2013 Official Program - English - ICEJ Feast of Tabernacles

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ICEJ is a global ministry representing churches, denominations and millions of Christians worldwide who share a love and concern for Israel and who seek to repair the historic breach between the Church and the Jewish people. We recognise in the modern-day restoration of Israel the faithfulness of God to keep His ancient covenant promises to the Jewish people. Our main objectives are: To stand with Israel in practical expressions of support and friendship; To teach the Church worldwide regarding God’s purposes concerning Israel and to link churches with Israel; To support local churches in the Holy Land; To be an active channel of reconciliation between Jews, Arabs and Christians;

2013 Official Program The digital version of this Official Program can be viewed on your computer, smartphone, and digital tablets by visiting: www.issuu.com/icej

From our Jerusalem headquarters, the work of the Christian Embassy reaches into more than 140 countries, including established branch offices in over 70 nations worldwide. The ICEJ is Your Embassy in Jerusalem. The ICEJ is a non-denominational faith ministry, supported by the voluntary contributions of our members and friends across the globe. We invite you to join with us as we minister to Israel and the Jewish people worldwide by using the enclosed response slip to make your donation to the ongoing work and witness of the ICEJ. C RE D I T S Executive Director Jürgen Bühler International Director Juha Ketola Media Director David Parsons Executive Assistant Beverley Dwyer Creative/Music Director Ray Ramirez Graphic Designer Peter Ecenroad Photographs Istock, Israel Images, ICEJ Staff Finance Director David van der Walt General Manager Peter Taylor Development Director Daryl Hedding Feast Registrar Scott Morgan Advertisements James Cheatham Printed by Off-Set Tal Printing, Tel Aviv Mail Department Wim van der Zande

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Official Program Reprinting in whole or in part is forbidden except with the prior permission of the publisher. Due care is taken to ensure that the content of this program is fully accurate, but the publisher and printer cannot accept liability for errors and omissions. ICEJ logos & emblems © The International Christian Embassy Jerusalem, PO Box 1192, Jerusalem, Israel 91010. All rights reserved. International Christian Embassy Jerusalem PO Box 1192, Jerusalem, Israel 91010 Fax +972 2 539 9701 Email icej@icej.org Website www.icej.org



welcome 6 10 14 20


Director's Welcome About the Feast Feast Theme History of the Feast


FEAST PROGRAM 30 32 44 48 49 50 62

Schedule Special Events Prayer at the Feast AJ’s Club Youth Program Speakers Volunteers




69 Information 70 Convention Center Map 72 Booth Map

88 92 96 98 100 102 104 106 108 112 114 118

Your Embassy in Jerusalem History and Purpose of ICEJ ICEJ Timeline ICEJ Today ICEJ International Isaiah 62 Prayer Campaign ICEJ AID Homecare Aliyah Arise Media Christian Friends of Yad Vashem Embassy Resources Shomer Society



120 Promotionals

74 Jan Willem van der Hoeven




Scripture references are to the New King James Version of the Bible unless otherwise specified. The annual Christian Celebration of the Feast of Tabernacles functions under the oversight of the Executive Committee of the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem



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Welcome to the Feast Dear Feast pilgrims! Welcome to this year’s Feast of Tabernacles celebration in Jerusalem! It is harvest time! Never before in the history of the Church have so many people come to faith in Jesus Christ as in our generation. The Body of Christ has grown to hundreds of millions of bornagain believers worldwide. The great revivals now impacting Africa, Asia and Latin America are not only enriching the global Church, but they also are dramatically changing the face of Christianity. A century ago Christianity was predominantly a "white man’s religion", but this is no longer the case. The demographic and spiritual centers of Christianity have long been shifting away from Europe and North America to Latin America, Africa and Southeast Asia. The Apostle Paul asked in Romans 3:29: “Is He not also the God of the Gentiles?” We can answer more resolutely than ever: “Yes, of the Gentiles also, since there is one God who will justify the circumcised by faith and the uncircumcised through faith." (Romans 3:29-30) And no doubt, God also promises a time of harvest and revival for Israel, described by the prophet Isaiah as a new season of fruitfulness... “Until the Spirit is poured upon us from on high, and the wilderness becomes a fruitful field, and the fruitful field is counted as a forest.” (Isaiah 32:15) This revival will be so great that the prophet Amos sees the ploughman on the heels of the reaper (Amos 9:13-15). This is what we see in many places in the world, and Amos sees it coming to Israel. This year we have the privilege to host at the Feast

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some of the senior ministers of harvest. Many of our speakers have seen hundreds of thousands, even millions of people swept into the Kingdom of God. We pray that they will inspire you to expect and work for a greater harvest in your own country. In recent months, we have prayed that God would grant us an open heaven at this year's Feast. Isaiah pleads with the Lord: “Oh, that You would rend the heavens! That You would come down! That the mountains might shake at Your presence.” (Isaiah 64:1) This is a plea that God would open to us a window into the divine dimensions of heaven. Jesus also promised this to his disciple Nathanael: "… you shall see heaven open, and the angels of God ascending and descending upon the Son of Man." (John 1:51) This is a realm not confined by time, space or any other limitations. If God truly opens the heavens for us, then anything is possible. Heaven touching earth - this is what we are expecting at this year’s Feast. Be hungry and thirsty for God and He will satisfy your righteous longings! Enjoy and be blessed at the Feast of Tabernacles 2013! Yours in Christ,

Jürgen Bühler Executive Director International Christian Embassy Jerusalem


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Welcome From the Mayor of Jerusalem Dear Friends, I am pleased to extend to you my warmest welcome to the city of Jerusalem for this year’s Christian celebration of the Feast of Tabernacles. This annual gathering, sponsored by the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem, is a unique expression of Christian support for the nation of Israel and of your deep love and respect for its eternal capital - Jerusalem. I can assure you that your presence here during this important biblical festival is deeply appreciated by the residents of this great city. There are over three billion people of faith who look to Jerusalem for inspiration and long to see its sights and touch its stones. We are seeking to develop our city as a common meeting ground for the benefit of people from across the world. We want to make Jerusalem a place where everyone can connect to the rich cultures and heritages that converge on this unique hilltop. We want to thank you for your solidarity and for helping make Jerusalem a “house of prayer for all peoples”. We value your contributions to the rebuilding of Jerusalem, a task that we all share in making Jerusalem a beacon of hope to people around the world. So please feel at home during your stay in Jerusalem. May you know the great joy of this wonderful holiday of Sukkot which can only be experienced in this city! Warmest regards, Nir Barkat Mayor of Jerusalem

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About the Feast

The Feast of Tabernacles is the third of the great pilgrimage feasts given to Israel and the culmination of their prophetic purposes JUHA KETOLA ICEJ INTERNATIONAL DIRECTOR

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The Feast of Tabernacles carries both a hope-filled message concerning the future and an encouraging message for the here-and-now. It is exciting to consider both of these messages. When the evilness and brokenness of humanity breaks forth and touches our lives, we long to go to heaven. When we realise how our time is running out, the thought begins to grow on us that one day we will leave the earth and go meet with the Lord in His dwelling place. However, we forget that God Himself has promised to come down from heaven to be with His people here on this planet earth! And it is the Feast of Tabernacles, out of all the biblical festivals, which most clearly and joyously conveys this glorious hope! Its message is that the Messiah will return to this world and here to Jerusalem!

In the book of Zechariah we discover how this promise of the Lord’s return, and the future glory that will flood this planet as a result, is the ultimate fulfilment of the prophetic purpose hidden in the Feast of Tabernacles. The nations shall go up from year to year to Jerusalem to worship The Feast of the King, the Lord of hosts, Tabernacles carries and to keep the Feast of Tabernacles (Zechariah both a hope-filled 14:16-17).

message concerning the future and an encouraging message for the here-and-now

This is His own longing and heart's desire, and His foretold plan and ultimate purpose! This is much more so than perhaps we dare to think! He has promised to tabernacle again with His creation on earth! (Revelation 21:3)

That is the time when, as children of God, our lowly bodies will have been transformed into the likeness of Jesus’ glorious body – incorruptible and immortal vessels ready to enjoy eternal life together with Him (Philippians 3:2021; I Corinthians 15:51-53). And the Lord Jesus – having declared His righteous judgments over the nations – will be sitting on the Throne of David in Jerusalem to rule the nations with a rod of iron (Revelation 19:11-16). Finally, righteousness, peace and harmony will reign here on earth among all peoples (Isaiah 2:1-4).

The glory of the Lord that will be revealed and released on this earth through Jesus’ return will not only change our bodies, but will also trigger a complete new era in the natural world. The Bible says that “the creation itself also will be delivered from the

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bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God” (Romans 8:21). Even the animal kingdom will have a totally different character! The wolf shall dwell with the lamb, the leopard shall lie down with the young goat, and the lion shall eat straw like the ox and lie down with the calf and the fatling (Isaiah 11:6-9). The whole environment will be changed, people will act differently, and the atmosphere on earth will be like a paradise and filled with goodness and peace. The prophet Isaiah saw all this beforehand and said: “the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord as the waters cover the sea” (Isaiah 11:9). He also saw the curse of sin-and-death being lifted! Against this backdrop of the great hope and future contained in the Feast of Tabernacles, it is wonderful to look also at the message it has for the here-and-now. During the Feast of Tabernacles (or Booths),

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Israeli families build a sukkah, a temporary walled structure in which they eat, pray and sometimes sleep for seven days. This is according to the word of the Lord: “You shall dwell in booths for seven days... that your generations may know that I made the children of Israel dwell in booths when I brought them out of the land of Egypt.” (Leviticus 23:42-43) In other words, God not only wants us to see the glorious future ahead, but is commanding us to look back in time as well to see His faithful provision in the past. This is in order for us to trust Him more here in the ever-present now. When looking back on the forty years of Israelite wanderings in the desert, we learn how God was providing everything they needed! The Israelites could not sow or reap, and were at the mercy of the weather, the sun and heat and all their desert surroundings. Yet their experience was: “These forty years the Lord your God


has been with you; you have lacked nothing” (Deuteronomy 2:7). Their garments did not wear out nor did their feet swell! (Deuteronomy 8:4) Through the Feast of Tabernacles, the Holy Spirit is reminding us in our daily walk with the Lord to be anxious for nothing! The wilderness experience taught the Israelites that God always provides for His people and celebrating the Feast of Tabernacles has taught generation after generation the very same thing. God has not changed and in modern times He is still communicating this same message in Jesus. We ourselves are not the source for our needs – He is!

So when looking at the past, we find our God is there. When looking into the future, it is Him we see. No wonder then that especially during the Feast of Tabernacles the Lord’s word commands us to be joyful in the here-and-now: “And you shall rejoice in your Feast” (Deuteronomy 16:14).

God not only wants us to see the glorious future ahead, but is commanding us to look back in time as well to see His faithful provision

Through your weaknesses and frailties, even through the knowledge of sin in your life, dare to look to Him and expect His goodness and the multitude of His tender mercies and forgiveness to prevail in your life and circumstances. Trust Him! He is looking after His children here and now just like He did for the Hebrew children in the desert and exactly like He has promised in His word to do for you (Hebrews 13:5-6; 1 Peter 5:7; Psalm 23). And even more so, He has promised to return to this earth where you are walking your walk with Him!

The joy of the Lord is part of His very nature and character and is connected to His power. The joy of the Lord is our strength (Nehemiah 8:10). His sustaining power in the person of the Holy Spirit will uphold your very life and being and will guide you through everything. It was precisely during this great and joyous Feast of Tabernacles when Jesus Himself spoke these words and promised His Holy Spirit to anyone who believes: “If anyone thirsts, let him come to Me and drink. He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.” (John 7:37-38)

Joy unspeakable is available for you in the here-and-now, to accompany you in your journey through life. He is available for you to refresh your whole being, body and spirit! May you experience this life-giving power during this year’s Feast here in Jerusalem! Trust Him!

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The theme for this year's Feast of Tabernacles celebration is "Harvest". The Bible has much to say on this topic, especially through the three main harvest feasts of Israel - Passover, Pentecost and Tabernacles. These "appointed" Feasts mark the seasons of harvest in the Land and contain rich spiritual meaning, as well as hidden prophetic truths that even relate to the tremendous growth of the Church worldwide in our day. Truly, we are in a time of great harvest. An ancient law The principle of harvest is as old as Creation itself. When God created the plants, He made them to produce seeds in order to procreate each after its own kind (Genesis 1:11ff). This means God expects his Creation to constantly bring forth a harvest. It is literally engraved in the DNA code of all created life. Shortly after the flood, God affirmed

this eternal principle in His covenant with Noah: “While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, winter and summer, and day and night shall not cease” (Genesis 8:22). So the principle of seed and harvest will last as long as our planet will last. There will always be seasons of ploughing and sowing, followed by seasons of harvest. Yet harvests do not just happen. Without the hard labours of ploughing and sowing, a genuine harvest cannot be expected. But if we are diligent to sow - in the ground as well as towards the heavens - we can always expect a harvest. The Harvest Feasts Three times a year the Jewish people were commanded to come up to Jerusalem to appear before God and celebrate His faithful provision in the annual harvest cycle (Exodus 23:1417). During springtime, Israel marks Passover (Pessach) in March or April

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and then Pentecost (Shavuot) around May or June. Later in September/October, the greatest of all feasts – the Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot) – is marked in Jerusalem. Each of these three pilgrimage feasts celebrate the ingathering of the produce of the land which ripens during that season. Passover - the Feast of the "First Fruits" Passover dedicates the ‘first fruits’ of the land to God. This meant that Israel declared everything she possessed comes from God and belongs to Him. He deserves the first and best part of the harvest as it is also He who gives the increase (1 Corinthians 3:7). By offering the prime portion, the entire harvest is thereby sanctified before God. He owns it all, and His blessing on the crops is crucial. 1616Official Program Jerusalem 2013

God spoke of Israel as being His firstborn among the nations (Exodus 4:22). This status meant Israel was entitled to a double blessing as a firstborn son (Deuteronomy 21:15-17). The Hebrew prophets foresaw a future restoration of Israel which indeed involves a double blessing on the nation (Isaiah 61:7; Jeremiah 31:8-9; Zechariah 9:12). So we know that He will fulfil all His promises given to Israel. Jesus is also described as “the firstborn from the dead” (Colossians 1:18; see also 1 Corinthians 15:20). It was during the Passover week, “on the day after the Sabbath” – that is, the first day of the week – the firstfruit offering was waved in the Temple. The Gospels record it was on that very day when Jesus rose from


Three times a year the Jewish people were commanded to come up to Jerusalem to appear before God and celebrate His faithful provision in the annual harvest cycle. During springtime, Israel marks Passover (Pessach) in March or April and then Pentecost (Shavuot) around May or June. Later in September/ October, the greatest of all feasts – the Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot) – is marked in Jerusalem.

the dead (Matthew 28:1). He was the first to overcome death, and then entered the heavens and presented himself to the Father. But he did so not just for himself, as Paul also calls him "the firstborn among many brethren” (Romans 8:29). So he paved the way to eternal life for us as well. Pentecost - the Feast of the spring harvest Coming fifty days after Passover, the Feast of Pentecost was one of thanksgiving for the spring harvest, which consisted primarily of the wheat and barley crops (Exodus 34:22). It was a time to celebrate the faithfulness of God to provide the sustenance of life, knowing other harvests would soon follow. According to Jewish tradition, the people of

Israel arrived at Mount Sinai on Pentecost and received the Ten Commandments on “tablets of stone, written with the finger of God” (Exodus 31:18). But in Acts 2, the Lord wrote His law on the hearts of the early followers of Jesus when the Holy Spirit fell on them in the Upper Room on the Day of Pentecost. Paul refers to the New Covenant written on "tablets of flesh, that is, of the heart” (2 Corinthians 3:3; see Jeremiah 31:31ff). For Christians, Pentecost has become a celebration of that first harvest of 3,000 souls gathered into the storehouse of God (Acts 2:41). Millions more would follow in the centuries to come - an innumerable company of Jews as well as Gentiles from every nation, tribe and 17 Official Program Jerusalem 2013 17

tongue. That first harvest season is still going on to this day and we are poised for the greatest harvest of all, which also will include a restored and redeemed Israel.

considered the greatest feast as it also marked the bountiful ingathering at the end of the annual harvest cycle.

The Bible encourages us to expect a great endtime harvest of souls to take place all around the world. In many places we see the fulfilling of what the prophet Amos foresaw: “‘Behold, the days are coming,’ says the Lord, ‘When the ploughman shall overtake the reaper, and the treader of grapes him who sows seed; The mountains shall drip with sweet wine, and all the hills shall flow with it.’” (Amos 9:13)

After the long dry summer and with winter approaching, this last harvest was vital, especially as it produced the olive oil and wine. A great variety of fruits fed the nation during the coming cold. God commanded seven days of rejoicing with generous sacrifices of thanksgiving (Leviticus 23:33-43). The "four species" were waved before the Lord, accompanied by daily sacrifices of 70 bulls representing the 70 nations in biblical times.

Tabernacles - the Feast of Ingathering The last of the three great harvest feasts is the Feast of Tabernacles, or Sukkot, when the fall harvests of the grapes, figs, olives, dates, pomegranates and all the fruit of the trees were dedicated to God with thanksgiving. This was

Indeed, Sukkot was unique among the three great pilgrimage feasts in that the gentile nations were also invited to ascend with the people of Israel to Jerusalem to worship the Lord God. The prophet Zechariah foresees a time when all the nations will come up to Jerusalem

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Jesus came out of a Samaritan town where the entire village had been impacted by his ministry. He told his disciples to expect great things from God: “Do you not say, ‘There are still four months and then comes the harvest’? Behold, I say to you, lift up your eyes and look at the fields, for they are already white for harvest!” (John 4:35)

to celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles (Zechariah 14:16). This Feast which we celebrate each year is a wonderful foretaste of that great day. The Feast of Tabernacles is also the time when Jewish tradition expects the Messiah will arrive to set up his Kingdom. John 7 alludes to this. That is also why the Feast of Tabernacles is considered the greatest of the three pilgrimage feasts, as it anticipates the Ingathering of the redeemed and the restoration of all things (Acts 3:21). The Messiah's Kingdom will be established in a restored Israel. A global harvest of saints from all tribes and nations will be gathered to Jerusalem, which will be the seat of the Lord's reign of righteousness and peace over all the earth. What a glorious expectation! Conclusion Much in our lives is determined by the principles of seed and harvest. Besides our

personal lives, God also speaks about the harvesting of souls. Jesus came out of a Samaritan town where the entire village had been impacted by his ministry. He told his disciples to expect great things from God: “Do you not say, ‘There are still four months and then comes the harvest’? Behold, I say to you, lift up your eyes and look at the fields, for they are already white for harvest!” (John 4:35) Too many people have lost hope for their nations. Jesus challenges us to lift up our eyes. Today, we are witness to what many consider the greatest harvest in church history. More people are coming to faith today than in any period of history. The Gospel is currently impacting nations which were still unreached one hundred years ago. May we all be co-labourers with the Lord in the fields of harvest! 19 Official Program Jerusalem 2013


ICEJ pilgrims on praise walk on the Mount of Olives, during the Feast of Tabernacles celebration, 1981

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Over Three Decades of the Feast of Tabernacles BY DAVID PARSONS ICEJ MEDIA DIRECTOR

This autumn the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem is marking the 34th consecutive year in which Christians from all corners of the world have ascended to Jerusalem to celebrate the biblical Feast of Tabernacles. This remarkable record of Christian pilgrimage – even in times of great difficulty for Israel – is testimony that the Feast was inspired by God and enjoys His favour. For more than three decades, the Christian celebration of Sukkot has impacted hundreds of thousands of Christians and Jews alike. The dynamic worship experience has touched multitudes longing for the presence of the Lord. The Feast has seen anointed speakers proclaim vital Scriptural truths about the Kingdom of God and the restoration of Israel in our day. And our Feast pilgrims have been truly enriched by their encounters with both ancient and modern Israel. The International Christian Embassy Jerusalem itself was birthed out of the very first public Christian

celebration of the Feast in 1980, at a time when Israelis felt a sense of isolation concerning their historic claim to Jerusalem. This ministry was thus founded as an act of comfort and solidarity with the 3000-year old Jewish claim and connection to this city. In those early years the Feast grew quickly into a major global event, as thousands of Christians from nearly 100 nations answered the biblical invitation to come join the Jewish people in Jerusalem to worship the Lord God of Israel at this special holiday. Feast pilgrims packed the Jerusalem Convention Center each night and then spilled out into the streets for the popular Jerusalem March, where they could express their love for Israel. Within a few short years, the ICEJ’s Feast of Tabernacles was recognised by the Ministry of Tourism as Israel’s largest annual tourist event – a distinction it has enjoyed for over three decades now! The




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Former ICEJ Spokesman Jan Willem van der Hoven shakes hands with (the late) Prime Minister Menachem Begin at the ICEJ Feast of Teabernacles celebration, 1981

ICEJ Christian pilgrims gather in Qumran for the opening night of the Feast of Tabernacles, 1982

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Welcome also proved very popular with Feast pilgrims, as the national delegations first assembled to worship with the full moon rising over the Dead Sea to mark the start of Sukkot. The desert meal and worship service was held for many years at Qumran and came to feature biblical dramas played out against the mountainous backdrop of the Judean Wilderness. The event then moved to the Ein Gedi kibbutz and in more recent years to the oasis setting of the Ein Gedi Spa. The Feast worship team, including beautifully costumed dancers and regal banners, introduced a dynamic new style of Davidic worship and movement which has since been replicated at Christian gatherings all over the world. Meanwhile, the Feast has featured a number of well-known Christian ministers and Bible teachers over the years, such as Dr. Derek Prince, Dr. Pat Robertson, Dr. Jack Hayford, Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke, Rev. David Pawson, Lance Lambert, Rev. Malcolm Hedding and many more. Israeli presidents, prime ministers, cabinet ministers, chief rabbis and the mayors of Jerusalem have all come to bring greetings to our Feast pilgrims. Ordinary Israelis also have come to expect and warmly welcome the throngs of Christian friends who show up in Jerusalem at Sukkot each year. This year’s celebration gives us a unique opportunity to once more declare our love for the Lord Jesus, for Israel and for Jerusalem, which is called to be a “house of prayer for all peoples”. May you have a joyous Feast!

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The Feast, 1990s

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Jerusalem March, 1990s

Biblical musical in the ancient Roman Ampitheatre at Beit Shean, Feast 2004

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C O M I N G 1 0 - 1 4 O C T O be R 2 0 1 4 feast.icej.org 27

Feast Program

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Feast Program

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Schedule L i v e s t r e a m i n g w w w. i c e j . o r g / l i v e




SUNDAY 22 september Prayer and Worship Led by Mosy Madugba

8:00am - 9:00am

Workers of the Harvest 9:00am - 9:45am

Juha Ketola Main Auditorium Workers of the Harvest John Kelly Main Auditorium

9:45am - 10:30am Break Communion Service [English] [gates open at 9:30am] 10:00am - 11:30am Peter Watt

11:00am - 11:45am

Garden Tomb

God in Israel 1 Peter Tsukahira Main Auditorium Politics and Faith 1 Cong. Doug Lamborn Dulzin Hall Ministry to Israel in Action 1 ICEJ AID - Nicole Yoder, et al Atrium

Break Communion Service [Portuguese] [gates open at 1:30pm] 2:00pm - 3:30pm Renê Terra Nova

12:00pm - 12:45pm

Garden Tomb

Suzette Hattingh Ein Gedi Celebration

30 Official Program Jerusalem 2013

Mosy Madugba Main Auditorium Feasts of Israel 1 Doron Schneider Dulzin Hall Media 1 - Current Affairs David Parsons & Chris Mitchell Atrium

Ein Gedi Meal starts at 4:30pm Worship Program starts at 6:30pm 7:30pm - 9:30pm

Israel and the Church 1

START TIME - 8:00pm Jürgen Bühler Main Auditorium

Angus Buchan Main Auditorium




Prayer and Worship Led by Suzette Hattingh

Prayer and Worship Led by Angus Buchan

Prayer and Worship Led by Juha Ketola

Empowered for Harvest

Fields of Harvest

Prayer for the Harvest

Lance Lambert Main Auditorium

Majed El Shafie Main Auditorium

RenĂŞ Terra Nova Main Auditorium

Empowered for Harvest Daniel Kolenda Main Auditorium

Fields of Harvest Dr. Paul Enenche Main Auditorium

God in Israel 2 Naim & Steven Khoury Main Auditorium

God in Israel 3 Asher Intrater Main Auditorium

Prayer Vigil & Healing Service

Politics and Faith 2

Politics and Faith 3

9:45am - 12:00pm

Lucio Malan MP Dulzin Hall

Kenneth Meshoe MP Dulzin Hall

Ministry to Israel in Action 2 Yad Vashem - Susana Kokkonen Atrium

Ministry to Israel in Action 3 Aliyah - Howard Flower Atrium

Israel and the Church 2

Israel and the Church 3

Fabio Abbud Main Auditorium

Malcolm Hedding Main Auditorium

Feasts of Israel 2 David Elms Dulzin Hall

Feasts of Israel 3 Daniel Yahav Dulzin Hall

Media 2 - Facing Islam

Media 3 - Islam & the Harvest

Moshe Sharon Atrium

Umar Mulinde Atrium

Bus Tours - 11:00am - 6:00pm

Jerusalem March - 3:00pm

Billy Wilson Main Auditorium

Israeli Guest Night Main Auditorium

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Feast Program



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Feast Program

Ein Gedi Desert Celebration Friday, 20 September // 4:30 PM

The Feast of Tabernacles opens once again at the Ein Gedi Spa with a festive meal and evening celebration under the stars and palm trees along the shores of the Dead Sea. All fully registered Feast pilgrims may gain free entry to the Ein Gedi Spa that day (9:00 AM to 5:00 PM). The meal starts at 4:30 PM and the program begins at 6:30 PM.

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Feast Program

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Feast Program

Garden Tomb

Communion Service Saturday, 21 September 10:00 AM (English) // Peter Watt 2:00 PM (Portuguese) // RenĂŞ Terra Nova

The traditional Communion Service during the Feast of Tabernacles will be held again this year in the beautiful and quiet setting of the Garden Tomb, located just north of Jerusalem’s Damascus Gate. The morning service at 10:00 AM will be conducted in English by Rev. Peter Watt, while the afternoon service at 2:00 PM will be conducted in Portuguese by Apostle Rene Terra Nova. Due to seating limitations, these events are only open to fully registered Feast pilgrims. Each participant will receive a souvenir Communion cup at the event. We will need to move in and out of the Garden Tomb in a fast and orderly manner, and show respect for this special site.

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Special Bus Excursions Monday, 23 September 11:00 AM to 6:00 PM

Feast pilgrims are offered the following special bus excursions on this afternoon to unique places not normally included in standard Christian tour packages of the Holy Land:

Harvest tour to Neot Kedumim

In keeping with our “Harvest” theme at this year’s Feast, we will be visiting the lovely biblical gardens at Neot Kedumim and then continue on to the biblical sculpture garden at Eshel HaShomron in Ariel. Come and walk the landscapes of Jesus and the Hebrew prophets and learn more about the plant and tree life native to the Land of Israel. See an ancient olive oil press, wine press, water cistern, threshing floor, and watchtower over a vineyard. Our host for the day is Messianic tour guide Hannah Ben-Haim, who will speak on the Feast theme with biblical insights into the three great harvest feasts in the Land of Israel – Passover, Pentecost and Tabernacles.

Tour of Israel Air Force Museum

This excursion focuses on the history of the Israeli Air Force and its brave pilots who sought to meet the nation’s daunting security challenges. Visit the Israel Air Force Museum near Beersheva, where dozens of Israeli aircraft from past decades are on display. Attention will also be given to Israel’s current strategic situation, with a special briefing by Dr. Mordechai Kedar, one of the nation’s top security analysts. Dr. Kedar served for 25 years in the IDF’s military intelligence branch and today is a lecturer with the BESA Center for Strategic Studies at Bar-Ilan University in Tel Aviv.

Tel Shiloh tour

This tour features a journey into the Shomron (Samaria) area to Tel Shiloh, one of the most authentic Bible sites in all of Eretz Israel. Several recent archaeological finds have verified that Tel Shiloh is the spot where the Tabernacle of Moses stood for nearly 400 years. Learn about these exciting new discoveries in the place where the prophet Samuel received his great calling. Also, pay a solidarity visit to a nearby Jewish community and be hosted in the sukkot, or holiday booths, of local residents to learn more about life in an Israeli "settlement".

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Temple Mount treasures tour

This tour invites you to become an amateur archaeologist for the day by sifting through loads of debris taken from the Temple Mount compound and containing relics from as far back as the First Temple era. The Temple Mount sifting project has a convenient facility located on the slopes of the Mount of Olives where groups of volunteers are welcome to come wash away the dirt of history and uncover biblical treasures from long ago. The tour includes a briefing on the finds discovered there so far, as well as a visit to other sites in the Kidron Valley which are key to establishing the ancient Jewish connection to Jerusalem.


The ICEJ AID Department will host a special visit to the Beit Singer children's home in the Jezreel Valley in northern Israel. This tour provides you with an up-close and personal look at Christian compassion in action, as we visit a unique foster community for 80 Israeli orphans and youth-at-risk supported by the Christian Embassy. The tour will also include a visit to the "Gilgal" archaeological site in the Jordan Valley, where scholars have made new finds linked to Joshua's conquest of the Land. The site is home to the giant outline of an ancient sandal believed to be inspired by the Lord's promise in Joshua 1:3, which states, "Every place that the sole of your foot will tread upon I have given you..." PLEASE NOTE: Tickets for all the bus excursions may be purchased at the Vered booth in the main entrance foyer of the Convention Center. The cost for each tour is $35. Bus seats are limited, so make sure to sign up early. Please board buses before 11:00 AM to ensure prompt departure. Tour itineraries are subject to change, and a tour may be cancelled if an insufficient number of passengers sign up. Please note that every precaution is being taken for the safety of tour participants. A light box lunch will be provided as part of your tour, but it is strongly advised to bring along your own snacks and drinks, and especially a supply of water.

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38 Official Program Jerusalem 2013


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Tuesday, 24 September // 7:30 PM Jerusalem Convention Center Once again this year, we have set aside one evening to provide a taste of the Feast for hundreds of Israeli guests. The number of Israelis attending this event has been growing and thus we ask that each Feast pilgrim consider giving up your seat for the evening so that our Israeli friends can enjoy the musical talent assembled for this year’s Feast celebration. Thank you for your love and sacrifice in this regard!

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MARCH Tuesday, 24 September // 3:00 PM, North End of Sacher Park

As with previous years, we are delighted once again to be able to march through the streets of Jerusalem to express our solidarity with Israel. Due to limitations set by the city, the March is only open to fully registered Feast pilgrims, who will be given a colored wrist band that must be shown when assembling for the Jerusalem March. Please assemble by 2:00 PM on the north side of the “Lion’s Tunnel” at the north end of Sacher Park. Be sure to wear your national costumes, and bring plenty of national flags and (kosher) candy to hand out to the children. A hat, comfortable walking shoes and a personal supply of water are also recommended. Please understand that the handing out of tracts has been prohibited.

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Please assemble by 2:00 PM with the ICEJ group just north of the “Lion’s Tunnel” at the north end of Sacher Park. *

The Jerusalem municipality has in the strongest terms requested that NO flags, gifts or candy be given out during the first 200 meters of the Jerusalem March. By following this simple guideline the March will start-off and progress much smoother, avoiding unnecessary congestion. Furthermore the municipality and police departments have placed barriers at strategic locations for crowd control and the safety of both the March participants and March attendees – please honour these barriers and do not reward with gifts of any kind those attendees who breach these barriers.

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42 Official Program Jerusalem 2013

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SPECIAL PRAYER VIGIL & healing service Wednesday, 25 September // 9:45 am Jerusalem Convention Center The Feast 2013 will end with a Special Prayer Vigil and Healing Service on the last morning of our gathering. This promises to be a highlight of our time in Jerusalem, as we devote our final morning to seeking the Lord together in prayer for our families, churches, and nations, as well as for Israel and the Middle East region. Respected ministers from around the world will lead us in prayer, and a time will also be set aside for special healing ministry and prayer for the sick. May we be renewed in the Holy Spirit as we prepare to return to our nations with a fresh anointing to serve Him!

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Prayer at the Feast J端rgen B端hler ICEJ Executive Director

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Over the past two years God has placed a new emphasis on prayer throughout the Embassy family worldwide. God clearly showed that He wanted us to draw closer to Him as He was about to do great things in the region. In our weekly prayer meetings among our Jerusalem staff and through our global Isaiah 62 Prayer Campaign, the Lord has been speaking to us individually and corporately. These are times when we are near the heartbeat of God and He renews our strength for the work He has called us to do. So we want to also make prayer an important component of the Feast! Morning and Evening Prayer Sessions We want to strongly encourage you to make use of the precious times we gather for morning and evening prayer during the Feast. Maybe you feel in need of spiritual refreshment. Jesus challenges us: "Come to Me, all you who labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." (Matthew 11:28) These prayer sessions are the perfect time to draw close to Jesus, especially if we want to start the day right with the Lord. He wants to refresh you and renew your strength to rise up like an eagle. But God also calls us to look beyond ourselves and intercede for the needs of our world today. If there ever was a time when prayer was needed for Israel and the Middle East, it is now. As Israel and the Palestinians engage again in renewed peace talks, we need to pray for these developments and proclaim God’s purposes for the region. God has promised to pour out His Spirit on the Land of Israel and therefore we will pray in

particular for all the churches and fellowships here in the Land. The Arab world, shaken by uprisings which are claiming a heavy death toll in Syria and now Egypt, urgently needs the prayers of the saints. We need to intercede for the churches in Arab and Islamic countries, which are under tremendous pressure. We need to pray for revival for these countries. There is one great hope for these nations and that is Jesus Christ! Special Prayer Vigil A great highlight of Feast 2013 will be a special prayer vigil on the last morning of our gathering. I want to call this the most important morning at the Feast, as the entire session will be devoted to prayer. It was on the last great day of the Feast of Tabernacles when Jesus called out: "If anyone thirsts, let him come to Me and drink. He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water." (John 7:37-38) We expect that God will touch us especially on the last day of this year's Feast. Respected ministers from around the world will lead us into prayer for Israel, the Arab world, and the nations of the earth. There also will be a time for some of our special ministry at the Feast to pray for the sick and needy. We are trusting that our prayers will accomplish much as we approach the throne of God in unity. We also are expecting for God to fill us afresh with His Spirit so that we can return to our nations with a fresh anointing to serve Him. I look forward to seeing you there!

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Main Auditorium Morning Prayer 8:00 am

Join us in prayer During the Feast... We want to invite you to join us in the Isaiah 62 Prayer Campaign during your time here at the Feast of Tabernacles. It is a unique opportunity to expand your prayer life even at this “appointed time� in Jerusalem.

Morning Prayer 8:00 am // Main Auditorium Each morning and evening during the Feast week, we will have special prayer gatherings. The morning sessions are from 8:00 am to 9:00 am and will be led by various Feast speakers. The prayer time will include worship led by the Feast music team.

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Room 312 Evening Prayer 6:30 pm

Evening Prayer 6:30 pm // Room 312 The evening prayer vigils will be led by Judy and Jerry Ball, an American couple with a global intercessory prayer ministry. For many years now, they have faithfully brought intercessory teams to Israel and to the Feast. Their unique prophetic touch has inspired many to a life of intercession. The evening prayer meetings will be held in Room 312 and will start at 6:30 pm.

Prayer Vigil Wednesday 9:45 am // Main Auditorium The last day of the Feast falls on a Wednesday, which is a designated day of prayer in our Isaiah 62 Prayer Campaign. Therefore we are setting this last morning together as a special time of corporate prayer and healing ministry. We encourage you to join us for this time set aside for seeking God before we depart for our home nations.

Meantime, join with us in the Isaiah 62 Prayer Campaign for the remainder of the year. If you are a pastor, have your Church join this exciting global move of prayer every first Wednesday of the month. We know that as you pray for Israel, your Church will be blessed. Contact us for more information at: prayer@icej.org For more on the Isaiah 62 Prayer Campaign, please visit our website at: icej.org/isaiah-62-prayer-initiative

47 Official Program Jerusalem 47 2013

AJ’s Club AJ’s Club House AJ’s Club House 1-4 years

5-11 years

Child care for children (ages 1-4) who will be attending the Feast with their parents. Parents can rest assured that their little ones are in loving and capable care during the daily and evening Feast sessions. Care Givers will provide your little one with a calm athmosphere of age related activities, stories, rest times and games that will engage them in meaningful play and learning. Parents are asked to come and check on their child between sessions and to bring a prepared bag containing items for your child’s stay in our care.

The setting of Jerusalem in the Bible is a place where the nations come to learn about God. We are excited to welcome your children from all over the world to Israel and to AJ’s Club at the Feast of Tabernacles for Bible stories and fun activities. Be sure to register your child today for this exciting adventure!

Location: Room 313 Coordinator: Kimberley Murray

Location: Room 313 Coordinator: Kimberley Murray

Morning AJ’s Sessions 9:00am - 12:30pm 48

This c h i l d r e n’ s program (ages 5-11) runs concurrently with daily Feast sessions at the International Convention Center Jerusalem.

Evening AJ’s Sessions 7:00pm - 10:00pm

Youth Program

This year the ICEJ is offering a special program geared for young believers. Led by experienced youth pastor Guiseppe Platania, the meetings will include special times of teaching amd ministry to youth by some of our prominent Feast speakers from around the world. This is a unique opportunity for youth to have time and access to great men and women of God. We are sure their lives will be impacted forever!

12-17 year olds Youth Leader: Guiseppe Platania Guest speakers include: Suzette Hattingh, Angus Buchan, Mosy Madugba, & others‌

An additional chance to meet parliamentarians and leaders and to be inspired through different facets of the Kingdom of God Attend for Free

Morning Youth Sessions 9:00am - 12:30pm 49

Feast Program

2013 Feast


"If you instruct the brethren in these things, you will be a good minister of Jesus Christ, nourished in the words of faith and of the good doctrine which you have carefully followed." - 1 Timothy 4:6 Speakers are listed in order of appearance at the Feast

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Suzette Hattingh From 1980 to 1996, evangelist Suzette Hattingh headed up the intercessory teams for Reinhard Bonnke’s ministry “Christ For All Nations”, playing a major role in this global outreach and eventually becoming his associate evangelist. Her prayer ministry during Bonnke’s evangelistic campaigns, often coupled with street evangelism, has impacted thousands. Suzette’s own evangelistic ministry quickly broadened and in 1997, she and Gayle Claxton cofounded “Voice in the City”, an international, interdenominational missions organization. An integral part of her ministry is healing, having been used greatly by the Lord for signs and wonders. Although a passionate Evangelist, Suzette is also gifted in edifying and equipping the body of Christ through motivational preaching and teaching. As an author, her anointed writings, seasoned with experience, have been an inspiration to thousands across the globe.

Peter Watt Rev. Peter Watt as been in pastoral ministry in South Africa since 1968. He earned his Masters and Doctoral degrees in Missiology from the University of South Africa and has authored several books related to his studies and ministry, including From Africa’s Soil and God in Control. At present, he serves on the General Executive of the Assemblies of God of Southern Africa and pastors at Cornerstone Assembly in Pretoria, a multinational inner-city church. He previously served as Chairman of the General Executive of the Assemblies of God of Southern Africa. He is married to Lesley and they have three sons.

Renê Terra Nova Apostle Renê Terra Nova is one of the most recognised and respected Evangelical church leaders in Latin America, with oversight of a growing Pentecostal movement that numbers around eight million believers. He is founder and president of International Ministry of Restoration in the city of Manaus, Brazil, where he pastors a church of some 70,000 members. Apostle Renê aspires to extend the Kingdom of God worldwide, while also instilling a deep love and commitment to Israel among his followers. He is the National Director for ICEJBrazil and has been leading large delegations of Christian pilgrims from across Latin America to the Feast in recent years. The Knesset Christian Allies' Caucus and the Israel Ministry of Tourism have bestowed their annual tourism award on Apostle Renê for his efforts to bring tens of thousands of Christian visitors to Israel.

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Jürgen Bühler Dr. Jürgen Bühler is an ordained minister and trained physicist who serves as Executive Director of the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem. After graduating from Ulm University with a degree in physics, Jürgen moved to Israel in 1994. After completing a five-year research project at the Weizmann Institute of Science in Rehovot, he obtained a doctorate in chemistry. Jürgen joined the staff of the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem in 1999 and served from 2001 to 2011 as National Director for ICEJ-Germany. He has been a member of the ICEJ’s Board of Trustees for nine years and served as the ministry’s International Director for five years. He is a licensed minister with the German Pentecostal Federation (BFP), and his unique scriptural insights into issues relating to Israel, the Church and the nations have placed him in great demand as a speaker all over the world. Jürgen and his wife, Vesna, live in Jerusalem and have three sons and a daughter.

Juha Ketola A native of Finland, Rev. Juha Ketola has been in full-time ministry since 1985, serving as an evangelist and pastor both in Finland and internationally. He is a graduate of the International Bible Institute of London Kensington Temple in England and is an ordained minister with the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada and Finland. Juha has ministered the Word of God in more than 30 nations around the globe. He has also served in various capacities with the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem since 1996 and presently serves as the ministry’s International Director, overseeing the organisation's vast worldwide network of national branches. Juha and his wife Kati reside in Jerusalem. They have three children and two grandchildren.

John Kelly Apostle John P. Kelly has over thirty years of ministry experience in establishing churches and ministries throughout the United States. As an apostolic strategist, he travels worldwide to train, strengthen and encourage leaders to achieve their apostolic destiny. He is the Founder and President of LEAD (Leadership Education for Apostolic Development), a serving ministry to apostolic leaders and churches. To further strengthen the emerging apostolic movement, he also established the International Coalition of Apostles (ICA) in 1999. ICA brings together apostolic leaders for education, fellowship and networking. John Kelly now serves as the Convening Apostle for ICA.

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Peter Tsukahira Peter and his wife Rita have lived in Israel since 1987 and are engaged in serving the local body and helping Christians understand God’s purposes for Israel in our day. Peter is co-founder and an associate pastor of Kehilat HaCarmel, a Messianic congregation on Mount Carmel. He is also Director of the Mt. Carmel School of Ministry, a two-week intensive study tour of Israel for Christians from the nations [www.mountcarmelsom. com]. Peter teaches internationally and has written books about Israel and its end-time restoration, including God’s Tsunami and Culture of the Kingdom. He serves on the Board of Directors of Church Growth International, chaired by Dr. David Yonggi Cho.

Doug Lamborn Cong. Doug Lamborn is a Member of the US House of Representatives, serving Colorado's fifth congressional district since 2007. Affiliated with the Republican party, he has served on several subcommittees of the House Armed Services Committee, the Committee on Natural Resources, and the Committee on Veterans’ Affairs. His other legislative positions include co-chairman of the Congressional Israel Allies’ Caucus, and he has become one of the strongest voices for Israel on Capitol Hill. Before being elected to the US Congress, Rep. Lamborn was a member of the Colorado state legislature from 1995 to 2007, serving in both the House and Senate chambers. Born in 1954 in Leavenworth, Kansas, he is an alumnus of the University of Kansas (Lawrence) and is married to Jeanie Lamborn.

ICEJ AID: Nicole Yoder, Yudit Setz & Anat Brenner Nicole Yoder is director of the ICEJ’s AID department and Yudit Setz is assistant director for the program. Both are trained social workers and speak Hebrew and some Arabic. Together, they have developed over recent decades close links to an extensive network of Israeli social workers and local charities in an effort to meet the needs of the poor and disadvantaged throughout the Land. Nicole Yoder holds a BA degree in Behavioural Science from Northwest University in Kirkland, Washington. She has lived in Israel since 1992, and has served on the ICEJ staff since 1999. Yudit Setz is a social worker from the Netherlands who settled in Israel in 1984 and joined the ICEJ’s social aid department the following year. She and her husband, anthropologist Will Setz, have raised two sons in Israel, both of whom have volunteered to serve in the IDF. Their guest in this seminar will be native Israeli believer Anat Brenner, director of Abundant Life, a ministry which works to rescue women in the Tel Aviv area trapped by poverty, drugs, abuse and prostitution. She has an MA in Psychology and Counselling from the Israel College of the Bible.

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Feast Program Mosy Madugba Rev. Mosy U. Madugba is an apostolic and prophetic leader to the global church, and serves as National Director for ICEJ-Nigeria as well as the Embassy’s Coordinator for all Africa. Based out of Port Harcourt, Nigeria, he is the International Director of Spiritual Life Outreach, a multinational, indigenous evangelistic ministry with a focus on the nations of Africa. He is also the International Coordinator of Ministers Prayer Network, a prayer and leadership association that annually hosts global “Prayerquakes” which are attended by up to 15,000 Christian leaders. Mosy provides pastoral care and cover for over 10,000 pastors spread over all continents, has received excellence in leadership awards from five universities, and chairs charitable works to aid widows and orphans all over Africa. Mosy is a much sought-after teacher and pastoral leader who has preached in over sixty countries, as well as a noted author of numerous books published through Spiritual Life Publications. Mosy and his wife, Chinyere Gloria Madugba, are both accomplished authors and conference speakers.

Doron Schneider Doron Schneider is a public relations officer and international speaker with the ICEJ, primarily travelling and ministering in Europe. His German Jewish family moved to Israel when Doron was eleven years old and he attended Israeli schools, studying geography and public relations. He served three years of duty in the Israeli Navy and continues to serve in the reserves of the IDF Home Front Command. He has been a journalist and a photo-journalist for Yediot Aharonot and other Israel-based publications, as well as running his own businesses. He has been with the Christian Embassy since 2000, and has authored the book, Israel: More Than You Think. Doron is an elder in a Messianic congregation in Ma’ale Adumim, where he lives with his wife Tsiona and their four children.

David Parsons David R. Parsons is an attorney, journalist, licensed minister and Middle East specialist who serves as Media and Public Relations Director for the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem. David is responsible for the ICEJ's relations with the Israeli and foreign press corps. He also oversees the ICEJ's various publications and writes for other journals on a wide array of historic, strategic, political and religious subjects. He is senior producer of the weekly Front Page Jerusalem radio program, the premier Christian radio broadcast out of Israel, and served for seven years as contributing editor of The Jerusalem Post Christian Edition. David earned a BA in History (1981) and a Juris Doctorate degree (1986) from Wake Forest University and entered the legal profession. From 1991-1995, he served as a registered pro-Israel lobbyist with the U.S. Congress. David first began serving with the Christian Embassy staff in Jerusalem in 1995. In December 2008, he received ordination from the Liberty Christian Fellowship ministerial association out of Dallas, Texas. He lives in Jerusalem with his wife Josepha and their son.

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Feast Program Chris Mitchell Chris Mitchell provides timely and informative reports from the turbulent Middle East as bureau chief for CBN News in Jerusalem. Chris brings a biblical and prophetic perspective to daily events that shape our world. He first began reporting on the Middle East in the mid-1990s, travelling throughout the entire region and covering such topics as the emigration of persecuted Christians from Arab/Islamic countries. Before his assignment to the Jerusalem bureau a decade ago, Chris produced award-winning reports on revival movements and other spiritual issues. In addition to his reports for The 700 Club, Chris is also a regular contributor to Christian World News, a weekly 30-minute newscast that airs nationally in multiple markets. A native of the Boston area, Chris earned a B.A. in History at the University of New Hampshire in 1975. In 1987, he graduated with honours from Regent University, earning an MA in Communication. He has a new book out entitled Dateline Jerusalem, which is based on his years of covering Israel and the Middle East. Chris lives in Jerusalem with his wife Elizabeth and has three children.

Angus Buchan A South African farmer of Scottish heritage, Angus Buchan was struggling to house and feed a young and growing family when he had a unique encounter with God in 1989. Ever since he has been faithfully pursuing a dynamic call of God over his life to preach the Gospel and believe for signs and miracles. Though he admits to little formal education, Angus has been used by God in many miraculous ways, turning multitudes back to the Lord. His inspiring faith has carried him through droughts, family tragedies and financial crises, as recounted in the moving book and motion picture Faith Like Potatoes. His mass stadium rallies and “Mighty Men” conferences have deeply impacted his nation, while his television and preaching ministry are now reaching around the globe. And who can forget the incredible wind and rain at last year's Ein Gedi celebration when Angus started praying for a "rushing mighty wind" like on the Day of Pentecost. Yet Angus maintains his humble roots, still running his Shalom Farm which includes a home for 27 “adopted” children. Angus and his wife Jill have five natural children and nine grandchildren.

Lance Lambert Lance Lambert is one of the most distinguished Bible scholars and speakers on Israel today and has an itinerant teaching ministry with a worldwide scope. Born in 1931, Lance grew up in Richmond, Surrey in the United Kingdom, and came to know the Lord at twelve years of age. He entered the school of African and Oriental studies at London University to prepare for work in China. He studied Classical Chinese, Mandarin, Oriental Philosophy, and Far Eastern History, but the Maoist revolution closed the door to European missionaries and his entry into China. In the early 1950s, Lance served in the British Royal Air Force in Egypt and later founded Halford House Christian Fellowship in Richmond, England. His father and many members of his Jewish family died in the Holocaust. Lance is noted for his eschatological views, which place him in the tradition of Watchman Nee and T. Austin-Sparks. He produces a widely appreciated quarterly audio recording called the Middle East Update, which gives his unique perspective on current events in the Middle East in the light of God’s Word. He has written numerous books, including The Uniqueness of Israel, and he is host of the video production Jerusalem; the Covenant City as well as the new documentary series Blessing, Curse or Co-incidence? 55 Official Program Jerusalem 2013 55

Feast Program Daniel Kolenda Daniel Kolenda is a modern missionary evangelist who has led more than 15 million people to Christ face-to-face through massive openair evangelistic campaigns in some of the most dangerous, difficult and remote locations on earth. As the successor to world renowned Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke, Daniel is the president and CEO of Christ for All Nations. This ministry has conducted some of the largest evangelistic rallies in history, has published over 190 million books in 104 languages, and has offices in 10 nations around the world. He also hosts an internationally syndicated television program. Daniel is a gifted fifth-generation preacher whose ministry is marked by a powerful evangelistic anointing and incredible miracles of healing. Daniel is a graduate of Southeastern University in Lakeland, Florida and the Brownsville Revival School of Ministry in Pensacola, Florida, but his greatest education has come from years of ministry side-by-side with his mentor and spiritual father Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke. Together they have circled the globe preaching the Gospel and continue to do so as a single-minded team with great effectiveness. He has also been a successful pastor and church planter. Daniel, with his wife Rebekah and their four children, reside in the Orlando area.

Naim Khoury Born into an Arab Orthodox family in the Old City of Jerusalem, Dr. Naim Khoury had an encounter with Christ and answered the call into ministry as a young man. He holds three doctorate degrees in Old Testament, Bible Philosophy, and Doctorate of Divinity and has served as a Baptist pastor in the Holy Land for many decades. He founded some of the largest Arab evangelical churches in Israel and the Palestinian areas, while befriending the Jewish people since his youth. His passionate stand to preach the Word of God to his own Arab people while also sharing his love for the Jewish people has often put him in dangerous situations. He currently oversees seven active ministries, including his anchor fellowship the First Baptist Church of Bethlehem. Dr. Khoury and his wife Elvira live in Bethlehem and have two grown children involved in ministry.

Steven Khoury Rev. Steven Khoury is an author, gifted speaker, TV personality and religious writer for Al-Quds, the largest Arabic newspaper in the Holy Land. He pastors the largest Arab Evangelical church in East Jerusalem and the Palestinian territories. His transformation from a boy involved in the first intifada with Israel to a committed Christian believer is a powerful message for all to hear. Preaching the message of Christ to Arabs in the region has often put him in precarious situations, and his churches have been targets of retaliation over the years. Even so, Pastor Steven Khoury has made it his mission to be on the forefront of sharing the message of salvation to the lost and hurting. He holds a degree in pastoral ministry and a Masters in theology. Steven and his wife Sherry live in Bethlehem and have two children.

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Feast Program Kenneth Meshoe, MP Kenneth Meshoe has served as a Member of Parliament in South Africa for nearly twenty years, distinguishing himself as a strong Christian voice for biblical, moral values and for standing with Israel. Born in Pretoria, he graduated from the University of the North and served as a high school teacher before joining the ministry team of Christ For All Nations. By 1987, he had earned two diplomas in theology at the Shekinah Bible Institute in Kingsport, and the following year started a non-denominational church in Vosloorus, Gauteng, called Hope of Glory Tabernacle. Today, the church has some 3,000 members, runs a number of community projects, and mobilizes Christians nationwide to pray for South Africa. Kenneth travels extensively, speaking at conferences in many parts of world. He entered politics in 1993, founding the African Christian Democratic Party based on biblical principles. Meshoe remains the party’s first and only president. He has served as an MP since 1994. In recent years, Meshoe has been awarded several honorary degrees in recognition of his outstanding leadership in both church and civic life. In 2008, he completed his Advanced Diploma in Economic Policy at the University of the Western Cape. He is married to Lydia and they have three children.

Susanna Kokkonen Dr. Susanna Kokkonen serves as Director of Christian Friends of Yad Vashem, an initiative created in partnership with the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem to reach the Christian world with the universal lessons of the Holocaust. Dr. Kokkonen travels around the world to speak to university, civic, government, and Christian and Jewish audiences about the Holocaust, anti-Semitism and Israel. Fluent in six languages, she is sought out by the media as an expert in the field of Holocaust studies and her articles on Jewish and Israeli issues have also been widely published. Dr. Kokkonen pioneered the now annual International Christian Leadership Seminar of Yad Vashem, bringing together Christian leaders, pastors, educators and media professionals. Originally from Finland, Dr. Kokkonen served as a pro-Israel advocate in the European Parliament in Brussels as well as an attaché at the Embassy of Finland in Tel Aviv. She received her Ph.D. from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem in 2004 in Holocaust Studies. Her talk will focus on the behavior of the contemporaries of the Holocaust. What can we learn from these stories? Why are they so very relevant today?

Fabio Abbud Fabio Alves Abbud is leader of the El Shaddai Church movement in Brazil and has spiritual oversight of 300 churches in São Paulo. He also has charge over approximately 12,000 disciples in the Celluar Vision initiative of raising committed followers of Jesus. He was ordained as an apostle in 2006 by his mentor, Apostle Renê Terra Nova. A native of Brazil, he earned a degree in industrial design from Mackenzie University in São Paulo. He is married to Claudia Abbud, who is also on ministry, and they have three daughters.

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Feast Program David Elms Dr. David Elms is an ordained minister with the Assemblies of God and serves as national director for ICEJ-United Kingdom and a member of the governing Association of the ICEJ. He speaks on the ICEJ's behalf worldwide and is a leading voice of Christian Zionism in the UK. He is the senior pastor of a church in Liverpool and is part of the citywide leadership team for Evangelical churches. He is also a director of the Christian Fellowship school in Liverpool. He holds a doctorate in theology from Liverpool University and his Master's degree was awarded in Wesleyan studies from Manchester University. In addition, he holds a Doctor of Ministry degree. David is married to Gwyneth and they have three children and nine grandchildren.

Moshe Sharon Professor Moshe Sharon of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem is considered by many to be Israel's leading scholar on Islam. Born in Haifa in 1937, he was educated at the Hebrew University and the University of London. He also has conducted research in Oxford, Paris and Dublin. He joined the faculty of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem in 1965 and received his PhD in Islamic history from that institution in 1971. He has taught Islamic history and civilization with special emphasis on the Shi‘a. He is a specialist in Arabic epigraphy and has recorded all the Arabic inscriptions in the Holy Land. Since 1997 he has published five volumes of his opus, still in progress. Sharon is now Professor Emeritus of Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies at the Hebrew University. He has served as Prime Minister Menachem Begin’s adviser on Arab Affairs and took part in the peace treaty negotiations with Egypt. He and his wife, Judy, have six children and twenty two grandchildren.

Billy Wilson Dr. William M. Wilson was recently installed as the fourth President of Oral Roberts University in Tulsa, Oklahoma. He is recognised as having global influence within the Body of Christ and beyond, with unwavering ethics, strong business acumen and a passion for building Spiritempowered leaders to impact the world. Dr. Wilson holds a Bachelor of Science degree from Western Kentucky University, as well as a Master of Arts degree and a Doctor of Ministry degree from the Pentecostal Theological Seminary. In 2006, Dr. Wilson and his International Center for Spiritual Renewal provided leadership for the 100-year centennial celebration of the Azusa Street revival in Los Angeles. The Center presently facilitates Empowered21, a global initiative among Spiritempowered denominations, ministries and churches designed to help shape the future of the fastest-growing Christian movement in world history. Dr. Wilson has also hosted and produced a weekly television program seen in more than 170 nations. During more than 32 years of ministry, Wilson has served as church administrator, international youth director, senior pastor and international evangelist, personally ministering in more than 80 nations. Billy and his wife, Lisa, currently reside in Tulsa.

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Feast Program Majed El Shafie Rev. Majed El Shafie is founder of the human rights organisation One Free World International, based in Canada. His faith journey and human rights activism started in his native Egypt, where he was severely tortured and sentenced to death for converting to Christianity and bringing awareness of religious persecution as a young aspiring attorney from a prominent Egyptian family. He was forced to flee into Israel and was later granted asylum in Canada. He has worked diligently ever since to promote religious freedom for minorities in repressive countries. He is engaged in fact-finding missions, humanitarian relief efforts, and rescue operations in many nations around the world, such as Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq and Cuba. His One Free World International is today one of the leading organisations advocating for religious minorities globally and has 28 branches around the world. He has testified before several national parliaments and in international forums, and lobbied heads of state and cabinet ministers on behalf of victims of religious persecution. His work and personal story have drawn much media attention, including an award-winning feature-length documentary on his life entitled Freedom Fighter, which was subsequently turned into a book by the same name. In 2012, he received the Diamond Jubilee Medal from Britain's Queen Elizabeth II for his human rights activism.

Paul Enenche Dr. Paul Enenche is a trained medical doctor called by God into full-time ministry, with an apostolic, prophetic and teaching anointing for the restoration of human lives, destinies and dignities. Dr. Enenche is Senior Pastor of Dunamis International Gospel Centre, headquartered in Abuja, Nigeria. He has a heart for evangelism, which he is pursuing through television, internet and other mass media platforms. His revival meetings are accompanied by signs, wonders and dramatic divine healings. Presently, his ministry is spread across over 100 locations within and outside Nigeria and through his Dunamis TV satellite station that reaches millions of viewers in Africa, the Middle East and parts of Europe. His church in Abuja has grown from a small fellowship in 1996 to tens of thousands of members today. Dr. Enenche has written many insightful books and also oversees a growing network of educational academies. He is married to Becky, who is also a medical doctor, and they have four children.

Asher Intrater Asher Intrater is a senior leader of Ahavat Yeshua congregation in Jerusalem, Tiferet Yeshua congregation in Tel Aviv, and the Revive Israel ministry team. His ministerial duties also have included El Shaddai Congregation in Frederick, Maryland, Netivyah Ministries in Jerusalem with Joseph Shulam, the Messianic Jewish Alliance of Israel. He preaches in congregations and conferences throughout Israel and the nations. Asher is also one of the founders of Tikkun Ministries International with Dan Juster and Eitan Shishkoff. He has degrees from Harvard University, Baltimore Hebrew College, and Messiah Biblical Institute and is the co-author with Dan Juster of Israel, The Church and the Last Days. In addition, he has authored numerous prophetic and theological tracts in English and Hebrew. For Asher and his wife Betty, their current ministry priority is to raise up young Israeli believers into ministry through congregational life, daily prayer and praise watches, a discipleship training center, and personal evangelism to native Israelis. Revive Israel’s email update is currently being translated weekly into 16 languages (see www.reviveisrael.org)

59 Official Program Jerusalem 59 2013

Feast Program Lucio Malan MP The Honourable Lucio Malan is a senior ranking Member of Parliament in Italy. He is considered the leading evangelical Christian MP in Italy and one of the country's strongest defenders of Israel. He was a member of the deputy chamber of parliament from 1994 to 1996, and since 2001 has been a Senator, currently serving as secretary of the presidency of the Italian Senate. He is also a member of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly. MP Malan was born in Luserna San Giovanni, Turin. He earned his BA in Literature at the University of Turin, and then obtained a Master's degree in history from the University of Nevada-Las Vegas, where Lucio Malan was also a teacher's assistant. Lucio Malan is member of the People of Freedom Party and attends the Waldensian Evangelical Church.

Howard Flower A. Howard Flower is director of Aliyah operations for the ICEJ and also serves as national director for the growing ICEJ-Russia branch. He first moved to St. Petersburg in 1992 with a vision to help with the mass aliyah of Soviet Jewry then streaming to Israel. He soon joined the ICEJ’s efforts in moving thousands of Russian Jews through Finland to Israel. In the year 2000 he officially launched the ICEJ's Russian branch. In 2006, Flower began to expand the ICEJ aliyah work into Belarus and the Baltic countries. He also looked farther West and started ‘fishing’ for Russian-speaking Jews who had moved to Germany, the United States and Canada. Under Flower's guidance, the ICEJ also began sponsoring flights for Jews from Western Europe facing growing anti-Semitism and Muslim agitation. More recently, the ICEJ has sponsored flights for Ethiopian Jews and the Bnei Menashe of India. Meanwhile the aliyah work continues in the vast Russian republic, as well as in Latvia, Lithuania and Uzbekistan. Overall, the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem has helped more than 115,000 Jews come home to Israel since 1989, and Howard Flower has had a direct hand in many of these homecomings.

Malcolm Hedding Rev. Malcolm Hedding is an ordained minister with the Assemblies of God of Southern Africa and the former Executive Director of the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem. He holds a Bachelor of Theology degree and served for many years as a church planter in his native South Africa. He also headed the ministry Christian Action for Israel. He served as chaplain to the ICEJ staff in Jerusalem in the mid1980s and recently ended a ten-year term as the ICEJ’s senior executive. Malcolm continues to serve as an international speaker for the Christian Embassy, as well as a member of its Board of Trustees. Malcolm, together with his wife Cheryl, now lives in Murfreesboro Tennessee, where he is an associate minister of World Outreach Church. They have three grown children and five grandchildren.

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Feast Program Daniel Yahav Daniel Yahav has served for the past 18 years as pastor of the Peniel Fellowship in Tiberias. Daniel was born in Jaffa in 1959 and grew up in a traditional Jewish home. He is the son of a Holocaust survivor and at age 15 he came to faith in Yeshua. After finishing high school, he served as an officer in the Israeli army. He was then called by the Lord to work in the Galilee. Starting as a production worker in Galtronics LTD, a local manufacturing firm established by Christian believers, he was promoted in 1985 to become the director general manager of the firm, which subsequently grew in the early 1990's to be the world's largest manufacturer of cellular portable antennas. In 1993, Daniel left the business and went into full-time ministry as pastor of Peniel fellowship, where he had been an elder for 10 years. The congregation now has over 500 members, making it the largest Hebrew-speaking fellowship in the country. Daniel and his wife Shirya have seven children, ages 5 to 27 years old, and three granchildren.

Umar Mulinde Pastor Umar Mulinde is a Muslim convert to Christianity from Uganda who has answered the call into pastoral and evangelistic ministry with a powerful testimony of standing firm in the faith despite severe persecution. Born into a strict Muslim family, he was drawn to the Bible and eventually decided to become a Christian. He became a pastor of a growing church in Kampala and also developed a love for Israel. Because he preaches the Gospel to all, including Muslims, and teaches about Israel, he has been repeatedly targeted by radical Islamists. On Christmas Eve in 2011, Muslim militants threw acid in his face after a church service, causing severe burns on his skin. Pastor Mulinde has been in Israel ever since, receiving advanced medical treatment for his wounds at Sheba Medical Center in Tel Aviv. Pastor Mulinde has an amazingly inspiring story of courage, perseverance and trust in Jesus. Because he has seen the dark side of Islam from both sides, he also has a very sobering message for those who still view Islam as a religion of peace.

raymond ramirez Raymond Ramirez is a multi-instrumentalist and vocalist who serves as the Creative and Music Director for the ICEJ. Raymond graduated from Full Sail Center for the Recording Arts in Orlando, Florida in 1991. He later became the Music and Youth Director and then Associate Pastor for First Assembly of God in Melbourne Florida. In his career, Raymond has recorded and produced over 15 independent music recordings for other artists. Since the early 1980’s Raymond and his family have been involved with the ICEJ. In 2003, Raymond began serving as the Technical Director for the ICEJ’s annual celebration of the Feast of Tabernacles and, for four years, was directly involved with the planning, contracting and oversight of the technical production of the Feast. In 2007, Raymond was appointed to the ICEJ Staff as the Assistant Music Director and, in 2009, assumed the role of Music Director. In 2011, as his responsibilities grew more diverse, Raymond was appointed as the Creative and Music Director of the ICEJ, overseeing video production and other creative arts related projects. Raymond and his wife Nyki live in Jerusalem with their son Kenton and daughter Naomi. 61 Official Program Jerusalem 61 2013

Feast Program

2013 Feast

Volunteers Every year, hundreds of people spend their own money and give up their vacation time to volunteer at the ICEJ Feast of Tabernacles - some never even catching a glimpse of the Feast. From sewing all the apparel worn by the singers and dancers on stage, to hauling all of the staging and office equipment, volunteer jobs run the gamut. The ICEJ would never be able to produce an event of such magnitude without their help and we are extremely grateful for their sacrifice. Please honour them as we do. Executive Director J端rgen B端hler - Israel International Director Juha Ketola - Israel Music/Creative Director Raymond Ramirez - Israel Media Director David Parsons - Israel

ICEJ BOARD OF ADVISORS Angus Buchan Jack Hayford Billy Wilson Reinhard Bonnke Rene Terra Nova

Finance Director David van der Walt Finland

Allen Jackson

ICEJ AID Director Nicole Yoder - Israel

Suzette Hattingh

Development Director Daryl Hedding - USA Aliyah Director Howard Flower - Russia Arise Director

Jani Salokangas - Israel

General Manager Pete Taylor - Israel ICEJ Staff member in Jerusalem

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Wayne Hilsden

ICEJ BOARD OF TRUSTEES Ingolf Ellssel Chairman J端rgen B端hler Vice Chairman Mojmir Kallus Secretary/Treasurer Juha Ketola Board Member Malcolm Hedding Board Member Susan Michael Board Member Mosy Madugba Board Member Gary Bachman Board Member

Feast Program

aj’s club Kimberley Murray – Canada Alex Sam - India Christell Weyers - South Africa Gaby Hornedo - Germany Jermene Kotzé - South Africa Leopoldo Hornedo - Germany Leslie Dockery - USA Mi-Jeanne Kotzé - South Africa Sunita Marandi - India Susanne Stricker - Austria ALIYAH Howard Flower - Russia aUDIO/VIDEO DUPLICATION Pierre Marais - Israel Ana Liza la Rosa - Philippines Anna Moller - Denmark Peter Sommer – Canada

BLOOD BANK Lynda Baynes - United Kingdom

INFORMATION SYSTEMS Mark Hodge - United Kingdom

BOOTH MANAGEMENT Doron Schneider - Israel Oliver Krummenacher Switzerland

TABERNACLE DANCE COMPANY Esteban Gonzalez - USA Chloe Gonzalez – USA Stephanie Hall – USA Benjamin Caldwell - USA Hycliff Soler – Puerto Rico Eder Maia – Brazil José Ramos Jr. – Brazil Josiel Araújo – Brazil Lysion Vieira – Brazil Geraldo Dias – Brazil Vitor Kowalski – Brazil Jefferson Leal – Brazil Robert Siqueira – Brazil Jamie Ulrich - USA Helena Popov - Russia Elisabeth Popov - Russia

CATERING Lesley Britchford - Israel Rachel Coll - Israel Pnina Zubarev – Israel Carol Koeries - South Africa Eveline Spack – Switzerland Lois Herrington - Portugal Maria Alicia Milan - Philippines Maria Theresa de Guzman Philippines Paulo de Tarso Rodrigues - Brazil Sanna Leppänen - Finland

63 Official Program Jerusalem 63 2013

Feast Program

Kaliza Flores – Brazil Hope Dudek - USA Lara Lanphier - USA Jutta Salmela - Finland Debra Poole - USA Ana Soboleva - Latvia Gwendolyn Barnes – South Africa Caitlin Patrick - USA Daryse Osborne - USA Yvonne Peters - USA EMBASSY RESOURCES Heather Thompson – Israel Angela Payne - USA Brenda Garn - United Kingdom Che-hao Wang - United Kingdom Emanuela Crepcia - Austria Lena Saeng-alangkarn - Taiwan Mary Raikula - Finland Sharon Ellwood - South Africa FEAST OFFICE Pete Taylor - Israel Cyndee Taylor - Israel Beverley Dwyer - Israel

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Liliya Shapchyts - Israel Patricia Ecenroad - Israel Christine Bentley - UK Ashley Imler - Philippines Christine Bentley - United Kingdom FINANCE David van der Walt - Finland Victoria Hecht - Israel Lolita Kidess - Israel James Cheatham – Israel FIRST AID Elba Hernandez – Puerto Rico Magdalena Stein – Germany Päivi Tsokkinen – Finland ARISE Jani Salokangas - Israel Sybill Hochuli - Israel Emanuel Mfoukou – Israel GRAPHIC DESIGN Peter Ecenroad - Israel

HEADSETS Wim van der Zande - Israel Adith Slabbekoorn - Netherlands Auri Rantakari - Finland Berit Christiansen - Denmark Betsy Rigell - USA Brigitte Fendt - Germany Dorothe Waidelich - Germany Eeva Marjatta Kambo - Finland Heidi Curiger - Switzerland Helena Freund - Germany Ilse Ranetbauer - Germany Jansje Slik - Netherlands Maria de Lourdes SchledererMaciel - Germany Marja Kiuru - Finland Marlyn Leyendecker - Germany Rosa Gutgesell - Germany HOMECARE Corrie Van Maanen - Israel Marianne van Tielen - Netherlands Seija Sarkkinen - Finland HOSPITALITY Robert Lehton - USA Charlotte Lehton - USA

Feast Program

HOUSING & TRANSPORT Laurina Driesse –Israel Connie Rengifo – USA Sarah Tyler – Israel Don Ritchie – United Kingdom Håkan Häggblom – Finland René Joseph Emmenegger – Switzerland Timothy Poole – USA icej aid Nicole Yoder - Israel Yudit Setz - Israel Anneke Smit - Netherlands Willem Smit – Netherlands INT’L - GERMAN BRANCH Birte Scholz - Israel Albrecht Schmid – Germany Pastor Andreas Sohl – Germany LOGISTICS Christopher Chambers - Israel Matthew Norris – Israel Eirik Raikula - Finland Gerhard Kagerer - Austria Mikael Store – Finland Pascal Frahnow - Germany

MEDIA David Parsons – Israel Aaron Hecht - Israel Estera Wieja - Israel Birte Scholz – Israel Daryl Hedding - USA Agnieszka Karbowiak - Poland Ewa Golebiewska - Israel Francis Terry - South Africa Oleg Strelkov - Israel Music & Creative Office Assistants Sara Comparado - Israel Sharon Bowater - New Zealand Ann Starbuck – United Kingdom MUSICIANS Conductor - Michael Mann USA Hannu Ala – Israel Jeffrey Lucas - Philippines Christopher Crisley - Philippines Dragan Balaneskovic - Serbia Timothy Mallillin - Philippines Serguei Popov - Russia David Solomon – South Africa Zacarias Flores - Bolivia

Mihkel Metsala - Estonia Joshua Alltop - USA Jeremy Longfield - Australia Jamie Hilsden - Israel Lee Caspi - Israel Evgenia Berestetsky - Israel Maayan Gur-Arie - Israel Alan Serruya – Israel PHOTOGRAPHY Jani Salokangas – Israel David Stott - South Africa FEAST REGISTRATION Scott Morgan – Israel Adjani Navalta - Philippines Anamaria Puscas - Romania Annette (Jo) Olsen - South Africa Beatriz Comparado - Portugal Brian Mahoney – USA Elisabeth Bachhuber - Germany June Williams - USA Maren Steege - Germany Sajeevnadh Guruvindapalli - India Sharona Falco – Israel Thea Noreen Escalante - Philippines Tiina Hartikainen - Finland Ute Wendland - Germany 65 Official Program Jerusalem 65 2013

Feast Program

SECURITY Daniel Dowling - Canada Keith McNeely – USA Simone Schwarz - Germany TECHNICAL & Stage PRODUCTION Peter Bentley – United Kingdom Susan Narciso - Philippines Greg Hill - Israel Eileen Sullivan - USA Tairo Arrabal - Brazil Renae Mahoney - USA Joshua Discípulo - Philippines A. Daniel Zetazate - Philippines Raimund Stein – Germany TRANSLATORS Carla Melo – Portugal Chim Fong (David) Sun – Hong Kong Elena Eremeeva - Russia Eliette Heritier - France Erika Lorena Parada Trujillo – Bolivia

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Ingeborg Barker – Germany Jessica Melo – Portugal Johanna Manner - Finland Kristina Koskela - Finland Linda Georgiev-Aakvik - Norway Mai-Britt Iversen - Sweden Rachel van Oers – Israel Xianwei (Steven) Qi – China USHERS Jesaja Arola - Finland Alice Innes - USA Bernadette Job - South Africa Bridgette Knight - Israel Faith Anna Fawcett - New Zealand Gary Molloy - USA Harriet Store - Finland James Dick - United Kingdom Kay Harris - USA Klara Fischer - Germany Laura Liles - United Kingdom Lorraine Morgon United Kingdom Lunail Colon Santiago Puerto Rico

Lynden Jackson - New Zealand Madeleine Kramer Switzerland Marguerite (Peggy) Molloy - USA Mark Hogg - United Kingdom Marta Garcia Cabral United Kingdom Martina Strauss - Austria Melanie Allingham United Kingdom Nadia Oriana Costantini - Italy Phillip Liles - United Kingdom Rosmarie Moor - Switzerland Tamara Patrizi - Italy Yesenia Velez - Puerto Rico Wardrobe Department Charlotta Lundgren – Finland Dorothy van Eick – USA Annelie Ritter – Germany Video Production Ants Seiler - Israel Nehemias Jaruchik - Israel Sviatlana Bahdanava - Israel Michael Hilsden - Israel

Feast Program

VOCALISTS Raymond Ramirez - Israel Anthony Ray Sidney - USA Gilmar Souza - Brazil Carey Dean - USA Linda Laukkonen - Finland Priscilla Campos - Brazil Luciana Rossin - USA Dorothy Bedford – USA Volunteer Team Chaplain Mark Starbuck United Kingdom YAD VASHEM Susanna Kokkonen Israel Sirpa Bagman - Israel

VOLUNTEER If you or someone you know might be interested in becoming a Feast Volunteer for next year, please email us at: feast@icej.org

This is the volunteer list as of press time. Please forgive any oversights.

67 Official Program Jerusalem 2013 67

For Your Information

Inside the International Convention Center Jerusalem

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For Your Information

For Your Information ICCJ ROOM NUMBERS: Feast Office - 314 • Prayer Room - 312 • Media Room - 311 ICCJ - Entrance to the International Convention Center Jerusalem (ICCJ) is on Zalman Shazar Boulevard. Admission by nametag ONLY. The Feast Committee reserves the right of admission. BLOOD DONATIONS - There will be an MDA facility for donating blood for local needs as in previous years, located in Dulzin Hall-2 off the main corridor. Ask an usher or hostess for details. CONCESSION BOOTHS - We encourage you to shop at the booths set up at the ICCJ by vendors based here in the land of Israel. You will find local crafts and great values while supporting the nation’s business sector. FLASH PHOTOGRAPHY - Flash photography or videotaping during evening celebrations is not permitted for any reason as it disturbs the professional videotaping. Please do not come to the front to take pictures under any circumstances. GOOD ORDER - For the sake of order, public utterances from the floor during meetings cannot be permitted. If you believe you have a word from the Lord, please submit it to one of the members of the Feast Oversight Committee. LANGUAGE TRANSLATIONS - Headphones must be reserved by tour leaders and collected from and returned to the translation booth. Translation is available only in those languages most represented at the Feast. SECURITY - It is normal throughout Israel for security personnel to check all bags when you enter a building. All bags will be thoroughly checked at the door of the convention center when entering. To cut down on long lines, do not carry large bags with you into the ICCJ. Also do not leave bags, parcels or packages unattended. They could be confiscated or cause undue alarm.


SPECIAL NOTE - In keeping with the biblical instruction for all things to be done “decently and in order”, and for the sake of other pilgrims and honored guests, we ask that you refrain from blowing the shofar or other loud instruments in the seating area of the auditorium unless called upon to do so by the platform leadership. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.

   First Aid is situated at the main foyer entrance. Police 100

Ambulance 101

Fire 102

69 Official Program Jerusalem 2013

For Your Information


Convention Center Map 7070Official Program Jerusalem 2013

For Your Information



TO PARKING 71 Official Program Jerusalem 2013 71

For Your Information

1. Jewelry of the Holy Land 2. T Max 3. Kol Shofar 4. Garo 5. Tal Marketing Gifts 6. T of Galilee 7. Ein Gedi Cosmetics 8. Mega Voice 9. Biblical Art 10. $ Money Changer $ 11. George’s Store 12. Ministry of Tourism 13. Keren Kayemeth LeIsrael/JNF KKL





14. Eric 15. Hands of Mercy 16. Kakadu – Art For The Heart 17. Derek Prince Ministry Israel 18. Neot Kedumim - The Biblical Landscape Reserve 19. Maim Haim Hinam 20. Rose of Bethlehem Jewelry 21. Nano Gold 22. My Prayer.co 23. Plant an Olive Tree in Israel 24. Jerusalem House of Prayer for All Nations 25. Barakat 26. Word Ministry









30 38










Booth Map Concession Booths are Open: Mornings: 8:30 am - 1:00 pm Evenings: 6:00 pm - 11:00 pm

7272Official Program Jerusalem 2013



For Your Information

31. Creations 32. Israel Souvenirs

39. ICEJ - Aid 40. ICEJ - Aliyah and Homecare 41. ICEJ - Arise 42. ICEJ - Yad Vashem 43. ICEJ - Tel Aviv Univ. Partnership 44. ICEJ - Shop 45. ICEJ - Welcome Booth 46. ICEJ - Registration

33. Alon Rahel Rosalind Hershkovitz Tiki Messianic Jewelry Christian Friends Magen David Adom 34. Barakat 35. Maly Silk 36. Bereshit 37. Health Corporation – Rambam 38. Ora Gifts







47. Speaker books




44 39



46 10 3




S. Hattingh S. Popov B. Wilson A. Buchan M. Madugba N. Khoury D. Kolenda M. El Shafie P. Enenche J. Kelly D. Elms F. Abbud P. Tsukahira A. Intrater and more...

73 Official Program Jerusalem 2013 73


Nehemiah Award

Jan Willem van der Hoeven

Nehemiah spearheaded the return of the Jewish people from the Babylonian exile to Israel and Jerusalem around 536 BCE. He not only displayed personal courage and zeal but he was a determined leader and above all a man of God. The book named after him in the Bible records his accomplishments in rebuilding the ruins of the city of Jerusalem and leading his people in spiritual renewal. It is thus appropriate that the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem has established the “Nehemiah Award” by which to annually honour an outstanding biblical Christian Zionist at the Christian Celebration of the Feast of Tabernacles. “And I told them of the hand of God which had been good upon me, and also of the king’s words which he had spoken to me. So they said, ‘Let us rise up and build.’ They then set their hands to do this good work.” - Nehemiah 2:18 Due to a conflicting time schedule of the Nehemiah Award recipient will unfortunately not be able to join us at the Feast. The award is being delivered at a special ceremony on September 18th.

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J an W illem van der H oeven This year's Nehemiah Award winner, Rev. Jan Willem van der Hoeven, has been a modern trailblazer and clarion voice for the Christian Zionist movement, playing lead roles in founding ministries and crafting messages of Christian comfort and support for Israel and the Jewish people.

Israel advocacy, Jan Willem has personally met and known the last five prime ministers of Israel, and also is closely acquainted with many other Israeli and Jewish leaders, including cabinet and Knesset members and heads of other influential institutions in the Land.

Jan Willem was born in The Netherlands, where his father served as private secretary to Queen Juliana. He studied in England, obtaining a Bachelor of Divinity Degree from London University. A resident of the Middle East for more than 40 years, Jan Willem currently lives in Anathot in the Shomron, home of the biblical prophet Jeremiah, and is married to Ellen (nee' Veth), a Danish/ Dutch businesswoman. He has two adult children by his first wife, Widad, a Sudanese Arab Christian, now deceased. Both of his children, Jan and Haggith, have served in the Israeli army.

As a veteran specialist on the Middle East, Jan Willem has been invited to speak in countless churches, synagogues and public meetings all across the world. He has addressed major conferences of such respected organisations as AIPAC, B'nai B'rith, the Zionist Organisation of America and others. He also has made numerous appearances on television and radio programs and been interviewed by scores of print journalists on matters related to the region and Christian Jan Willem van der Hoeven shaking hands with support for Israel. former Prime Minister Menachem Begin at the Feast, 1981

After initially traveling widely through the Arab world, Jan Willem became Custodian of the Garden Tomb in Jerusalem, a position he held from 1968 to 1975. During those years he spoke to many thousands of people in front of the Empty Tomb. Jan Willem van der Hoeven was the central figure in the founding of the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem in September 1980 and served as its International Spokesman for nearly two decades. During his time with the ICEJ, he helped build the annual Christian celebration of the Feast of Tabernacles in Jerusalem into a major global event. He also initiated the ‘Mordechai Outcry’ campaign for the release of Soviet Jewry in 1982, and the convening of the First Christian Zionist Congress in Basel in 1985. For the past 15 years, he has been the director of the International Christian Zionist Center, now based in Samaria, which he established to mobilise worldwide Christian support for the state and people of Israel. Over the course of his career in ministry and pro-

Jan Willem is a recipient of ZOA's prestigious Louis Brandeis Award for his pro-Israel activism. The International Forum for a United Jerusalem also has honoured him with its Guardian of Jerusalem Award, which was delivered by the hands of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in recognition of his ceaseless efforts for a united Jerusalem under Israeli sovereignty. [Other recipients of the Guardian of Jerusalem Award include former Chief Rabbi (Ashkenazi) of Israel, Yisrael Meir Lau, the late mayor of Jerusalem, Teddy Kollek, and US Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan.] Jan Willem van der Hoeven is the author of Babylon or Jerusalem (Deeper Revelation Books; 2009), a prophetic book which has been translated into several languages. Based on his lifetime of achievements in inspiring Christians to stand with Israel, including his key role in the founding of this ministry, the ICEJ wishes to honour Jan Willem van der Hoeven with the Nehemiah Award for 2013. 75 Official Program Jerusalem 2013 75

F e a s t o f Ta b e r n a c l e s 2 0 1 3 W e l c o

The Israel Allies Foundation standing with Israel in governments worldwide.

With operations based in Washington, D.C. and Brussels and a headquarters in Jerusalem, the Foundation is committed to providing legislators with the tools they

Advocating for Israel The Foundation is also dedicated to raising up grassroots support from within the Jewish and Christian communities worldwide who will stand with their pro-Israel legislators and advocate for the State of Israel.

The Knesset Christian Allies Caucus was established in reach out to Christian leaders and parliamentarians MK David Rotem.

m e s t h e C h a i r m a n’ s Co n f e r e n c e

Each year the Israel Allies Foundation hosts an annual Chairman’s Conference which is designed to promote inter-parliamentary dialogue and information sharing amongst the members of our Israel Allies Caucuses in governments worldwide.

This year the Israel Allies Foundation is proud to partner with the ICEJ and the World Jewish Congress as we host our annual International Chairman’s Conference in Jerusalem.


New partnership with God TV underway

One of the core mandates of the International Christian Embassy can be found in Jeremiah 31:10: “Hear the word of the Lord, O nations, and declare it in the isles afar off, and say, ‘He who scattered Israel will gather him, and keep him as a shepherd does his flock.’” Besides blessing and comforting the people of Israel, God has given us a clear mandate to speak to the Church worldwide about what He is doing in Israel. We have pursued this calling through our ministry travels and our publications, which currently reach over 140 nations. But in the beginning of 2012, the Lord truly challenged us to reach out more effectively to the world. He spoke through Matthew 5:15: “Nor do they light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house.” God challenged us to place our light on a higher lampstand. The lampstands of our day are the means of mass communication – internet, social media and television. At that time, God opened a door for us to join an Israeli news show called “Israel Now News” which is broadcast globally on Daystar TV. Since then, every single show closes with a special 5 minute episode produced by the ICEJ, called “ICEJ Report.” Though this new vehicle, we now can reach out on a weekly basis to literally millions of believers around the world, and we are feeling its impact throughout our global network of branches. Since then, our video production team has grown significantly and today we feel that God is leading us one step beyond. Earlier this year, we were offered

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the opportunity to enter a unique partnership with God-TV to produce a weekly half-hour show from and about Israel, which will be shown on a prime spot during weekends. This will enable us to convey much more effectively what God has placed on our heart to say. Each show will include Bible teachings about Israel coming straight from Jerusalem, updates about Israel and the Middle East, and information about our ministry. The name of the TV show will be the same as the magazine you now hold in your hands – Word from Jerusalem. The signal of GodTV now reaches close to 400 million households worldwide, which translates into a potential viewership of close to one billion people. What excites us most is that it reaches into countries on every single continent. This show will open doors for us which have never been open before. We will be able to reach more people in the coming year than through all our many travels until now. It is truly a door that has opened widely! If you want to partner with us as we walk through this new open door, please consider supporting our TV outreach. In the coming year we will need US$ 250,000 to take this new step of faith. Please prayerfully consider placing a financial seed into this important outreach. Your seed will ensure that millions of people around the world will hear what God is doing in Israel today. It will enable us to equip the Church worldwide with a better understanding of God’s purposes for Israel. But also, please pray that His anointing will rest upon us to communicate clearly and with authority the word of God.

ICEJ exploring landmark partnership with Tel Aviv University Over recent years God has placed on our hearts to pray for a deeper connection to the academic world in Israel. Then in December last year, we were surprised to receive an invitation to meet with the heads of Tel Aviv University. In our conversation we highlighted the fact that most Israelis are not aware of the dramatic changes which have taken place in Christianity in modern times and the increased interest among Christians in standing with Israel. Some Israelis still think all Christians follow the pope. Others may know about the sad history of Christian anti-Semitism, but they know little about the rising trend of Christian support for Israel. So over the course of this year, the leadership of the Christian Embassy has been in discussions with the president of Tel Aviv University about the need for greater understanding among the Israeli public concerning modern Christianity and the potential which the expanding Evangelical movement has to impact many nations and especially their policies and attitudes towards Israel. Our approach has intrigued the university’s president, Prof. Joseph Klafter, who now agrees that this is an area in need of deeper research and greater awareness, especially in Israel. Thus, the head of Tel Aviv University has expressed to us his willingness to establish a Chair for the Study of Contemporary Christianity, a move that would be rare for an established university anywhere and even more unusual that an Israeli institution of higher learning would do so. Yet besides their general academic interest, Tel Aviv University’s faculty also is now eager to grasp more fully what impact the growing Evangelical movement could have on Israel’s standing politically, diplomatically, economically and in many other ways.

To establish such a research chair would require a contribution to the university’s endowment of US$500,000. The Christian Embassy is convinced this special study program would be an important landmark in Jewish-Christian relations and is needed to better understand our own movement and to further educate Israeli leaders, the media and the public about our support and concern for them. We also are certain that Tel Aviv University is the right partner for this special venture. It is rated as one of the top 50 universities worldwide, has Israel’s largest enrolment of local and international students, enjoys a reputation as being on the cutting-edge of medical and scientific research, and has professional affiliations with some of the most brilliant academics in the world. To explore this opportunity further, the ICEJ and Tel Aviv University will be co-hosting a special symposium in early December to better define the parameters of this field of study. Invited speakers will include Prof. Philip Jenkins of Baylor University, author of the recently acclaimed work The Next Christendom, and Dr. William Wilson, the newly appointed president of Oral Roberts University. If you are interested in being a source of funding for this unique and essential study program at Tel Aviv University, please contact us at icej@icej.org

79 Official Program Jerusalem 2013

About the ICEJ


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About the ICEJ

81 Official Program Jerusalem 2013 81

About the ICEJ

82 Official Program Jerusalem 2013






About the ICEJ


Since 1980 the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem has stood at the forefront of a growing mainstream movement of Christians worldwide who share a love and concern for Israel and an understanding of the biblical signifigance of the modern ingathering of Jews to the land of their forefathers.

Comforting Israel Defending Israel Worldwide Bringing Jews Home Celebrating the Feast Telling Israel’s Story Reporting the Truth

Visit us in Jerusalem 20 Rachel Imeinu, German Colony

Write us icej@icej.org

Visit us on the Web www.icej.org

Like us on Facebook www.facebook.com/ICEJHQ

83 Official Program Jerusalem 2013


About the ICEJ

history &

Purpose OF THE ICEJ “Comfort, O comfort My people, says your God.” (Isaiah 40:1) BY Jürgen Bühler

For more than three decades the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem has been the vanguard of an ever-growing global movement of Christians in our day who share a love and concern for Israel and the Jewish people. The ICEJ represents churches, denominations and millions of Christians around the world who seek to repair the historic breach between the Church and the Jewish people. We also recognise in the modern-day restoration of Israel the faithfulness of God to keep His ancient covenant promises to the Jewish people. The name of the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem arose from the unique set of circumstances that accompanied our founding 33 years ago. In the summer of 1980, the Knesset had passed the Jerusalem Law, which declared the reunited city of Jerusalem the eternal capital of Israel. Under the pressure of an Arab oil embargo, the last 13 embassies in Jerusalem packed up and relocated to Tel Aviv. Not one nation was willing to stand with the 3,000 year-old Jewish claim and connection to Jerusalem. Yet just as Israelis were feeling isolated

and alone in the world, over 1,000 Christians from 40 nations were gathering in Jerusalem for the first public Christian celebration of the biblical Feast of Tabernacles. During this week-long gathering, the delegates decided to leave behind a permanent representation of their solidarity and support for Israel. Thus the International Christian Embassy in Jerusalem was established in the presence of the Mayor of Jerusalem, Teddy Kollek, on 30 September 1980. Today, the ICEJ has a staff of some 50 people in its Jerusalem headquarters, as well as branch offices in over 70 nations and a reach into more than 140 countries worldwide. Since then the ICEJ was honored to establish strategic partnerships with key Israeli institutions like Yad Vashem, Jerusalem Post, the Israeli Knesset and but also with countless evangelical churches and denominations around the world. Through our work millions of Christians could be encouraged to take up their

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ICEJ sponsors Russian Jews making Aliyah, 1991

ICEJ weekly worship service, 1982

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About the ICEJ scriptural responsibility to bless Israel and its citizens. Hundreds of thousands of Israelis received practical help and comfort. For many it became a powerful declaration that Israel is indeed not alone. From its inception the ICEJ has sought to challenge the Church to take up its scriptural responsibilities towards the Jewish people, to remind Israel of the wonderful promises made to her in the Bible, and to be a source of practical assistance and comfort to all the people of the land of Israel. The ICEJ still sponsors the Christian celebration of the Feast of Tabernacles in Jerusalem each fall, which quickly grew into Israel's largest annual tourist event. The ICEJ has also assisted nearly 120,000 Jews in making aliyah to Israel. In addition, the Christian Embassy has sponsored humanitarian projects in nearly every community and among all the peoples of the Land of Israel - whether Jewish, Arab, Christian, Muslim, Druze or Bedouin. These are just some of our many activities.

Israelis enjoying the support of the ICEJ at the Jerusalem March, 1984

Our main objectives are: To stand with Israel in practical expressions of support and friendship To teach the Church worldwide regarding God’s purposes concerning Israel and to link churches with Israel ◦To support local churches in the Holy Land ◦To be an active channel of reconciliation between Jews, Arabs and Christians The ICEJ invites you to partner with us as we minister to Israel and the Jewish people worldwide. We are your Embassy in Jerusalem! Dedicating the current Embassy building, May 1997

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Join us in taking a look back at just a few of the historical events that have helped shape ICEJ.



Zionist Congress

The Beginning

The opening of the International Christian Embassy.

ICEJ hosts the first Christian Zionist Congress in Basel, Switzerland in the same hall as the first Zionist Congress convened by Herzl in 1897


1981 Mordechai Outcry

During Easter of 1981 the Christian Embassy organised demonstrations around the world in support of imprisoned Soviet Jews and Prisoners of Zion, equating them with the situation of Mordechai and Queen Esther and the Jews of Persia long ago. The photo shows banners used at the demonstration in Washington DC.

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1990 Aliyah to Israel

The ICEJ began to assist Jewish people from the former USSR to come to Israel. The first ICEJ sponsored flight landing at Ben Gurion Airport, May 1990.

1991 First Gulf War

When Iraqi Scud missiles began falling on Tel Aviv, the ICEJ was the first on the scene to provide emergency assistance to families whose homes were destroyed.


1980s AID Work

From the start, the ICEJ reached out to all the peoples in the land of Israel with social aid projects, particularly in order to "comfort" the Jewish people. Here Jewish and Arab deaf children receive new bicycles from the Christian Embassy.

1992 Dramatic Rescue in Moldova

When the Jews of Moldova were caught in the crossfire of a regional conflict, the Jewish Agency asked the ICEJ to help evacuate them. The ICEJ-sponsored bus teams did not hesitate, although they were hundreds of kilometers away and the risks were serious. The team proceeded into the war torn region of Trans-Dniester and over a period of 3 weeks carried about 400 Jewish refugees to safety.

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1992 Repentance in Toledo

The ICEJ sponsored a special repentance service in Toledo attended by hundreds of Spanish Christians on the 500th aniversary of the Jewish expulsion from Spain. Forgiveness was asked from the Jewish people, represented by Yitzhak Navon, former president of Israel, and other elders of the Spanish Jewish community.

1996 3rd Zionist Congress

The ICEJ's Third Christian Zionist Congress, in February 1996, was a great encouragement to Israelis during the worst week of terror bombings the nation had yet faced.


1992 Operation Solomon

After Israel's Operation Solomon rescued thousands of stranded Ethiopian Jews, the Embassy was able to assist in helping them absorb into Israel with the aid of Dr. Campbell Millar and his wife Ferne. The Millars had worked in Ethiopia among those with leprosy for some time and could speak the Amharic language.

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2001 The Covenant

The Covenant, a colorful biblical drama that recounts the miraculous story of the People of Israel, was first performed during the Feast of Tabernacles in 2001.

About the ICEJ

2006 Yad Vashem Partnership

2004 Christian Allies’ Caucus

The ICEJ entered an historic partnership with Yad Vashem to create a special outreach to the Christian world. The founding of Christian Friends of Yad Vashem marked a new chapter in Jewish-Christian relations.

The ICEJ, along with other Christian Zionist ministries, was invited to participate with Knesset members in the Christian Allies’ Caucus.

2013 Bnei Menashe Aliyah

The ICEJ sponsors the first flights of renewed Aliyah by the Bnei Menashe, an isolated tribe of Oriental Jews living in northeast India.


2008 Feast Draws Record Crowd

Almost 8,000 Christian pilgrims from nearly 100 countries took part in the ICEJ’s annual celebration of the Feast of Tabernacles in Jerusalem, shattering all previous records in the event’s 29year history and defying the downturn in the global markets.

2010 Holocaust Survivors Home The ICEJ launches a unique project to expand an assisted-living facility in Haifa to house needy Holocaust survivors. Today there are some 80 elderly survivors living in the home, with all their needs taken care of by loving staff.

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Genia lives at the ICEJ's special home for Holocaust Survivors at Haifa

About the ICEJ

ICEJ Today Key projects and events by Estera Wieja

For more than thirty years now the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem has been building a proven record of doing good in the Land of Israel, and defending this nation around the world. Today, we are engaged in numerous programs and activities which carry on this honourable legacy as the world's largest Christian Zionist ministry. Some of our current projects and events include: Aliyah Since 1990, the ICEJ has assisted more than 115,000 Jews in making aliyah to Israel. Most have come from Russian-speaking areas of the former Soviet Union where we continue our fishing and transportation efforts in cooperation with the Jewish Agency for Israel. But we also are assisting Jews from the West now wanting to move to Israel, including those from European countries who are being harassed and threatened by Muslim agitators. We

continue to assist Ethiopian Jews who have made the difficult journey home and still need help integrating into Israeli society. And most recently, the ICEJ has begun sponsoring the flights of the Bnei Menashe tribe of Oriental Jews from northeast India as they seek to end 2700 years of exile. Holocaust Survivors Over recent years, the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem has felt an urgency to do more to help the thousands of Holocaust survivors in Israel who are struggling with illnesses and living in poverty. In 2010, we established a unique assisted-living facility in Haifa that has become a special place of warmth and loving care for nearly 80 Holocaust survivors in dire need of assistance. Each resident has their own dramatic story to tell of somehow surviving the Nazi genocide while still very young. Over the course of this project, we have acquired and

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renovated several nearby buildings along the same Haifa street in order to expand this special facility, which now also houses a medical clinic, a dental clinic, an intensive hospice care unit, a synagogue and a community dining hall where residents receive hot meals each day. The Christian Embassy is continuing to raise funds to help operate the assisted-living home, and to renovate more apartments in surrounding buildings where additional Holocaust survivors can live. Education The Christian Embassy has been giving more emphasis in recent years to educational and other programs that seek to lift disadvantaged youths in Israel from the scourges of domestic violence, drugs and abject poverty, and give them a better chance to succeed in life. The ICEJ is assisting youths-at-risk by sponsoring educational and after94 Official Program Jerusalem 2013

school activities designed to help them meet the many tough challenges at school and at home. Without our intervention, many could end up in a life of crime, drugs and violence. It is absolutely vital that these children receive our help before it is too late, and thankfully many young lives are being impacted for the better. Christian Friends of Yad Vashem In October 2006 the ICEJ joined with Yad Vashem, Israel's official memorial and museum to the six million Jewish victims of the Nazi Holocaust, in creating a special program for Christian Friends of Yad Vashem. This historic step has provided Yad Vashem an opening to the Christian world to teach about the Holocaust and help shape a brighter future for Jewish-Christian relations. Today,

About the ICEJ

Today, we are engaged in numerous programs and activities which carry on this honourable legacy For more than thirty years now the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem has been building a proven record of doing good in the Land of Israel, and defending this nation around the world.

the Christian Desk at Yad Vashem promotes a wide range of activities, such as educating churches and Christian communities about the universal lessons of the Holocaust; building bridges between Christians and Jews; teaching on the history of Christian Anti-Semitism; and preserving the legacy of the Righteous among the Nations. CFYV also arranges more intensive Christian leadership seminars at Yad Vashem for pastors and other ministry leaders. Arab Outreach One of the areas of pressing need within Israel which the ICEJ is seeking to address is that of disadvantaged members of the minority Arab community, and particularly Arab Christian families. Some 20% of our AID budget is used to assist the Arab, Druze and Bedouin communities, including enrichment programs

for children and youth-at-risk, medical and financial assistance to the elderly, holiday gift packages to poor families, and so much more. Some of the specific projects which we are currently sponsoring in the Arab sector include funding youth centers for Arab youths from disadvantaged families in the Galilee, working with local Arab churches to assist needy Christian families in Jerusalem, Nazareth and Bethlehem, and sponsoring coexistence projects which bring Jewish and Arab children together to learn tolerance and mutual acceptance. Israel in Crisis The nation of Israel has been forced to deal with many sudden crises over recent years. Last year we assisted those impacted by the trauma of war and terrorism during the Operation Pillar of Cloud, when Israel was forced to once again defend its citizens against rocket barrages from Gaza. We do not know when the next crisis will hit Israel, but it is a tremendous testimony when Christians are the first to arrive on the scene to help. Many victims suffer from physical or mental disabilities, emotional scars, loss of employment, extensive medical treatments or accumulated debts. The ICEJ will be there to provide immediate direct help and encouragement to those most impacted by crisis in Israel. ICEJ TV In recent years, the ICEJ has sensed a leading from the Lord to move more fully into video production in order to broadcast our message more widely on Christian television and via Web streaming. Last year, our ICEJ Report became part of the popular weekly show "Israel Now News", aired on Daystar TV, the world's largest Christian television network. The impact of this new venture is being felt at all levels of our ministry, and plans are underway to expand the reach of our video productions from Jerusalem. The ICEJ also produces the weekly radio program FrontPage Jerusalem, which airs on over 160 Christian radio stations in North America and worldwide. 95 Official Program Jerusalem 2013

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The ICEJ’s presence around the globe I C E J I nter N A tional B ranches A Angola Australia Austria

F Fiji Islands Finland France

B Barbados Belgium Benin Bolivia Botswana Brazil Burkina Faso

G Gabon Germany Ghana Guatemala

C Canada China Colombia Congo Costa Rica Croatia Czech Republic

H Honduras Hong Kong Hungary I Iceland India Ireland Italy Ivory Coast

D Denmark

K Kenya

E El Salvador Estonia Ethiopia

L Latvia Lithuania Liberia

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M Malaysia Mali Mauritius Mexico N Nepal Netherlands New Zealand Niger Nigeria Norway P Panama Papua New Guinea Philippines Portugal R Russia S Senegal Sierra Leone Singapore Slovakia

Slovenia Solomon Islands South Africa Sri Lanka Sweden Switzerland T Taiwan Thailand Togo U Uganda United Kingdom United States of America Z Zimbabwe List incomplete due to sensitive nature of naming certain countries.


ith over 70 national branches worldwide, the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem is a unique, crosscultural expression of love and care of the worldwide Body of Christ towards the Jewish people. In the nations we serve the body of Christ and its leaders in various countries with our hope-filled message of Israel's restoration. We preach, teach and remind Christians about God’s plans and purposes for Israel and the calling of the true Church to get involved and raise global prayer on her behalf. We help people see Israel and her existence in a truthful, biblical way so that they will be able to stand with and bless the Jewish people – and be blessed! (Genesis12:3; Psalm122:6) Through the prominent presence of our global headquarters in Jerusalem and the broad reach of our national branches around the world, we act as a bridge between the people of Israel and those concerned for her welfare among the gentiles. Thus, we serve as a vehicle for the followers of Jesus to accomplish the godly desires of their hearts. Together with our global partners, we are love in action and a comforting gentile voice to God’s chosen people. Indeed, over the past three decades we have been able to establish a godly testimony in the Land of Israel. We also approach government officials, diplomats, decision-makers and community leaders all over the world in order to defend Israel in her righteous cause to live in peace and security in her ancient homeland with Jerusalem as her capital. In the nations, there are many who have heard the voice of the Lord to bless Israel and many who have heard the still, small voice of the Holy Spirit to pray for her. I trust that you are one of them and will come on board to help us establish 15 new national branches worldwide within the five-year period of 2012 – 2017. That is our goal in Jesus’ name! In His service, Rev. Juha Ketola ICEJ International Director


About the ICEJ

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PRAYER CAMPAIGN At the start of 2011, the Lord spoke to the Christian Embassy leadership in Jerusalem impressing on our hearts to launch a global prayer campaign which would set aside specific times for offering directed prayers for Israel, the surrounding nations and the needs of our own ministry. In the two years since, this God-breathed “Isaiah 62” prayer initiative has been joined by Christians all around the globe, drawing them regularly to their knees in prayer – from the South Pacific to Latin America, North America, Asia, Africa and Europe. Local churches, fellowships and prayer groups in many different countries have joined us as we have focused together in our collective prayers for Israel and the region. The Holy Spirit no doubt is calling you and your church to do the same, too! We are setting apart every Wednesday of each month for increased prayer time. Every first Wednesday of the month will also be a day of fasting! Join us! Sign up for our prayer alerts and you will be sent new prayer points guiding you on what to pray each month and a short exhortation on prayer. Send us an email at prayer@icej.org to receive the prayer alerts. They will also be available on our website at www.icej.org/campaigns

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ICEJ AID As the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem, we are a global ministry representing churches, denominations and millions of Christians worldwide who share a love and concern for Israel and who seek to repair the historic breach between the Church and the Jewish people. Although Israel has experienced periods of relative peace and strong economic growth in recent years, the nation still has a higher rate of poverty than most developed countries. Our ICEJ Aid work encompasses a wide variety of humanitarian projects with all peoples who live in Israel, including Jews, Arabs, Muslims, Christians, Bedouin, and Druze. Our vision has always been to build relationships, foster reconciliation and share God’s love by responding to the many pressing social needs throughout the land. We also pursue our biblical mandate to be a ministry of comfort to Israel and the Jewish people in light of the tragic history of Christian anti-Semitism. Our decades of experience in Israel ensure that your contributions reach the people who need it the most. We invite you to be a part of our work and to let us become your hands and feet here in Israel. Your donation or monthly pledge will make it possible for us to change the lives of many people in this land. Please visit us at: www.icej.org or write us at: icejaid@icej.org Nicole Yoder, ICEJ AID Director International Christian Embassy Jerusalem

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HOMECARE "Touching hearts...Bringing hope� is the core of the Home Care Program in Jerusalem. The ICEJ Nursing Homecare Program provides basic nursing assistance and physical care to elderly and disabled Russian Jewish immigrants, while also considering their social, emotional and spiritual well-being. Among them are those who have suffered through and survived the Holocaust. A cornerstone of this ministry is encouraging these often uprooted and lonely people, visiting them over months or years as needed and bringing hope and comfort in the midst of their daily struggles. Although not an easy task, it is done with joy. Jewish holidays and birthdays are wonderful opportunities to reach out to many families. As the Lord is bringing the blind and the lame back to His land (Jeremiah 31:8), He is also providing the care they need. ICEJ Homecare is work done with love. The Home Care Program provides you with a wonderful opportunity to partner in this unique work by dedicating yourself to prayer and providing financial support. www.icej.org Corrie Van Maanen, Homecare Director International Christian Embassy Jerusalem

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ALIYAH From our inception, the ICEJ has been actively involved in the great effort to re-gather the Jewish people back in their ancient homeland. To date, the Christian Embassy has assisted nearly 115,000 Jews to make aliyah to Israel, including our sponsorship of 53 full planeloads of Jewish immigrants from the former Soviet Union as well as many group and individual flights. In recent years, the ICEJ has: 1) Expanded our aliyah operations to include Jews from Western countries. 2) Partnered with the Jewish Agency’s Red Carpet program, so that thousands of new olim from around the world receive all the necessary documents and tools they need, from bank accounts and insurance to cell phones and more, all in one day, thus easing their transition to life in Israel. In our latest initiatives, the ICEJ has: 1) Brought home 100 Falash Mura Jews in 2 group flights from Ethiopia. 2) Sponsored the first group flights (274) of the Bnei Menashe community from northeast India following Israeli government approval of their return. “Behold, I am bringing them from the north country, and I will gather them from the remote parts of the earth...” (Jeremiah 31:8/NASB) To support our Aliyah operations, please visit us at: www.icej.org/aliyah Howard Flower, Aliyah Director International Christian Embassy Jerusalem

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ARISE RISE ARISE was established in 2002 as a part of ICEJ dedicated to the young generation. Since then it has been focused on building a global movement of young people fully committed to Jesus, reaching and encouraging them to impact and influence all areas of their society while standing with Israel. Through the work of ARISE more than 1500 young people from more than thirty countries have visited Israel in annual tours, and hundreds of thousands are touched directly through the internet outreach programs and products, such as AriseNow online magazine and AriseBase radio show. Our work is based on three simple, but essential areas: • TO TEACH the Gospel and the importance of Israel to the young generation; • TO LIVE according to what we teach and become Kingdom builders; • TO SHARE our lives with others and this way become living testimonies. Come and join our movement at www.arisegeneration.org Jani Salokangas, Arise Director International Christian Embassy Jerusalem

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ICEJ MEDIA & PUBLICATIONS The International Christian Embassy Jerusalem was founded in 1980 as a prophetic voice to speak comfort to Jerusalem, and to proclaim to the Church and the nations the sovereign purposes of God for Israel and the Jewish people in our day. To carry out this mission, the Christian Embassy quickly established a Media and Publications Department that was given the vital task of developing and disseminating information about the ever-expanding worldwide ministry of the ICEJ and our efforts and activities to support Israel and assist in the Ingathering of the Jewish people. In addition, as Israel and the Middle East have continued to capture world attention, we began providing Christians and others with truthful, accurate information on current events to counter the media’s often biased coverage on Israel. The ICEJ Media Department’s role as a voice of truth and fairness regarding Israel is as needed as ever today, as the Jewish State faces daunting challenges to its security and legitimacy. To carry out this role, however, it does not mean we are against the Arabs. Rather, we share God’s love for all people’s of the region. Yet as the Apostle Paul explains in 1 Corinthians 13, godly love also “rejoices in the truth”. At present, the ICEJ Media Department oversees the production of timely, accurate information on our ministry, and on Israel and the region through a wide variety of mediums, including: • The daily ICEJ News Service by E-mail • The weekly radio program Front Page Jerusalem • The weekly TV segments ICEJ Report as part of the “Israel Now News” show on Daystar. • The monthly magazine Word From Jerusalem, the flagship publication of the ICEJ To stay informed on Israel and on the ICEJ, you can rely on us! David Parsons, Media Director International Christian Embassy Jerusalem

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timely updates fr o m jerusalem

ICEJ TV Our TV and on-line video reports are your window into Israel and the ICEJ. Be sure to watch the ICEJ Report every Sunday as part of "Israel Now News" on Daystar TV.

Monthly magazine

Word from Jerusalem This monthly magazine is the flagship publication of the ICEJ. It includes features on our projects, events and activities, so you can stay up to date with the work and ministry of the ICEJ.

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Front Page Jerusalem The weekly radio program of ICEJ gives you the real story straight from our team in Jerusalem. FPJ is the most listened to Christian radio broadcast out of Israel.

ICEJ News Service • • • •

Daily email bulletins The best way to stay current on Israel Free of charge Reliable and balanced

Sign up at www.icej.org today!


WEBSITE Available in many languages, our website puts the ICEJ and Israel at your fingertips. It is designed to deepen your understanding of Israel and your connection with our ministry in Jerusalem.

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christian friends of Yad Vashem Christian Friends of Yad Vashem (CFYV) was established in October 2006 in cooperation with the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem (ICEJ) to raise awareness about the Holocaust, Shoah, and its universal lessons in Christian communities world-wide. With the generous support of our friends worldwide, Christian Friends of Yad Vashem seeks to act as a facilitator in bringing the universal lessons of the Shoah to the Christian world; build bridges between Jews and Christians to fight anti-Semitism; educate about the legacy of the Righteous among the Nations and promote Yad Vashem’s educational activities and mission among Christian educators and leaders. Christian Leadership Seminars Since April 2010 Yad Vashem’s International School for Holocaust Studies together with the Christian Friends of Yad Vashem hosts an annual International Christian Leadership Seminar at Yad Vashem. Over twenty Christian leaders from various nations participate in this week-long course. Please, mention this to your pastor! How can you participate in our activities? You can become a Christian Friend of Yad Vashem. Your membership is important because the memberships enable us to continue our vital educational activities. You too are invited to join Yad Vashem’s growing international circle of friends! The most exciting project involves the Righteous among the Nations. Trees have been planted in honor of these non-Jewish rescuers in the campus of Yad Vashem; each tree is attached to a specific Righteous, as a way of reminding us of their personal inspirational stories. We offer Christians around the world the opportunity to become guardians of these trees. You are invited to visit our booth to find out more about our projects and activities! You can e-mail us at: Christian.Friends@yadvashem.org.il

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How to Show Your Support to Yad Vashem Please visit Yad Vashem's booth in the Exhibition hall at the Feast. Show your support to Israel, the Jewish people and Holocaust survivors. Every Feast attendee should: 1. Become a member of the Christian Friends of Yad Vashem. For just $25/year (or more, if you can), you will be enrolled in the Christian Book of Remembrance and receive a Membership Certificate to frame for your office or home. 2. Become a Guardian of a tree of the Righteous Among the Nations. Each tree has been planted to honor a Gentile rescuer, such as Corrie ten Boom or Oskar Schindler. For $100, Christian Friends of Yad Vashem will send you a beautiful certificate to frame along with the rescuer's story. 3. Tour the Holocaust Memorial and Education Center with your tour group. A major new exhibition "I am My Brother's Keeper" has just been opened to commemorate the Righteous Among the Nations. Come and visit this exhibition! 4. Come to the Yad Vashem seminar. 5. Please pray for protection and effectiveness of this work. We want to meet you! Visit us at our booth to introduce your-self and find out more about our projects and activities. You can also e-mail us at: Christian.friends@yadvashem.org.il "There comes a time in a man's life, when he has to decide whether he will obey God's law or man's." Caspar Ten Boom Visit our booth, or, send donations to: Christian Friends of Yad Vashem, PO Box 3477, Jerusalem 91034 Israel On-line, go to www.yadvashem.org, click on DONATE NOW box, click on Christian Friends of Yad Vashem Icon Dr. Susanna Kokkonen, CFYV Director International Christian Embassy Jerusalem

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embassy resources


2013 Ein Gedi DVD Purchase your DVD of the first night of the Feast of Tabernacles 2013, with Suzette Hattingh speaking. NTSC and PAL format DVD 90 NIS


2013 Feast Speakers

Take home with you the best of Feast 2013! Individual speaker seminars will be available 20 min after they speak. NTSC and PAL format available. Audio CDs-20 NIS DVDs-45 NIS


2013 MP3

Pre-Order Forms Come and fill out this form to order all this year’s seminars in one! Preorder now, and shipping is free. They will be shipped to you in the beginning of October. 120 NIS


Feast 2013 Highlights DVD 2013 Feast Highlights information form Fill this form out and be the first to receive an email with the direct link to purchase this DVD when it is available.


Feast of tabernacles t-shirt Don't forget to pick up your official Feast of Tabernacles T-Shirt at the ICEJ Shop in the booth area! Let everyone know you were here for the big celebration! Yours for a minimum donation of 30 NIS Discounts available for bulk orders

Embassy Resources in owned and operated by ICEJ. All proceeds go to the nonprofit work of the ICEJ. Embassy Resources Ltd. carries books, teaching materials, music CDs and audio teaching CD’s as well as Feast of Tabernacles material and memorabilia. In addition to our regular items we will have this year’s seminar and evening messages available on DVD and audio CD. We only accept New Israeli Shekels and most major Credit Cards.

Visit our online store at www.int.icej.org/store


embassy resources

2012 Ein Gedi DVD Purchase your DVD of the first night of the Feast of Tabernacles 2012, with Angus Buchan speaking. See how the Lord moved during this Ein Gedi Celebration! NTSC and PAL format DVD 90 NIS

Remember Observe Rejoice BY Petra van der Zande

Remember, Observe, Rejoice is a reference guide to the Jewish Feasts, Holidays, Memorial Days and Events. 70 NIS

Feast of tabernacles t-shirtS ICEJ has many T-Shirts available so that you can show your support for Israel. Pick up your T-Shirt today! Star of Davids T-Shirt - 45 NIS OMG, Greatest Hits, Feast with God T-shirts – 40 NIS 116116 Official Program Jerusalem 2013


Feast 2012 Highlights DVD INSPIRED BY the words of ZECHARIAH, over 5,000 Christian pilgrims from more than 80 nations came up to Jerusalem for the 32nd consecutive annual Christian celebration of the Feast of Tabernacles presented by the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem. This set of two 90 minute DVDs offers an exclusive taste of the 2012 Feast of Tabernacles. DVD Run Time: 90 mins. EACH DVD SET 90 NIS

Unlocking the Bible BY DAVID PAWSON

Taking an overview of the epic story of God’s relationship with his people, Unlocking the Bible gives a real sense of the sweep of biblical history and its impications. 115 NIS

A Commentary on the Book of Revelation

BY DAVID PAWSON As a history book the Bible is unique, telling us about the future as well as the past.” – “The book of Revelation focuses on the future….” – “As history draws to a close, all Christians need it’s message of warning and encouragement.” 110 NIS

Olive wood door signs Languages available: English, Hebrew, German, Portuguese, Spanish, Finnish, and Norwegian. 55 NIS each

117 Official Program Jerusalem117 2013

Shomer Society Consider the ICEJ in your Will - join the Shomer Society


he ICEJ has worked tirelessly for the people of Israel for 30 years from Jerusalem. Our Shomer Society has been an integral part of continuing this work. Your gift of cash, stocks and bonds, mutual funds, life insurance, excess in retirement funds, property, or your estate are excellent ways to help the ICEJ carry on your love for Israel. With proper foresight, it is possible for you to bless Israel greatly. Audrey Ruth Peer’s story is an example of that. Audrey Ruth Peer grew up in Ontario, Canada, the only child of an interfaith marriage between her Jewish father, Harry Jackson, and her Christian mother, Geraldine. Her mother and grandmother would read her Bible stories as a little girl and she came to love Jesus. Audrey was especially proud of her father for assisting post-war Jewish refugees from Europe who came to settle in Canada. Later, he contributed to tree-planting in Israel and also established a scholarship there.

Audrey Ruth Peer April 1927 – February 2012

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She had no children of her own, and her husband Doug passed away in 1979 after only 15 years together. Audrey always regretted that she and Doug had never visited Israel together. She had a great love for the nation and for the Jewish people. But more than anything else, it was always her relationship with the Lord that mattered most to her. “Jesus is my life”, she once said. In 1994, Audrey was introduced to the ICEJ at a weekend conference called “Taste of the Feast”, with superb speakers and a dynamic worship and dance team, all from Israel. It was there that she signed up for the Word from Jerusalem magazine and began faithfully donating to the Christian Embassy over the years. Audrey Ruth “Jackie” Peer passed away in February of 2012, leaving a substantial gift in her Will to the ICEJ. In an arrangement with her estate, these funds have been divided among several worthy social aid projects in Israel, providing vital assistance to Holocaust survivors, orphaned children, music students, and JewishArab coexistence efforts, among other needs. As we prepare for and plan the future of this ministry, we ask you to plan with us. Through these simple planned giving instruments you may be able to make a greater and more far reaching impact than you ever thought possible. The decision to give to the ministry of the ICEJ through your estate is one of the best ways to ensure a lasting legacy of blessing. Please contact us at finance@icej.org to become a member of the ICEJ's Shomer Society ("Keeper of Israel") and include our ministry in your planned giving.

Give a Donation! Make a critical difference!


n 2013 the Lord has opened for us many doors of ministry across the entire nation of Israel. The Lord has placed before us a great calling to bless His chosen and beloved people and we simply cannot do it without your help. Your donation will make a measurable difference for God’s purposes here in Jerusalem and beyond.

are forgotten and downtrodden. Hundreds of thousands of Israelis have been assisted and blessed through the work of the ICEJ. In the past decades we have also impacted thousands of pastors and Christian leaders – often for the first time – with a biblical perspective to understand the eternal calling of the Jewish people.

The very existence of an International Christian Embassy in the heart of Jerusalem has become a source of hope and comfort to countless Israelis. A host of activities and projects engage the nation of Israel from the halls of the Knesset down to those who

We do want to invite you to partner with us in our calling to Israel and to the Church! The daily Feast offering provides you with a unique opportunity to bless Israel. Please also pray about becoming a regular supporter and partner of the ICEJ.

To make a financial contribution to the work of the ICEJ please complete the form below and submit it to the Feast or Finance office

I would like to give my donation of


for the work of the ICEJ as specified below. I enclose a cheque in my local currency. I would like to use my credit card and give a donation of US$


. Diners




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Mail to: ICEJ • PO Box 1192 • Jerusalem Israel • 91010

119 Official Program Jerusalem119 2013


WITH THE ICEJ The International Christian Embassy Jerusalem is staffed by dozens of devoted believers from around the world and these are just some of the gifts and talents possessed by our family of volunteers... • accounting • youth ministries • music • administration • computers • graphics • media • home care • FOOD SERVICES

• housing • publications • radio • video • social assistance • logistics • scheduling • web/social media • secretarial

If you feel led to serve with the ICEJ in Israel, are qualified, and are prepared to make a minimum two year commitment, we invite you to consider joining our staff. Please complete and submit a volunteer application on the ICEJ website.



Feast of tabernacles t-shirt

Don't forget to pick up your official Feast of Tabernacles T-Shirt at the ICEJ Shop in the booth area! Let everyone know you were here for the big celebration! Yours for a minimum donation of 30 NIS Discounts available for bulk orders

Blood Bank Drive Located off the main corridor in Dulzin Hall-2 Opening Times Sunday 22 September 9:00 am - 1:00 PM

Monday 23 September 9:00 am - 1:00 pm

Tuesday 24 September 9:00 am - 1:00 pm

During the Feast there will be a special dedication ceremony of a new Magen David Adom ambulance donated by Canadian Jewish friends in the name of the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem. Date: Sunday 22 September @ 10:45 am Place: In front of the Jerusalem Convention Center

Be sure to also visit Christian Friends of Magen David Adom Booth #33 in the Exhibition Hall


NEW DVDS. AVAILABLE NOW. www.icej.org/store

International C hristian Embassy J erusalem P O B o x 1 1 9 2 • J e r u s alem 91 01 0 • I sr ael Fax +972 2 539 9701 E m a i l icej@ icej. org W e bsi t e www. icej. org

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