How do you become a CPA? $FFRXQWLQJ LV D JUHDW FDUHHU DQG RSSRUWXQLWLHV DUH OLPLWOHVV ZKHQ WKH &HUWL̰HG 3XEOLF $FFRXQWDQW &3$ designation is earned. Every year many Bermudians successfully pass the exam, gaining a stronger grip on the direction of their future. Here are the stories of four such young Bermudians. 4XLQDH 6DQWXFFL
passed. I cried. I was a little bit in shock but also very excited at the same time." ,I VKH KDG WR JR EDFN D \HDU DQG JLYH KHUVHOI DGYLFH 4XLQDH says it would be, "To create a work/life balance and also take at least one day a week to recuperate and do things I enjoy. Also, to be kinder to myself, and don't doubt myself because I can do it. And I did!" 0LFKHOOH %RWHOKR
ermuda College provided the starting blocks for 4XLQDH 6DQWXFFL to become an accountant and earn her CPA. She took an accounting course and says "I enjoyed the class, and I felt like I was good at it, which made me want to pursue an DFFRXQWLQJ FDUHHU +DYLQJ D IDWKHU 4XLQF\ 6DQWXFFL ZKR LV DQ DFFRXQWDQW GLGQ W KXUW HLWKHU +H ZRXOG WHOO PH WKH EHQH̰WV of pursuing an accounting designation and how companies in Bermuda are looking for Bermudian accountants." She adds that she could continue along her auditing path, EHFRPH D &)2 D ̰QDQFLDO DGYLVRU RU XVH KHU VNLOOV LQ UXQQLQJ her own business, like her father, who owns a construction company. $ɓHU JUDGXDWLRQ IURP %HUPXGD &ROOHJH 4XLQDH ZHQW to Mount Saint Vincent University in Canada, and earned a bachelor's degree in business with a major in accounting and a PLQRU LQ PDQDJHPHQW 5HWXUQLQJ WR %HUPXGD 4XLQDH ZHQW WR work for PwC. Why did she choose PwC? "I had worked at PwC previously as a co-op student. I really enjoyed the environment there, everyone is so friendly." 3Z& JDYH KHU WZR PRQWKV R̯ EHIRUH WKH &3$ H[DPV WR VWXG\ "They were also very understanding when I said, 'I have to study DɓHU ZRUN DQG WULHG WKHLU EHVW WR DFFRPPRGDWH PH She says studying during COVID restrictions was both a blessing and a curse. “There were fewer distractions, but I also struggled. I would work all day, then study evenings, all while sitting in the same exact spot. That was very challenging, but I adjusted." 4XLQDH VD\V WKDW WKH ZHHN DQG PRUQLQJ RI WKH H[DPV , ZDV just trying to stay positive. I studied all summer leading up to the exams in September. When I received the news that I had
When 0LFKHOOH %RWHOKR was attending Bermuda High School, she had a great accounting teacher, Ms. Redford, who VSDUNHG KHU LQWHUHVW LQ WKH ̰HOG ȅ3OXV , ZDV DOZD\V JRRG DW math and was interested in business, so someday I knew that once I graduated, I was going to study accounting at university, then the next step would be the CPA.” She earned her Bachelor of Commerce from the University of Guelph in Ontario, Canada. “I knew Canada was a good place to get my degree as my sister had gone to Wilfrid Laurier University. My sister talked with PwC’s David Gibbons (Partner and her previous manager) and he recommended going to a university in the Ontario area.” “I worked at PwC in its Headstart Programme for a summer, and I have been working at global insurance company Enstar for most of my career.” 8SRQ JUDGXDWLRQ 0LFKHOOH ZRQ D SUL]H WR ZRUN DW +6%& but that was not until the following summer, and prior to that VKH ZDV DEOH WR VHFXUH D IXOO WLPH SODFHPHQW LQ WKH ̰QDQFH department at Enstar, where she had been employed during some summer breaks from university. The accounting courses were crucial foundations for Michelle’s success, but she says “You don’t have to go to university to get the CPA, but it helps in laying the foundations.” %HFDXVH VKH ZDV QRW DW RQH RI WKH ȂELJ IRXUȃ DFFRXQWLQJ ̰UPV Your Future 2022