Feast of Tabernacles 2014 - Official Program

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The International Christian Embassy Jerusalem was established in 1980 in recognition of the biblical significance of all of Jerusalem and its unique connection to the Jewish people of Israel. Today it represents millions of Christians, churches and denominations to the nation and people. We recognize in the restoration of the State of Israel God’s faithfulness to keep His ancient covenant with the Jewish people. Our main objectives are: • To stand with Israel in support and friendship • To equip and teach the world wide church regarding God’s purposes with Israel and the nations of the Middle East

2014 OFFICIAL PROGRAM The digital version of this Official Program can be viewed on your computer, smartphone, and digital tablets by visiting: www.issuu.com/icej

• To be an active voice of reconciliation between Jews, Christians and Arabs and to support the churches and congregations in the Holy Land Our work with its head office in Jerusalem reaches more than 140 countries with branch offices in over 80 Nations. Our vision is: • to reach every segment of Israel’s society with a Christian testimony of comfort and love. • to reach and actively represent to Israel the support of denominations churches and believers from every nation of the earth. The ICEJ is a non-denominational faith ministry, supported by the voluntary contributions of our members and friends across the globe. We invite you to join with us as we minister to Israel and the Jewish people worldwide by donating to the ongoing work and witness of the ICEJ.


‫הרשות לפיתוח ירושלים‬


CREDITS Executive Director Jürgen Bühler International Director Juha Ketola Media Director David Parsons Executive Assistant Beverley Dwyer Creative/Music Director Ray Ramirez Graphic Designer/Illustrator Peter Ecenroad Graphic Design Assistants Pierre Marais, Patricia Ecenroad Photographs Istock, Israel Images, Sasson Tiram, ICEJ Staff Finance Director David van der Walt General Manager Peter Taylor Development Director Daryl Hedding Feast Registrar Scott Morgan Advertisements James Cheatham Printed by Off-Set Tal Printing, Tel Aviv Mail Department Wim van der Zande Booths Doron Schneider Official Program Reprinting in whole or in part is forbidden except with the prior permission of the publisher. ICEJ logos & emblems © The International Christian Embassy Jerusalem, PO Box 1192, Jerusalem, Israel 91010. All rights reserved. International Christian Embassy Jerusalem PO Box 1192, Jerusalem, Israel 9101002 Fax +972 2 539 9701 Email icej@icej.org Website www.icej.org



6 Director's Welcome 10 About the Feast 14 Feast Theme




68 Vendor Booths



20 Information 22 Arena Maps

FEAST PROGRAM 28 30 34 36 37 46 48 60

Schedule Special Events Prayer at the Feast AJ’s Club Youth Program Feast Events Map Speakers Volunteers


NEHEMIAH AWARD 66 Leif A. Wellerop

Your Embassy in Jerusalem 74 ICEJ International 78 ICEJ Timeline 82 ICEJ Today 86 Isaiah 62 Prayer Campaign 88 ICEJ AID 90 Homecare 92 Aliyah 94 Arise 96 Media 100 Christian Friends of Yad Vashem 102 Shomer Society 104 Embassy Resources

PROMOTIONALS 108 Promotionals




Scripture references are to the New King James Version of the Bible unless otherwise specified. The annual Christian Celebration of the Feast of Tabernacles functions under the oversight of the Executive Committee of the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem



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Welcome to the Feast Dear friends, Welcome to the Feast of Tabernacles. You have arrived in Jerusalem at a time when Israel has gone through a very difficult crisis. Your presence here means so much to Israel and gives great comfort for its people. This year’s Feast of Tabernacles is an extra special one. After spending the past 33 years in the Jerusalem Convention Center (Binyanim Ha’Uma), we have moved for the first time to a new and much larger venue. The brand new Jerusalem Pais Arena offers us the possibility to grow the Feast of Tabernacles significantly in years to come. Over recent years, we felt the Lord speak to us about enlarging the Feast to accommodate bigger audiences. This new venue allows us to bring in over 11,000 Feast pilgrims. Our prayer and vision is that we will see pilgrims from every nation on earth and they will fill this new venue with the high praises of God. We always need to remind ourselves that the Feast of Tabernacles is called “the Feast of the Lord”. It is not the Feast of the ICEJ or of any other organisation or church. Rather, we are here because God has called us to His city for this appointed time with Him. In recent weeks, we have prayed that every single pilgrim coming to Jerusalem for this year’s Feast will be touched by the presence of the Holy Spirit and that God will speak to you. The Feast theme this year is “Restoration”. And this is exactly what we are praying and expecting, that God would restore your life and fellowship with Him in every area. Maybe you came with challenges in your walk with Jesus, in your family, or in your health or finances. We pray that this will be a Feast of personal restoration. Trust God to meet with you here in Jerusalem. At the same time, I want to encourage you to allow God to place a vision of restoration in your heart for

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your entire family, and for your church, city and country. We know that, during Church history, the Gospel has dramatically impacted entire nations with His restoring grace. Use this time here in Jerusalem to intercede for your family, church and nation like never before. God promises: “If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land. Now my eyes will be open and my ears attentive to the prayer that is made in this place.” (2 Chronicles 7:14-15) He can restore any broken situation in which you find yourself, even in your nation. He is a God of restoration. I also want to encourage you to use your time here in Jerusalem to pray for Israel. We are just coming out of a military conflict in which Israel lost 73 of its finest citizens. Many more have been injured. Allow the Lord to challenge you about what you can do here in Israel to stand with His people. Ask God to expand your heart for the great vision He has for Israel and the Jewish people. Finally, take time to meet some of our staff at the ICEJ Information Booth and learn more about the ministry of the ICEJ and how you can get involved. I pray that the Lord “… will Himself restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish you.” (1 Peter 5:10, ESV) Again, welcome to Jerusalem and may the Lord bless you during your time here in this wonderful city.

Jürgen Bühler Executive Director International Christian Embassy Jerusalem


Welcome From the Mayor of Jerusalem Dear Pilgrims, I am so pleased to welcome you to the 2014 Feast of Tabernacles celebration in Jerusalem, sponsored by the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem. And I am especially delighted to be welcoming you to the brand new Jerusalem Pais Arena, which opened this month in Jerusalem. The Feast of Tabernacles is the first international gathering that is taking place in this new state-of-the-art facility, and we are pleased that you are here. The Jerusalem Pais Arena is the largest sports and cultural complex of its kind in the region and is a source of pride for Jerusalem residents. Historically, Jerusalem has been, and today remains, one of the most dynamic and exciting cities in the world. Over three billion people of faith look to Jerusalem for inspiration and long to see its sights, touch its stones, and connect to the cultures and heritages that converge on this unique hilltop. Your visit to Jerusalem sends an important message of solidarity and support for the unity of Jerusalem, the home and capital of the State of Israel. I am certain that your pilgrimage to Jerusalem to celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles will be a memorable and meaningful experience. Sincerely,

Nir Barkat Mayor of Jerusalem

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About the Feast

The Feast of Tabernacles is the third of the great pilgrimage feasts given to Israel and the culmination of their prophetic purposes DAVID PARSONS ICEJ MEDIA DIRECTOR

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"And it shall come to pass that everyone who is left of all the nations which came against Jerusalem shall go up from year to year to worship the King, the Lord of hosts, and to keep the Feast of Tabernacles." Zechariah 14:16 Some may ask why are thousands of Christians coming up to Jerusalem each year to celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles? After all, isn't this a "Jewish holiday"? The answer lies in the unique universal significance of this ancient biblical festival and its past, present and future relevance for all nations.

Likewise, Passover and Pentecost look back on the great Exodus from Egypt and the giving of the law at Sinai, while their hidden prophetic purposes were fulfilled in the death and resurrection of Jesus and the birth of the Church fifty days later.

The Feast of Tabernacles carries both a hope-filled message concerning the future and an encouraging message for the here-and-now

Every biblical holiday given to the Jewish people has these three aspects. Israel was commanded to observe the holiday in the present in order to remember something God had done in the past, and because of some future prophetic purpose hidden within each festival. Thus Jews begin Shabbat each week by lighting of two candles, which stand for "Keep" and "Remember". In so doing, they remember how God rested on the seventh day of Creation while also looking forward to the Millennial rest promised for the whole earth.

The Feast of Tabernacles, or Sukkot, is the third great annual pilgrimage festival when the Jewish people gather together in Jerusalem not only to remember God's provision in the Wilderness but also to look ahead to that promised Messianic age when all nations will flow to Jerusalem to worship the Lord. A Feast for all People Tabernacles is unique, however, in that the nations also were invited in ancient times to come up to Jerusalem at this season to worship the Lord alongside the Jewish people. This tradition first arose from the command given to Moses that Israel should sacrifice seventy bulls at Sukkot, which were offered for the seventy nations descended from Noah (see Numbers 29:12-35).

When Solomon later dedicated his Temple at Sukkot, he also called on the Lord to hear the prayers of all the foreigners that would come there to pray (2 Chronicles 6:32-33). Thus, Jerusalem and the Temple itself were destined from the start to be a "house of prayer for all nations" (Isaiah 56:7; Matthew 21:13). 11 Feast Program 2014


A second unique aspect of Sukkot is that it is a feast of joy. It is a fall harvest feast to be marked with great rejoicing in the ingathering of the fruit of the land. Israel also was called to instruct the nations in the laws of God and the people were to take joy in this task. Thus, Sukkot also serves as a harbinger of the joyous last-days ingathering of the nations. The Past: Remembering the God of Provision The most visible symbol of Sukkot is the small hut or booth which the Israelites were commanded to dwell in for the eight days of the Feast of Tabernacles (Leviticus 23:33-43). Jewish families across Israel build these booths on their patios and balconies, and decorate them with colourful fruit, ribbons and pictures. Some families eat their meals in the sukkah and even sleep there at night. These flimsy booths serve as a reminder to Israel that they once dwelled in makeshift huts during the forty years of wanderings in the Wilderness. It was a harsh environment and they were totally dependent on the Lord. Yet during that time, God was ever faithful 1212Feast Program 2014

to provide water, manna, quail and every other thing they needed to sustain them in the barren desert. He even was a pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night - a shade from the noon-day sun and then warmth and light in the darkness. Indeed He is Jehovah Jireh, the "Lord who Provides", and who even provided Himself a sacrifice for our salvation (Genesis 22:14). So there is every reason for Christians to also celebrate the faithful provision of the Lord in our lives at Sukkot. The Present: Celebrating His Presence Today Sukkot also marks the ingathering of the harvest at the end of the summer season, providing sustenance for the coming winter. There is also at present a great harvest of souls from every corner of the world into the Kingdom of God. This too gives us reason to celebrate, as Christians from around the globe gather to worship the Lord together in Jerusalem at Sukkot.


It may surprise some, but Jesus also celebrated the Feast of Tabernacles. The Book of John, in chapter 7, tells us that one year the disciples went up to Jerusalem for Sukkot but Jesus stayed behind and then came up secretly. Then on the last "great day of the feast", he stood in the Temple courts and cried out: "If anyone thirsts, let him come to Me and drink. He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.� (John 7:37-38)

thousand years, we will look back on the day of his appearing to take up the throne of David in Jerusalem and to judge the world in righteousness and peace.

God not only wants us to see the glorious future ahead, but is commanding us to look back in time as well to see His faithful provision

So Sukkot is a time for Christians to rejoice in the abiding presence of the Holy Spirit in our earthen vessels.

At that time all nations will be required to join in this yearly gathering. Yet when Christians flock to Jerusalem now to celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles, it serves as a powerful statement of faith that we believe that day is coming when the earth will finally be at rest in Messiah, the King of Israel.

The Future: Entering the Joy of the Lord The prophet Zechariah foretells of a time when all nations will ascend to Jerusalem from year to year to "worship the King, the Lord of hosts, and to keep the Feast of Tabernacles� (14:16). Thus we keep Sukkot now because of that future prophetic purpose hidden in this unique festival which will soon be revealed - and it has to do with the second coming of the Lord.

For the past thirtyfive years, thousands of Christians from all over the world have come up to Jerusalem each fall to celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles, sponsored by the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem. They come with much expectancy to take part in a dynamic worship experience, knowing the One we worship will soon be sitting on His throne in this great city. Indeed, celebrating Sukkot now gives us a foretaste of the joy of the age to come.

Throughout the Messianic Age, the entire world will celebrate this feast because it will mark the return of Jesus to the earth. For a

For more information on the annual Christian celebration of the Feast of Tabernacles, please visit www.icej.org 13 Feast Program 2014 13


A Paradigm Shift The modern-day restoration of Israel is probably the most powerful example of what biblical, divine restoration is all about. It is in the collective sense what God also wants to do for individual lives. When God determined to restore Israel, He said it would represent a paradigm shift in the way He would deal with the Jewish people. In Zechariah, God describes the principles which would define the national restoration of the Jews. He said that now He “will not treat the remnant of this people as in the former days” (Zechariah 8:11). On the contrary, it would represent a 180 degree turn in God’s dealing with Israel. In the past He dispersed them, but now He gathers them. He made them a byword in days gone by, but now they shall be a praise in the earth. “…Just as you were a curse among the nations, O house of Judah and house of Israel, so I will save you, and you shall be a blessing.” (Zechariah 8:13).

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It means this restoration represents a dramatic change in God’s dealing with Israel. The approach He took with Israel during the previous 2000 years will not apply anymore today. God is moving from a mode largely defined by judgment to one of mercy and restoration. As the Psalmist said, “the time to favour” Zion has come (Psalm 102:13). This also means that the Church today cannot afford to ignore the subject of Israel any longer. If God has shifted gears in His dealings with Israel, so also must the Church shift in its dealings with Israel. The Church cannot afford anymore to approach Israel as some marginal issue. As Jessy Penn Lewis said: “The time will come when God will bring Israel back from the side track of history to the main track.” Israel is surely on the main track of redemptive history today. It is a fact that around the world a new awareness of what God is doing with Israel is gaining traction in

Welcome the Church. We see within the global ministry of the ICEJ that wherever the Spirit of God is moving, He also is placing a new and unprecedented emphasis on Israel. Even entire denominations today are deciding to bless Israel. Israel at the same time recognises that there is now a global Evangelical community which has become a highly significant strategic partner for the state of Israel. Currently, there is probably no government in the world which holds as many talks and ties to Evangelical leaders as the state of Israel. The Process of Restoration The restoration of Israel needs to be understood as a process which takes place over time. It starts with a physical restoration back to their land. The Hebrew prophets foretold that Jews will return from the four corners of the earth to their ancient homeland, rebuilding the cities and cultivating the land even amid troublesome times. This then is followed by a spiritual restoration. Most of these same prophets declare that God would pour out His Spirit upon the people of Israel. They foresaw that God would give them a new heart and write His law upon their hearts. It would be so radical that Paul describes it like being raised to life again. An important aspect in all this is Israel’s restoration to her own national calling. It is this final facet of the restoration of Israel which will usher in the most powerful transformations upon the earth. The end result of God’s dealings with Israel will not just be that Israel will live in peace and tranquillity in their land, but the calling which God originally bestowed through Abraham upon Israel – “in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed” – will come to its full fruition. Paul the Apostle indicates this in the Book of Romans: “Now if their fall is riches for the world, and their failure riches for the Gentiles, how much more their fullness!” (Romans 11:12) That means, according to Paul, that the greatest blessing which Israel will dispense to the world is connected to “their fullness”; that is, they will see the full calling bestowed upon Israel come to completion. For this spiritual restoration of Israel will usher in the season of Messianic reign upon the earth. The prophets saw the day coming when, “for David

a branch of righteousness” will rule over His people. Jesus himself declared that Israel would see him again only once they would welcome him back to the city. Both the Hebrew prophets and the Apostle John envision Israel at that time “looking upon him who they have pierced” (Zechariah 12:10; Revelation 1:7). The Restoration of All Things This will lead into a season of unprecedented restoration for the world. In fact many and powerful declarations in the Bible refer to this glorious future for Israel and the world. Geographically, it will be centered in the very city of Jerusalem. Both Isaiah and Micah understood that the city of Jerusalem one day will become the global focal point which will influence both individuals and entire nations. “Many people shall come and say, ‘Come, and let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, to the house of the God of Jacob; He will teach us His ways, and we shall walk in His paths.’ For out of Zion shall go forth the law, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem. He shall judge between the nations, and rebuke many people; They shall beat their swords into ploughshares, and their spears into pruning hooks; Nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war anymore.” (Isaiah 2:3-4) From a restored Jerusalem, a new era of peace and righteousness will spread over the earth. Nations will be instructed on how to rule their own nations in justice and truth. The ultimate effect of this transformation is that there will be no need any more for military academies and training bases, as armed conflicts will become dark relics of the past. This will take place because the “Branch of righteousness” will have established His kingdom, for “He shall execute judgment and righteousness in the earth. In those days Judah will be saved, and Jerusalem will dwell safely. And this is the name by which she will be called: The Lord Our Righteousness.’” (Jeremiah 33:15–16) Most vitally, this new season of restoration will bring forth peace for a region which is one of the most conflict-ridden areas of the world – the Middle East (see Isaiah 19:23ff). It also will usher

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in a new season of restoration for all the neighbouring nations around Israel, and even “the Philistines” will be considered “like a leader in Judah” (Zechariah 9:7). The establishment of this Messianic Kingdom also will have an impact upon the entirety of Creation. Hosea foresaw a time when God will even make a covenant with the entire Creation (Hoses 2:18). As a consequence, the wolf and lamb, the lion and calf will live together in harmony. Nature will be tamed, with the sting of violence removed. It means that Creation will be restored to its original purpose and calling, to give glory to its Creator. Or as Paul puts it: “Creation will be delivered from its bondage of corruption.” (Romans 8:21) Therefore, Creation is anticipating this transformation with “eager expectation”.

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It also will lead to a global recognition of the God of Israel. “The earth will be covered with the knowledge of the Lord like the waters cover the sea.” Both Isaiah and Habakkuk see this future reality for our world. Isaiah also gives a reason why this will happen: the blindness which Paul sees over both the nations (2 Corinthians 4:3ff) and over Israel (2 Corinthians 3:14ff) will finally be lifted from humanity. “And He will destroy on this mountain the surface of the covering cast over all people, and the veil that is spread over all nations.” (Isaiah 25:7) Indeed, nations will recognise and serve God and He will dwell with men on earth. But the greatest promise is that the restoration of Israel will give rise to the defeat of the power

of death. “He will swallow up death forever, and the Lord God will wipe away tears from all faces …” (Isaiah 25:8). Paul refers to this when he speaks about the resurrection from the dead (1 Corinthians 15:54). That means Israel’s restoration will eventually make an end to what has been man’s greatest fear to this day – the fear of death. Its poisonous sting will be broken and death will not have the final word, but that will rather belong to the resurrection life of Jesus Christ. This is why Paul could triumphantly declare over Israel: “For if their being cast away is the reconciling of the world, what will their acceptance be but life from the dead?” (Romans 11:15) Conclusion This means that the greatest calling over Israel still

lays ahead. This nation’s modern-day return serves as a harbinger of amazing days to come. But the result should be more than just rejoicing about the days to come. We are called to action. We need to recognise that God is restoring His people back to their inheritance, back to a relationship with Him and back to their destiny. It is a remarkable work to be involved in, as its vision and purpose has to do with the “restoration of all things” (Acts 3:21). Let us all join hands and work together for this great purpose. As we see God bringing us into this new and exciting season of restoration, let us become His co-labourers in this prophetic work. These are truly days of restoration and we need to be a people of restoration. So welcome to the Feast and may the Lord’s mighty restoration power touch your own life during your time in Jerusalem!

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THE FEAST HAS A NEW HOME! The International Christian Embassy Jerusalem is very pleased and excited to be hosting our annual Christian celebration of the Feast of Tabernacles this year in the brand new Jerusalem Pais Arena.

enable us to welcome over three times as many participants into our main Feast services in future.

For the past 33 years, the ICEJ has hosted the Feast in the Jerusalem Convention Center, drawing thousands of Christians each year for this dynamic celebration of the “Feast of the Lord�. However, a new opportunity opened to expand the Feast to accommodate larger crowds in coming years, as our worldwide following continues to grow.

We strongly feel that this is a God-given opportunity to grow the Feast, and to enlarge our mandate to bring the nations to Jerusalem to worship the Lord and to stand alongside the nation of Israel. We trust God that in the years to come He will fill this new hall with worshippers from the nations in the same way He was faithful to fill the previous venue since 1981.

The ultra-modern Arena features over 11,600 seats on eight levels, along with special seating galleries and executive boxes plus a massive center LED screen, making it the largest and most advanced, state-of-theart sports and cultural facility of its kind in the Middle East. With the greater seating capacity in the 47,000 square-meter complex, the Jerusalem Pais Arena will

And not only will there be more room in the Arena for Christian pilgrims from around the world, but also more seats to offer our Israeli friends on the traditional Israeli Guest Night, when the event is opened up to thousands of locals to come enjoy a musical program geared for a Jewish audience.

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‫הרשות לפיתוח ירושלים‬

Mayor of Jerusalem Nir Barkat has been particularly encouraging about the move to the new arena, offering the Christian Embassy the privilege of hosting the first major international gathering in the state-of-the-art facility.


So the ICEJ would like to thank the Mayor and the City of Jerusalem for their cooperation in providing this incredible new venue for the Feast. And our appreciation also goes out to the other Arena partners, including the Jerusalem Development Authority, iTravelJerusalem.com, and Mifal HaPayis. Now please enjoy the new home of the Feast of Tabernacles as we celebrate this year under the theme “Restoration!” And do your best to bring as many pilgrims as you can with you next year. DR. JÜRGEN BÜHLER, ICEJ Executive Director 19 Feast Program 2014 19

For Your Information

Finding your way around the new Jerusalem Pais Arena… We have provided Maps in this year’s Feast Book to help you find your way around the Jerusalem Pais Arena – the new home for the ICEJ’s Feast of Tabernacles celebration. Please note that there are five levels of the Arena, but only three levels will be open to Feast pilgrims. They are the Main Entrance & Auditorium Level, the Suites/Mezzanine Level, and the Gallery Level.

Suites/Mezzanine Level This level contains Seminar Room #3, AJ’s Club, the Prayer Room, the Feast Office, and the Media Office. Access to this level is by the stairways and elevators just off the two main foyers on opposite sides of the Arena at Auditorium Level (see Arena maps – coded in green)

Main Entrance & Auditorium Level This is the level of the main entrance, which is located on the western side of the Arena facing Teddy Stadium and the Malha Mall. This level contains food vendors, the Feast vendor booths, bathrooms, Seminar Room #2, and gates to the general seating in the main Auditorium. Please note that only the doors on the eastern side of the Arena will be open to access seating in the Auditorium, zones 1-5.

Gallery Level This level will only be opened to Feast pilgrims in the event the lower seating areas are full in the main Auditorium. Should we need to use the upper seating areas, access is by the escalators in the East Foyer only, which takes you to the Gallery Level and the doors leading to the top tier seating.


For Your Information ADMISSION – Entry to the Arena is by Name Badge only. Please cooperate with all ushers and security personnel upon entering. The Feast Oversight Committee reserves the right of admission. VENDOR BOOTHS – We encourage you to shop at the vendor booths set up in the main entrance and corridors on the Auditorium Level. These are operated by local Israeli shops and businesses, and you will find unique crafts and great values while also supporting the Israeli economy. SECURITY – It is normal throughout Israel for security personnel to check all bags when you enter a building. Please cooperate when these searches are required to enter the Arena. To cut down on long lines, please do not bring large bags with you into the building. Also, do not leave bags, packages or other personal belongings unattended, as they could be confiscated or cause undue alarm. FIRST AID – There will be a First Aid station to serve Feast pilgrims set up near the East Foyer of the Arena – see Map for exact location. TRANSLATIONS – Headphones are available for live translations into other languages, but they must be reserved by tour leaders and collected and returned to the headsets booth after each session. Translation is only available in those languages most represented at the Feast. BLOOD DONATIONS – Each year at the Feast we hold a blood drive to encourage Christians from abroad to give the gift of life while here in Israel. There will be a Magen David Adom mobile blood clinic set up just outside the main entrance to the Arena, which will be collecting blood donations on the mornings of Sunday, Monday and Tuesday, 12 to 14 October. Be sure to stop by and inquire about giving blood during your stay in Jerusalem. FLASH PHOTOGRAPHY – Flash photography and videotaping during the evening celebrations is not permitted for any reason, even on cell phones and iPads, as it may interfere with the professional filming and live broadcast of the Feast. Please do not leave your seat to come forward and film or take pictures under any circumstances. High quality videos of the evening services will be available through Embassy Resources. GOOD ORDER – For the sake of order, public utterances from the floor during meetings cannot be permitted. If you believe you have a word from the Lord, please consult with one of the members of the Feast Oversight Committee.


SPECIAL NOTE – Please refrain from blowing shofars or other loud instruments in the Auditorium unless called upon to do so from the platform. Thank you for your full cooperation in this matter.

   First Aid is located in the East Foyer of the Arena. Police 100

Ambulance 101

Fire 102

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SCHEDULE L i v e s t r e a m i n g w w w. i c e j . o r g / l i v e




SUNDAY 12 OCTOBER Prayer and Worship Led by Judy and Jerry Ball

8:00am - 9:00am

Plenary 1 9:00am - 9:45am

Juha Ketola Main Auditorium Plenary 2 Angus Buchan Main Auditorium

9:45am - 10:30am Break Communion Service [English] 11:00am - 11:45am

Israel and the Church 1 Peter Tsukahira Main Auditorium

[gates open at 9:15am] 10:00am - 11:30am Wayne Hilsden

Theology & Israel 1

Garden Tomb

Feast Youth Day Angus Buchan Seminar Room 3

Dan Juster Seminar Room 2

Break Local Believers 1 Communion Service [Portuguese] 12:00pm - 12:45pm

Ein Gedi Meal starts at 16:30 Worship Program starts at 18:30 20:00 - 22:00

Dr. Paul Enenche Ein Gedi Celebration

28 Feast Program 2014

Avi Mizrachi Main Auditorium Restoration in the Nations 1 Ingolf Ellssel Seminar Room 2

[gates open at 14:00] 14:30 - 17:00 Renê Terra Nova

Feast Youth Day

Garden Tomb

Angus Buchan Seminar Room 3

Opening Night Doors open at 19:15 START TIME - 20:00 Jürgen Bühler Pais Arena, Jerusalem

Evening Service Doors open at 18:30 Prince Guneratnam Pais Arena, Jerusalem

MONDAY 13 OCTOBER Prayer and Worship Led by Mosy Madugba

TUESDAY 14 OCTOBER Prayer and Worship Led by Tom Hess

Plenary 1

Plenary 1

RenĂŞ Terra Nova Main Auditorium

Tass Saada Main Auditorium

Plenary 2 Billy Wilson Main Auditorium

Plenary 2 Samuel Rodriguez Main Auditorium

Israel and the Church 2 Mosy Madugba Main Auditorium

Israel and the Church 3 Jobst Bittner Main Auditorium

Theology & Israel 2

Theology & Israel 3

Malcolm Hedding Seminar Room 2

David Elms Seminar Room 2

Current Affairs 1 Susanna Kokkonen Seminar Room 3

Current Affairs 3 David Parsons Seminar Room 3

Local Believers 2

Local Believers 3

Naim & Steven Khoury Main Auditorium

Daniel Yahav Main Auditorium

Restoration in the Nations 2 Khoo Oon Theam Seminar Room 2

Restoration in the Nations 3 Andrew White Seminar Room 2

Current Affairs 2

Current Affairs 4

Daniel Gordis Seminar Room 3

Efraim Inbar Seminar Room 3

Bus Tours - 13:00 - 18:00

Jerusalem March - 15:00 (assemble at 14:30)

Evening Service Doors open at 18:30 John Francis Pais Arena, Jerusalem

Israeli Guest Night Doors open at 18:30 Robert Stearns Pais Arena, Jerusalem


Prayer Vigil Hulda Steps 9:00am - 12:00pm

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Feast Program


The Feast of Tabernacles opens once again at the Ein Gedi Spa with a festive meal and evening celebration under the full moon and palms trees along the shores of the Dead Sea. All fully registered Feast pilgrims may gain free entry to the Ein Gedi Spa that day (9:00 AM to 5:00 PM). The meal starts at approximately 4:30 PM and the program begins at 6:30 PM. Bus tickets for the ride from Jerusalem to Ein Gedi and back can be purchased from Vered Travel at Feast Registration, which will remain open at the Crowne Plaza Hotel until 1:00 PM the day of the event.

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The traditional Communion Service during the Feast of Tabernacles will be held in the beautiful and peaceful setting of the Garden Tomb, located just north of Jerusalem's Damascus Gate. The morning service at 10:00 AM will be conducted in English by Rev. Wayne Hilsden, pastor of the King of Kings congregation in Jerusalem. The afternoon service at 2:30 PM will be conducted in Portuguese by Apostle RenĂŞ Terra Nova from Brazil. Due to seating limitations, these events are only open to fully registered Feast pilgrims. Each participant will receive a souvenir olive wood Communion cup at the event. We will need to move in and out of the Garden Tomb in a fast and orderly manner, and show respect for this special site. You are also encouraged to visit the Garden Tomb again for an organised tour of the site during your stay in Jerusalem. See page 110 for more on touring the Garden Tomb.

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Feast Program

Prayer at the Feast Over the past three years, God has placed a new emphasis on prayer throughout the worldwide ministry of the Christian Embassy. The days in which we live demand that we draw near to the Lord and ask Him to intervene in our lives and in our world. Through our global Isaiah 62 Prayer Campaign, God has been faithful to speak and to guide our petitions to Him. It has been a real source of strength and direction for the work we have been called to do. Prayer will also be an important component of this year’s Feast!

committing unspeakable acts against Christians and even fellow Muslims. We need to proclaim God’s purposes for the region, especially His promises to deliver Israel and pour out His Spirit upon this nation.

Evening Prayer Sessions There will be an intercessory team led by Jerry and Judy Ball leading a special time of prayer before each evening service, at 6:30 PM. The prayer room is located on the Suites Mezzanine level - see map.

Morning Prayer Sessions

Special Prayer Vigil

We want to strongly encourage you to make use of the precious times we gather for morning prayers during the Feast. These prayer and worship sessions will be held from 8:00 to 9:00 AM each morning in the main auditorium of the Jerusalem Arena. There is no better way to start the day right than with prayer and worship to Jesus. We will be refreshed and renewed as we seek His face together.

The Feast of Tabernacles 2014 will conclude once again with a special prayer vigil on the last morning of our gathering. The finale event will be held from 9:00 AM to 12:00 NOON on Wednesday, 15 October at the historic Hulda Steps, at the south end of the Temple Mount. This is a very special venue, as Jesus once walked these steps and Paul studied under Gamliel in this same place. Respected ministers from around the world will lead us into prayer for Israel, the Arab world, and the nations of the earth. There also will be a time for some of our special ministry at the Feast to pray for pilgrims. We are trusting that our prayers together will avail much, and that we will depart for our nations with a fresh anointing to serve the Lord.

We also must look beyond our own welfare and intercede on behalf of our world today. Never has prayer been so urgently needed for Israel and the Middle East as it is now. Israel remains locked in conflict with the Palestinians. The region is still in turmoil, with Islamic terrorists

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AJ’s Club AJ’s Club House AJ’s Club House 1-4 YEARS

Child care for children (ages 1-4) who will be attending the Feast with their parents. Parents can rest assured that their little ones are in loving and capable care during the daily and evening Feast sessions. Care Givers will provide your little one with a calm athmosphere of age related activities, stories, rest times and games that will engage them in meaningful play and learning. Parents are asked to come and check on their child between sessions and to bring a prepared bag containing items for your child’s stay in our care. Location: Suites Mezzanine level Coordinator: Kimberley Murray

Morning AJ’s Sessions 9:00am - 12:30pm 36

5-11 years

This children’s program (ages 5-11) runs concurrently with daily Feast sessions at the Pais Arena Jerusalem. The setting of Jerusalem in the Bible is a place where the nations come to learn about God. We are excited to welcome your children from all over the world to Israel and to AJ’s Club at the Feast of Tabernacles for Bible stories and fun activities. Be sure to register your child today for this exciting adventure! Location: Suites Mezzanine level Coordinator: Kimberley Murray

Evening AJ’s Sessions 7:00pm - 10:00pm


Sunday, 12 October 2014 // 11:00 AM to 10:00 PM This year the ICEJ has planned a special Feast Youth Day for young believers to come together for fellowship and fun as well as serious times of ministry to their unique needs. Hundreds of teenagers from congregations all across Israel will be coming for this first-ever Feast Youth Day in Jerusalem. The free program will feature: Morning Session A special time of worship and youth ministry by Angus Buchan. Location: Seminar Room #3, Jerusalem Pais Arena Time: 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM

Movie: Faith Like Potatoes based on life of Angus Buchan Location: Seminar Room #3, Jerusalem Pais Arena Time: 5:00 to 7:00 PM

Lunch Location: Malha Mall Food Court Time: 1:00 to 2:00 PM

Evening Service at Feast Location: Main Auditorium, Jerusalem Pais Arena Time: 8:00 to 10:00 PM

Afternoon Fun Location: Visiting fun places around Jerusalem Time: 2:00 to 5:00 PM

Open free of charge to those 12-18 years of age Youth Day Supervisor: Doron Schneider doron.schneider@icej.org




Feast pilgrims are offered the following special bus excursions on this afternoon to unique places not normally included in standard Christian tour packages of the Holy Land:

Shomron Tour

This excursion takes you on a fascinating journey into the Shomron (Samaria) area north of Jerusalem, following along the ancient "King's Highway" once used by the Hebrew Patriarchs. Learn about the region's rich biblical heritage as well as its strategic value to Israel, especially in light of the recent conflict in Gaza. Also, join other Christian volunteers with the group HaYovel to pick grapes on the mountains of Samaria during the height of the fall harvest season.

Bible Lands Tour

First, the group will visit the Bible Lands Museum in Jerusalem for a special tour of the exceptional "Book of Books" exhibition, containing rare manuscripts and artefacts tracing the history of the Bible and the Jewish roots of Christianity. The historic items on display include fragments from the Dead Sea Scrolls and the Septuagint, some of the earliest New Testament Scriptures, exquisite illuminated scrolls and manuscripts, and original pages from the Gutenberg Bible, as well as a working replica of the Gutenberg printing press. This exhibition has been held open through October to accommodate our Feast pilgrims (see pages 112-115 for more on the "Book of Books" Exhibit.) Then take a guided tour of the Garden Tomb, which amazingly contains all the elements of the crucifixion, burial and resurrection of Jesus in a beautiful and peaceful natural setting.

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The ICEJ AID department will host a special visit to the Yealim Absorption Center in Beersheva, a Jewish Agency facility where new Jewish immigrants are assisted in their move to the Land of Israel. Meet new arrivals and hear their personal stories of rejoining the Jewish people back in their ancient homeland. Families at the absorption center come from a wide variety of countries, such as Yemen, Cuba and Ukraine, and they will share their dreams and their challenges in deciding to return to Zion. So get up-close and personal with Jewish families that the Christian Embassy is helping to settle back in Israel.

PLEASE NOTE Tickets for all the bus excursions may be purchased at the Vered table either at Feast Registration in the Crowne Plaza from 8 to 11 October, or in the main entrance foyer of the Jerusalem Pais Arena from the evening of 11 October onward. The cost for each tour is $40. Bus seats are limited, so make sure to sign up early. Please board buses at 1:00 PM to ensure prompt departure. Tour itineraries are subject to change, and a tour may be cancelled if an insufficient number of passengers sign up. Please note that every precaution is being taken for the safety of tour participants. A light box lunch will be provided as part of your tour, but it is strongly advised to bring along your own snacks and drinks, and especially a supply of water. Buses will load at street level outside the West entrance to the Arena.

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PLEASE ASSEMBLE BY 2:30 PM WITH THE ICEJ GROUP JUST NORTH OF THE “LION’S TUNNEL” AT THE NORTH END OF SACHER PARK. The Jerusalem municipality has in the strongest terms requested that NO flags, gifts or candy be given out during the first 200 meters of the Jerusalem March. By following this simple guideline the March will start-off and progress much smoother, avoiding unnecessary congestion. Furthermore the municipality and police departments have placed barriers at strategic locations for crowd control and the safety of both the March participants and March attendees – please honour these barriers and do not reward with gifts of any kind those onlookers who breach these barriers. 40



We are delighted once again to be able to march through the streets of Jerusalem to express our solidarity with Israel. • The March is only open to fully registered Feast pilgrims, who will be given a coloured wrist band that must be shown when assembling for the Jerusalem March. • Please start assembling before 2:30 PM at the north end of Sachar Park. • To access the assembly area, use upper entry on the hill above the "Lion's Tunnel". • Be sure to wear your national costumes. A hat, comfortable walking shoes and a personal supply of water are also recommended. • Bring plenty of national flags and (kosher) candy to hand out to the children. Do not start handing any of these items out until we have reached the top of Bezalel Street. • Please understand that the handing out of any tracts has been prohibited.

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Feast Program


TUESDAY, 14 OCTOBER // 8:00 PM JERUSALEM PAIS ARENA Once again this year, we have set aside one evening to provide a taste of the Feast for hundreds of our Israeli guests and friends. With the expanded seating capacity at the Jerusalem Pais Arena, you are welcome to invite as many Israelis as you can to attend, so they can enjoy the musical talent assembled for this year's Feast celebration. There will be open seating on a first-come basis for the evening, so make sure to arrive early. Israeli citizens will be admitted for free upon presenting their blue Israeli ID card.

43 Feast Program 2014

Feast Program


WEDNESDAY, 15 OCTOBER 9:00 AM TO 12:00 NOON, HULDA STEPS IN JERUSALEM'S OLD CITY The Feast 2014 will end with a Special Prayer Vigil to be held the last morning of our gathering on the historic Hulda Steps, located at the south end of the Temple Mount in the Old City of Jerusalem. This is a very special venue, as Jesus once walked these steps and Paul studied under Gamliel in this same place. Access is via the Davidson Center, down the walkway to your left as you enter the Dung Gate and head towards the Western Wall plaza. This promises to be a highlight of our time in Jerusalem, as we devote our final morning to seeking the Lord together in prayer for our families, churches, and nations, as well as for Israel and the Middle East region. Respected ministers from around the world will lead us in prayer, and a time will also be set aside for prayer for the sick and body ministry. May we be renewed in the Holy Spirit as we prepare to return to our nations with a fresh anointing to serve Him!

45 Feast Program 2014

Feast Events Map

Bike Trail

46 Feast Program 2014

Feast Events Map

Sacher Park



Tr a


Bike Trail

Temple Mount

47 Feast Program 2014

Feast Speakers

2014 FEAST


"If you instruct the brethren in these things, you will be a good minister of Jesus Christ, nourished in the words of faith and of the good doctrine which you have carefully followed." - 1 Timothy 4:6 SPEAKERS ARE LISTED IN ORDER OF APPEARANCE AT THE FEAST

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Feast Speakers

EVENING & SPECIAL EVENTS PAUL ENENCHE Dr. Paul Enenche is a trained medical doctor called of God into full-time ministry, with an apostolic, prophetic and teaching anointing for the restoration of human lives, destinies and dignities. Dr. Enenche is senior pastor of Dunamis International Gospel Center, headquartered in Abuja, Nigeria. He has a heart for evangelism, which he is pursuing through television, internet and other mass media platforms. His revival meetings are accompanied by signs, wonders and dramatic divine healings. Presently, his ministry is spread across over 100 locations within and outside Nigeria and through his Dunamis TV satellite station that reaches millions of viewers in Africa, the Middle East and parts of Europe. His church in Abuja has grown from a small fellowship in 1996 to tens of thousands of members today. Dr. Enenche has written many insightful books and also oversees a growing network of educational academies. He is married to Becky, who is also a medical doctor, and they have four children.

WAYNE HILSDEN Rev. Wayne Hilsden gives pastoral leadership and oversight to the King of Kings Community of Jerusalem, one of the largest and most dynamic congregations in Israel. Originally from Canada, Pastor Wayne and his wife Ann have resided in Jerusalem since 1983, where they have raised four sons and expanded the ministry of King of Kings into many new areas with national and global impacts. In addition to pastoring the congregation in Jerusalem, Wayne travels the world to preach and to share among the nations about the restoration of Israel. Meanwhile, King of Kings has birthed several other local congregations, while developing effective ministries in prayer, media, worship music, marriage counselling, youth and other areas of service to the Body of Christ in the Land of Israel.

RENÊ TERRA NOVA Apostle Renê Terra Nova is one of the most recognised and respected Evangelical church leaders in Latin America, with oversight of a growing Pentecostal movement that numbers around eight million believers. He is founder and president of International Ministry of Restoration in the city of Manaus, Brazil, where he pastors a church of some 70,000 members. Apostle Renê aspires to extend the Kingdom of God worldwide, while also instilling a deep love and commitment to Israel among his followers. He is the national director for ICEJ-Brazil and has been leading large delegations of Christian pilgrims from across Latin America to the Feast in recent years. The Knesset Christian Allies' Caucus and the Israel Ministry of Tourism have bestowed their annual tourism award on Apostle Renê for his efforts to bring tens of thousands of Christian visitors to Israel.

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Feast Speakers

JÜRGEN BÜHLER Dr. Jürgen Bühler is an ordained minister and trained physicist who serves as Executive Director of the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem. After graduating from Ulm University with a degree in physics, Jürgen moved to Israel in 1994 to pursue a five-year research project at the Weizmann Institute of Science in Rehovot. After obtaining a doctorate in chemistry, Jürgen joined the staff of the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem in 1999 and served from 2001 to 2011 as national director for ICEJ-Germany. He has been a member of the ICEJ's Board of Trustees for ten years and served as the ministry's International Director for five years. He is a licensed minister with the German Pentecostal Federation (BFP), and his unique scriptural insights into issues relating to Israel, the Church and the nations have placed him in great demand as a speaker all over the world. Jürgen and his wife, Vesna, live in Jerusalem with their three sons and one daughter.

PRINCE GUNERATNAM Dr. Prince Guneratnam is the senior pastor of Calvary Church which meets at the Calvary Convention Center in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, and serves as chairman of the Pentecostal World Fellowship, a denominational network which represents more than 300 million Pentecostal Christians worldwide. He serves on various ministries and advisory boards both nationally and internationally, including being the General Superintendent-Emeritus of the Assemblies of God of Malaysia, executive board member of the World Assemblies of God Fellowship, regional director of the Church Growth International for South East Asia, and executive member of the Global Christian Forum. Dr. Guneratnam also has founded and overseen a number of ministries with humanitarian missions. In recognition for his meritorious service, he was conferred with the honorific title of "Tan Sri" by the King of Malaysia in 2008.

JOHN FRANCIS Bishop John Francis is the founder and senior pastor of Ruach City Church, a multi-site congregation in London which is one of the largest and fastest growing churches in the United Kingdom. He is also an award-winning Gospel music artist. As the international director of the Ruach network of churches, he oversees more than 50 churches in the UK and abroad. Bishop Francis is a recipient of the British Gospel Association's annual award for 'Contribution to Gospel Music', and for 'Gospel TV Series of the Year' as co-presenter of the program 'People Get Ready!' He has performed in the presence of Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth, and the British royal family. He has toured all over Europe doing countless musical workshops, TV, radio shows with the UK's renowned Inspirational Choir. Bishop Francis is the author of numerous books and has released four musical CDs. He is married to co-pastor Penny Francis, and they have three daughters.

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Feast Speakers

ROBERT STEARNS Rev. Robert Stearns is founder and executive director of Eagles' Wings Ministries, which has a global outreach to churches and ministry leaders worldwide with a special focus on Israel. Robert is an author, speaker and musician known for his distinct prophetic edge. He also launched a global prayer initiative, The Day of Prayer for the Peace of Jerusalem, which is observed by thousands of churches worldwide on the first Sunday of October each year. His ministry activities include meeting with governmental, religious and business leaders to promote closer Israel-Christian relations. Robert is also known for his service to and cooperative efforts with other established ministries over the decades, such as the Foursquare Association, the Mission America Coalition, the National Prayer Committee, The Call, Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, Empowered21, and the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem. Robert and his three sons live in New York, and spend a great deal of time in Israel.

MORNING PLENARY SPEAKERS JUHA KETOLA Rev. Juha Ketola is a native of Finland who has been in full-time ministry since 1985, serving as an evangelist and pastor both in Finland and internationally. He has also served in various capacities with the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem since 1996 and presently serves as the ministry's International Director, overseeing the organisation's vast worldwide network of national branches. Juha is a graduate of the International Bible Institute of London Kensington Temple in England and is an ordained minister with the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada and Finland. He has ministered the Word of God in more than 30 nations around the globe. Juha and his wife Kati reside in Jerusalem. They have three children and two grandchildren.

ANGUS BUCHAN A South African farmer of Scottish heritage, Angus Buchan was struggling to house and feed a growing family when he had a unique encounter with God in 1989. Ever since, he has been faithfully pursuing a dynamic call of God over his life to preach the Gospel and believe for signs and miracles. Though he admits to little formal education, Angus has been used by God in many miraculous ways, turning multitudes back to the Lord. His inspiring faith has carried him through droughts, family tragedies and financial crises, as recounted in the moving book and motion picture Faith Like Potatoes. His mass stadium rallies and "Mighty Men" conferences have deeply impacted his nation of South Africa, while his television and preaching ministry are now reaching around the globe. Yet Angus maintains his humble roots, still running his Shalom Farm which includes a home for 27 'adopted' children. Angus and his wife Jill have five natural children and nine grandchildren.

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Feast Speakers RENĂŠ TERRA NOVA [See biographical notes above under 'Evening and Special Events' speakers]

BILLY WILSON Dr. William M. Wilson was recently installed as the fourth President of Oral Roberts University in Tulsa, Oklahoma. He is recognised as having global influence within the Body of Christ and beyond, with unwavering ethics, strong business acumen, and a passion for building Spirit-empowered leaders to impact the world. Dr. Wilson holds a Bachelor of Science degree from Western Kentucky University, as well as a Master of Arts degree and a Doctor of Ministry degree from the Pentecostal Theological Seminary. In 2006, Dr. Wilson and his International Center for Spiritual Renewal provided leadership for the 100-year centennial celebration of the Azusa Street revival in Los Angeles. The Center presently facilitates Empowered21, a global initiative among Spirit-empowered denominations, ministries and churches designed to help shape the future of the fastest-growing Christian movement in world history. Dr. Wilson also has hosted and produced a weekly television program seen in more than 170 nations. During more than 32 years of ministry, Wilson has served as church administrator, international youth director, senior pastor and international evangelist, personally ministering in more than 80 nations. Billy and his wife, Lisa, currently reside in Tulsa.

TASS SAADA Taysir Abu "Tass" Saada is a former PLO militiaman who today is an ordained minister, author, and entrepreneur seeking to reconcile Jews and Arabs around biblical truths. His enthralling book Once an Arafat Man is the story of his journey from all-consuming hate to unconditional love through a relationship with Jesus Christ. Tass was born in Gaza in 1951, but was raised in Saudi Arabia in a Muslim family. After the humiliating Arab defeat in the 1967 war with Israel, Tass joined the PLO's "Fatah Forces" and was trained as a sniper to kill Jews. After coming to the United States to seek an education, he met and married his American wife, Karen. Tass later had a supernatural encounter with Jesus in 1993. Since that time, he has been taking Christ's message of love and peace to Jews and Muslims alike. In 1996, the Saada's began Hope for Ishmael, a ministry dedicated to reconciliation between Arabs and Jews. In 2008, he launched Seeds of Hope, a registered humanitarian organisation to meet social needs among the poor in the Holy Land. More recently he founded 'Little Hearts', a unique kindergarten for Jewish, Arab and expatriate Christian children in Jerusalem.

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Feast Speakers SAMUEL RODRIGUEZ Rev. Samuel Rodriguez is widely considered the most prominent leader of the Hispanic Evangelical movement today. Rodriguez is president of the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference, America's largest Christian Hispanic organisation. He also currently serves on the boards of such leading American Evangelical organisations as Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary, the National Association of Evangelicals, Empowered21, PCCNA, Liberty Counsel and Christianity Today. Rodriguez is a recipient of the Martin Luther King Jr. Leadership Award presented by the Congress of Racial Equality. Rodriguez is the author of such books as The Lamb's Agenda and Path of Miracles. He has been an ordained minister with the Assemblies of God since the age of 23. Rodriguez serves as senior pastor of New Season Christian Worship Center in Sacramento, California, where he resides with his wife of 23 years, Eva, and their three children.

MORNING SEMINARS 'Israel and the Church' Track

Moderator: Mosy Madugba, ICEJ-Nigeria National Director Pastors and church leaders present teachings on God’s enduring covenants with Israel, the Church’s role in blessing the Jewish people, and how these biblical truths have positively impacted their ministries.

PETER TSUKAHIRA Rev. Peter Tsukahira, a Japanese-American-Israeli, and his wife Rita, a Messianic Jew, have lived in Israel since 1987 and are engaged in serving the local body and helping Christians worldwide understand God's purposes for Israel in our day. Peter is co-founder and an associate pastor of the Carmel Assembly, near Haifa. He is also director of the Mount Carmel School of Ministry, an intensive study tour of Israel for Christians from the nations. Peter teaches internationally and has written books about Israel and its end-time restoration, including God's Tsunami and Culture of the Kingdom. He also serves on the board of directors of Church Growth International, chaired by Dr. David Yonggi Cho.

MOSY MADUGBA Rev. Mosy U. Madugba is an apostolic and prophetic leader to the global church, and serves as national director for ICEJ-Nigeria as well as the Embassy's coordinator for all Africa. Based out of Port Harcourt, Nigeria, he is the international director of Spiritual Life Outreach, a multinational, indigenous evangelistic ministry with a focus on Africa. He is also the international coordinator of Ministers' Prayer Network, a prayer and leadership association that annually hosts global "Prayerquakes" which are attended by up to 15,000 Christian leaders. Mosy provides pastoral care and cover for over 10,000 pastors spread over all continents, has received excellence in leadership awards from five universities, and chairs charitable works to aid widows and orphans all over Africa. Mosy is a much sought-after teacher and pastoral leader who has preached in over sixty countries, as well as a noted author of numerous books published through Spiritual Life Publications. Mosy and his wife, Chinyere Gloria Madugba, are both accomplished authors and conference speakers. 53 Feast Program 2014 53

Feast Speakers JOBST BITTNER Rev. Jobst Bittner and his wife Charlotte are founders of TOS Ministries based in T端bingen, Germany, with international branches in eleven nations. In 2007, he started the March of Life movement with the children and grandchildren of Nazis walking along the routes of the 'death marches' from the end of World War II to break the silence about the atrocities their forefathers had committed against the Jewish people. To date, the March of Life has spread to 14 nations and over a hundred cities, moving thousands to lift up a strong voice for remembrance and reconciliation, for supporting Israel and against modern-day anti-Semitism.

'Biblical Theology on Israel' Track

Moderator: Malcolm Hedding, ICEJ International Speaker Leading theologians expose such doctrinal errors as Replacement and Fulfilment theology and provide a solid scriptural foundation for Christian support of Israel.

DAN JUSTER Dr. Daniel Juster has been involved in the Messianic Jewish movement since 1972 and is considered one of the movement's leading theological voices today. He received his BA from Wheaton College, his M. Div. from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School and McCormick Theological Seminary; and his Th.D. from New Covenant International Seminary. He was the founding president and general secretary of the Union of Messianic Jewish Congregations for nine years, the senior pastor of Beth Messiah Congregation in Rockville, Maryland for 22 years, and presently is the senior Apostle and director of Tikkun International Ministries. As such, Dr. Juster provides oversight to fifteen congregations in the USA and abroad as well as to a number of emissaries in Israel and the former Soviet Union who are dedicated to the restoration of Israel and the Church. Juster is an author and featured conference speaker worldwide. Dan and his wife, Patty, live near Jerusalem and travel and speak for several months each year in the United States and elsewhere.

MALCOLM HEDDING Rev. Malcolm Hedding is an ordained minister with the Assemblies of God of Southern Africa and the former Executive Director of the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem. He holds a Bachelor of Theology degree and served for many years as a church planter in his native South Africa. He also headed the ministry Christian Action for Israel. He served as chaplain to the ICEJ staff in Jerusalem in the mid-1980s and recently ended a tenyear term as the ICEJ's senior executive. Malcolm continues to serve as an international speaker for the Christian Embassy, as well as a member of its Board of Trustees. He also has authored several books, including Understanding Israel and Understanding Revelation. Malcolm, together with his wife Cheryl, now lives in Murfreesboro Tennessee, where he is an associate minister of World Outreach Church. They have three grown children and five grandchildren. 5454Feast Program 2014

Feast Speakers DAVID ELMS Dr. David Elms is an ordained minister with the Assemblies of God and serves as national director for ICEJ-United Kingdom and a member of the governing Association of the ICEJ. He speaks on the ICEJ's behalf worldwide and is a leading voice of Christian Zionism in the UK. He is the senior pastor of Kingsway Christian Fellowship in Liverpool and is part of the city-wide leadership team for Evangelical churches. He is also a director of the Christian Fellowship school in Liverpool. He holds a doctorate in theology from Liverpool University and his Master's degree was awarded in Wesleyan studies from Manchester University. In addition, he holds a Doctor of Ministry degree. David is married to Gwyneth and they have three children and nine grandchildren.

'Local Believers' Track

Moderator: Susan Michael, ICEJ-USA National Director Pastors and ministry leaders in the Land of Israel report on the move of God among the local body of believers today and the hope of both Jews and Arabs as the Holy Spirit works to fulfil His plan for the region.

AVI MIZRACHI Avi Mizrachi is executive director of Dugit Messianic Outreach Center and pastor of Adonai Roi Congregation in central Tel Aviv. Born into a Jewish family in Tel Aviv, he completed his service in the Israeli Air Force and travelled to America in 1984, where he met Yeshua as Saviour. He later attended Christ for the Nations Institute in Dallas, Texas. Avi and his wife Chaya returned to Israel to serve the Lord in 1987. Together, they established Dugit Center in 1993 as a place to minister to and disciple Israelis. The ministry has now expanded to include the Dugit Distribution Center, which helps to provide food and clothing to needy Israelis; and the VIP Prayer Tower, which encourages believers from Israel and the nations to engage in intercession and worship. In 1996, Avi started the congregation Adonai Roi ("The Lord is my Shepherd") with a few people meeting together in a private home and it has grown into a vibrant community today.

NAIM KHOURY Born into an Arab Orthodox family in the Old City of Jerusalem, Dr. Naim Khoury had an encounter with Christ and answered the call into ministry as a young man. He holds three doctorate degrees in Old Testament, Bible Philosophy, and Divinity and has served as a Baptist pastor in the Holy Land for many decades. He founded some of the largest Arab evangelical churches in Israel and the Palestinian areas, while befriending the Jewish people since his youth. His passionate stand to preach the Word of God to his own Arab people while also sharing his love for the Jewish people has often put him in dangerous situations. He currently oversees seven active ministries, including his anchor fellowship, the First Baptist Church of Bethlehem. Dr. Khoury and his wife Elvira live in Bethlehem and have two grown children involved in ministry.

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Feast Speakers STEVEN KHOURY Rev. Steven Khoury is an author, gifted speaker, TV personality and religious writer for Al-Quds, the largest Arabic newspaper in the Holy Land. He pastors the largest Arab Evangelical church in East Jerusalem and the Palestinian territories. His transformation from a boy involved in the first intifada against Israel to a committed Christian believer is a powerful message for all to hear. Preaching the message of Christ to Arabs in the region has often put him in precarious situations, and his churches have been targets of retaliation over the years. Even so, Pastor Steven Khoury has made it his mission to be on the forefront of sharing the message of salvation to the lost and hurting. He holds a degree in pastoral ministry and a Masters in theology. Steven and his wife Sherry live in Bethlehem and have two children.

DANIEL YAHAV Daniel Yahav has served for the past 18 years as pastor of the Peniel Fellowship in Tiberias. Daniel was born in Jaffa in 1959, the son of a Holocaust survivor, and grew up in a traditional Jewish home. At age 15 he came to faith in Yeshua. After finishing high school, he served as an officer in the Israeli army. He was then called by the Lord to work in the Galilee. Starting as a production worker in Galtronics Ltd, a local manufacturing firm established by Christian believers, he was promoted in 1985 to become general manager of the firm, which subsequently grew in the early 1990's to be the world's largest manufacturer of cellular portable antennas. In 1993, Daniel left the business and went into full-time ministry as pastor of Peniel fellowship, where he had been an elder for 10 years. The congregation now has over 500 members, making it the largest Hebrewspeaking fellowship in the country. Daniel and his wife Shirya have seven children and three grandchildren.

'Restoration in the Nations' Track

Moderator: Ingolf Ellßel, Chairman of the ICEJ's Board of Trustees Seasoned ministry leaders provide focus on God’s restoration work around the world, the challenges which the Church faces in different continents and cultures, and how the Gospel continues to transform nations.

INGOLF ELLSSEL Rev. Ingolf Ellßel hails from southern Germany and has been pastor of the Christus Centrum fellowship in Tostedt since 1979. He has served as superintendent of the Pentecostal Movement in Germany (BFP) since 1996 and chairman of the European Pentecostal Fellowship since 2001. In these roles, Ellßel oversees a vast and growing network of thousands of churches and millions of evangelical Christians all across the continent of Europe. He also serves as the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem. He is married with five children.

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Feast Speakers KHOO OON THEAM Khoo Oon Theam is currently the national president of Full Gospel Businessmen's Gatekeepers Singapore and chairman of the Asian Council of FGB-BMF. For many years, he co-laboured with Demos Shakarian, founder of the Full Gospel Businessmen's Fellowship International, serving as the global movement's vice president and consultant. In 2008, Elder Khoo was recognised by the churches in Singapore as one of the founding fathers of the Christian community in the prospering city/state. He is co-founder and senior advisor/ director of Capelle Consulting. He has taught organisational development at the University of Singapore. He also has served as director of PA Consultants International-Singapore, and executive director of Metro YMCA Singapore. He is a fellow with Certified Management Consultants and was an awardee of the Global Leadership and Mentoring Congress in 2003.

ANDREW WHITE The Rev. Canon Andrew White is a noted Anglican cleric currently serving at St George's Church, Baghdad, the only Anglican church in Iraq. Dubbed the "Vicar of Baghdad", he also served over the past decade as a chaplain to Allied Forces based in Iraq. During his time there, Canon White has become a leading voice for the suffering Christian communities of Iraq. He is president of the Foundation for Relief and Reconciliation in the Middle East, which seeks to raise awareness and meet the humanitarian needs of the persecuted Christians of Iraq. Canon White was previously appointed as a special envoy to the Middle East for the Archbishop of Canterbury, George Carey, and then special representative to the Alexandria Process for his successor, Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams.

'Current Affairs' Track

Moderator: David Parsons, ICEJ Media Director Top scholars and Middle East specialists provide briefings on current affairs in Israel and the region and how these developments are impacting the wider world today.

SUSANNA KOKKONEN Dr. Susanna Kokkonen currently serves as director of Christian Friends of Yad Vashem, an initiative launched in 2006 in partnership with the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem. Dr. Kokkonen speaks worldwide to university, civic, government, and Christian and Jewish audiences about the Holocaust, antiSemitism and Israel. Fluent in six languages, she is frequently consulted by the media as an expert on the Holocaust and her articles on Jewish and Israeli issues are widely published. Dr. Kokkonen also pioneered the now annual International Christian Leadership Seminar at Yad Vashem, bringing together Christian leaders from national and international Christian organisations, churches, publishers and media professionals. Originally from Finland, Dr. Kokkonen served as a pro-Israel advocate in the European Parliament in Brussels as well as an attachĂŠ at the Embassy of Finland in Tel Aviv. She received her Ph.D. from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem in 2004 in Holocaust Studies. Her talk will focus on hatred of Jews in light of two sources: the Bible and world history. She also will address the plight of persecuted Christians in the Middle East in the context of genocide prevention.

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Feast Speakers

DANIEL GORDIS Dr. Daniel Gordis is senior vice president and the Koret Distinguished Fellow at Shalem College, Israel's first liberal arts college. An acclaimed author and noted Israeli commentator, Dr. Gordis is considered one of Israel's most articulate and effective advocates today. His writings have appeared in such major publications as The New York Times, The New Republic, Commentary, and Foreign Affairs, while his books have received numerous awards. His most recent books include The Promise of Israel: Why Its Seemingly Greatest Weakness is Actually Its Greatest Strength, and his biographical work Menachem Begin: The Battle for Israel's Soul. Before making aliyah to Israel, Dr. Gordis was the founding dean of the Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies at the University of Judaism. His seminar topic at the Feast will focus on "Speaking Truth to Power - What We Learned About Israel from the Gaza War of 2014".

DAVID PARSONS David R. Parsons is an attorney, journalist, licensed minister and Middle East specialist who serves as media director for the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem. David is responsible for the ICEJ's relations with the Israeli and foreign press corps. He also oversees the ICEJ's various publications and writes for other journals on a wide array of historic, strategic, political and religious subjects. He is senior producer of the weekly Front Page Jerusalem radio program, the premier Christian radio broadcast out of Israel, and served for seven years as contributing editor of The Jerusalem Post Christian Edition. David earned a BA in History (1981) and a Juris Doctorate degree (1986) from Wake Forest University and entered the legal profession. From 1991-1995, he served as a registered pro-Israel lobbyist with the US Congress. David first began serving on the Christian Embassy staff in Jerusalem in 1995. In December 2008, he received ordination from the Liberty Christian Fellowship ministerial association out of Dallas, Texas. He lives in Jerusalem with his wife Josepha and their teenage son. His seminar will provide an update on Israel and the region in light of the Feast theme of "Restoration".

EFRAIM INBAR Prof. Efraim Inbar lectures in political studies at Bar-Ilan University and serves as director of its renowned Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies. Inbar was educated at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (BA) and at the University of Chicago (MA and PhD). He has served as a visiting professor at Johns Hopkins University and Georgetown University, and often lectures at such institutions as the RAND Corporation and Harvard, MIT, Columbia, Oxford and Yale Universities. Inbar's area of specialisation is Middle Eastern strategic issues with a focus on Israeli national security. He has authored five books and edited twelve collections of articles on Israel and the region, while also contributing over other 80 articles in professional journals and edited volumes. Prof. Inbar is widely quoted in the Israeli and international press on strategic matters. His seminar will focus on Israel and the region in the wake of this summer's conflict with Hamas in Gaza.

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Feast Speakers Feast Worship Team Leader RAY RAMIREZ Raymond Ramirez is a multi-instrumentalist and vocalist who serves as the Creative and Music Director for the ICEJ. Ray graduated from Full Sail Center for the Recording Arts in Orlando, Florida in 1991. He later became the Music and Youth Director and then Associate Pastor for First Assembly of God in Melbourne, Florida. In his career, Ray has recorded and produced over 15 independent music recordings for other artists. Ray and his family have been involved with the ICEJ since the early 1980s. In 2003, he began serving as the technical director for the ICEJ's annual celebration of the Feast of Tabernacles in Jerusalem, assisting with planning, contracting and overseeing the technical production of the Feast. In 2007, Raymond was appointed to the ICEJ staff as the assistant music director and, in 2009, assumed the role of music director. In 2011, his portfolio was expanded to include creative director of the ICEJ, overseeing video production and other creative arts related projects. Ray and his wife Nyki live in Jerusalem with their young son and daughter.

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Feast Volunteers

2014 FEAST

VOLUNTEERS Every year, hundreds of people spend their own money and give up their vacation time to volunteer at the ICEJ Feast of Tabernacles - some never even catching a glimpse of the Feast. From sewing all the apparel worn by the singers and dancers on stage, to hauling all of the staging and office equipment, volunteer jobs run the gamut. The ICEJ would never be able to produce an event of such magnitude without their help and we are extremely grateful for their sacrifice. Please honour them as we do. Executive Director Jürgen Bühler - Israel International Director Juha Ketola - Israel Music/Creative Director Raymond Ramirez - Israel Media Director David Parsons - Israel

ICEJ BOARD OF ADVISORS Angus Buchan Jack Hayford Billy Wilson Reinhard Bonnke Renê Terra Nova

Finance Director David van der Walt Finland

Allen Jackson

ICEJ AID Director Nicole Yoder - Israel

Suzette Hattingh

Aliyah Director Howard Flower - Russia Arise Director

Jani Salokangas - Israel

General Manager Pete Taylor - Israel Barry Denison - Israel (Incoming GM) Director of Development Daryl Hedding - USA Member of ICEJ Jerusalem staff

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Wayne Hilsden

Shandor Nemeth Jane Hansen John Kelly Daniel Kolenda

ICEJ BOARD OF TRUSTEES Ingolf Ellßel Chairman Jürgen Bühler Vice Chairman Mojmir Kallus Secretary/Treasurer Juha Ketola Board Member Malcolm Hedding Board Member Susan Michael Board Member Mosy Madugba Board Member Gary Bachman Board Member

Feast Volunteers

AJ’S CLUB Kimberley Murray – Canada Frida Haggblom – Finland Gaby Hornedo – Germany Leopoldo Hornedo – Germany Ruth Melad – Philippines Adam Rosenfeld – Israel Bethany Rosenfeld – Israel Alex Sam – India Susanne Stricker – Austria Rachel Wirz – Switzerland ALIYAH Howard Flower - Russia ARISE Sara Ajileye – Israel Emanuel Foukou – Israel

AUDIO/VIDEO DUPLICATION Pierre Marais – Israel Anna Moller – Denmark Ana Liza la Rosa – Philippines Peter Sommer – Canada BOOTH MANAGEMENT Doron Schneider – Israel Kathrin Gabriele Seibold – Germany CATERING Lesley Britchford – Israel Avigail Shomron – Israel Emanuela Berzava – Romania Adrian Bogdan – Australia Lois Herrington – UK Sanna Leppänen – Finland Kim Nawook – USA Alma Saralina – South Africa Chiann Ru Song – Taiwan R.O.C.

INFORMATION SYSTEMS Thea Escalante – Israel Mark Hodge – UK TABERNACLE DANCE COMPANY Esteban Gonzalez – USA Chloe Gonzalez – USA Josiel Araújo – Brazil Lunail Colon – Puerto Rico Jaíne Damásio – Brazil Geraldo Dias – Brazil Kaliza Flores – Brazil Eder Maia – Brazil Jan Micaller – Philippines Santiago Navarro – Argentina Laurent Neto – Brazil Debra Poole – USA Helena Popov – Finland José Ramos Jr. – Brazil Rosemarie Rivera – Philippines 61 Feast Program 2014 61

Feast Volunteers

Rebeca Silva – Brazil Hycliff Soler – Puerto Rico Ma Claycel Solidum – Philippines Lysion Vieira – Brazil Leandro Xavier – Brazil

FINANCE David van der Walt – Finland James Cheatham – Israel Victoria Hecht – Israel Lolita Kidess – Israel Jo Olsen – Israel

EMBASSY RESOURCES Heather Thompson – Israel Pnina Zubarev – Israel Pirjo Hakala – Finland Natalie Koppenhöfer – Germany Kristin Linberg – Germany Sviatlana Misiukevich – Belarus Ardee Natividad – Philippines Mary Raikula – Finland Charl van Rooyen – Canada Christine van Rooyen – Canada Laura Wilson – UK

FIRST AID David Reuben – South Africa Elba Hernandez – Puerto Rico Paivi Tsokkinen – Finland

FEAST OFFICE Barry Denison – Israel Cyndee Taylor – Israel Peter Taylor – Israel Liliya Shapchyts – Israel Mark Starbuck – UK

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GRAPHIC DESIGN Peter Ecenroad - USA HEADSETS Wim Van Der Zande – Israel Clinton Daniels – USA Dawn Daniels – USA Brigitte Fendt – Germany Klara Fischer – Germany Rosa Gutgesell – Austria Tanja Karasu – Germany Gaby Keil – Germany Marja Kiuru – Finland Marlyn Leyendekcer – Philippines

Ilse Ranetbauer – Germany Auri Rantakari – Finland Betsy Rigell – USA Karin Wang Andersen – Germany Thomas Weir – USA HOMECARE Corrie Van Maanen – Israel Seija Sarkkinen – Finland Marianne van Tielen – Netherlands HOSPITALITY Beverly Dwyer – Israel Deborah Denison – USA Charlotte Lehton – USA Robert Lehton – USA Eveline Spack – Switzerland Maren Steege – Germany HOUSING & TRANSPORT Laurina Driesse – Israel Judy Korver – Israel Rene Emmenegger – Finland Hakan Haggblom – Finland Jukka Ridanpaa – Finland Heidi Tyni – Finland

Feast Volunteers

ICEJ AID Nicole Yoder – Israel Yudit Setz – Israel Janna Tolhoek – Israel LOGISTICS Chris Chambers – Israel Robert Hoffman – Israel Ana Angel – USA Tia Beckmann – South Africa Markku Kaanaa – Finland David Kerac – Russia Tim Poole – USA Eirik Raikula – Finland Mikael Store – Finland MEDIA David Parsons – Israel Daryl Hedding - USA Aaron Hecht – Israel Birte Scholz – Israel Estera Wieja – Israel Francis Terry – South Africa MUSIC & CREATIVE OFFICE Sara Comparado – Israel Sharon Bowater – New Zealand Carey Dean – USA

MUSICIANS Conductor Michael Mann – USA Hannu Ala – Israel Jane Barton – USA Tom Blackham – Israel Alena Bogdan – Australia Ray Butcher – UK Juanito Delgado II – Philippines Lee Caspi – Israel Sérgio Frade – Portugal Ron Greene – USA Omar Guedes – Brazil Jamie Hilsden – Israel Aleksi Hirvonen – Finland Kenny Kosicki – USA Serguei Popov – Finland David Solomon – South Africa Johanna Vahermägi – Estonia PHOTOGRAPHY Jani Salokangas – Israel Martin Koppenhöfer – Germany Per Arne Kvamso – Norway

FEAST REGISTRATION Scott Morgan – Israel Ricardo Ceballos – Mexico Mary Danielson – USA Bill Darby – USA Lynda Georgeson – Australia Annett Haggblom – Finland Ana Liza La Rosa – Philippines Scarlet Molato – Philippines Adjani Navalta – Philippines Anamaria Puscas – Romania Huibré Venter – South Africa Lila Wendland – Germany June Williams – USA SECURITY Daniel Dowling – Canada Deanna Dowling – Canada Michael Falls – USA James Filler – USA Linda Filler – USA William McCann – Northern Ireland Keith McNeely – USA Christien Hughes – USA Cliff Quenneville – Canada

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Feast Volunteers

TECHNICAL & STAGE PRODUCTION Eileen Sullivan – USA Miguel Cabalu – Philippines Frances Lalor – South Africa Renae Mahoney – USA Sarah Steege – Germany Ann-Kathrin Stöppler – Germany A. Daniel Zetazate - Philippines TRANSLATORS Ingeborg Barker – Germany Kar Ling Chew – Malaysia Elena Eremeeva – Russia Eliette Heritier – France Mai-Britt Iversen – Norway Kristina Koskela – Finland Johanna Manner– Finland Carla Melo – Portugal Erika L. Parada –Bolivia Bruce Stewart – Taiwan Brigitte Weghaus – Germany Jia Hui (Crystal) Zhang - China

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USHERS Sarah Adams – UK Jaana Arola – Finland Jesaja Arola – Finland Ruth Barrett – UK David Baynes – UK Daniel Borden – Canada Connie Cornelius – USA James Cornelius – USA Angela Diegel – Germany Evelyn Diegel – Germany Andrew Fawcett – New Zealand Faith Fawcett – New Zealand LaVoy (John) Hall – USA Patricia Hall – USA Kay Harris – USA Mark Hogg – UK Ligaya Javier – Philippines Gaby Keil – Germany Nancy Krock – Canada Christina Labruzzo – USA Maria Magdalena Linao – Philippines Anja Mänty-Sorvari – Finland Agnes Una Mclean – UK

Walda Merritt – USA Earnest Merritt – USA James Michel – USA Gary Molloy – USA Marguerite Molloy – USA Winifred Mumo – Kenya Sharon Peters – South Africa Deborah (Joy) Poteet – USA Phoebe Roquemore – USA Shoshanah Sommer – Canada Harriet Store – Finland Lubica Tomastikova – Slovakia Yesenia Velez – USA WARDROBE DEPARTMENT Mary Norris – USA Dorothy van Eick – USA VIDEO PRODUCTION Ants Seiler – Israel Lana Bahdanava – Israel Nehemias Jaruchik – Israel Mikko Peippo – Israel Michael Hilsden– Israel Jesse Kopp – Israel

Feast Volunteers

VOCALISTS Raymond Ramirez – Israel Dorothy Bedford – USA Priscilla Campos – Brazil Rory Comtois – USA Daniela Escobar – USA Linda Laukkonen – Finland Saulo Saraiva – Brazil Gilmar Souza – Brazil YAD VASHEM Susanna Kokkonen – Israel Sirpa Bagman – Israel This is the volunteer list as of press time. Please forgive any oversights.

VOLUNTEER If you or someone you know might be interested in becoming a Feast Volunteer for next year, please email us at: feast@icej.org

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Nehemiah spearheaded the return of the Jewish people from the Babylonian exile to Israel and Jerusalem around 536 BCE. He not only displayed personal courage and zeal but he was a determined leader and above all a man of God. The book named after him in the Bible records his accomplishments in rebuilding the ruins of the city of Jerusalem and leading his people in spiritual renewal. It is thus appropriate that the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem has established the “Nehemiah Award” by which to annually honour an outstanding biblical Christian Zionist at the Christian Celebration of the Feast of Tabernacles. “And I told them of the hand of God which had been good upon me, and also of the king’s words which he had spoken to me. So they said, ‘Let us rise up and build.’ They then set their hands to do this good work.” - Nehemiah 2:18 66

Nehemiah Award


NEHEMIAH AWARD This year's Nehemiah Award winner, Leif A. Wellerop, has been a central figure in the global leadership of the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem over the past three decades, an energetic advocate for Israel and for social causes in the Jewish state, and an influential pro-Israel voice in his native Norway and across Europe. Now 75, Wellerop has a professional background in journalism and public relations. After starting out as a newspaper reporter, Leif then worked for 20 years as a public relations consultant. He also became active in Norwegian politics and once led the pro-life campaign in the national debate over abortion. When the International Christian Embassy was founded in 1980, Wellerop was an ICEJ representative from the start and has been the full-time national director of ICEJNorway since 1987. Under his leadership, ICEJ-Norway became one of the most active and successful national branches of the movement worldwide, in terms of both its domestic and global impacts. For over 30 years Wellerop has been a prominent proIsrael Christian figure within Norway, and is recognised by government leaders and the local media as a strong advocate for the Jewish state. For instance he helped pioneer the Oslo Summit, a major bi-annual gathering of top political and community leaders now held ahead of Norway's national elections every two years to debate domestic and foreign policies issues, and in particular the nation's policies concerning the Middle East. He also has spearheaded the Norwegian Christian community's unique generosity towards meeting social needs in Israel. For instance, ICEJ-Norway has sponsored flights for thousands of Jews making aliyah and funded numerous humanitarian projects throughout Israel, including many programs aimed at assisting the Arab sector and encouraging Jewish-Arab reconciliation.

Wellerop also has served on the ICEJ's international Board of Trustees, including ten years as its chairman. Thus, Leif not only has had a tremendous impact on Norway's lively national debate over Israel-related issues, but also on the direction and growth of the Christian Embassy worldwide. In June 2014, Leif formally handed over the reins of ICEJ-Norway to his deputy, Rev. Dag Ă˜yvind Juliussen, who has been working with the Norwegian branch since 1996. Now retired but still active in the ministry, Leif has been married to his wife, Gunvor, for 53 years. Together, they have four children, 10 grandchildren and one great grandchild. Besides his pro-Israel activities, Wellerop is also the author of two books on Christianity which are used in primary schools across Norway. The unique contributions of Leif Wellerop to the work and ministry of the Christian Embassy over recent decades have been enormous. He has helped to provide vision and stability to the movement, which has enabled us to grow in areas far beyond the borders of his native Norway. His imprint is especially reflected in the many humanitarian projects and in the lives touched all across Israel. And the ICEJ is grateful that he still has a fire for Zion and will continue his activism on Israel's behalf in the years ahead. Based on his lifetime of achievements in inspiring Christians to stand with Israel, the ICEJ wishes to honour Leif A. Wellerop with the Nehemiah Award for 2014. 67 Feast Program 2014 67

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F e a s t o f Ta b e r n a c l e s 2 0 1 4 W e l c o


m e s t h e C h a i r m a n’ s Co n f e r e n c e

About the ICEJ


72 Feast Program 2014

About the ICEJ


ael All Isr ation N Every

The International Christian Embassy Jerusalem was established in 1980 in recognition of the biblical significance of all of Jerusalem and its unique connection to the Jewish people of Israel. Today it represents millions of Christians, churches and denominations to the nation and people. We recognize in the restoration of the State of Israel God’s faithfulness to keep His ancient covenant with the Jewish people. Our main objectives are:

• To stand with Israel in support and friendship • To equip and teach the world wide church regarding God’s purposes with Israel and the nations of the Middle East • To be an active voice of reconciliation between Jews, Christians and Arabs and to support the churches and congregations in the Holy Land Our work with its head office in Jerusalem reaches more than 140 countries with branch offices in over 80 Nations. Our vision is: • to reach every segment of Israel’s society with a Christian testimony of comfort and love. • to reach and actively represent to Israel the support of denominations churches and believers from every nation of the earth. The ICEJ is a non-denominational faith ministry, supported by the voluntary contributions of our members and friends across the globe. We invite you to join with us as we minister to Israel and the Jewish people worldwide by donating to the ongoing work and witness of the ICEJ. Visit us in Jerusalem 20 Rachel Imeinu, German Colony

Write us icej@icej.org

Visit us on the Web www.icej.org

Like us on Facebook www.facebook.com/ICEJHQ

73 Feast Program 2014

About the ICEJ

The ICEJ’s presence AROUND THE GLOBE I C E J I N T E R N AT I O N A L B R A N C H E S Angola Argentina Australia Austria Barbados Belgium Benin Bolivia Botswana Brazil Burkina Faso Canada China Colombia Congo Costa Rica Croatia Czech Republic Denmark El Salvador Estonia Ethiopia Fiji Islands Finland France

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Gabon Germany Georgia Ghana Guatemala Honduras Hong Kong Hungary Iceland India Ireland Italy Ivory Coast Kenya Latvia Lithuania Liberia Malaysia Mali Mauritius Mexico

Nepal Netherlands New Zealand Nicaragua Niger Nigeria Norway Panama Papua New Guinea Philippines Portugal

Taiwan Tanzania Thailand Togo Trinidad and Tobago Uganda United Kingdom USA Zimbabwe

Romania Russia Senegal Sierra Leone Singapore Slovakia Slovenia Solomon Islands South Africa S. Pacific Islands Sri Lanka Sweden Switzerland

PLEASE NOTE: Not all ICEJ national branches are listed due to sensitivities of naming certain countries.

GOD HAS CALLED OUR MINISTRY TO HAVE AN IMPACT ON ALL OF ISRAEL AND IN EVERY NATION OF THE WORLD. Concerning the nations, our vision is to reach and actively represent to Israel the support of the worldwide Body of Christ - believers, churches and entire denominations from every nation of the earth who believe in God’s purposes for Israel and the Jewish people. We see our ministry as the natural outlet for churches to bless Israel and the Jewish people, and we are available to equip and teach all Christians regarding God’s purposes for Israel as well as for the peoples of the Middle East. We believe God has commanded the Church to bless Israel and that the destiny of our churches and nations is linked with their stand towards Israel. Thus, we raise global prayer and practical support for the Jewish people and are constantly seeking new and better ways to act as a bridge between the Gentile nations and Israel. We have not forgotten the next generation either, but have our ARISE young adults ministry very active in specifically serving Christian youth worldwide. We also approach government officials,

diplomats, decision-makers and community leaders all over the world in order to connect them with Israel. We speak on behalf of Israel and find ways to present to the nations the many complexities and challenges facing this nation, which is the only democracy in the Middle East and seeks to live at peace in a dangerous neighbourhood. From our head office in Jerusalem, our work reaches into more than 140 countries worldwide, with branch offices established in some 80 nations. Please have a closer look at the list of ICEJ national branches and make sure your country is included. If not, let us know and be so kind as to contact the ICEJ Information booth during the Feast. Thank you for coming to the Feast of Tabernacles this year from so many different nations of our world! And always remember: ‘We are your Embassy here in Jerusalem!’ In His grace, Rev. Juha Ketola ICEJ International Director


New Branches inaugurated, Singapore

Meeting spiritual leaders, Taiwan

Praying for Israel in Brasil

ICEJ Burkina Faso Board

Brazil, Manaus with thousands of Church leaders


Meeting with dignitaries, Ivory Coast

Vijayawada in Andhra Pradesh, India

Meeting with Jack Hayford in the USA

Bolivia, Santa Cruz with thousands of men

New branches inaugurated, Togo

Rev.Juha Ketola sharing with believers in Romania

Mexico, Dr. J端rgen B端hler


Join us in taking a look back at just a few of the historical events that have helped shape ICEJ.



Zionist Congress

The Beginning

The opening of the International Christian Embassy.

ICEJ hosts the first Christian Zionist Congress in Basel, Switzerland in the same hall as the first Zionist Congress convened by Herzl in 1897


1981 Mordechai Outcry

During Easter of 1981 the Christian Embassy organised demonstrations around the world in support of imprisoned Soviet Jews and Prisoners of Zion, equating them with the situation of Mordechai and Queen Esther and the Jews of Persia long ago. The photo shows banners used at the demonstration in Washington DC.

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1990 Aliyah to Israel

The ICEJ began to assist Jewish people from the former USSR to come to Israel. The first ICEJ sponsored flight landing at Ben Gurion Airport, May 1990.

1991 First Gulf War

When Iraqi Scud missiles began falling on Tel Aviv, the ICEJ was the first on the scene to provide emergency assistance to families whose homes were destroyed.


1980s AID Work

From the start, the ICEJ reached out to all the peoples in the land of Israel with social aid projects, particularly in order to "comfort" the Jewish people. Here Jewish and Arab deaf children receive new bicycles from the Christian Embassy.

1992 Dramatic Rescue in Moldova

When the Jews of Moldova were caught in the crossfire of a regional conflict, the Jewish Agency asked the ICEJ to help evacuate them. The ICEJ-sponsored bus teams did not hesitate, although they were hundreds of kilometers away and the risks were serious. The team proceeded into the war torn region of Trans-Dniester and over a period of 3 weeks carried about 400 Jewish refugees to safety.

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Repentance in Toledo

3rd Zionist Congress

The ICEJ sponsored a special repentance service in Toledo attended by hundreds of Spanish Christians on the 500th aniversary of the Jewish expulsion from Spain. Forgiveness was asked from the Jewish people, represented by Yitzhak Navon, former president of Israel, and other elders of the Spanish Jewish community.

The ICEJ's Third Christian Zionist Congress, in February 1996, was a great encouragement to Israelis during the worst week of terror bombings the nation had yet faced.


1992 Operation Solomon

After Israel's Operation Solomon rescued thousands of stranded Ethiopian Jews, the Embassy was able to assist in helping them absorb into Israel with the aid of Dr. Campbell Millar and his wife Ferne. The Millars had worked in Ethiopia among those with leprosy for some time and could speak the Amharic language.

2001 The Covenant

The Covenant, a colorful biblical drama that recounts the miraculous story of the People of Israel, was first performed during the Feast of Tabernacles in 2001.

2004 Christian Allies’ Caucus

The ICEJ, along with other Christian Zionist ministries, was invited to participate with Knesset members in the Christian Allies’ Caucus. 80 Feast Program 2014

2006 Yad Vashem Partnership

The ICEJ entered an historic partnership with Yad Vashem to create a special outreach to the Christian world. The founding of Christian Friends of Yad Vashem marked a new chapter in Jewish-Christian relations.


Feast moves to Pais Arena

The new venue for the annual ICEJ Feast of Tabernacles celebration is now located at the Pais Arena, Jerusalem.

2012 Bnei Menashe Aliyah

The ICEJ sponsors the first flights of renewed Aliyah by the Bnei Menashe, an isolated tribe of Oriental Jews living in northeast India.


ICEJ helps Ukranian Aliyah

The ICEJ helps many endangered Ukranian Jews move to Israel.


2010 Holocaust Survivors Home

The ICEJ launches a unique project to expand an assisted-living facility in Haifa to house needy Holocaust survivors. Today there are some 80 elderly survivors living in the home, with all their needs taken care of by loving staff.


Israel In Crisis

ICEJ assists thousands of Israelis under Hamas rocket fire from Gaza during Operation Protective Edge.

81 Feast Program 2014

About the ICEJ

ICEJ TODAY Key projects and events BY ESTERA WIEJA

For more than thirty years now the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem has been building a proven record of doing good in the Land of Israel, and defending this nation around the world. Today, we are engaged in numerous programs and events which carry on this honourable legacy as the world's largest Christian Zionist ministry. Some of our current projects and activities include: Aliyah Since 1990, the ICEJ has assisted more than 115,000 Jews in making aliyah to Israel. Most have come from Russian-speaking areas of the former Soviet Union where we continue our fishing and transportation efforts in cooperation with the Jewish Agency for Israel. But we also are now assisting Jews from the West wanting to move to Israel, including many from European countries who are being harassed and threatened by Muslim agitators. We continue to assist Ethiopian Jews who have made the difficult journey home and still need help integrating into Israeli society. More recently, the ICEJ has sponsored flights for 700 members of the Bnei Menashe tribe of Oriental Jews from northeast India as they seek to end 2700 years of exile. And we have also assisted some 1,000 endangered Ukrainian Jews to leave war torn areas of their nation and make their way home to Israel. Holocaust Survivors Over recent years, the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem has felt an urgency to do more to help the thousands of Holocaust survivors in Israel who are struggling with

illnesses and living in poverty. In 2010, we established a unique assisted-living facility in Haifa that has become a special place of warmth and loving care for nearly 100 Holocaust survivors in dire need of assistance. Each resident has their own dramatic story to tell of somehow surviving the Nazi genocide while still very young. Over the course of this project, we have acquired and renovated several nearby buildings along the same Haifa street in order to expand this special facility, which now also houses a medical clinic, a dental clinic, an intensive hospice care unit, a synagogue and a community dining hall where residents receive hot meals each day. The Christian Embassy is continuing to raise funds to help operate the assisted-living home, and to renovate more apartments in surrounding buildings where additional Holocaust survivors can live. Education The Christian Embassy has been giving more emphasis in recent years to educational and other programs that seek to lift disadvantaged youths in Israel from the scourges of domestic violence, drugs and abject poverty, and give them a better chance to succeed in life. The ICEJ is assisting youths-at-risk by sponsoring educational and after-school activities designed to help them meet the many tough challenges at school and at home. Without our intervention, many could end up in a life of crime, drugs and violence. It is absolutely vital that these children receive our help before it is too late, and thankfully 83 Feast Program 2014

many young lives are being impacted for the better. Christian Friends of Yad Vashem In October 2006 the ICEJ joined with Yad Vashem, Israel's official memorial and museum to the six million Jewish victims of the Nazi Holocaust, in creating a special program for Christian Friends of Yad Vashem. This historic step has provided Yad Vashem an opening to the Christian world to teach about the Holocaust and help shape a brighter future for Jewish-Christian relations. Today, the Christian Desk at Yad Vashem promotes a wide range of activities, such as educating churches and Christian communities about 84 Feast Program 2014

the universal lessons of the Holocaust; building bridges between Christians and Jews; teaching on the history of Christian Anti-Semitism; and preserving the legacy of the Righteous among the Nations. Christian Friends also arranges more intensive Christian leadership seminars at Yad Vashem for pastors and other ministry leaders. Arab Outreach One of the areas of pressing need within Israel which the ICEJ is seeking to address is that of disadvantaged members of the minority Arab community, and particularly Arab Christian families. Some

About the ICEJ

Today, we are engaged in numerous programs and activities which carry on this honourable legacy For more than thirty years now the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem has been building a proven record of doing good in the Land of Israel, and defending this nation around the world.

20% of our AID budget is used to assist the Arab, Druze and Bedouin communities, including enrichment programs for children and youths-at-risk, medical and financial assistance to the elderly, holiday gift packages to poor families, and so much more. Some of the specific projects which we are currently sponsoring in the Arab sector include funding youth centers for Arab youngsters from disadvantaged families in the Galilee, working with local Arab churches and pastors to assist needy Christian families in Jerusalem, Nazareth and Bethlehem, and sponsoring co-existence projects which bring Jewish and Arab children together to learn tolerance and mutual acceptance.

Israel in Crisis The nation of Israel has been forced to deal with many sudden crises over recent years. This summer, we assisted those impacted by the trauma of war and terrorism during the Operation Protective Edge, when Israel was forced to once again defend its citizens against rocket barrages from Gaza. We do not know when the next crisis will hit Israel, but it is a tremendous testimony when Christians are the first to arrive on the scene to help. Many victims suffer from physical or mental disabilities, emotional scars, loss of employment, extensive medical treatments or accumulated debts. The ICEJ will be there to provide immediate direct help and encouragement to those most impacted by crisis in Israel. ICEJ TV & Radio In recent years, the ICEJ has sensed a leading from the Lord to move more fully into video production in order to broadcast our message more widely on Christian television and via Web streaming. Last year, our ICEJ Report became part of the popular weekly show "Israel Now News", aired on Daystar TV, the world's largest Christian television network. This year, the ICEJ launched its new half-hour program Word From Jerusalem on the GOD-TV global network. The impact of these new ventures is being felt at all levels of our ministry, and plans are underway to expand the reach of our video productions from Jerusalem. The ICEJ also produces the weekly radio program FrontPage Jerusalem, which airs on over 160 Christian radio stations in North America and worldwide. 85 Feast Program 2014

About the ICEJ


PRAYER CAMPAIGN At the start of 2011, the Lord spoke to the Christian Embassy leadership in Jerusalem impressing on our hearts to launch a global prayer campaign which would set aside specific times for offering directed prayers for Israel, the surrounding nations and the needs of our own ministry. In the three years since, this God-breathed “Isaiah 62” prayer initiative has been joined by Christians all around the globe, drawing them regularly to their knees in prayer – from the South Pacific to Latin America, North America, Asia, Africa and Europe. Local churches, fellowships and prayer groups in many different countries have joined us as we have focused together in our collective prayers for Israel and the region. The Holy Spirit no doubt is calling you and your church to do the same, too! We are setting apart every Wednesday of each month for increased prayer time. Every first Wednesday of the month will also be a day of fasting! Join us! Sign up for our prayer alerts and you will be sent new prayer points guiding you on what to pray each month and a short exhortation on prayer. Send us an email at prayer@icej.org to receive the prayer alerts. They will also be available on our website at www.icej.org/campaigns

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About the ICEJ

ICEJ AID Our ICEJ Aid work encompasses a wide variety of humanitarian projects with all peoples who live in Israel, including Jews, Arabs, Muslims, Christians, Bedouin, and Druze. Our vision has always been to build relationships, foster reconciliation and share God’s love by responding to the many pressing social needs throughout the land. We also pursue our biblical mandate to be a ministry of comfort to Israel and the Jewish people in light of the tragic history of Christian anti-Semitism. Our decades of experience in Israel ensure that your contributions reach the people who need it the most. Our social work has touched every community in Israel, from Eilat to the Golan. We have assisted Holocaust survivors, the elderly, the disabled, youths-at-risk, poor families, and many others in need. We invite you to be a part of our work and to let us become your hands and feet here in Israel. Your donation or monthly pledge will make it possible for us to change the lives of many people in this land. Please visit us at: www.icej.org or write us at: icejaid@icej.org Nicole Yoder, ICEJ AID Director International Christian Embassy Jerusalem

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About the ICEJ

HOMECARE Through ICEJ’s Home Care program, elderly and disabled Russian Jewish immigrants, among them those who experienced the horrors of the Holocaust, receive encouragement, hope and comfort in the midst of their daily struggles. These immigrants are part of the wonderful ‘homecoming’ of the Jewish people to their ancient homeland in our day, but many are house-bound and feel extreme loneliness and alienation. The basic nursing assistance and physical care provided by the ICEJ Home Care program is undertaken on a regular basis as needed and takes into account their physical, social, emotional and mental well-being. Jewish holidays and birthdays are wonderful opportunities to reach out to many families. As the Lord is bringing the blind and the lame back to His land (Jeremiah 31:8), He is also providing the care they need. It is not always an easy task, but the nursing team in ICEJ Home Care work with joy and much love. “Touching hearts ... Bringing hope” is the core of our Home Care program and it provides you with a wonderful opportunity to partner in this unique work by dedicating yourself to prayer and providing financial support. Learn more at www.icej.org Corrie Van Maanen Director of ICEJ Home Care

91 Feast Program 2014 91


About the ICEJ

ALIYAH From our inception, the ICEJ has been actively involved in the great effort to re-gather the Jewish people back in their ancient homeland. To date, the Christian Embassy has assisted more than 115,000 Jews in making aliyah to Israel, including our sponsorship of 53 full planeloads of Jewish immigrants from the former Soviet Union as well as many group and individual flights. In recent years, the ICEJ has: 1) Expanded our aliyah operations to include Jews from Western countries facing economic downturns and resurgent anti-Semitism. 2) Partnered with the Jewish Agency's Red Carpet program, so that thousands of new arrivals from around the world receive all the necessary documents and tools they need, from bank accounts and insurance to cell phones and more, all in one day, thus easing their transition to life in Israel. In our latest initiatives, the ICEJ has: 1) Brought home 100 Falash Mura Jews in two group flights from Ethiopia. 2) Sponsored flights for over 700 members of the Bnei Menashe community from northeast India. 3) Sponsored a rescue effort by the Jewish Agency to bring hundreds of endangered Ukrainian Jews to Israel. “Behold, I am bringing them from the north country, and I will gather them from the remote parts of the earth...� (Jeremiah 31:8 / NASB) To support our Aliyah operations, please visit us at: www.icej.org/aliyah Howard Flower Director of ICEJ Aliyah Operations

93 Feast Program 2014 93

About the ICEJ

RISE Arise was established in 2004 as an initiative of the ICEJ dedicated to reaching out to the young generation. Since then it has been focused on building a global movement of young people fully committed to Jesus, reaching and encouraging them to impact and influence all areas of their society while standing with Israel. Over the years hundreds of young people from over thirty countries have visited Israel on annual tours through the ministry of Arise. Thousands are touched directly through our outreach programs, such the Arise Summer tour, Arise Football camp, and our media platforms like the AriseNow magazine, the AriseBase radio show, and the Arise ICEJ Facebook and Twitter pages. facebook.com/Arisegeneration twitter.com/ICEJArise find AriseBase on SoundCloud.com Our work is based on three simple but essential areas: TO TEACH the Gospel and the importance of Israel to the young generation TO LIVE according to what we teach and become Kingdom builders TO SHARE our lives with others and this way become living testimonies Come and join our movement at www.arisegeneration.org Jani Salokangas, Arise Director International Christian Embassy Jerusalem

95 Feast Program 2014

About the ICEJ

ICEJ MEDIA & PUBLICATIONS "For from Zion will go forth the law, even the word of the Lord from Jerusalem.” Micah 4:2 The International Christian Embassy Jerusalem was founded in 1980 as a prophetic voice to speak comfort to Jerusalem, and to proclaim to the Church and the nations the sovereign purposes of God for Israel and the Jewish people in our day. To carry out this mission, the Christian Embassy quickly established a Media and Publications Department that was given the vital task of developing and disseminating information about the ever-expanding worldwide ministry of the ICEJ and our efforts and activities to support Israel and assist in the Ingathering of the Jewish people. In addition, as Israel and the Middle East have continued to capture world attention, we began providing Christians and others with truthful, accurate information on current events to counter the media's often biased coverage on Israel. The ICEJ Media Department’s role as a voice of truth and fairness regarding Israel is as needed as ever today, as the Jewish State faces daunting challenges to its security and legitimacy. In carrying out this role, we also realise that God also has a plan of blessing for the Arab nations. And we recognise that for more than 1300 years Christianity has been suppressed by the sword of Islam, a force that also has vehemently resisted the rebirth of the nation of Israel. Therefore, as Paul says, we are committed to speaking and “rejoicing” in the truth in love for all people. At present, the ICEJ Media Department, together with our video production team, disseminates timely, accurate information on our ministry, and on Israel and the region through a wide variety of mediums, including: • • • • •

The daily ICEJ News Service by E-mail; The weekly radio program Front Page Jerusalem; The weekly half-hour TV program Word From Jerusalem, airing on GOD TV; The weekly TV segment ICEJ Report as part of the “Israel Now News” show on Daystar; and The monthly magazine Word From Jerusalem, the flagship publication of the ICEJ.

To stay informed on Israel and on the ICEJ, you can rely on us! David Parsons, Media Director International Christian Embassy Jerusalem

97 Feast Program 2014

About the ICEJ



ICEJ TV Our TV and on-line video reports are your window into Israel and the ICEJ. Be sure to watch the ICEJ Report every Sunday as part of "Israel Now News" on Daystar TV, and Word from Jerusalem on GOD TV.



WORD FROM JERUSALEM This monthly magazine is the flagship publication of the ICEJ. It includes features on our projects, events and activities, so you can stay up to date with the work and ministry of the ICEJ.

9898Feast Program 2014

About the ICEJ


Front Page Jerusalem The weekly radio program of ICEJ gives you the real story straight from our team in Jerusalem. FPJ is the most listened to Christian radio broadcast out of Israel.


Daily email bulletins The best way to stay current on Israel Free of charge Reliable and balanced

Sign up at www.icej.org today!


WEBSITE Available in many languages, our website puts the ICEJ and Israel at your fingertips. It is designed to deepen your understanding of Israel and your connection with our ministry in Jerusalem.

FIND US ON FACEBOOK Like us on Facebook www.facebook.com/ICEJHQ

99 Feast Program 2014 99

CHRISTIAN FRIENDS OF YAD VASHEM Christian Friends of Yad Vashem was established in October 2006 in partnership with the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem to reach out to Christians around the world. The leadership of the ICEJ was instrumental in creating this partnership, which was an historic breakthrough in repairing Jewish-Christian relations. In accordance with Yad Vashem’s general mission, Christian Friends of Yad Vashem seeks to: • Promote the wide-ranging educational activities of Yad Vashem; • Act as a facilitator in bringing the universal lessons of the Holocaust to the Christian world; • Teach the history of Christian anti-Semitism; • and Educate about the legacy of the Righteous Among the Nations. Through the branches of the ICEJ, this project enables Christians worldwide to join Yad Vashem in Holocaust remembrance and education against ignorance and Holocaust denial. Contributions by the ICEJ have made possible major projects, such as the prestigious annual International Christian Leadership Seminar at Yad Vashem.


About the ICEJ

HOW TO SHOW YOUR SUPPORT TO YAD VASHEM Please visit Yad Vashem's booth in the exhibition corridor of the Jerusalem Arena. Show your support to Israel, the Jewish people and Holocaust survivors. Every Feast attendee should: 1. Become a member of Christian Friends of Yad Vashem. For just $25 per year (or more, if you can), you will be enrolled in the Christian Book of Remembrance and receive a Membership Certificate to frame for your office or home. 2. Become a Guardian of a tree of the Righteous Among the Nations. Each tree has been planted to honour a Gentile rescuer, such as Corrie ten Boom and Oskar Schindler. For $100, Christian Friends of Yad Vashem will send you a beautiful certificate to frame along with the rescuer's story. 3. Tour the Holocaust Memorial and Education Center with your tour group. A major new exhibition "I am My Brother's Keeper" is now open to commemorate the Righteous Among the Nations. Come and visit this exhibition! 4. Come to the Yad Vashem seminar. 5. Please pray for protection and effectiveness of this work. We want to meet you! Visit our booth to introduce yourself and find out more about our projects and activities. You also can E-mail us at christian.friends@ yadvashem.org.il "There comes a time in a man's life, when he has to decide whether he will obey God's law or man's." Caspar Ten Boom Visit our booth, or send donations to Christian Friends of Yad Vashem, PO Box 3477, Jerusalem 91034 Israel Or visit us on-line at: www.yadvashem.org Click on the DONATE NOW box, and then on the "Christian Friends of Yad Vashem" icon. Dr. Susanna Kokkonen Director, Christian Friends of Yad Vashem

101 Feast Program 101 2014

Shomer Society Consider the ICEJ in your Will - join the Shomer Society

friends and family say that she still had a sharp mind and was following world events closely. This included keeping a keen eye on developments in Israel, a nation that she admired and cared for very much.

AILA NUUTINEN (With her late husband Aaro)

The ICEJ has worked tirelessly for the people of Israel for 30 years from Jerusalem. Our Shomer Society has been an integral part of continuing this work. Your gift of cash, stocks and bonds, mutual funds, life insurance, excess in retirement funds, property, or your estate are excellent ways to help the ICEJ carry on your love for Israel. With proper foresight, it is possible for you to bless Israel greatly. Ms. Aila Nuutinen is an example of a Christian who did just that. Aila lived a long and fruitful life and was over 90 years old when she died last year in her native Finland. In her estate, she left a generous gift to the Christian Embassy to help us touch Israelis even after she has gone on to be with the Lord. Aila was an elementary school teacher for most of her life. Even well into retirement, 102 102Feast Program 2014

Despite her advanced years, Aila maintained a positive attitude towards life and was a very determined person. She stayed actively involved in meetings and conferences organised by the ICEJ branch in Finland. She understood the role that Christians should play in relationship to Israel and viewed it as a very important part of her walk with the Lord. In leaving a gift in her Will to the Christian Embassy, Aila sought to express her gratitude for all that she had received from Israel and the Jewish people. She believed that the Word of the Lord went forth from Jerusalem, and now needs to be returned in the form of Gentile mercy and comfort to the restored Jewish nation. We are grateful as well for the legacy left behind by this godly woman and dear supporter of our ministry - Aila Nuutinen. Through these simple planned giving instruments you may be able to make a greater and more far reaching impact than you ever thought possible. The decision to give to the ministry of the ICEJ through your estate is one of the best ways to ensure a lasting legacy of blessing. Please contact us at finance@icej. org to become a member of the ICEJ's Shomer Society ("Keeper of Israel") and include our ministry in your planned giving.

Give a Donation! Make a critical difference!


n 2014 the Lord has opened for us many doors of ministry across the entire nation of Israel. The Lord has placed before us a great calling to bless His chosen and beloved people and we simply cannot do it without your help. Your donation will make a measurable difference for God’s purposes here in Jerusalem and beyond.

are forgotten and downtrodden. Hundreds of thousands of Israelis have been assisted and blessed through the work of the ICEJ. In the past decades we have also impacted thousands of pastors and Christian leaders – often for the first time – with a biblical perspective to understand the eternal calling of the Jewish people.

The very existence of an International Christian Embassy in the heart of Jerusalem has become a source of hope and comfort to countless Israelis. A host of activities and projects engage the nation of Israel from the halls of the Knesset down to those who

We do want to invite you to partner with us in our calling to Israel and to the Church! The daily Feast offering provides you with a unique opportunity to bless Israel. Please also pray about becoming a regular supporter and partner of the ICEJ.

To make a financial contribution to the work of the ICEJ please complete the form below and submit it to the Feast or Finance office

I would like to give my donation of


for the work of the ICEJ as specified below. I enclose a cheque in my local currency. I would like to use my credit card and give a donation of US$


. Diners




Credit Card No: Expiry Date:


Name on Card: Signature: _________________________________________________________

Mail to: ICEJ • PO Box 1192 • Jerusalem Israel • 9101002

103 Feast Program103 2014



RESTORATION FEAST 2014 2014 Individual Seminars DVD Order the best of Feast 2014! Plenary speakers will be available online October 20, 2014 $12 USD each


2014 EIN GEDI CELEBRATION Purchase your DVD of the first night of the Feast of Tabernacles 2014 with speaker Paul Eneche! 90 NIS



Official 2014 Feast T-shirt Order your Feast of Tabernacles T-shirt online! Available online October 20, 2014 $13.99 USD


Visit our online store at www.int.icej.org/store


TIMES of RESTORATION This booklet contains a series of teachings on the biblical concept of "Restoration", which was the theme for the Feast of Tabernacles celebration in Jerusalem in October 2014, sponsored by the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem. Discover how we are truly living in times of restoration promised by God, which are destined to impact Israel, the Church and the world.

3 ICEJ Authors






Visit our online store at www.int.icej.org/store



“A thoroughly fascinating and enjoyable book….Wilson’s goal is to show the Jewish roots of Christianity and of Jesus … and improve interfaith understanding. He succeeds brilliantly.” – Marvin R. Wilson is a leading scholar on Christian-Jewish relations, and is the Harold J. Ockenga Professor of Biblical and Theological Studies at Gordon College, Wenham, Massachusetts. $39 USD

Jerusalem Compass The Jerusalem compass was developed in Jerusalem. Instead of pointing north, it points only in the direction of Jerusalem from any point on the globe. Fashioned from pure solid brass, the lid is deeply embossed in the center with a Jewish Star of David and the words "Jerusalem" in Hebrew and English. The outer edges are encircled with a delicate floral design of Pomegranates found on many ancient carvings in Jerusalem around the first temple period. $39 USD

The Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah BY ALFRED EDERSHEIM One of the best known and most important references on the life of Christ ever written. It is a storehouse of information on the background of the New Testament. This classic work successfully portrays the streets, the marketplaces, the religious conflicts, the people, and the places of Jesus’ earthly ministry. Alfred Edersheim studied theology at Edinburgh and Berlin. He was one of the leading authorities of his time regarding the doctrines and practices of Judaism in the centuries preceding and during the early Christian era. $ 49 USD 106 106Feast Program 2014


STAR OF DAVID T-SHIRTS A shirt full of Stars of David. Pick yours up to wear to show your support for Israel! $13.99 USD

Sachar - Your people, My People


Messianic music inspired by the words of Ruth during the 2001 Intifada, to bring comfort and encouragement. Martin & Riki Neeb are Messianic musicians that live in the land of Israel and write and sing songs of encouragement to the people and praise to the Lord. $17 USD NEW

UNDERSTANDING REVELATION BY MALCOLM HEDDING For too many Christians, Revelation is a closed book - they have considered its mysteries and symbols too difficult to understand, and have in effect passed it by. All too often the topics addressed in Revelation are not dealt with from the pulpit. Much of its contents are ridiculed as being unimportant to the real issues and beliefs of the Christian faith. This is a deception. Revelation is in fact rich in devotional instruction and so important to God that He promises a blessing upon those who diligently study its pages. This book has been written to provoke your interest and inspire you to further study of the Book of Revelation in the hope that promised blessing of God will be yours. $16 USD

107 Feast Program107 2014


WITH THE ICEJ The International Christian Embassy Jerusalem is staffed by dozens of devoted believers from around the world and these are just some of the gifts and talents possessed by our family of volunteers... • ACCOUNTING • YOUTH MINISTRIES • MUSIC • ADMINISTRATION • COMPUTERS • GRAPHICS • MEDIA • HOME CARE • FOOD SERVICES


If you feel led to serve with the ICEJ in Israel, are qualified, and are prepared to make a minimum two year commitment, we invite you to consider joining our staff. Please complete and submit a volunteer application on the ICEJ website.


Thanks to our Feast partners at the new Jerusalem Pais Arena

‫הרשות לפיתוח ירושלים‬


Welcome to the Garden Tomb Once again, the Garden Tomb celebrates our partnership with the ICEJ and the Feast of Tabernacles by hosting you here today. We at the Garden Tomb are all very excited to be

110 Feast Program 2014

hosting your time of worship as you celebrate the Lord’s Last Supper here in the Garden. Can there be a more appropriate place for you to remember what the Lord Jesus did for you on the Cross in conquering sin, and near an empty tomb that speaks of Jesus conquering death? Very near to here, Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus defied their colleagues in the Sanhedrin; they lost ‘all they once held dear’ for the sake of giving Jesus the rich man’s

burial promised in Isaiah 53. Near here Mary Magdalene, who knew she had been released from so many demons by Jesus, met her Lord Who called her by name. You too can meet Him here today. So when you come here during Sukkot, please come prepared for this most special, most solemn, most wonderful celebration. You will not be able to tour the garden that day due to time constraints, so we also hope you will return later in the week on one of your ‘free’ afternoons when we

will gladly host special tours just for your group. “Do this in remembrance of me”, said the Lord Jesus. Please do so, right here! Welcome here to the United Kingdom of Jesus, where we stand for the King and His Kingdom.

Richard Meryon Director of the Garden Tomb www.gardentomb.org/visiting/

111 Feast Program 2014

The Bible has come home to the hills of Judea An exciting and unprecedented exhibition of hundreds of the world’s rarest biblical manuscripts is drawing big crowds in the holy city of Jerusalem. The Bible has come home to the hills of Judea. Jerusalem’s Bible Lands Museum, a museum that explores the culture of the peoples in the Bible, has inaugurated a 112 112Official Program Jerusalem 2014

new exhibition of rare Biblical texts and artefacts spanning two millennia, from lands as disparate and distant as Germany and Iraq, and written in at least a half a dozen languages. On any given day, the many visitors to the exhibition will include Jews and Christians, from differing backgrounds



MONDAY, 13 OCTOBER // 1:00 PM TO 6:00 PM

and denominations, all of whom share a singular love and interest in the Bible and an interest in the shared origins of the most read book of all time. The Book of Books exhibition provides a unique avenue for emphasizing those common roots –which when understood – can foster better modern-day relations between Jews and Christians, and a shared belief in the mission of the State of Israel. “I think there’s no more fitting opportunity to really understand the Bible and the development of the Bible in text – how it

was codified and how it developed in Judaism and Christianity than through The Book of Books exhibition”, said Amanda Weiss, Director of the Bible Lands Museum Jerusalem, in a recent interview, pausing near the exit of the museum to read a passage of Scripture on the wall: “Come let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, … that He may instruct us in his ways and that we may walk in his paths. For out of Zion shall go forth the law and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem.” (Isaiah 2:3) 113 Feast Program 113 2014

An ancient Roman face, cut off at some point in history, leers up at the traveler who looks upon his visage at the Bible Lands Museum in Jerusalem.

“We can’t say it any better than the Bible can”, Weiss added. On display in this historic exhibition are fragments from the Dead Sea Scrolls and the Septuagint, some of the earliest New Testament Scriptures, exquisite illuminated manuscripts, and original pages from the Gutenberg Bible, which along with other artefacts trace the Jewish roots of Christianity and the dissemination of monotheistic faith. Curators combined interesting artefacts and rare documents — such as prayer amulets engraved on thin sheets of silver, 1,500-year-old Iraqi incantation bowls and elaborately illustrated prayer books — to animate the exhibit. The exhibit features artefacts from The Green Collection, which includes more than 40,000 precious Bibles, scrolls and antiquities and is billed as one the world’s largest private collections of biblical texts and artefacts. Steve Green, President of Hobby Lobby and owner of The Green Collection, stressed that part of the motivation 114 114Feast Program 2014

for contributing to the unprecedented exhibition is to bring Christians to visit Israel to gain a better understanding of the land of the Bible. “I think there is a certain desire amongst Christians to visit Israel, and Jerusalem specifically, and hopefully this exhibit will give them the motivation to come and see the land that Jesus walked”, Green told The Jerusalem Post in an exclusive interview. “It’s a bit of a history of the Bible, starting from the Dead Sea Scrolls and going through the King James Version. Many of the artefacts show that timeline”, Green said. “With our collection as a whole, we wanted to encourage people to know their Bible better.” Among the gems of the exhibition is the Green Collection’s Codex Climaci Rescriptus, a 6th to 8th century CE palimpsest whose Greek and Palestinian Aramaic Gospels were overwritten with Syriac, a dialect of Aramaic that was once spoken across much of the Middle East. One of the more recent additions to the exhibition is one of the earliest

manuscripts from the New Testament, probably one of the first used for liturgical purposes. The text, known as Papyrus 39, is the second earliest surviving copy from the Gospel of John, dated to around 150 CE, only a few generations from the life of Jesus. The exhibit also features a working reproduction of a Gutenberg-era printing press, replete with period-dress printer. The project is “unlike anything we’ve done before”, said Weiss. “It is a ground breaking exhibition bringing together two cultures, two faiths, and incorporating cutting-edge technology to present this exquisite collection within a courageous design concept.” The exhibit reportedly was three years in the making, as curators and scholars from the Bible Lands Museum and The Green Collection joined forces to create a unique exhibition that appeals to Bible lovers of all faiths. Showing exquisite examples of Scripture from earliest writings until today, “the challenge was to impart the enduring strength of the Bible for more than two thousand years. This is an exhibit for everyone”, Weiss said. “Everybody

should come and see it. All walks of life. No matter what their religious perspective or belief may be.” Since it opened, the exhibition has been seen by over 100,000 visitors from around the world, including Israeli government and religious leaders, senior foreign officials and religious leaders from around the world. Governor Mike Huckabee brought a large group to see the exhibition and was deeply moved. "What I have seen here today are great treasures that have been preserved and validate that our Bible is not simply a recently created document but one that has roots in history that can be traced, and shows that what we believe in today is exactly what we believed centuries ago", said Huckabee. The Bible Lands Museum Jerusalem decided to extend The Book of Books exhibition until October 18, 2014 in order to enable the thousands of participants in the 2014 Feast of Tabernacles celebrations to get to see it. To plan a visit during the Feast, write the Bible Lands Museum at contact@blmj.org or call them at ++972 (0)2 561 1066.

A person looks at ancient biblical manuscripts displayed in the Bible Lands Museum in Jerusalem, Israel. The exhibition contains more than 200 of the rarest biblical manuscripts, including original fragments from the Septuagint and the earliest New Testament Scriptures.

115 Feast Program115 2014

Blood Bank Drive Located at main entrance to Pais Arena Jerusalem Sunday-Tuesday Mornings, 12-14 October

Be sure to also visit Christian Friends of Magen David Adom Booth in the Exhibition Hall

‘Comfort, comfort my people…’ Isaiah 40:1 ‫ נחמו נחמו עמי‬

·∙ BRIDGE: “Can two walk together, unless they are agreed?” Amos 3:3 Sabra seeks to build a bridge of prayer, love and mercy between Jew and non-­‐Jew; ·∙ ALIYAH: “Bring My sons from afar, and My daughters from the ends of the earth” Isaiah 43:6b Sabra helps Jewish people to return to Israel, their long promised land; ·∙ TEACHING JEWISH ROOTS: “Show me your ways, O LORD; teach me Your paths.” Psalm 25:4 Sabra restores Jewish roots, tradi@on and the spiritual bond between G-­‐d and His na@on; ·∙ MERCY: “For the needy shall not always be forgoPen…” Psalm 9:18 The mission of Sabra is to help those who need it. ·∙ ORPHANS: “Defend the orphans…” Isaiah 1:17b Sabra does whatever is necessary to make orphans happy.

Sabra Founda=on: P.O.Box 7644, Afula, 18710, Israel. www.sabrafund.org E-­‐mail: sabrafund@gmail.com, Tel. + 972 (4) 6491014 / + 972 (54) 2815728. 118

Tailor Made Tours

Building bridges between Christians of all nations and the Land of the Bible

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Shmuel B of love” ation Lifeshield s n to n per “te irector, O eD


“Over 4,564 rockets fired at Israel by Hamas and other Palestinian terrorist groups in Gaza” Israel Defense Forces Spokesman, briefing on Operation Protective Edge, August 2014


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“Daniel was killed from a mortar shell that was fire d from an elementary school in Gaz a... Why are you silent?” excerpt from written

letter by Gila & Doron Tregerman (parents of four year old Dan iel) to UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-m oon. Sept. 2014

“Your contribut ion to improvin g the defense facilitie s of our citizen s is most significant - es pecially as man y would be denied appr opriate shelter without your help.” Yech iel Zohar, M (Netivot is situa ted

ayor of Netivot 8 miles from Gaza ) Aug. 2014

120 such a time as this” “For

Esther 4:14


others r with o n w o n your elter o h s a e Donat Operation Lifeshield is a 501(c)3 not for profit organization


On May 20-25, 2015, Empowered 21 will host the E21 Global Congress in Jerusalem, a place that holds the origins of the Christian faith, at the newly constructed arena. Celebrate Pentecost in the Land of Pentecost •

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David Wells

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Scott Wilson

George Wood


Bring your People to walk in the

Footsteps of



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Next year in Jerusalem





Experience a life-changing event in the city of Jerusalem. 6 days of dynamic teaching, ministry, and worship that will equip and empower you to bring about Reformation in your nation. For information contact our Feast Registration Team via email at: feastreg@icej.org





2015 PA S T O R S & L E A D E R S C O N F E R E N C E

26 -29 JANUARY 2015 Join pastors and church leaders from around the globe for a focused time of teaching and ministry in the great city of Jerusalem. Envision 2015 will offer an inside perspective on Israel and the Middle East from ICEJ and local ministry leaders who are there on the front lines. Don't miss this opportunity! TO REGISTER OR LEARN MORE, VISIT: HTTP://ENVISION.ICEJ.ORG

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