XXXXXXX XXXXX EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES Brescia University College in London, &DQDGD R̯HUHG WKH SRVW VHFRQGDU\ opportunities she was looking for. Natasha was introduced to the University during a high school visit from a Brescia representative. During this time, Natasha learned about the programmes %UHVFLD KDG WR R̯HU DQG ZDV DEOH WR PHHW RQH RQ RQH ZLWK %UHVFLD VWD̯ WR H[SORUH campus and form a bond between the University, herself and her parents. :KHQ LW FDPH GRZQ WR WKH ̰QDO GHFLVLRQ 1DWDVKD KDG WKUHH VSHFL̰F criteria to be met: a welcoming and supportive environment, a small student body where relationships could easily EH IRUPHG DQG ̰QDOO\ DQ DELOLW\ WR conveniently travel back home, as she desired. When Brescia easily met all three conditions, she wasn’t surprised when she arrived at Brescia’s campus and felt right at home. Two years later, Natasha is a secondyear psychology student. Psychology at Brescia has allowed her to continue with her passion for working with and helping people, all while completing her academic studies and thriving on campus. ZZZ EUHVFLD XZR FD
%XƵDOR 6HPLQDU\ 6(0 Among the oldest girls’ schools in the United States, SEM has designed a culture of achievement, scholarship, creativity, DQG OHDGHUVKLS VLQFH 7KH VFKRRO RQ the National Register of Historic Places, is a cozy campus that includes grand homes renovated for student and faculty residences on an historic parkway, a real WXUI ̰HOG DQG UHJXODWLRQ VTXDVK FRXUWV LQ D OHDI\ QHLJKERUKRRG RI %X̯DOR 1HZ <RUN %X̯DOR LV D RQH KRXU ̱LJKW IURP 1HZ York City, Boston, Philadephia, Detroit and Chicago, and a 90-minute drive from Toronto. Niagara Falls is only 15 PLQXWHV DZD\ %HFDXVH %X̯DOR LV RQ /DNH Erie, SEM sails and rows. SEM believes in standards but not standardisation. Nondenominational and nonuniform, the independent high school environment builds resourcefulness by encouraging girls to challenge themselves, express themselves, and to prepare for success in college and adulthood. Students who thrive at SEM are ready to widen their perspectives, contribute to the community, to explore, to stretch, and to rely on themselves for future success. ZZZ %XƵDOR6HPLQDU\ RUJ Your Future 2022