Word From Jerusalem - November/December 2022

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PRESIDENT’S DESK Dear friends, After three long years, we finally gathered again in-person for the Feast of Tabernacles in October. The Bible calls it the “feast of the Lord” and a mo’ed – meaning an “appointed time” when the Lord promised to meet with His people in Jerusalem. And this is exactly what just happened. So many people came this year stating: “This was the best Feast ever!” I know from behind-the-scenes that we could have done so many things better. But it felt like this was “the best ever” not because of the best artists or speakers, or the best organisational skills, but simply because the Lord showed up in a truly powerful way. The International Christian Embassy Jerusalem was established in 1980 in recognition of the biblical significance of Jerusalem and its unique connection to the Jewish people. Today the ICEJ represents millions of Christians, churches and denominations to the nation and people of Israel. We recognise in the restoration of Israel the faithfulness of God to keep His ancient covenant with the Jewish people. Our main objectives are: * To stand with Israel in support and friendship; * To equip and teach the worldwide Church regarding God’s purposes with Israel and the nations of the Middle East; * To be an active voice of reconciliation between Jews, Christians and Arabs and to support the churches and congregations in the Holy Land. From its head offices in Jerusalem, the ICEJ reaches out to more than 170 countries, with branch offices in over 90 nations. Our vision is: * To reach every segment of Israeli society with a Christian testimony of comfort and love, and * To reach and actively represent to Israel the support of denominations, churches and believers from every nation on earth. The Christian Embassy is a non-denominational faith-based ministry supported by the voluntary contributions of our members and friends across the globe. We invite you to join with us as we minister to Israel and the Jewish people worldwide by donating to the ongoing work and witness of the ICEJ.


CREDITS ICEJ President Dr. Jürgen Bühler VP International Affairs Mojmir Kallus VP Finance David Van der Walt VP Operations Barry R. Denison VP International Spokesman David Parsons VP AID & Aliyah Nicole Yoder Managing Editor/Publications Director Laurina Driesse Staff Writers Chris Chambers Graphic Design/Illustrator Ryan Tsuen Administration Tobi H Photography Shutterstock, Adobe Stock, Agencia Nova for Energodar, CAM, Times of Israel for Beersheba, Levi Dörflinger, ICEJ Staff and Branches The New King James Bible is used for all Bible references unless otherwise noted. Word From Jerusalem is published by the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited. Word From Jerusalem has no subscription price and is supported through contributions worldwide. All gifts to this ministry are tax-deductible (in countries where this applies). For more information, visit us at www.icej.org

There was a prevailing atmosphere of worship from day one to the last day. The worship this year came from literally around the world, from beyond the Arctic Circle to the Pacific islands and Australian outback, all the way down to South Africa. My wife Vesna, who coordinated this year’s worship program, turned to me one night and said: “The Feast truly became a succah where there is a place for every nation”. Indeed, as Zechariah 14:16 foresaw, the nations came to Jerusalem to worship the Lord, and the Lord in turn came down and tabernacled with us. What truly struck me was the hunger and thirst as each night hundreds answered the altar call to dedicate their lives afresh to God. Maybe the most powerful impacts were the call to a life of prayer and fasting from noted intercessor Lou Engle and the moving testimony of Andrew Brunson while suffering for the Gospel in a Turkish prison. These were like a clear clarion call issuing forth from Jerusalem to radically dedicate our lives to the Lord no matter how challenging the times might be. There were many new facets to this year’s Feast. We started for the first time on the shores of the Sea of Galilee where Jesus ministered 2000 years ago. Another highlight was a whole day of prayer where pilgrims prayed for Israel and the nations they represented. Prayers in dozens of languages filled the hall, and while I often did not understand a word, I still felt the burden of prayer resting on that room which touched the whole world. In addition, after many years we reintroduced the healing service at the Feast. It was a blessing to see so many who came that night, but even more so to hear the testimonies of people being healed of pains that had bothered them for years. Even our founding ICEJ Director, Johan Lückhoff, who came to every meeting despite his frailty, had his hearing restored. Another new highlight was surely the closing solidarity rally we held with the Israeli border communities near Gaza. The local leaders were truly blessed to see this unprecedented show of support from the nations. Yet our pilgrims also were blessed to witness the overcoming spirit of hope in these communities under fire. It was a closing exclamation mark to our Feast theme of what it takes to possess the Land of Promise even in difficult times. Meantime, our ministry continues full speed ahead with blessing and comforting Israel all the year through. You will read more about those important activities in this magazine. Please prayerfully make plans to join us for next year’s Feast. Thank you for standing with us! Yours in Christ,


Support our ministry online at www.icej.org

Dr. Jürgen Bühler

President International Christian Embassy Jerusalem


COVER PHOTO: Highlights from the Feast of Tabernacles. FOR MAGAZINE ARCHIVES visit www.icej.org/media/word-jerusalem
















of FEAST 2022



e just concluded our first in-person Feast of Tabernacles celebration in three years, with an exciting eightday journey through Israel under the theme of The Land of Promise. This was our first-ever hybrid Feast, with participation both in-person and online, as well as our first time for hosting Feast events on the Sea of Galilee. Over 2,000 Christians from 70 nations came up to Jerusalem for the Feast, marking the return of Christian tourism to Israel post-corona. Several thousand more from at least 30 more nations joined us through our special streaming platform, many at church and home Feast watch parties around the globe. This year’s Feast was marked by a wonderful presence of the Lord which abided with us each day from start to finish. The flow of the word of God was consistently outstanding throughout, as ministers from around the globe spoke with clarity and anointing into our times. Meanwhile, every worship session had a powerful dynamic which ministered deeply to our Feast pilgrims even as we ministered to the Lord in praise. The Feast began at the beautiful Capernaum National Park on the Sea of Galilee, where we spent two nights worshipping the Lord in this incredible setting and hearing inspired messages by Apostle Renê Terra Nova from Brazil and Evangelist Manasa Kolivuso from Fiji.

We then ascended to Jerusalem for five days of Feast gatherings, including the colourful “Roll Call of the Nations” in the Jerusalem Pais Arena, morning seminar teachings, the ever-popular Jerusalem March, a Day of Prayer in the Pavilion, and a moving Communion service in the Garden Tomb. We also brought back the tradition of holding a healing service at the Feast, and ICEJPhilippines national director Pastor Stephen Mirpuri gave an inspiring message on faith and healing before many were prayed for and touched by the Lord. The Feast concluded with a special Solidarity Rally in the western Negev to show support for Israeli communities living under constant rocket threat along the Gaza border area and a partnering ceremony with Keren Kayemeth Le’Israel (KKL/JNF) to reflect the ICEJ’s commitment to the security and re-greening of the western Negev region. Each day of the Feast featured both local Israeli and international speakers and worship leaders. The wide array of musical artists made for a wonderful multi-cultural worship experience. Meantime, there was a powerful flow of the Word of God during the preaching and seminar sessions, including messages from Dr. Jürgen Bühler, Lou Engle, Andrew Brunson, Sergey


Shidlovskiy, Steve Mirpuri, Malcolm Hedding, Peter Tsukahira, David Parsons, Stephan Christiansen, Calev Myers, Benjamin Berger and many others. At the Galilee opening, Malaysian pilgrim Huan shared: “We want to experience God during this Feast of Tabernacles, because He promised to tabernacle with us. We have an appointment here with Him, so we came. It’s the convocation with God, like a rehearsal until He returns and tabernacles with us.” In Jerusalem, the opening night at the Pais Arena saw a colourful display of national flags and costumes as 86 nations were represented in person and online during the “Roll Call of the Nations”. MK Sharren Haskel, co-chair of the Knesset Christian Allies Caucus, was on hand to welcome the return of Christian visitors to Israel and to also encourage us to stand with the Iranian people seeking basic freedoms right now. In a dramatic act that made headlines across Israel, Haskel cut off part of her trademark flowing hair in a sign of support for the female protesters in Iran. On day four of the Feast, Jerusalem’s deputy Mayor Fleur Hassan-Nahoum warmly greeted


our Feast pilgrims after the difficult years of Covid “Don’t take anything for granted”, said HassanNahoum. “Everything can be temporal. Your house is not necessarily your castle. Only God is your protector, and this is what we celebrate on Tabernacles. We are so honoured that all of you are our shelter to the sometimes-horrible hatred we get from so many places around the world.” That same evening, the ICEJ also presented its prestigious Nehemiah Award to the former Chief Justice of the Republic of South Africa, the honourable Mogoeng Mogoeng. For more than a year now, Chief Justice Mogoeng has stood strong in his principled support for Israel on biblical grounds, even in the face of tremendous pressure and widespread vilification in South Africa and worldwide. The focus of Day five of the Feast was the very popular Jerusalem March, as several thousand Feast pilgrims paraded through the streets of the capital city with their national flags and traditional costumes to express their love for Israel. Jerusalem Mayor Moshe Lion was so happy to see Christian visitors in his city again that he invited ICEJ President Dr. Jürgen Bühler to lead off the Jerusalem March with him. One marcher, Mary from England, spoke to a camera crew as she waved her country’s flag. “The Feast is just such an amazing experience”, she said. “I love Israel and the Jewish people.” Naomi, an Israeli watching the march, responded: “We always feel so isolated in

Israel – this little, tiny, tiny Jewish people. And to feel this hug from people from all over the world is really wonderful. We appreciate every single person who has come.” The next day, a special Day of Global Prayer was held at the Pavilion in Jerusalem, which saw the nations come together to pray for their respective regions as well as for Israel. An online prayer succah also was open throughout the Feast for pilgrims to join together in prayer. Another highlight for Feast pilgrims was the special Communion service hosted in the Garden Tomb. Pastor Andrew Brunson from the USA was the main speaker, while Communion was served by Arab Pastor Naim Khoury from Bethlehem and Jewish pastor Avraham Ben Hod from Israel. One couple at the Garden Tomb service shared how they first met in this very place three years ago at the Feast. “Now we are a married couple and today we celebrate our anniversary back here”, shared Lars and Randi, now living in Switzerland. “Meeting each other here has been a new beginning for each of us. We believe that God gave us a joint purpose and heart for Israel. Each visit in Israel has been an especially intense time... Like Yeshua himself wished even as a


child to stay in the Temple, in His presence, we feel the same and would stay if we could.” “It is absolutely awesome”, added Aletta and Johannes from South Africa. “When you come to Israel, you always come with an expectation, …[and] you are always really surprised what God gives you in His Spirit! …I hadn’t expected so many Jews would appreciate our support for them at the Jerusalem March. It was a real powerful demonstration of the love people from the nations have for Israel. Breathtaking!” On the final day of the Feast, 700 Feast pilgrims from 50 nations travelled south to show solidarity with the Gaza border communities. They received a warm welcome from Mayor Ofir Libshtein of the Sha’ar HaNegev Regional Council, and heard first-hand accounts of what life is like for these resilient towns and villages living close to the Gaza border. As the solidarity rally ended, 1,000 blue and white balloons were released as “prays for peace” in the Gaza border region. We do hope that you will consider coming up to Jerusalem for the Feast of Tabernacles 2023, to be held from 29 September to 6 October.

And please enjoy the beautiful Feast photos and daily highlight videos on our Feast Gallery site at: feastgallery.icej.org






he Land of Promise” is our Feast theme. How many know where this exact phrase is written in the Bible? In the Old or New Testament? There’s only one time in the Word of God where Israel is called the “land of promise” and this is in the Book of Hebrews, where it says: “By faith Abraham lived in the land of promise...” (Hebrews 11:9) So, the Land of Promise is not just an Old Testament promise… but is introduced to us in the New Testament by the writer of Hebrews. He called it the Land of Promise because he understood the promises of God are unshakable and unfailing. The idea of the Land of Promise goes all the way back to the calling of Israel in Genesis 12. There was a man living in Ur of the Chaldeans named Abraham… One day, he heard the voice of God saying: “Get out of your country, from your family and from your father’s house, to a land that I will show you. I will make you a great nation; I will bless you and make your name great; And you shall be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and I will curse him who curses you; And in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.” (Genesis 12:1-3) You are seated here today in Jerusalem because four thousand years ago God made a promise to Abraham that one day all the families of the earth would come to the saving knowledge

of Jesus Christ. You might say where is this in the Bible? In Galatians 3:8, Paul says “the Scriptures, foreseeing that God would justify the Gentiles by faith”. That is, through Abraham the Messiah would come and all the nations would be blessed. Now Abraham and Sarah were getting old, and they tried to bring about this promised descendant. But one day God told Abraham to look up towards the heavens… and to count the stars, and He said, “that’s how your descendants will be”. And Abraham asked how he could be sure of this. Then the Lord made a covenant with him, in Genesis 15. He told Abraham to cut some animals in half. There was blood everywhere. And a deep sleep fell upon Abraham. Then the Bible says: “On the same day the Lord made a covenant with Abram, saying: ‘To your descendants I have given this land...’” The message was very simple. If any party making this covenant breaks it, let their fate be the same as those slain animals. You will pay with your life. A covenant is one of the most precious, holy things that the Bible has to offer. But there is something peculiar about the covenant of Genesis 15… Abraham was sleeping, and God Himself – in the form of a fiery torch – walked through the animal pieces. What was



the message? God said: “No matter what you will do, Abraham; not matter what your people do. No matter if they will follow Me or not follow Me… I’m going to make a covenant with you today that this is your land of promise. I’m not going to change My mind… This is your land, this is your calling, this is your destiny, to be a blessing for the nations…” There are people today in the Church who say that God has changed His mind about the Jewish people. Because they have sinned, God is finished with Israel. Let me tell you, if God would be finished with Israel, your and my salvation would be on a very shaky foundation. Let’s be honest with ourselves, how many times has the Lord had to rebuke us that we do not pray enough, we are not zealous enough, we are not faithful enough? Many times, the Lord has had reason to change His mind about us… But the Word of God tells me that even if we are unfaithful, He still is faithful and keeps His promises to us. That is why the New Testament writers all knew this land was promised to Israel. And that is why the Christian Embassy, with a loud voice, is declaring that this land belongs to the Jewish people; not because the United Nations says it, not because of the European Union, but because the King of Kings and Lord of Lords gave it to them…Israel.

Feast TEACHING “Why did Jesus choose the Galilee? … Because of the supernatural manifestations of this young man, many more people visited this area of the Galilee. It was a strategic territory [along a major trade route] so that the vision of the Lord could be expanded and spread. The Christian Embassy brought the Feast of Tabernacles celebrations here to the Galilee, and you who are here are the ones that are going to take this movement to your territories. When the Christian Embassy came to the Galilee, it expanded their territory. Perhaps some are missing the desert [at Ein Gedi]! The desert was for John the Baptist. The Galilee was for Jesus!” - Renê Terra Nova -

Renê Terra Nova

“What really surprised me when I landed in [a Turkish] prison is that I began very quickly to break in so many ways… I was very isolated, and I began to have a lot of questions… Where was God? … Now, I’m not here to tell you about my brokenness. I’m here to tell you about God rebuilding me… And what changed is that toward the end of the first year, I just had a picture in my mind of the valley of testing, of believers who had failed in their tests. I’m not talking about whether they go to heaven or not. But they failed in their relationship with God when they were under pressure. And I began to just cry out to God: “I don’t want to end up like this.” … And I determined to fight… and I made the decision to turn my eyes toward Jesus. And many times in the darkness and at my lowest points, I had to make this decision again and again... And sometimes in my weakness, the most I could do was turn one degree in His direction, just barely, because I’m weak, I’m broken, just barely turn in His direction. But turning one degree toward Him, rather than one degree away from Him, is all the difference in the world.” - Andrew Brunson -

Andrew Brunson

“Today, I stand in front of a [Christian] Embassy that touches the whole world and all I can see is Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, multiplied thousands of times to shift the future in the coming of Christ, and the nation of Israel… I believe Daniel is the prototype of the last-day generation, not the anomaly. You look at Daniel, a teenager 14 to 17 years old. That young man, these young men were the embassy inside Babylon. Their fasting opened the door for divine revelation, and these young men shifted history. But they lived in the same time period as we live in. They were at the beginning when Jerusalem was coming down to its desolations. They were at the beginning of the Times of the Gentiles. Brothers and sisters, we are in the days of the end of the Times of the Gentiles. Daniel was not an anomaly, he was a prototype of the lastday generation of young people, who will arise with fasting and prayer to shape and frame the future of nations. And they will declare the dominion of God in the midst of an Antichrist system!”- Lou Engle -

Lou Engle






his year’s Feast featured a number of very anointed worship groups who instantly carried us into the presence of the Lord throughout the eight days of our gathering. The wide array of singers and musical artists from both Israel and abroad made for a wonderful multicultural worship experience, which fit the vision of Feast music director Vesna Bühler of “building a succah for all the nations to join”. The worship teams included some of the regular Feast favourites, such as vocalists Dorothy Bedford (USA) and Gilmar Britto (Brazil), violinist Serguei Popov (Finland), and popular Messianic worship leaders Shilo Ben Hod with SOLU and Joshua Aaron, all from Israel. There also was an exciting mix of new singers and musical groups, including a worship symphony orchestra from Stuttgart, Germany under

the direction of conductor Friedemann Meussling, along with Trevor Sampson from South Africa, Simone Worsnop and AVAD OZ from Australia, the Sound of the Nations group from Fiji, Saila Ruotsala and Lasse Heikkilä from Finland, Siegfried Fietz from Germany, Kedesch from Ivory Coast, Filadelfia Lovsang from Norway, and Iranian-born singers Saeid Miryaghoobi from Canada and Peyman Mojtahedi from the USA who performed specially written songs in Persian and Hebrew. The Raise the Banner dance troupe from the Philippines also joined in many of the performances. Altogether, they brought a fresh new wave of praise and worship to the Feast, which repeatedly drew the glorious presence of the Lord into our midst.





or the first time in over four decades of the Feast, the ICEJ took our Succot celebration to the Sea of Galilee. The beautiful setting of the Capernaum National Park provided the perfect backdrop for our standing-room only gathering to spend the opening two nights of this year’s Feast.

Over the two evenings, we received greetings from local Israeli pastors Daniel Yahav from Tiberias and Saleem Shalash from Nazareth, as

well as a security briefing from IDF Major (Res.) Elliot Chodoff, while the main messages were delivered by Apostle Renê Terra Nova from Brazil and Evangelist Manasa Kolivuso from Fiji. In addition, an array of anointed worship leaders from Israel and abroad led us in times of praise and worship that echoed across the Sea of Galilee. “This needs to go all over the world. The Holy Spirit was really present”, said Bishop Festus Mulwanda from Zambia after his first taste of the Feast. “The worship band from Norway (Filadelfia Lovsang) carried the presence of the Lord, and I want to get them to Zambia.”



fter ascending to Jerusalem, Feast pilgrims gathered in the Pais Arena for the traditional “Roll Call of the Nations”, when each nation represented at the Feast presents itself before the Lord in Zion, with their national flags and often in traditional costumes. Colourful flags from 86 nations were paraded on stage and displayed on screens to recognise all the countries with pilgrims attending the Feast in person and online. Israeli Knesset member Sharren Haskel also delivered an official greeting to the Feast pilgrims and thanked them for coming to Jerusalem. “The prophet Zechariah spoke of a future time when all the nations would come to Jerusalem to celebrate the holiday of Succot. Look around you now. We are the living proof of the truth of the Word of God”, said MK Haskel. “This gathering is an indication of what’s going to happen when we stand before the throne of grace in heaven”, exclaimed a pastor from Liberia. “To participate in this Feast, I see myself in the presence of God. And the Land of Israel is amazing... We’re walking in the Bible!”



ur Feast pilgrims are always excited to take to the streets of Jerusalem to express their love for Israel in the popular Jerusalem March. There was a festive atmosphere as many pilgrims adorned in national costumes interacted with the crowds of Israelis watching along the parade route. Jerusalem Mayor Moshe Lion was so thrilled to see Christians visiting his city again after the global pandemic, he invited ICEJ President Jürgen Bühler to lead off the

March with him. “I must tell you that we missed you these two years. We are very happy to host you”, the mayor said. Pastor Manasa Kolivuso from Fiji responded: “It was such a treat for me to meet all the Israelis today along the March route and to tell them we support and pray for them. This is my first time to Israel, and we are already talking about chartering a whole flight from Fiji next year.” 9 | WORD FROM JERUSALEM




nother highlight for Feast pilgrims was sharing Communion in the Garden Tomb with fellow Christians from around the world. This year, Pastor Andrew Brunson spoke powerfully on how his relationship with the Lord grew during his two years of suffering in a Turkish prison. “I discovered that there is an intimacy that only comes with testing, an intimacy that only comes with hardship and suffering”, said Brunson.

SOLIDARITY VISIT TO GAZA BORDER REGION The week-long Feast concluded with a visit to the western Negev to show support for Israeli communities along the Gaza border living under the constant threat of rockets and arson balloons. Over 700 Christians from 50 nations worldwide took part in a solidarity rally held in the Sha’ar HaNegev region. Mayor Ofir Libshtein warmly welcomed the Christian visitors and thanked the ICEJ for helping “to make our lives safer… This is an amazing and wonderful place to live 95 percent of the time. But there is five percent of the time when it´s not easy to live here.” In addition to donating 140 portable bomb shelters and two dozen fire-fighting vehicles to the region over recent years, the ICEJ is now partnering with Keren Kayemeth Le’Israel (KKL/JNF) to plant protective hedges and reforest burned areas in the Gaza periphery. As the solidarity rally ended, the ICEJ delegates released 1,000 blue and white balloons into the air as “prays for peace” in the Gaza border region.



his year’s Feast 2022 received ample coverage in the Israeli, foreign and Christian press. The very fact that thousands of Christians were back in Israel for Succot, after a two-year slump in tourism, was certainly news worth reporting.

In one instance, MK Sharren Haskel, co-chair of the Knesset Christian Allies Caucus, used her official welcome speech to the Feast pilgrims to also urge Christians to stand with the Iranian people seeking basic freedoms right now. In a dramatic act that made headlines across Israel, Haskel cut off part of her trademark flowing hair in a sign of support for female protesters in Iran. Meantime, two Iranian-born singers performing at the Feast were interviewed by several media outlets about their support for Israel and conversion to Christianity. “Our people, we love Israel”, Peyman Mojtahedi, a worship leader from Texas, assured an Israeli reporter. “The brotherhood between the Jewish and Persian people is beautiful for us.” He added that several Persian Jews shed tears when they saw him carrying the traditional Iranian flag in the Jerusalem March. There also were several articles featuring former Chief Justice of South Africa Mogoeng Mogoeng, who received the ICEJ’s annual Nehemiah Award for his courageous, principled stand for Israel. And American pastor Andrew Brunson, who spent two years in a Turkish prison, also spoke to several journalists on IsraelTurkey relations.





he Feast of Tabernacles is a massive undertaking for our full-time staff in Jerusalem, and to meet this challenge many dedicated Christians faithfully come each year to volunteer their time at the Feast. This year, we had 106 Feast team members, with 35 serving for the first time, while another 12 assisted from abroad with the online Feast. They all sacrificed to serve others at the Feast, and they worked tirelessly to make sure all areas of this week-long event ran smoothly. From ushers, security, headsets, transport and registration, to musicians, stage production, photographers, logistics and more, they all played a vital role in making sure the pilgrims enjoyed their Feast experience.

OUR TERRIFIC TRANSLATORS We also recognise the many translators who helped take the Feast out in so many languages again this year, which was an extra challenge due to this being a “hybrid Feast” of both inperson and online pilgrims. It was technically impossible to provide translation by one team to both audiences at once, thus we had to arrange two sets of teams working simultaneously. The whole language team had 52 members who made the Feast accessible in Spanish, French, Portuguese, Russian, Chinese, German, Finnish, Norwegian, Danish, Italian, Czech/Slovak and Thai.



inally, we want to pay special tribute to Elgonda Brunkhorst, a key organiser of the very first Feast in 1980. Elgonda passed away earlier this year, but she was able a few years ago to share with our staff the many challenges she faced putting together that first Feast. It was one long, amazing testimony of many answered prayers. She could not speak Hebrew, and this was before cell phones and email. She needed translators, carpenters, dancers, sewers, chairs, sound equipment… and there was very little money. But the Lord directed her in incredible ways, and we honour Elgonda for helping set the tone of faith and self-sacrifice among those working behind-the-scenes to make the Feast a success every year.



very year at the Feast, the Christian Embassy presents its annual Nehemiah Award to a Christian leader who has distinguished themself as a strong, committed supporter of Israel and the Jewish people. This year, the award was given to the recently retired Chief Justice of the Republic of South Africa, the Honourable Mogoeng Mogoeng. Chief Justice Mogoeng is a devout Christian and highly respected jurist across Africa. Over the past year, he took a bold public stand for Israel based on biblical principles and courageously refused to back down in the face of tremendous pressure and widespread vilification in South Africa and elsewhere. At the height of that stand-off, ICEJ-South Africa spearheaded a public petition in support of Mogoeng which was signed by over 150,000 fellow citizens.

In receiving the Nehemiah Award, Chief Justice Mogoeng described how he refused to surrender to a dark agenda that would rob South Africa of its national destiny to be a “blessing” to Israel in line with Scripture. “I wish I had time to express appreciation for all those who supported me at the time when I was confronted by untold vitriol and persecution, but time simply does not permit”, Mogoeng told the Feast gathering. “[I]t is the apparent need for self-preservation, or an attempt to avoid reputational damage, the love for position or power, fame or seemingly good… that have led many to deny Jesus Christ, but by God’s grace, and with the prayers of the saints, I mustered the courage to say: ‘No, I belong to Jesus’.”


“A rejection of Jacob or Israel and his descendants is a rejection of God’s promises for them. And it is also an attraction of the curse to you... Take a careful look at all those who chose to curse instead of blessing Israel and the children of Israel, and you be the judge whether you see blessings or curses instead.”





or those who could not make it to the Feast in Jerusalem, many joined Feast watch parties being held in homes and congregations in dozens of countries worldwide – from Sakahlin Island in Russia to Latvia to high in the Andes, from Denmark to America to west Africa and on to southeast Asia. For example, in Singapore, the City Missions Church experienced much joy at their watch celebration as they invited Yeshua to tabernacle with them. They also built a beautiful succah decorated with fruit, to symbolise God’s provision in the Wilderness as well as our abundant life in Jesus. And in Gabon, some 200 believers came together for Feast watch parties on several nights.


hat an amazing time to personally connect with fellow believers again at this year’s Feast of Tabernacles, after two years of the global pandemic. Yet those times of physical separation also unexpectedly led us to new digital ways of connecting online, as well as to placing a fresh emphasis on prayer in the ICEJ’s overall ministry. Through both the weekly Global Prayer Gatherings and our monthly Rosh Chodesh prayer chains, we have been coming together on Zoom and bonding in ways that have strengthened the faith and prayer life of everyone involved. Succot is a festival of joy, and what a treat to finally meet many of the people we have been labouring with in prayer online over recent years. It was odd to meet some who felt like old friends even though you were meeting them face-to-face for the first time. Some were taller than you thought, others looked a little different than on screen, but there were many warm hugs and smiles all around.


Many veterans of the Feast also noted there was a greater anointing over the entire week in both the worship and preaching of the Word, and much of it no doubt flowed from the past two years of greater faithfulness in prayer. Throughout the Feast, prayer continued to play a prominent role as our ministry leaders and guest speakers set time aside not only to share about what the Lord is doing but to lead the gatherings in prayer and intercession. We were especially pleased to have well-known intercessors Lou Engle and Sergey Shidlovskiy as part of the Feast ministry team.




1. Central African Republic. 2. Sakhalin Russia. 3. Latvia. 4. Singapore.

Besides a 24/7 online prayer vigil during the entire week of the Feast, the sixth day of the Feast was dedicated as a full Day of Prayer when delegates came together at designated times to present their nations and regions before the throne of grace. We began with leaders from the local Body of Christ in Israel both praying for the nations and being prayed for themselves. Over the next 12 hours, different regions and language groups came to the stage of the Pavilion and turned Jerusalem into a true “house of prayer” (Isaiah 56:7). It was a taste of what heaven must be like with every tongue and tribe in worship before the Lord. Some nations worshipped with traditional songs, dances and costumes. All came with one purpose – to present themselves before the Lord in Zion. Most important of all, we are receiving many testimonies of answered prayer at the Feast. One single mother from Fiji made great sacrifices to be at the Feast and was crying out in prayer for the Lord to help her recoup what she had spent. Then during the Feast, she saw a co-worker who told her they had both just received a pay raise at work that was retroactive to January, which was three times the amount she needed to cover her Feast trip. So, Praise the Lord! Our God indeed answers our prayers!

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From the Reformation to the Twenty-First Century

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The Author, Teresa Craig, has lived and worked in the Middle East region for thirty years as a writer/photographer and has five other books that she has published.

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PLANT A TREE TO BEAUTIFY ISRAEL & SAVE LIVES On the last day of this year’s Feast, some 700 Christians from 50 nations joined the ICEJ leadership on a visit to the western Negev to take part in a special Solidarity Rally with local Israeli communities along the Gaza border and a symbolic tree-planting ceremony with Keren Kayemeth Le’Israel (the Jewish National Fund). We also made a commitment to KKL/JNF to leave a lasting impact on the region by donating trees that will revive forests in the western Negev burned in recent arson balloon fires, while also planting protective hedges to shield Israeli communities close to the border from the line-of-sight of rocket squads operating in Gaza. In partnership with KKL, the ICEJ will be replanting scorched areas in a large section of the Be’eri Forest near the Gaza border, which will be renamed the “ICEJ Forest”. This lovely forest is very popular with Israelis, especially when the carpets of red anemones are blooming in early spring. And KKL just added new bike

paths and free bike stands to make it an even more attractive place for family visits. Thus, the new ICEJ Forest will be a lasting reminder to scores of Israelis of our support and care for their nation. Please join us in these important efforts to beautify and re-green the western Negev, and to protect Israeli communities from the intended harm emanating from nearby Gaza. These tree-planting projects will be using eucalyptus, tamarisk, broadleaf and other species of trees that grow rapidly, do well in the arid conditions, are bushy, provide good shade, and regenerate quickly after fires. A donation of US$25.00 (includes processing and delivery of your digital tree certificate) will plant one tree. Larger gifts are also welcome and greatly appreciated. So, please donate a tree to beautify Israel and protect the local residents!

DONATE A TREE TODAY AT: give.icej.org/trees 1 4 | NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2022




s they travel along the roads of Israel, she tells her story of escape. How she recently fled from one place to another in Ukraine, with tense delays between each stop. How a two-hour car trip took twelve hours. When she crossed the border to safety in Poland, she still had to rely on the goodness of strangers for a few days. To go through something like this, Homecare nurse Corrie van Maanen could hardly imagine. She glances at the passenger in her Homecare car, who is eating the lunch Corrie provided with relish. How long since she last ate, Corrie wonders.

several years ago. The newly-wed couple had married young and soon had three children, putting the marriage under strain and they eventually separated. It was at this time that ICEJ Homecare came into her life with practical and financial help to support her in this difficult season of her life. A week later, Katya calls again from her home in Beersheva and this time in panic. “My mom arrives tomorrow, but there is nobody who can pick her up from the airport.” Corrie recounts what became a day of joy.

But then Corrie hears something that has stayed with her. “I knew from the first minute I put my feet on this path of escape, that the God of Israel was with me, every step of this scary journey”, her passenger assures. A week before, Corrie had received an excited and, at the same time, anxious phone call from Katya, a Ukrainian Jewish immigrant to Israel. Her words tumbled out over each other as she exclaimed, “My mother got out of Energodar and it is a great miracle. She is on her way to Israel!” Indeed, Energodar, is a city in Ukraine with a large nuclear plant nearby and for months it was impossible to get out of the embattled town. Katya, who missed her mother greatly, had immigrated to Israel with her husband

“The next day I drive to the airport with a photo Katya had given me”, she said. “The doors of the Arrivals Hall opened and closed while I waited with expectation. Suddenly I spotted a lady coming through the door alone. She looked tired and was obviously looking for someone she did not know. The moment we recognised each other, there was relief! After a big hug, and tears from the pressure of past days, she was suddenly lifted in the knowledge that she was safe. She was in Israel.” Sadly, her husband and her son and his family are still in Ukraine. But once she arrived in Beersheba, and mother and daughter and grandchildren were reunited, it was an emotional moment. No words could express the feeling of that precious moment, but within the tears of joy and hugs were a thousand words unspoken.

Her new town of Beersheva (credit Times of Israel)

Driving back to Jerusalem, Corrie was mindful of the character of Homecare. “It is all about relationships”, she explained. “It’s all about stepping in where we see the need. It is so much more than nursing care and may cost time and effort like today’s mission. For one mother, this day we made the difference. A car became the vehicle of blessing, to make it possible. A few days later, Katya’s mother heard that her city came under a huge rocket attack, with the neighbour’s house damaged and people she knew killed. As time goes by, although she loves being with her daughter, she still battles with homesickness and misses her loved ones left behind. Since the war in Ukraine broke out eight months ago, the work of Homecare has taken on an extra layer. It is not only providing immigrants with assistance in coping with daily life in Israel, with all its challenges, but also listening to the stories of family members and friends living in a war-torn country. We only understand in part what it means to live in a war zone with no certainty of tomorrow. But we do know well the calling we have to comfort the Jewish people, especially in this time of need. Many new arrivals from Ukraine and Russia are suffering from trauma and emotional pain. Israel has the challenge to step in with the right help. Our challenge from the nations is to pray and to give, to be part of this urgent and increasing Aliyah.

The embattled town of Energodar-Ukraine (credit Agencia Nova) 15 | WORD FROM JERUSALEM

DONATE TODAY AT: give.icej.org/homecare


BRINGING A RAY OF SUNSHINE TO JEWISH IMMIGRANTS IN YOKNEAM BY L AU R I N A D R I E S S E in Ukraine last February. Though the city has always received immigrants, it is a new scenario for them to receive refugee immigrants who had to flee without any preparation time, leaving everything behind. The elderly and the young arrived with mothers who had to leave husbands and other loved ones behind. Deputy Mayor Peres recalls how in the early days of the war, his office began receiving requests for assistance for fleeing immigrants on their way to Israel. First came a request for a single mother with a child who fled with just two bags and her child to Budapest. She bought a ticket for Israel but was held up due to regulations for a PCR test which she could not get in time. Peres was able to speak with the relevant authorities and within minutes they had her on the flight. Then another lady called crying due to troubles getting on a flight because she did not have the proper veterinarian approval to bring her cat. In those first confusing and crazy days, a lot of obstacles needed to be conquered to make it possible for the people to come with the little they had, as swiftly and as smoothly as possible.

Hennie and Jacob Keegstra giving packages to a new immigrant.


he sun shone a little brighter for Ukrainians and other Jewish immigrants on a day just after the Succot holiday ended in midOctober, though some struggled with their emotions and teared up as complete strangers show them love and practical support. ICEJ-Netherlands National Directors Jacob and Hennie Keegstra accompanied Nicole Yoder, Vice President for AID and Aliyah, and her assistant, Jannie Tolhoek, to the Israeli town of Yokneam, located south of Haifa. Their vehicles were laden with care packages and gift vouchers lovingly prepared for 40

new immigrant families. Jacob and Hennie also handed out special cards to bless the people which contained blessings written by Dutch Christians back home. This personal touch really brought tears in quite a few eyes. The Deputy Mayor of Yokneam, Roman Peres, warmly greeted the ICEJ team and shared how his city has received 250 new immigrant families since the war began


The challenges continue today but in a different form. Jobs and suitable housing are needed, along with basic items to start a new home. There is much trauma to overcome as well. Many families require psychological care, especially for the children and those with special needs. Some of the children received news soon after landing in Israel that their previous school had been destroyed and friends lives lost. When new immigrants arrive in Israel, many are initially accommodated in hotels. The city of Yokneam dedicated a team to go to the hotels and invite the immigrants to their city, and then have been working hard to make them feel welcome and help them settle in properly.


As the ICEJ team began distributing the care packages to the new immigrants, they were moved to discover that among the elderly were several Holocaust survivors who had also fled Ukraine during the Second World War. Georgi, 89 years old, is a Holocaust survivor who was born in Ukraine. When the Nazis arrived, he fled with his mother and brothers to the East, leaving behind his father – who was in the army. Their hometown was destroyed during the war. After the war, they returned to their city where they rebuilt their lives, and Georgi had a 40-year career as a prominent doctor and lecturer in Ukraine. Sadly, history seemed to repeat itself for Georgi in his old age as he was forced to flee again first to Kyiv and then on to Israel. However, this time he is fleeing on his own since his wife has already passed away. Deputy Mayor Peres first saw Georgi at a hotel in Tel Aviv and described him as man in a suit with one small bag and an inexpressible look of sorrow on his face. The city of Yokneam offered to care for Georgi by arranging an apartment for him and helping him settle in even prior to the completion of his paperwork for Israeli citizenship. Georgi expressed his heartfelt thanks for the support of all those in the Netherlands and around the world. He was so grateful for the care package that he gave several hugs to Nicole Yoder to fill in where words were not enough. Meanwhile, Olga is a returning Israeli citizen who brought her elderly Holocaust-surviving parents to safety. Her father, who is 90 years old,

Deputy Mayor Roman Peres welcomes ICEJ team in Yokneam. and her mother of 86 years old have a similar story to Georgi. “From the beginning Israel was there to help with everything. Also at the border, with medical teams. They have been very helpful here. It’s good to be here”, shared Olga. Meira, who arrived from the Ukraine only 20 days ago, shared her traumatic experience and story of escape, as tears flowed down her cheeks. She remained for some time initially in Kharkiv, but with the attacks and explosions very close and with only a table to hide under, she realized that she was going to have to flee to another city. A drive that usually takes six hours, took three days. Although they were received with love and warmth, she knew that Israel would be her final destination.

are, why we came, and how sorry we are for the things that they have suffered in recent months”, Nicole explained afterwards. “In addition to the support that we have been able to give for flights, evacuation, and hotels for them to come to Israel, we want them to know that we are thinking of them and want to help ease their way as they settle in the land with this gift. We welcomed them and blessed them that they would find a good life here in the land.” “Most of the people we spoke to shared that they hadn’t planned on making Aliyah”, Nicole added. “Yet, some had dreamed of it at an earlier stage in life or had considered their options, but that they hadn’t really thought of it seriously until this sudden turn of events.”

“One day I realised that Israel waits for me”, recalled Meira. “I felt that I had wings and I had to be in Israel. I turned to the Jewish Agency and found my way to Poland where I finally got a flight to Israel. I want to remain here for the rest of my days.”

“You wake up one morning to war and a geopolitical situation that you didn’t anticipate and here we are – a global village. Suddenly priorities changed. Everything changes overnight”, noted Deputy Mayor Peres. “Without partners we would not have managed. Thanks to the ICEJ for being one of those partners.”

As Nicole shared about Christians from around the world who love Israel and want to show their care and support for the Jewish people in practical ways, Meira began weeping and sending Nicole little heart signals from across the room.

Please continue to support the ICEJ’s Aliyah and Integration projects, which are making a difference in the lives of many new Jewish immigrants to Israel.

Front: Nicole with Georgi, Olga in green, Meira in white t-shirt. Back: Hennie and Jacob with Deputy Mayor Roman Peres.

“I shared with the people who we


DONATE AT: give.icej.org/aliyah


a new social circle – are each challenging in their own rights. One must also overcome trying to fit into a new culture and develop a new identity, which can be a tough process. Nevertheless, over time society benefits from the development of this rich cultural tapestry. It is like replanting a tree in a new climate with a different type of soil. Initially, the change is a shock to the system and extra care must be given in the new soil for the tree to flourish there.

ICEJ AID Assistant Jannie Tolhoek hands out Gifts packages to new Olim.


Many Christians over the years have given generously to ease the challenges of Aliyah because we know that the Lord calls the Gentile nations to help (see, for example, Isaiah 49:22-23). However, the calling to “carry the sons and daughters on our shoulders” is so much more than BY N I C O L E YO D E R , I C E J V I C E P R E S I D E N T F O R A I D & A L I YA H just providing some pre-Aliyah informational seminars and covering the cost of a flight with liyah means “to go up” in a spiritual as well as a physical sense. extra luggage allowance. It also entails helping each one become “planted” Hidden within this Hebrew term is the 2,000-year yearning for in their ancestral homeland, something the Lord says He will do “with Jerusalem and Zion that the Jewish people have passed on from all My heart and soul” (Jeremiah 32:41). generation to generation in exile. The word “Aliyah” is used in Genesis 50:13-14 in reference to Jacob’s bones being brought up from Egypt for Make no mistake, this integration phase of getting rooted in Israel is burial in the Land of Israel. From this we get the connection to “going crucial. Without it, an immigrant is doomed to an ongoing struggle, and up to the land.” many become discouraged and seek to leave again, which deters others from attempting to come. This rooting process requires giving the tree Having personally experienced the challenges of moving to a new country nourishment and care. This care may come in many forms, such as where everything changed in one short flight, I know how difficult it can assistance with housing, learning the language, vocational training, or be. Usually, one carefully plans months (or years) ahead before making recertification of professional credentials. Help may be required to close such a move. First, there is the bureaucracy of submitting paperwork education gaps. Basic needs in the form of a gift of household items or to determine eligibility for immigration. Then, one ideally takes time practical mentoring from local natives can make a crucial difference to learn about options and plan where to live or work or attend school. for a family seeking to adapt successfully in Israel. Numerous other practical details must be decided before actually Though the needs vary per situation, our aid is a tremendous source boarding the plane. of comfort and assistance for often overwhelmed immigrants. Some For some, Aliyah comes after a long wait – such as many Ethiopian require help in multiple ways, whereas others need only an initial push families have endured for two decades now. For others, like the thousands in the right direction and they can go forward on their own. of new arrivals from the Ukraine in recent months, Aliyah came suddenly with scarcely time to pack or make any plans at all! And landing in Israel Thanks to the generosity of our friends worldwide, the ICEJ’s Aliyah is only the beginning of their journey. work provides essential aid for all the stages of Aliyah, including the crucial Integration phase. Assistance with flights is a joy and a privilege, The most urgent things an immigrant must do on arrival – learning but we also are there to help address the often longer-term challenges awaiting these new immigrants once they get off the plane. Hebrew, finding suitable housing and employment, and developing


Help us plant more Jewish families in their Promised Land of Israel. DONATE TODAY AT: give.icej.org/aliyah 1 8 | NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2022




verything that has happened brought me here”, said Lana as we visited her new apartment which she shares with a newly arrived Russian immigrant. “We’ve agreed not to bring the war here though. We’re both Jewish and that is enough!” At age 20, Lana had already spent six months in Israel and fully intended to make Aliyah. But she first returned to Ukraine to complete her university studies. However, love intervened! She got married, became a mother, started two businesses, divorced, and only fifteen years later began thinking again of making Aliyah. She could not come sooner because her ex-husband refused to allow their daughter to come along. Meantime, she worked hard with her tourism and pet shop businesses. Unfortunately, coronavirus set back her businesses. But her ex-husband finally agreed to let their daughter join her in Israel, so she began the immigration process, with the daughter set to come once Lana was established. All seemed to be going well. In early February this year, Lana received her Aliyah visa. Her pet shop had a buyer, and her flight was scheduled for February 24. As she was busily preparing to leave, she was blissfully unaware of what was about to take place. “Just seven hours before the Russian invasion began, a friend told me a war was about to begin and asked if I had packed an emergency bag. I had no idea. It totally caught me by surprise”, Lana recounted. At first, she remained in a Kyiv basement. She could not reach her ex-husband, who was called up for duty. Her daughter was with her parents, but she could not reach them for three days. Amid the confusion, she did not know what to do next.

“It was the hardest decision of my life, to move on and leave my daughter behind. I’m still trying not to punish myself for it,” she confided. No flights were available, but a window opened when the neighbours offered her a train ticket to Poland. With a curfew announced at sundown, she knew she had to board that train, but she only had six hours to get home, pack, and make it to the station. What does one pack at such a moment? To make matters worse, the electric power plant had been bombed that day, leaving the city in darkness. Her younger brother helped Lana pack up 35 years of her life. She had no money, but the neighbours gave her $380 in cash. So, she took her cat, sleeping bag and backpack, and rushed off to the train station. Fortunately, she made it safely to Poland, and later the Jewish Agency placed her on a flight to Israel. Showing remarkable resilience, Lana completed her Aliyah process within 12 days, secured her Israeli ID, opened a bank account, and started waitressing. Tragically, just three days into her new job, Lana was run over by a motorized bicycle, leaving her with a hairline fracture in one leg and a broken lateral ankle in the other. Thankfully, she had just received her Israeli health insurance card the day before, which covered the biggest expenses of surgery, but she still had smaller medical bills to pay.


“Suddenly I couldn’t even get up to get myself a drink of water”, said Lana. “No family! No money! I couldn’t work or even dress myself. Stuck in a wheelchair for a month with a cast. I’m strong, but these kinds of things break people.” Fortunately, help came from her Russian roommate and two new friends, as well as from the ICEJ. “These broken legs also brought me into contact with such good people. I’m believing again in something better than war”, she said. “Your gift enabled me to buy food and cover some medical and living expenses. I can’t thank you enough.” Asked about her dreams for the future, Lana replied: “I want to have my daughter with me... I want to do something that will help other people like I’ve been helped.” We want to echo Lana’s thanks for your generous donations, which enable us to assist her and many other new Jewish immigrants who often arrive in Israel after very arduous journeys with next to nothing.

To support our Aliyah and Integration efforts, give at: give.icej.org/aliyah




oy and happiness flooded the hearts of residents at the ICEJ’s Haifa Home for Holocaust survivors around the celebratory festival of Succot, when they received international visitors bearing beautiful gifts and treasured conversations. AN UNEXPECTED VISIT FROM SLOVAKIA Martin and Yulia Herbert from Slovakia visited the Haifa Home just before the Feast of Tabernacles started in Israel. They came with their daughter and brought gifts and messages of love from the only Jewish retirement home dedicated to Holocaust survivors in Slovakia. “We heard about you, and we would like to give you some little things from our creative workshop. We hope they make you happy,” read a beautifully decorated card from the residents and staff of Ohel David in Bratislava, capital of Slovakia.

Indeed, their visit brought such joy to our residents. They admired the handiwork of the residents of the Ohel David community, the creatively painted bags and other handicraft made by residents of the Slovakian home, many of them over 90 years in age. Our own Fanny S., who can be found daily in our art room, immediately went to her home to give them socks that she had knitted herself and showed them all of her own artwork in her apartment. SUCCOT, THE FEAST OF JOY A beautifully decorated Succah was built outside the Haifa Home, where residents delighted in sitting in it while enjoying each other’s company, and fulfilling the commandment of Leviticus 23:42-43 to “dwell” in the succah for the week of the Feast. VISITORS FROM THE ICEJ FEAST After a long time of not being able to host groups and visitors at the Home, we had the privilege of welcoming a German group who attended this year’s Feast of Tabernacles, as well as different donors who were in Israel and wanted to see the Haifa Home with their own eyes. After visiting, Ann from the United Kingdom wrote: “I just want to thank you so much that I was able to visit the Home for Holocaust Survivors yesterday. Thank you for giving us so much of your time. It really was very special, and it has impacted me very deeply. May the Lord continue to bless and uphold you very richly as you minister to these dear ones so close to His heart”. TREE OF LIFE PROJECT Our ICEJ nurse, Christine, had the brilliant idea of doing a project with the residents that would put the emphasis on thankfulness and the good times our residents have experienced in their lives. “There is joy, which comes from a joyful heart. But how can a broken heart and a


bitter soul feel joy again?” wondered Christine. “One way is to remember the good things in life and gratefulness can make the heart smile again.” The idea was to help them remember their courage, the hope and strength they had to start life over again after all the suffering they endured. “Through the project, I was able to understand our residents better and build deep relationships. I learned a lot from their stories about courage, love and strength, and see in them people who were fighting to find the way back to life after much suffering”, shared Christine. Naomi, one of the residents who participated in the “Tree o f L i f e” project, was touched to tears when she tried to explain what this project had done to her. Proudly, she has started to tell the story of her “Tree of Life” to every visitor who comes, and shares all the things that she is so thankful for.


INTRODUCING NEW RESIDENTS Sixteen new residents from the Ukraine have found their way to our Haifa Home. Two of our latest arrivals are Alexander and Irina from Mariupol, in Ukraine. Alexander was born in Mariupol and had to flee in 1941 w ith his family when Nazi Germany invaded the Ukraine. They ended up in Armenia and he still remembers it as a time of fear, hunger and lack. From the fall of 1941 until 1944, the Nazis killed an estimated 1.5 million Ukrainian Jews, and over 800,000 were displaced to the east. They eventually returned to Mariupol, where Alexander became an engineer and married Irina, who is a paediatrician. A daughter was born to them. Though now elderly, they were still very active when Russia invaded the Ukraine in February. They lived next to the now famous Azovstal steel plant in Mariupol and soon their life became a nightmare of bombardments, hunger and lack of the most basic necessities of life. Their lives were often spared when bombs repeatedly fell nearby and destroyed windows and other parts of their home. One day they were told to get

A delegation from Germany visit the Home for Holocaust Survivors around Succot.

their bags ready and they would be picked up within 15 minutes to flee Mariupol. Irina still finds it very hard to talk about all the hardships they suffered. “This was the only dress I was able to bring with me,” said Irina, pointing to the outfit she was wearing. They arrived in Israel in June this year, along with their daughter, and in September they moved into the Haifa Home. “People have been very kind to us,” expressed Alexander with a smile. “We received everything we need. What surprised me the most about Israel is that they are building everywhere, and the country is blooming… I look forward to learning new things and hope we still can have some good years here in Israel.” REFLECTIONS OF A GERMAN VOLUNTEER Josh, who has been part of our Haifa Home team for eight months, recently shared his experience of working here. “In the Haifa Home, I do whatever is needed”, said Josh. “I’m good with technology, so I help the residents with their TVs and computers. I also clean apartments and the common areas. Sometimes, I take care of the gardens. I take and edit pictures for publications and write for the ICEJ Aid updates. I manage the letters and packages which donors from all around the world send to the residents. But my favourite activity is just sitting down with the residents and talking to them.” “None of the work I did before I came here compares to what I’m doing right now, caring for these precious people who lost family in the most brutal ways and went through so much pain in their life”, he continued. “We have people here who had to live in the woods for years when they were children, scavenging for food, and malnourished. People saw how most of their family was murdered in cold blood. And today they live together on the same street. Sharing lunch and dinner, friendships, playing cards together and the dancing nights. Living in peace.” “Then there are second generation Holocaust survivors working here, putting in all their heart every day. They’re well into their 60s and 70s, but still going strong, jumping at every request the residents have, and always


trying to make it work somehow.” “We have Muslims working closely together with Jews and Christians, proving that coexistence cannot only work, but enables flourishing relationships”, added Josh. “Prison service workers, some of whom had committed serious crimes, but they chose to turn their life around. If you look at some of them, the way they handle the residents is so gentle and kind, you wouldn’t believe what they have done in the past”, he explained. On Yom HaShoah (Holocaust Remembrance Day), one of the residents told me that I made that day at least a little bit more bearable for her. To be with them on that day, to hug them and share some of their suffering was such a privilege, knowing that my great grandfathers contributed to the Nazi regime. It was a sorrowful day and I teared up many times, but I also felt immense gratitude to experience this.” “I still feel gratitude every day when I come to work, because just from a human perspective, it’s the most special place I’ve ever seen”, concluded Josh.

Josh and resident Renate enjoy a walk outside the Home for Holocaust survivors.

Please donate today at: give.icej.org/survivors




n late August, several hundred Christians along with Jewish officials and guests gathered in Basel, Switzerland, in the same Stadt Casino where the First Zionist Congress was held 125 years ago. It was in this venue that Theodor Herzl first convened Zionist leaders from Jewish communities worldwide in August 1897 to plan a future Jewish state. ICEJ-Switzerland, under the leadership of René Emmenegger, arranged the gathering, which began three days of events celebrating 125 years since the First Zionist Congress. René managed to bring together an amazing tapestry of speakers from the Jewish community

and both the mainline and free churches of Switzerland, which together brought forward a powerful message of support and friendship to the nation of Israel. ICEJ President, Dr. Jürgen Bühler, opened the conference and several experts on Herzl and the Zionist movement also spoke, before ICEJ Vice President of International Affairs, Dr. Mojmir Kallus, gave the closing address. “I believe you can say today that those founding fathers of the State of Israel who met here in this very hall 125 years ago, they could have never imagined what is taking place in Eretz


Remembering Birte F

or ICEJ-Germany, the summer of 2022 was a season of prayer and intercession. Beside the regular Isaiah 62 prayer gatherings every fortnight, Christian supporters of Israel gathered


he ICEJ family in Germany and worldwide were saddened by the sudden passing of our dear sister and co-worker Birte Scholz just days after serving as a translator at the recent Feast of Tabernacles in Jerusalem. Birte was a member of the ICEJ staff in Jerusalem for 5 years before returning home to join the ICEJ-Germany team for more than a decade now. She was a highly valued, diligent and talented colleague known for her always encouraging smile. Birte will be missed.

Israel today”, “remarked Dr. Bühler. “That Israel became the ‘Start-Up’ nation, and a leader in global research and development. We are here today to celebrate what God has done with the Jewish people, and also to affirm our stand and our support with the Jewish people for the years and decades to come.” The Basel Conference also adopted a series of resolutions which noted the extraordinary successes of the Zionist movement over the past 125 years, but added that “the fulfilment of Herzl’s dream has come at great cost”, particularly in light of the Holocaust. The resolutions also recalled the key events and efforts over the ensuing decades which led to Jewish statehood and reshaped Jewish-Christian relations. Of special note, the resolutions expressly reaffirmed the ten points of the historic Seelisberg Conference, also held in Switzerland in the immediate aftermath of the Holocaust in 1947, at which major Christian and Jewish leaders sought to enlist Christians more fully in the fight against antisemitism and to create a new foundation for Jewish-Christian dialogue going forward. The Basel Conference then added several additional points offered in the “spirit of Seelisberg”, which focused on the biblical and diplomatic grounds for Christians to continue supporting Israel today, with Jerusalem as its capital, and urged Christians to join the battle against modern forms of antisemitism and anti-Israelism.

for a special summer event in Nürtingen, as well as a prayer rally in the heart of Stuttgart. “Israel is the evidence that we have an Almighty God”, Gottfried Bühler, ICEJ-Germany National Director, told the Nürtingen gathering. “When we look at Israel, we know we can trust the God of Israel, also in our own circumstances.” ICEJ-President Dr Jürgen Bühler also ministered with a timely and challenging word from the prophet Habakkuk, while his wife Vesna led in worship. “Pray for a new outpouring of the Holy Spirit on Germany”, Jürgen urged. Meantime, the Stuttgart prayer rally was an outdoor event in a central town square. Guests of honour were several elders of a large Messianic congregation in Kyiv, Ukraine, which has gathered as usual every Shabbat this year – even when it looked like Russian troops would overrun the city.



Panelists from one of the sessions at the Central America-Israel Forum. (credit CAM) 1 ICEJ-NETHERLANDS CONFERENCE URGES SUPPORT FOR ALIYAH AMID GLOBAL CRISES n early September, ICEJ President Dr. Jürgen Bühler visited the Netherlands to be the keynote speaker at the yearly conference on Israel organized by our ICEJ-Netherlands office, led by national directors Jacob and Henni Keegstra. Jürgen and Jacob both spoke on the subject of “Crossroads for Israel, the World and the Church”, and the importance of trusting God amid the many crises the world is facing at this sobering time.


Poli Capellanes, a nationwide body of chaplains in schools, hospitals, prisons and crisis response.

Also taking the stage were Jay and Meridel Rawlings, who were among the founders of the Christian Embassy in the early 1980s. The Rawlings gave a powerful talk on “Crossroads in Aliyah” and presented their pioneering work to build Christian understanding and support for Aliyah through the their documentary films, such as “Apples of Gold”. The Dutch Christians attending in-person and on-line responded strongly in giving towards the ICEJ’s aid and Aliyah projects, including welcome packages for 60 new immigrants to Israel.

ICEJ-FINLAND HOSTS ANNUAL ‘EXODUS DAY’ CONFERENCE 2 In August, ICEJ-Finland hosted its annual “Exodus Day” conference focused on our current Aliyah efforts. The event was held in the town of Lappeenranta, not far from the Russian border. The featured speaker was David Parsons, ICEJ Vice President & Senior Spokesman, along with musical guest Jonathan Parsons, both coming from our Jerusalem headquarters. Other speakers included Finnish national director Jani Salokangas, board chairman John Remes and advisory board member Fredrik Ekholm, while a Jewish Agency representative also was on hand to give an update on the latest developments in Aliyah. Despite new obstacles to Aliyah being raised by Russia, the ICEJ is continuing to assist Jews in immigrating to Israel from the former Soviet republics. The Finnish audience, both on-site and on-line, were very generous in supporting the ICEJ’s ongoing Aliyah efforts and our other social aid work in Israel.

ICEJ AT THE CENTRAL AMERICA-ISRAEL FORUM II Claudia Fierro, the ICEJ’s Spanish language coordinator, was present at the Second Forum of Central America and Israel, held this year in the iconic Hemicycle of the Parlatino (the Latin American Parliament), in Panama City from 6-to-8 September. Organized by the Movement to Combat Antisemitism (CAM), the Forum brought together legislators and Evangelical and Jewish leaders from 14 Central American countries to discuss initiatives and state policies to effectively combat antisemitism in the region. Among the featured speakers was Soviet Jewish refusnik and former Israeli Deputy Prime Minister Natan Sharansky. ICEJPanama was a very active participation in the event, through our Deputy Director in the country, Pastor Yeni Moreno, who summoned a number of attendees from the Evangelical Alliance of Panama, as well as the

CZECH AND SLOVAK BRANCHES HONOUR 3 AUSCHWITZ ESCAPEES Recently, the ICEJ’s branches in Slovakia and the Czech Republic held their annual march in honour of two Slovak Jews who escaped Auschwitz and informed the world about the atrocities occurring in the Nazi death camp. Forty people took part in the 130 kilometer walk from Auschwitz in Poland to Žilina in Slovakia which follows the route taken by Alfred Wetzler and Rudof Vrba, the two Jewish men who in April 1944 successfully broke out of the Nazi camp and wrote a detailed 32-page report on the horrors being committed there by the Nazis. The group of marchers, which included a member of the Slovak parliament, were aiming to draw attention to the continuing need to fight antisemitism.

1. Conference on Israel organized by ICEJ-Netherlands

2. David Parsons speaks at the annual ‘Exodus Day’ conference hosted by ICEJ-Finland 23 | WORD FROM JERUSALEM

3. Czech and Slovak branches honour Auschwitz escapees










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“For God is the King of all the earth; Sing praises with understanding.”


Psalm 47:7

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