Aging Matters Magazine Issue 4, 2013

Page 1

No 4, 2013

Dr Ward Dean’s favorite antiaging medicine The low down on low-dose naltrexone Professor Vladimir Khavinson talks about peptide bioregulators



The in-house magazine for International Antiaging Systems (IAS) private club members



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I hope you are enjoying having world class health professionals contributing to the Aging Matters™ Magazine as much as I am.

Welcome 3 -Phil says thanks for finding the time FIGHT your body burdens 4 -A world expert Dr Gordon tells all Dr Deans favorite antiaging medicine 8 -What could it be? The low-down on low-dose naltrexone 14 -Our author has personal experience An interview with Professor 18 Vladimir Khavinson Featured products 21 -Best sellers and new items Testimonials & Explanations 31 -Nice people, nice comments Complete product A-Z list and prices 31 -Find everything in-stock here Condition cross-reference list 44 -Find the right product for you Contact details 51 -Get in touch with IAS today

Here we have Garry Gordon, M.D. detailing his FIGHT program, (each letter of its acronym has a meaning). Of course, Dr. Gordon is rightly considered to be the ‘father of chelation’ and is an expert in detox; however this article goes beyond that, explaining in broad terms what we should all be doing to optimize our health. Other articles include a very interesting piece from our favorite nutritionist, Karen Kaufman on low dose naltrexone and autoimmune disorders. Karen is a lady who suffers herself from lupus, so she reports on this from personal as well as professional experience. Plus, we have Ward Dean, M.D. tell us about why metformin is his favorite antiaging medicine. Turn to page 8 and you will soon see why. Lastly, we’ve managed to include our recent interview with Professor Vladimir Khavinson on the unique development of the peptide bioregulators from Russia. This subject is causing much discussion on the internet; I hope this interview helps to settle some arguments and explain why peptides are really big breaking news. Enjoy!

Phil Micans, MS, PharmB Editor, Aging Matters™ Magazine

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Declaration: The IAS Aging Matters™ magazine is intended for IAS private club members and focuses on the latest international nutritional, hormonal and drug therapies to help combat the signs of aging. These signs include the physical, mental and internal changes consisting of the diseases and disorders such as cancer, arthritis and senile dementias etc. However, the main focus is upon the prevention of such aging diseases and disorders for the ‘healthy-aging’ individual. Copyright 2013: All copyrights are acknowledged. Whilst every effort has been made to ensure accuracy, no responsibility can be accepted for illustrations, photographs, artwork or advertising materials while in transmission or with the publisher or their agents. Disclaimer: All educational information is offered under IAS terms and conditions. This information does not replace the advice of your physician and restrictions may apply in some countries. The opinions expressed by the writers may not be those of IAS or the magazine. All prices shown are in US Dollars and are for reference purposes only and they do not include taxes (where applicable), nor do they include shipping & handling fees. Prices, conditions and terms are subject to change without notice. // Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 // e-mail:


Pollution Increasing levels of pollution across the world mean that our bodies have become saturated with toxins like never before. What’s particularly concerning is that some of the most harmful of these impurities are hard-to-rid metals. Seeping into our body through our food, water, air, and even our medicines, the level of damaging heavy metals present in our body has rocketed in the last century. In fact, it’s been estimated that modern man is carrying 1000 times the lead levels in his bones than those of our preindustrialized ancestors. Consistent evidence shows that our exposure to damaging heavy metals like lead and mercury can result in the development of serious health conditions. For these reasons, looking at purging heavy metals form our system forms the first part of the ‘H’ in my complete health plan – the F.I.G.H.T program.

F.I.G.H.T. your body burdens By Garry F. Gordon, MD, DO, MD (H) FIGHT is my acronym that stands for Food, Infections, Genetics, Heavy Metals (plus hormones) and Toxins. My F.I.G.H.T program is something that I’ve developed over many years that shows how each part of our wellbeing regime is vitally connected. Only when we address these areas as a unified whole, can we have a chance of reaching optimum long-term health. That’s why the F.I.G.H.T program is a complete, 360 degree way of caring about all aspects of our body. In this article, we look at the ‘H for heavy metals’ part of the complete FIGHT program. 4

Here we’ll look at what we can do to rid the harmful accumulation of metals that get deposited into our body each and every day.

The harmful effect of lead, mercury and other metals The most commonly-found heavy metals that are present in our environment and therefore our bodies are lead and mercury. These prolific metals are consistently found in our atmospheres – delivered through emissions from coalburning power stations and industrial processes at large. Measures are being taken to reduce mercury use in products like medicines, cosmetics, thermometers and electrical equipment, but it’s a toxic metal that’s very widely-used in industry and of course is still in widespread amongst dentists in dental amalgams, which typically contain 50% mercury. Why this is so concerning is that substantial links have been established between mercury and the contraction of many neurological and physiological conditions. It’s also been linked to kidney damage, tremors, balance problems, and even depression. // Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 // e-mail:

Lead is another substance that’s found in everything from buildings, to toothpaste, to our water supply, to cosmetics. Regardless of how lead gets into our bodies; it’s highly toxic and detrimentally affects the nervous system and every organ in the body. The catalogue of damage lead can do to all aspects of our health is extensive. This includes, but is not limited to: kidney damage, blood poisoning, and immune system weakness. The effect of lead on cardiovascular health is neatly exemplified by the fact that men with above-average levels of lead in their bones are six times more likely to die from heart disease. There is even evidence that the level of lead in your body is correlated with the development of cataracts, or that lead in the pineal gland diminishes the output of growth hormone. There are also the congenital problems lead can cause – conditions like learning difficulties and delayed puberty. A study commissioned by The Environmental Working Group shows that umbilical cord blood contains over 200 toxins and twice the level of mercury than is found in the mother! This shows that accumulation in the body is hard to get rid of and passed on from mother to child. This may help to explain why so many children today are suffering from various ‘elusive’ syndromes and disorders, including of course autism. Other harmful metals that we’re routinely exposed to include arsenic and aluminum, these are found in meats like chicken, (through chicken feed) and cosmetic products like antiperspirants etc. Arsenic is known to be associated with type-II diabetes, and aluminum has been associated with Alzheimer’s disease and ALS, (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, commonly referred to as motor neurone disease). When combined, heavy metals; especially the combination of lead and mercury, have a negativesynergistic effect, this means their toxicity when combined is multiplied. Ridding the body of harmful heavy metals has now become absolutely necessary if we want to do all we can to avoid these serious conditions.

The long-term F.I.G.H.T Getting toxic metals from our system takes time. However, there are simple steps we can all take to detoxify gradually every day.

In the F.I.G.H.T program I’ve developed, there are a number of accessible supplements and easy steps that don’t require more acute techniques like intravenous (IV) chelation therapy. Although therapy like IV chelation takes the immediate levels of metals in the body down, a longterm approach is advised – as metals can take time to be fully purged from the body. This is why I’ve developed and recommended certain supplements for the purpose:

Beyond Chelation Improved® (BCI) BCI contains calcium EDTA (Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid to give it its full name – a key player in removing metals form the body in chelation therapy), plus garlic, malic acid and many other detoxifying nutrients. It’s a unique combination of nine tablets so that heavy metal detoxification can take place throughout your body. At the same time BCI also supports healthy vitamin, mineral and omega levels and there’s a lot more beside. I would recommend anyone interested in BCI to look at the comprehensive supplement fact panel to see exactly what is packed into this all-round daily health technology.

Beyond Clean® These gentle bath-salts are a powder that goes to work as you climb into your bath tub. It contains EDTA (a metal removing agent) that helps the body to detoxify heavy metals effortlessly through the skin. Removal of iron from the skin for example can reduce free radical activity when exposed to the sun’s UV rays. This in turn can reduce skin burn leading to less lines in the skin and could also reduce by consequence the appearance of sun spots that can become BCC or SCC issues. Note that our latest version 2 of Beyond Clean now also contains a high quality zeolite in addition to the EDTA (see below for further details). It couldn’t be simpler to use, just add Beyond Clean® to your bath water and take a soak just like normal. // Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 // e-mail:


Beyond Fiber®

And don’t forget

Beyond Fiber® provides prebiotic inulin and EDTA. While detoxing, sometimes useful intestinal bacteria can be removed alongside the harmful toxins, so it’s important to support the gastrointestinal tract during this cleansing process. Prebiotic inulin helps detoxification and balances beneficial flora in the gut.

There’s also one other effective way to assist the body rid itself of heavy metals, chemicals and other toxins - regular exercise. Anything that makes us sweat assists the body in the detoxification of heavy metals, chemicals, and other hazardous toxins. In this regard hot-tubs and particularly saunas also play an important role.

In addition, the gut is the principal route of detoxification, heavy metals transported to the gut can often remain if there is not enough fiber present to have them passed through and defecated out of the body.

Ridding the body of harmful toxins and metals is easily achieved by regularly detoxing with the correct supplements, eating more organic food – especially fruit and vegetables, and doing regular exercise.

Bio En’R-Gy C®

It’s a process that takes time, but if practiced has longterm benefits and goes a significant way to putting your body and mind out of the way of risk of serious debilitating metal-toxicity related conditions.

My unique vitamin C drink performs many beneficial functions. Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is an important carrier to get various toxins into the bloodstream, to pass them onto various detoxification channels; vitamin C for example can also help excrete fluoride. But my specially designed Bio En’R-Gy C® drink not only contains a high-strength stabilized vitamin C, (to prevent side effects such as diarrhea and stomach cramps), but also contains ribose for heart health, MSM to reduce inflammation, betaine to reduce homocysteine plus even bioperine to improve all nutrient uptake. Simply stir a teaspoon into water or juice and drink.

ZeoGold® ZeoGold® contains the highest quality zeolite, a powerful cleanser and purifier of volcanic origin. ZeoGold® also helps to increase the body’s level of glutathione – known as the master antioxidant - critical for detoxification within the cell.


Editor’s footnote All of Dr. Gordon’s FIGHT program, i.e. food, infections, genetics, hormones and toxins can be read individually at the IAS website. To find them go to: then choose ‘articles’ from the main banner and then select ‘by author.’ Finally look for ‘Gordon G’ and on that link and you will see all of Dr Gordon’s submissions. In addition, we have also videoed Dr. Gordon in person discussing his designer supplements. These can be viewed via You Tube at our channel: Once there please scroll or search for Dr. Gordon.

Note: A ZeoGold capsule should be broken and allowed to dissolve in a glass of water before drinking.

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immunity, and even resulted in weight loss!” He blamed the excess deaths associated with phenformin’s use on the “stupid docs” who continued to use it in the face of abnormal liver or kidney function. Metformin is similar to phenformin in its beneficial metabolic effects, but it is much safer, in that it has even less propensity to cause lactic acidosis than phenformin. Professor Vladimir Dilman, creator of the Neuroendocrine Theory of Aging,1 apprised me of the anti-aging value of Phenformin and Metformin during our correspondence in the mid- to late- 1980s. I was skeptical at first, but I soon became a “convert,” and agreed with him that metformin was a very potent anti-aging substance, with a multiplicity of beneficial effects.

Metformin Update: Still the Most Effective Anti-Aging, Life Extension Drug, with a Broad Range of Benefits: Anti-Cancer, Cardioprotective, and Anti-Obesity

I wrote about Metformin for the first time in 1996, based largely on what I had learned from Professor Dilman, and from extensive subsequent use on myself and my patients. In addition to Metformin’s dramatic ability to improve the condition of diabetics, Metformin is also one of the most promising anti-aging, life-extending drugs available. Many physicians (as well as their patients) are often surprised and pleased to find an unexpected “side effect” of Metformin therapy is a profound and often dramatic loss of body fat.

Insulin Resistance, Hyperinsulinemia, Obesity and Aging One of the most universal changes with age is a progressive loss of glucose tolerance (Fig. 1).

By Ward Dean, MD Metformin (Glucophage ®) is an anti-diabetic biguanide drug which has been available in Europe since 1957, but was not approved in the U.S. until 1995. Metformin is chemically very similar to Phenformin, an anti-diabetic drug which was discontinued in the United States by the FDA in 1977. Phenformin was removed from the market because of the number of excess deaths in diabetic patients caused by lactic acidosis. These deaths were invariably due to the continued use of phenformin by diabetics who had compromised kidney or liver function. No deaths were ever reported in patients who had normal kidney and liver function. Phenformin’s enforced unavailability was greatly lamented by most diabetologists at the time, one of whom once told me, “Phenformin did everything! It lowered blood sugar, lowered insulin, reduced blood cholesterol and triglycerides, stimulated 8

Fig 1. Changes in fasting plasma glucose with age.2

When this loss of glucose tolerance becomes pronounced, it is diagnosed as diabetes. Parallel with (or perhaps a cause of ) this loss of glucose tolerance is a progressive increase in insulin resistance-- i.e., a loss of sensitivity to insulin by hypothalamic receptors and a decreased response to insulin by the peripheral tissues, resulting in hyperinsulinemia (elevated blood insulin levels) (Fig. 2). // Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 // e-mail:

lowly short-lived nematode, C. elegans. In 2002, a team of Russian scientists compared the mean and maximum lifespans of C. elegans raised in water or a 0.1 mg/ml concentration of Buformin (l-butylguanide hydrochloride), an anti-diabetic drug closely related to Metformin. The biguanide-treated animals had a mean lifespan of 17.58 days vs. 14.25 days for the controls; and the treated animals had a maximum lifespan of 29 days vs. 23 days for the controls.4

Fig 2. Age-related changes in fasting plasma insulin concentration in nondiabetic subjects.3

In a more recent study of the effects of metformin on C. elegans, scientists tried to determine the mechanisms of metformin, and its multiplicity of health benefits.5 They showed that animals raised on 50 mM metformin concentration showed an approximately 36% increase in median survival (31 days for treated, 24 for control), and a significantly right-shifted survival curve (Fig. 3).

Hyperinsulinemia causes a number of adverse and age-accelerating effects, which include: hypercholesterolemia, hypertension, premature atherosclerosis, and obesity. This constellation of symptoms has now been recognized as the Metabolic Syndrome. Normalizing insulin sensitivity by a low carbohydrate diet, exercise, and Metformin, can dramatically alleviate many of the metabolic changes that accompany aging, including normalizing body weight.

Metformin’s Mechanism of Action Metformin’s mechanism of action is unlike other anti-diabetic drugs, like the sulfonylureas (e.g., Glyburide, Diabinase, or Micronase). The sulfonylureas act by increasing the output of insulin from the pancreas--kind of like putting the pancreas on the dining room table and going over it with a rolling pin, squeezing out whatever insulin remains in the already overworked pancreas. After a period of time, this often results in pancreatic failure, transforming a Type II (non-insulin dependent) diabetic into a Type I (insulin-dependent) diabetic.

Fig 3. C. elegans raised in 50 mM solution of Metformin had 36% increase in median lifespan compared to controls, and a significant right-shift in the survival curve.5

To test Metformin’s effect on the “fitness” of the worms, the scientists evaluated the aging animals’ swimming activity, and the number of body bends/30 seconds. They found that Metformin extended viability and activity of “middle aged” worms, and promoted youthful physiology. (Fig. 4)

Metformin, however, acts by increasing the sensitivity of the hypothalamus and peripheral tissues (like muscles) to the effects of insulin and other hormones. It also prevents hepatic gluconeogenesis (release of glucose into the blood by the liver). In effect, Metformin acts as a metabolic rejuvenator, restoring the body’s response to the effects of glucose and insulin to much younger physiological levels. Insulin-dependent diabetics are often able to dramatically reduce their doses of insulin, and more easily maintain stable levels of blood glucose.

Life-Extending Effects of Metformin Nematodes: In order to understand the mechanisms of action of many drugs and nutrients, researchers use a variety of models. One well known test organism is the

Fig 4. Comparison of activity levels of controls and Metformin-treated nematodes. Note the increased (more youthful) activity of the Metformin-treated animals, compared to age-matched controls.5 This indicates that Metformin promotes youthful physiology in C. elegans. // Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 // e-mail:


Another interesting aspect of the study was the reduction of lipofuscin (aging pigment) in the Metformin-treated animals, compared to controls. The scientists found that age pigment decreased with increasing concentrations of Metformin, and that the animals treated with the highest doses of Metformin had less than half the concentration of aging pigment as the controls (Fig. 5).

Dilman and his colleague, Vladimir Anisimov, conducted studies of the effect of Phenformin (l-phenylethyl-biguanide) on the life spans of mice in 1980.8 They found that treatment with Phenformin prolonged the mean life span of female C3H/Sn mice by 21%, and the maximum life span by 5.5 months (26%). At the time of the death of the last mouse in the control group, 42% of the Phenformin-treated mice were still alive (Fig. 7).

Fig 5. Decrease in age pigment accumulation in animals raised in different concentrations of Metformin. Age pigment accumulation decreases as Metformin concentration increases, to an optimum concentration of 50 mM.5

Mice: Dilman was the first to propose that the antidiabetic biguanide drugs be used as potential anti-aging treatments.6 Metformin and the anti-diabetic biguanides were known to inhibit fatty acid oxidation, inhibit hepatic gluconeogenesis (release of sugar into the blood by the liver), increase insulin receptor sensitivity, restore hypothalamic-pituitary complex sensitivity to negative feedback inhibition, and reduce excretion of corticosteroid metabolites.1 These changes resulted in a multitude of beneficial metabolic effects, including normalization of blood sugar and insulin levels, improved response to corticosteroid and sex hormones, increased blood levels of DHEA, improvement in lipid profile, and alleviation of metabolic immunodepression (Fig. 6).7

Fig 6. Metformin’s multiple beneficial effects. 10

Fig 7. Effect of Phenformin (Metformin analog) on the survival of female C3H/Sn mice.7

A recent lifespan study with C57BL/6 mice fed 0.1% Metformin resulted in a 5.83% extension of mean lifespan, a right-shift of the survival curve, and a slight increase in maximum lifespan (Fig. 8).9

Fig 8. Supplementation with 0.1% Metformin resulted in 5.83% extension of mean lifespan, and slight right-shift of the survival curve.9 // Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 // e-mail:

In addition, Metformin treatment improved the general fitness of the laboratory mice as indicated by their performance in the Rotarod, Treadmill, and Open Field Tests (Figs. 9-11). The scientists also demonstrated preservation of mitochondrial function, inhibition of inflammation, and decreased oxidative stress in the Metformin-treated mice, and speculated that these mechanisms may partly explain the reason for the health-enhancing benefits of Metformin.

The OFS-Metformin combination resulted in enhanced weight loss and metabolic improvement that surpassed treatment with OFS by itself. Since OFS is already available as a dietary supplement, this combination may be beneficially applied by overweight humans, as well.

Weight Loss When I wrote my first several articles about Metformin, and recommended it for its weight-loss benefits, I was not aware of any studies that specifically evaluated the fat-burning and weight-normalizing potential of Metformin in humans. My recommendations were based on a few animal reports, the clinical experience of my patients, and anecdotal reports from other physicians. Recently, however,

Fig 9 (left). “Rotarod Test.” This test measures the time before falling from a rotating rod. Metformin-treated mice exhibited superior performance.9 Fig 10 (middle). “Treadmill Test.” Distance run on treadmill to exhaustion. Again, Metformin-treated mice outperformed controls.9 Fig 11 (right). “Open Field Test.” Measured the average speed of animals, in meters/minute.

a plethora of human studies confirm that Metformin can safely and beneficially be considered a key component of weight loss programs for children and adolescents,10 adult diabetics,11-15 obese adults, whether diabetic or not,16 schizophrenics,17 and women and girls suffering from polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).18-20 In other words, Metformin seems to work on just about anyone who needs or wants to lose weight. Life extension scientists Durk Pearson and Sandy Shaw alerted me to a recent paper which reported the profound weight loss effects of an interesting combination of Metformin with the prebiotic fiber dietary supplement oligofructose (OFS).21 Oligofructose (inulins) is a unique class of soluble and fermentable nondigestible carbohydrates, with a low caloric content, which are known for their anti-obesity and blood sugar-lowering effects.22 The authors divided 40 obese Sprague-Dawley rats into several groups, including: Control; OFS-fed; and combined OFS and Metformin. They monitored the body weight and other metabolic parameters each week for 7 weeks (Fig. 12).

Fig 12. Comparison of the weight loss of obese rats treated with OFS, Metformin plus OFS, and controls. The combination of Metformin plus OFS resulted in significantly greater weight loss than the controls of OFS-treated rats.21

For weight loss benefits, I recommend doses of Metformin ranging from 500 mg twice/day, to a maximum of 1,000 mg twice/day. Gastrointestinal side effects or diarrhea may occur in up to 20% of Metformin users, but this can usually be overcome by reducing the dose to whatever the patient can tolerate without causing any side effects (I suggest cutting the tablets in halves, quarters, or in some very sensitive people, crushing the tablets, and just using “crumbs” several times daily). Usually, within a few days or weeks, tolerance develops, and the dose can be gradually increased based on the patient’s adjustment to the medication. The most common response, after several weeks of use at the recommended dose, is that the patients feel better, have more energy, and lose their carbohydrate cravings.

Anti-Cancer Professor Dilman was not only an endocrinologist and gerontologist, but was a specialist in oncology, as well. He told me that the first drugs he used in all of his cancer patients, were Metformin, Phenformin, or Buformin. Of course, I was again skeptical, having never heard of this use for these drugs. He told me that insulin was a growth factor, and was an “essential toxin”—and that we should strive for the lowest levels compatible with good health (like blood pressure and blood sugar). In one of his early papers with his colleague, Prof. Anisimov, they compared the tumor incidence of 30 control C3H/Sn mice with 25 mice treated with Phenformin.7 Twenty four of the control mice developed mammary // Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 // e-mail:


tumors, and only 5 of the Phenformin-treated mice developed the tumors (Fig. 13). Since then, an avalanche of papers have been published confirming the immune-enhancing and anti-cancer effects of Metformin, alone or when combined with other anti-cancer regimens.23, 24

The most serious potential adverse effect is lactic acidosis, which is potentially fatal. Fortunately, lactic acidosis occurs rarely (less than 3 cases per thousand patient years), and can be prevented. It is caused by a combination of impaired lactate clearance (due to liver failure) and impaired metformin clearance (due to renal failure). Thus, it should be used with caution and in reduced doses in patients with seriously impaired kidney or liver function. Dilman noted in 1994 that in his more than ten years of prescribing Phenformin to patients without advanced diabetes, he observed no cases of lactic acidosis, or any other significant side effects.8 A recent study from a hospital in Portugal reported a total of only seven patients with lactic acidosis in one year.27 All patients were taking Metformin in daily doses over 2500 mg (the maximum I recommend, in even the healthiest patients, is 2,000 mg). All patients recovered uneventfully. The authors’ conclusion was that the dosage for patients with kidney or liver impairment be reduced by at least one third, and the patients be cautiously and judiciously monitored for adverse symptoms; but that the benefits of Metformin far outweigh the slight risk of lactic acidosis, even in those with impaired liver and kidney function.

Fig 13. Effect of Metformin-analog Phenformin on tumor yield curve in female C3H/Sn mice.7 Note that of the 24 Phenformin-treated mice, only 5 developed tumors, compared to 21 of 30 control mice which developed tumors.


The Life Extension Foundation published an excellent review of the anti-cancer efficacy of Metformin in a recent issue, provocatively titled, Can a Diabetes Drug Prevent Cancer Death?, with nearly 70 positive literature citations. Among the article’s conclusions was that “the anti-diabetic drug Metformin was recently shown to slash risk of all cancers by 54% among 8,000 diabetics over a 10-year period, while significantly improving prognosis among those who developed cancer, including cancers of the lung, colon, and breast.”25

Diabetes is believed by many gerontologists to be an example of accelerated or premature aging. Since nearly everyone past middle age suffers from “subclinical” diabetes (i.e., some degree of loss of glucose tolerance with age), I strongly encourage all of my patients to take 500 mg of Metformin two to four times per day for its health-promoting, anti-aging benefits.

References: All references can be seen at this link:

Safety, Cautions, and Contraindications: With regard to its primary anti-diabetic effect, Metformin acts in a much more physiologic manner than either the sulfonylureas, or even exogenously administered (i.e., injected) insulin itself. Metformin does not cause hypoglycemia, which may often result from the use of insulin or the sulfonylureas. One potential side effect in long-term users of Metformin, is that it may cause malabsorption of vitamin B12.26 Consequently, anyone taking Metformin should also supplement their diet liberally with vitamin B12. Another common side effect (in about 20%) is stomach upset or diarrhea. If this occurs, the dose should be reduced to whatever dose does not cause a problem, and this dose can gradually be increased over days or weeks as tolerance develops. 12 // Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 // e-mail:

Dr Ward Dean says:

“METFORMIN is Still The Most Effective Anti-ager” World famous anti-aging physician and co-author of ‘Smart Drugs & Nutrients’ says anti-diabetic biguanide drug Metformin is still his most recommended all round substance for anti-aging. Its broad and far reaching properties include: • Increasing longevity • Anti cancer • Weight loss • Insulin resistance

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Low Dose Naltrexone: A versatile therapeutic agent By Karen Kaufmann, MS, CCN Every once in a while a medical therapy comes along that almost seems too good to be true. Such is the case with Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN). Naltrexone is an orally effective, long lasting opiate receptor antagonist. When prescribed in 50 mg doses (often up to 300 mgs), it is used in the management of alcohol and opioid dependence. Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) is the use of Naltrexone in very small amounts, usually 4.5 mgs. [Naltrexone and LDN should not be 14

confused with Naloxone commonly known as Narcan速 which is used as an emergency rescue drug in the case of an opioid overdose.] LDN has been shown to be beneficial in the treatment of a number of autoimmune diseases. In addition, LDN has demonstrated efficacy in the treatment of certain cancers as well as HIV/AIDs. The fact that one agent can be a successful treatment in autoimmune diseases, (where the immune system is in overdrive) and diseases like cancer and HIV/AIDs (where the immune system is not active enough) presents quite the medical conundrum. A closer look at the literature reveals an interesting conclusion: these are all diseases typified by a disordered immune system. // Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 // e-mail:

Autoimmune Disease LDN has shown to be extremely effective for ameliorating the symptoms of a number of chronic inflammatory autoimmune diseases and may alter the course of these illnesses by helping the patient achieve remission. This is especially helpful as there is no effective treatment for many of these diseases such as Multiple Sclerosis (MS), Fibromyalgia and Crohn’s disease. There is some difficulty in getting funding for clinical trials of LDN. Medicine is big business. Pharmaceutical companies are motivated to develop ‘new’ patentable drugs. Naltrexone is already in the public domain so there are no prospects of windfall profits. In addition, the current treatments for MS, Crohn’s disease and other autoimmune diseases are very expensive ‘biologic agents’ and monoclonal antibodies. These agents must be administered in a physician’s office or hospital. They are a significant source of revenue not only for the pharmaceutical company, but also for the physician and the medical institution that delivers the medication. Despite this lack of support from main stream medicine, a number of research papers have been published. Studies have established LDN’s efficacy in the treatment autoimmune diseases such as MS , Crohn’s disease and fibromyalgia. A pilot trial conducted at the Multiple Sclerosis Center at the University of California in San Francisco concluded that LDN significantly improved mental health quality of life indices. The published study on Crohn’s disease reported an 89% response rate. Stanford University conducted the study in fibromyalgia patients. Fibromyalgia is a chronic pain disorder characterized by diffuse musculoskeletal pain and fatigue. The researchers reported a reduction of more than 30% in the entire group. They concluded the LDN “may be an effective, highly tolerable, and inexpensive treatment for fibromyalgia.” There are widespread anecdotal reports of LDN’s success in alleviating symptoms in rheumatoid arthritis, scleroderma, lupus, psoriasis, and many other chronic, painful autoimmune diseases. All these autoimmune diseases share a common disease pathway, an immune system in overdrive that is attacking

the body’s own healthy cells instead of targeting dangerous foreign invaders. As previously described, conventional medical treatments for these diseases are limited. The treatments are often more toxic than the disease itself. LDN is a low cost, completely nontoxic, alternative treatment for a variety of autoimmune diseases.

Cancer LDN has been shown to suppress tumor growth in ovarian cancer . When it is administered in combination with cisplatin the current chemotherapeutic agent widely used in ovarian cancer, it enhances the activity of the drug. Burton Berkson, MD published a couple of interesting cases. One discussed the reversal of signs and symptoms of a B-cell lymphoma in a patient using only low-dose naltrexone. Additional anecdotal reports are extensive. Studies suggest the efficacy of LDN in pancreatic cancer, squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck, colon cancer and other cancers is based upon LDN’s ability to limit cell proliferation.

HIV/AIDs One of the first physicians to explore the versatility of this novel compound was Bernard Bihari, MD. It was his work beginning in the mid-1980’s that prompted much of the subsequent work. He used LDN to treat end stage cancers and autoimmune diseases like MS and lupus. He worked with HIV patients before there were any retroviral drugs available. He reportedly had success in preventing HIV

“Most people are familiar with endorphins, the molecules that account for the euphoria one feels after strenuous exercise, orgasm, or eating chocolate. from progressing to AIDs. In October 2011 two studies were published that established the efficacy of LDN alone or LDN in combination with antiretroviral therapy in strengthening the immune systems of HIV affected people in Mali, Africa. // Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 // e-mail:


Endogenous Opioids 101 A detailed description of the body’s opioid systems is beyond the purview of this article (and perhaps beyond the purview of this author). However a very basic understanding of those systems is useful in describing how LDN exerts its mechanism of action on the seemingly discordant diseases described above. Opioid compounds and their receptors exist throughout the central and peripheral nervous systems and throughout the body. Opioid systems are involved in a number of homeostatic functions. Anyone who has ever needed to take an opioid pain medication knows all too well about the opioid receptors throughout the GI tract. While the narcotic medication may bind effectively to the receptors in the brain to quiet the pain signal, it also binds to the opioid receptors in the GI tract preventing its normal function. One of the best known and troublesome side effects of these medications is GI distress and constipation. Most people are familiar with endorphins, the molecules that account for the euphoria one feels after strenuous exercise, orgasm, or eating chocolate. Endorphins are endogenous opioids. They are just one of four types of endogenous opioids that play a role in the body’s homeostasis. When LDN (an opioid receptor antagonist) is taken at bed time, it transiently blocks the body’s opioid receptors. This blockade provokes a compensatory elevation in endogenous opioids and opioid receptors via the Opioid Growth Factor (OGF) and Opioid Growth Factor receptor (OGFr) axis. The body thinks it is ‘starving’ for opioids and its’ natural response is to increase the production of endogenous opioids. It’s a remarkably simple way of harnessing the body’s own healing potential.

Conclusion After an extensive review of all the available literature I must conclude the LDN may be the most promising agent for many people who are suffering with difficult to treat autoimmune diseases, cancer and HIV. It is possible that not everyone will respond to this agent, but in my opinion, it is certainly worth a try. LDN is now available from IAS at 16

“I must conclude the LDN may be the most promising agent for many people who are suffering with difficult to treat autoimmune diseases, cancer and HIV. “ LDN can be safely taken with almost all medications and supplements. One would think it cannot be taken with opioid medication. However there is some literature that LDN can be administered with opioid medication. It may minimize some side effects and prevent opioid tolerance. It may not work with corticosteroids or immunosuppressants. If you are taking those medications and contemplating the use of LDN, please consult your health care provider. References 1. Gironi M, Martelli-Boneschi F, Sacerdote P et al. A pilot trial of low-dose naltrexone in primary progressive multiple sclerosis. Mult Scler. 2008; 14(8): 1076-83 2. Smith JP, Stock H, Bingaman S, Mauger D, Rogosnitsky M, Zagon IS. Low dose naltrexone therapy improves active Crohn’s disease. Am J Gastroenterol 2007 Apr; 102(4): 820-8. 3. Young J, Mackey S. Fibromyalgia symptoms are reduced by low-dose naltrexone: a pilot study. Pain Med. 2009; 10(4): 663-72 4. Cree BA, Kornyeyeva E, Goodin DS. Pilot trial of low-dose naltrexone and quality of life in multiple sclerosis. Ann Neurol. 2010; 68(2): 145-50 5. Donahue RN, McLaughlin PJ, Zagon IS. The opioid growth factor (OGF) and low dose naltrexone (LDN) suppress human ovarian progression in mice. Gynecol Oncol. 2011; 122(2): 382-8 6. Donahue RN, McLaughlin PJ, Zagon IS. Low-dose naltrexone suppresses ovarian cancer and exhibits enhanced inhibition in combination with cisplatin. Exp Biol Med. 2011; 236(7): 883-95 7. Berkson BM, Rubin DM, Berkson AJ. Reversal of signs and symptoms of a B-cell lymphoma in a patient using only low-dose naltrexone. Integr Cancer Thera. 2007; 6(3): 293-6 8. Zagon IS, Donahue RN, McLauglin PJ. Opioid growth factor-opioid growth factor receptor axis is a physiological determinant of cell proliferation in diverse human cancers. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol. 2009; 297(4): R 1154-61 9. Traore AK, Thiero O, Dao S, et al. Single cohort study of the effect of low dose naltrexone on the evolution of immunological, virological and clinical state of HIV+ adults in Mali. J of AIDs HIV Res. 2011; 3(10): 180-88 // Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 // e-mail:

Low Dose

Naltrexone A New Hope For Autoimmune Diseases IAS stock the exact Low Dose used in all the trials conducted by Dr Bihari’s research. “LDN may be the most promising agent for many people who are suffering with difficult to treat autoimmune diseases, cancer and HIV.” Karen Sadowsky Kaufman

Naltrexone - 4.5mg 30 x 4.5mg Capsules $54.99

Visit the website - buy today! Restrictions may apply please see IAS terms and conditions for full details.

about new American weapons such as a battlefield laser that would blind troops, or the fact that our submariners’ and missile silo operators were being exposed to low levels of radiation for long periods. They wanted answers that would help protect and maintain the troops’ health and indeed reverse various conditions. In fact, because of their jobs, some of these individuals were literally showing signs of premature aging; so we could say we were developing an antiaging medicine.” PM: “Fascinating and presumably the resources of the State were behind you?”

The remarkable role of peptide bioregulators for human health (An interview with Professor Vladimir Khavinson) In this interview, the current President of the International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics, (European Region) and Head of the St. Petersburg Institute of Bioregulation and Gerontology, Professor Vladimir Khavinson (above), discusses with Phil Micans the role of peptide bioregulators and their ability to create a protective biological reserve for health and aging. PM: “Professor Khavinson, it’s a privilege to talk with you today about the peptide bioregulators that you have discovered.” VK: “Thank you Phil, of course this discovery was the result of much research.” PM: “Indeed, I have read many of your papers and listened to your lectures. But for our readers, could you please describe how it all began?” VK: “The journey began in the 1980s when I was a medical Colonel in the then Soviet army. The Kremlin was concerned 18

VK: “Yes they were, and of course it was all a military secret then. I have to say that I don’t believe it would be possible to repeat much of our research today, because then we could virtually ask for what we wanted and it was made available. Today the cost would be very great for pure research- without a known goal.” PM: “So what did you discover?” VK: “We discovered and have widely published that shortchain peptides have a very important role. They are a shortcut to protein synthesis, that each gland/ organ uses a very specific peptide that acts like a gene switch; reinvigorating, triggering if you will a biological reserve. Accordingly, we have named them peptide bioregulators. Importantly we have shown that these peptides can be taken by mouth and make their way into the bloodstream.” PM: “So, by assumption if one was to ingest the peptide bioregulator for the testes, could a man expect more testosterone release, is that the idea?” VK: “Yes and often there are more functions beside, so in your example there is also increased spermogenesis.” PM: “I am aware that these peptide bioregulators today have been patented and are registered on the Russian market as food supplements, how many do you have today and what areas do they cover?” VK: “Regarding the bovine extracted peptides we currently have 17 manufactured on a regular basis; these are peptide extracts from blood vessels, thymus, cartilage, liver, brain, pancreas, pineal, bladder, stomach, eye, testes, heart, ovaries, prostate, adrenals, muscles and kidneys. Naturally we intend to add more as our research continues.” PM: “Have any of these in particular proved to be outstanding in anyway?” VK: “The pineal extract has had many outstanding results as can be seen in our publications, but all peptides to date have been effective.” PM: “I know that the dosing of these peptides is quite unique, for example they don’t have to be taken every day. What do you normally recommend?” // Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 // e-mail:

VK: “Of course it depends on the need, but the biological reserve is created after a cycled dose and can be maintained for some time thereafter. In nearly every case the biological reserve is improved by 42%. Some individuals who are healthy and wish to maintain health can use as little as 2 capsules daily for 10-days and repeat it 6-months later. Others who require more than just maintenance may need 2 capsules daily for 30-days and repeat bi-monthly, however a lot of patients find their stabilizing dose between those two regimes.” PM: “Have you used peptides in combination and found any synergistic effects?” VK: “We have recently designed up to three peptides for various disorders to make these synergistic combinations. In all cases, the addition of the vascular peptide - Ventfort® - is a useful addition; obviously by improving blood supply this can have wide benefits.” PM: “That’s very useful; IAS will print off that recommended combination list and include it with this interview. Clearly Professor, you have been involved in this fascinating project for many decades, in all that time how many patients do you think it has been applied to and what side effects or contraindications have there been?”

Peptide bioregulator guide Peptide extract Trade name 1. Adrenals Glandokort ® 2. Bladder* Chitomur® 3. Blood vessels Ventfort® 4. Brain Cerluten® 5. Cartilage Sigumir® 6. Heart* Chelokhart® 7. Kidney Pielotax® 8. Liver Svetinorm® 9. Ovaries* Zhenoluten® 10. Pancreas Suprefort® 11. Pineal Endoluten® 12. Prostate Libidon® 13. Retina Visoluten® 14. Stomach* Stamakort® 15. Testes Testoluten® 16. Thymus Vladonix® 17. Thyroid Thyreogen® *Those items marked are not currently stocked by IAS (as of August 2013), but may be special ordered. Please contact us for details.

VK: “There are no known side-effects, or contraindications and our methods have been applied millions of times in tens of thousands of patients over decades.”

Professor Khavinson’s peptide bioregulator recommended combinations

PM: “What are your thoughts today about these peptide bioregulators and where they might take the future of medicine and health?”

1. Correction of disorders and maintenance of the functions of the digestive system: Svetinorm®, Suprefort®, Stamakort®.

VK: “I think it may improve everyday life of seniors, who constitute the most vulnerable group of population. Europeans and America are getting older and living longer than ever before, nearly 10 years more than in 1960. Increased longevity is a great achievement and a great challenge. It is our task to turn challenges into opportunities and to make the most of the chances offered by the scientific community. Peptides will bring medicine and health systems to a new level with an accent to preventive medicine which will help to enhance human vital resource and add life to years.”

2. Correction of disorders and maintenance of the functions of the vascular system: Ventfort®, Svetinorm®, Vladonix®. 3. Correction of disorders and maintenance of the functions of the central nervous system: Cerluten®, Ventfort®, Svetinorm®. 4. Correction of disorders and maintenance of the functions of the immune system: Vladonix®, Endoluten®, Ventfort®. 5. Correction of disorders and maintenance of the functions of the locomotor apparatus: Sigumir®, Ventfort®, Vladonix®. 6. Correction of disorders and maintenance of the functions of carbohydrate metabolism: Suprefort®, Endoluten®, Ventfort®.

PM: “Professor Khavinson thank you very much for your insight into this remarkable research. I firmly believe that peptides are going to become a major focus in our field. Congratulations on your intriguing research.”

7. Correction of disorders and maintenance of the functions of lipoprotein metabolism: Svetinorm®, Suprefort®, Ventfort®.

VK: “Thank you.”

9. Correction of disorders and maintenance of the functions of visual acuity: Visoluten®, Cerluten®, Ventfort®.

8. Correction of disorders and maintenance of the functions of the functions of the thyroid gland: Thyreogen®, Ventfort®.

10. Correction of disorders and maintenance of the functions of the kidney functions: Pielotax®, Ventfort®. 11. Correction of organism status after radio and chemotherapy, long-term ionizing irradiation, psychoemotional stress and similar adverse factors: Vladonix®, Svetinorm®, Endoluten®. // Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 // e-mail:



PEPTIDE EVOLUTION! Developed by military researchers in Russia during the cold war our new range of peptide bioregulators harness our bodies natural reserves to help us achieve our maximum lifespans. INTRODUCING OUR FOUR BREAKTHROUGH PEPTIDE BIOREGULATORS: NEW: For the Adrenals: Glandokort® 20x 200mg capsules IAS price $79.99 (retail $90)

NEW: For the Retina: Visoluten® 20x 200mg capsules IAS price $79.99 (retail $90)

NEW: For the Prostate: Libidon®

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20 x 200mg capsules IAS price $79.99 (retail $90)

NEW: For the Testes: Testoluten®

NEW: For the Central Nervous System: Cerluten®

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NEW: For the Thyroid: Thyreogen®

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NEW: For the Liver: Svetinorm®

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20 x 200mg capsules IAS price $79.99 (retail $90)

NEW: For the Cartilage: Sigumir®

NEW: For the Pancreas: Suprefort®

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20 x 200mg capsules IAS price $79.99 (retail $90)

NEW: For the Pineal: Endoluten® 20x 200mg capsules IAS price $97.49 (retail $90)

“HARNESS OUR BODIES NATURAL RESERVES” Visit IAS online to buy today! Restrictions may apply please see IAS terms and conditions for full details.

damaging effects such as glycosylation and mitochondrial decline.

UPDATE: ACF228 is now also available in a specially

Featured products

designed mouth inhaler. The ACF228 Breathe-Easy can help those worried about their lung capacity and function, to help protect against oxygen deprivation and hopefully avoid the need for long term use of corticosteroids. In addition to the original ACF228 formula it also contains glutathione. For further details about ACF228 and much more besides we recommend Dr. Lippman’s latest book ‘Stay 40.’

1st Line™ (thiocyanate) 1st Line is an exciting new and all natural weapon in the fight against various types of infections including viruses. 1st Line contains a patented formula that when made up with water becomes a drink that contains thiocyanate ions.

Adrafinil (Olmifon®)

Thiocyanate ions (also known as oxythiocynate) are the same molecules made in body’s airways and passages, for example they can be found in tears, saliva and milk and they literally form the body’s first line of defence against all types of bacteria, yeasts, fungi, flukes, germs and even viruses, helping to destroy them on contact. Consuming 1st Line helps to flood the bloodstream with thiocyanates, but unlike antibiotics 1st Line does not attack self-molecules, in other words beneficial floras are not disturbed. Clinical trials have exposed that 1st Line can help quickly to combat various infections relating to helicobacter, pneumonia, soft tissue infections, upper respiratory tract infections and bronchial infections. Other doctors have reported to us that their patients with various viral infections are asymptomatic, even months later after using a few doses of 1st Line. “...thiocyanate ions are not toxic to human cells... and have little if any effect on probiotic species, making them a near perfect antibiotic system.” Professor Paul Clayton

ACF228™ Dr. Lippman was nominated for the Nobel Prize in Medicine for his work to measure free radical production within the body and as everyone knows free radicals are unstable molecules that cause a lot of damage associated with aging and degeneration. The result of Dr. Lippman’s work is the unique patented and exclusive to IAS- ACF228 (this stands for ‘antiaging complete formula’ version 228). The capsules are designed to neutralise damaging free radical production and help to reduce other age related

Adrafinil works like modafinil- it resensitizes alpha-1 receptors in the brain to be more sensitive to noradrenaline. This heightens awareness and concentration to prevent narcolepsy (sleeping in the daytime). The results can be quite remarkable, leading to heightened states of awareness and attention, whilst at the same time not affecting sleep patterns nor causing ‘highs and lows’ that were associated with the earlier form of stimulants. Adrafinil is not recommended for continuous use past 3-months unless liver enzymes are being monitored.

Aminoguanidine (pimagedine) Aminoguanidine is internationally recognised as the most potent AGE inhibitor currently available. The abbreviation AGE means ‘advanced glycated end products.’ AGEs are cross linked proteins that do not work efficiently/ correctly and are seen in a number of disorders including diabetes, heart enlargement, skin discoloration and hardening (particularly in smokers), cataracts and even arterial stiffness. (If you want to see glycosylation in action, then cut an apple in half and watch it turn yellow and tough). Our aminoguanidine tablets also contain vitamin B6 so there is no need for extra supplementation.

Andro-Pro™ Andro-Pro contains the latest cutting-edge nutritional ingredients to naturally boost free testosterone levels. The most unique ingredient added to Andro-Pro is the recently discovered fructoborate. Fructoborate is a boron derivative that according to Romanian // Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 // e-mail:


studies is helping to alleviate bone loss and arthritis; but perhaps the most interesting clinical study was done on 13 men. They were given the equivalent of one capsule of AndroPro daily for 60-days, at the end of the 2 months, on average these men experienced serum level increases of vitamin D by 19.6%, DHEA-S up 56% and free testosterone rose by 29.5%. In addition, Andro-Pro also contains the supporting agents of zinc, B6, magnesium and high quality tribulus terrestris. All factors in improving free testosterone production. Adding DIM-Pro™ to your regime can help to reduce estrogen levels and therefore improve free testosterone levels even further.

ATP Boost™ ATP-Boost provides 20mg of ATP, the body’s ultimate energy molecule in each capsule. In addition, ATP Boost contains a unique combination of the nutrients acetylL-carnitine and R-lipoic acid that increase mitochondria energy production without the increase in damaging oxidation that usually follows. The result: enhanced energy reserves and reduced aging at the cellular level.

BEC5 Curaderm® cream BEC5 Curaderm cream was discovered by Dr. Bill Cham on the Oceania island of Vanuatu. Dr. Cham noticed that when the local farmers rubbed the plant called the ‘devil’s apple’ (found in that region and which is related to eggplant) onto the backs on animals that were experiencing skin cancers- that they had considerable success in its removal. It is known that BEC5 Curaderm has now been used by more than 80,000 patients, all with remarkable success. Clinical trials in the UK and Australia have confirmed the ability of BEC

The eggplant cancer cure by Bill Cham Ph.D. covers all aspects of BEC5 Curaderm treatment. Curaderm to regress non-melanoma skin cancers within weeks! For example, one open study with 72 patients had 100% healed skin cancer lesions within just 13-weeks of applying BEC5 Curaderm cream twice daily. “BEC5 Curaderm is a topical preparation which is safe and effective, an ideal therapy for outpatient treatment... It is a cost effective treatment for both primary and secondary skin cancer care.” Dermatologists at the Royal London Hospital 22

Here are examples of patients before, during and after treatment with BEC5 Curaderm. A typical treatment period from start to finish is 8 weeks. Furthermore, BEC5 Curaderm is known not to harm healthy cells, therefore only destroying cancer cells on and under the skin’s surface. “What’s near perfection? BEC5 Curadermit’s a treatment that works nearly every time. It’s incredibly simple to use, has no adverse side effects and is inexpensive compared with other treatments.” Jonathan Wright, M.D. BEC5 Curaderm is known to be effective for all the following conditions:

• • • • • •

Basal cell carcinomas (BCC) Squamous cell carcinomas (SCC) Keratoses Keratoacanthomas Age spots Sun spots

UPDATE: To achieve the best possible results in the quickest possible time, use HemaGel® and tamanu oil following the BEC5 treatment. // Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 // e-mail:

The most commonly expressed initial reports are that glare is significantly improved, (for example night driving is much safer) and color perception is enhanced.

BCI program Dr Garry Gordon is a world expert in detox and chelation (the removal of heavy metals). His oral BCI program is a world leader. Made up of 3 products, it not only provides the right natural materials to help lock-up, remove from tissues, transport through the body and excrete toxins, but also a plethora of protective vitamins, minerals and oils that have been designed to make it as easy as possible to have the most comprehensive all-in-one package.

What’s more evidence is mounting that Can-C is efficacious for all of the following disorders: cataracts, glaucoma, presbyopia, corneal disorders, eye strain, ocular inflammation, blurred vision, dry eye syndrome, vitreous opacities and lesions, diabeteS mellitus complications, contact lens wearers, (regarding the last point in the list above, Can-C inhibits the accumulation of lactic acid which has greatly benefited those who wear contact lenses, because it enables them to be worn for longer without pain).

Each sachet in the Beyond Chelation Improved® contains 3 vitamin/ mineral pills, 3 chelation/ detox capsules, 1 omega 3 fish oil capsule, 1 omega 6 & 9 evening primrose capsule and 1 brain capsule containing gingko biloba and phosphatidylserine. This is a superb daily nutritional supplement just by itself, but to avail yourself of the full program you should add two more agents; these are: Bio-En’R-Gy C® a unique high-strength and stabilised vitamin C powder that can be added to water or juice. It also contains ribose for your heart health along with MSM, betaine and bioperine to lower inflammation and problematic lipids. Fundamentally, it is this product that transports the toxins from the tissues sites that Beyond Chelation Improved® has released, ready for them to be excreted. Then it is over to Dr Gordon’s Beyond Fiber®. It contains the best forms of fiber, specifically extracted from brown rice husks and Jerusalem artichoke, in addition with EDTA. This product enables the body to defecate the toxins collected into the gut from the body. Simply add a scoop of the powder into your morning cereals or blend it into your power drink. Finally, for those who want to get metals out of their skin, use Beyond Clean® version 2. This powder is simply added to the bath tub and contains both EDTA and zeolite. Here you simply relax your toxins away!

Can-C™ eye-drops Can-C eye-drops are the original formula for use in cataract and contains a purified and racemized form of n-acetylcarnosine, a natural di-peptide with potent antiglycating and anti-oxidant properties that prevent lipid peroxidation.

Left: A woman’s eye shows the cataract before treatment. Right: 5-months later after use of Can-C eye-drops (two drops twice daily), there is no longer a visible cataract and eyesight has improved. Dr. Kyriazis book, ‘the cataract cure’, details the usefulness and evidence of Can-C eye-drops. Now available from IAS as a FREE e-book: “I am so grateful for the development of Can-C eye-drops, not only have they significantly improved my own eyesight, but many of my patients report most favorably about them too. Now we have a real alternative to eye surgery so Can-C can be considered to be a genuine breakthrough.” Richard Lippman, Ph.D.

Can-C Plus™

Patients in trials placed 2-drops of Can-C into their eyes twice daily. After 6-months of use, 88.9% of patients showed improvement in the clarity of their lens and 90% saw an improvement in their visual acuity. There have been numerous reports of cataract shrinkage and even disappearance with documented evidence that Can-C eyedrops remain effective (and safe) more than 24-months later.

Can-C Plus capsules are specially designed to be used alongside the Can-C™ eye-drops to aid and even boost their effectiveness. As there are a few supplements that can block the action of Can-C eye-drops, Can-C Plus capsules have been carefully designed to avoid them. Three Can-C Plus capsules a day can be taken with food, with or without Can-C eye-drops, although for maximum benefit it is recommended that they are used together. // Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 // e-mail:


Centrophenoxine (Cent-Pro™) Like all good antiaging supplements, centrophenoxine has many useful features with few side effects. From a memory and cognition viewpoint, centrophenoxine has demonstrated significant improvements, most notably its ability to speed up the process of memory recall. One of centrophenoxine’s most noted benefit’s is its ability to effectively and quickly remove a cell toxin that accumulates with age (and Alzheimer’s disease) called lipofuscin. Lipofuscin can make up parts of the socalled Alzheimer brain plaques, but it can even be found in the brains of ‘normal’ aging people as well as other organs such as the heart, the lungs and even the skin- where it forms part of the so-called age or liver-spots, the brown flecks found in ‘aged’ person’s skin. Indeed several weeks of centrophenoxine supplementation has seen removal and lightening of such spots. “Centrophenoxine has shown many facets to improve conditions related to my membrane hypothesis of aging, for example its ability to improve brain-performance, survival time in animal experiments, and to remove the cell aging-pigment called lipofuscin. It has been my antiaging supplement for more than 30-years.” Professor Imre Zs.-Nagy

CoQ10 CoQ10 is a universal energy agent that has significant protective qualities for the heart and the cardiovascular system. An important point- anyone taking a statin drug to lower cholesterol must also be taking CoQ10 since statins lower CoQ10 levels.

UPDATE: Our CoQ10SR™ is a slow release version

combined with cyclodextrin, a new technology that enables greater bioavailability by improving the passage through the stomach into the blood. It has been clinically shown that CoQ10SR™ has up to twice the bioavailability of ‘regular’ CoQ10. Thus depending on how you look at it, CoQ10SR is either double the effectiveness of CoQ10’s of the same dose, or half the price of CoQ10’s of twice the dose!

Crème-Pro™ Cellulite The specialist range of Crème-Pro’s work to attack and defend against all aspects of aging skin problems; here the cellulite contains a high 10% of phosphatidylcholine, proven to help reduce the appearance of cellulite. Simply apply it regularly onto clean, dry skin on the inner thighs and buttocks or wherever cellulite appears. (Avoid the eyes). 24

Crème-Pro™ Moisturizer Crème-Pro™ Moisturizer does what exactly says on the label. A unique combination of hyaluronic acid, procaine, NADH and vitamin B12 helps to keep skin looking plump, moist and radiant. Simply apply it onto clean dry skin once or twice daily. (Avoid the eyes).

Crème-Pro™ Protector Crème-Pro Protector is a day cream designed to help protect the skin against environmental agents, including sunlight and oxygen as well as pollution. The agents can attack skin and make it age prematurely through their oxidative effects. The most unique agent in the Protector cream is idebenone, it is the single most potent antioxidant yet studied, and rarely found except in the most expensive antiaging skin creams. Apply it onto clean dry skin and use it as a regular day cream. (Avoid the eyes).

Crème-Pro™ Smoother Crème-Pro Smoother is designed to be the alternative to injectable nerve freezing agents such as Botox®. Smoother can be applied to any fine lines such as crows’ feet around the eyes and around the lips etc. It contains synthetic snake venom that temporarily paralyses nerves in the skin, thereby relaxing and unfolding the skin in that region, immediately reducing the wrinkles and producing younger looking skin. (Avoid the eyes).

CurcuminSR™ By harnessing the power of the natural healer, curcumin, (found in turmeric) we have access to a wide-ranging set of positives. From bolstering the immune system, it also acts as an anti-viral and an anti-fungal agent, to moderating inflammatory response; curcumin’s a true generalist. It’s even been found to have the ability to counter many conditions including a very recent study as an anti-depressive.

UPDATE: Our curcumin is a unique slow release version that is much more bioavailable than regular versions. // Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 // e-mail:

Esnatri™ cream (bio-identical estrogens)

Deprenyl (selegiline) Parkinson’s disease is characterised by the loss of the brain neurotransmitter dopamine and deprenyl helps to prevent this loss by acting on the specific enzyme MAO-b. Professor Knoll also believes that deprenyl very significantly increases PEA (phenylethylamine) and that this may have an even more significant function that the MAO-b inhibition, (for more details on this please read Professor Knoll’s excellent book on the subject- ‘the brain and its self’). Professor Jozeph Knoll of Debrechen University in Hungary- the inventor of deprenyl

In addition to improving dopamine levels, deprenyl has also been shown to help rebalance serotonin, noradrenaline and acetylcholine levels and whilst the uses remain ‘off-label’ deprenyl has been used for Alzheimer’s and even cancer treatments. Our focus here is upon deprenyl’s enhancement of dopamine, which is a key brain chemical responsible for drive, focus and well being and even libido (especially for men). The experiments of Professor Jozeph Knoll dramatically extended the lifespan of rats who were given deprenyl. Even the first rat to die that was treated with deprenyl died after the last rat not treated with deprenyl died.

Esnatri cream is the world’s only bioidentical estrogen cream to replicate the work of Dr. Jonathan Wright. Dr. Wright has highlighted that the ‘average’ woman produces estrogens in the ratios of estriol 90%, estradiol 7% and estrone 3% and these are the exact same ratios found inside Esnatri. Each 1ml of Esnatri cream provides 2mg in total of the triple estrogens and it enables a precise, natural and indeed bioidentical hormone replacement therapy for women concerned about the menopause. IAS provides dose and timing advice from Dr. Wright for both estrogens and progesterones with every purchase. The additional use of bioidentical progesterone should be used along with an estrogen replacement program. For further information on estrogens we recommend one of Dr. Thierry Hertoghe’s Hormone handbooks.

GABOB (Gamibetal®) Each Gamibetal tablet contains 500mg of the GABA related molecule- GABOB; it is technically the closest legal molecule to GHB. The approved use of Gamibetal in Europe is to help with epilepsy but like GHB – GABOB has been shown to improve growth hormone release significantly when taken before bedtime. GABOB does not have the ‘sleep inducing’ effects of GHB, but it can cause some sedation if taken in high doses.

GHRP2 GHRP2 is growth hormone releasing peptide number 2. It is a potent releaser of HGH for fat loss and is particularly synergistic with sermorelin. It is best taken in the morning, by swallowing 4ml of the liquid.

This graph highlights the loss of dopamine with age, on average 13% per decade past the age of 40 for the average person, but far greater for those suffering from Parkinson’s disease

UPDATE: GHRP2 is synergistic with sermorelin.

Glutathione (also see ACF228™ Breathe-Easy)

The idea behind the antiaging use of deprenyl is to use very small doses regularly in order to help maintain healthy dopamine levels and thus improve cognitive function and help to maintain function at a better level for much longer. Note: The liquid version titrates selegiline HCL as 1 drop = 1mg.

Glutathione is a potent antioxidant that helps to prevent damage to important cellular components that can be caused by reactive oxygen species such as free radicals and peroxides. Glutathione is principally synthesized inside the body and is relatively poorly obtained via the diet. The Advanced Cellular Glutathione supplement is a spray providing nano sized particles for sub mucosal absorption to create instant bioavailability. // Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 // e-mail:


Hair-Pro™ Hair-Pro is the very latest development to help induce hair growth and it contains the absolute latest cutting-edge growth factor technologies. Hair Pro is a unique proprietary topical liquid blend that includes finasteride, (the DHT blocking drug used orally for years as a hair loss treatment), but it also contains a plethora of aminoacids that act as hair growth factors including bFGF, TRX, VEGF and IGF-1. In addition there is aminosyn to promote protein synthesis (hair strength), hyaluronic acid to aid hair hydration (thickness) and dexpanthenol to cleanse the pores of the blocking fat- sebum which can block nutrition from the hair root. No finer multi factorial topical anti-alopecia product exists on the market today. Use it in combination with the Scalproller to improve uptake into the scalp.

HemaGel® HemaGel has been created in the Czech Republic and specially designed to help improve the treatment times of wounds, scratches and cuts, in some cases reducing the start-to-finish treatment time by as much as 50%. It does this in two ways, (1) by absorbing harmful and damaging free radicals and (2) by also helping to absorb blood and puss extrudes, thus also keeping the wound cleaner. HemaGel can be recommend for use after BEC5 Curaderm applications to speed up the skin’s healing and also as an excellent product to have in the First Aid cabinet- just in case! Simply apply the HemaGel daily directly onto a cleaned (and disinfected) wound, and then apply a non-textile bandage over it.

Hydergine (ergoloid mesylate) Hydergine is an extract of a fungus that grows on rye called ergoloid mesylate and its approved uses have been to aid persons with memory disturbances, Alzheimer’s disease and even for persons who have suffered from shock related to electric, drowning or suffocation. This is because hydergine is an excellent provider of stabilising the levels of oxygen in the brain and has been shown to improve levels when they are too low and even decrease levels when they are too high. The result of this optimised oxygen availability in the brain is an ability to do more mental workload without becoming tired. Accordingly, hydergine can be a good tool to battle through boring paperwork or a long drive home in the dark. A fascinating animal experiment showed a special ability for hydergine to improve mitochondrial condition. The mitochondria are vital organelles found in every cell of our body responsible 26

for the generation of ATP, the universal energy molecule. Unfortunately mitochondrial efficiency declines as we age and this has been linked to disrupted repair mechanisms. However an Italian study highlighted those old animal mitochondria can be improved with hydergine supplementation. Hydergine has also been attributed to stimulate the growth of dendrite nerve fibers, since these connective strands are known to decline in aging this is another antiaging feature of hydergine. Some have even linked the density and numbers of dendrite fibers to the level of I.Q. In summary, hydergine helps to protect against conditions of hypoxia and peroxidation, important factors to guard against a stroke and generalised brain injuries. Hydergine can extend the boundaries of mental workload and energy, fighting against boredom and may even provide some groundwork for raising the levels of intelligence. The liquid form can be titrated in small doses and may be more suitable for those who want low doses or have trouble swallowing tablets. The Bertonin-Freddari et al, 1994 study highlights that hydergine can improve the size, volume and number of mitochondria in old animals- towards the youthful example; as is shown here the difference between young, old (without hydergine) and old (with hydergine) is significant.

Melatonin (MZS™) Melatonin is one of nature’s remarkable substances and made in response to darkness by the pineal gland. Its benefits to help overcome jet lag and shift work have become quite well known and indeed it is useful for this purpose since adequate melatonin availability enables our bodies to be correctly in tune with our circadian rhythms, these rhythms dictate our hormonal cyclicity and this cyclicity ultimately determine our aging and our level of immunity. Unfortunately melatonin secretions decline with aging. Professor Pierpaoli has published widely on melatonin, principally through the New York Academy of Science and at the meetings of the Stromboli conferences on aging and cancer- which IAS is delighted to support. What is important to know about melatonin is that Professor Pierpaoli advocates a 3mg dose to (his words) “put the pineal to sleep.” In addition, it is also vital to use a melatonin that produces a night peak of melatonin that is the same as the peak produced by the pineal itself. This he has achieved using specific excipients in his own formula ‘MZS™’ (which also contains the additional synergistic ingredients of zinc and selenium). // Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 // e-mail:

• Saw Palmetto: This herb helps to block the damaging effects of DHT, a known hair growth restrictor.

This graph highlights that Professor Pierpaoli’s Melatonin Zn Se formula mimics the night peak of melatonin. Note that sublingual melatonin tested peaks too soon and that time released formulas peak too late.

• Resveratrol: The remarkable protective agent found in red grape skins has recently been noted to help induce hair thickness. • Melatonin: This has been documented (and was the subject of a patent) to help prevent hair loss. • Plus, there is now a sixth active ingredient in MinSaw and that’s retinolic acid (also known as tretinoin). This super high strength vitamin A has long been known to improve skin condition by enhancing blood flow to the skin and in the same way, here in MinSaw this ingredient improves the blood supply around the hair root, helping it to be stronger and healthier. Just apply a small amount of MinSaw daily to the scalp and see the results for yourself in a few weeks’ time. Use it in combination with the Scalproller to improve uptake into the scalp. Also recommended is the Nanogen hydration spray to prevent scalp dryness and flaking.

Here are some before and after Fundus photos showing the benefit of Melatonin Zn Se. They highlight dramatic improvements to both wet and dry forms of macular degeneration. In a trial published in the New York Academy of Science, 110 eyes, (100 patients) with both wet and dry forms of ARMD were treated only with 1 tablet of Melatonin Zn Se nightly. After 6-months 90% of the treated patients’ eyes had significant improvements to their condition. This is simply remarkable compared to the current approved therapy for ARMD which involves injecting the eye quarterly, (costs $1000+) with 50% improvement at 24-months! For further detailed information about melatonin and Professor Pierpaoli’s work we recommend his book ‘the key of life.’ it is now available as a FREE e-book.

Naltrexone The results of low dose naltrexone, (widely known as LDN) therapy have been remarkable. Originally, the use of naltrexone was in the management of dependence on opioid and alcohol. But it was Dr. Bernard Bihari in the 1980’s who first used low dose naltrexone for the treatment of HIV and then for a number of other autoimmune diseases such as multiple sclerosis, Crohn’s disease and many immunological related diseases, and especially in the treatment of MS, where patients have reported an improved quality of life. A leading study has established that by maintaining regular nightly LDN, less than 1% of the MS sufferers experience fresh MS attacks. IAS supplies the LDN dose of 4.5 mg.

Oxytocin (Oxy-Pro™)

MinSaw™ MinSaw has been updated numerous times, but now it’s in its best formula ever. MinSaw provides all of these proven hair growth and protectors in its latest formula: • Minoxidil: Perhaps the best known agent to help stimulate hair growth, which it does by increasing nitric oxide promotion in the root of the hair and in so doing delivers more nutrition for the hair to grow faster. MinSaw takes has one of the most potent amounts of minoxidil in it at 8%. • Vitamin C: It’s known to help stimulate hair growth and ‘clean’ the root bulb, thus MinSaw now also contains the active form of L-ascorbic acid.

Oxytocin is a hormone produced in the hypothalamus and secreted into the blood by the pituitary gland. Oxytocin has been described in detail in Dr. Thierry Hertoghe’s latest book- Passion, Sex and Adventure, the oxytocin story. It is coming to light that oxytocin has pain curbing abilities and could be efficacious in fibromyalgia. Other studies are highlighting that oxytocin could be efficacious in the treatment of autism and even schizophrenias. But it is perhaps its ability to enhance bonding between partners that is likely to attract most attention. From the sexual standpoint oxytocin // Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 // e-mail:


has been known to increase ejaculate in the male and in females oxytocin has had significant libido enhancement effects, including the inducement of multiple orgasms. We have worked alongside Dr. Hertoghe to create a practical and efficacious sublingual trouche (that’s a gel like tablet) typical doses are 5 to 20 IU as required. (The square troches can be cut in half from corner to corner easily).

UPDATE: Oxy-Pro™ is a new nasal spray version of oxytocin (delivering 10 IU per spray) in addition to our 20 IU sublingual trouches.

Peptide Bioregulators These are the very latest technology from Professor Khavinson in Russia. They utilise highly specific peptides extracted from Danish bovine sources. These peptides have been shown to be a short-cut to protein synthesis by activating directly with their receptive genes. Therefore their action is to ‘reinvigorate’ their respective gland/ organ, to induce their biological reserve and essentially rejuvenate their processes. 1. Cerluten® is the peptide for the central nervous system (brain). 2. Endoluten® is the peptide for the pineal. 3. Glandokort® is the peptide for the adrenal glands. 4. Libidon® is the peptide for the prostate gland. 5. Pielotak® is the peptide for the kidneys. 6. Sigumir® is the peptide for the cartilage. 7. Suprefort® is the peptide for the pancreas. 8. Svetinorm® is the peptide for the liver. 9. Testoluten® is the peptide for the testes. 10. Thyreogen® is the peptide for the thyroid. 11. Ventfort® is the peptide for the blood vessels. 12. Vladonix® is the peptide for the thymus. 13. Visoluten® is the peptide for the eye retina. A recommended course is to take 2 capsules each day for 10-days (total 20-capsules). For general health support this can be repeated again in 6-months’ time, thus only 2 boxes are required for a year! For those in greater need the course can be repeated every 3 months, or 2 months or each month if necessary. UPDATE: An intensive course is 1 or 2 capsules twice a day for 30-days.

Piracetam (Nootropil®; also see Anacervix®)

Piracetam was the very first nootropic, (commonly called smart drugs) to be developed and despite being one of the very first products that IAS offered when we went online in 1991, it still remains one of our best selling products today! Why? Because it is a very beneficial memory agent that has a great safety record, with very few side effects, plus it is cost effective. Piracetam has 28

been shown to have a better/ lower toxicity profile than salt. Maybe because it has a very small impact upon brain chemical levels, but rather helps to improve electrical communication across the brain’s corpus callosum. The corpus callosum is the bundle of nerves that separates the two hemispheres of the brain. In medical terms piracetam is used to improve short term memory and to treat a wide variety of senile dementias as well as autism and Down’s syndrome and can also assist with travel and altitude sickness. Note: IAS offers the original UCB brand called Nootropil which is available in tablet and liquid form. The liquid form was specifically designed for children (it is sweetened with saccharin), but its advantages include being able to titrate low doses (if required) and also aid any person who has difficulty swallowing tablets.

NEW: Pira Pro Generic Piracetam 100 x 800mg tablets only $14.99

Progesterone Progesterone is often the ‘missing’ hormone in the treatment of female menopause. What we mean by this is that whilst estrogen treatments, (see Esnatri™ for details) are often considered as a primary replacement hormone for women of that certain age, progesterone is often forgotten about. The best known action of progesterone is its ability to help build bone mass and since progesterone levels fall rapidly in menopause it contributes to osteoporosis in elderly women. Progesterone is strongly advocated to be taken in combination with any estrogen replacement program.

UPDATE: Our progesterone strength is PPharma grade and twice the dose that is found in US health food stores. Progesterone levels decline in women with age; in some cases progesterone levels can be undetectable! We recommend one of Dr. Hertoghe’s hormone handbooks for further information about progesterone.

PQQ (pyroloquinoline quinone) PQQ is in reality the most newly discovered vitamin. In more than 200 studies it has been shown to improve overall energy levels, cognitive function and memory, reduce mitochondrial degradation and increase skin elasticity. Furthermore, it acts as a neuro and cardio protectant and helps to enhance nerve growth.



Retin-A contains retinolic acid, a pure form of vitamin A that enhances blood supply to the skin’s surface and transforms the appearance of thicker, tougher skin into more youthful looking, elastic and fresher skin but speeding up the process of the delivery of nutrition to the skin and the removal of waste materials from it. Retin-A is the cream of choice for cosmetic surgeons to speed up the wound healing of cosmetic surgery and scarring etc.

UPDATE: We now also supply the new Retin-A® micro-gel

which is designed to sit on the skin surface and release slowly.



Sermorelin is a breakthrough development in the field of growth hormone (GH) replacement, for sermorelin is the bioidentical molecule used by the pituitary gland to help stimulate production and release of GH into the bloodstream. Sermorelin is not GH; GH is a complicated molecule consisting of 191 amino acids, but rather sermorelin is a 29 chain of aminoacids, but importantly it is the first 29 aminoacids of GH, the part responsible for activation. This is what makes sermorelin stand head and shoulders over all previous agonists of GH, because sermorelin is GH site specific and therefore effective. What is more, sermorelin has a negative feedback loop (unlike GH itself), so the issues of overdosing and safety associated with injections of GH are minimized/ completely avoided with sermorelin. And now for the first time it has been shown that sermorelin is stable at room temperature and efficacious when used sublingually. These are additional factors that favor sermorelin as the next generation of GH activators. We are excited to introduce this sublingual liquid version of sermorelin which has been created with the close cooperation of Dr. Richard Walker of SARA (Scientific Applied Research into Aging), a world renowned antiaging expert.

the cell divides and the theory is that this is a significant part of the destructive process of aging. Animals with longer telomeres enjoy a more productive and healthier older age and also appear to live longer. The benefits for humans may not be clear yet, but TA65 production is carefully controlled by TA Sciences, who purchased the technology from the Geron Corporation. It remains a fact that whilst other substances have claimed to delay the shortening of telomeres, only TA65 has been clinically proven (and published) to actually lengthen short telomeres in humans. If you want the cutting-edge of antiaging supplementation and the best possible chances for longer telomeres, then TA65 is currently your best and indeed only clinically proven choice.

Thyroid (Armour®; Synthroid®) A decline in the secretion of hormones from the thyroid gland (hypothyroidism) can result in poor concentration, confusion, memory problems, cold hands and feet, weight gain, menstrual problems, sleep disorders, dry skin, thinning hair and low energy levels. An underactive thyroid is also a major cause of a common painful musculoskeletal condition known as fibromyalgia. Aging often leads to hypothyroidism, one of the most famous thyroid experts, Dr. Broda Barnes states that as many as 40% of the adult population could be hypothyroid. Thyroid supplements come in two forms; these are whole or natural supplements and synthetic supplements. It is almost always better to use a whole-natural thyroid extract because the synthetic versions usually only comprise of one of the thyroid hormones, (such as, T3 or T4), whereas, whole-natural thyroids cover a fuller spectrum of thyroid hormones (including T1, T2, T3 and T4). By measuring a particular hormone known as Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) it can be determined whether supplementation is necessary. However there are simple measures such as noticing if one regularly has cold hands and feet, problems adapting to temperature changes, or checking

UPDATE: ERFA now available in value 500 tablet packs

COMING SOON: Soon to be released in intranasal form.

TRH (Abaris™)

TA65® TA65 contains a highly purified specialized extract of the Chinese herb astragalus. What makes this supplement totally unique is that it is the first natural substance that has been proven to act as a telomerase activator and to extend telomeres in humans (in-vivo). Telomeres are the strands on the ends of chromosomes that shorten each time

TRH is a hypothalamic hormone whose real uses and benefits are just coming to the fore, primarily after research conducted by Dr. Walter Pierpaoli, the physician and scientist who exposed the benefits of melatonin to the world. Dr. Pierpaoli’s research suggests that TRH is a ‘master’ hormone responsible not just for helping to adjust thyroid hormones (its principle recognised role), but in helping to recorrect many imbalances throughout the body. // Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 // e-mail:


For example in his animal experiments TRH supplements have encouraged old animals to:

prostate conditions can benefit by less trips in the night to urinate.

• Re-establish spermegenesis, (reversing the age-related

But vasopressin is also responsible for the laying down of memories in the hippocampus and it has been used to treat amnesia. In particular, it is cited by many for memory imprinting, this is the learning of new material before it is experienced. Therefore taking 1 or 2 sprays into each nostril 15-minutes before an exam, meeting or lecture etc., can induce a better detailed recall of events later.

dysfunction of their testes).

• Correct kidney dysfunction, (a significant finding for renal issues).

• Correct pancreatic dysfunction, (a significant finding for diabetic issues).

• Improves many lipid profiles and aids weight loss when used over a few months.

IAS is delighted to be the first organisation in the world to offer a sublingual TRH tablet.

Vasopressin Vasopressin is a porcine extracted source for this pituitary hormone which has a number of interesting roles. Its approved medical use is to prevent frequent urination in conditions such as diabetes insipidus. For example, men with

Zeolite Zeolite is a volcanic rock that is widely used for its remarkable chelation properties, that is its ability to trap heavy metals inside its electron cage. It should be noted that it comes in many different qualities however, from cat-litter (to trap the smell) up to the ZeoGold® brand, so effective it is the quality chosen by NASA to purify the water supply for astronauts on route to Mars! IAS supplies the ZeoGold capsules which must be broken and allowed to dissolve into water and drunk, or the ACZ nano-spray. These are both highly effective agents designed to remove many unwanted toxic metals from the tissues.

TA65 The World’s First Proven Telomerase Activator Animal studies have shown that shorter telomeres equate to a shorter life and poorer health. Clinical studies confirm that TA65 can lengthen the shortest telomeres in humans. Available online at

TA65 30 30 capsules $218.99

TA65 90

90 capsules $599.99

Product A-Z listing


Here is an alphabetical listing of IAS stocked products. See our cross-reference list of disorders that relate to these individual products. Much more information is available from our website including full ingredient/ excipient listings, doses and side effects etc. If you need any further information or can’t find what you require, please don’t hesitate to contact us. The inside back cover has all our details.

“IAS has shown great vision and leadership, as an organisation focused mainly on the provision of contemporary medical interventions against aging, and in also supporting the SENS Foundation’s efforts to hasten the development of much more powerful future interventions.” Dr. Aubrey De Grey “IAS is an outstanding resource for the finest, most up-to-date news and information on healthy aging. They also offer products of the highest integrity and efficacy. In fact, IAS is the world’s greatest source (often the only source) for the most cutting edge and advanced nutrients to ensure optimum health span and maximum life span.” Nicholas Perricone, M.D.

The following index underneath certain products means that known restrictions apply. For example: Not shipped to UK Not shipped to EU Not shipped to Japan Not shipped to Australia (or New Zealand) Note: For use strictly by IAS private club members - IAS terms and conditions apply. All information is educational and does not replace the advice of your physician. Prescriptions are necessary where required by law; other restrictions may apply in some countries.

“IAS has a history of making throughout the world crucial, but difficultly accessible medications available to patients. IAS is one of the pioneering societies in antiaging medicine that has helped this new medical specialty move forward.” Thierry Hertoghe, M.D. “I am a 77 year old Physician who has practiced medicine for nearly half a century. My antiaging research has permitted me to overcome serious health problems. Everyone can do this, but it requires specialized knowledge and the highest quality products. IAS is a vital link in my antiaging program because they continually provide both accurate information AND the high quality products we all require, if we are to achieve our maximum intended useful lifespan.” Garry Gordon, MD, DO, MD (H) “Every adult has the right to take care of his or her own personal health as he or she chooses. In the 20th and 21st centuries, this universal human right has been nearly obliterated by an ocean of nanny-state regulation and deliberate suppression of information by bureaucracies, with hidden and not-so-hidden agendas. International Antiaging Systems is a beacon of useful health care information and a literal island of freedom of health care product choice in our otherwise un-free health care world.” Jonathan Wright, M.D. See all professional and public testimonials at: // Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 // e-mail:


1st Line™ (OSCN, thiocyanate)

1 complete kit retail $89 IAS price $79.99 Item Code: 675

5HTP (5-hydroxy-tryptophan)

5HTP-Pro™ 60x 50mg capsules retail $20 IAS price $17.49 - Item Code: 327

Acarbose (Glucobay®)

Glucobay® 30x 100mg tablets retail $24 IAS price $19.99 - Item Code: 373

Acetyl-L-Carnitine (see ATP-Boost™)


ACF228™ 45 capsules retail $59 IAS price $49.99 - Item Code: 621 NEW: ACF228™ Breathe-Easy 1 inhaler retail $140 IAS price $129.99 - Item Code: 810

Adenosine Triphosphate (see ATP-Boost™)

Active H-Minus®


Active H-Minus® 90 effervescent tablets retail $44 IAS price $39.99 - Item Code: 783


Anacervix® 30x 420mg capsules retail $30 IAS price $21.99 - Item Code: 163


NEW: Andro-Pro™ 60 capsules retail $55 IAS price $49.99 - Item Code: 758

Aniracetam (Ampamet®)

Ampamet® 20x 750mg tablets retail $55 IAS price $47.49 - Item Code: 6 NEW: Ani-Pro™ 20x 750mg capsules retail $35 IAS price $29.99 - Item Code: 777

Arginine (see Beyond GHS®; Nitric-Pro™; Vigor-Pro™), Argireline (see Crème-Pro™ Smoother), Arterial wave velocity (see Bio-Clip & Bio-Cuff)

Arimidex® (anastrozole)

NEW: Anastrozole 28x 1mg tablets retail $149 IAS price $129.99 - Item Code: 849

Adrafinil (Olmifon®)

NEW: Anastro-Pro™ 28x 100mcg capsules retail $35 IAS price $29.99 - Item Code: 779

Olmifon is no longer manufactured.


NEW: Adra-Pro™ 40x 300mg capsules retail $60 IAS price $49.99 - Item Code: 775

Aglomelatine (see Valdoxan)


Aldosterone 15x 125mcg capsules retail $120 IAS price $94.99 - Item Code: 687

Alfalfa (see Dr Gordon’s Organic Greens®), Allicin (see garlic), Alpha lipoic acid (see lipoic acid)

Aminoguanidine (pimagedine) Amino-Pro 100 x 75mg tablets retail $35 IAS price $29.99 - Item Code: 303


Aminohydroxybutyric acid (see GABOB), Aminophylline (see Crème-Pro™ Cellulite), Aminosyn (see Hair-Pro™), Amphoteric surfactants (see Nanogen® shampoo, Nanogen® conditioner)

Artem-Pro™ 90x 100mg capsules retail $25 IAS price $22.49 - Item Code: 642

Ascorbyl palmitate (see Crème-Pro™ Protector, Crème-Pro™ Smoother), Astaxanthin (see Crème-Pro™ Protector), Astragalus extract (see TA65®), ATP (adenosine triphosphate, see ATPBoost™)

ATP-Boost® (Adenosine Triphosphate) NEW: ATP-Pro™ 60x 20mg tablets retail $35 IAS price $29.99 - Item Code: 821

Azilect® (see rasagiline) // Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 // e-mail:

Banaba Extracts (see Diet-Pro™), Barley grass (see Dr Gordon’s Organic Greens®), BCI (see Beyond Chelation Improved®)

bFGF (see Hair-Pro™), BHT (butylhydroxytoluene, see ACF228™)

BEC5 Curaderm® cream

complete kit retail $850 IAS price $799.99 - Item Code: 653

BEC5 Curaderm® 20ml tube cream retail $140 IAS price $129.99 - Item Code: 403

Beetroot (see Neo40®)

Benfotiamine (Milgamma Mono®) Milgamma Mono® 30x 50mg tablets retail $21 IAS price $18.99 - Item Code: 273

Benzoic acid (see Gerovital®), Beta alistine (see L-carnosine), Beta glucan (see Beyond Chelation Improved®, Nanogen® hydrator, Nanogen® serum), Betaine (see TMG), Beta sitosterol (see Beyond Chelation Improved®), Beyond Any Multiple® (see Beyond Chelation Improved®)

Beyond B12®

Beyond B12® 40x 2mg sublingual tablets retail $30 IAS price $29.99 - Item Code: 477

Beyond Bone Defense® (see Bone-Pro™)

Beyond Chelation Improved® (BCI)


Bio-CUFF® one complete kit retail $150 IAS price $124.99 - Item Code: 715

Bio-En’R-Gy C®

Bio En’R-Gy C® 200 grams powder retail $60 IAS price $59.99 - Item Code: 591

Bioflavonoids (see Wobenzym®), Biological age measurement (see Bio-CLIP™, PulmoLife®), Bioperine (see Bio-En’R-Gy®), Biotin (see Beyond B12®; Beyond Chelation Improved®, HRT Plus®; BCI; Nitric-Pro™), Blood oxygenation measurement (see Bio-CLIP™), Blood pressure measurement (see Bio-CUFF™), Blueberry extracts (see Andro-Pro™)

Boluoke® (Lumbrokinase)

NEW: Boluoke® 60 capsules retail price $108 IAS price $92.99 - Item Code: 839


Beyond Chelation Improved® 30 sachets retail $80 IAS price $79.99 - Item Code: 351

Beyond Clean® v2 (Calcium EDTA & Zeolite)

NEW: Beyond Clean® v2 32 oz. bath salts retail $70 IAS price $69.99 - Item Code: 881

Beyond Fiber®

Beyond Fiber® 504 grams powder retail $50 IAS price $49.99 - Item Code: 436

Beyond GHS®


Beyond GHS® 75 tablets retail $90 IAS price $89.99 - Item Code: 353

Bone-Pro™ 180 capsules retail $40 IAS price $29.99 - Item Code: 721

Borate (see Andro-Pro™, Can-C™), Boron (see Andro-Pro™, Beyond Chelation Improved®, BCI, Bone-Pro™, Cardio-Pro™, Prostate-Pro™), Boswellin (see Joint-Pro™)

Bromocriptine (Parlodel®)

Parlodel® 30x 2.5mg tablets retail $25 IAS price $21.49 - Item Code: 58

Bromelain (see Digestif®, Wobenzym®), Buxamin (see GABOB), Calcium (see Bone-Pro™, BCI, NitricPro™) // Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 // e-mail:


Cabergoline (Dostinex®)

Dostinex® 8x 0.5mg tablets retail $99 IAS price $89.99 - Item Code: 612

Caffeine (see Crème-Pro™ Cellulite), Calcium (see Bone-Pro™, Beyond Chelation Improved®, NitricPro™)

Can-C™ eye-drops

Can-C™ 2x 5ml vials retail $45 IAS price $39.49 - Item Code: 456

Can-C™ Plus

Can-C Plus™ 90 capsules retail $40 IAS price $34.99 - Item Code: 629

Carboxymethylcellulose (see Can-C™)


Cardio-Pro™ 90x 215mg capsules retail $34 IAS price $27.49 - Item Code: 500

Carnosine (L-carnosine, see ACF228™, Can-C™; Cardio-Pro™, Can-C Plus™, L-carnosine), Catalase (see ACF228™)

Centrophenoxine (meclofenoxane) Cent-Pro™ 60x 250mg tablets retail $35 IAS price $29.99 - Item Code: 243


Cerebrolysin® 5x 5ml i.m. ampoules retail $99 IAS price $89.99 - Item Code: 595

Chasteberry (see DIM-Pro™), Chlorella (see Dr Gordon’s Organic Greens®), Choline (see Beyond Chelation Improved®, centrophenoxine, krill, Vigor-Pro™), Chondroitin (see JointPro™; Hy-Col™), Chromium (see Beyond Chelation Improved®; Diet-Pro™), Chromium polynicotinate (see ACF228™, Diet-Pro™)

Cialis® (tadalafil)

Cialis® 4x 20mg tablets retail $85 IAS price $79.99 - Item Code: 296


Cinnamon extracts (see Diet-Pro™)

Ciproxin® (ciprofloxacin)

Ciproxin® 10x 500mg tablets retail $35 IAS price $29.99 - Item Code: 640

Citrus bioflavonoids (see Beyond Chelation Improved®), Cocos nucifera oil (see Nanogen® conditioner)

Cobalt chloride

Cobalt 100x 200mcg tablets retail $50 IAS price $44.99 - Item Code: 646

Coccinia indica extracts (see Diet-Pro™), Coenzyme Q10 (see CoQ10), Collagen (see Hy-Col™)


NEW: 40x 1mg tablets retail $19 IAS price $14.99 - Item Code: 835

CoQ10SRTM (Coenzyme Q10, ubiquinol, biquinone)

NEW: CoQ10SRTM 30 x 100mg slow release capsules retail $39 IAS price $24.99 - Item Code: 824 Copper (see Beyond Chelation Improved®), Cortisol (cortisone, see Fludrocortisone, hydrocortisone), Curcumin (see Joint-Pro™), Cranberry extracts (see Andro-Pro™)

Crème-Pro™ Cellulite

NEW: Crème-Pro™ Cellulite 30ml pump cream retail $30 IAS price $27.99 - Item Code: 828

Crème-Pro™ Moisturizer

NEW: Crème-Pro™ Moisturizer 30ml pump cream retail $40 IAS price $37.99 - Item Code: 829

Crème-Pro™ Protector

NEW: Crème-Pro™ Protector 30ml pump cream retail $55 IAS price $49.99 - Item Code: 830

Crème-Pro™ Smoother

NEW: Crème-Pro™ Smoother 30ml pump cream retail $65 IAS price $59.99 - Item Code: 831 // Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 // e-mail:


Cresote bush (see Digestif®)

CurcuminSR™ (slow release) NEW: 30x 125mg capsules retail $25 IAS price $21.49 - Item Code: 841

Cycloastragenol (see TA65®), Cresote bush (see Digestif®), Cyclodextrin (see CoQ10SR™), Cyprenil® (see deprenyl)

D3 (vitamin D)

NEW: D3-5000™ 100x 5000 IU capsules retail $20 IAS price $12.49 - Item Code: 843

Digestif® 60 capsules retail $20 IAS price $15.99 Item Code: 626

Di-IndolylMethane (DIM, see ACF228™, DIM-Pro™), DIM (see ACF228™, DIM-Pro™), Dimethicone (see Nanogen®)


NEW: DIM-Pro2 ™ 100 capsules retail $50 IAS price $44.99 - Item Code: 428

Daidzen (see Bone-Pro™; Prostate-Pro™)

DMAE (dimethylaminoethanol, see centrophenoxine, Crème-Pro™ Smoother), DMSA (dimercaptosuccinic acid, see ACF228™, Detox-Pro™), Docosahexaenoic acid (see DHA), Dostinex® (see cabergoline)

Deprenyl (selegiline)


NEW: D3-Pro™ 12x 50,000 IU capsules retail $30 IAS price $22.49 - Item Code: 842

Jumex® 50x 5mg tablets retail $69 IAS price $59.99 - Item Code: 35 Dep-Pro™ 20ml/ 300mg liquid (HCL) bottle retail $90 IAS price $82.49 Item Code: 746

Dercos® (aminexil)

Dercos® 200ml bottle shampoo retail $25 IAS price $21.99 - Item Code: 17

Desmopressin (Minurin®, also see vasopressin)

Minurin® 2.5ml nasal spray retail $35 IAS price $32.49 - Item Code: 229

Detox-Pro™ (DSMA)

Detox-Pro™ 45 capsules retail $30 IAS price $24.99 - Item Code: 0716

DHA (docosahexaenoic acid, see krill), Diapid® (see vasopressin)


Diet-Pro™ 90 capsules retail $45 IAS price $35.99 - Item Code: 430

Doxycycline 8x 100mg capsules retail $25 IAS price $21.99 - Item Code: 164

D-pantethine (see Can-C Plus™), D-panthenol (see Nanogen® conditioner)

Dr. Gordon’s Organic Greens

Organic best of greens® 10 oz. bottle powder retail $35 IAS price $34.99 - Item Code: 688

Dutasteride (Avodart®; Avodart®) Avodart® 30x 0.5mg tablets retail $89 IAS price $79.99 - Item Code: 276

EBIXA (see Memantine) EDTA (ethylene diamine tetraacetic acid, see Beyond Chelation Improved®, Beyond Clean®, Beyond Fiber®), Eldepryl® (see deprenyl), EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid, see krill), Ergoloid mesylate (see hydergine, nicergoline)

Esnatri™ cream (bio-identical triple estrogen cream)

Esnatri™ 50ml 100mg cream retail $55 IAS price $49.99 - Item Code: 25 // Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 // e-mail:


Essential Daily Defence® (see Beyond Chelation Improved®), Estradiol (see Esnatri™), Estriol (see Esnatri™), Estrone (see Esnatri™), Eurycoma Longifolia (see Vigor-Pro™)

Finesteride (Proscar®; Propecia®,

Gamalate B6® 60x 250mg tablets retail $20 IAS price $17.99 - Item Code: 27

Garlic (see see Beyond Chelation Improved®)

also see Hair-Pro™)

Gengigel® mouthwash

Proscar® 15x 5mg tablets retail $40 IAS price $37.49 - Item Code: 67

Genotropin® (see HGH)

Florinef® (see Fludrocortisone)


Finesteride generic 28x 5mg tablets retail $40 IAS price $34.99 - Item Code: 749

Fluconazole (Diflucan®; Loitin®) Loitin® 7x 50mg capsules retail $39 IAS price $29.99 - Item Code: 307

Folic acid (folate, see ACF228™, Beyond Chelation Improved®, Beyond B12®; HRT Plus®, Joint-Pro™, Lithium-Pro™, Nitric-Pro™, Vigor-Pro™), Forced Expiry Volume- Lungs (see PulmoLife®)


Fludro-Pro™ 100x 20mcg tablets retail $20 IAS price $14.99 - Item Code: 759

Fructoborate (see Andro-Pro™), GABA (gamma-aminohydroxybutyric acid, see Gamalate B6®, picamilone)

Gengigel® 150ml bottle liquid retail $19 IAS price $14.99 - Item Code: 550

Gerovital-H3® 5x 5ml ampoules retail $59 IAS price $49.99 - Item Code: 258 Gerovital-H3® 25x 100mg tablets retail $35 IAS price $29.99 - Item Code: 29 GH3-Pro™ 60x 100mg tablets retail $20 IAS price $17.99 - Item Code: 360

GH (growth hormone, see HGH), Ginkgo biloba (see Beyond Chelation Improved®, Vigor-Pro™), Glucophage (see metformin), Glucosamine (see Joint-Pro™), Glucuronolactone (see Detox-Pro™)


NEW: GHRP2-Pro™ 120ml 120mg liquid bottle retail $180 IAS price $159.99 - Item Code: 872

Glutathione (also see ACF228™

Gabapentin (Neurontin®)

Breathe Easy)

GABOB (also see Gamalate®)

Glycerine (glycerin, see Can-C™, Nanogen® hydrator, Nexiclear®), Glycosides (see BEC5 Curaderm®), Grape fruit extract (naringenin, see Prostate-Pro™), Grape seed extracts (see Beyond Chelation Improved®, Prostate-Pro™, Resveratrol-Pro™), Green tea extracts (see DietPro™, Nexiclear®, Resveratrol-Pro™, ProstatePro™), Growth hormone (see HGH), Gymnena sylvestre extracts (see Diet-Pro™)

NEW: Neurontin® 100x 300mg capsules retail $35 IAS price $29.99 - Item Code: 875

Gamibetal® 20x 500mg tablets retail $39 IAS price $32.49 - Item Code: 402

Galantamine (Reminyl®)

Reminyl® 28x 8mg tablets retail $79 IAS price $69.99 - Item Code: 611


Gamalate B6®

NEW: Advanced Cellular Glutathione® 2 oz. spray retail $40 IAS price $39.99 - Item Code: 832 // Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 // e-mail:


NEW: Hair-Pro™ 2 oz. spray bottle retail $180 IAS price $169.99 - Item Code: 765

Hawthorne Berry (crataegus, see Beyond Chelation Improved®, Neo40®), Heart rate measurement (see Bio-CLIP™, Bio-CUFF™)


NEW: HemaGel® 5 gram tube cream retail $19 IAS price $17.49 - Item Code: 820

HGH (human growth hormone, somatropin, see IGF-1, Sermorelin, Beyond GHS®, GABOB, GHRP2, GHRP6), Humatrope® (see HGH), Hyaluronic acid (see Crème-Pro™ Protector, Gengigel®, Hair-Pro™, Hy-Col™)

HRT Plus®(pueraria mirifica) HRT Plus® 60 tablets retail $50 IAS price $49.99 - Item Code: 496

Hy-Col® (collagen)

Hy-Col™ 120x 250mg capsules retail $35 IAS price $29.99 - Item Code: 553

Hydergine (ergoloid mesylate) Hydergine® 30x 4.5mg tablets retail $34 IAS price $27.49 - Item Code: 32

Hydergine® 40mg 40ml liquid bottle retail $24 IAS price $19.99 - Item Code: 31


Hydro-Pro® 100x 5mg capsules retail $29 IAS price $24.99 - Item Code: 760

Hydrogen (see Active H-Minus®), Hydrogen peroxide (see Nexiclear®)

Idebenone (also see Crème-Pro™ Protector)

Idebenone 60x 30mg capsules retail $29 IAS price $24.99 - Item Code: 492

IGF-1 (insulin like growth factor, see Hair-Pro™), Indol-3-Carbinol (I3C, see DIM)

Injection packs

Intramuscular kit 20x pack retail $25 IAS price $21.99 - Item Code: 439 Subcutaneous kit 20x pack retail $25 IAS price $21.99 - Item Code: 438

Inosine (see Beyond GHS®), Inositol (see Beyond Chelation Improved®), Iodide (see ACF228™), Iodine (see ACF228™, Beyond Chelation Improved®), Isoflavonoids (see HRT Plus®), Ixel® (see milnacipran), Jerusalem artichoke (see Beyond Fiber®)


Joint Pro™ 180 capsules retail $50 IAS price $44.99 - Item Code: 432

Jumex® (see deprenyl), Ketoconazole (see Nizoral®), Kohki leaf extract (see Prostate-Pro™)


Krill 60x 500mg gel capsules retail $45 IAS price $39.99 - Item Code: 584

Laetrile (amygdalin; VitaB17®) B17 cream 50ml 1% retail $89 IAS price $79.99 - Item Code: 763

L-arginine (see arginine)

L-carnosine (also see ACF228™; Can-C™; Can-C Plus™; Cardio-Pro™) Carnosine 60x 250mg capsules retail $29 IAS price $24.49 - Item Code: 784 L-citrulline (see Neo40®), L-cysteine (see Nanogen® conditioner), Lecithin (see Crème-Pro™ Cellulite), L-histidine (see Can-C Plus™), Lemon grass (see Dr Gordon’s Organic Greens®), Licorice (see Beyond GHS®, Digestif®), Lipoic acid (alpha version see Beyond Chelation Improved®; R-version see ATP-Boost™), Lithium orotate (see Cardio-Pro™, Lithium-Pro™) // Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 // e-mail:



Lithium-Pro™ 60 capsules retail $25 IAS price $19.99 - Item Code: 717

L-methione (see ACF228™; Can-C Plus™), L-proline (see Nitric-Pro™), Lucidril® (see centrophenoxine), Lumbrokinase (see Boluoke®), Lupine extract (see Nanogen® serum)



Dianben® 50x 850mg tablets retail $25 IAS price $22.99 - Item Code: 382 Metforal® 50x 500mg tablets retail $24 IAS price $19.99 - Item Code: 42 NEW: Metformin SR® 56x 500mg tablets retail $29 IAS price $24.99 - Item Code: 874

L-tryptophan 50x 500mg capsules retail $20 IAS price $14.99 - Item Code: 666

Methione (see Beyond Chelation Improved®)

Lycopene (see DIM-Pro™; Prostate-Pro™), Lysine (see Nitric-Pro™)

Ixel® 56x 50mg tablets retail $75 IAS price $69.99 - Item Code: 400

Milnacipran (Ixel®; Savella®)

Maca® (Longevity Maca®; lepidium

Minerals (general, see Quinton®), Minoxidil (see MinSaw™)

NEW: Longevity Maca® 175 grams powder retail $40 IAS price $39.99 - Item Code: 851


meyenii walp)

Magnesium (see Andro-Pro™, Beyond Chelation Improved®, Bone-Pro™, Digestif®, Gamalate B6®, Nitric-Pro™), Malic acid (see Beyond Chelation Improved®), Manganese (see Beyond Chelation Improved®, Bone-Pro™), Marigold (see Nexiclear®), Mastic (see Digestif®), Meclofenoxane (see centrophenoxine)

Melatonin (MZS™; Melatonin Zn Se®) MZS™ 60x 3mg tablets retail $30 IAS price $19.99 - Item Code: 701

UK can order in Pounds Sterling at: Melon extracts (see Diet-Pro™)

Memantine (Namenda®; Ebixa®)

NEW: Memantine-Pro™ 42x 10mg capsules retail $115 IAS price $99.49 - Item Code: 727

Melanocyte stimulating hormone (see Melanotan II)

Melotan II

NEW: Melanotan-Pro™ 5ml 500IU nasal spray retail $80 IAS price $69.99


Metformin (Glucophage®;

MinSaw™ 30ml bottle topical liquid retail $45 IAS price $39.99 - Item Code: 728

Miroestrol (see HRT Plus®), Mito-Pro™ (see ATP-Boost™)

Moclobemide (Manerix®/ Moclamine®)

Moclamine® 30x 150mg tablets retail $34 IAS price $24.99 - Item Code: 39

Modafinil (also see adrafinil) Alertec® 30x 100mg tablets retail $180 IAS price $159.99 Modiodal® 30x 100mg tablets retail $150 IAS price $129.99 Provigil® 30x 100mg tablets retail $190 IAS price $174.99 Note: This product is only available via and payable via eChecks or bank wire only. Molybdenum (see Beyond Chelation Improved®, Joint-Pro™), MSM (methylsulfonomethane, see Beyond Chelation Improved®, Bio-En’R-Gy®, Nitric-Pro™), N-acetylcarnosine (see Can-C™), N-acetylcysteine (see ACF228™, Can-C™ Plus), // Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 // e-mail:

NADH (Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, see Crème-Pro™ Moisturizer, PQQ)

Naltrexone (Navcol®)

Naltrex-Pro™ 30x 4.5mg capsules retail $60 IAS price $54.99 - Item Code: 637

Namenda® (see Memantine)

Nanogen® conditioner

Nanogen® 240ml tube conditioner MEN retail $20 IAS price $19.99 - Item Code: 752 Nanogen® 240ml tube conditioner WOMEN retail $20 IAS price $19.99 - Item Code: 752

Nanogen® serum

Nanogen® 30ml serum dropper MEN retail $56.99 IAS price $54.99 - Item Code: 822 Nanogen® 30ml serum dropper WOMEN retail $56.99 IAS price $54.99 - Item Code: 822

Nanogen® shampoo

Nanogen® 240ml tube shampoo MEN retail $22 IAS price $17.99 - Item Code: 751 Nanogen® 240ml tube shampoo WOMEN retail $22 IAS price $17.99 - Item Code: 751 Needles (see injection packs), Neurontin® (see Gabapentin), Nettle root extract (see Prostate-Pro™)


Neo40 Daily® 30x lozenges retail $60 IAS price $59.99 - Item Code: 790

Nettle root extract (see Prostate-Pro™)


NEW: Mask, pads & spray kit retail $60 IAS price $59.99 - Item Code: 834

Niacin (nicotinate, niacinamide, see vitamin B3)

Nicergoline (Sermion®)

Sermion® 50x 10mg tablets retail $49 IAS price $44.99 - Item Code: 489

Nitric Oxide Saliva Test Strips Neo40® 10 saliva strips $25 IAS price $24.99 Item Code: 866


Nitric-Pro™ 225 grams powder retail $40 IAS price $35.99 - Item Code: 792

Nizoral® shampoo (2% ketoconazole) Nizoral® 60ml bottle shampoo retail $15 IAS price $12.49 - Item Code: 437

Nordihydroguaiaretic acid (NDGA, see ACF228™, Digestif®), Norditropin® (see HGH), Oat grass (see Dr Gordon’s Organic Greens®), Omega 3 (see Beyond Chelation Improved®, krill), Omega 6 (linoleic acid, GLA, see Beyond Chelation Improved®, krill), Omega 9 (oleic acid, see Beyond Chelation Improved®, krill), Oxythiocynate (OCSN, thiocynates, see 1st Line™)

Oxytocin (Oxy-Pro™)

Oxytocin 24x 20 IU sublingual troches retail $85 IAS price $79.99 - Item Code: 660 NEW: Oxy-Pro® 5ml 500 IU nasal spray retail $60 IAS price $54.99 - Item Code: 823

PABA (para-aminobenzoic acid, see Beyond Chelation Improved®, Gerovital®), Palladium (see Cardio-Pro™), Palmitate (see Beyond Chelation Improved®), Pancreatin (see Wobenzym®), Panthenol (pantothenic acid, see vitamin B5), Papain (see Beyond Chelation Improved®, Wobenzym®)

Penicillin (Penilevel®)

Penilevel® 30x 250mg sachets powder retail $35 IAS price $29.99 - Item Code: 206

Pentavita (see Nanogen®)

Peptide Bioregulators

NEW: Adrenals (Glandokort®) 20x 200mg capsules retail $90 IAS price $79.99 - Item Code: 853 NEW: Blood vessels (Ventfort®) 20x 200mg capsules retail $90 IAS price $79.99 Item Code: 868 NEW: Brain (Cerluten®) 20x 200mg capsules retail $90 IAS price $79.99 - Item Code: 867 // Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 // e-mail:


Peptide Bioregulators NEW: Cartilage (Sigumir®) 20x 200mg capsules retail $90 IAS price $79.99 - Item Code: NEW: Eyesight (Visoluten®) 20x 200mg capsules retail $90 IAS price $79.99 - Item Code: 856 NEW: Kidneys (Pielotak®) 20x 200mg capsules retail $90 IAS price $79.99 - Item Code: 869 NEW: Liver (Svetinorm®) 20x 200mg capsules retail $90 IAS price $79.99 - Item Code: NEW: Pancreas (Suprefort®) 20x 200mg capsules retail $90 IAS price $79.99 - Item Code: NEW: Pineal (Endoluten®) 20x 200mg capsules retail $115 IAS price $97.49 NEW: Prostate (Libidon®) 20x 200mg capsules retail $90 IAS price $79.99 - Item Code: 854 NEW: Testes (Testoluten®) 20 x 200mg capsules retail $90 IAS price $79.99 - Item Code: 855 NEW: Thyroid (Thyreogen®) 20x 200mg capsules retail $90 IAS price $79.99 - Item Code:

Phenytoin (Dilantin®, Epanutin®)

NEW: PQQ-Pro™ 30x 20mg capsules retail $40 IAS price $35.99 - Item Code: 837

Pueraria mirifica (see HRT Plus®)


PulmoLife®1 Spirometer + 4 tubes retail $155 IAS price $139.99 - Item Code: 781 PulmoLife®25 additional tubes retail $25 IAS price $19.99 - Item Code: 782


Pramiracetam 40x 300mg tablets retail $60 IAS price $49.99 - Item Code: 451

Prasterone (see DHEA)


Pregnenolone 50x 100mg capsules retail $25 IAS price $19.99 - Item Code: 335

Phen-Pro™ 28x 25mg capsules retail $20 IAS price $17.99 - Item Code: 786

Procaine (Novocain®, see Gerovital®, Crème-Pro™ Moisturizer)

Phosphatidylcholine (see Beyond Chelation Improved®, Crème-Pro™ Cellulite), Phosphatidylserine (see Beyond Chelation Improved®), Phospholipids (see krill), Phosphorous (see Bone-Pro™, Nitric-Pro™)



Picamilone 60x 50mg tablets retail $25 IAS price $17.49 - Item Code: 184

Progesterone 50ml 2.5 grams cream retail $35 IAS price $29.99 - Item Code: 789

Propranolol (Inderal®)

Inderal® 30x 40mg tablets retail $19 IAS price $14.99 - Item Code: 34


Pimagidine (see aminoguanidine)

Prostate-Pro™ 90x 500mg tablets retail $55 IAS price $49.49 - Item Code: 433

Piracetam (Nootropil®; also

Pueraria mirifica (see HRT Plus®), Pygeum africanum (see Nanogen®, Prostate-Pro™)

see Anacervix®)

Nootropil® 20 grams 100ml liquid retail $24 IAS price $19.99 - Item Code: 50 Nootropil® 60x 800mg tablets retail $29 IAS price $27.49 - Item Code: 205 Polyphenols (see grape seed extract), Pomegranate extracts (see Andro-Pro™), Potassium (see Beyond Chelation Improved®, Gerovital®), Potassium iodide (see ACF228™) 40

PQQ (pyroloquinoline quinone)


Pyri Pro 60x 50mg tablets retail $35 IAS price $29.99 - Item Code: 449


Cerbon 6® 60x 100mg tablets retail $25 IAS price $19.99 - Item Code: 167

Pyroloquinoline quinone (see PQQ), Quercetin (see Digestif®, Resveratrol-Pro™) // Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 // e-mail:


Isotonic® 24 oral ampoules retail $45 IAS price $39.99 - Item Code: 681 Hypertonic® 24 oral ampoules retail $45 IAS price $39.99 - Item Code: 682


NEW: Rasagiline-Pro™ 30x 1mg capsules retail $99 IAS price $89.99 - Item Code: 827

Reboxetine (Edronax®; Davedax®) Edronax® 60x 4mg tablets retail $60 IAS price $59.99 - Item Code: 22

Red algae (carrageenan, see Beyond Chelation Improved®), Red yeast (see Beyond Chelation Improved®), Reminyl® (see Galantamine), Resveratrol (see ACF228™, Beyond Chelation Improved®, Cardio-Pro™, Crème-Pro™ Protector, MinSaw™, Resveratrol-Pro™)


Resveratrol-Pro™ 60 capsules retail $30 IAS price $24.99 - Item Code: 647


Retirides® 30ml 0.025% cream retail $40 IAS price $32.49 - Item Code: 254 Retirides® 30ml 0.050% cream retail $45 IAS price $39.99 - Item Code: 764 Retirides® 30ml 0.100% cream retail $60 IAS price $44.99 - Item Code: 74 Retin-A® 20ml 0.100% micro-gel retail $75 IAS price $69.99 - Item Code: 744

Retinolic acid (tretinoin, see MinSaw™, Retin-A®), Ribonucleic acids (RNA, see Cerebrolysin®, NeyDent®, NeyGeront®), Ribose (see Bio-En’R-Gy®), Rice bran husks (see Beyond Fiber®), R-lipoic acid (see ATP-Boost™)

Roxithromycin (Rulid®)

Rulid® 10x 150mg tablets retail $25 IAS price $22.49 - Item Code: 635

Rutin (see Wobenzym®), Saizen® (see HGH), Salacia reticulata extracts (see Diet-Pro™),

Salicylic acid (see BEC5 Curaderm®, Nanogen® shampoo, Nexiclear®)

SAMe (S-Adenosyl-L-Methionine; SAMYR®)

SAMYR® 20x 400mg enteric-coated tablets retail $69 IAS price $59.99 - Item Code: 231 Saw palmetto (Serena repens, see MinSaw™; Nanogen®)


Scalproller® 0.3mm roller kit retail $79 IAS price $69.99 - Item Code: 762

Selepryl® (see deprenyl), Selegiline (see deprenyl), Selenium (see ACF228™, Beyond Chelation Improved®, Detox-Pro™, MZS™, Prostate-Pro™, Thym-Uvocal®)


Sermo-Pro® 30ml/ 30mg liquid bottle retail $225 IAS price $199.99 Item Code: 714

Shave grass (see Dr Gordon’s Organic Greens®), Silicon/ Silica (see Beyond Chelation Improved®; Bone-Pro™, Nanogen™, Wobenzym®)

Silver protein (ACS®)

Advanced Cellular Silver 200® 2 oz. spray retail $35 IAS price $34.99 - Item Code: 596

Soapwort (see Nexiclear®), Solasodine glycosides (see BEC5 Curaderm®), Somatomedin C (see IGF-1), Somatropin (see HGH), Spirulina (see Dr Gordon’s Organic Greens®)

Stablon® (tianeptine)

Stablon@ 60x 12.5mg tablets retail $69 IAS price $59.99 - Item Code: 748

Stevia (see Dr Gordon’s Organic Greens®), Strontium (see Bone-Pro™), Succinic acid (DMSA, see Heavy Detox®), Superoxide dismutase (SOD, see Nanogen® serum), Syringes (see injection packs) 41


TA65® 30 capsules IAS price $218.99 - Item Code: 755 TA65® 90 capsules IAS price $599.99 - Item Code: 754


Tamanu 50ml bottle oil retail $25 IAS price $21.99 - Item Code: 724

Telomeres/ telomerase (see TA65®), Temple viper venom (synthetic, see Crème-Pro™ Smoother)

Tetracycline (Ambramicina®)

Ambramicina® 16x 250mg tablets retail $29 IAS price $19.99 - Item Code: 143

Thymus (Thym-Uvocal®)

Thym-Uvocal® 90x 200mg capsules retail $115 IAS price $99.99 - Item Code: 691

Thyroid (Armour®; Synthroid®) Armour® 100x 15mg tablets retail $49 IAS price $47.99 - Item Code: 411 Armour® 100x 30mg tablets retail $59 IAS price $54.99 - Item Code: 468

Westhroid® 100x 15mg tablets retail $39 IAS price $34.99 - Item Code: 613 Westhroid ® 100x 30mg tablets retail $49 IAS price $37.99 - Item Code: 324 Westhroid ® 100x 45mg tablets retail $54 IAS price $44.99 - Item Code: 324 Westhroid ® 100x 60mg tablets retail $59 IAS price $49.99 - Item Code: 323 Westhroid ® 100x 120mg tablets retail $89 IAS price $79.99 - Item Code: 460 Our synthetic thyroids include:

NEW: IBSA® 25 tablets (21.4mcg T3 and 74mcg T4) retail $35 IAS price $29.99 - Item Code: 778 Titre® (T3) 50x 20mcg tablets retail $35 IAS price $29.99 - Item Code: 314 Tiromel® (T3) 100x 25 mcg tablets retail $45 IAS price $39.99 - Item Code: 811 Eutirox® (T4) 84x 100mcg tablets retail $25 IAS price $21.99 - Item Code: 662

Armour® 100x 90mg tablets retail $89 IAS price $84.99 - Item Code: 594

Thyrotropin releasing hormone (see TRH), TMG (trimethylglycine, betaine, see Beyond Chelation Improved®, Bio-En’R-Gy®, Joint-Pro™), Tocotrienols (see Beyond Chelation Improved®), Tribulus terrestris (see Andro-Pro™, Beyond GHS®, Vigor-Pro™)

Armour® 100x 120mg tablets retail $109 IAS price $99.99 - Item Code: 410

TRH (Abaris™)

Armour® 100x 60mg tablets retail $69 IAS price $64.99 - Item Code: 7

ERFA 100x 30mg tablets retail $45 IAS price $39.99 - Item Code: 736 NEW: ERFA 500x 30mg tablets retail $150 IAS price $129.99 - Item Code: 876

NEW: Abaris™ 20 x 5mg sublingual tablets retail $250 IAS price $199.99 - Item Code: 793

ERFA 100x 60mg tablets retail $60 IAS price $54.99 - Item Code: 737

Trypsin (see Wobenzym®), TRX (see Hair-Pro™), Ubiquinol (see CoQ10), Ubiquinone (see CoQ10), Urea (see BEC5 Curaderm®), Urtica dioica (see Nanogen®)

NEW: ERFA 500x 60mg tablets retail $195 IAS price $179.99 - Item Code: 877

Valdoxan® (agomelatine)

ERFA 100x 125mg tablets retail $95 IAS price $89.99 - Item Code: 738 42

NEW: ERFA 500x 125mg tablets retail $260 IAS price $239.99 - Item Code: 878

Valdoxan® 28x 25mg tablets retail $149 IAS price $132.49 - Item Code: 690 // Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 // e-mail:

Vasopressin (also see desmopressin)

NEW: Vaso-Pro® 5 ml 500 IU nasal-spray retail $69 IAS price $64.49 - Item Code: 838

Vigor-Pro™), Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol, see Beyond Chelation Improved®, Bone-Pro™, D3Pro™), Vitamin C (ascorbic acid, see Beyond Chelation Improved®, Bio-En’R-Gy C®, Bone-Pro™, Digestif®; MinSaw™, Neo40®, Nitric-Pro™)

Vanadium (see Beyond Chelation Improved, Diet Pro), VEGF (see Hair-Pro™, Nanogen® conditioner, Nanogen™ hydrator, Nanogen® serum, Nanogen® shampoo)

Vitamin C test strips (Vitacheck-C®)

Venlafaxine (Efexor®)

Vitamin E (tocopherols, see Beyond Chelation Improved®, Can-C Plus™, Nitric-Pro™, ProstatePro™, Resveratrol-Pro™, Vigor-Pro™), Vitamin K1 (phylloquinone, see Bone-Pro™), Vitamin K2 (menatretrenone, see Beyond Chelation Improved®, Bone-Pro™), Wheat grass (see Dr Gordon’s Organic Greens®)

Venlafaxine 60x 37.5mg tablets retail $45 IAS price $37.49 - Item Code: 488

Viagra® (sildenafil)

Viagra® 4x 100mg tablets retail $88 IAS price $79.99 - Item Code: 90

NEW: Vitacheck-C® 50 strips retail $15 IAS price $12.99 - Item Code: 774



Vigor-Pro™ 90 capsules retail $25 IAS price $21.49 - Item Code: 761

Wobenzym® 200 tablets retail $70 IAS price $69.99 - Item Code: 381

Wormwood (see artemisinin)

Vincamine (see Anacervix®)

Vinpocetine (Intelectol®)

Intelectol® 50x 5mg tablets retail $19 IAS price $15.99 - Item Code: 91

Vitamin A (beta carotene, palmitate, see Beyond Chelation Improved®), Vitamin B1 (thiamine, see Beyond Chelation Improved®, Nitric-Pro™), Vitamin B1 (see benfotiamine), Vitamin B2 (riboflavin, see Beyond Chelation Improved®, Nitric-Pro™, Vigor-Pro™), Vitamin B3 (niacin, niacinamide, see Beyond Chelation Improved®, Crème-Pro™ Cellulite, Nanogen® hydrator, Nanogen® serum, Nitric-Pro™, picamilone; Vigor-Pro™, Xan-Pro™), Vitamin B5 (panthenol, pantothenic acid, see Beyond Chelation Improved®, Nitric-Pro™, Vigor-Pro™), Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine, see ACF228™, Andro-Pro™, Beyond B12®, Beyond Chelation Improved®, Gamalate B6®; Joint-Pro™, HRT Plus®, Nanogen®; Nitric-Pro™, Vigor-Pro™), Vitamin B6 (see pyridoxamine), Vitamin B12 (cobalamin, see Beyond B12®, Beyond Chelation Improved®, Crème-Pro™ Moisturizer, Joint-Pro™, Lithium-Pro™, Neo40®,

Xan-Pro® (xanthinol nicotinate) Xan-Pro® 50x 150mg tablets retail $20 IAS price $17.49 - Item Code: 552

Yohimbe (see Vigor-Pro™)

Yohimbine (also see Crème-Pro™ Cellulite, Vigor-Pro™)

Plain Prowess® 100x 5mg tablets retail $59 IAS price $49.99 - Item Code: 94

Zeolite (also see Nexiclear®) ZeoGold® 30 capsules retail $60 IAS price $59.99 - Item Code: 684

NEW: Advanced Cellular Zeolite®2 oz. spray retail $40 IAS price $39.99 - Item Code: 833 Zinc (see Andro-Pro™, Beyond Chelation Improved®, Can-C Plus™, MZS™, Nanogen® shampoo, Thym-Uvocal®) // Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 // e-mail:


Condition cross-reference list


This cross-reference list highlights individual products that have been used to treat & prevent various aging disorders. Note: It does not mean that all these products are synergistic together.

ADHD (ADD, attention deficit disorder, see mental

HRT Plus®, maca, Quinton®

Addison’s disease

Aldosterone, Peptide Bioregulator- Glandokort®


Adrenal fatigue

aldosterone, hydrocortisone, Peptide Bioregulator Glandokort®

AGE (Advanced Glycated End Products, cross linking of proteins)

ACF228™, aminoguanidine, Can-C Plus™, Cardio-Pro™, L-carnosine, metformin, pyridoxamine

Age Related Macular Degeneration (see eyesight)

Age Related Mental Decline (see cognitive) Aids (see HIV) Alcoholism (also see compulsive disorders) 5HTP, L-tryptophan, memantine


Bio-En’R-Gy C®, Joint-Pro™, pregnenolone, ThymUvocal®, Wobenzym®

ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, see Lou Gehrig’s disease)

Alzheimer’s (see senile dementia) Aminoacids (including di-peptides)

5HTP, ACF228™, ATP-Boost™, Beyond GHS®, CardioPro™, L-carnosine, L-tryptophan, Nitric-Pro

Anabolic (see growth hormone & testosterone) Anginas (see heart, arterial & blood) Animal use

Can-C™ eye-drops, deprenyl, L-tryptophan

Antiaging (as impacting on a particular theory of aging)

Aminoguanidine (glycosylation), centrophenoxine (membrane), hydergine (mitochondrial), L-carnosine (Hayflick), melatonin (rotational), metformin (neuroendocrine), resveratrol (calorie restriction), ACF228™ (free radical), TA65 (telomeres)

Anti-biotics (also see influenzas & infections)

Ciproxin, doxycycline, penicillin, roxithromycin, tetracycline


Anti-depressants (also see depression & well being)

Lithium-Pro™, milnacipran (Ixel®), moclobemide (Manerix®), reboxetine (Edronax®), Stablon®, Valdoxan® (aglomelatine), venlafaxine (Efexor®)

Anti-inflammatory (see inflammation) Anti-oxidants (free radical scavengers)

ACF228™, Active H-minus®, ATP-Boost™, Bio-En’RGy®, glutathione, idebenone, melatonin, pyritinol

Cardiovascular (see heart & arterial disorders) Cataplexy (sudden fatigue) Adrafinil, modafinil, picamilone

Cataract (also see eyesight) Can-C™, Can-C Plus™

Central Nervous System (CNS) Peptide Bioregulator - Cerluten®

Chelation agents (removing heavy metals, also

Anxiety (see stress)

see detox)

ARMD (see eyesight)

Beyond Chelation Improved®, Beyond Fiber®, Bio-En’RGy C®, centrophenoxine, Detox-Pro™, Dr. Gordon’s organic greens®, L-carnosine, zeolite

Aromatase inhibitors

Arimidex®, Beyond HRT®, DIM-Pro2™, progesterone

Arterial (See heart, arterial & blood) Arthritis (rheumatoid & osteo)

Cholesterol (see blood disorders) Crohn’s disease Naltrexone

Gerovital-H3®, Hy-Col™, Joint-Pro™, krill, pregnenolone, pyritinol, SAMe, Thym-Uvocal®, Wobenzym®

Asthma (see Allergies) Autism (also see chelation agents) Oxytocin, piracetam

At-home test kits (also see health diagnostics) Bio-CUFF™, Bio-CLIP™, Nitric Oxide saliva strips, PulmoLife®, vitamin C urine strips

Back Problems (see spine)

Chronic fatigue syndrome (see mental stimulants & physical energy improvement)

Cognitive (also see memory & senile dementias) Alertness: Adrafinil, modafinil Creativity: Aniracetam, piracetam, pramiracetam Concentration: Phosphatidylserine Focus: Deprenyl, desmopressin, vasopressin Energy: ATP-Boost™, centrophenoxine, picamilone General support: Gerovital-H3®, vinpocetine Intelligence: Hydergine Work load: Hydergine, thyroid

Compulsive disorder treatment (also see

Bell’s palsy


Beyond B12®

5HTP, Gamalate-B6®, L-tryptophan, picamilone

Beta blockers

Cortisol alteration (also see stress)


Blood disorders (see heart, arterial & blood) Blood pressure

Neo40®, Nitric-Pro™, oxytocin, propranolol, vinpocetine

Bone problems (also see joints & arthritis) Andro-Pro™, Bone-Pro™, Esnatri™, Hy-Col™, progesterone, SAMe, thyroid

Breathing (see Lungs) Cancer (also see anti-oxidants & radiation)

1st Line™, Arimidex®, artemisinin, BEC5® Curaderm, Bio-En’R-Gy C®, bromocriptine, CurcuminSR™, D3Pro™, DIM-Pro2™, HRT Plus®, laetrile, melatonin, metformin, naltrexone, progesterone, Resveratrol-Pro™, Thym-Uvocal®, TRH, Wobenzym®

Aldosterone, fludrocortisone, GABOB, Gamalate B6®, hydrocortisone, Peptide Bioregulator - Glandokort®, Gerovital-H3®, phenytoin

Cross linking (see advanced glycated end products)

Deep vein thrombosis (see frequent fliers) Dental (see teeth & gums) Depression (also see well-being & antidepressants)

5HTP, aniracetam, ATP Boost™, ATP-Boost™, CurcuminSR™ , D3-Pro™, deprenyl, Gerovital-H3®, Lithium-Pro™, L-tryptophan, milnacipran, Geront®, picamilone, piracetam, pramiracetam, pregnenolone, SAMe, Thym-Uvocal®, thyroid, Vigor-Pro™ // Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 // e-mail:


Detox (also see chelation agents)

Artemisinin, Bio-En-R-Gy C®, Beyond Clean®, Beyond Fiber®, DIM-Pro 2™, Detox-Pro™, Dr. Gordon’s organic greens®, zeolite

DHT alteration (dihydrotestosterone)

Dutasteride, finasteride, Hair-Pro™, MinSaw™, Nanogen’s®, Peptide Bioregulator - Libidon®, progesterone


Acarbose, aminoguanidine, ATP-Boost™, benfotiamine, Diet-Pro™, krill, L-carnosine, metformin, Nitric-Pro™, Peptide Bioregulator-pancreas (Suprefort™), pyridoxamine, TRH, thyroid

Dieting (See weight loss) Digestive issues

Beyond Fiber®, Digestif®, Dr. Gordon’s organic greens®

DNA support (also see telomeres)

CoQ10, D3-Pro™, krill, L-carnosine, Peptide Bioregulators, PQQ, Resveratrol-Pro, TA65®

Down’s syndrome Melatonin, piracetam

Dr. Gordon’s recommend products

Beyond B12®, Beyond Chelation Improved®, Beyond Clean®, Beyond Fiber®, Beyond GHS®, Bio En’R-Gy C®, Dr Gordon’s Organic Greens®, HRT Plus®, maca, silver protein, zeolite

Dr. Pierpaoli’s recommend products Melatonin, TRH

Dr. Wright’s recommend products Esnatri, cobalt chloride, progesterone

Energy improvement (see physical energy & mental stimulants)


Boluoke®, Wobenzym®


GABOB, Gamalate®, phenytoin

Erectile dysfunction (also see sex-libido & premature ejaculation)

Andro-Pro™, cabergoline, Cialis®, Neo40®, Nitric-Pro™, oxytocin, Viagra®, Vigor-Pro™, yohimbine

Estrogen alteration (both increases & decreases)

Arimidex®, cobalt chloride, DIM-Pro 2™, Esnatri™, HRT Plus®, progesterone


Eyesight (also see cataract, ARMD & glaucoma) ARMD: MZS™ Cataracts: Can-C™, Can-C™ Plus Contact lenses: Can-C™ Dry eyes: Can-C™ General support: Aminoguanidine, Peptide Bioregulator - Visoluten®, vinpocetine Glaucoma: Can-C™ Retinal: MZS™, nicergoline, picamilone

Excitotoxins (reduction)

Carnosine, deprenyl, idebenone, L-carnosine, LithiumPro™, memantine


Melatonin, metformin, TRH

Fibromyalgia (also see physical energy & mental stimulants & pain relief)

1st Line, milnacipran, naltrexone, oxytocin

First Aid cabinet

1st Line™, HemaGel®, silver protein

Free radical scavengers (see anti-oxidants) Frequent fliers

1st Line, artemisinin, Cardio-Pro™, GABOB, Gamalate-B6®, Gamibetal®, L-tryptophan, melatonin, Neo40®, Nitric-Pro™, picamilone, piracetam, pregnenolone, Resveratrol-Pro™, silver protein

Gastrointestinal (see digestive) Glaucoma (see eyesight) Glucose control (see diabetes) Glycation prevention (see AGE) Gout


Growth hormone (improvement)

Beyond GHS®, bromocriptine, deprenyl, GABOB, Gamalate®, GHRP2, hydergine, Neo40®, Nitric-Pro™, Sermorelin, Thym-Uvocal®, thyroid

Hemorrhoids Nitric-Pro™

Hair improvement

Dercos®, dutasteride, finasteride, Gerovital-H3®, HairPro™, krill, MinSaw™, Nanogen’s, Nitric-Pro™, Nizoral®

Headaches (see migraines) Health diagnostics (see at home test kits) // Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 // e-mail:

Hearing disorders

Aldosterone, Anacervix®, fludrocortisone, nicergoline, picamilone, vinpocetine

Heart, arterial & blood (includes blood markers)

Arteries (hard): Aminoguanidine, Bio-CLIP™, BioCUFF™, Cardio-Pro™, L-Carnosine, Resveratrol-Pro™ Blood pressure (high): Neo40®, Nitric-Pro™, Propranolol, vinpocetine Cholesterol (high): Beyond B12®, Beyond Fiber™, CoQ10, Gerovital-H3®, TRH, Xan-Pro™ Dilation (nitric-oxide): Neo40®, Nitric-Pro™ Fibrinogen: CurcuminSR™, TRH, Wobenzym® General support: Cardio-Pro™, CoQ10, krill, Peptide Bioregulator - Ventfort®, PQQ, vinpocetine, Wobenzym® Glucose (high): Acarbose, metformin, TRH Glycated end-products: Aminoguanidine, metformin Heart pulse (irregular): ATP-Boost™, Bio En’R-Gy C®, thyroid Heavy metals (chelate): Beyond Chelation Improved®, Beyond Fiber®, Bio En’R-Gy C®, Heavy Detox™ Homocysteine: Beyond B12®, Beyond Chelation Improved®, Bio En’R-Gy C®, TRH Lipofuscin: Centrophenoxine Plaques (clots): Boluoke® Triglycerides: Bio En’R-Gy C®, CurcuminSR™, krill, TRH

Human growth hormone (see growth hormone)


Active H-minus®

Hypertension (see blood pressure) Immune system improvement (also see infections)

1st Line™, ATP-Boost™, Beyond B12®, L-carnosine, maca, melatonin, Peptide Bioregulator- thymus (Vladonix®), Peptide Bioregulator- thyroid (Thyreogen®), pyritinol, Resveratrol-Pro™, Thym-Uvocal®, thyroid

Infections (also see immune system

improvement, anti-biotics & influenzas)

1st Line™, artemisinin, fluconazole, silver protein, Wobenzym®

Inflammation (reduction)

Beyond Chelation Improved®, Bio-En’R-Gy®, Boluoke®, CurcuminSR™, Digestif®, Dr. Gordon’s organic greens®, krill, maca, pregnenolone, Thym-Uvocal®, Wobenzym®

Influenzas (also see anti-biotics, infections & immune system improvement) 1st Line™, Relenza®

Hepatitis (see liver and infections)

Insulin & glucose control (see diabetes)

Herpes (also see anti-biotics)

Intestinal flora (see probiotics)

1st Line™, ACF228™, silver protein, Wobenzym®

HIV (also see immune system improvement) 1st Line™, melatonin, naltrexone, Thym-Uvocal®

HGH (see growth hormone) Homocysteine (see blood disorders) Hormones (includes hormonal support supplements)

Bio-identical: Aldosterone, Esnatri™, melatonin, oxytocin, pregnenolone, progesterone, TRH Natural (animal): Armour® thyroid, ERFA® thyroid, Nature® thyroid, Thym-Uvocal®, vasopressin, West® thyroid Synthetic: Desmopressin, Eutirox® thyroid, fludrocortisone, hydrocortisone, IBSA® thyroid, Tiromel® thyroid, Titre® thyroid Supporting agents: Peptide Bioregulators, Cobalt chloride, DIM-Pro2™, GHRP2, sermorelin

HRT (hormone replacement therapy for women) Cobalt chloride, Esnatri™, HRT Plus®, melatonin, progesterone

Joints (also see bones & arthritis)

Boluoke®, Hy-Col™, Joint-Pro™, krill, Peptide Bioregulator- cartilage (Sigumir®), pregnenolone, SAMe, Thym-Uvocal®, Wobenzym®

Kidney disorders (also see infections)

Aminoguanidine, Peptide Bioregulator- Pielotak®, SAMe, TRH

Learning (also see memory & mental stimulants) Aniracetam, desmopressin, hydergine, piracetam, pramiracetam, vasopressin

Libido (see sex) Lipids (see blood disorders) Liver disorders (also see infections)

Idebenone, Peptide Bioregulator- liver (Svetinorm®), pregnenolone, SAMe, silver protein

Longevity enhancement (significant increases seen in animal studies)

Centrophenoxine, deprenyl, Desmopressin, melatonin // Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 // e-mail:


Lou Gehrig (ALS) Naltrexone, TRH


ACF228™ Breathe-Easy, Centrophenoxine, Nitric-Pro™, PulmoLife®


Milnacipran, naltrexone


1st Line™, silver protein

Macular degeneration (see ARMD & eyesight) Malaria (also see anti-biotics) Artemisinin

Menopause (see HRT) Mental stimulants

Adrafinil, aniracetam, centrophenoxine, deprenyl, desmopressin, modafinil, nicergoline, picamilone, piracetam, pramiracetam, vasopressin, Xan-Pro™

Memory (also see cognitive & senile dementia) General support: Krill, vinpocetine Imprinting (for later recall): Desmopressin, vasopressin Medium-long term: Hydergine, phosphatidylserine Short term: Aniracetam, piracetam, pramiracetam Speed of recall: Centrophenoxine, pyritinol

Methylation (conversion of one chemical into another inside the body)

ATP-Boost™, Beyond B12® Bio-En’R-Gy®, Boluoke®, SAMe, Wobenzym®, Xan-Pro™

Migraines (also see pain relief)

Beyond B12®, nicergoline, memantine, picamilone, Quinton®

Minerals (including trace- also see vitamins)

Beyond Chelation Improved®, Cardio-Pro™, Quinton®

Mitochondrial support

ATP-Boost™, CoQ10, deprenyl, glutathione, hydergine, idebenone, PQQ, pregnenolone, SAMe

Multiple Sclerosis (also see mitochondrial support)

Melatonin, naltrexone, TRH

Nail condition

Gerovital-H3®, krill

Narcolepsy (sleeping in the daytime) Adrafinil, melatonin, modafinil, picamilone

Nitric Oxide release 48

Nitric-Pro™, Neo40®, Nitric Oxide saliva test strips

Oral health care (see teeth & gums) Osteoporosis (see bone problems) Pain relief

ATP-Boost™, Gerovital-H3®, memantine, milnacipran, nicergoline, oxytocin, Wobenzym®

Parasites (see infections) Parkinson (see senile dementia) Peptides

Adrenals = Glandokort®, Blood vessels = Ventfort®, Brain (CNS) = Cerluten®, Cartilage = Sigumir®, Kidney = Pielotak®, Liver = Svetinorm®, Pancreas = Suprefort®, Pineal = Endoluten®, Prostate = Libidon®, Retina = Visoluten®, Testes = Testoluten®, Thymus = Vladonix®, Thyroid = Thyreogen®

Pets (see Animal use) Photoaging (see radiation & skin problems) Ph balance (rebalancing)

Active H-minus®, Dr. Gordon’s organic greens®, Quinton®

Physical energy improvement

Active H-minus®, ATP-Boost™, Beyond B12®, CoQ10, idebenone, L-carnosine, maca, PQQ, pregnenolone, SAMe, yohimbine

PMS (pre-menstrual syndrome)

Beyond B12®, krill, HRT Plus®, maca, vinpocetine

Premature ejaculation/ ejaculate (also see erectile dysfunction & sex-libido) Oxytocin


Beyond Fiber®, Digestif®, Dr. Gordon’s organic greens®, Quinton®

Prostate (also see cancer)

Beyond B12™, Bone-Pro™, D3-Pro™, DIM-Pro 2™, dutasteride, finasteride, HRT Plus®, melatonin, Peptide Bioregulator - Libidon®, Prostate-Pro™

Prolactin alteration

Bromocriptine, cabergoline, GABOB, Gamalate-B6®

PSA (prostate specific antigen- see prostate) Radiation (see skin problems) RNA support (see DNA support) // Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 // e-mail:

Senile dementia (also see cognitive & memory) Alzheimer’s: Centrophenoxine, CurcuminSR™, galantamine, hydergine, memantine General support: Anacervix®, aniracetam, piracetam, pramiracetam, vinpocetine, Wobenzym® Parkinson’s: bromocriptine, cabergoline, deprenyl, rasagiline


Stomach (see digestive) Sunburn (see radiation) Syndrome X (metabolic syndrome)

Aminoguanidine, ATP-Boost™, krill, melatonin, metformin

Teeth & gum disorders


Sex (libido, also see erectile dysfunction & premature ejaculation)

Andro-Pro™, deprenyl, maca, oxytocin, Vigor-Pro™, yohimbine

Skin problems

Acne: Nexiclear® Anti-glycation: Aminoguanidine, L-carnosine Anti-oxidant: Crème-Pro™ Protector Cancer (non-melanoma): BEC5® Curaderm Cellulite: Crème-Pro™ Celluless Collagen: Hy-Col™ Environmental: Crème-Pro™ Protector Fine lines: Crème-Pro™ Smoother General support: Gerovital-H3®, Quinton®, thyroid Hyaluronic acid: Hy-Col™ Infections: Silver protein, Thym-Uvocal® Moisturizer: Crème-Pro™ Moisturizer Psoriasis: Nexiclear® Radiation: Crème-Pro™ Protector, melatonin Scars/ stretch marks: Tamanu oil Sun spots: BEC5® Curaderm Wounds: HemaGel® Wrinkles: Retin-A®

Sleep disorders (both a lack of & too much)

5HTP, adrafinil, ATP-Boost™, gabapentin, L-tryptophan, melatonin, modafinil

Smoking cessation

Doxycycline, Gengigel®, NeyDent®, silver protein, Quinton®, zeolite

Telomeres (also see DNA support) Krill, L-carnosine, TA65®

Testosterone & testes (also see fertility and prostate)

Andro-Pro™, Arimidex®, Beyond B12®, Beyond GHS®, DIM-Pro 2™, melatonin, oxytocin, Peptide Bioregulator Testoluten®, TRH, Vigor-Pro™

Travel (see frequent fliers) Triglycerides (see blood disorders) Veterinarian (see animal use) Vigor


Vitamins (also see minerals)

Benfotiamine, Beyond Chelation Improved®, Bio- En’RGy®, Cardio-Pro™, CoQ10, GABOB, Gamibetal®, Gamalate®, Nitric Pro™, PQQ, pyridoxamine, Xan-Pro™


Active H-minus®, Quinton®

Weight gain

Andro-Pro™, Beyond GHS®, GABOB, sermorelin

Weight loss


Spine Issues

Peptide Bioregulator- cartilage (Sigumir®)

Sports (see growth hormone, estrogen alteration, physical energy & testosterone)

Stress (also see cortisol)

5HTP, GABOB, Gamalate-B6®, Gerovital-H3®, maca, L-tryptophan, melatonin, oxytocin, picamilone, phenytoin, propranolol, pregnenolone

5HTP, acarbose, aminoguanidine, ATP-Boost™, benfotiamine, Beyond Fiber®, Diet-Pro™, DIM-Pro 2™, Dr. Gordon’s organic greens®, galantamine, GHRP2, L-tryptophan, metformin, thyroid, TRH, Xan-Pro™

Well-being (also see depression)

Active H-minus®, Aniracetam, ATP-Boost™, Beyond B12®, deprenyl, Gamalate-B6®, Gerovital-H3®, krill, melatonin, picamilone, piracetam, pramiracetam, SAMe, Thym-Uvocal®, thyroid, Wobenzym®


Anacervix®, aniracetam, Boluoke®, hydergine, idebenone, nicergoline, Nitric-Pro™, picamilone, piracetam, PQQ, pramiracetam, pregnenolone, vinpocetine // Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 // e-mail:


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