MPChinese-posters 5-8

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Use appropriate tools strategically. strategically Mathematical Ma thematical Practice P r a c t ic e 5 ! !

! !

I ccan an use use m math ath ttools ools ttoo he help lp m mee explore math in explore and and understand undderstand math in my my world. worldd..

I hhave ave a math maath ttoolbox. o o lb o x . 12


x Toolbo ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Clip Clip art art licensed licensed ffrom rom tthe he Cl Clip ip A Art rt G Gallery allery oonn Di s c o v e r y S c h o o l.c o m

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Jordan Jordan School School District District 2012, 2012, Grades Grades K-1 K Jordan School District 2012, Grades K-1

Attend to precision. precision Mathematical Ma t h e m a t ic a l p practice r a c t ic e 6 ! !

I ccan an bbee ccareful areful when when I us usee m math ath myy iideas. aand nd cclear lear when when I sshare hare m deas. ! !

Careful and clear mathematicians use… PLUS: PLUS: join join

EQUAL: EQ U A L: tthe he same same a ass

2c cats ats + 3 d dogs ogs = 5 pets pets label label units units

Clip Clip art art licensed licensed ffrom rom tthe he Cl Clip ip A Art rt G Gallery allery oonn Di s c o v e r y S c h o o l.c o m

• math vocabulary • symbols • labels • addition and subtraction strategies School District Jordan JorJordan dan School Sch ool District Dist rict 2012, 202012, 12, Grades GrGrades ades K-1K-1

Look for and make use of structure. Mathematical Ma thematical PPractice ra ctice 7 !

I ccan an se seee and and understand undderstand how how numbers num put bers aand nd sshapes haapes aare re put ttogether ogether as as parts parts and and wholes. wholes. Numbers Shapess Shape !

11 = 11 11 10 + 1 = 11 10 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

= 2 + 1 = 1 + 2 Clip Clip art art licensed licensed ffrom rom tthe he Cl Clip ip A Art rt G Gallery allery oonn Di s c o v e r y S c h o o l.c o m

Jordan Jordan School School District District 2012, 2012, Grades Grades K-1 K

Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning. Mathematical Mathematical PPractice ra ctice 8


I ccan an no notice tice when when ccalculations alcullations aare re repeated. !

11==10 10++11 11 12==10 10++22 12 13==10 10++33 13 14==10 10++44 14 15==10 10++55 15

I see see num number ber patterns! 11 22 33 44 55

Clip Clip art art licensed licensed ffrom rom tthe he Cl Clip ip A Art rt G Gallery allery oonn Di s c o v e r y S c h o o l.c o m

Jordan School District 2012, Grades K-1 ! Jordan Jordan School School District District 2012, 2012, Grades Grades K-1 K !

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