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Riwayat Singkat Perusahaan
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Grup Audit Internal dan Kepatuhan terbagi menjadi Departemen Audit Internal dan Departemen Kepatuhan. Kedua departemen dalam grup ini merupakan penegak aturan yang berada di Perusahaan.
Audit Internal meyakinkan bahwa seluruh operasi MAIPARK dilakukan dengan standar yang terbaik, dengan cara menyediakan fungsi assurance yang objektif dan independen, serta memberikan saran berdasarkan best practice industri. Tinjauan atas prosedur manajemen risiko, pengendalian internal, sistem informasi dan proses tata kelola juga dilakukan oleh Audit Internal. Selain itu, Audit Internal juga melakukan best practice reviews, investigasi khusus, pencegahan dan pendeteksian kecurangan, dan pemenuhan kepatuhan Perusahaan atas peraturan dan perundang-undangan yang berlaku untuk mewujudkan tata kelola perusahaan yang baik.
Di sisi lain, Departemen Kepatuhan berfokus dalam melakukan pengawasan terhadap sistem dan prosedur agar sesuai dengan regulasi, kebijakan, hukum dan prosedur serta kode etik Perusahaan. Departemen ini juga memastikan INTERNAL AUDIT AND COMPLIANCE GROUP (IAC)
The Internal Audit and Compliance Group is divided into the Internal Audit Department and the Comploance Department. The two departments in this group is the regulatory enforcers of the Company.
The Internal Audit ensures that all operations of MAIPARK are conducted to the best standards, by providing an objective and independent assurance function, and providing advice based on industry best practices. Overview of risk management procedures, internal control, informational system, and governance processes is also conducted by the Internal Audit. Other than that, the Internal Audit also performs best practice reviews, special investigations, fraud prevention and detection, and fulfillment of the Company’s compliance with applicable laws and regulations to achieve good corporate governance.
On the other hand, the Compliance Department focuses on the monitoring of systems and procedures to comply with the regulations, policies, laws and procedures, and the Company’s code of conduct. The department also ensures bahwa Perusahaan mampu menghindari, mendeteksi dan merespon segala macam penipuan termasuk dugaan penipuan. Selain itu, sistem pelaporan pelanggaran telah disusun untuk melindungi pegawai dan Perusahaan dari ketidakpatuhan yang terjadi yang menjadi suatu ancaman bagi Perusahaan.
Pencapaian tugas Grup IAC di tahun 2017 dinilai melalui keberhasilan berkolaborasi dengan grup lain di MAIPARK. Kolaborasi tersebut mencakup aspek-aspek perbaikan pengendalian internal dalam pengadaan barang dan jasa, pemeliharaan aset tetap dan sebagainya. Grup IAC telah berkolaborasi dengan Grup Teknik dan Grup IT dalam proses penerapan Service Level Agreement pada penerimaan sesi wajib, dengan melakukan penyederhanaan dan otomatisasi sistem kerja untuk:
1. Mempersingkat waktu penerbitan dan pengiriman nota; 2. Mengurangi jumlah pending bordero; dan 3. Meningkatkan akurasi data dan informasi terkait penerapan
Service Level Agreement tersebut.
Selain itu Grup IAC juga turut berperan aktif dalam melakukan tindak lanjut atas hasil pemeriksaan OJK dan juga meyakinkan bahwa Perusahaan telah memenuhi dan taat kepada peraturan dan perundangan yang berlaku. that the Company is able to avoid, detect, and respond to any kind of fraud including alleged fraud. Furthermore, the whistleblowing system had been established to protect the employees and the Company from any non compliance that could be a threat for the Company.
The fulfillment of the IAC Group’s duties in 2017 was assessed through the successful collaboration with other groups in MAIPARK. The collaboration includes the improvement of internal control in the procurement of goods and services, asset maintenance, etc. The IAC Group collaborated with the Technical Group and the IT Group in the implementation of the Service Level Agreement in the admission of compulsory cession, by simplifying and automating the work system to:
1. Shorten the period of issuance and delivery of notes; 2. Reduce the number of pending bordereau; and 3. Improve the accuracy of data and information related to the implementation of the Service Level Agreement.
Additionally, the IAC Group also plays an active role in following up the OJK examination results and also assuring that the Company has fulfilled and complied with the prevailing laws and regulations.
Selama tahun 2017, susunan anggota Direksi maupun anggota Dewan Komisaris tidak mengalami perubahan. CHANGES TO THE COMPOSITION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS AND/OR THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS
Throughout 2017, there was no change to the composition of the Board of Directors and the Board of Commissioners.