Chinese MP

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Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. them When W hen given given a problem, problem, I ccan an m make ake a pl lan to to solve solve iitt aand nd ccheck heck my my plan aanswer. nswerr.. Mathematical Ma thematical Practice P r a c t ic e 1




BEFORE... B FORE... BE Think Think about about the th e prroblem. problem. THINK! THINK!

Ma ke a plan plan to Make solve the the solve prroblem. problem.

DURING... DU URING... Don't Don't ggive ive uup! p!

AFTER... AFFTER... CHECK my CH HECK m y work. work.

Does tthis his make m ake sense? sense?

Is tthere here another a n other Is way way ttoo solve solve the the problem? problem? !

Clip Clip art art licensed licensed ffrom rom tthe he Cl Clip ip A Art rt G Gallery allery oonn Di s c o v e r y S c h o o l.c o m

Jordan Jordan JordanSchool School SchoolDistrict District District2012, 2012, 2012,Grades Grades GradesK-1 K K-1 -1 - !!

! !

RReason abstractly and quantitatively. quantitatively ee numbers I ccan an us use numbers aand nd w words orrds ttoo help me m make ense ooff probl problems. help me ake ssense obllems. Mathematical Ma thematical PPractice ra ctice 2

! !

NNu Numbers mbers to Words Wordss 2+3=5

W Words Wo rds ttoo N Numbers um mberss I ha have ve 2 yyellow ellow w fflowers loweers aand nd 3 rred ed fflowers. loweers. w ma ny flowers floweers aaltogether? How H ow many ltogether?

I ha have vee 2 yyellow ellow w fflowers loweers aand nd 3 rred ed fflowers. loweers. ow w ma ny flowers floweers aaltogether? ltogether? H How many

2 + 3 =55 Cl Clip ip art art licensed licensed ffrom rom etthe he Cl Clip ip A Art rt G Gallery allery oonn Di s c o v e r y S c h o o l.c o m

Jordan Grades K-1 K K-1 Jordan JordaSchool n School SchoDistrict ol District Distri2012, ct 2012, Grades Grades K

Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. others. I ccan an eexplain xplain my my tthinking hiinkking aand nd consider tthe he mathematical mathhematical thinking thiinkking consider ooff others. others. Mathematical Mathematical P Practice r a c t ic e 3 3!!



I ccan an ex explain plain m my y strategy s usi using… ng…

I ccan an com compare pare m my y strategy trategy wi with th oothers thers by…

• objects

• listening

• drawings

• asking questions

• actions

• making connections between my own thinking and others

Clip Clip art art licensed licensed ffrom rom tthe he Cl Clip ip A Art rt G Gallery allery oonn Di s c o v e r y S c h o o l.c o m

Jordan K-1 Jordan Jo rdan School SSchool chool District DDistrict istrict 2012, 22012, 012, Grades GGrades ra d e s K K-1 -1

Model with mathematics. mathematics I ccan an rrecognize ecogniize math math iinn eeveryday veryday llife use m math ife aand nd use ath I kknow now ttoo solve solve problems. probl lems. Ma Mathematical thematical PPractice ra ctice 4



I can can uuse… se… (Objects)




4 birds are birds a re iin n a ttree. ree. birds fflew lew a way. 2 birds away. How are How many many a re lleft? eft?

4.. I have have 4 I take take 2 away. away. Now I have 2. 2.

(Words) (W ords)

…to …t to ssolve olve eeveryday verryd yday pproblems. r o b le m s . Clip Clip art art licensed licensed ffrom rom tthe he Cl Clip ip A Art rt G Gallery allery oonn Di s c o v e r y S c h o o l.c o m

Jordan Jordan School School District District 2012, 2012, Grades Grades K-1 K

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