Fall 2008 Instructor: Xiujuan Wang
Enrichment of Chinese for PYC and LS Description: Enrichment of Chinese is designed for PYC and LS students to get interacted with the Chinese teacher twice a week. The girls are exposed to the culture of traditional Chinese festivals, paper cutting, Chinese children’s stories, Chinese songs and rhymes, games of kicking shuttle cock and playing checkers, etc.. They will be learning to speak Chinese greeting words, counting numbers in Chinese, colors, animals, family members, etc. Schedule: Week 1
Week 2
Answer the kids questions
on to China
about where China is, what
language I speak. Week 3
你好,王老师。再见。 Rhyme: 你是中国人,我是美国人…
Counting from 1 to 10 Game: kicking shuttlecock colors
Week 4 Number song and rhyme
Week 5
Week 6
Number cards with different
Game: find one’s favorite color and
count how many she has found Week 8
Animals 1
Week 7 Story: 小兔子乖乖
Song: 小兔子乖乖
The color of bunnies in
Game: 小兔子乖乖
different pictures Animals 2
Week 9 More animal words More animal stories
Family members 1 Family members 2 Chinese food
Week 11 Words of family members
Week 10 Song: 两只老虎 Game: 老虎蹲,狮子蹲 Week 12 Song: I love my family
Week 13
Week 14
Learn to say: 我有爸爸、妈
Story: I am a good kid
Learn to say: 我爱爸爸、妈妈。 Week 16
Week 15 Introduction to Chinese New Year and new year food
Paper cutting Song:新年好
Fruit and Body parts
Week 17 Words of fruit Origami and game: playing checkers
Week 18 Song: Fruit song Song: body parts