University of Portsmouth

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Engaging Sustainable Cities Prof Steffen Lehmann, 28 November 2017 (15 mins) “Urban RegeneraAon: A Manifesto for UK CiAes”

Contents: What is the Cluster for Sustainable CiAes? Our Key Research Themes and Key People of the Cluster Urban RegeneraAon: a Manifesto in 10 RecommendaAons CollaboraAon Opportunity

The Cluster for Sustainable Cities University of Portsmouth, UK Independent rankings place the University of Portsmouth in the top 2% of universiAes worldwide and among the best in Europe. 24,000 students 3,000 staff


University of Portsmouth

The Cluster The Cluster for Sustainable Cities •  is an interdisciplinary Innovation Cluster (research group) that brings together 38 key researchers across a range of disciplines, with an interest in urban resilience and sustainable cities development, •  based in the UK, at the University of Portsmouth, •  delivering research with real impact in sustainable & resilient cities.

Rethinking Cities for the Age of Global Warming

The Cluster There are 5 strategic porZolios, aligned with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals:

•  •  •  •  •

Resilient communi-es Low-­‐carbon smart urban futures Ci-es policy & governance Sustainable construc-on Urban disaster resilience

We deliver:

Policy advice Research evidence Support be^er decision making CollaboraAon with government, ciAes, community and industry IdenAfy pathways to impact and ghg-­‐emission reducAons

Collaboration Opportunities Our focus •  Leading on urban innovation and sustainable cities, •  Collaborate with other stakeholders (cities, government, business, industry decision-makers, community, civil society / citizens, research institutes, etc), •  Ensure impact and GhG-emission reductions, •  Have an international outlook and collaborate with other leading organisations, •  Influence future policy formulation and urban developments, •  Nurture the next generation of research leaders.

Making ci-es be@er.

Practice-Teaching-Research Good urban design is research-informed

What if all our acAviAes are located here?

Knowledge transfer

Knowledge application

Knowledge generation

Current Projects Research in Future Cities •  •  •  •  •  •  •

H2020 (EU): Nature-based solutions for inclusive urban regeneration Urban Europe: Food-Water-Energy Nexus Vivid Homes: Modular off-site manufactured homes EPSRC: Urban waterfront development and sea-level rise EU-China Platform (Newton Fund): Integrated strategies for urban resilience ORA: Urban farming, circular economy and new types of public space With ARUP: An urban manifesto for the regeneration of UK cities

Thinking long-term •  Interdisciplinary networking •  Sharing knowledge •  Supporting teams and outputs

The need for interdisciplinarity − The complex problems posed by urbanisation, infrastructure and development cannot be solved by one discipline in isolation. The need for international cooperation − To encourage networking between the teams to establish long-term networks and to facilitate collaboration and data sharing.

Challenge-led Research & Innovation Working with UNESCO, UN-­‐Habitat and UN-­‐ESCAP Equitable Access to Sustainable Development •  Secure and resilient food systems supported by sustainable marine resources and agriculture •  Clean air, water and sanitaAon •  Affordable, reliable, sustainable energy Sustainable Economies and Socie-es •  Resilience and acAon on short-­‐term environmental shocks and long-­‐term environmental change •  Sustainable ciAes and communiAes •  Sustainable producAon and consumpAon of materials and other resources Human Rights, Good Governance and Social Jus-ce •  Reduce conflict and promote peace, jusAce and humanitarian acAon •  Reduce poverty and inequality, including gender inequaliAes.

UNESCO Chair Advising Asian cities Aim: To implement sustainable urbanism globally.

Appointed as UNESCO Chair for Sustainable Urban Development for the Asia-­‐Pacific, 2008-­‐10.

Low-­‐to-­‐no carbon masterplans in Australia.

Working extensively in the Asia and Pacific region

Water garden

2009 - 2012: Mildura Riverfront masterplan: Australia’s first low-to-no-carbon urban development (1st Prize)


New types of urban infrastructure

Publishing our concepts Books and ar-cles 18 books and over 250 papers and arAcles published. Editorial for the Book Series on Sustainable Design for Routledge






2019, forthcoming



2006-­‐2014 journal Editor-­‐in-­‐Chief

Denser and Greener Research theme

New ways to combine density with greenery to enhance urban resilience Increasing access to more greenery and increasing urban density at the same -me… Singapore

Increasing urban density and at the same Ame increasing the amount of accessible green spaces and integraAng urban greenery in new ways.

10 Strategies for an Urban Regeneration

A Manifesto for UK Cities

Strategy 1. Urban culture and heritage – maintaining local character and a unique sense of place Strategy 2. A public space network for a compact, walkable and mixed-­‐use city Strategy 3. Mobility – moving around ci-es conveniently and low-­‐carbon Strategy 4. Coastal ci-es – the threat of sea-­‐level rise: transforming the waterfront of resilient, future-­‐proof ci-es Strategy 5. Inclusive mixed-­‐use urban living Strategy 6. High-­‐quality architectural design and public space as a catalyst for a be@er City Strategy 7. Smart ci-zens, smart energy and ci-zen par-cipa-on Strategy 8. Thinking long-­‐term and making the most of what we have

Strategy 9. Developing a vibrant university quarter to regenerate the heart of the City

Strategy 10. Ci-es sharing their experiences: new knowledge plaborms

July 2018 book

Strategy 1. Urban culture and heritage – maintaining local character and a unique sense of place. The cultures of people and ecology of the place must be expressed through physical and social structures.

Strategy 2. A public space network for a compact, walkable and mixed-use city CreaAng calm, walkable streetscapes and a network of inter-­‐ connected public spaces to hold the different parts of the city centre together.

Strategy 3. Energy efficient and convenient mobility We need to walk and cycle more and drive less, for our own health and the health of the ecosystem.

Strategy 4. Coastal Cities: transforming the waterfront of resilient, future-proof cities Although it is impossible to ‘future-­‐proof’ a city, we can strategically plan ahead to allow for a more adaptable city.

Strategy 5. Inclusive mixed-use urban living We must engage more in infill development of already built-­‐up areas before encroaching on green belts or greenfield sites.

Strategy 6. High-quality architectural design as a catalyst for a better city Architecture has to be more than individual acts: it has to provide a coherent background.

Strategy 7. Smart citizens, smart energy and citizen participation Everyone has a right to the city. Strengthening public parAcipaAon in decision making and creaAng inclusive public spaces is an important goal.

Strategy 8. Thinking long-term and making the most of what we have OpAmising urban density and exploring alternaAve scenarios will enhance the city.

Strategy 9. Developing vibrant university quarters to regenerate the heart of out cities Imagine a regenerated city centre that is less car dominated, with walkable public space and a world class university quarter at its centre.

Strategy 10. Cities sharing their experiences, learning from each other: new knowledge platforms New parAcipatory models and people-­‐centred urban governance to enable social innovaAon

Looking ahead Let’s discuss collaboration. Professor Steffen Lehmann Director of Cluster, University of Portsmouth

Let’s work together.


Ph. +44 – 23 – 9284 5742

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