Investing in your future
utterfield is committed to supporting the communities in which it operates and investing in the future of those communities. That’s ZK\ HYHU\ \HDU %XWWHṴHOG SURYLGHV an undergraduate scholarship to assist students who are pursuing degrees at overseas colleges and universities. %XWWHṴHOG VHOHFWV LWV VFKRODUV from among hundreds of deserving applicants, using criteria including academic excellence, community involvement and sporting attainments, ̰QDQFLDO QHHG DQG D FDQGLGDWHȃV demonstrated ability to lead. 7KH 6LU +DUU\ ' %XWWHṴHOG Undergraduate Scholarship is awarded annually to a Bermudian student commencing, or already pursuing, a degree overseas at an accredited university. 7KLV 6FKRODUVKLS KDV EHHQ R̯HUHG HYHU\ \HDU VLQFH LQ KRQRXU RI %XWWHṴHOGȃV ODWH &KDLUPDQ IRUPHU 5KRGHV 6FKRODU 6LU +DUU\ ' %XWWHṴHOG whose distinguished career in public and business life was dedicated to the betterment of Bermuda and Bermudians. Starting from this year, the award has an increased annual value of $30,000 USD, tenable for up to four years. The 2021 recipient, Tierrai Tull, is studying for a bachelor’s degree in International Relations at the University of Toronto, Canada. A member of the Bermuda Junior Economic Advisory Committee, Tierrai has a passion for debating and is cofounder of Bermuda Youth Connect, an organisation committed to bridging the gap between Bermuda’s young people and the country’s leaders. She aspires WR FRPELQH KHU FRPPXQLW\ H̯RUWV DQG DFDGHPLF TXDOL̰FDWLRQV WR KHOS IXUWKHU
Your Future 2022
Bermuda’s economic and cultural ties. Do you believe you have what it takes WR EH %XWWHṴHOGȃV QH[W VFKRODU" :LWK application deadlines fast approaching, now is the time to act.
For full details regarding scholarship UHTXLUHPHQWV YLVLW EXWWHṴHOGJURXS com. Application deadline is Friday, 25 March, 2022. 49