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ROMA INTEGRATION IN EUROPE: WHY MINORITY RIGHTS ARE FAILING Iskra Uzunova* It is all the more ironic then that the last two decades have been the heydays of multiculturalism and identity politics. In some ways, belonging to a minority group has never been as accommodated and institutionally managed as it is nowadays. Indeed, there are especially relentless institutional, political and social efforts all over Europe to eradicate ethnic and racial discrimination. Nonetheless, there seem to be new discriminatory responses produced for each step taken towards more equal societies.1 I. INTRODUCTION A. An Example of a Dysfunctional Dialogue In July 2008, Italian authorities began fingerprinting thousands of Gypsies2—adults and children—living in camps throughout the country.3 The measure was adopted as part of a broader government initiative to fight street crime.4 The Italian government attempted to pass the measure as a census, assuring that only Gypsies lacking valid identification papers would be fingerprinted and claiming the measure was partly designed to help the allegedly numerous Gypsy children begging on the streets.5 Human rights organizations and Roma non-governmental organizations (NGOs) across Europe were appalled and voiced severe criticism,6 accused unlawful behavior, and even compared the Italian program to those of Nazi Germany.7

* J.D. 2010, University of Arizona, James E. Rogers College of Law. 1. Sinan Gökçen, Pictures in Our Heads, ROMA RIGHTS Q., 2007, at 1–2, available at http://www.errc.org/cikk.php?cikk=2868. 2. The terms Gypsy and Roma are used interchangeably in this Note and are defined in Part II.A infra. 3. Italy Rebuke on Roma Fingerprints, BBC NEWS, July 10, 2008, http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/7500605.stm. 4. Id. 5. Id. 6. UNICEF, for instance. Id. 7. Council of Europe Blasts Italy over Roma Fingerprinting, EURACTIV NETWORK, June 30, 2008, http://www.euractiv.com/en/socialeurope/council-europe-blasts-italy-romafingerprinting/article-173775.

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