Nature Smart Cities Visualisation

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Baseline 0 May 2018:

Empirical Evidence 28 LAs interviewed on 15 GI valuaQon tools. •  •  •

4 LAs had heard of a GI val. tool 1 LA had made use of a GI val. tool 7% of 42 case studies on Climate ADAPT are on GI with populaQon < 550,000 (target audience) SWOT Analysis LAs lack knowledge on climate risks and threats. Env. Agency (UK) LAs do not have economic skills to fund GI climate investments.

Nature Smart CiQes Project Work Packages:

WP 1: Business Model, step-­‐by-­‐step Methodology and approval process

Baseline 75 Feb. 2022:

WP 2: Nature Smart Capacity Building Programme for LAs.

WP 3: Green Infrastructure Climate Investment Pilots – 7 locaQons WP 4: Project Management

WP 5: CommunicaQon

75 LAs will be directly engaged in the project and build their capacity and skill sets to use city finance to fund GI climate investments in their towns and ciQes 2,025 decision-­‐ makers and city influencers at LAs directly upskilled to jusQfy and approve GI climate investments as a result of the project.

Nature Smart CiQes 75 Local AuthoriQes and 2,025 individuals benefibng from the project.

City Partners

Observer Partners

Follower CiQes

7 City Partners:

11 Observer Partners, but include addiQonal LAs due to 2 County Councils (UK) and 1 Province (BE) involved.

26 Follower CiQes will be involved in the project (those that have not signed up to be Observer CiQes. •  Will include 5 LAs from France and NL that have not yet been selected (10) •  10 municipaliQes for Zealand (c/o Kappelle) •  4 boroughs/districts in Cambridgeshire (c/o Cambridge City Council).

•  •  •  •  •  •  •

Province of Antwerp Cambridge City Council City of Lille City of Bruges Kappelle The Hague Southend on Sea


65 decision-­‐makers and city influencers directly engaged in the project (WP1, WP2, WP3) at each city/town:

TOTAL 455 People

•  •  •

Essex County Council + 12 districts/boroughs Kent County Council + 12 districts/boroughs West Flanders + 7 municipaliQes

Total = 42 LAs.


25 decision-­‐makers and city influencers directly engaged in the project (WP1, WP2) at each city/town:

TOTAL 1,050 People


20 decision-­‐makers and city influencers directly engaged in the project at each city/town: TOTAL 520 People

Nature Smart CiQes PotenQal Urban PopulaQon Outreach = 12.1 million (42% of the 2 Seas total populaQon).


•  •  •

Essex 1.43 million approx. Kent 1.51 million approx. Cambridgeshire 639,800 approx.

Total 3.5 million people approx.



•  •

Lille populaQon of 228,652 people. Engage Department of Nord as a Follower City – 2.6 million appox.(incl. Lille).

Total 2.6 million people approx.


•  •

Metropolitan areas of The Hague and Rojerdam 2.7 million approx. Zealand 380,621 approx.

Total 3 million people approx.

•  •

Province of West Flanders 1.2 million approx. Province of Antwerp 1.8 million approx.

Total 3 million people approx.

Understanding ExisQng Knowledge Base


Academic Partners lead work to understand exisQng knowledge base on GI around market and non-­‐market values of GI.


Will undertake:

Desk based review of exisQng case studies and academic research 50 structured interviews with GI exemplar projects

Data categorised: -­‐  -­‐  -­‐  -­‐

Direct benefits Cash benefits Indirect benefits Non-­‐cash benefits Understand the benefits available to LAs in terms of triple bojom line (economic, social, environmental values)

Business Model 7 GI Climate Investment Pilots



Understand the market and non-­‐market values to GI Climate investments for LAs via 7 real life examples

Each City Partner will deliver a GI climate investment Pilot in their local area, looking to collate data and informaQon around triple bojom line benefits to LAs. Provide Academic Partners with this informaQon so that they can integrate this in to the Business Model.

Data collected:

-­‐  -­‐  -­‐  -­‐

Direct benefits Cash benefits Indirect benefits Non-­‐cash benefits

CriQcal Review

Market Failures •  •  •  •  •

GI difficult to jusQfy economic terms Lack of sustained focus on climate adaptaQon Lack of senior management involvement in climate adaptaQon Lack of capacity/ understanding of risks Lack of policies and strategies on GI climate investments

[ValidaQon of the Business Model and associated outputs]

Academic Partners

Understand following benefits available to LAs:

Nature Smart CiQes Business Model

[Academics Build understanding of how LAs can deliver GI climate investments using their own city finance]

Review exisQng Knowledge base

SoluQon for 75 LAs In the 2 Seas

1.  Advisory Board 2.  Independent Auditors

50 Structured Interviews GI Academic Partners

-­‐  -­‐  -­‐  -­‐

Direct benefits Cash benefits Indirect benefits Non-­‐cash benefits

[Pilots help collect data, develop, test and validate the Business Model – demonstrate the cash flow analysis of each Pilot]

7 GI Pilots City Partners

Nature Smart Capacity Building – 75 LA’s

Collect Data for Business Mode – idenQfy the cash flow analysis for each Pilot.

Non-­‐cash benefits

Cash benefits Direct to LA invesQng

Cost reduc#on Flood preven#on

Social value


Health Mental health


Tourism value

Reduced heat stress

An#-­‐social behaviour Increased physical ac#vity

Each Pilot project would undertake a cash flow analysis review that IdenQfied the market and non-­‐market values and assessed triple bojom line benefits for the LA who invested in the GI climate investment.

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