Health and Beauty Magazine Fall/Winter 2020/21

Page 19


Glaucoma could deliver a sucker punch to young, undiscerning Bermudians

of glaucoma is by far the biggest risk factor for acquiring the disease. There is overwhelming evidence in literature that early detection is one of the key factors in successful management of the condition. The entire prognosis changes when somebody is detected early on in the disease process, avoiding sight threatening complications. Glaucoma is well controlled in a vast majority of patients with eye drops. In a minority, a surgical option may need to be pursued. It must be emphasised that glaucoma is not synonymous with blindness and most patients are able to carry on with their lives till the very end. However, the key to management is early detection, good drug FRPSOLDQFH DQG HƸFLHQW monitoring using good timetested clinical methods and technology.

Dr. Vellore Chandran Parthasarathy explains the importance of early testing for glaucoma

hen a 35-year-old male walks into my RƸFH IRU WKH YHU\ ƜUVW time with features of advanced glaucoma, my heart sinks as I realise that it is the lack of awareness that has contributed to his plight. It will be an uphill struggle from here to preserve his sight. *ODXFRPD DƾHFWV DOO DJHV from infants to the elderly. The earlier the onset of glaucoma, worse is the prognosis. There is strong genetic basis to the disease and families with glaucoma should urge the younger members to get tested. We are increasingly realising that all screening protocols should commence earlier than what was once thought. A person with a positive family


history must start his regular visits to the optometrist by the age of 20 years. Glaucoma is more prevalent in short sighted (myopic) individuals and diabetics, in whom the screening should commence early. It is estimated that glaucoma DĆľHFWV PRUH WKDQ PLOOLRQ

Americans, and only half of them are even aware of their condition. What makes it deadly is the fact that it produces no symptoms until very late in the disease. African Americans have a six to eight-fold risk of going blind from glaucoma compared to Caucasians. A family history

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Health & Beauty Fall/Winter 2020/21


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