Reject Rejection You’re sure to experience some form of rejection in your career. Here’s how to deal with it
HUH \RX OHɓ R̯ D VSRUWV team at school? Didn’t get accepted at the college of your choice? Didn’t get the job you applied for or overlooked for promotion at work? Rejection is a natural part of life that you will need to learn to deal with no matter whether you’re just getting started on your career path or already moving up the ladder of success. One way to look at it is that, if you get rejected, nothing has really changed in your life. If you applied for a scholarship, job, or promotion and didn’t get accepted, your situation in life is still the same – not worse. You didn’t have the scholarship, job, or promotion before you applied, and you don’t have it now. So, you have absolutely nothing to lose by applying for whatever career move you 10
chose and possibly everything to gain. The situation only gets worse if you let your mind make it so and by the stories you tell yourself – “I’m unemployable. I’ll never get that promotion. No one wants me.” Better to think about it this way – “I have spent my whole life without that scholarship or job. I know how to handle things without it.” We all talk to ourselves, by some estimates up to 50,000 times a day. Most of that self-talk is also about ourselves, and research has shown that up to 80% of that is negative. The key to dealing with these thoughts is to know that you have a choice whether or not to listen to them – and that just because you’re thinking these things doesn’t make them true. When you become aware of negative thoughts, let them pass through your mind quietly, paying them no
attention. Then replace them with more positive thoughts. Talk to yourself like a winner instead of a loser. Successful salespeople know that every “no” brings them closer to a “yes’.” Some prospects will say no, but some will say yes. For them, it’s a numbers game. You just have to stay committed and keep “carrying on carrying on.” Don’t give up, just say “next!” knowing that there will be many more opportunities when you keep striving for them. Have high intentions for your goals but low attachments to the outcome. Do whatever it takes to reach your goals and to create the outcomes you’re seeking. Sometimes things don’t always work out by the date you want, but just keep moving in the direction of your goals, and RɓHQ WKH XQLYHUVH ZLOO GHOLYHU VRPHWKLQJ better than you ever imagined. Your Future 2021