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New problems, new solutions: SACE and SIMEST for the Italian companies in APAC By SACE Hong Kong Team

According to the latest SACE Rapporto Export, presented on 10th

“Push Strategy”, aimed at increasing the presence of Italian SMEs in global

September, Italian exports of goods are expected to contract sharply for

value chains through a “general purpose” loan and business matching

this year with -11.3%, to a level of around € 422 billion, just over that

activities offered to international players operating in sectors with high

recorded in 2016. Despite the severity of the shock, SACE expects a

potential for Made in Italy. In this regard, SACE offices in Hong Kong, the

significant rebound in exports of goods already in 2021 (+ 9.3%), showing

regional hub, Shanghai and Mumbai, are constantly surveying some of the

an almost full recovery. In the following 2022-2023 period, the average

most promising markets in the APAC area, such as China, India, Indonesia,

growth is then expected to settle at around 5.1%. What above is based on

Philippines and Vietnam, with the aim of identifying those foreign targets.

the assumption of a non re-aggravation of the health crisis between the end of 2020 and 2021.

In conclusion, today more than ever, Italian companies that intend to enter or consolidate their position on international markets cannot ignore the

This economic scenario places us in front of unprecedented challenges for

tools made available by Italian and supranational institutions. The “Patto

the coming years since the consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic have

per l’Export” recently presented by MAECI, the new FTAs signed at EU

been added in 2020 to the uncertainties of 2019 - GDP and international

level (one of the latest with Vietnam), the ICE products, the support of the

trade slowdown, protectionist escalation and geopolitical instability - with

Chambers of Commerce, the insurance-financial solutions of SACE and

effects both in the immediate (closure of borders, stop to production

the instruments of SIMEST are available to all Italian companies: knowing

activities) and in the long term (reshuffling of value chains, change in

and making good use of them can be critical to ensure their success on

consumption habits).

foreign markets.

This complex situation requires, on one side, huge efforts from companies in redefining their business models and internationalization strategies, and on the other side imposes on the institutions of the “Sistema Italia” abroad (Embassies, Consulates, ICE offices, Chambers of Commerce, SACE and SIMEST) the task of strengthening their presence and role, maximizing the positive effects of the new tools now available. The “Decreto Liquidità” has reinforced the SACE’s role as Export Credit Agency, introducing an evolved scheme of co-insurance with the Ministry of Economy and Finance, which will extend the support to Made in Italy

“SACE and SIMEST support the Italian companies in their activity abroad both for commercial transactions and investment initiatives with a range of trade finance, political and credit risk insurance, financial guarantees, sureties, soft loans as well as equity participation instruments. With over € 133 billion of overall outstanding commitments, SACE and SIMEST serve more than 25,000 business customers, facilitating access to commercial & bank financing in 198 countries worldwide. SACE is present in Asia with three offices, in Hong Kong, hub for the APAC Region, Shanghai and Mumbai.”

in the world. In addition, the same Decree has widened the role of SACE beyond exports, with the task of granting liquidity to all Italian companies damaged by the Covid-19 emergency - with the new “Garanzia Italia” - and supporting new strategic projects to strengthen Italy’s competitiveness. SIMEST, on its part, until the end of 2020 will grant subsidized loans managed on behalf of MAECI – with no need of guarantees and, thanks |

to the new resources made available through the “Patto per l’Export”, with a non-repayable component of up to 50% of the total amount disbursed. Within the new SACE’s instruments, it is worth mentioning the innovative


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