EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES “I came back to Bermuda with a 3-year advanced diploma in Human Resources, and was able to transfer my credits to enrol into the Bermuda College partnership with MSVU and begin my undergraduate degree. Throughout my time of study, I juggled studying and parenting. I didn’t have to worry about room and board fees, I was able to save money, and I didn’t have the overseas distractions to contend with. It was a SHUIHFW ̰W IRU PH Ȇ 7R VWDUW \RXU RZQ journey contact WGLOO#FROOHJH EP Bermuda High School (BHS) $ULDGQH :DUG plans to complete her Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in the US, majoring in fashion design and creative writing. Her ultimate goal is to gain recognition in the fashion world for her EULGDO GHVLJQV $UL LV WKH ̰UVW %+6 VWXGHQW to study two creative art courses in the ,% &HUWL̰FDWH 3URJUDPPH Ȁ DUW DQG theatre. She is a highly creative student and has taken part in numerous school productions. She has been actively involved in student leadership and has served as a Deputy Head student, a Diversity Leader and is one of the Head
Your Future 2022
in the 2021 She Leads programme, and DɓHUZDUGV ZDV LQVSLUHG WR EULQJ D JURXS RI VWXGHQWV IURP GL̯HUHQW 6HFRQGDU\ schools together. She believes that connection between schools can create meaningful change and has been inspired by the friendships and support that have come from this initiative. ZZZ EKV EP Bermuda Institute ;LHQQH %XUFK is currently an eleventh grade (S3) student at Bermuda Institute, where she began her educational journey in 2010. She is an exemplary student who seeks to model Christian character ;LHQQH %XUFK
Girls for the 2021-2022 academic year. She has also been nominated for the 2022 Outstanding Teen Awards in the visual arts and leadership categories. A passionate advocate for diversity and inclusion, Ari dedicated time during the summer of 2021 to a new equity initiative, where she supported incoming Primary students from public schools WR KDYH D PRUH FRQ̰GHQW VWDUW WR WKHLU experience at BHS. She also took part