Your Future 2022

Page 53

SCHOLARSHIPS health, engineering, even hospitality or sports. So, how to proceed? First, you need to create an account on the website (www. Once done, you can log in anytime from anywhere DQG SURFHHG WR ̰OO LQ GHWDLOV DERXW yourself – education, grades, interests, estimated college costs, etc. (Please be sure to make a note of your log-in information!) Second, you should select your DUHD DQG OHYHO RI VWXG\ WR ̰QG DOO WKH scholarships you are eligible for – usually a bunch will come up. You can research them and then short-list the ones you are interested in. Don’t just select those R̯HULQJ WKH PRVW PRQH\ EXW DSSO\ IRU VPDOOHU RQHV WRR ǿ DɓHU DOO LI \RX UHFHLYH 3 scholarships valued at $10,000 each, you are well on your way to funding your education. The essay is a critical part of your DSSOLFDWLRQ DQG LV YHU\ RɓHQ WKH ̰UVW document considered. Please research the scholarships you are applying to and make sure you provide what they are looking for – if it calls for a 350-word

essay on your career goals, don’t just write a paragraph or personal statement. Get someone – teacher, friend, parent – to read your essay to make sure it reads well. Financial need is another important aspect to consider. Most award providers require that a ‘statement of means’ form be completed so, you will need to get your parent or guardian to complete this. The information is quite comprehensive so it would be a good idea to try to start this sooner rather than later. You are going to be asked to provide RWKHU ̰OHV DOVR VXFK DV UHIHUHQFHV SURRI of cost of tuition, acceptance letter, etc. and very importantly, proof of status. This is a letter that can be requested from the Department of Immigration as a copy of a passport, or your birth FHUWL̰FDWH LV QRW DFFHSWDEOH Once you have created all your documents and uploaded them in the Files section of the website and have attached additional documents such as essays (note that all documents must be in pdf), you can spend more time UHVHDUFKLQJ GL̯HUHQW VFKRODUVKLSV DQG

short-listing those you are eligible for. Please make careful note of deadline dates. Unfortunately, many students tend to leave the application process until the eleventh hour, then run LQWR GL̲FXOWLHV DV WKH\ ̰QG WKH\ DUH missing a document, have forgotten their password and can’t log in, have problems submitting an application, have missed a deadline, etc. We strongly recommend, therefore, that you start the entire process early, get all your documents in order, request your school to upload transcripts, etc. then submit your applications in good time. You can apply for multiple scholarships – however, please ensure you are eligible for them. For instance, if you are planning on studying performing arts and apply for an engineering scholarship, you will not be considered. )LQDOO\ LI \RX GR UXQ LQWR GL̲FXOWLHV please use the Help button at the top of the website and send a message. The R̲FH LV PDQQHG IURP ǿ RQ ZHHNGD\V so you will receive a quick response. Good luck with all your scholarship applications.

GOING TO COLLEGE? GOT $$$?? Search our website and apply online for all the scholarships you are eligible for.

Your Future 2022


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Articles inside

Your Future 2022

pages 12, 14

The Berkeley Institute 69

page 82

Warwick Academy

page 89

Sheridan College 77

page 81

Dalhousie University 69

pages 78-79

Brescia University College 66

page 76

BHS 65

page 72

Blue Ridge School 66

pages 74-75

Bermuda Institute 65

pages 70-71

Association of Bermuda Insurers & Reinsurers (ABIR

pages 62-63 50

pages 53-54

Association of Bermuda International Companies (ABIC

page 56

Chubb 55, Inside back cover Conyers Inside front cover

pages 48-50

Albert College 63

pages 67-68

Centennial Bermuda Foundation 57

page 60

First right hand page

pages 51-52

Deloitte 11

page 47

EY 7

page 44

BF&M 13

pages 39-40


page 38

Hamilton Princess & Beach Club 18

pages 21-25

Royal Bermuda Regiment

page 26

Chartered Professional Accountants Bermuda (CPA) 3

pages 42-43

PwC 5

pages 45-46

Bermuda Cancer and Health Centre

pages 28-29
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