TSH (borderline low function) increases your risk of hardening of the arteries. One study suggests that the lowest possible TSH within the normal range (i.e. around 0.4) is the best way to reduce risk of cardiovascular disease. “Normal” is not the same thing as optimal as this study demonstrates. In the field of antiaging or integrative medicine, our goal is to achieve the optimal range, not just the ‘normal’. Studies like this confirm our setting of higher goals.

Thyroid and cholesterol People with subclinical hypothyroidism, (a technical term for people with no dramatic symptoms of low thyroid function and an elevated TSH) often have elevated cholesterol levels. When treated with thyroid replacement hormones, there is a significant decrease in both total cholesterol and in LDL (the so-called ‘bad’ cholesterol). The higher your T3 levels are, the lower your cholesterol levels are likely to be. Another study looked at 35 male patients with severe atherosclerosis. They monitored these men for two years and again evaluated the amount of hardening of the arteries. In 14 there was no progression of the disease. 21 had significant progression. They then asked what was most significant in apparently preventing progression. One of the two most important factors was the T3 level, (the active form of the thyroid hormone included in Armour® thyroid but not in Synthroid® or its equivalents). Articles like these begin to delve into the issue of which is the best way of treating low thyroid function. We’ll address this a little later. But with information such as this, many of us who work daily in this field question the notion of treating patients only with T4-containing preparations such as Synthroid® and Levoxyl®. This article shows that higher levels of T3 are at least suggestive evidence that a combination of T4 and T3 might be preferable to T3 only. There are a large number of articles dealing with the issue of atherosclerosis and thyroid function. The challenge for a writer is choosing from so many that demonstrate the same principle: adequate treatment with thyroid hormones is often protective against hardening of the arteries and thus heart attacks.

Other benefits of appropriate thyroid replacement Homocysteine is a known risk factor for heart attacks, strokes and peripheral artery disease like claudication (pain in legs with walking due to atherosclerosis). It is a toxic metabolite (breakdown product) of the amino acid methionine. Elevated homocysteine levels are also associated with increased risk of 14

bone fracture, dementia and attention deficit. People with low thyroid function tend to have high levels of homocysteine. People with high thyroid levels have low homocysteine levels. Therefore, treating people with high homocysteine levels and indications of hypothyroidism with appropriate thyroid therapy might benefit the high levels of homocysteine. This might reduce the risk of heart attacks, strokes and bone fractures. Fatigue, sadness, irritability, anger, sleepiness, sense of being chilly or hot and a variety of other symptoms are rather common in today’s world. These are all possible signs of hypothyroidism. A study published in 1999 looked at a group of patients who had previously been diagnosed with hypothyroidism. These patients had all been treated with T4 only (i.e. Synthroid® or an equivalent). However, their symptoms (as listed in the previous paragraph) had not improved. The study reduced the amount of T4 given to each patient and added in a roughly biological equivalent of T3. These patients were now receiving a combination of T3 and T4 (similar to what one receives by using Armour® thyroid). The conclusion of the study was that nobody did better on T4 alone. Most of the patients did better on the combination of T4 and T3. “It seems clear that treatment with thyroxine (T4) plus triiodothyronine (T3) improved the quality of life for most patients.”

The best treatment for hypothyroidism The most common therapy for hypothyroidism is T4 only, or a medication like Synthroid®, Levoxyl® or the generic levothyroxine. We have quoted various articles which suggest that the combination of T3 with T4 might be beneficial for a number of reasons. Dr. Levine, mentioned in the first part of this article, routinely took a combination of T3 and T4, the combination included in desiccated thyroid. Dr. Barnes, my mentor on thyroid treatment, tested a variety of thyroid preparations. His conclusion was that most patients do best using Armour® thyroid. Most important to me as a treating physician is: How does my patient feel with the treatment I’m providing? Does s/he feel better as a result of taking the thyroid hormone? In the Bunevicius study reviewed above, patients taking T3 and T4 clearly felt much better than when they took T4 only. My experience in treating patients like this for some 25 years is that most of them feel better taking the T3 and T4 combination than if they take the T4 alone. I’m not dogmatic about the use of the combination as I’m interested in the well-being of the patient. There are a few (very few) that actually feel better taking the T4 alone. For them I gladly prescribe Synthroid® or an equivalent. Most patients, however, feel best taking the combination of T3 and T4. I routinely prescribe Armour® thyroid, which is desiccated (dried) thyroid tissue with a carefully regulated amount of T3 and T4 included in it. // Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 // e-mail:

How I transfer my patients from T4 only therapy to desiccated thyroid One must first understand that there is not an exact equivalence between T4 preparations and Armour® thyroid. When a person takes T4 medications, the amount is given in micrograms. Synthroid® 50 means 50 micrograms of Synthroid®. Armour® thyroid is given in milligrams and indicates the amount of desiccated (dried) thyroid tissue being used. The amount of T4 and T3 in the thyroid tissue is carefully regulated. One grain of Armour® thyroid contains 38 micrograms of T4 and 9 micrograms of T3. (Of interest, Armour® thyroid also contains T2 which has an increasing amount of fascinating data showing that it may also be an important factor in overall thyroid health. Synthroid®, of course, contains no T2.) T3 is typically considered to be 4 times as potent as T4. One grain of Armour® has 38 micrograms of T4 plus 9 micrograms of T3, which is considered to be equal to approximately (4x9=36) 36 micrograms of T4. One grain of Armour® has the equivalence of 74 (38 mcg from T4 + 36 mcg equivalence from T3) micrograms of T4. When I make the switch from Synthroid® to Armour® equivalents, I calculate approximately what the appropriate conversion would be. If a person is taking 75 micrograms of Synthroid®, I would consider changing to Armour® 60 mg based on the above calculations. If a person is taking 150 micrograms of Synthroid®, 120 milligrams of Armour® might be a good dose to change to. I usually do not have them stop Synthroid® one day and start full dose Armour® the next day. I’ve found that I have fewer problems in making the conversion if a person takes half their Synthroid® dose and half their projected Armour® dose for 7-10 days. Then I have them stop the Synthroid® and take the full dose of Armour®.

them to stop the thyroid for a day or two and call my office for advice on dosing. We then will decrease the prescription appropriately. In practice, this seldom happens.

Conclusion Optimal supplementation with natural forms of thyroid hormones has a strong healing benefit for those whose native thyroid status is less than optimal. When treatment is adequate it can help to lower cholesterol, improve depression and prevent advancement of atherosclerosis. It can also help to lower blood pressure and generally help people to feel better. There are many other benefits we are unable to discuss in a brief article. The diagnosis of low thyroid function is based on a combination of the symptoms a person is experiencing, a physical examination, body temperatures and blood work. Most people will feel best if thyroid replacement is done using desiccated thyroid, which includes a combination of T3 and T4. The information presented in this article should assist you in being able to intelligently discuss thyroid replacement issues with your physician.

References Lown, B, The lost art of healing, Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston, 1996, p 9 Greenspan Sl et al, Pulsatile secretion of TSH in man. J Clin Endocrinol Metabol 1986;63:664 Baskin HJ, American association of clinical endocrinologists medical guidelines for clinical practice for the evaluation and treatment hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism, Endocrine Practice Vol 8 No.6 Nov/Dec 2002 NACB, Laboratory Support for the diagnosis and monitoring of thyroid diseases, available at Lown, p 4 Personal discussion with Dr Barnes See for example Cappola AR & Ladenson PW, Hypothyroidism and Atherosclerosis, J Clin Endocrinol Metab, June 2003, 88(6):2438-2444 or for an older, more reader friendly perspective on the subject see Barnes and Barnes, Solved: The Riddle of Heart Attacks, Robinson Press, Fort Collins, 1976

Synthroid® equivalents are usually scored so they are easily broken in half. Armour® is not quite so easily divided, but is not too difficult with the use of a sharp knife. [Ed. – natural thyroids are available in a wide range of doses, so at least initially the patient can use a different dose before reaching their regular plateau].

For more information on this viewpoint, see Mason RL, Hunt HM, and Hurxthal L NEJM 203, 1273-1278, 1930, and see Barnes and Barnes

The transitions are not always so clear cut. What to do when a person is taking 100 micrograms of Synthroid? I will usually transition to Armour® 90 milligrams, especially if I think that the person is running a bit low. Effectively, 90 milligrams of Armour® is a higher dose than 100 micrograms of Synthroid®. When making the change, I always let my patients know what to expect if it turns out they are getting too much thyroid. Typical symptoms of too much thyroid will be:

Barth JD et al, Progression and regression of human coronary atherosclerosis, Atherosclerosis, 68(1-2): 51-58, Nov 1987

1. Rapid heart rate.

Bunevicius R et al, Effects of thyroxine as compared with thyroxine plus triiodothyronine in patients with hypothyroidism, NEJM, 340:424-429, Feb 1999

2. Palpitations.

Bakker SJL et al, The relationship between thyrotropin (TSH) and low density lipoprotein cholesterol, J Clin Endocrinol Metab, 86: 1206-1211, 2001 Meier C et al, Lipid-lowering effect of T4 in hypothyroidism, J Clin Endocrinol Metab, 86(10): 4860-4866, 2001 Elder J et al, Ann Clin Biochem, 27:110-113, 1990

Hussein WI et al, Normalization of hyperhomocysteinemia with L-thyroxine in hypothyroidism, Annals of Internal Medicine, 131(5): 348-351, Sept 1999 Sato Y et al, Effect of folate and mecobalamin on hip fractures in patients with stroke, JAMA, 293:1082-1088, 2005 Diekman MJ et al, Determinants of changes in plasma homocysteine in hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism, Clin Endocrinol (Oxf), 54(2): 197-204, Feb 2001 There are other papers which also demonstrate improved homocysteine levels with thyroid treatment including Hussein et al above.

3. Feeling hyper, something similar to drinking too much coffee. If one of my patients begins having these symptoms, I advise // Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 // e-mail:


be doing so. Who isn’t interested in how they are aging?” PM: “Let us start then with the 64 billion Dollar question! Please tell us what you believe aging to be.” WP: “In a nutshell, the pineal gland, via its links with the pituitary gland and the hypothalamus, is the biological clock network; it is a true scanner for growth, fertility, aging and also death.” PM: “So in-effect, the pineal gland acts as a daynight counter limiting our lifespan?” WP: “Yes, it seems blatantly obvious to me. Are we different from dogs, cats and mice? No, we are all mammals!”

The rotational origin of diseases and aging An interview with

Walter Pierpaoli, M.D., PhD. In this interview, the Editor of the Aging Matters™ magazine, Phil Micans (PM) interviews Walter Pierpaoli, M.D., Ph.D. (WP) Dr Pierpaoli is famous for his scientific and clinical published research into melatonin, the thymus, immunity and much more. In addition, he is also recognised for being one of the world’s foremost antiaging physicians. In this interview, Dr. Pierpaoli describes his latest work and how it impacts his ‘rotational theory of aging.’ PM: “Once again Dr Pierpaoli it is my pleasure to be talking with you on our favorite subjectaging! I know it is a subject that fascinates you, me and many of our readers.” WP: “Quite right Phil, as always it is a delight to 16

PM: “I think that an age-clock counter explains why there have only been a handful of people who have made it past 120-years of age. If it were, for example, just down to free radicals as the cause of aging, there should have been some numbers of persons with excellent freeradical scavenging activity who would have had significantly longer lifespans by now. My assumption is based on the estimates that there have been 128 Billion homo-sapiens who have lived on Earth- that’s stated on Wikipedia so it must be right!!! (Ha ha)” WP: “As you well know, I do not believe in the fairy tale of poisonous radicals. It is fashion in science, such as the other fairy tale, that you can prolong life by maintaining telomere length. It is a desperate attempt which makes me laugh. The body takes care of itself, if the central ‘clock’ is synchronized!” PM: “Of course many people know that lifespan averages are increasing worldwide; but this is the mean lifespan for the average person, the maximum lifespan doesn’t seem to have expanded much- if at all. Roman records suggest there were individuals living up to 120-years, even thousands of years ago.This maximum lifespan of 120 years is even recorded in the Bible.” WP: “What prevents man to live normally to 110, 120 or 130 years are diseases! Now today’s highly polluted environment facilitates all kind of diseases, which when combined with bad genetics is the // Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 // e-mail:

main cause for atherosclerosis and tumours, which kill 80-90% of the population. New generations are now doomed to age earlier. In fact, the longlived people are those born before 1950, before the environmental disaster. They were raised and grew up in a more pristine nature- it is my own generation. Longer and healthier life now is a lie and I can see it in children! Believe it or not, healthy children do not exist anymore!” PM: “So by understanding that the pineal can recognise day from night, by releasing melatonin during darkness, and that this action could be a counter, why is your theory of aging called the rotational theory?”

our later years.” PM: “And how might this play out in humans in terms of lifespan and health?” WP: “I do believe that ‘resetting the pineal clock’ with melatonin, formulated in a way which produces and mimics the physiological night peak, we can enter a new phase of human life which allows all of us to reach our maximum lifespan in a useful way.” PM: “As a medical doctor I appreciate you have been treating many thousand of patients over decades, how have your patients’ health been improved by your protocols?”

WP: “It is time to explain planetary and atom rotational movements, all being in cyclicity etc. Everything in the cosmos is rotational and totally synchronized, from the atoms to the galaxies! Every cell in our body follows a strict circadian, day-night cyclicity, lunar and seasonal periodicity. We are generated, grow, procreate and follow our species program in a completely rotational system, controlled by our ‘clock’ in the hypothalamicpituitary-pineal network. We are a bunch of ‘tubes’ - arteries, gastrointestinal, urinary, etc., all strictly controlled by hormones, which in turn synchronically maintain cyclicity and periodicity, all linked to the rotational forces of the lunar-planetary system. After all, is the menstrual cycle different from the moon cycle? No it is not; but disruption of our adaptability to the rotational forces leads to diseases and early aging.”

WP: “From the publication of the USA bestseller, ‘The Melatonin Miracle’ in 1995, I was almost forced by people and circumstances to apply my discoveries to patients. I verified my re-synchronization method in several thousands of patients. All of them are cured from even the most hostile diseases such as cardiovascular; neurodegenerative a.o. Tumors can be easily prevented. I did not see a single case in my patients. A book is now being assembled collecting letters from the cured patients which is entitled; ‘The happy patients of Dr. Pierpaoli.’ Isn’t it the ultimate defiance?”

PM: “So can melatonin, when taken as a nighttime supplement, trick the age-clock? What have your animal experiments told you about their maximum lifespans and indeed the condition of their health in their later years?”

WP: “If the pineal gland controls our rotational adaptation to lunar and planetary cyclicity, obviously the night protection of the pineal gland with melatonin is fundamental. However, what will happen upon night protection of the pineal is a cascade of positive events which concern hormone inter-synchronization. In most cases I observe pituitary and thyroid dysfunctions, mostly hypothyroidism, which goes undetected owing to the laboratory assays which are totally misleading and wrong! I think this is a complete disaster. Clear or latent, insidious hypothyroidism is affecting 99% of the adult population. I do not know the reason for it and probably it is the main cause of pathologies in the new generations. But nobody talks of it!

WP: “Melatonin a precise night signal from the pineal gland; my murine experiments clearly illustrate that by ‘putting to rest’ the pineal gland, with night administration of melatonin, that the mice do not become immortal, but they do prolong their vitality which enables them to reach their maximum life-span, which is 3 years and would correspond to 110-130 years in man. It is simple and clear, with melatonin, which protects the pineal gland, we can prevent the ravage of time afflicting

PM: “I happen to know that your protocols include more than melatonin supplementation; can you describe some of your other fundamental approaches to optimal health please?” // Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 // e-mail:


I developed my own parameters. For example, I keep TSH at zero and ‘free’ T3 with ‘free’ T4 two-three times higher! TSH is a carcinogenic polypeptide similar to prolactin, whose value should not exceed 10 ng/ml. But it is prolactin that is the most dangerous carcinogenic, tumor-promoting agent in men and women. Also, in the course of my studies, in 1989, I discovered some totally unexpected activities for TRH, which has the totally misleading name of thyrotropin-releasing hormone. I wish to tell its story in a book. In fact, my observations on TRH activities over the past 25 years, allow me to say that a different level of basic regulation exists in the body- which goes back to the origin of life. This tiny molecule occupies a fundamental role, including the regulation of insulin production and release and consequently the precise control of blood sugar!”

PM: “TRH is actually a tri-peptide and as many of our readers are aware, there is a wave of interest in the ways peptides work within the body now. So let us cut to the chase, after all, knowledge is worthless without power, or in this case - application. How do you recommend your patients use TRH, in terms of its dose and its timing?”

PM: “Ah yes! TRH or thyrotropin releasing hormone; we did cover it in the lead story in Aging Matters™ issue 3, 2012 (copies of which are all online at: antiaging-magazine) Perhaps I could ask if you could please do a quick recap of the beneficial properties of TRH?”

PM: “And does it need to be taken every day?”

WP: “My published experiments have shown that TRH may become a key molecule to invert the clock of aging. For example, it regenerates testicles in very old animals and also restores kidney function in sclerotic infiltrated kidneys. It seems to produce a regeneration of beta cells in the pancreas of diabetic animals. I am deeply interested to pursue clinical studies with TRH.” PM: “I appreciate that you like to refer to TRH, much like melatonin, not as a hormone, but as a life generating molecule, why is that?” WP: “The semantic attribution of ‘hormones’ to TRH and melatonin is an outrage to good sense and human intelligence. Both molecules are totally devoid of any side- or toxic effects even at huge concentration and even when given intravenously. In spite of this, European countries have waged a war against them, in particular Switzerland and Germany, obviously fearing their therapeutic activities when confronted by the profits generated by the industry of the chemical, man-made drugs.” 18 18

WP: “With 20-years of studies at my disposal, I developed an elegant method to allow TRH to enter the blood stream. In fact, the fragile molecule cannot be given orally because it is rapidly destroyed in the stomach. Also its production costs are prohibitive. Thus I recommend sublingual tablets of 5 mg and 10 mg. This method allows a direct entrance to the blood stream via the sublingual, superficial venous plexus.”

WP: “We do not really know if TRH follows a circadian rhythm. However, in some of my experiments I observed that TRH shows more pronounced effects when taken in the morning. I suggest cycles of TRH, 5 mg sublingual tablets for periods of one month, on and off. I also suggest some blood tests of glycemia and lipids regularly in order to ascertain its benefit. It is particularly rewarding for patients suffering from Metabolic Syndrome X.” PM: “And for melatonin, how should one take melatonin?” WP: “The real value of melatonin is its formulation which allows its night release between 1am and 3am. Many years ago I formulated melatonin with zinc and selenium; it is sold in Italy as Melatonin Zn Se® and by IAS as MZS™. After many scientific studies showing how melatonin can dramatically enhance zinc levels, whose concentration in blood notoriously decreases with aging, it was the combination of melatonin with zinc and then particular excipients- that also determine a night peak- that have created this true biological bomb! One must know that zinc is a basic mineral for synthesis of more than 200 enzymes. One tablet at bedtime between 9pm and 11pm is proper. The dosage of 3 mg is suggested, some may require less, some may require more.” // Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 // e-mail:

PM: “And are there any particular times to take melatonin?”

have cancer or heart disease or dementia- can you imagine?”

WP: “One should try to emulate the night peak; this means that nature has determined that melatonin levels are highest between the hours of 1am and 3am. The MZS™ when taken between 9pm and 11pm releases the melatonin into the blood during the period of 1am and 3am, therefore inducing this same as nature response.”

PM: “Excellent news! In the meantime, by the time folks read this interview, we should have your eBook ‘melatonin, the key of life’ available for download.”

PM: “I have to say, that we here at IAS like original products, after all they are the ones that achieved the original results in the clinical studies- the results that the copycats will allude to! I know that your MZS™ works well because I’ve seen it in patients time and again. Even on those who were going to give up on melatonin because they had seen no benefit with the generic they had been using; as is often said in pharmacology, the devil is in the detail!” WP: “Exactly Phil. Many people probably do not realise that many of the clinical melatonin studies have used our brand. For example, a study published in the New York Academy of Sciences in 2005 showed that our MZS™ can reverse both wet and dry versions of macular degeneration- can you imagine! Yet how many people are aware of this fact?” PM: “Quite true, my joke is that if you want to keep something a secret - publish it! (Ha ha) After all, who can read everything? This fact and the pressures on doctors’ time, means that many rely on the pharmaceutical rep to keep them appraised of developments. Accordingly, they only hear what the drug companies are selling. Still, let us not dwell on this negativity; please tell us a bit about your latest projects.”

WP: “I hope that will be helpful to people. I would like to make a statement about why it is vital to talk directly to the public.” PM: “Please go ahead.” WP: “A revolution can only be started by the people themselves, from the ground-up. Once the public wake up to the current medical mafia and understand what is truly possible with alternatives, by which I mean non-orthodox, but nonetheless scientifically proven approaches; then the world of health will become a very different place.” PM: “Amen to that. I know many will enjoy hearing from you again Dr Pierpaoli, thank you very much for all your valuable time today.” WP: “I always have time for you Phil and all the great people at IAS.”

FREE eBook for every reader

Get Your FREE Dr Pierpaoli eBook Readers of Aging Matters Magazine can download a FREE copy of the revised and extended edition of Dr Walter Pierpaoli’s book ‘The Key of Life’, simply visit: key-of-life-ebook and the download will begin automatically.

WP: “Right now Phil, I am working on two new books. One will describe TRH in detail– this is because the effects of TRH are both important and impressive, yet hardly anyone is aware of this news today. The second book will have examples of my patients, their before-and-after results and what was done in-between. I am writing that one, not because of my ego, but because I am so often asked what I do to achieve such good outcomes. Right now, I have 1000 patients, none of them // Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 // e-mail:


yeasts, mycoplasma and protozoa (Pruitt & Reiter ’85, de Wit & van Hooijdonk ’96, Wang et al 2000, van Hooijdonk et al 2000, Seifu et al ’05, Fweja et al ’08). LPO is critical for the control of pathogens in milk from lactating animals (Reiter et al ’86) including humans (Shin et al 2000). It also plays a key role in defending the respiratory and gastro-intestinal tracts (Wijkstrom-Frei et al ‘03). LPO utilises dietary thiocyanate as one substrate, producing hypothiocyanite (HOSCN) ions. These ions kill pathogenic bacteria (Table 1) via three separate mechanisms. They inhibit bacterial glycolysis; they inhibit bacterial nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NADH)/nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH)–dependent reactions (Reiter & Perraudin ‘91); and they oxidise bacterial sulphydril groups (Slungaard & Mahoney ’91, Thomas & Aune ‘78). LPO also utilises iodine, forming hypohalide ions. These have an additional spectrum of anti-bacterial activity. (See Table 1). Uniquely, HOSCN ions also have potent anti-viral activity. Many viruses have sulfhydryl groups on their coat (ie Mangold & Streeck ‘93); when these are oxidised (ie by thiocyanate) the viral coat structure is damaged or destroyed (Almeida et al ‘79). HOSCN ions are not toxic to human cells at the levels produced by LPO, and have little if any effect on probiotic species, making them a near-perfect antibiotic system. Furthermore, it is very difficult for microorganisms to acquire resistance to LPO; if it was easy for pathogens to become LPO-resistant, a key element in our immune system would have been disabled and we would not have survived as a species.

The age of antibiotics may be coming to an end - what can we turn to? By Paul Clayton PH.D Scientists speculate that the age of antibiotics may be coming to an end. This is because there has been a relentless increase in antibiotic resistance across all classes of drug. Furthermore, recent articles on antibiotic resistance in China paint an alarming picture of a near-future where antibiotics will have little therapeutic value (Heddini et al 2009). Sadly, the use of antibiotics inevitably leads to the selection of resistance traits; the overuse and misuse of antibiotics in medical and other situations makes it increasingly unlikely that we will be able to stay ahead in the war against infection. Important work in such areas as quorum-sensing blockade may produce important new drugs, but these will not be available soon. Various alternatives have been proposed from the natural world, and this article reviews one of the most prominent candidates that being the lactoperoxidase system, specifically thiocynate ions as contained in 1st Line™.

Lactoperoxidase/ Thiocynates The enzyme LPO is one of the body’s major first-line defences against infection (Pruit ’87, Ratner & Prince 2000, Gerson 2000, Wijkstrom-Frei et al ‘03). LPO produces ions such as HOSCN, which have a broad spectrum of activity against gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, HIV-1 and other viruses, moulds, 20

Today, however, the LPO system is frequently compromised. Lactoperoxidase is a ferroprotein, and iron depletion / deficiency is one of the most common forms of dysnutrition. There are also growing problems with two of LPO’s substrates, thiocyanate and iodine. Thiocyanates are derived from dietary glucosinolates (in brassica), or from cyanogenic glycosides (in beans, sweet potato and millet). Since 1950, UK consumption of fresh vegetables has fallen by 24% (Hinton ‘08). Iodine depletion is becoming more prevalent, due inter alia to reductions in salt intake and the use of (non-iodinated) sea salt (Li et al ‘06, Nawoor et al ‘06). The net effect of depletion in iron, iodine and cyanogens on LPO activity

Table 1: LPO activity in vitro: (number of strains tested) Bacteria • Escherichia coli (10) • Yersinia enterocolitica (4) • Klebsiella pneumoniae (13) • Klebsiella oxytoca (10) • Streptococcus agalactiae • Streptococcus mutans • Staphylococcus aureus • Salmonella species (12) • Shigella sonnei (15) • Listeria monocytogenes • Acinetobacter species (40) • Neisseria species (20) • Haemophilus influenzae (20) • Campylobacter jejuni (14) // Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 // e-mail:

• Aeromonas hydrophila (8) • Pseudomonas aeruginosa (6) • Capnocytophaga ochracea • Selenomonas sputigena • Wolinella recta • Enterobacter cloacae (12)

Viruses • Herpes simplex virus • Immunodeficiency virus • Respiratory syncytial virus

Yeasts • Candida albicans

is likely to be very significant in reducing our ability to ward off infections. Due to its chemistry, LPO is not a suitable therapeutic tool; if the milk-derived enzyme were to be consumed it would, like other milk proteins, be digested and rapidly rendered ineffective. However, the bactericidal effects of LPO can be mimicked and amplified by delivering HOSCN ions directly. This technology was initially developed in France for food plant sterilisation, and subsequently to sterilise salad leaves. It is used as an antiseptic in Belgium, and has been adapted by the WHO for bulk milk sterilisation in China and Korea (FAO/WHO ‘05). We have reviewed the possibility that the extensive use of HOSCN might encourage the development of microbial resistance strategies, and believe that this is unlikely. Only a small number of intrinsically LPO-resistant microorganisms are known (ie Oram & Reiter ’66). While resistance may be acquired in certain specific circumstances (ie Leyer & Johnson ’93), the evolutionary historical evidence indicates that this is clinically insignificant. Moreover, most mammals utilize LPO / HOSCN on a daily basis and it remains an effective element in the innate immune system. With regard to safety, it should be pointed out that the level of hypothiocyanous ions in 1st Line is well below the safe and tolerable levels of thiocyanate ions produced within the body (Borgers & Junge ’79, Medizinische ’82, WHO ‘95).

1st Line™, the world’s first thiocynate ion producing kit

day. Persons with more serious symptoms can use 1st Line up to twice a week, dependent upon need. For those who want to prevent the symptoms of infection 1st Line can be used once every few months. And let us rememeber that hypothiocyanite ions are not toxic to human cells, they appear to have excellent tissue penetration and have little if any effect on probiotic species, making them a near perfect antibiotic system.

Summary In the war against infectious micro-organisms, where we are currently losing ground, 1st Line is a break-through. For the first time, it enables the clinician or indeed any user to utilise one of the most powerful elements in our array of immune defences, namely the innate immune enzyme lactoperoxidase (LPO). In the body, LPO utilises dietary thiocyanates from such sources as brassica vegetables to produce HOSCN ions, which kill a wide range of bacterial and viral pathogens (see Table 1, below). Uniquely, and as would be expected from an innate immune defence, this wide spectrum of anti-microbial activity does not include the essential probiotic species which are immune to LPO activity. Lactoperoxidase therefore has all the attributes of an ideal antibiotic, and this has lead many scientists to explore its therapeutic uses. All previous attempts, however, have failed because the commercial enzyme is a dietary protein derived from milk. When eaten, LPO is rapidly broken down in the stomach and small intestine and its enzymatic activity is lost.

1st Line’s patented formula makes up into a drink containing hypothiocyanite and hypothiocyannous ions, identical to those in tears, saliva and milk. These ions are a critical defence against a wide range of pathogens including bacteria, yeasts, fungi and viruses; many of which they destroy on contact.

1st Line™ is a far more intelligent approach. It uses phase-bound lactoperoxidase remotely, supplying it with the substrates it would normally use to produce HOSCN ions outside the body. These ions are then ingested, mimicing the endogenous effects of the enzyme exactly.

Until recently, the unstable hypothiocyanite ions could not be stored. In a technical breakthrough, the 1st Line kit enables the ions to be produced immediately prior to use so they can be consumed ‘fresh’, whenever required. For the first time, hypothiocyanite ions can be used as a supplement.

Given the known efficacy and safety of the LPO / HOSCN system, and access to preliminary clinical trial data, I regard the development of this system as a medical break-through. I believe that the development of the LPO / HOSCN system is as important as the discovery of penicillin, and will make as great an impact on infection control.

These bio-identical immune molecules differ from antibiotics in two ways: 1. The ions are very small molecules, with a molecular weight of around 90. They therefore diffuse further and faster though tissues than the much larger synthetic antibiotics. 2. They kill a surprisingly wide range of disease-causing microorganisms, but unlike synthetic antibiotics do not damage probiotic species such as lactobacilli and bifidobacteria. Our immune systems and these beneficial bacterial species have coevolved, and have ‘learned’ to co-exist. 1st Line should be used at the first symptom of an infection. Only one kit should be used per day and often only one is required. If symptoms persist another kit can be consumed the following

To the bureaucratic mind, however, it presents a substantial problem. First direct devolves infection control to the end-user, who now has direct access to a safe, food-derived anti-infection strategy. This is the internal equivalent to anti-septics, which everyone can use, and thus runs counter to the interests of the pharmaceutical industry, their profit margins and regulatory bodies. There is no question about the value of the enzyme system. The only question is how long this anomaly will be allowed to continue before big Pharma and its regulatory muscle either forcibly re-classify First Line as a drug, or suppress it altogether. // Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 // e-mail:


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Elsevier/North Holland Biomedical Press; pp. 363-368. 1983. Williams D.L. and Diluzio N.R.; Glucan-Induced Modification of murine Viral Hepatitis. Science (1980), 208: 67-69. 1980. Williams D.L., et al; Protective Effect of Glucan in Experimentally Induced Candidiasis. J. Reticuloendothel; Soc 23: 479-490. 1978. Williams D.L, Diluzio NR, Glucan induced modification of experimental Staphylococcus aureus infection in normal, leukemic and immunosuppressed mice. Adv Exp Med Biol 121(A): 291-306. 1979 // Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 // e-mail:

Dr Ward Dean Answers your questions We are delighted that Ward Dean M.D., one of the world’s foremost antiaging physicians, has agreed to answer our readers’ questions. Full details about Dr. Dean can be seen at his website:

Q. Dear Dr. Dean, I am a man in my mid50s and my job involves reading a lot of technical materials. Recently I’ve found my concentration waning and I’m easily distracted, with boredom easily upon me. Is there anything you can recommend that could help me regain my focus and concentration again? It would be greatly appreciated. A.M., Japan A. Dear Mr. A.M., One cause of foggy thinking and poor concentration can be subclinical (or overt) hypothyroidism. See the attached list of hypothyroid symptoms in figure 1, (adapted from Dr. Broda Barnes’ book, Hypothyroidism, the Unsuspected Illness). (1) If many of the symptoms apply, you might consider treatment with Armour®

thyroid, as outlined by Dr. double-blind study of Richard Wilkinson in his the effects of 100 mg of article; The Hypothyroid phenytoin twice daily Epidemic, in issue #4, 2014 on the mental functions of the Aging Matters™ of elderly persons in the Magazine. “normal-bright normal in the “middle and lowerA second suggestion is upper socio-economic phenytoin (Dilantin®). group” resulted in Although phenytoin is a time-honored anti-seizure “significant improvement in long-term memory and medication, one of its social comprehension, lesser-known properties is increased ability to its ability to restore focus learn new material and and attention. A series increased speed in visualof studies by different motor coordination, investigators in the 1970s improved general demonstrated the ability mental functioning and of phenytoin to enhance concentration and focus. In marked improvements in a double-blind study of 47 concentration.” (4) “retardates,” Goldburg and You might also consider Kurland reported strong one of the eugorics, or improvement in ability “alerting drugs.” Eugeroic to maintain attention means good arousal. and concentration, Drugs in this class include using a dose of 100 modafinil (Provigil®), mg of phenytoin twice armodafinil (Nuvigil®), daily.(2) Another study, or the less expensive using the same dose, prototype, adrafinil (Adrareported phenytoin was Pro®). These drugs are useful for symptoms of psychostimulants with a lack of attention and waking effect, prescribed concentration.(3) A third to shift workers and

patients suffering from narcolepsy with cataplexy. Adrafinil was the first of this class, developed in France and still available in Europe, but which has never been approved in the U.S. Modafinil and armodafinil are analogs of adrafinil and are both available by prescription in the U.S. All of these drugs have mood-elevating and memory-enhancing effects, in addition to maintaining mental alertness. They are used “off label” to treat memory loss due to dementia, ADHD, jet lag and fatigue caused by extended work hours or illnesses. A recent article recommended that; “modafinil [and presumably the other members of this class] can be used by anyone who wishes to work late and/ or concentrate for a long time.” (5) I hope this helps, Ward Dean, M.D. • Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 • e-mail:


Q. Dear Dr. Dean, May I please have your opinion on the relevance of piracetam as a smart drug? Do you feel that it still ‘stands up’ despite being many decades old, and have any of the new nootropics surpassed it in anyway? S.F., California A. Dear S.F., That’s a very good question. As you said, piracetam has been around for a long time - since 1972. I first learned about piracetam in Korea, (where I graduated from medical school in 1978). At that time, carbon monoxide poisoning was a common occurrence, due to leakages from the Korean in-floor heating systems. The standard method of treatment was a combination of intravenous piracetam and hyperbaric oxygenation. Although piracetam has been available generically for many years, research into its properties for a wide range of clinical conditions has continued. In Hungary in 2000, a Phase IV clinical study of 104 patients with mild cognitive impairment-dementia participated in a doubleblind study of piracetam, 4800 mg/day for 4 weeks, followed by 2400 mg/day thereafter. Five factors of the modified Mini-Mental State examination were evaluated. Nearly all factors significantly improved with piracetam- especially memory, concentration and psychomotor speed. 24

The cognitive enhancement effects appeared in a few weeks, and were most pronounced in patients with depressive symptoms. (1) Belgian scientists in 2002 conducted a metaanalysis of nineteen double-blind studies of patients suffering from dementia or age-related cognitive impairment treated with piracetam. The authors concluded that the treatment demonstrated meaningful clinical improvement, with compelling evidence for the global efficacy of piracetam. (2) In 2005, Polish scientists reviewed the documented benefits of piracetam, affirming that it improves alertness, learning, memory, brain metabolism and capacity. They reported that piracetam alters plasma membrane properties by increasing membrane fluidity and protects the cell against hypoxia, increases red cell deformability and normalizes hyperactive platelet aggregation, resulting in anti-thrombotic, neuroprotective and rheological properties. The scientists theorized that these properties resulted in the efficacy of piracetam in various disorders including dementia, vertigo, sickle cell anemia, myoclonus and stroke, improves reading comprehension and accuracy in dyslexic children, socialization and IQ in elderly psychiatric patients, and is even used to treat alcoholism. (3) Also in 2005, piracetam’s

properties were reviewed by a scientist from the Karolinska Institute in Sweden, who echoed the above review from Poland. (4) In 2014, a team of Chinese scientists conducted a meta-analysis of three studies of piracetam used preventively prior to coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG). (5) Cognitive dysfunction of varying degrees is an unfortunately too-common side effect of this procedure. Between 25 and 80% of patients who undergo CABG surgery develop postoperative cognitive dysfunction (POCD), ranging from slight to pronounced disturbances that may persist for several weeks up to several years. Three studies were identified- two in Germany and one in Romania - in which piracetam was administered prior to surgery to prevent the resultant cognitive dysfunction. In the first trial in 2003 in Germany, physicians administered 12 gm piracetam (or saline, placebo) via IV infusion to 64 patients 3 hours prior to undergoing bypass surgery. The authors reported that the piracetam-treated patients produced a better level of performance in short-term memory and attention 3-days after surgery, compared to the placebo group. (6) In 2006, Romanian physicians administered piracetam or placebo intravenously (150 mg/ kg daily; 300 mg/kg on • Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 • e-mail:

the day of surgery) to 98 patients, from the day before surgery to 6-days after surgery, then orally (12 g/day) up to 6 weeks after surgery. The authors reported that six weeks after CABG, cognition was significantly improved in those treated with piracetam compared to placebo. (7) In 2008, another team of German physicians performed a third study of piracetam’s ability to prevent cognitive dysfunction due to bypass surgery. This study was the largest, comprised of 120 patients, each of whom received 12 grams of piracetam or placebo just prior to the surgery. Again, the piracetam patients performed significantly better compared to the placebo patients after the operation, and had less decline of overall cognitive function. (8) From 2010-2013, a series of papers was produced by an international team including scientists from Germany, Italy, France, Switzerland, China, Australia and the U.S., who investigated the mitochondrial resuscitating mechanisms of piracetam as a further explanation of its neuroprotective properties. In the first paper in this series, the authors showed that piracetam prevented decreases in mitochondrial membrane potential (MMP) and fall in ATP production associated with β-amyloid accumulation, suggesting that improving mitochondrial function

(iii) neurodegenerative diseases; (iv) stroke/ ischemia; and (v) stress and anxiety. The scientists were unable to confirm that piracetam exhibited long-term benefits for mild cognitive impairments, but they affirmed the studies demonstrating piracetam’s neuroprotective effect during coronary bypass surgery and its efficacy in treating cognitive disorders of cerebrovascular and traumatic origin; and they found piracetam’s overall effect on lowering depression and anxiety was even higher than improving memory. As an add-on therapy, piracetam appeared to benefit individuals with myoclonus, epilepsy and tardive dyskinesia and when used in combination with a vasodilator drug, piracetam appeared to have an additive beneficial effect on various cognitive disabilities. (12) Piracetam’s sales continue to rise. The most recent data I could find (from 2010-2011), indicated worldwide sales in 2011 were in

excess of $120 million, with an approximate increase in sales of about 8% from 2010 (Figure 2). Although piracetam has been around for over 40 years, research into its mechanisms and clinical effects continues. It has a safety record equaled by few pharmaceuticals and the recent identification of its mitochondriaresuscitating properties and ability to restore cell and mitochondrial membrane fluidity help to explain many of its neuroprotective and cognitive-enhancing effects and hint at its potential, (but rarelyinvestigated) potential as a life-extending/antiaging agent. In this regard, a Russian article reported that a combination of piracetam with a Russian cognitive-enhancer named Cerebral resulted in an increase in the lifespan and a delay in the appearance of brain degenerative processes in Drosophila melanogaster - although the flies were unaffected by Cerebral alone - implying that the life-extending


WW sales: US $ (min)

authors concluded that after more than 40 years’ use of piracetam, the new findings of mitochondrial protection provide a new perspective for this old nootropic and explain its continued use in many countries around the world. (10) In a third paper, the scientists again demonstrated that piracetam improved MMP (mitochondrial membrane potential), elevated mitochondrial ATP production, enhanced neurite outgrowth and reduced Aβ levels in several cell models (in vitro) as well as in mice (in vivo). They concluded that piracetam, (which they referred to as a “metabolic enhancer”) improves mitochondrial function following mitochondrial impairment typical for brain aging and early stages of AD. (11) Piracetam has never been approved for clinical use in the U.S. Thus, it’s not surprising that all of the above-cited papers were from elsewhere. Nevertheless, in 2010, scientists from NovoMed Consulting, in Silver Spring, Maryland, aware of the increasing interest in nootropic drugs for the treatment of CNS disorders, undertook an analysis of evidence-based clinical investigations of piracetam performed during the previous ten years. They conducted a literature search of the following therapeutic categories of CNS disorders: (i) cognition/memory; (ii) epilepsy and seizure;


120 100

9 8 7 6




4 3



20 0

Sales Growth (%)

protected against the neurodegeneration induced by β-amyloid (Aβ) (involved in Alzheimer’s disease). The brains of animals treated with piracetam showed markedly decreased loads of Aβ. Aβ-induced mitochondrial dysfunction also causes impairment of neuritogenesis and the Aβ-induced reduction of neurite growth was substantially improved by piracetam. The authors concluded that piracetam’s ability to improve mitochondrial function was a valid approach to ameliorate the detrimental effects of Aβ on brain function. (9) In the second paper, the authors reviewed piracetam’s ability to improve interhemispheric transfer, enhance cerebral resistance to hypoxia, (as I observed in Korea during treatment of carbon monoxide poisoning) and most importantly, to facilitate learning and other cognitive functions. The authors reported that the cognition-improving properties represent the most common therapeutic use of piracetam all over the world - i.e., memory disorders, impaired cognitive functions after head injuries, and vertigo. In over four decades of piracetam’s clinical use, the cognition-improving properties have been found to be more pronounced when brain function is impaired, by aging, hypoxia, cerebral injuries, or Aß load in Alzheimer’s disease. The


2010 Total




Ann. Growth Total

Figure 2: Global sales of piracetam are still very significant at $120 million annually and they still appear to be growing. • Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 • e-mail:


effect was due entirely to piracetam. (13) So, yes, I think piracetam still “stands up” to the competition - especially when combined with other cognitive enhancers. Ward Dean, M.D. References: Tariska P, Paksy A. [Cognitive enhancement effect of piracetam in patients with mild cognitive impairment and dementia]. Orv Hetil. 2000 May 28;141(22):1189-93. Waegemans T, Wilsher CR, Danniau A, Ferris SH, Kurz A, Winblad B. Clinical efficacy of piracetam in cognitive impairment: a metaanalysis. Dement Geriatr Cogn Disord. 2002;13(4):217-24. Winnicka K, Tomasiak M, Bielawska A. Piracetam--an old drug with novel properties? Acta Pol Pharm. 2005 Sep-Oct;62(5):405-9. Winblad B. Piracetam: a review of pharmacological properties and clinical uses. CNS Drug Rev. 2005 Summer;11(2):169-82. Fang Y, Qiu Z, Hu W, et al. Effect of piracetam on the cognitive performance of patients undergoing coronary bypass surgery: A meta-analysis. Exp Ther Med. 2014 Feb;7(2):429-434. Uebelhack R, Vohs K, Zytowski M, Schewe HJ, Koch C, Konertz W. Effect of piracetam on cognitive performance in patients undergoing bypass surgery. Pharmacopsychiatry. 2003 May;36(3):89-93. Szalma I, Kiss A, Kardos L. Piracetam prevents cognitive decline in coronary artery bypass: a randomized trial versus placebo. Ann Thorac Surg. 2006 Oct;82(4):1430-5. Holinski S, Claus B, Alaaraj N, et al. Cerebroprotective effect of piracetam in patients undergoing coronary bypass surgery. Med Sci Monit. 2008 Nov;14(11):PI53-7. Kurz C, Ungerer I, Lipka U, et al. The metabolic enhancer piracetam ameliorates the impairment of mitochondrial function and neurite outgrowth induced by ß-amyloid peptide. Br J Pharmacol. May 2010; 160(2): 246–257. doi: 10.1111/j.14765381.2010.00656.x Leuner K, Kurz C, Guidetti G, et al. Improved Mitochondrial Function in Brain Aging and Alzheimer Disease – the New Mechanism of Action of the Old Metabolic Enhancer Piracetam. Front Neurosci. 2010; 4: 44. Published online Sep 7, 2010. doi: 10.3389/ fnins.2010.00044 Stockburger C, Kurz C, Koch KA, et al. Improvement of mitochondrial function and dynamics by the


metabolic enhancer piracetam. Biochem Soc Trans. 2013 Oct;41(5):1331-4. doi: 10.1042/ BST20130054. Malykh AG, Sadaie MR. Piracetam and piracetam-like drugs: from basic science to novel clinical applications to CNS disorders. Drugs. 2010 Feb 12;70(3):287-312. Plakhta EL, Kushnir AG, Maksimov DV, et al. [Dynamics of neurodegenerative processes and lifespan under the action of Cerebral combined with other pharmaceuticals in Drosophila melanogaster mutants]. Eksp Klin Farmakol. 2009 Mar-Apr;72(2):16-9.

Q. Dear Dr. Dean, I enjoyed reading your interview in Issue 4, 2012 of the Aging Matters™ magazine regarding the use of smart drugs and nutrients. Indeed, I have your books at home! I have some confusion over one of the smart drugs that I personally like to use, and that is vasopressin. It seems to now be available as both the synthetic version called desmopressin and the original porcine version of vasopressin. I was wondering if you could please tell me the difference between the two nasal sprays and if they may have any different uses/ actions and which one you prefer? S.B.J., California A. Dear S.B.J., Desmopressin (1-desamino-8-darginine vasopressin) is the synthetic version of the posterior pituitary hormone, vasopressin. Desmopressin is considered to be longer acting, and perhaps more potent than its natural

analog, but the clinical results with each are variable. I don’t think there’s much difference in the two - i.e., those who respond favorably to one will probably have a similar response to the other. IAS has both versions available. Desmopressin nasal provides 5 mcg per spray, the usual dose is 20 mcg per day, whereas the vasopressin provides 10 IU per spray, the usual dose is 20-25 IU per day. The effective dose is highly individualized, and may be slightly more or less than those cited. Ward Dean, M.D. [Ed.- IAS provides desmopressin/ Minurin® in 2.5ml = 25 sprays and vasopressin/ Vaso-Pro™ in 5 ml = 50 sprays].

pramiracetam, etc.) when taken in equipotent dosages. Therefore, I don’t think further increase in your dosage of Nootropil® / piracetam, or switching to one of the other piracetam analogs would result in further improvement. Instead, I would add one or more cognitive enhancers that act via different mechanisms, such as vinpocetine, which increases cerebral oxygen uptake and glucose metabolism, centrophenoxine (Lucidril), or the relatively fast-acting desmopressin nasal spray [Ed.- as mentioned above]. Another ‘wake up’ anti-depressant cognitive enhancer is deprenyl/ selegiline - especially, the fast-acting sublingual drops. Ward Dean, M.D.

Q. Dear Dr. Dean, I’m currently using 2400 mg of Nootropil®/ piracetam daily to help me in my studies. Some days I get very focused clarity, but other days I don’t seem to achieve as much as I’d like to. I was wondering why this might be- do I need to adjust my dose or might I be better off on another piracetam related supplement? I would appreciate any advice. S.P., New York A. Dear S.P., Frankly, I haven’t noted much difference between the various Nootropics (piracetam, aniracetam, • Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 • e-mail:

[Ed.- IAS provides piracetam/ Nootropil® 800 mg tablets, plus in liquid form, aniracetam/ Ampamet® in 750 mg tablets and a generic/ AniPro™ in 750 mg capsules, pramiracetam in 300 mg capsules, vinpocetine/ Intelectol® in 5 mg tablets, centrophenoxine in 250 mg tablets and deprenyl (Dep-Pro™) in 20 ml/ 300 mg liquid with 1 drop = 1 mg].

SPOTLIGHT: BIOIDENTICAL HORMONES NATU R AL ESTROG EN S AND PROG ESTERONE FOR WOMEN IAS carries a wide range of bioidentical hormones - a term that means ‘natural to and in the body’. In this featured section we are focusing on the use of natural estrogens and progesterone for women, which of course are normally utilised to aid the menopause. When hormone replacement therapy (HRT) was developed in the 1920s, estrogens had to be derived from horse urine because a laboratory solution was too difficult/ expensive to synthesize. But today everything has changed, yet this ancient practice continues- these facts have been pointed out by Dr. Wright in his best-selling book ‘Stay Young & Sexy’ Horse estrogens are, as you might expect, not identical to human; after all humans don’t have manes nor do they have hooves! Yet the industry is stuck in this old loop, despite the fact that natural (bioidentical) estrogens can be easily produced now. Some people believe that the known side-effects from ‘traditional HRT’ are due to the fact that the hormones given are not correct.

Above: Stay Young & Sexy By Dr. Wright

Esnatri™, a unique tri-estrogen Esnatri™ is our bioidentical triple estrogen cream, which many women use, confident they have chosen the best bioidentical estrogen cream available. It comes directly from the work of Dr. Wright who has shown that the majority of women produce estrogens in the ratios of 90% estriol, 7% estrone and 3% estrone.

Above: As Dr. Wright himself has said many times; “we only have to copy nature, the right molecules at the right times and doses.”

Most tri-estrogen preparations attempt to replicate the human hormones estriol, estradiol and estrone, apply them in the ratio of 80:10:10, while some even entirely over-look estriol, claiming

it is a weak estrogen. But, women naturally produce high levels of estriol and it is considered to have anticarcinogenic effects.

Esnatri™ use The Esnatri™ cream can be applied by daily rotation to your neck, upper chest, breasts and behind the knees, or inner thighs. A typical starting dose is 2 mg, start from day one (of what would have been the start of your menstrual cycle) and continue until day 25. Then you should stop for five days, before repeating the application at the start of the next menstrual cycle. During these last few days, the estrogen receptors are being allowed to ‘rest’ as they have been accustomed.

Progesterone Progesterone is the counterbalance to estrogens. Indeed, whilst women can significantly decline in estrogen levels during menopausethey rarely reach zero production levels, whereas progesterone

can sometimes not be measured at all in elderly women. It is also the low of progesterone that most significantly impacts bone strength, leading onto osteoporosis, so there are numerous reasons to ensure that progesterone is also taken alongside an estrogen therapy. IAS provides a 5% strength natural progesterone cream. Typical doses are 25 mg to 30 mg of progesterone applied on day 10 and continuing to 25. The start date varies according to the usual timing of your ovulation. Note: As with the Esnatri™ cream, stop for the last five days of your cycle so that the estrogen receptors have their accustomed ‘rest’ period. Remember, your hormone replacement therapy should be overseen by a physician and should not be undertaken if you have undergone cancer treatment.

“Esnatri™ is our bioidentical triple estrogen cream, which many women use, confident they have chosen the best...” • Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 • e-mail:




ENHANCING AND IMPROVING STEM - CELL AC TIVIT Y Stem Cell Worx® is an intraoral spray that contains a very high-grade bovine colostrum, (with over 30% of the antibody IgG and over 54% protein) along with a 98% pure trans-resveratrol and 95% fucoidan (a seaweed extract). should not be confused with embryonic stem cells that come from an embryo. The Stem Cell Worx® supplement is designed specifically to enhance one’s own adult stem cells naturally. Stem Cell Worx® is an intraoral spray providing an absorption rate of up to 95% of its nutrients. This is important because in order for adult stem cells to be stimulated, it is the blood that is the principal carrier of nutrients and oxygen to our cells. In order to enhance cell activation you need three key factors, which are: • Growth factors • Immune factors and • Cytokines Stem Cell Worx® has all three of these factors in abundance and it is scientifically proven they are most effective when administered by intraoral spray delivery. Time takes its toll on adult stem cells. At 65 years of age, the release rate of adult stem cells entering the bloodstream has dropped


Mesenchymal Stem Cells

Mesenchymal stem cells shown as a proportion of total cells in bone marrow. Lots of MSCs in our younger years. MSCs repair muscle, bone cartilage and tendons. MSCs rapidly decline with age. Longer repair and recovery times. More prone to aging and disease.

1/100,000 1/250,000



Age 30



Age 50

Figure 1: The decline in stem cells with advancing age.


Age 80


% of Bone Marrow Cells Proliferated

This natural health supplement is designed to activate the body’s own adult stem-cells in order to provide a robust immunity. With 50 to 70 trillion cells in the body, cellular health is clearly crucial to overall well-being and good health. Hence, adult stem cells working at optimal levels provide the platform for many cumulative health benefits. Unfortunately, as we age, our own adult stem cells decline rapidly, along with their release rates from the bone marrow, and our immune system weakens. Whilst stem cell clinics are at the forefront of antiaging medicine today, the process of full adult stem cell therapy is very expensive and has many regulatory restrictions. Adult stem cells are the master cells of the body that have the ability to maintain, selfrenew and repair cells, tissue and muscle throughout an entire life-time. These cells are referred to as autologous, haematopoietic (blood), mesenchymal or stromal stem cells. Adult stem cells

80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0





Stem Cell Worx Concentration (mg/ml)

Figure 2: This study used blood samples from healthy humans. The adult stem cell proliferation percentages were determined by flow cytometry, measured in mgs of the Stem Cell Worx formulation. As this graph demonstrates the Stem Cell Worx formulation produces steady percentages of bone marrow stem cell proliferation being dose dependant, but still active at a relatively low dosage of mgs.

by 80% compared to youth. It is important to keep them activated. The good news is it is now possible to reverse this statistic.

Stem Cell Worx® benefits Stem Cell Worx® contains the greatest number of natural growth and immune factors compared to any other health supplement currently on the market. This enables natural stem cell activation to be as much as 75% per 36mg of the formulation. This provides: • Support to naturally increase adult stem cells, providing the platform for many cumulative health benefits including: • Increased energy and endurance. • Boosting the immune system. • Improved alertness and mental clarity. • Faster recovery after your • Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 • e-mail:

exercise regime and faster repair and recovery after surgery, injury or illness. • Helping to build muscle, burn fat and maintain natural weight loss in conjunction with a healthy diet and exercise regime. IAS choose Stem Cell Worx® over other purported stem-cell activators on the basis of evidence. Figure 2 demonstrates the benefits of supplementing daily with Stem Cell Worx.

Dosing Six sprays into the mouth provide 36mgs of formulation. This can be performed once or twice daily as required. Spray under the tongue, hold for 10 seconds, then swallow the remainder. It’s best taken on an empty stomach, at least 30-minutes before or after eating any food.


MONITOR ING YOU R VA SCU L AR CONDITION The BioCUFF™ is a simple way of assessing both your blood pressure condition and your arterial flexibility; plus, you can use the BioCUFF™ in the comfort of your own home because you simply attach the device to your arm just like an ordinary blood pressure cuff. What does the BioCUFF™ measure? The BioCUFF™ provides a series of metabolic indicators that you can use to improve your lifestyle and so help to prevent the causes of cardiovascular disease. We all know the risks of being overweight, of having high cholesterol or suffering from high blood pressure. We also know how to reduce those risks – by exercising more, not smoking, reducing our alcohol intake and eating a balanced diet.

These include: • Diastolic blood pressure • Systolic blood pressure • The heart rate • Vascular condition – which linked to arterial flexibility. Few of us know about the hidden dangers of arterial inflexibility, or how to measure it. This is where the BioCUFF™ is unique being as it is the first at-home device able of delivering this information to you within minutes.

What is arterial flexibility? The BioCUFF™ works by evaluating your arterial

Above: The BioCUFF™ readout, showing both blood pressure, heart rate and vascular flexibility results.

flexibility, which experts say is one of the most important risk factors when it comes to assessing the likelihood of a heart attack or stroke. Arteries are important because they’re responsible for blood flow around your body via your cardiovascular system. To work properly, it’s crucial that your arteries are kept healthy.

The poorer your vascular condition, the greater your chances of serious health issues Our arteries usually stiffen with advancing age. This brings with it a greater risk of a potentially fatal heart attack, heart failure or stroke, as is shown in figure 1.

You may not recognise the heart failure symptoms as your arteries begin to stiffen Unfortunately arterial stiffness

can occur without warning. Often there are no symptoms of cardiovascular disease and people don’t suspect they are in danger until they suffer an attack. Figure 2 highlights that arterial stiffness is strongly correlated with mortality The BioCUFF™ provides a cardiovascular condition scale, shown by LED bars - that are either within the green zone (good), yellow zone (fair) or red zone (poor). It is important to note that like blood pressure, vascular condition should be monitored over time and not just taken as one reading. The BioCUFF™ makes this simple by averaging your tests over time and therefore provides a more accurate result. BioCUFF™ provides reassurance and a vital early warning system that helps you to be aware of changes and therefore keep your vascular condition in check. Left: Arterial stiffness is a biomarker of aging, as shown here arterial stiffness tends to increase with age. Source: Millasseau et al., Clinical Science, 2002.

The BioCUFF™ is easy to use The BioCUFF™ doesn’t puncture your skin and is used on its own, without any additional attachments. The procedure is straightforward and you don’t need to link to a computer, as the results are shown on the BioCUFF™ screen. Note: If you want to see it in action there is a video available at the IAS website. Armed with this information it’s easy to keep a check on your cardiovascular health and the risks associated with arterial stiffness, such as heart attacks and strokes. Armed with this information it is possible to make changes to your lifestyle and supplement program to improve results and keep you biologically younger! Above all, the BioCUFF™ provides reassurance and a vital early warning system that helps you to be aware of changes and therefore keep your vascular condition in check.

Left: Three groups (each approximately 80 persons) were monitored over 140 months for their survivability. Those in the flexible artery groups (marked as PWV <9.4 m/s and 9.4-12.0 m/s) survive best losing approx. 25%. But those in the hard artery group (marked as PWV >12.0 m/s) 90% of them die in the same period. Source: ESRD, Blacher et al. Journal of Circulation, 1999 • Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 • e-mail:



A B R E AK THROUG H FOR C ATAR AC T Can-C™ eye-drops are the original™ brand- developed by Innovative Vision Products (IVP). This group were the first to research, publish and prove how eye-drops can reduce and even eradicate cataract. Accordingly there are active US and EU patents (and others pending) on this unique and special product. Unique formula:

Clinical trial:

Can-C™ eye-drops are the formula from the original published human trials. They contain a purified and racemized form of n-acetylcarnosine (made in Japan); this natural di-peptide has potent anti-glycating and antioxidant properties that prevents lipid peroxidation. Note that the formula is important- it’s not all about the n-acetylcarnosine; the specific carrier agents and their purity are also important. If you look at the Can-C™ formula you will see differences to the copycats, (remember it is only Can-C™ that is patented in recognition of the original work). If you want the best possible results in the fastest possible time, then choose Can-C™ to deliver them according to the clinical trials.

Patients placed two-drops of Can-C™ into their eyes twice daily for a 6-month period, the outcome was:

• 90% saw an improvement in their visual acuity.

• 88.9% of patients showed improvement in the clarity of their lens. There have been numerous reports of cataract shrinkage and even disappearance with documented evidence that Can-C™ eye-drops remain effective (and safe) more than 24-months later. The most commonly expressed initial reports are that glare is significantly improved, (for example night driving is much safer) and color perception is enhanced.

Improving eye-sight: More evidence is mounting that Can-C™ is efficacious for many conditions

including: • Cataracts (particularly the senile version) • Glaucoma • Presbyopia • Corneal disorders • Eye strain • Ocular inflammation • Blurred vision • Vitreous opacities and lesions • Diabetes mellitus complications • Contact lens users • Dry eye syndrome Of special interest may be to persons who wear contact lenses. This is because Can-C™ inhibits the accumulation of lactic acid and therefore contacts can be worn for longer periods without pain. We have also received reports that Can-C™ not only aids dry-eye syndrome with its lubricants, but that Can-C™ helps to unclog proteins from the lacrimal ducts, thus releasing more

Before: Right: A woman’s eye shows the cataract before treatment. Far Right: 5-months later after use of Can-C eye-drops (two drops twice daily), there is no longer a visible cataract and eyesight has improved.

Dr. Kyriazis book, ‘The Cataract Cure’, details the usefulness and evidence of Can-C™ eye-drops. It is now available as a FREE e-book at:

30 • Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 • e-mail:

natural tears onto the eye. In a similar way, it is also believed that the unclogging of proteins in the eye’s drain, (the Schlemm valve), helps to reduce intraocular pressure and thus aids glaucoma.

Can-C™ Plus capsules In addition to the eye-drops, Can-C™ Plus capsules are also available. They are strongly recommended to be used in combination with the eye-drops- if you have ripe (long existing) cataracts.

Above: Can-C Plus capsules


SPOTLIGHT: GHRPS A R E AL ‘OR AL’ ALTER NATIVE TO G H INJEC TION S Ever since Dr. Rudman’s work in the 1980s and then the release of Dr. Klatz’s book ‘grow young with HGH’ in the 1990s, there has been a strong interest in the use of growth hormone (GH) in antiaging medicine. Dr. Rudman’s research concluded that after injecting his elderly patients with GH, many of them had reversals of their biological age markers by as much as 20-years; specifically having noted improved skin, hair, muscle mass, decreased fat levels and enhanced levels of stamina, strength and well-being. It’s not entirely surprising given the multifaceted role of growth hormone, plus as its name suggests it is involved in the growth and repair of tissues, but unfortunately blood levels of it decline dramatically past the age of 35 (see figure 1), despite the fact that there is evidence that the pituitary gland continues making significant amounts of it.

GH injections The issue with injecting GH, (brand names include Genotropin®, Saizen® and Zomacton®), other than its expense, is that it does have to be injected to be effective, this is because as a 191 chain amino-acid it simply can’t be absorbed via any other route, thus daily injections can become a chore. Furthermore, many countries have decided that GH injections be classified as a controlled substance, partly because of its anabolic actions. Controlled substances often require special import and export licenses; this is over-and-above the requirement for a prescription. Furthermore, the research of Dr. Richard Walker has highlighted that bolus injections of GH are not bioidentical and that as they induce spikes of GH into the blood they could end up damaging the pituitary gland, leading to a down-regulation of its own production of GH, or even to stop GH production altogether.

GHRPs But meanwhile, Dr. Walker’s research has shown that the use of GHRPs, (growth hormone releasing peptides) have a much safer profile whilst enjoying the same benefits- even if they provide them a little more slowly. We would recommend that you read his extensive article in the Aging Matters™ magazine, No3, 2014 to understand fully how they operate. What we can say is

that GHRPs, (GHRP2, GHRP6 and sermorelin) have the following benefits: • They can be sublingually, intra-nasally and even orally, passing into blood and thus avoiding the need for needles. • Their feedback loop means that they cannot cause the pituitary to down-regulate. • GHRPs are not controlled substances. • Rather than inducing a spike of GH in the blood, GHRPs augment (improve) each release of GH naturally into the blood, for which there are several peaks daily, (although the rising from bed peak is the highest one) - see figure 2.

Synergy Sermorelin is actually the precursor to GH, being the first 29 amino acids and is applied via the sublingual route. Sermorelin’s function may be to release existing stores of GH from the pituitary- rather than encourage more production as a pure agonist would. Dr. Walker has highlighted that combining sermorelin with GHRP2 or GHRP6 has a highly synergistic effect, in some cases eliciting up to a 5x greater quantity of GH into blood, an action that can be equivocated to using injectable GH itself. Note: You can also hear Dr. Walker discuss this with us on the IAS video page:

Differences • GHRP6 may induce more hunger feelings than GHRP2 and could improve levels of IGF1 more. Therefore this option may be better recommend for those who want to put on muscle mass. • GHRP2 may create less hunger feelings and therefore could be preferable to those who want to stimulate GH for fat loss. Also as the GHRP6 (Releasing-Pro™) is a nasal spray, those who don’t like that feeling may prefer GHRP2-Pro™ since it is an oral liquid simply swallowed.

Figure 1 (top): The typical GH levels in blood with age, note that ‘geriatric’ levels are reached as early as during the 30’s. Figure 2 (middle) shows the 24 hour profile of subcutaneous (and also intravenous) GH. Compare that to figure 3 (bottom), the natural peaks of GH in both young and elderly patients. Only GHRPs naturally amplify these bioidentical patterns.

Summary GHRPs have created a genuine efficacious alternative; they are simpler/ easier to use and at the same time they have a better/ safer profile than injectable GH. • Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 • e-mail:


SPOTLIGHT: THYROID SUPPORT FOR THE HYPOTHYROID EPIDEMIC Dr. Broda Barnes in the 1970s estimated that 40% of the adult population was deficient in thyroid hormones; he published this statement in his excellent book‘hypothyroidism, the unsuspected epidemic.’ Since then, pupils of Dr. Barnes, such as Dr. Richard Wilkinson, have suggested that this figure could be even greater now! This is important because the thyroid gland is of pivotal importance to our overall health, but like the majority of hormones as we age the production of thyroid hormones decline. This lack of thyroid function is the root cause of a wide variety of agerelated health disorders. Ergo, supplementation with a synthetic or a natural thyroid can have a significant positive effect on a wide range of agerelated problems.

The importance of the thyroid gland The hormones produced by the thyroid control the body’s metabolism- the rate at which it burns calories for energy. It also controls the body’s utilization of fat, so a decline in the secretion of hormones from the thyroid gland, (known as hypothyroidism) can result in wide range of symptoms such as poor concentration, confusion, memory problems, cold hands and feet and weight gain. Another serious condition which can be caused by and result from an underactive thyroid are painful musculoskeletal issues that affect tendons, muscles and ligaments.

How can I be sure if I need a thyroid supplement? Above: The position of the thyroid gland

Apart from recognising the types of effects listed above, your doctor can of course get your blood

levels of thyroid checked, but another, simpler method is to take your body temperature when you wake in the morning. It should be in the range of 97.8 to 98.2 degrees Fahrenheit, if it is regularly lower you could be hypothyroid and if higher then hyper-thyroid.

Choosing between synthetic and natural thyroid supplements IAS stocks a comprehensive range of both synthetic and natural thyroids, although we advocate the use of a natural supplement over a synthetic, this is because products such as Armour® are of a porcine origin, so they naturally contain the full spectrum of T1, T2, T3 and T4 thyroid hormones, (note the bottles only list the amounts of T3 and T4 because very few physicians are familiar with T1 and T2).

Conversion between synthetic and natural thyroid products The table provided is a helpful guide to what the suggested conversion rates are for those wishing to make the switch between synthetic thyroids and natural versions. As always we recommend consulting with a physician before making changes to your program.


Thyroid doses Natural desiccated thyroids are measured in grains; with one grain being equivalent to approximately 60 mg. IAS carries doses from ¼ grain to 2 grains, with brands including Armour®, ERFA® and Nature®. IAS also provides synthetic T3 in 20 mcg and T4 in 100 mcg tablets.

Thyroid supplements provide potent antiaging protection Many aging individuals can benefit from taking a thyroid supplement because this remarkable hormone has such a profound affect across so many different conditions. Many antiaging physicians consider thyroid support an essential part of any serious attempt to improve a person’s health-span and longevity.

Dose of Desiccated thyroid (grains)

Equivalents (mg)

Dose of T3 (lithyronine) (μg)

Dose of T4 (levothyroxine) (μg)












0.2 0.3











0.5 • Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 • e-mail:

SPOTLIGHT: PEPTIDE BIOREGULATORS THE DI SCOVERY OF G ENE SWITCHES IN FOOD Today Professor Vladimir Khavinson is the President of the European Academy of Gerontology and Geriatrics, but in the 1980’s he was a Colonel in the Soviet Union military medical corps. At the time, he and his team were approached by Kremlin officials, they wanted them to find a way to protect their troops from a myriad of problems; issues such as radiation for submariners in nuclear submarines to troops that may be blinded from known, (but thankfully unused) new weapons such as battlefield lasers.

A former Soviet military secret!

specific short chain peptide, obtained from food, to act as a ‘short-cut’ to initiate protein What their research uncovered synthesis. These peptides, - that was used for two unlike proteins, can enter the decades on many thousands blood through the stomach. of men and women - was a Through a comprehensive remarkable link between list of patents and even short chain peptides and DNA. copyrighted PowerPoint This former military secret is slides, the Russian research now available to the public group have shown that each as peptide bioregulators. of the concentrated peptide Their published research has bioregulators so far examined, identified that each organ / interact with particular strands gland / tissue uses a highly of DNA - effectively and very specifically activating repair and regenerative processes. This is a remarkable story since what we are describing here are peptides that act as individualised gene switches. To date, they have Above: A short-chain peptide bioregulator been tested for

many years on thousands of individuals, without report of any serious side effects or contraindications. We believe that they could be set to ‘out do’ stem cells. Why? Because this peptide therapy is relatively cheap, highly specific, can be taken orally and doesn’t require any suppression of the immune system to operate fully (as stem cells do).

Original material from the trials The peptide bioregulators available via IAS are the bovine originals; sourced from carefully chosen Danish calves and processed through pharmaceutical processes and filters. They are not the synthetic versions which have not been studied/ proven. Peptide bioregulators act as they sound- to regulate; for example, Thyreogen®

the thyroid peptide would increase thyroid activity if it were too low, but decrease it if it were too high!

Dosing Doses are very dependent upon the need and unlike hormones these peptides do not have to be taken every day, hence making them a cost effective regime. A typical/ average use could be considered as follows: • Start with an intensive course: 2 capsules once a day for 30-days. • Thereafter use 2 capsules once a day for 10-days, repeat every 2, 3, 4 or even as little as 6-months. The story of the peptide bioregulators is a remarkable one and we recommend that you to read the articles and interviews and see the video on the IAS website.

interacting with DNA

PEPTIDES CURRENTLY AVAIL ABLE: Brain peptide bioregulator: Heart peptide bioregulator: Bladder peptide bioregulator: Pineal peptide bioregulator: Adrenal peptide bioregulator: Muscle peptide bioregulator: Prostate gland peptide bioregulator: Kidney peptide bioregulator: Cartilage peptide bioregulator: Pancreas peptide bioregulator:

Cerluten® Chelohart® Chitomur® Endoluten® Glandokort® Gotratix® Libidon® Pielotax® Sigumir® Suprefort®

Stomach mucus peptide bioregulator: Liver peptide bioregulator: Lung peptide bioregulator: Testes peptide bioregulator: Thyroid peptide bioregulator: Blood vessel peptide bioregulator: Retina peptide bioregulator: Thymus peptide bioregulator: Ovary peptide bioregulator:

Stamakort® Svetinorm® Taxorest® Testoluten® Thyreogen® Ventfort® Visoluten® Vladonix® Zhenoluten® • Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 • e-mail:


SPOTLIGHT: SMART DRUGS AND NUTRIENTS PIR ACE TAM, THE ORIG INAL NOOTROPIC Smart drugs and nutrients, or to give them their correct medical terminologynootropics, are agents that can not only improve conditions of senile dementias, but in recent times have become popular for older individuals to improve their mental and cognitive processes. It was Ward Dean, M.D. who highlighted these facts through his very popular ‘Smart Drug’ series of books in the 1980s, since then the term ‘smart drugs’ has become mainstream.

Piracetam, the original nootropic The smart-drug we focus on here was in fact the first, developed as it was by Dr. Giurgea for UCB laboratories in Belgium in the 1960s. Originally it was designed to assist with travel and altitude sickness, but shortly afterward individuals realised that piracetam had positive cognitive enhancement effects.

What can piracetam do for me? Piracetam is a cognition agent that has been used successfully to treat a

wide range of conditions, for example it has been shown to increase a person’s attention levels and improve memory and intelligence. Piracetam can help to slow down ‘senile involution’, dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. In tests and trials, piracetam induces significant improvement to memory consolidation and recall in those suffering from ‘age-associated memory impairment’. Piracetam has also been used to improve patient’s recovery from strokes, particularly improving post stroke speech impairment (aphasia). Another use has been in cases of acute and chronic cerebral ischaemia, (decreased blood flow to the brain). Using piracetam has restored speech and the use of limbs in these patients; it has also increased neuronal activity in the brain when measured with EEG.

For regular individuals, piracetam has been shown to enhance idea creation and the ability to ‘see things through,’ in other words to have ideas and bring them to fruition. The level of clarity piracetam creates is often described/ perceived as; “the fog has lifted.”

How does piracetam work? Piracetam’s key and unique method of action is upon the Corpus Callosum, the region of the brain that links the two hemispheres. It is this that most experts believe is the key that gives piracetam users the ability to channel greater brain potential by connecting the logical side of the brain with the creative side more effectively, Yin and Yang if you will.

“Piracetam can help to slow down ‘senile involution’, dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.” 34

Right: The Corpus Callosum • Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 • e-mail:

What are the doses of piracetam? A common dose is 800mg tablets three times a day, then lowering to 800 mg twice a day after the first month. Note: The effects of piracetam can be enhanced if taken concurrently with centrophenoxine or Hydergine®. Side effects are minimal and seldom experienced, but should you experience nausea or headache then it is usually caused by an overdose, so in which case reduce the dose and build up more slowly, (if it is necessary). Note: There are many articles and videos on the IAS website about smart drugs and nutrients.


90 58

3mg Amount Per Serving

* % Daily Value

Servings per container: 60 Serving Size: 1 tablet

Supplement facts:

Description: MZS is Dr. Walter Pierpaoli’s original melatonin formula containing the additional and supportive agents zinc and selenium. MZS is produced to pharmaceutical standards in Italy and unlike other melatonin preparations MZS has been designed to produce a night peak of melatonin between 1AM and 3AM to mimic the natural behavior of the pineal gland. Dr. Pierpaoli’s extensive animal and human research has shown that this is important because this action helps to stabilize circadian rhythms, improve hormonal cyclicity and boost immunity.


Dr. Pierpaoli’s original formula+

Formulated and distributed by Profound Products, PO Box 19, Sark GY9 0SB, Great Britain

MZS Dr. Pierpaoli’s original formula ™

Dr. Pierpaoli

MZS Dr. Pierpaoli’s original formula



Dr. Pierpaoli MZS Dr. Pierpaoli’s original formula

Directions: Take 1 tablet before bedtime, ideally between 10PM and 11PM.

50mcg 8.7mg


Dr. Pierpaoli MZS Dr. Pierpaoli’s original formula

Disclaimer: This product and its statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to treat, cure or prevent any disease.

% Daily Value * not established Other ingredients: Avicel, mannitol, povidonum and magnesium sterate Selenium Zinc


Note: Keep in cool dark conditions, out of the reach of children and consume before end of expiry date. Not for use by pregnant or lactating women.


Our melatonin has been formulated by the world’s foremost melatonin expert Dr. Walter Pierpaoli, his Melatonin Zn Se, or MZS™, is totally unique since it is designed to mimic the natural night peak of melatonin- to leave you feeling refreshed and alert the following day.

What does Melatonin do? Melatonin is vital to protect our hormonal system, regulate immunity and repair our body’s cells. It is commonly used by shift workers and also to treat jet lag and age related sleep disorders, but its abilities go far beyond simply its sleep inducing properties.

The antioxidant effects of melatonin Melatonin is an extremely effective antioxidant; in fact on a molecule to molecule basis; melatonin has proved to be significantly more efficient in neutralizing toxic hydroxyl-

radicals than the two wellknown free radical scavengers, glutathione and mannitol.

ARMD. Remarkably this was true for both the wet and dry forms!

Melatonin’s effects on longevity

Why is Dr. Pierpaoli’s MZS™ more effective than other melatonin supplements?

Melatonin’s effect on longevity is well documented; in fact laboratory tests on rats and mice have demonstrated that melatonin increased their lifespans by 20%. Experts believe melatonin is a vital antiaging product because of its positive effect on aging. MZS™ and age-related macular degeneration Age related macular degeneration (ARMD) comes in two forms, wet and dry and is a notoriously difficult disorder to treat and is linked to blindness. A 24-month study, (published in NY Academy of Science, 2005, 1057:384-392) on 100 patients showed that after 3 months, the majority of patients taking 3 mg of Melatonin Zn Se nightly had halted the progression of their age related macular degeneration and at 6 months many showed reversal of their

There are three principal reasons, firstly it is of pharmaceutical quality at a dose of 3 mg, secondly it contains the synergistic ingredients of selenium and zinc, but thirdly and most importantly- it is designed to release at a very specific time. Dr. Pierpaoli’s research led him to perfect a formula that exactly mimics the pineal gland’s release of melatonin. Thus means that MZS™ is the only melatonin supplement to follow nature’s own night peak.


60 tablets Dietary Supplement

Melatonin is produced by the pineal gland at night to regulate our circadian rhythm, (sometimes called the sleep wake cycle). As we age the amount of melatonin we produce reduces resulting in many older people sleeping less and having a lower quality of sleep.

Dr. Pierpaoli


MZS Dr. Pierpaoli’s original formula ™

Dr. Pierpaoli


MZS™ is so much more than a sleep aid Melatonin has had so many published benefits it is impossible to list them all here. From jet lag and shift work to well-being and antiaging, no other melatonin supplement offers the endorsement of Dr. Pierpaoli, or the exact formula used in all of his renowned clinical trials. If you’ve tried other melatonin and didn’t notice any significant effect, then we highly recommend you try Dr Pierpaoli’s MZS™ for a superior experience. Dr. Pierpaoli’s free ebook ‘The key of Life’ can be read here:

How much should I take? Take half to one 3 mg tablet at bedtime only; do not take more than two tablets. By taking MZS™ between 9pm and 11pm you will create a night peak between 1am and 3am, this is the most natural and normal time to have the highest melatonin levels.

Left: Melatonin levels in blood over 24-hours This graph compares Dr Pierpaoli’s melatonin formula (red line) to the natural release of melatonin (dark blue). Two other common types of melatonin supplements (light blue and green lines) demonstrate that sublingual melatonin peaks too soon and that time released formulas peak too late.

Above: Here are some before and after Fundus photos showing the benefit of Melatonin Zn Se. (Top before, below: after treatment). • Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 • e-mail:




THE PEP TIDE B IOR EG U L ATOR S FOR S KIN Four peptide bioregulators have now been combined into topical skin preparations so that their unique gene-switching performance can be bought to the field of aesthetic medicine. What does each peptide provide for? The beauty product line Youth Gems® contains the following four peptides and a ginseng extract called Neovitin®. They represent the very latest developed program of complex skin care designed for the face, neck, hands and the body. The line includes four unique active ingredients of shortchain peptides that have a directed tissue-specific action to improve all basic skin structures: • Thymus peptide: This stimulates tissue regeneration and the synthesis of tissue-specific proteins. Thus, cells proliferative and metabolic activity is enhanced- accelerating the renewal of various cell tissues. It also has an anti-inflammatory action, improving the healing time of wounds, as well as antioxidant, immune stimulating and anti-stress actions. • Pineal peptide: This regulates metabolic processes and increases protein synthesis in skin cells. It also possesses potent antioxidant activity, normalizes the lipid peroxidation processes in skin cells that in turn promotes the elimination of negative influences on the skin from external factors.


• Cartilaginous peptide. This stimulates regeneration of fibroblasts and keratinocytes and interferes with the destructive changes in collagen skin structure; it also strengthens collagen structure of elastic skin fibers and increases elasticity. • Blood vessel peptide: This regulates metabolic processes in the vascular wall, normalizes vascular tone and restores disturbed skin microcirculation. It strengthens and regulates the permeability of the vascular walls of skin vessels and improves skin turgor.

What else is included in Youth Gems® in addition to the four peptides? In addition to the four peptides, the Youth Gems® also contain an incredible array of beneficial natural agents- which just by themselves would make other antiaging creams jealous! The range includes: Neovitin® (a complex isolated from ginseng), olive oil, raisin-seed oil, Argon oil, Soya oil, Jojoba oil, Bisabolol (extract from chamomile), Peony extract, sodium hyaluronate (a derivative of hyaluronic acid), green tea extract, cocoa oil,

carrageenan (from seaweed), winter bloom, almond extract and vitamin E.

What results have been seen? Clinical trials and examinations have been conducted at the St. Petersburg Biogerontology Institute and they have concluded that these short chain peptides, when applied to skin cells, have many beneficial activities, shown below are some of those results. These include improved metabolism in vascular wall cells, the growth of new skin cells, enhanced antioxidant activity; increased blood flow circulation and greater moisturization. The skin’s appearance becomes smoother, with fewer wrinkles and with more elasticity, all of which helps to lift the face contours producing a more radiant, youthful appearance. These beneficial effects were noted in 100% of women who took part in the voluntary clinica trial.

Right: A 68 year old female before (top) and after (below) application of Youth Gems® • Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 • e-mail:

What’s available? • Body milk: The body milk is a very light cream that can be applied to most areas of the body. • Day cream: The day cream is the core product designed to be applied to the face and hands. • Serum: The serum is designed to be used sparingly against the most noticeable skin aging effects on the face and neck. • Tonic: This cleanser can be used to help any area become more firm and taught and may be splashed on as required. All of the Youth Gems® should be applied onto clean, dry skin- avoiding the eyes; makeup can be applied after absorption - if required.


C E NTRO PH E N OX I N E , (PRO N O U N C E D, C E NT- ROW- FE N - OX- I N) I S A C L A S S I C ‘ S M A RT D RU G .’ The term ‘smart drugs’ has become synonymous with substances that aid memory and cognition, although the correct medical terminology is ‘nootropics’ (which when translated from the Greek is- ‘towards the mind’). As shown in the insert, centrophenoxine is an ester of PCPA (a plant compound) and DMAE which is a natural choline-based substance found in the diet. OCH2










The molecular structure of centrophenoxine, showing its combination of PCPA and DMAE.

Background Centrophenoxine has been studied extensively over many decades, principally in Europe and one of its leading proponents is the Gerontology expert, Professor Imre Zs.-Nagy, whom utilises it for his own antiaging purposes, keeping his mind sharp.

Professor Imre Zs.-Nagy says; “Centrophenoxine has shown many facets to improve conditions related to my membrane hypothesis of aging. For example, its ability to improve brain performance, survival time in animal experiments and to remove the cell-aging pigment called lipofuscin. It has been my antiaging supplement for more than 30-years.” One of the actions of centrophenoxine is to improve acetylcholine levels in the brain and it is this neurotransmitter that declines in Alzheimer’s diseaseleading to its devastating effects. Yet, centrophenoxine doesn’t make significant improvements for Alzheimer patients in this way, (note, there is another important

action mentioned later on), although the same could be said for all senile dementia medications, since trying to revert the damage of a mid-late stage dementia is very difficult. The target there-

be very troublesome for the cell because it inhibits proper functioning from taking place, reducing the transference of chemicals through the cell wall, thus damaging both messaging and detoxification abilities. Indeed this inhibition and the inherent loss of lipidity that accompanies it, forms a significant part of Professor Zs.-Nagy’s ‘membrane hypothesis of aging.’ What we do know, is that when significant amounts of lipofuscin are present

Showing the typical size and placement of lipofuscin in tissues. fore is at the earliest stage of dementia, or even before then, at the antiaging stage, wherein smart-drugs like centrophenoxine can improve/ enhance and protect the performance of an aging, but otherwise recognised as a healthy, individual.

Lipofuscin Lipofuscin is a waste material that accumulates in aging cells, especially those in the brain, heart, lungs and skin; indeed, in skin cells, lipofuscin can form part of the pigmented spots that are often referred to as ‘age’ or ‘liver’ spots Lipofuscin accumulation can

in the brain, they are then referred to as ‘plagues’ and then become recognised trait of Alzheimer’s. Perhaps it is therefore centrophenoxine’s primary mode of action to help remove lipofuscin deposits. It does it so well, that it is currently believed to be the best tool commercially available to do so and so well, that in patients with visible ‘age’ or ‘liver’ spots in the skin; it is possible over several weeks of centrophenoxine supplementation to see them fade or even disappear. Such patients can also benefit from the knowledge, that at the same, lipofuscin deposits are being reduced in their heart, lungs and brain etc.

Centro-Pro™, the leading brand of centrophenoxine used by its expert, Professor Imre Zs.-Nagy and his patients.

General cognitive benefits Classifying the precise benefits of the various smart-drugs can be tricky. Most individuals often simply refer to their ailing cognitive facilities as “memory loss.” However, a quick breakdown of that statement requires further evaluation in order to determine the precise nature of the problem. So which of the following is your main issue? • Short term memory • Medium term memory • Long term memory • Do you get bored easily? • Do you lack focus/ attention? • Does your mind quickly become tired? • Is the problem remembering new experiences later? (So called memory-imprinting) • Does it take too long time to recall memories? Centrophenoxine is best suited to the last problem. If your speech appears to be full of “ums” and “ers” - whilst your brain tries to catch up with your mouth, then it is likely that centrophenoxine will be an aid for you. In our experience, centrophenoxine should not only be considered for those concerned with the development of Alzheimer’s, but when utilized correctly it can help many people, especially those aged over 40, to hasten their recall speed, bringing clarity and order to both speech and thought.

Doses It is of course impossible to list all details of centrophenoxine use onto one page, but interested parties should ask for further details and read the articles with references that are available on the IAS website. A typical dose for the ‘average’ person is 250 mg once or twice daily; higher doses are necessary according to the varying degrees of Alzheimer’s.

Note: Centrophenoxine is synergistic with other smart-drugs, in particular choline based forms such as piracetam (Nootropil®); these additional benefits can be experienced by using them concurrently, although naturally both doses need to be adjusted downward to suit.




S U PPLYING AND BAL ANCING OMEGA S NATU R ALLY Most people are familiar with the benefits of omega oils for their health and in particular to reduce inflammation. Indeed cod-liver oil supplements are the world’s most popular supplement, but recently Professor Brian Peskin’s research which is all contained in his new book – the PEO solution - is causing quite a stir and may make many folks to rethink and change their stance.

Professor Brian Peskin and the cover of his latest book - the PEO solution

We are referring to his discovery that the body naturally uses plant oils to make its own omega 3 and 6, thereby satisfying a precise balance according to need- providing the ‘raw materials’ are available. Professor Peskin has termed the phrase PEO as the acronym for ‘parent essential oils.’ Professor Peskin states openly that he has found this information hidden in the scientific literature and never once found it referred to in the medical literature. Why does it matter? Because as he says, it means that physicians are unaware of these facts and therefore they continue to advocate super-physiological doses of omegas from fish oil, which may be actually doing more harm than good! It’s a lot to swallow, (no pun

intended) and we can’t do his research justice on a single page, which is why we recommend his book, or take a look at the Aging Matters™ magazine No1, 2015 in which Professor Peskin’s article is the lead story. Let’s summarise the advantages of the PEOs: • The plant oils live in our environment, (typically around 50-60°F); hence they do not go rancid at room temperature. Cold water fish live in a cold environment (typically around 30-40°F), therefore PEOs represent a much more stable product. • The PEOs are obviously a nonanimal source and therefore can be considered more suitable for those wanting to avoid animal based products. • The PEOs represent a sustainable source, since there is already too much ‘pressure’ on the seas to provide both fish and even krill stocks. • The PEOs enable the body to produce its own internal essential fatty acids (EFAs) and correct its own balance. This has not been shown to be the case with fish oil supplements.

Why not fish oil?

Figure: How is fish oil made? It often does not start as the healthiest possible source!


Professor Peskin maintains that the super-high doses in fish oils are extreme when compared to those manufactured within the body. Furthermore, even the omega 3 to

omega 6 balance OXYGEN MAGNETS! they provide could be EFAs work like tiny “magnets” drawing Oxygen EFAs oxygen into all cells, tissues wrong and that the and vital organs. O O body may actually Reduce oxygen by only 1/3 and a cell O turns cancerous, forever! require more omega HEART LUNGS 6 than is currently being advocated today. Did you know that when a bear eats a fish he throws away the body? Could it be that the bear Figure: Essential fatty acids provided via wants the omega 6 provided PEOs work like magnets, drawing oxygen into cells and tissues. Reduce oxygen by the fish brain and not the content in cells by one third and they can omega 3 that is within its body? become cancerous. (The fish uses omega 3 as an anti-freeze due to its cold water contains organically produced, environment). cold-pressed seed oils, these include high linoleic safflower PEO-Pro™ oil, sunflower oil, evening IAS has always been ‘on the primrose oil and flax oil, all in cutting-edge.’ It may remain the proportions derived from controversial, however we have Professor Peskin’s research. taken the decision to remove Maintenance doses are 1 or fish and krill based oils from 2 capsules daily; for those with our range and replace them greater need, 1 capsule per 40 with PEOs that are contained in lbs (18 Kg) bodyweight per day PEO-Pro™. may be more suitable. The PEO-Pro™ supplement 2



Oxygen Magnets


• Less Cravings • Less Hunger • Better Appetite Fulfilment

Heart Health

• Flexible Arteries • Clean Arteries • Fast Blood Flow • Lower Blood Pressure • Improves Lipids


• Healthier Skin • Less Dandruff • Less Cellulite • Healthier Hair • Eczema Improved

• Less Sweet Cravings • Lower Blood Sugar • Less Neuropathy/ Retinopathy




• Less Arthritis • Less Joint Pain/Swelling • Faster Healing

Hormones/ Endocrine

Brain Health



• Better Sexual Function • Smoother Pregnancies • Less PMS • Fewer Headaches

• Better Clarity • Better Focus • Improved Memory • Helps Improve ADD & ADHD

• More Energy • Less Fatigue • Greater Intensity • Faster Recuperation

Figure: This diagram highlights the benefits of EFAs (essential fatty acids) that PEOs can deliver. • Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 • e-mail:

SPOTLIGHT: SMART DRUGS AND NUTRIENTS DEPR ENYL FOR FOCU S AND CONCENTR ATION Deprenyl is also known as selegiline, it was created in the 1960s by Professor Joseph Knoll from Hungary, principally as an aid to Parkinson’s patients - because deprenyl has a significant benefit to improve dopamine levels in the brain. Dopamine is the neurotransmitter most affected in Parkinson’s disease, in fact, deprenyl still remains a front line treatment for that disease.

Significant longevity studies

Morgenthaler, (as published in the book, Smart Drugs and Nutrients I), produced figure 2. It highlights that the loss of dopamine in humans with age, can be mapped against both the development of Parkinson’s and even death.

Mode of action For a long time deprenyl has been expressed as a MAO-b inhibitor, that it to say that is prevents the enzyme monoamine-oxidase type-b from destroying dopamine, ergo leading to its greater availability in the brain. The inhibition of the more common MAO-a can be problematic, leading to something called ‘the cheese effect,’ therefore this is not a side effect of deprenyl, although it should be noted that dopamine can inhibit type-a, but usually only at very high doses of 20mg. In more recent times, Professor Knoll has noted that there is another significant action of deprenyl and this is the raising, (albeit briefly) of PEA levels. PEA is a catecholamine activity enhancer that raises

Professor Joseph Knoll; now aged in his 90s but still active in pharmacological research.

Professor Knoll’s experiments with rats produced some of the most incredible longevity benefits that have ever been seen. When they were fed deprenyl in their food, they lived so much longer than those that were not, so much so, that even after the last non-treated rat died, the first of the deprenyl treated rats was yet to die! These results are shown in figure one: Note; interestingly and importantly, these results were verified independently in another study not conducted by Professor Knoll. Based on this research, Dean, Fowkes and

norepinephrine levels; this is a significant attention agent that is behind the primary mechanism of the famous Eugeroic drug- modafinil (Provigil®). To learn a great deal more about dopamine and deprenyl, we would recommend Professor Knoll’s books; ‘the brain and its self’, or ‘how selegiline/ deprenyl slows brain aging.’

Typical patient responses In patients who have mild cognitive impairment, or age related minor cognitive dysfunction, the most common report is of a significant improvement in their focus and concentration. Persons with higher dopamine levels often appear more ‘driven’ and ‘dedicated.’ Avoid overuse since it can lead to what may appear to be an oppressive behavior, as others around you are not so focused and ‘on the ball’ as you! This is why we recommend occasional breaks from deprenyl use, some advocate one week off in the month and others use it during the


Dopamine Level (%)

% of animals alive


Deprenyl Treated Rats


Control Rats

25 0 140









Age of rats in weeks

100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0

Average Parkinson’s Patients Rapid Parkinson’s Patients

weekdays but not at the weekends.

Dosing Doses are as normal, based upon need and age. Whilst Parkinson’s patient will require large doses, a person wanting to improve their cognitive performance may want to typically consider 1mg to 3mg per day, with occasional breaks. Note: These doses do not take into account synergy with other dopamine enhancing agents and persons using anti-depressants should consult with their physician beforehand. Deprenyl tablets are typically provided in 5mg form (Jumex®); some persons like to take ½ to 1 of these tablets 3-times a week; however the use of the deprenyl liquid (Dep-Pro™) is particularly attractive for those using deprenyl to generally support, protect and improve neurological function, since 1 drop = 1mg. Therefore the liquid can be dosed very precisely by simply placing those drops into a cold drink. Avoid use in the late evening to prevent any sleep disruption.

Slow Aging People Normal People

PARKINSON’S SYMPTOMS DEATH 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140

Figure 1: Professor Knoll’s experiment showed that when deprenyl is given to animals it significantly extends their lifespan and their latter life activity.

Figure 2: For humans, the normal loss of dopamine past the age of 40 is 13% per decade. As the lines suggest, if we all live long enough we all become senile! • Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 • e-mail:


SPOTLIGHT: BIOIDENTICAL HORMONES OX Y TOCIN FOR PA SS ION AND S E X IAS carries a wide range of bioidentical hormones - a term that means ‘natural to and in the body’. In this featured section we are focusing on oxytocin. What is oxytocin? Oxytocin is a hormone produced by the hypothalamus, but excreted via the pituitary gland. Its orthodox medicine role is to help women give birth, since the large dose that’s injected helps relaxes the uterus and alleviates the passage of the child into the world for the mother.

Above: Dr. Thierry Hertoghe

However, as we will discover and has been highlighted by Dr. Thierry Hertoghe’s book; ‘passion, sex and longevity, the oxytocin adventure’ -it has many other roles to play too.

The love hormone Oxytocin has been dubbed ‘the love hormone’, why would this be? Principally because oxytocin can induce feelings of bonding and care and not just

between individuals, but even with animals too! Oxytocin measurements have been taken between lovers, friends, relatives, parents and their children etc. From those results, it has been noted that oxytocin levels are higher when they are in their presence. Mothers naturally bond with their children, but even men, (especially those who experience the live birth), express their emotions as wanting to care and protect their offspring, these effects may be attributable to the release of oxytocin hence triggering the bond. On the other side of the coin, psychopaths are notoriously low in their oxytocin levels, which may be a cause of their uncaring feelings towards other humans.

The pain and orgasm connection Fibromyalgia can be a very debilitating disorder with a lot of pain, sometimes constant for those who suffer with it. In women it was noted that when they were experiencing an orgasm they felt no pain at all. Later, it transpired that

women undergo a burst of oxytocin during orgasm. Trials were undertaken to see if oxytocin supplementation could alleviate the pain of fibromyalgia, there was some success, but the side-effect noted was that those women now enjoyed multiple orgasms! This was a fact picked up on by the popular press and is probably singularly the action most responsible for bringing oxytocin into the public gaze.

Synergy Dr. Hertoghe has explained that some folks will not feel the effects of oxytocin. This is principally because of two reasons, (if we consider that the dose is correct for that individual). Firstly, that some people are ‘low’ in their own principal sex-hormone, so if a man is low testosterone, or if a woman is low estrogen, it is possible that oxytocin will not elicit its full potential in those persons. The other issue could be low vasopressin;

Dosing As might be expected doses are very dependent upon its use. However for social or sexual enhancement, one can consider 5 IU to 10 IU a ‘typical’ dose. In fact, Dr. Hertoghe has somewhat reduced the doses that he recommends in his book, (transmitted via personal conversation to me). Currently IAS is providing Oxy-Sub™ in 20 IU trouches (a soft sublingual tablet), these can therefore be cut into half or quarter for a dose of 5 or 10 IU and should be placed under the tongue and allowed to melt. The other option is Oxy-Pro™ which is applied intranasally delivering 10 IU per spray.

Dr. Thierry Hertoghe’s book, “Passion, sex and longevity - the oxytocin adventure”, details its roles and uses in a ‘how to’ guide form.

“...oxytocin can induce feelings of bonding and care and not just between individuals, but even with animals too!” 40

vasopressin is a counterpart to oxytocin, produced and released via the same glands. In cases of vasopressin deficiency, the patient may enhance the oxytocin experience by adding one or two sprays (10 IU each) of vasopressin via the Vaso-Pro™ nasal spray. • Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 • e-mail:

CONDITION CROSS-REFERENCE LIST This cross-reference list highlights individual products that have been used for these disorders. Note: It does not mean that all these products are synergistic together.

Addison’s disease Aldosterone, peptide bioregulator (Glandokort®) ADHD (ADD, attention deficit disorder, see mental stimulants) Adrenal fatigue Aldosterone, Digestif®, hydrocortisone, peptide bioregulator (Glandokort®) AGE (advanced glycated end-product inhibitors) ACF228™, aminoguanidine, Can-C™ Plus, carnosine, metformin, pyridoxamine

Anxiety (see stress) ARMD (see eyesight) Arterial (See heart, arterial & blood) Arthritis (rheumatoid & osteo) Andro-Pro™, Gerovital-H3®, Novisyn®, PEO, pregnenolone, pyritinol, SAMe, thymus Asthma (see Allergies) Autism (also see chelation agents) Oxytocin, piracetam

Age Related Macular Degeneration (see eyesight) Age Related Mental Decline (see cognitive)

Back problems (see spine) Bell’s palsy Vitamin B12

AIDS (see HIV) Alcoholism (also see compulsive disorders) 5HTP, L-tryptophan, memantine Allergies Foodsafe®, Pregnenolone, thymus ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) Naltrexone, TRH Alzheimer’s disease (see senile dementia) Anabolic (see growth hormone & testosterone) Anginas (see heart, arterial & blood) Animal use Can-C™ eye-drops, deprenyl, L-tryptophan, peptide bioregulators Antiaging (as impacting on a particular theory of aging) Calorie Restriction Carnosine, metformin, resveratrol Free radical ACF228™ Glycation Aminoguanidine Hayflick Carnosine, TA65® Membrane Centrophenoxine Mitochondrial Hydergine®, PQQ Neuroendocrine Metformin, TRH Rotational Melatonin Telomeres Endoluten®, TA65®

Blood disorders (see heart, arterial & blood) Blood pressure magnesium, Neo40®, oxytocin, potassium, propranolol, vinpocetine Bone problems (also see joints & arthritis) Andro-Pro™, Bone-Pro2™, Esnatri™, Peptide Bioregulator (Bonomarlot®), progesterone, SAMe, thyroid Breathing (see lungs) Cancer (also see anti-oxidants & radiation) 1st Line™, anastrozole, BEC5® Curaderm, bromocriptine, CurcuminSR™, D3, DIM-Pro2™, laetrile, melatonin, metformin, naltrexone, oxaloacetate, progesterone, Resveratrol-Pro™, Sol-Answer™, thymus, TRH Cardiovascular (see heart & arterial disorders) Cataplexy (sudden fatigue) Adrafinil, modafinil, picamilone Cataract (also see eyesight) Can-C™, Can-C Plus™ Central Nervous System (CNS) Peptide bioregulator (Cerluten®) • Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 • e-mail:


Cholesterol (see heart, arterial & blood)

DNA support (also see telomeres) Carnosine, CoQ10, D3, PEO, peptide bioregulators, PQQ, resveratrol, TA65®

Crohn’s disease Naltrexone Down’s syndrome Melatonin, piracetam Chronic fatigue syndrome (see mental stimulants & physical energy improvement) Cognitive (also see memory & senile dementias) Alertness Adrafinil, modafinil, Xan-Pro™ Creativity Aniracetam, piracetam, pramiracetam Focus/concentration Deprenyl, desmopressin, NADH, vasopressin Energy ATP-Boost™, centrophenoxine, Mito-Pro2™, NADH, picamilone General support Gerovital-H3®, vinpocetine Intelligence Hydergine® Work load Hydergine®, thyroid Compulsive disorder treatment (also see alcoholism) 5HTP, Gamalate®, L-tryptophan, picamilone Cortisol alteration (also see stress) Aldosterone, DHEA, fludrocortisone, GABOB, Gamalate®, Gerovital-H3®, hydrocortisone, peptide bioregulator (Glandokort®), phenytoin Cross linking (see AGE) Deep vein thrombosis (see frequent fliers)

Energy improvement (see physical energy & mental stimulants) Enzymes Boluoke® Epilepsy GABOB, Gamalate®, phenytoin Erectile dysfunction (also see sex-libido & premature ejaculation) Andro-Pro™, cabergoline, Cialis®, Neo40®, oxytocin, Viagra®, Vielight®, Vigor-Pro2™ Eyesight ARMD MZS™ Cataracts Can-C™, Can-C™ Plus Contact lenses Can-C™ Dry eyes Can-C™ General support Aminoguanidine, peptide bioregulator (Visoluten®), vinpocetine Glaucoma Can-C™ Retinal MZS™, nicergoline, picamilone Retinal pigmentosa Picamilone, peptide bioregulator (Visoluten®) Excitotoxins (reduction) Carnosine, deprenyl, idebenone, lithium, memantine

Dental (see teeth & gums) Depression (also see well-being & anti-depressants) 5HTP, aniracetam, ATP-Boost™, CurcuminSR™, D3, deprenyl, Gerovital-H3®, lithium, L-tryptophan, milnacipran, picamilone, piracetam, pramiracetam, pregnenolone, SAMe, thymus, thyroid DHT alternation (dihydrotestosterone) Dutasteride, finasteride, Hair-Pro™, MinSaw™, peptide bioregulator (Libidon®), progesterone Diabetes Acarbose, aminoguanidine, ATP-Boost™, benfotiamine, L-carnosine, metformin, PEO, peptide bioregulator-(Suprefort®), pyridoxamine, TRH, thyroid Diabetes insipidus (see urination) Dieting (see weight loss) Digestive issues Digestif®, peptide bioregulator (Stamakort®), Symprove®


Fertility Melatonin, metformin, peptide bioregulator (Zhenoluten®), TRH Fibromyalgia (also see physical energy & mental stimulants & pain relief) 1st Line, milnacipran, naltrexone, oxytocin Gastrointestinal (see digestive) Glaucoma (see eyesight) Glucose control (see diabetes) Glycation prevention (see AGE) Gout Colchicine Growth hormone (improvement) bromocriptine, deprenyl, GABOB, Gamalate®, GHRP2, GHRP6, hydergine, Neo40®, sermorelin, thymus, thyroid • Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 • e-mail:

Hashimoto’s Iodine, peptide bioregulator (Thyreogen®), thyroid

Hypothyroidism Iodine, peptide bioregulator- thyroid (Thyreogen®), thyroids

Hair improvement Dercos®, dutasteride, finasteride, Gerovital-H3®, Hair-Pro™, MinSaw™, PEO

IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) Symprove®

Headaches (see migraines) Heath diagnostics (see at home test kits) Hearing disorders Aldosterone, Anacervix®, fludrocortisone, nicergoline, picamilone, vinpocetine Heart, arterial & blood (includes blood markers) Arteries (hard) Aminoguanidine, Bio-CUFF™, carnosine, PEO, resveratrol Blood pressure (high) Magnesium, Neo40®, potassium, Propranolol, vinpocetine Calcium Peptide bioregulator (Bobothyrk®) Cholesterol (high) CoQ10, Gerovital-H3®, TRH, XanPro™ Dilation (nitric-oxide) Neo40®, Vielight® Fibrinogen CurcuminSR™, TRH General support CoQ10, PEO, peptide bioregulators (Chelohart® & Ventfort®), PQQ, vinpocetine Glucose (high) Acarbose, metformin, TRH Glycated end-products Aminoguanidine, metformin Heart pulse (irregular) ATP-Boost™, thyroid Heavy metals (chelate) DMSA, EDTA, Zeolite Lipofuscin Centrophenoxine Plaques (clots) Boluoke® Triglycerides CurcuminSR™, PEO, TRH Hepatitis (see liver and infections) Herpes (also see anti-biotics) 1st Line™, ACF228™, BHT, silver protein HIV (also see immune system improvement) 1st Line™, melatonin, naltrexone, thymus HGH (see growth hormone) Homocysteine (see blood disorders) TRH HRT (hormone replacement therapy for women) DHEA, Esnatri™, melatonin, progesterone Human growth hormone (see growth hormone)

Immune system improvement (also see infections) 1st Line™, ATP-Boost™, carnosine, melatonin, peptide bioregulator- thymus (Vladonix®), peptide bioregulator- thyroid (Thyreogen®), pyritinol, resveratrol, thymus, thyroid Infections (also see immune system improvement, anti-biotics & influenzas) 1st Line™, artemisinin, fluconazole, silver protein Inflammation (reduction) Boluoke®, CurcuminSR™, Digestif®, PEO, pregnenolone, thymus Influenzas (also see anti-biotics, infections & immune system improvement) 1st Line™, D3 Injectable Products Cerebrolysin®, Cromatonbic (B12)® Gerovital® Insulin & glucose control (see diabetes) Inter-ear Products Aldo-Spray™ Inter-nasal Products Desmopressin, GHRP6 (Releasing-Pro™), Vasopressin, Vielight® Intestinal flora (see probiotics) Joints (also see bones & arthritis) Boluoke®, PEO, peptide bioregulator (Sigumir®), Novisyn®, pregnenolone, SAMe, thymus Kidney disorders (also see infections) Aminoguanidine, peptide bioregulator (Pielotak®) SAMe, TRH Learning (also see memory & mental stimulants) Aniracetam, desmopressin, Hydergine®, piracetam, pramiracetam, vasopressin Libido (see sex) Lipids (see blood disorders) Liver disorders (also see infections) CoQ10, Idebenone, peptide bioregulator (Svetinorm®), pregnenolone, SAMe, silver protein

Hypertension (see blood pressure) • Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 • e-mail:


Longevity enhancement (significant lifespan increases seen in animal studies) Centrophenoxine, deprenyl, melatonin, vasopressin

Oral health care (see teeth & gums)

Lou Gehrig’s disease (see ALS)

Pain relief ATP-Boost™, Gerovital-H3®, memantine, milnacipran, nicergoline, oxytocin

Lungs ACF228™ Breathe-Easy, centrophenoxine, glutathione, peptide bioregulator (Taxorest®)

Osteoporosis (see bone problems)

Parasites (see infections)

Lupus Milnacipran, naltrexone

Parkinson’s disease (see senile dementia)

Lyme’s 1st Line™, silver protein

Pets (see animal use)

Macular degeneration (see ARMD & eyesight)

PH balance Symprove®

Menopause (see HRT)

Photoaging (see skin problems)

Mental stimulants (also see physical stimulants) Adrafinil, aniracetam, centrophenoxine, deprenyl, desmopressin, modafinil, nicergoline, picamilone, piracetam, pramiracetam, vasopressin, Xan-Pro™

Physical energy improvement (also see mental stimulants) ATP-Boost™, carnosine, CoQ10, idebenone, Mito-Pro2™, NADH, oxaloacetate, PQQ, pregnenolone, SAMe, Vigor-Pro2™

Memory (also see cognitive & senile dementia) General support PEO, picamilone, vinpocetine Imprinting (for later recall) Desmopressin, vasopressin Medium-long term Hydergine® Short term Aniracetam, piracetam, pramiracetam Speed of recall Centrophenoxine, pyritinol

PMS (pre-menstrual syndrome) PEO, peptide bioregulator (Zhenoluten®), vinpocetine Premature ejaculation/ ejaculate (also see erectile dysfunction & sex-libido) Oxytocin Probiotics Symprove®

Methylation (conversion of one chemical into another inside the body) ATP-Boost™, Boluoke®, SAMe, Xan-Pro™ Migraines (also see pain relief) Magnesium, nicergoline, memantine, picamilone, vitamin B12, Volt-Pro™ Mitochondrial support ATP-Boost™, CoQ10, deprenyl, glutathione, Hydergine®, idebenone, Mito-Pro2™, NADH, oxaloacetate, PQQ, pregnenolone, SAMe Mtor inhibitors Curcumin, Oxaloacetate, resveratrol Multiple Sclerosis (also see mitochondrial support) Melatonin, naltrexone, TRH Muscles (see growth hormone & sarcopenia)

Prostate (also see cancer) D3, DIM-Pro2™, dutasteride, finasteride, melatonin, peptide bioregulators – (Chitomur® & Libidon®), progesterone, Prostate-Pro2™ Prolactin alteration Bromocriptine, cabergoline, GABOB, Gamalate® PSA (prostate specific antigen) (see prostate) Urination (frequent) Peptide bioregulator (Chitomur®), vasopressin RNA (see DNA support) Sarcopenia (muscle atrophy/wastage) GHRP2, GHRP6, peptide bioregulator (Gotratix®), sermorelin

Nail condition Gerovital-H3®, PEO Narcolepsy (sleeping in the daytime) Adrafinil, melatonin, modafinil, picamilone Nitric Oxide release Neo40®, Nitric Oxide saliva test strips, Vielight® laser


Senile dementia (also see cognitive & memory) Alzheimer’s Centrophenoxine, CurcuminSR™, galantamine, Hydergine®, memantine, nicergoline General support Anacervix®, aniracetam, PEO, piracetam, pramiracetam, vinpocetine Parkinson’s Bromocriptine, cabergoline, NADH, deprenyl, rasagiline • Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 • e-mail:

Senility Gerovital-H3®

Sublingual Products Oxytocin, sermorelin

Sex (libido, also see erectile dysfunction & premature ejaculation) Andro-Pro™, deprenyl, MSH2, oxytocin, Vigor-Pro2™

Sunburn (see skin problems)

Skin problems (also see tanning) Acne BG-Cream™ Age (liver) spots Centrophenoxine Anti-glycation Aminoguanidine, carnosine, Youth Gems® serum Anti-oxidant Youth Gems® day cream Cancer (non-melanoma) BEC5® Curaderm, Sol-Answer™ Cellulite Youth Gems® body milk Collagen Novisyn® Environmental Youth Gems® serum Fine Lines Youth Gems® serum General support Gerovital-H3®, melatonin, PEO, thyroid Hyaluronic acid Novisyn® Infections Silver protein, thymus Moisturizer Youth Gems® day cream Psoriasis BG-Cream™ Sun spots BEC5® Curaderm, Sol-Answer™ Wounds Silver Protein Wrinkles Retin-A® Sleep disorders For less sleep adrafinil, ATP-Boost™, Mito-Pro2™, modafinil For more sleep 5HTP, gabapentin, L-tryptophan, melatonin Smoking cessation 5HTP Spine issues Peptide bioregulator (Sigumir®), Novisyn®

Syndrome X (metabolic syndrome) Aminoguanidine, ATP-Boost™, melatonin, metformin, PEO Tanning (darkening the coloration of skin) MSH2 Teeth & gum disorders Doxycycline, mineral mouthwash, NeyDent® toothpaste, silver protein, zeolite Telomeres (also see DNA support) Carnosine, PEO, peptide bioregulator- pineal (Endoluten®), TA65® Testosterone & testes (also see fertility and prostate) Andro-Pro™, anastrozole, DIM-Pro2™, melatonin, oxytocin, peptide bioregulator (Testoluten®), TRH, zinc Topical Products BEC5®, BG-Pro™, Esnatri™, progesterone, Retin-A® Triglycerides (see blood disorders) Veterinarian (see animal use) Weight gain (muscle mass) Andro-Pro™, GABOB, GHRP6, sermorelin Weight loss (appetite suppressants and diet aids) 5HTP, acarbose, aminoguanidine, ATP-Boost™, benfotiamine, DIM-Pro2™, galantamine, GHRP2, L-tryptophan, metformin, Mito-Pro2™, MSH2, thyroid, TRH, Xan-Pro™ Well-being (also see depression) 5HTP, aniracetam, ATPBoost™, deprenyl, Gamalate®, Gerovital-H3®, L-tryptophan, melatonin, Mito-Pro2™, PEO, picamilone, piracetam, pramiracetam, SAMe, thymus, thyroid, zeolite

Sports (see growth hormone, estrogen alteration, physical energy & testosterone) Stem Cells Stem Cell Worx® Stress (also see cortisol) 5HTP, GABOB, Gamalate®, Gerovital-H3®, L-tryptophan, melatonin, oxytocin, picamilone, phenytoin, propranolol, pregnenolone Stroke Anacervix®, aniracetam, Boluoke®, Hydergine®, idebenone, nicergoline, picamilone, piracetam, PQQ, pramiracetam, pregnenolone, vinpocetine Stomach (see digestive) • Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 • e-mail:


A-Z INGREDIENT LIST The following list is intended to highlight the key ingredients in some products and cross reference them to the most relevant product brand names. Note: Those products with the same name as the ingredients are not shown here as they are within the A-Z product list.

If you want this-




Acetyl-L-Carnitine (ALC)

ATP-Boost™, Vigor-Pro2™



Adenosine triphosphate (ATP)


Buxamin (GABOB)

Gamalate®, Gamibetal®







Allicin (garlic)




Alpha lipoic acid (R-lipoic acid)

ATP-Boost™, Mito-Pro2™





Chelation agents

Amino acids (includes di-peptides)

5HTP, ACF228™, ATPBoost™, carnosine, L-tryptophan, Mito-Pro2™

Carnosine, centrophenoxine, DMSA, EDTA-Pro™, zeolite



Aminohydroxybutyric acid (GABOB)

Gamalate®, Gamibetal®

Chromium polynicotinate






Co-dergocrine mesilate




Coenzyme Q10

CoQ10, Mito-Pro2™


Ciproxin, doxycycline, penicillin, roxithromycin, tetracycline

Colloidal Silver



Stem Cell Worx®

Cortisol (cortisone)

Fludrocortisone, hydrocortisone

Cranberry extracts






look for:


Lithium, milnacipran, moclobemide, reboxetine, Stablon®, Valdoxan®, venlafaxine


See free radical scavengers,

Cresote bush

ACF228®, Digestif®








Astragalus extracts


CoQ10-SR™, Curcumin-SR™, resveratrol

Azelaic acid







Benzoic acid


DIM-Pro2™, EDTA-Pro™, zeolite

Beta blocker


DHA (docosahexaenoic acid)


Beta alistine

Carnosine, ACF228®, Can-C™, Can-C Plus™



Beta glucan

BG-Cream™, BG-Pro™

Di-IndolylMethane (DIM)

ACF228™, DIM-Pro2™





BHT (butylhydroxytoluene)

ACF228™, BHT-Pro™

Blueberry extracts



Andro-Pro™, Can-C™

DMAE (dimethylaminoeth- Centrophenoxine anol) DMSA (dimercaptosuccinic ACF228™, DMSA-Pro™ acid) • Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 • e-mail:

DMSO (Dimethyl sulfoxide) Laetrile

Natural (animal): Armour® thyroid, ERFA® thyroid, Nature® thyroid, thymus, vasopressin


Can-C Plus™

Dr. Dean’s recommendations

Acarbose, centrophenoxine, CurcuminSR™, Hydergine®, metformin, piracetam, Xan-Pro™

Dr. Pierpaoli’s recommendations

Melatonin, TRH

Dr. Wright’s recommendations

DHEA, Esnatri™, progesterone



EDTA (ethylene diamine tetraacetic acid)


HRT (hormone replacement therapy for women)

DHEA, Esnatri™, melatonin, progesterone



Hair-Pro™, Novisyn®



Hyaluronic acid (hyaluronan)




EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid)


Hydergine (ergoloid mesylates)

Hair-Pro™, IGF-1-LR3

Ergoloid mesylate

Hydergine®, nicergoline

IGF-1 (insulin like growth factor one) Indol-3-Carbinol (I3C)


Iodide/ Iodine Ixel® Ketoconazole L-arginine L-carnitine L-carnosine

ACF228™, Iodine-Pro™ Milnacipran Nizoral® Mito-Pro2™ Mito-Pro2™ Carnosine, ACF228®, Can-C™, Can-C Plus™ Neo40® Can-C Plus™ Digestif® ATP-Boost™, Mito-Pro2™

Estrogens (estradiol, estriol, Esnatri™ estrone) Finasteride




Folic acid (folate)

ACF228™, DIM-Pro2™§

Free radical scavengers

ACF228™, ATP-Boost™, BHT, glutathione, idebenone, melatonin, Mito-Pro2™, pyritinol




Stem Cell Worx®

GABA (gamma-aminohydroxybutyric acid)

Gamalate®, picamilone


Gamalate®, Gamibetal®




Youth Gems®




ACF228®, ACG

Glycerine (glycerin)



BEC5 Curaderm®

Hawthorne Berry (crataegus)


HGH (human growth hormone/ somatropin)

GABOB, GHRP2, GHRP6, sermorelin

Hormones (includes Bio-identical: Aldosterone, hormonal support supple- DHEA, Esnatri™, melatonin, ments) MSH, oxytocin, pregnenolone, progesterone, TRH

Synthetic: Desmopressin, Eutirox® thyroid, fludrocortisone, hydrocortisone, T3-Pro™ Supporting agents: DIMPro2™, GHRP2, GHRP6, peptide bioregulators, SAMe, sermorelin

L-citrulline L-histidine Licorice Lipoic acid (includes R-lipoic acid) L-methione Lucidril® Lumbrokinase Magnesium

Malic Acid Manganese Mastic Meclofenoxane Melanocyte stimulating hormone Mild Silver Protein Milk protein Minerals (general) Minoxidil N-acetylcarnosine N-acetylcysteine Namenda®

ACF228™, Can-C Plus™ Centrophenoxine Boluoke® Andro-Pro™, Bone-Pro2™, Digestif®, Gamalate®, Magnesium-Pro™, Mito-Pro2™ EDTA-Pro™ Mito-Pro2™ Digestif® Centrophenoxine MSH2 Silver Bone-Pro2™ Min-Mouth™ (mouthwash), Volt-Pro™ Minox-Pro™ Can-C™ ACF228™, Can-C™ Plus Memantine • Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 • e-mail:


Neurontin® Nettle root extract Niacin (nicotinate, niacinamide, vitamin B3) Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide Nootropil®/ Nootropyl® Nordihydroguaiaretic acid (NDGA) Omega 3 (DHA) Omega 6 (linoleic acid, GLA) Omega 9 (oleic acid) Oxythiocynate (OCSN) Parent Essential Oils (PEO) PABA (para-aminobenzoic acid) Panthenol (pantothenic acid) PCPA (paarachlorophenoxyacetic acid) Pepermint Oil Peptides

Pimagedine Pomegranate extracts Potassium Prasterone Propionyl-L-carnitine Probiotics Procaine (Novocain®) Pygeum africanum Pyroloquinoline quinone Quercetin Red clover herb extracts Reminyl® Resveratrol Retinolic acid (tretinoin) Ribonucleic acids (RNA) Salicylic acid S-Adenosyl-L-Methionine Saw palmetto (Serena Repens) Selenium



Gabapentin Prostate-Pro2™ Picamilone, Xan-Pro™



Thiocynates Thyroids

Solasodine glycosides

Piracetam ACF228™, Digestif® PEO-Pro™ PEO-Pro™ PEO-Pro™ 1st Line™ PEO-Pro™ Gerovital® Mito-Pro2™ Centrophenoxine Min-Mouth™ mouth rinse Cerebrolysin®, GHRP2, GHRP6, peptide bioregulators, sermorelin, TRH, Youth Gems® Aminoguanidine Andro-Pro™ Gerovital®, Potassium-Pro™ DHEA Vigor-Pro2™ Symprove® Gerovital® Prostate-Pro2™ PQQ Digestif® Prostate-Pro2™ Galantamine Resveratrol-SR™, Stem Cell Worx® Retin-A®, Retirides® Cerebrolysin®, NeyDent® toothpaste BEC5 Curaderm®, Sol Answer™ SAMe MinSaw™, Prostate-Pro2™

Thyrotropin releasing hormone Tribulus terrestris TRX Turmeric

ACS®, Min-Mouth™ mouth rinse BEC5 Curaderm®, Sol-Answer™ 1st Line™ Natural brands: Armour®, ERFA®, Nature® Synthetic brands: Eutirox® (T4), T3-Pro® (T3) Supporting agents: Peptide bioregulator (Thyreogen®) TRH Andro-Pro™ Hair-Pro™ Curcumin

Ubiquinone, ubiquinol


VEGF Vincamine Vinpocetine Vitamin B1 (thiamine) Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) Vitamin B3 (niacin, niacinamide) Vitamin B6 (pyridoxal, pyridoxine)

Hair-Pro™ Anacervix® Vin-Pro™ Mito-Pro2™ Mito-Pro2™ Mito-Pro2™, Picamilone, Xan-Pro™ ACF228™, Andro-Pro™, DIM-Pro2™, Gamalate®, pyridoxamine DIM-Pro2™, Neo40® Laetrile Bone-Pro2™, D3, Prostate-Pro2™ Digestif®, MinSaw™, Neo40® Can-C Plus™, DIM-Pro2™, Prostate-Pro2™ Bone-Pro2™

Vitamin B12 (cobalamin) Vitamin B17 Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) Vitamin E (tocopherols) Vitamin K2 (menatretrenone) Yohimbine Zeolite Zinc

ACF228™, DIM-Pro2™, MZS™, Prostate-Pro2™, Selenium-Pro™, Thym-Uvocal® Deprenyl • Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 • e-mail:

Vigor-Pro2™ ACZ® Andro-Pro™, Can-C Plus™, Mito-Pro2™, MZS™, Thym-Uvocal®, Zinc-Pro™


WE’ VE GONE GREEN! After several months of work overhauling the IAS website in 2015, we are pleased to announce its refresh and update in January 2016. There is a new color and look and it’s a mobile friendly site with drop-down menus making navigation easier, helping you to find what you need faster. Here’s a quick breakdown of what you can find at: SHOP All Products » Search by A-Z » Search by Ingredients » New Products » Special Offers PRODUCT CATEGORIES » Books » Diagnostics » Hormones » Medicines » Nutrition » Peptides » Smart Drugs » Topicals » Others INFO Health Conditions » Search via cross-reference list Aging Matters™ magazine » Download all the back issues

Articles » View all our professional and referenced materials Videos » See the complete list here, also includes audio files Ward Dean, M.D. » Read Dr. Dean’s answers Calendar of events » What’s happening around the World Books » Publication reviews Blog » Read and join our Blog SUBSCRIBE » Get your Aging Matters™ magazine TESTIMONIALS » From both professionals and public CONTACT » IAS phone, fax and email • Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 • e-mail:


A-Z PRODUCTS LIST OTHER INFO KEY: Not shipped to UK EU requires prescription

Not shipped to Japan Not shipped to Australia (or New Zealand)

Not shipped to Canada





Dr. Brian Halvorsen



Dr. Thierry Hertoghe



Dr. Thierry Hertoghe



Dr. Thierry Hertoghe



Dr. Thierry Hertoghe






one complete kit retail


Food allergy blood test-kit for 95 foods


10 saliva strips


633 inter-nasal laser




5ml 10mg ear spray


15x 125 mcg capsules


2.5ml nasal spray


60x 25mg capsules


50ml 100mg cream


100x 20mcg tablets


100x 5mg capsules


60x 3mg tablets


1 oz. liquid 90mg

NOTE: The UK can order melatonin in Pounds Sterling at: OXYTOCIN OXY-SUB-10™


30x 10 IU sublingual troches • Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 • e-mail:





5ml 500 IU nasal spray


100x 5 IU lozenges



50x 100mg capsules


50ml 2.5 grams


90x 200mg capsules


100x 60mg tablets


100x 30mg tablets


100x 60mg tablets


100x 125mg tablets


100x 30mg tablets


100x 60mg tablets


100x 90mg tablets


100x 120mg tablets


100x 100mcg tablets

T3-PRO™ (T3)

50x 20mcg tablets


20x 5mg sublingual tablets


5 ml 500 IU nasal-spray





30x 100mg tablets


28x 1mg tablets


28x 100mcg capsules


30x 2.5mg tablets


8x 0.5mg tablets


4x 20mg tablets


14x 500mg tablets


40x 1mg tablets

DOXYCYCLINE • Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 • e-mail:





8x 100mg capsules


30x 0.5mg tablets


28x 5mg tablets


7x 50mg capsules


100x 300mg capsules


20x 500mg tablets


30x 8mg capsules


42x 10mg capsules


50x 500mg tablets


100x 500mg tablets


56x 50mg tablets


30x 4.5mg capsules


20x 250mg sachets powder


28x 25mg capsules


30x 40mg tablets


30x 1mg capsules


60x 4mg tablets


10x 150mg tablets


60x 12.5mg tablets


16x 250mg tablets


28x 25mg tablets


60x 37.5mg tablets



4x 100mg tablets • Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 • e-mail:






40x 300mg capsules


30x 420mg capsules


20x 750mg capsules


60x 250mg tablets


50x 5mg tablets


20ml/ 300mg liquid bottle


50x 5mg tablets


60x 2.25mg capsules


60x 30mg tablets


100x 5mg capsules


Please see for availability and pricing NICERGOLINE SERMION®

50x 10mg tablets


60x 50mg tablets


20 grams 100ml liquid


60x 800mg tablets


100x 800mg tablets


40x 300mg tablets


60x 100mg tablets


120x 10mg capsules


50x 150mg tablets





1st Line™ (OSCN, thiocyanate)


120x 100mg capsules • Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 • e-mail:




ACF228™ ACF228™

50 capsules


Breathe-Easy 1 inhaler


90x 75mg tablets


60 capsules


60x 20mg tablets


30x 50mg tablets


120x 180mg capsules


60 capsules


60 capsules


90 capsules


30x 100mg capsules


30x 125mg capsules

D3 (VITAMIN D) D3-5000™

100x 5000 IU capsules


12x 50,000 IU capsules


60 capsules


100 capsules


60x 100mg capsules


120x 400mg capsules


60x 250mg tablets


5x 5ml ampoules


24x 100mg tablets


60x 100mg tablets


2 oz. spray



30x 5ml liquid sachets • Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 • e-mail:






2 oz. liquid 225mcg


60x 250mg capsules


50x 500mg capsules


2 oz. liquid


75g powder


Coming soon! NEO40® NEO40 DAILY®

30 lozenges


30x 100mg capsules


120 capsules


2 oz. liquid 99mg bottle


30x 20mg capsules


60x 50mg tablets


60x 50mg tablets


30x 150mg capsules


20x 400mg enteric-coated tablets


2 oz. liquid 300mcg bottle


2 oz. spray


3.5ml liquid spray


4x 500ml liquid bottles

*please note other than the UK; this product has a shipping surcharge because of its weight of $10. TA65® TA65®

90 capsules


30ml bottle cream


8 oz. liquid bottle • Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 • e-mail:






2 oz. spray


2 oz. liquid 50mg





30x pack


30x pack




5x 5ml i.m. ampoules


120ml 120mg liquid bottle


5ml 500IU nasal spray


20x 200mg capsules


20x 200mg capsules


20x 200mg capsules


20x 200mg capsules


20x 200mg capsules


20x 200mg capsules


20x 200mg capsules


20x 200mg capsules


20x 200mg capsules


20x 200mg capsules


20x 200mg capsules


20x 200mg capsules


20x 200mg capsules


20x 200mg capsules


20x 200mg capsules


20x 200mg capsules


20x 200mg capsules


20x 200mg capsules


20x 200mg capsules


20x 200mg capsules


5ml 500 IU nasal spray



30ml 30mg liquid bottle • Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 • e-mail:






20ml tube cream


2x 5ml vials


200ml bottle shampoo


2 oz. spray bottle


50ml 1% cream


16 oz. liquid bottle


30ml bottle topical liquid


50ml tube toothpaste


60ml bottle shampoo


30ml 0.025% cream


30ml 0.050% cream


20ml 0.100% micro-gel


200ml bottle body milk


50ml pump day cream


30ml dropper serum


200ml bottle tonic

Didn’t find what you were looking for? Please contact us with your requirements. • Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 • e-mail:


Business Associates & IAS You know our products, you like our products, why not join with us to refer or market them? Through the IAS Business Associate Program you have the ability to earn income on over 200 high quality products ranging from dietary supplements and nutritional products to antiaging medicines and hormones together with diagnostic equipment. With IAS specialising in the source and supply of difficult to obtain cutting edge products from around the world, why don’t you join us in the marketing of them to and development of the antiaging market? There are four Associate Programs that we offer and these are intended to offer a range of differing benefits that meet a wide spectrum of re-seller requirements. 1. Healthcare Affiliate: Simply refer your customers, patients or site visitors to International Antiaging Systems for their supplement, medicine or hormone needs and earn commission on these and any other purchases made from our site. 2. Healthcare Professional: For the Healthcare practice wishing to sell product to their patients as required and in low volumes.

For further information please contact: Marc Taylor, Sales Director Keiko Yoshimura, Manager IAS Japan Maria Tebbutt, Business Sales Associate

3. International Dropship: Ideal if you have an existing business, buy our products as you require them and we deliver direct to your customer as a fulfilment house but with you only buying the product when you have made a sale. This is an ideal way of adding to your product range and leveraging your existing customer base. 4. Wholesale: You can bulk purchase our products at wholesale rates and stock them, giving you the opportunity to achieve higher profit margins. Our price to you is volume dependant with the more you buy, the lower the cost. Backed by an experienced Customer Service Team based in the United Kingdom, IAS has today become the world’s most comprehensive antiaging store. If you have an existing business and client base why not work with us as an Associate to develop your business and its market share in the antiaging market? Whether you are a clinic, healthcare worker, spa, gym, retailer or other organisation with an existing online presence we would like to talk with you about how we may work together.


PAYMENT OPTIONS AND CONTACT DETAILS The IAS Group offers a wide range of payment options to make the completion of your order as easy as possible.

Payment options for

Other sites in the IAS Group,,, and accept the following method of payments:

Pay by VISA credit card

Pay by PayPal

Use an electronic check via CHECK2PAY

Pay by VISA

(US banks only) BANK WIRE


Pay via Bank Wire

Pay by American EXPRESS

Pay by Debit Way


(EU banks only)

Pay by Debit Cards


(all of our products in one place; English language) (our nutritional products; English language) (our smart drugs and nutrients; English language) (our peptide bioregulators; English language) (our hormones; English language) (our nutritional products; Japanese language)


(English language) (Japanese language)

PHONE USA: 1-866-800-4677 (orders only) Japan: 050-553-29606 UK: 0208-123-2106 ROW: +44-208-123-2106

1-415-992-5563 (enquiries)

Please note: Our customer care team is available from 9am till 6pm GMT Monday-Friday. Outside of these times your call will be handled by our out-of-hours answering service or go to voicemail.

MAIL Unfortunately personal checks and money orders cannot be accepted at this time. Please contact our customer service team if you need any assistance in placing your order. • Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 • e-mail:





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