Automark Magazine March 2018

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The two wheels industry looks like player of sales games only Exclusive by Zahid Malik


Auto sector heading towards a major leap Exclusive Report by Owais Khan


CPEC coal-based power plants to damage environment: ADB


3rd Automotive Summit 201 8 Glimpses

49 Canadian AutoShow-2018 - Glimpses

Team Auj - Formula Student Stereotype Breaker Exclusive Media coverage by Automark

Agriauto Sales Convention 2018 in Multan By Autom ark Magazine Dewan’s New Daehan Shehzore 2018 Pickup launched in Pakistan By Autom ark Magazine

MD Pak Suzuki Motors visit Pak Swiss Training Centre, Karachi By Autom ark Magazine

News Updates

Regal Automobile to start LCV/VANS Production in Pakistan The Class-Leading Toyota Hilux Revo 20 18 Launched in Pakistan Exclusive review by Sarim Raza

Third Automotive Summit 2018 Pakistan Automotive Future Trend Challenges Opportunities By Hanif Memon / Ali Hassan

23 31 33 42 50 51 54

The fault in our cars Automotive Intelligence Series Makes its Debut at the Canadian International AutoShow-20 18 Passenger Cars & Commercial Vehicles Production Figures for Year 2017 (Jan-Dec) Traffic Awareness Campaign Launched In Capital Vehicles / Car Price List International Automotive News Motorcycles Price LIst

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March-2018 Pakistan’s premier magazine on automotive, engineering & energy sector Volume 11, Issue 03


AUTOMARK Magazine International Editor-in-Chief Muhammed Hanif Memon Technical Editor


Muhammad Shahzad

Imtiaz Rastgar CEO, Rastgar Group & CBI External Expert, Ex-chairman EDB Islamabad

Advertising Manager Tahir Siddiqui

Circulation Manager Hasaan Mustafa

Graphic Designer Mustafa Hanif Salman Hanif

Web Master Murtaza Hanif

Contributors in THIS EDITION M. Owais Khan Zahid Malik M. Hanif Memon Ali Hassan Syed Sarim Raza Ali Ather

Anwar Iqbal Chief Executive Officer Silver Seal International Karachi Syed Mansoor Rizvi Principal Officer M/s. CNH Services (Pvt) Ltd. Karachi Engr. IHT Farooqui Chief Operating Officer Pak China Motors (Pvt) Ltd. Karachi Nadeem Ahmed Salmi Executive Director Operations M/s. Al-Haj Faw Motors (Pvt) Ltd. Karachi

Active Communications Mailling Address: D-68, Block-9, Clifton, Karachi Mobile: 0321-2203815 E-mail: website: Whatsapp & Wchat : +92 321 2203815

AutoMark Canada Office Managing Editor Mohammad Shahzad S.A.E. D.M.P. 41 Jordana Drive Markham (Toronto) Canada - L3S 3N8 Phone: 905-472-8282 Email: AutoMark REGD: MC-1330 Published every month by M. Hanif Memon

Import of 3 years used cars not allowed yet For the past couple of years since the government auto policy of 2016 was updated, imported cars have shared a big market in the automotive industry of Pakistan. Some people have liked these imported cars so much that they refuse to purchase any Pakistani assembled vehicles anymore and rather opt for the JDM (Japanese Domestic Market) models. Other than the supremacy of JDM cars having better quality and more options, the JDM cars also don't have huge owns on the cars (Also bluntly known black money for owning cars faster) the businessmen and car buyers keep their mark up money which is not legal. Everyone knows about it but there is no record of it since the transactions are done in cash people are forced to do so because companies have waiting times of up to one year. Sources say Honda city has a approx mark up of 2 lacs and corolla models vary but 1.6 Altis has markup money of 3 lacs. However sometime ago, around a couple of months, the government has closed the gates for imported vehicle market. Around more than 8500 vehicles are stuck on Karachi port. This was due to action being taken on a short notice and not having given the importers long enough time to clear out their assets. There have been continuous rumours by many sources that the policy is going to return back to its original state and imports will open back up. Like as such a newspaper recently posted an article reporting (Prime ministers advisor on finance, revenue and economic affairs) Dr Miftah Ismail has stated that the federal government has decided to allow import of the three year old used import cars due to the demand of people and importers (Especially the ones who have their cars locked up on port), however, this is not the case and the government has taken no such steps so far. Although the ECC (Economic Community Corridor) has reported the previous procedure before 2017 October will be used to release the imported vehicles. Conclusion to this is, the reports are somewhat right and the cars are going to be released from the port however the actions are not to be taken as soon as some reports are saying.

Note: The views expressed by contributing writers and comments do not necessarily reflect the views and policies of the Monthly AutoMark magazine's management

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Monthly AutoMark International

By Muhammad Zahid Malik

Marketing also, or only selling?

The two wheels industry looks like player of sales games only

The regional officer of a leading two wheels manufacturing brand’s said that they have launched the bike during their recent event which was attended by dealers from all over Pakistan and they don’t have to re-launc h it in front of cus tomers; th e deal ers w ould introduce their newly launched bike to the cus tomer at their respective showrooms. Wh a t s tr ikes y ou r min d af te r comprehending the above statement? This company claims to be a game changer in Pakistan. They have hired new employees and alt ered th eir management practices but you’ll only get to know about their newly launched product after you go through this article otherwise there is no chance that you get an idea about the bike. Before this company the launching of new bike for last 50 years had been same. Companies used to call dealers from all over Pakistan, arrange a dinner at PC Lahore or Avari Karachi, show the bike to dealers and these dealers who have been basically investors did not even know much about technical specs. They only used to think about returns on investments and discuss the credit policy of the company. Pak Suzuki launched their big bikes (250cc to 1300cc) some time back. As they were new in this field, in fact this was their first project of this kind in Pakistan; so in order to keep all sectors satisfied and contended, they organized a mega launch involving riders from different cities of Pakistan. But if you

consider common bikes or street bikes category, they use the same technique of launching the bike in presence of one sector so that no customer raises a question in front of all, for which the manufacturer does not have an answer. The riders were expecting that this new entry of the giant will break the ice and they will have the courage to face customers on their bike’s launch. But what I personally believe is that they will reach customers after a few months for feedback. They will use same process i.e. head office will call sub offices to get hold of customers, the sub office will reach dealers for same, and dealers will call their customers cum friends and prepare them for the old and same expected questions which are always asked. The ironic query that arises in my mind is that: what is the purpose of marketing departments prevaili ng in various motorcycle companies of Pakistan. Essentially the major component of any business or marketing is its valuable customer and their feedback whereas if we look around, we won’t find a single company which ha s been noticed involving customers to this extent that they start planning different projects considering the customers. Even if a highest profile bike like Honda Deluxe 125 is using a sport design rear tyre, then most of the brands that claim that their bikes are superior bikes of Pakistan will start using same trick. If they manufacture a sporty design bike,

they will undoubtedly use same tyre from same manufacturer. Not even this, I have come to know that a famous brand that is launching new bike, will be using same brand and same design of tyre. In sh ort th ere a re t wo si mp le approac hes . The first one is sales approach i.e. keeping your dealers happy an d they w ill help your company progress. The simple sys tem wi ll determine who sells more units. And thi s wi ll be a parameter for your company and your business partners. Oh yes, and keep in mind that whoever forwards less warranty claims etc will be an important dealer too. Above all, you will always ask dealers about your brand image. This is called Pakistani marketing. The second approach is that you take customer as one of the important asset of business, design product for them, use your resources like service & spares to satisfy them, try to increase standard of quality not for less complaints but for more satisfied customers. About writer: Muhammad Zahid Malik, a freela ncer, a Marketing Expert (Motorcycle Industry), Founder of Pakistan Bikers Club and first Lecturer & Trainer of Responsible Riding in Pakistan. Note: The views expressed by contributing writers and comments do not necessarily reflect the views and policies of the Monthly AutoMark magazine's management | March-2018 | Page 19

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Exclusive Article by Awais Khan

Auto sector heading towards a major leap Mi nistr y o f In dus try Gove rnm ent of Pa kistan

On February 14, 2018, the Engineering Development Board (EDB) had issued directly first manufacturing certificate to Chinese affiliated car assemblers under Automotive Development Policy (ADB 2016-21) as new in vestor of Category A (Greenfield investment) to Regal Automobile Industries Limited, an assembler of Prince Brand mini truck 997cc (1.8 tonnes) and Prince Brand minivan (997cc) K0711. The Company, whi ch received the license, is already producing Road Prince Bikes for the last 15 years under SRO 656/2006 in Lahore. Bes ides, tw o more Chinese bas ed assemblers have already got licenses for Chinese affiliated cars and commercial vehicles n amely Un ited cars and commercial vehi cles and Mushtaq brands commercial vehicles. Chairman Asso ciation of Pakistan Motorcycle Asse mblers (A PMA), Mohammad Sabir Shaikh said it is a good sign that bike assemblers are diversifying their business towards four wheeler segments which is dominated by Japanese assemblers. It is, however, hard to predict any promising future for two-wheelers assemblers who have ventured in fourwheeler but certainly the market will see a tough competition as Japanese assemblers have geared up for heating competition while the local businessmen will market Korean and Chinese four wheelers in one or two years, he said. Sabir said as the demand of small bikes are going up – consumers are also shifting towards heavy bikes. Imports of used and new bikes of higher engine power are thriving as per fig ures of Pak is tan Burea u of Stat is tics (PBS). The bike imports in July-January 20172018 amounted to $3.86 million, up by over 150 per cent from the same period 2016-2017 when the import bill was just

$1.5 million. Importing used and new bikes cost $2.99 million in 2016-17, $2.94 million in 2015-16 and $1.74 million in 201415, according to the PBS. Stakeholders offer different views about the surging imports of costly bikes. A bike assembler said the import volume of brand-new bikes for commercial sale is negligible. He said a big company is importing heavy bikes (250cc, 500cc and 750cc) for the police, traffic police, National Highway Authority (NHA) and other government departments. Major buyers of heavy bikes include police, NHA, other govt depts He said t he company is bring ing in hardly 20-30 units of new bikes (150-500cc) every year for commercial sales. Some used bikes of 250-700cc engine power are also being imported mainly for rich, young customers. Pak Suzuki Motor Company also offers imported brand-new bikes of 250-650cc engine power. APMA Chairman Mohammad Sabir Sheikh said eight to 10 Chinese bike ma kers a re impor tin g Ch ine s e motorcycles of 150cc- 250cc engi ne power. A few private businessmen have also started importing heavy bikes of various brands in small quantities. These bikes are available for sale on Akbar Road, Karachi ’s biggest market for two wheelers, he said. Surge in demand and sales of locally produced bikes has also pushed up import bill of semi and completely knocked down kits to $60.5 million in July-January 2017-2018 from $48.7 million in same period last fiscal. Pakistan produced 2.41 million units of bikes in 2016-17 as against two million units in 2015-16, according to the figures re le a s e d b y t h e E n g in ee r in g

Development Board. The share of Chinese-assembled bikes in the country’s total production inched up to 1.3 million units in 2016-17 from 1.2 million units in 2015-16. The share of Japanese bikes in total production increased to 996,612 units in 2016-17 from 848,001 a year ago due to a positive growth shown by Honda despite stiff competition with Chinese bike assemblers. Honda rolled out 964,640 uni ts in 2016-1 7 agai nst 811,044 units a year ago. Chinese bike maker United Motorcycle notched up the second position by rolling out 326,731 units in 2016-17 versus 262,779 units in 2015-16. Road Prince produced 207,224 units in the last fiscal year against 166,836 units in the preceding 12-month period. The output of Unique, Super Star and Super Power also rose to 178,256, 117,071 and 111,714 units in 2016-17 from 148,818, 95,698 and 94,358 units, respectively, in the preceding fiscal year. Sabir was of the view that the provision of trans port an d earning through motorcycles has become easier as mot or cycles built us in g Chi nes e technology are pric ed 40 per cent cheaper than motorcycles built using Japanese technology and therefore are more in demand. However, motorcycles built using Chinese technology have a lower functional life, which means that they also require more maintenance. Now a days so me Chinese based assemblers started assembling improved or higher quality 70cc bikes with higher prices like Unique introduced 2018 70cc with higher quality and price. Besides, Unique, bikes like Super Power, Winner VIP 70, Crown Fit 70, Union Star higher quality 70cc and Express Brand – are same CD 70 copies already introduced in the market. This trend has emerged due to premium | March-2018 | Page 20

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Monthly AutoMark International being charged on Honda 70cc bikes for the last two years. Honda company has advance booking of up to three months production while Chinese assemblers provide their production to dealers on credit basis for one to three months. The main issue is quality. After 20 years, consumers are now again demanding quality products, he claimed. Sabir Shaikh said while everything looks rosy on the bike segment in view of rising sales but in practical the government is neg lect ing th e loca l motorcycle manufacturing industry. Production in 70 per cent of Pakistan’s 117 motorcycle factories has stopped and another 25 to 30 factories are nearing the point of shut down. Yearly motorcycle production in the country is 2.5 million units, of which one million represent Japanese brands and 1.5 million represent Chinese brands. The industry is currently working at 50 per cent of its production capacity. Import duties on motorcycle parts, which should be under 10 per cent, have jumped to 50 per cent. Shaikh also mentioned that half of the three million registered motorcycles in Karachi are being used beyond their functional life, which is an imminent threat to the environment and adds to the burgeoning problem of traffic in the city. The global standard for validity of motorcycle registration is seven years, after which the vehicle must be taken off the road. Pakistani motorcycl e manufacturers were in terested in making cost-effective and environmentfriendly motorcycles. However, government policies and preferences were not in their favor, he added. He p oin te d t o t h e ne ed of a com preh ens ive five -y ear poli cy, targeting assistance and incentives for local motorcycle manufacturers. He demanded the government to allow commercial import of second hand motorcycles. He also demanded cuts in import duties levied on fully-assembled motorcycles, enabling companies to produce different models in addition to the commonly used 70cc. Motorcyclists travelling on shoddy roads of the city are prone to several hazards, including spinal injuries and pain in their joints, bac k a nd shoulders. Motorcyclists who ride without helmets are affected by dust and smoke and develop eye and lung related diseases and allergies. The local motorcycle industry comprises of three major Japanese players which

include Atlas Honda, Pak Suzuki Motors, Yamaha Motors Pakistan and tens of local manufacturers/assemblers which produce more than two million units annually. The market mainly revolves around two engine displacements 70cc and 125cc. The 70cc engine is more or less obsolete from the world, but in Pakistan, it is the most competitive market segment followed by 125cc engine category. Alast Honda’s milestone Ac cordin g to fig ures of Pakistan Automotive Manufacturers Association (PAMA), Atlas Honda Limited (AHL) achieved a big milestone by assembling and selling 100,000 and 100,011 units in Ja nu ary 201 8. Th is is a b ig achievement by any individual bike company in country’s history as well as for the Atlas Honda alone. Total Honda bike production and sales for July-January 2017-2018 swelled to 644,826 and 645,029 un its from 544,690 and 544,769 units. AHL motorcycle production and sales joint venture in Pakistan completed the completion of a new second production line at its existing Sheikhupura plant. With the newly added second line, the assembly capacity of the plant now reaches 1.2 mil lion units, which is double from its original 600,000 units. AHL plans to carry out its production enhancement in machining and other fields at the Sheikhupura Plant during the next three years in stages to accommodate the expected expansion of the motorcycle market in Pakistan. Atlas Honda is now well poised to serve the needs of the customers in a timely manner. The successful partnership between Honda Motors and Atlas Group is now in its 53rd year and is a symbol of the Pakistani market’s resilience and fut ure pot ent ia l. AH L produces motorcycles at two plants – the Karachi Plant in the southern part of the country and the Sheikhupura Plant in the northeastern part of the country. The annual assembly production capacity has now become 1.35 million units, with 150,000 units from the Karachi Plant, an d 1 .2 milli on uni t s fr om th e Sheikhupura Plant. Other Japanese assemblers like Pak Suzuki Motor Company Limited and Yamaha are struggling hard to compete with Chinese counterparts. Pak Suzuki sold 11,952 bikes in July-January 20172018 as compared to 10 ,344 units in corresponding period last fiscal. Yamaha sales climbed to 11,763 from 6,848 units.......

M. Sabir Shaikh Chairman APMA

Sabir said as the demand of small bikes are going up – consumers are also shifting towards heavy bikes. Imports of used and new bikes of higher engine power are thriving as per figures of Pakistan Bureau of Statistics (PBS). The bike imports in JulyJanuary 2017-2018 amounted to $3.86 million, up by over 150 per cent from the same period 20162017 when the import bill was just $1.5 million. Importing used and new bikes cost $2.99 million in 2016-17, $2.94 million in 2015-16 and $1.74 million in 2014-15, according to the PBS. Now a days some Chinese based assemblers started assembling improved or higher quality 70cc bikes with higher prices like Unique introduced 2018 70cc with higher quality and price. Besides, Unique, bikes like Super Power, Winner VIP 70, Crown Fit 70, Union Star higher quality 70cc and Express Brand – are same CD 70 copies already introduced in the market. This trend has emerged due to premium being charged on Honda 70cc bikes for the last two years. | March-2018 | Page 21

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Energy & Power News - Update

Monthly AutoMark International

CPEC coal-based power plants to damage environment: ADB The Asian Development Bank says that load capacity effectively, with limited the evaluation report says ADB could the upcoming 10 giga watts generation sub-stations and transmission lines contribute towards addressing the capacity under the China Pakistan capacity, a supervisory control and data causes that underlie circular debt and Economic Corridor which is expected acquisition (Scada) system (which is yet the problems caused by it. to be commissioned before 2019, will incomplete), and archaic operational Substantially, addressing Pakistan`s increase greenhouse gas emissions procedures, report points out. pow er sector chall enges ca lls for substantially that will worsen the climate A review of ADB` s assi stan ce to achieving the outcomes of increased change mitigation concerns. Pakistan`s power sector shows the bank reliability of power supply, share of clean Moreover, ash handling and disposal approved $7.13 billion during 2005 and e ne r g y, pr oc ur e me n t /p a ym e n t problems will also exacerbate negative 2017, for investment projects and other transparenc y, ac cess to affordable impacts on the environment, says an support to the power sector of the electricity, supply and demand-side evaluation report of the power sector of country. efficiency, and competitiveness among Pakistan released by ADB. After a lull in ADB support for about power pr odu cers , in addition to The report says that future increase in five years, the first ADB power sector reduction in subsidisation, circular debt, fossil- fuel power g eneration wi ll operation was $37 million private sector technical and commercial losses. contribute to cli mate change an d loan to t he Ne w B ong Es cap e For achieving these outcomes, ADB environmental degradation. hydropower project in November 2005. could support Pakistan`s power sector Currently, more than 60 per cent of the Since then and up to 2017, ADB has at three levels: legal and regulatory utility electricity generated in Pakistan approved 48 operations, including 28 framework; governance and capacity comes from fossil fuel-based generation, sovereign guaranteed loans, 11 nondevelopment; and investment in power including gas, coal and furnace oil. sovereign operations and nine technical sector infrastructure. This level of dependence on fossil fuels, assistance projects, amounting to $7bn, The nature of ADB assistance should be p lus t h e s e cto r` s op er a tio n al of which $0.7bn was non sovereign sync hronised with the needs of the inefficiencies with high technical losses operations financing. power sector, and in close coordination and low generation efficiency impact The eval uat ion rep or t says tha t with other development partners` the environment, is contributing to disbursements to-date have been low, support. climate change due to high greenhouse largely due to slow progress in two A broad range of assumptions and risks gas emissions. multi-tranche financing facility (MFF) underlie this theory of change, which The ADB is itself helping fund a 600MW programmes. are closely related to the country`s super critical coal-fired power plant in In particular, the renewable energy has chang ing poli tica l a nd econo mic Jamshoro, Sindh. The agreement for disbursed 21pc of the approved amount landscape, the report says. the $900 million project was signed in in 10 years, and the energy efficiency Circular debt, the chronic shortfall March last year. financing facility disbursed only 4pc between cash inflows and outflows for The CPEC initiative aims at promoting of the approved amount in eigh t power sector participants, is the singular bilateral and regional constructio n, years. symptom of several problems that investments and trade between China Nonetheless, the transmission and underlie Pakistan`s power sector`s and Pakistan. Currently, there are d is t r ib u t ion M FF in v e s t m en t performance. various coal-fired, hydropower, solar programmes, approved in 2006 and Discos` in flows are insufficient to meet an d w in d-power projects und er 2008 respectively, have progressed all their costs for a variety of reasons. construction, and approximately 10GW well. Al th ough tr ans pa renc y in ta riff of generation capacity is expected to be Th e s e con d tr a n sm is s ion a n d determination has improved in recent commissioned before 2019, contributing distribution MFFs, approved within the years, the actual tariff levels remain to a power supply surplus in the short last two years, are in the process of below cost of service. te rm. H owev er , t he as so cia te d starting procurement, so no major The extensive demand-supply capacity investments in manufacturing industries contracts have been awarded yet. gap of over 5GW in the past decade until will also increase the load rapidly, recently has led to frequent load reducing the generation surplus. The $4.7 bn a pproved for MFFs shedding and prompted consumers to Further, it is not clear whether the substantially reduces the headroom for invest in and rely on captive back-up current grid system would be able to further investments in Pakistan. generation, report says. manage the increased generation and Referring to the issue of circular debt, | March-2018 | Page 22

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Monthly AutoMark International

Automotive News - Update

The fault in our cars The business bigwigs—rallying under the banner of “Make in Pakistan” believe we are becoming slaves to imports. And s ynonymous to thi s th eme is the suggestion to introduce policies for import substitution; benefits of which are contentious and subject to a global debate. So let’s consider the case of the local automobile industry, with the caveat that not all sectors are the same or work the same way. The car industry has been manufacturing for over three decades, so have they successfully substituted imports? The sector has had three major Japanese car makers, who started off by producing 33,000 units back in 1996, growing to the peak of 176,000 units in 2007, and since laid low. Now the volumes are hitting 200,000 cars and are expected to go up with the culmination of the new auto policy with at least three more players entering the field (Read “The Year of Cars”, Jan 29, 2018). There is no doubt that the three Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) have invested in Pakistan. Recently, Indus Motors expanded capacity worth Rs4 billion. Honda invested Rs240million to expand its press and paint shops. The sector provides direct and indirect jobs to over 2 million people. There is a large parts manufacturing industry that runs parallel to the primary industry. Technology transfer has also h ap pe ne d w ith th e s up por t of carma kers . V endors h ave s ig ned technical agreements with prominent count erpart s abroad to in cre ase capabilities. Indus Motors Chief, Ali Jamali told BR Research that Toyota in Pakistan buys 126 million parts from local vendors every day. Seems like a huge number! But let’s consider another huge number. Import bill for Completely Knock ed Down (CKD) kits has grown from $268 million in FY09 to $673 million in FY17, ac cording to da ta retrieved from Pakistan Bureau of Statistics (PBS).

That’s more than Completely Built Unit (CBU ) imports. Thi s mean s, the imported content to manufacture one unit of car, on average, has remained between $3,000 to $4,000 through the years. With such a huge import burden for manufac turing, have we truly substituted imports? Without giving exact numbers, OEMs argue that they have very high levels of localization. But our calculations suggest that localization levels have remained between 50-56 percent between FY12 and FY17. In fact, localization level has come down from 52 percent in FY12, instead of increasing. Today, at a weighted average price of cars at Rs1.4 million, it stands at 51 percent. While these levels haven’t changed, it is also important to note that none of the three carmakers have introduced any new models, except Suzuki with its Wagon-R and most recently, Fortuner an d Ho nda Br-V in the high -end categories (mind, that these two were not considered for our localization level estimations. They have low volumes and localization levels). In fact, most new cars a re upgrades or upli fts wi th aesthetic changes to the design. The second question is: if we are making 126 million parts every day for one OEM, what kind of parts are these, and what is their value? It is our understanding – and clear from the numbers—that the functional, high-tech (and expensive) parts are imported and local vendors make parts that are either cosmetic, or require little engineering. While vendors have invested in introducing low-tech parts, there is a lot more investment, expansion, tech-transfer and training of engineers to be desired. Lastly, it is argued that localization will happen only if it makes economic sense; and the culprit is the low volumes. There are parts manufacturers in countries like Thailand, Singapore and Indonesia wh o have such hig h volumes for manufacturing that costs per unit are

lower. Importing these parts is cheaper for carmakers here, than if they were to make them locally. This assertion is not wrong. India has managed to localize up to 90 percent in most cases while expanding car varieties and it has happened at the back of fast growing volumes. High-end brands, the likes of BMW in India are 50 percent localized in all models while Mercedes Benz has 60 percent localization. So then, the question becomes, why haven’t we brought volumes? Is the demand no t enough, or do O EMs deliberately keep volumes low to create a shortage and charge the prices they desire? Surely, the huge influx of used cars is a good proxy for demand. Why are they being complacent and content with what they are making? Is it because they enjoy li felong protection from imported cars in the form of hefty tariffs? Why do they shy away from making more investments in this fast growing population of 200 million people? Is it because they face virtually no competition and can sail by with business-as-usual? Evidently, if they were to expand, they’d be able to localize more, which would bring down import bill, bring down costs, which would in turn bring down prices for end-users as well. Investment into localization will hurt the pocket in the short run but will pay dividends in the future. Nevertheless, somewhere along the way, OEMs have demonstrably failed in substituting imports while “making in Pakistan”. Now we are resigned to hope that the new auto players who are expected to shake the industry will commit to go beyond business-as-usual. But import substitution, we will believe only when we see it. O riginally publi shed in Bus in ess Recorder | February-2018 | Page 23

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Exclusive report by Hanif Memon

Third Automotive Summit 2018 Pakistan Automotive Future Trend Challenges Opportunities

21st Feb-2018 Lahore The Third Automotive Summit 2018 organized by Mr. Qaisar Khatana of Inst it ute of Road Sa fety Traffic Environment Pakistan on February 22 in Lahore came up with some valuable solutions relating to road accidents and consumers safety, future steps by th e lo cal a s s em ble rs a nd t he contribution of academic institutions in this regard. One of the main sponsors of the event was Honda Atlas Cars while and Mr. Hironobu Yoshimura, President/CEO, Honda Atlas Cars (Pakistan) Ltd., had attend the summit as Chief guest. Backup support was given by Servis Industries, SinoTruk, United Motors, New Asia Motors and Juton Paints etc. JW Forland was proud to be the Gold Sponsor of the Summit. The theme of the conference was to promote safety today to ensure a secure future for everyone. In line with our vision, JW Forland not only strives to develop quality products, but also seeks to ensure all stakeholders benefit from our advancements in technology. By delivering on this promise, the company aims to provide a safe and secure future for our generations to follow said Hamid Rasul COO, Foton JW Auto Park. Special Assistant to the Chief Minister of Punjab, Rana Ishfaq while senior officials of Engineering Development

Board (EDB) including Asim Ayaz also attended the Summit. A big number of facility members and students from different universities of country were attend and tak e part dis cu ssion on a lmost a ll iss ues. Rana Ishfaq and Zubair Aamir of Sazgar Engineering were of the view that the industries and universities should work together in promoting internship. They felt that young students take internship but after few days they do not turn up. There is a need to create interest among the young graduates to take internship seriously for their future jobs. EDB’s Asim Ayaz highlighted salient features of the Auto Development Policy 2016-2021 and informed the forum that some 13 companies had applied for green field investment in the auto sector in which six companies were awarded green field status while one awarded brown field status. Two more companies applied for green field for truck and electric car segment. He said efforts are bein g made to set up Automotive Council on the pattern of Malaysian model. Pakistan Automotive Institute (PAI) has been established for planning and implementation of activities relating to the development of the automobile in du st ry, par ticula rly res ear ch, education an d techn ica l guidance

relating to quality improvement, safety ins p ec tio n an d en v iro n me nt a l preservation as well as development of a da t a ba se cove rin g t e chn ica l information relating to the automobile industry. He said this can be achieved through merger of the newly-created PAI with Automotive Testing and Training centre (AT&TC), a subsidiary of Pakistan Industrial Development Corporation, which is being considered for transfer to EDB. Subsequently, EDB initiated the process for establishment of Pakistan Automobile Institute and circulated questionnaires to the local assemblers and vendors to have assessment of local automobile industry regarding testing and train ing and traini ng requirements. It is worth mentioning here that road accidents in Pakistan have taken a horrible toll in the last 10 years as 15 to 20 people are killed daily in road and traffic accidents in the country. An annual report of National Highways and Motorway Police (NH&MP) for the year 2016-17 reveals that total 1,333 accidents were registered in the year 2015-16, while 321 in 2016-17. Similarly, according to Pakistan Bureau of Statistics (PBS), total 9,100 traffic accidents registered in the year 2015-16 where 4,448 persons killed, 11,544 | March-2018 | Page 24

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Monthly AutoMark International injured and a total number of 10,636 vehicles were involved in them. Out of 9,100 traffic accidents recorded in the year 2015-16, 3,591 accidents were fatal while 5,509 accidents were of a nonfatal category. The Summit also discussed lack of any awareness among bike riders to wear helmets. There is no specific standard of helmet in Pakistan and every person has become a maker of helmet. Cheap Chinese helmets have taken over the markets while s ome g ood quality Chinese helmets are also available at high prices. But there is no standard under which these imported and locally ma d e h elme ts a re be in g s old . Un iv er si t y of En g ine erin g an d Technology is trying to develop a design which is equally comfortable as well as head friendly. Sale of helmets thrives whenever the government announces to take stern action against people riding bike without helmet. This is not the solution to make helmet usage popular. Colleges and universities should play their role in motivating young students to wear helmet at any cost. Driving license holds no importance. Again it becomes necessary when the provincial a uthority initia tes any campaign against the vehicle owners. However, the campaign has so far not yielded any positive results. Stakeholders in the Summit were of the view that th ere wa s li teral ly no awareness about license among young pe op le es pecial ly. Coll eg es an d Universities must start progress to force young generation to get their license. However, the proc edure of making driving license is very cumbersome. As a result, people make fake license to avoid any harassment by police officials. They suggested that all colleges should give a certificate to their students which the students can show license office in order to become eligible of getting the license. Colleges and universities can set up li cense branches in the premises. The Summit was also of the view that too many bikes on the roads are not the solution for country’s transport problem. In our country there is no separate line for bike riders as our small roads are not enough to create any extra space for bike riders. Stakeholders said that big buses should be plied in higher numbers so that people prefer using these buses instead of bikes.

In order to reduce number of accidents – every bike should have two mirrors (right and left of the bike handle) and the government should also impose fine in case bike owners refrain from using mirrors. Pakistani roads have seen a mushroom growth in the arrival of used imported cars from Japan mainly but surprisingly these cars come on the roads without passing any fitness test. Cars should be checked after every three years and then it is issued new fitness certificate for three years. Consumers are using decades-old cars and bikes for which there is no authority to check their fitness. The government should at least make a law under which 25 years old cars and bikes are issued fitness check. The Summit realized that the design of the CNG rickshaws is not compatible by any standards. Non usage of shock absorbers on the back poses great risk of damage for the consumers’ back and spinal cord. It is strange how the design of CNG rickshaw had been passed witho ut taki ng care of consumers’ interest. Un iv er si t y of En g ine erin g an d Technology and Sazgar Engineering are working on to introduce new design of rickshaw keeping in view great care of back and spinal cord of the passengers. With an annual graduation rate of university students reaching thousands, and very little in terms of employment opportunities, it is fast becoming clear that there is a severe lack of planning in the academia industry in Pakistan. Every year, thousands of students pass out and graduate with high hopes and big dreams to succeed as individuals and as members of the Pakistani community, only to be left bemused, confused and often amused at realizing that there is a great gap between what was taught to them in their class rooms and what is actually happening in the professional world and industries as a whole. It has long been debated that there is a gap between the understanding of what the academia deems necessary for the students to learn and what the industry expects of newly-graduated students to know before coming for interviews or performance assessments. The WP.29 was also discussed among the stakeholders. The UNECE World Forum for Harmonization of Vehicle Regulat ions (WP.29) is a un ique

worldwide regulatory forum within the institutional framework of the UNECE Inland Transport Committee. Three UN Agreements, adopted in 1958, 1997 and 1 998 , provide t he legal framework allowing Contracting Parties (member countries) attending the WP.29 sessions to establish regulatory instruments concerning motor vehicles a nd mot or ve hi cle equ ipme n t: 1. UN Regulations, annexed to the 1958 Agreement; 2.United Nations Global Technical Regulations (UN GTRs), associated with the 1998 Agreement; and 3.UN Rules, annexed to the 1997 Agreement. UN Regulations contain provisions (for vehicles, their systems, parts and equipment) related to safety a nd environmental aspects. They include p er f or ma n c e - or i e n t ed t e s t requirements, as well as administrative procedures. The latter address the type approval (of vehicle systems, parts and eq uipm en t), th e con for mity of production (i.e. the means to prove the ability, for manufacturers, to produce a series of products that exactly match the type approval specifications) and the mutual recognition of the type approvals granted by Contracting Parties. UN GTRs contain globally harmonized performance-related requirements and tes t p rocedure s. Th ey pr ovide a predictable regulatory framework for th e gl obal aut om ot iv e in dus try , consumers and their associations. They do not contain administrative provisions for type approvals and their mutual recognition. UN Rules concern periodical technical ins pe ctions of v eh icles in u se . Con trac t in g Par ties r ecipr oca ll y recognize (with certain conditions) the international inspection certificates granted according to the UN Rules. Objectives Overal l, the regulatory framework developed by the World Forum WP.29 allows the market introduction of innovative vehicle technologies, while continuously improving global vehicle s afe ty . Th e fra mew ork en ab le s decreasing environmental pollution and energy consumption, as well as the improvement of anti-theft capabilities. In order to address this issue, WP.29 launc hed the International Whole Vehicle Type Approval (IWVTA) project in March 2010). | March-2018 | Page 25

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Corporate Event - Media Coverage 21st February-2018 - Lahore

3rd Automotive Summit 2018 | March-2018 | Page 26

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3rd Automotive Summit 2018 | March-2018 | Page 27

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Corporate Auto Event - Coverage

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Agriauto the right choice!! | March-2018 | Page 29

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By Mohammad Shahzad from Canada

Monthly AutoMark International

Canadian AutoShow-2018 - Glimpses

Contributed by Mohammad Shahzad, Technical Editor Automark from Toronto Canada | March-2018 | Page 30

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Canadian AutoShow-2018 News - Update

Monthly AutoMark International

Automotive Intelligence Series Makes its Debut at the Canadian International AutoShow-2018 Panel discussions to cover a wide range of automotive issues

TORONTO, Feb. 9, 2018 /CNW/ - Auto shows are much more than venues for showcasing the latest production models and concept cars. They are also places where attendees can learn more about the forces tha t are impacting the automotive landscape and what lies ahead. With that in mind, the 2018 Canadian International AutoShow is launching the Automotive Intelligence Series, a public education series designed to help provide insight into some of the most important subjects that will shape the future of driving. The Automotive Intelligence Series will examine a wide variety of important topics through one-hour, moderated panel discussions featuring an array of experts selected specifically for each subject. A number of sessions will also include a question and answer period with audience members. The panelists include automotive CEOs from carmakers such as Hyundai , Mercedes-Benz an d Nissan. Glenn Da vis , Safety Ma nag er from t he Colorado Department of Transportation, among the first U.S. states to legalize can nabis, and veteran automotive industry analyst Dennis DesRosiers of DesRosiers Automotive Consultants, ar e amon g th e othe rs w ho wi ll participate. The 'Future in Focus' discussion will kick off the series on Industry Day, Friday, Feb. 16, at 10:30 a.m. Auto Trader will partner this opening event that will bring together several of Canada's top automotive leaders to discuss many hot subjects including NAFTA, electrification, autonomous mobility, Canadian consumers' buying patterns and much more. The Automotive Intelli gence Series schedule is as follows: Industry Day: The Future in Focus – moderated by Mark Richardson, AJAC president Cannabis and Cars: Are we ready? –

moderated by Barb DiGuilio, host of The Nightside on Newstalk 1010 Saturday, Feb. 17 Automobiles, Mobility and our Aging Population – moderated by Dave Redinger, host of Dave's Corner Garage on AM740 Te d G ra ha m – H ea d o f O pe n Innovation, General Motors The Electric Revolution: What Form Will it Come in? – moderated by Mark Richardson, AJAC president Wednesday, Feb. 21 Women on Wheels – moderated by Petrina Gentile, automotive journalist Thursday, Feb. 22 Automotive Canada Susan Gubasta – President & CEO of Mississauga Toyota & 2018 Incoming TADA President Amy Martin – Vice President Finance & Chief Financial Officer, GM Canada Tahnee Pitter-Duncan – auto mechanic apprentice Janna Erichsen – Chair of Part-Time Lear ni n g a t Cen ten ni a l Colleg e Mohammad Shahzad, Senior Group Manager – Client and Community Relat ions, Th e Brimell Group of

Companies The Canadian International AutoShow will be hel d at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre between February 16th and 25th. Please visit for more information. Follow us on Instagram @cdnintlautoshow, Like us on Facebook and join the conversation on Twitter @autoshowcanada with the hashtag #CIAS2018. About the Can adian International AutoShow With more than 650,000 square feet of exhibits, displays and attractions at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre, the Canadian International AutoShow is not only the largest automotive expo in Canada, it is also the country's largest consumer show — a leader in lifestyle, technology and all things automotive boasting more than 1,000 cars, trucks, SUVs, concept cars, exotics, classics, mu sc le car s, f ully e le ctric an d autonomous vehicles. Nearly 340,000 attended the 2017 show. NEWS PROVIDED BY Canadian International AutoShow | March-2018 | Page 31

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Monthly AutoMark International

Automotive News - Update

Used cars’ import policy reversal perturbs auto parts makers Auto parts makers are disappointed by the government’s decision to clear over 10,000 used cars from the Karachi Port under the old procedure prevailing before Oct 6, 2017. For me r ch a irm en of Pa kis t an Association of Automotive Parts and Accessories Manufacturers (Paapam), Aamir Allawala and Munir K. Bana have said that the government had changed the decision in just four months in favour of used car importers. The government had taken the decision in October 2017, under which duty and taxes wo uld be paid out of foreign exchange arranged by recipients of cars, su pport ed by b ank enc a sh ment certificate showing conversion of foreign remittance to local currency for all vehicles, new and used, to be imported under transfer of residence, personal baggage and gift scheme. The recent retraction on misuse of imported used cars policy would hurt the industry’s sentiments and gives a negative message to new entrants, they said. One imported used car deprives the local vendor industry of Rs300,000, and only last year, around 80,000 cars were

imported causing a loss of around Rs24 billion. The former Paapam officials have asserted that the government should ensure predictable and transparent policies to motivate manufacturers to invest more to increase their capacity and attract new entrants. Auto industry employs around 2.5m direct and indirect labour, and still has a lot more untapped potential, both at the utilisation front and production level, they added. Allahwala said that increased input costs are putting immense pressure on the

Cabinet clears imported cars stranded at port In a major policy decision, the federal cabinet on 20th Feb decided the fate of over 10,000 imported (used) cars which would leave the Karachi port soon and run on the country`s roads. The cabinet meeting chaired by Prime Minister Shahid Khagan Abbasi allowed clearance of the vehicles under the gift, baggage and transfer of residence schemes for overseas Pakistanis. `Thousands of different kinds of threeyear-old vehicles have been stuck at Karachi port since October 2017. The cabinet has allowed the clearance of these vehicles under th e baggage

scheme. The government had banned import of used cars, citing misuse of the gift and baggage scheme by the importers and car dealers. Now the cabinet has restored the previous polic y on the demand of importers. It is believed the decision will help bring increasing prices of used imported cars under control. Under the policy, import of used vehicles takes place under the gift, baggage and tran sfer of residenc e schemes for overseas Pakistanis who ship such vehicles individually.

local auto industry, while regulatory duty (RD) on steel is playing a major role in risi n g pr od uct ion cos t. As a basic principle, RD is imposed only on imported products/raw materials that are available indigenously. Pakistan is not producing auto grade/tensile steel, still RD is imposed on its import, he lamented. Chairman All Pakistan Motor Dealers Association (APMDA) H. M. Shahzad said that the government would get Rs12bn in terms of customs duty from clearance of these 10,000 vehicles. Around 80pc of the vehicles stranded at the Karachi Port since October are of 660-1,000cc engine strength, added Allahwala. The local assemblers had recently raised their prices while their delivery time had swelled up to six months, followed by heavy premium. He said the government’s decision would bring back competition among the used cars and locally produced cars which will prove unhealthy for the local automotive industry. One the other hand, Chairman APMDA has said that the loc al industry is protesting against used car imports despite the fact that 660cc capacity cars are not being manufactured in Pakistan. He also urged the government to allow five-year old used cars ahead of the general elections to win support of masses. Th e g ov er nm en t ’s de cis ion o f discouraging used car imports from Oc tober 2017 had ac tual ly ma de negative impact in the import figures of completely built-up units (CBU) during January, which dropped to $25.5m from $43m in December 2017. The imports in January 2017 were $47.7mn. Despite the drop in imports in January, the overall import bill for CBU car imports swelled to $302m in July-Jan 2017-18 from $216m in the same period last fiscal, figures released by the Pakistan Bureau of Statistics revealed. Courtesy : Dawn | March-2018 | Page 32

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Tractor Industry News - Update

Monthly AutoMark International

Tractor industry striving for revival

As the tractor industry of the country is still waiting for any government support scheme, promised at the time of budget; it is also being denied opportunity under Sindh Tractor Scheme, as the share under scheme is apparently not being fai rly distributed by Sindh government. Already, it is for years now, the tractor industry is striving for revival from the adverse impact of taxation, that the present production figures of 53975 units are s till way behi nd the pre taxation figures of 70770 units that were achieved years ago. The imposition of tax, resultantly, it not only overturned the momentum but the growth, already achieved, was also lost. As such the industry always looks up to opportunities of growth under the schemes ann ounc ed by provincial governments, presently, Sindh Tractor Scheme. However, reports are abound that the quota, under the scheme, is being allocated by Sindh government in

a surreptitious manner to the favorite ones, as has been the case at the time of previous scheme; controversy about which has not yet subsided. It is to be noted that Sindh Government, in the past, has been under severe criticism for introducing Trac tor Schemes that lacked transparency. It was only after an outcry from farmers and also complaint by PAMA on the irregularities in Sindh Tractor Scheme then, Sindh Government allocated only 6200 uni ts to be divided equally amongst all local manufactures only to silence the protesting companies. It has been learnt that NAB is also investigating the irregularities of the previous s chemes; s o much it is important now for the authorities to exercise due caution. The farmers were ex p ec tin g t h a t th e p rov in cia l government must have learnt the lesson and would refrain from forcing them to buy any particular brand. “The best option is government should

Amendments proposed to agri-loan act

let this be the choice of the customers i.e. farmers, to choose freely from amongst the available local brands and the Sindh Government should not interfere with the market mechanism in thi s regard” s aid th e DG PA MA. He added that any undue support to any particular brand would not only be unfair but would defeat the purpose of the scheme and result in waste of resources as the farmers may end up buying a shoddy product. Tractor assembly industry in Pakistan has long been in existence, so farmers are well aware with the standing of one brand against the other in terms of their general performance, credibility on quality, and value for their money. Therefore in the interest of best use of available resources the uplift of tractors may not be bound to any particular product; rather the available funds are placed at the disposal of the market allowing the farmers to buy freely any product of their choice, this would ensure optimal use of funds and success of the scheme.

TRACTOR COMPANIES Amen dmen ts to t he ` Loan s f or country. AND BRANDS IN Agricultural, Commercial and Industrial He called upon the financial institutions Purposes Act of 1973` were proposed to enhance their outreach in rural areas PAKISTAN by the inter-ministerial committee of the country. He also stressed the Major well kno wn tractors brands (IMC) on last month. need for chann elising remittances available in Pakistan are: The committee meeting was chaired by and util ising them for productive New Holland by Al Ghazi Tractors Ltd Privatisation Minister Daniyal Aziz. The measures. Massey Ferguson by Millat Tractors Ltd amendments to the said ac t were The minister said that all banks and IMT Tractors initiated by the Ministry of Finance in microfinance institutions would be taken Belarus Tractors a cabinet meeting held on Jan 29. on board to prepare a comprehensive Ursus by Farm All Technology Pvt Ltd Mr Aziz emphasised the need to revamp report which would be submitted in Euro Ford Old Tractors the entire policy regarding loans. This cabinet meeting for approval. The John Deere will help in opening the doors to allied meeting was held to deliberate on the Other than these some big farms are sectors for s ustain able g rowth of future course of action regarding using CASE Tractors, Claas Tractors, national economy, he said. proposed amendments in the act. and some China made Dewan Foton, He suggested that the requirement for The IMC was formulated by the cabinet Rahi etc. provision of produce index unit (PIU) after the submission of summary by New Holland NH Tractors are being for agricultural loans should be removed Fi na nc e Di visi on relat ed to the locally man ufac tured by Al Gha zi in order to simplify the procedure. At announcement made by the then finance Tractors along with MF are made by the same time, an agricultural advisory minister Ishaq Dar which proposed Millat Tractors. committee must be formulated in order enhancing the rate of PIU from Rs4,000 NH and MF are the 90 percent share to streamline the matters relating to to Rs 5,000. holders of total tractor market and IMT agricultural loans, the commit tee The initiative was meant to facilitate & Belarus are at 3rd position. proposed. farmers in terms of credit incurred from AGTL and MTL are selling through their The minister directed the heads of ba nk s . Th e p rop osa l cou ld be strong dealership networks in Pakistan. financial institutions to pay attention to materialised only after an amendment A go od number of tractors are also provide financial services to other in Sec tion (5) 1 of the Loans for exported to Afghanistan and African sectors of national economy for rapid Agriculture Purposes Rules, 1973. countries. and balanced economic growth in the | March-2018 | Page 34

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Karachi Transportation News - Update

Monthly AutoMark International

Funds for procurement of 130 buses going to lapse: Official The funds allocated for provision of 130 bus es to g ov ernmen t sc ho ols in Islamabad are going to lapse due to alleged negligence and lack of interest on the part of the officials of the Federal Directorate of Education, an official said. Former premier Mian Nawaz Sharif had announced providing 423 buses to go vernment schools in Islamabad Capital Territory (ICT) under the Prime Mi n i s t e r E d u c a t io n Re f o r m s Programme (PMERM). However, so far, only 70 buses have been provided to the schools, out of which nearly half are still anchored as the FDE failed in hiring the staff to run the buses and also did no t provide salaries to the drivers already been hired for the purpose, said the official. In the second phase, 130 buses were to be purchased at a cost of Rs845 million, the official said, adding that due to slow pace of procedural formalities, the funds allocated for the purpose received in October 2017 are going to lapse.

The offici al said that the FDE had decided to issue the tenders again. The process takes nearly 40 days and redoing the entire process will take more than 2 months, while in May, the funds are going to lapse , he elaborated. “It is impossible now to procure 130 buses during this financial year,” said the official. The official added that performance of the FDE regarding management of already-provided 70 buses was also unsatisfactory as not all the buses were functional due to lack of drivers despite passage of around two years. The new buses have been especially designed keeping in view the number of students but the FDE failed in managing the administrative matters, said the official. The offici al said that total amount allocated under the PMERP for the ICT schools was around Rs4 billion, out of which Rs2.9 billion were sanctioned for upgrading 200 schools and around Rs1.5 billion were allocated for purchasing the

buses . The FDE had also forwarded a summary for purchasing the remaining buses under the programme for rest of the institutions. The PMERP, announced in 2015, has entered phase-III but so far no practical measures have been observed, said the official. However, Director General FDE Hasnat Qureshi denied that the finance department had objections over the project. He said that the tender was in final stages and selection of the company had also been done. He said that the finance department had no concerns with purchase of the buses and these would be purchased likely in June. The DG said that all buses were functional and were mostly provided to rural and far-off schools of the ICT. He admitted that issue of drivers existed as the government had not created the posts for drivers. He said that drivers were hired on dailywage basis against the pay package of Rs14,000 per month but they were keeping switching the job.

32 New Fleet of Buses to Run on Shahrae Faisal From Next Month Murad Ali Shah—Chief Minister Sindh has affirmed rupees one hundred and ninety-five million for the intra-city bus project. Under the project, thirty-two buses would be on Shahrae Faisal in the first phase and on five various routes in the second phase. While reviewing the projects for the transportation department at the CM House on last month the chief minister approved this intra-city project. The development and planning minister informed the meeting that the transport department had received a proposal from the Daewoo Express Ltd. As per the project the company had proposed to ply two hundred and eighty-eight vehicles on the five different routes in the city with a transportation fleet of a round fifty v ehi cl es per r ou te. The chief minister instructed to start the Daewoo buses on Shahrae Faisal in the first phase on five different routes in the second phase.

Murad Ali Shah while approving the number of Rupees 195 million directed the transport minister to make the n eces s ary pre pa rat ions for t he ina ugu ration of the bu s ser vice on Shahrae Faisal on the 15th of February. The transport minister informed that The meeting was informed that the Daewoo had proposed to partner with nine independent sole proprietors for the project. Under the proposed model, the sole proprietor would be handling the equity of the project whereas Daewo o wo uld be the operational partner. Each sole proprietor would be elig ible for a loan from the Sindh Moda rab a for th e s ai d p roject . Murad instructed the transport minister to accelerate the work proposal as he wishes to launch the intercity bus project soon after the launch of the first phase of the intra-city project. Abdul Sattar Edhi Line Bus Rapid

Transit (BRT) Relating the Abdul Sattar Edhi Line Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) project, formerly known as the Orange Line the chief minister told that the total length of the project was 3.8 8 km. The project includes six bus stations, out of which one would be elevated. As per an estimate, nearly fifty thousand people would be using the BRT daily. The meeting was told that the project was divided into two phases. The first phase would link the Administration Office in Orangi Town to Bacha Khan Flyover while the second phase would be lin king t he flyover t o Jinn ah Uni vers it y f or Wo men in North Nazimabad. Forty-two percent of the first phase work has been completed and an entire project completion target date has been set that is April 2018. | March-2018 | Page 39

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International Automotive News - Update

Monthly AutoMark International

GM, Ford, VW, Toyota among automakers providing up to $130 million for Takata's U.S. settlement General Motors, Ford, Volkswagen and Depa rtme nt set tlemen t a nd t he often been underfunded, the automakers Toyota are among a group of 13 bankruptcy are likely to fall short of full trust will be a pay-as-you-go system, automakers that will contribute as much compensation for injured drivers, but helping to ensure it remains solvent. as $130 million to compensate those they will still be able to sue the car Contact Automotive News injured by faulty Takata airbag inflators manufacturers. as part of a deal to resolve the supplier's The one exception is Honda Motor, Toyota lifts profit bankruptcy, a U.S. plaintiffs' attorney which agreed to create a trust to ensure forecast to record 2.4 said. injuries linked to its vehicles will be trillion yen The agreement clears the way for the compensated in full, according to Rice. sale of Takata's non-inflator business to He said Honda also will not contest fault Toyota is seeing a nearly doubling of profit for the fiscal third quarter, and it Key Safety Systems, a unit of China's for the injuries. Ningo Joyson Electric, for $1.6 billion, At least 22 deaths and hundreds of lifted its annual profit projection through helping to ensure a steady supply of injuries worldwide are linked to the March to 2.4 trillion yen ($22 billion), a record h ig h for the Japa nes e car parts for the wo rld's big gest Takata inflators. automakers. Honda has faced the greatest number automaker. Takata and its U.S. unit, TK Holdings, of ai rba g- re la ted clai ms of t he Toyota Motor Cor p. reported an filed for bankruptcy last year in the wake automakers, and 20 of the deaths have October-December profit of 941.8 billion of the world's largest automotive safety occurred in Honda vehicles, most of yen ($8.6 billion), up from 486.5 billion recall, triggered by airbag inflators that which were in the United States. In yen the same period the previous year. can explode wi th exc essive force, return for funding the trust, Honda will Quarterly sales rose 7.4 percent to 7.6 unleashing metal shrapnel inside cars be shielded from further lawsuits. That trillion yen ($69.8 billion). and trucks. also means it will not face the risk of The company said it got a nearly 292 billion yen ($2.7 billion) boost from tax Attorney Joe Rice of Motley Rice, who punitive damages. represents dozens of personal injury Last year, plaintiffs said an internal breaks under President Donald Trump's plaintiffs in the bankruptcy, said the Honda email showed Honda was long administration for the nine months deal, which was disclosed in court papers aware of the risks of Takata airbags, the through December. on Saturday, was aimed at keeping type of allegation that could have opened Toyota, which makes the Prius hybrid, Takata operations afloat so it could make the way to punitive damages. Camry sedan and Lexus luxury models, replacement inflator kits. Ho nda has said it was a victim of said it expects to sell 10.3 million Tens of millions of airbags with the deception by Takata, and noted in a vehicles globally in this fiscal year, inflators have been recalled but not yet statement Tuesday that the $850 million ending in March. That is about the same replaced. fund created as part of the plea deal was as what the automaker sold globally in In an interview late on Monday, Rice meant to compensate automakers for the 2017 calendar year. said the group of 13 automakers would Takata's scheme. The fiscal year profit of 2.4 trillion yen, contribute about $80 million-$130 Honda said it is committed to swiftly if achieved, will mark a 31 percent jump million to Takata's bankruptcy estate to and fully compensating those injured from what it earned the previous fiscal help compensate those injured by the caused by defective inflators in its year. Takata inflators. vehicles, and said claimants could still The plant is set to produce 300,000 vehicles per year, a combination of the I n r et urn f or t he au tom ak e rs ' opt into the court system. contribution, a committee of injured The 12 other carmakers that were Toyota Corolla compact car and a new drivers dropped their objection to involved in the settlement have 18 small crossover SUV from Maz da. TK Hol dings' proposed bankruptcy months to opt into the trust, if they agree Production is targeted to begin by 2021. exit plan. The plan will be presented to to compensate drivers in full. Many states had competed for the a U.S. judg e on las t month for Until then, they will continue to defend project by the Japanese auto giants. approval. personal injury and wrongful-death For the calendar 2017 year, Toyota sold Victims of the faulty inflators will also lawsuits. They will be able to offset any 10.386 million vehicles. That trails the be able to collect from a separate $125 judgments with payments made to Renault-Nissan-Mitsubishi alliance, million compensation fund created as claimants from the Justice Department which brings together a French company part of a plea deal Takata entered with fund and the bankruptcy. with two Japanese automakers, which the U.S. Department of Justice early last The automakers trust being funded by recorded global vehicle sales of more year. As part of that plea, automakers Honda is similar to arrangements used than 10.6 million vehicles last year. will receive their share of an $85 0 b y m an u fa ct u re rs d riv en in t o Volkswagen sold 10.74 million vehicles million restitution fund. ban kruptcy over as bes tos -tai nted last year worldwide, a record for the Rice s aid funds from the Justice products. While the asbestos trusts have German automaker. | March-2018 | Page 40

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Monthly AutoMark International

Automotive News - Update

Turkey wants early finalisation of free trade agreement The Turkey Pakistan Business Council has called for an early conclusion of a free trade agreement (FTA) between the two count ries in order to further improve the flow of trade and promote bilateral investments. The coun cil`s chai rman Atil la D. Yerlikaya during a meeting with Board of Inv estmen t Cha irm an Naeem Zamindar on last month, said that the FTA would have a high impact on trade flows as well as bilateral investments. A comp rehe ns ive FTA cover in g commodity and services as well as investments will deepen econo mic cooperation between the two countries. Mutually agreed exceptions for certain industries can be identified within the scope of a comprehensive agreement, he said. Having si gnificant in vestments in Paki stan, seni or Turkish bus iness representatives from Anadolu Group, Zorlu Holding, Arcelik, Albayrak along with other representatives from health, construction and services industries shared theirplans to enhance their invest ments keepin g in view the country`s growth potential.

The council operates under the umbrella of Foreign Economic Relations Board of Turkey (DEIK), a private sector institution, aiming to pave the way for development of Turkey`s economic, commercial, industrial and f in an cia l r ela tions w it h fore ig n countries and international business communities. He further said that he strongly believed that both business communities have to contribute to these negotiations in order to denne the right scope to reduce bilateral trade and investment barriers. The head of Turkish delegation said that DEIK extends cooperation to other countries through the business councils working in 127 countries and is eager to in trod uce t he Tu rkish bus ines s community in Pakistan. Earli er, Mr Zamindar informed the Turkish delegation that the government was encouraging investors to invest in Pakistan, especially in the nine Special Economic Zones (SEZs) identified in China-Pakistan Econo mic Corridor (CPEC).For upscaling investments and spur industrialisation through creating

new industry clusters, SEZ law has been formalised to meet the global challenges of competitiveness. SEZ framework fac ili tates such parks with liberal incentives, infrastructure and investor a s si s ta nc e se rvice s t o en ha nc e productivity and reduce the cost of doing business, he explained. He further said that Pakistan offers exemption from custom duties and taxes for all plants and machinery imported into Pakistan as well as income tax holiday for ten years in the SEZs. He invited Turkish investors to invest in all sectors of Pakistan, specifically in agriculture machinery pharmaceutical, mining, to further boost the investment and trade relations between the two countries. He added that Pakistan needs a shift from resource-based and low technology e x p or ts t o t h e a d op ti on a n d development of medium and hight e c h n ol og y pr o d u ct i on s , a n d technological sophistication. Almost 80 per cent of Pakistan`s exports are resource-based items, he said.

Japan plans to diversify auto sector in Pakistan Japanese government planned to help Honda and Toyota dominate the auto numerous opportunities for the potential Pakistan improve exports and build up sector, but the market dynamics are investors from Japan and they could the country’s automobile industry, a changing after the introduction of new invest in tourism, processin g and foreign envoy said on last month. auto policy that is encouraging new packaging of sea food, halal food and its “The Japanese government has plans to entrants. Foreign and local ventures are export. support the government of Pakistan in setting up new plants to meet the “Japan can invest in these sectors and export promotion, improvement of growing demand of cars, sales of which bring in her technology and sanitary and security through the provision of security increased 20 percent to more than phyt osan itary stan dards with the e quipm ent at t he a ir port s an d 100,000 units in the first half of the investment,” he added. diversification of automobile industry,” cu rren t fisc a l yea r of 2017 /18 . The foreign envoy asked the minister to Ambassador of Japan Takashi Kurai The minister said Pakistan highly values participate in the Expo 2025 to be held added. its relationship with Japan. “Economic in Kazak hstan. “Joint government Kurai called on the Minister of State for cooperation between the two countries business dialogue process between the Finance Rana Afzal Khan, according to would be brought to a much higher level two countries should be revived for the a government statement. with the passage of time.” benefit of both the countries,” he said. Exports sector showed recovery in the Kh a n inv ite d at te n tion of t he The minister assured the ambassador first half after declining for the couple ambas sador to a ssis t Pakistan in of all possible support from his side. of years as the government announced promoting its textile products in Japan Senior officials of the finance and trade enhancement package, and is through preferential trade agreements. economic affairs divisions attended the disbursing tax refunds. The s tate min ist er in formed the meeting. Japan-based car assemblers, Suzuki, a mbass ador th at Pak istan offers | March-2018 | Page 41

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Monthly AutoMark International

Automotive News - Update

Traffic Awareness Campaign Launched In Capital Traffic police personnel were deployed all over the city as the `Road Safety Awareness' campaign was kicked off in Federal capital with the aim to make motorists and pedestrians aware of traffic rules Traffic police personnel were deployed all over the city as the `Road Safety Awareness' campaign was kicked off in Federal capital with the aim to make motorists and pedestrians aware of traffic rules. In an interview with Private news channel , at a first day of Islamabad Traffic Poli ce (ITP) road s afet y Aw a r e n e s s C a m p a ig n Se n io r Superintendent of Police (Traffic) Malik Matloob Ahmed said the week-long road sa fety aw aren ess campa ign was org an ize d in th e city a nd w as inaugurated by IG Islamabad Dr Sultan Azam Temuri. The purpose of this campaign is to ensure safety for motorcyclists and prevent any road mishap by educating them about use of helmets and safe road environment, he said. The traffic officers and wardens are directed to educate motorists particularly motorcyclists on the city roads. He said most accidents took place due to negligence, reckless driving and speeding, unfamiliarity with rules, me ch a ni c al f a ilur es on m aj o r th oroug h far es, def ectiv e t ra ffic engineerin g, bad roadconditions, inade quate p edest ria n fac ili ties, en c roa ch m en t s , le ng t h y cou rt

proceedings and a slow response to emergency. To resolve the issues, he said, the traffic department h ad decided to adopt concrete measures. The effective and successful policing was impossible without cooperation of Media and public, he mentioned. SSP assured traffic poli ce for full

Shafiq Ahmed made FPCCI body Chairman

cooperat ion from hi s si de wh il e implementing traffic laws in the city. He ap pea led to ge ner al public f or cooperating traffic police and following traffic laws. He said mainly 99 percent of bikers die after injuring in a road accidents, mainly due to non-wearing of safety helmets in the city. The traffic rules and regulations are made for the safety of public so allyoungsters should follow them for their protection and wear helmet, seat belt and avoid dangerous riding of motorcycle on one-wheel, he added. Pamphlets and booklets about traffic awareness will also be distributed among citizens, he said. He said that community and friendly policing was our focus at the time of inception of ITP and this idea was implemented in true letter and sp ir it . He a lso a ppr ecia ted th e performance of ITP force and hoped for further improvement in it.

President Federation FPCCI (Central) Standing Committee of Pakistan Chamber on au t omob ile m an u fa ct ur er s , of Commerce a nd engineering and standards for 2018. Indus try (F PCCI) According to FPCCI notification, Shafiq Ghazanfar Bilour has Sheikh has been authorised to select and ap poin ted Sh afiq appoint professional and experience Ahmed Sheikh of persons throughout the country as Pa kis t an S uzu ki members (minimum twelve members) Motors as chairman in the committee. | March-2018 | Page 42

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Monthly AutoMark International

New Entrant Investment

Regal Automobile to start LCV/VANS Production in Pakistan Mi nis try of Ind ust ri es & Producti on , Engineeri ng Development Board (EDB) & Board of Investment awarded m a n u fa c t ur i n g license to Regal Automobile Industries Limited with the brand name of Prince. This approval by the government of Pakistan paves the way for the revival of auto mobile industry leading to generation of thousands of jobs and con tr ib ut ing tow ar ds e cono m ic prosperity and development of our beloved country. Also gra titude to the ho no rable members of AIDC, PAMA & PAAPAM for giving their support to new Auto policy.

Regal Automobile Industries Limited s et up a ve hi cle a ss embly an d manufacturing unit in Lahore industrial area. Its Chairman Mr. Sohail Usman said the company has signed a technical coll aboration agreement with the Chinese Company DFSK Group for assembling light commercial vehicles and mini passenger vans RAIL belongs to RP Group, RP Group started business in Pakistan in year 2005

till now the company has introduced a ffo rda ble & r eliab le 4 -Str oke motorcycles & Rickshaws in Pakistan. RP Groups manufactured bikes, loaders, scooters & rickshaws in Pakistan. Now the company is ready to take the next step. Company is starting LCV/VANS manufacturing in Pakistan by April 2018. Road Prince is the 3rd largest selling brand of Motorcycles, a name of prog ress , innovation & trus t no w entering a new horizon of LCV/VANS manufacturing. Under Auto Development Policy 20162021, 13 companies had applied for new investment in the auto sector in which six companies were awarded green field status while one awarded brown field status. Two more companies applied for green field for truck and electric car segment.

Most Advanced Assembly Line and ED Plant | March-2018 | Page 43

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Exclusive Reviewed by Syed Sarim Raza

The Class-Leading Toyota Hilux Revo 2018 Launched in Pakistan The newly developed, compact and ultra-efficient 1GD, 2.8L four-cylinder diesel engine with turbocharger and intercooler | March-2018 | Page 44

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Monthly AutoMark International

T oyota Hilux Revo is the class-leading pickup truck in Pakis tan that has continued to set new benchmarks for high-performance and might good looks in the segment. Boasting sheer strength and an exclusive new design, the new generation Toyota Revo 2018 has been launched in Pakistan, much to the delight of the Revo enthusi asts in the country. Toyota Indus has launched the Toyota Hilux Revo 2018 with a new diesel engine that adds t o t he dyna mic performance of the vehicle and makes it an ideal choice for anyone who likes enjoy a truly luxurious driving experience in a rugged pickup truck. The all-new Toyota Revo comes with a handful of advanc ed techno logical features, which had created great hype around the market launc h of t his amazing vehicle. The innovative side of the vehicle further receives a boost as the new model o ffers state-of-the-art safety features to make every ride safe and secure in Toyota Revo. Let’s explore what makes Toyota Hilux Revo 2018 an absolute superstar in the segment.

An Exceptional Design The iconic elements of the Toyota Revo have been preserved in the new model but with some fine refinements and small tweaks, the slightly redesigned Revo 2018 looks more irresistible than ever before. The rugged strong looks and an aerodynamic appeal exhibit the true craftsmanship of designers at Toyota who have left no stone unturned in making the all-new Revo a true masterpiece. While the exterior of the T oy ot a Re v o 2 01 8 b oa s t s a n authoritative stance on the road, the interior of the vehicle is laced with a variety of technological features for fun and entertainment and to guarantee a luxurious ride at all times.

Exterior Toyota Revo is an epitome of rugged boldness, which makes this sturdy pickup truck a sight to behold. The front fa sc ia feat ures the re cogn iza ble RevoGrille flanked on both sides by aggressive LED headlightswith Day-time Running Lampsand Toyota badge in the center. The front end of the vehicle also has LED fog lights that illuminate the road in low visibility conditions for a clearer view. It has a four-door body style and can easily accommodate 4-5 occupants. The

spacious deck of the vehic le offers sufficient storage capacityto carry all your essential gear on long journeys with family and friends. The body-colored s ide -mirr ors a nd chr ome door handlesadd to the beauty of the exterior while a sliding rear window augments the adventure appeal of the Toyota Revo 2018. The rear of the vehicle is also wellproportioned and flaunts the sporty taillights in style. One of the major exterior tweaks can be observed in the wheel arches that are now more curved a nd f eatu re 18 -in ch al loy r ims .

Interior The interior of the all-new Toyota Revo is aestheticallypleasing and offers a premium experiencefor driver and passengers to make every trip in the allnew Revo absolutely unforgettable. By introducing a wide variety of advanced technological features for drivera ssist ance and ent ertai nmen t of passengers, Toyota has taken the driving experience of Revo to a whole new level. The “Surround Yourself by Comfort & Convenience” design theme for interior exhibits Toyota’s aim to put the comfort and convenience of passengers before anything else.

Listed below are the standout technological features of the 2018 Toyota Revo: • Push Start Button • OPTITRON + Colour LCD Dis play to provide real-time information to driver • Power Steering • ECO-Power Modes • ECO Lamp with Display to set preferred in-cabin temperature • Auto A/C Controls •7- inch Infotainment Sys tem • Driver Powered Seat with length, height and recline adjustment options

• Cooler Box with a capacity to hold two 600ml bottles With all these amazing luxuries and convenience features, Toyota Revo 2018 redefin es luxury commuting in a breathtaking fashion.

Engine of the All-new Toyota Hilux Revo The Toyota Revo 2018 hosts a new diesel engine that is more powerful and efficient than the previous version. The high-endultra-efficient 1GD 2.8-Litre four cylin der diesel eng in e wi th turbochargers and intercoolers can produce 175bhp of power and a torque of 450Nm. The transmission is available in t wo opt ion s an d th e hi g h performance engine in the all-new Revo can either be paired with a 6-speed automatic sequential transmission or a 6-speed manual transmissionto conquer any terrain effortlessly.

Safety Features Toyota has put immense emphasis on improving the safety technologies in the all-new Revo in order to make it an ideal family vehicle. The advanced safety technologies of the new Toyota Revo ensure a safe and secure ride at all times under any conditions.

Here are the best-in-class safety features of the 2018 Toyota Hilux Revo: • • • • • • •

Vehicle Stability Control Hill Start Assist Active Traction Control Downhill Assist Control Cruise Control Trailer Sway Control Airbags for Driver and Front Passengers • SRS Knee Airbag • Anti-lock Braking System with

Electronic Brake Distribution and Brake Assist • SOFIX Ch ild Seat Anchors

Price and Availability of Toyota Revo- 2018 Toyota Revo 2018 is now available in the Pakistan car market. The new generation Toyota Revo is available in three different variants, all of which are priced differently. The Toyota Revo GMT is available at a price of PKR 4,124,000, the Revo G-AT has been priced at PKR 4,349,000 while the VAT is available in the market at a price of PKR 4,649,000. | March-2018 | Page 45

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Exclusive Review by AUJ TEAM from Islamabad

TEAM AUJ - Formula Student STEREOTYPE BREAKER Team Auj is as distinctive as implied by its name ‘Auj’ is an Urdu word, denoting ‘pinnacle’ or the highest level of an activity, quality, or achievement. Not only is the name localized for a more effective influence on the minds of the people of Pakistan but it also serves to explain the objectives of the team.

Team Auj is distinguished for being Pa kist an’s first al l- gi rls team to participate in the international Formula Student competition that will be held in Silverstone, UK, in July 2018. But there is more to the team than meets the eye. This group of young, competent, and highly skilled ladies has buckled down to break gender stereotypes against all odds and increase the acceptance of women in the field of motorsports. The deep-rooted misogynistic traditions and values of Pakistan have long inhibited girls from exploiting their abilities and exploring new career opportunities for themselves. Team Auj takes on the

responsibility to unshackle the women of Pakistan and eradicate the perception of women as weak and subordinate beings. An all-girls team of 20 members has set out to achieve its goals in the face of all challenges, under the banner of Team Auj. An initiative taken by young female s t ud e n ts to e limi n at e g en d e r disc rimin ation an d r ai se femal e participa tion in the motorsports industry is gaining momentum as these talented, aspiring progressives continue to utilize their skills and knowledge in designing and manufacturing a formula-

style race car for the competition. Through excessive effort and hard work, Team Auj has successfully secured its place as a registered participant of the competition. The team is not onl y determined to land a position among the topmost teams of this competition but is also prepared to have its impact on the soc iety by targeting gender stereotypes and enc ouraging abl e wo me n to p ut th eir kn owl edg e and creativity to a better, more practical use. Team Auj is as distinctive as implied by its name. ‘Auj’ is an Urdu word, denoting | March-2018 | Page 46

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Monthly AutoMark International ‘pinnacle’ or the highest level of an activity, quality, or achievement. Not only is the name localized for a more effective influence on the minds of the people of Pakistan but it also serves to explain the objectives of the team. Team Auj is one of the many initiatives to increase women empowerment in Pakistan but what sets it apart from other campaigns is its access to an international audience. By taking part in the international Formula Student compet it ion , Tea m Au j a im s a t encouraging Pakistani women to involve

themselves in projects that are usually restricted to the male gender and broaden their horizons, allowing them to become more independent. Te am Auj h a s s im ult a n eou s ly shouldered the two very important tasks of promoting women’s rights in Pakistan and demonstrating their exemplary ski lls to an international audience through Formula Student, enabling the world to see what Pakistani women are really capable of.However, in order to promote the unique and significant concept of the team, Team Auj seeks

sponsorships and valuable partnerships that can help ensure its presence in the competition. Team Auj is geared up to set foot in Sil vers tone Circuit and represent Pakistan on the international platform of Formula Student. It would be a delight to see the team succeed in achieving its objectives both in the UK and within Paki stan . Indeed, Team Auj is a praiseworthy initiative to bring about so cial development and create a favorable environment for advocates of social reform. | March-2018 | Page 47

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Launching Ceremony - By Hanif Memon

Monthly AutoMark International

Dewan’s New Daehan Shehzore 2018 Pickup launched in Pakistan

Dewan has launched new Daehan

Shehzore 1.5-ton pickup at the Mohatta Palac e Mu seum Ka rach i on 25th Febuary-2018, marking its return in the vehicle production market. In the last decade, Shehzore was a famous commercial vehicle. In between 1996-2004, the third generation of Hyundai Porter or H100 was produced globally. Then now finally Shehzore is back with the fourth generation Porter. The pickup will have Deahan engine and will be quite similar to Hyundai H100. Dewan Muhammad Yousuf Farooqui, Chairman Yousuf Dewan companies, Mr. Sei-Young Oh, Chairman & CEO

Kolao Group, other team member of Kolao group from Kor ea, wh ole marketing and management team were also present at the occasion while Minister of Interior Mr. Ashan Iqbal was the chief guest of the event. All the prestigious guest from auto industry and business community was witness the launching ceremony. The diesel engine of the vehicle is 2.6 liter. It co mes with air-conditioning, stereo, power windows, power steering and much more. The price of new 2018 Shehzore pickup in not announced yet. The expected price of the pickup is PKR 1799,000/- Under t he B row n fie ld C a te go r y fr om

Engineering Development Board (EDB) Dewan has received approval to start ve hi cl e p roduction in Pak ist an . After the Shehzore pickup is launched the company is ready to introduce Sports Utility Vehicle and passenger cars for the people. The return of Dewan Motors in Pakistan is in collaboration with and Laos-based Kolao Group, the agreement is with Daehan-Dewan Motor Company Private Limited. In 2016 the news came that Dewan Farooque Motors Limited (DFML) is about to re-launch it’s popular and very successful medium-sized truck Shehzore and finally we have the news that Dewan Daehan Shehzore Pickup has launched. | March-2018 | Page 48

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Inauguration Ceremony - Media Coverage

Monthly AutoMark International

MD Pak Suzuki Motors visit Pak Swiss Training Centre, Karachi | March-2018 | Page 49

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Ex Factory Advance Tax Price Rs. 25,000 Rs. 1029,000 Rs. 25,000 Rs. 1069,000 Rs. 10,000 Rs. 650,000 Rs. 10,000 Rs. 720,000 Rs. 10,000 Rs. 773,000 Rs. 50,000 Rs. 1,327,000 Rs. 1,463,000 Rs. 50,000 Rs. 1,250,000 Rs. 1,391,000 Rs. 1,528,000 Rs. 725,000 Rs. 10,000 Rs. 696,000 Rs. 10,000 Rs. 10,000 Rs. 667,000 Rs. 1,499,000 Rs. 1,839,000 Rs. 1,699,000 Rs. 2,142,000 Rs. 2,418,000

HONDA Model Honda Honda Honda Honda Honda Honda Honda Honda Honda Honda


BR-V i-VTEC 1500cc BR-V i-VTEC S 1500cc Model Civic iTEC 1.8L Civic Oriel 1.8L City 1.3L Manual City 1.3L Automatic HYUNDAI City 1.5L Manual City 1.5L Automatic Aspire Manual 1.5L Aspire Prosmatec 1.5L

Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs.

2,243,000 2,343,000 Price 24,13,000 25,63,000 1,613,000 1,753,000 1,789,000 1,799,000 1,803,000 1,943,000

TOYOTA COROLLA Model XLI VVT-i 1.3L M/T GLI VVT-i 1.3L M/T GLI VVT-i 1.3 A/T ALTIS 1.6L Dual VVT-i A/T ALTIS 1.8L Dual VVT-i A/T Corolla Altis A/T SR 1.8L (Grande CVT) Corolla Altis A/T SR 1.8L (Grande CVT) FORTUNER A/T New

Toyota Hilux Pickup 4x2 sc Model


Brand New Toyota Hilux Pickup, 4x2, 2500cc Single Cabin, White only, Hilux STD

Model K01 K01 K07 C37

997CC, 2300mm, A/C PS 997CC, 2700mm 997CC, 6 Seater, AC/PS 1500CC, 11 Seater, AC/PS

Price Rs. 799,000 Rs. 799,000 Rs. 9,99,000 Rs.1,550,000

Rs. 2,474,500

Toyota Hilux Pickup 4x4 E Model


Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs.

Price 1,824,000 1,954,000 2,029,000 2,204,000 2,269,000 2,594,000 2,594,000


Toyota HILUX 2494cc, Diesel Turbo Charger Common Rail Engine, 4x4 Double Cabin - Standard Model


RevoChamp-V Vigo G M/T 1GD-FTV MT 2755cc 4,124,000 Revo V A/T 1GD-FTV 2755cc Vigo Champ-G AT 4,649,000 Revo G A/ T 1GD-FTV 2755cc 4,349,000

Rs. 3,805,000



FAW Carrier 1000cc Rs. 799,000 FAW Carrier 1000cc Rs. 789,000 (Flat Bed) FAW X-PV 1000cc Std Rs. 899,000 FAW X-PV 1000cc A/c Rs. 949,000 Rs. 1119,000 FAW V2 1300cc Monthly AutoMark Magazine - International Local Assembled Price updated Mar- 2018

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International Automotive Industry - Update

Monthly AutoMark

Toyota lifts profit forecast to record 2.4 trillion yen Toyota to Recall 181,797 Cars in China over Faulty Airbags Japan’s Toyota will recall 181,797 cars in China over faulty airbags, Chinese authorities announced on last month. From Feb. 10 onward, the company will recall 73,084 New Highlander vehicles manufactured between May 5, 2015 and Feb. 4, 2016, and 98,218 Levin vehicles manufactured between May 4, 2015 and Feb. 4, 2016, according to the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of China. The recall will also affect 5,804 Levin hybrid cars produced between Oct. 11, 2015 and Feb. 4, 2016, as well as 4,691 Corolla hybrid cars manufactured between Nov. 21, 2015 and Feb. 2, 2016. Toyota said it would replace all faulty parts for free.

Arabia Taxi electrifies its fleet with 50 new Toyota Prius

Toyota is seeing a nearly doubling of profit for the fiscal third quarter, and it lifted its annual profit projection through March to 2.4 trillion yen ($22 billion), a record hi gh f or t he Japan ese automaker. Toyota Motor Corp. reported Tuesday an October-December profit of 941.8 billion yen ($8.6 billion), up from 486.5 billion yen the same period the previous year. Quarterly sales rose 7.4 percent to 7.6 trillion yen ($69.8 billion). The company said it got a nearly 292 billion yen ($2.7 billion) boost from tax breaks under President Donald Trump's administration for the nine months through December. Toyota, which makes the Prius hybrid, Camry sedan and Lexus luxury models, said it expects to sell 10.3 million vehicles globally in this fiscal year, ending in March. That is about the same as what the automaker sold globally in the 2017 calendar year. The fiscal year profit of 2.4 trillion yen, if achieved, will mark a 31 percent jump from what it earned the previous fiscal

year. For the latest quarter, Toyota's vehicle sales lagged on-year in North America. But they grew in Japan, Europe and other parts of the world, such as South America and Africa, compared to a year earlier. Recently, Toyota picked as the site for its new U.S. plant Huntsville, Alabama — already a hub for the region 's aerospace industry. The plant is set to produce 300,000 vehicles per year, a combination of the Toyota Corolla compact car and a new small crossover SUV from Mazda. Production is targeted to begin by 2021. Many states had competed for the project by the Japanese auto giants. For the calendar 2017 year, Toyota sold 10.386 million vehicles. That trails the Renault-Nissan-Mitsubishi alliance, which brings together a French company with two Japanese automakers, which recorded global vehicle sales of more than 10.6 million vehicles last year. Volkswagen sold 10.74 million vehicles last year worldwide, a record for the German automaker.

In a joint effort to support the UAE Vision 2021’s environmental targets and the unwavering march towards a more sustai nable motoring, Al -F uttai m car specialist spent another 1.3 billion Toyota, leader in sustainable mobility Suzuki has applied for the Th ai government’s electric vehicle incentive baht to raise capacity to 100,000 units sinc e 2008, today anno unced t he programme for carmakers to build per annum. To date, Suzuki has spent handover of first 50 Prius Hybrid 18 billion baht on eco car production Electric Vehicles (HEV) to Arabia Taxi, hybrids, plug-in hybrids and EVs in the country. and makes three models in Thailand – member of Arabia Holdings Group of The Bangkok Post reports that Suzuki Swift, Celerio and Ciaz. companies and one of the UAE’s largest In 2014, Suzuki was granted Phase 2 taxi operators, marking the latter as the is seekin g to buil d hybrid cars in eco car privileges from the BoI for an first fleet operator in the UAE to use a Thailand, and is the sixth carmaker to join the hybrid project after Toyota, investment of 8.43 billion baht to make Prius in its ranks. The handover ceremony was attended Honda, Nissan and Mazda. Of the lot, 100,000 cars a year. The new Swift is by H.E Eng. Omar Ahmed Bin Omair, only market leader Toyota has been the company’s first Phase 2 eco car, General Di rector of Ajman Public granted Board of Investment (BoI) which meets higher fuel economy and Transport Corporation, Saud Abbasi, incentives. The first car to roll out under emissions requirements of 23.3 km/l Mana ging Director of Al -F uttai m this scheme will be the C-HR Hybrid in and 100 g/km of CO2 (20 km/l and 120 Toyota, PSM Habibulla Khan, Chairman March. g/km in Phase 1). and Managing Director of Arabia “We are in disc uss ions wit h the The new Swift for Thailand, which is Holdings, as well as senior represen- government about how to introduce powered by a new 1.2L Dualjet engine, tatives from both companies. hybrid cars at our production facility in is priced from 499,000 baht (RM61,762) Commenting on the handover, Abbasi Rayong,” said Yoji Murosaka, president to 629,000 baht (RM77,836). Suzuki said: “Our journey with Arabia Taxi of Suzuki Motor Thailand, one of five aims to sell 15,700 units of the hatchback began back in 2005, and throughout Thai eco car manufacturers along with this year, and has plans to export 4,000 those past 13 years, Toyota has proven Nissan, Honda, Mitsubishi and Toyota. units to ASEAN countries from April. to be a trusted mobility partner for the The Post says that Suzuki spent eight In Japan, there’s a mild hybrid version many values it offers, including quality, billion baht in 2011 for the first phase of the Swift, and the Ertiga Diesel in durability reliability, comfort, excellent of its Rayong plant, which makes 50,000 Indonesia uses the same integrated Total Cost of Ownership and best resale cars a year. In early 2013, the compact starter generator setup. value. | March-2018 | Page 51

Suzuki applies for hybrid incentives from Thai govt

Automotive News - Update

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Monthly AutoMark International

This is the new FAW Junpai T086 SUV for China

These are the first pictures of the new FAW Junpai T086, a stylish compact SUV that wi ll be launched on the Chinese car market in Q3. FAW Junpai These are the first pictures of the new FAW Junpai T086, a stylish compact SUV that wi ll be launched on the Chinese car market in Q3. Junpai is s brand under First Auto Works (FAW) aimed at young car buyers in second and third tier cities. Junpaibranded cars are manufactured by Tianjin-FAW, a FAW subsidiary based

in Tianjin. The English name for the Junpai brand is Jumpal, with an l at the end instead of an i. How long did it take the marketing department to come up with such a brilliant idea..? But at least the T086 looks rather good. It has been designed by FAW’s Italian design studio and that shows. It is by far the bes t looking Ju npai car. It looks clean, modern, sporty, and even a little hip. It is not very daring, but buyers in the targeted segment are conservative when it comes to design,

so FAW is probably right not to go too far. T086 is the internal name of the vehicle. The real name will be unveiled with the car. That will happen sometime after Chinese new year, likely in early March. Pow er com es fro m a ne w 1. 2 turbocharged four-cylinder petrol engine with 143 hp and 204 Nm, mated to a six-speed manual or a seven-speed DCT, sending horses to the front wheels. A g ood looking new S UV . The hinterlands will love it. | March-2018 | Page 52

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Rs. 41,800/= Rs. 43,800/= Sr./ Product & Model Name No. 1. Honda CD-70 2. Honda CD Dream 3. United US 70 4. United Extreme 70 5. Road Prince Bullet 6. Road Prince 70cc 7. Unique UD-70 8. Super Power SP-70 9. Super Power Deluxe 10. Super Star SS-70 11. Hi-Speed SR-70 12. Ravi Premium R1

Retail Price Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs.

63,500/= 67,500/= 43,500/= 44,500/= 45,500/= 41,000/= 45,000/= 44,700/= 55,000/= 44,000/= 44,000/= 46,950/=

125/150/200cc Motorcycle No.

Brand & Model Name

Retail Price

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25.

Honda CG-125 STD Honda CG-125 DX Honda CD-125 Dream Honda CB-150F United US-125 Euro 2 Road Prince 125cc RP Twister 125cc RP WEGO 150cc Super Power SP 125cc Super Power Archi 150cc Super Power SP 200cc Unique UD 125cc Unique UD 150cc Crazer Super Star SS-125 Super Star SS-125 DLX Hi-Speed SR-125cc Hi-Speed Infinity SR-150 Metro MR-125 Regular Ravi Piaggio Storm 125 Yamaha YBR-125Z Yamaha YBR-125G Yamaha YBR-125 Crown CR-125 Zxmco ZX-125-Euro II Zxmco ZX-200cc

Rs. 107,500/= Rs. 126,500/= Rs. 106,900/= Rs. 162,000/= Rs. 70,000/= Rs. 67,000/= Rs. 108,000/= Rs. 180,000/= Rs. 69,000/= Rs. 140,000/= Rs. 2,00,000/= Rs. 70,000/= Rs. 165,000/= Rs. 68,800/= Rs. 67,000/= Rs. 72,000/= Rs. 165,000/= Rs. 67,000/= Rs. 108,000/= Rs. 115,900/= Rs. 133,900/= Rs. 129,900/= Rs. 65,000/= Rs. 71,600/= Rs. 2,45,000/=

Sr./ No. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.

Product & Model Name Ravi Hamsafar-70 Bionic AS-70 Crown CR-70 Metro Premier+ 70cc Ms Jaguar MS 70 Euro- II Ms Jaguar MS 70 ( DREAM)

Zxmco ZX-70 Regular Leader LD-70

Retail Price Rs. 43,500/= Rs. 45,500/= Rs. 42,000/= Rs. 45,600/= Rs. 41,800/= Rs. 43,800/= Rs. 42,300/= Rs. 44,000/=

100cc/110cc Motorcycle No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

Brand &Model Name Honda Pridor United US-100 Euro 2 Road Prince 110cc Unique UD-100 Super Power SP-100 Hi-Speed Classic SR-100 Hi-Speed Alpha SR 100 Super Star SS-100 Crown CR-100 MS JAGUAR MS 100 Zxmco ZX-100-SS Leader Classic LD-100

Retail Price Rs. 86,000/= Rs. 50,000/= Rs. 48,500/= Rs. 80,000/= Rs. 60,000/= Rs. 47,500/= Rs. 77,000/= Rs. 57,000/= Rs. 52,000/= Rs. 48,800/= Rs. 51,600/= Rs. 52,900/=

Suzuki Motorcycle Sr./ Product & Retail Price Model Name No. 1. SD110 Sprinter ECO Rs. 111,400/= 2. GS-150 SE Euro-II Rs. 163,500/= 3. GD 110s Euro-II Rs. 136,000/= 4. GS-150 Rs. 143,500/= 5. GR-150 Rs. 219,000/= Heavy Bikes Sr./ Product & Retail Price No. Model Name 1. Inazuma GW 250 Rs. 599,000/= 2. Intruder M800 Rs. 1,700,000/= 3. Hayasuba GSX1300R Rs. 2,600,000/= 4. Bandit GSF650SA Rs. 15,50,000/= 5. Honda ADA CB250F Rs. 6,40,000/= | March-2018 | Page 54

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International Automotive Industry - Update

Monthly AutoMark

Nissan to invest $9.5bn in China to boost electric vehicles Toyota issues two recalls over fire risk Certain Toyota and Lexus models could be prone to leaking fuel. Toyota has announced two separate recalls covering certain Camry and Lexus RC F, GS F and LC 500 vehicles. Both safety campaigns involve leaky fuel syst ems tha t could in crea se the likelihood of a fire.The first recall covers about 11,800 Camry sedans from the 2018 model year. According to Toyota, vehicles included in the recall may have left the factory with improperly installed fuel pipes and hoses in the engine compartment. Those pipes and hoses could potentially leak fuel. No injuries or accident has been reported, but Toyota warns the defect could increase the risk of fire. The second recall covers the 2015-2018 Lexus RC F, 2016-2018 GS F and 2018 LC 500 models. Approximately 9,900 vehicles are included in the recall. Toyota says those vehicles could have a defective cover on one of their two high-pressure fuel pumps. Overtime the faulty fuel pump could leak, increasing the risk of fire. Again, no injuries or crashes have been linked to the recall. Toyota will begin the Camry's safety campaign in March; the Lexus recall is set to begin in early April. In both cases dealers will remedy the issue free of charge.

Joint venture aims for 30% of auto sales to be electrics by 2022 BEIJING -- Nissan Motor on last month said it will invest 60 billion yuan ($9.52 billion) in China through a joint venture as part of a plan to introduce over 20 electric car models into the world's largest market by 2022. The Japanese automaker eventually aims to boost total Chinese volume sales -- including gasoline-powered models - by 70% from 2017 levels, to 2.6 million vehicles. Nissan's announcement follows similar efforts in China by Toyota Motor and Honda Motor. The plan was announced in Beijing by Dongfeng Motor Co., a joint venture with China's state-owned Dongfeng Motor Group, as part of its mediumterm business plan. The goal is to introduce a total of over 40 models, half of which will be electric

vehicles that include those driven by Nissan's "e-power" power train, which uses a gasoline engi ne to generate ele ct ricit y for the drive motor. By 2019, a total of six models will be introduced under the brands of Nissan, Don gfe ng Mot or's Ve nu cia a nd Dongfeng Motor Group. The joint venture aims to raise the ratio of electric vehicles in its lineup to 30% by 2022. The ratio of electric vehicles under the Infiniti luxury brand will be increased to 25% by 2025 and 100% by 2025. Th e in v e s t m e n t w il l b e f or ma n u f a ct u r in g , re s e a r ch a n d development, and en vironmen tal measures, with a focus on electric vehicles. The new cars will have upgraded safety features that employ cameras, sensors and information technology.

Yamaha Motor Marks Record Annual Profit in 2017

Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd. announced net income soared nearly 61% to a companyrecord 101.6 billion yen in fiscal 2017, which finished on December 31. The huge increase was driven by sales of h igh er-end prod ucts and cost reductions achieved through advanced processes for manufacturing and refined development methods for platform- and global-model motorcycles. Net sales rose over 11% to 1.67 trillion yen on strong sales of motorcycles in the ASEAN

region, outboard motors in the US and surface mounters and industrial robots. Ordinary income surged nearly 52% to 154.8 billion yen. Motorcycle unit sales in the ASEAN region scored their highest YoY gain since 2011. Net sales overall increased and operating income rose substantially on increased sales of products in higher price ranges and the effects of cost reductions in emerging markets such as Brazil and the ASEAN region.

Self-driving car technology gives a cutting edge At present, advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS), which mainly include radar, cameras and ultrasonic sensors to make driving safer, have a relatively low rate of market penetration in China. “The rate in China is between 3pc and 6pc, and in the United States or Europe it is about 8pc to 12pc,” said Zheng Fangdan, a senior consultant with the Chinese research firm CCID Consulting Co. Thanks to the driverless-car push, the country’s ADAS market is forecast to grow to 87.7 billion yuan (£9.8 billion)

in 2020 from 11.7 billion yuan in 2015, she said at a seminar. Report forecast that the market for advanced driver-assistance systems and autonomous vehicles would grow from $3 billion (£2.14 billion) in 2015 to $96 billion in 2025 and $290 billion in 2035. Yu Jie, co-c hief executive officer of JointWyse Automotive Co of Beijing, agrees. He said: “We predict further strides in software capabili ties for interpreting visual and other inputs

driven by s ensors to mak e fully autonomous driving a reality.” Demand for sensors , networking and other elements vital to autonomous driving would also be created, he said. “Cars that allow drivers to intervene in emergencies is a more likely scenario.” Companies are likely to concentrate on fine-tuning partial automation over the next few years to overcome software challenges facing self-driving vehicles, it says. | March-2018 | Page 55

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