Your Future 2022

Page 39


The value of summer work experience BF&M has welcomed summer students for many years. In January 2022, the company launched LWV ̰UVW WZR \HDU LQWHUQVKLS SURJUDPPH SURYLGLQJ WKH RSSRUWXQLW\ WR FRPSOHWH IRXU VL[ PRQWK SODFHPHQWV ZLWKLQ YDULRXV GHSDUWPHQWV $ɓHU VHYHUDO VXPPHUV ZRUNLQJ DV D VWXGHQW .HQV]R ,ULV KDV JRQH RQ WR EHFRPH %) 0ȃV ̰UVW LQWHUQ +H VKDUHV VRPH WKRXJKWV DERXW KLV H[SHULHQFH DORQJ ZLWK some advice for students. +RZ GLG \RX KHDU DERXW %) 0 DQG ZKDW PDGH \RX ZDQW WR EH D VXPPHU VWXGHQW" When I was at school, I have memories of BF&M workers coming to explain to students what insurance was and the GL̯HUHQW FDUHHUV SDWKV WKDW H[LVWHG Then in high school, I took part in a mentorship programme held by the Bermuda Education Network. There I met an underwriter from BF&M, and he spoke very highly about his job and his experience. From there I was determined WR ̰QG D ZD\ WR JHW LQ WKH GRRU $ IHZ emails and a couple of summers later, I started as a summer student in the compliance department.


'LG \RX NQRZ DQ\WKLQJ DERXW LQVXUDQFH" :KDW LQWHUHVWHG \RX" I felt comfortable about insurance because I heard of it from school. Also my mother works in the industry. I saw job satisfaction from those around me and that appealed to me. :KDW ZDV \RXU H[SHULHQFH OLNH DV D VXPPHU VWXGHQW" Being a summer student at BF&M, I experienced what it is like to be a part of a team and how the work I do makes an impact within the company. When I saw a presentation I edited and researched being implemented and used E\ WKH FRPSDQ\ LW OHɓ PH ZLWK VR PXFK satisfaction and appreciation for what I’d learned. +RZ LV \RXU UROH GHYHORSLQJ QRZ WKDW \RX DUH DQ LQWHUQ" ([SHULHQFLQJ GL̯HUHQW GHSDUWPHQWV is helping me grow exponentially. I started at BF&M in the legal and compliance department and now I’m Your Future 2022

LQ WKH 3 & EXVLQHVV )RU WKH ̰UVW VL[ months of my internship, I am based in the claims department. My earlier work involved researching legislation; now that I’m in a claims adjuster role I’m seeing how that legislation impacts customers. My level of responsibility has changed and there are more expectations of me. This sounds SRWHQWLDOO\ GL̲FXOW EXW ,ȃP WDNLQJ LW in my stride because my learning has been steady and progressive. I don’t feel like an intern, I feel like a fellow worker.

:KDW DGYLFH GR \RX KDYH IRU RWKHU VWXGHQWV DV WKH\ FRQVLGHU WKHLU IXWXUH" My advice to any student considering their future is to be aware of possible opportunities and go after them. And once you have been given an opportunity, work hard and be professional. “A stone left unturned is a diamond unseen”. If you are interested in starting your career at BF&M or learning more about its summer student opportunities, send your resume WR EIPMREV#EIP EP 37

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Articles inside

Your Future 2022

pages 12, 14

The Berkeley Institute 69

page 82

Warwick Academy

page 89

Sheridan College 77

page 81

Dalhousie University 69

pages 78-79

Brescia University College 66

page 76

BHS 65

page 72

Blue Ridge School 66

pages 74-75

Bermuda Institute 65

pages 70-71

Association of Bermuda Insurers & Reinsurers (ABIR

pages 62-63 50

pages 53-54

Association of Bermuda International Companies (ABIC

page 56

Chubb 55, Inside back cover Conyers Inside front cover

pages 48-50

Albert College 63

pages 67-68

Centennial Bermuda Foundation 57

page 60

First right hand page

pages 51-52

Deloitte 11

page 47

EY 7

page 44

BF&M 13

pages 39-40


page 38

Hamilton Princess & Beach Club 18

pages 21-25

Royal Bermuda Regiment

page 26

Chartered Professional Accountants Bermuda (CPA) 3

pages 42-43

PwC 5

pages 45-46

Bermuda Cancer and Health Centre

pages 28-29
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