The Black & White book ›Typical Roma?‹ is an international campaign addressing stigmatization and stereotypes as root causes of social exclusion of Roma. We want to promote a positive image of young Roma in Europe. Therefore, Roma groups from Macedonia, Albania, Bulgaria, Romania and Moldova joined forces in this campaign.
›Typical Roma?‹ was initiated by the European Roma Grassroots Organisation Network (ERGO). Besides international trainings, many national actions, a ›Most Roma-friendly Mayor‹ - competition and many activities during the Roma Summit in Córdoba. Spain, in April 2010, the campaign team produced this Black & White book. This book is written by Roma youngsters themselves, showing examples of succesful Roma participation in society in SouthEastern Europe. The book also shows examples of places where things went wrong. This is no theory, this is about real life. Read it. And learn from it.
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Roma inclusion in South-Eastern Europe in practice