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Monday, January 7, 2013 Lesson plans [Related Arts 8:45 - 9:45] Lunch 12:50 - 1:20 Recess 2:30 - 3:00 ELA – Reading/Writing Mini Lessons – Theme 7, Lesson 1

Standard s


CAFÉ Strategy


RF.1.2b: Orally produce single syllable words by blending sounds, including consonant blends. RF.1.3a: Know the spelling-sound correspondences for common consonant digraphs.

FI.1.4: Ask and answer questions to help determine or clarify the meaning of words and phrases in a text.

W.1.1.. Write opinion pieces in which they introduce the topic or name the book they are writing about, state an opinion, supply a reason for the opinion, and provide some sense of closure.


1-2.1: Recall the basic needs of plants (including air, water, nutrients, space, and light) for energy and growth.


1.NBT.1. Count to 120, starting at any number less than 120. In this range, read and write numerals and represent a number of objects with a written numeral. 1.NBT.2. Understand that the two digits of a two-digit number represent amounts of tens and ones. Understand the following as special cases. 1.NBT.2a. 10 can be thought of as a bundle of ten ones ---- called a ‘‘ten.’’ 1.NBT.2b. The numbers from 11 to 19 are composed of a ten and one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, or nine ones. 1.NBT.2c. The numbers 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90 refer to one, two, three, four, five, six,

seven, eight, or nine tens (and 0 ones).

Objective s

Students will blend sounds to read words with the /sh/ and /th/ sounds.

5.1 Place Value: Tens and Ones To provide experiences with place-value The objective of this indicator concepts for tens and ones. is to recall that plants have basic needs for energy and growth.

Students will check for understanding while The student will write an reading a non-fiction opinion piece. text.

Students will be able to recognize and illustrate the basic needs of a plant.

What do plants need to grow and be healthy?

Essential Question: How can numbers be expressed, ordered, and compared?

Vocabulary can be introduced ahead of time Vocabulary can be posted with pictures Small group/peer tutoring Additional time on task for completion

Daily Common Core Review on Pro Board Students having difficulty will be assisted in English. Intervention, On-Level, and Advanced Center Activities: Reteaching Master 5.1, Practice Master 5.1, Enrichment Master 5.1 . Encourage the children to rephrase the problem or say it in their own words.

Essential Question s

What sounds do sh and th make?

What do good readers do to comprehend what they are reading?

How do you write an opinion piece?

Accommo dations

Students needing support blending sounds to read words with /sh/ and /th/ will be worked with in a small group. They will also be sent home with the book Jill’s Fish to read this week.

Use the Comprehension Bridge during small group for students who are struggling to check for understanding while reading.

Meet with individuals or groups.


Promethean board, spelling words on cards

Promethean board, Snow is Falling from teacher’s guide (page 208).

Paper, pencils, writing rubric


Most students have been

Students have learned

Students have

Prepared data chart Markers Student Science Notebooks Pencils Previous/Future

HL 120, base-10 blocks, slate, promethean board, MJ. pg 8283, The Warlord’s beads by Virginia. Students explore base-10

Knowledg e

introduced to the /th/ and /sh/ sounds previously; however, this is new material for some students.

many other comprehension strategies, but this is the first time being introduced to check for understanding.

experienced with writing opinion pieces before.

knowledge: In kindergarten (K-2.1), students recognized the needs of organisms (including air, water, food, and shelter). In 2nd grade (22.1), students will recall the basic needs of animals (including air, water, food, and shelter) for energy, growth, and protection. Students will take this information and expand their knowledge of basic needs of plants in 3rd grade (3-2).

blocks in Unit 1 and 4. In kinder children explore place value using manipulatives.

Procedur es and Student Work

Activate Prior Knowledge: Review the /th/ and /sh/ sounds. Have students make the sounds aloud with you. 2. Introduce spelling words for the week: bath, moth, rush, shed, thin, think, you, bother, finish. I do: Discuss How word parts fit together to make complete words.Listen to how I say the word thin by blending the sounds together. Draw out and blend each sound of thin: /th/ /i/ /n/. We do: Repeat with the word ship and guide children to blend the sounds to make the word. As a group, blend several

Activate Prior Knowledge: What is the weather like in the pictures? What do you know about snow? Set purpose for listening - let’s read to listen for details about snow. I do: Read aloud pages 203-211 of the teachers guide as children view page 56 of the whole class charts. Have children listen for important details. Stop several times while reading to do a think aloud -

Review writing opinion pieces. Show an example of a question one might respond to with an opinion. (Favorite animal, food, etc. and why) Write a rough draft as a class. Come up with a list of ideas, use a web to show one way to organize ideas. Make sure the final copy has a title, an opening sentence, preferences to a topic, at least 2 facts or reasons, uses linking words, uses sources and provides a conclusion.

engage ask students what they know about plants tell students they will be studying plants for the next two months. teacher will add facts to the plant need anchor chart teacher may choose to share the pen teacher will read The Carrott Seed by Ruth Krauss or THe Tiny Seed by Eric Carle continue to add facts to the plant need chart

Review Math Message Whole Group----Introduce Vocabulary Base-10 blocks, longs, cubes, tens place and ones place. Place several examples on the promethean board and have students figure out the value. Then introduce how you trade 10 ones for a ten block. Individually -----Have students practice Tens and Ones Riddles on pg. 82 in MJ. Small group------teacher will assist students that are struggling with ones and tens blocks.

other words together on the Promethean Board.

Assessm ent

model checking for understanding by making sense of the text or stating that you are not sure what the text is saying. Explain that the three ways to check for understanding are to reread, ask questions, or think about meaning. We do: Continue reading and stop at points in the text. Ask students to share understandings with the class or to raise their hands if they are confused. Remind students that if they don’t understand what they are reading, they need to back up and reread.

You do: As students You do: Students will leave to go to the first practice this strategy round of Daily 5, show while on the carpet them flashcards with the with their partner. /th/ and /sh/ words. They Anecdotal notes should blend the sounds observe students to read the checking for words.Checklist - students understanding over should be able to blend the next three days, as

Writing rubric grade level standards cc WS first grade opinion. The writing will be assessed according to the rubric and scored on a 1-4 for their opinion, organization and focus, and language

formative assessment think, pair, share three things you learned about plant needs summative assessment illustrate a plant and add labels for what it needs to survive - see rubric

16/19 SWBAT get ž problems on MJ pg. 82 .correctly for mastery. SWBAT complete Problem # 1 correctly. SWBAT make a reasonable estimation on MM & Reflexes on their slates.

sounds to read the /th/ and /sh/ words. Spelling test on Friday – 80% of students will receive 8/10. Those who do not will receive additional instruction during small group.

this skill will be taught all week. If students are struggling to check for understanding, meet with them in a small group to reteach. Theme 7 Assessment – 80% of students will receive 12/15 correct. Those who do not meet criteria will receive reteaching during small group.

conventions. Those who do not meet rubric level (3) will be retaught according to the rubric.

80% of students will master this task. Those who do not master the task will be retaught through read alouds and class discussions about the needs of plants

Reflection Review essential question & Closure and release students to the first two rounds of daily 5 to practice skills taught.

Review essential question and release students to the last three rounds of daily 5 to practice skills taught.

Reread final draft.

Think, pair, share what do you know about plants - share 3 things with your partner that you learned about plant needs 5 students will share with the group

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Related Arts 8:45 - 9:45

Lunch 12:40 - 1:20 (staggered)

ELA – Reading/Writing Mini Lessons Theme 7, Lesson 2


Students will share info. learned about place value.

Recess 2:30 - 3:00 Science


CAFE Strategy

RF.1.2b: Orally produce single syllable words by blending sounds, including

FI.1.4: Ask and answer questions to help determine or clarify the meaning of words and

Writing & Grammar

·W.1.1.. Write opinion pieces in which they introduce the topic or name the book they



1-2.1: Recall the basic needs of plants (including air, water, nutrients, space, and

1.OA.7. Understand the meaning of the equal sign, and determine if

consonant blends. RF.1.3a: Know the spelling-sound correspondences for common consonant digraphs.

Objectives Students will identify words with the /sh/ and /th/ sounds.

phrases in a text.

Students will check for understanding while reading a non-fiction text.

are writing about, state an opinion, supply a reason for the opinion, and provide some sense of closure.

The student will write an opinion piece.

light) for energy and growth.

equations involving addition and subtraction are true or false. For example, which of the following equations are true and which are false? 6 = 6, 7 = 8 -- 1, 5 + 2 = 2 + 5, 4 + 1 = 5 + 2. 1.NBT.2. Understand that the two digits of a twodigit number represent amounts of tens and ones. Understand the following as special cases. 1.NBT.2a. 10 can be thought of as a bundle of ten ones ---- called a ‘‘ten.’’ 1.NBT.3. Compare two twodigit numbers based on meanings of the tens and ones digits, recording the results of comparisons with the symbols >, =, and <.

Students will be able to recognize and illustrate the basic needs of a plant.

5.3 Relations: Greater Than, Less Than, and Equal To To introduce the

The objective of this indicator is to recall that plants have basic needs for energy and growth.

relation symbols < and >.

Essential Questions

What sounds do sh and th make?

What do good readers do to comprehend what they are reading?

How do you write an opinion piece?

What do plants need to grow and be healthy?

Essential Question: How can numbers be expressed, ordered, and compared?


Students needing support identifying and blending sounds to read words with /sh/ and /th/ will be worked with in a small group. They will also be sent home with the book Jill’s Fish to read this week.

Use the Comprehension Bridge during small group for students who are struggling to check for understanding while reading.

Early finishers can finish writing their reports or other writing.

Vocabulary can be introduced ahead of time Vocabulary can be posted with pictures Small group/peer tutoring Additional time on task for completion

Daily Common Core Review on Pro Board Students having difficulty will be assisted in English. Small group and 1 to 1 for children who need extra language support, read the word problem together. Encourage the children to rephrase the problem or say it in their own words.


Promethean board, spelling words on cards

Promethean board, Snow is Falling from teacher’s guide (page 208).

Paper, pencils

pencil science journal anchor chart plants water sun light (window sill)

MJ Number grid, Home link 5.3 , MM 321, 124 MJ & 86

Prior knowledge

Most students have been introduced to the /th/ and /sh/ sounds

Students have learned many other comprehension

Students have experienced with writing opinions.

Previous/Future knowledge: In kindergarten (K-2.1),

In units 1-4 children compare numbers and quantities. Children

previously; however, this is new material for some students.

strategies, but this is the first time being introduced to check for understanding.

Procedures and Activate Prior Student Work Knowledge: Review the /th/ and /sh/ sounds. What sounds do the letters t and h make when they are together? What about s and h? Have students make the sounds aloud with you. I do: Display the Sh and Th poem. Model reading and identifying a words with the sh or th sound. Underline the word you find and read. We do: As a class, continue finding sh and th words in the poem, allowing volunteers to

Activate Prior Knowledge: Briefly discuss what it means to check for understanding. I do: Ask students to listen as you reread the green highlighted portion of The Snow is Falling on page 209 of the teacher’s guide. Model checking for understanding by using one of the three ways. We do: Continue reading a small portion of the text. Ask students to help

Distribute writing topics to students. Brainstorm a list of holidays with the students. Carefully read the general directions and writing checklist. The students have time today and tomorrow to write for the prompt.

students recognized the needs of organisms (including air, water, food, and shelter). In 2nd grade (2-2.1), students will recall the basic needs of animals (including air, water, food, and shelter) for energy, growth, and protection. Students will take this information and expand their knowledge of basic needs of plants in 3rd grade (3-2).

begin ordering and comparing numbers in Kinder.

Explore: 1. Explain to the students that they are going to investigate what happens when one plant receives sunlight but the other does not. Emphasize to the students that only the amount of sunlight should be changed while giving both plants everything else they need. 2. Students will use their own science

Review Math Message Whole Group--Introduce the > and < relations symbols (alligator mouth to larger number). Introduce vocab. Is more than and is less than and discuss strategies to distinguish between greater than and less than. Individually---Have students try writing 5 problems in their Math Journals Small group ---Assistance will be available for struggling

come to the board to underline and read words.


checking for understanding. How can I make sure I understand?

You do: Students will You do: Students will Writing rubric grade complete a sh and th practice this strategy level standards cc WS word sort over the next while on the carpet with first grade opinion. The two days. They will their partner. Anecdotal writing will be assessed have to say, listen to, notes - observe according to the rubric and identify the /th/ and students checking for and scored on a 1-4 for /sh/ sounds.Those understanding over the their opinion, struggling with this will next two days, as this organization and focus, be pulled during small skill will be taught all and language group to complete the week. If students are conventions. Those activity. struggling to check for who do not meet rubric Spelling test on Friday understanding, meet level (3) will be – 80% of students will with them in a small retaught according to receive 8/10. Those group to reteach. the rubric. who do not will receive Theme 7 Assessment additional instruction – 80% of students will during small group. receive 12/15 correct. Those who do not meet criteria will receive reteaching during small

notebooks to record students. the day (number or date), data and illustrate the plants. Student work should be similar to the chart 3. Observe both plants every other day for several weeks. 4. Record data on both the class chart and in their student notebooks.

formative assessment - science journal entries/observations think/pair/share share your observations and understandings of what plants need to survive summative assessment - illustrate a plant and add labels for what it needs to survive - see rubric 80% of students will master this task. Those who do not master the task will be retaught through read alouds and class

80% of SWBAT answers slate responses correctly for mastery. 16/19 or 80% SWBAT complete MJ # 1 correctly. SWBAT answer 80% of slate assessments from promethean board.correctly.


Reflection & Closure Review essential question and release students to the first two rounds of daily 5 to practice skills taught.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

discussions about the needs of plants

Review essential Students read over and question and release check off the writing students to the last checklist. three rounds of daily 5 to practice skills taught.

Related Arts 8:45 - 9:45

Lunch 12:40 - 1:20 (staggered)

ELA – Reading/Writing Mini Lessons Theme 7, Lesson 3 Standards

Phonics & Vocabulary

think, pair, share what have you observed about plant needs/what is your current understanding

Recess 2:-00 - 2:30 Science

CAFE Strategy

Writing & Grammar

Share with a buddy what you learned about <,>,and equal to. Use your hands to show an alligator mouth.

1-2.1: Recall the basic needs of plants (including air, water, nutrients, space, and light) for energy and growth.


1.OA.1. Use addition and subtraction within 20 to solve word problems involving situations of adding to, taking from, putting together, taking apart, and comparing, with unknowns in all positions, e.g., by using objects, drawings, and equations with a symbol for the unknown number to represent the problem. .1.NBT.2.

Understand that the two digits of a twodigit number represent amounts of tens and ones. Understand the following as special cases. 1.NBT.2a. 10 can be thought of as a bundle of ten ones ---- called a ‘‘ten.’’ 1.NBT.2b. The numbers from 11 to 19 are composed of a ten and one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, or nine ones. 1.NBT.2c. The numbers 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90 refer to one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, or nine tens (and 0 ones). 1.NBT.4 1.NBT.4. Add within 100, including adding a two-digit number and a one-digit number, and adding a twodigit number and a multiple of 10, using concrete models or

drawings and strategies based on place value,

RF.1.2b: Orally produce single syllable words by blending sounds, including consonant blends. RF.1.3a: Know the spelling-sound correspondences for common consonant digraphs. Objectives Students will identify words with the /sh/ and /th/ sounds.

FL.1.4: Ask and answer questions to help determine or clarify the meaning of words and phrases in a text.

Students will check for understanding while reading a fiction text.

路W.1.1.. Write opinion pieces in which they introduce the topic or name the book they are writing about, state an opinion, supply a reason for the opinion, and provide some sense of closure.

The student will write an opinion piece.

Students will be able to recognize and illustrate the basic needs of a plant.

5.5 Animal Weights To introduce addition of 2-digit numbers.

The objective of this indicator is to recall that plants have basic needs for energy and growth. Essential Questions

What sounds do sh and th make?

What do good readers do to comprehend what they are reading?

How do you write an opinion piece?


Students needing support identifying and blending sounds to read words with /sh/

Use the Comprehension Bridge during small group for students who are

Early finishers can finish writing their reports or other writing.

What do plants need to grow and be healthy?

Vocabulary can be introduced ahead of time Vocabulary can be

Essential Question: How can numbers be expressed, ordered, and compared? Daily Common Core Review on Pro Board Students having difficulty will be

and /th/ will be worked with in a small group. They will also be sent home with the book Jill’s Fish to read this week.

struggling to check for understanding while reading.


Promethean board, spelling words on cards

Promethean Board, big book The Bell in the Well

Paper, pencils

Prior knowledge

Most students have been introduced to the /th/ and /sh/ sounds previously; however, this is new material for some students.

Students have learned many other comprehension strategies, but this is the first time being introduced to check for understanding.

Students have experienced with writing opinions.

posted with pictures Small group/peer tutoring Additional time on task for completion

assisted in English. Small group and 1 to 1 for children who need extra language support, read the word problem together. Encourage the children to rephrase the problem or say it in their own words.

2 plants science journals water/water pitcher pencils anchor chart

MJ 88, HL 5.5, Tens and ones mat, slate, base 10-blocks, dices, animals cards . pg. 7&8, MM 139 part and total plate.

Previous/Future knowledge: In kindergarten (K-2.1), students recognized the needs of organisms (including air, water, food, and shelter). In 2nd grade (2-2.1), students will recall the basic needs of animals (including air, water, food, and shelter) for energy, growth, and protection. Students will take this information and expand their knowledge of basic needs of plants in 3rd grade (3-2).

In unit 3-4 ,children explore with addition and subtraction using manipulatives. Children worked with single digit addition in kinder.

Procedures and Activate Prior Student Work Knowledge: Review the /th/ and /sh/ sounds. Stand up when you hear a word with /sh/, sit down for /th/: push, think, share, shore, bath, three I do: Tell students that they are going to sort words by sounds - /sh/ and /th/. Model doing the first one. We do: Choose students to come up to the board to sort the rest of the sounds.

Activate Prior Knowledge: Briefly review the strategy Check for Understanding and the three ways to do so. Explain that we have used our new strategy to comprehend a nonfiction text and today we will practice using a fiction text. I do: Explain that fairy tales are make believe stories that use made up characters and events. With children, brainstorm and discuss wellknown fairy tales. Point out that fairy tales include problems real people deal with, such as fitting in and staying safe. Read the book to the class, stopping to check for understanding. We do: Continue reading, stopping at points to allow students to check for

Distribute writing topics to students. Reread the general directions and writing checklist. The students have time today to finish the writing prompt.

Explain: Each day that observations are made, have students discuss what they observe with each plant. (The plant in the sunlight will be thriving and remain healthy, whereas, the plant that was placed in the dark, will begin to wilt and the leaves may even begin to appear yellow.) At the end of the specified time period discuss the data from both their notebooks and the class chart. Explain to the children that plants have basic needs and, for most plants, those needs are air, water, nutrients, light and space. Extend: After the activity has been completed,

Review Math Message Whole group----Review base-ten blocks using the longs and cubes. Use the promethean board to illustrate adding 2-digit number using their animal cards. Complete math boxes. Individually---Students will create 4 2-digit problems in the journals. Small group---Teacher will assist several students that might have some difficulty in completing 2-digit addition

understanding. Ask students to do a Think, Pair, Share at page 11 and check for understanding. Allow volunteers to share.


You do: Students will You do: Students will Writing rubric grade complete a sh and th practice this strategy level standards cc WS word sort. They will while on the carpet with first grade opinion. The have to say, listen to, their partner. writing will be assessed and identify the /th/ and Anecdotal notes according to the rubric /sh/ sounds.Those observe students and scored on a 1-4 for struggling with this will checking for their opinion, be pulled during small understanding over the organization and focus, group to complete the next two days, as this and language activity. skill will be taught all conventions. Those Spelling test on Friday week. If students are who do not meet rubric – 80% of students will struggling to check for level (3) will be receive 8/10. Those understanding, meet retaught according to who do not will receive with them in a small the rubric. additional instruction group to reteach. during small group. Theme 7 Assessment – 80% of students will receive 12/15 correct. Those who do not meet criteria will receive reteaching during small group.

both plants can become part of the class. The plant that was placed in the dark can be “nursed” back to heath. This activity could be repeated using water as the variable and then nutrients as the variable. formative assessment journal entries/observations think,pair, share what have you observed about plant needs/what is your new learning summative assessment - illustrate a plant and add labels for what it needs to survive - see rubric 80% of students will master this task. Those who do not master the task will be retaught through read alouds and class discussions about the needs of plants

SWBAT write 3/4 2digit problems correctly and attempt to find the sum. Teacher will observe to see how students use the part, part, total plate.

Reflection & Closure

Review essential question and release students to the first two rounds of daily 5 to practice skills taught.

Review essential question and release students to the last three rounds of daily 5 to practice skills taught.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Related Arts 8:45 - 9:45

Writing checklist. Reread final draft.

Lunch 12:40 - 1:20 (staggered)

ELA – Reading/Writing Mini Lessons Theme 7, Lesson 4


think, pair, share share three things you have learned about plant needs with your partner 5 students will share with the group

Students will share something they learned about adding numbers with 2-digit.

Recess 2:30 - 3:00 Social Studies


CAFE Strategy

RF.1.2b: Orally produce single syllable words by blending sounds, including consonant blends. RF.1.3a: Know the spellingsound correspondences for common consonant digraphs.

FL.1.4: Ask and answer

questions to help determine or clarify the meaning of words and phrases in a text.


Writing & Grammar

W.1.1.. Write opinion pieces in which they introduce the topic or name the book they are writing about, state an opinion, supply a reason for the opinion, and provide some sense of closure. ¡

1-1.2 Compare schools and neighborhoods that are located in different settings around the world.

.OA.1, 1.OA.1.

Use addition and subtraction within 20 to solve word problems involving situations of adding to, taking from, putting together, taking apart, and comparing, with unknowns in all positions, e.g., by using objects, drawings, and equations with a symbol for the unknown number to represent the problem. 1.NBT.2,

Understand that the two digits of a two-digit number represent amounts of tens and ones. Understand the following as

special cases. 1.NBT.3

Compare two two-digit numbers based on meanings of the tens and ones digits, recording the results of comparisons with the symbols >, =, and <. Objectives Students will create and match rhyming words with the /sh/ and /th/ sounds.

Essential Questions

What sounds do sh and th make?

Students will check for understanding while reading a fiction text.

What do good readers do to comprehend what they are reading?

The student will write an opinion piece in the form of a poem.

How do you write a poem?

Students will compare landforms and bodies of water around the world.

5.6 More Than and Less Than Number Stories To provide practice with more than and less than number stories; and to provide experiences with writing number models for number stories.

How are places on Earth different?

Essential Question: How can numbers be expressed, ordered, and compared?


Students needing support identifying, rhyming, and blending sounds to read words with /sh/ and /th/ will be worked with in a small group. They will also be sent home with the book Jill’s Fish to read this week.

Use the Comprehension Bridge during small group for students who are struggling to check for understanding while reading.

Meet with individuals or groups. Teach with Writing Bridge 13, Teach organizational pattern with bridge 41, Use poem organizer to help transition from prewriting to drafting, conference with children to provide feedback on poem beginnings.


Promethean board, spelling words on cards

Promethean Board, big book The Bell in the Well

Writing chart 26, 28 Writing bridge 13, 41

One on one testing, help pointing to title, point to lines at reading Vocabulary can be introduced in advance Vocabulary can be introduced with pictures

Studies weekly 12- Earth Chart paper markers

Daily Common Core Review on Pro Board Students having difficulty will be assisted in English. Small group and 1 to 1 for children who need extra language support, read the word problem together. Encourage the children to rephrase the problem or say it in their own words.

MJ 84, 89 and 90. HL 5.6, animal cards, MM pp. 132137, slate, base-10 blocks, number line or grid.

Prior knowledge

Procedures and Student Work

Most students have been introduced to the /th/ and /sh/ sounds previously; however, this is new material for some students. Students know that rhyming words end with the same sound.

Students have learned many other comprehension strategies, but this is the first time being introduced to check for understanding.

Students have experienced with poetry. They can make words rhyme.

Maps, people around the world

Activate Prior Knowledge: Review /sh/ and /th/ sounds. Tell students that today, they are going to work with rhyming words - how do we know when two words rhyme? I do: Display flipchart to practice rhyming words. Model reading the word and writing a word that rhymes to it on the line. We do: Students will come up to complete the rhyming activity on the board. Emphasize that these are rhyming words because the endings sound the same!

Activate Prior Knowledge: Briefly review the strategy Check for Understanding and the three ways to do so. I do: Reread The Bell in the Well to the class. Model filling in the comprehension organizer on page 60 of the whole class charts. We do: Continue reading, allowing students to come up to fill in the comprehension organizer as the story is read aloud.

Response Writing: Write opinion about The Bell in the Well Reinforce Poem: ReadingWriting connection Review poem to point out rhyme words and feelings in the poem. Draft: Modeled/ Shared writing: Use poem organizer/ draft poem and start to write it. (They do not have to have complete sentences)

Vocabulary continent plain Earth Go over cover page: Ask student to make predictions about what we will learn about. What other planets do we know? Do you know what a landform is? What is a body of water? Teacher and students will create an anchor chart with a list of landforms and bodies of water. P. 2 -3 - Look at pictures – discuss the bodies of water that border the United States. -Read over texts together. Have students locate Beaufort on the map Have students discuss other countries they know from around the world. Canada and Mexico Where are they located on a map? Where is the Mississippi River?

In unit 1 and 2 and in kinder, children tell and solve number stories. They are also introduce to to situation diagrams.

Review Math Message Whole Group---Review greater than and less than using animal cards and writes examples on the promethean board. Complete math boxes. Individually---Have complete MJ pages 89 & 90. Small group ----Assistance will be available for struggling students.

P. 4 Fill in last page – go over the landforms from previous page Assessment

You do: Students will complete a rhyming activity during word work. They will have to read and match words with the sh and th sounds that rhyme. Those struggling with this will be pulled during small group to complete the activity. Spelling test on Friday – 80% of students will receive 8/10. Those who do not will receive additional instruction during small group.

You do: Students will complete a comprehension organizer on their own during small group today and tomorrow.. If students are struggling to check for understanding, meet with them in a small group to reteach. Theme 7 Assessment – 80% of students will receive 12/15 correct. Those who do not meet criteria will receive reteaching during small group.

Assess student’s report writing during writing conferences. 80% of students should start the prewriting and drafting. Those who do not will receive one on one or small group support during the Daily 5.

Quiz on studies weekly tomorrow. 80 % of students will receive 3 of 5 or better. Those who do not will reread Studies Weekly with a peer and retake quiz.

16/19 SWBAT to answer the slate response from MM & Reflexes correctly. 16/19 SWBAT anwer ⅘ of MJ 90 correctly for mastery.

Reflection & Closure

Review essential question and release students to the first two rounds of daily 5 to practice skills taught.

Review essential question and release students to the last three rounds of daily 5 to practice skills taught.

Turn and talk: How is writing a poem different from writing a story or report?

Draw one part of the world you learned about. How is it different than where we live? Share

Share with a partner how you

Friday, January 11, 2013

Related Arts 8:45 - 9:45

Lunch 12:40 - 1:20 (staggered)

ELA – Reading/Writing Mini Lessons Theme 7, Lesson 5 Phonics & Vocabulary


RF.1.2b: Orally produce single syllable words by blending sounds, including consonant blends. RF.1.3a: Know the spellingsound correspondences for

solved problems with < or >.

Recess 2:30 - 3:00 Social Studies

Comprehension Strategy

FL.1.4: Ask and answer

questions to help determine or clarify the meaning of words and phrases in a text.


Writing & Grammar

W.1.1.. Write opinion pieces in which they introduce the topic or name the book they are writing about, state an opinion, supply a reason

1-1.2 Compare schools and neighborhoods that are located in different settings around the world.

SMP2, 5, 6

common consonant digraphs.


Essential Questions

Students will demonstrate knowledge of sh and th words on a spelling test.

What sounds do sh and th make?

for the opinion, and provide some sense of closure. Students will check for understanding while reading a fiction text.

What do good readers do to comprehend what they are reading?

The student will write an opinion piece in the form of a poem.

How do you write a poem?

Students will compare landforms and bodies of water around the world.

5.4 EXPLORATIONS: Exploring Area, Weight, and Counting To develop the concept of area by counting units; to provide experience weighing objects with a pan balance; and to provide practice with rational counting.

How are places on Earth different?

Essential Question: How can numbers be expressed, ordered, and compared?


Students receiving less than an 80% on the spelling test will have additional support on Monday with these words.

Use the Comprehension Bridge during small group for students who are struggling to check for understanding while reading.

Meet with individuals or groups.Teach poem with writing bridge 13, support children in forming small writing groups to gather feedback from peers, conference with children to assess their understanding of poem.


spelling tests, dividers, pencils

Promethean Board, big book The Bell in the Well

Writing Chart 24, Writing bridge 13, Writer’s handbook p. 13.

Studies weekly 12- Earth Chart paper markers

Students have worked with short sh and th words this week.

Students have learned many other comprehension strategies, but this is the first time being introduced to check for understanding.

Students have experienced with writing a draft for their poems.

Maps, people around the world

Prior knowledge

One on one testing, help pointing to title, point to lines at reading Vocabulary can be introduced in advance Vocabulary can be introduced with picture cards

Small groups of 4 to 5 students and small group with teacher.

MM 126 and 127, balance pan, various objets, cons, slates, MM 128-129. In unit 1-3, students cover shapes with pattern blocks and count object. In kinder children covered shapes with pattern blocks, use balance pan and count

object. Procedures and Student Work

1. Ask students to pass out spelling tests and dividers 2. Students will write down spelling words as they are called. 3. When they are finished students may turn in and come to the carpet for a review of words.

Activate Prior Knowledge: Briefly review the strategy Check for Understanding and the three ways to do so. I do: Reread The Bell in the Well to the class. Model filling in the comprehension organizer on page 60 of the whole class charts. We do: Continue reading, allowing students to come up to fill in the comprehension organizer as the story is read aloud.

Draft: Interactive Writing. Invite volunteers to add lines to the class draft. (Help coming up with rhyming lines) Prompt to use words that express feeling. Reread to find the beat. Students have time to work on their own poems during writer’s workshop.

Review Studies Weekly Vocabulary – continent, plain, Earth

Review Math Message Whole Group--. The teacher will discuss what is to be

Teacher will review landforms and bodies of water, Canada and Mexico, and other countries discussed during the previous lesson Complete drawing of landforms with labels/captions A few students will share their pictures with captions/labels

completed at the various explorations. Individually----Students will complete all or some of the activity to the best of their ability Small group ----Students will rotate in groups of 4 to 5 students to the various stations and teacher will rotate and assist students.

Take quiz – p27 Studies Weekly


Reflection & Closure

Spelling tests on Friday – 80% of students will receive 7/9 or better. Students who do not meet criteria will receive reteaching during small group.

You do: Students will complete a comprehension organizer on their own during small group today and tomorrow.. If students are struggling to check for understanding, meet with them in a small group to reteach. Theme 7 Assessment – 80% of students will receive 12/15 correct. Those who do not meet criteria will receive reteaching during small group.

Assess student’s report writing during writing conferences. 80% of students should write poems on their own. Those who do not will receive one on one or small group support during the Daily 5.

Quiz on studies weekly. 80 % of students will receive 3 of 5 or better. Those who do not will re-read Studies Weekly and retake quiz.

Post spelling words on the word wall. Review essential question and release students to the first two rounds of daily 5 to practice

Review essential question and release students to the last three rounds of daily 5 to practice skills taught.

Turn and talk: How does it help to think of poems you have read while you are drafting?

Draw and label one part of the world you learned about. How is it different than where we live? Share

SWBAT rotate to all 3 explorations and try to complete more than half of the work correctly.

Tell about the most enjoyable station and if you learned of a different way to solve a problem..

skills taught.

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