XXXXXXX XXXXX EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES the world of work. The select range of FRXUVHV R̯HUHG DUH GHVLJQHG WR SUHSDUH students to meet the demands of university study and the world of work beyond. 0DQ\ RI 6RPHUV̰HOG $FDGHP\ȃV GHGLFDWHG IDFXOW\ DQG VWD̯ KROG advanced degrees in their subjects, DV ZHOO DV VSHFLDOLVW TXDOL̰FDWLRQV in delivering the Montessori or the International Baccalaureate Programme. This added preparation enables them to best support their students’ holistic development – preparing the head,
hands and heart of each learner. As an international school servicing a broad population of both local and mobile families, the Montessori and I.B. programmes are readily transferable and recognised in over 200 countries. The school’s rolling admission policy, which accepts students throughout the school year, provides new families to the island the opportunity to join a dynamic and diverse school community that is committed to providing a stellar program of study for the 21st century global learner. ZZZ P\VRPHUVƶHOG FRP
For students to thrive in the 21st century they must engage in meaningful work that is both academic and grounded in real world contexts. Rooted in IB DQG 0RQWHVVRUL SKLORVRSK\ 6RPHUVƓHOG $FDGHP\ōV dedicated staff understand the power of connecting with students, inspiring them to test their limits and transcend them. 'RQōW PLVV WKH RSSRUWXQLW\ WR MRLQ D G\QDPLF DQG diverse community designed for the global learner. $SSO\ WRGD\ DW VRPHUVƓHOG EP
“Inspiring Socially Conscious Independent Thinkers”
$- 6PLWK
The Berkeley Institute $- 6PLWK is a high honours student and Head Boy of the Berkeley Institute. He is a well-rounded and respectful young man who dedicates himself to his studies, playing rugby, mastering the trumpet, and helping others in school and in the community. Throughout his years of schooling, he has kept his GPA above 3.0 since primary school and has received a number of awards for leadership and school spirit. He has taken part and helped in many organisations both in school and in the community including Student Council, Beyond Rugby, Future Leaders Bermuda, and The Salvation Army. AJ is one of the co-founders of the United Student Union, an organisation of VWXGHQW OHDGHUV WKDW R̯HU WR SODQ HYHQWV and activities to unite the students of the various schools they attend and help them positively interact in academic, DWKOHWLF DQG FUHDWLYH ̰HOGV ,Q KLV IXWXUH endeavors, he plans to do a two-year mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints to help serve others and preach the gospel around the world and aims to attend Brigham Young University to obtain his degrees in both Business and Engineering. 1DV\D %XUJHVV is a Principal’s Honours,
Your Future 2022