Your Future 2022

Page 44


Limitless Opportunities at EY $QJHOD 'H6LOYD


QJHOD 'H6LOYD had planned on a career as a clinical psychologist. $ɓHU JUDGXDWLQJ IURP 6DOWXV she studied psychology at university in the UK. However, she found it hard to JHW ZRUN LQ KHU FKRVHQ ̰HOG Ȁ HYHQ D trainee position. “I talked about other possible professions with my mom, and she mentioned accounting. CPA Bermuda holds information sessions, so I registered and attended, and shortly DɓHUZDUGV VLJQHG XS IRU P\ ̰UVW FRXUVH I had not studied anything to do with maths or accounting, so I had to do 14 prerequisite courses. Once I completed the prerequisites, I was able to start the Professional Education Programme at EY. There was a lot of study involved, and EY SURYLGHG VWXG\ PDWHULDOV SDLG WLPH R̯ for study and exams, and it reimbursed me for the exam fees too. At EY, everyone is so willing to teach and explain things, they encourage questions. It wants you to work hard but also expects you to take downtime to rest, recharge, and have some fun.” Angela says she feels the sky’s the limit for her career as she works her way to the top. “Once you’re TXDOL̰HG \RX FDQ JR DOO RYHU WKH ZRUOG HVSHFLDOO\ ZLWK D JOREDO ̰UP OLNH (< 7KDWȃV what I hope to do.”


While at Bermuda High School (BHS) 3DLJH 0DUWLQ had thoughts of becoming an insurance risk manager. “At BHS we had accounting, business and economics classes and it was there that I found I enjoyed these subjects and decided to study accounting.” Paige is currently a student at Dalhousie University in Halifax, Canada, where she is pursuing a bachelor of commerce degree with a focus in accounting. “I networked with EY throughout my high school career, and it helped me home in on my career and to VHH WKH SRVVLELOLWLHV $ɓHU KLJK VFKRRO , began interning with EY and completing P\ FR RS SODFHPHQWV ZLWK WKH ̰UP LQ its tax department.” Paige also won EY’s annual scholarship, worth $30,000 towards university. Paige says “EY has an atmosphere that fosters growth, learning, collaboration, and above all, people. The support you receive is unparalleled. The career prospects are endless in any sector with the CPA. I plan to focus my career in tax, and I look forward to being on the IRUHIURQW RI QHZ WD[ VHUYLFH R̯HULQJV DQG assisting clients in navigating any new tax landscapes. Accountants are not the only employees needed by EY. There are many other possibilities, IT being just 3DLJH 0DUWLQ


one. 0DKD &ODUNH is a business and WHFKQRORJ\ FRQVXOWDQW ZLWK WKH ̰UP where her day-to-day work with the Tech Risk team involves performing IT audits IRU FOLHQWV WKDW VXSSRUWV WKHLU ̰QDQFLDO audit. Other projects include performing ULVN DVVHVVPHQWV IRU FOLHQWV LQ WKH ̰HOGV of cyber risk and general data protection regulation (GDPR) compliance. $V D VWXGHQW DWKOHWH DW 4XHHQV University of Charlotte, NC, Maha Clarke studied business management and didn’t see herself moving towards technology. “I had the opportunity to study in Shanghai, China and while there I attended the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) Asia. Many start-ups and leading IT companies showcase the latest projects and developments at this conference. This is where my interest in the industry was initially sparked. Prior to joining EY, I also completed an internship with the Technology Leadership Forum led by Coral Wells.” Due to the Covid-19 pandemic Maha has spent most of her time since joining EY working remotely. “My experience with my team, although limited, has been very enjoyable. It is very supportive, and leaders within EY are intentional about FRDFKLQJ VWD̯ IRU ERWK SURIHVVLRQDO DQG personal development.” Your Future 2022

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Articles inside

Your Future 2022

pages 12, 14

The Berkeley Institute 69

page 82

Warwick Academy

page 89

Sheridan College 77

page 81

Dalhousie University 69

pages 78-79

Brescia University College 66

page 76

BHS 65

page 72

Blue Ridge School 66

pages 74-75

Bermuda Institute 65

pages 70-71

Association of Bermuda Insurers & Reinsurers (ABIR

pages 62-63 50

pages 53-54

Association of Bermuda International Companies (ABIC

page 56

Chubb 55, Inside back cover Conyers Inside front cover

pages 48-50

Albert College 63

pages 67-68

Centennial Bermuda Foundation 57

page 60

First right hand page

pages 51-52

Deloitte 11

page 47

EY 7

page 44

BF&M 13

pages 39-40


page 38

Hamilton Princess & Beach Club 18

pages 21-25

Royal Bermuda Regiment

page 26

Chartered Professional Accountants Bermuda (CPA) 3

pages 42-43

PwC 5

pages 45-46

Bermuda Cancer and Health Centre

pages 28-29
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