XXXXXXX XXXXX EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES Mechatronics Engineering, says “Ontario Tech University has given me the opportunity to pursue my Engineering degree, which is truly my passion. The university provides the support I frequently utilise. As an engineering student, these resources help me to stay on top of my workload while studying. As an international student from Bermuda, being able to experience new activities like ice skating has been really special— we do not have that at home. Joining the extramural volleyball team has also given me the opportunity to make new friends outside of my faculty.” ZZZ RQWDULRWHFKX FD St. John’s University 6KHUDH 6LPRQV describes her positive experience at St. John’s. I thoroughly enjoyed my experience attending St. Johns. Currently, I am an analyst for reinsurance claims. No two days are alike when it comes to analysing and reading loss reports for real life risk and catastrophes. St. John’s prepared me, from meeting people from all across the world to being in businesses courses, workshops and presentations
at the Manhattan campus, not far from Wall Street. I knew it was key to building connections as well as gaining valuable knowledge and experience for VHFXULQJ HPSOR\PHQW DɓHU JUDGXDWLQJ A notable memory was the Chairman/ &(2 DW WKH ̰UVW FRPSDQ\ , ZRUNHG IRU post-graduation was also a St. John’s
alum. I thought that was so inspiring to know that he also once sat in the VDPH FODVVURRPV DFTXLULQJ D ̰UVW FODVV education which led to his success. I highly recommend St. John’s as it opens up so many doors and opportunities and access to the many areas of the reinsurance business. Another Bermudian, $GULDQD %XUFKDOO says her experience at St. John’s University has been highly transformative. “I have been given
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