Above All Else Newsletter- April 2015

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R E SE A R C H M E D IC A L C E N T E R • A P U B L IC AT IO N F O R STA F F, P H YSIC IA N S A N D F R I E N D S • A P R I L 2 0 1 5

Integrity Compassion Always Respect Excellence

Above All Else

In this issue:

Dear Research Medical Center Family,

PAGE 2: RMC’s Achievement

On a recent weekend visit here, I was again reminded of the great privilege I have of working with enthusiastic and committed people like you. Positive change is happening here! There is no doubt we have challenges to address, but we are taking actions to conquer these and we are making progress.

PAGE 3: Blood Cancer Center Grand Opening PAGE 4: ICARE Team Spotlight: Finance Department

Your input is so vital to how we set goals and prioritize them. Your leaders and I love to hear from you personally throughout the year but we also need a formal way to measure how Research Medical Center is performing as an employer.

PAGE 5: Above All Else - Notes From Patients PAGE 7: HCA Named a World’s Most Ethical Company

PAGE 10: Employee Engagement Survey Participation Prizes

This brings me to an important topic. The 2015 Employee Engagement Survey begins Monday, May 4 and closes on Monday, June 1. You will receive more information in your home mail box and in your work e-mail about the survey. Our RMC, RPC and RB goal is 100% employee participation. We need every employee to take the survey so please plan to reserve 15 minutes during May to do this.

PAGE 12: Above All Else, 2015 Film Festival

We take survey results very seriously and will continue to make changes in the future based on your survey responses.

PAGE 8: National Certified Nurses Day Celebration

PAGE 14: ECHO Team Looking for Musical Talent


Corrine Everson VP, Marketing/PR (816) 276-9293



Kari Bovard Marketing Manager (816) 276-9475 kari.bovard@hcamidwest.com


I’m thrilled to see how living our mission is making a difference in the lives of patients and families every day. Here’s a messaged posted to our Facebook recently: Today my son is 6 weeks old and has had a perfect start to life since being delivered at Research Medical Center! Thank you to the wonderful nurses that got us through our first few days of life! I was so taken by your quick attention, positive attitude, and zest for your job! It was a pleasure to deliver my second child at Research and I wasn’t sure if you could top our last delivery but both experiences left us feeling relieved to have had our kids at your hospital! We love our nurses Chelsea, D’Yana, Hortence, and Rona!!! Thank you ladies and of course Dr. Roth!!! Please take a moment to thank each other for the teamwork and commitment of our entire organization. Let’s keep up the great work! Sincerely,



Jackie DeSouza-Van Blaricum President and CEO

Research Medical Center Awarded Highest Levels for Stroke Care The Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services announced its hospitals earning designation in Missouri’s new Time Critical Diagnosis (TCD) statewide emergency medical care response system. There are four levels of designation in the criteria and HCA Midwest Health has four hospitals among the first in the state to earn the new TCD Designation. Research Medical Center is designated Level 1, Centerpoint Medical Center and Lee’s Summit Medical Center are designated Level II, and Belton Regional Medical Center is designated Level III. This new statewide emergency medical care response system is designed bring together the 9-1-1 response system, ambulance services, and hospitals in a more integrated and coordinated manner. The goal is to help a greater number of people get to the care they need faster in order to enhance survival rates and increase a patient’s chance of recovering from all time critical diagnoses: trauma, stroke and heart attack. Research Medical Center is the hub for the highest level of stroke care among our HCA Midwest Health partner hospitals and in the entire region. To be designated in the new system, hospitals have to have specifically-trained staff available 24 hours a day to provide all the expertise in laboratory testing, blood pressure monitoring, CAT and MRI testing, immediate consultation with a Board-Certified physician, and offer the use of clot-busting drugs such as t-PA. Research Medical Center Level I Center Designation. This is the highest level awarded. This means the hospital functions as a primary resource center within the region, maintaining specialized resources for the most complex patients. In addition, we were also recently named a Get With The Guidelines® Target Stroke Elite hospital, the only hospital in the region to earn ELITE status, which means patients get t-PA, the clot-busting drug, within 60 minutes more than 75 percent of the time. We are also hold Advanced Certification in Stroke Care through The Joint Commission. Centerpoint Medical Center and Lee’s Summit Medical Center Level II Center Designations, means the hospitals provide definitive care to high volumes of trauma, stroke, and STEMI patients within the region using evidence-based guidelines. These hospitals refer patients to RMC as necessary for more specialized care. RMC physicians also offer telemedicine stroke care expertise to LSMC. Belton Regional Medical Center Level III Center Designation, means the hospital plays a vital role in providing access into the TCD System and in diagnosing and treating patients in non-metropolitan areas, and generally refer patients to RMC for higher-level care. Overland Park Regional Medical Center and Menorah Medical Center also serve as Primary Stroke Centers and are dedicated for advanced care for stroke patients. Because these hospitals are located in Kansas, today’s announcement does not apply to their stroke programs but they are critical partners to RMC in caring for TCD patients. Congratulations to everyone involved in the life-saving care of TCD patients! And a big thank you to everyone who helps us earn the multiple designations and accreditations we hold as the region’s leading provider of quality care!


R E SE A R C H M E D IC A L C E N T E R • A P U B L IC AT IO N F O R S TA F F, P H YSIC IA N S A N D F R I E N D S • A P R I L 2 0 1 5


Blood Cancer Center Grand Opening The Blood Cancer Center of Sarah Cannon HCA Midwest Health opened in March at Research Medical Center. The center provides comprehensive outpatient services and a dedicated inpatient oncology unit staffed by oncologycertified nurses. Specializing in care for acute leukemia and complex blood cancer patients, the new program is already serving patients from across HCA Midwest Health and the region.

A Blessing of Hands for physicians and staff was a special part of the opening event.

Physicians, nurses and leaders participated in the ribbon-cutting.

National Donate Life Month National Donate Life Month (NDLM) was instituted by Donate Life American and its partnering organizations in 2003. Celebrated in April each year, NDLM features an entire month of local, regional and national activities to help encourage Americans to register as organ, eye and tissue donors and to celebrate those who have saved lives through the gift of donation. Donation and Transplantation Statistics: • On average, a single donor can save or heal the lives of up to 50 people. • Each year more than 28,000 patients begin new lives thanks to organ transplants. • A living donor can provide a kidney or a portion of their liver, lung, pancreas or intestine. • More than 120,000 people are waiting for an organ transplant in the United States. Research Medical Center is providing the opportunity for individuals to help support National Donate Life Month: April 9: Donate for Donuts and donor registry table, located in the cafeteria from 11 a.m.- 2 p.m. April 10: Transplant Symposium, Registration 8:30a.m., Program 9 a.m.- noon. April 16: Donor Recognition Ceremony, Time TBA.

R E SE A R C H M E D IC A L C E N T E R • K E E P I N G YO U I N F O R M E D W I T H T H E L AT E ST N EWS • A P R I L 2 0 1 5


I. C.A.R.E.

Finance Department

The crisp spring air is invigorating allowing me to reflect upon the Finance Department, the tasks we have accomplished, projects we’ve just begun and the continuation of building our team. As part of our culture with real-time feedback and discussion of high/solid/low performers, we’ve welcomed employee career growth, relocation and added two members to our department. Jason Schwan, former Assistant Controller, is now Controller at Centerpoint Medical Center and Patrick Martin, former Sr. Accountant, has taken the position of Sr. Financial Analyst at Midwest Division IT&S. We welcome Lindsey Kaminski, Assistant Controller; she joins our team from Belton Regional Medical Center and Renee Petrovich, Sr. Accountant. HCA Midwest Division offers growth and relocation opportunities, allowing us to attract and retain individuals as they progress through their career. To ensure we continue building a strong finance team, we initiated peer interviewing. We initiated peer interviewing and have seen the difference with staff being included in the decision making to select the right candidate for an open position. Our ICARE board has a new look. ENGAGE was a small team project involving paper and glue sticks – while being elementary in design, it was a fun way to discuss and reinforce what it means to be a member of RMC. The theme ENGAGE is meant to focus on employee engagement. Engagement starts with the work team, whether helping a coworker learn a new Excel trick or having a lunchroom conversation about sports, movies or weekend plans. During monthly rounding employees can give voice for action. We engage in our facility by participating in town halls and on committees. Last fall, we rolled up our sleeves for Habitat for Humanity and spruced up a newly renovated house. When gathered as a group to discuss what impact the Finance Department has on connecting to the patient experience, I was reminded of the numerous times a wandering sole receives assistance from us to find the correct Physician Practice or where Radiology is located. Contrary to popular belief, we’re not stuck in our chairs counting beans! Excellence is a word we can focus on with meaning. As a department, we strive to provide timely, meaningful information to directors and managers to aid in running the facility. Theresa Nauser and Marianne Adamson, Sr. Accountants, stay busy with monthly tasks from closing books and monitoring compliance to annual projects such as tax work papers and testing inventory counts. Missy Clark, Sr. Financial Analyst, works with management to evaluate product lines and capture and report statistical information. Mary Ann Delgado and Sherry Chapa are integral to the payment process of our vendors and physicians. As Controller, I am grateful every day to have a great crew. Provided by Kevin O’ Brien, Controller, Research Medical Center


R E SE A R C H M E D IC A L C E N T E R • A P U B L IC AT IO N F O R S TA F F, P H YSIC IA N S A N D C U S T OM E R S • A P R I L 2 0 1 5

Above All Else, We Are Committed to the Care and Improvement of Human Life Giving each patient and their family the best patient experience is a top priority at every Research Medical Center entity. This means every patient, every time and every touch. Always. Not Sometimes, Not Usually. Always. When patients take the time to let us know they had a great experience, we’ll share them. Below is a sampling from last month.

“To all those at Research Hospital who gave me care during my surgery, recovery and rehabilitation, I express my sincere thank you and appreciation to you that I am able to look out the window at my garden plot and plan the upcoming gardening season. I feel completely blessed to have the mental and physical ability to anticipate warmer days and outdoor activity. My deepest gratitude to all the research staff who have enabled me to look forward to spending more days with my family friends and soaking in the sunshine.”

Mr. Daniel Grimes, his brother and father gave the medical staff three thumbs up after Mr. Grimes slept through the night, without any pain, for the first time in a long time. His father and brother said “we were pinching each other all night saying ‘can this be real.’” Mr. Grimes sought the care of Research Medical Center after being treated unsuccessfully for his pain at Harvard Medical. Thanks to neurosurgeon Willian Rosenberg, MD, and the dedicated RMC medical team, Mr. Grimes now feels happier and healthier!

Neurosurgeon Geoffrey Blatt, MD, was sweetly thanked by his patient’s grandaughter for taking care of her grandma. “Thanks for having grandma at the hospital for brain surgery.”- Ella


R E SE A R C H M E D IC A L C E N T E R • K E E P I N G YO U I N F O R M E D W I T H T H E L AT E ST N EWS • A P R I L 2 0 1 5


Pain TreaTmenT CliniC moved The Pain Treatment Clinic, previously located on the Brookside Campus has moved to Research Medical Center’s main campus.

The new address is:

Research Medical Center Pain Treatment Clinic 2316 E Meyer Blvd., A Level Shared space with TIA Clinic (816) 276-7094 Inpatient and Outpatient Pain Care Specialists: Steven Charapata, MD Thomas Laughlin, MD Cheryl Muro, NP Pain Management specialists are ready to help you care for patients with uncontrolled pain. They are skilled at treating both inpatients and outpatients dealing with acute and/or chronic pain. Their focus is managing pain and creating a care plan specific to each patient’s issues. Services include, diagnostic discography, epidural neuroplasty, facet joint infections,spinal cord stimulation and many more. To schedule a patient, please call (816) 276-7094 Center for the Relief of Pain and Center for Facial Pain remain in the same locations and can be reached at (816) 363-2500.


R E SE A R C H M E D IC A L C E N T E R • A P U B L IC AT IO N F O R S TA F F, P H YSIC IA N S A N D F R I E N D S • A P R I L 2 0 1 5

HCA Named a World’s Most Ethical Company For the sixth consecutive year, Research Medical Center’s parent company, Hospital Corporation of America (HCA), has been named a 2015 World’s Most Ethical Company by Ethisphere Institute. HCA is one of only three healthcare providers honored this year. “Earning this recognition involves the collective action of a global workforce from the top down. We congratulate everyone at HCA for this extraordinary achievement,” said Timothy Erblich, Ethisphere’s chief executive officer.

Stroke Center Medical Director Iftekhar Ahmed, MD, Interviewed by KCTV 5 Iftekhar Admed, MD, emphasized the importance of timely and accurate care for stroke patients, during his interview with KCTV 5 News.

Oncologist Stephanie Graff, MD, and oncology nurse Kelly Boling on Fox 4 KC Following Angelina Jolie’s recent announcement to have her ovaries removed, FOX 4 KC interviewed oncology nurse Kelly Boling and oncologist Stephanie Graff, MD regarding preventative surgeries, should a woman test positive for the BRCA Gene. Kelly shared her personal decision to undergo a mastectomy after she tested positive for the BRCA gene in 2011-a surgery Stephanie Graph, MD said can reduce the risk of cancer by up to 85 percent. ppercent. ercent.

R E SE A R C H M E D IC A L C E N T E R • K E E P I N G YOU I N F O R M E D W I T H T H E L AT E S T N EWS • A P R I L 2 0 1 5


Serving Excellence in Nurse Communication Nursing leaders served yogurt and oatmeal parfaits to the nursing staff in recognition of their Nurse Communication Scores for the month of February. “It was a great way to celebrate a win with our staff and reinforce our key behaviors,” said Paige Baker, Chief Nursing Officer at Research Medical Center. RMC patients rated nurse’s communication greater than 82% (always) when answered these three questions; 1) Treated you with courtesy and respect 2) Listen carefully to you and 3) Explained things in a way you could understand.

A Special Delivery for NICU Patients Jennifer Howe recently gave birth to two beautiful baby girls in the NICU at Research Medical Center. Mrs. Howe and her family were truly touched by the warm-hearted care they received stating,“We love this place. The level of care we received and the girls received from the nurses here at Research was amazing.” To show her gratitude for the nurses and Research Medical Center’s NICU, Jennifer’s organization Multiples of Kansas City, delivered gift bags for parents in the NICU containing supplies they could use during their stay. Multiples of Kansas City is a non-for-profit support group for people who have or are expecting multiple-child birth.

National Certified Nurses Day Celebration On March 19, a Certified Nurses Day Celebration was held to honor and recognize Research Medical Center’s certified nurses for their leadership, professionalism and commitment to excellence in patient care. Research Medical Center is home to more than 100 certified nurses, providing care in 28 service departments including, Case Management, GI Lab, Heart Clinic, ICU, Nephrology, Radiology, Women’s Services and many more. If you are interested in becoming certified in your area of specialty, please contact a nurse leader to learn how Research Medical Center supports certification and professional development. Free educational and study materials are also available in Healthstream under the blue Clinical Education Center tab. 8

R E SE A R C H M E D IC A L C E N T E R • A P U B L IC AT IO N F O R S TA F F, P H YSIC IA N S A N D F R I E N D S • A P R I L 2 0 1 5


R E SE A R C H M E D IC A L C E N T E R • K E E P I N G YO U I N F O R M E D W I T H T H E L AT E ST N EWS • A P R I L 2 0 1 5


Why Take the Employee Engagement Survey? Examples of changes implemented at RMC, RPC and Research Brookside that were influenced by your survey responses from last year: • Your leaders perform regular rounding visits to all areas on all shifts, increasing employee opportunities to share thoughts and ideas. • Continually recruiting highly qualified professionals and improving retention strategies to attract and maintain the best nurses and staff • Continue stop light reports to keep track of leader progress toward implementing your ideas and input. • Host Employee Town Hall meetings on all shifts and locations so every employee has a chance to participate • Enhanced the physical appearance of many patient care areas, campus properties and green space surrounding our facilities • RMC ER – Enhanced use of treatment space and added security measures to offer patients even more timely access to the best level of emergency care • Added a retail pharmacy and bedside medication delivery for staff, patient and family convenience • HCA began offering an employee stock purchase plan with a discount on the purchase of shares • RPC – Restructured clinical positions and added staff to better serve patients • Launched several community and business partner ideas to build better community relationships


R E SE A R C H M E D IC A L C E N T E R • A P U B L IC AT IO N F O R S TA F F, P H YSIC IA N S A N D F R I E N D S • A P R I L 2 0 1 5

Please Take the Employee Engagement Survey Participation Prizes If you complete your 2015 Employee Engagement Survey between May 4 and May 10 you will receive a coupon to redeem in cafeteria for $4.00 off any purchase. Two names will also be drawn from this list for 8 hours of PTO. Each employee who completes the survey from May 11 through June 4 will receive a coupon to redeem in cafeteria for $2.00 off any item. Research Medical Center’s goal is 100% employee participation LET US HEAR YOUR VOICE! Participation Prizes • 88% participation – one name will be drawn for 8 hours of PTO and two names will be drawn for a free car detail by the senior team! • 89% participation – two names will be drawn for a $25 restaurant gift card and one name will be drawn for an employee to throw a pie in Patrick Avila’s face! • 90% participation – one name will be drawn for 8 hours of PTO and one name will be drawn for an employee to choose a senior leader to dress up as their favorite movie/ rock star for a day! • 92% participation – two names will be drawn for $50 restaurant gift cards • 93% participation – one name drawn for a flat screen TV giveaway Departments that reach 100% participation will earn a free taco salad lunch for all employees. The PTO day cannot be cashed in. It must be used for a day off with advanced approval from Director.

Research Medical Center’s Mission, Vision and Values Mission: Above all else, we are committed to the care and improvement of human life. Vision: Together, we will be the premier healthcare destination for all we serve.

Values: Integrity; Compassion; Always; Respect; Excellence R E SE A R C H M E D IC A L C E N T E R • K E E P I N G YO U I N F O R M E D W I T H T H E L AT E ST N EWS • A P R I L 2 0 1 5


Above All Else: 2015 Film Festival and Concert What NOT to Wear, RMC Edition Lookin’ Good


Try Again

R E SE A R C H M E D IC A L C E N T E R • A P U B L IC AT IO N F O R S TA F F, P H YSIC IA N S A N D F R I E N D S • A P R I L 2 0 1 5

Above All Else: 2015 Film Festival and Concert I CARE Flash Mob

Doctors’ Day Omelet Breakfast Thank you to the outstanding physicians at Research Medical Center, Research Psychiatric Center and Research Brookside for your dedication in providing excellent health care to our patients.

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ECHO Team Looking for Musical Entertainers The ECHO Team (Employees Contributing to Help Others) Planning Committee is searching for employees who want to showcase their musical talents during ECHO week. If you have a musical talent to share, consider volunteering your time to entertain employees and visitors at the 22nd Annual Fund Drive set for June 1-June 5, from 11:00am-2:00pm held in the cafeteria. For more information on performing, please contact The Research Foundation Office at 816-276-4218.

Pancreatic Cancer : 5K Run & Family-Friendly Walk Dear Research Medical Center Family, Here in our own Sarah Cannon Cancer Center we see, on a daily basis, the effects pancreatic cancer has on our patients and their families. Did you know more than 46,000 Americans will be diagnosed with pancreatic cancer this year? The five-year survival rate is just 6% and we recently learned pancreatic cancer is anticipated to move from the fourth to the second leading cause of cancer death in the U.S. by 2020. We CAN change these statistics. Join me in supporting the Pancreatic Cancer Action Network’s effort to fight this disease! On May 2, I’m participating in PurpleStride Kansas City because I want to join the fight and make a difference. I’ll be striding with thousands of other people impacted by this disease and together our efforts can lead to change. I have created a team website for Sarah Cannon at Research Medical Center named Minnie’s Pearls. I am hoping that you will join my team and come support our patients. If you cannot participate in the 5K please donate to this great cause. Your donation will help fund research, provide support for patients and caregivers, and most importantly create hope! To Join the Minnie’s Pearls Team or to donate, please visit www.purplestride.org -> click on Find an Event -> select Kansas City- then click on Find a Team-> select Minnie’s Pearls. If you have any questions please contact me at beth.lynn@hcamidwest.com or 816-276-9072. Thank you for your support! Beth Lynn


R E SE A R C H M E D IC A L C E N T E R • A P U B L IC AT IO N F O R S TA F F, P H YSIC IA N S A N D F R I E N D S • A P R I L 2 0 1 5

Research Medical Center is seeking wise night nurses for night and weekend patient care. We’re hiring day shift nurses too and right now you can earn a $3,000 referral bonus for each nurse you refer that we hire. The bonus applies for any full-time nurse on any shift in our inpatient units, surgery department, emergency department, outpatient oncology, or cardiac cath lab. New nurses need to be hired or accept a full-time bonus-eligible position by March 31, 2015. Whoooo can I refer? • Any nurse who is not a current employee of any HCA Midwest Health facility who, • Has a minimum of two years of experience. • One referral bonus can be paid per nurse hired. To refer a nurse and be eligible for the bonus, contact Amy Less at (816) 276-4176 to receive a referral bonus form. You may either send the completed form to Amy via e-mail at Amy.Less@hcamidwest.com or fax it to Research Medical Center’s Human Resources, Attention: Amy Less at fax number (816) 276-3571. Please call (816) 276-4176 or e-mail Amy to confirm receipt of your completed form. What’s in it for me? When Research Medical Center hires your full-time nursing candidates, you will get paid: • $1,500 per referred nurse who successfully completes 90 days of employment • And an additional $1,500 per referred nurse who successfully completes one year of employment (required taxes and deductions will be withheld from each payment). What’s in it for the new nurse? Research Medical Center is also offering these new nurses a $5,000 – $10,000 incentive. When we hire a new full-time night nurse in any of our inpatient units, surgery department, emergency department, outpatient oncology or cardiac cath lab, he/she will receive their incentive.

To apply for a nursing position at Research Medical Center, go to

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AORN Chapter of Greater Kansas City Awarded AGold and Chapter of the Year Marie Barrentine, perioperative nurse and past president of the Association of PeriOperative Registered Nurses (AORN) Chapter of Greater Kansas City, drew upon her surgical expertise to support this organization’s win of the Gold and Chapter of the Year Awards. The more than 270 Kansas City chapter members created a presentation showcasing multiple contributions the local chapter has made to the perioperative nursing field. The Kansas City chapter was one four of chapters that earned Gold, then went on to be named the Chapter of the Year. Marie began her tenure at Research Medical Center in 1972. She started out in the School of Nursing as an instructor in medical surgical nursing with special attention to the operating room experience for student nurses. “I taught the basics so that each student had a week’s experience in scrubbing and passing instruments, circulating with the RN, working in PACU (recovery room) and a fourth week with a follow through care study experience,” said Marie.

Healthcare Community Credit Union

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R E SE A R C H M E D IC A L C E N T E R • A P U B L IC AT IO N F O R S TA F F, P H YSIC IA N S A N D F R I E N D S • A P R I L 2 0 1 5

Healthy Habits Superfood Spotlight Leafy Greens! Dark leafy greens are a good source of a variety of nutrients including iron, calcium, vitamins A, K and C, fiber, potassium, and folate. Additionally, greens are packed with phytochemicals that have been shown to help protect us from a variety of diseases. These extremely low calorie veggies can be a great addition to your diet in salads, soups, smoothies, or even as part of your main entrée. Check out the superfood table outside the cafeteria for recipes including leafy greens as well as the Earth table inside the café for various healthy snacks. Eat right, Live Well! Provided by Stephany Moore, RD, LD, Clinical Dietitian

Clinical Excellence Update Take Your Child To Work Day- Thursday, April 23

Take Your Child To Work Day is quickly approaching! The registration form for volunteers and participants will be available on the Intranet soon under the Upcoming Events section. For more information please contact Micah Horton at x4108 or micah.horton@hcamidwest.com. Save The Date – Annual Competency Fair Congratulations to the Radiology Department for having the largest representation at the March 12 Competency Fair, bringing 55 staff members out of 237 partipants! Participation in the Annual Competency Fair is mandatory for all nursing, radiology, respiratory, and transport staff hired before December 31st, 2014, on one of the following two dates: • June 9 • October 7 The Competency Fairs will be held in the Curry Education Center located at the Brookside Campus. Staff must be checked in before 1400. Prior to arriving, you MUST have your 2015 Code of Conduct completed.



APRIL 1: National Walking Day APRIL 9: Donate for Donuts and donor register table, Reserach Medical Center cafeteria, 11:00am2:00pm. APRIL 11: Complex GI Oncology Symposium, Kauffman Foundation Conference Center, 8:00am-1:15pm

APRIL 17: American Heart Association’s Go Red for Women Luncheon, Overland Park Convention Center, 10:00am1:30pm. APRIL 17: Annual Volunteer Awards Luncheon, Research Medical Center Brookside Campus Home Base, 11:30am-2:00pm. MAY 12: Look Good Feel Better, Research Medical Center Board Room, 3:00pm-5:00pm MAY 7: Southwest Business Meet and Greet, Research Medical Center. MAY 16: Annual NICU Reunion, 1 North Patio, Research Medical Center, 1:00pm - 3:00pm. MAY 30: American Heart Association, Heart Walk at Theis Park on the Country Club Plaza. JUNE 1-5: ECHO 22nd Annual Fund Drive, Research Medical Center Cafeteria, 11:00am- 2:00pm.

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Prizes and Incentives 2015 Kansas City Heart & Stroke Walk | May 30 | Theis Park hanes teal gildan sapphire

Heart Walk T-Shirt Any Heart Walk participant who registers at the Heart Walk Website before the end of the day on Friday, May 15 and raises at least $25 will be guaranteed a HCA Midwest Health t-shirt! (There is no t-shirt guarantee for those not registered by the deadline.) HEART & STROKE WALK 2015

Allen County Regional Hospital Belton Regional Medical Center Carroll County Memorial Hospital Cass Regional Medical Center Centerpoint Medical Center Lafayette Regional Health Center Lee’s Summit Medical Center Menorah Medical Center Overland Park Regional Medical Center Research Medical Center Research Psychiatric Center Ambulatory Surgery Centers Physician Services Group


Additional Incentives: • Any HCA Midwest Health Heart Walk team leader who recruits 10 walkers will receive a $30 gift card! • Top walkers/fund-raisers for each facility will receive a $100 gift card! • All employees raising $1,000 or more will receive a PTO day. • Every employee raising $500 or more will be entered into a drawing for a PTO day. • The top fund-raising team at each facility will go to lunch with their entity’s senior team.

kcheartwalk.org makes it easier than ever to fundraise with the American Heart Association — register today and start sending e-mails to fundraise online! See back page for more details.

Heart & Stroke Walk fundraising will be active until Friday, June 26. Results will be calculated and prizes awarded by the end of August.


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